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Software Quality Plan: A Review Report: August 2015

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Software Quality Plan: A Review Report

Technical Report · August 2015

DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.1.4718.1844


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2 authors:

Noel Carroll Ita Richardson

National University of Ireland, Galway University of Limerick


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Translational Research and Patient Safety in Europe

Software Quality Plan: A Review Report

Work Task leader: Ita Richardson.

Authors: Noel Carroll and Ita Richardson

Reviewers: Vasa Curcin and Nikolaos Mastellos

Version 2.0.

TRANSFoRm is partially funded by the European Commission - DG INFSO Under the

7th Framework Programme. (FP7 247787)
1. Purpose..................................................................................................................................... 2
2. Introduction ............................................................................................................................. 2
3. Overall Experience with the TRANSFoRm Project ............................................................ 2
4. Software Quality Plan............................................................................................................. 6
4.1 Managing Software Requirements ........................................................................................ 6
4.2 Requirements Management Process ................................................................................... 10
4.3 Software Architecture and Design Process ......................................................................... 15
4.4 Managing the Product Design and Coding Developments ................................................. 18
4.5 Product Integration Process ................................................................................................ 20
4.6 Managing Quality Assurance (Verification & Validation) ................................................. 22
4.7 Configuration Management Process ................................................................................... 23
5. Lessons Learned .................................................................................................................... 25
6. Conclusion ............................................................................................................................. 26
References .......................................................................................................................................... 27
Appendix A: Semi-structured Interviews ....................................................................................... 28
Appendix B: Summary of Checklist Feedback .............................................................................. 30

1. Purpose

The underlying concept of TRANSFoRm was to develop a ‘rapid learning healthcare system’ driven
by advanced computational infrastructure that would improve both patient safety and the conduct and
volume of clinical research in Europe. This report examines the various software quality processes
throughout the TRANSFoRm project and highlights how the Software Quality Plan supported the
success of the TRANSFoRm project. Building on Work Task 3.5 – Software Quality Assurance
Framework this report reviews the implementation of the TRANSFoRm Software Quality Plan. The
TRANSFoRm Software Quality Plan outlines the processes which should be undertaken so that when
software output from this project moves towards commercial exploitation, potential partners will
understand the level of quality currently built into the prototype which has been developed by this
project. This report also describes the subset of Software Process Quality Plan employed by various
partners in the TRANSFoRm project. Finally, it summarises the main findings from various partners
and their experience with implementing the Software Quality Plan.

The main objectives of undertaking this review is to learn how various practices are employed as part
of a Software Quality Plan, to identify key strategies which contributed towards software
improvement, and to report on the various ‘lessons learned’ throughout the software development
team’s experiences.

2. Introduction
Software engineers must have a specific goal to deploy software to address users’ requirement and
must achieve a certain level of quality to support its functionality. Therefore, software engineers are
responsible for quality requirements. The various processes associated with software quality are
normally incorporated in the software development process. Software quality is defined as “the degree
to which a system, system component, or process meets customer or user needs or expectations”
(Kalaimagal and Srinivasan, 2008). Quality encapsulates the totality of all the features and
characteristics associated with software which are designed to address a specific need. Therefore,
evaluating software quality requires “a systematic examination of the software capability to fulfil
specified quality requirements” (Dukic and Boegh, 2003). We employed Work Task 3.5 – Software
Quality Assurance Framework to provide a systematic evaluation approach. In doing so, we have
identified key quality processes and examine how software developers within the TRANSFoRM
project have incorporated the Software Quality Plan to successfully develop software products. We
carried out a number of interviews (see Appendix A) across three locations (UK, Ireland and Poland)
using a semi-structured interview technique. We also gathered key software development
documentation resources to examine how key elements of the quality plan were employed. Our results
indicate that the Software Quality Assurance Framework proved to be a core resource for the
TRANSFoRm project providing a common goal and vocabulary for all of the TRANSFoRm team to
focus on throughout the software development process. We examine this in further detail throughout
this report.

3. Overall Experience with the TRANSFoRm Project

This section provides a brief overview on the software developers’ overall experience with the
TRANSFoRm project (for more details see Section 4 – ‘Software Quality Plan’). The interviewees
(n=6) discussed the concept of ‘quality’ and their overall experiences throughout the project in
maintaining high levels of quality. Documents used throughout the TRANSFoRm project, for
example, Description of Work (DoW), deliverables, academic publications, presentations, meeting
minutes and software development packages were also gathered and analysed to support this research.
They highlighted the demand which quality assurance places on a team – often requiring skill to
adhere to the complexity of quality and support the numerous procedures around governance and
sharing developments between various organisations. They also discussed the challenges faced by a

team to achieve consistency across all of the project team and indicated the necessity to address such
challenges which were not unique to TRANSFoRm.
Overall, respondents felt that they successfully adopted the Software Quality Plan based on resources
and expertise available within their team. To adhere to their Software Quality Plan, the TRANSFoRm
team adopted the V-Model (Figure 1) and engaged in an agile-like/incremental software development
approach which enabled them to respond to various changes requirements. The general consensus
within the TRANSFoRm team was that they had adopted an agile philosophy (yet not necessarily
following the structured agile process or guidance), thus affording the team greater control over
quality through various phases. An agile methodology may have been adopted internally as part of
individual team structures but was not explored as part of this review.

Figure 1 V-Model of TRANSFoRm Software Testing

Some members of the TRANSFoRm team reported that they were not involved in the project at its
very conception which caused some challenges in developing a thorough understanding on the scope
of the project and its goals. However, through the formation of new collaborative relationships
between all partners, this challenge was addressed. It was also reported that staff retention presented
possible issues for software quality. To overcome this issue, the TRANSFoRm team implemented an
effective software documentation strategy which supported newly recruited staff by providing the
documentation as an instructional and informative resource. For example, the TRANSFoRm team
provides some examples of the various documentation outputs included:
Design documentation: technical design documentation which was created at various stages
of software development. Initial requirements analysis was performed with particular
emphasis given to input received from other TRANSFoRm development teams whose tools
will integrate with the distributed infrastructure developed. Documents produced are human
readable documents targeted at end users to enable collaborative design decisions.
Software documentation: constructed throughout development in the form of comments and
standardised comment blocks within the source code. In typical development scenarios, a
JavaDoc style system of annotation is used for code. Inline comments are used to explain
algorithms and other complex code blocks. All source code is annotated with the author,

name of the code block (class or otherwise), description of the functionality of the code and
all input/output fields.
Installation guides: created to facilitate other TRANSFoRm development teams to use the
software components. These human readable documents provide detailed step by step
description for installation and integration of software in local environments.
To do lists: used until release and any requested updates to be completed.

The development teams were based across a wide geographically distributed environment, for
example, University of Birmingham (UB), University of Warwick (UW), Royal College of Surgeons
in Ireland (RCSI), University of Dundee, NIVEL, Error! Bookmark not defined.Trinity College
Dublin (TCD), Imperial College London (ICL), King’s College London (KCL) and Wroclaw
University of Technology (WRUT). Because of the large number of partners (user groups and
developers) involved in TRANSFoRm (22 partners in total), it was reported that some of the team
found it challenging to learn about new members and learn how to work across a distributed
environment. The team comprised of the following partners:
1. King’s College London (UK)
2. University of Birmingham UK)
3. Trinity College Dublin (IE)
4. Imperial College London (UK)
5. Heinrich Heine University Dusseldorf (DE)
6. University of Dundee (UK)
7. Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland (IE)
8. St George’s - University of London (UK)
9. Mediterranean Institute of Primary Care (MT)
10. NIVEL (NL)
11. University of Limerick (IE)
12. University of Antwerp (BE)
13. Karolinska Institute (SE)
14. University of Crete (EL)
15. GPRD (UK)
16. Quintiles (UK)
18. University of Warwick (UK)
19. Wroclaw University of Technology (PL)
20. CSIOZ (PL)
21. Custodix (BE)

Therefore, team work was a critical success factor in TRANSFoRm and this is evident throughout the
software development lifecycle. The Project Management (Figure 2) played a key role in ensuring the
development, planning and management of TRANSFoRm is achieved successfully.

Figure 2 Overview of TRANSFoRm Project Management Structure

Based on collaborative efforts, mock-ups were also produced to define components and interfaces
with other software tools. These enabled discussion regarding the integration of separate software
components. Discussion of these mock-ups allowed the Task Teams to develop collaborative
relationships and share expertise for further refinement of requirements. Such efforts were an essential
part of the software specification design. Feedback from the TRANSFoRm partners would suggest
that through the adoption of an agile methodology, whereby change requests from new feature
requests and requirements were implemented in short timeframes; Task Teams were encouraged to
engage in software design and development as a more cohesive team – further ensuring the success of
the TRANSFoRm project (see work packages overview Figure 3).

Work Packages:
WP1 Research Use Cases
WP2 Decision Support Use Cases
WP3 Technical Frameworks, Policies and
WP4 Decision rules and evidence
WP5 Interface: User and Software
WP6 Models: Core ICT Concepts for
System and Data Integration
WP7 Core Tools and Services for
WP8 Demonstration and Exploitation
WP9 Dissemination and Exploitation
WP10 Management Activities

Figure 3 Overview of TRANSFoRm Work Packages

Considering the unique aims and exploratory nature of TRANSFoRm, the Task Teams indicated that
the goals of the project were described as challenging. Adding to the challenges was a sense that the
main objective of TRANSFoRm had to be a little flexible as research by other partners progressed.
Furthermore, there were some modifications to the project following European Union reviews. This is
expected within any research project, but makes it more difficult for the development teams to
develop project requirements. The distributed infrastructure was described as the product of an
original ‘wish list’ which was sent out to all partners. Due to the novelty of TRANSFoRm, it was
difficult to clearly identify what the requirements ought to be. The Software Quality Plan provided
some structure on guiding and documenting the decision-making process to manage the requirements.
This supported the wider team in identifying what was deemed necessary and sufficient for the project
functionality. This was achieved by presenting a vision for TRANSFoRm between management and
development teams which encouraged greater participation in refining the requirements. In addition,
the prototype development phase of the project became a core element of the project, supporting the
building of collaborative relationships and enabling research to evolve between partners interactions.
In addition, within the Software Quality Plan, the management of expectations was also a key process
towards the success of TRANSFoRm building knowledge. This also supported the development of a
rapid learning healthcare system driven by an advanced computational infrastructure.

