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Assignment Brief and Guidance

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Assignment Brief and Guidance:

Section A

Case 1: In the wildlife ministry of Sri Lanka intend to develop a wildlife safari system which links all
the details of sanctuaries, wetland, and national parks across Sri Lanka. Through this the
government wants to track all the details of safari drivers and to count local and foreign visitors
entering these premises. The IT department of wildlife ministry have little experience on developing
this kind of system and they have two years to complete this project.

Case 2: “ChangeU” salon needs to have a system to track their bookings and they expect to provide
better customer service through the system. This is not incredibly challenging, and the development
team also has some early experience of this kind of a project. And the main requirement of the
client is to get a high-quality product without considering the budget and time constraints.

Activity 1

Describe two sequential models and two iterative models you have learned which can be used to
design the systems explained in the 2 given cases. Explain how the risk is managed in each software
lifecycle model identified. Pick one case out of two and select the most suitable SDLC model along
with a discussion elaborating the reasons to select the particular SDLC model.

Which system out of the given two is most suitable to be developed using the waterfall model?
Assess the merits of applying the waterfall model to the system chosen by you.
Section B

Assume yourself as a system analyst assign to analyse and design a software system for an
organization of your choice. Investigate the business and system requirements using appropriate
tools/ techniques and develop the system design with the findings.

Activity 2

Explain and discuss the purpose and the components of the feasibility report that you have to
develop in order to check the feasibility of the chosen system. Assess the impact of different
feasibility criteria included in your report to investigate the software system.

Suggest , describe and compare two technical solutions for the proposed system and pick the most
suitable one with the justification for the selection.

Activity 3

Undertake the system investigation to identify business and system requirements using appropriate
investigation tools/ techniques and develop the software system specification for the chosen

Evaluate the effectiveness of the system investigation process chosen by you to fulfil the
requirements of the users and analyse the effectiveness of the SDLC followed in order to trace the
system requirements. Discuss two approaches that can be used to improve the quality of the
system in the future.

Activity 4

Analyse the software behavioural tools and techniques that could be used for the proposed system
and discuss suing examples, the most suitable behavioural techniques that could be used for your
Differentiate the finite state machine (FSM) and extended FSM providing an application for each .
Justify how the data driven software can improve the reliability and the effectiveness of the
software system proposed by you.

Grading Criteria Achieved Feedback

LO1 Describe different software development lifecycles

P1 Describe two iterative and two sequential software

lifecycle models.
P2 Explain how risk is managed in software lifecycle
M1 Discuss using an example, why a particular lifecycle
model is selected for a development environment.
D1 Assess the merits of applying the Waterfall lifecycle
model to a large software development project.

LO2 Explain the importance of a feasibility study

P3 Explain the purpose of a feasibility report.

P4 Describe how technical solutions can be compared.

M2 Discuss the components of a feasibility report.

D2 Assess the impact of different feasibility criteria on a

software investigation.

LO3 Undertake a software development lifecycle

P5 Undertake a software investigation to meet a business
P6 Use appropriate software analysis tools/techniques to
carry out a software investigation and create supporting

M3 Analyse how software requirements can be traced

throughout the software lifecycle.

M4 Discuss two approaches to improving software quality

D3 Evaluate the process of undertaking a systems

investigation with regard to its effectiveness in improving a
software quality.

LO4 Discuss the suitability of software behavioural design techniques

P7 Discuss, using examples, the suitability of software

behavioural design techniques

M5 Analyze a range of software behavioural tools

and techniques.

M6 Differentiate between a finite state machine

(FSM) and an extended FSM, providing an

application of use for both

D4 Present justifications of how data-driven software

can improve the reliability and effectiveness of

1. Technical Feasibility

This assessment focuses on the technical resources available to the organization. It helps
organizations determine whether the technical resources meet capacity and whether the technical
team is capable of converting the ideas into working systems. Technical feasibility also involves
the evaluation of the hardware, software, and other technical requirements of the proposed
system. As an exaggerated example, an organization wouldn’t want to try to put Star Trek’s
transporters in their building—currently, this project is not technically feasible.

2. Economic Feasibility

This assessment typically involves a cost/ benefits analysis of the project, helping organizations
determine the viability, cost, and benefits associated with a project before financial resources are
allocated. It also serves as an independent project assessment and enhances project credibility—
helping decision-makers determine the positive economic benefits to the organization that the
proposed project will provide.

A feasibility report is a crucial document that evaluates the viability of a selected system
or project. It provides decision-makers with essential information to determine whether
to proceed, modify, or abandon the project. The report serves as a foundation for
informed decision-making and is typically broken down into several key components.
Objective of a Feasibility Report: The primary objective of a feasibility report is to
comprehensively assess the viability of a selected system or project. It aims to answer
key questions, including:

1. Is the project technically feasible?

2. Is the project economically viable?
3. Is the project operationally feasible?
4. What are the potential risks and challenges?
5. What are the benefits and drawbacks of the proposed system?

