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IT Operations Management Book of Knowledge

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IT Operations Management
Book of Knowledge

How your peers are delivering enhanced visibility, health, and optimization.
ServiceNow workflows enable digital transformation.
The ServiceNow K20 Digital Experience offered over 1,000 high-value online keynotes, presentations, demos, and
training across 19 channels.
This ebook brings to you a selection of the most popular and compelling presentations by ServiceNow solution
experts and customers on how they use ServiceNow IT Operations Management to unlock productivity, improve
resiliencey, and reduce costs. Keep reading to learn about the challenges they faced, their solution adoption journeys,
and the business value they are achieving every day.
Since K20 Digital Experience lives on with recorded presentations and demos available on-demand, we’ll provide
session titles to help you easily find them for further exploration in our event video portal:
If you did not register or attend the original K20 Digital Experience, no worries. Simply register on the site for complete
access. There is no charge.

Table of contents Introduction:
Why IT operations management has become the focal point of business stability 4
ServiceNow Knowledge Need 1 Overview: Visibility
IT Operations Management Book of Knowledge Need 2 Overview: Health
Need 3 Overview: Optimization

The voice of the customer: How ServiceNow users are answering new critical
IT operations needs
Exploring IT Visibility with 9
• Finastra, NC State University, and Northwestern Mutual
• Now on Now
• Canadian National Railway

Exploring IT Health with 14

• Walmart

Exploring IT Optimization with 18

• Accenture
• NTT Communications Corp
• Unisys

Conclusion 20

Introduction: Why IT operations management is the new focal point
of business stability

Maintaining healthy IT operations has become top priority and, thus, a hot topic, especially with the unprecedented
stresses being placed on systems as businesses redefine how they are keeping their doors open. In his K20 Digital
Experience presentation, Brian Emerson, VP of Product Management at ServiceNow, discussed ServiceNow’s
thinking about the surprising market changes, what customers are saying (and feeling), and what the future holds
for technology development. His “Three Needs” framework will be applied throughout the rest of this ebook with
customer examples and best practices.

First, let’s consider how pizza chains are staying profitable (Yes, this does relate)
“I’m starting with a major pizza chain as an example,” Brian opened. “Pizza is pizza, right? And really how they
differentiated their business is around the software that is built to engage their end customers, building a mobile
experience for ordering a pizza, being able to order a pizza, using an Alexa device, be able to track your orders and
make it very simple to be able to manage favorites.” All companies have become like that pizza chain: working to
digitally transform their approaches just to stay in business. It’s this need for nearly instant and consistent innovation
to stay competitive that is presenting IT operations with the biggest challenges ever.

3 Top Needs Challenges
Today’s faced by today’s
businesses move IT operations
as fast asorganization
services are delivered

of ITOM: ↑ Service quality ↓ Time to delivery ↑ Data volumes ↑ Complexity

Visibility 3 sec 100 days 163 ZB $2T

Health 0.5 sec

2 days
16 ZB

2016 2018 Traditional Continuous 2016 2025 2016 2020

Users expect apps to be Reduced time to market Digital data generated Spending on digital
faster and more responsive for digital services annually worldwide transformation technologies

Monthly, weekly, sometimes daily, new features and capabilities are being pushed out. The code is never
static. “That means you have to manage a combination of all the new things and all the old things at the
same time and understand how they interconnect,” said Brian. This leads to three main needs of the modern
IT operations department.

three needs can
of IT help…
operations success for 2020 and beyond

Visibility Health Optimization

Ensure you have near Identify service health Simplify self-service access
real -time visibility across issues, quickly pinpoint to cloud resources and
your IT estate— on-premise the root cause manage cloud costs,
and cloud and governance

Need 1 | Visibility
Getting a better understanding of data and business context  

A dependable, centralized view

“I think everybody knows this scenario,” said Brian. “You have data repositories, everywhere, you have multiple
discovery tools in a lot of cases. But the one thing that you don’t have is a centralized view of all this information.
How do you create an environment where everything’s in the same place?”
This challenge is particularly evident in data acquisitions from many sources—public cloud, on premises, multiple
third-party tools. “We spent a lot of time with our partners to build integrations into third-party tool sets,” shared
Brian. “We don’t really care where the data comes from, but we want to be able to rationalize that in our system.”
This centralized asset relationship data can help all IT teams and systems understand what the environment looks
like and how the infrastructure supports all applications and business services.

