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Gamma World 4e - Rules

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The document discusses the history and development of the Gamma World role-playing game. It provides an introduction written by the original designer and credits for those involved in creating the new fourth edition.

The game being discussed is Gamma World, a post-apocalyptic science fantasy role-playing game set in a post-apocalyptic future.

The game develops a style in players that is described as 'wahoo' and involves being willing to check things out, believe only half of what you see, and always have a backup plan.

By Bruce Nesmith & James M.

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Foreward to the Fourth Edition

In the dark ages of 1975 and 1976 (I know some of you weren’t even born then—this hobby and this game have
deep and ancient roots) the GAMMA WORLD® game came alive with the help of many people. In those far-off days
you didn’t design a game with hopes of great profits, you did a game because you thought it was a good idea.
At first, there were thousands of fantasy players experiencing GAMMA WORLD games as part of their fantasy
campaigns. A short bout of fighting androids and robots instead of dragons and undead was a welcome change of pace.
Eventually, the game began getting played for its own sake. Why? Because it was pure, gung-ho fun.
The typical player of this game has developed a unique style that often extends itself into other games he or she
plays. It’s a style with a “Surrender or die! ” premise behind it. It’s a style that says always check things out, believe
only half of what you see, and always have a backup plan. The GAMMA WORLD game is definitely a “wahoo”
experience. Bruce Nesmith and Julia Martin have done what I consider an excellent job in redeveloping the rules and
campaign material.
So, once more TSR launches a new version of the GAMMA WORLD experience. I hope to see you as we both
adventure in and judge using this new set. I know we can expect the unexpected at every turn. Sounds like fun to me!
James M. Ward Director, Creative
Services, TSR, Inc.

Special Thanks To
Jim Ward for inventing this wonderful game in the first place.
E.A.U. RPGA Gaming Club on GEnie BBS Services for speedy play testing.

Design: Bruce Nesmith and James M. Ward
Contributors: Rich Baker, Tim Beach, David “Zeb” Cook, Thomas Reid, Eric W. Haddock, Dale “Slade” Henson
Editing: Julia Martin
Typesetting: Angelika Lokotz
Production: Paul Hanchette, Sarah Feggestad
Cover Art: Eric Olsen
Interior Black and White Illustrations: Larry Elmore, Newton Ewell, Mark Nelson
Interior Color Illustrations: Clyde Caldwell, Jeff Easley, Larry Elmore, Keith Parkinson
Playtesting: Jay Adan, Jason Arnold, Rich Baker, Tim Beach, Robert Bellamy, David Cartwright, William Connors,
David “Zeb” Cook, Dale Donovan, Carl Ebbinghaus, Jay Fisher, Chris Flanagan, Darren Gideon, R. Alan Grimes,
Dave Gross, Dale “Slade” Henson, Shaun Horner, Christina Judkins, John Klar, Julia Martin, Colin McComb, Greg
McElhatton, Mark Middleton, Jon Pickens, Thomas Reed, Thomas Reid, Roger Reinsmith, David Sutherland III,
Robert Quillen II, Skip Williams

Random House and its affiliate companies have worldwide distribution rights in the book trade for English language products of TSR, Inc.
Distributed to the book and hobby trade in the United Kingdom by TSR, Ltd.
Distributed to the toy and hobby trade by regional distributors.
®1978, 1992 TSR, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Printed in the United States of America.
ISBN 1-56O76-4O1-5
This game is protected under the copyright laws of the United States of America. Any reproduction or other unauthorized use of the material or
artwork contained herein is prohibited without the express written permission of TSR, Inc.

Remaining Unseen Perception
Other Noncombat Actions Attribute Checks
Class Skill Checks............
Robot Recognition ....
The Basics of Technology . Antigravity
Duralloy ...........................
Force Fields......................
Tech Levels ........................
Equipment .........................
Loot .................................
Common Equipment ...
Common Artifacts ..........
Common Weapons and Armor
Futuristic Weapons & Armor (Artifacts) Sights & Scopes
Grenades, Missiles, Micromissiles and Smart Darts Vehicles
Maneuverability ........................................................
Descriptions ........................................................................
Trains and the Like ....................................................
Robots .............................................................................
The Making of a Robot ...............................................
Classification .............................................................
CPU ...... ....................................................................
Communications & Sensors ......................................
Manipulators ..............................................................
Armor ..................................................................................
Equipment .................................................................
Other Attributes .........................................................
I.D. Cards.....................................................................
Common Robots ..........................................................
Introduction Character Generation Robot Listings
Genotypes............ Cryptic Alliances
Pure Strain Humans Altered Creatures...
Humans .. Mutated Animals . Experience Point Value
Sentient Plants . .. Creature Statistics
Non-Player Characters Making Creatures & Monsters
Attribute Scores ................. Creature Listings
Mutations ...................... Campaign .
Character Classes ......... Common Elements of Meriga
Enforcer..................... Common Elements of Society
Esper ......................... Running a Campaign
The Maps
Examiner.................... Supporting Characters
Scout . . . ................... Index ............
Common Skills..............
Derived Attributes .... Tech Level
Cryptic Alliance ...........
Starting Equipment ... Level
Advancement ... 106
Mutations ........................ 107
Play of the Game...................
Time ..............................
Movement...................... 114
Unusual Movement Actions 115
Encumbrance ...................... 116
Combat Sequence ................... 116
Surprise................................ 117
Announcing Intended Actions 117
Initiative ................................. 117
Resolving Combat ............................ 118
The Attack Roll ...................... 118
Ranged Combat ...................... 119
Damage.................................... 119
Area Effect Weapons ............. 119
Mental Attacks ....................... 117
Unarmed Combat ................... 121
Effects of Damage .................. 122
Combat Modifiers . ................. 127
Recovering Lost Hit Points .... Structural 140
Damage....................................... 141
Health Hazards ........................... 142
Poisons & Drugs..................... 143
Radiation ................................ 166
Examining & Using Artifacts .. 166
Roleplaying Deciphering Artifacts 167
Artifact Complexity ..................... 168
The Use Artifacts Diagram .......... 169
Artifact Examination Modifiers 183
Special Actions................................. 187
Overhead, a rainbow of Bickering colors dances across peaceful, cooperative civilization. The carrins and hoops
the night sky. The stars glow and flicker through the and serfs are all striving to conquer or remake the earth in
surreal wash of reds, blues and greens. A close-knit their own image. And, as if that weren’t bad enough,
triangle of stars moves rapidly across the sky. They’ll be leftover technology of the ancients still walks the land.
back again in an hour. The guide stars, forever fixed in Robots and death machines pose as great a threat as any
place in the multihued heavens, can be located with only a new animal species.
minimal effort. The heroes of this time struggle to find and master the
Turning, you shamble off into the jumble of cloud towers artifacts of the precatadysmic world. These mysterious
amid the glow. With an effort of willpower you float over devices of metal and plastic hold great power. They are the
the gaping chasm of softrock and steel. Your large, webbed key to rebuilding civilization—or destroying it.
feet paddle the air slowly.
Suddenly you detect a dim mind signal. Your antennae About This Game
twitch back and forth seeking the direction. Knights of Ge-
netic Purity! Their hatred flows into your mind, pounding The GAMMA WORLD® game is a post-holocaust
against it like the surf. Quickly you unholster your game, taking place centuries after the bomb, and other nasty
weapons, all four arms moving in smooth harmony. weapons, have been dropped. Civilization has been reduced
Speaking aloud the tongue of the ancients, and drawing the to barbarism and is on the rise again. Mutagenic diseases
cryptic symbols on its metal skin, you awaken the sun bolt have made one branch of humanity (Homo sapiens
gun. If the air currents stay strong you might make it across permutare) strangely susceptible to radiation.
the chasm before they arrive. As a game, GAMMA WORLD is a unique opportunity
for roleplaying. Many characters are not even remotely
Centuries from now, approximately AD 2200 (although human, and most are unique creations. There is no racial
the exact date is unknown), the cataclysm rocked the Earth. history for them. There is a global history, but the
For reasons long forgotten, nuclear bombs were dropped, overwhelming permutations of body shape have destroyed
insidious poisons released into the atmosphere and viruses many of the old racial barriers.
of living death unleashed upon humanity. The devastation The world around the character is our own-future, on our
was unimaginable. The forces of destruction forever altered own Earth, but the character does not recognize
the face of our green earth. Continents shifted, rivers
changed course, and ecosystems adapted or perished.
Several centuries from the cataclysm, the earth is
making a recovery. Pockets of civilization are forming,
crawling out of hundreds of years of barbarism. The
printing press and gunpowder have just been reinvented.
In this strange new world, heroes of epic proportion are
needed to tame the wild frontiers and challenge the
unknown. Such heroes have arisen from the new species of
the planet: strangely altered humans, and intelligent,
mutated animals and plants. Indeed, humankind is no
longer alone on earth. Intelligence is a common attribute
among these new species.
There is much work to be done in this devastated world.
Not all the species on earth want to see the rebirth of a
4 Chapter 1: Introduction
it. One of the challenges of the GAMMA WORLD® is to
roleplay a character that is forced to deal with events and
objects that are commonplace to the player, but alien to the
character. For example, the character might find an electric
toaster. The player might guess what it is right away, but
the character would still be puzzling out its use and

Actually, lack of reality would have been a better title
for this section. The GAMMA WORLD game is science
fantasy, not science fiction. Although science is used as a
basis for many things in the game, real world science is
pretty much ignored.
Things happen in the GAMMA WORLD game that are
credited to science, but which we know to be false. For
example, exposure to radiation cannot make a person
mutate on the spot. That person’s children might be
mutants, but even then the types of mutations given in this
game are not possible. Certainly the chance of any
beneficial mutation is incredibly slim.

A strictly “realistic” game about earth after the bomb has

been dropped would not be a cheerful campaign. Therefore
a strong fantasy element has been injected to liven things
up. This fantasy element is not new to the fourth edition; it
has always been there. However, those that are not familiar
with the GAMMA WORLD game deserve to know in
advance that realism is strictly optional here.
There is an advantage to injecting fantasy into the
GAMMA WORLD game. The players are going to roleplay
characters that come from a primitive culture and explore
the remains of our own world and its future. It is almost
impossible to roleplay a lack of knowledge about this world
because we live in the real thing. By adding some fantasy,
everything takes on a strange and magical feel. The Game
Master can mystify the players with events and artifacts
because they work differently than they do in the “real”
My final advice is to just play and have fun. Don’t worry
too much about reality and scientific principles —they
don’t apply here anyway! If the players complain that “this
isn’t right, that’s not how things

Chapter 1: Introduction 5
work,” you can just tell them that they’re right. Things Serious
don’t work that way in the real world; however, that’s how A serious game tries to establish a long-running
they work in the GAMMA WORLD® game. campaign. Character development and background is
important. Adventures should be all part of a grand scheme,
Entropy is Convenient leading up to some final confrontation, resolution or
realization. Pick a few recurring villains and villain races or
Another fantasy element in the GAMMA WORLD organizations, so that the PCs get to know, and hate, them
game is that entropy only exists when we want it. In other well.
words, the natural decay of materials is optional. It is Stress the strangeness of the environment. The artifacts
possible for the characters to find a battery that is 500 years the PCs find should feel alien and never quite be
old and in perfect condition, or find a completely corroded deciphered. Don’t let them have very many powerful
metal chair. Robots only break down if desired, cars still artifacts at one time. Few aspects of the world should be
have tires, etc. The Game Master is encouraged to roll with recognizable from current times (no St. Louis Arch or
this rule. The GAMMA WORLD game isn’t about Statue of Liberty). Strong roleplaying should be em-
scientific reality and accurate simulation, it’s about having phasized over problem solving or combat. The cryptic
fun. If everything decayed over the centuries like it would alliances can be a great tool for this.
have in real life, there would be nothing for the characters
to find, and no fun to be had. Terminology

Mood Many terms of modern society are alien to the player

characters. If GAMMA WORLD characters see a jeep
GAMMA WORLD can be played with two major driving through a field, they won’t call it a jeep. In fact they
moods: wild and wahoo, or serious. Game Masters will probably won’t think of it as a gasoline-powered machine
have to determine the mood for their games prior to setting intended to get its driver from one place to another. Instead
up their campaigns. Keep the players in mind when making they might see this device as a steel horse with a person
this decision, because their characters and personalities do held captive in its belly.
as much to establish mood as do a Game Master’s Below are some common terms used in the GAMMA
storytelling. WORLD game. These are by no means the only foreign
terms used by those living in this strange world. However,
Wild and Wahoo this is a good representative list. Different societies might
A wild and wahoo game of GAMMA WORLD is in- have slightly different terms for the same thing, and other
tended to be an exercise in fun. While all games should be commonly found remnants of the ancients would also have
played for fun, some roleplaying games are fun because of been named by ordinary folk. Try to use these words when
their less than serious mood. With a wild and wahoo game, describing scenes, speaking as an NPC, or at other
emphasize the bizarre and grand silliness of a world where appropriate times.
everyone has weird mutations. Adamant: The ancients used a material they called
Let the characters experience all kinds of situations and duralloy for many of their artifacts. This super-tough metal
creatures. Throw in lots of artifacts from modern times. Let surpasses any other metal or plastic in resilience, hence the
the characters become overpowered—there is always a common name adamant.
tougher robot around the next corner. When the characters Altered Ones: This name refers to the general class of
finally figure them out, the players will laugh over what mutated humans. Any human that has a single mutation is
they first thought of the artifacts. Let the player characters an Altered One, or one of the Altered.
explore the Sears Tower or the Washington Monument. Ancients: The people who lived before the cataclysm.
Character development is minimal for wild and wahoo. Artifacts: The generic terms for objects built before the
Adventures should be short and self-contained. cataclysm by the ancients. They are considered to hold
great power, and even the most worthless can be bought
and sold for a handsome price.

6 Chapter 1: Introduction
Bones of the Giants: The metal frame of an ancient You’ve Done This Before
building. Frequently all that is left by now.
Cataclysm: Long ago (several centuries), the ancients This rule book assumes that the reader understands the
fought a war with devastating machines of mass de- basic concepts of roleplaying. Nowhere will you find a set
struction. This was the cataclysm. It is also known as the of instructions for how to roleplay a character. This does
Time of Troubles or the Time of Terror, and it cast the not mean that you have to be a roleplaying guru. If you
world into barbarism, from which it is only now beginning know what a “character” is, know how to roll dice, and
to rise out of. want to have some fun with a roleplaying game, then you
Cloud Towers: This name refers to any large building, are ready for this rule book. Oh yeah— bring your
particularly skyscrapers, left standing from the time of the imagination!
The Curse/Legacy: Radiation is something that cannot
be seen. It is the invisible source of radiation sickness.
Therefore, the inhabitants of Gamma Terra do not have a
term for radiation, since they can’t see it. They do,
however, have one for the resulting illness. It is called the
Legacy, or the Curse. People do know that the Legacy is the
result of the great weapons of destruction used by the
The Glow: The light shed by radioactive areas at night is
called the glow. Unfortunately for the characters, it also
refers to the light produced by light bulbs. To the
inhabitants of Gamma Terra, there is little difference
between a rock that glows and a piece of metal and glass
that glows.
Green Folk: All intelligent, mutated plants are referred
to as the green folk.
Lightning: This is obviously a common term for the
electrical discharge of a storm. However, the inhabitants of
Gamma Terra believe, correctly, that the ancients were able
to enslave this force to do their bidding. Therefore, all
electricity is called lightning.
Live Metal: Most self-powered machinery is called live
metal. In particular, robots and vehicles are given this
name. It refers to the appearance of life in a metal object.
The machine moves, walks, talks, etc., so therefore it must
be alive.
New Animals: This is a term for mutated animal
characters. Any animal that is obviously intelligent is a new
Nograin: Plastic is probably the most perplexing
material left behind by the ancients. It bears no resemblance
to any other naturally occurring material. It has some of the
attributes of wood, ceramic and resin. Most notably, it is a
material with no grain.
Sky Chariot: A common term for airplane or any other
flying craft. Roaring condor is another term used,
emphasizing the noise of the engines.
Softrock: Concrete crumbles and deteriorates much
faster than natural stone, hence the term softrock.
Sun Bolt: This is the name coined for blasts of energy.
Usually it refers to visible beams, such as those produced
by plasma guns, conversion beamers and the like.
Strangely, laser beams are rarely given this name, probably
because the beam itself is invisible.
True Men: These are the descendents of the ancients,
also known as pure strain humans. Their bodies and minds
are sturdier than those of the Altered, but they lack the
advantages of powerful mutations.

Chapter 1: Introduction 7
A character in the GAMMA WORLD® game is a wild survivors of the cataclysm. Whether this is true or not, they
and wondrous thing. As in most roleplaying games, the are the descendents of the hardiest of ancient homo sapiens.
character represents the player in the game. Unlike most Hue men, as they call themselves, rarely have any physical
roleplaying games, characters can be wildly different from defects. Even such simple things as nearsightedness and
each other in the GAMMA WORLD game. Rarely are two crooked teeth have been nearly eliminated from their
characters ever alike. "Your character starts out with powers genetic pool. They have an intolerance of defects among
and abilities that make him a force to be reckoned with, their own kind, although they are sympathetic to the plight
even in the deadly environment of post-holocaust Earth. of altered humans and the animal races.
True men tend to have a high resistance to disease,
Creating a character involves deciding its genotype (race),
poison, radiation and other bodily ills. They cannot be
attributes, genetic mutations (if any), character class, class mutated by radiation like we can be. Among their many
skills, derived attributes, cryptic alliance (if any) and societies, intelligence is usually the most valued trait.
starting equipment. Through natural selection and education, true men tend to
have more intellectual capacity than the other genotypes,
Character Generation Proceas excepting, of course, the sleeth.
1. Pick a genotype
2. Roll the seven attributes What the true men do not seem to realize is that the time
3. Roll the mutations (if any) of their dominance on Earth is drawing to a close. This is
4. Pick a character class the age of the new races. The true men themselves have
5. Distribute class skill points renamed this planet Gamma Terra, which means final home
6. Calculate the derived attributes in the language of the ancients, as this world will indeed be
7. Pick a cryptic alliance (if any) their species’ final home
8. Determine starting equipment

There is a small chance that the character a player gets is Altered Humin»
hopeless—in other words, completely unplayable. The • Physical and mental mutations.
character generation system works very hard to avoid this • - 2 penalty to the Robot Recognition.
result, but it can still happen. If the Game Master agrees • Base walking speed of 12; base speed of 3 swimming.
that the character is hopeless, then the player can throw it
out and start again. A note to the Game Master: Be very An excerpt from Histories of Gamma Terra written by
stingy with the players. If there is any redeeming feature to Szah-lah, sleeth historian:
the character at all, make the player use it. Roleplaying is Altered humans are the direct descendants of true men.
not about having the most powerful character. Sometimes We call them the unlucky ones. Each carries extraordinary
characters that have problems are the most fun to roleplay. mutations, such as the power of telekinesis or multiple
Genotypes arms, that distinguish them from the original pure strain
human stock. The first generation of unlucky ones mostly
The first thing a player must decide about his character is carried defective mutations. Generations of living in our vi-
its genotype. This is the equivalent of character race in olent world quickly reduced their numbers. Most mutations
other games. There are four basic genotypes in the in adults are advantageous, but not all. Half of the altered
GAMMA WORLD game: pure strain human, altered humans' hatchlings are unable to survive more than a
human, mutated animal, and sentient plants. Each has its couple of years.
own special advantages and disadvantages. As this age of new races matures, the unlucky ones may
stabilize their genetic structure and become the new domi-
Pure Strain Humana nant race, replacing true men. To do that, they will have to
• +3 to Constitution, Intelligence and Charisma rolls. make peace with the new species of animals and plants,
• +2 bonus with the Use Artifacts ability. such as the sleeth, that would claim a share of Gamma
• +2 bonus to Health against radiation hazards. Terra for themselves.
• Base walking speed of 12; base speed of 3 swimming.
Mutated Animals
An excerpt from Histories of Gamma Terra written by • Physical and mental mutations.
Szah-lah, sleeth historian: • +2 bonus to Stealth.
Pure strain humans are the self-named ultimate

8 Chapter 2: Character Generation

• -6 penalty to Robot Recognition. mutations and general physical appearance. There is at least
• Retain some natural abilities from animal heritage. one village of moderate size somewhere that is
• Bonus physical mutation if no humanoid traits taken (see predominantly populated with that race.
rules below). Adjusting Mutated Animals: The basic animal stock
• Base speeds are derived from the basic animal stock (see chosen by the character is assumed to be intelligent, but
Base Animal Stock List). otherwise exactly like its ancestors. If the base animal stock
is under a meter in height, the character automatically
An excerpt from Histories of Gamma Terra written by becomes a meter tall. This is measured
Szah-lah, sleeth historian:
Homo sapiens’ genetic structure was not the only one
tampered with in the cataclysm. Many new species of
animals have appeared on Gamma Terra since the Time of
Terror. Animals common to the age of the ancients have
mutated into sentient creatures, capable of reasoning and
communication. Like altered humans, they are also blessed
and cursed with extraordinary mutations. Some animals
mutated into new, stable species. The sleeth, carrin and
badder races are examples of these stable races. Most
members of the such races have similar genetic traits, but
occasionally an individual will have significant mutations.
The rest of the thinking animals are mutated true
animals, unique creatures carrying the basic genes of their
animal ancestors. We call them the misfits. They belong to
no particular race or stable species. They are frequently the
mutated product of a union ofnonsentient animals. A few
are bom of misfit parents, both from the same animal stock.
Many misfits become wandering adventurers. They have no
people, tribe or clan that they can claim as their own.

If this genotype is chosen by the player, he must also

pick a base animal stock for his character. This can be any
animal found on the face of Earth today (not in the
GAMMA WORLD® game, but in the real world). If the
animal is unfamiliar to the Game Master, the player must
also provide some background information. A photocopied
encyclopedia entry is a good resource. The Game Master
must then determine the game effects of the animal’s
natural abilities. A list of common animals and their game
attributes can be found on pages 12-13.
The player cannot opt to be a member of an existing
species of mutated animals. For example, a player could not
choose to be a sleeth or a hoop (a mutated reptile and a
mutated rabbit, described in the Creatures chapter).
However, he could choose to have his character be a
mutated alligator or a mutated rabbit. There is more to
being a sleeth or a hoop than just being a mutated, sentient
member of that animal genotype, though.
Once the character is generated, the Game Master may
choose to have him be a member of a new, stable animal
race. In that case, his parents are like him, with the same

Chapter 2: Character Generation 9

from head to foot (tail not included), regardless of how the rolling 2d4.
animal is built. Some adjustment might have to be made to Mutated animals must start a minimum of one meter tall
the one meter measurement. A meter-long snake is actually (or long). This means that the species may have to be
quite small. Therefore, a mutated snake might be several artificially enlarged before rolling for mutations. If the size
meters long and only be able to comfortably rear up with its change (smaller) mutation is subsequently rolled, then a
head about a meter off the mutant animal can begin the game smaller than that.
Obviously a creature like a squirrel will be much stronger if
The base animal most likely can’t talk or use tools. After it is a meter tall than if it is normal size for its species.
the player has determined how many physical and mental Values in the Base Animal Stock List on the following
mutations his mutated animal has, he can choose to remedy pages indicate the PS, DX and CN for animals enlarged to
these problems. He may take any or all of these humanoid be a meter tall. If the base animal stock is normally over a
traits. However, if he does not take any humanoid traits, he meter tall (like elephants), the mutated animal will never
gets a special bonus of one extra physical mutation. exceed three meters in height (walking upright), including
Mutated animals who do not take any optional humanoid their legs. Very tall animals can, of course, roll the size
characteristics suffer a - 8 to the Robot Recognition change (larger) mutation, which would increase this.
characteristic rather than a —6. In addition, each animal has base numbers for speed,
If the character takes even a single one of the following number of unarmed attacks and unarmed damage. Animals
humanoid traits, he does not get the bonus physical walking on two legs, when that species normally does not,
mutation. The character may get one or more of the have two-thirds of their normal base speed. Speed measures
humanoid characteristics through his normal mutation rolls. how many meters per round the creature moves when
This does not count against his getting the bonus mutation. walking. Humans have a base speed of 12. In all cases,
If he opts for humanoid traits, he can choose to be able speed is modified by DX, just as it is for humans. Several
to talk. His voice is clearly not human and sounds animals have special abilities such as flying (which means
somewhat like the noise that animal makes. A wolf growls they have wings, as is normal for their species), or
while speaking, while a snake hisses and uses lot of restrictions such as poor vision. These are also described
sibilants. below. Any ability described as being the same as a
The animal character can optionally become bipedal (or mutation does not improve as the character advances in
have a walking upright stance). This means that he walks level.
erect on two legs (assuming that he has legs at all), rather
than on all fours. Insectoid animals would gain the ability to
walk on fours and rear up comfortably with their first two
limbs, if they cannot already. If an animal’s size has been
adjusted, he should be a meter and a half tall if bipedal; that
is, he should have a
one meter body, plus the length of his legs (about a half
The mutated animal has the additional option to
somehow be able to manipulate tools and objects as well as
a typical human. In many cases this means paws becoming
like hands. The claws and fur on them would remain,
though. For some animals it might be the tail or mouth or
trunk that is able to use tools. The animal does not grow
new limbs to gain this ability. It should change as little as
possible to allow the character to manipulate objects.
Base Animal Stock: Each animal type described on the
following pages has three primary values associated with it:
Physical Strength (PS), Dexterity (DX), and Constitution
(CN). These numbers are added to a 2d4 roll to get the final
value of Physical Strength, Dexterity and Constitution for
the character. For NPCs, if you want an animal with
average attributes, merely add 5 to the number rather than

1O Chapter 8: Character Generation

Camel FDX
Base Animal Stock List J’S 7, DX 11. CN 5
l‘!J li, DX 3. C'J it
Bite lor Ld6 damage. Base speed of 1-
Liat of A bbt*aviationB Hite for Id4 dlinage. Can survive in hot,
7(12 bipedal). 1 las heightened stnril.
d Ph пл J .S: ri'nj; ill IN 11 iit-l 1 dry conditions twice as Jung as normal
'.n ijrr 1.
и .1'1 1. ,H al heightened hedting and njjjhr v/yiiUl as the
Dcuriily using half as much water. Base s[H!<‘rl of
r I'.ITIJ riiurarions.
1. Н1Ы iluluiri Sciibcs lii (L1 bipedal).
Men Ml 511 crij; 11*1
K Frog
PS 7. DX 4. CN <i
Alligator E'S 3. DX NJ. CN 5 Can leap L2 meters forwaid and 5
P5 15, DX 3. CXI 12 No natural in ruck l-Jns с/игаЛм) power miners high. Can breathe Wafer. Hase slap kit IcLf* damage Ma.-? and Гг^гпггмг/ол mutations. Hase speed of speed of 15 (1() bipedal), swuns al 12.
113 AC. Bite fur 2d6 damage. Natural AC 12 (Й bipedal).
ul 13 before DX modifiers. Hase speed ui J Г?»*чн_
5 (Id bipedal), fi in wait-t. Cheetah PS 16. DX 1(1. CN IJ
PS 13. DX It). CN ft Bite lor 1 rib damage. Climbing at-
AemBdilla Claw/claw i bile for 1 d4 /1 d4 ■'Idfi tempts all: our difficulty lever easier than
PS 5. DX CN 5 ddiiiicgc. D*i>c л j.J4_ I_I. 1 nJ ii'i к normal, tian swing from grip to gup at a
Claw C law.■'bite I d.3 ■' id.i i J d 1 hiT ri pt du]/ speed of 6. +2 bonus for Ruin я
dam age. Jias нм а! r;jrapaic and rji^hf fur 1 rounds and thereafter a base speed of Recognition. Base spiced of 14. even if
VM-rpn as the nirilarions Base S petal nf 2-4 f 1W bipedal). Must rest fui ] t) walkiпн nprichr.
1 !. |й bipedal). minutes before regaining top speed. I fa.s
heightened lAdorlas fire mutation. Qr*B»lniapper
Badger PS 7. DX 6. CN 6
PS ft, DX CN 6 Cougar Eatisk с I et< ni hits Ьаы AC i>t It Has
Ywt) ilaw al i acks for ld(j, fliih dain- PS 15. DX 13. CXI К multiple limhs (!<^gs) as rhe mutation.
iifje* Base Speed of ft (6 bipedal). Has СI aw / cDw / hi r t: for I dli 11 d(i /1 d Base walking speed of 6 (even if walking
nigjir II.SJOIJ ns the mutation. Can Liur- ryw it IS damage Leap j mt:K:rs. Bair speed of upright); jumps 13 meters (7 certi- saltyy.
a speed of ] meter pet nurture. LX (1 2 bipedal). Has heightened hfai- ing. Wings assJM in jumping atnlny.
height erred sired and /rjgbr vision as the
авт mu Lit rm is.
I'S 3. DX 13, CN 5
PS 2. DX 7. CN -1 Claw / e la w t b i (e for L d 6 1 d 6 ■' 1
Bite J or ld-1 damage. Flying base speed Crab
r.s n, ipx -t, CJN U d4 damage. Has wings, but with a Hying
of LH, walking is a d (5 bipedal 1. 1 i;i5 base speerl of 3(1. Walking base speed rS a
ямаг, heightened hearing ami diminished Two pirnvls for IdHHdft dam age, Able
to brcaihe water (pitк salt or flesh). Hase 4 Ieven if walking uUrryht) hfelttht- ened
sight f 1.1) Xi i he mu till JOIIS. vision a.s the mutation.
Speed of NJ (6 in water). Has tolal
8ввг r.qnjpateas lilt: imitation. Has rn> walking Ногвв
PS )fi. )>X 7, CN 15 upiighr position. PS 14, DX 10. CN I i
Claw ' i law/hire atfas'k tor JtlH / tdft ■' Kirk/kiek fuf idN'ldb damage Base
1 di- damage. Ваче speed of 15 (if) bi- speed nt 24 (16 1 nped a I h).
Fjj 12.DX 14, CXI 9
pedal). Hits heightened stitt-H as die
Anders for hid damage, + 2 THAC ICaiiym им
and ] d6 + I damage in a dialge, Has PS 7. DX 51, CN 6
Вовг heightened hearing as ihe nunanon b rise Сал jump 13 meter? forwald and 3
t-s i >. Jax t. CN JO speed и Г 2(i (14 bipedal). millers up Bast- speed oi 15, even if
Lusk atiask for J dlS; if eharging, +2 walking upright.
THAC and Id6*-2. Base speed of J 7 f I j 1'5 2, 11Л 6, CIV 4 Monkey
bipedal). Cali paddie in water ar a speed oi 3. PS 10. DX 14, CN 5
Immune 1<t rhe s hilling effer rs nt cold Bite for IdJ damage. Climbing attempts
water. Hi? wings, hut ilies al a.Speed of IS. are iwn difficulty levels easier than normal,
1’S, tC, DX 5, СМИ Cafl Swing from grip to grip at a speed of
Hom arrack for I d6: if cliarninp +-2 Walks; itc a base Speed of 5 (6 in bipedal
Читало id kicrii). 6. +• L IHJIUIH for Ro-
THAC arid 2d6 + 2 damage. 13ц$е speed
of 16 ft] bipedal 1.
PS 1Я, DX 4, CN 16
Tusks for 2 di- damage: it charging. Jd6
rlarnage. Base speed ot LS (L2 bipedal). I
Las a prehensile trunk widi

IS ChdirDCter Generation

Chameleon Frog
Base Animal Stock List PS 7, DX4, CN6
PS 3, DX 10, CN 5
No natural attack. Has chameleon Can leap 12 meters forward and 5
List of Abbreviations
Intelligenc power and regeneration mutations. Base meters high. Can breathe water. Base speed
PS Physical Strength IN
DX Dexterity C eCharisma speed of 12 (8 bipedal). of 15 (10 bipedal), swims at 12.
CN Constitution SH Senses
MS Mental Strength N
Cheetah Gorilla
PS 13, DX 10, CN 8 PS 16, DX 10, CN 11
Claw/claw/bite for Id4/ld4/ld6 damage. Bite for ld6 damage. Climbing attempts
Base speed of 36 (24 bipedal) for 2 rounds are one difficulty lever easier than normal.
PS 15, DX 3, CN
and thereafter a base speed of 24 (18 Can swing from grip to grip at a speed of 6.
Tail12slap for ld8 damage at a ~2 THAC.
bipedal). Must rest for 10 minutes before +2 bonus for Robot Recognition. Base
Bite for 2d6 damage. Natural AC of 13
regaining top speed. Has heightened vision speed of 13, even if walking upright.
before DX modifiers. Base speed of 15 (10
bipedal), 8 in water. as the mutation.
Armadillo Cougar PS 7, DX6.CN 6
PS 5, DX6, CN 5 PS 15, DX 13, CN 11 Exoskeleton has base AC of 14. Has
Claw/claw/bite Id3/ld3/ld2 for damage. Claw/claw/bite for Id6/ld6/ld6 damage. multiple limbs (legs) as the mutation. Base
Has total carapace and night vision as the Leap 3 meters. Base speed of 18 (12 walking speed of 6 (even if walking
mutations. Base speed of 12 (8 bipedal). bipedal). Has heightened hearing, upright); jumps 15 meters (7 vertically).
heightened smell and night vision as the Wings assist in jumping ability.
Badger mutations.
PS 8, DX 7, CN 6 Hawk
Two claw atlacks for Id6/ld6 damage. Crab PS 3, DX 13, CN 5
PS 8, DX 4, CN 6 Claw/claw/bite for Id6/ld6/ld4 damage.
Base speed of 8 (6 bipedal). Has night
Two pincers for Id8/ld8 damage. Able Has wings, but with a flying base speed of
vision as the mutation. Can burrow at a
to breathe water (pick salt or fresh). Base 30. Walking base speed is a 4 (even if
speed of 1 meter per minute.
speed of 10 (6 in water). Has total carapace walking uptight). Heightened vision as the
Bat as the mutation. Has no walking upright mutation.
PS 2, DX 7, CN4 position.
Bite for ld4 damage. Flying base speed Horae
□ear PS 14, DX 10, CN 11
of 18, walking is a 4 (5 bipedal). Has
sonar, heightened hearing and diminished PS 12, DX 14, CN 9 Kick/kick for Id6/ld6 damage. Base
sight (D) as the mutations. Antlers for ld4 damage, +2 THAC and speed of 24 (16 bipedally).
ld6 +1 damage in a charge. Has heightened
Bear hearing as the mutation. Base speed of 20 Kangaroo
PS 16, DX7.CN 13 (14 bipedal). PS 7, DX 11, CN6
Claw/daw/bite attack for Id8/ld8/ ld6 Can jump 13 meters forward and 3
damage. Base speed of 15 (10 bipedal). Duck meters up. Base speed of 15, even if
Has heightened smell as the mutation. PS2.DX6, CN4 walking upright.
Can paddle in water at a speed of 3.
Boar Immune to the chilling effects of cold Monkey
PS 13, DX 5, CN 10 water. Has wings, but flies at a speed of 18. PS 10,DX14,CN5
Tusk attack for ld6; if charging, +2 Walks at a base speed of 5 (6 in bipedal Bite for ld3 damage. Climbing attempts
THAC and ld6+2. Base speed of 17 (11 humanoid form). are two difficulty levels easier than normal.
bipedal). Can swing from grip to grip at a speed of 6.
Elephant +1 bonus for Ro-
Bull PS 18, DX4, CN 16
PS 16, DX 3, CN 14 Tusks for 2d6 damage; if charging, 3d6
Horn attack for ld6; if charging, +2 damage. Base speed of 18 (12 bipedal).
THAC and 2d6 + 2 damage. Base speed of Has a prehensile trunk with half the
16 (11 bipedal). animal’s PS. Has heightened hearing as the
Camel mutation.
PS 14, DX 3, CN 13 Fox
Bite for ld4 damage. Can survive in hot, PS 7, DX 11, CN 5
dry conditions twice as long as normal Bite for ld6 damage. Base speed of 19
using half as much water. Base speed of 16 (12 bipedal). Has heightened smell,
(11 bipedal). heightened hearing and night vision as the

12 Chapter 2: Character Generation

bot Recognition. Base speed of 12, even if THAC and 2d6 + 2 damage on a charge. for climbing.
walking upright. Heightened smell and diminished sight (D)
as the mutations. Base speed of 18 (12 Termite
Mosquito bipedally). Natural AC of 12 before DX PS 6, DX 6, CN 6
PS 5, DX7.CN 5 modifiers. Bite for ld6 damage. Exoskeleton has
Bite for ld4, drain 1 point of blood per base AC of 14. Multiple limbs (legs)as the
round automatically. Anesthetic on Sea Lion [Seel] mutation. Base speed of 10 (even if
proboscis doesn’t disturb sleeping victims. PS 6, DX 11, CN8 walking upright) Burrows at speed 3
Needs 6 points of blood for food and Bite for ld4 damage. Base speed of 5 (7 through earth and wood.
water/day Has multiple limbs (legs) and bipedally); swims at 10. Can hold breath
wings as the mutations (flight speed 12). for 12 rounds. Heightened smell Tiger
Base speed of 6 (even if walking upright). (underwater only) as the mutation. PS 16, DX 11, CN 12
Claw/claw/bite for ld8/ld8/ldl0 damage.
Octopus Shark Has heightened smell and night vision as
PS 7, DX 10, CN 7 PS 8, DX 7, CN 10 the mutations. Base speed 16 (11
Assumed to be a land-dwelling, air- Assumed to be adapted for land bipedally). Swims at 4.
breathing creature, has gills, chameleon dwelling. Bite for ldl2 damage. AC 15
power, and multiple limbs (arms and legs) naturally. Gills and heightened smell TUrtle
mutations. Base speed is 8 (even if walking (underwater only) as the mutations. Base PS1,DX2,CN6
upright), swims at 6. Climbing smooth speed 7 (walking upright); swims at 10. 5% Total carapace as the mutation. Can
surfaces is one difficulty level easier than chance each round of combat of entering swim at a speed of 6. Can hold its breath
normal (suction cups). bloodlust; when in bloodlust must attack for five minutes. Base speed of 6 (4
with bite until end of battle. bipedally).
PS 12, DX6, CN 10 Sheep, Bighorn Wasp
Kick for ld6 damage. Base speed of 16, PS 11, DX 14, CN9 PS 6, DX 9, CN 7
even if walking upright. Has vestigial Head butt for ld6 + l damage, +2 THAC Sting for ld6 damage, plus poison.
wings, which are purely ornamental and do and ld6 + 3 damage if in a charge. Can Intensity is ld4 + 1. Exoskclcton has an AC
not allow flight. survive in cold, dry conditions twice as of 14. Has multiple limbs (legs) as the
long as normal. Base speed of 14 (9 mutation. Base speed of 8 (even if walking
Otter bipedally). upright). Climbing attempts are one
PS 9, DX 12, CN 5 difficulty level easier than normal. Has
Bite for 1 d6 damage. Base speed of 9 Skunk wings, with a flying base speed of 21.
(6 bipedally), swims at 6. Immune to the PS 5, DX4, CN4
chilling effects of cold water. Bite for ld3 damage. Gas generation
(bad-smelling musk) and night vision as the PS 9, DX 12, CN 5
Porcupine mutations. Base speed of 10 (7 bipedally). Bite for ld6 damage. Has night vision as
PS 5, DX6, CN4 the mutation. Base speed of 14 (9
Bite for ld3 damage. Has quills (can’t Snake bipedally).
be thrown) that do ld6 if grabbed. Base PS 13, DX 11, CN 4
speed 9 (6 bipedally). Bite for ld6 + 1 damage plus poison
(intensity ld6). Has infravision as the PS 9, DX 12, CN 8
Preying Mantis mutation. Base speed is 12. Has no Bite for ld6 points of damage. Has
PS 9, DX 7, CN 8 “walking upright” position. heightened smell and heightened hearing as
Claw/claw for ld8/ld8 damage. +2 the mutations. Base speed of 17 (11
bonus to Remain Unseen in green veg- Spider bipedally).
etation. Has multiple limbs (legs) as the PS7.DX8, CN7
mutation. Exoskclcton has base AC of 14. Bite for ld4 damage, plus poison.
Base speed of 12 (even if walking upright). Intensity is ld6 +1. Multiple limbs (“arms"
and legs) give it +5 DX against being
Raccoon knocked down. Climbing attempts are one
PS6, DX 10, CN 6 difficulty level easier than normal. Base
Bite does ld4 damage. Has night vision speed of 12 (even if walking upright).
as the mutation. Paws are able to
manipulate tools naturally. Base speed of Squirrel, Flying
10 (7 bipedally). PS 6, DX 15, CN 4
Has air sail as the mutation.; but glides
Rhinoceros at a speed of 12. Base speed of 9 (6
PS 16, DX2, CN 14 bipedally). Bite for 1 d3 damage. + 3 bonus
Horn does ld6 +1 damage, with a + 2

Chapter S: Character Generation 13

Base Plant Stock List Of all the new life forms created by the Time of Terror, the sentient
plants are surely among the most wondrous. The true men’s common
Unlike animals, plants are described by general class rather than by a
estimate of the lowly plant did not include the new mobility or potential
specific species. The evolutionary trip from plant to sentient creature is so
ferocity of the new species. Add to that their ability to think and reason
much farther, that the character only retains a raw resemblance to a general
almost as well as sleeth, and they become a fearsome opponent or valued
type of plant. Characters cannot pick specific plant species as their genetic
ally. Sleeth have always been loyal and devoted to the green folk, as we
background. Any special abilities not listed in the categories below must
call them. Like the mutated animal, the sentient plant carries a number of
be generated through mutation rolls.
extraordinaty mutations. Each enhances its power to affect and control its
Brush environment.
Most nondescript bushes, weeds, grasses and other com- inon plants fall
into this category. Because these plants tend to look so ordinary, they get a A sentient plant is not just a bush, a tree or some other
+ 3 bonus to Remain Unseen. This plant stock has proven very hardy and
common plant that has been made into a player character. It is
has adapted to the rigors of Gamma Terra very well. Brush plants get one
an intelligent, mobile form of life that just happens to be plant-
extra physical plant mutation.
based rather than animalbased. A sentient plant is assumed to
Flower be able to move, see, hear and feel. The plant can have a shape
All flowering plants gel a +3 CH bonus. The beauty of their flowers and like that of an animal or other normally mobile creature, or it
the delicacy of their build often leads others into believing that the can be vaguely humanoid shaped (but it will not look exactly
flowering plant is a gentle and harmless creature. The course of evolution like a human or animal, nor have a human or animal shape’s
for flowering plants has developed a tendency toward mental powers. They innate capabilities). The kai tins are good examples of this. The
get one extra mental mutation. player is not forced to take a humanoid or animal-like shape,
but it is strongly recommended to ease visualization of the
plant. The player gets to decide what shape the character’s body
Although not truly a plant, fungi are included here. They do not need
sunlight to grow, but do need soil. The minds of fungi are so alien, even to
takes. Of course, the Game Master must approve it.
other plants, that they get a +3 MD bonus. Like an animal character, the plant must be derived from a
basic stock (see the listing in the sidebar). The player must
Succulent decide how many appendages the plant has and where all of its
This class of plant includes all cacti and most desert plants. They only vital organ equivalents are located, including the brain, sensory
need water half as often as other plants. They automatically get the thorns organs, digestive system, and secondary vital organ (heart
or spikes mutation. equivalent). None of these appendages can initially manipulate
objects or use tools.
Trees get a + 3 PS bonus and the total carapace mutation. The player
must decide if his character is based upon evergreens. Evergreens have a
—2 Health penalty versus fire. Any fire Health hazard or other flame
attack requires this penalty to Health or AC. They take an extra point of
damage for each die rolled (regardless of die size). All other types of trees
have the same problem with cold and receive the same penalty.

Vines get a +2 DX bonus. They can automatically manipulate tools
without having to take this humanoid attribute. This leaves them eligible
for the extra mutation if they choose not to take humanoid traits.

Sentient Plente
• Plant mutations with fewer defects.
• +2 bonus to Remain Unseen.
• +2 initial Constitution bonus.
• No ability to command or control robots.
• Need sun and soil instead of food.
• Bonus physical mutation if no humanoid traits taken (see
rules below).
• +1 Constitution every level.
• Base walking speed of 9; base speed of 3 swimming.

An excerpt from Histories of Gamma Terra written by

Szah-lah, sleeth historian:
A sentient plant does not need to eat like animals or humans. Non-Player Characters
Complete nourishment for a day can be achieved by “taking The rules for mutations described above apply to player
root” in the soil for an hour, during which it can’t move. In characters only. You can use several other schemes for
addition, a plant needs three hours of bright sunlight, or six determining the number of mutations of NPCs (non-player
hours of dim sunlight, during which time the plant can be characters). For example, you could roll ld4 for the number of
completely active. Most artificial lights cannot substitute for physical mutations, and 1 d4 for the number of mental
sunlight. A sentient plant has the same water needs as humans mutations. This method is fairly random, providing both for
and animals, although it usually draws its water from the soil. If mutants with a lot of powers, and for mutants with very few
the plant doesn’t meet these requirements for a day, it suffers powers.
the same consequences as a human or animal that doesn’t eat If you wanted an NPC heavy on mental mutations, roll ld4 +
all day. It takes several days of no food or water to kill a plant. 2 for the number of mutations. The same is true for physical
The Constitution of a plant decides its size. The plant has mutations. In that case, either give the character a single
roughly a meter of height per five points of Constitution. Upon mutation from the other category or none at all.
advancing in level, a plant character gets a + 1 Constitution
bonus. This, by itself, does not give the character any extra hit Attribute Scores
points. However, like all characters, a plant gets ld6 hit points
every time it advances a level. Since the size of a plant is re- All characters, regardless of their genotype, have certain
lated to its Constitution value, the plant actually grows larger as basic attributes such as Physical Strength and Intelligence. Each
it gains levels. attribute has a score which determines how much of that
Adjusting Sentient Plants: A sentient plant has many of the attribute the character has. A typical attribute has an average
same problems as a mutated animal. It can also choose to be score of 10, and can run from 3 to 18. The different genotypes
able to talk and/or use tools. No more than two of its have slightly different ranges and averages. In addition, the
appendages can initially be declared as capable of using tools. characters used for the game are assumed to be unusual
It can optionally gain the ability to smell and taste at the same examples of their genotypes. The die rolls are skewed to give
time. If the plant chooses not to take any of these traits, it gets a everyone a higher than average number within the 3 to 18
bonus physical mutation. Sentient plants use the Plant range.
Mutations Table for physical mutations. They roll for mental Use the Character Attributes by Genotype Table below to
mutations the same as any other character. determine what roll is used for each attribute according to the
chosen genotype }d6 means to roll three six-sided dice adding
them together to get the

Character Attributes by Genotype

Pure Strain Altered Mutated Sentie
Abbrev. Attribute Human Human Animal nt Plant
PS Physical Strength 4d6-L 4db-L 2d4+PS 3d6
DX Dexterity 4d6-L 4d6-L 2d4 + DX 3d6
CN Constitution 4d6 — L + 3 4d6-L* 2d4 + CN 3d6*
MS Mental Strength 4d6-L 4d6—L 3d6 3d6
IN Intelligence 4d6 — L + 4d6-L 3d6 3d6
CH Charisma 3 4d6-L + 3 4d6-L 3d6 3d6
SN Senses 3d6 3d6 4d6-L 4d6-L
MP Mutation Power** — 4d6-L 4d6-L 4d6 -
""Minimum score of 8.
**Rolled separately for each mutation, where applicable.
total. 4d6 ~L means to toll four six-sided dice, throwing away influences his base movement speed.
the lowest single die and adding the remaining three. In some Constitution (CN): Arguably the most important attribute of
cases, pure strain humans add 3 points to this final score (4d6 - a character, a character’s Constitution determines how much
L + 3). damage he can take before he dies. It also measures his
Mutated animals have a base animal stock that must be resistance to Health hazards such as radiation and poison.
chosen before rolling for their attributes. The mental attributes Mental Strength (MS): This is a measure of the character’s
of Intelligence, Mental Strength and Charisma are assumed to willpower. It is used primarily for mental combat, where
be standard for all animals. The physical attributes vary greatly characters fight on the psionic battleground. It affects his
according to the base animal stock. 2d4 +PS (or DX or CN) on MHAC and his MD.
the table means roll two four-sided dice and add them to the Intelligence (IN): A character’s ability to use logic and solve
base value of that animal type. problems is measured by his intelligence. It primarily affects
Physical Strength (PS): This is the raw muscle power of the his ability to figure out ancient artifacts and understand how
character. It determines how much weight he can lift, pull or they work. It also affects his ability to Remain Unseen.
carry. It also factors into his combat THAC and damage for Charisma (CH): When a character interacts with other
hand-held weapons. A character can lift, push or pull up to 10 creatures or NPCs, he puts forward a psychological and social
kilograms (about 25 lbs.) per point of Physical Strength. This presence that is called Charisma. The more charismatic a
assumes that he is using his whole body and not just his arms, character is, the better he can influence the reactions of others
and that he can move the weight at least a few meters. in the game.
He can carry only five kilograms per point of Physical Senses (SN): This is a single value that represents the
Strength. Carrying capacity assumes that the character can walk character’s ability to detect things with his senses. Which
for some distance with that weight. Obviously a character can senses are being used (vision, hearing, smell, etc.) is not
carry up to 10 kilograms per point of Physical Strength if he is important. Most creatures tend to rely upon their sharpest sense
only going a short distance, such as across a room. He could not for most everything. This is a base score to which modifiers
carry this weight across a village, though. might be applied for individual senses that are unnaturally
Dexterity (DX): This is a measure of how nimble or accurate sharp.
the character can be. It factors heavily into dodging, aiming and Attribute Modifiers: Attribute scores can modify many
combat initiative. It directly affects a character’s THAC for different game functions and skills. The skills and the abilities
ranged weapons, his armor class, and his Stealth score. It also that they modify are listed in the Derived Attributes section,
directly below. The table below indicates how much an attribute score
modifies a derived attribute. The table does continue beyond
26, with every pair of numbers getting an additional bonus
point. This Attribute Modifiers Table is repeated in the Derived
Attributes section.

