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June Eng 2021

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O Adorable Lord of Mercy and Love!

Salutations and prostrations unto Thee.
Thou art Omnipresent, Omnipotent and Omniscient.
Thou art Satchidananda (Existence-Consciousness-Bliss Absolute).
Thou art the Indweller of all beings.

Grant us an understanding heart,

Equal vision, balanced mind,
Faith, devotion and wisdom.
Grant us inner spiritual strength
To resist temptations and to control the mind.
Free us from egoism, lust, greed, hatred, anger and jealousy.
Fill our hearts with divine virtues.

Let us behold Thee in all these names and forms.

Let us serve Thee in all these names and forms.
Let us ever remember Thee.
Let us ever sing Thy glories.
Let Thy Name be ever on our lips.
Let us abide in Thee for ever and ever.

—Swami Sivananda
You must be regular in your practice of meditation. You must sit daily both
morning and night and at the same hour. The meditative mood or Sattvic Bhava
will manifest by itself without exertion. You must sit in the same place, in the same
room. Regularity in meditation is a great desideratum and a sine qua non.
Even if you do not realise any tangible result in the practice, you must
plod on in the practice with sincerity, earnestness, patience and
perseverance. Your effort will be crowned with sanguine success after some
time. Do not stop this practice even for a day, under any circumstance, even
if you are ailing. Meditation is a rst class tonic. The waves of meditation will
remove all sorts of disease. It will infuse spiritual strength, give new vigour
and vitality.
Vol. LXXX JUNE 2021 No. 03


g `ÚoH$_mÌ_{^Ü`m`rV g VoZ¡d g§do{XVñVyU©_od

OJË`m_{^g§nÚVoŸ& V_¥Mmo _Zwî`bmoH$_wnZ`ÝVo g VÌ
Vngm ~«÷M`}U lÕ`m g§nÞmo _{h_mZ_Zw^d{VŸ&Ÿ&3Ÿ&&
3. If he meditates on one Matra (measure) of it (A),
then he being enlightened by that, comes quickly to
earth. The Rik-verses lead him to the world of men,
and being endowed there with austerity, celibacy and
faith, attains greatness.

Jnana Bhaskara Mahamahopadhyaya Sri S. Gopala Sastri
ñdmÝV§ fS²>[anw‘X©Z§ e‘‘wI¡: fQ²>gmYZ¡^y©{fV‘² &
fQ²>MH«$mon[anÙemo{^‘hg§ fS²>d³ÌnmXm{lV‘²
fS²>^mdmHw$bXohXþ:IhV¶o ^³Ë¶m ^Oo gX²Jw鑲 &&29&&
29. For the removal of the sorrows caused by this body of
Shadbhavas (six stages i.e. existence, birth, growth, change, decay and
death), I devoutly worship Sri Gurudev whose mind has become a bee to
the lotus-feet of Almighty Lord, an abode of Shadgunas ( six qualities i.e.
prosperity, power, glory, knowledge, fame and dispassion), who has
destroyed the Shadripus (six enemies i.e. lust, anger, greed, delusion,
arrogance and envy), who is adorned with the Shadsadhanas (six
Sadhanas i.e. Shama, Dama, Uparati, Titiksha, Shraddha and
Samadhana), who is having the divine lustre on the thousand-petalled
lotus above the Shadchakras (six circles i.e. Mooladhara, Swadhishthana,
Manipura, Anahata, Vishuddhi and Ajna) and who is a great devotee of
Lord Shanmukha.
gmï>m“àU{V^©dËd{daV§ gdm©Ë‘Z: gX²Jwamo:
gdm©dÚ{ZdmaUo nXgamoOmVo gw{g{ÕàXo &
gr‘mVrV¶emo{ZYo: ew^‘Vo: gyú‘kMyS>m‘Uo:
gy³Ë¶mZpÝXVgÁOZñ¶ gagmbmnm‘¥Vòm{dU: &&30&&
30. Salutations and prostrations to Sri Gurudev, who is endowed
with the treasure of boundless fame, whose mind is lled with auspicious
thoughts, who is a crest-jewel among the great scholars, who delights the
hearts of good people with his wisdom-lled words and who showers the
nectar of enchanting speech on one and all. May my Sashtanga Pranams
be always at his lotus-feet which wash off all sins and bestow the
superhuman powers.
(To be continued)


Sri Swami Sivananda
The word 'Sannyasa' means engaged in the performance of
perfect abandoning or setting aside. normal duties, that fate has
'Sam' means 'perfect,' and 'Nyasa' bequeathed on him, is gifted with
means 'abandoning' or 'setting aside.' this idealism and is able to effect it in
Though traditionally it is the fourth practical life, he is surely a worthy
stage in the life of the Hindu, ever Sannyasin, even if the world does not
since ancient times, there have been know him to be so. It is this ideal of
bright examples of young renunciation, rightly understood
renunciates, full of Viveka and sincerely practised, which could
(discrimination) and Vairagya solve many of the problems of
(dispassion), for whom the fullment mankind today. It is wrongly
of the rst three stages of life, or supposed that renunciation means
particularly the Grihastha and the irresponsibility and abandoning
Vanaprastha stages, which are action. As the Gita says, “The sages
meant to be preparatory, was totally understand Sannyasa to be the
unnecessary. renunciation of action prompted by
Sannyasa springs from the desire, and the wise declare the
renunciation of desires, a very long abandonment of the fruits of action
drawn-out process, and could sustain as renunciation.”
in its pristine purity only through Hasty critics and only those
burning Viveka and Vairagya. Its that have surrendered themselves to
primary condition is the re of Viveka, ignorance and its distorting
before which no impurity could stand, tendencies, and chosen to follow
no desire for mundane objects could unquestioningly the philosophy of
fail to wither. esh, carp and say, “Sannyasins who
If the Sannyasin does not lead the path of renunciation and
possess this primary qualication, abide by the rules of Nivritti-marga are
he is a worldly man indeed, and, on idlers. They are of no use to the
the other hand, if a person, though society; they are like drone bees; they
Taken from DL 1968
1st of June is the Sannyasa-Diksha Anniversary of Swami Sivananda

simply waste their time in forests, absolute necessity, and the

caves and hills. There is nothing in institution of Sannyasa cannot be
Vedanta. It is the philosophy of dispensed with if all the higher
dreamers only. There is no need for aspirations of humanity are to be
the Order of Sannyasa. Where is sustained and nurtured, if individuals
Brahman? Can you show your have to know the Truth and spread its
Brahman? There is no such thing as Light, experience the supreme
Brahman. Brahman is only an Godhead, illustrate by personal lives
imaginary phantom of the so-called its values, and render to all humanity
Vedantins. There is no use of world-redeeming services.
renunciation, Tapas and control of the Every religion has a band of
senses. Let us work a little, eat, drink anchorites who lead the life of
and rejoice in this world.” The seclusion and meditation. There are
followers of this type of cosy Bhikkus in Buddhism, Fakirs in
philosophy of easy reasoning and Mohammedanism, Sustic Fakirs in
easier living, are countless in this Susm, Fathers and Reverends in
modern world. Should you perchance Christianity. The glory of a religion
enter into a conversation with one will be absolutely lost, if you remove
such follower, such a person, he from it the order of the hermits, the
would say, “I am not a Vedantin, it is monks, those who lead the life of
too far beyond the comprehension of renunciation and divine
my mind. Yoga is unsuitable for me; it contemplation, the Sannyasins. It is
is impossible to practise Yoga; it will these people who maintain and
destroy all health and zest for life. I do preserve the religions of the world; it
not understand the meaning of idol is these people who give solace to the
worship and incarnations of God; the householders when they are in
Puranas are sheer myth; they are trouble and distress. They illuminate
intended for ignorant people who the real meaning of life and pour
cannot understand and think for divine delight into existence. They
themselves.” This kind of talker is are the glorious examples of the
entrenching himself in the philosophy spirit of spiritual adventure in man,
of the materialists, missing the very of the wonders and rewards of Truth
meaning and the ideal of life! and its realisation. They are the
The spirit of renunciation is an harbingers of divine wisdom and

peace, the messengers of Self- positive, helpful spirit of

knowledge, of Adhyatmic science, the detachment. Attachment is at the
Upanishadic revelations. Among them root of all suffering. Desire enlivens
are those that tend the sick, comfort it, and fullment of desire leads to a
the forlorn and nurse the bedridden; further increase of attachment and
they bring hope to the hopeless, joy to desire. To say that you have
the depressed, strength to the weak, renounced the world, when you did
wisdom to the ignorant, and courage not possess anything substantial,
to the timid by imparting the Vedantic or to say that you have no desire for
knowledge and the signicance of the any worldly object just because you
Tat-Twam-Asi (Thou Art That) do not have the means to possess
Mahavakya. the object of desire or lack the
A Sannyasin renounces the initiative and drive to attain it,
world, in the sense that he no longer makes no sense. Renunciation and
wishes to be bound up with a single detachment indicate self-denial,
family or be an exclusive possession self-effacement and dispassion. It
of it, and if he ceases his association means the pulverization of one's
with the family in which he was ego. Renunciation or Sannyasa is,
born, it is because his family thus, the greatest of all penances.
members are unable to fully accept The realisation of the
his dissociation from their Sannyasin is focused in the rst
possessive, personalised interests Mantra of the Isavasya Upanishad
which they regard as the hall-mark (Isavasyam idam sarvam). All this,
of kinship. The kinship of the indeed, is pervaded by the Cosmic
Sannyasin is the kinship of the Spirit. The entire universe is an
Spirit. He is related to the world, embodiment of God. All that lives
and serves mankind, in the light of and moves in this world is a member
his realisation. His renunciation is of a common universal family. In
not something negative, but gives earth, water and ether, in the woods
him a true understanding of life, and the glades, in the hills and the
and of the objects and the values of dales, in the brooks and the
the world. His attitude to the meadows, in the aged and the
mundane world is based on a young—everywhere is God. The