Understanding what all that data means

“You also need business context,” said Brian. “How do all of these servers, network infrastructure, cloud-based
services, how do they all roll up to support and users, whether they’re employees or customers, and what
applications are they supporting?”
To solve for these needs, ServiceNow ITOM Visibility leverages numerous cloud-based resources and tagging
strategies to generate maps. The library also includes specialized maps from app performance vendors all integrated
into the system to help drive better decisions.
“The better business context you have around the things that are important, the more likelihood that you’re going to
have happy employees and happy customers from a system standpoint,” added Brian.

“The whole goal Need 2 | Health
[of AIOps] is Tapping AIOps and richer intelligence for greater continuity   
to be able to “Most large customers I talk to have between 20 to 30 monitoring tools, network monitoring, server monitoring, etc.
aggregate all And they’re all generating events,” shared Brian. “So, the question is: What do you do with that amount of noise?
How do you rationalize it? And then how do you drive decision making based on it?”
those different IT operations needs to have instant and reliable understanding of who is actually impacted by events and also what

[data] sources...” is the actual root cause. Should you even care?
“This is more challenging than you think,” said Brian. “There’s a lot of burned up time spent just trying to figure out
what’s going on it while that’s happening and what users are really impacted,”

ServiceNow solutions offer insights that can actually help predict or prevent issues before
they occur. This is called predictive AIOps.

“With the recent Loom Systems acquisition we have the ability to get more intimate with data, specifically around
logs.” said Brian. Customers are able to do log analysis to provide early indications of potential issues that are
occurring, create predictive incidents, and even resolve them before users are actually submitting anything. Added
Brian, “The whole goal is to be able to aggregate all those different sources…How can we take all that noise and drop
it down to a critical few things that operations needs to look at, to be able to resolve what’s going on?”

We want Need 3 | Optimization
customers to Powering automation to enhance operational efficiencies   
build up a library
of repeatable
playbooks for
all sorts of actions.

“One of the things that we’re investing in across multiple solutions is a concept called ‘playbooks,’” said Brian.
A playbook is a set of predefined automated steps that you can associate to a certain alert type. Some can be
automated. Some can be manual. The goal is for customers to build up a library of repeatable playbooks for all sorts
of actions. The playbooks ServiceNow is currently running are successful 100% of the time. Said Brian, “We have a
deep understanding of root cause. And we can correlate that with playbooks and automation that allows us to build
a world where we get the system to drive automated action.”

Referenced K20 Digital Experience Session:

SN: ServiceNow IT Operations vision to support digital transformation

Visit and search by session title to watch on-demand.
The voice of Your peers’ thoughts on IT Visibility
the customer: Getting a better understanding of data and business context    

How ServiceNow First, what is the modern configuration management database (CMDB)?
users are answering We view a CMDB as something evolved beyond the original ITIL-led, stand-alone, on-premises system. Modern
CMDBs are cloud based and deeply integrated with IT tools. They provide holistic views of IT environments—a
new critical IT single source of truth—to help staff analyze and respond swiftly to incidents and changes, whether manually or
automatically, and they are part of a single platform.

operations needs
The following are summaries of the best stories
shared by your IT colleagues working at major The CMDB is your digital foundation
companies and ServiceNow. Populate your CMDB with ITOM Visibility to drive differentiated outcomes
IT Operations Management IT Asset Management IT Service Management
Prioritize response based on Gain visibility of software Increase efficiency and reduce
business impact across your operational estate risk when planning changes

Risk Application Portfolio Management

Align technology risks to Streamline buildout of Application
the business portfolio
CMDB enables interoperability
across the platform
Security CMDB Customer Service Management
Prioritize response based on Prioritize response based on
business impact customer impact

Cloud DevOps Certificate Management

Gain visibility of cloud resources and Ensure governance and Eliminate outages due to
align spend to business initiatives traceability of of CI/CD process expired certificates