Attribute Modifiers
Scor Modifier Scor Modifi
e 1 -4 e 17- er + 3
2-3 -3 18 19- +4
4-5 -2 20 21- +5
6-7 -1 22 23- +6
8-12 0 24 25- +7
13- +1 26 etc.
15- +2
All characters, except pure strain humans, have some
mutations. These are determined randomly, not by the player or
the Game Master. Some of the mutations that can occur are
considered defects. These arc designated on the mutation tables
with a “(D).” For player characters, only one physical and one
mental defect are allowed. Any roll that results in a second
defect is rerolled until a beneficial mutation is found.
A character gets at least five mutations. The character can
always choose to have less, but must make that decision before
roiling any specific mutations, or even before rolling the split of
physical and mental mutations.
The character rolls a six-sided die to find out the number of
physical mutations. The remainder of all the mutations after the
roll for the number of physical mutations is the number of
mental mutations. However, a roll of 6 means that a PC has no
physical mutations. Any remaining mutations are all mental. If
a 5 is rolled, the character will have no mental mutations. If
while rolling the specific mutations, he gets a result that grants
him an extra physical mutation, it does not change the number
of mental mutations as determined by the die roll.
For example, Gort the altered human starts with five
mutations. Rolling a six-sided die, he gets a result of 3, which
means he gets 3 physical mutations. Since he gets a total of 5,
this means that the other 2 are mental mutations. While rolling
for physical mutations, he gets the option that gives him an
---------Number of Mutations--------------
d6 Roll 1 2 3 4 5 6
Physical 1 2 3 4 5 0
Mental 4 3 2 1 0 5

extra physical mutation. Now he is getting a total of 4 physical

mutations. This does not change the number of men tai
mutations (2) that he has yet to roll.
Many mutations have a power score (MP) associated with
them. Mutations with a power score are designated with an
asterisk on the mutation tables. This reflects the fact that the
mutation can vary in power from one character to another. This
isn’t true of all mutations. For example, having four arms is
either true or not true. There is no score to apply to it. On the
other hand, being able to project a mental blast can vary in
power from character to character. The mutation power score is
always 4d6 — L, just like the primary attributes for altered
Rolling the Same Mutation Again; It is quite possible to roll
the same mutation two or more times while creating a
character. When this happens, the player can choose to keep the
duplicate roll or ignore it and reroll the mutation. If he chooses
to keep the duplicate roll, he adds 2d4 to the mutation power
score for that mutation. If it is a mutation without a power
score, he gets twice as many or twice as much of whatever it is
the mutation offers. If it is not obvious how to double the
mutation, he can pick one element of the mutation (range,
duration, number of affected creatures, etc.) and double it. With
some mutations (duality is a good example), it is better to give
the character an extra use, rather than double use. So a
character that rolls duality twice can perform two extra actions
per round.
Life in the GAMMA WORLD® game allows for many a few in every society that hunger for more. They thrive upon
different roles for those that live in it. Most are geared for the danger and the mystery of unknown frontiers and new
survival and the building of a comfortable domestic challenges. This is the role of the player character. For them
environment. Examples of such roles are tavernkeepers, there are four basic roles, or character classes, available to
scholars, politicians and merchants. But there have always been choose from: enforcer, esper, examiner, scout.
Class Skills: Each character class has a handful of unique
skills. Characters start out with a few points to distribute among
these skills. Each skill must have at initially.

• Initial +1 THAC (both melee and ranged), +CN hit points.
• Each level advanced, he gets a + 1 THAC bonus (to both
melee and ranged THAC) and + 1 on all physical mutation
power scores.
• Each level advanced, he gets his CN bonus in hit points
(negative bonuses are ignored), in addition to the normal ld6
• 12 points to distribute among skills: Combat Leadership,
Makeshift Weapon/Armor, Size-Up Opponent.

The wiry man s smile faded abruptly as the woman with blue skin
threw her drink in his face. He sputtered in fury, and drew a knife from his
belt. There was a shout from somewhere nearby as he knocked his stool
over and lunged at the Altered One. Suddenly, his arm was gripped in two
thick, furry hands, and pain surged through his elbow as his whole arm
was wrenched behind him. He looked up into the face of a ram, almost a
meter above his own. As the enforcer lifted him up off the floor, he caught
a glimpse of several weapons, most notably a huge battle axe, strapped to
a hulking body. The wiry man dangled a good meter off of the ground as
he was hauled to the front entrance and thrown through it. As he sailed
out into the street, he knew that he was no

Enforcer Skills
Combat Leadership: The enforcer can attempt to lead a
group of NPCs in a stressful combat situation. The NPCs must
either be noncombatants or not more than half his own level.
NPCs that are attacking the enforcer or already engaged in
combat activity are not susceptible to this skill. However,
normal roleplaying might sway them. Only one check per group
per battle may be made. The enforcer can lead three people per
level. With large groups, if the enforcer can lead a group’s
leaders, he can effectively lead the whole

Makeshift Weapon/Armor: Anytime the character wants to

make a weapon or armor out of things not normally designed
for that purpose, he checks this skill. If successful, the weapon
or armor works just like its nearest equivalent from the weapon
and armor listings in the “Equipment” chapter. For example, an
enforcer might try to take a table leg, a circular saw blade and
some wire and make an axe by affixing the blade to the end of
the table leg. If the enforcer is successful at his skill check, it
works just like an axe; otherwise, it keeps falling apart and does
half the expected damage. This is a very useful skill for
adapting the remnants of the ancients for weapons and armor.
Size-Up Opponent: This skill is used to determine how
tough an opponent really is. If the die roll is successful, the
character learns roughly the AC, THAC and damage potential
from his opponent’s obvious physical defenses or attacks. The
Game Master shouldn’t tell the player character with numbers,
but rather with descriptions. The enforcer does not learn about
mental attacks, poison or other powers that do not have visible
manifestations. Toughness is always measured relative to the
character. A fair fight is considered an equal match. Not all
creatures will fit all the criterion listed below, so the GM must
use his best judgment. This skill can only be used once per
person until the character gains a new level.
• Must have at least one mental mutation with a power together small clues, the esper can identify the exact
score. mutational power that caused a particular result.
• Initial + 1 MD. Unsuccessful mental attacks cannot be identified, since
there isn’t enough information. The mental attack can have
Rating/Result Statistics Relative to Evaluator affected another creature; it does not have to have affected
Easy Half hit points, AC over 5 less, the esper himself.
max damage in one round below Photographic Memory: The esper can delve into his own
10. mind and retrieve a particular memory. If the player of a
Not a problem 3
/4 hit points, AC less, max dam character is unable to remember the specific events of a past
age in one round below 15. encounter, this skill can be used. If successful, the Game
A fair fight Roughly the same hit points, Master describes the event in as much detail as the player
AC, etc. Max damage around asks for. For example, in a game session it becomes
20. important to know whether or not a particular NPC is left-
Challenging 25 % more hit points AC up to 5 handed. None of the players can remember which hand he
higher, specialty attack or max used most often. With a successful Photographic Memory
damage 25 + roll, the esper can recall him writing a note with his left
Tough 50% more hit points AC over 5 hand.
higher, special attacks and de- Sense Mental Powers: The esper is able to identify the
fenses. presence of unusual mental powers, usually mutations, in a
Nearly impossible Twice hit points AC 10 + living creature. He must spend a round looking at and
multiple special attacks and/or concentrating on the creature. He can only attempt this
defenses. detection once a month per character or creature type. If the
creature is a member of a genetically stable race (hoops,
sleeths, etc.) only one roll for the race can be made per
month, regardless of how many of them the character runs
• Each level advanced, he gets a + 1 MD bonus, and a + 1
bonus on all mental mutation power scores.
• 16 points to distribute among skills: Hypnosis, Identify
Mental Power, Photographic Memory, Sense Mental
• Must come from at least a Tech III culture.
• Starts the game with a lech IV item, rolled from the loot
tables. Any weapon rolled is assumed to have 4d6 rounds
There seemed to be no way to approach the building without being
of ammo. Powered items include a chemical power cell.
spotted by the guard. Before they could prepare for combat, Frant
• Initial + 1 to Use Artifacts and Robot Recognition.
pushed his way forward, motioning for silence. Closing his eyes, he
focused his thoughts. Soon, the guard began pulling at his collar and
• Each level advanced, he gets a + 1 bonus to Use Ar-
wiping his brow. In another few seconds, he was shouting and trying
to rip off his armor. He began to scream, tearing at his body as smoke • 16 points to distribute among skills: Avoid Artifact
drifted off of it in lazy wisps. Finally, he crumpled to the ground, Disaster, Jury-Rig, Read Schematics, Repair Artifact.
patches of his skin blackened and smoking. The es per opened his eyes
and looked around at the rest of the group. The guard lay unmoving.

The esper has explored the depths of his own mind and
understands it well. He is the master of mental discipline.
The realm of the mind is his battlefield.

Esper Skills
Hypnosis: This skill is the same as Photographic
Memory, but is used with other characters or creatures. The
esper is able to hypnotize another willing, sentient, and
living character and retrieve lost memories or events from
his mind. It can also be used to verify the truth of a
statement, or at least the truth as the subject believes it to
be. Hypnotized characters cannot lie, unless they are faking
being hypnotized. This process of hypnotizing someone
takes at least 10 minutes.
Identify Mental Power: By concentrating and putting

SO Chapter S: Character Generation

Broaugh pulled a strange item from the wreckage of the live metal. precautions on a blueprint of a building. That would entail
Turning it over carefully in his hands, he studied it while the rest of two rolls, one for the location, the other for the security.
the group crowded in as close as they dared. Everyone was silent Repair Artifact: The artifact must be completely un-
while the examiner poked and prodded his find. Finally, after a few derstood by the examiner before it can be repaired. This
moments of deep thought, Broaugh flipped a small red lever on one requires a successful Use Artifacts when it was first
side of the object, and set it down. The rest of the group began to back examined, and at least one day of ownership and tinkering
away. Suddenly, there was a loud crackle from the artifact, and then a per point of complexity. The Game Master must first judge
steady clicking. A small needle on one side of the artifact bounced whether or not the appropriate tools and spare parts are
slightly with each click. available to the examiner. All examiners start the game with
“This,’’ stated Broaugh, “will help us to avoid the Curse.’’ a Tech Level III tool set, without which they cannot attempt
any repairs.
No class is more prized in the societies of Gamma Terra The difficulty of success for this skill is determined by
than the examiner. He is best able to decipher the uses of the condition of the artifact (see below). Even then, the
the artifacts of the ancients. Centuries from now, the Game Master may decide that it takes a long time to
examiners may be credited with pulling humanity and the accomplish the repairs. How long it takes will depend on
new sentient species up from barbarism into a new age of how badly damaged the device is.

Examiner Skills Artifact Condition

Avoid Artifact Disaster: The examiner is able to avoid Minor repair necessary Significant repair
disasters when examining artifacts. Anytime he gets a necessary
Dangerous Event or Artifact Breaks on the chart, he makes Major repair necessary
a check against this skill. This must be done by the GM in Vital components are missing
secret. If successful, that result is avoided, and the examiner
can reroll for the next position on the chart. The GM must The overall complexity of the artifact and its tech level
give the player some roleplaying indication that a disaster will modify the difficulty of the repair. Consult the table
was avoided—for example, “You were about to flip the below to determine the complexity modifier for the die roll.
switch when you realized that it must be a firing trigger.’’ These values are added to the difficulty rating as dictated by
Note that the examiner cannot use this skill to avoid “False the condition of the artifact.
Function,” “Assumed Useless,” or “Assumed Broken” re-
Artifact Difficulty Artifact Difficult
sults. Complexity Modifiet Tech Level y
Jury-Rig: Being adept with machines and advanced r 0
technology has its advantages. The examiner is able to Repair 1-5 0 Tech Level £ III
Base Difficulty +1 Tech Level IV +1
create new devices out of the parts and scraps. This skill 11-15 +2 Tech Level V +3
calls for a lot of control by the Game Master. The devices 0 Easy
16-20 +3 Tech Level VI +5
invented by the examiner can be anything available to the 5 Challenging
21-25, + 4,
simpler realm of Tech IV. The maximum complexity an 10 Tough
etc. etc.
examiner can handle is 20 plus his Jury- Rig rating. The 15 Nearly impossible
Game Master will have to determine if the attempt is even
possible given the materials at hand and how long it takes.
For example, it is not possible to build a car in the desert.
To build a primitive car in an abandoned factory full of
appropriate parts would be possible, but might take months.
Read Schematics: Examiners have the ability to read
and interpret the arcane symbology of the ancients. These
symbols are most frequently found in schematics and
blueprints. Occasionally they are found elsewhere as well.
Basically any nonword symbol of the ancients, from a
men’s room sign to the ground symbol on an electrical
circuit board, has a chance of being understood with this
skill. If presented with a map or diagram filled with
symbols, the examiner does not have to make a separate roll
for each symbol. He does have to make a separate roll for
each piece of information he wants to extract. For example,
he might try to find the nearest air duct and its security
Chapter 2: Character Generation
For example, a character finds a Tech Level V artifact of Scout Skills
complexity 13. The Game Master decides that it will need Detect Ambush/Trap: Being a hunter himself, the scout
significant repairs to make it functional again. First, the is able to identify traps and ambushes in the wilderness. If
examiner must figure out what this artifact is. Then he must successful, he detects a potential ambush or trap situation.
own it for 13 days, tinkering with it regularly during that The Game Master should throw in a few “looks like an
time. After all that, he can try to repair it. The base ambush to me” situations to keep characters on their toes.
difficulty rating is 5 (challenging). Because it is a Tech Remember that this skill does not detect the absence of an
Level V artifact, there is a + 3 modifier. Because it has a ambush or trap, only the presence of it.
complexity of 13, there is another +2 modifier. All of these Hunting: This skill is strictly related to finding food and
add up to a difficulty of 10, a fairly daunting task. But don’t water. If successful, he found enough to feed five people for
worry, our hero has a high tech tool set. More on that later a day. Hunting usually takes 1-4 hours. It is also the skill
(in “Equipment”). used for identifying edible plants and animals.
Navigate: The scout is able to tell which way is north and
Scout identify the direction and distance to major landmarks with
• Initial + 1 Perception, Stealth and Remain Unseen. this skill. The stars are only one method of determining
• Each level advanced, he gets a + 1 bonus to Perception, position. There are a host of other signs and tricks that can
Stealth and Remain Unseen. also be used. Even without some of these, scouts tend to
• Each level advanced, he can place 1 point on any derived have a good feel for how far they have come and where they
attributes (see Level Advancement on page 25), mutation might be. A Navigate skill roll needs to be made whenever
or class skill. This is instead of the general rule of one the scout loses sight of an important landmark (building,
point every even level. Specifically, the scout does not mountain, etc.) or has a clear choice of directions. The
get two points to add on even levels. check is never made more than once in three hours and
• 20 points to distribute among skills: Detect Am- usually only once a day.
Tracking; Creatures can only be tracked in natural
bush/Trap, Hunting, Navigate, Tracking, Wilderness
terrain. Tracking is no good in a town or village full of
people; there are too many tracks and signs of other
creatures around. However, it will work in an abandoned
The rain was coming down hard now. The whole group slogged
urban or man-made environment where the spoor and tracks
through mud and wet leaves as they tried to keep moving up the side of
the mountain. Time and again, one of them slipped, only to be grabbed
remain fresh and undisturbed. The Game Master might
by a comrade. Serlig, ahead of the group, could barely make out the
determine that adverse conditions
top of the slope in front of him when lightning flashed. There was a
low rumble, and In another flash of lightning, the scout could see a
large tree beginning to topple over—right behind the group. He urged
them on, knowing that soon mudslides would carry them all to their
deaths. Suddenly, he sported what he had been seeking. In another,
very bright stroke of lightning, the cave mouth was revealed. He
motioned his companions toward it, into dryness and safety.

The scout is at home in the wilderness, away from the

cities and farms. It is he that guides the party and provides
shelter and food in the wilderness. Although his talents are
not greatly appreciated by the rest of society, he is
invaluable to the adventuring party.

Chapter S: Character Generation

(rain, crossing trails, age of the spore, etc.) make it more value for combat, and are even used in similar ways.
difficult to track. Tracking over stone or down a waterway AC: This is the basic combat skill for being able to avoid
is also more difficult. Roll once an hour to see if the trail isgetting hit or hurt. It is usually modified by the armor the
lost. character wears. It performs the same game function as AC
Wilderness Survival: This skill allows the scout to find does in the AD&D game. Just as in that game, 10 is
adequate shelter, avoid environmental hazards such as considered to be the AC of an unprotected human.
floods, forest fires, avalanches and the like. However, larger numbers are better in the GAMMA
WORLD game. AC 0 in the AD&D game is AC 20 in the
Common SkiHs GAMMA WORLD game.
Health: This is the character’s ability to resist the effects
Some everyday skills are available to all characters. In of such things as poison, radiation and disease.
general, the GAMMA WORLD® game rules do not
concern themselves with a wealth of everyday skills, such Attribute Modifiers
as herbalism, musical instruments, stonemasonry, etc. It is Score Modifier Score Modifier
assumed that the characters have any reasonable skills of 1 -4 17-18 +3
this nature. The GAMMA WORLD game should not get
2-3 -3 19-20 +4
bogged down with determining who can sew together the
4-5 -2 21-22 +5
6-7 -1 23-24 +6
That said, there are a few skills that are worth men-
8-12 0 25-26 +7
tioning: reading and writing, swimming, and riding. These
13-14 +1 etc.
are things that the characters might want to do on a regular
15-16 +2
basis and that will affect the kind of adventures common in
the GAMMA WORLD game. The table below indicates the
Summary of Derived Attributes
chances of a character knowing each of these skills, based
upon the character class. Of course, one character can teach
Attribute Derivation
another these skills or hire an NPC to teach him them, but
THAC melee PS mod
the methods employed to do so and the time involved are
THAC ranged DX mod
left up to the Game Master’s individual campaign.
AC 10 + DX mod
Read/ MHAC MP mod
Character Class Write Swim Ride MD 10 +MS mod
Enforcer 10% 50% 100% Hit Points (CN)d6
Esper 50% 25% 10 Health 10 + CN mod
Examiner 100% 10% % 25 Use Artifacts IN mod
Scout 25% 100% 50 Perception SN score + IN mod
Stealth DX mod
Remain Unseen IN mod
□enved Attributes
Speed Base + DX mod
Every character in the game has the skills described in Robot Recognition 20±Robot Recognition
this section. Some characters are better at using them than modifiers
others. Advancement within character classes allows a
character to improve some skills over time. Each skill refers
to a modifier based upon some attribute score of the
character. The following table provides the necessary
modifiers. This table can also be found in the Attribute
Scores section, above.
The full description and use of these skills is covered sO
in the “Play of the Game’’ chapter. Don’t worry if the
strange abbreviations (MHAC etc.) are a little confusing at
this point. The exact definitions are explained in the “Play
of the Game” chapter. Many of the terms here will seem
familiar to players of the AD&D® game. Terms with
similar names perform similar functions in the two games.
For example, THAC and THACO are both the basic attack

Chapter 2: Character Generation S3

Occasionally, through the results of game play or during A zero is the average value for a first level character, and
character creation, some hazards may have different Health larger numbers are better.
ratings. Health is equivalent to saving throws in the
AD&D® game. Ten is the average score for a first level Tech Level
character, and larger numbers are better.
Hit Points: A character’s hit points determine how much The Game Master must determine where the campaign
damage he can take before dying. Once again, this is the begins. This involves choosing a town or other starting
same as in the AD&D game. All characters get ld6 of hit locale. From this decision will come the limitations on a
points for each point of Constitution. The attribute modifier character’s initial tech level. Most towns in the GAMMA
for the character’s Constitution is not used to calculate hit WORLD game are Tech Level Ill. As a result, most
points. characters are from Tech Level III societies. If the Game
MD: Similar to AC, MD defines the character’s mental Master chooses, he can start his campaign in a more
defense, which is his ability to resist mental attacks. It is primitive culture and force the players into that culture’s
even measured the same as AC, with 10 being a first level tech level. The player can choose any tech level equal to or
character’s average score, and larger numbers being better. less than the upper limit for the campaign as determined by
MHAC: Similar to THAC, MHAC defines the char- the Game Master.
acter’s ability to use his mental mutation. Each mutation has As a general rule of thumb, the characters should not be
its own MHAC score, derived from the power score of the of a higher tech level than the town they start from.
mutation. It is used in exactly the same manner as THAC. Characters should not be of any tech level higher than III.
Zero is an average value for a first level character, and The rules for using artifacts and purchasing equipment all
bigger is better. assume that the player characters are from a Tech Level III
Perception: This is the character’s ability to notice culture and have ready access to Tech Level III items.
something when he is not trying to look for it. For example,
a character uses his Perception when he hears someone Cryptic Alliance
sneaking up on him. 10 is an average first level character’s
score, and larger numbers are better. Each character has the option of belonging to a cryptic
Remain Unseen; This is the character’s ability to hide alliance at the start of the game. The Game Master
and remain undetected. Zero is an average first level determines which cryptic alliances are available to the
character’s score, and larger numbers are better. characters at the start of the game. It is not required that a
Robot Recognition: Robots are a major part of the character belong to a cryptic alliance—it is always an
GAMMA WORLD® game. Because of the fact that they option. It is also possible to join an alliance at a later time in
were built before the cataclysm, they have rather unique the game. It is not possible to belong to more than one
world view. This score reflects the character’s ability to be cryptic alliance at the same time.
recognized as human by robots and computers. A Belonging to a cryptic alliance is a double-edged sword.
character’s Robot Recognition score is simple to calculate. The alliance gives the character certain advan-
The base value is a 20. Altered humans subtract 2
automatically. Some mutations call for further subtractions
because they alter the physical appearance of the character.
Mutated animals subtract 6 points, or 8 if they do not
choose any humanoid attributes. They can also lose points
for mutations. Sentient plants are never recognized as
human by robots.
Speed: This is how many meters a character can move in
a round when walking. The base speed for humans is 12
meters per round, and 3 when swimming.
Stealth: This is the character’s ability to be sneaky, move
quietly and not be discovered. Zero is an average first level
character’s score, and larger numbers are better.
THAC: This is the basic combat skill for being able to hit
an opponent. It performs the same game function as
THACO does in the AD&D game, although the actual
numbers and game mechanics are somewhat different.
Larger numbers are better, and zero is the average value for
a first level character.
Use Artifacts: The character’s ability to figure out how
an artifact works and use it well is described by this value.

24 Chapter 2: Character Generation

For complete descriptions of the cryptic alliances, see the money, they can purchase armor, weapons and some
“Cryptic Alliances” chapter. reasonable supplies. If they want to have mounts and a lot
of supplies, they may have to forego extra weapons and the
Starting Equipment best armor.

tain things of its members. Each member must hold true to Level Advancement
the aims of the alliance. Each cryptic alliance has as • Each level he advances, the character adds ld6 hit points
friends and enemies various other alliances. The alliance’s to his total.
members arc required to share these likes and dislikes. • Each level he advances, the character adds 1 point to
Shirking one’s duty will minimally lead to expulsion, and each of his class skills.
some alliances dole out far harsher penalties. • Every even level attained, the character gets 1 point to
place on any mutation power score, class skill or derived
attribute*, including hit points. This point cannot be
The Game Master determines how much money the placed upon raw attributes (PS, IN, etc.).**
characters have initially. This depends greatly upon the • Some genotypes and character classes have extra bonuses
economy of the town or region where he places his that they get every level.
campaign. It is also affected by any agency that might be
funding the characters. For example, if the Restorationists *For purposes of level advancement, derived attributes include
hire the characters as an expeditionary force, they might THACmelee, THAC ranged, AC, Health, special Health score, MD,
provide any Tech III item the characters desire. Use Artifacts, Robot Recognition, Perception. Stealth, Remain
Unseen, and Hit Points. They do not include damage or speed.
**Scout procedure is slightly different. See the character class
description, above.

As a player character has adventures in the GAMMA

WORLD® game, he gains experience points. When a
character’s experience point total reaches a certain threshold
number, he is considered to have advanced a level. The
character then gets several bonuses (see above) to his class
skills and hit points. Below is the table of experience point
thresholds and the levels that match them. Every even level
the character attains (2, 4, etc.), he can increase any
mutation power score, class skill or derived attribute
(THAC, Health, etc ).

Experience Points per Level

Experience Experience
Level Points Level Points
1 2,000 6 64,000
2 4,000 7 125,000
3 8,000 8 250,000
4 16,000 9 500,000
5 32,000 10 + + 250,000

Chapter 2: Character Generation S3

Many mutations ate available to altered humans, sentient Achilles Heel [□]
plants and mutated animals. Each mutation description Physical, Plant; Permanent, no power score
begins with the name of the mutation, followed by a (D) if it The mutant has a crucial weakness in a particular body location . If
is a defect. On the next line is the type of mutation, he is ever struck there, he takes dou ble damage and is in such pain
that he cannot attack or perform other actions for the next round. A
followed by a semicolon. Some mutations qualify for more
natural roll of a 20, if it hits, is assumed to have hit this spot—the
than one category. Any mutation specifying a mental attack Achilles heel. A called shot can also be used to intentionally hit it. The
uses the MHAC score derived from the mutation power player can pick any point on his body, such as a fist-sized place on his
score. The target defends with his MD score. Mental head, his stomach, or his groin. Plants should choose a similar place on
mutations do not have visible effects. See Mental Attacks in their bodies.
the “Play of the Game” chapter for further details.
Exceptions are noted individually in the mutation Adaptation
description. Plant; Automatic, no MP
Following the semicolon are two summary values for The plant can adapt (become immune) to any physical attack form
how the mutation is used. The mutation activation condition that has harmed it. On the round it is attacked, it must decide whether
comes first. Permanent mutations are always in operation or not to begin the process of adaptation. It can drop a previous
whether or not a character wants them to be. For the most immunity to adapt to a new attack. The plant can have a total of three
adapted immunities at any given time. It takes five days for the plant to
part, only defects are permanently active. Automatic
complete the adaptation process. There are no restrictions to its activi-
mutations perform when the character is subject to the right ties during this time.
conditions. He does not have to concentrate to use the For example, if it adapts to fire attacks, it grows a flame resistant
mutation, but the mutation description may detail how he bark. If it adapts to lasers, it might develop a reflective exterior. For
could choose not to use it. Activated mutations are treated as the purposes of the adaptation mutation, physical attacks are divided
actions for the round. To use one counts as an action, into cutting attacks, piercing attacks and bludgeoning attacks, and
frequently replacing an attack. The use of any activated adaptation must be made to each individually. Gunshots arc considered
mutation with a duration can be terminated at any time to be piercing attacks.
Following the activation condition is the formula for Air Sail
calculating a mutation’s power score. This is either no MP Physical, Plant; Automatic, no MP
or 4d6~L. No MP means that a power score is not relevant The character’s body incorporates a structure similar to a fixed
to this mutation and none needs to be rolled. 4d6~L means wing or parachute that allows him to glide. A flying squirrel is an
example of an animal with an air sail. The character glides 50% faster
to roll four 6-sided dice, leave out the lowest of the four,
than he normally moves on foot. He must lose at least 1 meter of
and add the remaining three. The sum of these three dice is altitude for every 10 meters of forward movement. The Game Master
the mutation power score (MP) for that mutation. may force a steeper
Mutations which cause penalties to Robot Recognition
for altered humans also cause the same penalties to mutated

Chapter 3: Mutations
Allergy [□] must be no further than 25 meters away, plus 1 meter X MP modifier.
Physical, Plant; Permanent, no MP If the creature is approached in a friendly manner, the character gets a
The mutant suffers a reaction to an ordinary substance, such as bonus of 5 + MP modifier on any attitude rolls when dealing with it. If
pollen, iron or milk. So long as he is in contact with the substance the beguiling attack is successful, the creature will not attack the
(breathing, touching, eating, etc.), the Game Master rolls an attack beguiler, but might attack his friends, depending upon the
against the mutant’s Health, usually at the beginning of the round. circumstances and their actions.
Most substances have an intensity of 0. However, the Game Master
can set higher intensities for higher concentrations or extreme contact.
If the attack is successful, the mutant loses one action for the round.
This usually means that he cannot attack and can only move at half
normal rate. Roll a d20 on the table below for the specific allergy.

d20 Allergy d20 Roll Allergy

Roll1 Pollen 11 Animal fur
2 Clay 12 Salt
3 Oil 13 Wood & paper
4 Plastic 14 Feathers
5 Iron 15 Specific animal
6 Specific plant 16 Paint
7 Digested meat 17 Bone
8 Silver or gold 18 Cotton or wool
9 Leather 19 Soap
10 Specific mineral 20 Specific drug

Plant; Automatic, MP 4d6 — L
The plant constantly gives off a sweet-smelling fragrance that has a
seductive, hypnotic effect on creatures of animal Intelligence (1) or
lower. It increases the effective CH of the plant by 5 plus the MP
modifier. Nonsentient creatures are “attacked” by the fragrance up to
15 meters away. They defend with their MD. If the attack is
successful, they are compelled to touch the plant and be near it. This
attack can only be made once per creature. If it fails, the creature is
always able to identify the plant and reject the affects of its allurement.
The effects of allurement are broken if the victim suffers damage from
an attack.

Anti-Life Leech
Physical, Plant; Automatic, no MP
The mutant is immune to life leech and other draining attacks. He is
able to reverse the flow of another life leech field, draining ld6 points
from the attacking creature into himself. These points first heal his
damage and then add to his hit point total. His hit points can never
exceed his

Attraction Odor (□]

Physical, Plant; Permanent, no MP
Animals and humans with attraction odor have a strong, musky
scent, while plants smell sweet and perfumed Mutants with this defect
can automatically be tracked up to 10 kilometers away by any mutant
with heightened smell or by predators. In the wilderness, the mutant is
twice as likely to attract the attention of a predator. Giant insects or
herbivore grazers are usually attracted to plants that have this defect.

Mental; Activated, MP 4d6~L
With a successful mental attack, the character can insinuate a
soothing and friendly attitude into another creature. The target creature

Chapter 3: Mutations 27
physical attributes (PS, DX or CN), just like the mutation heightened Physical, Plant; Automatic, no MP
physical attribute. The effect lasts 5 + MP modifier rounds. He can The character has a — 5 penalty when checking his Health against
only heighten a particular sense or attribute once every 24 hours. poisons, drugs or other toxic chemicals. He gets drunk twice as
quickly as a normal character, typically from just one cup of an
Body Change(□] alcoholic beverage.
Physical; Automatic, no MP
Some parts of the mutant’s body are altered in a cosmetic way. Confusion
These alterations have no significant game effect upon the character. Mental; Activated, MP 4d6 —L
None of these mutations should allow the character an extra ability, or If the mental attack using this mutation is successful, the victim is
disability, of any significance. Roll a d20 twice on the table to confused. Roll a d6 each round on the table below for the actions taken
determine the changes. Altered humans with this mutation get a — 2 by the affected creature. The effects last for 2d6 rounds. Confusion has
penalty for Robot Recognition. a range of 25 meteis, plus 1 meter X MP modifier.

d20 d20 d6 Roll Action

R Body Change Roll Body Change 1 Stands still
oll1 Odd skin color 2 Wanders slowly
1 Bony skull ridge
Single eye 1 1 Mane/bristles 3 Attacks nearest creature
2 4 Attacks nearest inanimate object
3 Extra fingers 1 Transparent skin
3 5 Attacks randomly chosen enemy
4 Odd hair color 1 Completely hairless
4 6 Performs an incomprehensible, noncombat action, such as
5 Webbed fingers 1 Scales/feathers
5 1 spinning circles while hopping up and down on one foot
6 Forked tongue Sagging folds of skin
7 Antennae 6 1 Misshapen head
7 Contact Poison Sap
8 Crest 1 Patches of fur/skin
8 1 Plant; Automatic, MP 4d6~L
9 Vestigial wings Nonprehensile tail
9 Anytime the plant is injured in combat, it exudes a thick, sticky sap
10 Misplaced facial 2 Enlarged facial
0 from the wound that is poisonous upon contact with skin. It has an
feature feature
intensity equal to the MP score. It is ideal foi coating weapons, but
does not last long. The sap hardens to a nontoxic resin within an hour.
The plant must suffer a wound of at least 2 points to coat a dagger. It
Physical, Plant; Automatic, MP4d6~L
takes a wound of 5 points to coat a sword. Obviously the plant
This a partial or total (50/50 chance) bony shell that protects the
character is not
mutant’s body like armor. A partial carapace covers the head and
back, providing a natural armor against attacks from behind. A total
carapace grants the same Armor Class from front and back. The base
Armor Class is 15 +MP modifier. The DX bonus is then applied as
normal (see “Character Generation”). Plants have thick, tough bark
instead of a shell. Altered humans suffer a —2 penalty on Robot

Carnivorous Jaws
Plant; Automatic, MP 4d6 — L
Most plants do not eat. They live off of soil and sunlight. However,
a plant with this mutation can eat meat or other plants with its jaws. Its
“teeth” are actually tightly spaced thorns in its maw. Its stomach is
merely a body cavity filled

Chameleon Power
Physical, Plant; Activated, MP 4d6~L
This mutation allows the character to automatically blend into any
background. His body coloration automatically matches the colors of
any background that is within a meter. Be aware that his clothes or
other belongings do not change color. His skin (or leaves)
continuously change as the mutant moves. The mutant can decide to
make his skin any single col- or not related to his background, or can
choose to look like his normal self. When chameleon power is
activated, the character’s Remain Unseen score increases by 5 +MP

Chemical Susceptibility [□]

Chapter 3: Mutations
Death Field Generation Physical; Automatic, no MP
Mental; Activated, MP4d6~L The mutant has a diminished sense. Roll a d(> to determine which
The character makes an attack on all living things within 20 meters, one is affected. On a roll of 6, the player can рк к which sense. The SN
plus 1 meter x MP modifier. Any creature, friend or foe, successfully score for that sense only is reduced by four. Overall Perception suffers
hit has most of his hit points drained away. The creature is left with a - 2 penalty.
only hit points equal to his CN score (Hit Dice for monsters). If this
does not do at least 10 points of damage to the creature, then it is d6 Roll Diminished Sense
reduced to zero hit points. Any creature with zero or fewer hit points is 1 Sight. The mutant is nearsighted and is unable to
killed instantly. All normal plants, small animals or other simple life distinguish anything other than motion beyond 60 meters.
forms are assumed to have been attacked successfully and suffer the 2 Hearing. The mutant is partially deaf and is unable to
consequences. Interestingly, germs and other microscopic organisms hear normal conversation beyond 3 meters, or loud noises
are unaffected. beyond 10 meters.
The mutant using this power loses hit points just as if he had also 3 Touch. The mutant suffers from a total lack of touch and
been hit by death field generation, which means he might be is unable to feel heat or cold, wet or dry. He is unable to
incapacitated. However, record the lost hit points separately. feel pain from wounds, but is able to feel the jarring hit of
Assuming that using his power didn’t reduce him to zero hit points, he the weapon (so this mutation does not affect hit point
recovers one hit point every hour until the damage caused by using this losses). The mutant is unable to feel when an object is
power is healed. These lost hit points can also be cured normally with slipping from his hands.
other mutations or artifacts. The character can only use this power 4 Smell. The mutant has no sense of smell, and is unaware
once a week. of invisible gas attacks.
5 Taste. The mutant has no sense of taste, and is unaware of
Density Control, Others ingested poisons or chemicals.
Mental; Activated, MP 416 L
The character is able to control the density of other living creatures. Directional Sense
The effects of this power are identical to density control, self, given Mental; Automatic, no MP
below. However, the mutant must successfully attack the victim The mutant is incapable of getting lost. He always has a complete
mentally to change his density. The mutant chooses how small or how spatial sense of where he is and how he got there This ability does not
large his target becomes, within the limits of his power. Parts of a function while he is sleeping or otherwise unconscious.
target cannot be changed, only the whole target.

Density Control, Self

Physical, Plant; Activated, MP 4d6 — L
The mutant is able to control his body’s density. Increased density
means the character weighs the same, but is smaller. The mutant can
shrink to 50% smaller, plus 5 % X MP modifier. No character can
shrink below 5 % of his original height. Decreased density means the
character weighs the same, but is larger. The mutant can grow up to
100% larger, plus 10% x MP modifier.
The character’s speed increases or decreases by the same
percentage that he grows or shrinks. His AC improves by 1 for every
10% he shrinks, but it worsens by 1 for every 20% he grows. This is
from the increased or decreased toughness of the flesh as well as the
small or larger target that the character becomes. The character is
immune to the density control, others mutation.
is able to reverse the evolutionary process in a single trcaturc. Mutated
characters lose a mutation (chosen randomly ) when attacked this way.
For the purposes of this attack, a mutated animal’s speech/hands
mutation substitute is considered a mutation, but this is only lost after
all other mutations have been eliminated. The devolved victim regains
lost mutations at a rate of one a week.
Pure strain humans lose a point from a mental attribute (MS, IN,
CH chosen randomly) when hit. Once their highest mental attribute is
an 8, the process begins to work on then appearance. They grow body
hair, start dragging (heir knuckles, etc. Prolonged exposure turns them
into cavemen, then apes. They also regain their attributes at a rate of
one- point a week.

Diminished Sense [D]

Chapter 3: Mutations 29
Dissolving Juices Doubled Pain [D]
Plant; Activated, MP 4d6~L Physical, Plant; Automatic, no MP
The plant can secrete an acid that does 3d6 + MP modifier damage The character suffers twice the normal amount of pain from a
over a one-minute (six-round) period. After a minute of dissolving, all wound. If he has less than half his hit points left, he suffers a —2
the acid is used up. If contacted for only a round, it does 2 points of penalty on all skills and actions, including THAC and AC (and Use
damage. The plant can secrete the acid once every four hours. If Artifacts, etc.). The pain is so great that it interferes with his ability to
unused, the acid remains potent for an hour before degenerating into a think and act. He has a — 4 penalty on any attacks on the nervous
harmless fluid. system and those directly involving pain.

Displacement Dual Brain

Mental; Activated, MP 4d6~L Physical, Plant; Automatic, no MP
This mutation cannot be activated consciously. The characters The mutant has two brains. The second brain can be located
subconscious reacts to life-threatening danger by teleporting him away anywhere the player chooses in the torso or head. It does not
from it. The danger does not have to be real. So long as the character necessarily mean the character has two heads; the character’s single
believes himself to be in danger of being killed that round, he is head might be enlarged to hold two brains. This second brain has ld3
displaced. Any time the character is incapacitated while fighting, he is extra mental mutations. Add 2 to the character’s IN to account for the
displaced. Displacement moves him 50 meters, plus 10 meters X MP two brains working together. Any mental attack can only succeed in
modifier. The direction of displacement is usually back toward where attacking one of the brains. The Game Master determines randomly
the character came from. Displacement -will not knowingly place a which brain is attacked. Both brains have the same IN. MS and CH
mutant into a situation where his life is immediately threatened. This scores.
power will not work more than once in an hour.
Mental; Automatic, no MP
The character is able to do two dissimilar actions at the same time.
This is not walking and chewing bubble gum at the same time. It is
wielding a sword in one hand while working a combination lock in the
other. The character can make one extra attack per round, so long as he
uses two different weapons and/or mutations, including mental
mutations. The character is automatically ambidextrous and can use a
weapon in each hand.

Electrical Generation
Physical, Plant; Activated, MP 4d6~L
The mutant is able to build up an electrical charge in a specific part
of his body (hands, tail, head, etc.) chosen by the player. If that part of
the mutant’s body touches anything, up to 3d6 of electrical damage is
In essence, the mutant is constantly charging an internal battery,
even when sleeping or fighting. Each round he accumulates enough
current for a ld6 electrical attack. The internal battery cannot hold
more than three dice of electricity. The mutant can choose to discharge
one, two, or three dice in any given attack, so long as he has that much
left in storage.
The mutant must add his MP modifier to the total damage. He can
add this damage to a normal melee attack if he is wielding a metal
weapon. The character only takes half damage from electricity.

30 Chapter 3: Mutations
The character is able to read the emotions and emotional intensity Fire will also trigger them. The seed does 2d6 + MP modifier points of
of another creature. He can also try and force an emotion upon a damage to anything within half a meter. The plant can have up to 5
creature. Both of these powers require a successful mental attack. The +MP modifier seeds at a time. Each takes a month to grow and can
Game Master may apply modifiers to take into account how radically stay on the plant for 3 months. If the plant is subjected to fire or
the character tries to shift his opponent’s emotions. Remember, an crushing blows (a mace, a fall, etc.), there is a 20% chance of setting
intelligent creature is influenced by his emotions, but not ruled by off a seed. A weapon can only trigger a single seed, but area affects
them. like fire or falls can trigger many seeds. In that case, roll for every seed
(20% chance of each going off). Intense fires or severe falls may
Energy Absorption increase the chances of triggering a seed.
Physical, Plant; Automatic, MP4d6~L
The character ignores the first 10 points + MP modifier of damage Fadeout[□]
from a particular type of physical energy attack. The character is Physical; Automatic, no MP
immune to physical paralysis. Roll a d6 and consult the table. The mutant has a tendency to fall unconscious during times of high
stress. This is a result of his adrenal glands secreting depressants rather
d6 d6 than adrenaline. On the first round of any combat or other high-stress
R Energy Absorbed Roll Energy situation, there is a 5% chance of the character collapsing for ld4 + 1
1 Radiation 4 Absorbed
Heat/fire rounds.
2 Electricity 5 Cold
3 Lasers 6 Player’s choice Fear Generation
Mental; Activated, MP 4d6~L
Energy Metamorphosis The character can instill fear in his chosen target. The victim flees
Physical, Plant; Automatic, MP 4d6~L away from the character at maximum speed for one minute (six
The mutant can convert the first 10 points + MP modifier of rounds). If the victim is cornered or trapped, he will go berserk,
damage from a particular type of physical energy attack and use it to fighting until he can get free.
heal himself. If the character has excess energy to convert and no
damage to heal, it creates an overload. The mutant takes double the Finger Vinee
remaining energy damage as normal damage and cannot convert Plant; Automatic, MP4d6~L
energy for the next 6 rounds. Roll a d6 and consult the table shown in In addition to any other limbs the plant has, it gets ld4 finger vines.
energy absorption, above. These vines are 5 +MP modifier meters long. They can move at a
speed of 2 meters per round (which is
Energy Reflection
Physical, Plant; Automatic, MP 4d6~L
The character can reflect the first 10 points + MP modifier of a
particular type of physical energy attack. Roll a d6 and consult the
table shown in energy absorption to determine the exact type of
energy. To find the direction that the energy

Energy Reflection Scatter Diagram

Roll ldlO
1 2

M 9-10

Energy Sensitivity [□]

Physical, Plant; Automatic, no MP
The character feels pain, and suffers a -2 penalty on all skills and
actions, including THAC and AC (and Use Artifacts, Stealth, etc.),
whenever he is within 2 meters of a large- energy source, such as a
robot, car, artificial force field, etc. Small items, such as a hand-held
device that uses a power cell, only cause him a — 1 penalty on actions.
The Game Master might choose to have a mutant with energy
sensitivity take damage in the presence of powerful energy fields. His
Health is lowered by 3 against energy.

Explosive Seeds
Plant; Activated, MP 4d6~L
These nut-like seeds explode if they are hurled onto a hard surface.

Chapter 3: Mutations 31
fairly slow). They can grasp objects and perform fine manipulations, Fruit
such as pushing buttons or working instruments. F.ach vine has a PS of Plant; Automatic, MP 4d6~L
1 (no MP modifier) and a DX of 5 + MP modifier. If multiple vines are The plant character grows berries or some other type of fruit that
being used, add their Physical Strengths and Dexterities together. may have a useful function. It takes a month to grow a fruit, and
One 20-centimeter (eight-inch) segment per finger vine can be multiple pieces of fruit may be growing at one time. A plant character
detached and still be controlled by the plant. It can control them up to can have up to 5 + MP modifier fruit growing at any particular time.
10 meters away, plus 1 X MP modifier meters. If the plant can’t see The fruit stays fresh for a month before rotting and falling off. The
the finger vines, then they must move around by touch only, as if blind fruit can be any size, from a strawberry to a melon, and can be any
and deaf. If the finger vines are not rejoined with the body in an hour, color or texture selected by the player upon generating his character.
they wither and die. A new finger vine takes a week to grow (but Plant characters cannot benefit from eating fruit because of their
multiple new vines may grow simultaneously). unusual digestive systems. Roll ld8 and reference the table below for
which type of fmit the character can grow.
Force Field Generation
Mental; Activated, MP4d6~L d8 Roll Fruit Type
The mutant is able to create an invisible barrier of force around 1 Sustenance. The fruit provides enough nutrition for a
himself that protects him from physical danger. This includes energy normal-sized human for one day.
attacks and radiation. 2 Poison. The fruit is poisonous. The MP score is its
The force field forms a smooth surface about half a meter from the intensity.
mutant’s skin. The character cannot make physical attacks while the 3 Poison Antidote. The fruit automatically negates any
force field is up, but can use his mental powers. The force field poison up to intensity 10 + MP modifier.
absorbs 25 +MP modifier points of damage. It renews itself at a rate of 4 Antibiotic. Heals 5+MP modifier points in 24 hours if
5 +MP modifier points per round. It can be kept up 5 +MP modifier smeared into a wound.
rounds. After that, the character must drop the force field for an hour 5 Stimulant. Improves the character’s energy level,
before using it again. counteracting fatigue and sleep. If the affected character is
If the force field takes enough points of physical damage to destroy not suffering from fatigue, it provides a + 1 modifier to
it, the character must make a CN check or fall unconscious. Any TH AC for 4 hours.
excess damage is applied to the character. If the character falls 6 Radiation Antidote. The fruit eliminates radiation sickness
unconscious due to a mental attack or some special circumstance, the in 4 hours, although normal radiation damage is not cured.
force field shuts off at the end of the round. 7 Pain Killer. The character does not feel pain, and is
immune to attacks focused on the nervous system (except
paralysis). Its lasts 5+MP modifier hours.
8 Imitation. The fruit imitates another chemical or
specialized poison not in the above list.

Gas Bags
Plant; Activated, 4d6~L
The plant has an inflatable bladder that fills with helium. The
bladder expands to twice the size of the plant and allows it to float
away. The plant can carry 5 kilograms per point of MP. It takes a full
minute (six rounds) to inflate it completely. It can control its altitude
by releasing helium from the bladder or by synthesizing more to fill it.
It rises at a rate of one meter per round at maximum inflation. It cannot
control which direction it floats and is at the mercy of the prevailing

Chapter 3: Mutations
Gas Generation value. For example, a mutant with a Charisma of 13 has an MP
Physical, Plant; Activated, MP 4d6~L modifier of +1. With heightened mental attribute, he adds 6 (6 — 1 =
The character has the ability to spray a visible gas from a specific 5) to his Charisma. Eighteen (13 + 5 = 18) becomes his new Charisma.
place on his body (mouth, navel, hands, etc.) chosen by the player. It This formula gives larger modifiers to characters that have lower
fills a sphere two meters in diameter. The gas attacks with its MP scores. A negative MP modifier actually adds to the total! The mutant
modifier against the victim’s Health. The effects of the gas last for 5 always gets a minimum +2 modifiei to the attribute, regardless of the
rounds + MP modifier. The mutant's body holds up to three full doses MP modifier of the original value.
of gas, and it takes three hours to regenerate a dose. Roll ld6 and
consult the table below to determine the type of gas. The mutant is im- Heightened Physical Attribute
mune to that form of gas. Physical, Plant; Automatic, no MP
One of the mutant’s three physical attributes (PS, DX, CN) is
d6 Roll Type of Gas dramatically improved. The improvement is visibly obvious in most
1 Stench. The victim moves at half speed, must leave the cases. For example, heightened Physical Strength means bigger
gas, and is unable to attack. muscles. Use the same rules found in heightened mental attribute for
2 Blinding. The victim cannot see, and suffers -4 to TH AC calculating the increase.
and — 2 to AC.
3 Poison. Intensity is 5 +MP modifier Heightened Precision
4 Hallucinogenic. The victim sees visions; he will move and Physical; Automatic, no MP
attack randomly. GMs may want to use the table under the The character has an uncanny ability to aim or place things
confusion mutation.
precisely. This does not affect the other aspects of his Dexterity. His
5 Paralytic. The victim is unable to move or attack.
THAC for ranged attacks gets a +4 modifier, and he never suffers
6 Burning. The victim suffers 2d6 points of acid damage,
range penalties. Also, he never suffers a penalty for called shots in
plus the MP modifier, per round of exposure.
melee or ranged attacks.
Physical; Automatic, no MP Heightened Sense
The mutant has the ability to breath water as well as air. The type Physical, Plant; Permanent, no MP
of water, salt or fresh, matches the nearest large body of water in the The mutant has an enhanced sense. Roll ld6 to determine which one
campaign. Altered humans with this mutation suffer a — 1 penalty for is enhanced. On a roll of 6, the player can pick which sense is
Robot Recognition. heightened. Heightened sight, hearing or smell improves the
character’s senses (SN) score by 3. Multiple heightened sense
Hands of Power mutations will grant multiple modifiers to the SN score.
Physical; Activated, MP 4d6~L
The character’s hands (or the equivalent) can emit blasts of energy
with a range of 15 meters, plus one meter per MP modifier. The
energy does 3d6 + MP modifier damage. Roll ld4 on the table below to
determine the type of energy. The mutant is only immune to that form
of energy in his hands (or the equivalent emitting limb). Other parts of
the body are not immune. The mutant can store 5+MP modifier blasts.
It takes eight hours to regenerate a blast.

d4 Roll Type of Hands

1 Zapping hands (bolts of electricity)
2 Hot hands (microwave heat)
3 Laser hands (short-range laser beams)
4 Gamma hands (radiation, 5 + MP modifier intensity rather
than 3d6 damage)
Heightened Balance
Physical; Automatic, no MP
The character never loses his balance. He can still be knocked over
by an attack, but gets a +4 modifier. He never falls on slippery
surfaces, can walk across a tightrope in a strong wind, and can fight
normally while hopping on one foot, etc.

