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DLP English 7 Leyritana 2019

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The key takeaways are that the lesson is about the short story 'Hunger in Barok' by N.V.M. Gonzalez, which discusses famine. The teacher planned various group activities for students to analyze aspects of the story and discuss the themes.

The subject matter being discussed in the lesson is the short story 'Hunger in Barok' by N.V.M. Gonzalez, which discusses famine.

The teacher planned activities like charades with vocabulary words, showing a video about malnutrition, having students answer guide questions individually and then in groups, and having groups analyze different aspects of the story.



Area: GRADE 7
Time & Dates: Quarter: 3;LESSON 4
The Learners
A. Content understanding of:
Standard Philippine literature in
the period of Emerge as a
tool to assert one’s
identity strategies in
listening to viewing of
informative and short
narrative texts; word
relationships and
associations; informative
speech forms; and use of
direct/reported speech,
passive/active voice,
simple past and past
perfect tenses, and
activating critical thinking
to predict outcomes in
the selection.
The learner transfer
B. Performance learning by: showing
Standard ways of asserting one’s
identity; comprehending
informative and short
narrative texts using
schema and appropriate
listening and viewing
strategies; expressing
ideas, opinions, and
feelings through various
formats; and enriching
written and spoken
communication using
direct/reported speech,
active/passive voice,
simple past and
activating critical thinking
to predict outcomes in
the selection.
The students are able to:
C. Learning -recognize main points
Competencies/ and supporting ideas in
Objectives (Write the the text listened to;
code for each LC) -identify the meaning of
vocabulary words used in
the selection;
-use context clues to be
able to use the
vocabulary words in a
Hunger in Barok by
A. Subject Matter N.V.M. Gonzalez

A. References
pp. 353-354
1. Teacher’s Guide Pages

pp. 356-364
2. Learner’s Material

pp. 356-364
3. Textbook Pages

4. Additional Materials
from LR Portal

B. Other Learning Flash cards,

IV. PROCEDURES Teacher’s Activity/ies Learner’s Expected
A. Reviewing previous (10 min.)
lesson or presenting the
new lesson Presenting the new
lesson reading a
“Hunger in Barok”
B. Establishing a purpose (5 min.) Students will guess the word
for the lesson Let the students do a on their classmate’s forehead.
charades (like Pinoy The Group of students with
Henyo) with the the most number of words
vocabulary words: guessed gets the highest
hungry, rice, drought,etc. points.
C. Presenting examples/ (5 min.) Students will take down notes
instances of the new Cite and examples on on the descriptions of the
lesson what the word “famine” malnourished kids.
is. Show a video of kids
who are starving/ hungry
and who are
Discuss the factors that
could lead to malnutrition
among teenagers.

D. Discussing new concepts (10 min)

and practicing new skills Discussing on the Lesson
#1 Presented.
On the Learners Manual:
Did you Understand the Yes, teacher. We understood
lesson? Did you like the the lesson.
selection? If you did, try Ok, Teacher.
answering the following
(refer to Learners
Questions can be viewed
on pages 357-361.
Students will have a
“think-pair-share” activity
in answering the guide

(10 min)
E. Discussing new concept We got all correct answers,
and practicing new skills How many pairs got the Teacher.
#2 most accurate answers to
the guide questions?
(15 MINUTES) Group 1. The Moody Story.
F. Developing mastery Answer “Look to the Identify the mood used in the
future” (Process story.
questions) page 362 Group 2. Toning in with the
Complete the statement Writer. Study the review notes
by giving your own on Tone and: Pick out the two
predictions. main characters from the
(Students will form5 story,
groups and work on their Identify the tone used by the
assigned task.) writers in both characters by
using the questions on page
Group 3 The T-Chart of
Theme. Discuss the theme of
the story by picking out the
important events that will
support your answer.
Group 4 Locally Yours. Go
over the story and choose the
words that signify local color.
Group 5. Happy to Help! Find
out the good deeds done by
the characters in the story.

(5 min) Students will report their

G. Finding practical Teacher will listen to the output in class.
applications of concept Group Reporting.
and skills in daily living

(5 min) Yes, teacher.

H. Making generalization You should value the
and abstractions about effort of our farmers
the lesson because they are the
ones who provide us

(10 min.)
I. Evaluating learning Let’s See What you Have
Identify the meaning of
the words on the
following sentences by
using context clues.(refer
to Learners Manual)

J. Additional activities for

application or



A. No. of learners who

earned 80% on the
formative assessment

B. No. of learners who

require additional
activities for remediation

C. Did the remedial lesson

work? No. of learners
who have caught up with
the lesson.

D. No. of learners who

continue to require

E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well?
Why did these work?

F. What difficulties did I

encounter which my
principal or supervisor
can help me solve?

G. What innovation or
localized materials did I
used / discover which I
wish to share with other

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