world no longer has any exclusive the tasting of the sweetness of the
sphere of possession. It loses its mango is an experience. It is the
illusive power of bondage. “I am his experience of those who sit for
and he is mine” becomes “I am for all, meditation daily, those who get up at 4
and all is Thine, O Lord.” O'clock in the morning.
Every kind of renunciation, if it Spiritual realisation is the
is spiritual, is preceded by Viveka or result of supreme renunciation. A
discriminative understanding, real Sannyasin is the only mighty
because renunciation is the effect of potentate on this earth; he never
Vairagya, and we know that Vairagya takes anything; he always gives. It
is caused by Viveka. There cannot be was Sannyasins only who did
true Vairagya without Viveka. glorious sublime work in the past. It
Renunciation has no value at all if it is is Sannyasins only who can work
caused by some frustration or failure wonders in the present and in the
in life. It becomes long-lasting only future also. Sankara's name can
when it is caused by a correct never be obliterated so long as the
perception of Truth. world lasts. It was Ramakrishna
Every one of you should resort Paramahamsa, Rama Tirtha,
to high self-discipline. You should do Dayananda and Vivekananda who
seless service. Man has a constricted disseminated the sublime teachings
heart. Very few people have a large of the scriptures and preserved the
heart of charitable disposition. Man Hindu religion. A Sannyasin alone
loves only his brother or sister, and a can do real Lokasangraha, because
few friends who will help him when he he has divine knowledge; he is a
himself is sick, from whom he can whole-timed man! One real
borrow. You don't feel, “The whole Sannyasin can change the destiny of
world is my family.” You will have to the whole world! May Sannyasins,
crush this smallness of heart through the repositories of divine knowledge,
service, generosity, Sattvic thinking, the torchbearers of Truth, the
daily study of scriptures and try to put beacon-lights of the world, the
them into practice. Vedanta is not a corner-stones of spiritual edice, the
philosophy; Raja Yoga is not a theory. central pillars of the eternal Dharma,
It is vital, fundamental experience. of religion, guide the different
Raja Yoga is an experience, even as nations of the world!


Sri Swami Chidananda
The 1st of June is a most sacred established once again upon earth.
and auspicious day on which we have What is the real spirit of
to bring before our mind's eye the Sannyasa which alone, our ancients
supreme ideal for which have declared, will enable us to attain
Bharatavarsha has stood right from the great goal of life, Self-realisation –
the ancient Upanishadic times to the the great aspiration of Bharatavarsha?
present day in the Atomic Age. It is the Our ancients have declared: Na
ancient ideal of Sannyasa, of a life of karmana na prajayaa dhanena
perfect detachment, renunciation and tyaagenaike amritatwamaanashuh.
pure seless love and service of all By absolute desirelessness, by total
Jivas, seeing in the Jivas the full and renunciation alone can the Supreme
direct manifestation of the Eternal Goal be attained. Tyaga is the very life-
Siva Himself. We have been observing breath of Sannyasa.
for several years past the 1st of June Should this Tyaga be a mere
as the day commemorating the passive shrinking from all these
stepping into Sannyasa by Sri external things or is it something more
Gurudev who is to us the most glorious positive, heroic and dynamic?
and ideal exemplier of what Sannyasa has always been the
Sannyasa in all its grandeur can be crowning of the four orders of social
and has to be. It is our great privilege to life as given by our law-givers. The
commence this function of the Sacred three lower orders are in fact merely
Sannyasa Day of Gurudev by rst of all preparatory stages for qualifying the
mentally invoking the blessings of all individual for Sannyasa.
the great Satgurus of the past and the In Brahmacharya, the
Sannyasins of the present day who foundation is laid by giving the
have kept up the most glorious line individual all the knowledge that he
effectively so that out of their strength needs to have, of the real purpose of
and the blazing of Bharatavarsha's human birth; a man is taught in the
inner culture, humanity may once Brahmacharya Ashrama what is
again be saved from the unfortunate Dharma and Adharma; what is truth
fate towards which it is heading, and and how one is to lead a life of self-
peace and blessedness may be control, so that he may progressively

Taken from DL 2007


go towards the perfect life embodied in completely eliminated and he plunges

Sannyasa. inwardly into deep meditation alone.
All the great noble ideals, the The Dharma of a Sannyasin is
sublime lessons that he has imbibed to constantly engage himself in deep
in the rst order are put into practice meditation. This is the crowning glory
in the Grihastha Ashrama. He tries to of Indian social life. As a matter of fact,
train himself in living detached amidst if only this social structure had been
attachments and also by being in the devoutly preserved, instead of being
world and yet not of the world and neglected or allowed to lapse, if it had
exerting constantly to produce goods, been preserved with the necessary
to earn wealth, but not with the selsh modications to suit it to the present
aim for his own sake. He tries to day, we would have found that the life
develop into an ideal mental of Bharatavarsha is pervaded by
Sannyasin. The second stage is thus Sannyasa. Sannyasa is the one spirit
the stage of practically experimenting which hovers over entire
where he tries out the knowledge Bharatavarsha from the Himalayas to
gained in the rst Ashrama. the Cape Comorin, from the West to
When he has risen higher in the the East, end to end of India. For, right
ladder of evolution, our Varnashrama at the beginning of our history, Manu
Dharma leads him on to the life of has declared that the great purpose of
almost a Sannyasin. That is the the human being's life is Paropakara.
Vanaprastha period when the external Vyasa says, that all that brings
portion of the Grihastha is completely suffering upon others, leads to sin and
left, yet there are certain inner problems its inexorable reactions, and all that
which he has not yet learnt to solve. helps others, relieves others of pain
When the Grihastha leads an ideal life of and sorrow and helps them, leads to
detachment born of self-control, the ego Punya or merit, which bestows upon
comes up as the very terrible foe from us the Ultimate Bliss.
inside, and he feels, “I have done Based upon this, we nd out
Dharma. I am very seless. I am trying that the social order was built up
to keep up a high standard of ethical through a series of four Ashramas,
perfection etc.” When he starts the third each one progressively developing the
order of life, he has to do the process of individual in a higher and higher
shedding off all these inner subtle intensity of selessness, of giving
obstacles. Then alone will he be himself, culminating in the glorious
qualifying himself for the last stage, Ashrama of Sannyasa.
Sannyasa, where the external life is Hari Om Tat Sat

Sri Swami Krishnananda
In Sanskrit philosophical living beings, but also in the level of
parlance, the universe is called inanimate matter. There is a small
Brahmanda and the individual is universe present everywhere. Even in
called Pindanda, by which what is a grain of sand, the universe is hidden.
meant is the universe is the This great doctrine is the
macrocosm and the individual is the background of a system of yoga
microcosm. The individual is an practice popularly known as kundalini
atomic representation of the cosmos, yoga: the xing of the consciousness
so it may be said that we can recognise on the microcosmic centres of the
a cross section of the universe in every individual which correspond to the
individual. The pattern and the layers macrocosmic planes of existence. To
of expression of the universe can be touch any part of the universe is to
found exactly in a similar form in the touch the whole universe. If we touch a
individual, only very minutely. grain of sand on the bank of the
Perhaps we may say it is something Ganga, we have touched the cosmos,
like a huge banyan tree hiddenly because everywhere the same pattern
present in a tiny seed thereof. is present. This great truth is taken
We are aware that even an advantage of in a meditational system
inanimate atom works like a solar known as kundalini sadhana.
system, with a central sun controlling The word 'kundalini' means a
the movement of the planetary activity coiled-up, serpent-like force. The
of what scientists call electrons. There zigzag movement thereof is very
is a ratio of distance between the intricate in the lower forms of life, and
centre and the periphery which is the intricacy becomes less and less,
equivalent, as it were, to the ratio of the and more and more straightened, as
distance between the Sun and the life evolves higher and higher. It is
planets moving around the Sun. It is terrically involved in an unintelligible
said that this pattern operates manner in the lowest forms of life, in
everywhere, not only in the world of crude forms of thinking, in matter, or

