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Nithyananda Namavalli

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Nithyananda Namavali

The meditation techniques included in this book are to be practiced only under the direct supervision of an ordained teacher of Nithyananda Dhyanapeetam
and in consultation with your personal physician to determine your fitness and ability to do the techniques. They are not intended to be a substitute for medical
attention, examination, diagnosis or treatment. If someone tries these techniques without prior participation in the meditation programs of Nithyananda
Dhyanapeetam and without the direct supervision of an ordained teacher of Nithyananda Dhyanapeetam, they shall be doing so entirely at their own risk;
neither the author nor Nithyananda Dhyanapeetam nor the publisher shall be responsible for the consequences of their actions.
Copyright 2011 - 'Year of Sharing Enlightenment
First Edition: July 2008 1000 copies
Second Edition: Jan 2009 1000 copies
Third Edition: July 2011
Print Edition ISBNs:

ISBN 13: 978-1-60607-029-1ISBN 10: 1-60607-029-0

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, or stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted by any form or by any
means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without written permission of the publisher. In the event that
you use any of the information in this book for yourself, the author and the publisher assume no responsibility for your actions.
All proceeds from the sale of this book go towards supporting charitable activities.
Contact us:
Nithyananda Mission, Bidadi Ashram,
Nithyanandapuri, Kallugopahalli,
Off Mysore Road, Bidadi,
Bangalore District - 562 109.
Karnataka, INDIA

Nithyananda Namavali

Ashtottara shata namavali is a compilation of 108 lines extolling the
powers, compassion and glory of the deity or God who is addressed. This has
been a practice carried on for thousands of years. Even today we all know of
temples having a regular puja done with the chanting of the ashtottara to the
deities during archana. Here is an attempt to pen down the infinite qualities of
Paramahamsa Nithyananda who is a living enlightened Master. Enlightened
Masters are indeed the embodiment of the all-encompassing power that has
come down to us out of pure compassion.
This compilation is a humble attempt to present the various
dimensions that are revealed by the Master. In these 108 lines the important
meditation programs like Ananda Spurana, Nithyananda Spurana, Bhakti
Spurana and other programs like Nithya Spiritual Healers Initiation,
Nithyanandam etc, which are specifically designed by the Master to uplift the
conscious state of the participants, are extolled. Each of the programs
presents the various facets through which Swami works on us for our
upliftment. The Masters biography indicative of His divinity is mentioned in

detail upto his establishing the spiritual kingdom of Dhyanapeetam. The

Masters special interest in the revival of Vedic practices like homa ,temples and
the festivals are also presented. The Master sees to it that there is overall
development in each one of us. For this He initiates the spiritual aspirant right
from childhood through the various dikshas. The Master makes us aware of the
great glory of this land (Bharat) traversed by Him during his parivrajaka days.
The Masters resolve to raise the consciousness of a the whole planet Earth
climaxes as the mission message. Reading these lines makes each one of us
connect with the Master taking us through a journey of His life and message.
Om Nithyanandam!

g lirllS AU zi lqus
Sadguru Nithynanda Astottara sata nmvali

The 108 names extolling the glory of Sadguru Nithyananda

lirllSr lq

Aum hrm Nitynandya namah

Salutations to the Lord in eternal bliss (Nithyananda)


mSl xsmir lq

Aum hrm jana pradne sankalpitya namah

Salutations to the Lord who has made a resolve to grant supreme knowledge

Ahcs elir lq

Aum hrm Aruncale janitya namah

Salutations to the Lord who took His divine birth in Arunachala

c lj elir lq

Aum hrm Citr naksatre janitya namah

Salutations to the Lord who took birth in the constellation of chitra

Ubmiral ra zjir lq

Aum hrm Raghupati yogin yoga siksitya namah

Salutations to the Lord who was initiated into yoga by Raghupati yogi

Ahhqs xuql EmSr lq

Aum hrm Annmalai Swmin upadistya namah

Salutations to the Lord who was instructed by Annamalai Swami

qi upSllS Sul msir lq

Aum hrm Mt Vibhudnanda Devin plitya namah

Salutations to the Lord who was nurtured by Mata Vibhudananda Devi

aUusmrr lq

Aum hrm Girivalapriyya namah

Salutations to the Lord ever inclined to circumambulating the Aurnachala hill

Ahcs AZhQlpu mmir lq

Aum hrm Aruncale akhandnubhava prptya namah

Salutations to the Lord who had the profound experience of oneness with entire
universe, in Arunachala

