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Case Study: First Tennessee Bank Delivering Exceptional Customer Service

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Case Study: First Tennessee Bank

Delivering Exceptional Customer Service

First Tennessee Bank selected Cicero software to provide intelligent unified

desktop solutions for their customer service operations and throughout
Cicero Gets Data Others Can’t™
their enterprise.

The First Tennessee Bank Customer Contact Center Desktop (CCCD)
provides a unified desktop for contact center employees for high usage
customer service functions. The primary goal of this project was to
leverage existing applications to deliver a smart desktop to improve
customer and employee experience. The CCCD integrates 45 disparate
applications and automates processes in a unified intelligent desktop.
The improved desktop provides shorter new hire training, increased
Winner of a 2015 CIO Impact Award employee productivity and cost savings using existing business systems.
Most importantly, the CCCD has improved the service experience for
First Tennessee Bank’s customers.
First Tennessee Bank National First Horizon has been recognized as Prior to implementing the new
Association (FTN) is a subsidiary of one of the nation’s best employers by Customer Contact Center Desktop each
First Horizon National Corporation. Working Mother and American Banker new employee had to develop expertise
The 4,200 employees of First Horizon magazines. on all the applications before they could
National Corporation provide financial begin servicing customers. Once they
services through more than 170 First completed training and were taking live
Tennessee Bank locations in and calls, employees had to copy and paste
around Tennessee and 27 FTN Financial data and navigate multiple screens,
offices in the U.S. and abroad. The including several 3270-based applica-
company was founded in 1864 and has tions to service credit card accounts
the 14th oldest national bank charter and loans. The screen flow was manual
in the country. First Tennessee has and cumbersome resulting in incorrect
The Bank needed a solution that would
the leading combined market share in simplify the desktop, leveraging their data entry, human error and loss of cus-
those counties where it does business, existing technology investments while tomer satisfaction. Each employee was
focusing on improving the customer and
and FTN Financial is a capital markets spending several minutes logging on to
employee experience.
industry leader in fixed income sales, each business system at the beginning
trading and strategies for institutional of each day and after any application
customers in the U.S. and abroad. timed out.

Prior to working with Cicero, the

Challenge employees

»» Had to copy and paste data

The desktop conditions drove First Tennessee Bank to
between applications and
provide a patchwork of changes including the building screens
of new interfaces to simplify employee tasks. Although
»» Navigate multiple screens
these provided some relief, they did not address many of
including older legacy
the desktop issues impacting employee productivity and
customer service. The Bank needed a solution that would
simplify the desktop and leverage their existing technology »» Log into several applicatoins at
the beginning of each day and
investments. They chose Cicero to achieve specific
then do it again several times
performance goals “… improved customer experience and
per day
simplified business processes through increased employee
productivity and effectiveness.” »» Follow cumbersome call flows
leading to incorrect data entry,
errors, and rework

First Tennessee Bank selected Cicero The Bank chose Cicero to achieve
software to provide intelligent unified specific performance goals “…
desktop solutions for their customer improved customer experience and
service operations and throughout simplified business processes through
their enterprise. Leveraging existing increased employee productivity
applications, the new solution captures and effectiveness.” Cicero’s primary
desktop activities, automates processes, purpose is to move data between
provides user guidance, and displays applications and control process flows
composite views of information to across applications without having
improve user productivity. In addition, to modify the existing applications in
contact centers have had excessive any way. The Bank is using the new
staffing turnover rates. The new solution to automate processes and
desktop solution has greatly reduced integrate applications with a variety of
employee training, allowing for faster applications including Windows, web,
new employee ramp-up and lower Java, and mainframe applications such
employee turnover. as 3270 or console applications.

The initial deployment of the Customer Contact Center New Hire Training
Desktop consolidated 25 applications into a single desktop Time Reduced by
solution. The most significant improvement created by
the Customer Contact Center Desktop was with employee
training, which was reduced by 75%. Today’s Customer
Contact Center Desktop incorporates 45 applications and
includes several new automated processes.

As a result, employees: Additionally, the new solution:

»» Can begin taking calls sooner »» Allows the Bank to automate processes (copy/paste)
»» Can sign on and stay signed on to applications »» Eliminates navigation between multiple screens
»» Are provided with a composite customer summary screen »» Prevents redundant and erroneous data entry
to assist during customer interactions »» Allows the Bank to replace and sunset applications when
»» Are provided scripts and prompts to assist them ready without having to impact customer service
»» Can easily update customer information across applications »» Monitors application availability

Focus on Employee Effort, Process Analytics &
Improve the Customer Experience
Cicero provides process analytics
and automation software for the
contact center and back-office. For
more than 15 years we have helped
Fortune 500 companies understand
how and why work happens
and thereby streamline routine
employee tasks, typically reducing
costs by 20% while significantly
improving the customer experience.



The First Tennessee Bank Customer Contact Center Desktop (CCCD)

reduces employee effort by automating business processes and eliminating
manual, redundant tasks — all without modifying a single line of application
code. Eliminating the barriers to productivity resulted in a better employee
experience and most importantly, a better customer experience.
Cicero Gets Data Others Can’t™

First Tennessee Bank is realizing benefits across various contact center
groups. Overall the project:
»» Eliminates the need to rip and replace applications Cicero provides a higher
»» Integrates 45 applications from disparate platforms degree of automation,
»» Automates processes and automates workflow
enabling employees
»» Improves the customer experience
»» Increases employee productivity to focus more on the
»» Reduces redundant, manual, and repetitive tasks customer’s needs and less
»» Reduces employee training time by 75% and increases retention
on the complicated tasks
»» Increases quality assurance scores
»» Improves alignment of contact center and enterprise goals involved in meeting those
»» Empowers contact center with agility to respond to business needs needs.
»» Decreases dependence on overburdened IT resources
»» Provides a single and consistent view of the customer

4 © 2015 Cicero Inc. All rights reserved.

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