Discourse given in April 1981


in the material way of living. The the descent of anything which is

involvement is unimaginably involved in the whirl. If a person is
intricate. There is no transparency caught up in the whirling force of the
present there, even in the least waters in a river, that person can
modicum. It is totally opaque to the neither come up nor go inside. He is
entry of any kind of life. Tamas caught in the whirl of the current,
predominates in the lowest centre which moves very forcefully. These
which, according to the terminology of centres, or chakras, are whirls of
the system called kundalini yoga, is energy in which the consciousness of
the muladhara chakra. These are all the individual is caught up, like an
technical terms used in this doctrine insect that whirls round and round in
or system of practice. the same point of the whirl, unable to
The physical realm—the get out of it. In the language of the
material form of living, the crudest Puranas and the epics, these are all
type of existence—is demonstrated called the lokas, or the various planes
and symbolised in the fundamental of existence, and individually they are
position, or the basic form which the called the chakras, or the whirls of
individual assumes, represented in power. There is an enormous amount
what is known as the muladhara of detail that is provided to us in
chakra. There are innite planes of regard to the formation and the
existence and, therefore, there can be function of these chakras, and the
innite layers of our personality. literature on this subject is equally
These layers in the individual, enormous.
microcosmically representing the The reason why I thought of
cosmos, are called chakras in speaking on this theme today is that
Sanskrit, which means a circle—or many students have a subconscious
rather, a circling pattern of power or feeling that kundalini yoga is a pre-
energy, like a whirl that is sometimes eminent form of yoga practice, and
seen in a moving river, a whirl which there is also a consequent feeling that
vigorously works in a particular the liberation of the soul, or the
manner, so that anything that is salvation of the spirit, which is
caught in it is held in that whirling supposed to be attained through the
motion. It will not allow the ascent or practice of yoga, is capable of

achievement only through this technique has a special danger

particular path known as kundalini involved in it which is not as patent in
yoga. Many students put the the other types of practice. The reason
questions: Can I rouse the kundalini is psychological or, we may say,
by devotion to God, bhakti? Can I psychophysical. The interference of
rouse the kundalini by the Patanjali consciousness with the operations of
system of yoga? Can I rouse the the body is to be engaged in or
kundalini by japa? Can I rouse the undertaken with caution, because
kundalini by worship? any concentration that is bestowed
The implication behind all upon parts of the body affects the
these doubts is that the principal function of those parts. A vigorous
occupation of spiritual practice is the activity of that particular centre can
rousing of the kundalini, a notion that be set up, and the vigour of the activity
somehow enters the minds of can assume such proportion that it
students, partly due to the great can go out of control.
propaganda that is done in the name The centres, or the chakras, to
of this yoga by protagonists thereof, put it in a different way, are the
and partly due to reading literature of centres of the desires of man. We are
a mystical or an occult nature, due to interfering with our desires when we
which one gets the idea that yoga is concentrate on these chakras, and
nothing but the rousing of the nothing can be worse for us. They are
kundalini. It may be so, and it is like serpents that cannot be handled
perhaps so, but the interpretation easily. When they lie in a corner and
that is foisted upon this system of are not active, they do not assume the
practice is a little misconstrued, and ferocity they are capable of. It is only
far divergent from the truth of the when we touch them or rouse them
matter. into action—wake them up from their
Apart from the philosophical sleep—that they begin to assume their
suggestiveness involved in this true nature. This is the case with any
practice, by which we can compare animal, not merely a snake, and
this with any other system of yoga to desires are like animals. Either they
the same extent, it has to be added as should be left to themselves, or they
a word of caution that this particular should be controlled; there is no third

alternative. Either we do not interfere but one knows what it means to even
with them and leave them to attempt such a procedure.
themselves, or we have the power to The desires are not merely
control them or harness them in the appearances on the surface of the
way we require. mind. They are terric powers which
Most of the desires of man are try to have their way in a particular
like sleeping beasts. They are there direction. Their force is such that they
like wild powers, but because they are have succeeded in compelling the
sleeping and nobody interferes with consciousness to assume the form of
them, it looks as if they are not there at this body itself. The so-called 'I' or 'we'
all. A sleeping tiger, a sleeping lion or a seated in this hall, this person or these
sleeping snake may not attract one's persons, are only slaves, puppets in
attention, because they are asleep. To the hands of these uncontrollable
rouse them to action is a danger. But if powers which are microcosmically
it is necessary to rouse them or wake directed by macrocosmic
them from sleep for some purpose, purposes—the will of God, if we would
and we cannot avoid rousing them, like to call it so. In the Upanishads,
then before we enter into this particularly in the Brihadaranyaka
adventure of waking them from their Upanishad, we are given a
sleep, we should guard ourselves with mythological or, we may say, an epic
the necessary equipment to face them description of the very manner in
when they wake up. which the universe was projected. The
This is not done by most same doctrine is propounded in such
seekers of yoga. They unnecessarily scriptures as the Yoga Vasishtha, for
poke the sleeping snake, throw a instance. All this is beyond us at the
stone at the sleeping tiger, or give a present moment. We will be merely
blow to the lion that is asleep. This is a abbergasted if we try to probe into
mistake that most seekers make when their mysteries. We will be overtaken
they take to kundalini yoga or tantra with consternation.
yoga, etc. It is beautiful to ride on a Scientists of today also seem to
tiger or to utilise a lion for our personal be heading towards this conclusion
occupations in daily life. We may use when they have propounded their
the lion to plough the elds, if we can, nal say in the matter of the origin of

the universe as a concretisation of impulse. No one knows from where

cosmic dust, which again is a that impulse came. The
picturesque form taken by a centrality Brihadaranyaka Upanishad tells us
of the universe which, in a humorous that Ishvara, Purusha, willed, and
manner, our physicists call the cosmic that will is the impact, which is the
atom. We cannot understand what the origin. The One became two. The One,
cosmic atom is. We have to stretch our having become two, attempted a
imagination to try to understand what union of the two in order that it may
that could be. This is the Brahmanda, again become the original One. The
called the cosmic atom in English. Brihadaranyaka Upanishad describes
Perhaps they call it an atom because it creation—how the original seed form
is an indivisible compactness of a of the division into individualities took
universally expanded nature, and all the multitudinous aspects of the
perhaps there is no other word to phenomena that we see with our eyes.
explain this situation. This atom split You and I, and every blessed thing
into two, says our modern science. that we can see or think of, are all
The Brahmanda split into two halves, shreds, bits, or chopped-off pieces of
says the Manusmriti. Both tell us the this original, indivisible wholeness,
same thing. One half became gold and Ishvara's Being. We are little pieces of
the other half became silver, is the Ishvara, cut off perhaps in the same
epic description of the splitting of the way the Earth was cut off from the
central atom of the cosmos, the body of the Sun by the movement of a
Brahmanda. The two became four, giant star. Scientists say that once
four became eight, eight became upon a time, aeons back, a giant star
sixteen, sixteen became thirty-two, passed nearby and caused the Sun to
and then it became the innitely split into the planets that revolve
variegated pattern of the universe around it today.
down to the minutest sand particle, Thus we are bits of God, pieces of
the electrons, and so on. the Absolute, and miniature eternities
All these are subsidiary moving here on this Earth. This is the
reverberations of the impact given by philosophy behind tantra and
the original thought, if we would like kundalini yoga—a grand philosophy
to call it a thought, or the original and a wondrous technique. Nothing

can be compared to it in its efcacy. But we are told the universe had its origin
the danger that I hinted at lies in the in the desire of the Eternal. Desire, or
fact that the Original Will has the kama, is the cause of the universe:
capacity to compel the little bits to work kāmas tad agre sam avartatādhi
according to its own pattern in such an (Nasadiya 4). And that central desire
intensity that to operate in a different of the Eternal has become the little
manner, as required by the practice of vehemence with which the minds of
yoga, would mean a herculean feat on the individuals work in the direction
the part of the seeker. Often it is said of their objects.
that it is like moving against the Now, the tantra and the
current, but it is something more kundalini yogas go deep into this
difcult than even that. process by which one has descended
We have to humbly submit to from the Eternal, and try to reverse
what the ancients have told us in the the process, to take a round-about
scriptures as to the manner of the turn. This is described in a secret
manifestation of the universe. We language in the texts of tantra,
cannot question why and how this unintelligible to the common reader
happened. Therefore, to return to and misleading to novitiates, so that
God would be to reverse the process to practise this yoga by merely
by which we have descended through reading a book would be to handle
the current of the manifestation of dynamite without knowing how it
this Cosmic Will, which formed itself works. The teachers of these
into these little wills of all of us, down techniques have kept this art very
to even an ant. secret by guarding it through
There is some tendency in ambiguous language, by using
prakriti, in nature, the downward imagery in the style of expression,
pull of this Original Will, to compel and by a purely symbolic way of
everything to think externally, presenting the entire technique.
outwardly. This compulsion is called Therefore, if we take the whole thing
desire. The Original Will is the literally, we would be losers. Their
central desire of the cosmos—to language is very strange, and
which a reference is made in the sometimes it is totally impossible for
Nasadiya Sukta of the Veda, where us to understand what is in the mind

of the person who expressed himself practice, by which the desires are
in such a style. handled and harnessed for the reverse
Here is one example of this process of the movement of
humorous way in which they speak consciousness to the Eternal Will from
about interesting themes: "When the which we originated, and through
dog is there, there is no stone. When which we have come down. By
the stone is there, there is no dog." controlling the whirling powers within
Now, what do we understand from us by a practice of xing the attention
this? We would think that we would of consciousness on the different
like to pelt a stone at the dog. But parts of the psychophysical
when the dog is there, we do not see a individuality, we unlock the knots
stone, and so we are helpless because with which we are tied to this
we cannot throw a stone at it. And individuality—the granthis, as they
when the stone is there, there is no are called. There are said to be three
dog, so how to throw a stone at the granthis, called brahma-granthi,
dog, when the dog is not there? This is vishnu-granthi and rudra-granthi.
how our mind may work in They are to be untied, and not
understanding this interesting, snapped. The Gordian knot is not to
enigmatic saying. But this is not the be cut, but untied, which is a difcult
meaning of the statement. I am not process. Because it is a Gordian knot,
going to tell what it actually means, as it is not easy to untie it.
it is a different subject. "Embrace the Both the tantra and the
tree," says the great saint Tirumular kundalini systems, being almost
in one of his poems. Why should we go parallel in their doctrines and their
and embrace the tree? If this practices, invoke certain techniques
instruction is taken literally, everyone of thinking, behaving and
would go and hug a tree and imagine concentration which require
that yoga is being practised. He does uncanny willpower on the part of a
not want us to hug a tree. What is in person. Desires are controlled by
his mind is something different. the manipulation of the desires
Likewise, many mysterious themselves. Just as we catch one
practices and techniques are seen to elephant with the help of another
be involved in these peculiarities of elephant, one desire is controlled