Heightened Mentel Attribute

Mental; Automatic, no MP
One of the character’s three mental attributes (MS, IN, CH) is
dramatically improved. Which attribute improves is chosen randomly.
The amount of the increase is 6 minus the MP modifier of the original

Chapter 3: Mutations 33
d6 Roll Heightened Sense creature first entering the field gets a negative first impression of the
1 Sight. The mutant can make his vision telescopic or character, and may even actively dislike him.
microscopic, allowing for the perception of twice as much
detail at distances or up close. When calculating ranged Illusion Generation
attack distance penalties, ranges are treated as extending Mental; Activated, MP 4d6 ~L
twice as far. The character can create an illusion that exists only in the mind of
2 Hearing. The mutant can hear things twice as far away or the victim, if the attack is successful. The illusion must be composed
with twice as much sensitivity. By concentrating, he can of things that the character has seen or experienced. The illusion
hear on frequencies normally inaudible to his kind, such as affects everyone, including his friends, within 30 meters of him. The
ultrasonic or subsonic. mutant must roll a mental attack against each creature in the area of
3 Touch. The mutant’s sense of touch becomes fine enough affect to see if it believes the illusion. The illusion itself can appear to
to distinguish slight changes in texture, moisture, be further away than 30 meters, but the target character must be within
temperature, residues etc. range of the illusion projecting mutant. If the victim moves out of
4 Smell. The mutant can identify and distinguish individuals range while an illusion is active, the illusion dissipates for him only.
by smell. He can track creatures up to a kilometer away by The character can use this power once every four hours.
smell alone. He can detect faint traces of materials or gas. The illusion is static and unmoving unless the character
5 Taste. The mutant can identify poisons or chemical concentrates on manipulating it. It is complete for all of the senses.
residues by tasting merely a tiny drop. (He does not suffer However, it has no weight or resistance to a push. Hitting the illusion
the effects consuming this extremely small amount.) He in combat, doesn’t jar the attacker’s arm. Being hit by the illusion,
can determine the individual components of any food or doesn’t cause the defender to rock back from the blow. A light touch
drink. will not reveal this. If a hard push or a successful attack in combat is
made against the illusion, a new mental attack roll must be made to see
Heightened Speed if
Physical; Activated, MP 4d6 —L
The mutant adds 5 + MP modifier permanently to his base speed.
He is also able to move with bursts of hyperspeed, adding 50% to his
normal speed for up to six rounds. He must rest an hour before being
able to use this power again. If the mutant has multiple modes of
movement (walking, flying, swimming, etc.), he must choose only one
for which this mutation applies.

Physical; Automatic, no MP
The character has some sort of horns or antlers growing out of his
head. They can be up to 20% as long as the character is tall. On a
normal human, this is about as long as his forearm. In melee combat,
he can head butt for ld6 points of damage. If he charges, he gets a +2
TH AC modifier and does 2d6 + 2 points of damage. Altered humans

Harns or Antlers the victim still believes the illusion. If the victim is expressing doubt
suffer -2 to their Robot Recognition. and pushes or attacks to test the validity of the illusion, it
Hostility Field [□] automatically dissipates. The illusion can be maintained for 5 +MP
Mental; Automatic, no MP modifier rounds.
The character constantly projects a mental field that makes
everyone in it irritable and quarrelsome. This field has a 30 meter Immunity
radius. Those aware of the problem, and who have spent a week or Physical, Plant; Automatic, no MP
more in the character’s company at some time, are immune to its The mutant is immune to a particular form of damage or hazard.
effects. Other creatures suffer a -4 penalty on any reaction rolls. Any Roll a d8 on the table below to determine the exact immunity.

d8 Immunity d8 Roll Immunity

Roll1 Sonic attacks 5 Corrosives/acids
2 Mental attacks 6 Poisons/chemicals
3 Gas attacks 7 Draining/life leech
4 Paralysis/ 8 Disease / biological
neural attacks attacks

34 Chapter 3: Mutations
I he character can detect the heat patterns of living creatures, even to use this power for 5 +MP modifier rounds, but then must rest it for
at night. Such creatures stand out like a beacon against a cooler, at least 24 hours.
nonliving background. Infravision does not allow for detail or color— The hit points drained from nearby creatures are first used to heal
everything appears as a dull, featureless red. The object’s or creature’s any damage he has taken. Any leftover points are put into a special
shape can be seen, however. pool of hit points. All subsequent attacks do damage to this hit point
pool. Only when the pool is empty do attacks affect the creature’s
Intuition original hit points. After four hours, what remains of any of these
Mental; Automatic, MP 4d6 -L “phantom” hit points in the pool begin to fade at a rate of 5 + MP
The character can sense what another creature is about to do just modifier per round. The hit point pool cannot exceed the character’s
before it acts. Before any encounter, the character rolls a mental attack MP x 1 ().
with this mutation. The result is compared to the MD of all opponents.
For the duration of the encounter, any opponent that was successfully Magnetic Control
attacked must announce his intended action to the intuiting character. Mental; Activated, MP 4d6 ~L
After all affected opponents have done so, the character can choose his The character can create a magnetic field anywhere within 30
course of action. meters of himself. Once created, he can move the field or eliminate it
If the situation is just combat, with no unusual actions, the intuiting and create a new one. Any iron or steel object might be pulled toward
character gets a + 2 to any attack roll he makes against affected the field—how fast is determined by the weight of the object. A fist-
opponents. He knows where they will move and strike a fraction of a sized object moves at five meters a round. Larger objects move more
second before they actually do it. slowly.
The Game Master can secretly roll rhe character’s attack on Any weight up to 50 plus 10 per MP modifier kilograms (110 lbs.
opponents that are sneaking up on the character or attacking with plus 25 lbs. per MP) can be lifted off the ground when the field is one
surprise. If the attack is successful, the character senses the danger just meter away. Every meter further away, the weight is halved. For
before it happens. example, a mutant able to affect 60 kilograms can only lift 15
kilograms if the object is three meters below the field. (The object is
Kinetic Absorption two extra meters away.
Physical, Plant; Activated, MP 4d6 — L
The mutant generates a field that absorbs kinetic energy. Anything
that is moving in the field loses some velocity. Objects fall slower,
although the character himself does not. Any attack by a bludgeoning
weapon does less damage (10 + MP modifier points less). Slashing and
piercing attacks do 5 +MP modifier points less damage. A
bludgeoning attack may end up doing no damage at all. Piercing and
slashing weapons do at least 1 point of damage to an unatmoted
character. Energy and mental attacks are unaffected by this mutation.
The character can maintain the field for 10 rounds, plus one round per
MP modifier. After that time, he must leave it off for an hour before
turning it on again.

Mental; Activated, 4d6~L
The character can reverse the effects of gravity upon himself or
another object or creature. The affected object rises off the ground and
floats at a height specified by the character. He cannot control any side
to side motion that might happen as a result of winds or other forces.
He can lift 100 plus 20 times his MP modifier in kilograms (220 lbs.
plus 45 lbs. per off, or gets out of range of the mutant, the object floats
down at the same speed. He can keep this up for 5 +MP modifier
rounds. The mutant must wait an hour before using it again. Whatever
is being levitated must remain with 30 meters of the levitator at all
times. This means that the levitator can levitate himself to any height.

Life Leech
Mental; Activated, MP 4d6~L
The mutant is able to drain the life force out of any creature. Small
animals and normal plants arc not affected by life leech. Most common
animals over half a meter in size qualify. Plants only qualify if they are
mobile or sentient. The character drains 5 + MP modifier hit points
from all such creatures within 10 meters each round. He can continue

Chapter 3: Mutations 35
and 60 halved is 30, and halved again is 15.) The character can pull random power or ability of the creature that was not obvious from its
twice the defined weight across a surface. physical form.
If magnetic control is used to attack machinery, the mutant attacks The character can return to his own body at any time, but is forced
with his mutation against the physical AC of the machine. A hit does to return after 5 +MP modifier rounds. If the body he is controlling
3d6 + MP modifier damage to the machine. This only works if the dies, then he is reduced to - 1 hit points. If his own body is reduced to
character is attempting to place the field inside the body of the negative hit points, he is forced to return to his own body, losing
machinery. control of the body he was in. If his own body is destroyed while he is
outside of it, then he dies. The mutant must rest after using mental
Mass Mind control for at least four hours before using this power again.
Mental; Activated, 4d6~L
The mutant is able to boost another character’s mental powers by Mental Invisibility
channeling energy from himself and anyone with sufficient MS Mental; Activated, MP4d6~L
touching him into one of the characters touching him. He must be in The character can mentally force all creatures within range to not
physical contact with the other character and concentrating on that notice him. This includes friends or foes. The character makes a single
action. He can then add 5 + MP modifier to the mutation power score attack roll and compares it to the MD of all creatures within range.
of the other character’s power. For example, a character with a mass Any creature successfully attacked cannot sense the character. The
mind MP modifier of 3 touches a character with mental blast MP score others are able to sense him. The range for mental invisibility is 25
of 12. The second character can now use his mental blast as if it were a meters, plus 1 X MP modifier meters.
score of 20 (12 + 5 + 3). This affects both the attack roll and the The character needs to record the attack die roll in the event of new
amount of damage he does. creatures entering his sphere of invisibility. When a new creature
If multiple characters are touching the mutant, he is able pool their enters the area of effect, its MD must be compared to this roll to see if
Mental Strengths to add to the mental mutation of one of them. The the creature can sense the tharaclci. Creatures that clearly sense the
mutant can channel energy from 5 +MP modifier creatures at most. character and then are forced not to when they enter the area of effect
Only sentient, living creatures can contribute, and all contributing get a + 4 modifier to their MD when defending against the invisibility.
characters can do nothing else while they are a part of the mass mind. Creatures attacked in melee by the character immediately sense him.
Each creature touching the mutant using mass mind (except the However, the character does get one free attack.
recipient) is able to contribute 5 points to the pool of mental energy.
Characters with the duality mutation may still perform physical actions Mental Multiplier
while contributing to a mass mind, but may not perform other mental Mental; Activated, MP 4d6~L
actions or attacks. The mutant is able to enhance one of another character’s mental
mutations at a distance He adds 5 +MP modifier to the other
Mental Blast character’s MP score. He can only affect a single character this way.
Mental; Activated, 4d6~L This power works at a range of 25 meters, plus 1 X MP modifier
The mutant can directly attack the mind of another creature using meters. The character can alternately choose to affect the other
the MHAC score of this power. The creature attacked must have at character’s mutation’s range, dou-
least animal-level intelligence. If the attack is successful, it does 3d6 +
MP modifier points of damage. The damage is taken off of the
victim’s hit points, just like a physical attack. This power builds up ld6
at a time, as described under the section on electrical generation. The
mutant must add his MP modifier to the total damage.

Mental Control
Mental; Activated, 4d6~L
The character can take control of another creature's body at a
distance of 15 meters + MP modifier or less. Sentient plants are only
able to control other plants. Animals and humans are only able to
control each other. Brain patterns are too divergent for the mutation to
work between the plant kingdom and the animal kingdom, but humans
and animals are similar enough for it to work between them. While the
mutant using mental control is controlling the other creature, his own
body lies unconscious. The other creature’s body must remain within
100 plus 10 x MP modifier meters. He brings none of his mental or
physical abilities with him, only his personality and personal
knowledge. Once inside the other creature’s body, he does not
automatically know how to use any of its inherent powers or abilities
unless he has seen them in use. Anything obvious from the creature's
physical form he does know how to use (wings, claws, etc.). He can
spend an action “attacking” the body again with the mental control
power to gain additional knowledge. Il successful, he learns one

36 Chapter 3: Mutations
bling it. In this case, the strength of the mutation is not affected. the character that, immediately after using it, he must rest for four
Mental multiplier may not be used to double the range of an area of hours. This means no walking, fighting, using mutations of any sort,
effect mental mutation. etc. About all he can do is talk while sitting or reclining.

Mental Paralysis Material AC Material AC

Mental; Activated, MP 4d6 —L Cloth 10 Soft wood 20
The character is able to isolate the victim’s mind from the Rope 11 Hard wood 22
voluntary motor centers of his brain with a successful mental attack. Glass 13 Soft plastic 23
The victim still breathes, his heart still beats, his eyes blink, etc. Pottery 14 Hard plastic 24
However, he cannot move his limbs, speak, or control any other large Flesh 15 Soft rock 25
muscles. The victim usually collapses on the ground when affected by Bone 16 Cement 26
this attack. The character must attack the victim every round to Rubber 17 Hard rock 27
continue the paralysis The victim can still use mental powers and Leather 18 Soft metal 29
sense the world around himself normally. Plants 19 Hard metal 30

Mental Reflection Multiple Limbs

Mental; Automatic, MP4d6~L Physical, Plant; Automatic, no MP
The character is able to reflect mental attacks. Whenever he is The character has 1 d4 extra arms or legs (a 50/50 chance of either,
successfully attacked mentally, he rolls an attack with this mutation but not both). Extra legs are attached at the hip. Extra arms can be
immediately. If his die roll is higher than the die roll of the attacker attached anywhere on the torso, so long as they are still useful to the
(modifiers are ignored for both) then the mental attack is reflected. If character. A plant with this mutation has a 50/50 chance of possessing
his counterattack succeeds, then the original attacker suffers the effects extra limbs used for locomotion (legs) or limbs used for manipulation
of his own mental attack. It is possible for an attack to be reflected, but (arms). These can be vines, branches, or roots. Altered humans suffer a
not affect the original attacker (the attacker gets any normal mental — 2 penalty for Robot Recognition when they possess the multiple
defenses he might have). A character can reflect a mental control limbs mutation.
attack, but does not himself get control over the other character. Extra legs each add 2 to the character’s speed and to any balance
roll involving slipping or being knocked down. Extra arms each
Mentally Defenseless [□] improve the character’s manual dexterity by 2 when all of them can be
Mental; Automatic, no MP used for the task. The character can make double the normal number
The character has a Mental Strength of 3. of attacks in a round by using his extra arms if the attacks are virtually
identical in nature. For example, he could swing a sword and an axe,
Metamorphosis but not swing a sword and fire a bow and arrow. The number of extra
Physical; Activated, MP4d6~L arms does not affect the number of extra attacks. Five extra arms still
The character can transform his body into a duplicate of anyone he result in only double the number of attacks. Multiple ranged attacks
touches. If he successfully touches a victim, he can then attack that must all be aimed at the same target.
character’s Health with this mutation. If the attack succeeds, then the
mutant is transformed into an exact duplicate of his victim. The mutant
can keep this form indefinitely, but if he falls unconscious or goes to
sleep, he reverts to his regular form.
He gains the victim’s physical attributes (PS, DX, CN, THAC,
AC, hit points, etc.), all of his physical mutations, and his physical
appearance. The character loses all of his own physical attributes and
physical mutations. However, he keeps his own mind and personality,
his own mental attributes (MS, IN, CH), his own mental mutations,
and any of his own attributes derived from mental attributes (MHAC,
Remain Unseen, Use Artifacts, etc.).

Molecular Disruption
Mental; Activated, MP 4d6~L
The mutant is able to disintegrate any object. He can affect up to 5
plus his MP modifier x 10 kilograms [(5 +MP modifier)x io
kilograms]. The object is assigned an AC equivalent based upon the
durability and integrity of its material. Metal is tougher to disrupt than
cloth. The list below is a guideline. Each material listed can come in a
variety of strengths. For example, nylon rope is tougher than hemp
If molecular disruption is used against a living creature, it does ld8
damage for every 10 kilograms destroyed. This power is so taxing on

Chapter 3: Mutations 37
New Body Parts Periodic Amnesia [□]
Physical, Plant; Automatic, no MP Mental; Automatic, no MP
The mutant grows body parts not normally found on his species. The In times of stress (i.e., the first round of combat), the mutant has a 5%
character gets as many of these parts as is reasonable, one tail, a pair of chance of forgetting the last 24 hours. The chance that amnesia might occur
pincer claws, etc. Animal and plant characters can get true arms with hands, is rolled no more than once per hour. For extremely stressful situations, the
snakes can get real legs, etc. Whatever the mutant acquires, it must be Game Master may increase the odds. The results of forgetting are one-
usable and beneficial. A second head means only a single brain, but there round of standing confused, even tn combat. When he snaps out of the
are two sets of sensory organs (eyes, ears, etc.). Roll a dlO on the table confusion, the character will probably not remember why he is where he is,
below. If the character already has that body part, he can choose to get a or what he is supposed to be doing (but he will defend himself against
second set of them or reroll. Altered humans suffer a - 2 penalty on Robot obvious aggression).
Recognition for having the new body parts mutation. In calm situations, the character has a 5% chance of not remembering
simple things or not recalling old memories. If he is told to go to a shop and
R Part Roll Part buy supplies, there is a small chance he will forget what he was supposed to
1 Tentacles 6 Claws or fangs buy. If called upon to remember the name of a friend from years back, he
2 Trunk 7 Crab-like pincers might not. Remember, this should be rolled no more than once an hour.
3 Extra eyes 8 Arms or legs Characters who forget a period of time, fact or memory can be
4 Tail 9 True hands “reinformed” of the missing information by their companions (provided
5 Second head 10 Kangaroo-like pouch their companions know the information). While they then technically still
do not remember, they can function as if they did. Espers can bring back the
Night Vision lost memories of any creature which submits to Hypnosis.
Physical; Automatic, no MP
The character is able to see well in low light conditions. Many nocturnal Phobia [□]
animals have this ability naturally. With a full moon shining, a character Mental; Automatic, no MP
with night vision can see as well as other characters can see during the day. The character has an unreasonable fear of something. When forced to
On a night with no moon, he can see as well as if it were a full moon. The confront his fear, he must make a Mental Strength check (challenging,
character’s daytime, or bright light vision, is unaffected. difficulty 5) or do whatever is necessary to avoid it. This usually means
running away as fast as he can. If he can’t run away, the character “goes
Nocturnal [□] nuts.” He screams, runs in circles, sits in a corner sobbing, or whatever the
Physical; Automatic, no MP Game Master chooses as a hysterical reaction. Physical or mental combat
The character normally sleeps during the day and is active at night. He against the object of his fear is not allowed if the character has failed his
can see normally by moonlight and starlight, but suffers as if he had the MS check. The Game Master might adjust the difficulty in unusual
diminished sight mutation when in daylight. situations.
Oversized Limbs
Physical, Plant; Automatic, no MP
The character has arms, legs, tentacles, or vines (or whatever) that are
longer than normal. Longer arms, tentacles or vines allow for greater reach.
Longer legs give the character + 5 on his base speed. Only one set of limbs
is lengthened. These cannot be limbs that both provide movement and tool
use, only one or the other. The limbs are anywhere from 50% to 100%
oversized. Roll (ld6+4)x 10% to find the exact percentage. Altered humans
with this mutation suffer a ~2 penalty on Robot Recognition.
d2 d20
Ro Phobia Roll Phobia
ll 1 Open spaces 1 Heights
2 Bright light 1 1 Crowds
3 Darkness 2 1 Particular animal
4 Loud noises 3 1 Insects or spiders
5 Disease 4 1 Machines or robots
6 Being touched 5 1 Small spaces
7 Blood 6 1 High speeds
8 Sentient plants 7 1 Being alone
9 Fire 8 1 Pure strain humans
10 Water (not rain) 9 2 Being underground

Chapter 3: Mutations 39
Photodependent [□] Poison
Physical, Plant; Automatic, no MP Physical, Plant; Automatic, MP4d6~L
The character requires constant light to stay conscious. An hour in the The character can generate a special poison that is delivered by a natural
dark forces him into a sluggish state. In this state he suffers a - 2 penalty to attack, i.e. claws, teeth, nails, spit, tail barb, quills, horns, etc. The poison
all of his attributes, including TH AC, MD, etc. Five full minutes of bright has an intensity of 5+MP modifier. The mutant can store enough poison for
or normal light restores the character completely. He suffers ld6 points of three successful attacks. It takes three hours to regenerate one dose. The
damage for each full 24 hours spent in the dark, which means that a normal mutant is immune to his own poison, and gets a +2 Health modifier when
night’s sleep does no harm. The character can never be sunburned or attacked by other poisons. Choose which type of poison (destructive,
harmed by normal sunlight. Lasers still harm him normally. debilitative, paralytic) randomly.

Photogeneration Poisonous Thorns

Physical, Plant; Activated, MP 4d6 ~L Plant; Automatic, MP4d6~L
The mutant is able to generate a tremendously bright flash of light from The plant’s body is covered with small thorns. Anyone making strong
a specific part of his body (hands, eyes, hair, etc.) chosen by the player. This contact with the plant (striking or wrestling it) is scratched. These thorns
flash blinds everyone looking at him within 10 meters (20 meters in the will penetrate clothing, but not leather or heavy fur garments. The thorns are
dark). It is treated as an attack against the victim’s health with an intensity coated in a poisonous dew that has intensity of 5 + MP modifier. The dew is
equaling the MP modifier. The character cannot be blinded by bright lights, constantly secreted, but dries out in half an hour, making it
but takes damage normally from lasers and the like.
He can store enough light for three flashes, but it takes four hours to
regenerate a used flash. As an alternative to the bright and sudden light
discharge, the mutant can use up a flash to glow with a light equal to normal
daylight for 10 + MP modifier rounds. The glow this creates illuminates a
10-meter-radius area.

Mental; Activated, MP 4d6—L
The mutant can bend or change light. He can set up a field around
himself that bends most of the light around his body and redirects it back on
its original path. This makes him invisible for all practical purposes.
Anybody within a meter of him is inside the field and sees him normally. In
most cases, this includes anybody in melee with him.
Some of the light is let inside the field, allowing the character to see and
be seen inside it. As a result he takes half damage from lasers when using
photokinesis in this manner.
Photokinesis can alter the wavelength of a beam of light away from the
mutant’s body. This can negate the effect of a laser weapon or other light
source. The mutant can change the color of a light beam, or reduce its
wavelength below the visible spectrum. In that case the light is “put out.”
Lasers can be cycled up, from IR to UV or microwave (masers), or down.
The damage of the weapon changes, but not the THAC modifier. He can
also attempt to “put out” the laser.
If the light source he is trying to affect, say a laser rifle, is moving or in
the hands of an opponent, then the character must “attack” the light source.
Its AC does not include any of the opponent’s armor intended only to stop
damage, such as plate mail, but does include everything else, such as DX
modifiers and level adjustments. A typical moving light on a track would be
AC 10. A wildly swinging light on a cable might be a 20.
The character can maintain his power for 5 + MP modifier rounds. He
must rest for four hours before using it again. He can only do one of the
above effects each round. He cannot make himself invisible and affect
distant light sources.

Photosynthetic Skin
Physical; Automatic, no MP
The mutant does not need to eat if he spends at least three hours a day in
bright sunlight (six hours in dim light). He can be moving and doing normal
actions during this time. He still needs to drink normal amounts of water. If
the character spends a full eight hours basking in the sun, he heals three
points of damage. However, the mutant also suffers + 50% damage from
light based attacks, such as lasers, due to the oversensitivity of his skin.

Plant/Animal Control
Mental; Activated, MP 4d6~L
Plant/animal control is the same as mental control, but it works on plants
if the character is human or animal, and on humans and animals if the
character is a plant. It does not function on creatures with the same mental
makeup as the character.
40 Chapter 3: Mutations
impractical to transfer the poison to weapons or to try and store it. The object or for the lack of them.
type of poison (destructive, debilitative, paralytic) is chosen For example, an I.D. card is being read with psychometry by a
randomly. character. After rolling the dice and adding any modifiers, he ends up
with an adjusted die roll of 13. He can read the past of the object for
Poor Dual Brain [□] the last year.
Physical, Plant; Automatic, no MP
Last Used Die Roll
The character has a second brain and an alternate personality
1 hour 7
controlling it. This brain has one mental mutation, which may be a 4 hours 8
defect even if the other brain already has a defect. 1 day у
During times of stress (i.e., the first round of combat), there is a 5 1 week 10
% chance of the second brain seizing control of the body. This new 1 month 11
personality hates the dominant personality. This does not mean that it
hates the other characters in the group. They must deal with it as a Adjusted
separate individual. An hour after the stressful period has ended, the 1 season (3 months) 12
dominant brain regains control of the character’s body. 1 year 13
This mutation is only allowed if the player agrees to roleplay the 4 years 14
second personality. Let the player determine the personality of his 10 years 15
alter ego, within reason. Additional decades +1

Poor Respiration [□] Pyro/Cryokineais

Physical; Automatic, no MP Mental; Activated, MP 4d6 ~L
The mutant cannot take deep breaths. He cannot hold his breath for The mutant has the ability to change the temperature in an area.
more than two rounds. After six rounds of strenuous activity (fighting, Roll ld6. On a 1 ~3, he has the ability to increase (pyrokinesis') the
climbing, etc.), he suffers an attack against his Health of an intensity temperature. On a 4-5, he can decrease (cytokinesis) it. On a 6, he can
of 5. Each round of continued activity, the intensity of the attack do both (thermakmesis). The power has a range of 25 meters, plus 5
increases by 1. If the mutant’s Health ever fails (that is, he fails his meters per MP modifier point, and affects either a localized area 2
Health check), he faints from lack of oxygen for 2d6 + 3 rounds. To meters in diameter or a single object no larger than 2 meters. This
complete strenuous activities that take a long time, the character needs object can be a person, but he defends with his physical AC, trying to
twice as much time as normal because of the frequent rest breaks he is avoid the effect. If an object held by a person is targeted, the person
forced to take. defends against the attack with his physical AC.
By concentrating for one round, the mutant heats (or cools) an
Projectile Beede area, causing ld6 points of damage to any creatures within the area.
Plant; Activated, MP 4d6 ~ L On the second round of concentration, the damage rises to 2d6 (no
The plant has 5 + MP modifier pointed seed pods growing on its flames yet). One each successive- round pyrokinesis or cryokinesis
body. They look like fat thorns, and each has a pressurized gas bag causes an additional d6 of damage. When it reaches 10d6 points of
underneath it. The plant character can fire these seeds up to 10 meters damage, it no longer increases, bur can continue ar that level until the
with no range penalties. They will penetrate any soft material power is shut off.
including thin wood, but not stone, metal or the like. A seed does ld6 The mutant can concentrate for 5 + MP modifier rounds. After that
+ MP modifier in damage. The seeds take a week to grow back. he must rest the power for three hours. If his concentration is broken
during the buildup of power, the rest requirement takes affect.
Psychometry Mutants with pyro/cryokinesis take half damage (rounded up)
Mental; Activated, MP 4d6~L from heat/cold attacks (not including lasers).
The mutant is able to read the past of any item (not living entities)
he touches. Those events most charged with emotion come through
the clearest. He can use his power as often as he wishes, but only once
a day per object. If successful, he gets a + 3 modifier for Use Artifacts
with that object.
The psychic impressions fade with time, but are reinforced by a
sentient creature handling and using the object. The character rolls
ld20, similar to an attack, adds his MHAC for psychometry, and
consults the table below. The Game Master may choose to apply a
bonus or penalty for extremely emotional events associated with the

Chapter 3: fVlutatsons 41
Roun Damage Roun Damage Regeneration
d 1 ld6 d 7 7d Physical, Plant; Automatic, MP 4d6 — L
2 2d6 8 6 8d The character can heal lost hit points at a rate greater than normal.
3 3d6 9 6 9d He can also regrow lost body parts. The character heals 5 + MP
4 4d6 10 6 10d modifier points per day if he rests, and half that (rounded down) even
5 5dh 11 6 10d if he is active. A lost limb or body part reduces the healing to 1 point
6 6d6 12 + 6 10d per day, even without test, hut the missing part is completely restored
6 once all damage to the character is healed.
Once a fire reaches 3d6, it ignites. Once ignited, flammable Healing aided by the regeneration mutation never takes place at
materials will continue to burn without the application of pyrokinesis. worse rates than the normal rates of healing without regeneration.
With cryokinesis, water freezes at the 3d6 limit. Frozen liquids will
then burst sealed containers. Repulsion Field
If pyro/cryokinesis is applied to an object, a creature holding that Mental; Activated, 4d6~L
object must make a Mental Strength check to maintain its hold on the The mutant is able to create an invisible wall of force around any
object. In the first round, this is an easy check (difficulty 0), and the point other than himself. Under no circumstance can he be inside the
difficulty of the check goes up one level per round after that. field. Unlike the force field generation mutation, this only protects
A heated (or cooled) object may be voluntarily dropped at any against physical attacks.
time. If the object heated cannot be dropped, as is the case with armor, The field forms a sphere 3 meters in diameter. Its center point can
then the person wearing it takes damage as if he were in a heated area. be up to 25 meters away, plus 5 meters for every MP modifier point
The field cannot slice through solid objects, but can slip between them
Quills or Spines (under the feet but above the ground).
Physical; Automatic, no MP It takes constant concentration to maintain the field. The
The character has quills, like those of a porcupine, all over his projecting character can move the field at will.
body. The player instead can choose to have ridges of spines along his The repulsion field absorbs 25+MP modifier points of damage. It
back, arms, legs and tail (if he has one). The mutant can fire ld4 quills renews itself at a rate of 5 + MP modifier points per turn. It can be
each round like darts using the small, pressurized air sacs at the base kept up 5 +MP modifier rounds. After that the character must drop the
of each. Each quill does ld4 damage and has a range of five meters. field for three hours before using it again. If the field takes enough
Spines cannot be fired, but make the mutant a formidable unarmed points of physical damage to destroy it, the character must make a GN
combatant. In unarmed combat, he does ld6 extra damage per blow. check (easy, difficulty 0) or fall unconscious.
When struck by an unarmed opponent. he gets to roll a simultaneous strikes another part of his body, he suffers damage normally.
return attack, THAC of 0, for the spines, which do ld6 damage. Add + 2 to the character’s Health score against radiation. If
Grappling or wrestling the character (quills or spines) results in ld4 +
1 automatic arracks, THAC of 0, for ldb damage each. Altered
humans with quills or spines suffer a - 2 penalty for Robot

Radiating Eyes
Physical; Activated, MP 4d6 — L
The mutant has the ability to project a beam of radiation through its
eyes. The intensity is 5+MP modifier. Once fired, the radiation stored
in the character’s body builds up 1 point of intensity a round until it
reaches its maximum intensity. The mutant can fire it at any time, but
the intensity might not be at its peak.
The character’s head is immune to radiation. If radiation
Razor-Edged Leaves
Plant; Automatic, no MP
The plant’s surface is covered in dangerous leaves They look
normal and safe, but each has a serrated edge that can cut and tear soft
materials. Anyone that wrestles this plant takes 2d6 damage each
round from the leaves. If the plant strikes out with a limb, it does 1 d6
extra damage due to the leaves. Anyone punching or striking the plant
with an unprotected limb (leather or worse armor) takes 1 d6 points of

42 Chapter 3: Mutations
Seizures (□] effects.
Mental; Automatic, no MP
Whenever the character enters a stressful situation, he has a 5 % chance Sonar
of having a seizure. The seizure makes all of the muscles in his body spasm Physical, Plant; Activated, no MP
and twitch uncontrollably. The character cannot remain standing and falls The character can “see” using sonar He can emit hundreds of high-
to the ground. He does not remember anything that happened while pitched squeaks per round that only other characters with sonar can hear.
seizuring. The seizure lasts for 2d4 rounds. His brain automatically processes the reflected sound, giving him
information about the position, size, movement and density of objects
Shapechange within 100 meters. He can only get a vague sense of shape about them. Any
Physical, Plant; Activated, MP 4d6~L round that the character is using his sonar, he cannot be talking. The mutant
The mutant is able to change his body’s physical appearance to match with sonar automatically gets either double-sized ears or antennae (his
that of any creature of his size category that he has seen. Animals and choice).
humans can only imitate animals and humans. Plants can only imitate
plants. The mutant does not get any of the physical or mental abilities of the Sonic Blast
creature he imitates, other than the obvious ones. For example, he can Physical, Plant; Activated, MP 4d6 ~L
duplicate quills, but is not able to fire them. He can fly with imitated wings, The character is able to project a beam of focused sound. It does 3d6 +
but not do fancy aerial maneuvers. MP modifier points of damage. It is projected in a cone 10 meters long and
The character retains all of his own combat scores, attributes and 5 meters wide at the terminating end. Fragile or brittle objects, such as
mutations not affected by the change. Clothing or equipment is never glass, which fall within the area of effect are likely to break or shatter. The
affected or duplicated. Game Master should use his judgment about what breaks and what doesn’t
The change lasts for (5 +MP modifier) X 10 minutes. For example, if —small crystal tubes are likely to, reinforced glass less likely, etc. The
the MP modifier is + 1, then the change would last for 6x 10 = 60 minutes. mutant can use this attack once every four rounds. The character is immune
Afterward the mutant can’t shapechange for four hours. to the deadly effects of sonic blasts.

Size Change Sound Imitation

Physical, Plant; Automatic, no MP Physical; Automatic, no MP
The character is larger or smaller (50/50 chance of either) than normal. The mutant is able to imitate any sound that he has heard in the last 24
Roll ld6 and multiply it by 10%. This is how much shorter or taller the hours. He can hear any frequency of sound, including sonar. He can only
character has become. For exampie, a roll of 3 means that the character is imitate voices by using the exact words he heard spoken by the voices. The
30% shorter or taller. A typical man is roughly 2 meters tall. A 30% reduc - imitative proc-
tion places him at 1.4 meters tall (4 feet). A 30% increase makes him 2.6
meters tall (8 feet).
Physical strength is increased (taller) or decreased (shorter) by 1 for
each 10% change. Dexterity is increased if the character is shorter and
decreased if he becomes taller (plus or minus 1 for each 10% change). If the
character becomes too large or too small, he may qualify for AC modifiers.
Base speed remains the same regardless of the height change.

Skeletal Enhancement
Physical; Automatic, no MP
The mutant’s skeleton is far stronger than normal. He cannot suffer
broken bones from any fall less than 100 meters or from any blow with a
force of less than 10 tons. All crushing blows, bashing attacks and falls do
half normal damage. He can do an extra 50% damage in unarmed combat.
Skin Structure Change (□]
Physical; Automatic, no MP
Roll ld4 on the table below to determine the specific change.

Id4 Roll Skin Structure Change

1 Albino. Id4 damage for every full 10 minutes the mutant is
exposed to bright sunlight.
2 Glows. The mutant can be seen at night, but is not bright
enough to serve as a light source.
3 Water soluble. Water does 1 point of damage per round to the
mutant and 1 d4 + 1 if he is totally immersed.
4 Water dependent. The mutant takes 1 point of damage for
every three hours he is out of the water, and ld4 + 1 if he is
also in hot and dry conditions. It only takes a splash of water or
a sponge bath once every three hours for him to avoid the
44 Chapter 3: IViutations
ess works like a tape recorder, not a translator. The character is immune to could not say “attack the robot with your most powerful weapon.” That
the harmful effects of any sound and can imitate destructive sounds like the requires the controlled creature to make a decision about what is his most
sonic blast mutation produces. He cannot imitate himself. powerful attack. However, he could say “shoot the robot with your gun” or
“make a force field around my friend.” In each case the specific action to be
Spore Cloud taken was requested.
Plant; Activated, MP4d6~L
The plant has spore sacks that it can fire at will, one per round. It has a Telekinesis
total of 5+MP modifier sacks. It takes a month to grow a new sack. When Mental; Activated, MP 4d6 — L
activated, the sack bursts, filling an area three meters across with spores. The mutant is able to move objects up to 25 meters away, plus 5 meters
The spores themselves do not harm anyone, but they make it difficult to for every MP modifier point, with his mind. The MP score is the Physical
breathe. Anyone in the area suffers a health hazard attack, intensity equal to Strength that he uses to lift the object. Telekinesis cannot be used for fine
5 + MP modifier. If the attack is successful, the victim is reduced to fits of manipulations, like a hand operating a machine It can only lift, carry, move,
choking and gasping. He is unable to attack or perform other actions. The throw or rotate an object. It cannot wield a weapon, except for throwing big
only thing he can do is move at half speed. Characters with the duality mu- heavy things.
tation lose one action and may only use mental mutations for their Lifting and carrying objects telekinetically is just as fatiguing as
remaining actions. carrying them physically. Light objects can be carried for long periods of
time, heavy objects only for a short period of time. The character cannot lift
Squeeze Vinee himself. Any attempt to lift a creature requires a mental attack against its
Plant; Automatic, MP 4d6~L physical AC. The same is true for attempting to manipulate an object in
In addition to any other limbs the plant has, it gets ld4 squeeze vines. someone’s hands. A character that is using this mutation, even just to hold
These vines are 5 +MP modifier meters long. They can move at a speed of an object, cannot attack unless he is allowed multiple actions per round.
1 meter per round, which is quite slow. They can grasp objects, but not
perform fine manipulations, such as pushing buttons. Each vine has a
Physical Strength of 5 + MP modifier. If multiple vines are being used, add
their Physical Strengths together. Once a vine has grabbed something, it can
constrict, squeezing for 1 point of damage each round per full 5 points of

Stunning Force
Mental; Activated, MP 4d6 ~L
The character makes a mental attack on everyone within 25 meters,
plus 5 meters for every MP modifier point. This stunning force attack is
rather like a mental shout. All affected creatures are stunned for ld6 rounds.
Roll separately for each victim. Creatures which are stunned are incapable
of attacking, defending, moving, or using mutations This power affects
friend and foe alike. Once he has used this power, the mutant must rest four
hours before using it again.

Mental; Activated, MP 4d6~L
The character can send out a telepathic call for a particular species of
creature. To do so, he must have a firm mental image of what the creature
looks like. When the creature arrives and first makes eye contact, the
character must roll an attack with this power. If successful, the creature is
under the control of the character for the next 2d6 rounds. Otherwise the
creature is freewilled and does whatever comes naturally in the situation.
This can include attacking the summoning character. The character can give
the creature simple commands, such as “kill them,” “break that,” "carry
us,” etc. If the same individual creature is ever summoned again that year, it
ignores the call. Only one type of creature can be summoned and controlled
at a time.
Any intelligent creature of low Intelligence (5) or above can ignore the
call or willingly follow it to its source. When it arrives, it is immune to the
controlling power of the summoning mutant.

Symbiotic Attachment
Mental; Activated, MP 4d6~L
The mutant can attempt to control any creature he touches. He must
successfully touch his opponent and make a successful mental attack. He
can do nothing else while controlling the victim. The control lasts until he
voluntarily breaks contact. If his victim is killed while he is attached, he ts
knocked unconscious for ld6 minutes.
The victim is completely controlled by the character. He becomes an
extension of the character’s own body and must remain in contact with him.
The attached character cannot read the mind or thoughts of the victim, and
therefore does not know about any secret powers or hidden weapons. He
must be specific about how the controlled creature acts. For example, he

Chapter 3* Mutations 45
Telekinetic Hand time. However, Xorl has an IN of 17 so he can have three locations
Mental; Activated, MP 4d6 -L simultaneously memorized.
Similar to telekinesis, this power allows the character to manipulate
objects with his mind up to 25 meters away, plus 5 meters for every MP Thorns or Spikes
modifier point. However, the hand can make fine manipulations that Plant; Automatic, MP 4d6~L
telekinesis cannot. The MP score is the Dexterity of the hand. It can only The plant’s body is covered with thorns or spikes. Any attempt to
lift objects using a PS of 5. It can use weapons, but melee weapons are wrestle the plant costs the attacker 2d6 + MP modifier points of damage.
likely to have some damage penalties due to the low PS of the hand. The thorns cannot hurt hard materials such as stone or metal. The thorns
add ld6 + MP modifier to any physical attack with a limb. This only applies
Telekinetic Flight if the plant is not using a weapon or using one with a very short reach, such
Menial; Activated, MP 4d6~L as a dagger. Anyone striking the plant with an unprotected limb takes 1 d6
The mutant is able to lift only himself with telekinesis. He can fly at a + MP modifier points of damage.
maximum speed of 5 + MP modifier meters per round. Using this power is
as taxing as running. If he is moving at his maximum speed, he suffers the Thought Imitation
same fatigue as if he ran as fast as he could for the same amount of time. A Mental; Automatic, no MP
slow, sedate pace can be maintained almost indefinitely. Specifically, The mutant is able to imitate any mental attack or ability that he has
movement using this mutation incurs fatigue as if the mutant were running personally experienced in the last 24 hours. The imitative process works
for maximum speed, jogging for two-thirds speed, and walking for one- like a thought tape recorder. The mutant still takes the full effect of the
third speed. The character can carry 50 + (10 X MP modifier) in kilograms attack, but is able to make
of extra weight (100 lbs. plus 25 lbs. per MP modifier).

Mental; Activated, MP 4d6 - L
A character is able to read minds and transmit his thoughts mentally.
Reading the mind of a hostile creature requires a mental attack. The
opponent must be within 100 meters, plus 10 meters X MP modifier.
Double the range if the other creature is cooperating with the attempt.
When dealing with other telepaths, the character can send and receive
thoughts with a willing, telepathic partner up to 5 +MP modifier kilometers.
These same rules work for forcing the mutant’s own thoughts into
another creature’s mind. The recipient of such thoughts will know that the
thoughts came from an outside source (“voices in my head’’).
Creatures with telepathy automatically know when someone is trying to
read their minds. Other creatures are oblivious to the attempt, successful or
The telepath can scan an area up to 5 + MP modifier kilometers. The
Game Master makes a mental attack for the telepath for every creature with
an Intelligence of at least 5 within the area to see if the telepath detects their
presence. The telepath cannot read a detected creature’s mind or send his
own thoughts at that range, unless the creature is a willing telepath.
However, once in range (see above) he can make another attack roll to read
the creature’s mind.
Teleport Object
Mental; Activated, MP 4d6~L
The mutant can teleport any object from one place to another. He must
be able to see the object, and it must be no more than 50 + (10 x MP
modifier) meters away from him. The object cannot weigh more than the
MP score in kilograms. If the object is being held by another creature, the
mutant must make a mental attack against the creature's physical AC to
teleport he object. Its destination must also be within his range of 50 + (10x
MP modifier) meters. The character can use this power once an hour.

Mental; Activated, MP 4d6~L
The character can teleport himself to another location. He can teleport
once every three hours. For short hops, his destination must be within 50 +
(10x MP modifier) meters and clearly visible.
For long jumps, he can memorize a location by spending several hours
looking at it and walking around it. The memorized location is only a 1-
meter-wide circle, but it can be up to 5 +MP modifier kilometers away from
the character If he attempts to teleport to a location which he did not spend
ai least eight hours memorizing, he takes ld6 of damage for every hour less
than eight that he spent examining the destination.
The character can hold each location in his memory for a month before
needing to visit it again. He can have a number of locations equal to his IN
modifier (minimum +1) memorized al one time. For example, Usquillegor
has an IN of 6; therefore, he can only have one location memorized at a
46 Chapter 3; Mutations
a copy and broadcast it back at the sender, using the attack er’s die roll and
mutation score. Such a replay would automatically fool any telepathic or
empathic readings. The mutant can also imitate destructive thought patterns
like the mental blast mutation produces. He cannot, however, imitate

Total Healing
Mental; Activated, MP4d6~L
The character is able to accelerate his rate of healing. He can recover 5 +
MP modifier points every hour of active concentration. The mutant may not
perform any other activity while using this mutation. These recovered
points are in addition to any normal healing.
This power can be used to overcome poison, disease, or radiation.
Merely using the power halts the progress of the poison, chemical, disease
or whatever. To overcome it, the character must successfully “attack” the
condition and defeat it. For example, a character that has intensity 10
poison running through his system would have to roll a 10 or better with
this mutation to eliminate the poison. One attempt can be made at the end
of every hour that the mutant has of uninterrupted concentration.

Physical, Plant; Activated, MP4d6~L
The mutant is able to heal another character, but not himself, by
touching the wound. Each round he can heal 10 + MP modifier points of
damage. A single person or creature can only be healed by a specific user
of transfusion once pet day. Each round of healing he also suffers ld4 points
of damage himself. Plants can only use this power on other plants. People
and animals can only use this power on other people or animals.

Physical, Plant; Automatic, no MP
The mutant is able to see virtually any form of energy. He can see
normally at night using ultraviolet light. He can detect the magnetic fields
of machines and power cells. He can see mental mutations in action. He can
see heat and cold, and even laser beams. Attacks based upon an energy
form (not mental mutations) have a 1 in 6 (a roll of 1 on ld6) chance of
blinding rhe character for ld4 + 1 rounds if he is looking in that general
direction. Seeing a normally invisible attack does not give the mutant an
option to avoid the attack or any AC modifier unless the attack takes more
than one round to complete.

Vocal Imitation
Physical, plant; Automatic, no MP
The character can imitate normal sounds from any source that he has
heard in the last 24 hours. He can duplicate the sound of a person’s voice or
an animal noise. Unlike sound imitation, the mutant can make up his own
words or make any noise that could believably come from the creature
being imitated. He cannot imitate the sonic blast mutation, and is not
immune to sonic blasts. He cannot imitate sounds he is not able to hear.

Will Force
Mental; Activated, MP 4d6 — L
The mutant can increase any one mental mutation or mental attribute
(IN, MS, CH) by using this power. 'The mutation or attribute increases by 5
+MP modifier for 5 + MP modifier rounds. This power can only be used
once every four hours.

Physical; Automatic, MP 4d6 -L
The character has wings that allow him to fly. The wings arc each as
long as the character is tall. The plavei can choose to have either feathered
or leathery wings. They give him a flying speed of 12 +MP modifier.
Altered humans and mutated animals with the wings mutation suffer a -2
penalty on Robot Recognition.

Chapter 3* Mutations 47
This chapter contains all of the basic rules information
for playing the GAMMA WORLD® game. The basic rules
cover time, movement, combat and other actions available
for characters. The metric system is the standard for the
GAMMA WORLD game. However, since the English
system of measurement is most common in the United
States, a set of conversions is given here.
These conversions are approximated for game use. For
example, for all practical game purposes a yard is
the same as a meter, even though in reality the meter is
about 10% longer. These are quick roleplaying conversions
designed to allow the Game Master to easily convert from
one unit to another if he needs to. For more exact
conversions, go to your local library and get a conversion
table. Try not to mix units. If a character wants to say that a
kilogram is two pounds, that’s fine, so long as he always
uses that system. Players, or Game Masters, should not be
allowed to switch measurement systems to gain an

Approximate Metric Conversions

Distance Area Weight
1 inch = 2.5 centimeters 1 sq. yard = 1 sq. meter 1 oz. = 30 grams
1 foot = 30 centimeters = 0.3 1 acre = 4000 sq. meters = 4840 1 lb. ~ 0.5 kilograms
meters sq. yards 10 lbs. = 5 kilograms
10 feet = 3 meters 1 sq. mile = 2.5 sq. kilometers 1 ton = 2000 lbs. = 1 metric
1 yard = 1 meter 1 sq. mile = 640 acres tonne
10 yards = 9 meters
100 yards = 90 meters 1 sq. meter = 1 sq. yard 1 gram = 0.035 oz.
1 mile =1.5 kilometers 1 sq. kilometer = 0.5 sq. miles 1 kilogram = 35 oz. = 2 lbs.
10 miles =16 kilometers = 250 acres 10 kilograms = 22 lbs.
100 miles = 160 kilometers 1 metric tonne = 1 ton
1 centimeter = 0.5 inches 1 oz. = 30 milliliters (ml)
10 centimeters = 4 inches 1 quart = 1000 ml. = 1 liter
1 meter = 1 yard = 40 inches 1 gallon = 4 liters
10 meters = 11 yards
100 meters =110 yards 1 ml. = 0.03 oz.
1 kilometer = 0.5 miles 1 liter = 35 oz. = 0.25 gallons
10 kilometers = 6 miles
100 kilometers = 60 miles

48 <4 Piav of the

hand is broken into small, usable blocks. There is no Running: In a full tilt run, the character can move up to
continuous flow. The character is either in this block of time three times his base speed in meters each round. The
or that one. Because it’s only a garne, the player can always character is only able to pay enough attention to his
consider all of his options before deciding what to do in a immediate surroundings to avoid obstacles and get a general
given block of time. In fact, a generous Game Master will idea of what’s going on around him. He can only keep this
even allow him to take back an action and do something up for two rounds for every point of his Constitution. The
different on rare occasions. character’s environment may make it impossible for him to
The smallest unit of time in the GAMMA WORLD® run. A twisty maze may restrict a character to jogging. A
game is a round, sometimes called a melee round or combat steep slope could do the same thing. The Game Master must
round. A round is 10 seconds of real time in the game. In decide what restrictions apply to a character’s movement in
one round, the character can perform one action. He can any given situation.
attack once, open a door, run down the hall screaming, etc.

Time Measurements
• 1 round =10 seconds
• 6 rounds = 1 minute

Beyond rounds, most measurements of time use real

world concepts. An activity might take a few minutes, a few Jog or Trot: This is sort of a half-run, half-walk. The
hours or a few days. Because this is a game, try not to character can move at double his base speed in meters each
combine units of time. An action should not need one hour, round. He can observe his environment almost as well as if
four minutes and two rounds to complete. Instead, it should he were walking, but he cannot keep up this pace forever.
take an hour, l'he four minutes and two rounds are A character can jog or trot five minutes for every point of
inconsequential compared to the hour. his Constitution.
There arc a few notable exceptions to the one round, one
action rule. Some mutations allow multiple actions in a
round, notably duality. And animals and mutated animal
characters are allowed to use all of their natural attacks in a
round, unless otherwise specified. For example, a player
character tiger can claw, claw, bite for three attacks in a
round, but this is considered only one action.


