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Judges: Two Points Emerge From This Year'S 1to1 Innovator Awards

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Innovator Final 12/4 12/4/03 4:18 PM Page 17

In addition to Don Peppers and
Martha Rogers, Ph.D., the panel
of judges include accomplished
business leaders, adept in
customer-driven strategies.

Roy Barnes
Marriott Vacation Club International
John Deighton, Ph.D.
Harvard Business School
Prasanna Dhore
The Dreyfuss Corp.
Sheryl Kingstone
The Yankee Group
Gary Lemke
Chris McCann
Jack Mitchell
Mitchell’s of Westport
Brian Murphy
Peter Prock
Anita Rubino
Nielsen Media
Tim Ruder
Washington Post
Jan Suter INNOVATOR AWARDS. The first: Customer strategy has truly
Syngenta Agro S.A.S.
Ed Thompson gone global. This year’s winners come from Peru, Ireland, South Korea
the U.S and other countries. In fact, three awards were given to com-
Tom Trezise
DuPont panies for global and regional excellence. Three won for regional
Dennis Upton
Brother International work. The second point: Building the value of the customer base is
Roger Wakelin now a necessary part of growing a company. The winners represent
Merial Limited
Fred Wiersema ideas with impact. Look at the quotes that lead each page and you’ll
The Customer Strategy Group
see the basis for great thinking. The stories reflect that spirit. We call
John Yelland
Hewlett-Packard them the 1to1 Innovator Awards. But each is nothing without results.
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awards 2003
Cendant Mobility
Danbury, Conn.

r esolving an issue with just one phone call is

every customer’s dream. Actually doing it when
you receive more than a million phone calls each
ed “The Phone Zone” video in which employees,
including President Kevin Kelleher, illustrated the
best and worst telephone counseling practices.
year is no easy feat. Still, that was Cendant Mobili- While the total cost of Project Resolve was
ty’s ultimate vision when it launched Project $740,000, the company estimates it will save more
Resolve, an internal initiative aimed at answering than one million dollars each year based on
customer questions more quickly and professionally. increased productivity and call resolution. Customer
As a provider of relocation services to more than voice mail usage has declined 57 percent and one-
2,000 businesses worldwide, Cendant Mobility helps call resolution has grown by 60 percent. In addition,
some 100,000 customers each year with transfer- 98 percent of customers now receive a callback with-
related real estate transactions. Each relocating in two hours of an unresolved call or voice mail.
employee is assigned to a consultant and service is
coordinated exclusively by phone. Before Project
A commitment to excellence and integration
Resolve, the caller had to answer a series of questions
in the contact center led to a huge positive
for the consultant to retrieve his/her file and only 52
impact for Cendant. Change management
percent of “first call” inquiries could be answered. to implement the process also helped.
At the heart of Project Resolve was eContact, soft-
ware by Avaya that recognizes the incoming phone Judge Chris McCann, president of 1-800-Flow-
number, links it to the customer file in the database,, called Cendant Mobility’s approach very
“The world directs the call to the assigned consultant and dis- focused. “A clear understanding of customer impact

leaders in plays the customer profile on the consultant’s

screen. After installing it, the company made a series
was in place. Overall, communication, training,
measurement and the process improvement cycle
innovation of organizational changes to ensure the consultants are exemplary.”

and creativity were available to field incoming calls. For example,

it reduced the amount of time spent by consultants
Meanwhile, overall customer satisfaction ratings
have risen from 63 to 67 percent, which Cendant
will also be on administrative tasks in a workday to 15 percent expects will translate into higher levels of client
and reassigned that work to others. Training includ- retention and new business. ■
world leaders in
everything else.”
Harold R. McAlindon
Eastman Kodak Company
Rochester, NY