AhcsUh LYrlpir lq

Aum hrm Aruncalesvarena aikhynubhtya namah

Salutations to the Lord who experienced oneness with Arunachaleswara

lqxixq lqxixq lqxixq lirr lq

Aum Namastasmai Namastasmai Namastasmai Nityya namah

Salutations, salutations, salutations to the Lord in Eternal Bliss (Nithyananda)


iwhr mQir lq

Aum hrm jnatrsnay pditya namah

Salutations to the Lord who was afflicted with insatiable thirst for supreme

mUueMr lq

Aum hrm Parivrjakya namah

Salutations to the Lord who undertook the life of a mendicant in search of knowledge
and traversed the entire country



Aum hrm jnrthnvesitya namah

Salutations to the Lord who was in deep quest of knowledge

qhMhMr AqUiulpir lq

Aum hrm Manikarnikym amaratvnubhtya namah

Salutations to the Lord who experienced deathlessness in Manikarnika

aiU mgc imxMir lq

Aum hrm Gangtre pacatapas krtya namah

Salutations to the Lord who performed the pancha tapas on the banks of Ganga

WqaUuxr lq

Aum hrm Himagirivsya namah

Salutations to the Lord who spent his days of quest in the divine Himalayas

aUMhQ qWuiU ooe Szir lq

Aum hrm Gourikunde Mahvatr Bbjm darsitya namah

Salutations to the Lord who had the darshan (divine sight) of Mahavatar
Babaji in Gourikund

AqMU lirllSlpu



Aum hrm Omkre Nitynandnubhava prptya namah

Salutations to the Lord who was immersed in Eternal Bliss in Omkareshwar

AllSlpu msrr lq

Aum hrm nandnubhave pralyya namah

Salutations to the Lord who remained immersed in divine bliss

lirllSmU uxr lq

Aum hrm Nitynandapur vsya namah

Salutations to the Lord who lives in the state of Eternal Bliss

lqxixq lqxixq lqxixq lirr lq

Aum Namastasmai Namastasmai Namastasmai Nityya namah

Salutations, salutations, salutations to the Lord in Eternal Bliss(Nithyananda)

krlmP qWxqxjl xjmMr lq

Aum hrm Dhynapta Mahsamasthna sthpakya namah

Salutations to the Lord who has established the kingdom of Dhyanapeeta

uOuj qkrxWir lq

Aum hrm Vatvrksa madhyasthitya namah

Salutations to the Lord who is inherent in the divine banyan tree

AllS xTUh lq lq

Aum hrm nanda sphurana nirmtre namah

Salutations to the Lord who designed the program for the blossoming of
bliss in us (ASP)

qskU qir lq

Aum hrm Mldhra mrtaye namah

Salutations to the Lord who help us accept reality in the muladhara energy center

xukl iUMr lq

Aum hrm Swdistna trakya namah

Salutations to the Lord who aids in our overcoming fear in the swadishtana

qhmUM zMir lq

Aum hrm manipraka suddhikartya namah

Salutations to the Lord who helps us cleanse the manipuraka energy center

AlWi uMxir lq

Aum hrm Anhata vikasitya namah

Salutations to the Lord who induces us to blossom in the anahata energy center

uz xM lq

Aum hrm Vishuddhi srstikartre namah

Salutations to the Lord who is the creative power in the vishuddhi energy center

Akm mMzir lq

Aum hrm jn praksitya namah

Salutations to the Lord who fills us with divine splendour in the ajna energy center

xWxU uxl lq

Aum hrm Sahasrra vsine namah

Salutations to the Lord who resides in the sahasrara energy center

lqxixq lqxixq lqxixq lirr lq

Aum Namastasmai Namastasmai Namastasmai Nityya namah

Salutations , salutations, salutations to the Lord in Eternal Bliss (Nithyananda)