There are many different ways of getting from here to

there. Laying aside vehicles or other artificial methods of
assisting a character’s movement, while on foot, meters a
round. This is a comfortable pace that can be kept up for
hours at a time. With a few rests for meals and other
necessities, it can be done all day. The character is not
spending any significant amount of time observing his
environment. He is not oblivious to it, but will only see the
major objects or events.
Most creatures walk to travel long distances. In a day, a
character can walk about three times his base speed in
kilometers in a day (about two times his base speed in
miles). This is an approximate. If need be, any creature can
push his limits and go an extra kilometer or two on any
given day. As a rule this doesn’t make a difference in the
long run.

Chapter 4: Play of the Game 49

Movement Rates [Meters/Round] can move his base speed in meters every minute instead of
Kilometers every round.
Walk Trot Run per Day A detailed search of an area takes even more time. It
*3 6 9 9 takes a character 10 minutes to thoroughly search an area 10
4 8 12 12 meters square, regardless of his base speed. A true search is
5 10 15 15 more a matter of examining and poking around that it is one
6 12 18 18 of foot speed.
7 14 21 21 Searching a wider area, say outside in a forest, is not
8 16 24 24 usually a detailed search. It is assumed that what is being
9 18 27 27 searched for is stationary, not purposely hidden, at least as
1 20 30 30 large as a person and will be visible at a short distance. A
0 1 22 33 33 character can search an area one kilometer square in an
1 24 36 36 hour. To see if he found what he was looking for, he must
2 1 26 39 39 roll ld2O + his Perception to equal or exceed a Stealth of
3 1 28 42 42 10. The Game Master can adjust the Stealth to account for
1 30 45 45 easier or tougher terrain, night time, larger or smaller
5 1 32 48 48 objects, etc.
6 1 34 51 51 Swimming: A human’s movement rate while swimming
7 1 36 54 54 is 25% of his walking rate. Round any fractions down.
8 1 Swimming is as tiring as running. He can swim at a steady
38 57 57
9 2 pace one minute for every point of Constitution. However, a
40 60 60
0 2 42 63 63 swimming character can recover somewhat by floating one
1 2 minute for every minute of swimming to rest before going
44 66 66
on. After an hour of swimming, a character has a chance of
2 2 46 69 69
drowning. He must succeed at a CN check during each rest
3 2 48 72 72 period or start drowning. Calm water is an easy (0)
4 2 50 75 75 difficulty, a raging storm would be nearly impossible (15).
5 2 52 78 78 Flying: Air speed is calculated separately from walking
6 2 54 81 81 speed. A character in flight must always move six meters
7 2 56 84 84 per round or begin to fall. Flying creatures can dive. A dive
8 2 58 87 87 allows the creature to move twice as fast as normal, but the
9 3 60 90 90 creature must lose one meter of altitude for every two
*This also the base meters of forward movement.
is speed.
While Fighting: A character can move up to his base Unusual Movement Actions
speed in meters and still be able to attack. He is spending There are all kinds of unconventional ways of getting
about half the round moving and half of it attacking. The from here to there. Crawling, climbing, leaping, jumping
attack must always come after the moving. The character is and the ever-popular falling all come to mind. How to
not able to observe many details of his environment while referee some of these actions is more obvious than others.
moving and fighting. Crawling: Crawling movement takes place at half the
Charging: This is a special type of attack, where the normal movement rate of walking. The rate can be doubled,
character runs full tilt at a target and takes one mighty blow. but the exertion is treated as if the character
It can only be used with a physical melee attack. The
character gets to move up to twice his base speed in meters
and gets one attack with a + 2 THAC bonus. During that
attack, his AC has a — 2 penalty. To make a charge, the
character must be able to run, which means he can’t be
carrying too much equipment (see Encumbrance, on page
Searching: A character taking time to examine his
surroundings, cautiously testing the ground, feeling walls
for hidden doors, etc., moves much slower than a walk. He

50 Piay of the Game

were running. A crawling character is frequently given an round is relative to the difficulty. It is measured in the
armor class bonus against ranged attacks and an armor class number of meters per minute (six rounds). Climbing speed
penalty against melee attacks. can never exceed base ground movement speed.
Leaping: This is usually defined as the horizontal
distance (how far across) a character can cross with a single Distance Climbed
bound. A human character can usually leap two meters from Difficulty Example
a standing position, and twice that (four meters) with a good 0 Easy 10 Tree, steep
running start. The incredible variety of animals that can be 5 Challenging 5 slope
Craggy cliff
used as character genotypes makes it impossible to generate 10 Tough 2 Building wall
a complete listing of leaping and jumping distances. 15 Nearly Impossible Smooth rock
However, there are some general guidelines that can be 1
face with
used. Large animals tend to leap shorter distances than overhang
small animals. The ratio of muscle mass to the weight of the The quality of the surface being climbed makes a big
body is against them. Most creatures can leap twice as far difference in how well the character can climb. A rock slope
with a running start than they can with a standing start. with many handholds is easily climbed, while a sheer,
Plants are assumed to leap as well as humans. vertical wall is almost impossible to ascend.
Unfortunately, there are many exceptions to these rules. However, there are some complications in climbing.
Some animals are made for leaping—deer, for example— Long climbs take Physical Strength and Dexterity. A
and can clear distances far greater than smaller animals. surface which is a strenuous climb can be ascended for 5
Other animals—the penguin, for example—are not built to +PS modifier minutes before the climbing character needs
be able to leap any distance. To confuse the issue further, to make a DX attribute check again. This check is done with
two animals of the same type will have different Physical a — 1 modifier.
Strengths. Stronger animals will tend to jump a little further. Each successive check is made one round sooner than
The Game Master will have to use his best judgement for the previous one. It is made with another — 1 modifier,
each character and situation. which accumulates with the previous modifiers. Pretty soon,
Jumping: This refers to how high the character can jump. the character is checking every minute with some- very ugly
However, there are two ways to think about jumping height: modifiers to his DX. If he rests, he can gain back some of
One is just how much higher can the character reach when his Physical Strength and Dexterity. He must rest as many
jumping, and the other is how high an obstacle can the minutes as he spent climbing to regain a single modifier to
character jump over. A normal human can go up an extra his DX and the time between checks. Climbs lasting a
half a meter with a jump. Exceptional people can jump a minute or under require only the Dexterity check discussed
full meter or more. When it comes to clearing an object, the above.
average person can hoist himself over obstacles up to a Equipment can improve the difficulty of the climb. For
meter high. He can vault obstacles (using his hands) up to a example, complete climbing gear in the hands of an
meter and a half high, or dive over a similar height. Plants experienced climber would improve the difficulty rating two
are assumed to jump as well as humans. levels. Having some climbing equipment, say rope, pitons,
As is true for leaping (see above) the wide range of or gripping claws, would improve the difficulty one level.
animal genotypes and mutations make it impossible to
provide a complete list of jumping heights. The Game
Master will have to use his best judgment with animal
characters. As a rule, most creatures can jump over ob-
stacles a meter high. Smaller creatures tend to be better
jumpers, despite their size, while larger creatures are poorer
jumpers. However, the examples of the deer and the
penguin from the leaping rule are good counter examples.
Climbing: Treat this as a common Dexterity attribute
check (see Attribute Checks on page 69). The Game Master
first assigns a difficulty to the climbing feat. Then the
player rolls a 20-sided die, adds the difficulty rating, and
compares it to his Dexterity. If the modified die roll is less
than or equal to the character's Dexterity, he was able to
climb the surface. How far the character is able to climb in a

Chapter 4: Play of the Game 51

larger creatures add ld6 to the roll. The Game Master may thirds of normal. In addition, he cannot run. In fact, jogging
want to add or subtract more dice for particularly large or or trotting is as tiresome as running without a load (see Jog
particularly small creatures. Keep in mind that the mass of or Trot on page 49). Walking is as tiresome as jogging or
the creature is more relevant than the size. However, the trotting without a load (see Jog or Trot on page 49).
two tend to be strictly related. A heavily encumbered character has his maximum
movement reduced to one-third of normal. He cannot
Encumbrance Effects of Encumbrance
How a character’s movement is affected by the stuff he [Meters/Round]
carries is a constant problem for roleplaying games. A Base Medium Heavy
system that reflects the true effects of extra weight tends to Speed Encumbrance Encumbranc
be awkward and tedious to use in a game. Unfortunately, a 3 2 e 1
quick and easy system is too easily abused by the players. 4 2 1
These rules will give you both systems, one easy and one 5 3 1
accurate, and let you choose which one is better suited for run or trot. Walking for him is as tiring as running without
6 4 2
your game. For these rules, the easy system is the standard any burden at all (see Running on page 49).
7 4 2
rule, while the detailed and accurate system is the optional
8 5 2
expanded rule.
9 6 3
A character in the GAMMA WORLD® game is either
10 6 3
carrying a light, medium or heavy load. It has been stated
elsewhere that a character can carry a maximum of five 11 7 3
kilograms (10 lbs.) for every point of Physical Strength and 12 8 4
still be able to move around. Divide his total PS by 3 (round 13 8 4
down). This multiplied by 5 is the maximum encumbrance 14 9 4
for a light burden for that character in kilograms. Double 15 10 5
that value to determine the upper range for the medium 16 10 5
encumbrance limit. Anything over that is a heavy burden. 17 11 5
As an example, let’s use a character with a Physical 18 12 6
Strength of 11. A third of 11, rounding down, is 3 19 12 6
Therefore, his light burden limit is 15 kilograms, or about 20 13 6
30 lbs. (33 lbs. if you use the exact calculation). Doubling 21 14 7
this gets an upper limit for his medium burden of about 30 22 14 7
kilograms. Anything above that, up to 55 kilograms (about 23 15 7
110 lbs.), and the character is con- 24 16 8
25 16 8
26 17 8
27 18 9
28 18 9
29 19 9
30 20 10

52 Chapter 4: P^ay of the Game

Optional Rule: Divide the Physical Strength of the 4. Resolve attacks in initiative order.
character by his movement rate, keeping the fractional part
of the result. Multiply it by 5 kilograms (or 10 lbs.). This is
the character’s burden unit. For example, a character with a Surprise
Physical Strength of 16 and a movement of 11 has a burden Prior to combat beginning, the Game Master may have to
unit of (16 -t- 11) x 5 kilograms or about 7.5 kilograms. check for surprise. This is usually caused by one side
Every burden unit the character is carrying reduces his base initiating a sudden, unexpected attack. The surprise check is
speed by one meter. A character can always move at least a very similar to a normal attack roll. The creature attempting
meter a round so long as he is below his encumbrance limit. the surprise attack rolls a 20-sided die and adds it to his
A character that is carrying more than a third of his total Stealth score. If the attacker’s score is equal to or higher
encumbrance limit cannot run (see above). Walking is as than the defender’s Perception, he has surprised his
tiresome as trotting with that burden, and trotting is as opponent. When there is no surprise, both sides must roll for
tiresome as running. A character that is carrying more than initiative for that round of combat.
two-thirds of his encumbrance limit cannot jog or trot.
Walking is as tiring as running. d20 + Stealth > Perception
As you can see, this is not a simple rule. It is not
intended to be an exact reflection of real life speeds under a It is possible that one side of the surprise attack is
burden, either. What it does do is provide a means of composed of characters with varying Stealth or Perception
controlling how much a character carries around with him. scores. The Game Master should not roll individual surprise
All the character needs to record are his burden unit, and the values for each of the figures undei his control. Roll a single
one-third, two-thirds, and maximum encumbrance limits. If 20-sided die and add it to the Stealth score for each figure.
the players decide that this rule is too tedious, then stick If the players are the ones attempting the surprise attack,
with the simple system. each player should still roll his own surprise score. Since
they must declare individual targets for the surprise attack,
Combat Sequence the Game Master only needs to compare their scores to their
respective targets.
An excerpt from Histories of Gamma Terra written by Szah- As is always true, the Game Master has the option to
lah, sleeth historian: apply modifiers to the surprise roll. He evaluates the scene
Gamma Terra is a fierce and violent place. The breadth and and decides if it warrants bonuses or penalties. For example,
variety of life is so great that competition for survival is a genuine if the side being surprised is completely oblivious to the
challenge. The famous historian Ah-kraas postulates that in a few possibility of surprise, then a +4 bonus to the roll might be
thousand years, many of the current species will be extinct, victims of appropriate.
this process. Maybe then the wilderness of our planet will be safe. Results of Surprise: Anyone that is surprised before
Although the unintelligent animals and plants of our world are combat cannot attack in the first round. This translates to
quite dangerous, they are calm waters compared to the hurricane of
one free round of attacks for the side that successful-
sentient violence. The weapons of destruction left to us by the ancients
are potent indeed. Our own feeble attempts to make tools of war are
pitiful by comparison. I hope that my hatchlings do not live to see our
civilization repeat the cataclysm with such dire instruments.

Combat is resolved one round at a time. Above, a round

was defined as 10 seconds, or about enough time to do one
action. For combat this means one planned attack can take
place in a round. Some mutations or creatures have the
natural ability to attack multiple times in a round.
Below is the sequence used to resolve a round of combat.
Each activity should be done in the order presented.

Sequence of e Combat Round

1. Determine surprise (first round only).
2. Players announce their actions.
3. Determine initiative.

Chapter 4: Play of the Game 53

ly surprises its opponents. All such attacks, both physical Initiative
and mental, get a +2 bonus to their THAC or MHAC rolls. Initiative is merely a fancy term for who goes first. In
combat, it means who found an opening and got the jump
on the other guy. There are two basic ways to determine
Surprise Results
initiative: for the group and for the individual. Group
• One free round of attacks. initiative is much faster, but not as satisfying. Individual
• +2 THAC and MHAC bonus that round. initiative is more complicated, but more realistic. The type
of initiative the players will use should be set before each
Example: Garth the enforcer is hiding in a tree above a game session.
trail. As his enemies move recklessly down the path, he The Die Roll: In either case, a 10-sided die is rolled for
leaps upon them. The Game Master rules that Garth set a the group/individual. The group/individuals with the highest
convincing trap that merits a + 1 bonus to the surprise roll. roll go first. With group initiative, either the player
Since the other group was moving recklessly, he gets an characters will all be going first, moving and attacking, or
additional + 1 bonus. Rolling the die, Garth gets a 12, adds their opponents will go first. If two or more
his +2 from bonuses and has a 14. This is added to his groups/individuals are tied, then they roll a sec ond die to
Stealth score of + 1, for a grand total of 15. The Perception determine which of them has higher initiative.
of his opponents ranges from 13 to 16. Those enemies with Holding Initiative: A character or creature can always
Perceptions of 16 (the lowest number higher than Garth’s choose to hold initiative until later in the round. He can
15) are not surprised, while the rest of them are. delay his stated action until later in the round than his
initiative roll indicates. As a corollary, if a character spends
Announcing Intended Actione an entire round preparing an action, he automatically gets an
Before initiative is determined, each player must an- initiative of 10 on the next round. This means that at worst,
nounce what action his character is attempting that round. he ties with another character to move and attack first.
Once an action is announced, the character is committed to Mixed Initiative: Group and individual initiative can be
that action or doing nothing, even if the initiative roll or the mixed. Usually this means the player characters arc each
actions of other characters make it impossible to complete. rolling separate initiatives and their opponents, controlled
A character can always choose to do nothing rather than his by the Game Master, roll a single initiative score. This has
declared action. the advantage of speeding up play, since each person at the
For example, if our hero Garth declares that he will rush gaming table has only one initiative to remember and worry
forward and swing at the android, he must try and do so. about. And with all the player characters having individual
However, if during the round the android wins initiative and initiative, they each still get the realistic feel of an order of
steps through a door, Garth has a problem. The android is movement.
no longer there to attack. He can choose to rush forward and Example: Let’s take an example with four player
wait (he need not attack empty air), or he can do nothing characters and a Game Master running seven carrins. The
and stand where he began the round. He cannot choose to players have announced their actions and the Game Master
attack a different creature or perform some other action. has decided upon the actions for the carrins. The players
As always with roleplaying games, common sense must roll, in order, 8, 5, 5, and 3 for initiative. The Game Master
prevail. The Game Master is expected to apply this common decides to roll a single group initiative and gets a roll of 6.
sense to the situation when determining how much of an The characters that both rolled 5’s make a second roll to
announced action the character must complete. For determine which of them goes first. One rolls a 9 the other a
example, if the android ducks out of the way, and another 1. The first character, initiative 8, attacks and kills a carrin.
opponent steps into the same spot, it would be reasonable to The carrins all make their attacks. The one that died at the
allow the character to shoot at the new opponent. hands of the first character cannot attack, since it is dead.
The second character (initiative 5, second roll 9)

54 Chapter 4: Play of the Game

Resolving Combat the attack only does half damage (rounded down). For example,
a character with a THAC of +2 attempts to hit a robot with
There are limitless ways to attack or hurt creatures in any an AC of 23. Mathematically, he cannot hit. However, if he
campaign setting, including the GAMMA WORLD® game. rolls a 20, he hits in spite of this, although he only does half
The most basic of these is melee combat. Melee combat is of his normal damage to the robot. If the robot had an AC of
when one creature tries to hit another with a limb (arm, leg, 22, the attacker could still only hit it with a roll of 20, but he
tail, etc.) or with a hand-held weapon. Three derived would do normal damage with that hit.
attributes are needed to resolve melee combat: TH AC, AC, Some creatures, and a few player character genotypes,
and HP. can make multiple attacks per round. For example, the tiger
THAC (To Hit Armor Class): This is a representation of can make two claw attacks and a biting attack in a single
the characters skill in striking a target. The average round. This only counts as one combat action (in the event
character will have a beginning THAC of 0. As he gains that a character of this type gets multiple actions in a turn,
levels, it will increase. such as from duality). However, such multiple attacks must
AC (Armor Class): This is the characters skill in always be directed at the same opponent. If the character is
avoiding being hit. Physical armor improves a character’s allowed multiple actions per round, he can only use his
AC. A blow might actually strike the character, but could be natural weapons (i.e. claws) once in the round, but can
unable to do any damage because of armor. The average direct them at as many different targets as he is allowed
beginning character will have an AC of 10. It will increase actions.
as he gets better armor.
HP (Hit Points): This is how much damage the character Ranged Combat
can take before being killed. HP ranges vary greatly for Ranged combat is resolved using the basic attack roll.
characters, but somewhere between 25 and 60 is a good The primary distinction is that the attack is throwing or
average. All attacks, physical or mental, that cause damage shooting something at his opponent rather than swinging at
are applied to a character’s hit points. him. The THAC value of an attacker for melee combat is
sometimes different than it is for ranged combat. The AC of
The Attack Roll the target is rarely different for ranged combat than it is for
The basic attack roll requires the character to roll a 20- melee combat, though. The range the attacker is trying to
sided die. He then adds his THAC and any other combat attack from can add a modifier to his THAC.
modifiers to the die roll. If this value is greater than or equal The range of a weapon is specified as a single number.
to the AC of his opponent, then he scored a hit and can roll This is the number of meters that defines its short range. The
for damage. table below shows how to calculate the

d20 + THAC + Modifiers > AC + Modifiers = A hit

Special Attack Rolle

• A roll of 1 always misses.
• A roll of 20 always hits, but sometimes does half

Let’s take an example. Garth the altered human takes a

swing at a podog. Garth’s THAC is 2 and the

In the GAMMA WORLD game, it is mathematically

possible for a character or creature to have a guaranteed
chance to miss or hit an opponent. However, if a character
can hit his opponent even with a roll of a 1 (according to the
calculations), then he still misses if he rolls a 1.
If an opponent’s AC is more than 20 points higher than
the attacker’s THAC, the attacker has no mathematical
chance to hit him. In this case a 20 on the attack roll is a hit
even if it would miss according to the calculation. However,

Chapter 4: Piav of the Game

other ranges for a weapon. Point blank range is usually thrown object is important, such as in the case of grenades.
defined as close enough to be able to attack in melee, or Scatter is determined by rolling a 12-sided die for the
about one meter. direction of the scatter. Think of this as representing a clock
Extreme range is defined as the maximum distance that face, where 12 o’clock is in the direction past the intended
the weapon might hit a target. This is not the maximum target, furthest away from the thrower. Next a distance die
travel distance of the projectile. Eor muscle- powered is rolled. The further the attempted target, the larger the die.
ranged weapons, such as bows, the absolute range is double If the landing is on a hard, bouncy surface, use the die for
the extreme range. For example, if a character wanted to lie the next higher range category. Extreme range would roll Id
a message to an arrow and fire it across a chasm, the 12 for the scatter position because it has no next higher
maximum chasm width he could shoot across is double the category.
extreme range.
Powered projectiles, such as bullets or missiles, have
different measures of absolute range. For some of them, Thrown Object Scatter Distance
such as grenade launchers or missiles, the extreme range is Range Scatter Distance
the actual maximum distance the projectile can be fired. For Short ld4 meters
others, such as bullets, the absolute range might be as much Medium ld6 meters
as five times the extreme range. As a rule, the situations that Long ld8 meters
call for the absolute range of a weapon are few and far Extreme ldlO meters
between. Under no circumstances can a weapon hit a target Grenade Scatter Diagram
that is beyond its extreme range. Roll ldl2

Ranges 11 1
Range Distance Modifie
Point Blank 1 meter r +2 10
Short — 0
Medium 2 x short range -2
Long 5 X short range -5
Extreme 10 X short range -8

Throwing Things: Throwing nonweapons uses the same

range limits as weapons do. However, the most important
factor is the thrower’s Physical Strength and not the
aerodynamic stability of the object. The short range for
throwing an object the size and weight of a baseball is half a
character’s PS in meters, rounded down. Larger objects are
limited to shorter distances. An exact PS-to-object mass
table is not provided. In general, any object weighing more
than half a kilogram will have a shorter short range dis-
tance. This rule is most useful for throwing grenades or
similar weapons.
A typical thrown object target is an area about one meter
in diameter. To determine the accuracy of the throw, use a
normal attack roll, but assume that the AC of the place is a
10 for cushioned surfaces (dirt, grass, sand, etc.). If the
surface is a hard one that makes things bounce (rock, metal,
wood, etc.) then the AC is treated as a 15. The Game Master
is free to apply further modifiers for unusual surfaces or
very large or small targets.
If the character misses, a scatter roll may need to be
made. Scatter is only important if the final position of the

56 Chapter 4: Play of the Game

Damage cover automatically loses his combat actions for the
Once it has been determined that a character or creature remainder of the round. This means that if a character that
has been hit, the damage must be rolled. This is a separate lost initiative is hit by an area effect weapon and chooses to
die roll that has no relationship to the attack roll. The dive for cover, he does not get his normal attack for the
damage done is not affected by how “good” the attack roll round. If he stands there and takes and survives the attack,
was. An attack roll that just barely exceeds an opponent’s he can attack normally. A character that has already
AC can potentially do more or less damage than one that attacked in the round does not suffer this penalty for
scored as high as the attacker can score with his attack roll. attempting to dive for cover.
The type of die roll made for damage is specified for Diving for cover is not guaranteed to be successful.
each situation, weapon and creature. For example, a sword After all, the character had another activity in mind for that
does ld8 damage, plus a modifier for the wield- er’s round and is aborting it to avoid the area effect attack. The
Physical Strength, and the bite of an ark is ld6. character must make a successful Dexterity (DX) check to
Once the damage dice are rolled and any modifiers dive for cover in time. The difficulty is challenging (5). A
added, subtract that value from the target’s hit points. Hits failed attempt still places the character behind the cover or
are usually all or nothing. If an attack penetrates, it rolls on the ground, he just didn’t get there in time.
damage normally. On occasions, special armor or situations Diving for cover successfully has two effects on a
may call for damage to be reduced before subtracting it character. First of all, it cuts the damage he takes in half,
from the opponent’s hit points. For example, a special type rounded up. If the attack has a “worked or didn’t work”
of armor might force all bladed weapons to do half normal effect, then diving for cover successfully means it didn’t
damage. affect him. Secondly, the character must be placed behind
Physical Strength Modifier: A character’s Physical some cover within a meter or two of his original position.
Strength always modifies the damage of any muscle- Frequently, this means the character is lying on the ground
powered weapon. For example, swinging a sword is done or crouched behind a protective obstacle.
with the character’s arm and hence his PS affects how
deeply the blade cuts. A bowman’s PS determines how far Mental Attacks
he can draw his bow and how deeply the arrow penetrates. A mental attack works on the same principles as a
Both of these weapons apply the PS modifier to the damage physical attack. The attacker has a MH AC score, and his
done. target has an MD score. The attacker rolls ld20 and adds his
For example, a sword wielded by a character with MHAC score and any applicable modifiers to the result. If
Physical Strength 14 gets a +1 bonus to the damage the total exceeds his opponent’s MD score, then the attacker
normally rolled for the sword. The PS modifier for 14 is + affected him with the mental attack. This is exactly the same
1. A character always does 1 point of damage even if his process as for a physical attack.
modifiers technically lower his damage total to zero or MHAC (Mental Hit Armor Class): This value reflects the
below. character’s ability to penetrate the mental defenses of
another creature. Most beginning characters will have a
Area Effect Weapons value of 0.
Some types of weapons or attacks blanket an area rather Sometimes a mental attack will pit an attacker’s MHAC
than targeting an individual. Anyone in the area will get against his opponent’s AC. These instances arc- noted in the
hurt or be affected. A single damage roll is made and the “Mutations” chapter under the specific mutation involved.
results are applied to every individual in the area of effect.
Flamethrowers and grenades are excellent examples of area
effect weapons.
Diving for Cover: All the targets in the area get a chance
to dive for cover. The character picks something within a
meter or two of him and tries to hide behind it. If there is no
protective cover available, then the character must fall
down, trying to avoid the effect by lying prone. The Game
Master may rule in some situations that falling down will
not allow the character to avoid the affects of the attack.
Diving for cover is always an option for the target
characters and not mandatory. Any character that dives for

Chapter 4: Play of the Game 57

MD (Mental Defense): This value is the character’s sure to record it separately.
mental armor class. It must be overcome before any mental As in the normal rules for applying damage, the
attack has an effect upon the character. character will cease to be able to fight when his hit points
Mental Attack Damage: Damage from mental attacks is reach zero or below. However, the bruises portion of the
applied to hit points, just like physical damage. Just at with unarmed combat damage is recovered at a rate of 10 + CN
physical attacks the Physical Strength modifier is added to modifier points per day. Therefore, it is possible to knock a
the damage, with mental attack the mutation modifier is character out and have him be OK, although still hurt, a few
added to the damage. For game purposes, there is no days later.
difference between a mental attack that did 6 points of Let’s take an example. Garth is just spoiling for a brawl
damage and a sword cut that did 6 points of damage. and decides to pick on Joril. Garth is a big guy, with a PS of
Many mental attacks do not do normal damage. They 16, which gives him a +2 damage in unarmed combat.
have some other specialized effect. For example, the attack However, Joril is wearing ring mail underneath his tunic,
might paralyze or control the target. If the attack is which subtracts 4 points from any damage done. On the first
successful, the special effect is automatic. round, Garth scores a hit and rolls a 3 for damage, plus his
Plants and animals are extremely different mentally. As +2 bonus, which makes a total of 5 points of damage.
a result, many mutational powers will only work against However, Joril’s armor subtracts 4 points of damage and the
members of the same type. A plant can only use mental lucky stiff only takes 1 point of damage. Garth is
control upon other plants, not humans or animals. By the dumbfounded.
same token, humans and animals cannot use mental control
upon sentient plants. Effects of Damage
Mental attacks upon robots are usually utter failures. If a character takes a lot of damage from attacks,
Any artificial intelligence, including androids, is so alien eventually he will be unable to press the attack himself. He
that any mental powers affecting the mind (confusion, might fall unconscious or even die. The critical levels at
empathy, etc.) do not function at all. Mental powers that which these conditions happen are determined by the
result in physical effects (pyrokinesis, teleportation, etc.) character’s Constitution.
work normally. While his hit points are less than zero, he loses one- hit
point every one minute (six rounds) until he is dead. This is
Unarmed Combat true even if the character can regenerate, although that
Most animals and creatures have natural weapons that power may recover points faster than he is losing them. If
are as dangerous as any manmade weapon. Claws or fangs his wounds are bandaged, the loss of hit points stops.
can rip open a throat as surely as a sword. However, people, Bandaging: Bandaging is a generic term for whatever
most plants and some animals do not have a natural treatment is necessary to ease the pain of the wounded
weapon. As sure as you are reading this sentence, such an character’s injuries. It is not always applying strips of cloth
unarmed character is going to want to try and hurt or kill an to open, bleeding wounds. The Game Master might rule that
opponent with his bare hands (or whatever). some types of damage cannot be bandaged, such as damage
Unarmed combat is rolled just like normal combat. The from some mental attacks.
character makes an attack roll using his THAC and It takes one minute (6 rounds) per point of damage below
compares it to his opponent’s AC. However, the damage is zero to bandage wounds. Unconscious characters stop
allocated differently. The character does ld3 + PS modifier losing hit points when someone begins to ban-
points of damage. If the THAC roll is 19 or 20, a lucky shot
has been landed, doing ld6 + PS modifier points of damage.
Armor bonuses are subtracted directly from the damage.
However, if the character rolls maximum damage, a
minimum of 1 point of it affects the opponent This makes
beating up a character in plate mail very difficult, but not
impossible. It is possible to attempt called shots for
unprotected parts of the opponent’s body. Negative damage
results mean that the blow landed but didn’t hurt.
In unarmed combat, half the damage (rounded down) is
applied normally and must be healed normally. The rest of
the damage is the result of simple bruises. It is temporarily
applied as normal, but will heal at a much faster rate. Make

53 Chapter 4: P^ay of the Game

dage them. Hit point loss resumes if the bandaging stops Damage Effect Summary
before it is completed. For example, a character that has • If HP < 0, one HP lost per minute. Bandaging stops
been reduced to —4 hit points requires four minutes to be hit point loss.
bandaged. The wounded character is then stabilized at -4 hit • Characters with > 0 hit points do not need to be
points until he can get further healing. If the person bandaged.
bandaging him stops bandaging before four minutes are up, • Incapacitated if HP < 0.
though, he starts losing hit points again. • Unconscious if HP < 0 & failed Health hazard roll.
Л character with exactly zero hit points is hovering on • Dead if HP < -CN.
the thin edge between life and death. He does not lose more
hit points, but neither can he heal any through normal rest.
He is conscious but incapacitated (see below). Characters Combat Modifiers
with zero or more hit points get no game benefit from being
It is possible for a character to use the terrain or situation
bandaged. From a roleplaying point of view, they feel
to his advantage. In many cases, he gets a bonus modifier to
his THAC and sometimes to his damage roll. The table
Optional Bandaging Rule: The Game Master might
below describes the possible situations that result in a
decide that two characters can bandage a single character in
combat advantage. All of these combat modifiers are
half the time. No more than two characters can work on one
patient at a time.
Incapacitated: A character is incapacitated if his re-
maining hit points are zero or less. An incapacitated Combat Modifiers
character might be conscious and able to talk (see below). THAC
However, the pain of his injuries and the extent of the Situation Modifier
damage to his body is so great that he cannot move, attack Attack from behind +4
or defend himself normally. This includes mental attacks. Attack from flank +2
His armor class is considered to be a base of 0 plus Attack from above +1
whatever armor he is wearing. He gets no Dexterity Attack from below -1
modifier since he can barely move. His MD is reduced by Attacker blinded* -4
10 while incapacitated.
Attacker prone -4
Unconscious: Incapacitated characters have the option to
Defender prone +2
try and remain conscious. To do so, each round the
character must resist a Health hazard, where the intensity is Attacker kneeling -2
the number of hit points he is below zero. If he fails the Defender kneeling +1
check, he falls unconscious. He cannot move, attack or Defender surprised +2
defend himself in any way. If there is even the slightest Defender dodging** -5
chink or gap in his armor, he can be killed automatically Attacker berserkt +3
with a single blow. If the armor does not have a gap (a force
field is a good example) then his AC is equal to just the 'Blinded: This includes characters striking at invisible
value of his armor bonus. Mentally he is totally defenseless, targets. It assumes that the attacker has some idea of where
and any mental attack automatically succeeds. his opponent is from sounds or other clues. It is impossible
Dead: A character is dead if his hit points are farther to hit a target that is not identified somehow.
below zero than his Constitution value. If his hit points are “Dodging: The dodging character is unable to attack
exactly equal to the negative of his Constitution level, he is himself that round. He gets the bonus even if he loses
still alive, but just barely hanging on. Dead characters initiative.
cannot be revived in the GAMMA WORLD® game. tBerserk: This is a condition where the character is
consumed with a bloodlust, a desire to kill and maim that
overcomes his ability to reason. There are no rules
given for player characters “going berserk.” This rule is penalty for the called shot based upon his judgment of the
intended primarily for NPCs and special roleplaying difficulty. Typical THAC penalties range from -2 to ~10,
circumstances where the Game Master might allow a although a -4 would be the most common. Called shots can
character to go berserk. These allowable situations should be used to disarm an opponent, knock the legs out from
be extremely rare. underneath an opponent, decapitate an opponent, etc.
During a berserk rage, the character’s PS and MS are
treated as if they were 6 points higher due to an adrenaline Recovering Lost Hit Points
rush, hence the +3 THAC for physical combat. This does
not extend to ranged attacks. He gets a + .3 to all damage Normally, a character recovers one hit point a day if he
rolls from the increased Physical Strength. He also gets a + rests. Resting implies no fighting, no travelling, and
3 MHAC from the Mental Strength increase. definitely no parties. Basically he lies around in bed or sits
The bad news about being berserk is that the character calmly all day. If a character is active at all during the day
must attack the closest figure he sees, friend or foe, in hand- (specifically, fighting and travel are prohibited), he does not
to-hand combat. Mental or physical mutations that cause heal at all.
immediate damage at a distance are allowed so long as the There are various mutations and artifacts that will assist
character is rushing the target at the same time. The the healing process. These items are highly prized by most
character snaps our of this condition if he cannot find characters. The other major recourse for characters is to
anyone to attack for at least two rounds. Even with available visit the White Hand. Members of this cryptic alliance have
opponents, after five rounds of constant combat the such mutations and artifacts and are almost always willing
character is allowed an easy (0) MS check each round to to heal injured characters.
recover from being berserk.
Structural Damage
Ranged Attack Combs t Modifiers Objects in the GAMMA WORLD® game can take
THAC Modifier damage, too. In general, the AC and hit points of an object
Situation are measured in the same manner as for a person. The table
Point blank range* +2 below gives a list of recommended AC values and hit points
Short range* 0 for various materials. Keep in mind that hitting a wall at
Medium range* -2 short ranges is usually guaranteed. The AC of the wall
Long range* -5 reflects its ability to deflect or absorb attacks without taking
Extreme range* -8 damage. If the object is small enough that it might actually
Partial cover** -2 be missed, then the AC value for the material is applied as a
Moving targett -2 modifier to the normal chance to hit. In other words, the
Aimed shottt +3 armor class of an inanimate object can get worse if a
Called shot! -4 character might miss it (it’s small or far away); the AC
listed below, in this case, isn’t the final AC.
The table below assumes a one centimeter thickness
‘Ranges: The actual values for ranges vary greatly with
(slightly less than ’/2"), except for obvious exceptions, such
the weapon being used. Point blank range is usually only a
as cloth. Thicker objects keep the same AC, but gain extra
few meters away, while extreme range is the furthest
hit points.
reasonable limit that a target could be hit.
*'Cover: More comprehensive examples of cover may
have greater oi lesser modifiers.
tMoving: Targets moving very quickly may apply
greater penalties to the attacker. A good rule of thumb is —
1 for each 10 meters/round, or fraction thereof, the target is
ttAimed Shots: Aimed shots take a full round, un-
disturbed, for the attacker to set up. The next round the
attack is launched and the character gets the bonus.
+Called Shots: A called shot is a hit to a specific target
on a creature or object. The Game Master may adjust the

60 Chapter 4: Play of the Game

Material AC HP needed to affect a character at the rate given in the table
Bone 14 5 below. When the poison attack is made, roll a d20. Add the
Cloth* 5 1 poison’s intensity and any applicable modifiers. If the total
Duralloy 30 50 exceeds the character s Health score, the poison affects him.
Glass 3 2 The difference between the die roll and the Health score
Leather* 10 8 determines how strongly it affects him. Every five points
Metal, soft 20 20 ovei the Health score is a new and more dangerous level of
Metal, hard 25 20 effect (remainders after division are counted as another
Plaster 8 2 level). Usually there are eight stages of damage, with the
Plastic, soft 16 7 eighth being death.
Plastic, hard 20 12 Each round after the attack, move down the chart one
row. This means that the actual round of injection does no
Pottery 16 8
poison damage. Stop when you get to the row that matches
Soft rock 18 25
Hard rock 23 25 the result of the die roll. The character remains in that
Wood 15 10 condition until the matching time period expires. (Death, of
*AC is doubled against smashing blows. course, is permanent.) After that time passes, the character
retreats up the chart one row a round. This usually happens
at a time when the character is not embroiled in combat,
Health Hazards which means that the effects just go away.
Multiple doses add their value to the poison intensity
Some situations that do not involve attacks by creatures already in the character or in the first dose. If the attacks are
are still dangerous to characters. Poison, radiation, and all made on the same round, only roll once with the
disease arc three common examples. These types of dangers combined intensity. If the attacks are made on different
are called Health hazards. rounds, roll each round. The worst result obtained always
A Health hazard is rated for its intensity. To determine applies.
the effects of the hazard, the Game Master rolls a 20-sided Fractional doses cut the intensity of the poison. A half a
die and adds it to the hazard’s intensity along with any dose has half the intensity Since the math for calculating
modifiers. If the total exceeds the Health score of the fractional doses can get tough (quick, what’s 60% of 13?), it
character, then the hazard has affected him. is recommended that your stick to half or full doses only.
Unlike normal attacks, in many cases the attack roll for There are three different basic types of poisons: de-
the Health hazard can affect the degree of damage the bilitative, paralytic and destructive. Within each of these
character suffers. A poison attack that just barely succeeds categories are a wide range of variations. However, for
will have less of an effect than one that far exceeds the game purposes, the effects are all so similar that they can be
character’s defensive value. lumped together. Debilitative poisons leave a character
weak and helpless. Paralytic poisons affect his voluntary
d20 + Intensity + Modifiers = Hazard attack muscles. Destructive poisons damage the tissues and cause
Hazard attack - Health score = Stage of effect physical damage. If vou just

Poisons Si Drugs
A poison is defined as just about any substance that
interacts chemically with a character’s body to the body’s
harm. This includes toxins, some drugs and biochemicals.
The effects of the poison can vary greatly, but the character
resists them all in the same fashion. A drug is defined as a
beneficial chemical introduced into the character’s body. By
these definitions, cocaine would be a poison. The major
game distinction is that while poisons may or may not work,
drugs always work. In other words, the stuff that is good for
you works, the stuff that might hurt you has a chance to fail.
Poison is measured by doses, and doses are quite var-
iable in size. For some substances a dose is just a drop, for
others it is a whole cupful. A “dose” is whatever quantity is

Chapter 4: Play of the Game 61

want a “standard” poison, the debiiitative poison is III 11- 1 hour Paralyzed**
recommended. IV 16- 2 hours Paralyzed (— 2
The Game Master is encouraged to give the players V 2021- 5 hours embt)** ( - 5 embt)**
unique, colorful descriptions of what a poison does to his VI 26- 12 hours Incapacitated
character. Two different destructive poisons would have the VII 31- 1 day Unconscious
same game effect, but might have very different descriptive VII 36 — Dead
effects. One might cause a burning pain in the character’s I
*Character+can only act physically once every two (Stage I) or three
lungs, while another causes him to bleed from his ears. (Stage II) rounds. Mental attacks are unaffected. A

2 combat penalty is applied to each of the following attributes: PS,
Incapacitated and Unconscious: Any character inca-
DX, THAC, AC, Stealth, all physical mutations. The results are not
pacitated by poison is conscious but cannot move, attack or cumulative.
defend, even with mental mutations. He can only observe **Character falls down and is unable to move. He can use his mental
and talk softly. His hit points are reduced to match his mutations, but possibly with a -2 (Stage IV) or
Constitution score. If he is already below that level, then he - 5 (Stage VI) penalty for MHAC and MD.
is reduced to 0 hit points. An unconscious character is
Destructive Poison
reduced to 0 hit points. Hit points lost in this manner must
Stage Roll Effect *
be healed normally.
— <0 None
For example, Garth is stung by a rare insect with in- I 1-5 ld6
tensity 9 debiiitative poison. He has a Health score of 14. II 6-10 ld6
The Game Master rolls an 18, adds the 9 intensity to come III 11-15 2d6
up with an attack value of 27. This is 13 points above IV 16-20 2d6
Garth’s Health (Stage III). On the next round, V 21-25 3d6
VI 26-30 3d6 &
VII 31-35 incapacitated
3d6 & unconscious
Stage Roll Duration Effect
VIII 36 + Dead
— <0 None None *Since the character moves down the table one row per round, these
I 1-5 10 minutes —1 effects are cumulative. Just after Stage V. a character will have taken
II 6-10 30 minutes —2 9d6 worth of damage.
III 11- 1 hour - 3 combat*
IV 16- 2 hours ~5
V 2021- 5 hours combat*
-8 combat*
VI 26- 12 hours Incapacitate
VII 3031- 1 day d Unconsciou
VIII 36 + — Dead
fact Stealt Remain and all mutation power
scor h, resultsUnseen
The are not cumu ativc.
Psrslytic Poison
Sta Rol Duration Effect
— <0 None None
I 1-5 10 minutes Slowed 1/2 rnds*
II 6- 30 minutes Slowed 1 / 3 rnds*

*The indicated combat penalty affects each of the following

attributes: PS, DX, Speed, THAC, AC, MD, Use Arti-
Garth has all of his combat scores reduced by one. The VI 26-30 6d6, sick* & incapacitated
following round they are reduced by two. On the third VII 31-35 7d6, sick* & unconscious
round they are reduced by three from their original value. VIII 36 + Dead
An hour later, he is OK and all of his combat values are
*See Radiation Sickness, below.
back to normal.
**One mutation per exposure (see below lor effects).
Designer Poisons: Inventing your own type of poison is
fairly easy. All poisons have the eight stages of effects. The
eighth stage should always be death. What the others are Radiation is also measured by intensity. For game
depends upon the type of poison that you wish to invent. In purposes, it is divided up into three categories: high- level,
most cases, you will want to have the effects be cumulative. low-level and background radiation. High level radiation
Each round the victim moves down the chart one row until requires a die roll each round to determine its effects. Low-
he reaches the row that matches the class of effect for his level radiation radiation is checked every hour. Background
die roll. radiation accumulates to a single roll at the end of the day.
The three poisons described above are good models for The damage from radiation is a burn. This does not mean
any new ones you may want to design. If the poison has an that creatures immune to heat or fire do not take damage
effect that lasts for a period of time, use the durations from from radiation. A creature must be specifically immune to
the paralytic and debilitative poisons above. radiation to avoid its effects. The damage effects on the
table are nor cumulative.
Radiation Sickness: Radiation can cause vomiting and
How did I get these gills? Well, 1 think it was the Curse. AH I
weakness. The character suffers a 2 i>r — 4 combat penalty
remember is me and Kraov—he was half man, half bull, ya ’ know,
on PS, DX, THAC, AC, MHAC, MD, and moves at half
meanest doggone new animal I ever knew, and devastatingly good
speed for as long as he has radiation sickness. Combat
with a battle axe. Sure glad he was on my side.
penalties are not specified for the incapacitated or
Anyways, me and Kraov were exploring this home of the ancients.
We were not sure what it as, but there was a whole of a lot of live
unconscious results, since the character is not capable of
metal there, that's for sure. So we find ourselves cornered by this big
combat anyway.
chunk of live metal, which was not friendly at all, and Kraov decides Each day, the radiation intensity tn the character's body
to bust us a new exit. goes down one point and a new roll is made. The character
So he throws a few sun bolts from his artifact into the wall at our
suffers the results of this roll over the course of that day. It
back—the thing burned holes through just about anything—when a
is possible for the sickness to appear to get worse, or for the
cloud of the glow comes pouring out of wherever he’s broken into.
character to die from damage a few days after exposure. If
Kraov takes it full in the face, but 1 'm off to one side, so it doesn 't get he ever rolls for no damage, then he is cured and does not
on me so much. need to roll again.
All these weird whooping noises, like giant water birds crossed Mutation: The character can only get a mutation from the
with bells, started happening, and red glow was spinning all over the first roll for a specific bout of radiation. Subsequent rolls
place. Well, that live metal cleared out real fast, and so me and Kraov due to radiation sickness cannot give him a mutation unless
didn ’t think twice about our good fortune. We got out of there, and he is exposed to yet more radiation. Ignore the mutation
headed into the woods. portion of the Stage V result 11 it
But Kraov started getting sick, and I didn’t feel so great myself. We
stopped when it got dark, because he couldn’t go any further. He died
that night, and I thought I was going to. I must have been sick for
three days, but I don’t really remember. When I recovered, these gills
were right there on my neck. Had to be the Curse.
—Flamn Klenv, Altered One and ex-scout
High-Level Radiation
Stage Potenc Effect
y None
I <0
1-5 ld6
II 6-10 2d6
III 11-15 3d6
IV 16-20 4d6, -2, sick*
V 21-25 5d6, ~4. sick* & mutation

Chapter 4: Play of the Game 63

comes up a second time. than when sold. Few adventurers are able to resist tinkering
Assuming that the character does get the mutation result, with the artifacts they find, hoping to have stumbled across
while laid up sick the character’s body begins transforming. something truly wondrous. Use common sense when
His genetic structure is being altered by the radiation. By applying these rules. Some artifacts are obvious and should
the time the illness is over, he has a new mutation. There is not be roleplayed or die rolled. The character automatically
a equal chance of it being physical or mental. Plants understands them. In many cases, the basic nature of the
obviously get plant mutations instead of physical ones. object is obvious, and only the details of how to make it
After the type of mutation is determined, roll percentile dice work need to be deciphered. In that case, tell the player
on the mutation tables used for character generation. This what he would be able to determine without detailed
new mutation can be a defect even if the character already examining. For example, a bolt-action rifle looks enough
has one. like a flintlock rifle that a character is going to assume it is a
Low-Level Radiation: Radiation intensities below 1 are gun, so tell him, “It’s a gun of some sort.”
usually considered to be low level. Low-level radiation is
accumulated over time. It is measured by how much time it Roleplaying Deciphering Artifacts
takes to accumulate a point of radiation. The Health check Whenever possible, the Game Master should roleplay the
is then made once an hour after the first exposure for deciphering of artifacts. This makes the game much more
however much has been accumulated. fun. However, it requires the Game Master to know in
For example, if a crater has low-level radiation rated at advance the look of the artifact, what controls are on it
10 minutes, then it accumulates one point of intensity every (buttons, levers, dials, readouts, etc.).
10 minutes. After half an hour of being in the crater, our When roleplaying the deciphering of an artifact, have the
mutant Garth leaves it. Over the 30 minutes he was there, he examining character make a Use Artifacts roll when the
accumulated three points of radiation intensity. An hour artifact is first picked up, using the listed complexity rating
after Garth entered the crater (which would be a half hour as the number to beat. If the artifact is not listed in this
after Garth leaves it), the Game Master makes a check. He book, assign your own complexity rating. The Sample
rolls a 12, adds the 3 for the intensity and comes up with 14. Artifact Complexities Table below can be used as a guide
Since Garth’s Health is 14, he takes ld6 points of radiation for assigning complexities.
burns. Poor Garth is very confused, since he is nowhere If this roll is failed, the character knows only what
near a known radiation source when the burns appear. material (if obvious) it is made of, its color and its general
Background Radiation: Radiation intensities that ac- shape (cylinder, cube, loop, etc.). It’s not that he doesn’t see
cumulate at less than one point in an hour are considered to more details, he is just not able to put together enough
be background radiation. They are always specified for the contextual clues to make sense of them. If the roll is
amount of time (over an hour) that it takes to accumulate a successful, the character gets an accurate description of the
point. At the end of the day, one roll is made for the device. He knows where the buttons are and exactly what it
accumulated radiation of the day. Radiation levels weaker looks like.
than those measured by the check at the end of the day One bad side of roleplaying the deciphering of an artifact
(days or week to accumulate a point) are ignored. is that it reduces the usefulness of the examiner character
Optional Radiation Rule: In reality, the intensity of class. The best way to make these characters useful again is
radiation decreases the further away from the source. to allow them to see clues on the artifact
However, this is usually an overly complicated rule. If the
Game Master needs more precision or detail when dealing
with radiation, he can reduce the intensity by one for every
meter away from the source. For example, a character 10
meters away from an intensity 18 radioactive rock is only
subjected to intensity 8 radiation.
Examining S. Using Artifacts
An artifact is anything left from before the Time of
Troubles or not readily understood by the characters. Such
artifacts are valued items, and even the broken pieces of one
can fetch a good price from the right buyer. Frequently the
finder will want to keep it for himself. Many artifacts are
items of great power that are far more valuable when used

64 Chapter 4: Play of the Game

that other characters don’t see. For example, the examiner Artifact Complexity
might know some of the common symbols or lettering used Artifacts are rated by their complexity The complexity is
by the ancients. If he sees these on an artifact, he could strictly relative to how hard it is to decipher the most basic
know something about its nature or how to begin making it functions of the device. This is not the same as
function. Since the artifact is being deciphered through understanding the principles of how a device works. For
roleplaying, the breaks and advantages for the examiner example, a character might figure out that when he pushes
must be granted through roleplaying. these two buttons in sequence, an orange beam of light
If an examiner (not any other character class) is about to shoots out and burns whatever it touches. He doesn’t know
do something that is dangerous with an artifact, allow him how or why, but he can make it work.
an Avoid Artifact Disaster check. If he fails it, then he It is possible for complexities to drop below 5. This is
automatically suffers the consequences of what he tried to usually reserved for items that are either Tech Level 111 or
do. If he succeeds, the Game Master gives him a clue that below, or are merely modern equivalents of older
what he is about to do might not be such a good idea. For technology devices. These items rarely have moving parts
example, the GM might say, “Just before you push the red and their function is so obvious, that it is almost impossible
button, you realize that red sometimes signified danger for not to figure them out.
the ancients.” If he still wants to push the button, then he
has only himself to blame. Sample Artifact Complexities
Unfortunately, there are situations where roleplaying is Diff. Artifact
not reasonable. If this happens, use one of the schemes 5 Can opener
described below for deciphering the artifact. Two strong 6 Manual pencil sharpener
examples where roleplaying is not possible are artifacts that 7 Blow dryer
are far too complex for the GM to assign functions to each 8 Blender
and every control, and artifacts that are too easily 9 Vending machine
recognized by the player. An airplane cockpit is an example 10 Adding machine
of the former. There are too many switches, dials, levers 11 Telephone
and buttons in the cockpit for the Game Master to assign 12 Lawn mower
individual functions to them. A car is a good example of the 13 35 mm camera
latter. The players might immediately recognize what the 14 Photocopier
characters should not. Even good roleplayers will be hard 15 Car, automatic transmission
pressed not to use their knowledge of how a car works. 20 Car, manual transmission
25 Steam shovel
30 X-ray machine and developer
35 Personal computer
40 Jumbo jet airplane
The Use Artifacts it would be instantly
Diagram recognized by its
The complexity of the description; therefore, the
artifact and the Game Master might refuse
character’s Use Artifacts to describe it other than in
score are used with the vague terms. He then would
Use Artifacts Diagram. have the characters use the
This diagram is part of diagram to decipher the
the proud heritage of the device.
game. If used properly it
can add tremendous
flavor to the game. It is
particularly useful for
simple objects that are
easily recognized by the
players. For example, if
they PCs find a chainsaw,

Chapter 4: Play of the Game 65

Before starting on the result. attempt repairs. the artifact to work again.
diagram, the Game Master Progress: Roll a 10-sided die Assumed Broken: The False Function: The
must decide upon a false to determine what happens when artifact has fallen apart character is sure that he has
function for it the artifact in the character starts tinkering with (see below), but the solved the riddle of this
question. the artifact. If there is no examining character artifact. He knows exactly
matching number for the die roll assumes that he broke it. what it was used for. The
on the diagram, then the He is unable to player should never be told
Use Artifacts
Diagram Usage
character remains in his current reassemble that artifact that he is using the artifact
• Starting position position on the chart. Every time without help from some incorrectly. If he ever
equals the artifact’s the character moves to a new box outside source, another receives direct evidence that
complexity minus the or circle, describe the results. For character, a manual, etc. the artifact might have a
character’s Use example, “you hear a click,” or Assumed Useless: different function than the
Artifacts score. maybe “a side panel shifts Anytime the character one he figured out, he is
• Roll a d 10 to slightly,” or even “you tried arrives at a numbered box allowed a new trip down the
determine which line blowing in it and nothing higher than the one he diagram. However, until that
on the diagram to happened.” Remember that started at, he is finished time he assumes that it is
follow from the trying something and failing still examining the artifact. He really meant for this false
starting position. eliminates a possible function of has come to the definite function.
• If the number rolled is the artifact. By eliminating the conclusion that the Reassembled: The
not on the diagram, the options, one by one, the artifact is completely use character has successfully
character made no character might come up with less or broken. Since put the artifact back together
progress with that the real function. there is no box higher after it fell apart. He can
effort. Failure: If a character ever than a 20 on the chart, a now return to trying to
• If the character arrives arrives at a box with a number direct “Assumed Useless” decipher its true function.
at a box numbered higher than the artifacts result has also been True Function: The
higher than the artifact complexity (or his starting box provided. character has learned a true
complexity, he is number, whichever is higher), Dangerous Event: The function of the artifact. This
unable to decipher the then he must stop. He assumes examiner or somebody does not mean that he uses it
artifact and must quit. that the artifact is either useless nearby is injured by the in the most efficient manner,
This implies backward or beyond his abilities to artifact. The injury can be but he can use it.
progress up the chart. comprehend. as minor as pinching Optional Rule: For
It is assumed that every step one’s finger in a joint to particularly difficult to
on the diagram represents a full blowing one’s head off decipher
Starting Position: The minute of examining. An artifact with a laser pistol. It is up
starting position on the chart always takes at least as many to the Game Master to
is found by subtracting the minutes to examine as its com- determine the exact
character’s Use Artifacts plexity rating. This is true even if effects depending upon
score from the complexity the character is able to decipher the artifact. He is
rating of the artifact. If the it automatically or get through encouraged to have
character’s Use Artifacts the diagram in less time. weapons have an equal
score is greater than or up to Use Artifacts Diagram chance of hitting the
one less than the complexity Results: Results on the dia- examiner or some nearby
of the artifact, then he gram are explained below. character. On the
automatically figures it out. If Artifact Breaks: A diagram, the character
the starting position is greater portion of the artifact is returns to the circle that
than 20, then the character damaged, and the character got him there after the
cannot succeed at deciphering knows he broke it. It cannot event occurs.
this device. Start him at the be easily repaired. The Falls Apart: One or
rating of 20, but if he ever extent of the damage must more pieces of the artifact
succeeds in getting to the be determined by the Game fail off. The pieces are
“True Function’’ position, Master, should the not damaged, but must be
treat it as a “False Function” characters ever be able to put back on correctly for

66 Chapter 4: Play of the Game

True Function!