Components of a Feasibility Report:

1. Introduction:
 Provides an overview of the report's purpose and the project under
consideration. It outlines the scope and objectives of the assessment.
2. Executive Summary:
 Summarizes the key findings and recommendations from the report,
offering a high-level view of the project's feasibility. This section is often
the first section read by decision-makers.
3. Technical Feasibility:
 Evaluates the project's technical aspects, including the available
technology, infrastructure, and technical expertise. It addresses questions
like whether the proposed system can be developed with existing
technology and whether it's feasible to achieve the desired functionality.
4. Economic Feasibility:
 Assesses the project's financial viability. It includes a cost-benefit analysis,
estimating the initial investment, operating costs, and expected returns on
investment. This section helps decision-makers understand the financial
implications of the project.
5. Operational Feasibility:
 Examines whether the project can be effectively integrated into existing
operations, processes, and systems. It looks at how the system will impact
daily operations, including workflow changes, resource allocation, and staff
6. Legal and Regulatory Feasibility:
 Analyzes the legal and regulatory aspects of the project. It assesses
compliance with laws, industry standards, and intellectual property rights.
This is essential to avoid legal issues and liabilities.
7. Risk Analysis:
 Identifies and evaluates potential risks and challenges associated with the
project. It involves creating a risk mitigation plan that outlines strategies
for minimizing or eliminating identified risks.
8. Market Analysis (if applicable):
 Provides insights into market demand, competition, and potential
customer base. This is crucial for business-related projects and helps
assess the project's market feasibility.
9. Conclusion and Recommendations:
 Summarizes the overall feasibility assessment and offers clear
recommendations based on the findings. Decision-makers rely on this
section to make informed choices regarding the project's future.
10. Appendices:
 May include supplementary materials such as detailed financial projections,
supporting data, charts, graphs, or additional documentation that backs up the
report's findings.

The components of a feasibility report serve to address different aspects of the project,
ensuring a holistic evaluation. A well-structured and comprehensive feasibility report
assists in making sound decisions and mitigating potential risks while maximizing the
chances of project success.

The Waterfall lifecycle model is a structured and linear approach to software

development where each phase must be completed before moving on to the next.
While it has been widely used in the past, it may have some merits when applied to a
large software development project, even in the context of a salon booking system
(Case 2). Here are some of the potential advantages of using the Waterfall model for
such a project:

1. Clear and Well-Defined Requirements: When project requirements are well-

established and unlikely to change significantly, the Waterfall model can be
beneficial. In the case of a salon booking system, if the client's needs are explicitly
defined and not expected to evolve, the Waterfall model ensures that all
requirements are captured before development starts.
2. Predictability and Stability: Large projects often require a high degree of
predictability and stability. The Waterfall model provides a structured plan with
clear milestones, making it easier to manage and track progress. This
predictability can be advantageous in situations where a strict timeline and
budget are necessary.
3. Regulatory and Compliance Requirements: For projects that require strict
adherence to regulatory or compliance standards, the Waterfall model's
emphasis on documentation and rigorous testing can ensure that all
requirements are met and that there is a clear audit trail.
4. Document-Heavy Environments: In scenarios where documentation is critical,
such as for large-scale projects with numerous stakeholders, the Waterfall model
ensures that extensive documentation is created at each phase of the project.
This documentation can be valuable for communication, handover, and
5. Risk Mitigation Early in the Process: The Waterfall model encourages
comprehensive planning and design phases at the outset of the project. This
allows for the identification and mitigation of potential risks early in the
development process, which can be vital for large and complex projects.
6. Well-Defined Roles and Responsibilities: The Waterfall model provides clarity
regarding the roles and responsibilities of different team members at each phase.
This structured approach can be advantageous in a large project with a diverse

However, it's essential to acknowledge that the Waterfall model also has notable
limitations, especially for large software development projects:

1. Limited Flexibility: The Waterfall model is inflexible, making it challenging to

accommodate changes or evolving requirements. In today's rapidly changing
business and technology environments, this lack of flexibility can be a significant
2. Late Client Feedback: In the Waterfall model, client feedback typically occurs
after the system is fully developed, making it challenging to adapt to changing
client needs or preferences.
3. Higher Risk of Misalignment: Because it assumes that requirements are stable,
the Waterfall model can result in a misalignment between the final product and
the client's needs, especially if those needs evolve during the project.
4. Long Time-to-Market: The Waterfall model's sequential nature can result in a
longer time-to-market, which may not be suitable for projects that require rapid
development and frequent releases.

In conclusion, while the Waterfall model has its merits, especially when dealing with
well-defined requirements, regulatory constraints, and a need for early risk mitigation, it
is less suitable for large software development projects in today's dynamic and rapidly
changing environments. In such cases, more flexible and iterative approaches like Agile
or the Spiral model are often preferred to better address evolving client needs and

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