i f there’s a lesson to be learned from Eastman

Kodak’s New Digital Camera Owners (NDCO)
program it’s that online marketing can be successful
A complex product needed a higher level
of customer communication and Kodak
stepped up through e-mail.
at driving offline sales. NDCO revealed that for every
dollar new digital camera owners spent online, multimedia “webinar” also was created to lead con-
another eight dollars is spent offline. This is a signif- sumers through the specifics of their camera model.
icant development in the photographic industry as Kodak’s goal was 30 percent readership of its
the market shifts from traditional film processing to NDCO communication. It achieved 40 percent. At
digital capture and printing solutions. the same time, 54 percent of “readers” were influ-
Kodak launched NDCO in the face of stiff competi- enced to buy Kodak products offline while 45 percent
tion from other strong brands including Hewlett- were driven to switch to Kodak consumables. Results
Packard, Olympus and Sony in an effort to drive sales of were determined by analytic firm iKnowtion as well
digital camera accessories and other high-margin prod- as from tracking measures that were built into the e-
ucts such as inkjet paper and related consumables. The mail system. NDCO was executed using E.piphany AP
program also sought to build brand loyalty and give Platform, a $1.5 million implementation, which
users of non-Kodak consumables a reason to switch. Kodak reports was recouped in nine months.
Its strategy was to be the “friendly digital mentor,” Judge Gary Lemke, president of RealMarket, says
enabling users to create digital prints by incorporat- NDCO shows “excellent focus on building long-term
ing techniques and accessories for better digital pic- customer relationships in the context of the product
ture-making. E-mail was the primary form of offering.”
communication. Following a purchase, Kodak sent e- Kodak is expanding NDCO by developing other
mail messages every eight to 10 days for the first mailings that are triggered by levels of readership,
month then every two to three weeks thereafter. A behaviors and situational activity. ■

c 2003 Carlson Marketing Group, Inc. All rights reserved. Peppers & Rogers Group is a Carlson Marketing Group Company. 1
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“It is better to have enough ideas for some of them to be

wrong, then to be always right by having no ideas at all.”
Edward De Bono

Fifth Third Bank
Cincinnati, Ohio

o ne of the basic tenets of a one-to-one

marketing initiative is to upsell and
retain customers. Fifth Third Bank in Cincin-
rates that were sometimes as high as nine out
of 10 accounts, and to better manage cus-
tomer accounts.
program, new account attrition was cut by 50
percent; household attrition was lowered by
31 percent; and an additional $16 million in
nati recognized the importance of this theory. By deploying Harte-Hanks’ Allink Daily
Since following this practice, the company has Deposit Builder, a behavior-driven marketing
seen a 400-percent return on its event-trigger application, Fifth Third can examine customer Triple-digit ROI resulted from the
marketing investment in the first six months. data to see unusual changes that occur in bank’s investment in cross-selling and
Fifth Third sought to lower account closures accounts. More than 900 banking locations up-selling customers. Now it not
and diminish account attrition among cus- have had access to the system since March only serves customers better, it has
tomers. The company had outstanding new 2002 to spot anomalies. When an unusual better tools to keep and grow them.
account growth and high account closure transaction is noted, such as when a direct
rates. Further, 90 percent of retail deposits were deposit stops, the customer service representa-
held by 20 percent of its customers. It became tives from the branch can contact the account deposits and investments were generated.
vital to Fifth Third not to lose them. holder to ask if he needs additional banking Fifth Third Bank has since expanded to
To better manage its customer relation- services to better manage his finances. include both business deposits and consumer
ships and to more completely understand its In addition to increased customer satisfac- credit and plans to roll out the program to
customers’ financial needs and delivery tion, service and retention, the sales teams additional branches. In the next year, Fifth
channel preferences, Fifth Third embarked now average two sales to every five calls, ver- Third also wants to implement another solu-
on an enterprise-wide customer initiative sus the previous one sale to every 10 to 20 tion from Harte-Hanks that will look to
called “Save or Sell” with several goals. calls. On the customer side, of the customers reduce redemption rates from people who
The company wanted to stem attrition who touched through the Allink DDB/SOS cash out of their investments. ■