by another desire. We do not it were, an introductory feature to a

destroy the desires, but utilise great treasure of knowledge
them in a strange manner, as we bequeathed to us by the ancient
can utilise one thief to catch masters, which has been lost these
another thief. We become friendly days on account of the extraneous
with one thief, and he will tell us occupations of the human mind and
where the other thieves are. Thus, the involvements which are totally
we catch hold of one desire and opposed to the inward aspirations of
force it—in a very intelligent the Spirit.
manner, of course—to handle the All yogas, whatever be their
other desires also. Thus, the so- nature, aim at the same goal. The
called desires become an purpose that is served by one yoga is
impersonal means by which one also served by other yogas. Therefore,
can overcome the limitations to to the question whether by bhakti yoga
which one is subject on account of the kundalini can be raised, the
the centralisation of these desires answer is yes, because there is an
in these knots or locks. automatic action taking place when
But a person who is subject to the mind is concentrated in whatever
desires cannot handle them. This is the manner is prescribed by the particular
danger. And who is not subject to system or doctrine, provided the
desires? Therefore, Swami Sivanandaji conditions laid down are fullled and
Maharaj used to say that these yogas there is no deviation from the
are not suitable for this age, Kali Yuga, prescribed conditions.
where the will is weak and no one can There are not many yogas.
understand anything. Hence, these There is only one road and, as the
techniques are not to be adopted by Bhagavadgita puts it, we may safely
impure minds or unintelligent designate it as Brahma yoga: sa
individuals whose discrimination has brahma-yoga-yuktātmā sukham
not been properly awakened, and who akshayam aśnute (B.G. 5.21). All the
do not have a proper guide or a superior other yogas are various facets of the
to help them. single crystal of the integral approach
These few words which I placed of the whole being to God, which is
before you are like an introduction, as Brahma yoga.


Sri Swami Venkatesananda
Gurudev Swami Sivananda obviously ows from a direct
called him 'Vedanta Kesari' and also experience of the Truth that he
'Dakshinamurti' on different expounds. That the exposition is often
occasions. On several occasions, Sri based on the Bhagavad Gita and the
Swami Krishnanandaji Maharaj Upanishads is a sure indication that
vindicates the Master's intuitive these scriptures are authentic,
understanding of the true nature of his because it is the sage of Self-
illustrious disciple. Krishnananda knowledge that authenticates the
Swamiji's silence is as eloquent as his scriptures.
spoken word, and his spoken word is What is even more interesting in
as wise and unfathomable as his the divine life of Swami
silence. When he speaks, one is Krishnanandaji Maharaj is the way in
reminded of Lord Buddha's which this austere and holy recluse
Simhanada (lion's roar) and one could effortlessly slip into the role of a
appreciates why Gurudev called him dynamic administrator. These two, to
the Lion of Vedanta. When one is the ordinary human mind, are
enveloped by Swamiji's silence which contradictory with totally different
stirs one's own innermost depths, one values, but not to him. In him, the
understands Dakshinamurti's secret universe blends indistinguishably
of stupendous silence. with Brahman; meditation and service
Between the Lion's roar and the are non-different, and service is
great silence is Swamiji's eloquence worship or Samadhi.
whose uniqueness was pointed out by Yet, he is able to understand
the world-renowned Rukmini Devi and appreciate the difculties and
during her visit to Sivananda Ashram problems of lesser mortals to whom
in the 1950s: “Krishnananda Swamiji differences are the absolutes! One
uses the right word to convey the exact morning, a young man approached
sense in the most appropriate Swamiji with the usual and universal
manner.” This ability of Swamiji problem of sorrow and frustration.
Taken from Sri Swami Krishnanandaji Maharaj's 60th Birthday Souvenir

Swamiji spoke to him at length about impossible, to understand. But this is

the social, economic and the truth, though for the present, only
psychological causes and cures of the economic and social aspects are
such sorrow and frustration. In brief, intelligible to you. So, I suggest you to
poverty and lack of affection are the take all this with you and contemplate
basic causes today of sorrow and frus- the truth and I am sure you will leave
tration in the human being. Fair this Ashram in a very much better
enough. After some interval, Swamiji state than the one in which you
turned to the same young man and entered it.”
continued: “What I am now going to The sage of transcendental
tell you may not be understood by you consciousness that he is, Swamiji is
right now, but you can take it with you able to appreciate the difculties of
and you may realise its truth in due spiritual toddlers and offer them
time. The truth is that there is no solutions to their problems at their
affection or love in this world. All that own levels. Gurudev used to point out
passes by these names is hypocrisy. In that in recent times, Shankaracharya
truth, God is the centre of love. From embodied in himself the highest
this higher point of view, all the loves perfection of a Karma Yogi, Bhakta
that we are familiar with—a man's and Vedantin. This could, with equal
love for his wife, a businessman's love validity, be said of Sri Swami
of wealth, a dictator's love of power Krishnanandaji Maharaj also. He is a
and so on—are all perversions of this great Vedantin, an ardent devotee of
God's love of Himself, the centre's love the Lord (and God-in-Man), and an
of itself. The distorted love is false. able administrator of the vast
What is popularly known as organisation known as the Divine Life
selshness is an afrmation of the Society and the complex world-in-
false sense of individuality. When this miniature known as the Sivananda
is directly realised as the Truth, sel- Ashram.
shness is denied and one rises to the If you wish to witness the truth
state in which one does not experience of this, please spend a couple of hours
any joy and there is no sorrow. To the or a couple of days at the Sivananda
worldly mind, this higher spiritual ap- Ashram, and see for yourself what
proach to the problem of sorrow and goes on during the morning Darshan
frustration is difcult, if not of Swami Krisnanandaji Maharaj.

Continued from the previous issue


(Speech delivered by Sri Swami Sivanandaji Maharaj,
on 26th December, 1954)
Are you the body? No. The body is Niyama. Be truthful. Practise non-
a perishable object made of ve injury. Practise Brahmacharya. These
elements; so you are distinct from the are all the things that you will have to
body. Similarly, you are not the Prana cultivate, little by little. If you are
and you are not the mind either. In earnest and sincere, everything will
dream, the idea of the body does not become easy.
exist, and yet you exist; in deep sleep, Have a programme of life. Know
even the mind vanishes, and yet you what is the real goal. Do not imagine,
exist. When there is great fear or shock, "When I retire, I will be able to do Japa
the mind does not function. Therefore, and meditation." In your old age, when
it cannot be the ever-intelligent Atma. all your energy is squeezed out, you
These are the enquiries that you should will not be able to sit even in
pursue. Regular introspection, Japa, Padmasana for a few minutes. When
Kirtan, meditation, Atmic enquiry – you are young, you must meditate and
only these will make you strong and practise enquiry. Study Yoga-
really wealthy. Vasistha, Viveka-Chudamani. Yoga-
It is your important duty to try Vasistha will raise you to supreme
to realise the Self in this life itself. This Brahmanhood and make you the real
is your foremost duty. This only can king of kings. He who is full of desires,
remove your worries, cares, anxieties is a beggar of beggars; he is a slave of
and make you blissful at all times, the senses, slave of the Indriyas, slave
under all conditions and all kinds of of emotions. Try to rise above all these.
environments. Then you can attain to the realisation
Meditation is very difcult. of oneness or unity and realise the
Before attempting to meditate really, fearless Atman in your old age. The
you should equip yourself with the Atman is fearless. There is no anxiety,
virtues enumerated under Yama- no worry, no misery in the Self, there is

Taken from 'Life of Swami Venkatesananda'


neither East nor West, neither South Light of lights, he alone really sees.
nor North. In the Self there is neither Otherwise he is blind. Study the
hunger nor hotel, no old age or death, Upanishads, Atma-Bodha, Tattva-
no Tuesday or Monday. There is Sat- Bodha. Cultivate reverence to
kama and Sat-Sankalpa. Only if you teachers, reverence to saints,
attain this Atman will you be free. That reverence to Sadhus. They only can
is your essential nature. Tat Tvam Asi! redeem you. The Sannyasin is
You are That, my dear children! Sakshat Narayana Himself. He who is
But the realisation of this Truth, able to infuse into you discrimination,
Tat Tvam Asi, is not so easy. By seless has placed you under a debt of
service, you will have to purify your gratitude to him, which you cannot
mind of the dirt which has accumulated repay in millions of lives. Your mind
in it; and then steady the mind through runs now along the sensual grooves.
Upasana, and through the Grace of He who is able to turn your mind away
the Lord, the veil will be removed. This, from the sensual grooves – you cannot
our Venkatesanandaji has done. very easily repay the debt you owe
When we celebrate the birthday him. He who is able to infuse into you a
of Venkatesanandaji, we are little aspiration and to turn your mind
celebrating the One Common slightly from the sensual objects – you
Consciousness. We worship, we cannot repay without Sadhana, the
remember the One Common debt you owe him. Such are the people
Consciousness which through the who wear this Gerua cloth. Glory to
veiling power of Maya appears as all these worthy children of
these – like the blueness of the sky, Sankaracharya, Dattatreya, Sanaka,
like a snake in the rope. You will have Sanandana and Sanatkumara. He
to enquire. You have been who is not able to understand the one
overwhelmed by these little all-pervading Presence, whose mind
appearances, by these names and runs along sensual grooves, is a
forms. There is an ocean of peace, burden upon earth, however great he
Satchidananda, behind these. Eko is intellectually and however wealthy
devah sarvabhuteshu gudhah – that he may be. He who is not lled with
One Supreme Consciousness is discrimination and dispassion is a
hidden in all these beings, like butter burden upon earth. But he who is able
in milk. He who is able to see the one to turn the mind from the sense-