4. Software Quality Plan
Building on the TRANSFoRm Software Quality Plan (Work Task WT 3.5 – Software Quality
Assurance Framework), this report examines how the plan supported the TRANSFoRm software
developers to build in a level of quality into their tools. The various stages of the plan were devised
based on published software processes and Medical Device Regulations. We revisit this Software
Quality Plan with the aim of reviewing how it was implemented, how it contributed towards the
success of the TRANSFoRm project and whether there are any valuable ‘lessons learned’ from the
software development team who implemented this plan. Specifically, we interviewed the development
teams located in the UK, Ireland and Poland which constitute as key members of the distributed
project team. Within this report, these teams are presented under the umbrella of the TRANSFoRm
development team. In addition, we surveyed the TRANSFoRm Work Task team using the Software
Quality Plan (see feedback in Appendix B) to examine how they implemented the plan to successfully
meet the projects aim and objectives.

4.1 Managing Software Requirements

The Requirements Development stage presented the TRANSFoRm team with an opportunity to elicit,
develop and analyse customer, product and product component requirements. This allowed them to
understand and document customers’ needs, expectations and constraints and examine how this would
influence the project deliverables and overall product.

The TRANSFoRm Work Task team firstly determined appropriate methods to elicit requirements
which best suited their situations, concerns and abilities (as partners). These methods ranged from
structured interviews, surveys, use case studies, face-to-face meetings or online exchanges, e.g. email
and WebEx. The nature of the TRANSFoRM project was considered to be dynamic which contributed
towards the change in software requirements as the research project evolved. This also presented
challenges for the team from time-to-time when they had to keep up with the pace of change. To
minimise any potential issues surfacing as a result of the pace of change, the team adopted a test-
driven design to managing software requirements. Our findings suggest that although all partners
were not involved in the requirements gathering and management, (some partners joined when the
project was more mature), based on individual experience and competencies, they still had some
influence on altering them. Being involved in various tasks and sub-tasks ranging from, for example,
mobile, web application, and decision-support developments enables the TRANSFoRm Work Task
team to contribute to predefined requirements which had been set out in the DoW. Collaboration with
other team members and partners was pivotal to satisfy all requirements. Yet, this was a lengthy
process to develop a holistic understanding of the projects and how various components fit together to
provide a “complete jigsaw using all of the pieces”.

The TRANSFoRm Work Task team felt that the requirements development process was the most
challenging part of the overall project. There were a number of factors which contributed to this, for
example, new exploratory research area, communication between partners at the start of the project,
rapid changes at the beginning of the project due to the dynamic nature of the requirements
development, and presenting requirements at face-to-face meetings making changes slow to address.
In addition, this required some iteration of the requirements management process. The DoW
supported the management of software requirements and provided a ‘requirements commitment
strategy’. This also sustained relationships through email and also added a valuable link for
traceability purposes (i.e. tracking changes). The TRANSFoRm Work Task team explained that there
was a need to agree on requirements and agree on updates or changes on a weekly basis through face-
to-face meetings using various documentation (for example, meeting minutes) to monitor changes. If
a change in requirements was being considered, the TRANSFoRm Work Task team were involved in
assessing the impact this would have on the entire project.

Obtaining information from stakeholders about their various needs and expectations, while
understanding product constraints and interfaces to develop requirements for the product, was a key

process which shaped the overall TRANSFoRm project. As the interviewees reported, requirements
was not a static process but rather dynamic and evolved with the development of the research and
changing needs of the stakeholders. Members of the TRANSFoRm Work Task team explained that
this was largely due to the range of different expertise and sometimes the differences in the
conceptualisation of the project requirements. This would sometimes give rise to conflicts in opinion.
Conflicts were typically resolved via face-to-face meetings and through email exchanges to address
any inconsistencies. Requirements were managed and inconsistencies addressed using some of the
following processes:
Managing all changes to the requirements;
Maintaining the relationships among the requirements, the project plans, and the work
Identifying inconsistencies among the requirements, the project plans, and the work products;
Taking corrective action.

Our findings also indicate that product and product component requirements were generated from the
customer requirements and the local Principal Investigator’s (PIs) experience/expertise. The various
discussions regarding new and/or changed requirements required that the technical team were
ultimately able to translate design and functionality requirements into software products. Additional
requirements and constraints were also obtained from medical and health standards and legal
requirements. The process of functional analysis allowed the Task Teams to define the required
functionality with various actions, sequences of events, different inputs, outputs, actors and other
information associated with the functional architecture.

The team reported that they were involved in requirements through a research-based approach, i.e.
discovering what the requirements ought to be. They developed a study on the data collection system
to examine methods (i.e. software requirements). This enabled them to capture data directly from the
source while adopting industry standards to do so (e.g. CDISC1). Managing the software requirements
were also influenced by the PI’s who provided key requirements information from a clinical
perspective. The software developers collaborated with the clinical experts to establish the projects
requirements. Our findings suggest that there may have been some mismatch on the clinical
expectations and their requirements against the nature of technical changes and the resources available
to realise and implement complex and large technical developments. One core issue which surfaced
from our findings is that clinical expectations often lacked insight on how technical standards would
influence requirements and ultimately impact on the scope of the project. Thus, while the
interdisciplinary nature of TRANSFoRm did add to the richness of the outcomes, it also introduced a
complexity in finding a balance between clinical needs and technical capabilities. As this
demonstrates, to successfully manage software requirements at this complex level, significant efforts
across the TRANSFoRm Work Task team were required. Across the research Task Team, when
requirements were agreed upon, it was considered that there would be an immediate commitment to
the development of the requirements, which was difficult for the Work Task team.

The Work Task Team aligned efforts with medical and healthcare industry practice (e.g. FDA, 20022)
which states that “success in accurately and completely documenting software requirements is a
crucial factor in successful validation of the resulting software”. The requirements formed the basis
on which the system was designed and coded. The process of verification and validation (discussed
later in this report) was assessed against the requirements and needs of the customer. A key focus of
the requirements included the need for accuracy, currency and traceability throughout the
development lifecycle. Many of the TRANSFoRm Work Task team members reported that they
employed a simple agile development philosophy with a standard structured release and deployment
workflow. Software was developed as part of an iterative process. New features were prototyped
during an evolving process independently of core software products. This process used a typical
Development - Staging - Production workflow for all software and hosting of services. Separate

machines (not networked) were used by each developer, with integration between developers taking
place at the staging level using source repository frameworks such as Subversion 3. Traceability was
achieved through the list of requirements and various email records exchanged between the team.
However, they would have benefited from a formal direct link between developers in distributed
locations i.e. a formal tracking system.

The integration process presented many challenges. One of the TRANSFoRm Work Task team
members explains that “in theory, the integration process works well in practice but it did present
some challenges such as compatibility”. In addition, collaborating with various stakeholders presented
challenges, for example, clinical investigations which were “long on-going processes as the project
matured”. However, this was necessary to achieve a high standard of quality. The TRANSFoRm
project was very exploratory in nature which sometimes contributed to the challenges in decision-
making and longer time periods to reach specific decisions. To overcome these challenges, the
categorisation of requirements was not always completed by the Work Task team until decisions were
fully agreed on.

In TRANSFoRm, requirements changes took place throughout the lifetime of the project (due to
changes in circumstances or needs, changes in technology available, changes in priorities, etc.).
Changes were justified and documented across the software lifecycle (which provided greater
traceability of change sources throughout the project). Conflict resolution was not a major concern for
TRANSFoRm but rather some discussion on ‘difference of opinion’ which was always welcome for a
project of this scale and complexity. Conflicts were viewed as an approach to refine to quality of
TRANSFoRm and invite constructive criticism to enhance the research outcomes. It challenged
various pre-conceptions held by the research team on specific clinical and technical developments. It
was important, however, to determine whether the differences stemmed from 1) different conceptual
understandings or b) the lack of available resources to realise certain software requirements (for
example, technical resources, funding, or expertise). It was suggested that there may have been an
imbalance in power since industry owned the data sources which presented some initial challenges.
These were overcome through increased access and demo applications for TRANSFoRM research

The various customer requirements include the needs and expectations of the stakeholders, but also an
elicitation of what is required and acceptable. These requirements included technical, business and
clinical needs of the various stakeholders. Our findings suggest that it was important to manage some
technical expectations. To do so, this required face-to-face meetings with stakeholders to explain the
complexities around meeting clinical expectations and the technical difficulties which some
requirements had presented. For example, it was important to manage expectations on security of the
library, technical infrastructure and clinical requirements and to find a balance between all
stakeholders’ necessities. The balance of requirements would hinge on expertise (e.g. web service
developers and knowledge in the domain) and time (balancing requirements and their changes over
time). Other factors also influenced expectations, for example, regulations (e.g. privacy of patient
data) and resources available to the TRANSFoRm Work Task team.

Maintaining consistency in software requirements in TRANSFoRM was considered to be a difficult

task since the requirements were described as ‘dynamic’ catering for numerous stakeholders’
requirements and/or expectations which changed throughout the project. Consistency was achieved
through numerous meetings and discussions which were controlled by the integration manager of the
project who also managed stakeholder expectations. Again, this highlights the level of cohesiveness
within the TRANSFoRm Work Task team to foster collaborative relationships and ultimately
achieving consistency of requirements.