Oslo, Norway

n o big secret that the global IT market

had a tough 2002. Sales were plum-
meting and competition was fierce. The dou-
skills through 30 ongoing two-tier training
courses. The technology being used was key,
but HP focused more on the human aspects,
HP Norway currently uses all its customer
information (histories, activities, leads) to
build customer purchasing models, to distrib-
ble shot of lower sales and rampant according to sales manager Lars Rinnan. The ute leads and to build specification tools.
cost-cutting made profits tough to come by. team has taken the lead role in collecting all While the commitment was daring, the
Something innovative needed to be done to customer contact and usage of data. That simple planning and execution of the con-
deal with the situation. data includes cross-channel files on all divi- tact center beat even the most aggressive
Hewlett-Packard’s Norway division saw a sions within the customer’s enterprise, goals. Each TAM member sold $2.05 million
novel approach. Rather than compete solely results on segments and products and value- of IT equipment per quarter. With a cost of
on price and direct distribution, as its com- based campaign segmentation. $14,000 per member, the ROI from the TAM
petitors did, it decided to commit to a con- initiative was 1,400 percent. The closing rate
tact center based strategy that would on all TAM leads is 85 percent.
position the company to achieve better rela- “This was a well-done effort to get better
tionships with its best resellers. It wanted How do you beat a global IT and more value from existing resources,”
that new strategy to achieve a 30-percent downturn and discount tactics says Innovators judge Fred Wiersema from
sales increase and a 20-percent customer from the competition? HP formed The Customer Strategy Group. “It’s almost a
handling decrease. highly trained telephone account textbook approach that may have the poten-
In November 2002 the telephone account tial for adoption in other parts of HP.”
teams to help consolidate data
management team (TAM) was formed to Next, HP plans to take the TAM approach
and use the new information to
gather information from its customer base into the Sales Force Automation arena to dif-
and make communications more proactive gain a competitive foothold. ferentiate its sales team from competitors. It
and focused. TAM recruits staffers with sales will specifically focus on the small to mid-
and marketing degrees, and develops their market prospects. ■

c 2003 Carlson Marketing Group, Inc. All rights reserved. Peppers & Rogers Group is a Carlson Marketing Group Company. 2
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awards 2003
Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

i t’s rare to see a company launch a customer-

focused marketing effort and recoup its invest-
ment the first year. That’s exactly what happened at
To drive traffic to its Panorama Resort in British
Columbia, for instance, Intrawest created models to
predict which previous customers were most likely
Intrawest, developer and operator of 10 ski resorts, 30 to respond to its promotions. Materials then were
golf courses and other vacation destinations across mailed in multiple waves to 7,735 households. The
North America. The company sought to maintain customers the models predicted would visit booked
double-digit growth last year even as the economy, at a rate that was 133 percent above those who were
war and the SARS scare slowed leisure travel. included but not identified by the models.
Although resort visitors represent a small segment The new tools have improved the quality and
of the population, Intrawest didn’t have the tools to
conduct a targeted marketing campaign. Further- Predictive modeling and campaign
more, it needed to sign up previous customers for sea- management help a resort management
son passes within a critical but narrow window. In company identify high-value segments.
short, it had just three months to design and imple-
ment a marketing automation solution that would quantity of the company’s campaigns, which grew
generate $3 million in its first year. from 50 in one year to over 1,000. Consequently,
After evaluating six vendors, Intrawest installed the company’s $3 million revenue goal was exceed-
Unica’s Affinium Model for predictive modeling ed by 30 percent. Judge Jan Suter of Syngenta Agro
and Affinium Campaign for campaign manage- S.A.S. termed the results “amazing,” particularly
“The innovate ment. It also established an internal CRM group to given that the CRM capabilities were implemented

point is the drive the deployment. The group then conducted a

series of multi-faceted marketing initiatives during
“in a very short time.”
Now that it can identify high-value segments,
pivotal moment key seasonal purchasing periods. Automated cam- Intrawest wants to boost bookings during low occu-