objects, who is devoted to the The man attains peace who,

Omnipresent Indweller, is a saint. He abandoning all desires, moves about
is a saint who has understood the real without longing, without the sense of
signicance of the four Mahavakyas – m i n e a n d w i t h o u t e g o i s m .
P r a j n a n a m B r a h m a , A h a m (Bhagavad Gita II/71)
Brahmasmi, Tat Tvam Asi, Ayam Atma Indriyartheshu vairagyam
Brahma! You are not this small being anahamkara eva cha
of 5'4", with all sorts of cravings, Janmamrityujaravyadhi
Vasanas and Trishnas (these have duhkhadoshanudarshanam
made a beast of you), but Tat Tvam Asi Indifference to the objects of the
– thou art That Satchidananda Atman! senses and also absence of egoism,
Only he who has not understood this, perception of the evil in birth, death,
runs after the sensual pleasures o l d a g e , s i c k n e s s a n d p a i n .
which appear to taste like nectar in the (Bhagavad Gita XIII/8)
beginning, but eventually turn out to Are you keeping these as your
be poisonous. ideals before you? He who is free from
Understand the magnitude of cravings and temptations, he alone
human suffering. Understand what this will enjoy peace. Your endeavour must
world can give you – only a little be daily to nd out "How much
sensation, titillation of the nerves. If you Ahamkara and Mamakara have I got?"
waste your life in these little things, how You will have to repeat these formulas
foolish you are! You have forgotten the every second and annihilate desires,
goal of life. One Anna of pleasure is Ahamkara and mineness. Then you
mixed with fteen Annas of pain. Can will enjoy real peace.
you recognise this as pleasure? Are you attempting all this?
So many virtues have to be Have you got this ideal before you?
cultivated. So many scriptures have to What are the obstacles? When you
be studied, not only for the sake of want to eradicate I-ness and mine-
knowledge and understanding, but for ness, you must feel within and have
the sake of practice. Remember: devotion to the ideal of Atmic
Vihaya kaman yah sarvan realisation. Keep the goal always
pumamsh charati nihsprihah before you. Then comes control of
Nirmamo nirahamkarah sa shantim Indriyas. The man who has controlled
adhigacchati the Indriyas gets Supreme Peace. This

is the real science. This is the Brahma everywhere; He is in the Light, in the
Vidya taught by Uddalaka to Sun, in the Moon, in the Stars, in
Swetaketu, by Yajnavalkya to every speck of Creation.
Maitreyi. These Upanishadic truths He who is sincere, who has
must enter your very bones and aspiration, he will realise God. Every
nerves. Then you will have man is selsh. Therefore, Shastras
selessness, egolessness, say that you must do charity. By
desirelessness, Vasanalessness and charity, you purify yourself and you
Trishnalessness. Then only can you be recognise the all-pervading Atman.
called a human being. You grow in unity and oneness.
God has given you a chance. Charity gives rise to knowledge of the
When you have strength, knowledge, oneness, the unity of Consciousness.
beauty, health, etc. and when you There is time yet, if you start
have been provided with books, doing the right thing from this very
teachers – everything – if you do not moment. But you must apply
attempt for Self-realisation, then God yourself seriously to Sadhana. How
is not to be blamed. many of you are getting up at 4
People have begun to ask, o'clock in the morning and
"Where is God?" He is everywhere. It contemplating upon questions like,
is absurd to ask for proof of the "What is the world in Innity?" If you
existence of God. Who created the are attempting to have the knowledge
mind with its several faculties? Who of Innity, will you waste your time in
pumps blood in your heart? Who reading newspapers? No. Even an
causes the peristaltic movements? attempt at the realisation of the Self
He is the all-pervading Essence. He raises you to Brahmaloka. Actual
is hidden in all these things, like oil realisation takes you beyond sorrow,
in the sesame seed, like butter in once and for all, Tarati shokam
milk, like electricity in the wires. atmavit [one who knows the Self,
God is Swatahsiddha —self-evident. overcomes sorrow]. Such a man
The mother says, "Here is your becomes Brahman Himself:
father" – you don't ask her for Brahmavit brahmaiva bhavati (he
further proof. Similarly, you will who knows Brahman becomes
have to repose faith in the words of Brahman). He enables others to cross
the scriptures and the sages. God is the ocean of Samsara: Sa tarati sa

lokan tarayati. All sorrows are the scriptures and deliver lectures;
banished from you even when you but you should also discipline the
think of Atman – Ahamatma mind. Whatever the Gita teaches, you
nirakarah sarvavyapi swabhavatah (I should put into practice. Simply
am the Self – formless, all-pervading, lecturing on Brahma Sutras will not
innate nature). do. If you are not given due respect
Do you get this knowledge in and honour, you lose your balance of
your Universities? You should exert mind. Not only study and lecturing;
yourself to acquire this Brahma Vidya. you should introspect, analyse and
That alone can make you bold. The nd out what virtues you should
whole wealth of the Lord belongs to develop and what defects you should
you. All divine Aishwaryas, all Siddhis get rid of. That leads to Brahma
and Riddhis roll under the feet of the Jnana – not merely study. Develop
sage of Self-realisation. That you humility. Cultivate the spirit of
should attempt to become. Repeat seless service. You must watch for
formulas like: opportunities. If a man is lying down
Ahamatma nirakarah sarvavyapi on the roadside, hungry and thirsty,
swabhavatah; jnanamritam you must run to him with a cup of
shuddham atindriyoham. milk. Otherwise your study of
Even the mere repetition of these Brahma Sutras is useless. You
formulas makes you fearless and helps should not bring in Vedantic
you to cross this ocean of Samsara. arguments to support your Vedantic
There are three kinds of indifference here! One man said to
impurities in the mind. One is Mala the other: "My house is on re; please
which is removed by the practice of come and help." The latter replied,
Karma Yoga. The other is Vikshepa "Well, friend, this world is unreal.
which is removed by Bhakti, and the Where is house, where is re?" This is
third is Avarana which is removed sheer foolishness. The world is
by Jnana Yoga. Thinking, willing, unreal …….. for whom? For a
feeling – all these must be developed Jivanmukta. If sugar is a little less in
harmoniously; then only will there coffee, you will know whether the
be integral development. That is world is real or unreal for you. It is
your duty. only when you discipline yourself
You should not merely study through untiring seless service that

Atma Jnana will arise in you. and therefore refused to give her
Venkatesanandaji is not a small Sannyas. The Sannyas spirit
boy. All the Ashram work he is doing. I sometimes comes and goes. She
must tell all this, so that other people observed Satyagraha; she did not take
may be inspired to emulate his food for three or four days. Her mother
example. He has not uttered a single came to me and said, "Give her
word that could displease me. If I want Sannyas." Her father also blessed her.
to get some work done urgently, the Then I gave her Sannyas. Such is the
next morning it is ready; he would do it force of good Samskaras. It won't allow
sitting up the whole night. He has no you to lead a worldly life. When spiritual
ego. He will never say, "This is not Samskaras begin to take effect, it is like
good." He is pleasing in manners. We the atom bomb bursting.
should always try to please everybody. Venkatesanandaji's letters are
People generally bring in the story of full of honey. Our Professor Swami
the donkey, the old man and his son, Sadanandaji is a great critic; and he is
in support of their argument that it is a l l a p p r e c i a t i o n f o r
not possible to please everybody. This Venkatesanandaji's letters. They are
is wrong. I always try to please preserved in the iron safe by those who
everybody, whatever be the nature of receive them. He does not even
people. When a man comes to me, I prepare a draft; he sits at the
nd out what is good in him, and try to typewriter, and the letter is at once
please him. Though it may not always ready. No stenographer will be able to
be possible, you must try to please all, compete with him. Many are coming;
to the maximum extent open to you. but if I say one thing, they will write
One old man wants to take something else. That is one kind of
Sannyas. He is still postponing it. "You 'stenography'! But Venkatesanandaji,
have got Moha for your son," I said. even if he hears once, it is quite
"Yes, I have," he says! Look at the force sufcient for him, he will reproduce
of Samskaras. He who is living with the speech beautifully. He has a very
Sannyasins in this birth, will gather acute grasping power; there is no
sufcient Samskaras now to take confusion in his brain. But for him all
Sannyas in the next birth. One girl has that I say – not only I, but many others
come here; she has taken Sannyas. I like Dr. Graham Howe, Prof. Burtt, Sri
thought she won't be able to manage Satchidanandam Pillai, Major-General

A.N Sharma, and others who have is humble and egoless. Similarly,
delivered lectures here – would have Swami Chidanandaji also; therefore,
been lost. He is a man to be adored. everybody loves him.
I told Venkatesanandaji when I He, Swami Chidanandaji and
was at Roorkee, "Don't always refer to me the others, are the people to continue
as Gurudev in your talks; just say the work of the Divine Life Society.
Swamiji, that will do." He said, "If I say Every man is useful; and
`Swamiji', it does not express the Bhav of Venkatesanandaji is useful in his own
my heart; it creates an illusion of equality way. Just as in the body, there are so
with Gurudev." Then I allowed him to many cells, tissues, etc., and life is
continue to refer to me as Gurudev. sustained by their harmonious
The work he does, other people working, similarly if all of you work
won't be able to do. So many books and harmoniously together, you can do
pamphlets are coming out of the press – grand service to the world.
all through his work only. He has written He is overworked, and there is
my day-to-day talks in Four Volumes, yet nobody to help him. The work he does
to be published; he has also written my is very great. During the All-India
life-sketch. He has also written the Tour, Venkatesanandaji was working
'Bhagavad Gita for Students' which is day and night. He was given a small
very much appreciated by all. He has room in the Tourist Car. He had not
performed much austerity, Tapas, in even a proper place to sit and work.
previous births also; and he has Yet he has produced the huge volume
rendered seless service to Yogis, 'Sivananda's Lectures: All-India
sages and great people. This has taken Tour'. But for him, this book would
the shape of his talents, his kindness, not have come out at all.
good qualities and good Samskaras. I Saradanandaji also contributed a lot
have seen people here; when they have to this book. He used to ascend trees
a little talent, their head swells. and buildings in order to take
Whoever may come, I make him a photographs. He is also working in
lecturer, the cashier and most his own way; and he is a genius.
important man, in order to encourage Thus is the work carried on by
him, the new inmate. But some all these people. May God bless them
p e o p l e ' s h e a d s s w e l l . all with health, long life, peace and
Venkatesanandaji is not like that. He Eternal Bliss!