Your peers’ thoughts on IT Visibility Panel discussion
According to Finastra, NC State Question: What is your current use of CMDB?
University, and Northwestern Mutual, Gary Collins, Director ServiceNow Platform at Finestra: Our journey on the CMDB started about two and a half, three
it all starts with a healthy CMDB years ago, when we kicked things off by trying to create that central repository for all of our assets in the organization.
We could start to deliver the value across the organization by the team’s better understanding of what we own, where it
was deployed, and how it worked.
John Constantelos, IT Manager and CMDB Process Owner at North Carolina State University: The CMDB is our
foundational building blocks for everything that we’re doing, from service mapping to incident mapping to our change
management processes. We are a very siloed campus; central IT only has about 40% of the IT people and services. So,
a lot of our decisions and processes are done by committee. A lot of our journey has been communicating selling the
solution on the benefits, and we’ve made fantastic progress over the last year and a half.
Beau Bramlett, Director of IT Service Management at Northwestern Mutual: We use it for a roadmap for all of the
“CMDB is the glue that holds the organization critical CI classes that we were deploying, and our biggest focus has been on the data quality aspects of it and setting
together.” That’s just one quote from a panel of expectations in that regard.
CMDB experts from Finestra, North Carolina State
University, and Northwestern Mutual. They shared Question: What was the biggest challenge with your CMDB effort?
the key benefits their systems have delivered, as well
John: Just having the trust with the rest of the IT organizations across campus that we’re going to be delivering a
as timely suggestions for those looking to up level
service for them that helps them solve a business problem. We’ve done some data mining within our incident tickets and
their centralized configuration management. have been able to come back and say, “Here’s a pretty significant incident that we had. We could have understood the
implications of all the problems it caused if we had the CMDB in place.”
Beau: From our perspective, the way we socialized it and got it going, and got the success that we were looking at—
some five million CIs right now—was from basically saying we’re a data service provider, pure and simple.
Gary: We’ve had a lot of mergers and acquisitions over the course of 20 years, so the result of that is that it’s a very
diverse CMDB with lots of different owners across the organization. We have well over 100 different domains in our
organization. …we need to tap into all of those to gain access to the information that we need to populate the CMDB.
Then we’ve got the issue of now how do we validate all of that data with the appropriate subject matter experts across
the organization? The other thing… as soon as you turn it on, and it does start to populate it’s flooded hundreds of
thousands upwards of millions of CIs. And now you’ve got to make the distinction as to what do you really care about
what do you want to manage…

It’s kind of cool we just kind of Question: What have been the results of your efforts?
set it and forget it. Beau: Now we have over 60 of our critical CI classes taken care of with millions of CIs. It’s kind of cool. We just kind of
set it and forget it. But it’s really all about understanding the value of the data you’re presenting versus just quantity
versus quality.
– Beau Bramlett, Director of IT Service
Management, Northwestern Mutual Gary: We now know where we need to patch things. People are really seeing the value and they can latch on to that,
because that means something to them, it means that they can run their business more smoothly, it means they can
recover more quickly.

Question: What tips do you offer?

Gary: Make sure that people understand that CMDB and configuration management is a journey, it’s not a one and
done. You can’t just import your data or flick a switch and turn on discovery. Done. You need a lot of help to validate
the information, you need subject matter experts to come to the table.
John: Our recipe has been to get security involved from the very beginning help them understand what you’re getting
ready to do and how it touches the network. That has a tendency to get people on edge a little bit. Get commitment
from all the people that are going to be included in this offer to ensure compliance.

Referenced K20 Digital Experience Session:

Customer panel: Best practices to successfully implement your CMDB

(Finastra, North Carolina State University, Northwestern Mutual)
Visit and search by session title to watch on-demand.
CMDB as the foundation for ServiceNow’s own success
In their session on ServiceNow’s own journey to a healthy CMDB, presenters Joe Corpion, Director Now on Now, Asset
Configuration Management, and Jason Wang, Director, IT Workflows and Now Platform, shared accomplishments
delivering 94% automated change approvals and other impressive stats.
“Back before 2017, when critical outages occurred, we didn’t have the complete visibility needed to quickly identify
the source of the problem and its potential impact on business services,” said Joe. “We couldn’t then address the
root cause. A CMDB was not being used across our applications in the platform. We also had many data issues
with configuration items. There were duplicate CIs, in some cases, as many as 250! Also, when we began using
our CMDB, its functionality was limited requiring us to make customizations to meet our IT needs. While these
customizations did provide the additional functionality, they also made upgrades very challenging for us.”
The presenters then shared that there was no centralized data repository. The subsequent data quality issues
forced IT to use tribal knowledge in spreadsheets to manage devices. This was further complicated by the lack of
governance about who owned what and who was responsible managing it.
The ServiceNow CMDB makeover
“First we streamlined our monitoring environment to include only bringing over actual events through integrations,”
said Jason. They then elected key business services as the first candidate in the service mapping effort. “As a result,
we cut P1s by almost 60% in the last two years,” said Joe. “Pretty cool.”
The next step was resetting discovery to address CI data issues and establish a single source of truth. Following that
came vulnerability management, which provides accurate correlation between vulnerabilities and infrastructure
endpoints. “That alone has significantly improved the speed of which we operate today,” said Joe.
The outcomes
In 2017, ServiceNow had 48 P1 outages. In 2019, that number was only 20 P1 outages. “A pretty good metric,” said
Joe. “But our target is to have zero outages.” Other metrics shared were:
• 100% accurate view of critical infrastructure availability
• 71% reduction in time to close vulnerability tickets
• 91% of changes have an automated approval process
• 1,250 hours saved per year by automating CMDB audit
Joe concludes with a phase he used earlier, “Pretty cool.”

Referenced K20 Digital Experience Session:

BRE1070 Now on Now: Healthy CMDB governance delivers 91% automated change approvals
Visit and search by session title to watch on-demand.
Extra Credit—Canadian National Railway evolves from basic CMDB to a CSDM model
As Canadian National Railway has embarked on its journey to modernize IT service management with ServiceNow,
they identified the implementation of a common data foundation as a critical success factor. Going beyond
the implementation of just a standard CMDB, they wanted to also include data required for business, portfolio,
and financial management needs. The new Common Service Data Model (CSDM) was chosen as it was a
comprehensive approach.
The journey so far has included the defining, evolving, and implementation of the CSDM, as well as the adoption
and alignment to the Technology Business Management (TBM) framework to define services.


Business DESIGN

Application Business * Information

Application Object

Technology Consumer
Business Service * Business
MANAGE Technical Service Catalogue
TECHNICAL SERVICES Catalogue Service Owner Portfolio

Technical Technical Application Business Service Business Relationship
Application Service Service Offering Service Offering Service
Service Owner
Technical Technical
Technology Service Service Offering
Service Owner Gear
Configuration Items

A Partnership between CN and ServiceNow

Said presenter Saskia Roukema, Senior Business Architect at Canadian National Railway, “I really don’t know how
you would do it any other way; [now] we’re much more comfortable with our results that we’re getting. It’s very
stable. And it’s not just data in the background or a data model, it really is now the way people think and operate,
and it has it been critical for change management.”

Referenced K20 Digital Experience Session:

Evolving from a basic CMDB to a CSDM model at Canadian National Railway

Visit and search by session title to watch on-demand.
Your peers’ thoughts on IT Health
Tapping AIOps and richer intelligence for greater continuity

Doing IT operations right at Walmart scale

“This is a story all about how the event management process flow in the event management development lifecycle
was improved for Walmart,“ opened Matthew Gerbitz, System Engineer at Walmart.
An opportunity-rich environment
To put the initial challenge into perspective, Matthew shared these facts about their non-production instance:
• 80-100 Million CIs and growing
• Multiple monitoring sources
• Millions of events
• 3/4 become alerts
• 1/2 of alerts become incidents
“We had many multiple moving parts and not all we’re working together,” said co-presenter, Susan Arnold, Systems
Engineer at Walmart.
They found themselves trying to understand ownership of integrations, what they were monitoring, how to decrease
the incident volume, better resolve CI binding issues, and remove a legacy routing process. They also noted that there
was a tremendous amount of time taken up in multiple meetings needed just to understand needs and impact; as
well as cumbersome manual processes to create event and alert roles, plus support the DevOps side (with rollouts
often taking weeks to complete).
“Auditing was another challenge,” said Susan. “We found ourselves trying to remember who requested which
integration for one application and how they communicated with us.” They were relying on emails, Slack group
messages, DMs, walkups, field notes, to name a few. “When production issues occurred, we found ourselves struggling
on the current integration. We had very little detail, and we were using a legacy form of routing to send these event-
created incidents to the teams.”