Through various collaborative relationships, the requirements criteria were guided by the use of
various techniques, for example, using UML in Year 1 to develop many use cases and test


requirements through various scenarios. Within the project strategy, a key phase included the
establishment of operational concepts and scenarios. The operational concepts and scenarios detailed
the interaction of the product components through using various use cases or user stories and
regardless of engineering discipline. The TRANSFoRm Work Task team explained that operational
concepts were supported through the use of various scenarios to examine flows into the middleware.
This was often influenced by the DoW and provided a central focus for discussions around the
development of scenarios. To build the scenarios, the team initially developed simplistic overviews,
for example, using PowerPoint, and then progressed the discussion to more technical specifications
the use of sequence diagrams.

Figure 4 Snippet Sample of a Model used to Define Requirements

An agreement on the use of requirements criteria allowed the TRANSFoRm Work Task team to
follow a specific model, for example; clinical-based information models using UML (see Figure 4).
Such models supported the analysis to give meaning to certain software requirements and illustrated
how they fitted into the UML model. Various issues that arose from discussions could be traced back
to the UML to support the outcome from disagreements.

Managing requirements’ change required a general process which categorised the change into ‘minor’
and ‘major’. A minor change was considered easy to implement such as a change in the API. A major
change was considered a more complex task such as adding a new feature. Major changes often
required the involvement of senior stakeholders, for example, key clinical stakeholders. To minimise
this from occurring, the team would engage in a task-driven approach which were directly linked to
specific scenarios or cases. Some of the TRANSFoRm Work Task team members suggested that there
were no major changes implemented in the project although minor changes were significant enough to
enhance the quality of the project’s outcomes. Therefore, traceability of software requirements proved
to be an important process. ‘Major’ requirements have greater traceability but may not have had a
formal process. For example, the use of email served as a key tool to search communication history on
various discussion exchanges. The TRANSFoRm Work Task team explains that “it is important to
have a record and be careful of changes in the project….after all it was a five year project!”
However, some inconsistencies of work and requirements did occur but to minimise this, the
TRANSFoRm Work Task team followed the DoW which indicated changes in ‘individual’ tasks. If
there were some deviations from tasks within the DoW but there was justification that the changes
would improve the overall output of the project, the DoW was updated accordingly. While the DoW

was considered a key source for requirements, it was equally important to be aware of how other
requirements were linked to specific work tasks. Understanding the scope of other linked
requirements was time-consuming, for example, to determine the interface or a product and how it
could impact on other requirements (i.e. defining inputs and outputs). Additional constraints on
project requirements stemmed from the use of various standards. Overall, the project reflected the
dynamic reality of software development lifecycle. How requirements change was considered an
evolutionary reflection of a dynamic and exploratory research project. The requirements were
described as “a natural fit” between the project and current practice which already existed across the
IT community.

Some of the key implications from this phase of the Software Quality Plan in TRANSFoRm which
should be considered for future projects include:
Providing clarity on customers’ needs, expectations and constraints can influence the project
It is important to accommodate for change within a dynamic project and establish strategies to
support a team to embrace change rather than resist it;
As part of the requirements management activities, a collaborative protocol should be
established to encourage team members to exchange information and ideas on the project;
To ensure that all team members are provided with a holistic understanding of the project,
expectations and how various deliverables are integrated to meet the project’s objectives;
Establishing a management software requirements decision-support tool can support to
alleviate decision-making tasks on a distributed team throughout the project lifecycle;
Developing a requirements change and monitoring protocol can be a significant support for
auditing tasks throughout the lifecycle of the project;
Industry standards (for example, medical device and healthcare) play a very influential role in
shaping the ‘end product’ to ensure quality and compliance is adhered to;
A clear management structure can also provide greater transparency on how to resolve
conflicts relating to distributed project developments and changes;
Establishing operational concepts and scenarios provides greater clarity on requirements,
workflow and expectations for a distributed project team;
Introducing a shared records management collaboration system for distributed projects can
prove to be a valuable tool for projects developing over a number of years.

4.2 Requirements Management Process

Our findings suggest that requirements did change and were altered in response to the users’ needs
and as the project evolved based on partners experience and competencies as would be expected
within a research project of this scale. Therefore, the Requirements Management process identified in
the Software Quality Plan became a key phase of the development cycle for TRANSFoRm. It enabled
the TRANSFoRm Work Task team to manage the requirements of the project’s products and product
components. It also afforded the team an opportunity to identify inconsistencies between those
requirements and the project’s plans and work products. The product requirements were influenced by
the clinical overview specification provided at the initial stage of TRANSFoRm. This was achieved
using numerous tools, for example a Wiki (Figure 5) which enabled various groups to undertake
specific software components of the product development for the project.

Figure 5 TRANSFoRm Wiki Tool

Our findings suggest that, as the project developments evolved, some team members gained more
responsibilities for implementing requirements as they became more experienced in the project. This
also added increased workloads and pressures to implement new requirements to develop software
components which were prioritised. This was particularly challenging for the software developers to
implement clinical requirements because clinical changes could be introduced without any thorough
consideration being given to the long-term impact on the project development and how they may
influence other technical requirements. Therefore, flexibility was a necessity throughout the projects
development lifecycle. To allocate various components requirements, Query Workbench was used to
develop specific software components. The query results were returned and enabled the
TRANSFoRm Work Task team to focus on finding data sources from a library which integrated with
services and were sent to the middleware. The software components were typically defined through
face-to-face meetings which offered the most practical and efficient method to discuss various
opportunities for the development process. Particular focus was placed on identifying the different
interface requirements between the different functions/objects/product components and this played a
key role in the requirements management process. As part of this process, the interface requirements
were developed and were typically provided by the associated PIs. The TRANSFoRm Work Task
team used various mock-up techniques and tools which presented and demonstrated various interface
design options. For example, some of the TRANSFoRm Work Task team demonstrated how they
used Balsamiq (for example, see D.5.3 – Query Formulation Workbench). Mock-ups were produced
on completion of the requirements analysis, shared across the Work Task team and were used as a
starting point for development of user interfaces and software workflows (Figure 7). Balsamiq
allowed the team to build simple diagrams of future software interfaces in a format suitable for end
users. As well as enabling design decisions for refining user interface requirements, mock-ups are
used to enable discussion of integration of separate software components. In this case non-UI
diagrams such as block diagrams are used to describe any required interactions. This also allowed
various team members to comment on the user interface and discuss interface options with project
team members.

Some members of the TRANSFoRm Work Task team explained that the interface requirements
played an important role to develop an understanding of the end-user and the factors which influenced
usability, for example, colours, fonts, patterns and questions. The interface also had to meet specific
output requirements which influenced the input requirements. In some cases there was a lack of clear
guidance or structure on specific requirements (see Figure 6). In such cases, while it may be presumed
that this presents developers with a certain level of freedom to create novel software components,
specific IT standards had to be adhered to and components had to integrate with other tasks.

Figure 6 Sample of Requirements Brief

Figure 7 Use of Balsamiq to Develop Visual Mock Ups

The interface requirements were largely considered to be an iterative process since it was often based
on what the middleware required and thus components needed to be decoupled. For example, Camel4
workflow and Workbench5 provided an interface between various components. However,
requirements changed over the lifetime of the project as needs evolved and conflicts were resolved but
this was largely considered to be an ‘organic’ development considering the exploratory nature of the


research. Senior project partners played a key role in shaping the requirements and changes which
occurred throughout. However, the conceptual architecture (Figure 8) broadly remained the same
which provided a good overarching idea of what components would be required to fit into the overall
architecture. This also influenced the interface and data gathering developments within the project.

Figure 8 TRANSFoRm Conceptual Architecture

As part of the requirements management process, it was important to analyse requirements for a
design perspective to ensure that specific requirements were necessary, sufficient and achievable.
Progress milestones were met to track the progress of software development plan and discussed at
various meetings throughout the project. Management of requirements allowed the TRANSFoRm
team to quickly identify risks to the project allowing them to plan ahead and mitigate risks to the

The TRANSFoRm Work Task team explained the importance in achieving a balance between
functionality required by the stakeholder, identifying what is absolutely necessary and exploring
whether specific changes could have been addressed within a timeframe, within a specific cost
structure and address performance constraints which were put in place. Therefore, requirements which
were considered unnecessary were recorded but not included in the technical solution. To achieve a
consistent high level of quality within TRANSFoRm, the validation of requirements (further
discussed in Section 4.6) would typically occur through a collaboration process with other team
members to learn through various workflows, prototypes and tried and tested methods of “what works
and what needs to change”. The validation process occurred at various levels using different plans to
enhance the quality of the software output. Each software component used a validation and testing
approach to simulate/test the software solutions. For example, some of the TRANSFoRm Work Task
team used Smart Bear® SOAP UI for local validation. The Test Centre Integration was also used to
assess the overall workflow (end-to-end). Validation was supported though a basic high-level
understanding of the project which also guided the requirements management process. The basic ideas
of the project did not change, i.e. the general use-cases were stable throughout the project lifecycle but
some details were changed without any formal documentation, but this was discussed over meetings
(e.g. WebEx).

At the development level, virtual machines or other development architectures were used by
individuals to produce early versions and prototypes of software. At this stage, all developers on the
team focused on their individual codebase, allowing team members to make changes without
impacting the staging or production versions of their output on the entire project. During the
allocation of product component requirements, requirements were outlined and individual product
components were created by various team members. Simple prototypes were developed based on the
interpretation of requirements and then tested, negotiated and possibly extended with other teams.
Many of the components which were selected were considered to be a natural fit for the middleware
used in TRANSFoRm. Key software tools used during development included, among others:
Maven as the project management tool;
Eclipse, or other similar integrated Java development environment;

Apache Camel was used as routing infrastructure;
Subversion server software such as VisualSVN was used for collaborative software
development. Client programs such as TortoiseSVN were used by all developers;
Office software, such as Microsoft Office, were used when writing end user documentation;
VirtualBox, VMware or other virtualisation platforms.