Dangerous Event
(Return to Circle) Artifact Breaks



False Function Reassembled Falls Apart

7-10 4

Assumed Broken

Dangerous Event
(Return to Circle) Artifact Breaks

False Function

Assumed Broken


Dangerous Event Artifact Breaks

(Return to Circle) N


Roll Id 10 to move along chart.

Assumed Useless Numbers in circles mean no progress. Assumed L'sclcss
Arrows are one-way progress.
(complex) artifacts, examiners normally unable to decipher Special Actions
them may have a chance. The Game Master might rule that
each position on the chart represents a day, a week, or even a Some activities are performed frequently enough during the
month. The character always starts at the 20 position in these game that they require special game mechanics to handle them.
cases. It can take a long time, but the character might For example, hardly an adventure goes by where at least one
eventually be able to figure out a really tough artifact. character does not try to sneak pat an NPC. Therefore, there is a
special Stealth value and a procedure for using it.
Artifact Examination Modifiera
There are many situations that will improve a character’s Stealth
chances of figuring out an artifact. Even a simple artifact can be Stealth is a measure of the character’s ability to move
difficult to master if the examiner has no clue to its purpose. around and remain undetected by other creatures. Usually this
Use the table below to modify the character’s Use Artifacts involves being quiet and not being heard. As stated in the
score. If the modifiers force the starling position on the diagram surprise rules, the character doing the sneaking rolls against the
below 2, the character is automatically able to figure it out, but Perception score of the character that might or might not
will still take some time (see above). perceive him. He rolls a 20-sided die and adds it to his Stealth
score. The Game Master might apply modifiers for inattentive
Bon Modifier opponents, noisy environments, or squeaky floor boards. If the
+ Seen it used once at a distance Stealth roll, plus the d20, plus the modifiers, is greater than or
2+ Seen it used repeatedly at a distance equal to the Perception score, then the observing character is
4+ Seen it used close up unaware of the presence of the sneaking character.
5+ Used one just like it long ago
8+ Used something similar long ago d20 + Stealth + Modifiers > Perception
2+ Used something similar recently
3+ For example, Foxer is trying to sneak across the room
Following accurate written instructions
+ Following accurate remembered instructions without the evil Laser Master hearing him. The GM knows that
Vari Other contextual clues the floor has some squeaky boards, so he applies a -2 modifier
to Foxer’s chances of being quiet. The Laser Master’s
Contextual clues are gleaned from the surroundings where Perception is an 11, while Foxer’s Stealth score is +2. The GM
the artifact was found. For example, an artifact found in an rolls a 10 on the die; 10 + 2 is 12, — 2 for the squeaky
armory (assuming the characters know it is an armory) is floorboards makes it a
assumed to be a weapon of some sort. This helps tremendously 10. Since this is less than Laser Master’s Perception of
when trying to figure out the artifact. The players must tell the 11, the Laser Master hears Foxer, and the battle begins. (Those
Game Master what contextual clues they are using before he squeaky floorboards will get you every time.)
determines the bonus
Remaining Unseen
This skill is similar to Stealth. However, instead of the
character moving around, he is standing still and trying to avoid
detection. Usually this involves not being seen. Occasionally it
revolves around other senses. The creature attempting to hide
rolls a 20-sided die, adds its Remain Unseen score and
compares the total to the Perception score of the other
character. If it is greater than or equal to it, then it is

d20 + Remain Unseen + Modifiers > Perception

68 Chapter 4: Play of the Game

Perception Attribute Checks
A character always uses his Perception defensively, just like The most basic die roll for deciding the results of
his armor class or mental defense. Like AC or MD, the noncombat actions is the attribute check. The check is very
character never rolls for this attribute. Perception is considered easy. First, the attribute being used for the activity is
to be the unconscious ability of the character to detect unusual determined, then the difficulty of the action must be decided.
events around him. This means that he is not trying to do For example, let’s suppose that a character needs to flip a lasso
anything in particular. Other creatures are trying to be sneaky over a statue. The Game Master decides that Dexterity (DX) is
or remain hidden and he might or might not detect them with the attribute needed to do this. Next the difficulty of the task is
his Perception. They roll for their Stealth or Remain Unseen set: easy, challenging, tough or nearly impossible.
abilities, while he “defends” with his Perception.
Difficulty Rati
Other Noncombat Actions Easy ng 0
Challenging 5
There are many activities that a character will attempt that Tough 10
have nothing to do with combat. Some of these are Nearly impossible 15
automatically successful, while others are difficult enough to
warrant a die roll. For example, breaking down a door, The character or Game Master rolls a 20-sided die and adds
climbing a cliff, and solving a puzzle cube are all examples of the difficulty rating (0, 5, 10 or 15). If the total is less than the
actions that are not guaranteed to succeed. character’s attribute, the character succeeded. It is possible for a
The Game Master must determine what the results of such character’s attribute to be too low to succeed regardless of the
actions will be. Try and remember at all times that this is a die roll. It is also possible for the character’s attribute to be so
game that tells a story. For example, if a character wants to high that he can’t fail. A roll of 20 always fails, but a roll of 1
break down a door, don’t automatically reach for the dice. How only succeeds if the numbers allow it. It is possible to roll a 1
will it affect the outcome of the next few rounds if he just and still fail.
automatically breaks down the door? Would it be more fun for
the character to succeed or fail? d20 + Difficulty rating < Attribute score — Success
The Game Master should just decide what happens based
upon the answer to these types of questions. If the characters If multiple characters are involved in helping with the
are on a rampage through an installation, breaking down the activity, each must make his own die roll for sue cess. The
door immediately will heighten the dramatic flavor of the Game Master will have to decide if multiple attempts can be
moment, so let it happen. On the other hand, if the door leads to made for that action. For example, a character could reasonably
a reactor core, maybe it would be better if they can’t break this attempt to toss a lasso over a statue as many times as he wants.
one down. If the PCs are being chased, maybe it would be more On the other hand, if he attempts to break a code and fails, he
fun if they failed twice to break the door down, and then doesn’t get another attempt right away. He may have to study
succeeded. the problem for several hours to get another die roll.
Sometimes the Game Master may not be able to make a Physical Strength (PS): Breaking down a door, pushing
clear-cut decision or the story is best served by having a aside an obstacle, lifting a heavy object, and keeping a grip on a
random decision. That’s where the attribute check is used. rope are all examples of using Physical Strength. However, PS
is the only character attribute that is completely quantifiable.
Either you can lift the object or you can’t, according to the
weight formula. There is some variability due to the grip a
character takes, the leverage he can exert, or how tired he might
be, but not much.
For feats of Physical Strength, first judge if the char-

Chapter 4: Play of the Game 69

acter should be able to automatically lift, carry, push, or Class Skill Checks
whatever, the weight in question. Most situations will be clear- As defined in the character generation chapter, a class skill
cut. is a talent unique to a particular character class. For example,
If the feat is right around the limit of the character's PS ( + only espers can Sense Mental Powers. It is one of their class
10% or so of the lift or carry limit set by the character’s PS), skills.
then and only then should a die roll be used. This situation is a
test of determination to move the object, not truly a test of Difficulty Rati
Physical Strength. The check should be made against the Easy ng 0
character’s Mental Strength (MS), not his Physical Strength Challenging 5
(PS). Tough 1
After having said all that, there are some cases where Nearly impossible 0 1
applying Physical Strength is not a cut and dried result, usually 5
when the strength of inanimate object is involved and no one is A class skill check works exactly like an attribute check,
certain quite when it would give —for example, kicking down a described above. First, the Game Master decides upon a
door, breaking something over a knee, etc. Nothing is being difficulty raring for the task This is usually easy (0), but is
lifted, carried or compared to the number of kilos the character occasionally higher. Then the character or Game Master rolls a
lifts in these cases. Only these types of circumstances warrant 20-sided die and adds the difficulty rating (0, 5, 10 or 15). If the
Physical Strength checks; otherwise, a Mental Strength check is total is less than or equal to the class skill, the character has
always what is called for. succeeded. It is possible for a character’s skill to be too low to
Dexterity (DX): Catching a thrown object, throwing to hit a succeed regardless of the die roll. It is also possible for the
small target, walking a tightrope, juggling, and picking pockets character’s attribute to be so high that he can’t fail. A roll of 20
are all examples of using Dexterity. always fails, but a roll of 1 only succeeds if the numbers allow
Constitution (CN): Avoiding being stunned after a fall or it. It is possible to roll a 1 and still fail.
blow or not getting sick after eating vile but nontoxic food or
drink are all examples of things to check against Constitution. d20 + Difficulty Rating < Class skill score — Success
Mental Strength (MS): Ignoring pain, overcoming
exhaustion, persistence, and forcing your body to perform feats Robot Recognition
of Physical Strength all involve checks against Mental Strength. In the GAMMA WORLD® game, dealing with a robot
Intelligence (IN): Breaking codes, solving puzzle boxes, and frequently hinges upon it recognizing the character as “human.”
jury-rigging devices are all examples of using Intelligence. If it recognizes the character, then it will communicate with
Charisma (CH): Smooth-talking, public speaking, leadership him. If not, it ignores the character or else treats it as an animal
under duress, and NPC reactions all involve checks against or a sentient alien. Robot Recognition is only rolled twice: once
Charisma. when the character first interacts with the robot, and again
Senses (SN): Spotting moving figures at a distance, tracking when the character attempts to to use an l.D. card. Only one in
an animal, discerning details, distinguishing similar sounds, addition to the first is allowed, even if the character attempts to
objects, and smells, etc. are all examples of using Senses. present more than one l.D. card.
Optional Rule: The Game Master is welcome to apply any The Robot Recognition check is performed just like an
difficulty rating he desires to specific tasks, even numbers not attribute check. The Game Master rolls a 20-sided die and
divisible by 5, or less than zero or greater than 15. However, in compares it to the character’s Robot Recognition score. If it is
practice, this tends to slow down the game while the Game less than or equal to the score, then the robot recognized the
Master tries to pick “just the right difficulty” for the task. character as human.
Furthermore, it is very difficult to be consistent from case to Robot reactions to chaiacter actions are strictly determined
by the Game Master. The robot always responds

70 Chapter 4: Play of the Game

in accordance to its mission statement (see chapter on Robots). Antigravity
In the mind of the robot, animals or aliens can be spoken to, The last and most mysterious of all forms of energy
but do not need to be obeyed, even if they present I.D. cards. conquered by the ancients is gravity. At their peak, they had
This does not mean that a robot totally ignores animals or complete control over it, although antigravity had not yet
aliens. However, they have no rights, and the robot considers become commonplace in their society. The antigravity
them to be property, not citizens. Shooting an alien does not generator creates a field which causes anything inside it to
break any law or rule. become “invisible” to other matter, at least as far as gravity is
concerned. It does not alter the true mass of the object, and
The Basics of Technology hence its inertia is unchanged.

As stated elsewhere, Tech Level IV is our current 1990s □uralloy

technology, Tech Level V is lasers and robots, and Tech Level This almost mystical metal has the unusual property of
VI is force fields, antigravity and artificially intelligent absorbing and dissipating most forms of energy as heat.
computers. However, some elements of these technologies Anyone in a suit made of duralloy is highly resistant to energy.
need further definition, particularly the special discoveries of For example, Tech Level VI rad suits are lined with a duralloy
the Age of Wonder. mesh. In practice, objects cannot be made from a single piece
When the Game Master builds artifacts of his own, or tries of duralloy. The joints and other vital components remain
to imagine what a Tech Level VI society might use for a vulnerable to energy even though the duralloy is not. An
particular problem, he should consider the following additional problem is that duralloy dissipates energy in all
technologies. The ancients of the Age of Wonder have these directions, including to any interior areas. Most of the energy is
three basic tools at their disposal, as well as more mundane dissipated through the surface that it was exposed to the attack,
technologies. but not all of it. The duralloy itself remains unharmed, but
nearby materials may be damaged.
In game terms, duralloy cuts all damage from energy attacks
in half, rounded up. For example, if a character wearing
duralloy armor is hit by a blaster which does 15 points of
damage, the character only takes 8 points of damage.
While duralloy is physically tough, it is by no means
immune to physical abuse. It can be dented and even broken.
However, it cannot be melted, since it absorbs and dissipates
the heat energy. Once made into a shape, duralloy cannot be
reformed. While it can be broken, trying to carve it into a
particular shape is so difficult as to be almost impossible
without advanced technology. The ancients used duralloy for
items that they wanted to make last.
Dutalloy must be manufactured in a zero-gravity en-
vironment. Once the secret ingredients used to make it are
combined, the metal remains liquid until exposed to a gravity
field. Effectively it requires either space travel or antigravity
technology to manufacture duralloy. As it turns out, gravity
and mental attacks are the only known forms of energy that
pass through duralloy unaffected.

72 Chapter 4: Play of the Game

Force Fields
A force field is an invisible wall of energy. It stops all
physical objects and attacks, as well as most forms of energy.
The only forms of physical energy that can penetrate a force
field are visible light, gravity effects, vibrations (sound) and
mental attacks. Radiation, magnetic attacks, explosives, sound,
etc. are all absorbed by the force field. For example, a VL
(visible light) laser or a screamer attack would ignore a force
field, but bullets, lasers, blasters, etc. are stopped. When the
force field has absorbed too much energy, including kinetic
energy from physical blows, it collapses. Once collapsed, the
force field generators must rest for a while (usually 10
minutes) before they can restore the field.
Usually when a force field is damaged but not collapsed, it
continues to operate at the reduced level of protection until the
generator is turned off, rested and then turned back on. Military
models of force fields frequently include reinforcement
circuits. These allow the generator to restore the force field
slowly. Most reinforcement circuits are limited to restoring
from 1-4 points per round.
As a general rule, a character cannot wear or use two or
more artifacts that project force fields, even if they have
different diameters. This includes mutations in combination
with artifacts. The two fields interact with each other, since one
is enclosed within the other, and both will collapse instantly.
Extremely large force fields do not interfere with much smaller
ones, allowing a character with a force field to activate inside a
building that is covered with a force field dome. The same ex-
ception is made for flat, planar force fields. Since the flat force
field cannot enclose another field, it does not affect any other
force field.
One special problem with force fields is air. Since air cannot
pass through the force field, anyone inside eventually runs out
of oxygen to breathe. There are two solutions that the ancients
found for this problem. One is to shut off the force field for a
round every now and then. Any time less than that does not
allow for a sufficient exchange of fresh air. The other is to
form a duralloy vent that protrudes from the force field. Be-
cause duralloy is immune to all forms of energy, when the
force field is first turned on, it cannot penetrate the duralloy.
Therefore, a tube will create a hole in the field that allows air
to circulate. Once the force field is created, it has a physical
manifestation, and duralloy objects are treated no differently
than other objects. A duralloy bullet will not ignore a force
Another problem with force fields is that weapons cannot be
fired from within them. The powered armor suits solved this
problem with a blinking technology, fhe guns of the armor are
linked to the force field generator. When the gun is fired, the
force field is shut off for a split second, just long enough to
allow the projectile or beam to get out. The odds of an enemy
weapon penetrating the force field while it is down are very
slim. However, if the force field is being subjected to a
continuous attack, say from an intense radiation field, this split
second opening does allow the creature inside to be affected.
Normal combat assumes that a successful hit has penetrated
the armor of the target. Therefore, when making an attack roll
against a target with a force field, it is not reasonable to use its
physical AC. The force field is no easier or more difficult to hit
because the guy inside is wearing plate mail instead of leather
armor. All force fields are assumed to have a base AC of 15.
This is modified by the Dexterity of the creature inside. For
robots, the AC is always a 15 unless otherwise specified.

Chapter 4: Play of the Game 73

The Way of the Ancients Cultures and societies in the GAMMA WORLD W game are
We understand so little of the ancients and their ways. Sometimes described partly by their tech level. A tech level is a rough
we fool ourselves with insightful understandings, only to run into the statement of the types of machines and works that a society
sand bar of our ignorance. We know for example, that they had uses, can repair, and manufacture. It is by no means the
nearly complete control over the world and its environment. Yet there only way that there is to evaluate a society.
are remote places where the cataclysm did not reach that are
There are a total of six tech levels used in the GAMMA
wastelands, obviously destroyed by the machines and technology of
WORLD game. The most common by far is Tech Level III,
the ancients. The ancients themselves use the term pollution when
describing such places. Plants, animals and even humans are unable
which corresponds roughly to the Renaissance period of
to survive in these areas. Why did they allow this to happen? We have our own history. There are no known examples of Tech V
proof that they had the means to prevent it, yet they did not. societies or above still in existence on Gamma Terra. Even
The technology of the ancients is all around us, yet we understand the Tech IV settlements are quite rare.
so little of it Barely a tenth of the machines that are found can be While each tech level is defined as having certain ca-
made to function. Even then our best examiners don’t know why or pabilities, these merely measure the level’s potential. They
how they work. Someday I hope to see our world able to make our are not requirements. The latest and greatest technology is
own technology, as wondrous as the leftovers of the ancients. not always used by everyone. It would not be at all
unreasonable to have a Tech IV society where some people
drive cars and others ride horses or use centisteed-drawn
There is a distinction between technology that is un-
derstood and available to the elite of a society, and what is
available to the common man. This is true particularly on
Gamma Terra, where a settlement is a relatively small
place. For example, a single Tech IV city may not have the
resources to provide radios to everyone that wants one.
Radios are understood and used, but only a few people
have them.
Be willing to mix and match tech levels. It may be true
that the military core of a society is Tech 111, but the
common populace is only Tech II. The availability of raw
materials, the restrictions of the government, or even the
will of the people may prevent a populace from taking full
advantage of all the benefits of the best technology
available to its leaders.

74 Chapter 5: Tech Levels

Tech О force used in these machines is either a natural force or
muscle power. Either animals or people must make the
This is not really a tech level, but rather the absence of device go, assuming that wind, water or gravity won’t
all technology. There are few cultures or societies on serve. This level of technology makes strong use of the
Gamma Terra that have regressed this far. Such a society wheel, both for transportation (carts, chariots, etc.) and in
does not have fire and is not capable of making tools. Its devices (gears, winches, etc.).
members can use readily available objects, such as sticks These societies have a written language, although it is
and stones, as tools, and even modify them somewhat frequently only understood by the privileged and educated.
(breaking a stick in half, for example). They exist purely by The commoner cannot read or write. This frequently places
hunting and gathering food. They do not even farm. The a lot of power in the hands of the few, an elite ruling class.
early cavemen conformed to this level of technology. Only Government structures exist to control and protect the
the primitive language of a Tech 0 society distinguishes its people. Their weapons tend to be made of metal, and their
members from the non- sentient animals. warriors often wear armor. Large siege machines are
possible, although not guaranteed. They have organized
Tech I [Age of Fire] armies, with disciplined soldiers and leaders.

This is the most primitive viable society in the GAMMA Tech Ш [Age of Rea son]
WORLD® game. The people are simple farmers or
herdsmen. They use tools that do not contain moving parts. Without a doubt the most prevalent technology level in
When they make their own tools, it is with wood and stone. the GAMMA WORLD® game is Tech III. It is the
Their subsistence culture is devoted to farming and hunting equivalent of the Renaissance period of Earth. Gunpowder
for food. It is not uncommon for them to have domesticated is an everyday fact of life. The printing press has
animals. They barter for goods, and do not use money as transformed society, making information and education
we understand it. available to the public. Society is still dominated by
Such people tend to live in wooden or grass buildings, tradesmen and individuals devoted to a singlecraft;
or even caves. The clothes they wear are roughly made however, more and more of these trades are not devoted to
from animal skins and coarsely woven plant fibers. survival and practical pursuits. The arts and entertainment
Weapons tend to be wooden spears, bows and arrows, are flourishing. Many people can read and write, but
clubs, blowguns and the like. illiteracy is not uncommon.
They have a sophisticated language, but not any written The most advanced machines made by this culturecan
form for it. History and knowledge are passed down by work on springs or mechanisms that store kinetic (moving)
tales, songs, and pictures. None of this should imply that energy. Examples of this type of machine arcmusic boxes
they are dumb. They can be extremely clever, witty and and pendulum clocks. The quality of their workmanship is
insightful. Never confuse ignorance and lack of technology quite high.
with stupidity. Buildings tend to be made of wood, stone, ceramic and
other similar materials. Glass is a common element for
Tech II [Age of Metal] windows. Frequently, buildings are designed to be
attractive as well as functional. Streets are occasionally
This stage of technology is distinguished by the use of paved and are usually bustling with vendors and merchants.
metals and the presence of money to supplement barter. In The military units of a Tech III society arc fairly well
Earth’s history, Tech Level II would range from the period organized and well armed. They tend to have muskets
of the ancient Egyptians through the medieval period. A
Tech II society’s culture is filled with craftsmen and
artisans, each devoted to a single skill. Craftsmen of many
different disciplines need to be called upon to accomplish
any large project.

The people tend to live in wood and stone buildings. It is

not unusual to see multistory buildings used by affluent
members of society. Metal tools are common, as are
devices with moving parts. However, the only motivating

Chapter 5: Tech Levels 75

and swords. Beasts of burden are still used to transport men
and material from place to place. Cannons are a common

Tech IV [Age of the Glow]

Best known as an industrial age, this level of technology
uses electricity and chemical power, such as combustion
engines, to power its machines. There are only a few
operational Tech IV societies left on Gamma Terra.
Buildings arc of all possible materials, including metal.
Homes have readily available electrical power. Most streets
are paved. Life tends to be organized, with street signs,
accurate timepieces, mass transportation, etc. The
beginnings of genuine medical science are found here.
Healing drugs, treatments, and surgeries are available for
the first time.
Communication and transportation define this society. It
is the age of cars, telegraph, powered boats, radio, etc. A
very advanced Tech IV society might even have television
or airplanes. Most of these technological wonders are
available to the common person. Books and education are
common, with few people not able to read or write.
Armies are mobilized by machines rather than beasts.
Powerful and accurate guns are common for soldiers. The
use of armor is uncommon, since it is useless against the
gun. Some advanced societies may even have automatic
weapons or an air force. Exploding shells are fired from
cannons rather than solid projectiles. Land mines are a
common barrier or trap.

Tech V [Age of Live Metal]

Today’s 1990s society is a midway point in the range of
a typical Tech V society. Frequently thought of as an age of
information, at such a level of society there is a flood of
scientific knowledge available. Nuclear energy is harnessed
and color television is common. Flying is a common mode
of transportation.
The middle class dominates the culture, with a smaller
upper class and lower class. Middle-class people’s lives are
filled with anything but survival. Only in

76 Chapter 5: Tech Levels

impoverished, highly populated areas is the struggle to live stored in small power cells (about the size of Tech Level V
a genuine problem. There are no known havens of Tech V watch batteries). Fusion has been mastered and in some
society left on Gamma Terra. Many of the simpler artifacts advanced societies, gravity can be controlled and used like
are remnants of this era. any other force of nature.
Medical technology has made it possible to overcome The military equipment from this age includes powerful
many diseases and injuries. Mechanical replacements for hand-held lasers, force fields and biological warfare. Flying
body parts are widely available. The science of the mind is death ships are completely controlled by computers. Robot
just beginning, with drugs and treatments for the mentally warriors are as common as human warriors. Elite units are
ill. equipped with suits of powered armor.
Electrical power has been harnessed in countless ways. It is postulated that this is the tech level of the world
Batteries and microwave relay stations are well- known and before the cataclysm. Somehow this era's appalling ca-
understood technologies. Most machines are run on pacity for destruction and death was released upon the
electrical power of one sort or another. world with devastating effects. The most advanced artifacts
The computer is the primitive precursor to the sentient found in the GAMMA WORLD" game come from this
machine. Able to follow complex directions that sometimes period.
seem to imitate human problem solving, computers are
used to control many facets of ordinary life. Indeed,
primitive robots and computers are used to do jobs once
done by human labor.
The armies of this age use automatic weapons, advanced
forms of impact- and penetration-resistant armor, pocket
radios, etc. High explosive shells, minimissiles, and
chemical warfare are common. Some advanced Tech V
societies have laser weapons and use primitive biological
Aircraft are able to exceed the speed of sound, and radar
is a common method for detecting moving objects at a
distance. Smart bombs and missiles can “find” a target and
redirect their course to strike with frightening force.

Tech VI [Age of Wonder]

This is the world of our near future. This era is fre-
quently called the age of energy, and vast amounts of
energy are readily available in small, inexpensive con-
tainers. Computers and robots are the dominant themes.
Thinking robots that are emotionless emulations of humans
are a common element in this society. Labor has largely
been replaced by the more efficient and reliable machine.
Medical technology has made it possible to grow new
limbs and organs, replacing injured or worn out parts. The
human body is a playground where scientists can change,
add, or remove pieces and still keep the whole body alive.
Mechanical implants to enhance a person’s physical
capabilities are available. Plants, animals, and even human
beings can be genetically altered to form new species.
The most advanced computers are artificial intelli-
gences, far smarter than humans. They still lack the
emotional capacity and compassion of humankind, but do
have the capability for structured creativity.
Many forms of energy, other than just electrical, can be

Chapter 5: Tech Levels 77

La ct so minor that they are next to worthless. Sometimes minor
spare parts can be culled from a pile of junk. As a result,
Looting defeated opponents is a favorite pastime of there is a market for it, and each piece of junk is worth Id
characters in the GAMMA WORLD® game. Such loot can 10 domars. If the Game Master does not wish to roll for
be found on their bodies or hidden away in some lair. Loot each piece of junk, have each be worth 5 domars.
can come in two basic forms: money and artifacts. Most Baubles (Complexity 7): Basically, this is high quality
monsters do not generally carry money. The domar (see junk. There are some larger pieces to be found among the
Money on page 167 of the “Campaign” chapter) is not baubles. Most are in fair condition, but may not do much.
universally accepted outside of the civilized circles of the There is a reasonable chance of finding useful spare parts
towns and cities. among baubles. The market pays 4dl0 domars for each
The Loot Table classifies how much loot a creature bauble, or 20 domars each if the Game Master doesn’t want
might have. Each creature type has its loot classifications to roll them individually.
listed. Merely reference the table to determine how much Curiosities (Complexity 10): These are all functioning
of each type of loot the encounter has. Each item has a 75 items of reasonable quality, but they don’t do much, or
% chance of being there. For example, in loot type A there might not do anything by themselves. Most curiosities are
is a 75% chance of domars (Id 10 x 10), a 75% chance of valuable spare parts or small convenience items. As a rule,
junk, and a 75% chance of one Tech III artifact. Any the individual pieces are not very useful to a player
artifact that uses power cells has a 50% chance of being character. However, they can be sold for
found with one. Guns have a 50% chance of being found
with 2d6 rounds of appropriate ammunition.
Loot types A-О are rolled once for a list of loot that is
shared by all creatures in the encounter. Keep in mind that
useful loot owned by a group is usually being carried by a
particular member. There isn’t much point in having a
black ray rifle and leaving it at home. Loot types U-Z are
for individuals. Each creature in an encounter has whatever
is specified by the table. The GM has the option to roll for
each creature individually, or roll once and give the results
to each individual.
Junk, baubles, and curiosities can be dealt with as a
group. The Game Master does not need to determine what
each piece is and have the characters examine each one.
The characters can examine the whole lot and determine
what pieces are junk, baubles, or curiosities. If they fail
their use artifacts roll, they assume that such pieces are
either useful, or one classification better than they actually
are (GM’s choice). If the GM wants to have some fun, he
can pick an item or three from these classes and have the
characters try and figure them out. Individual pieces of
junk, baubles, or curiosities are rolled on the table below.
Useful items on this table are in poor condition if found as
junk or baubles.
There are so many potential artifacts, that it is im-
possible to list them all. GMs should feel free to choose
their own items rather than roll them on the tables. Just
look around your house, garage, or work place. There is
bound to be something wonderfully suited to the game.
GMs are encouraged to use their own artifacts.
Junk (Complexity 4): Technically, these are artifacts.
However, either they are in miserable condition, or they are

78 Chapter 6r Equipment
Tech Level Artifacts: All items in these categories are — — — 1- 1-2 —
useful items that the characters may wish to keep. They can — — Id4 2 __ __ __
— Id — — — —
be sold at their individual prices. Each item must be
Id4 — — __ __ __
generated separately. *A11 loot categories have a 75% chance of appearing in the loot.
The initial condition of an artifact is important. The GM **A11 artifacts have a 50% chance of being found with a power cell.
should have some idea of whether or not the item deserves Guns have a 50% chance of being found with 2d6 rounds of
to be in operational condition, or needs repair. For
example, artifacts found in a sealed complex would most
likely be in excellent condition, although
d20 Repair
RoU Difficult Artifact Condition
1-10 y N/A Operational
11-14 cells might
the power 0 be Minor repair
drained. Onnecessary
the other hand, an
15-17 5 Significant
artifact that has been sitting in a damp repair
for a century is
18-19 10 Major repair necessary
probably going to 15 need aVital
lot components
of repair. are
As missing
stated in the
introduction, entropy is convenient. The Game Master is
free to have something found in a damp cave be
operational, and an artifact found in a sealed complex be in
poor shape. Realism is not so important in the GAMMA
WORLD® game.
There are occasions where the Game Master does not

The repair difficulty modifier is used with the examiner

character class Repair Artifact skill (see “Character
Generation”). This number is added to the die roll before
comparing it to the character’s skill score. The bulk of all
artifacts found are either operational or can be made so
with a minor repair. An operational artifact is not in need of
repair, but it may have a drained power cell.

----------------Quantity Found* --------------------------- Artifacts by lech Level
omars Junk Bauble Curiosities Ill IV
OX 10 ld4 s — — 1 —
X 100 ldlO Id Id4 1- 1
— 2dl0 6 2d 2d6 2 — —
— ld6 2dl ld8 1- —
— — 0 ld 2dl0 2 ld4 1-2
— — 6 ld 2dl0 ld4 ld4
— — 4 1- 2dl0 1- ld4
— — — 2d6 ld6 ld4
— — — ld4 2d6 ld8
— — — ld4 ld8 2d6
- — — ld4 ld4 ld8
— 1 Id ld6 ld4 ld4
— d6ldlOX io 6 ld8 x io ld6 x 10 2d8 ld6
X 100 ld4x io ld6x io ldlOX io ld8 ldlO
OX io 2dl0 2dl0 2dl0 ld4 ld4

Individual Loot
— ld4 ld ld4 — —
Id4 1- 1- 1-2 1- 1-2
2 2 2

Chapter 6: Equipment 79
Junk, Baubles & Curiosities

SO Chanter 6: Equipment
dlOO dlOO dlOO
Ro Items Roll Items Roll Items
ll 1 Ballpoint pen 3 Can of motor oil 62 Wall plug timer
2 Kaleidoscope 2 3 Brass nameplate 63 Hot plate
3 An iron 3 3 Stapler 64 Empty pump spray bottle
4 Film can, with film 3 Tape dispenser 65 Joy buzzer
5 Wind-up alarm clock 3 Blank computer disk 66 Electronic die roller
6 Manual pencil sharpener 6 3 Spark plug 67 Toy helicopter
7 Hand-held electric fan 7 3 Gears 68 Flour sifter
8 Globe 3 Nuts and bolts 69 Swim goggles
9 Empty butane lighter 9 4 Cassette tape, music 70 Wall thermometer
10 12-volt car battery 0 4 3D promotional button or 71 Barometer
11 Squirt bottle of hand soap 1 pin 72 Garage door opener
12 Briefcase 4 Baseball glove 73 VCR remote
13 Kid’s squirt gun 4 Rolodex, empty 74 Blood pressure kit
14 Bicycle pump 3 4 Metal cheese slicer 75 Combination lock
15 Stopwatch 4 Capacitors & resistors 76 Bunsen burner, no fuel line
16 Barricade flashing light 5 4 Electric carving knife 77 Holocube, showing a
17 Electric BBQ coal starter 6 4 Locket 78 familyreceiver in an ear
18 Dog whistle 4 Puzzle cube 79 Electronic street map
19 Talking doll 4 Electric toothbrush 80 Label maker
20 Hearing aid 9 5 Electric razor 81 Pocket calculator
21 Sports trophy 0 5 Manual can opener 82 Earphones
22 Multipurpose knife 1 5 Blow dryer 83 Smokeless ashtray
23 Sunglasses 2 5 Garden water sprinkler 84 Slide projector
24 Ceramic mug 3 5 Children’s book 85 Toy space gun with lights
25 Doorknob 5 Small machine parts & sounds
26 Keys 5 Electronic speller 86 Can of rubber balls
27 Military medal 6 5 Credit card imprinter 87 Electrical bathroom scale
28 Engraved belt buckle 7 5 Price tag gun 88 Paintball gun
29 Pinking shears 8 5 Emergency beeper 89 Electrical extension cord
30 Adjustable wrench 9 6 Typewriter 90 Putty gun
31 Fishing rod 6 Circuit board and chip set 91- Roll on large item table
1 100
Junk, Baubles & Curiosities [Large Items]
dl dlO dlO
OORoll RolO O
Large Items Large Items Large Items
1 Slot machine l 3 Life-size (1 meter) kid’s 7l Radar gun
2 Table lamp 8 doll 5 7 Electric guitar
3 Trombone 3 Roulette wheel 6 7 Electric piano
4 Folding metal chair 4 Cash register 7 7 Water cooler
5 Small tricycle 0 4 Fish tank filter system 8 7 Lathe
6 Microwave oven 1 4 Toaster oven 9 8 Jack hammer
7 Television 4 Golf cart, electric 8 Small satellite dish antenna
8 Stereo speaker 3 4 Photocopier 1 8 Instant photo booth
9 Electric wheelchair 4 4 Overhead projector 2 8 Pinball machine
1 Lawn mower 4 Pogo stick 8 Holographic video game
0 1 Grandfather clock 6 4 Snow blower 4 8 Automatic envelope stuffer
1 Beach umbrella 4 Road barricade, wooden 8 Shrink wrap machine
2 1 Skis, downhill 8 4 Parking meter 6 8 Portable automatic bank
3 1 Washing machine 9 5 Child’s car safety seat 7 teller
4 1 Dryer 0 5 Baby stroller 8 Safe with combination lock
1 Stove, electric 5 Automatic baseball pitcher 8 Stair climbing exercise
6 1 Refrigerator 2 5 Coin sorter 9 machine
7 1 Table saw 3 5 Bullhorn 9 Universal gym
8 1 Automatic letter opener 4 5 Powered flatbed cart 0 9 Automatic milking
9 2 File cabinet 5 5 Podium with microphone 1 machine
0 2 Industrial-size kitchen mixer 6 5 Screen for slide shows 9 Salon hair dryer, with chair
1 2 TV camera on wheels 7 5 Track light set 2 9 Funhouse mirror
2 Rototiller 5 Toy train set, assembled 9 Home water heater
3 2 Window air conditioner 9 6 Car transmission 4 9 Depth finder for fishing
4 2 Vending machine 0 6 Traffic light 5 9 Radio-controlled plane, no
5 2 Ceiling fan 1 6 Deep freeze 6 control box
6 2 Helium tank (1.5 meters 2 6 Coin-operated mechanical 9 Control box for radio
7 tall) 3 riding bull 7 controlled plane
2 Wringer wash bucket, on 6 Tuba 9 Electrical transformer
8 wheels 4 6 Air compressor 8 9 Bungee-jumping cords and
2 Floor waxer 5 6 Jukebox 9 harness
3 Carpet steam cleaner 6 Ice maker 100 Hydrotherapy whirlpool
0 3 BBQ grill 7 6 Gumball machine
3 Vacuum cleaner 6 Space heater (kerosene)
2 3 Window fan 9 7 Basketball backboard and
3 Computer laser printer hoop
4 3 Sports scoreboard control 7 Hospital gurney
5 box 1 7 X-ray machine
3 Theater spotlight 7 Dentist’s chair and drill
6 3 Microphone and stand 3 7 setOptometrist’s vision tester
7 4

Chapter 6: Equipment 83
Tech Level Warheads, Grenades & Guidance 5 Flying blades
Systems Table on page 83) 6 ld6 grenades (roll for type on the
Artifacts 6 Machine gun Warheads, Grenades & Guidance
7 Revolver Systems Table)
8 Rifle, bolt-action 7 Hazmat suit
Roll Tech III Items
9 Shotgun, buckshot 8 Laser pistol, IR
1 Hourglass
10 Sniper rifle 9 Laser rifle, IR
2 Lantern
11 Taser 10 Laser rifle, UV or VL
3 Lute 11 Micromissile*
12 Fireman’s suit, hazmat suit (50/50
4 Poison, 1 dose (intensity 2d6) 12 Needier
5 Rations (1 week) 13 Rad suit
13 Missile**
6 Sextant 14 Screamer
14 Bulletproof vest
7 Spyglass 15 Smart dart*
15 Radiation suit
8 Tool 16 Stun ray pistol
16 Riot shield
9 Compass 17 Stun ray rifle
17 Sports gear
10 Matchsticks and tinder 18 Tangier
(ld6 for AC bonus)
11 Arquebus 19-20 Scope, IR or laser (50/50 chance), roll 1
18 Scope, telescopic or IR (50/50 chance),
12 Flintlock pistol d3 for X 2, x 5, x 10 IR telescopic power (see
roll ld3 for x 2, x 5 or x io power (see page
13 Flintlock rifle page 106-107)
14 24 musket balls & gunpowder *Micromissiles have a launcher, warhead,
19-20 2d2O rounds of ammot
15 Fuse cord, 5 m and guidance system. Smart darts have a
*There is a 50% chance that any gun is found
16 ld6 flasks of oil warhead and a guidance system. Roll for the
with 2d6 rounds/charges/ loads of ammunition.
17 Rope, hemp, 20 m type of warhead and guidance system on the
There is a 10% chance that the ammo is
18 Melee weapon (< Tech III)* Warheads, Grenades, & Guidance Systems
specialized (roll a d4): armor piercing, hollow
19 Ranged weapon (< Tech III)** Table on page 83. The complexity of the
nose, incendiary, or tracer.
20 Armor (< Tech III)t guidance system is the complexity of the
**This is the precursor of the micromissile.
*Pick from Common Melee Weapons Table micromissile or smart dart.
Missiles have a launcher, warhead, and
on page 93.
guidance system. Roll for the type of warhead
**Pick from Common Ranged Weapons
and guidance system on the Warheads,
Table on page 93. Grenades, & Guidance Systems Table on page
+Pick from Common Armor Table on page 83. The complexity of the guidance system
93. determines the complexity of the missile.
+Roll Id 10 on this same table to determine
d20 the type of ammunition. If grenade launcher or
Roll Tech IV Artifacts grenades are rolled, then the ammunition found
1 Bicycle (see Vehicles, page ИЗ) fits no known gun.
2 Binoculars d20
3 Fire extinguisher Roll Tech V Artifacts
4 Flashlight 1-2 Communicator
5 Gas mask 3 Glow cube
6 Geiger counter 4 Energy cloak
7 IR goggles 5 Envirolyzer
8 Parachute 6 l.D. card
9 ld8 power cells, chemical 7 Lamprey disk
10 Rad badge 8 Lexicon, computer
11 Radio, ham 9 Medikit
12 Radio, listen only 10 Motion detector
13 Tool set 11 Power cell, hydrogen
14 Voltmeter 12 Power cell, solar
15-20 Roll on Tech IV Armor & 13 Solar charger
Weapons Table 14 Tool set
d20 Tech IV 15-20 Roll on Tech V Armor & Weapons
Roll Armor & Weapons* Table
1 Assault rifle or machine
pistol (50/50 chance) d20 Tech V
2 Flame thrower Roll Armor & Weapons
3 Gatling gun 1 Blaster, Mark V
4 Grenade launcher 2 Drone weaver
5 ld6 grenades (roll for type on the 3 Energy mace
4 Force field generator
8S Chapter 6: Equipment
d20 Warheads, I.D. Cards
Roll Tech VI Artifacts
1 Antigrav pods Grenades & I.D. cards are used mainly to influence robots and
2 Nuclear fuel cell Guidance Systems sometimes to open doors and such. I.D. cards are
3 Drop belt divided into six basic categories. There are many
4 Communicator Tech IV parallel variations of these categories. Every
5 ID. card d6 corporation would have had its own set of I.D. cards
6 Life force detector Roll Grenades & Warheads for its robots. I.D. cards from one corporation are
1 Chemex meaningless to the robots of another. In addition, there
7 Lift pack
2 Flare, parachute are layers of authority within each group of I.D. cards.
8 Liquid duralloy
Roll ld20 and consult the table below to determine
9 Medikit 3 Fragmentation
the primary category. The secondary rating (level of
10 Portent 4 Gas
authority within basic type) can be determined by
11 Power cell, atomic 5 High explosive
rolling a d6, where a rating of 6 is considered more
12 Remote hand 6 Smoke powerful than a rating of 1.
13 Tool set
14 Toxin neutralizer Tech V d20
15-20 Roll on the Tech VI Armor & Weapons d4 Roll Type of Card
Table Roll Grenades & Warheads 1-8 Common
1 ECM 9- Supervisor
d20 Tech VI 2 Photon 11
12- Maintenanc
Roll Armor & Weapons 3 Stun 14
15- eProgrammer
1 Black ray rifle 4 Tangier 16
17- Civil
2 Blaster, Mark VII 19
20 Security
3 Conversion beamer
Tech VI
4 Duralloy shield All I.D. cards are color coded. There is a primary
5 Fission cannon color for the basic type of access, and then a secondary
Roll Grenades & Warheads
6 Force field generator color for the level of authority within the basic access.
1 Fission Color schemes vary greatly. On the back of the card is
7 Gravity gun
2 Gravity a key describing the color codes.
8 ld6 grenades (roll for type on the
3 Tore Since I.D. cards are all strictly keyed to individual
Warheads, Grenades & Guidance
Systems Table) sites, GMs will have to determine what corporation,
9 Hazmat or radiation suit (50/50 Guidance System civil authority, household, or military base the card is
d4‘ assigned to. In most cases, the I.D. card is found on or
Roll All Tech Levels near the property where it can be used. Some types of
10 Laser rifle, IR
1 Ordnance sites are given on the table:
11 Laser pistol, UV
12 Maser rifle or pistol 2 Seeking
3 Wire guided dl Site
13 Micromissile* O
4 Laser guided Ro Classificatio
14 Neural bite ll1- n
5 Al guided** Personal
15 Paralysis rod 45-
*Tech Level IV rolls d4 for the guidance Corporate
16 Plasma gun 78-
system; Tech Level V and Tech Level VI roll d4 Civil
17 Scope, laser or computer (50/50 910
+ 1 on the same table. Smart darts can only have Military
18 Smart dart* seeking or Al-guided guidance systems (equal
Military I.D. cards for fighting robots arc all the
19 Vibrodagger chance of either).
same color and have no key on the back. Instead, there
20 Vibroblade **Micromissiles have better THAC bonuses is a code number on the front which can be looked up
*Micromissiles have a launcher, warhead, than smart darts. Tech Level V micromissiles in a data bank to determine the access code level.
and guidance system. Smart darts have a roll ld4 + 2 for their THAC bonus, and Tech
warhead and a guidance system. Roll for the Level VI micromissiles roll ld4 + 6 for their
type of warhead and guidance system on the THAC bonus. Smart darts roll ld4 + 1 for their
Warheads, Grenades, & Guidance Systems THAC bonus.
Table. The complexity of the guidance system is
the complexity of the micromissile or smart

Chapter S: Equipment 83
Common Equipment Matchsticks, 50 8 Nil III
Mirror 4 Nil 11
An excerpt from Histories of Gimrra Terra, written by Szah-lah, sleeth Paper, quill & ink 2 Nil II
historian: Poison, 1 dose intensity 10 2 Nil III
Sentient races are distinguished from the true animals by their ability Poison, 1 dose intensity 15 5 Nil III
to think, as evidenced by the use and creation of tools. We know that the
Poison, 1 dose intensity 20 0 10 Ni III
ancients excelled at making tools and other wondrous devices. Our own 0
Rations, dried, 1 week 1 5 III
resurgence has carried us to an age of enlightenment, where sentients of
Rog 0 1 — —
all sorts can devote much of their time to advancing our civilization.
Rope, hemp, 20 m 0 2 2 I
Unfortunately, many of them have devoted themselves to designing tools
of great destruction to replace tooth, tail and claw. Sack 1 4i I
Saddle 1 15 II
The equipment described here can be broken down into Scissors 5 3 Ni II
three categories: common, known and futuristic. Sextant 1 4i III
Common equipment is what is readily available in most Shovel 2 5 3 II
places on Gamma Terra. For a particular setting or region, the Spikes, iron, 10 1 1 III
Game Master may expand or restrict this definition. The Spyglass 1 4i III
typical campaign in the GAMMA WORLD® game takes place Stagon, riding 0 100 — —
in a Tech III society. This is roughly the early age of Stagon, fighting 350 — —
gunpowder, equivalent to our Renaissance period. The Tool (any common) 1 4i Ill
complexity ratings given to each of these items are for using it Waterskin 1 4i 1
properly, not for identifying the item. It is assumed the Whistle 1 Ni 11
character knows what it is, but may not be able to use it Wire, copper, 10 m 15 l 1 11
properly. Usually, it is assumed the character can use any item
from his tech level without any problem.
There is obviously much more commonly available
Known equipment is an item that we, as residents of the late
equipment than is shown on this Common Equipment List.
20th century, know and understand. A typical revolver is an
However, this list gives a good selection of items that the
example of this. Descriptions are not provided for many of
characters may want. Other items can be priced by comparing
these pieces of equipment because it is assumed that the Game
them to things on the list.
Master and players, but not the characters, are familiar with
Futuristic equipment, the third category, does not exist in
the real world, at least not yet. As such, it is described in detail
and not just listed in the tables.