{Z`mZX \w$aUo ghm`H$m`


Aum hrm Nitynanda sphurane

 sahyakya namah
Salutations to the Lord who supports us in experiencing the state of
Eternal Bliss(NSP)

xjs zUUxr zMUr lq

Aum hrm Sthla s'arra s'uddhikarya namah

Salutations to the Lord who helps us cleanse the sthula (physical layer) sarira

mh zUUxr CcN zqlMr lq

Aum hrm Prna s'arrasya icch s'amanakya namah

Salutations to the Lord who aids us overcome the desires in the prana
(breath layer) sarira

qlzzUUxr mzqlr lq

Aum hrm Manass'arrasya pras'amanya namah

Salutations to the Lord who supports us in quietening the manas
(mental layer) sarira

xqzUU AUar SrMr lq

Aum hrm Sksma s'arre rogya dyakya namah

Salutations to the Lord who helps us overcome ailments in the sukshma
(subtle layer) sarira

MUh zUU srMUr lq

Aum hrm Kraa s'arre layakarya namah

Salutations to the Lord who makes the 'I' immerse in the karana
(causal layer) sarira


AllS zUU xjmMr lq

Aum hrm nanda s'arre sthpakya namah

Salutations to the Lord who helps to establish ourselves in the Ananda
(bliss layer) sarira

luh zUU lr lq

Aum hrm Nirvna s'arra nistya namah

Salutations to the Lord who is ever established in nirvana
(state of eternal bliss) sarira

p xTUh lrMr lq

Aum hrm Bhakti sphurana nyakya namah

Salutations to the Lord on whom devotion blossoms in us (BSP)


qiui uixsr aheusr lq

Aum hrm Mtrvat vtsalya gunojwalyai namah

Salutations to the Goddess who is a glowing fire of motherly compassion

lqxixq lqxixq lqxixq lirr lq

Aum Namastasmai Namastasmai Namastasmai Nityya namah

Salutations, salutations, salutations to the Lord in Eternal Bliss (Nithyananda)

mui ulSir lq

Aum hrm Putravat vinoditya namah

Salutations to the Lord who is ever playful like a child

eulUh xZr lq

Aum hrm jvanoddhrana sakhya namah

Salutations to the Lord who is a companion in raising our lives

Sxl xuql lq

Aum hrm Dsnm swmine namah

Salutations to the Lord who is the Master to his intense disciples

qkU lrMr lq

Aum hrm Madhura nyakya namah

Salutations to the Lord who is the beloved of all the devoted

Aiqlpu SrMr lq

Aum hrm tmnubhava dyakya namah

Salutations to the Lord who gives us the intense awareness of the self

xucUi mSzMr lq

Aum hrm Svacarita pradars'akya namah

Salutations to the Lord who opens the picture of his life of quest


AllS alk uxl lq

Aum hrm nanda gandha vsine namah

Salutations to the Lord who is ever present in the Ananda gandha
(the culmination point of all 7 energy centers)

uljr lq

Aum hrm Vaidyanthya namah

Salutations to the Lord who is the Lord of healing

AlMMO MUqoer lq

Aum hrm Anekakoti karmbujya namah

Salutations to the Lord who functions (while healing) through innumerable hands

xu Ua luUh xsmir lq

Aum hrm Sarva roga nivrane sankalpitya namah

Salutations to the Lord who has pledged to purge the world of all ills

lqxixq lqxixq lqxixq lirr lq

Aum Namastasmai Namastasmai Namastasmai Nityya namah

Salutations, salutations, salutations to the Lord in Eternal Bliss (Nithyananda)



Ucrir lq

Aum hrm Lokahitya janavantn racayitya namah

Salutations to the Lord who is creating blissful souls (on this planet)

lir q xupu zmir lq

Aum hrm Nitya mukta svabhva siksitya namah

Salutations to the Lord who instructs us to remain ever in the state of unclutching

xgciaqr Mq lzlr lq

Aum hrm sacitgmya karma ns'anya namah

Salutations to the Lord who helps us to annihilate the sanchita (karmas accumulated
over various births) and agamya (karmas added on in the present birth)

mUok mUM xWrMr lq

Aum hrm prrabda praka sahyakya namah

Salutations to the Lord who aids us in the fulfillment of prarabda karma (karmas
for which this birth has been taken)

lir ra qa SzMr lq

Aum hrm Nitya yoga mrga dars'akya namah

Salutations to the Lord who reveals the path of Nithya yoga

miges xumr lq

Aum hrm Patajali svarpya namah

Salutations to the Lord who is the embodiment of Patanjali
(the author of yoga philosophy)