Sri Swami Venkatesananda
Yoga is the path to Self- to external circumstances and
realisation. But what is the Self? What is challenges. These reactions become
the 'I' that acts and reacts? As you violent, explosive and destructive only
observe this phenomenon known as the when you are taken unawares. But
'I', you realise that the 'I' is but the image when you observe them, they are mild
created in you by all sorts of factors right and civilised. That is a great blessing.
from early childhood. As a child you were As the mind becomes calmer and
told that you are a boy (or a girl), you are the agitation ceases, the observation
an Indian etc., you are a member of a becomes more and more clear. You
particular caste or community, of a begin to see the arising of cravings and
certain religious group, a certain class irritation, love and hate, anxiety and
and that you are educated, you are clever fear. You see the eld in which these
and so on. All these images put together arise and realise that it is the mind. You
form the 'I'. It is this 'I' that responds to see that all of them are made of the
the present life situations. None of these same mind-stuff, temporary
images is truly your self, for all these modications of the mind-stuff. When
have been planted by others. The clear you actually see this, the cravings and
perception of this truth is the greatest other states are weakened. This is a
blessing. Its realisation radically great blessing.
transforms one's life. The quest continues beyond
The simplest admission to this. The penetrating light of self-
oneself, at this stage, that 'I do not observation dispels the darkness of
know what I really am' gives rise to true self-ignorance and makes the mind
humility which is the most beautiful transparent. The hidden springs of
quality of a Yogi. This is a very great action, the motivations are exposed
blessing. All sense of superiority and and expelled. This confers the blessing
inferiority vanishes, and there is equal of innocence on the Yogi.
vision. Through the transparent mind,
Even as you commence the the light of God shines undistorted and
enquiry, you are rewarded with peace undeected. This indeed is the
of mind and tranquility. Mental supreme blessing.
agitation ceases when you observe But then, in the practice of the
mental activity. That is a blessing. Yoga of self-inquiry, there is a blessing
You observe your inner reactions at every step, all the way!
Taken from ‘Thoughts For Today’


Sri Swami Gurusharanananda
1st June, 1955 As long as you are attached to the
A certain person requested body, as long as you lack Vairagya, do
Swamiji to give him 'Aham Brahma not give up devotion. Devotion itself
Asmi' Mantra. Swamiji gave him the will lead you to the realisation of the
Mantra. Later, by way of testing him, Vedantic Oneness. Even if you take up
Swamiji demanded of him, “Give me Vedanta, do not abandon devotion.
your bangles”. (The man was wearing a Vedanta and devotion should go side
pair of golden bangles.) He refused to by side. Many aspirants, after taking
give the bangles. A lady who was Sannyas, begin to scoff at devotion.
witnessing this readily removed her They despise becoming Bhakta-
bangles of her own accord and placed Yogins. Their ambition is to become
them on Swamiji's table. Swamiji erudite Jnana-Yogins. They give up
appreciated her devotion. devotion, nor do they get a hold on
On a subsequent day, Swamiji Vedanta. They lose both. Their
referred to this incident and said, position is that of Trishanku who had
“People who are too much attached to to hang between earth and heaven.
body and perishable things of this world People who are t to practise Vedantic
want initiation into 'Aham Brahma Asmi' meditation, who have got burning
Mantra. How inconsistent it is! How Vairagya and intense Mumukshutva,
absurd it is to repeat 'Aham Brahma can be counted on ngers' ends.
Asmi' when one is not prepared to part Others are only Rottis and Parothas.”
with a pair of bangles even for the sake DON'T MEDITATE WHEN
of the Guru! Look at that lady. She had THERE IS HEADACHE
no attachment to the bangles. She had A devotee said, “Swamiji, when I
Vairagya. Even if she does not repeat practise meditation, I feel a piercing
'Aham Brahma Asmi', she will more sensation, as if a needle is inside.”
quickly realise the inner meaning of “Then you try to take out the needle?”
this Mantra than the other person who enquired Swamiji. “No. There is no
is much attached to the things of this needle”, replied the devotee, and
world, who has no Vairagya, even further asked “Is it due to Rajas in the
though he may repeat the Mahavakya mind?” “It is mental imagination”,
any number of times. Nowadays answered Swamiji. “After some time, I
people want to take up Vedanta and get headache also” remarked the
Vedantic meditation without devotee. At once Swamiji replied, “Take
possessing the required rest”, meaning that meditation should
qualications. They spurn devotion. not be continued if headache sets in.
Taken from Sivananda Day-to-day


Sri Swami Atmaswarupananda
The scriptures declare that our One of the frequent reasons for
fundamental error is wrong our sorrow is that we nd our daily
identication. We, who are part of the activities, if not painful, simply
Whole—indeed, the Whole—have boring, having no ultimate meaning.
identied with one body and mind, Therefore, down the ages, sage after
and it creates a double phenomena. sage has recommended the solution
First, we assume that we are the of constant God remembrance. For
centre of the universe. We are That some that can be an external God,
which knows; everything else is our but, of course, the problem is
object. At the same time, it creates a within. Within we have forgotten
sense of isolation. We feel somehow our oneness and assumed a
uneasy, cut off from everything else. position of separation.
We instinctively try to regain The peace within heals that
our original sense of oneness by sense of separation. It is not oneness
trying to possess objects. But then, in its totality, but it is one pathway to
we never can; they ever remain it. Therefore when we remember our
separate. And therefore Lord Buddha separation, when we feel bored or
named as his rst noble truth the sorrowful, if we remember that peace
existence of sorrow. Everyone has within—which is not a long distance
this underlying sorrow, a feeling of within, but is here and now—then the
separation and a feeling that no task that seemed boring, the life that
matter how much we possess, no seemed to have no meaning takes on
matter how successful we have been, a meaning.
that something is missing. Jesus said, “I will give you
What is missing is our original living waters.” Living waters
experience of oneness, an experience suggests something moving, but
that cannot be described, but that that inner peace is like the Ganga,
can be experienced. All our spiritual which came down from Heaven, and
practices are designed to help us especially in the winter is still and
regain our sense of oneness,. And one clear. Thus God remembrance,
of the ways of leading ourselves which refreshes our entire life, is as
towards it, as Pujya Swami near as remembering the God within,
Chidanandaji pointed out, is to nd the peace within, that will convert our
the peace within. daily life into a divine life.
Glorious Immortal Atman,
The student should pay
great attention to develop his
will power. Will is dynamic
soul-force. Will, if it is
rendered pure and resistible,
can work wonders. There is
nothing impossible for a man
of strong will-power. When a
desire is controlled, it
becomes changed into will.
The sexual energy, muscular
energy, anger, etc., are all
transmuted into will-force.
Fewer the desires,
stronger the will. The will
becomes impure and weak
through the Vasanas and
desires. When the will
operates, all mental powers
such as, power of judgment,
power of memory, power of
grasping, reasoning power,
discriminating power, power
of inference, power of reection—all these come into play in the
twinkling of an eye.
Attention, power of endurance, overcoming aversion,
dislikes and irritations, fortitude in suffering, Tapas or
austerities, patience, command of temper, forbearance, power of
resistance—all pave a long way in developing the will. Patient
hearing develops will and wins the hearts of others.
Swami Sivananda

Earnestness is the state of being earnest. It is enthusiasm
tempered by reason.
An earnest man is determined. He is eager to obtain. He is intent,
sincere and serious. He shows strong desire. He is ardent in the
pursuit of an object. He gives his whole heart to the work on hand.
Do you wish to master any science or accomplishment?
Then give yourself to it. Be sincere and earnest. You will attain
sanguine success.
Far more than mere talents, enthusiasm and earnestness in
work carry the day. It will be found everywhere that the men who
have attained success in business or anything have been the men
who have earnestly given themselves to it.
A man may be the cleverest of men; he may be brilliant. But,
without earnestness, no one is ever great or does really great
Swami Sivananda

Difdence is want of condence in oneself. It is lack of trust
in one's own power, correctness, wisdom, judgment or ability. It is
timidity, self-distrust, shyness.
Difdence checks resolution and obstructs performance of
actions. It sinks you down.
Cultivate condence and self-reliance. Think less of what
others may think of you. This will help you to overcome difdence
and aid you to self-possession, condence and self-reliance.
Condence is a kind of power. It develops will.
Always think: "I will succeed. I am fully condent of my success."
Never give room for negative quality, difdence, to enter your
mind. Condence is half success. You must fully know your real
worth. A man of condence is always successful in all his attempts
and ventures.
Swami Sivananda