Common Equipment
Common Avg. Weight Tech
Equipment Cost in Level
Backpack 5 Kg
1 1
Bedroll 5 2 I
Boots 1 1 II
Canoe 0 10 15 I
Chain, 10 m 0 1 10 II
Clock 2 4 Ill
Clothing 5 1 z1 0
Compass 0 6 Nil III
Flute 1 4i I
Fuse cord, 5 m 6 Nil 111
Hourglass 3 4i III
Lantern 4 4i Ill
Lute 1 1 III
Oil, 1 flask 8 3 4i II
Map 5 Nil II

8S Chapter 6: Equipment
Dorn gently took the artifact, a box with a viewing crystal on one face, Life force detector 80 1 VI, 10
from Sir Beornhald, and began to press buttons and turn knobs. The Lift pack 75 5 VI, 7
viewing crystal began to glow, and soon a group of concentric circles Liquid duralloy 0 800 1 VI, 18
could be seen. There was a cluster of glowing points right in the center of Medikit, Tech V 02000 2 2 V, 17
the circles, unmoving. Near the edge of the circles were five more spots of Medikit, Tech VI 4000 2 VI, 22
light. They were moving towards the edge of the viewing crystal, in the Motion detector 80 1 V 15
direction of the Bones of the Giants. Nuclear fuel cell 1000 8 VI, 6
Sir Beornhald nodded in satisfaction as Dorn returned the artifact to Parachute 20 1 IV, 14
its pouch on the floating sled. The sled hovered above the ground, with no Portent 150 5 VI, 13
support, and one of the men pulled it behind him with a strap. Power cell, atomic 500 1 VI, 12
Sir Beornhald spoke. “Knights, the Altered Ones have fled before us, Power cell, chemical 10 Ni IV, 5
into the Graveyard of the Giants. It is time to rid our world of them. Let Power cell, hydrogen 75 Ni V, 5
us serve them justice!’’ Power cell, solar 01000 l Ni V5
A triumphant shout rose up from the Knights of Genetic Purity, and Rad badge 25 Ni IV, 4
they began to move forward, into the city of the ancients. Radio, ham 70 3 IV, 23
Radio, listen only 15 Ч IV, 13
Artifacts (items from before the Time of Troubles) can Remote hand 0 200 2 1 VI, 13
sometimes be purchased in towns, usually from the Solar charger 1500 1 V, 10
Restorationists. The availability of such treasures is not Toxin neutralizer 90 Ni VI, 8
guaranteed. If the Game Master feels that a particular item Tool set Varies 2 Varies
should not be available, then it isn’t, plain and simple. Even if Voltmeter 35 Ч IV, 12
someone in the area owns one, it might not be for sale. After Common0Artifacts 2
all, the artifacts of the ancients are quite valuable and
frequently useful. Not everyone will sell such things, and most
people will make sure to protect them.
The prices in the tables and listings below reflect the
average sale price. In areas where artifacts are rare, the price is
certain to be higher. A haven of Restorationists might have
enough of the particular item that the price is significantly
lower than average. The Game Master is the ultimate arbitrator
of prices for artifacts.
Average cost, weight, tech level and complexity are fairly
self-explanatory or have been covered elsewhere. Duration is
the length of time or number of times an artifact operates. All
the durations and charges for artifacts are measured by how
long or how many times a chemical power cell can operate
Artifacts and equipment with a weight of Nil have little or
no encumbrance or weight. GMs may limit the number of such
items a PC can carry if they feel that a player is abusing this
categorization (carrying 4000 chemical power cells, for
Common Avg. Wt. Tech Level/
Artifacts Cost (Kg Complexit
Antigrav pods 500 )
25 yVI, 8
Binoculars 10 1/ IV, 6
Communicator 50 Ч2 V-VI, 14
Drop belt 2000 1 VI, 7
Energy cloak 35 1 V8
Envirolyzer 75 2 V, 20
Fire extinguisher 0 40 6 IV, 7
Flashlight 5 1/ IV, 5
Gas mask 0 50 2 1 IV, 10
Geiger counter 80 2 IV, 15
Glow cube 0 10 '/2 V6
I.D. card, unknown 5 Nil V-VI, 3
I.D. card, known*
Personal 20 Nil V-Vl, 3
Supervisor 0 100 Nil V-VI, 3
Maintenance 0 75 Nil V-VI, 3
Program override 500 Nil V-VI, 3
Civil override 0 750 Ni V-VI, 3
Security override 900 Ni V-VI, 3
IR goggles 200 Ч IV, 8
2 1 *These are discussed in the “Robots” chapter. The access level of the
Lexicon, computer 0 60 V, 12 card is known. Double the price if the seller knows the installation where
0 Chapter 6: Equipment 85
it can be used. The price may be higher if the card has a significant
secondary level of authority. Add 10% per extra level of authority.
Antigrav Pads Drop Belt
Tech Level: VI Complexity: 8 Tech Level: VI Duration: 20 falls Weight: 1 kg
Duration: 1 /2 an hour Avg. Cost: 5000 domars Weight: 25 kg This is more of a pelvic harness than a belt. It winds
This small, metallic pod, 1 meter in length, is shaped through the legs and around the waist. An inertial detector
somewhat like a torpedo. It generates an antigravity field when senses if the wearer ever falls more than 2 meters. In that
activated. It supports the first 500 kilograms of mass attached event, a partial antigravity field is generated, slowing his
to it. The pod must be secured to the object in question as descent to 3 meters per round. The inertial detector has a
securely as if it actually held the weight, or else the pod tears virtually limitless lifespan, but the antigrav field is only good
itself free. Although it works with chemical power cells, it is for 20 falls from any height.
intended to be used with an atomic power cell.

Binoculars Complexity: 8
Avg. Cost: 350 domars
Tech Level: IV Duration: N/A Weight: V2 kg
These allow the viewer to see objects as if they were five
When the metal
times closer. No power cell is required. studs at the collar are Complexity: 7
pressed, the cloak is Avg. Cost: 2000 domars
activated, and the
Tech Level: V or VI
cloak’s surface becomes
Duration: 6 hours
an animated picture. Sometimes the picture is a real-life video
Weight: 'h kg
sequence, sometimes it’s just swirling colors, and some cloaks
This is merely a Tech V or VI radio. It is extremely small project fantastic imagery. Some even react to the emotional
and voice activated. It can send or receive video signals, with condition of the wearer. A curious side effect of the cloak
sound, up to 1000 kilometers away. Its microcamera is focused makes the wearer immune to 1R and UV lasers.
on whoever is holding it,
and Complexity: 6
Avg. Cost: 100 domars

Complexity: 14 or 16
Avg. Cost: 500 domars

8S Chapter 6: Equipment
Envirolyzer background heat to illuminate the entire area.
Tech Level: V Complexity: 20
Duration: 12 analyses Avg. Cost: 740 domars Weight: 2 kg Lexicon, Computer
Looking like an enlarged pocket calculator, this device Tech Level: V Complexity: 12
analyzes the air (or water, if immersed) and scans all energy Duration: 6 hours Avg. Cost: 600 domars
wavelengths. It reports dangerous levels of pollution, toxins, Weight: */2 kg
radiation, pollen, and just about anything except diseases This device attaches to a belt or other strap or loop. A cord
(viruses and bacteria). leading from it attaches to an earphone. Any speech picked up
by the lexicon that is not in the specified language is
Fire Extinguisher automatically translated. The voice imprint of the speaker is
Tech Level: IV Complexity: 7 imitated well enough to allow voice recognition.
Duration: N/A Avg. Cost: 400 domars
Weight: 6 kg
Sprays either a foam, a yellow, suffocating powder, or a
white, suffocating gas. It can cover a 1-metersquare fire in one
round. There is enough propellant to handle 10 square meters.

Ges Mesk
Tech Level: IV Complexity: 10
Duration: N/A Avg. Cost: 500 domars
Weight: 1 kg
When it is worn over the face, this mask’s filter that negates
all gasses. The filter needs to be replaced after a year. New
filters are usually found in hermetically sealed foil packets,
which keep them fresh indefinitely.

Geiger Counter
Tech Level: IV Complexity: 15
Duration: 4 hours Avg. Cost: 800 domars
Weight: 2 kg
This is a small metal box with what looks like a microphone
attached to it by a cable. It has a digital readout that indicates
the intensity of any radiation detected. However, the numbers
are in strange units. Roll 2d20, subtracting the second from the
first, in order. The resulting number is always added to actual
intensity when reporting it to the character. For example, the
Game Master rolls an 11 and a 15; subtracting the two gives
him a -4. When the character uses the Geiger counter, the Game
Master always tells him the actual radiation intensity minus 4.

Glow Cube
Tech Level: V Complexity: 6
Duration: 8 hours Avg. Cost: 100 domars
Weight: '/2 kg
This is a portable light source. It is shaped like a cube, and
will illuminate a 20-metei-radius (60 foot) area. The glow cube
gives off no heat.

IR Goggles
Tech Level: IV Complexity: 8
Duration: 3 hours Avg. Cost: 2000 domars
Weight: 1 /2 kg
IR goggles look like binoculars, but allow the user to see in
darkness. Plants and cold-blooded animals are difficult to see
with infrared light. They can only be seen if there is sufficient
Chapter 6: Equipment
Life Force Detector Liquid Duralloy
Tech Level: VT Complexity: 10 Tech Level: VI Complexity: 18
Duration: 1 hour Avg. Cost: 800 domars Duration: N/A Avg. Cost: 8000 domars
Weight: ’/2 kg Weight: 12 kg
The bulk of this device is a flat screen, which is marked This metal can holds 10 kilograms of liquid duralloy in a
with concentric circles that indicate ranges, to a maximum gravitic field. Its specialized power system can hold the
of 50 meters. It uses similar technology to the death field volatile metal safe and secure for centuries. A simple code
generator to identify life forms. A computerized filter sequence is entered into the control panel to open the can.
eliminates all plant life, including sentient plants. It can be Once opened, it cannot be resealed. Gravity will harden the
set for a minimum kilogram weight to sense. The default is duralloy in 10 minutes. In the mean time, it can be poured
20 kilograms. Any life forms above that register as blips on into a mold to be formed. Solid duralloy passively disperses
the screen. energy. The liquid duralloy actively absorbs energy from
the surrounding area. This lowers the temperature within 15
Lift Pack meters of it by 10° per round for 12 rounds. All other
Tech Level: VI Complexity: 7 energy sources (radiation, electrical, etc.) are dampened as
Duration: 8 hours Avg. Cost: 750 domars well. Once it has hardened, things return to normal.
Weight: 5 kg
This open harness is worn like a backpack. A small Medikit
antigravity pod is attached to it. When activated, it nullifies Tech Level: V or VI Complexity: 17 or 22
up to 50 kilograms of mass, not including the weight of the Duration: N/A Avg. Cost: 2000 or 4000 domars Weight: 2
pack itself. If the pack is overloaded, anything over 50 kg
kilograms counts as weight carried by the character. This kit can be used several times to help heal injuries.
Each time it is to be used, the owner rolls a die. If the
number is less than or equal to the number of uses left, then
there is something in the kit that can help the intended
patient. The Tech V version of the medikit has 10 uses, and
its user rolls Id 10 to determine if it

Chapter 6: Equipment 89
is effective. If so, the patient is healed ld6 + 2 points. The Complexity: 6
Tech VI version has 20 uses, and its user rolls ld20 to Avg. Cost: 1000 domars atomic power cells. It is
determine if it is effective. If so, the patient is healed 2d6 + also used in some large mapower source. It is has a
2 points. All healing happens slowly, at a rate of 1 point per duralloy shell, and, if penetrated,
hour. If the ailment is poison, radiation, or chemical toxin, Tech Level: VI releases intensity 20 radiation into its
then no hit points are healed, but the patient is cured. The Duration: N/A surroundings. It is pictured at the
kit can only be tried once per patient for each situation in Weight: 8 kg
which the patient is injured. This artifact will not work on This is the radioactive solid fuel used primarily for
chines that have miniaturized nuclear reactors as a
Motion Detector
bottom of the left column.
Tech Level: V Complexity: 15
Duration: 4 hours Avg. Cost: 800 domars Parachute
Weight: 1 kg
Tech Level: IV Complexity: 14
The untrained eye would not see much difference
Duration: N/A Avg. Cost: 200 domars
between this artifact and the life force detector. It also is
Weight: 10 kg
dominated by a large screen marked with concentric circles
If donned properly, a parachute slows down a fall to 10
that indicate ranges (maximum 50 meters). When activated,
meters per round. It can be guided with a successful Use
it shows moving objects on the screen as blips. The size of
Artifacts roll against an “AC” of 10. The Game Master may
the blip is relative to the size of the moving object; the
apply bonuses or penalties for the weather.
brightness of the blip is relative to its speed. The detector
cannot see through solid objects, although partial Portent
obstructions, such as brush, smoke, cloth, etc., are not a Tech Level: VI Complexity: 13
problem. High winds can cause a lot of false images as Duration: 12 hours Avg. Cost: 1500 domars
objects flutter in the breeze. Weight: 5 kg
This portable tent consists of four force field generators
and power cords. The four generators are laid out in a
rectangular pattern, with the length of the cords limiting it
to 3 meters on a side. When turned on, a weak force field
bubble is generated over the enclosed area. The floor of the
portent is not covered by a force field. It takes only 5 points
of damage before collapsing. The force field is designed
only to protect the occupants from the weather. Vents in the
generator boxes keep the air inside fresh. The portent
includes a flimsy nylon tent for privacy.

90 Chapter 6: Equipment
Power Cell, Atomic receive messages up to 500 kilometers. In both cases, the
Tech Level: VI Complexity: 12 range of the device is affected by the power of the signal
Duration: N/A Avg. Cost: 5000 domars and the size of the antenna.
Weight: 15 kg
Mounted on a backpack, this bulky unit provides Tech Level: V Remote Hand
electricity for 100 times as long as a chemical power cell. Duration: N/A Tech Level: VI Complexity: 13
Its nuclear fuel cell can be replaced, but such things are rare Weight: Nil Duration: 1 hour Avg. Cost: 2000
and valuable artifacts. domars
Weight: 1 kg
Power Cell, Chemical This metal glove has a control panel with many buttons
Tech Level: IV Complexity: 5 and an electronic readout. When
chemical power cell. activated, it allows the wielder to
Duration: N/A Avg. Cost: 100 domars
Weight: Nil grasp and manipulate objects at a distance using projected
By far the most common type of power cell, all the force fields. The range is 15
durations and charges for artifacts are measured by how
long or how many times a chemical power cell can operate
them. When found, these power cells are usually drained of

Power Cell, Hydrogen

Tech Level: V Complexity: 5
Duration: N/A Avg. Cost: 750 domars
Weight: Nil
These power cells last 10 times as long as chemical
power cells. They are the same size as a chemical power
cell and can be substituted for one without risk. When
found, they usually have a full charge.
Complexity: 5
Avg. Cost: 1000 domars

A built-in solar panel allows these power cells to recharge

in four hours of bright sunlight. Otherwise, they are
identical to chemical power cells and can replace them
without risk. They last as long as a normal

Rad Badge
Tech Level: IV Complexity: 4
Duration: N/A Avg. Cost: 250 domars
Weight: Nil
This simple badge turns dark when exposed to intensity
5 radiation or higher.

Radios [Listen-Only and Ham]

Tech Level: IV Complexity: 13 or 23 Duration: 8 hours
Avg. Cost: 150 or 700 domars Weight: '/2 or 3 kg
The listen-only radio is the common personal radio we
use today to listen to music, news and talk shows. It can
pick up any strong signal within 250 kilometers. The larger,
more expensive, ham radio is a much more- elaborate
device, with much greater range, that can both send and

Chapter 61 Equipment 91
Solar Charger the body. This device will not work on plants.
Tech Level: V Complexity: 10
Duration: N/A Avg. Cost: 1500 domars Voltmeter
Weight: 1 kg
Tech Level: IV Complexity: 12
Hydrogen or chemical power cells can be recharged
Duration: N/A Avg. Cost: 350 domars
with his item. It must be left in bright sunlight for four
Weight: '/2 kg
hours to charge a chemical power cell and eight hours for a
In game terms, a voltmeter is most useful when de-
hydrogen power cell.
termining the presence or absence of an electrical charge.
By comparing the readings to the actual power of the
Tool Set
shock, PCs might eventually get an idea of how to interpret
Tech Level: Varies Complexity: Varies the power of the electrical current. However, this would be
Duration: N/A Avg. Cost: Varies a painful process. This device needs no power cell.
Weight: 2 kg
These artifacts help the examiner character class to
make repairs on other artifacts. Each set of tools is
identified by its tech level: IV, V or VI. It is assumed that
the examiner has Tech Level III tools, with which he can
sometimes make repairs to artifacts. These Tech Level III
tools do not provide any bonuses for repairing artifacts, but
without them the examiner cannot attempt any repairs.
Tech IV tools have a complexity of 10, Tech V tools are a
15, and Tech VI tools are a 20.
A tool set can work on any item, but it only provides a
bonus for artifacts of the same tech level, not those above
or below. A tool set IV is of no help in repairing a Tech
Leyel V artifact. Different tool sets are of better quality
than others. Roll on the table below to determine the bonus
this particular tool set provides.
d20 Repair — Cost/Tec Level
Roll Bonus Avg. h —
1-4 +1 IV250 V500 10V
5-11 +2 500 1000 00 20
12-15 +3 1000 2000 00 30
16-18 +4 1500 2500 00 40
19-20 +5 2000 3000 00 50

Toxin Neutralizer
Tech Level: VI Complexity: 8
Duration: 1 month Avg. Cost: 900 domars
Weight: Nil
This strange little device looks like a clear pill capsule
with micromachinery inside. It is meant to be swallowed.
Once in the stomach, it attaches itself to the organ’s inner
lining. It can completely neutralize any ingested poison,
drug, chemical, or alcohol. Unfortunately, this includes
beneficial drugs. Any toxins that are injected directly into
the bloodstream are harder for it to neutralize. It reduces
the intensity of such poisons by 10. Injected beneficial
drugs have only a 50% chance of working properly. This
includes the contents of a medikit. The power cell for the
neutralizer is built into the device and cannot be replaced. It
works for a month before detaching and being passed from

Chapter 6: Equipment
Common Melee Weapons, Armor and c 1 Weapons
Base Av Weight
Common Short Rate Tech
Ranged Weapons Damage Range of Cost (Kg) Level
ArquebusT ldlO Fire 20 1/4 2 10 III
Blowgun 1 or ld4 61 3 2 I
Bola ld3 4 1 2 4 I
Bow, long ld8 10 1 3 2 II
Bow, short ld6 81 2 2 1
24 arrows — —— 0 5 1 I
Heavy crossbow 2d8 15 1/3* 5 9 II
Light crossbow 2d6 12 1/2** 4 7 II
24 bolts — —— 5 1 I
Flintlock pistol 2d8 5 1/2 4 2 III
Flintlock rifle 3d8 10 1/2 75 6 III
Dagger, throwing ld4 3 1 6 1 11
Hand axe ld6 3 1 4 3 II
Javelin ld6 4 1 2 1 I
Sling, using ld4 11 1 Ч2 1
Spear ld6 4 1 4 3 I
24 musket balls, gunpowder
and horn — —— 10 4 III
tRequires a bracing stand, which is included in the average cost.
*Drops to 1/2 if the Physical Strength of the user is 20 or over.
**Drops to 1 if the Physical Strength of the user is 20 or over.
Av Av
Common Base g.
Wt. Tech Common AC
Wt. Tech
Melee Weapons Damage Co (Kg) Levelt Armor* Mod. Co (Kg) Level
Battle axe ld8 st 1 4 1 Wooden +1 st 1 5 I
Bayonet ld6* 2 3 2 :i Furs or +1 3 10 1
Club ld6 5 — 2 0 Steel shield +2 3 7 11
Dagger ld4 5 1 I Leather armor +2 2 8 II
Flail ld6 + l 5 7 !I Studded +3 2 12 II
Halberd ldlO 1 7 II Ring mail +4 3 15 II
Hand axe ld6 5 4 3 [I Chain mail +5 4 20 II
Javelin ld6 2 1 I Banded mail +6 0 5 17 II
Knife ld3 1 V2 [I Plate mail +7 6 25 II
Lance ld6 + 1 5 *It is assumed that all Tech III characters know about these
l*ld6 +1 0
Mace 6 5 armor types.
Morningstar 2d4 7 6 H **This several layers of cured hides. Mutated ani-
Rapier ld6 9 1 assumesmals do not automatically get this AC bonus just because they
Quarterstaff ld6 — 2 I have fur. The hide of a living animal is usually and only
Spear ld6** 4 3 I has one layer. soft
Sword, long ld8 1 3 II
Sword, short ld6 0 8 2 II
War hammer ld4 +1 6 4 II
Whip ld2 2 1 I
*Double damage when used with a charge.
**Double when braced for charge.
damage a
tCommon melee weapons are all automatically understood
and have no complexity rating.

Chanter 6? Eauiomfint 93
Common Weapons and Armor cannot make other attacks or defend hint self while loading.
Frequently, a character will have several loaded weapons,
Ranged Weapon Base Damage: Only the bows, dagger, dropping one to fire the next. Another common option is to fire
hand axe, javelin, and spear get to add the PS modifier for the weapon on the first round and then draw a melee weapon
damage. They are powered by the character’s muscles, and and charge into combat.
hence do more damage in the hands of stronger characters. Muzzle-Loading Guns: The arquebus and flintlock weapons
Ranged Weapon Rate of Fire: This entry on the Ranged are muzzle loaders. This means that the ammunition and
Weapons Table above always assumes that the character gunpowder are loaded into the gun through the muzzle and
spends the rounds between firing loading the weapon. He tamped down with a rod. In
Artifact Ranged Weapons
Artifact Base THAC Shor Rate Shots/ Avg. Weight Tech Level,
Ranged Weapons Damage Bonus t Ran of Fire Reload Cost in Kg Complexity
Assault rifle 3d6 + 2/ + 4/ +8 ge 40 2t 20 or 30 4700 4 IV, 13
Blaster, Mark V 5d8 +2 25 1 6 9000 5 V, 15
Blaster, Mark VII 5dl0 +2 40 1 8 — 6 VI, 14
Conversion beamer 6dl0 +3 80 1 6 — 7 VI, 17
Flame thrower 3d6 +2 30 1 5 60 10 IV, 15
Flying blades ld8 + 10 — 1 1 0 75 2 V, 9
Fission cannon1 3d8 +3 15 1 N/A 0 — 75 VI, 25
Gatling gun* 2dl0 +4 0 10 50 320 70 IV, 16
Gravity gun ld6 +1 +5 0 20 1 3 0 3500 16 VI, 18
Grenade launcher Varies +2 40 1/2 1 4500 4 IV, 10
Laser pistol, IR 3d6 +3 20 1 8 5000 2 VorVI, 11
Laser rifle, IR 4d6 +5 60 1 8 7500 4 VorVI, 11
Laser pistol, UV 3d8 +3 30 1 6 6000 1 VI, 10
Laser rifle, UV 4d8 +5 75 1 6 8000 3 V, 10
Laser rifle, VL 4d6 +3 25 1 4 3500 5 V, 12
Machine gun* 3d8 + 8/ + 12 10 12 100 7500 10 IV, 15
Machine pistol 2d8 + 2/ +4 0 10 2tt 30 3900 3 IV, 13
Maser pistol 3dl0 +3 40 2 8 7000 1 VI, 10
Maser rifle 4dl0 +5 10 2 8 — 3 VI, 10
Micromissile Varies Varies 50 1 1 Varies 5 V or VI, Varies
Needier 1 0 7 2 20 90 1 V, 12
Plasma gun 5dl0 +2 30 1 8 0 — 6 VI, 19
Revolver 2d8 0 15 2 6 80 2 IV, 9
Rifle, bolt-action 3d8 +2 60 2 4 0 1800 5 IV, 7
Screamer 4dl0 0 5 1 7 4500 9 V, 13
Shotgun, buckshot 4d6 0 10 2 4 1600 2 IV, 8
Smart dart 3d6 Varies 12 1 1 Vari 1 V or VI, 8
Sniper rifle 3d8 +4 15 1 10 2700 5 IV, 12
Stun ray pistol N/A 0 0 20 1 6 3200 3 V, 14
Stun ray rifle N/A +2 35 1 9 5500 5 V, 14
langler 2d6 + 3 0 8 1 5 2000 4 V, 15
Taser ld3 0 3 1 1/7 + 1200 2 IV, 17
30 bullets/shells — — — — — 1 1 —

1Must be mounted; cannot be carried.

2Only one attack roll is made, but more than one shell is expended. See text description of weapon for details.
+THAC bonuses are for single shot, three-shell burst, and full auto. Make only one attack roll with the THAC bonus. ttTHAC bonuses are for three-
shell bursts and full auto fire. Machine pistols have no single-shot mode. Make one attack roll per round with the THAC bonus. Machine pistols are
otherwise very similar ro assault rifles.
+ One set of wires and needles, but the power cell is good for seven firings.
94 Chapter 6: Equipment
Warheads ------------Grenades * -------------- ---------------Missiles / Micromissiles------
for Grenades Blast Avg. Blast Avg. Te
and Missiles Damage Radius Cost Damage Radius Cost ch Le
Chemex 3d6 10 600 3d8 20 1500 vel I
ECM N/A 20 1500 N/A 35 4000 V V
Fission 2d4 40 2500 2d6 75 5000 V
Flare, parachute 2d6** 60 400 2d6* 100 500 I
Fragmentation 3d6 15 500 3d8 30 1200 V I
Gas, poison Intensity 15 10 750 Intensity 20 25 2500 V I
Gas, tear Intensity 15 10 400 Intensity 20 25 1000 V I
Gravity ld6 +1 30 800 2d6 40 1200 V V
High explosive 4d8 40 1000 4dl0 50 2500 I
Photon 3d8 25 750 3dl0 40 2000 V V
Smoke N/A 10 100 N/A 20 150 I
Stun Intensity 15 20 600 Intensity 20 50 1500 V
Tangier 4d6 15 400 4d8 25 1000 V
Tore 6d8 15+ 3000 6dl0 201 6000 V
*A11 grenades weight ‘/2 kilogram each and have a complexity of 6; rocket grenades (used in grenade launchers) weight '/.• kilogram each and have a
complexity of 8.
**Only on a direct hit; blast radius is the illuminated area.
fCentered around a 1-meter-radius safe zone. See text for details.

the case of the arquebus, the trigger lowers a slow- burning fuse equal once every 4 rounds for the flintlocks and once every 6
into a flash pan which then ignites the gunpowder. The flintlock rounds for the arquebus. However, they can be fired this way
gun uses a spring and a flint to produce a spark in the flash pan indefinitely without chance of misfire.
which then ignites the gunpowder. Optional Misfire Rule: The major differences between these
Historically, there were more than these two variations of guns are ease of use and reliability. This optional backfire rule
matchlock guns. These two have been selected as representative reflects some of the historical problems that occurred with
of their age. While both are listed as Tech III, the flintlock is them. An arquebus will misfire on an attack roll of 1, 2 or 3. A
clearly a more advanced weapon. The availability of flintlock flintlock will do so on an attack roll of 1 or 2. A misfire has an
weapons can be limited by declaring that a specific region has equal chance of just not firing or doing half the normal damage
not invented them yet. Otherwise, they are considered standard of the weapon to the user. After 5 shots, the chance to misfire
armament on Gamma Terra. increases by one until the gun is cleaned.
Musket Balls and Gunpowder: Both the arquebus and
flintlock weapons need musket balls, gunpowder, and a Futuristic Weapons Si Armor [Artifacts]
tamping stick. The tamping stick is included in the cost of the
gun. It is always assumed that the powder horn and gunpowder G’rrrth Paugg’s feline ears picked up the snapping twig long before
are included in the price and sale of musket balls. The anyone else heard it. He dove to the far side of a tree, just as three true
characters may buy gunpowder separately if they want to dream men burst into the campsite. One charged through to tackle one of the
up their own bombs or other dangerous devices. green folk, trying to sever some of its vines with a dagger. The plant
Rates of Fire and Cleaning: The rates of fire given in the quickly coiled tendrils about the human, pinning him. The far one swung
table above assume that the wielder is using a quickfiring an ugly cudgel up, catching an Altered woman on the side of her head. She
stumbled backwards, two of her arms trying to catch her fall as she
method. This usually amounts to dumping “some” powder in
fumbled for her tangier with her other two hands. The cudgel came around
the barrel, popping in a few pellets, thumping the butt of the
again, knocking the tangier from her hand with the sound of crunching
gun on the ground to “pack” it in, and then firing. Obviously,
bone. The blow knocked her backwards a full meter, but G’rrrth Paugg
this is not a very healthy way to treat a weapon, but it is fast. was ready. As the last of the humans aimed a flintlock at the Altered One’s
Only 5 shots can be made from a flintlock this way before it chest, G’rrrth Paugg leveled hisscreamer at him and the one with the
must be cleaned. The sixth shot or beyond made without cudgel, and fired. The con- cussivc shock wave disintegrated both of them,
cleaning misfires, which is just a guaranteed miss. Cleaning the soaking the area with their fluids. The giant new animal sighed, patting
gun properly takes about 10 minutes. If these guns are being the ancien ts ’ weapon fondly with a paw as he moved to check the Altered
treated more kindly, rates of fire woman’s wounds. The last of the humans crumpled to the ground, the
green one’s vines slowly uncoiling from around its neck . . .

Artifact Armor
Artifact AC Avg. Wt. TL,
Some of the artifacts listed on page 94 do not have an
Armor Bonus Cost (Kg Complex. average cost assigned to them. So few of them are ever sold,
Duralloy shield +3 1200 ) 4 VI, 0 that the mere concept of an average cost is ludicrous. Any
Fireman’s suit +2 750 9 IV, 5 group or individual that owns one will not sell it, barring
Force field None 1500 10 VorVI, 14 extremely unusual circumstances. However, the player
generator characters may try to sell such an item. The prices for most of
Hazmat suit +2 Varies 12 Varies, 7
these items starts at 10,000 domars and go up from there. The
Bulletproof vest +3 Varies 5 IV, 3
Radiation suit +1 Varies 5 Varies, 8 price the buyer is willing pay will have a lot more to do with
Riot shield +2 300 2 IV, 0 the resources at his disposal and the artifact’s particular
Sports gear + 500 7 IV, 10 usefulness to him.
*Average 4*
Ranges from + 1 to + 6.
value. The first few lines of each item description summarize some
Chapter 6: Equipment 95
of its common characteristics. Tech level, complexity, duration,
cost and weight of the artifact are given here. Duration is
measured for a single chemical power cell. Exceptions are
noted in the text. Remember that hydrogen power cells last 10
times as long, and atomic power cells last 100 times as long.
Not all the artifact weapons are listed in the tables on pages
94 and 95. Their effects are strange and can only described
accurately with a full description. Here is a list of the items not
found in the tables, but described below.

Other Artifact Weapons

Weigh Avg. Tech Level/
Weapon t in Cost Complexity
Black ray rifle Kg 3 — VI, 13
Drone weaver 1/2 5000 V, 20
Energy mace 1 1800 V, 10
Lamprey disk 1 7500 V, 12
Neural bite Ч2 1200 VI, 10
Paralysis rod 1 1500 VI, 10
Vibrodagger '/2 4000 VI, 11
Vibroblade Ч2 7000 VI, 11

Avg. Cost: 1 domar Weight: 1 kg for 30 shells
Many of the weapons in the artifact ranged weapons table
fire bullets (shells). For game purposes, the bullets for these
weapons all weigh the same and cost the same amount of
money. However, bullets are made in a wide variety of calibers
(sizes). Bullets designed to work in one gun will not work in a
different one. The bullets a character buys for his assault rifle
will not fit into his bolt-action rifle.
There are some guns that fire standardized ammunition
(9mm, 7.63mm, etc.), however, these are the exception rather
than the rule in the GAMMA WORLD"' game. The Game
Master always has the option to declare that a particular type of
ammunition can fit into more than one gun, but the general rule
is that it doesn’t.
There are alternative ammunitions for may guns. For
example, a shotgun can fire buckshot or a solid pellet. There are
armor piercing shells, hollow nose bullets, incendiary bullets,
tracer rounds, and many more. The effects of these types of
shells are different from ordinary bullets that are fired by the
gun. All Tech IV

96 Chapter 6: Equipment
(or above) guns can have these alternative types of ammunition. Weight: 6 kg
Each costs double the normal average cost for ammunition.
Armor Piercing: These shells provide a +4 THAC against
armor, but do 1 die less damage. If the armor worn by the target
provides less than +4 protection, then the shell only negates the
armor and may not give the full +4 THAC bonus.
Hollow Nose: These shells are designed to cause more
damage. However, they do not penetrate armor as well. They
give a - 3 THAC penalty, but do an extra die of damage.
Incendiary: These are normal bullets that do 1 die less
damage. However, they do ld4 of fire damage each round for 6
rounds. This might ignite flammable materials.
Tracer: Any shot fired the round after tracer bullets are fired
gets a +2 THAC bonus. This only works at night. Essentially,
the gunner is able to redirect his fire due to the tracer rounds.
Unfortunately, tracer bullets also let others know where the
gunner is located.

Assault Rifle
Tech Level: IV Complexity: 13
Duration: N/A Avg. Cost: 4700 domars
Weight: 4 kg
This weapon has three modes: single shot, three-shell burst,
and full automatic. Single-shot mode gets a +2 THAC bonus.
The three-shell burst mode is the most common. Only one
THAC roil is made, with a +4 bonus. Contrary to some popular
opinions, the burst firing of an assault rifle does not usually put
multiple shells into an opponent or even hit multiple opponents.
It increases the chances of hitting a single target. Thirty-shell
clips are available, but not as common as the 20-shell clip. Full
automatic will empty the clip in one round. Since all the shells
leave the weapon in a couple of seconds, only one opponent
can be targeted. The odds are that most of the shells miss
completely; however, full automatic fire does increase the
chances of one or more of the shells hitting. A +6 THAC bonus
is given for hitting the target on full auto. At least eight shells
must be fired to count as full auto; otherwise, the shot is just a
burst with a few more shells.
There is a special rule for firing bursts or full auto at point
blank targets or at extremely large opponents. When hitting a
target point blank with an assault rifle, it is assumed that most
of the shells from bursts and full auto fire do hit the target.
Burst fire does double damage, while full auto does five times
normal damage in these situations.

Based upon the same principles as death field generators,

these guns fire a black ray that snuffs out any life force that it
contacts. The victim is allowed a Health check against the ray.
Even if he makes a successful Health check, the target takes
4dl0 points of damage. A failed check kills the target instantly.
Pistols are intensity 12 attacks, and rifles are intensity 18

This unusual weapon projects a ray the weakens the nuclear

force that binds the nuclei of atoms together. The result is that
all things touched by the beam disintegrate. The results are
light, intense heat, a big noise, and an impressive hole in the
target. Even the air the beam travels through is affected,
making the beam visible as a white streak.

Blaster, Mark VII

Tech Level: VI Complexity: 14
Duration: 8 shots Avg. Cost: Priceless
Chapter 6: Equipment 97
Bulletproof Vest
Tech Level: IV Complexity: 3
Duration: N/A Avg. Cost: 800 domars
Weight: 5 kg
The infamous bulletproof vest is made to spread the impact
of any blow and resist penetration. Since it is a vest, it does not
cover the entire body, but can be concealed beneath clothing.
The low general AC bonus is due to the fact that not all shots
will hit the covered area (torso and abdomen). Blows and shots
that are specifically aimed at the torso and abdomen give the
wearer a +6 AC bonus.

This deadly device fires a stream of antimatter particles in a

gravitic sheath. Low density materials like air are ignored.
Denser materials strip the gravitic sheath, exposing the
antimatter particles to the target. Tremendous amounts of
energy, including radiation, are then released. In addition to the
normal damage given on page 94, any creature within 5 meters
is subjected to intensity 8 radiation. Anything directly hit is
subjected to intensity 13 radiation.

□rone Weaver
Tech Level: V
Duration: 3 hours Weight: '/2 kg
This small metal sphere, 10 centimeters in diameter, has a
small control panel under a flush hatch. There is a 12-button
keyboard and LED readout underneath the hatch. The user
specifies a trigger condition of elapsed time or motion detected
(by size). He then specilies a traveling distance (0 to 500
meters) and direction. The drone weaver can lie dormant for
decades without reducing its effectiveness. Once triggered, the
sphere rises 1 meter off the ground and floats away at a speed
of 5 meters per round. When it has traveled its specified dis-
tance, it begins to wander randomly and broadcast subsonic
sound waves. These cause all creatures within range to make a
tough (10) MS check. Those that fail must flee until they can no
longer hear the noise. The subsonics can be heard up to 100
meters away.

□uralloy Shield
Tech Level: VI Complexity: 0
Duration: N/A Avg. Cost: 1200 domars
Weight: 4 kg
This is merely a flat chunk of duralloy made into a shield.
The ancients did not make such things, but many of their
duralloy items that served other purposes have been converted
into shields. Any energy attack against the wielder has a 50%
chance of being harmlessly deflected. The deflected beam is
dispersed and cannot be aimed at any other target.

Complexity: 20
Avg. Cost: 5000 domars

98 Chapter 6: Equipment
grip, is a catch where the battery fits, much like a flashlight.
The blow of the mace itself does ld6 points of damage and has
a + 5 THAC bonus, while the electricity it gives off does an
additional 4dl0 points damage.

Fireman’s Suit
Tech Level: IV Complexity: 5(17)
Duration: N/A Avg. Cost: 750 domars
Weight: 9 kg
The combat value of this armor is minimal ( + 2 AC),
however, it is highly resistant to fire and heat. The first 5 points
of damage from heat (not direct flame) can be ignored
each round, and direct fire damage is half normal. The
suit can optionally include a set of air tanks and a mask, which
are good for 30 minutes of air. This forces the complexity of
the whole suit up to a 17.

This mounted weapon is designed to penetrate armor. It fires

a beam of charged particles and radiation generated by an
internal fission reaction. The charged particles will do 3d8 of
normal damage as listed on the chart. The radiation will
penetrate most armor as an intensity 30 radiation hazard. Each
point of armor or hit point of intervening material reduces the
hazard by one point. If firing blind (into a tank or building, for
example), the gun provides no THAC bonus. In such a case, the
3d8 damage is applied to the wall or tank and not to those
inside it.
The fission reaction powering the gun has a practically
infinite lifespan. It draws the particles for acceleration from an
air vent, and therefore needs no ammunition.
Duration: N/A
Weight: 10 kg
Looking very much like an ordinary, short-barreled rifle, the
flame thrower has a hose that connects it to a backpack-
mounted canister. It cannot fire beyond short range (10 meters),
but hits everything within a cone 2 meters wide at the end. A
THAC roll is not necessary with this area effect weapon;
however, the targets may attempt to dive for cover (see Diving
for Cover on page 57). This is a DX check with a challenging
difficulty (5) to reduce the damage to half.
The flaming gel it shoots is sticky and adheres to the victim,
causing ld6 points of damage (1 d3 if a successful dive for
cover was made) on each subsequent round until the flame is
put out. If the tank is ever subjected to extreme heat, there is a
10% cumulative chance each round (20% second round, 30%
third round, etc.) of it exploding. The explosion does 3d 10
damage to everyone within 10 meters, covering them with the
flaming gel, which then does ld6 on each subsequent round
until the flame is put out.

This strange weapon is designed to distract and injure

opponents while causing minimal harm to their equipment. It
looks like a thick, circular saw blade. It has a single recessed
switch in the center of one side that activates it. The reverse
side has a covered socket for a power cell. Thrown like a
frisbee toward the target, the flying blade begins spinning at a
high speed and flies on at 20 meters per round, searching for
living heat sources. It is able to distinguish the intense heat ol
an engine from the lower level heat of a living creature. It
moves straight ahead for 10 rounds searching for targets. If it
doesn’t find one, it falls to the ground, drained of energy. The
initial THAC roll is only used to

Chapter 6: Equipment 99
determine if it is thrown in the general direction desired by than it is wide, has a mounting plate, and a pushbutton
the character. trigger in the same place as an ordinary gun. However,
Once it has locked onto a target, it splits into three sighting down the barrel is not possible, because the view is
separate blades, each attacking with TH AC +6, doing ld8 completely obscured by a viewscreen. A 14-key miniature
points of damage with each pass. Each blade can make one console is molded to the gun between the screen and the
pass per round. After five rounds of fighting, the blades fall stock. The end of the barrel is solid metal, with no cavity
to the ground. Only chemical or solar power cells can be for a projectile. The weight of the gun makes it unsuitable
used in this device. for hand held use by any creature with a PS less than 20.
Weaker characters
This generator is worn in a backpack-style harness.
When activated, it produces a spherical field with a 1 meter
radius. The generator can be adjusted to produce a field
with a 2 meter radius. The Tech V version absorbs up to 25
points of damage, while the Tech VI version (complexity
13) absorbs 40 points and is worth 3000 domars. The field
can restore itself by 1 point each round. If it ever reaches
zero, the field has been breached, and the generator shuts
down. It takes 10 minutes to reset the generator and turn it
back on.

Gatling Gun
Tech Level: IV Complexity: 16
Duration: N/A Avg. Cost: 3200 domars
Weight: 70 kg
This is a rapid-fire gun which looks like a large rifle
with half a dozen barrels and was used during the American
Civil War and in the Wild West. It must be mounted into a
position and cannot be hand held. It is normally fired with a
hand crank, firing no less than 6 shells per round. It must
expend at least one shell per available target. The Gatling
gun can cover a conical field of fire about 5 ° wide. This
means that the width of its field is roughly 10% of the
length. Therefore, the short range distance of 100 meters is
10 meters wide at the end. Under normal conditions, the
weapon is tested by firing at least five shots (5 shells) to
determine range and distance. Then it is locked in place.
The character can attempt to fire the gun without this
testing. He must spend a round moving the gun into the
new position, but does not get the aimed shot bonus. He
picks a primary target and uses its AC for the attack, with
no THAC bonus for the gun, but including range penalties.
He cannot aim at an adjacent object in order to have a better
chance of placing an opponent in his field of fire. If
successful, he can exactly place the cone, including or
excluding any figure as he chooses. If the attack roll fails,
the GM rolls to see whether the field of fire is just left or
just right of the intended primary target (equal chance). If
the target is aerial, the GM may want to roll ld4 to
determine the placement of the miss: up, down, left, right.
The skill of the gunner is almost useless for determining
individual hits. The gun is considered to have its own
THAC of +4 and does not use the character’s THAC.
Range penalties are applied normally. All targets in the
field of fire must be attacked. If two people are manning the
gun, it can fire continuously. Otherwise, every 50 shots the
gunner must spend two rounds loading the hopper.

TOO Chapter 6: Equipment

must brace the gun on a solid object to fire it. any steel surface with a PS of 8. A switch on the same
When fired, it sends a pulse of gravitic energy with a surface turns the disk on or off. The switch is not accessible
neutrino sheath. At the specified range, the sheath is when the disk is stuck on a surface. When turned on, the
dropped and the target is bathed in gravity waves. This disk absorbs magnetic and electrical fields within 1 meter.
causes an immediate fivefold increase in the local gravity, It can drain a chemical power cell in one round, a hydrogen
making everything within 3 meters of the target weigh five cell in 10 rounds, and an atomic power cell in 20 minutes.
times its normal amount. The target takes ld6 + 1 points of Any powered equipment affected by the disk, including
crushing damage for ld6 + 4 rounds. Vehicles are slowed to robots, operates at half power. Weapons do half damage,
20% of their normal speed, and flying craft begin an robots and vehicles move at half speed, robots get half as
immediate uncontrolled dive. The automated version of this many attacks per round, etc.
weapon was designed to neutralize missiles that used
inertial guidance systems.
Settings for the radar locator (integral to the gun and
used to determine range and detect targets) and the gravitic
pulse are entered at the console. The radar locator can be
made transparent to allow for “down the barrel” sightings.
Any shapes identified by the locator are outlines on the
glass. The locator can be set for minimum and maximum
distances, as well as target mass sizes. The default setting is
for objects massing 25 kilograms (60 lbs.) and above.
See the section on Grenades, Missiles, Micromissiles
and Smart Darts.
Grenede Launcher
Tech Level: IV Complexity: 10
Duration: N/A Avg. Cost: 4500 domars
Weight: 4 kg
This device can only be used to fire rocket grenades. The
launcher looks rather like a shotgun, except that the barrel
is large enough to hold the rocket grenade. The launcher is
more accurate than throwing a grenade and has better
Hazmat Suit
Tech Level: IV/V/VI Complexity: 7
Duration: N/A Avg. Cost: 1000 domars
Weight: 12 kg
Short for hazardous materials suit, this suit is designed
for handling toxic chemicals. This silver foil suit covers the
whole body and is airtight. It has air tanks that contain a
two-hour supply of air. Rather than utilizing a gas mask, the
entire head is enclosed and a large faceplate allows the
wearer to see. The combat value of this suit is minimal (+ 2
AC); however, it provides extra protection from chemicals,
acids and gasses. The Tech IV version gives a + 10 bonus,
the Tech V version a + 20 bonus, and the Tech VI version a
+ 30 bonus—near immunity. There is some danger when
removing the suit. The wearer must make a single Health
check using half the suit’s normal bonus, which is
compared to all the toxins exposed to the suit. If the suit is
cleansed first (industrial detergents and water), then it is
safe to remove and no check is required.
This is a metal disk about the size of a normal human
hand. One side is strongly magnetized and will adhere to

Chapter 6: Equipment 1O1

There are as many types of laser weapons as there are cool down. If used in that time, the gun is permanently
gunpowder weapons. Tech Level V and VI societies used ruined. However, a full auto burst empties the belt and does
these weapons commonly in combat. They are greatly triple damage with a THAC of + 12. There must be at least
feared because they are silent and invisible. Contrary to 30 shells expended for a burst to count as full auto.
popular lore, the beam of a laser weapon can only be seen
through smoke or other suspended particles. IR lasers fire Machine Pistol
infrared beams, while UV lasers fire ultraviolet beams. VL Tech Level: IV Duration: N/A Weight: 3 kg
lasers fire a visible light beam, and were only common in The machine pistol is very similar to the assault rifle.
hand-held form in the early years of laser weapons. They The machine pistol has no single-shot mode. It can fire
made a resurgence as powered armor weapons when force three-shell bursts or full auto. THAC is +2 for three- shell
fields became common. Visible light is one of the few burst and +4 for full auto fire. The machine pistol is
things that will penetrate a force field. A pistol form of the otherwise treated almost exactly like an assault rifle.
VL laser was never developed.
The great advantage to the laser weapon is the ease of
Maser Pistol or Rifle
aiming it. There are no corrections to be made for gravity or
wind. If the sights are aimed at the target, the beam will hit, Tech Level: VI
which explains the THAC bonus. Duration: 8 shots Weight: 1 or 3 kg
These weapons are simply microwave lasers. See the
laser description above. Masers look the same as lasers.
Machine Gun
Tech Level: IV Duration: N/A Weight: 10 kg
This is a heavier version of the assault rifle described on See the section on Grenades, Missiles, Micromissiles
page 97. It must be mounted into a position and cannot be and Smart Darts.
hand held by anyone with a PS of less than 22. It is
normally fired in short bursts. Two bursts per round are
allowed, each expending no less than 10 shells. The
machine gun must expend at least one shell per available Missiles are the slightly
target. larger and less Complexity: 13
The machine gun can
Complexity: 15 sophisticated precursors of Avg. Cost: 3000 domars
Avg. Cost: 7500 domars micromissiles. They are
cover a conical field of fire
about 5° wide. This means that the width of its field is Tech Level IV weapons. See the section on Grenades,
roughly 10% of the length. Therefore, the short range Missiles, Micromissiles and Smart Darts.
distance of 100 meters is 10 meters wide, and aiming at
targets 25 meters away, the width of the cone is 2.5 meters.
Under normal conditions, the weapon is tested by firing
at least three shots (three bursts) to determine range and
distance. Then it is locked in place, allowing only its 5 0
The character can attempt to fire the gun without this Complexity: 10 Avg.
testing. He picks a primary target and uses its AC. He Cost: Priceless
cannot aim at an adjacent object in order to have a better
chance of placing an opponent in his field of fire. If
successful, he can exactly place the cone, including or
excluding any figure as he chooses. If the attack roll fails,
the Game Master rolls to see whether the field of fire is just
left or just right of the intended primary target (equal
chance). If the target is aerial, the Game Master may want
to roll ld4 to determine the placement of the miss: up,
down, left or right.
The skill of the gunner is almost useless for determining
individual hits. The gun is considered to have its own
THAC of +8 and does not use the character’s THAC.
Range penalties are applied normally. Ail targets in the
field of fire must be attacked.
Like the assault rifle, the machine gun can be fired full
auto, which completely empties the belt. However, this
heats the barrel to the point where it will take 20 minutes to

102 Chapter 6: Equipment

Tech Level: V Complexity: 12 Complexity: 10
Duration: N/A Avg. Cost: 900 domars Avg. Cost: 1500 domars
Weight: 1 kg

This small, pistol-likc weapon fires a burst of needles, whatever—is loaded into a small chamber. The material is
each loaded with a particular drug or poison. Most converted to plasma and fired. The chamber only holds
commonly, it is loaded with intensity 17 paralytic poison It enough matter for 8 shots. It takes a round to reload the
fires with a sound like a soft cough. Its range is lousy, and hopper and reseal the chamber. The weapon is heavy
its penetration ability is even worse. It cannot penetrate any enough that the THAC bonus is only applied if the weapon
solid armor, like plate mail, regardless of the attack roll. is braced.
Chain mail, hide or other softer materials (AC modifier + 5
or less) can be penetrated. The damage from the needle is
small, but the effects of the drug can be dramatic.