when talented paigns to promote lodging packages and other

cross-sell opportunities also were used.
pancy periods by making the right offer to the right
person through the right channel at the right time. ■
and motivated
people seek the
opportunity to
act on their ideas GLOBAL
Memorial Hermann Healthcare System
Houston, Texas
and dreams.”
W. Arthur Porter
w hen Memorial Hermann Healthcare System
in Houston, became Texas’ largest non-profit
healthcare system through several hospital acquisi-
and increased awareness of products and services by
targeting preferred customers before, during and after
their hospital stays.
tions, preferred customer volume declined and cus- To develop initiatives in association with the CRM
tomer satisfaction remained stagnant. vision, the Customer Guide Team, Membership Pro-
Memorial Hermann recognized that it needed to gram Redesign team and the Customer Lifecycle Test
develop and integrate a customer strategy. Customer Team, launched related deliverables. Some of those
data resided in several databases, resulting in informa- include a patient and visitor guide that promotes all
tion-rich/knowledge-poor data sources. The organiza- hospitals as one system; communications that target
tion also had no correlation between employee
behavior and customer expectations because front-line A series of acquisitions led to runaway
employees had no customer service accountability. growth and messy customer communications.
With the help of the Turning Point Group, it devel- Enter database management.
oped a customer vision and strategy that included a
customer database compiled from five data sources; an customers by lifestyles; direct mail programs that
intranet-based marketing campaign tracking tool; and offered rewards to preferred customers; and a plan to
preferred customer satisfaction tracking tools that pro- acquire preferred customers.
vide a dashboard for measurement. Two teams were All program goals were exceeded or met, including
also developed—the Call Standards Team and the improved customer satisfaction scores of 8.5 points, an
Memorial Hermann Experience Team—to develop increase in employee mystery shopper results from 76
standards for on-the-phone customers and face-to-face percent to 93 percent.
customer interaction standards. To build upon this platform, Memorial Hermann’s
By utilizing preferred customer feedback, Memorial CRM department has developed a 12-month plan to
Hermann improved communication at the hospital deliver employee training. ■

c 2003 Carlson Marketing Group, Inc. All rights reserved. Peppers & Rogers Group is a Carlson Marketing Group Company. 3
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awards 2003
Woodcliff Lake, NJ

n ot many brands list “smile factor” as one of

the elements they want to communicate in
a strategic campaign management initiative. But
Web Page to their local dealer. Those users next saw
an e-mail introducing them to the MINI online
“owner’s lounge” and the car’s warranty plan. And
not a lot of brands are like MINI. after the customer visited the dealer and made a
Beginning in December 2002, the company that purchase, an e-mail urged them to “mess with per-
makes the ultra-compact car and the quirky adver- fection” and customize the new car with accessories
tising wanted to do nothing less than “re-invent like extra chrome and decals.
how automotive shopping is done online and make
the MINI an iconic brand,” according to customer Innovative e-mail campaigns had a huge
experience specialist James Finnegan. It also wanted impact on a brand that prides itself on
to drive a consistent flow of leads to the local deal- breaking the rules.
er base. It already had a full-featured Web site to
support this goal. Next it set out to define the dif- Each version of the targeted e-mails produced a
ferent stages in the customer buying experience and different response. Taken as an aggregate, MINI
design specific treatments for each customer group. sent more than 200,000 e-mails from January to
Thirteen individualized treatments were October 2003. The average click-through rate was
designed. For example, registrants at the MINI site 22 percent and conversion to actual customers was
were sent an e-mail providing information about 11 percent. Most e-mail campaigns will only con-
the car’s design, handling and “smile factor.” Users vert 1-2 percent of all recipients. In terms of driving
“Innovation is who expressed interest in the brand, but did not leads to local dealers, the campaign proved to be a

the creation of fully register were sent e-mails inviting them to

become “MINI Insiders.” Full registrants were sent
powerful engine, with 83 percent of all dealer leads
originating from the online channel. Industry aver-
the new or the a user name and password and an invitation to
design their own car, using a palette of colors and
age is 20 to 25 percent.
Based on analysis of the 2003 results, MINI plans to
re-arranging accessories. Registrants who built their own MINI define even more subsets of its customer base. The e-
received an e-mail encouraging them to send that mail campaign will then be expanded accordingly. ■
of the old in
a new way.”
Michael Vance
Toronto, Ontario, Canada