zsm zx lmhr lq

Aum hrm S'ilpa s'stre nipunya namah

Salutations to the Lord who is an expert in the science of stone carving

zx mrr lq

Aum hrm S'stra priyya namah

Salutations to the Lord who nurtures the Vedic sciences

lirixur lq

Aum hrm Nityotsavya namah

Salutations to the Lord who is ever in celebration

Asr lqh Ujr lq

Aum hrm laya nirme rathya namah

Salutations to the Lord who is keen on establishing places of worship (temples)

lqxixq lqxixq lqxixq lirr lq

Aum Namastasmai Namastasmai Namastasmai Nityya namah

Salutations, salutations, salutations to the Lord in Eternal Bliss (Nithyananda)

oixu mrr lq

Aum hrm Brahmotsava priyya namah

Salutations to the Lord ever keen in celebrating the Brahmotsava

cioixu Mih lq

Aum hrm caturbrahmotsava kartrne namah

Salutations to the Lord who celebrates Brahmotsava four times in a year

uS WqMih lq

Aum hrm S'r Vidydi homa kartrne namah

Salutations to the Lord who conducts Sri Vidya and other homas

AZhQ xumh lq

Aum hrm Akhand swarpine namah

Salutations to the Lord who is all-pervasive

mmgczYil lq

Aum hrm Prapaca aktine namah

Salutations to the Lord who is the embodiment of the cosmic energy

Wimlsrr lq

Aum hrm Htpadmanilayya namah

Salutations to the Lord who is seated in the lotus heart of all the living beings

zrqs Mqsr lq

Aum hrm ymala komalgya namah

Salutations to the Lord who is the embodiment of charm and grace in colour and

aqpU ar lq

Aum hrm Gambhra gtrya namah

Salutations to the Lord who is majesty personified in His form

AllS lirr lq

Aum hrm nanda ntyya namah

Salutations to the Lord who is all charm in His Blissful dance

Mil mrr lq

Aum hrm Krtana priyya namah

Salutations to the Lord who is a lover of music

lqxixq lqxixq lqxixq lirr lq

Aum Namastasmai Namastasmai Namastasmai Nityya namah

Salutations, salutations, salutations to the Lord in Eternal Bliss (Nithyananda)


SjlM SrMr lq

Aum hrm Dk'neka dyakya namah

Salutations to the Lord who grants many initiations

zzlqir lq

Aum hrm iornmkitya namah

Salutations to the Lord who grants spiritual names to children

uUqp Sj SrMr lq

Aum hrm Vidyrambha dk dyakya namah

Salutations to the Lord who initiates children into learning ( by giving them
sacred thread)

ocr Sjr EixW Mir lq

Aum hrm Brahmacarya dkya utsha ktya namah

Salutations to the Lord who encourages the celibate (brahmacarya) diksha

xrx Sj Dmxir lq

Aum hrm Sannysa dk psitya namah

Salutations to the Lord who desires renunciation (sannyasa) diksha

im mrr lq

Aum hrm Tapah priyya namah

Salutations to the Lord who loves tapas (penance)

im r mzqlr lq

Aum hrm Tpa traya praamanya namah

Salutations to the Lord who pacifies the three types of yearnings (taapa traya)

AUwSua eiUr lq

Aum hrm Ariadvarga jetrya namah

Salutations to the Lord who has annihilated the six types of enemies (arishadvarga)

whqiii xUu lq

Aum hrm anmattta sadgurave namah

Salutations to the Lord the Sadguru above the six branches of religions

lS mrr lq

Aum hrm Nad priyya namah

Salutations to the Lord who is a lover of rivers

lqxixq lqxixq lqxixq lirr lq

Aum Namastasmai Namastasmai Namastasmai Nityya namah

Salutations, salutations, salutations to the Lord in Eternal Bliss (Nithyananda)