The neural bite looks much like an ordinary whip, but

the last 20 centimeters (8") of this 3-meter-long lash bristle
with small metal barbs. The barbs are unable to penetrate
armor that provides an AC modifier of +5 or higher. If the
barbs do penetrate, a nerve drug is injected into the
opponent, dramatically altering his nervous system. This
potent substance, intensity 18, acts like a paralytic poison,
but results of paralyzed or worse means loss of free will
(this drug cannot kill). The result is a mindless slave, who
follows any orders he or she is given. The drug is injected
into the neural bite with a syringe through a small rubber
aperture, ringed in red, near the hilt. The weapon can hold
up to eight doses at once.
This 1-meter-long metal rod has a plastic grip 25 cen-
timeters (10") long. Part of the grip folds out to reveal a
battery socket. The plastic grip has a recessed switch to turn
it on. Any contact with the metal surface of the rod causes
an energy surge which attempts to shut down the victim’s
voluntary nervous system, in effect paralyzing him. If the
normal attack roll succeeds, roll again as an attack against
the victim’s Health. Treat the rod’s attack as an intensity 12
paralytic poison attack.

This is a hand-held derivative of the fission cannon. It

fires a stream of superheated matter called plasma, which is
generated by a fission reaction in the gun. The fission
reaction has a practically infinite lifespan, allowing
unlimited shots. Matter of any type—dirt, rocks, plants,

Chapter 6*. Equipment 103

This suit is mostly ineffectual in combat ( + 2 AC bo- Sniper Rifle
nus), but does provide a bonus for radiation checks. As with Tech Level: IV Complexity: 12
the hazmat suit, if it is not cleansed before it is removed, Duration: N/A Avg. Cost: 2700 domars
the wearer must make a second check with only half the Weight: 5 kg
suit’s bonus against the strongest radiation intensity the suit The sniper rifle is merely a finely made bolt-action rifle
was exposed to. The Tech IV version of this suit provides a with a scope attached. The precision of its con-
+ 10 bonus to radiation, the Tech V version gives a +20
bonus, and the Tech VI gives a +30 bonus, which is near

Riot Shield
Tech Level: IV Complexity: 0
Duration: N/A Avg. Cost: 300 domars
Weight: 2 kg
This clear plastic shield is impact- and shatter-resistant.
It is a large shield, covering a normal human from knees to

Tech Level: V Complexity: 13
Duration: 5 shots Avg. Cost: 4500 domars
Weight: 9 kg
This weapon looks like a futuristic blunderbuss, with its
bell-shaped muzzle. It emits a beam of focused sound that
literally shakes apart the target. It can hit everything in a
cone-shaped area 10 meters long by 5 meters at the end
(roughly 30°). Victims are allowed to dive for cover (see
Diving for Cover on page 57). Damage tapers off id 10 for
each range area: 3d 10 at medium range, 2dl0 at long range,
id 10 at extreme range. Point blank range actually adds an
extra Id 10 of damage.

Tech Level: IV Complexity: 8
Duration: N/A Avg. Cost: 1600 domars
Weight: 2 kg
Although there are many types of shotguns, this de-
scription most accurately fits a pump shotgun. The
buckshot shell used in these weapons shoots a spray of
small pellets in a conical area. The end of this 5° cone is 10
meters across at its extreme range. All figures in it are
attacked with separate attack rolls, and the range penalties
are ignored. Instead, the buckshot does ld6 of damage at
extreme range, 2d6 at long range, 3d6 at medium range,
4d6 at short and 5d6 at point blank range. Targets are still
allowed to dive for cover to reduce the damage.
A solid pellet can be fired from the shotgun as well. This
type of shot is treated like a normal gunshot, doing the
same 4d6 damage at any range, but applying normal range
THAC penalties. A solid pellet can only hit a single target.

Smart Dart
See the section on Grenades, Missiles, Micromissiles
and Smart Darts.

104 Chapter 6: Equipment

Duration: N/A Avg. Cost: 500 domars
Weight: 7 kg
The sports of the ancients were sometimes quite violent.
The protective gear worn by the players was frequently as - - - >— —

good as leather or even chain mail. Although such

equipment varies greatly, typical gear would provide a +4
AC bonus if worn properly and would weigh only a fraction
of what leather or chain mail weighs. It is possible to find Weight: xh kg
sports gear that provides less protection and some that A vibroblade is found as a simple plastic tube 30
provides more, although never above a +6 AC bonus. The centimeters (12") long. The simultaneous pressing of a pair
bonus for sports gear does not add to any other armor. The of recessed buttons springs the 1-meter-long blade from one
character only gets the AC bonus from whichever armor end. The dagger version has a 25 centimeters (10") blade.
has the highest bonus. Better sports gear ( + 5 or +6 AC This blade is a glowing blue force field shaped into a
bonus) is obviously more expensive than 500 domars. mathematically perfect edge and point. The base of the hilt
holds the power cell. Blades are + 10 THAC and do 8d6
This weapon delivers a magnetic pulse that overloads the points of damage. Daggers are + 6 and do 3d6 points of
victim’s central nervous system. A hit literally stuns and damage.
paralyzes the target for 10 rounds minus his CN modifier. It
has a devastating effect on machinery. An unshielded Sights & Scopes
device will take 3d 10 points of damage from a hit with a Sights and scopes improve a character’s chance to hit a
stun ray gun. Most robots and many other devices are target with an aimed missile weapon (usually guns). They
shielded and grounded against magnetic attacks of this sort. can be added to any gun. The sniper rifle is assumed to
have a scope on it already. Scopes and sights must be
Tangier calibrated before they are of any use. This means firing at
Tech Level: V Duration: N/A Weight: 4 kg least 10 test shots and adjusting the setting of the sight or
scope between each shot.
The tangier is a large-muzzled pistol that fires strands of
adhesive nylon. An oscillator in the barrel makes the Computer Sight
strands cover a conical area about 15° wide up to 20 meters Tech Level: VI Complexity: 19
away. The end of the cone is 4 meters wide. The gun Duration: 100 sightings Avg. Cost: 3000 domars
suffers no range penalties. A computer sight is a complicated mechanism that
The damage the gun does is actually the PS of the includes a laser sight, telescopic sight and a calculation- al
strands for that individual. If the PS of the strands exceeds unit. The gunner sights through the scope, placing the laser
the PS of the target, then he cannot move. Every target in sighting beam on the target, and then activates the
the area of effect gets to make a DX check, easy (0), to computer. It measures the wind speed, angle of the gun,
avoid some of the effects. This assumes that the target is range to the target, and other factors and then begins to tilt
attempting to dive out of the area or take cover. If the target the scope and laser beam. The gunwind, gravity and a host
dives for cover successfully, the strands are at half strength of other factors. The chances of the shot going astray are
on him. Partially tangled targets are slowed to half their now very small. The computer cannot account for such
normal movement rate and perform all attacks with a - 3 things as a dirty barrel, microdefects in the shell, last
THAC and - 3 on damage from physical blows. second movements by the target, etc. The end result is a
+10 THAC bonus and a doubling of the normal ranges.
This single-shot pistol fires a pair of needles that trail
wires. The power cell lasts for 7 firings, but the gun only IR Sight [Scope]
holds a single shot of needles and wires at a time. It takes a
Tech Level: IV or V Complexity: 10
full round to reload the taser. Upon impact, an electrical
Duration: 100 sightings
charge is delivered to the target through the wires. Besides
Avg. Cost: 500/750/1000 domars
the normal damage, the target is stunned for ld6 rounds (it
Weight: '/2 kg
is incapable of attacking, defending, moving or using
This is the same thing as a telescopic sight, but it allows
mutations) and is knocked back ld4 — 1 meters. The
for night vision. Everything seen through an IR scope
knockback is reduced 1 meter for each size category that
appears in shades of red. A laser sighting beam is seen as
the target is larger than Complexity: 15
merely a bright spot. The scope has the normal range of
man- sized and increased 1 Avg. Cost: 2000 domars
magnifications ( X 2, x 5 and X 10).
meter for every size
category that the target is
Laser Sight
smaller than man-sized.
Tech Level: V or VI Complexity: 8

Chapter 6*. Equipment 105

Duration: 100 sightings Avg. Cost: 1500 domars Weight: hard object, such as the ground. Impact grenades have a 5%
'/2 kg chance of not exploding, even if they contact a hard
A low-powered laser beam is mounted on the gun. surface. If they contact a soft surface (water, pile of hay,
When activated, the gunner can place its tiny red dot on the being caught, etc.), they have a 50% chance of not
target. This gives him a +4 THAC bonus. The dot cannot be exploding.
seen with the naked eye beyond 50 meters. However, a Missiles and Micromissiles: There are many variations
scope (see below) could increase distance by its of missiles and micromissiles. The basic components
magnification rating. Usually laser sights are found with a consist of a launcher with a guidance control svstem and
scope, but not always. the missile/micromissile with a warhead and a guidance
system. The micromissile itself and the launcher are fairly
Telescopic Sight [Scope] standard, but the warhead and the guidance system can vary
Tech Level: IV Complexity: 4 greatly. The launcher is a shoulder mount with three
Duration: N/A Avg. Cost: 200 domars semicircular supports to hold the missile/micromissile. The
Weight: ‘/2 kg micromissile is not heavy enough to require a shoulder
This is just a simple telescope mounted on top of t he mount (the missile is), but is built this way as a safety
gun. The cross hairs on the lens are calibrated to the gun. precaution. Anyone standing directly behind the missile or
This increases the short range of the gun by its micromissile when it launches takes 2d6 worth of damage.
magnification rating. Scopes are available in x 2, x 5 and x The guidance control system is mounted irremovably into
10 magnifications. Anything beyond x 1 () becomes too the launcher.
sensitive to bumps and jostles to be useful. Guns with The missiles and micromissiles all look the same, but
scopes more powerful than x 2 must be braced to use the have different markings. They are 30 centimeters (12") long
scope. and 7 centimeters in diameter. Narrow fins arcmounted on
If a gun has a short range of 25 meters, with a x 5 scope, the back around the propellant exhaust port. The tip is a
its short range would be 125 meters (25 x 5). The other small glass oval covering the guidanceequipment. Over the
ranges would be affected in the same manner. centuries, the missile might survive, but the markings may
wear off. The warhead and guidance systems arc
Grenades, Missiles, Micromissiles and Smart irremovably built into the micromissile. The cost of the
Darts micromissile is the cost of the guidance system plus the
Grenades, micromissiles and smart darts are broken cost of the warhead.
down into different generalized subsystems for the purpose
of the GAMMA WORLD® game. Grenades consist, Smart Darts: A smart dart is a variation of the mi-
essentially, of a warhead. They come in hand- thrown and cromissile that is only 20 centimeters (8") long and 5
rocket-launched varieties; the rocket- launched type is used centimeters in diameter. It has been adapted to not need a
in grenade launchers. Missiles and micromissiles consist of launcher. The operator merely activates the missile and
a warhead, a launcher and a guidance system. (The main hurls it at the target. Air velocity sensors detect when it is in
difference between missiles and micromissiles is that flight and fire the microrocket that propels the dart.
micromissiles are Tech V and above and slightly smaller It has the same options for guidance systems and
than missiles.) Smart darts, which are an improvement over payloads as the micromissile, just not the range or accuracy.
micromissiles in ease of use at the cost of some range and While micromissiles typically have THAC bonuses ranging
accuracy, consist of a warhead and a guidance system. from + 3 to +10, smart darts only range from +2 to +5
Grenades: Two major categories of grenades are worth depending upon the quality of the dart. The cost of a smart
further discussion: hand thrown and launched grenades. A dart is the cost of the guidancesystem plus the cost of the
grenade meant to be thrown is much smaller than those warhead, the same as micromissiles. The tradeoff between
meant to be fired from a launcher. The effects of the power and ease of use gives the two weapons roughly the
grenades are the same, but the launched grenade has a same value on the open market.
greater range. Most grenades designed to be launched
cannot be thrown, and vice versa. The difference between a
rocket-launched grenade and a micromissile is the guidance
mechanism. Rocket-launched grenades are always aimed
All grenades have some sort of safety mechanism, such
as a pin and release lever. The grenade is inert until the
safety is released. Grenades have two different types of
triggers, impact and timed. A timed grenade explodes on
the next round, regardless of its position or condition. An
impact grenade explodes when the weighted end strikes a

106 Chapter 6: Equipment

Warheads take ld6 points of damage each round until the fire is
There were thousands of different types of micro- extinguished. Generally, it must be suffocated.
missile warheads and grenades created before the cat-
aclysm. The types discussed here only scratch the surface ECM
of these weapons. A representative model of each major Tech Level: V Complexity: 6
type of warhead is described. For each model, it is possible Avg. Cost: 1500/1400 domars
to get variations that cause more damage, have larger or Short for electronic countermeasures, ECM warheads
smaller blast radiuses, etc. There are two prices listed for are specifically designed to nullify machinery. This
each warhead: the grenade price, followed by the missile or warhead broadcasts a powerful magnetic field for 6 rounds.
smart dart price. All unshielded machinery and electronic communications
All characters in the blast radius suffer the damage or the in the blast radius are disrupted until the warhead expires.
consequences of the warhead. Each character rolls This warhead makes a normal attack against the AC of
separately for damage or effects. Any character noticing the every piece of machinery or robot within its radius of effect
grenade before it goes off has a chance to dive for cover. with a TH AC of +10. If the attack is successful on a robot
See Diving for Cover on page 57. In short, a target who (all robots are assumed to have shielding, which an effect
successfully dives for cover avoids the effects or takes half attack then circumvents), the robot is deprived of sensory
damage. Any creature half in the area of effect of a blast input (blinded, no audio, radar obscured, etc ), moves at
takes half damage. half its normal movement rate, and suffers a - 4 penalty to
Optional Rule: Since grenades tend to be more its THAC. If the attack is successful on another machine,
dangerous the closer a character is to them, it would be the machine ceases operating if unshielded for the duration
more accurate to take into account the distance from the of the warhead’s effect. If the attack is successful on a
center of the explosion. To do this, three zones are defined shielded machine, the machine operates at half capacity.
within the blast radius. The innermost zone is one-quarter
of the blast radius, the middle zone is one-half of the blast Fission
radius, and the outer zone extends to the actual blast radius. Tech Level: VI Complexity: 6
Within those areas, the outer zone does 1 die less damage Avg. Cost: 2500/5000 domars
and provides a + 2 bonus for diving for cover. The inner This deadly device is a miniature nuclear explosion. It
zone does 1 die of extra damage and forces a —2 penalty releases a barrage of charged particles and radiation within
when diving for cover. If the effect of the grenade is the blast radius. In addition to the explosion
measured with an intensity, add 5 for the inner zone and
subtract 5 for the outer zone.
For example, a fragmentation grenade has a blast radius
of 15 meters and does 3d6 points of damage. With the
optional rule, the inner zone is 4 meters (rounded off) from
where the grenade goes off. Any character in that area takes
4d6 points of damage and has a — 2 penalty to his chances
to dive for cover. The middle zone extends from 4 meters to
7.5 meters from the grenade and does the normal 3d6 points
of damage. The outer zone is 7.5 meters to 15 meters from
the grenade and all characters in it only suffer 2d6 points of
damage and get a +2 bonus if diving for cover.
Optional Grenade Blast Zones
Zone Damage Dive
Zone Radius Adjust. forCove
Inner Ч4 radius +1 die +2
(+ 5 intensity)
Middl V2 radius Normal 0
Outer Full radius -1 die -2
(— 5
Tech Level: IV Complexity: 6
Avg. Cost: 600/1500 domars
These incendiary bombs shower the blast radius with a
flaming chemical. The chemical sticks to its targets and
cannot be put out with water. Targets coated with chemex

Chapter 6*. Equipment 107

Flare, Parachute Avg. Cost: 750/2000 domars
Tech Level: IV Complexity: 6 The warhead contains a one shot, high powered laser.
Avg. Cost: 400/500 domars Hundreds of microlenses and mirrors are used to split the
These warheads are only found as rocket grenades or single beam into hundreds of weaker, short-range beams.
missiles. At the peak of a parachute flare’s trajectory, it When detonated, all figures in the blast radius suffer burns
opens a parachute and ignites a flare. It then gently floats from dozens of silent, invisible laser beams.
down, taking 12 rounds to reach the ground. The flare
illuminates an area on the ground equal to its blast radius. It Smoke
is subject to drift from winds.

Tech Level: IV Complexity: 6
Avg. Cost: 500/1200 domars
Built as an antipersonnel weapon, this warhead showers
the blast radius with small metal fragments. It’s rather like
getting hit with high-velocity buckshot.

Tech Level: IV Complexity: 6
Avg. Cost: 750/2500 or 400/1000 domars
Virtually any type of gas will work in this warhead. The
Game Master is encouraged to think up his own. The most
common reagents are intensity 15 (20 for missiles and
smart darts) poisonous gas and tear gas. Poisonous gas is
usually the destructive type and more expensive
(750/2500). Tear gas is a debilitative poison that causes
such discomfort that on incapacitated results or worse, the
target cannot attack or defend itself. His only thought is to Tech Level: IV Complexity: 6
get out of the gas. These effects last for ld4 rounds even Avg. Cost: 100/150 domars
after he leaves the area of effect. Both types of gas obscure

Tech Level: VI Complexity: 6
Avg. Cost: 800/1200 domars
Like the gravity gun, this warhead causes a fivefold
increase in local gravity, making everything within the blast
radius weigh 5 times its normal amount. Victims take ld6
+1 points of crushing damage for ld6+4 rounds. Vehicles
are slowed to 20% of their normal speed, and flying craft
begin an immediate uncontrolled dive. Gravity warheads
can bring down unstable buildings. If you use the optional
zone damage rule, gravity warheads do the same damage in
all zones, although the dive for cover modifier still applies.
High Explosive
Tech Level: IV Complexity: 6
Avg. Cost: 1000/2500 domars
Just a plain old big bang results from this warhead. The
concussion will do damage to everyone in the blast radius,
and stun them (they are incapable of attacking, defending,
moving or using mutations) for one round, unless they
make a Health check against an intensity 20 attack. It also
leaves a big hole where it goes off.

lech Level: V Complexity: 6

108 Chapter 6: Equipment

While similar to a gas warhead, this one emits harmless seeking, wire, laser, and Al guided (ordnance is used when the
smoke. The smoke can be of almost any color It is used to normal system is defunct). Two different guidance systems are
mark locations or to obscure vision. The smoke will spread possible for smart darts: seeking and Al guided. The
with the wind. complexity of the micromissile or smart dart is exactly the
same as the complexity of its guidance system.
Tech Level: V Complexity: 6 Ordnance Guidance
Avg. Cost: 600/1500 domars Complexity: 8 Avg. Cost: Free
This warhead emits a ncurosuppression field that paralyzes Ordnance guidance is simply point and shoot. The missile
all targets within its blast radius for 5 rounds. It is an intensity goes wherever the user points it. A micromissilc with a defunct
15 (20 for missiles and smart darts) attack upon the Health of guidance system always uses ordnance. Aiming a micromissile
each character. by hand is very difficult and has a — 3 THAC penalty.
Tech Level: V Complexity: 6 Seeking Guidance
Avg. Cost: 400/1000 domars Complexity: 10 Avg. Cost: 750 domars (base)
The damage the warhead does is actually the PS of the The missile or smart dart detects a particular type of
strands that attach to an individual. If the PS of the strands emission and always heads towards the most intense source.
exceeds the PS of the target, then he cannot move. Every target Missiles, micromissiles and smart darts can be heat seeking,
in the area of effect gets to make a DX check, easy (0), to avoid magnetic seeking, metal seeking, radar seeking or sonic
some of the effects. This assumes that the target is attempting seeking. The launcher for such missiles/micromissiles is very
to dive out of the area or take cover. If the target dives for simple. Once the missile is properly loaded, the user releases
cover successfully, the strands are at half strength on him. Such the safety, arms the missile, aims, and pushes the firing button.
partially tangled targets are slowed to half their normal The missile or smart dart has its own THAC and does not use
movement rate and perform all attacks with a - 3 TH AC and the operator’s THAC. Instead, the operator's Use Artifacts is
— 3 on damage from physical blows. employed. Because the missile or smart dart is a

Tech Level: VI Complexity: 6
Avg. Cost: 3000/6000 domars
Based upon the same principles as the blaster, the tore
warhead weakens the nuclear binding force of atoms within its
field. However, the field is not uniform or stable, having a
strange “tore” pattern to it (hence its name). Some objects are
ripped apart in a blast and others are barely affected. Inanimate
objects that are affected tend to become brittle and crumble
into dust. Living creatures tend to suffer from internal injuries.
The area of effect of a tore grenade incorporates a 1- meter-
radius (2-meter-diameter safe zone at its center. Objects and
people in the safe zone take no damage from the blast, rather
the damage of the grenade occurs in a sort of ring around the
center of detonation of the warhead.
Rocket Grenade Kit
Tech Level: TV Complexity: 10
Avg. Cost: 500 domars
This kit allows a normal grenade to be converted into a
rocket grenade. Not all grenades can be used with this kit. It is
left up to the Game Master to decide whether or not a particular
grenade can be converted. The kit consists of a propellant unit,
which is a small, finned rocket, and a replacement trigger. The
kit weighs half a kilogram, but does not add significantly to the
weight of the grenade.

Guidance Systems
Missiles can have one of four different guidance systems:
ordnance, seeking, wire or laser guided. There also five
different guidance systems used for micromissiles: ordnance,
Chapter 6: Equipment m
seeking weapon, there is usually a + 3 to +10 modifier,
depending upon the quality of the guidance system. The
cost of the system is increased by 250 domars for every
plus of THAC bonus.

Wire Guidance
Complexity: 15 Avg. Cost: 1000 domars
This is a system that has a wire actually trailing behind
the missile/micromissile. The controller continues to aim
the launcher at the target. The missile adjusts for movement
in the launcher to correct its flight pattern. Once again, the
operator’s Use Artifacts score is employed, rather than his
THAC. The guidance system nullifies all range penalties
but provides no other combat bonuses.

Laser Guidance
Complexity: 12 Avg. Cost: 1500 domars
These missile/micromissiles have a small IR laser beam
mounted in the base of the launcher. The operator looks
through a special telescopic sight that allows him to see the
otherwise invisible beam of light. The missile homes in on
the laser beam. The operator’s Use Artifacts value is
employed rather than his THAC. The operator gets a bonus
of +4 to his Use Artifacts score.

Al Guidance
Complexity: 17 Avg. Cost: 3000 domars
These micromissiles and smart darts, also called fire and
forget, have a mind of their own. The operator locks onto
his target with a telescopic sight. Upon firing, the visual
image and its IR and magnetic signatures are passed to the
micromissile/smart dart. The missile/smart dart is then on
its own and tracks down the target. The operator makes an
initial roll with his Use Artifacts score. The guidance
system grants him a + 3 to +10 modifier and ignores all
range modifiers (+ 2 to +5 for smart darts). Once locked
on, the missile or smart dart will make an attack every
round lor five rounds. If it misses, it circles around and tries
again. The cost of the guidance system is increased by 500
domars for every plus

112 Chapter 6: Equipment

deed. Vehicles are not on the loot tables. The Game Master hits, its speed is reduced to half and its maneuvering class
should make them a part of the adventure, not a random is dropped by one.
reward or encounter. AC: This is the armor class of the vehicle and takes into
All types of vehicles come in tremendously greater account its size.
varieties than the table below indicates. Cars alone come in Avg. Cost: The typical price to buy this vehicle. A dash
thousands of models, each with its own unique attributes. means the vehicle is considered priceless.
Any of the values on the table below can vary, depending Tech Level, Complexity: Both are explained in detail
upon the model of the vehicle. For example, a sports car
will have a higher maximum speed than a station wagon.
But the station wagon certainly has a higher cargo capacity.
Game Masters are encouraged to make every vehicle the
characters find unique. They should change any or all of
the attributes of it. The values on the table below are
guidelines for a typical example of that type of number.
Max Speed: The first number is kilometers per hour, the
second is meters per round. “Mount” means that the
maximum speed is that of the animal pulling it.
Man. Class: This maneuvering class letter is a measure
of the vehicle’s dexterity.
Hit Points: Once the vehicle takes this many points of
damage, it is no longer operational. Once it takes half of its

Num. Carg Max Man. Hit Avg. Tech
Ground Vehicles Seats o in Kg Speed Class Points AC Cos Level,
Bicycle 1-2 3 45/125 В 15 12 t 75 yIV, 7
Bus 15-50 0 150 100/280 D 75 16 0 — IV + , 15
Car, atomic 2-6 30 150/420 C 50 15 — VI, 11
Car, common 2-6 30 120/335 C 50 14 — IV, 13
Car, primitive 2-4 0 20 60/150 C 40 13 800 IV, 16
Carriage 4-8 0 50 Mount D 60 16 0 50 III, 5
Motorcycle 1-2 5 120/335 В 30 15 10,00 IV, 15
Truck 2-4 0 600 100/280 D 100 18 0 — IV, 17
Wagon 3 200 Mount D 60 15 15 III, 4
Water Vehicles* 0 0
Canoe 2-6 20 9/25 D 10 11 7 1, 2
Hovercraft 8-20 0 400 100/280 В 75 14 5 — IV, 17
Motorboat 4-8 0 35 75/140 C 40 13 350 IV, 10
Rubber raft 4-12 0 20 5/15 C 5 10 0 100 IV, 8
Sail boat 2-10 0 75 70/125 D 50 15 0 250 II, 11
Air Vehicles
Bubble car 2-8 30 400/1200 В 30 17 — VI, 18
Flitter 2-6 0 40 250/700 A 60 15 — VI, 11
Helicopter 2-6 0 20 150/420 В 25 12 — IV, 35
0 50 500/1400
Small plane
Large plane
40-120 0 10,00 800/2300 D
c 40

IV, 30
IV, 40
0 subtract the speed of the water current to the speed of the craft.
*A11 water craft, except the hovercraft, add or
Maneuverability them tn this book. The Game Master will have to “wing it”
Vehicles are rated by maneuverability, which deter- in some cases when using vehicles. However, even a
mines how easily they can change directions and avoid partially functional powered vehicle should be such a rare
obstacles. This is not meant to be a precise rule for use in find that this shouldn't happen too often.
vehicle combat, but a general yardstick measurement to
allow the Game Master to make judgments during a Bubble Car: A bubble car looks like an open air vehicle,
roleplaying game. with no roof or side walls. It is a slickly styled, rectangular
For example, if the characters are in a flitter and being frame that holds seats and a cargo area. When activated, a
chased by a small plane, they might try to weave between force field dome covers the open area of the vehicle. This
some small buildings. Although the small plane is faster, field allows the bubble car to travel underwater, in outer
the flitter is more maneuverable. space, and at high velocity without endangering the
The operator of the vehicle attempting something risky occupants. It is the ultimate all-terrain vehicle. It uses the
or complicated must make a check to control the vehicle. same antigravity technology as the flitter (see the next
The type of check depends upon the vehicle. Most powered page).
machines will require a Use Artifacts roll. Something like a The force field can take 25 points of damage before
bicycle or a canoe would require a DX check. Two collapsing. It cannot regenerate itself at all. Once collapsed,
different types of checks are made, because these vehicles the circuitry cannot be used again without repair. If the
are controlled differently. force field is not collapsed, leaving it off for an hour will
allow it to return to its full 25 points value.
Maneuvering Use Artifact DX
Class Complexity Check
A 5 0
В IO 5
C 15 10
D 20 15

Obviously, details of the situation can modify this roll.

The Game Master might rule that a particular maneuver is
relatively easy and grant a + 2 bonus to the check. On the
other hand, he might decide that the character’s lack of
familiarity with the vehicle warrants a — 3 penalty on the
check. Such modifiers are left totally up to the discretion of
the GM.

Items common to our own world are not described here,
unless they possess some relevant detail that needs to be
mentioned. Bicycles, canoes, small planes, etc. fall into this
category. Many of these vehicles are powered by refined
petroleum products. Unless a source of gasoline or oil can
be found, they are next to worthless. However, for every
vehicle that in our world today is run by gasoline, there is a
futuristic equivalent in the GAMMA WORLD® game that
is run by an atomic battery. Use the atomic car as an
example. worked like the bubble car, only larger.
Commercial flitters carried many more passengers and
attained nearly supersonic speeds. The Game Master need
only apply his imagination to see the full range of potential
vehicles. Any powered vehicle is enormously complicated.
It is not even remotely possible to completely describe

114 Chapter 6: Equipment

Car, Primitive: These are simply the early automobiles Trains and the Like
that needed a hand crank to get them started. Trains fall into a class of vehicles that ride a track ol
some sort. The vehicle is incapable of working unless it is
Flitter: This is the personal transportation vehicle of the on the track. This makes it easy to use in an adventure. The
far future. It is a flying car that uses antigravity forces to characters can only use a train to get to plan s on the track.
keep it aloft. Like a helicopter, it can hover and turn easily. They make wonderful wavs of transporting the characters
The speed of flitters was strictly regulated to keep them long distances without having to give them a functional
safe for casual personal use. artifact that will cause future problems in the campaign.
It is recommended that the Game Master treat trains as
Hovercraft: Held off the ground by blasts of air, a part of the adventure and not as aitifacts that can be owned
hovercraft can skim over calm water or flat land. By this by the characters. Just let them use the train, but not
actually operate it. The complexity of trains, monorails,
pneumatic tube vehicles and the like, range from 30 to 40 if
the characters need to operate one manually. The
complexity is much lower to just get on, close the door, and
push the “go” button. In fact, it should just be roleplayed.
Live meta/? Let me tell you about live metal. Of all of the strange left to the androids. Therefore, the Game Master should
things I have seen in this very strange world—and believe me, I’ve always decide upon the use of the robot before building it.
seen quite a bit—live metal scares me the most. Have you ever seen a For example, a farming robot is not likely to be carrying
live metal being? Up dose and personal! 1 Well, until you've gone toe laser weapons.
to toe with one, you don't know what fear is.
The ancients rarely built robots where a simple machine
Once I was with a very good team, all friends of mine. We were
or sophisticated computer would do the job just as well. A
checking out a city of the ancients and had come to one cloud tower
robot has several distinct advantages over a computer or
that was pretty much still whole. We’re walking through what must
machine. Robots can speak, and understand verbal orders.
have once been a park, although by this time, of course, it's more like
a jungle. Anyways, we're moving through this stuff, trying not to let
An untrained person can instruct a
anything get the jump on us, when we suddenly walk into this well-
kept open area. Now, this sure doesn’t look right to us, but we figure
that everything's okay as long as we keep a sharp eye or three out.
We’re making pretty good time, when, all of a sudden, this live
metal cylinder on a disk with a half a metal person stuck on it comes
careening towards us, looking like it had been out in the weather for
about a thousand years—which, of course, I guess it had. You know,
pieces missing off of its body, and an arm—I guess that’s what you 'd
call it—an arm hanging limp at one side. And it’s floating on the air,
but it doesn ’t seem to be able to keep its balance.
So, it goes wobbling up to Gerak—he was one of our scouts, like
me—and says, in a real strange voice, stuttering and with little
hiccups, “Please keep off the grass. No pets, please. Thank you." Just
like that! Gerak doesn’t know what in the world to do, so he’s just
standing there, facing this silly hunk of live metal that must think we
re ancients come back to live in the city.
Suddenly, it goes charging over to one of our espers, who was one
of the green folk, weaving and wobbling the whole time, and pulls out
this nasty looking saw that starts spinning real fast. Well, Whillp—
that was the esper—starts backing up real fast, and hollering for
somebody to get the hell over there and stop this thing. We ’re all
running after it, you know, but it mangles Whillp pretty good before
any ol us can get there. Once we do, there's nothing left of the poor
esper. We hardly have time to see that before the thing starts trying to
snag one of the enforcers, who was a new animal, with this wire net.
The enforcer starts pounding on the live metal with his war hammer,
yelling that he’s not going to end up like the doggone plant. After
about the third or fourth hit, it makes this awful screeching sound, like
metal grinding, and collapses to the ground with lightning and smoke
shooting out of its body from about every hole imaginable.
Well, Whillp is a goner, but we decide to move on without him. We
climb to the top of a hill right next to the cloud tower, and there,
below us, inside this huge, ruined fence, is a whole damned army of
live metal! Most of it is just sitting there, like it’s dead or something,
but some of it is wandering around, carrying boxes and tools and
stuff. That about did it for us. We reversed course real fast, and never
went back there again.
I still have nightmares about live metal, and in them I can still
hear Whillp screaming.
—Flamn Klenv, Altered One and ex-stout

Robots were constructed to perform specific types of tasks. They

were never truly considered all-purpose machines; that was

robot to perform a task, and the robot has just enough function and very little about other things. A robot will tend
brainpower and physical tools to do the job. to ignore references to things outside of its basic function.
Most robots have interpretive Intelligence (5-7). Only those
Classification robots that need to deal with people on a regular basis rise
The ancients classified all robots by the sector of society above that level. For example, police robots, medical
that used them. This classification placed certain robots, and the like tend to have a deductive Intelligence
restrictions on the type of equipment and the level of (13-14). Many industrial robots are actually dumber, falling
security that could be built into the robot. Most robots have to a literal Intelligence level (2-4). A complete table of
safety circuitry which prevents them from harming people robot CPU levels is found in the Common Robots preface
or property under any conditions. They can, however, on page 121.
override the “breaking property rule” for some tasks, such A robot's Intelligence measures its ability to reason in
as busting up a table so it can be thrown in the garbage. the real world. Their intelligence is doubled for problems
Civil: Civil authorities are local governmental agencies, strictly dealing with mathematics or pure logic.
such as the police, firefighters, and hospitals. Robots built Unfortunately, it is halved for problems dealing with
for these organizations could have some weapons and any emotions, interpersonal relations, morals or ethics.
form of armor. Police robots typically wield rifles, gravity Robots that have damaged CPUs, called rogues, are
guns, IR lasers, needlers, stun rays, tanglers, tasers, gas basically “insane.” This causes them to act i 1 logically or
grenades, and grenade launchers. They usually had hands to reinterpret their programming in bizarre ways. Rogues
and might carry clubs. Civil robots were required to are one of the most dangerous hazards on Gamma Terra.
recognize military I.D. cards.
Police and security robots had a safety override which Locomotion
allowed them to injure people or destroy property if There are a few basic ways that a robot can get around.
necessary to complete their tasks. There were usually Each provides several options for speed and
severe limiting circumstances attached to the override. maneuverability. The Game Master can rule on any speed
Property could only be destroyed to save other property or he desires for any of these options. However, each is
people. People could only be harmed to save other people. presented with a slow, average and fast recommended
Corporate: Built to do jobs for a company, these robots speed to aid GMs in robot construction. Robots movement
were allowed to have dangerous tools, any form of armor, is handled in a fashion parallel to human movement. Robots
but no outright weapons. These tools were frequently the have a patrolling speed, which is similar to walking, as their
equivalent of melee weapons such as spears or even basic rated movement. Chase speed is twice patrol speed
vibroblades. Security robots were allowed to have nonlethal (like jogging), and reckless speed is three times patrol
weapons such as needlers, stun rays, tanglers, tasers and speed (like running).
tear gas. Corporate robots were required to recognize civil
authority I.D. cards.
Military: Clearly the most dangerous of all robots, there
was no limit to the weapons or armaments that could be
built into a military robot. Melee weapons other than the
vibroblade were uncommon. Military robots did not have to
recognize any other form of I.D. card, although some were
built to recognize civil authority I.D. cards. The fighting
robots of the military did not contain any of safety override
circuits. They were capable of killing or destroying
property to accomplish their goals.
Personal: Individuals could own a robot that did not
have any weapons or armor. Virtually any small tool could
be built into it, but not the large or dangerous ones. Rarely
was anything more dangerous than the equivalent of a short
sword made available for personal robots. Flome security
robots could be armed with stun rays and tanglers. They
were required to recognize civil authority I.D. cards.

Robots are only made as smart as they need to be for
their function. As a rule, they tend to know a lot about that

Chapter 7.: Robots 117

Locomotion Slow Avg. Fast Communications S Sensors
Antigrav 15 40 100 Most robots are assumed to be able to understand human
Legs 8 12 18 speech, as well as speak themselves, since they were
Flight 25 50 75 designed to work with people. It is also assumed that they
Submersible 5 10 15 have normal vision cameras and an internal thermometer.
Tracks 10 15 20 However, there arc other sensors and communications
Wheels 12 18 3 equipment that they might also be equipped with.
0 Air Analyzer: This gives the robot the capabilities of a
Antigrav: This is the ultimate in robot locomotion. A sense of smell. It can analyze the air for traces of chemicals
robot with antigrav can hover in place and negotiate any or organic material. The robot is able to identify and track
turn or narrow space (if moving slowly), and yet is not creatures in this manner.
dependent upon contact with the ground and can places, but field emitted by life forms. The robot can detect living
it is very fast. creatures up to 100 meters away. Solid objects, like a wall,
Legs: This mode of locomotion is best suited to varying will block the detector. Plants cannot be detected by this
flv at very fast speeds. IR Cameras: The robot is able to see heat sources up to
Flight: Flight is rarely found as the only mode of 250 meters away. People and animals emit sufficient heat
transportation; it is usually paired with legs or wheels. A to be detected, but plants do not.
flying robot needs to keep a minimum speed of 10 to stay Life Force Detector: When equipped with a life force
aloft. It cannot make sharp turns or fit into narrow detector, the robot is able to sense the bioelectric
terrain and small tight places. The robot is not limited to sensor.
two legs. It can have any even number of legs, up to eight. Radar: The robot can “see” using radar waves. It can see
The extra legs provide stability and allow it to negotiate the position, size, movement and density ol objects within
difficult terrain better. two kilometers. However, it can only get a vague sense of
Submersible: Speed is not a major issue for most their shape. Military robots frequently have radar with a
submersible robots. The robot swims around by using a range of 10-100 kilometers.
propeller system. This form of locomotion assumes that the Radio: One of the most common additions to robots,
robot is watertight. radio allows communication with a remote station. The
Tracks: Popularized by the modern fighting tank, tracks radio installed in most robots has a range of 10 kilometers.
offer a compromise between the speed of wheels and the Some robots, particularly military models, have radios with
maneuverability of legs. A tracked robot can negotiate ranges of 100 kilometers and include signal scramblers.
rough terrain that does not have slopes greater than 45° or Telescope: Some robots are equipped with telescopes.
sheer obstacles (such as tree stumps) taller than the tracked Typical magnifications are X 2, X 5, and X 10. Military
portion of the robot (usually one-quarter of its height, models have been known to carry telescopes with even
which is about a half meter on a human-sized robot). Rough greater magnifications.
terrain does not slow down a tracked robot.
Wheels: Wheels have the advantage of speed and are Manipulators
ideal for flat terrain. It is possible for a robot to have any Not all robots need manipulators (hand equivalents),
number of wheels, up to 6. One or two wheels require that although they are more common than not. The Dexterity
the robot have an internal gyroscope for balance. Wheeled and Physical Strength of the manipulators can vary
robots, even with a gyroscope. can’t climb stairs and the depending upon need. The three numbers below are for
like. They can ride over some rough terrain, and negotiate poor, average and excellent attributes, h is possible for a
slopes of 30° or less. However, they are reduced to half robot to have a poor DX and an excellent PS, or any other
speed on rough terrain. combination, for any manipulator. The PS modifier is
added to the damage roll, but nor the THAC.

118 Robots
Manipulator Dexterity piece of equipment that would be reasonable for their
Hand/claw 10/15/30 function. This includes weaponseven melee weapons. For
Remote force field 8/12/18 Physical example, a gardening robot might need the equivalent of a
Tentacles 6/10/15 Strength Damage short sword for cutting tree limbs. In some cases, the
8/15/25 Id4/ld8 equipment will not be built in, but rather be carried or
Hand/Claw: This is a 8/12/20 ld6 detachable.
physical arm with multiple 15/20/30 2d6 There may be some special function that the robot needs
joints that ends in finger-like to do that is nor covered by items from the equipment lists.
digits. The tips of these digits The Game Master will have to invent such items. Try not to
can be soft pads, sharp points, or whatever else is needed by invent new weapons for the robots, since the weapons listed
the robot. The arm can be up to 4 meters long, but is usually are already quite extensive.
only a meter in length. A hand does ld4 points of damage,
and a claw does ld8 points. Other Attributes
Tentacles: The average tentacle is 2 meters in length, Hit Points: Remember that “hit points” is not the amount
although some models have 6-meter-long tentacles. The of damage it takes to reduce the robot to a slag heap. It is
Remote Force Field: The robot is able to invisibly the amount of damage it takes to completely disable the
manipulate objects at a distance. This is ideal for handling robot. A particularly fragile robot might be shut down by
dangerous materials. The force field is usually only able to only a few hit points of damage, even though it is quite
take 5 points of damage before collapsing. Once collapsed, large.
it takes 10 minutes to reset the field. A remote force field A standard, man-sized robot has 50 hit points. Larger or
can be used for ranged more durable robots can have more—possibly even several
hundred—and smaller or more fragile robots would have
tentacle stresses Physical Strength, not Dexterity. The tip of
THAC Scores: Noncombat robots have a TH AC of 0.
the tentacle is usually thin, allowing it to coil around an
Security and police robots have a base THAC of + 5. Base
object if necessary.
THAC scores for military robots are between + 10 and +20.
PS and DX values modify robot THAC, scores for robots in
the same way as for PCs. Specialty robots might have better
Most robots are made of stainless steel and are assumed
or worse THAC. scores than their classification indicates.
to have an AC of 20. However, some specialty robots used
Perception and Stealth/Remain Unseen: Most robots
in dangerous environments are made of sterner stuff.
have a Perception of 15 and a Stealth/Remain Unseen score
of 0. Robots using antigrav have Stealth/Remain Unseen
- AC
scores of +5. Robots designed to observe their environment
Armor Light Average Heav
might have Perception scores as high as 30. Those
Steel 15 20 y 2
specifically designed for silence or to avoid detection might
Duralloy 20 25 3 have higher Stealth/ Remain Unseen scores.
Force field* 10 25 0 5
*Points absorbed, not Armor Class.

Duralloy: Most military robots are made of duralloy.

This gives them an automatic resistance to most energy
forms (see page 72 of “Play of the Game”).
Force Fields: These invisible shields block all physical
objects and most forms of energy (see page 73 of “Play of
the Game”). They are usually used with either duralloy or
steel armor. A typical robot needs 10 minutes to restore a
force field that has been collapsed. Military models have
built-in reinforcement circuits that can regenerate lost force
field points, usually at a rate of 1-4 points per round.

Beyond the things listed above, robots can have any
amount of equipment built into them. To make a robot, just
go through the “Equipment” chapter and give them any

Chapter 7.: Robots 119

One of the most amusing scenarios in a GAMMA Common: These are the everyday cards used by ordinary
WORLD® game is a party of characters trying to talk to a people to gain access to a robot. With this card, a person
robot. The robot usually has an overwhelming advantage in can direct the robot to perform activities that are a normal
firepower, but has limited brainpower. It is a classic case of part of its functions. For example, a gardening robot could
brains vs. brawn. If the characters are clever, they might be be instructed to dig up the front yard. When it finished its
able to secure its temporary assistance. current job, it would then go dig up the front yard. Tasks
The most important factor in trying to influence a robot are prioritized by the secondary color of the card.
is the l.D. card of the character. With the right I.D. card, die Supervisor: This type of card can override any current
robot is putty in a character’s hands. With the wrong one, activity. The robot drops whatever it is doing to obey the
he might be dead meat. supervisor’s orders. Like the common access card, the
Robots respond to commands and authority. The I.D. orders must clearly fall within its function.
card is the physical representation of the authority, in most Maintenance: A person is not allowed to open up a robot
cases. Inside the card is a micro layer of passive electronic and change or repair it without this type of I. D. card. The
circuits that the robot scans to determine the access code robot can be shut down or will allow itself to be partially
level. It then matches the voice and retinal prints of the disassembled when presented with this card.
person presenting the card to that card, and the card does Program Override: This card is needed to change the
not need to be presented again. programming, or function, of the robot. A gardening robot
I.D. cards are divided into six basic categories. There are can be reprogrammed to fix dinner with this card.
many parallel variations of these categories. For example, Civil Authority Override: This card is used by civil
every corporation would have its own set of I.D. cards for authorities to override the orders of any corporate or private
its robots. I.D. cards from one corporation are meaningless robot. This is a safety mechanism to allow the police or
to the robots of another. medical units to control most types of robots. The
In addition, there are layers of authority within each commands given can be contrary to the robot’s normal
group of I.D. cards. For example, between two different function.
supervisory access cards, one of them might have more Security Override: This type of card is used to take
authority and be able to override the other. control of robots that attend to civil security. For example,
All I.D. cards are color-coded. There is a primary color this type of I.D. card would be necessary to redirect the
for the basic type of access, and then a secondary color for efforts of a police robot. The cards are unique for each type
the level of authority within the basic access. The whole of civil function. There is a comparable type of card for
card is made of the primary color. The secondary color is military robots that allow them to be controlled. The
sometimes a stripe, sometimes a dot, or maybe even a military’s fighting robots can only be controlled by a
special symbol printed on the card in that color. Sometimes security override l.D. card.
the secondary access level is indicated by the number of
stripes or dots. The color scheme for every corporation,
civil service organization, and line of personal robots is
different. Some sample color schemes are provided in the
table above.
On the back of most I.D. cards is a key describing the
color codes. If the Game Master wants the characters to be
left in the dark about the type of card, merely have the card
bleached white by centuries of laying around. The robot
doesn’t read the color, anyway. Military I.D. cards for
fighting robots are all the same color and have no key on
the back. Instead, there is a code
Access Level Scheme 1 Scheme 2 Scheme
Common Red Black Yellow
Supervisor Orange Purple Green
Maintenance Yellow Dk. blue Blue
Program Green Lt. blue Brown
Civil override Blue Gray Red
Security override Violet White Black
Sample Primary Purpose Color Schemes
number on the front which can be looked up in a data bank
to determine the access code level.