At Walmart, we have a saying: How to optimize processes and lives
‘Save money, live better.’ We “At Walmart, we have a saying: ‘Save money, live better,’ shared Susan. “We found that with automation, we were able
to achieve both of these goals.”
found that with automation,
She continued, “Our new intake automatically builds both event and alert rules that run to discovery for CIs that are
we were able to achieve both going to be used to create the events.” It then automatically creates update sets for development and disregards.
of these goals. “We also needed to help our customers reduce the amount of instances they were creating,” said Matthew. “We
wanted them to be more proactive instead of reactive.” Automation allowed the team to put a form of governance
– Susan Arnold, Systems Engineer, Walmart in place that would allow only specific severities to process from one table to the next. The severity would determine
whether the event created an alert and eventually an incident.

That was just the start

Susan concluded, “We were able to roll out to production faster, which allowed for less impacting issues to occur, since
our development didn’t take as long. We found we were living better because we were not attending as many [info]
gathering sessions, and also with the automated process, we found we were less stressed due to the flow going faster
from catalog items with little to no human contact, other than the push of a button for approval.”

Referenced K20 Digital Experience Session:

Event and alert management automation with Walmart (Walmart)

Visit and search by session title to watch on-demand.
USAA operate high-performing services with visibility, security, and AIOps
“As we continue to deliver world class experiences for our [millions of] members,” said Pablo Sarabia, DevSecOps
Enterprise Architect at USAA, “the pressure to ensure the availability and resiliency of our services exponentially
grows in importance.”
Pablo shared that USAA translates billions of downstream monitoring signals into manageable and actionable events
that the business and engineering partners can leverage. “It’s part of their observability maturity efforts,” he added.
“By leveraging advanced correlation capabilities of the ServiceNow Event Management platform, and by creating
a common event stream processing pipeline, it allows us to consume service level objective (SLO) breach events in a
uniform methodology.”
What the CMDB powers
The CMDB metadata allows USAA IT to tie business context to inbound events, such as understanding business
services that are being impacted and configure dynamic priorities for the bank, property and casualty, or P&C
business, or enterprise services.
Added Pablo, “This enables playbook automation such as incident escalation, business and application impact
analysis, change and vulnerability correlation, and really allows us to push the bounds of automated remediation
capability development at USAA. However, this extends beyond site reliability engineering processes and practices
by allowing downstream observability platforms to send machine learning telemetry to our pipeline, allowing those
same signals to leverage the same features provided to the SLO breach events.”
Through AIOps and SecOps VR, USAA IT now has one common unified framework to discover vulnerabilities from
applicative source code, containers, and operating systems. The silos no longer exist. “This has allowed our amazing
engineers, architects, leaders, and business partners to leverage past learnings to streamline the implementation,”
added Pablo.

AIOps has identified additional
metadata to drop current Fragmented technology replaced by agile service
vulnerabilities by 42%, drop delivery…
past due vulnerabilities by 56%, Before Now
and total vulnerabilities as a
whole, by 50%.
IT & InfoSec Silos

Fragmented Source Reporting Now Platform

Complicated Rule Engine

Netezza Brinqa

Custom Asset Inventory 10+ USAA Built Apps

The outcomes
“This is where things get really, really exciting for me,” said Pablo. “Merging business context into our processes
and leveraging that additional CMDB metadata allowed us to succeed in our vulnerability management program
transformation, all in a 90- day implementation timeline.”
AIOps has identified additional metadata, such as business service, to help adjust priorities and drop current
vulnerabilities by 42%, drop past due vulnerabilities by 56%, and total vulnerabilities as a whole, by 50%.
“Those are some big numbers for us,” said Pablo, “And that continues to trend in a positive direction as we continue
to discover new efficiencies on this unified plan.”