esQr ulSir lq

Aum hrm Jalakrday vinoditya namah

Salutations to the Lord who loves to sport in the river waters


xu Msrh ahrr lq

Aum hrm Sarva kalyna gunrayyai namah

Salutations to the Goddess who is the abode of all that is auspicious

xcNSllS xumh lq

Aum hrm Sacchidnanda svarpine namah

Salutations to the Lord who is the embodiment of truth, intelligence and bliss

Sb Szh lq

Aum hrm Drgha darine namah

Salutations to the Lord who is far-reaching in all His actions

lir or lq

Aum hrm Nitya buddhya namah

Salutations to the Lord who is ever in the state of enlightenment

Auxjiir lirllS xiaUu lq

Aum hrm Avasthttya Nitynanda Sadgurave namah

Salutations to that Sadguru who is above the four states of existence

AUi mrr lq

Aum hrm rati priyya namah

Salutations to the Lord who loves arati

uS mUrh Dmxir lq

Aum hrm Veda pryana psitya namah

Salutations to the Lord who relishes the chanting of Vedas

zx xqmSr msir lq

Aum hrm astra sampradya plitya namah

Salutations to the Lord who nurtures the Vedic sciences and religious practices

CcN z r z


z xumh lq

Aum hrm Iccha akti kriy akti jna akti svarpine

Salutations to the Lord who is the embodiment of the power of desire, action and

lqxixq lqxixq lqxixq lirr lq

Aum Namastasmai Namastasmai Namastasmai Nityya namah

Salutations, salutations, salutations to the Lord in Eternal Bliss (Nithyananda)

uUS qir lq

Aum hrm Varada mrtaye namah

Salutations to the Lord the giver of boons

AlM MO elpr krl mSl xsmir lq

Aum hrm Aneka kot janebhyah dhyna pradna sankalpitya namah
Salutations to the Lord who has resolved to grant meditation to millions of people

lirllS mUqmU elir lq

Aum hrm Nitynanda parampar janitya namah

Salutations to the Lord who has initiated the Nithyananda lineage


xqmSr Msmir lq

Aum hrm Jna sampradya kalpitya namah

Salutations to the Lord who has fashioned the enlightened practices

ui m MT Swr zqlMr lq

Aum hrm Vta pitta kapha dosatraya amanakya namah

Salutations to the Lord who helps us overcome the three imbalances of vatha,
pitha and kapha (air, bile and phlegm)

xu ah mSzh lq

Aum hrm Sattva guna

 pradarine namah
Salutations to the Lord who displays the quality of equanimity (satva)

Ue ah ulSl lq

Aum hrm Rajo guna

 vinodine namah
Salutations to the Lord who plays with the quality of enterprise (rajas)

iqah xqWUMr lq

Aum hrm Tamoguna samhrakya namah

Salutations to the Lord who has destroyed the quality of inertia (tamas)

luMsm xqk xjir lq

Aum hrm Nirvikalpa samdhisthitya namah

Salutations to the Lord ever in the state of Nirvikalpa Samadhi

mhuiUr lq

Aum hrm Prnvatrya namah

Salutations to the Lord is the total embodiment of cosmic energy

lqxixq lqxixq lqxixq lirr lq

Aum Namastasmai Namastasmai Namastasmai Nityya namah

Salutations, salutations, salutations to the Lord in Eternal Bliss (Nithyananda)

mUueM r liUr lq

Aum hrm Parivrjaka ytr netrya namah

Salutations to the Lord who leads His devotees on a voyage of pilgrimage


AUki Wqsr air lq

Aum hrm Jnamrditum himlayam gatya namah

Salutations to the Lord who adores supreme knowledge by leading the
pilgrimage to the Himalayas

mhu xumr lq

Aum hrm Pranava svarpya namah

Salutations to the Lord who is the personification of the pranava mantra (aum)

eulq xupur lq

Aum hrm Jvanmukta svabhvya namah

Salutations to the Lord whose nature is enlightenment

c cUr lq

Aum hrm Citta corya namah

Salutations to the Lord who attracts our chitta ( inner being)

x xji sr MUhr lq

Aum hrm Srii sthiti laya krinyai namah

Salutations to the Supreme Goddess who is the creator, sustainer and rejuvinator of
the universe

Alirql lq

Aum hrm Antarymine namah

Salutations to the Lord who is ever present in us

AllS SrMr xUu lq

Aum hrm nanda dyakya sadgurave namah

Salutations to the Lord who grants us infinite bliss

lqxixr lqxixr lqxixr lirr lq

Aum Namastasyai Namastasyai Namastasyai Nityya namah

Salutations, salutations, salutations to the Lord in Eternal Bliss (Nithyananda)

x lirllS AU zi lqus xqmhq

Sadguru Nitynanda aottara ata nmvali samprnam
Thus completes the ashtottara sata namavali of the master

The word salutation refers to our paying our adorations to the

Male and Female energy represented by the sacred syllables Aum and Hreem.


