Judges: Two Points Emerge From This Year'S 1to1 Innovator Awards
Judges: Two Points Emerge From This Year'S 1to1 Innovator Awards
Judges: Two Points Emerge From This Year'S 1to1 Innovator Awards
In addition to Don Peppers and
Martha Rogers, Ph.D., the panel
of judges include accomplished
business leaders, adept in
customer-driven strategies.
Roy Barnes
Marriott Vacation Club International
John Deighton, Ph.D.
Harvard Business School
Prasanna Dhore
The Dreyfuss Corp.
Sheryl Kingstone
The Yankee Group
Gary Lemke
Chris McCann
Jack Mitchell
Mitchell’s of Westport
Brian Murphy
Peter Prock
Anita Rubino
Nielsen Media
Tim Ruder
Washington Post
Jan Suter INNOVATOR AWARDS. The first: Customer strategy has truly
Syngenta Agro S.A.S.
Ed Thompson gone global. This year’s winners come from Peru, Ireland, South Korea
the U.S and other countries. In fact, three awards were given to com-
Tom Trezise
DuPont panies for global and regional excellence. Three won for regional
Dennis Upton
Brother International work. The second point: Building the value of the customer base is
Roger Wakelin now a necessary part of growing a company. The winners represent
Merial Limited
Fred Wiersema ideas with impact. Look at the quotes that lead each page and you’ll
The Customer Strategy Group
see the basis for great thinking. The stories reflect that spirit. We call
John Yelland
Hewlett-Packard them the 1to1 Innovator Awards. But each is nothing without results.
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awards 2003
Cendant Mobility
Danbury, Conn.
c 2003 Carlson Marketing Group, Inc. All rights reserved. Peppers & Rogers Group is a Carlson Marketing Group Company. 1
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Fifth Third Bank
Cincinnati, Ohio
Oslo, Norway
c 2003 Carlson Marketing Group, Inc. All rights reserved. Peppers & Rogers Group is a Carlson Marketing Group Company. 2
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awards 2003
Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
c 2003 Carlson Marketing Group, Inc. All rights reserved. Peppers & Rogers Group is a Carlson Marketing Group Company. 3
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awards 2003
Woodcliff Lake, NJ
An unsettled marketplace gave this bank Deposit Event-Triggered Sales Lead Program, Scotia-
an opportunity to get closer to customers bank has since launched four additional event-trig-
c 2003 Carlson Marketing Group, Inc. All rights reserved. Peppers & Rogers Group is a Carlson Marketing Group Company. 4
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Telefonica del Peru is thinking up
Lima, Peru
new things.
t o a consumer, here’s what Telefonica del
Peru looked like: If you had an issue with
a combination of in-house and outsourced
technology was developed to clean the com- Innovation is
cable TV service you contacted its cable TV
division. Problems with cell phones or long
bined database. Then unique customer
codes were built leading to the segmentation doing new things.
distance service, took you to a separate Tele- of MVCs. Rewards and loyalty programs for
Theodore Levitt
fonica phone company. And if you wanted to those customers were developed, reaching
inquire about Internet service while signing across all the different Telefonica divisions.
up for a business phone account, the The program is based on two-way customer
employee wouldn’t have the information or communication. A customer contacts the
authority to get that done. company to complain or inquire about ser-
Telefonica market manager Javier Ramos vices. After a contact center agent gets the
Perez says in 1999 the company’s customer proper information, settles the issue with
relationships were “chaos.” Satisfaction rates the customer and takes advantage of sales
hovered at 55 percent. Top customers opportunities, the customer can also be effort that clearly defined the long-term plan
protested more about service than they enrolled in rewards programs, service dis- from a customer focused perspective,” said
praised it. That has changed. Thanks to a counts and newsletters. Innovators judge Tim Ruder, VP marketing
sweeping commitment to customer strategy, The centralized call center was launched for Washington Post/Newsweek Interactive.
Telefonica has reorganized itself around its with a specialized customer care division to “It had clear goals, clear metrics, clear execu-
Most Valuable Customers, and in the process assure a higher level of service. All Cliente tion—very well done.”
now presents an integrated telecommunica- Preferente employees were given special Telefonica is still building performance
tions service company. training with an emphasis on developing a indicators for each business unit. In 1999
The change has been accomplished one-to-one culture. only 51 percent of all customers felt that the
through a program called Cliente Preferente. “This was a strategically comprehensive Cliente Preferente program was worth partic-
Its main objectives were to reduce churn, ipating in. That has skyrocketed to 99.2 per-
improve cross-sell and up-sell opportunities, New strategy makes a murky cent this year. Overall customer satisfaction
and increase customer knowledge so that company clear to its best customers. (on a 0 to 10 scale) has jumped from seven in
MVC relationships could be developed. First 1999 to eight in 2003. ■
Vodafone Ireland Plc
Dublin, Ireland
c 2003 Carlson Marketing Group, Inc. All rights reserved. Peppers & Rogers Group is a Carlson Marketing Group Company. 5
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awards 2003
Waters Corp.
Milford, Mass.
c 2003 Carlson Marketing Group, Inc. All rights reserved. Peppers & Rogers Group is a Carlson Marketing Group Company. 6
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For the first time in 2003, awards were given in regional categories in EMEA, Asia-Pacific and Latin America. For more information
on the awards or to request a 2004 entry form, please visit www.1to1.com or email awards@1to1.com
Peppers & Rogers Group is a Carlson Marketing Group company, with headquarters in Norwalk, Connecticut. The firm main-
tains a global client list that includes AT&T Wireless, Bayer Corporation, Bentley Systems, BMW of North America, LLC, Boise
Office Solutions, DuPont, Ford Motor Company, Hewlett-Packard, Jaguar Cars, Lincoln-Mercury, Lowe’s, Merial, Microsoft Busi-
ness Solutions, Roche, SAP, Scottish Power, Telesp, The United States Postal Service, Verizon, Visa International, Wolters Kluwer
and Wyeth Nutrition.