The TRANSFoRm Work Task team used real systems to test the various products and used test
results to examine how components aligned with requirements. The closer the project got to the end-
user the more emphasis was placed on the testing process and the more expensive the testing process

Managing responsibilities that directly linked team members to specific requirements was a resource-
dependent task. It required prioritisation of tasks within a team management structure although it was
difficult to determine the availability of developers in the distributed setting. This presented some
challenges to align work schedules with other requirements development. However, the DoW did
present some support though the use of the Gantt chart to prioritise tasks (for example, see Figure 9).
It was suggested that greater transparency on workload and project management tasks would have
been beneficial here to identify how to delegate responsibilities. To support the management of the
requirements, operational concepts became an important factor, especially for some partners who had
used all the TRANSFoRm components and connected remotely via servers. The TRANSFoRm Work
Task team highlighted the need for better documentation to detail how the connection of components
between partners was achieved. The key factor was to determine the success of the product’s
functionality. Functionality was based on a high-level use and understanding of the various cases.
This was achieved using the mock-ups to develop well-defined interfaces. This was considered to be
an individual task using individual testing methods which operated successfully internally, rather than
a wider TRANSFoRm Work Task team process.

Figure 9 Example of Gantt chart used to prioritise tasks

Determining whether requirements were necessary and sufficient was a challenge. The DoW played
an important role since it provided the scope of the project development. This guided the
TRANSFoRm Work Task team to examine whether specific requirements fell within the scope and
offered them a tangible approach to managing requirements. If requirements added some form of
functionality, this would typically indicate that changes were more acceptable. It was suggested that
some of the TRANSFoRm Work Task team may not have tested ideas and strong personalities may
have hampered some ideation of requirements changes, i.e. preferring a risk-adverse approach to the
project development. However, change of requirements was considered inevitable and the timeframe
and budget was flexed by the various users and stakeholders having new ideas as research progressed.
The TRANSFoRm Work Task team had to demonstrate whether the solution already existed and they
were required to justify minor/major changes in the project’s DoW.

Some of the key lessons learned about this phase of the Software Quality Plan in TRANSFoRm for
future projects include:
As part of the project management process, changes in requirements should be factored into
the project plan and specific management protocol needs to be established to cater for
Adopting collaborative tools, for example Wikis, within a distributed team environment
provides greater cohesion between team members and presents greater visibility on work
It is important to manage the level of responsibility and pressure placed upon individual team
members to achieve certain work task objectives. Fostering an open and honest working
environment can enhance the overall team moral and encourages more transparency on
workloads across team members;
Within a distributed team environment, face-to-face meetings offer a more practical and
efficient method to discuss various opportunities for the software development process;
Using diagram tools to develop mock-ups of software components provides a very effective
communication and presentation technique to demonstrate how specific requirements can be
Developing a conceptual architecture offers a team a core focus and provides an overarching
overview of a project and the various factors which influence how deliverables are achieved;
Prioritising testing events in the management plan is important. For example, the closer the
project gets to the end-user the more emphasis should be placed and the testing process and
the more expensive testing process becomes;
Linking responsibilities to team members (based on staffing resources, time, and expertise)
needs to be made visible for all team members to understand who is linked to specific
deliverables of a distributed project;
Project management tools, such as Gantt charts, offer greater visibility of the overall project
developments and expectations amongst team members.

4.3 Software Architecture and Design Process

The Software Architecture and Design Process were concerned with the implementation of the
requirements into software. Individual TRANSFoRm Work Task teams managed the architecture and
design for the software they were developing but collaborated towards achieving the TRANSFoRm
project goals. The software architecture was typically tested using a choice of web services. The
testing process was often guided by industry trends whereby particular frameworks were chosen based
on the availability of documentation and tool support for the TRANSFoRm Work Task team. The
team also documented product component solutions which had recorded how a solution was
discussed, developed and implemented. This would also indicate how capabilities of the team were
aligned with the requirements whereby decisions were considered to be ‘obvious’, driven by the
team’s competence and the market’s technological offerings. In addition, as part of the development

and design tasks, various requirements and standards (e.g. HTML5) would have influenced the key
tasks. For example, in the various mobile developments, IOS apps differ from standards available
some years ago and new standards would have influenced how the interfaces or security constraints
were developed.

The TRANSFoRm Work Task team also described how the technical solution was an essential part of
implementation of the requirements into software. The high-level architecture of the product was
designed in the project scope while lower-level components of the design were aligned with specific
software requirements using, for example, UML diagrams, class diagrams, interaction diagrams,
design patterns chosen for implementation (see Figure 10).

Figure 10 Typical Workflow for Running a Query

The presentation layer provides an Ajax web client implemented using JQuery (Figure 11). The
Ajax application was delivered to clients browsers and supported by the Spring MVC framework. The
Ajax client included a vocabulary search interface for users to quickly search the TRANSFoRm
integrated vocabulary service. In order to reduce network latency and improve throughput, the Ajax
client was designed to connect directly to the vocabulary service through its RESTful interface. The
design was recorded in a ‘technical data package’ that was used to document the architecture
definition and provide the development team with a comprehensive description of the product. The
technical data package was developed using a Java prototype (RESTful technology) since the
infrastructure needed to be a synchronous solution and there was experience within the team using
this technology.

Figure 11 Layered Application Architecture

As part of the software architecture and design process, alternative solutions often emerged and
options were often influenced by the availability of funding vs. cost, option of scalability, security and
installation of local software components. Alternative solutions were considered and were categorised
into high-level and low-level alternatives. High-level alternatives were overarching solutions which
were considered but had no major change on the overall project. Low-level alternatives had a direct
impact on the functionality of the project development and required some investigation and alignment
with expertise. Alternative solutions were driven by meetings on various components. A history of the
meetings was documented through the use of PowerPoint and documentation on different solutions.
The decision of “Make or Buy?” was briefly considered during the design stages but considering the
exploratory nature of TRANSFoRm, there was a lack of suitable software vendors with ready-to-use
products to address the unique requirements of the project. The selection of the various software
components were typically defined by the DoW. The component solutions were evaluated using
various criteria such as key requirements, design issues and the availability of commercial off-the-
shelf (COTS) solutions. Through the assessment of architectural features and solutions, COTS
solutions were evaluated on whether they were ‘fit for purpose’. The selection criteria to evaluate
alternative solutions examined factors, such as:
Cost of development;
Time required to develop;
Complexity of the solution;
Ability to grow the solution;
Technology limitations;
Robustness in terms of privacy, security and other quality concerns;
Risk involved;
Dependence on 3rd party COTS solutions.

Depending on the time in the TRANSFoRm project when specific team members joined, they would
have to typically comply with existing use of technologies and in some case lacked freedom to inject

new, e.g. specific open source tools and technologies, into the development process. There was an
effort to use open source in order to encourage the reuse of these developments at both an EU and
international community into the future. The TRANSFoRm Work Task team were conscious that they
must assess the market for emerging technologies to ensure, where possible, that their technical
development would be still ‘relevant’ into the future. It was also considered a positive by various
reviewers that by minimising the number of operating systems, this would support the interoperability
of the software products throughout the project lifecycle. Throughout the project, the design process
influenced the technical implementation and provided a baseline for other activities, such as
maintenance, procurement, modification and installation. A baseline defined a set of work products,
components and specifications, which have were formally reviewed and agreed on for all future
development and delivery within the TRANSFoRm project.

Some of the key implications from this phase of the Software Quality Plan in TRANSFoRm which
should be considered for future projects include:
Offering team members a choice of testing tools can enhance the overall reliability of the
architecture and design process;
Adopting current industry standards and frameworks can support the documentation and
guidance of architecture and design processes;
Examining how team capabilities can be aligned with the project’s requirements can mitigate
the risk of failures within a project, thus requiring effective human resource management
Identifying diagrammatic techniques to present conceptual requirements into technical
solutions is a critical support to a distributed software development team;
As part of the overall project learning process, it is important to be open to new or unexpected
solutions using various categories of impact (for example, high, medium, low);
Assessing commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) solutions should be considered as a means to
survey existing solutions and best practice and considering how project resources may be best

4.4 Managing the Product Design and Coding Developments

The core purpose of coding was to enable the TRANSFoRm Work Task team to implement the
identified requirements. As outlined above, these requirements were architected at a high level and
designed at a lower level by the TRANSFoRm team. When the code was implemented, the team
reflected and discussed the overall design whereby individual work task teams managed the software
development for their work task.

The product design followed various software engineering industry standards and internal procedures
of other good practice (based on previous or on-going projects within the team). As part of the
management process, coding was aligned with the product design. Managing the design and coding
developments allowed the team to reuse the expertise and technologies. Good practice included the
SPREE6 Framework (an open source e-commerce solution based on Ruby on Rails) was used to
manage the product design and coding developments. The product component design comprised of
two iterative key stages: preliminary (high-level based on functional and performance requirements)
and the detailed design (defined developments such as coding algorithms). The TRANSFoRm Work
Task team indicate that developments and coding of various components would have been achieved
using prototypes, for example, web services to fulfil end-user needs. The prototype would be used to
determine that its functionality met specific requirements based on rigorous peer-review processes.
Therefore, in some cases, for specific elements of the code, peer-reviewing was prioritised over other
elements. Coding was also tested by external competencies, interoperability capabilities and on the
outcomes of other systems. One example of availing of external competencies included the use of


hackathons. The hackathons were events set up by the TRANSFoRm team to invite technical people
from outside the TRANSFoRm community to apply their computing skills to test the overall
reliability and security of the TRANSFoRm components and system.