About Paramahamsa
Paramahamsa Nithyananda is a living enlightened Master of
the 21 century.

He took birth in Tiruvannamalai, a spiritual nerve center in South India. Since

a very young age, Nithyananda spent days and nights in meditation in the
divine aura of Arunachala. His intense quest for deeper Truths of life led him
on his spiritual journey which covered the length and breadth of India, several
thousand miles of which he covered on foot. Visiting venerated shrines,
meeting highly evolved yogis and rishis, and practicing intense meditations, he
studied Yoga, Tantra, and other Eastern metaphysical sciences. He went
through several profoundly impacting spiritual experiences, culminating in his
realization of the Ultimate at a young age.

Since then, Nithyananda has been sharing his experience with millions of
people worldwide through the activities of Nithyananda Mission which
conducts insightful and inspiring meditation programs and a wide spectrum
of social services, thus providing life solutions at the physical, mental and
spiritual levels. The meditation programs are offered worldwide through the
International Vedic Hindu University (IVHU) Florida, USA. Further, free
education to youth, encouragement to art and culture, corporate meditation
programs, meditation for prisoners, free medical camps, free meals, a one-year
residential training program in India called the Life Bliss Technology program,
an in-house gurukul system of learning for children, and many more such
services are offered around the world.
Employing time-tested vedic knowledge and modern technology, the Mission
ashrams and centers the world over serve as spiritual laboratories where inner
growth is a profound achievement. Today, they are much sought after as ideal
destinations to explore, experiment and experience through a host of
programs, courses and research facilities in diverse subjects from meditation
to the sciences.

Established in 2003, Nithyananda Mission has grown today into a worldwide

movement for bliss, standing for the ideal of realizing an enlightened
humanity and thereby raising the collective consciousness of planet earth.

Programs and Workshops

Nithyananda Mission offers specialized meditation programs worldwide, to
benefit millions of people at the levels of body, mind and spirit. A few of them
are listed below:

Life Bliss Program Level 1 (LBP Level 1)

- Energize yourself
A chakra based meditation program that relaxes and energizes the seven major
chakras or subtle energy centers in your system. It gives clear intellectual and
experiential understanding of your various emotions such as greed, fear,
worry, attention-need, stress, jealousy, ego, and discontentment. It is designed
to create a spiritual effect at the physical level. It is a guaranteed life solution to

experience the reality of your own bliss. When you are liberated from a
particular emotion, you experience a new world, a new energy. It is a highly
effective workshop, experienced by millions of people around the globe.

Life Bliss Program Level 2 (LBP Level 2)

- Death demystified!
A meditation program that unleashes the art of living by demystifying the
process of dying. This program creates the space to detach from ingrained and
unconscious emotions like guilt, pleasure and pain, all of which stem from the
ultimate fear of death. It is a gateway to a new life that is driven by natural
intelligence and spontaneous enthusiasm.

Life Bliss Program Level 3 - Atma Spurana Program (LBP

Level 3 - ATSP)
- Connect with your Self!
An indepth program that analyzes clearly the workings of the mind and shows
you experientially how to be the master of the mind rather than be dictated by

it. It imparts tremendous intellectual understanding coupled with powerful

meditations to produce instant clarity and integration.

Life Bliss Program Level 3 - Bhakti Spurana Program (LBP

Level 3 - BSP)
- Integrate your Devotion
A program that reveals the different dimensions of relating with others and
with your deeper self. It clearly defines relationship as that which kindles and
reveals your own unknown dimensions to you. It allows you to experience the
real depth and joy of any relationship in your life.

Life Bliss Technology (LBT)

- A free residential life sciences program
Life Bliss Technology (LBT) is a residential program for youth between 18 and
30 years of age. With its roots in the Eastern system of vedic education, this
program is designed to empower modern youth with good physical, mental
and emotional health and practical life skills. By nurturing creative intelligence

and spontaneity, and imparting life skills, it creates economically self-sufficient

and spiritually fulfilled youth. Above all, it offers a lifetime opportunity to live
and learn under the tutelage of an enlightened master.