CHAKRASANA (Wheel posture)

Technique: Lie down on your
back. Bend the legs at the knees and
place the soles on the ground near the
buttocks. Place the palms by the side
of your head, ngers pointing towards
the body. Slowly raise the body up by
resting on the hands and feet, thus
making a curve of your spine. Retain
the posture for ve seconds, and
gradually increase the duration to one

or two minutes. Concentrate on spine with normal breathing.
Benets: All the benets of Shalabha, Bhujanga and
Dhanurasana are derived from this Asana. All parts of the body
are given proper exercise during this posture.
Swami Chidananda


(Easy comfortable breathing)
Technique: After relaxing in Shavasana, sit in any one of the
sitting postures according to your convenience. Inhale and exhale
through both the nostrils, without producing any sound. During
inhalation, expand the chest and lungs and feel that fresh oxygen is
entering the system, and during exhalation, contract the lungs as
much as possible and also feel that all the impurities are going out.
If you feel that the nostrils are blocked due to cold, gently
press the right nostril with the right thumb and breathe in and
breathe out through the left nostril, without producing any sound.
Then close the left nostril with the help of the little and ring ngers
of the right hand, slowly inhale and exhale through the right
nostril, without producing any sound. Do this process six times.
Gradually increase it to twelve times. This is one round. You can
increase the number of rounds according to your strength and
Benets: This clears the bronchial and nasal passages, frees
one from cold, headache, etc., and increases the breathing
capacity of the lungs.
Swami Chidananda



‘Sivananda Home is a Centre for the loving care of the destitute and the
dying people who are found by the roadside, with no one to care for: the people
who are home-less, temporary or permanent, fell sick, got lost or were abandoned'.
(Swami Chidananda)
His skin disease was instrumental in bringing him to Sivananda Home.
From top to bottom, full of scars, blisters and itching. All his savings, he had
spent for the costly treatment, and desperately he had left his village, where he
was separated and shunted by all, with an almost intolerable condition of
body and mind.
It took the dermatologist quite some time to nd out that it was not a
contagious disease. Several tests were done and after the report, medicines
were prescribed. Chronic was his case, the rest of his life he had to be under
medication, to keep the skin from aring up. But his condition improved
rapidly and he was almost unrecognizable.
This middle aged gentleman decided to stay at Gurudev's feet and make
himself useful, wherever the need was. Soon, he started to prepare food for all
in the main kitchen, while singing Bhajan and Hanuman Chalisa. And, in this
way, he became a full-blown member of the core team of Sivananda Home. The
job in the kitchen was not only to prepare food, but at the same time to keep an
eye on the helper inmates, guide and supervise them, while they would clean,
wash the utensils. His health remained fragile though, after he survived a
heart attack, and was diagnosed with diabetes, chronic liver, lung and kidney
problems. Always he said, “As long as I can do it, I do it myself.” Strict was his
routine, the food timings, his own leisure time, his diet and his sleep.
This month, it was different. He really became sick, not able to get up
anymore. The Doctor, who was consulted, diagnosed a urine infection. Drip
with medication was started, Covid test was negative, but his condition went
up and down and early in the morning he breathed his last.
He was loved by all for his humour, his helping hand, his warm heart
and his ever-cool mind, and he will be missed by many of the inmates and
helpers for whom he was their own Chaccha only. May Gurudev bless this
noble soul with everlasting Peace and eternal Bliss.
Om Shanti Shanti Shantih.

“Let us behold Thee in all these names and forms. Let us serve Thee in all
these names and forms. Let us ever remember Thee. Let us ever sing Thy glories.
Let Thy Name be ever on our lips. Let us abide in Thee for ever and ever.”
Swami Sivananda
Due to administrative reasons, and also to simplify the existing
complex accounting system, it has been decided in the 'Board of
Management' Meeting held on 10 March 2021 and subsequently in the
'Board of Trustees' Meeting held on 11th March 2021 that any donations to
The Divine Life Society will be received only under the following 'Heads of
Accounts' with effect from 1st April 2021: –
General Donation
1. Ashram General Donation
2. Annakshetra
3. Medical Relief

Corpus Donation
Sivananda Ashram Corpus (Mooldhan) Fund
Therefore, devotees are requested to send donations to the above
mentioned account heads only.
Further, it is hereby conveyed to all the devotees and well wishers of the
Ashram that

Ÿ The income from the ASHRAM GENERAL DONATION shall cater to all
the spiritual, religious as well as charitable activities of the Divine Life
Society viz. care for the homeless and destitute through Sivananda
Home, serving leprosy patients through Leprosy Relief Work, providing
educational aid for poor students, running of Yoga Vedanta Forest
Academy, printing of free literature, dissemination of spiritual
knowledge, worship in Ashram temples, maintenance of the Ashram
and Goshala, conducting regular religious and spiritual activities of the
Ashram and also to any other spiritual, religious or charitable activities
taken up by the Society from time to time.
Ÿ The donations for the MEDICAL RELIEF shall be utilised towards the
treatment of sick and needy patients at Sivananda Charitable Hospital
and also towards other medical relief works undertaken by the Society.
Ÿ Similarly, Interest income generated from SIVANANDA ASHRAM
CORPUS (MOOLDHAN) FUND shall be utilised towards all the
activities (spiritual, religious as well as charitable) of the Society.
Ÿ It is to be noted that the Society is not dispensing with any of its
activities; it will continue to conduct its regular Ashram activities and
Charitable activities as usual, though the 'Heads of Accounts' to receive
donations have been reduced.
Ÿ Donations towards the Divine Life Society may be made through 'Online
Donation Facility' by accessing directly to the web address or by clicking the 'Online
Donation' link provided in our website www.
Ÿ Donations can also be sent through cheque/D.D. /E.M.O. drawn in
favour of 'The Divine Life Society', Shivanandanagar, Uttarakhand,
payable at Rishikesh. A covering letter mentioning the purpose of
donation, Post Mail Address, Phone No., Email Id and PAN should
accompany the same.
Ÿ Further, devotees are informed that Puja in Ashram temples shall be
done free of cost for all those who would like to perform Puja in their
name or in their family members' name. They may do so by sending a
written request well in advance with requisite details either by email or
letter addressed to the General Secretary or the President.
Ÿ There is no change in guidelines regarding Remittance towards Fee for
Membership, Admission, Life Membership, Patronship, Branch
Afliation and SPL advances as well.


SHIVANANDANAGAR—249 192, Uttarakhand
1. New Membership Fee* ` 150/-
Admission Fee . . . . . . ` 50/-
Membership Fee . . . .. ` 100/-
2. Membership Renewal Fee (Yearly) ` 100/-
3. New Branch Opening Fee** ` 1,000/-
Admission Fee . . . . . ` 500/-
Afliation Fee . . . . . . ` 500/-
4. Branch Afliation Renewal Fee (Yearly) ` 500/-
* Application for Membership should be sent with Photo Identity and
Residential proof of the Applicant.
** Prior written permission has to be obtained from the Headquarters for
opening a New Branch.
ð Kindly send Membership Fee and Branch Afliation Fee by Cheque or by
DD payable at any Bank in Rishikesh.


INLAND BRANCHES chanting of “Sri Ram Jai Ram
Bhubaneswar (Odisha): Jai Jai Ram”, and Hanuman
During the Covid pandemic, the Jayanti on 27th with recitation
B r a n c h c o n d u c t e d o n l i n e of Hanuman Chalisa.
Satsang on Thursdays and Chhatrapur (Odisha): The
Sundays. Besides this, daily Branch continued daily Puja and
Paduka Puja and Sri Ramataraka weekly Satsang on Thursdays.
mantra chanting continued on Monthly Jayanti ceremonies
2 4 t h . M a h a S i v a r a t r i w a s were held on 8th and 24th with
celebrated on 11th March with Archana. Sadhana Day was
chanting of “Om Namah Sivaya”, observed on 7th March and
Abhishek, Bhajan and Kirtan. special Satsangs on 4th and 8th
C h a n d a p u r ( O d i s h a ) : were arranged at the residence
Daily Puja, weekly Satsang on of a devotee. Maha Sivaratri was
Saturdays, Guru Paduka Puja c e l e b r a t e d o n 1 1 t h w i t h
o n T h u r s d a y s a n d m o b i l e chanting of “Om Namah Sivaya”.
Satsang on 8th and 24th of T h e r e w a s S u n d a r a k a n d a
every month were the regular Parayan on 27th.
programmes of the Branch. Chandigarh: The Branch
Mahasivaratri was celebrated on continued weekly Satsang on
11th March, and Sundarakanda Wednesdays and Thursdays,
Parayan was done on 14th. Sri Akhanda Maha Mantra Kirtan on
Ramnavami was celebrated on 8th and 24th of every month.
21st April with Kirtan and Mahashivaratri on 11th March,