Our findings indicate that an over emphasis on technical detail could ‘clutter’ one’s view of the
overall goal of the project, i.e. losing sight of the high-level objective. Teamwork between the
TRANSFoRm Work Task team proved to be critical throughout this phase. The product design and
development underwent numerous peer-review and unit testing processes internally within individual
partner teams. The peer-review process often enhanced the overall quality, particularly where crucial
developments were required to support the advancement of the overall project. In addition, setting up
a robust testing environment consumed some time especially as the team needed to run a SVN on one
machine for testing purposes. The technical lead designed the basic architecture using diagrams to
linked components and this demonstrated how various elements fit to the overall architecture. The
TRANSFoRm Work Task teams at different locations used different systems which had to be
connected to a central architecture to complete the project. Face-to-face meetings every couple of
months were critical to provide a high-level abstraction of coding development. In addition, weekly
teleconferences provided an important collaborative support link between the development teams to
discuss issues and overall progress within the project. Key people, such as the PI’s and senior
researchers within the TRANSFoRm team provided an interdisciplinary ‘bridge’ between clinical and
technical team members which proved to be crucial as a mediator and resolving conflicts on critical
feature developments.

The design experience i.e. the user interface (UI) was not a process about which all the development
team had experience. However, the TRANSFoRm Work Task team borrowed best practice design
principles from other similar projects. Firstly, they evaluated similar projects (including functionality)
which are available in the public domain and identified what could be implemented in the
TRANSFoRm project, e.g. UI best practice. When the TRANSFoRm team explored various new
functionalities, the question of “Make or Buy?” did surface from time-to-time. However, because of
the novelty and exploratory nature of the TRANSFoRm project, software functionality which was not
available on the market was required. However, it may have been possible to buy smaller components
of the overall program. For example, consider the complexity of the Clinical Data Management
System (CDMS). Such systems are available but there are many issues associated with acquiring a
licence for such software that would prevent the “buying” decision from going ahead. Therefore, the
option of buying software components was not considered a real option for the project’s development.

Reviewing of code largely depended on the availability of resources. Resources also dictated how
each team member was responsible for each component of the overall product. Documentation of the
software quality was generated at various levels. For example, the various deliverables offered high-
level explanations of the design and development. The team also developed a WiKi, a user manual
and various publications to discuss and disseminate the more technical aspects of the software
development. This supported the management of product design and code. For example, installation
was a key part of the project and the migration of services was largely supported using the available
installation documents. Many of the deliverables also served to document and support installation,
configuration and maintenance tasks (for example, D5.5 and D7.3). The documentation was kept up-
to-date to reflect changes which were made in the requirements, design, software interface and
functionality. In addition, when the design was established, the product or component implementation
was a key process which included unit testing and peer-reviews were held prior to product integration
and documentation. Various refinements and verifications were made to enhance the overall quality of
the product. This supported both the learning process amongst the TRANSFoRm Work Task team and
the overall success of the TRANSFoRm project.

Some of the key implications from this phase of the Software Quality Plan in TRANSFoRm which
should be considered for future projects include:
Adopting industry standards ensures that a team follows best practice throughout the project
Product component design can comprise of two iterative key stages: preliminary (high-level
based on functional and performance requirements) and the detailed design (defined
developments such as coding algorithms);
Peer-reviewing is a key management activity of product design and coding;
Adopting innovative techniques to avail of external competencies, such as conducting
hackathons, can prove to be a valuable resource for a distributed software project;
Eliminating much of the technical detail can improve a team’s ability to understand the
overall goal of a complex project;
Devising methods to encourage teamwork within a distributed team proves to be critical
throughout project lifecycle;
Regular face-to-face meetings are critical to provide a high-level abstraction of coding
Teleconferences provide an important collaborative support link between the development
teams to discuss issues and overall progress within the project;
Ensure there are interdisciplinary team members who can act as the ‘bridge’ between different
disciplines to act as a mediator and resolve conflicts.

4.5 Product Integration Process

Product integration was a key process for the TRANSFoRm Work Task team to collaborate and
integrate products together, thus forming more complex components of the TRANSFoRm architecture
and the entire TRANSFoRm system itself. Product integration also supported the TRANSFoRm Work
Task team to validate and verify the internal and external interfaces. Rather than adopting a
considerably more risky single integration stage, the team benefited from their use of an agile and
iterative approach towards product integration.

Testing proved to be a key process when doing product integration. The TRANSFoRm Work Task
team developed internal versions to test the integration process. Developers from teams other than the
team who carried out the integration tested and commented on various components of the software
whereby the integration was an iterative process. Within TRANSFoRM, the product components were
integrated and tested to assess and assembly integration sequence, i.e. to identify the best integration
sequence in accordance with the overall design. The integration sequence largely depended on the
various components employed. For example, one tactic employed by the TRANSFoRm Work Task
team was to commence at the interface level and go through the complete workflow to identify which
components were causing issues. Addressing the issues became a task for individual developer as
each component had been originally assigned to that person. Agreeing on the integration process
(Figure 12) was time-consuming and decisions were documented.

Figure 12 Relationships and Topology of Integration Process

Some of the TRANSFoRm Work Task team suggested that it may have been useful to have some
form of integration software to test and identify problems throughout the whole workflow in a faster
and/or automated manner. The integration testing was performed on the code-base at the staging level
as the nature of the software produced necessitated integration with a number of other TRANSFoRm
development teams. On acceptance of software coding at the staging level by partner teams, the SVN
was used to push the same code to a production environment. This was only achieved through the
recommended changes at a development level based on feedback received during integration. In all
cases, any changes based on requirements were first tested at a development level before pushing to
the staging environment for further integration testing. The DoW was considered a key resource
which listed the TRANSFoRm requirements. However, the sufficiency of various requirements was
tested using various prototypes which would have initiated discussions with developers and clinicians
on the necessity for requirements based on their various functionalities.

The TRANSFoRm Work Task team also explained that there was no formal structure put in place for
the product integration process but the team made progress in ‘bursts’ which was informally
scheduled, often integrating components within short timeframes. To alleviate the spikes of
integration, meetings were conducted to overcome potential problems associated with the integration
process. While this was considered to be an informal process, a tacit agreement was put in place to
indicate when the integration would occur. A formal process which provides a specific procedure or
criteria would have been of benefit to the integration process within TRANSFoRm. The
TRANSFoRm Work Task prioritised product independence and integration based on other
development task scheduling across the wider TRANSFoRm team. For example, as part of the
integration process, some team members would examine the inputs and outputs to determine how the
structure ‘fits’ within the structure of other components. Thus, the integration process required both a
technical perspective but also, considering the interdisciplinary nature of the TRANSFoRm project, a
holistic view and awareness of other on-going developments within the TRANSFoRm Work Task
team. To support the Work Task team in gaining a holistic perspective of the project, weekly
teleconferences on ‘neighbouring tasks’ during the integration process provided a shared vision of this
process. The meetings also informed the team of development readiness and where changes were
required. This enabled the team to be proactive and identify potential issues before the integration
process. In addition, the hackathons proved to be another good source of external feedback on the
integration readiness which enabled the TRANSFoRm Work Task team to identify problems quickly.

Interface compatibility was expected to be a complex task, for example, using the final product across
a number of browsers did initially cause an issue. There were a number of technical solutions to

overcome this (for example, implementing JQuery for increased compatibility) which required the
need for an online browser compatibility testing environment. To test the browser compatibility
became a task for the UI team as part of the integration process. There was much discussion with
various parties within the team on methods, prototypes and testing techniques on key element of the
interface compatibility both the front-end interface and back-end functionality to align development
efforts across the team. As part of the integration process, it was important to assess readiness. To
confirm readiness of the overall project, the TRANSFoRm Work Task team used pilot tests to
examine the various functionality and feedback on the overall system. This also formed part of the
validation and verification process. Readiness was also ‘confirmed’ using methods to simulate the
workflows and comparing results against the ‘ideal’ state (based on the requirements). Teams tested
readiness internally and compared results against the requirements (which were shifting throughout
the project lifecycle). Therefore, to avoid ambiguity, it was important to clarify requirements from
time-to-time. In summary, the overall design of the interface was described as an organic process
which emerged through various discussions with partners and evolving changes in requirements.
Collaboration and openness amongst the TRANSFoRm Work Task team proved to be a critical
success factor for the product integration process.

Some of the key implications from this phase of the Software Quality Plan in TRANSFoRm which
should be considered for future projects include:
Product integration supports a distributed team to validate and verify the internal and external
interfaces within a final product;
Identifying the best integration sequence in accordance with the overall design is a key task
before the product integration process commences;
Exploring whether suitable integration software may be used to test and identify problems
throughout the whole workflow may prove to be more efficient in a distributed team
Establishing feedback mechanisms during the integration process is important to identify
required changes to ensure software is successfully integrated;
Implementing a formal product integration process structure may reduce uncertainty and
increase resource efficiency if integration processes and timeframes are clearly established;
Identifying software compatibility tools and techniques as part of the project strategy can
improve readiness assessment and increase the success of product integration throughout the
project lifecycle;
Collaboration and openness amongst the distributed team proved to be a critical success factor
for the product integration process.

4.6 Managing Quality Assurance (Verification & Validation)

The quality assurance process provided the TRANSFoRm Work Task team with the knowledge that
the software products and components which were built by the team met the specified requirements.
Testing proved to be a core element of the software product development lifecycle for the
TRANSFoRm Work Task team. For example, some of the team members explained that while they
had adopted an agile software development methodology, all software was tested with existing
software at the development stage before it is pushed to Apache Subversion (SVN), particularly for
integration testing. Comments on each commitment to the SVN were required for all changes, no
matter how small. The SVN was used as a software versioning and revision control system distributed
to maintain current and historical versions of files such as source code, web pages, and

Verification, which took place throughout the lifecycle, ensured that selected work products met their
specified requirements and was used to identify corrective action. The team used live testing, for
example, within the GORD validation study in Poland, using five GP practices, from three GP
practices and 10 patients which enabled them to gather and extract data. Therefore, verification was a

key part of each component during which its functionality was verified against requirements and how
they integrated with the middleware. In addition, verifying that the Query Workbench was fully
functional was a key part of the project. Peer-reviewing was also a key process in the verification
stage of the Software Quality Plan. Methods of verification included inspections, peer reviews (for
code, design or architecture), simulations and testing. The main source of verification criteria were the
product and component requirements identified by the TRANSFoRm research team. Within the
TRANSFoRm Work Task team, individual members participated in the peer review, preparing and
updating materials, review criteria and checklists and schedules to successfully improve the various
outcomes of the project. In addition, validation was key to ensuring that the product was fit for
purpose. During the validation phases of the selected work products, validation was based on how
well the work products met the user needs. Therefore, requirements were also validated at various
stages of the requirements development process to remove any potential inconsistencies and to ensure
efforts remain on the right track to meet stakeholder needs and expectations. This was achieved using
simple analysis, simulation, prototyping and demonstration tools. The TRANSFoRm Work Task team
analysed and validated requirements based on a “discuss-build-test” structure which enabled their
team to easily adapt to change based on the requirements. This simplified the validation process to
ensure the right product was designed to work the way it was intended to and overall streamlined the
quality assurance management process.