c ompetition in the Canadian financial ser-

vices market has been growing due to the
arrival of new banks. At the same time, more dis-
releases a file of customized sales leads.
The company sends the electronic leads to the desk-
tops of its 5,000-member sales staff. The system allows
criminating customers with higher expectations of the sales leads to be distributed immediately, linking
their financial institutions have emerged. Ontario- the leads directly to live customer profiles. Branch
based Scotiabank has capitalized on these changes. managers then contact customers via telephone to dis-
The bank’s effort was based on modeling. First, a sta- cuss their financial situation. The objective of each call
tistical data model tracked each customer’s individual is to set up a face-to-face meeting to address immediate
deposit transaction pattern. The statistical models financial needs. Finally, customer contacts, follow-up
were updated monthly and eight months of transac- meetings and sales results are recorded in the system
tion history were analyzed. That’s more than 600 mil- and linked with the original sales lead for analysis.
lion transactions. The information then set in motion Throughout a regional two-month pilot in 2002
a series of automated events within Scotiabank’s cam- and since its national rollout in November 2002, the
paign management system from Unica. The system program has achieved results. Some include a 52-
compares customers’ transactions with their personal percent lift over the non-contact control group; a
thresholds, isolates those that are larger than normal, new balance growth of 23 percent among contacted
checks customer profiles for marketing permissions, customers; and improved sales force efficiency with
segments customers based on contact history then a time savings of three to five minutes per lead.
Building upon the success of the Significant

An unsettled marketplace gave this bank Deposit Event-Triggered Sales Lead Program, Scotia-

an opportunity to get closer to customers bank has since launched four additional event-trig-

through better analytics. gered initiatives, including a Significant Withdrawal

Event-Triggered sales lead campaign. ■

c 2003 Carlson Marketing Group, Inc. All rights reserved. Peppers & Rogers Group is a Carlson Marketing Group Company. 4
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Telefonica del Peru is thinking up
Lima, Peru
new things.
t o a consumer, here’s what Telefonica del
Peru looked like: If you had an issue with
a combination of in-house and outsourced
technology was developed to clean the com- Innovation is
cable TV service you contacted its cable TV
division. Problems with cell phones or long
bined database. Then unique customer
codes were built leading to the segmentation doing new things.
distance service, took you to a separate Tele- of MVCs. Rewards and loyalty programs for
Theodore Levitt
fonica phone company. And if you wanted to those customers were developed, reaching
inquire about Internet service while signing across all the different Telefonica divisions.
up for a business phone account, the The program is based on two-way customer
employee wouldn’t have the information or communication. A customer contacts the
authority to get that done. company to complain or inquire about ser-
Telefonica market manager Javier Ramos vices. After a contact center agent gets the
Perez says in 1999 the company’s customer proper information, settles the issue with
relationships were “chaos.” Satisfaction rates the customer and takes advantage of sales
hovered at 55 percent. Top customers opportunities, the customer can also be effort that clearly defined the long-term plan
protested more about service than they enrolled in rewards programs, service dis- from a customer focused perspective,” said
praised it. That has changed. Thanks to a counts and newsletters. Innovators judge Tim Ruder, VP marketing
sweeping commitment to customer strategy, The centralized call center was launched for Washington Post/Newsweek Interactive.
Telefonica has reorganized itself around its with a specialized customer care division to “It had clear goals, clear metrics, clear execu-
Most Valuable Customers, and in the process assure a higher level of service. All Cliente tion—very well done.”
now presents an integrated telecommunica- Preferente employees were given special Telefonica is still building performance
tions service company. training with an emphasis on developing a indicators for each business unit. In 1999
The change has been accomplished one-to-one culture. only 51 percent of all customers felt that the
through a program called Cliente Preferente. “This was a strategically comprehensive Cliente Preferente program was worth partic-
Its main objectives were to reduce churn, ipating in. That has skyrocketed to 99.2 per-
improve cross-sell and up-sell opportunities, New strategy makes a murky cent this year. Overall customer satisfaction
and increase customer knowledge so that company clear to its best customers. (on a 0 to 10 scale) has jumped from seven in
MVC relationships could be developed. First 1999 to eight in 2003. ■