Referenced K20 Digital Experience Session:

Operate high-performing services with visibility, security and AIOps (USAA)

Visit and search by session title to watch on-demand.
We’re going to make a strong
argument that time invested
Your peers’ thoughts on IT Optimization
Powering automation to enhance operational efficiencies
in automation is time that you
will recover.

– Christopher G. Roge, ServiceNow Innovation

Lead, Accenture Federal Services
Accenture Federal Services journey with Cloud Management
Said presenter, Christopher G. Roge, ServiceNow Innovation Lead, Accenture Federal Services, “We’re going to
make a strong argument that time invested in automation is time that you will recover.”
While investigating options for automated provisioning of Azure VM, Accenture found a surprisingly simple
way to navigate the rough waters of Azure ARM Templates within ServiceNow using the Cloud Management
plugin. Rather than utilizing the Cloud User Portal, they wanted to integrate Azure VM Provisioning into their
legacy IT services catalog. They also needed to plan for more complex VM deployments but did not want to
manage increasingly complex ARM Templates in the process. The solution was to separate the UI from the
cloud provisioning by creating a record producer which calls a script to programmatically push user variables
to the Cloud Blueprint of their choice.
In short, they delivered
“The VMs we created through this process are all created the same way, and have this, and are all
standardized,” said Christopher. “This allows product managers from other projects to require and request
VMs, to accurately predict when those VMs will be ready. The total time to create a VM minus approvals is
around 30 minutes, compared to potential days of delay due to sticker shock and back and forth with the
customer. Additionally, as we add additional features, such as the designers’ day configuration, proximity
groups, and availability sets.”
The key was using a modular approach
“This allowed us to provide a quicker turnaround times for new features and assets, going forward,” said
Christopher. “What have we learned, simply usually works better than complex.”

Referenced K20 Digital Experience Session:

Accenture Federal Services - Our journey with Cloud Management

Visit and search by session title to watch on-demand.
Other inspirational stories worth exploring

NTT Communications Corp develops a “zero-touch operation” service to automate recovery

of 100,000+ outages
NTT Communications Corp. helps customers realize the benefits of digital transformation and create smarter societies
with ICT. A new addition to their strategy is a ”zero-touch operation” service powered by ServiceNow IT Operations
Management. This new system is for their global cloud computing service, addressing 7,000+ recovery procedures and
500,000 database recodes, and it works on more than 10 related systems. Running for over one year, the zero-touch
operation system has automated 100,000-plus recovery operations and reduced MTTR to one-tenth of the MTTR
recorded using manual systems.

Unisys integrates and manages Microsoft Azure Stack with ServiceNow Platform
Said Anil Veeramalli, Senior Cloud Architect, Unisys, “We designed and built the framework to support provisioning
discovery and data operation. This presented a successful end to end automation.”
By extending ServiceNow workflow functionality to drive their CMP called “CloudForte,” Anil and other Unisys
developers created a powerful experience similar to what users were used to managing Azure and AWS directly. They
designed and built a framework with a difference, delivering a vast reduction in manual actions with ServiceNow as
the framework supporting provisioning, discovery, and Day 2 operations.
Pre-provision, provision, and post-prevision activities, as well as the CMDB integration are fully automated and
managed via a single view. This has reduced end-to-end tasks completion from hours, even days, to less than 20
minutes on average.

Visit and search by session title to watch on-demand.
In all the turmoil, we are confident that one constant remains: IT operations need to
be managed effectively to ensure business continuity.
The rapid change that has impacted IT operations has been massive: more distributed users, more IT staff
working remotely, budget cuts, and higher reliance on resiliency. If organizations were just getting by before
with manual processes and disjointed tools, the new environment has made it much harder to improve
resiliency, reduce costs, and allow innovation. Many ServiceNow users have taken advantage of the visibility,
health, and optimization provided by ServiceNow to help predict, prevent, and automate across their entire
IT organization.

We trust that this sharing of K20 Digital Experience sessions has served as inspiration
for the next phase of your IT operations management.
The featured sessions, as well as many other keynotes, breakouts, labs, and trainings, are available
on-demand at We invite you to explore them, and if you have any
questions, reach out to an IT operations management expert here.

Stay safe and healthy.

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To see the on-demand sessions listed in this Book of Knowledge

and many more, visit

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