Some of the key implications from this phase of the Software Quality Plan in TRANSFoRm which
should be considered for future projects include:
Testing proved to be a core element of the software product development lifecycle;
Software versioning and revision control systems within a distributed environment proved to
be important to maintain current and historical versions of developments;
As part of the verification process, live testing proved to provide critical feedback on the
software functionality;
Peer-reviewing was also a key process in the verification stage;
To adapt to any inconsistencies in the software products, requirements were assessed using a
“discuss-build-test” structure which enabled their team to easily embrace change.

4.7 Configuration Management Process

As the proposed software development projects in TRANSFoRm are widely distributed across several
different teams in Europe, several layers of complexity were added into the process. Configuration
management addressed some of the complexities involved in managing the complete project, i.e.
maintaining the integrity of the work products. Individual teams within TRANSFoRm managed the
configuration of their own software and documentation process. Appropriate source control software
was used to manage configurations of the software.

The configuration management process supported the configuration identification, configuration

control, configuration status accounting and configuration audits to ensure it all products and process
were in place and functions as identified by their requirements and its ‘intended use’. Configuration
could be categorised into 1) code and prototype configuration and 2) software configuration, enabling
developers to track and control changes using the SVN. Tracking components of the system allowed
the TRANSFoRm Work Task team to monitor how the system functioned and met specific
requirements. The TRANSFoRm team established a baseline which enabled them to manage the
evolution of the product. While change was not formally documented, it was clearly traceable from
documentation of various meetings and change proposals. To support the configuration management
process, the team comprised of software development and testing members. To test components of the
product, a request was sent typically out to the development team. The development of any software
was documented using various templates, and was shared across the TRANSFoRm team using
existing tools, such as Dropbox. This played a key role in the configuration process. The evaluation
and implementation of the software was then supported using these documents. Since there were

many TRANSFoRm Work Task team members, it was challenging to coordinate all of the
configuration processes across all of the groups.

For example, referring back to D3.5 Software Integration Plan, we can examine how TRANSFoRm
was described as a digital infrastructure organised around three configurations:
Epidemiological Study (supporting the Diabetes use case), Randomized Control Trial (supporting
the GORD use case), and Diagnostic Support (evaluated with the industrial partners). These
three configurations were supported with an updated list of all planned software components and
descriptions. Since TRANSFoRm is a model-based system, the underlying models were also
described. The three basic configurations of the tools were evaluated in the project. For
example, the Epidemiological Study configuration (Figure 13) was used in the Diabetes use-case. It
consisted of tools and frameworks for secure, provenance-enabled design and execution of
epidemiological studies. This included the use of query design, for phenotypic and genotypic data
retrieval from heterogeneous data sources. As part of the configuration, queries were formulated using
standardised elements and using information about suitable practices obtained from the data quality
tool. These queries were sent to the data sources using a secure data transport mechanism that
communicates with TRANSFoRm connector tools on the data source side.

Figure 13 Epidemiological Study Configuration

Configuration management was successfully achieved through clear lines of communication and
testing whether the product provided an end-to-end solution. A formal process, such as an agile
approach, may have been useful although it was not considered necessary for the successful delivery
of the TRANSFoRm solution. One of the reasons for this included the reliance placed upon software
experience, skills and competencies rather than operational strategies or procedures. Changes in the
configuration were typically captured using email and various meeting minutes. A mechanism to
formally track changes would have added greater traceability or visibility during the various phases of
the project development.

After confirming the quality of newly developed software in a development environment, the SVN
was used to push all changes to a staging environment. This was considered the first “public”
showcase of any work and a repository for all stable code. No changes were made to software at the
staging level but continued development of software components was allowed at the development
level. From a TRANSFoRm projects’ perspective, there were key items which were included in the
deliverables for other team members. For example, establishing configuration items, identification
and selection of work products, assigning unique identifiers to each of these items and identifying the

owners responsible for each of the items were important characteristics of each item. In addition,
integrity was established by employing the initial criteria used for baseline identification and then
tracking and controlling various changes. To ensure that the system was being correctly utilised,
periodical configuration audits were performed within the team, issues discussed at meetings and
configuration assessed using various design and requirements documents. All of these efforts within
the TRANSFoRm Work Task team ensured that the Software Quality Plan played a key role in the
configuration management process and, ultimately in the success of TRANSFoRm.

Some of the key implications from this phase of the Software Quality Plan in TRANSFoRm which
should be considered for future projects include:
Distributed teams of various competence and capabilities can add new layers of complexity to
both project management and software development;
Tracking configuration management processes enables a distribute team to identify how the
system functions and monitor whether specific requirements are being met;
The utilisation of collaborative tools, such as Dropbox, does support the configuration process
by engaging all the team and sharing results in the process;
Coordinating all of the configuration processes across the distributed teams/groups is a
challenging task;
Configuration management was successfully achieved through clear lines of communication
and testing whether the product provided an end-to-end solution;
Implementing a mechanism to formally track configuration changes would add greater
traceability or visibility to the project development;

5. Lessons Learned
The underlying concept of TRANSFoRm was to develop a ‘rapid learning healthcare system’ driven
by advanced computational infrastructure that would improve both patient safety and the conduct and
volume of clinical research in Europe. To achieve this, the Software Quality Plan played a critical

Similar to the work of Derntl et al (2015), we also discovered that it is a major challenge to establish a
developer community that align requirements and development processes with other stakeholders.
While projects such as TRANSFoRM are heavily research-orientated and attempting to break new
ground, the exploratory nature of new software developments in a unique healthcare context exposes a
significant risk of failing. Common challenges include introducing new partners to one another and
developing new working relationships, exploratory nature of research, politics between working
groups, decision-making and empowerment, visibility and transparency of activities, impact of
development on other tasks and the overall project, availing of support competencies and tools,
industry commitment, staff retention, and availing of correct expertise within the team. Our research
indicates that the project team’s collaborative effort to ensure success indicates a significant human
commitment rather than a technological know-how. Thus, going forward with other large EU projects,
establishing project management and collaboration structures will play a significant role in the success
of distributed software development projects.

This report examines the various software quality processes throughout the TRANSFoRm project and
highlights how they supported the success of this project. While the results of the TRANSFoRm
project are clearly documented across various deliverables and software development products, there
are a number of ‘lessons learned’ which should be shared. Initially, there were difficulties associated
with the coordination of the project across the dynamic and interdisciplinary team environment.
Changes to staff retention presented some challenges in the university environment – all of which
reflected reality either in industry and/or academic environments. It is evident that there is a need for
all teams to meet on a social level to introduce all team members to one another and establish a
working relationship. This ensures that team members are familiar with one another and strengthens

the level of trust and collaboration across the team. A recommendation would be to improve
mechanisms for communication and documentation within EU projects. However, research indicates
that this is a complex task. For example, Richardson et al. (2012) identify the pressures on software to
successfully manage teams in a global environment. They present the Global Teaming (GT) process
to address specific problems relating to temporal, cultural, geographic and linguistic distance which
will meet the complex and changing needs of global software management. Such approaches would
also help to reduce misunderstandings between Work Task team across Europe. It would also be
important to integrate all partners as soon as possible in the early stage of the project’s lifecycle. Since
this team worked within a distributed environment, there were many cultural factors to consider
including language and interpretation of colloquial language. The nature of TRANSFoRm was a
rapidly changing environment often requiring strong project management and time management skills
to adapt accordingly. A distributed working environment can give a sense of a lack of transparency on
progress of other teams, and this was also the case within TRANSFoRm when considering the DoW
requirements. In addition, the requirement gathering process was a critical process which requires a
formal process to structure and document the stakeholder requirements. Various market standards and
the skills of the TRANSFoRm Work Task team proved to be a critical influential factor in the
development of TRANSFoRm. This would directly support and improve change management factors
within an exploratory and complex EU project, such as TRANSFoRm, and document decisions being
signed-off on from a holistic perspective. The Software Quality Plan proved to be a critical resource
for the TRANSFoRm Work Task team to employ and guide key processes through the software
development lifecycle and similar quality plans should be incorporated in projects at this scale, i.e. on
an EU level. Based on the findings, we have identified a number of recommendations for future
research projects operating within a distributed environment. Of particular importance, and an
underlying theme throughout the findings, is the need for a work package to set up the software
development strategy and management policy within a project. This needs to be brought a step further
than the Software Quality Plan whereby people have access to a centralised technical and
collaborative infrastructure which is managed on an on-going basis. As a requirement of EU projects,
the work package should be introduced to set up the development processes. While the Software
Quality Plan did support the development processes, there needs to be a strong collaborative effort to
establish a clear strategy of how to achieve the projects goals as part of the proposal and initial phase
of the project.