Sri Ramnavami from 13th to recitation of Vishnu Sahasranam

21st April with study of Durga on Monday.
Saptashati and Ramayan Path Steel Township - Rourkela
and Hanuman Jayanti on 27th (Odisha): The Branch arranged
were special celebrations of Srimad Bhagavad Gita Pravachan
the Branch. from 18th to 24th March, and
Lucknow (U.P.): The Branch Swadhyaya of Viveka Chudamani
had a special Satsang on 11th continued on 25th. Yuva Vikasa
April with Prayer, Bhajan, Mantra Sibhir was conducted on 28th.
Japa and Swadhyaya etc, and Besides this, free Yoga and Music
under the “Sivananda Education c l a s s e s o n M o n d a y s , G u r u
Service”, the Branch distributed Paduka Puja on Thursdays were
books for 45 poor students at Bal continued regularly.
Deep Public School. South Balanda (Odisha):
Manikagoda (Odisha): The The Branch continued daily Puja,
Branch had weekly Satsang on weekly Satsang on Fridays, and
Thursdays and Sundays. Special Guru Paduka Puja on 8th and
Satsang was held on 19th April. 24th of every month. Maha
R a m n a v a m i o n 2 1 s t a n d Shivaratri was celebrated on
Hanuman Jayanti on 27th were 11th March with chanting of “Om
celebrated by the Branch. Namah Shivaya”. Besides this,
R o u r k e l a ( O d i s h a ) : special Satsang was held on 14th
Weekly Satsang on Thursdays a n d A k h a n d a M a h a m a n t r a
and Sundays were continued Sankirtan on 31st for World
with Paduka Puja, Bhajan, P e a c e and Universal
Kirtan and Archana. There was Brotherhood.
By H.H. Sri Swami Sivanandaji Maharaj Inspiring Stories ................................................ 170/-
In the Hours of Communion .............................. 65/-
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Ananda Gita .................................................... 60/- Inspiring Songs & Kirtans ................................. 130/-
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Analects of Swami Sivananda ........................... 55/- Jivanmukta Gita ............................................... 75/-
Autobiography of Swami Sivananda .................. 110/- Jnana Yoga ....................................................... 120/-
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How to Cultivate Virtues and Eradicate Vices .... 180/- Spiritual Experiences ............................................ 135/-
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Spiritual Treasure ................................................ 55/- The Divine Destination ........................................ 120/-
Spiritual Aspiration & Practice ............................ 115/- The Truth That Liberates ..................................... 35/-
Tantra Yoga, Nada Yoga and Kriya Yoga ............... 145/- *The All-Embracing Heart .................................... 100/-
Ten Upanishads ................................................... 165/- Twenty Important Spiritual Instructions .............. 80/-
The Devi Mahatmya ............................................. 120/- Verses Addressed to the Mind .............................. 155/-
The Divine Treasure of Swami Sivananda ............. 25/- Walk in This Light ............................................... 140/-
The Glorious Immortal Atman .............................. 50/- *Worshipful Homage ............................................ 500/-
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Thought Power ..................................................... 85/- A Brief Outline of Sadhana .................................. 60/-
Thus Illumines Swami Sivananda.......................... 20/- Ascent of the Spirit .............................................. U.P.
Triple Yoga ........................................................... 95/- Chhandogya Upanishad........................................ 100/-
Total Thinking ...................................................... 110/- Commentary on the Bhagavadgita ....................... 485/-
Unity of Religions ................................................. 80/- Commentary on the Kathopanishad ..................... 145/-
Universal Moral Lessons ...................................... 45/- Commentary on the Mundaka Upanishad ............ 95/-
Upanishad Drama ............................................... 90/- Commentary on the Panchadasi (Vol - II) ............. 210/-
Upanishads for Busy People ................................ 40/- Epic of Consciousness ......................................... 20/-
Vairagya Mala ..................................................... 20/- Essays in Life and Eternity .................................. 50/-
Vedanta for Beginners ......................................... 55/- Interior Pilgrimage ............................................... 75/-
Voice of the Himalayas ......................................... 185/- Mundaka Upanishad ........................................... 40/-
Waves of Bliss ..................................................... 75/- Philosophy of Bhagavadgita.................................. 130/-
Waves of Ganga ................................................... 70/- Philosophy of Religion .......................................... 50/-
Wisdom in Humour ............................................. 70/- Realisation of the Absolute ................................... 125/-
Wisdom Sparks.................................................... 70/- Religion and Social Values ................................... 50/-
World Peace ........................................................ 120/- Resurgent Culture ............................................... 20/-
What Becomes of the Soul after Death ................. 150/- Self-Realisation, Its Meaning and Method ............ 45/-
Yoga and Realisation ........................................... 120/- Sri Swami Sivananda and His Mission ................. 45/-
Studies in Comparative Philosophy....................... U.P.
Yoga Asanas ........................................................ 85/-
Sessions with Ashram Residents .......................... 300/-
Yoga for West ...................................................... 35/-
The Attainment of the Innite .............................. 50/-
Yoga in Daily Life ................................................. 75/- The Development of Religious Consciousness ...... 85/-
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By H.H. Sri Swami Sivanandaji Maharaj
1. BRAHMA-MUHURTA: Get up at 4 a.m. daily. motion or manifestation—Vibhuti. Veerya is
This is Brahmamuhurta which is extremely all power. Veerya is all money. Veerya is the
favourable for meditation on God. essence of life, thought and intelligence.
2. ASANA: Sit on Padma, Siddha or Sukha 9. PRAYER SLOKAS: Get by heart some prayer
Asana for Japa and meditation for half an Slokas, Stotras and repeat them as soon as
hour, facing the east or the north. Increase you sit in the Asana before starting Japa or
the period gradually to three hours. Do meditation. This will elevate the mind
Sirshasana and Sarvangasana for keeping quickly.
up Brahmacharya and health. Take light 10. SATSANGA: Have Satsanga. Give up bad
physical exercises as walking, etc., regularly. company, smoking, meat and alcoholic
Do twenty Pranayamas. liquors entirely. Do not develop any evil
3. JAPA: Repeat any Mantra as pure Om or Om habits.
Namo Narayanaya, Om Namah Sivaya, Om 11. FAST ON EKADASI: Fast on Ekadasi or live
Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya, Om on milk and fruits only.
Saravanabhavaya Namah, Sita Ram, Sri 12. JAPA MALA: Have a Japa Mala (rosary)
Ram, Hari Om, or Gayatri, according to your round your neck or in your pocket or
taste or inclination, from 108 to 21,600 underneath your pillow at night.
times daily. 13. MOUNA: Observe Mouna (vow of silence) for
4. DIETETIC DISCIPLINE: Take Sattvic food, a couple of hours daily.
Suddha Ahara. Give up chillies, tamarind,
14. SPEAK THE TRUTH: Speak the truth at all
garlic, onion, sour articles, oil, mustard,
cost. Speak a little. Speak sweetly.
asafoetida. Observe moderation in diet
15. PLAIN LIVING: Reduce your wants. If you
(Mitahara). Do not overload the stomach.
Give up those things which the mind likes have four shirts, reduce the number to three
best for a fortnight in a year. Eat simple food. or two. Lead a happy, contented life. Avoid
Milk and fruits help concentration. Take food unnecessary worry. Have plain living and
as medicine to keep the life going. Eating for high thinking.
enjoyment is sin. Give up salt and sugar for a 16. NEVER HURT ANYBODY: Never hurt
month. You must be able to live on rice, Dhal anybody (Ahimsa Paramo Dharmah).
and bread without any Chutni. Do not ask Control anger by love, Kshama (forgiveness)
for extra salt for Dhal and sugar for tea, and Daya (compassion).
coffee or milk. 17. DO NOT DEPEND UPON SERVANTS: Do not
5. MEDITATION-ROOM: Have a separate depend upon servants. Self-reliance is the
meditation-room under lock and key. highest of all virtues.
6. CHARITY: Do charity regularly, every 18. SELF-ANALYSIS: Think of the mistakes you
month, or even daily according to your have committed during the course of the day,
means, say six Paisa per rupee. just before retiring to bed (self-analysis).
7. SVADHYAYA: Study systematically the Gita, Keep daily diary and self-correction register.
the Ramayana, the Bhagavata, Sri Vishnu- Do not brood over past mistakes.
Sahasranama, Lalita-Sahasranama, Aditya 19. FULFIL DUTIES: Remember that death is
Hridaya, the Upanishads or the Yoga awaiting you at every moment. Never fail to
Vasishtha, the Bible, the Zend Avesta, the full your duties. Have pure conduct
Koran, the Tripitakas, the Granth Sahib, (Sadachara).
etc., from half an hour to one hour daily and 20. SURRENDER TO GOD: Think of God as
have Suddha Vichara. soon as you wake up and just before you go
8. BRAHMACHARYA: Preserve the vital force to sleep. Surrender yourself completely to
(Veerya) very, very carefully. Veerya is God in God (Sharanagati).

Om Santih Santih Santih!

This is the essence of all spiritual Sadhanas. This will lead you to Moksha. All these Niyamas or
spiritual canons must be rigidly observed. You must not give leniency to the mind.
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Reading of newspapers and sensational novels kindles worldly
Samskaras, causes crude movements in one's being, engenders
sensational excitement in the mind, makes the mind out-going,
produces an impression that the world is a solid reality and makes
one forget the Truth that lies underneath these names and forms. Bad
surroundings, obscene pictures, obscene songs, plays that deal with
love, cinemas, theatres, the sight of pairing of animals, words which
give rise to bad ideas in the mind, in short, anything that causes evil
thoughts and sentiments constitutes evil company and therefore
should be avoided and shunned by all aspirants. The effects of evil
company and association with undesirable persons and things, are
highly disastrous to one's upward progress and spiritual growth.


Printed and Published by Swami Advaitananda on behalf of “The Divine Life Trust Society” at the Yoga-Vedanta
Forest Academy Press, P.O. Shivanandanagar—249 192, Dt. Tehri-Garhwal, Uttarakhand, and Published from
The Divine Life Society Headquarters, P.O. Shivanandanagar—249 192, Dt. Tehri-Garhwal, Uttarakhand
Phone: 0135-2430040, 2431190; E-mail:
Website:;; Editor: Swami Nirliptananda

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