Nithya Spiritual Healing

- Healing through Cosmic energy

A unique and powerful means of healing through the Cosmic energy,

this is a meditation for the healer and a means to get healed for the
recipient of the healing. Nithyananda continues to initiate thousands
of Nithya Spiritual Healers worldwide into this scientific and timetested healing technique which has healed millions of people of
ailments ranging from migraine to cancer.
An enlightenment intensive program for sincere seekers offering yoga,
powerful teachings, meditation, initiation and more. This program is an

intense experience to prepare the body-mind system to hold and radiate the
experience of 'living enlightenment'.

An advanced meditation program for seekers where the presence of the
Master and the intense energy field lead one to the state of nithya ananda
eternal bliss. It offers a range of techniques from meditation to service to
sitting in the powerful presence of the master.

An experiential meditation program sowing in one the seed of:
Shakti, the Energy to understand and change whatever you need to change in
Buddhi, the Intelligence to understand and accept whatever you don't need to
change in life,
Yukti, the Clarity to understand and realize that however much you change,
whatever you see as reality is itself a continuously changing dream,

Bhakti, the Devotion, the feeling of deep connection to That which is

unchanging, eternal and Ultimate, and
Mukti, the Ultimate Liberation into Living Enlightenment when all these four
are integrated.

Nithya Dhyaan
- Life Bliss Meditation
Become one among the millions who walk on planet Earth
Unclutched! Register online and get initiated.
Nithya Dhyaan is a powerful everyday meditation prescribed by
Nithyananda to humanity at large. It is a formula or a technique, which is holistic
and complete. It works on the entire being to transform it and make it ready for the
ultimate experience of enlightenment to dawn. Each segment of this technique
complements the remaining segments to help raise the individual consciousness.
It trains you to un-clutch from your mind and live a blissful life. It is the meditation
for Eternal Bliss.
If you wish to be initiated into Nithya Dhyaan, you may visit and register online. You will receive through mail,
a mala, bracelet, a spiritual name given by Nithyananda for your own spiritual

growth (optional), Nithya Dhyaan Meditation CD and Nithya Dhyaan booklet in a

language of your choice, personally signed by Nithyananda (mention your choice
in the comment column).
Nithyananda says, 'My advent on planet Earth is to create a new cycle of individual
consciousness causing Collective Consciousness to enter the Superconscious

Contact Us
Listed below are some of the main centers of Nithyananda Mission.
Los Angeles
Los Angeles Vedic Temple
9720 Central Avenue, Montclair, CA 91763
Ph.: +1 909 625 1400

Bengaluru, Karnataka
(Spiritual headquarters and Vedic Temple)
Nithyananda Dhyanapeetam, Nithyanandapuri, Off Mysore Road,
Bidadi, Bengaluru - 562 109
Karnataka, INDIA
Ph.: +91 +80 27202801 / +91 92430 48957
Kuala Lumpur
14, Jalan Desa Gombak 5, Taman Desa Gombak
Ph.: +601 78861644 / +601 22350567

Nithyananda Galleria
A wide range of products for blissful living:
Nithyananda's insightful messages on video, audio tapes, CDs and books in
over 20 languages.
Enlivening music and chants for meditation and deep inner healing.
Meditation and yoga books, kits and CDs for rejuvenating body, mind and
Energized rosaries, bracelets, photographs, clothing and gift items for a
stimulating life style.
Ethnic energy bead jewelry for men and women for tranquility and
continued high energy.
Visit for more information.


Suggested for Further Reading

Guaranteed Solutions
Don't Worry Be Happy
Nithyananda Vol. 1
Instant Tools for Blissful Living
You Can Heal
Follow Me In!
The Door to Enlightenment
Songs of Eternity
You are No Sinner
So You Want to Know The Truth?
Uncommon answers to Common Questions
Meditation is for you
Rising in love with the Master
Bhagavad Gita Series
Nithya Yoga - The ultimate practice for body, mind and being

Significance of Namavali
An enlightened Master's very name is a mantra.
Constant remembrance and chanting of this powerful mantra creates
positive vibrations in our being and the space surrounding us.
It ignites our intelligence so we can face every day of life with
increased energy, confidence and creativity.
Paramahamsa Nithyananda
A living enlightened Master, is on a
mission to raise the positive
collective consciousness by creating
blissful and fulfilled beings.

I SBN 160607029 - 0

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Open the doorLet the breeze in!

O ve r 5 0 0 F R E E d i s c o u r s e s o f N i t hya n a n d a ava i l a b l e a t

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