6. Conclusion
The TRANSFoRm Software Quality Plan outlined the processes which should be undertaken so that
software output from this project will be commercially exploitable. In this review report, we
summarise our findings of the semi-structured interviews to examine how key elements of the quality
plan were employed. Our results indicate that the Software Quality Assurance Framework proved to
be a core resource for the TRANSFoRm project which provided a common goal and vocabulary for
all of the TRANSFoRm team to focus on throughout the software development process. Through the
use of the Software Quality Plan, TRANSFoRm could successfully meet the project objectives and
maintain a high quality of standard in capturing clinical data, achieve a distributed interoperability of
data and developed unique software tools and services. Our findings also indicate that additional
emphasis must be placed on strategy, not technology, at the beginning of a distributive software
project since this ultimately drives the digital transformation and ensures that technical milestones are

Derntl, M., Renzel, D., Nicolaescu, P., Koren, I., & Klamma, R. (2015). Distributed Software
Engineering in Collaborative Research Projects. In Proceedings of 10th International Conference
on Global Software Engineering, ICGSE 2015. Los Alamitos, CA: IEEE
Dukic, L.B., Boegh, J.: COTS Software Quality Evaluation. In: Erdogmus, H., Weng, T. (eds.)
ICCBSS 2003. LNCS, vol. 2580, pp. 72–80. Springer, Heidelberg (2003)View Article
Kalaimagal, S., Srinivasan, R.: A Retrospective on Software Component Quality Models. SIGSOFT
Software Engineering Notes 33(5) (November 2008)
Richardson, I., Casey, V., McCaffery, F., Burton, J., & Beecham, S. (2012). A process framework for
global software engineering teams. Information and Software Technology, 54(11), 1175-1191.

Appendix A: Semi-structured Interviews
Overview of Questions

Describe the overall Project Management Process: the experience?

Describe How You Managed Requirements Development Process?

What is your experience with the Requirements Development Process?
How did you develop customer requirements?
a. How did you elicit the various needs for various stakeholders?
b. How did you manage to pool/categories all of the various requirements?
c. How did you (if any) resolve conflicts during the requirements gathering?

How did you manage requirements and remain consistent throughout the project?
How did you obtain an understanding of the various requirements: what criteria did you use?
How did you obtain commitment to requirements: what agreement strategy was used?
How did you manage requirement changes throughout the lifetime of the project?
How did you maintain bi-directional traceability of requirements (i.e., from source to higher
detailed requirements)
How did you identify inconsistencies between project work and requirements?

Describe How You Developed the Product Requirements?

How did you establish the product/product components requirements?
How did you allocate product component requirements (with project timelines etc.)
How did you identify various interface requirements?
Describe how you analyses and validated the requirements
Did you establish operational concepts and scenarios?
How did you establish a definition of required functionality?
How did you analyse the various requirements to ensure they are necessary and sufficient?
How did you achieve a balance between requirements – between functionality and necessity
within a specific timeframe and budget?
How did you validate requirements at various stages of the development?

Describe the Architecture and Design Process.

How did you select product component solutions?

How did you develop alternative solutions and selection criteria? What factors influenced
decisions (e.g. cost, time, complexity, ability, technology limitations, risk etc.)?
How did you select product component solutions and how was it documented?
What criteria were used to support the development and design of the product(s)?
How did you establish a technical data package to define the architecture for the development
What criteria were used to support the design of the interface(s)?
What evaluation process did you use to perform a “make or buy” analyses?

How did you Manage the Product Design and Coding Developments?

How did you implement the product design (e.g. peer reviews of codes, unit testing,
How did you develop the product support documentation to support installation, operation
and maintenance?

Describe the Product Integration Process.

How did you prepare for product integration?

How did you determine the integration sequence?
How did you establish a product integration procedures and criteria?
How did you ensure interface compatibility (completeness, manage interfaces, assemble
product components?)
How did you confirm readiness of the products components for integration?

How did you Manage the Product Verification Process?

How did you prepare for verification?

Did you preform peer reviews? How did you select products for verification?

How did you Manage the Configuration Management Process?

How did you establish baselines to ensure a useful configuration?

How did you track and control changes?
How did you establish integrity?
Did you perform configuration audits?

Other general comments: lessons learned?

Appendix B: Summary of Checklist Feedback

Requirements Development Checklist

Colour coding of findings:

Full compliance from all teams Some compliance from teams No compliance from teams (was
(depended on primary role of not considered necessary by
team) teams)

When Requirements have been developed, the Work Task leader should answer each of these questions on this
checklist. If the answer to any question is ‘No’, the Work Task leader must give a short explanation as to why.

Team Team Team Overall

Question on Checklist Explanation (if any)
A B C rating
Are stakeholder needs
Y Y Y See Description of Work and GORD Protocol
being recorded?
Have business goals
Y Y Y See Description of Work
being documented?
TRANSFoRm Study System (TSS) had to meet
Have any relevant legal
requirements of Bioethical Committee in each
requirements been Y Y Y
country where it will be used. Additionally TSS had
to meet Good Clinical Practice (GCP) requirements
Is there any missing
information which at the
end of the requirements
consolidation which
needs to be addressed?
There should be none.
Although this is done informally a lot of the time,
mostly over email chains.
Are all conflicts
resolved, and the
Y Y Y It is an on-going process considering EHR vendors
decisions and reasoning
which will be running the GORD Study. At this
point all conflicts were documented and resolved
during the GCP Validation and Test Study.
Are requirements being Some are technical and others are more high level.
written in technical terms
necessary for product See Technical Overview of GORD use case
and component design? documentation
Are requirements All of the requirements were delivered to the
derived from design and development team in form of notes, minutes,
architectural decisions documents created/presented on Face-2-Face (F2F)
being recorded? meetings
Is there traceability
There is no specific documentation for that. It is
between customer
Y N N possible to trace that based on documentation related
requirements and
to various part of the project
product requirements?
We have an internal change management process but
Are the new there is no formal process across the whole project.
requirements managed in
a change management N N Y Not suitable for our case a more informal approach
and requirement was used.
allocation process?
We are using applications like Trello, Redmine.

Are all the requirements
allocated to different Y Y Y See deliverable 7.1, 7.3 and 5.5
Are all the requirements
allocated to product Y Y Y
Are design constraints
allocated to product Y Y Y
Are any derived
requirements allocated Y Y Y
Are the relationships
between all the allocated
Y Y N There is no formal documentation for that
Is there clear There is no formal documentation. Teams talk to
dependencies highlighted each other about dependencies.
where changes in one N Y N
requirement may affect These are highlighted but not all in one place, emails
other requirements? used a lot.
Are all internal interfaces
Are all external
interfaces identified?
Are all identified
interfaces developed into Y Y Y
Are different possible
operational concepts Y N Y Not applicable for our components
being defined?
Are different usage
Y N Y Not applicable for our components
scenarios being defined?
Are these looking at
functionality, Development focused more on functionalities than
performance, Y N N anything else. It was the biggest challenge in this
maintenance, support project
and disposal?
Is the environment
(including borders and
constraints) in which the Y Y Y
system will operate
Are the operational
concepts and scenarios
refined based on chosen Y N Y Not applicable or suitable in our case.
solutions and reviewed
and accepted?
Difficult to quantify
Is the functionality
required by the end user N Y Y
See deliverable 7.1, 7.3, 5.5 and Technical Overview
quantified and analysed?
of GORD use case documentation
Are the requirements
analysed and subdivided
into logical or functional
Are any time critical Y Y Y

functions being analysed
for sequencing within the
Are the customer
requirements allocated to
Y Y Y Our customers are other TRANSFoRm components
functional partitions,
objects and people?
Are the functional and
requirements being
Y N Y Were allocated to this degree
allocated to functions
and sub-functions within
the design solution?
Are any conflicts in
requirements analysed?
Are the requirements
organised into related Y Y Y
Are a set of requirements
analysed to see if they
satisfy the objectives of Y Y Y
the higher level
requirements for that set?
Are the requirements
complete, feasible, Y Y Y
realisable and verifiable?
Are key requirements
which may have a large
impact on cost, budgets, Y Y Y
timeliness, risk or
performance identified?
No global measures defined in the project
Are technical
performance measures
N N Y Functional performance used instead
used to track progress
Key parts of the software are monitored
Are the organisational
concepts and scenarios
analysed and the
customer’s needs, Y Y Y
constraints and interfaces
refined and new
requirements developed?
Has a risk assessment
Not formally documented but risk discussed and
been carried out on all Y Y Y
the requirements?
Has a risk assessment
Not formally documented but risk discussed and
being carried out on the Y Y Y
functional architecture?
Is there a document
recording requirements Not done as part of our team
which has been
identified as having a Y N N Main focus was put on time constrains because of
significant effect on complexity of created software and integration of
project costs, timeliness various components
and performance?
Is there documented No formal models adopted in the project
analysis that uses proven

models to define the Not suitable for our project team task
balance of stakeholder
needs and constraints? Stakeholders needs were changing continuously. All
work was done within constrains presented by the
When validating the
requirements, are they
being checked for Y Y Y
adequacy and
Are requirements being
analysed to determine
risk that the resulting
product will not be
appropriate for its
intended use?