Vodafone Ireland Plc
Dublin, Ireland

v odafone Ireland is an example of using

innovation to improve process and per-
formance that’s far from broken. The coun-
employees, who were trained in putting the
“right product in front of the right customer
at the right time,” says Ailish Ryan, sales
percent more money on top of their base pay.
They have a wider skill set and increased
training opportunities. On a revenue level,
try’s leading mobile phone operator has a development manager, CRM Programs. Cus- 222,929 NBA opportunities were generated
customer base of more than 1,765,000 peo- tomer data and usage patterns were analyzed on average per month. Those resulted in
ple and a total of 1,500 employees. Vodafone for each individual customer. Instead of 97,359 actual NBA offers and 14,899 conver-
holds 56 percent of the market share in Ire- reacting and fixing mobile phone complaints sions. Average monthly NBA revenue:
land, with total mobile penetration at 79 per- they would now identify the customer’s $558,918. Average cost: $29,178.
cent. With most of its customer contact NBA, such as “Call a Friend” services or text Vodafone has also counted a 5- to 6- per-
handled by a traditional reactive contact cen- alerts. MIS development to track this activity cent uplift in customer satisfaction with
ter, a new initiative in September 2002 repo- was installed as well. A sales incentive proactive information and services provided
sitioned its focus and revenue goals. scheme was developed to restructure the during inbound contacts.
Vodafone Ireland wanted to develop a sales compensation of the employees. “Next Best Activity approach clearly shows
training program to shift the mindset of the The NBA program worked on two levels. customer insight anticipation and respon-
Customer Service Reps to a sales and market- Internally, agents earned an average of 10 siveness based on ROI and customer experi-
ing mindset. ence focus,” says judge John Yelland, director
The initiative was called Next Best Activity of CRM marketing, worldwide operations, at
—NBA. It used existing customer data to A company that already maintained Hewlett-Packard.
maximize the individual effort of each con- a strong leadership position used a For next steps Vodafone will take the NBA
tact center agent and matched that effort new contact-center customer initiative program even closer to one-to-one market-
with the needs of each contact-center cus- to increase its ability to anticipate ing, incorporating new customer metrics
tomer. An internal marketing effort first posi- problems and increase revenue. such as customer value, customer segment
tioned the NBA strategy to call-center and previous product usage. ■

c 2003 Carlson Marketing Group, Inc. All rights reserved. Peppers & Rogers Group is a Carlson Marketing Group Company. 5
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awards 2003
Waters Corp.
Milford, Mass.

w aters Corp. became the dominant supplier of

analytical equipment to life scientists world-
wide by following the fundamental credo of its
additional revenue, while a 30-day reduction in sales-
cycle time has added another $300,000 to the bottom
line. Its service business, a former cost center, now
founder: Know your customer better than the compe- accounts for 18 percent of its revenue worldwide. Last
tition. So, when growth and acquisitions left the com- year the company, which employs 3,500, generated a
pany with 30 separate data systems that couldn’t share record $890 million in sales.
customer information effectively, management moved
quickly to install a single, integrated, enterprise-wide
“The process system. Its vision was to present a single face to its tens
A cleaner, more precise customer list
has made Waters one of the industry’s
of thousands of customers across all sales, marketing
of innovation and service channels. At the same time, it wanted to
best examples of ROI.

is, of course, convert its service business into a profit generator.

Since Waters’ back-office operation was built by 1to1 Innovator Awards judge, Dennis Upton, CIO of
never-ending.” SAP, it elected to leverage that investment by Brother International Corp., said Waters’ “initiative
installing mySAP CRM software, including modules and vision reflect a business view toward oneness of
Alan Greenspan
for Internet sales, field sales and marketing campaign purpose. The backing of top management along with
management. To date, the $5.1 million investment working with an incumbent vendor has driven their
has yielded a net return of $2 million in the form of process into the fabric of the company.”
increased revenue generation, cost savings and From here, Waters hopes to extend its integration
improved processes. beyond its enterprise to include customer laborato-
For example, a cleaner, more precisely segmented ries. Connectivity with customers could give
customer list has enabled Waters to reduce the number Waters the ability to troubleshoot its equipment
of pieces it mails while experiencing a 50 percent preemptively, scanning to see if it needs mainte-
increase in response rates. The ability to qualify sales nance and dispatching a service engineer before
leads more efficiently has led to more than $800,000 in something needs repair. ■