Requirements Management Checklist

When Requirements have been completed, the Work Task leader should answer each of these questions on this
checklist. If the answer to any question is ‘No’, the Work Task leader must give a short explanation as to why.
Team Overall
Question on Checklist Team B Team C Explanation (if any)
A rating
Not formally specified. Was
Are there selection criteria
somewhat organic surrounding
for evaluating who is a valid Y N Y
who our components interfaced
requirements provider?
Are there evaluation and
selection criteria to
determine what a valid set
of requirements are?
Requirements are still changing
Are all agreed to set of because of system integration
requirements being Y Y N with new EHR vendors. See
recorded? documentation for the Data
Node Connector
No formal documentation about
Are all requirements being
assessed and assessments N N N
Assessments not documented.
Are all changes to No formal documentation about
requirements as part of N Y N assessments
assessment documented? Email chains etc.
Is commitment to
Was not our experience on the
requirements agreed on and Y N N
See Description of Work,
Are all agreed-to
deliverable 7.1, 7.3, 5.5 and
requirements being Y Y Y
Technical Overview of GORD
use case documentation
There is no formal
Are all changes to existing
documentation for this.
requirements being Y Y Y
Minutes, notes, email
conversations do have that

There is no formal
Are decisions made for documentation for this.
requirements being Y Y Y Minutes, notes, email
recorded? conversations do have that
There is no formal
Is the status of the documentation for this.
requirements being Y Y Y Minutes, notes, email
recoded? conversations do have that
Is traceability amongst all
requirements, can every
low-level, decomposed Not suitable for our work on
requirement be traced back TRANSFoRm
to its original source
requirement/change request?
Can the different work
products of a project be
traced back to its source
requirement, be it a design
doc, piece of code, or test
Can requirements be traced
to the people working on
and project tasks created for
those requirements?
Is there a requirements
traceability matrix?
Are there inconsistencies
between requirements and Again not formally but
projects/work products recorded in email trails etc.
being recorded? Do these Y Y Y
records include the source See GCP Validation and Test
and cause of the Study documentation
Are corrective actions being
See GCP Validation and Test
recorded for inconsistencies Y Y Y
Study documentation
Are there changes being
initiated in the project/work
products to overcome these See GCP Validation and Test
inconsistencies? Is this data Study documentation
being provided to the
appropriate parties?

Architecture & Design Checklist
When Architecture & Design has been completed, the Work Task leader should answer each of these questions
on this checklist. If the answer to any question is ‘No’, the Work Task leader must give a short explanation as
to why.

Team Overall
Question on Checklist Team B Team C Explanation (if any)
A rating
Are there screening
criteria for alternative Y N N Not suitable for our task
Are there formalised
evaluation criteria for Y N N
alternative solutions?
Are there reports for
One of the requirements was
alternative solutions
Y N N that software must be created
proposed and COTS
without use of COTS
solutions evaluated?
Not applicable in our case
Are the selection decisions
See deliverable 7.1, 7.3, 5.5
Has traceability between
requirements and selected
product component
solutions been identified?
Have low level
requirements and interface
requirements been
identified and documented
after the selection of a
Are there criteria against
which the design and
architecture can be
Are there design standards No, not hard standards. Criteria
and criteria to which the Y N Y was based on needs of other
design must adhere to? teams.
Is the design documented? Y Y Y
Is there a traceability
matrix between Y N N
requirements and design?
Are the detailed design
descriptions based on
requirements, architecture
and high level designs?
Is the rationale for major Email and meeting minutes,
decisions documented? presentations
Are interface criteria
Is there a matrix
documenting all interfaces
with internal and external
product components?
Are the interface designs These were devised based on
and rationale for the discussion

design documents?
Are there documented
criteria for the reuse of Y N Y
component designs?
Long term maintenance is taken
Are there criteria identified into consideration. Make or buy
for make or buy analysis, decisions are left out since
taking long-term Y N N software development has
maintenance into ended when it comes to
consideration? incorporating new
functionalities in the software
See Description of Work,
Is there documented
deliverable 7.1, 7.3, 5.5 and
rationale for the decisions Y N Y
Technical Overview of GORD
to make, buy or reuse?
use case documentation

Coding Checklist
When Coding has been completed, the Work Task leader should answer each of these questions on this
checklist. If the answer to any question is ‘No’, the Work Task leader must give a short explanation as to why.

Team Overall
Question on Checklist Team B Team C Explanation (if any)
A rating
Are design patterns being
Y N Y Not formally done
Is the code being Everything is documented through
documented? comments inserted into the code
Are unit tests written for
all the individual units of Y Y N For significant units
No enough resource
Is the code being reviewed
by peers?
Not suitable for a team of our size
Is the implementation
revised based on unit tests Y Y N
and code reviews?
Are there documentation
standards identified and Y Y Y
Are the documents being See Developer Assessment
reviewed by stakeholders? documentation
Is the documentation
being kept updated to There is a Change Control
reflect changes in the document maintained

Roles and Responsibilities Checklist
If the answer to any question is ‘No’, the Work Task leader must give a short explanation as to why.

Team Overall
Question on Checklist Team B Team C Explanation (if any)
A rating
Are the components to be
integrated identified?
Are the tests to be
performed during Y Y Y
integration identified?
Are there alternative
product integration Y N N N/A on the project
sequences identified?
Is the product integration
sequence revised since Y N Y N/A on the project
the previous iteration?
Are the decisions being Through non-formal documentation.
made and their rationale Y N Y Minutes, notes, presentations, email
documented? conversations
Are the requirements for
product integration Y Y Y
environment identified?
Are there verification
criteria and procedures
for the product
integration environment?
Are product integration
Yes but not formally done. Tacit
procedures established Y Y Y
agreement with other teams
and maintained?
Are product component
integration and evaluation
Y Y Y Same
criteria established and
Yes, although this simply resolved
Are validation criteria for around the ability of a query and result
delivery of the integrated to flow
product established and
maintained? See GCP Validation and Test Study
Is the interface data
complete and ensures
coverage of all
Are the interfaces updates
to remain compatible
Y N Y Not our experience
with any changes, non-
compliances or conflicts
Is the evaluation of
See GCP Validation and Test Study
assembled product Y Y Y
components documented?

Verification Checklist
When Verification has been completed, the Work Task leader should answer each of these questions on this
checklist. If the answer to any question is ‘No’, the Work Task leader must give a short explanation as to why.
Team Overall
Question on Checklist Team B Team C Explanation (if any)
A rating
Is there a traceability matrix
to identify requirements for Y Y N
work products?
Are the verification methods
utilised appropriate for the Y Y Y
Are the verification
environment, equipment and
tools adequate for testing Y Y Y
and reflective of real usage
of the products?
Are there verification
Just the way they were
criteria created to ensure
Y N Y intended to be used. Perhaps
that all requirements are
an oversight.
tested in different ways
Are there expected results
recorded for all the different Y N Y Not formally.
tests and criteria?
Are there requirements for
Peer review not done so the
data collection at the time of Y N Y
next few are N/A
the peer review?
Are there entry and exit
criteria for a peer review?
Are there criteria to
determine is a subsequent See GCP Validation and Test
peer review needs to be Study documentation
Are there checklists for what
needs to be reviewed during Y N Y
a peer review?
Are there defects being
identified based on Y N Y This is done based on testing
checklists and documents?
Is the peer review data being
Are there actions identified
and communicated Y N Y N/A
Is the review data being
Are there medium-term and N/A
long-term actions identified
to provide continuous See GCP Validation and Test
improvement? Study documentation
Is verification of products
N/A for the middleware
taking place against the Y N Y
product requirements?
Are verification results Results of test communicated
being recorded? to other Transform members
Are actual results being
Y N Y N/A in our case
compared to expected

results to determine if
criteria are being met?
Are action items being
generated as required from Y N N N/A in our case
verification procedures?
Is information being
provided on the defects were
No, a more informal process
detected, logged and Y N Y
possible solutions on how it
could be resolved.

Validation Checklist
When Validation has been completed, the Work Task leader should answer each of these questions on this
checklist. If the answer to any question is ‘No’, the Work Task leader must give a short explanation as to why.
Team Overall
Question on Checklist Team B Team C Explanation (if any)
A rating
Are key phases of
validation for each
product or component
Are the validation
requirements, constraints
and methods reviewed by
Not applicable
Are third party software
being validated? It is outside of the scope of the
Not formally done
Are validation
environment requirements Y N Y
See GCP Validation and Test Study
Are tools and test
equipment identified?
Are validation resources
which can be reused Y N N Not applicable to us
Is there a detailed
All of the resources are dedicated.
availability plan for
Y N N There is documentation related to
resources, if resources are
resources used
not dedicated?
Are the validation
environment, procedures,
operational environments Y Y Y Mostly done
and criteria for validation
Are subsequent changes
in requirements and
design being reviewed for Y N Y Not on the process itself no
possible impact on
validation processes?

Are products and
components performing
according to validation
Are the results being
Y Y Y Yes as part of bigger validation
Are the results analysis
and issues identified Y N Y Not as part of our team
being documented?

Configuration Checklist
When the Configuration Management system has been set up, the Work Task leader should answer each of
these questions on this checklist. If the answer to any question is ‘No’, the Work Task leader must give a short
explanation as to why.
Team Overall
Question on Checklist Team B Team C Explanation (if any)
A rating
Are the selection criteria for
configurable items
Y N Y Not applicable for our team
documented and items
Are there unique identifiers
and specific owners assigned Y N Y Not applicable for our team
to the configuration items?
Are there different levels of
control and mechanism to
manage them within the Y N Y Not applicable for our team
configuration management
Can you store and recover
archived versions of
Y N Y Not applicable for our team
configurable items in this
Is the baseline created purely
from previously identified Y N Y Not applicable for our team
configuration items?
Are the configuration items
within the baseline Y N Not applicable for our team
Can you ensure that the
Assuming this refers to the MW
current baseline readily Y Y Y
components, yes
Are all change requests But again not a formal process in
being documented? place
Are all the change requests
analysed for impact?
Are relevant stakeholders
involved in the analysis and
acceptance decisions of
change requests?
Are change request
Y Y Y Email chains etc
acceptance decisions

documented with reasoning?
Are configuration items
checked-out and checked-in Y N Y N/A
Are changes to the baseline
and configuration items Y N Y
being recorded?
Is the current content and
status of each configuration Y N Y
item known?
Can a previous version of a
configuration item be Y N Y
Can the differences between
subsequent baselines be Y N Y
Is the integrity of each
Y Y Y Using a query life-cycle test
baseline evaluated?
Is the configuration There was no configuration
management system being management system planned and it
used in accordance with is not mentioned in the
defined criteria? requirements
Not applicable or suitable in our
Are the controls put in place
for tracking and controlling
changes being followed and
There is a Change Control
document maintained


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