ASIA StarHub Pte Ltd. ASIA Amway

WINNER Singapore
WINNER Korea Ltd.
Seoul, Korea
StarHub, a Singapore-based info-communications company providing information, communica-
tions and entertainment services, has committed to answering 95 percent of its 400,000 monthly A network of independent business owners
incoming calls within 15 seconds. But its routing mechanism in place couldn’t accommodate this (IBOs) sells Amway’s products, ranging from cos-
need. With a projected annual customer growth rate of 30 percent, it became apparent that it had metics to vitamins. At Amway Korea Ltd., the
to implement a system that could meet its customer-service demands. full potential of that network was not being real-
StarHub revamped its IVR applications to provide callers with self-help capabilities, which ized. The organization couldn’t collect IBO
allows customers to obtain the latest information on StarHub’s products and services. StarHub has inputs or manage ordering procedures. There
empowered callers to choose. As a result, StarHub is experiencing faster call times, fewer aban- were also few IBO incentive promotions in place.
doned calls and shorter call wait times. That translates into a 13-percent increase in incoming calls; The company implemented an “I-Focus Market
a 10-percent reduction of billing calls; and a 23-percent increase in agent productivity. ■ Project” to change that. The process transitioned
the company into an organized and seamless
organization and ultimately realized a $23-mil-
AMERICAN Merial S.A. lion profit in the first four months.
The I-Focus framework includes three process
WINNER Montevideo, Uruguay
programs. The Lifecycle Management program
At Merial South America, a price battle was raging from the sale of generic drugs. The Uruguay aims to provide the IBOs with training
pet and livestock pharmaceutical and vaccine provider ended up with prices almost 10 times programs. With the Premium Services program
higher than that of its counterparts dispersing generic drugs. came the contact center, Web site and IP
Jose Maria Penco, business manager at Merial S.A., says that a one-to-one strategy at the end user services. In tandem, Onyx developed a cam-
level was the only way to sustain the company’s market leadership. The goal was to retain key end paign management tool, and I3 deployed a
users with high lifetime value by cross selling and up selling to them. For example, Merial’s top 20 contact center. Now, the call center agents have
percent of customers were given special discounts on amenities, such as car rentals, hotels and a consolidated view of the customer. ■
restaurants. As a result, Merial maintained its customer base despite the competition’s low prices. EMEA Regional Winners were
Sales and profits estimated for 2003 are 29.6 percent higher than 2002. Other Innovator Award EMEA
WINNERS Hewlett-Packard and
Winner in the Latin American Region: Telefonica del Peru. ■ Vodafone Ireland

c 2003 Carlson Marketing Group, Inc. All rights reserved. Peppers & Rogers Group is a Carlson Marketing Group Company. 6
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About the 1to1 Innovator Awards

Now in their third year, Peppers & Rogers Group's 1to1 Innovator Awards honor companies that have set in motion outstanding
customer-driven solutions within their business. The awards recognize the impact of customer-based initiatives in an organization.
A diverse panel of 19 judges from around the world, including Don Peppers and Martha Rogers, Ph.D., cofounders of Peppers &
Rogers Group, select the winners. The judging panel represents a broad array of customer-centric business perspectives from inde-
pendent academic, analyst, consulting and end-user sectors. Using statistical methodologies that were supported by SAS tools, the
judges' scores were compiled and overall values were assigned for each entry. These valuations were based on both qualitative
assessment as well as multi-level quantitative scoring in the universal program categories of strategy, implementation and results.

For the first time in 2003, awards were given in regional categories in EMEA, Asia-Pacific and Latin America. For more information
on the awards or to request a 2004 entry form, please visit or email

About Peppers & Rogers Group

Peppers & Rogers Group is a management consulting firm recognized as the world's leading authority on customer-based business
strategy. Founded in 1993 by Don Peppers and Martha Rogers, Ph.D., the firm is dedicated to helping companies compete and win
by identifying differences within their customer base, and using that insight to maximize the value of each and every customer rela-
tionship. Led by 1to1® Magazine, Peppers & Rogers Group's independent media division extends its thought leadership and client
experience to more than 250,000 readers every week, through a broad array of print, interactive and custom publications.

Peppers & Rogers Group is a Carlson Marketing Group company, with headquarters in Norwalk, Connecticut. The firm main-
tains a global client list that includes AT&T Wireless, Bayer Corporation, Bentley Systems, BMW of North America, LLC, Boise
Office Solutions, DuPont, Ford Motor Company, Hewlett-Packard, Jaguar Cars, Lincoln-Mercury, Lowe’s, Merial, Microsoft Busi-
ness Solutions, Roche, SAP, Scottish Power, Telesp, The United States Postal Service, Verizon, Visa International, Wolters Kluwer
and Wyeth Nutrition.

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