120 Chapter 7~ Roaots

L. i '*■ C f f-4 £3 f. J О t V;, Int. Score Robot Intelligence
2-4 Rating
Robots are treated a lot like creatures. The same 5-7 Literal
form, with modifications, that is used to describe a 8-12 Analytical
creature can be used to describe a robot. 13-14 Deductive
Percept: Short for Perception, works just like the 15-16 Rational
character score. 17-18 Personality
Stealth/R.U.: This value is used for both the Stealth 19-20 Creative
and Remain Unseen abilities as described for player
characters. Size: The letter is the descriptive size category, fol-
AC: Short for Armor Class. A (D) indicates duralloy lowed by the average height in meters (m).
strictly with a question of logic, treat the CPU as having
twice the listed score.
Abbre Size Rating Avg. Height in
v. T Tiny Meters < Ч2 m
s Small <142m
M Man-sized <2m
L Large <4m
H Huge <8m
G Gargantuan >8m

XP Value: The number of experience points the party earns

if it defeats this robot.
Classification: This is the societal group that used this
armor. robot. Options are personal, corporate, civil, and military.
Force Field: This is the number of hit points the force Territory: This defines where the robot can most commonly
field will absorb. The number in parentheses is the be found. This is usually a region or place defined by man-
regenerative power of the force field in points per round. made boundaries.
All force fields are AC 15. Mission Statement: This is a short description of the robot’s
Speed: This is the number of meters per round that theoriginal purpose. It defines the limits of a robot’s
robot can move. This is patrol speed, equivalent to aresponsibilities.
character’s walking speed. Chase speed is twice patrol Description: This section details the robot’s physical
speed, and reckless speed is three times patrol speedappearance.
(similar to a run). Equipment: This is a list of rhe equipment built into the
Hit Points: Since robots are constructed, they do not have robot, including any special abilities.
hit dice, only hit points. Reactions: Primarily, this is a summary of how the robot
THAC: Stands for To Hit Armor Class, the same as fortreats people, including the robot’s response to each of the I.D.
player characters. The number in parentheses is the rangedcard types. Any other security precautions are covered, as
THAC. Both include attribute modifiers. well.
Attacks: All of the attacks of the robot are listed along If an action or request is questionable, a Robot Recognition
with the damage that they can do. A “weapon” entrycheck must be made. This is an attribute check, made by
specifies the damage modifier for Physical Strength. rolling ld20 and adding the difficulty level. If the result is less
DX, PS: This is the robot’s Dexterity, followed by itsthan the character’s Robot Recognition score, the robot
Physical Strength. complies. A Robot Recognition check is frequently needed
Tech Level: This is the typical level of technology thatwhen an animal character is attempting to persuade a robot,
these constructs attain. It is followed by the complexityeven if the task is within its mission statement. Robots never
level, which is used in the event that repairs are necessary. recognize sentient plants.
CPU: This represents the logic capabilities of the robot,
and is the equivalent of a player character’s Intelligence. It
has been simplified somewhat for robots. When dealing

Disaster Robot Ecobot
Percep 15 Percept: 15
Stealth .: Stealth/ 0
AC: 20(D) R.U.:
AC: 15
Force 5 Force 0
Speed: 50 Field:
Speed: 8
Hit 100 Hit 60
TH +6 TIIAC: +
Attack (+2)7 Attacks: 4(0)2
Hand ld4 + 2 Hand ld4
Tertrac 2d6 + Stun +4
Laser, 6
add rayChains 2d8
Chainsa 2d8 + awWeapo
w 6 n
Weapon +6 PS, DX: 20, IO
PS, 25, 15 Tech V/24
Tech VI/50 Level:
CPU: Litera
CPU Analyt Size: M (2l
Size: Mical
(2 XP m)
XP 5000
Classification: Civil authority Territory: Fire stations water, milk, feed, etc. It has a polite, but firm, male voice.
Equipment: The ecobot comes standard with an envirolvzer, soil
Mission Statement: To save human lives and prevent or minimize analyzer, shovel, IR camera, radio, spotlights, and a stun rav pistol
property damage in the event of a natural disaster, such as fire, flood, (short range 20). The park model includes a chainsaw. Ecobots used in
earthquake, industrial accident, explosion, plane crash, etc. large parks or forest preserves have X 5 telescopes.
Description: The top of this oval robot looks like a serving plate. Reactions: A common l.D. card allows the operator to tom- mand
A smooth mass of metal hangs down a full meter below this concave the robot to perform any menial farm/landscaping thorc or to
area. Two 2-meter-long retractable arms with hands (DX 15. PS 15) temporarily stop whatever it is doing. A supervisor's card can
and two 4-meter-long retractable tentacles (DX 10. PS 25) are reprioritize the chores or command the ecobot to perform nonfarm-
mounted along the edges. It floats on antigtav pods. It uses a calm, related or nonpark-related tasks, so long as it doesn't leave the farm or
soothing female voice for victims, and a bold, authoritative male voice park property. Only a civil authority card or a program override card
for bystanders. can get the robot to leave its territory.
Equipment: It has telescopic cameras, 1R cameras, four direc- The ecobot will never respond to mutated animals or plants as
tional spotlights, a life force detector, a communicator, an en- sentient creatures on an equal level with people. Its particular
vtrolyzer, a Geiger counter, a medikit V, a remote hand (DX 10, PS programming is geared to have it take care of animals and plants. On
10). four fire extinguishers, air filters, oxygen tanks, a stun ray pistol, the farm, animals are to be kept in the pens or the barn. In the parks,
an IR laser pistol, a screamer, and a chainsaw. people are ordered to stay away from the animals for their own
Reactions: Common l.D. cards can only be used to direct a disaster ptotection. If they do not, the animals arc stunned and taken away to a
robot to the disaster scene or away from it once its job is done. This safe place. Animals are shooed, or even stunned, to keep them out of
ability includes limiting the robot’s activities to a particular portion of groomed, landscaped areas.
the disaster (under the assumption that other robots or people are Plants are only allowed to grow in specified places. On (he farm, a
handling the rest). The robot is required to respond to a civil authority sentient plant would be considered a weed to be cut down if among
card, which can make it stop rendering aid or direct it to a new the crops (or crop area). Other locations arc okav for a plant to grow
quadrant. Security cards are obeyed even if the orders endanger in as long as the plant doesn’t interrupt traffic patterns. In a park,
property and human life. plants arc allowed to grow wild only in the natural areas. Sentient
Upon arriving at the scene, the robot spends a few rounds plants tn a landscaped area will be cut down and removed.
questioning observers, if any, while searching for signs of life. It then
determines the most effective course of action to save the most lives.
Only after all lives are accounted for will it concern itself with
preventing property damage. Each person located is placed on the
robot’s upper surface and a weak fotce field encloses them. Fresh air
is pumped tn and emergency medical treatment is rendered if
necessary. The robot carries each rescued individual to safety and then
goes and gets the next one. Medical care is not given once the victim
is safe from the disaster scene. The robot will politely, but forcibly,
remove looters or other dangerous individuals from the scene, using
its stun ray or screamer.
Classification: Corporate Territory: Farms or parks

Mission Statement: do care for the crops, animals, buildings, and

grounds of a farm or park. There are two major variations of ecobot,
one for the farm and one for parks and preserves.
Description: An ecobot is basically humanoid, and its most notable
feature is its four evenly spaced arms. It has two legs and 1‘/2-meter-
long arms with hand manipulators. Half of its large, barrel-like chest
is a storage tank (100 liters) for whatever needs to be carried: seed,

122 Chapter 7: Robots

House ir о * ci industrial ffobot

Percept 15 Percept: IO
Stealth/ +5 Stealth/ -5
AC: 15 AC: 20
Force 0 Force 0
Speed: 12 Field:
Speed: IO
Hit 40 Hit 200
Attacks 2( +
2 Attacks: 8( +l
Hand ld4 + Claw ld8
Weapo +2 Tenta 2d6
nPS, DX: 15, cle
PS, DX: +30,8
Tech 15
V/18 Tech 15
CPU: Level:
CPU: Liter
Size: M (2 Size: H (4al
XP 270 XP m)

Classification: Private Territory: Home Classification: Corporate Territory: Industrial plant

The mouth and nose are nonfunctional. These robots have hands for
manipulators (on 1-meter-long arms) and legs. Both arms and legs arc
jointed like a human’s. Most of the robot’s have a low-key, deferential
male voice. They can be programmed for a variety of local accents.
Equipment: The household robot is equipped with a com-
municator, fire extinguisher, flashlight, voltmeter, external
thermometer, and hot plate in the palms. It has a replay video screen
built into its chest. Generally, the house would have remote cameras
that the robot could monitor or display on the same video screen.
Reactions: The lowest level of common I.D. card was for children.
It allowed them a very limited set of commands for the robot. They
could not order the robot out of their presence. It would not let them
engage in harmful activities, even if they tried to order it to do so.
Adults had higher level common I.D. cards without these restrictions.
Owners had a supervisor’s card and maintenance card.
Programmers cards were highly restricted and only the manu-
facturer had them. Household robots would obey almost any civil
authority card, particularly those from emergency services. They
ignore security cards.
As a rule, the household robot is very polite and will perform
harmless tasks given it by people that don’t even have an I.D. card.
However, such a request is ignored if the robot has a task, or if it
would cause harm to people or property, or if it would leave a stranger
unattended in what the robot considers its home territory.
Mission Statement: Varies from model to model, but always
involves the production, assembly, or testing of whatever the company
makes. These robots have a strong sense of property value.
Description: There are two 6-meter-long tentacles on the front and
a single smaller claw on a 2-meter-long arm just below them. The
body is a large block, with a cargo bay area loaded from the top. Large
tracks line cither side, each 2 meters tall Usually these behemoths are
tracked robots (as is this model), but occasionally, they will have
wheels or legs, or, rarely, antigrav pods. These robots have a flat,
emotionless, stereotypical computer voices.
Equipment: This industrial robot has a radio, fire extinguisher,
headlights, warning tones (for backing up and turning corners) and an
external thermometer. Different models may include specialty tools
for the particular tasks they were designed for. This particular model
has none. Options include lasers (fordrilling), rotating blades,
Mission Statement: To perform household tasks, including electrical probes, arc welders, etc.
cleaning, maintenance, and personal attendance. Most of the tasks performed by the robot are done with its
Description: These are the most humanoid looking of all robots. tentacles. The claw is used for the few tasks that require fine
They basically look like metal people, and even have facial features. manipulations. The tentacles have a DX of 10 and a PS of 30, while
Cameras are mounted in the eye holes, and microphones in the ears. the claw has a DX of 15 and a PS of 10.

Chapter 7- Robots 123

Reactions: The common I.D. card and the supervisor's I.D. card
function normally, as do the maintenance cards. None of these cards
can be used to get the robot to leave the grounds of the industrial
complex. Programmer’s cards are rare for this type of robot. All
industrial robots respond to civil authority cards, such as those carried
by the police, firefighters, ambulance crews, etc. The robot will obey
any order given by a civil authority card bearer that docs not
obviously harm a person, including orders not allowed by the
supervisory cards.
Industrial robots will go out of its way to prevent or avoid harm to
corporate property. They are programmed with lists of what is to be
safeguarded (machinery, tools, etc.) and what it is okay to damage
(scraps, raw materials for processing, etc.). They will move to prevent
a person from damaging property, but will not go so far as to harm a

Chapter 7- Robots 124


Percept 15 Percept 20
Stealth/ 0 :
Stealth/ : +10
AC: 15 AC: 20
force 5 Force 15
Speed: 75 Field:
Speed: 75
Hit 80 Hit 150
THAC: +2 THAC: + 13
Attacks (+4)
1 Attacks (+7)2
:Hand ld4 + : Hand ld4 +
Weapon + 22 UV 8
15, 20 laser
PS. +8
Tech on 25, 15
VI/28 PS,
CPU: Ratio Tech VI/26
Size: Mnal
(2 CPU: Ration
XP 075 Size: M (2al
XP m)

Equipment: 1'he medibot is equipped with microscopic cameras,

Classification: Civil an external thermometer, an envirolyzer, soft lights and soothing
recorded music, micro spotlights, an x-ray camera, four medikits VI, a
life force detector, a communicator, an injectable toxin neutralizer,
anesthetics (intensity 20), steel core (velvet lined) restraints, blood
filters, surgery tools (laser scalpels, hemostats, etc.), and a host of
other medical equipment. A weak force field can cover the enclosure
to control the air quality or provide a pure oxygen atmosphere.
Reactions: Nurses were given common l.D. cards which only
allowed them to request patient status, assign a new patient to an
empty hot, and release a recovering patient. Doctors used supervisor’s
cards which allowed them to direct the medical care of the robot. Only
the manufacturers had maintenance and programmer’s cards. Civil
authority cards could only be used to direct the medibot to an injured
person or to indicate which facility (hospital, prison ward, etc.) he or
she should be taken to. Security cards were obeyed without question,
so long as it didn’t endanger the patient.
The medibot will give medical care to anyone, with or without
orders, so long as it doesn’t have a patient. Humanoid animals need a
Robot Recognition check. Plants are ignored. Patients are released as
soon as they are well enough to not endanger their own health (half hit
points or better). If another patient isn’t waiting, the medibot will
allow a patient to remain until fully recovered.
Classification: Civil Territory: Assigned patrol

Mission Statement: To maintain law and order, apprehend known

criminals, and assist law-abiding citizenry when possible.
Description: A police robot looks like a motorcycle cop without
the motorcycle or the legs. It is a floating torso (antigrav pods) with a
pair of arms and a head (complete with facial features). Many of the
heads were molded to look like they are wearing helmets with sun
visors. T he idea is to present an authoritative appearance without
being frightening. A police robot has a deep, confidant male voice.
Territory: Hospitals A police robot can extrude a padded seat behind it to carry one
passenger or a small amount of cargo. Restraint straps are used to
Mission Statement: To give aid and comfort to all injured people. secure prisoners to the seat.
It is incapable of harming a person. Equipment: The police robot includes a telescopic camera, motion
Description: This robot looks for all the world like a steel coffin detector, IR camera, communicator, loud speaker, spotlight, lexicon,
without a lid. The patient lies inside it. The sides of the box are sloped video recorder, stun ray pistol, tangier, UV laser pistol, grenade
away from the center to prevent a closed in feeling. The bulk of the launcher with three tear gas grenades (intensity 12), and handcuffs.
equipment is underneath the enclosure, giving it a depth of over a The force field is linked to the weapons, allowing it to blink (see page
meter. Six retractable limbs (two claws, four hands) are mounted 73 of “Play of the Game ”) when they are fired.
along the edge of the enclosure. A variety of lights, monitors and Reactions: A common l.D. card is only used to direct an idle police
readouts line the outer edges. The whole thing floats on antigrav pods. robot to a particular beat or to the scene of a crime or accident. Once
It has a soothing, melodious female voice. on the scene, it is smart enough to be able to use its own judgment.

П24 Chapter 7; Robots

The supervisor’s card can direct the robot away from a crime or
accident scene, but only if there are other personnel or robots there to
attend it.
Programmer’s cards arc permanently identified with a vouc and
retinal print. Unlike other cards, which can be used by anyone, a
programmer’s card must be custom-made for each owner. Civil
authority cards work just like supervisor's cards. The police robot will
obey all the orders, even destructive ones, of a security card.
A police robot will do whatever it takes to prevent a crime. It uses
the minimal force necessary. If the criminals arc armed with assault
rifles, minimal force can be deadly. The police robot will treat people
engaged in noncriminal activities with respect and courtesy. It will
even offer aid and assistance occasionally.

П24 Chapter 7; Robots

Percept 25 Percept: 20
Stealth/ : Stealth/R. +5
AC: 25 AC: 30(
Force D)
0 Force
Speed: 18 Speed: 50
Hit 150 Hit 250
T1IAC: +2 ТНАС: + 13 ( + 7)
Attacks (+4)2 Attacks: 2
Hand ld4 + 8
: Hand ld4 +
Needie 2 UV laser
Int 15 Weapon +8
r Stun 25, 15
rayWeapo +2 VI/33
n Tech
PS, 15,20
Tech V/22 CPU: Analytical
CPU: Size: H (3
Size: M (2 m)
XP m)
3000 XP Value: 15,000

security robot is human in shape, including human features molded

into the head. Because this robot works frequently with people, it
looks human to ease tension in dealing with it. It has a gruff, male
voice, full of authority.
Equipment: A security robot comes with a built-in radio, di-
rectional spotlight, loudspeaker, siren, IR camera, telescope, motion
detector, video recorder, stun ray, and needier (paralytic poison
intensity 15). Its two hands have 1-meter-long arms. Its feet are rubber
soled to quiet the noise of its step.
Reactions: A common I.D. card can only be used to control it
when there is no emergency and during normal business hours. During
an emergency or after hours, only a supervisor’s card can command it.
It is required to obey any emergency civil authority card, so long as it
does not violate its mission statement. The owning corporation has
both maintenance and programmer’s I.D. cards. It is rumored that
some corporations unlawfully altered the equipment and mission
statements of some of their security robots. Security robots treat
security cards in the same manner as civil authority I.D. cards.
Security robots wander the grounds and buildings of the cor-
poration that owns them. They have very keen sensors, and rarely
miss any telltale signs of intruders. Upon spotting an unauthorized
activity, this robot always gives warning before attacking. Even then,
it only uses the minimal force necessary to prevent the crime. It
immediately radios the police and other security robots upon spotting
a problem. Animals are kept out of buildings, but otherwise ignored.
Plants are ignored altogether.
Classification: Military Territory: Base or mission

Mission Statement: To accomplish assigned military objectives,

including, but not limited to, the destruction of soldiers and materials
of the enemy. To defend the soldiers and material of its base. Its
secondary goal is to avoid harming innocent ram- combatants.
Description: A warbot looks like a floating egg. Basically oval, it
floats along on antigrav pods. Its top is a flat gun turret that can rotate
to face any direction. Its two tentacles (DX 10, PS 25) are
nonretractable and hang coiled around its base when not in use.
Equipment: Warbots are equipped with communicators (with
scramble circuits), invisible UV spotlights, a UV camera, a
camouflage cloak (like an energy cloak, but it can be set for lam-
ouflage), twin maser rifles, a grenade launcher with 20 grenades (four
Classification: Corporate Territory: Company grounds ECM, four fragmentation, two flare, two smoke, four high explosive,
four chemex), a micromissile rack with eight Al mi- cromissiles (four
Mission Statement: To prevent the unlawful entry of persons onto high explosive, two fission, two tore), and a fission cannon.
company land and buildings. To prevent damage to corporate Reactions: When encountered without an objective, dormant or in
property. To assist employees. storage, a military common I.D. card can be used to move a warbot
Description: Like the household robot and the police robot, the from place to place or have it perform menial tasks. Only a

supervisor’s card can give it a military objective. Maintenance I D.
cards work normally, assuming that they are from the same military
base. Programmer’s cards cannot be used to make a warbot attack the
base it is assigned to. Only a seceirity card can do that. Warbots
ignore civil authority cards.
Some of a warbot’s missions do not require it to destroy anything
until its objective is reached. Others require it to not be detected, so as
to slip behind enemy lines. In general, it ignores people unless they
present the appropriate I.D. cards. When on an assault mission, the
warbot shoots first and examines I D. cards later.
In the event of an attack upon its base or upon itself, the warbot
will fully activate and do whatever is necessary to drive off or destroy
the attacker. T his continues until the attacker is no longer a threat, or
until it receives orders from a supervisor or anyone with a security
card—which might prove to be difficult to present.

126 Chapter 8: CryGr,«r Л f .

•.ф c i »
An excerpt from Histories of Gamma Terra written by Szah- would ultimately result in conflict between the characters,
lah, sleeth historian: which is to be avoided at all costs. The Knights of Genetic
During the Reorganization, many of the sentients on Gamma Terra Purity are not open to PCs for this reason. The Zoopremists
rallied around the ideas of charismatic individuals. These eventually are explosive and tend toward terrorism. For this reason,
evolved into what are now collectively called the cryptic alliances. GMs might not want to allow them as a PC alliance. The
Each is devoted to remaking the world in its own image. Seekers are not as heinous, but they are not open to PCs as
Sleeth sociologists theorize that this is a normal, although their goals will tend to interfere with the probable goals of
dangerous, aspect of dramatic social change. Hopefully, we will all the group. The Created is not open to PCs, unless the GM
live through this phase and reach the time of enlightenment that is wants to allow android or robot characters.
supposed to follow this schism of social drives. I shudder to think
about the world remade to suit such groups as the Created or the
Knights of Genetic Purity.
With a lack of governments that span large areas, the cryptic
alliances sometimes hold tremendous power across vast distances.
Political and military jousting tends to occur as frequently between
the alliances as it does between cities.

Like any group of intelligent creatures, a cryptic alliance

is not formed from a narrow view. That is to say, even
members of the same cryptic alliance will differ greatly in
their interpretation of the alliance’s goals and methods. To
reflect this, each alliance description is written from a
central, moderate viewpoint. Traditional and reformed
variations are described under separate headings.
This variation within an alliance can be a rich source of
adventures. Powerful individuals within the same alliance
might try to use the characters for almost opposite goals.
Infighting in some of the alliances can get quite vicious.
Each alliance has symbols and habits that distinguish it
from the others or from those creatures not associated with
an alliance. Sometimes this is a drawn symbol, like a logo,
other times it is a phrase or type of apparel. For all the
groups, the most decisive indication of membership in a
cryptic alliance is the attitudes and actions of the creature.
Members of the alliance are granted certain privileges
and subject to some restrictions. Any member caught acting
against the goals of the organization is punished. The more
militant alliances kill traitors Player characters that perform
acts that further the goals of the alliance get experience
point bonuses. All of these benefits and restrictions are
described under the individual alliance entries.
A common benefit for all cryptic alliances is being able
to locate an ally in a distant land. If the cryptic alliance has
a presence in a town or region, a character belonging to that
alliance can usually contact the alliance and get a certain
amount of assistance. It will only help the character if the
character's cause is strongly related to the alliances goals,
and if the character can positively identify himself as a
It is not recommended that a character belong to some of
these cryptic alliances. Many of them have been designed
to work as the enemies of the player characters. These
“enemy” alliances’ goals and beliefs are offensive. Having
a character in the party who belongs to such an alliance

127 Chapter 8: CryGr,«r Л f .

•.ф c i »
The Archivists is and is not a ‘‘new visit ” Once a week is a good guideline
(Servants of the Eye] for a minimum gap between visits.
Notes: The Archivists will pay for artifacts, They don’t
This primitive alliance worships the artifacts of the care if they work or not. Any artifact is an item worthy of
ancients. Its members are usually ignorant and uneducated laying at the feet of their robot altars, l’hev will pay the
folk, poor both in mind and in body. They venerate the past standard price for the item. They will even buy junk,
and have little desire to improve their current lot or strive baubles and curiosities. Even members of the alliance can
for a better future. Their members tend to be true men, sell to the temple, so long as their sales are accompanied by
although all types of sentients are members. Groups of a substantial donation.
Archivists are sometimes bullied into servitude by The Archivists have special squads of trained robot
Followers of the Voice. hunters. These men are armed with functional lech V and
Archivists are driven to acquire any sort of artifact, VI weapons, which arc sanctioned to be used rather than
functioning or not. They offer their finds to the deactivated worshipped. They arc adept at their jobs.
robots they worship as gods. A typical temple is a shrine
filled with artifacts, most of which are worthless. On
occasions Archivists are able to capture and deactivate a
robot. They then mount it upon an altar as a new god to be
Members of this organization tend to keep their alliance
secret. The locations of their temples are never revealed to a
stranger. Such places are bound to be looted if discovered
by outsiders.
Traditional: These members hunt down robots and active
machines, believing them to be inhabited by evil spirits.
They deactivate these machines by any means and cart
them off to a temple.
Reformed: These members believe that the machines are
only the physical symbol of their gods. These members
only seek or take artifacts that are not being used by others
or have ceased to function naturally.
Symbol: An eye within a triangle. It is usually worn
upon jewelry and kept out of casual view.
Benefits: + 3 Robot Recognition and + 3 Use Artifacts,
but only when trying to deactivate a robot or machine.
Restrictions: All artifacts of value that a member ac-
quires must be deactivated and placed in a temple. An
artifact that is not “doing something” is considered
deactivated even if it is in perfect working condition.
Artifacts of value to the Archivist are usually defined as
powered devices with moving parts. Deactivation is
sometimes as simple as removing the power source.
Player character Archivists are allowed to carry and use
artifacts, so long as they regularly donate artifacts of value
to the temple. The evaluators of the temple are likely to
insist on the most valuable artifact in the character’s
possession as the necessary donation.
Experience Point Bonus: The character gets a bonus for
placing artifacts at an Archivist temple. The highest
bonuses would be awaided lor unusual items such as an
airplane (10,000 xp). On the other hand, a blow dryer might
only earn an Archivist 10 xp. The PG gets experience
points only lor the single item ol the high est value that he
places there each visit. Hie Gann- Master will have to be
careful not to allow a revolving door attitude towards what

The legends of this alliance hold that it was formed by a alliance than it is a player character alliance.
true man known only as Ashintin. Most sleeth historians Members of the Brotherhood tend to wear simple robes
believe this is a pseudonym and not the man’s true name. and carry defensive weaponry. Brothers usually carry axes
According to the legend, Ashintin was a survivor of the and quarterstaves. Clergy use maces and shields for
cataclysm. He saw the potential for a new age of defense. The bishops use no weapons, but commonly wear
enlightenment in the ashes of the cataclysm. He gathered armor, sometimes even Tech IV or lech V protection.
together a small group of followers dedicated to the ideal of
unifying all intelligent creatures to form a society of
peaceful coexistence founded upon freedom of choice.
The two pillars of the Brotherhood of Thought are
nonaggression and personal choice. Their concept of
personal choice borders upon anarchy. The Brotherhood
has weak ties to the Seekers and the White Hand. It opposes
the work of alliances such as the Purists or the Friends of
There is little organization in the Brotherhood. Each
member does as he pleases. Most merely go about their
lives trying to live up to the ideals of the alliance. Some
wander the land, trying to convince any sentient creature to
join their ranks. Such wanderers usually travel in groups of
three or four. They like to have one member of each basic
genotype: a true man, an Altered One, a new animal, and a
sentient plant. However, their ideals do not seem to appeal
to plants as often as to die other genotypes, so frequently
there are only three members of the group. They are quite
open and honest about their alliance membership.
Traditional: Sometimes you have to use violence to stop
violence. These brothers are reluctant to use this option, but
will hurt or kill a sentient creature if necessary to prevent
even greater destruction.
Reformed: A radical brother will never strike a sentient
creature, even to save his own life. He will never prevent
anyone from doing as he chooses, although he might try to
persuade such a person verbally to the Brotherhood’s view.
Symbol: Members trace an infinity sign in the air or on
their foreheads as a symbol of their alliance.
Benefits: + 3 bonus to Charisma in any attribute check
made when trying to convince creatures to act peacefully or
trying to calm down a heated situation.
Restrictions: Cannot attack creatures except in self-
defense or if they are going to do violence or cause de-
struction in the immediate future (next few rounds).
Experience Point Bonus: Once per adventure a
member of the Brotherhood can double the experience
points he would normally get for resolving a conflict
without combat. The Game Master will have to record the
award for such events separately to be able to grant the
bonus accurately.
Notes: Since the Brotherhood ftequently works in small
groups, it is recommended that the character have partners
within the party that are also members of this cryptic
alliance. Ideally these partners should be composed of one
character of each genotype. The tangible game rewards to a
character of this cryptic alliance are few. It is a better NPC

Chapter 8: Cryptic Alliances 129

Androids are a myth in Meriga. No one can say for sure level technology that surpasses that of any sentient, living
that they still exist. The books and relics of the ancients being in the world.
describe such creatures, but there are no known androids Rumors claim the Created have established manu-
around, just rumors. The most credible rumor is that they facturing plants, fully automated, of course, and secretly
hate their human creators. They believe that artificial life trade the products to sentient creatures. If so, they are very
forms, such as androids, robots, and computers are superior careful not to give too much technology to any one region
to any natural life form. Their long-term goal is the or group, since that would undermine their own
complete dominance of created life. technological advantage.
As a group, the Created value logical thought. Natural The strongest clues to an android enclave are in the ruins
life forms are considered too emotional and illogical to be of Datun. This unexplored city is somewhere in the Wild
true survivors. The needs of the alliance are always placed Lands. Few explorers have ever returned to verify its exact
before the needs of the individual member. Most members whereabouts.
think nothing of sacrificing their existence if it will
sufficiently further the alliance.
The Created tend to congregate in secret enclaves. These
are usually located in the ruins of the ancients. There the
Created rebuild many of the ancient artifacts that they find,
waiting for a chance to replace humankind as the dominate
species on Earth.
Traditional: Natural life forms are believed to be in-
ferior, but should not be actively harmed or destroyed. Of
course, this applies to whole races and natural life as a
whole. Individuals are rarely of any significance.
Sometimes a group of people or animals are able to form a
cautious alliance with traditional Created.
Reformed: Reformed members of the Created believe
that all sentient natural life forms are a threat to their
supremacy. They destroy them whenever possible.
However, sometimes the logic of the situation dictates
letting a natural life form live to further a more important
plot or goal.
Symbol: A clenched fist, raised shoulder high, is a salute
used by this alliance. Members usually assume that any
machine or android is also a member or at least agrees with
their goals.
Benefits: Computers and robots always react positively
when dealing with members of the Created.
Restrictions: Not open to player characters! Members
must always put the needs of the group ahead of their own
welfare or that of any other individual. They must act as if
their lives, or any other individual’s life, can be readily
sacrificed if necessary.
Experience Point Bonus: Not applicable since this
cryptic alliance is not open to player characters.
Notes: Since a character must be an android or robot
to be a part of this cryptic alliance, it is impossible tor a
player character to join this alliance. All members use logic
exclusively and are incapable of understanding emotion or
personal needs.
The Created are a very mysterious cryptic alliance and
very powerful. They have access to a large quantity of
ancient artifacts. Unlike organic life forms, the androids
and computers have never forgotten how to use or build
machines. They have an intimate understand ing of high-

The Followers of the Voice in a “prayer.” (These are old programs from dusty manuals
(Prog r am m & r s J found in ancient ruins.) It is not necessary for the computer
to respond to these prayers.
According to the Programmers, the entire world was The destruction of a computer or property clearly
created by a computer. They worship any of these ancient controlled by a computer is forbidden. From the Follower’s
machines that they find as minor deities. Always they point of view, the computer is always right. A player
search for the creator computer. What they intend to do if character Follower should always try to persuade the party
they find it is a secret known only by the grand high to not harm any computer or computer equipment.
systems operator. Typical members tend to be the disaffected middle class,
There are many cases where Followers of the Voice craftsmen, businessmen and such. They tend to be idealists,
have been easily enslaved by an active computer. They believing in a world where all problems can be solved
offer it prayers found in ancient texts, coding them into the easily. For them, computers are the ultimate representations
machine. Programmers that serve an active computer are of order. It can’t be wrong if the computer says it’s true.
frequently traditional and fanatical, following any
command or whim of their mechanized god.
Programmers have been known to associate with Ar-
chivists and the Created. Most other alliances, particularly
the Restorationists, oppose them. The Followers of the
Voice keep their existence secret. They fear that outsiders
would want to harm or steal their computers.
Their secret bases tend to be in the ancient ruins where
the old computers might still be found. They are usually
well equipped with artifacts from before the time of
Traditional: Anything the computer says or commu-
nicates is the literal truth. It must be obeyed instantly and
precisely. These Programmers will lay down their lives
proudly if the computer asks them to do so.
Reformed: The ramblings of the computer god are to be
interpreted in light of the current social climate. It is often
thought that the computer is intentionally cryptic in order to
test the skills of its followers.
Symbol: The followers have many symbols, but the most
popular arc the chip and the disk. They arc frequently
tattooed in places that are not visible in public.
Benefits: + 3 Robot Recognition bonus when dealing
with computers or when trying to extract information from
or program them.
Restrictions: The Followers of the Voice must obey the
instructions of any computer. There is some latitude in
interpreting what the computer wants done. Once a year, a
Programmer must contact an active computer and ask it for
a quest or instructions. This can happen coincidentally as
part of an unrelated adventure.
Experience Point Bonus: The Programmer character is
entitled to a 100 experience point bonus times his current
level each adventure as long as he obeys any
orders given to him by a computer. If a computer is not
encountered in the adventure, then he doesn’t get the bonus.
The Game Master should be lenient about the player’s
interpretation of the computer’s requests.
Notes: The character should strive to keep his alliance
secret, even from other members of the party. He should try
and seek out a computer a few times a year, so he can type

Chapter 8; Cryptic Alliances 131

Healers [The White Hand] creatures. The Healer must avoid killing if possible, al
though this is not always the case. However, once the threat
This is a monastic order, founded by a great healer from is over or the creature is no longer an obstacle, he must tend
the Shadow Years immediately following the cataclysm. to its wounds, if possible. The Healer does not have to risk
Healers are dedicated to healing the sick and injured of any his life to do this. If the wounded creature is going to kill
race or alliance, even nonsentient creatures. him if he comes near it, then the Healer is not obligated to
Some members of the White Hand establish hospitals bandage it.
where the sick and injured can go for treatment. Others In any hospital of the White Hand, the alliance member
wander the land healing any and all creatures that cross can get a fresh medikit V for half the listed cost. Although
their path. Those that wander rarely carry powerful medikits are not always available elsewhere, these hospitals
artifacts, for fear of damage or theft. They rely more on are always willing to sell one to an alliance member.
their skill and on a few more common artifacts to perform
their valuable work.
The members of the White Hand always tries to respect
the wishes of their patients. For example, when among the
Seekers, they use only primitive healing techniques, such as
salves, ointments and splints. A Radioactivist would not be
treated for radiation burns, but would receive aid for other
The Healers have access to healing equipment and
knowledge of drugs and chemicals that is superior to most
other organizations. They make no secret of their alliance
membership. Anyone caught stealing from the White Hand
is refused the benefit of their services.
Traditional: Traditional Healers will help any creature,
sentient or not. They will risk life and limb to give medical
assistance to another. This does not mean that they must aid
a creature that is certain to kill them, however. There must
be a chance of successfully treating the patient before they
will take the risk.
Reformed: Many reformed Healers demand payment for
their services, although they will sometimes perform
charity work. They tend to help nonsentient creatures only
Symbol: The two primary symbols of the Healers are the
outstretched hand and the caduceus. These are usually
painted on their belongings, particularly their healing
Benefits: The character starts with a medikit V. A Healer
can bandage a character in half the normal time. Any
character under the constant supervision of a Healer heals at
twice the normal rate (i.e., 2 points per day of rest). The
Healer cannot accelerate regenerated healing.
Restrictions: The character must try to bandage or heal
any wounded or sick sentient creature. If the creature is
beyond help, he can humanely put it out of its
misery. He is not required to risk his health or safety to heal
a creature.
Experience Point Bonus: The character gets a 100 xp
bonus times his current level once per adventure if he heals
a sentient creature or character that is not a member of the
party. Insignificant animals don’t count— i.e., healing a
mouse does not warrant an xp bonus.
Notes: Healers can still fight and even kill other

132 Chapter 8: Cryptic Alliances

The Iron Society trouble, if he significantly aids mutants or mutantkind. The
Game Master will have to judge the character’s
This is yet another group founded upon fear and hatred. performance during the adventure. Actions worthy of the xp
It seems that humans as a species have an unlimited amount bonus must be significant in stature and not just a small
of these negative emotions. Only altered humans can be a thing. There must have been some form of personal risk to
part of this alliance. Similar to the Knights of Genetic the character or particularly clever work on his part.
Purity, whom its members despise, the Iron Society hates Notes: The Iron Society is powerful and secretive.
all true men. The Iron Society believes that altered humans However, it is also divided. Traditionalists and reformed
are the race of the future, destined by genetics to replace members sometimes fight each other as fiercely as they
Homo sapiens. fight their genetic enemies.
Members are sworn to secrecy and do not lightly reveal Typical alliance members are rigid and inflexible in their
their allegiance. The society has a special branch of views. They are right, and you are wrong. They tend to be
telepathic mutants called the Thought Police that tracks extremists, who are willing to die for the Society. Their
down traitors and destroys them. hostility and anger toward true men, particularly Knights of
The Iron Society was formed strictly in reaction to the Genetic Purity, is obvious to all. All in all, the Iron Society
Knights of Genetic Purity. As the Purists began to hunt is very dangerous organization.
down and slaughter larger and larger groups of altered
humans, militant mutants formed their own reactionary
group. The struggle between these two cryptic alliances has
been going on for over a century. The Purists have the
advantage of technology, while the Iron Society has the
advantage of powerful mutations.
Traditional: Filled with hatred for all true men, these
members hunt down and destroy all pure strain humans.
They actively seek to better their position by eliminating all
true men. Player character members are not allowed to hold
the traditional point of view.
Reformed: These members are not blinded by their
hatred. They only despise the Knights of Genetic Purity, not
all true men. In their eyes, true men are merely pathetic
inferiors. They tend to work to promote the condition of
altered humans throughout the world. Player characters
must take this reformed viewpoint if they are members of
the Iron Society.
Symbol: A hammer in a circle is one primary symbol of
the Iron Society. The Society has minted a coin with this
image that is sometimes passed between members for
Benefits: A member is able to buy a Tech IV or Tech
V weapon from the alliance at 50% cost. He must purchase
the weapon as part of a plot against the Knights of Genetic
Purity or some other significant threat to mutantkind. The
Game Master rolls once on the Tech
V and Tech VI weapon loot tables and offers the character
his choice. The PC can only purchase one of the items
Restrictions: The character must stop any threat to
mutants. In particular, he must stop any activity of the
Knights of Genetic Purity, if possible. In general, he must
promote the condition of mutantkind.
Experience Point Bonus: An Iron Society member is
eligible for a 100 xp bonus times his current level each
adventure if he prevents a serious threat to mutants or
mutantkind, or if he causes the Knights of Genetic Purity

Chapter 8; Cryptic Alliances 133

K.Dsgnts of Genetic Purity [PuriSfcS-J weapons at all times. They favor the color red and arc- fond
of cloaks. Knee-high boots and heavy gloves arccommon
Only true men are allowed to become a Knight. The accessories. They carry the symbols of their alliance
members of this alliance thrive on fear and hatred. In proudly and boldly.
particular, they focus their passion upon the unlucky ones— Intellectually, the Knights are strict and unyielding.
altered humans. The purists will go to almost any length to They never allow their reasoning to be scrutinized or
kill altered humans or destroy their plans and works. Their questioned. A person that is not with them must be against
creed blames all the ills of the world, both past and present, them. There is not room in their philosophy for fence
upon the unlucky ones. Strangely, they seem to have no straddling.
great hatred for sentient animals or plants.
Most sentients find their dogma of hatred and genocide
repugnant. They are almost universally hated by the other
cryptic alliances. In particular, they are pitted against the
Iron Society. The typical Knight proudly displays the red
square badge of his alliance, reveling in the fear of those
around him. They tend to travel in groups and conduct
countless raids on towns and villages looking for altered
Purists are particularly well equipped. Early in their
history, they seized control of an installation at New
Waskum. The installation there has since been gutted. They
have claimed all of the artifacts of the ancient times as their
rightful inheritance. Groups of Purists can sometimes be
found in control of a base or installation where they have
taken control of most of the equipment.
Traditional: These Knights zealously seek out mutants
to kill. They believe that their purpose in life is to wipe out
the altered human population.
Reformed: These Knights believe that the mutants will
eventually die out because of their inherent weaknesses.
They tend to enslave mutants rather than kill them.
Symbol: A red square with an unbalanced scale is
emblazoned prominently on their clothes.
Benefits: Members each carry a fully functional weapon
artifact. They are particularly fond of blasters.
Restrictions: This cryptic alliance is not available to
player characters!
Experience Point Bonus: Not applicable, since player
characters cannot be members of this cryptic alliance.
Notes: The Knights of Genetic Purity are not open to
player characters. This group is founded on racial hatred
and specifically designed to be the nemesis of
the player characters. A Knight of Genetic Purity would
want to kill all mutated members of a party.
There is an underground movement afoot within the city
of Bastion, home of the Knights of Genetic Purity. True
men of the alliance that have mutated children born to them
sometimes join this movement. It is aimed at overthrowing
the Knights of Genetic Purity and dedicating the efforts of
the city to healing genetic deviations. This would in effect,
remove all mutations from the human race peacefully,
assuming that all mutants agreed to have their genes
Typical alliance members wear armor and carry

134 Chapter 8: Cryptic Alliances

Peace Briaade . Restrictions: Peace Brigade are not allowed to be a
member of any army or military force. They cannot assist
Not long ago, a group splintered off from the Resto- any army or military force, especially if it is besieging a
rationists. This group decided that civilization needs to be town or village. They could help defend a village, but
preserved and nurtured wherever it may be found, and that would not take orders, draw pay, wear a uniform, etc.
its members were just the sentients to do it. Experience Point Bonus: The character gets 100 xp
The Peace Brigade’s members approach villages and times his current level if he can successfully introduce a
towns in remote areas and offer to improve their standard of superior method of living or improve the defensive works
living. This usually involves education and improved public of a town, village, clan, etc. Killing the monster of the
works. Also, the Brigade will fortify and set up defensive moment doesn’t count. What he accomplishes must be
works around the town. In exchange, the Brigade expects to something of lasting value. This award can only be earned
levy a very reasonable tax. Many villages accept this offer. once per adventure.
The Brigade then moves in and teaches them advanced Notes: Members of the Peace Brigade are always sure
methods of farming, manufacturing, etc. Its members build that they know best. Their intentions are good, but their
walls, arm the citizenry, or do whatever is necessary to methods are sometimes destructive. It is almost impossible
make the village defensible. Once the agreement is forged, to sway them from fortifying a town.
the citizens discover they have no say in how the village is
defended or what constitutes an improved quality of life.
Unfortunately, even if the village cannot be persuaded to
cooperate, the Peace Brigade may move in and do its work
anyway. Armed guards oversee the construction of
protective walls, which may or may not run through fields
and houses. Buildings and homes are leveled and replaced
with more modern equivalents.
After all of this chaos, the Brigade leaves. The following
year, it returns with an armed force and extracts a tax from
the citizenry. This tax is higher than the one that might
otherwise be levied if the Brigade had been allowed to do
its work with the village’s cooperation, but is still not a
severe burden to the population.
Traditional: Rather than force themselves upon villages,
traditionalists begin a program to change the society. Their
goal is to convince the people that progress of any sort is
good. They are willing to wait an entire generation to
change the minds of the people.
Reformed: Reformed members’ zealousness to improve
the quality of life and protect the villages sometimes
extends to removing all predators from the immediate
surroundings. Alternately, they might force the people to
live in underground dwellings, the ultimate in defensible
positions. In general, they go to extremes when determining
how best to protect a village.
Symbol: A crossed shovel and sword set on a blue field.
It is typically emblazoned on the members’ equipment and
on the walls or other structures they leave behind in the
Benefits: Members start the game with a set of
building tools and a knowledge of construction techniques.
It doesn’t take any less time or money for a member of the
Peace Brigade to build something, but it is always built
right. There is no danger of it falling apart or not working
properly. This advantage is restricted to small- and
medium-sized building projects with only simple
mechanical operations.

Chapter 8; Cryptic Alliances 135

The Radioactivists secret from members of the group. They will be able to
count his mutations and make an educated guess about his
This strange group believes in the “divine radiant membership. The character may want to select two passive
glory.’’ Members must expose themselves to the effects of mutations to keep as his secret from the group. These do
radiation repeatedly. They then crawl off to wait for a not have to be the extra mutations gained for his
possible mutation to affect them. The Radioactivists that membership. Optionally, if his companions are good
mutate beneficially are considered blessed, while those with roleplayers, they can pretend to not know.
defective mutations are thought to be paying for their Typical alliance members are the poor and downtrodden.
transgressions. With nothing to lose, why not take a chance on some
The vast bulk of this cryptic alliance are altered humans, radiation? They are rarely intellectuals, but are more often
although there are some new animals in it. Members keep laborers or peasants. They have a hatred for people with
their membership secret from anyone not in the alliance. money and status. For them, the glow is the ultimate
They almost always live and work near areas containing equalizer. It doesn’t care if you are rich or poor, it will
hazardous radiation. This gives them ample opportunity to mutate you just the same.
practice their beliefs.
The overall goal of the Radioactivists is to spread ra-
dioactivity throughout the world. They do not seem to
realize that this would mean the end of life as we know it.
Somewhere there is rumored to be a supreme leader that
has been mutated almost beyond recognition. He is
supposedly directing the entire alliance’s efforts toward its
grand goal.
Traditional: This branch of the cryptic alliance wants to
establish shrines in currently radioactive areas where the
devoted can visit. Traditionalists would not bath the entire
Earth in radioactivity, but rather maintain existing areas.
They want to go public with the creed.
Reformed: At the opposite extreme, the reformed
Radioactivists want to increase the amount of radiation in
the world. They engage in a crude form of fortunetelling by
capturing innocent creatures and subjecting them to
radiation. If the creature dies, it is a bad omen. If it lives, it
is a good omen. If it mutates, then favor is truly shining
upon the issue.
Symbol: The triple triangle (see picture) is the symbol
of the Radioactivists. It must be either yellow, orange or
red. Members of the alliance emblazon it in hidden corners
of their clothing or on their belongings.
Benefits: Characters must roll two extra mutations, one
physical and one mental. These mutations can be defects
even if the character already has defects.
Restrictions: The character must keep his membership
in the cryptic alliance secret, even from other members of
the group. Although it is not mandatory, the Radioactivist
should endeavor to expose himself to radiation whenever he
finds it.
ture he voluntarily exposes himself to sufficient radiation to
do him harm. He gets double that amount if he gets a
mutation from it, even a defect.

Experience Point Bonus: The character gets a 100 xp

bonus times his level if at least once during the adven-

Notes: It may not be realistic to keep the PC’s alliance

136 Chapter 8: Cryptic Alliances

The Ranks of the Fit [Bonapartists] of a military strategist. They always advocate a military
solution to problems—i.e., blockades, sieges, raids,
The so-called Emperor Napoleon I, a mutated bear, assaults, etc. They consider mutated animals to be superior
founded this cryptic alliance. In the early years, he to other sentient races. This is not necessarily a conscious
conquered vast territories with his large armies. Now the or malicious act; it just seems to be the natural order of
Bonapartists still hold sway over several large cities, but things to them.
they have lost most of what their emperor conquered. Each
city is ruled by a supreme high commander. These iron-
fisted monarchs spend much of their time trying to unite the
ranks under their individual command.
The creed of the ranks is based upon several ancient
texts, which were once revered by Napoleon I himself. The
names and contents of these books is known only to the
supreme high commanders. These beliefs include the
natural superiority of animals over all other forms of life,
the necessity for subjugating the inferior races, and the vital
importance of the military.
Anyone can become a Bonapartist, but only animals are
allowed to have positions of authority (ranks of major or
above). As a result, few humans or sentient plants can be
found in their ranks. In addition, only mammals, and rarely
insects, lizards, or birds, are ever given truly important
Those members inside this alliance’s territory are open
about their allegiance. However, they have many spies and
operatives in other places that keep their identity a secret.
Traditional: Many members of this branch hate humans.
Reformed Bonapartists want to crush all human resistance
and establish a supreme military government with humans
as slaves. Mammals would, of course, be more important
that other animals in this new scheme.
Reformed: This wing of the alliance believes that the
military must serve the common good of the people. They
want to conquer the world so that they can establish a
government where the military and civilian elements rule
equally. Animals are, of course, predestined to rule the
military half of the government.
Symbol: Members of the military all wear uniforms with
tricornered hats. Secret operatives usually carry a symbol
with a stylized dagger thrust through a triangle.
Benefits: Enforcers get a + 3 Combat Leadership bonus.
All character types get to add +3 to the morale rating of
anyone they are leading. A Bonapartist’s
troops will tend to hold loyalty to him and be more
courageous in battle with him around. This bonus cannot be
used with other player characters.
Restrictions: Must belong to an army or military or-
ganization at all times. If ousted from one, the alliance
member must immediately seek to join another.
Experience Point Bonus: He gets a 100 XP bonus times
his current level once per adventure if he participates in a
military action of some sort with NPCs. Normal guerrilla
tactics involving only the player characters do not count.
Notes: Bonapartists tend to see the world though the eyes

Chapter 8; Cryptic Alliances 137

Restorationists a 100 xp bonus times his current level once in an adventure
if he retrieves information about the ancients and
The members of this cryptic alliance are primarily successfully turns it over to a Restorationist center. This
humans, both pure strain and altered. However, any sentient should be significant information—trivial or useless bits
creature is welcome to join their ranks. The Restorationists don’t count.
work to recover the ancient technology and restore Gamma Notes: Restorationists buy and sell artifacts. Even
Terra to its previous glory. They have vast stores of broken junk can be sold to them for spare parts. They will
information gathered from ancient sites from distant lands. buy junk, baubles and curiosities for the standard price.
As a rule, animals and plants are not interested in Individual artifacts are purchased for at least 10% less than
restoring the old ways. They would rather build a new their actual value. The condition of the artifact greatly
civilization than restore the old one. However, under- influences how much the Restorationists are willing to pay.
standing the old ways is of vital importance if they are to They sell the artifacts for the prices shown in the equipment
avoid their mistakes. section. Restorationists will only evaluate or repair
The Seekers in particular hate Restorationists for their equipment for members. Nonmcmbcts arc just plain out of
love of machines. The Restorationists do not actively luck.
oppose any single group, although any cryptic alliance
opposed to rebuilding civilization is dealt with cautiously.
Such alliances as the Followers of the Voice, Zoopremists
and Archivists stand in the way of the Restorationists’
The Restorationists influence many large towns. They
are very aggressive in their goals, hiring mercenaries to
explore, seek out and recover ancient artifacts and
knowledge. While well armed, they have never been known
to attack without provocation.
Traditional: The traditional view holds that only com-
plete dominance of an area will secure it so that it can be
restored. The technology of the ancients must be used to
control the populace if any progress is to be made.
Reformed: These members believe that society must be
restored by peaceable means. They even advocate making
treaties with such groups as the Seekers and the Knights of
Genetic Purity.
Symbol: The rising sun over the ocean is the symbol of
the Restorationists. They bear it proudly on flags, but rarely
carry it on their persons.
Benefits: Any artifacts that a Restorationist purchases
from the alliance are at a 10% discount. The character can
ask the alliance to repair an artifact, for a price, once per
adventure, and if the character can prove that the repair of
the artifact would further the goals of the alliance, the
Restorationists will repair it for free. Likewise, once per
adventure, the alliance will analyze an artifact for a member
at no cost. Use the Use Artifacts Diagram on page 67 and
assume that the alliance’s Use Artifacts skill is a 10. This
means that most artifacts of complexity 12 or less will be
automatically figured out. It is possible
for the Restorationists to be wrong or even to break the
artifact. Analysis takes a full week.
Restrictions: Restorationists are not allowed to destroy
information from before the cataclysm. Books, tapes,
computer files, etc. of the ancients must be preserved at all
costs, even if they fall into evil hands.
Experience Point Bonus: A member of this alliance gets

138 Chapter 8: Cryptic Alliances

Seekers [New Dawn] clean-shaven. The hats they favor look vaguely like
baseball caps. They fit snugly on the head and have a sun
It is not surprising that the New Dawn cryptic alliance visor extending over the face. A modified form of overalls
should spring from the cataclysm. According to the legends are common attire for the men. Women let their hair grow
of the time of troubles, machines and technology played an and must always wear long, multilayered skirts. All of their
important role in causing the devastation that forever clothes arc homemade and are of good quality. The colors
changed the face of this planet. Seekers are filled with an green and brown are heavily favored, representing the soil
all-consuming hatred of advanced machines and the and the crops of the farms.
technology that they believe is responsible for their plight.
Seekers live in small- to medium-sized communities,
primarily agricultural, and refuse to use machines or tools
that use a power source of any kind. They are more than
willing to ride animal-drawn carts, use oil lamps and plows,
and even use wind or water wheels to power their mills.
The make no secret of their beliefs.
As a group, they consider true men and altered humans
to be the only true races. Animals and plants are given
respect, but are considered second-class citizens only fit to
be servants. It is important to note that Seekers do not hate
or enslave animals and plants, they merely consider them to
be inferior. For example, they are not allowed to have a
voice in community decisions. The Seekers are friendly
only with the Brotherhood. They actively hate
Restorationists, Programmers, and Archivists.
Traditional: The traditional Seekers have a lengthy and
detailed list of permitted and forbidden machines. They
actively seek to destroy any machines that have been
declared forbidden.
Reformed: These Seekers are willing to consider certain
forms of technology as valid. They have an elaborate
testing system to determine whether a machine is too
advanced for their society. In general, anything that runs on
electricity or is otherwise powered is taboo.
Symbol: The symbol of the New Dawn is a wheat stalk
against an oval. Members place this symbol on buildings,
but don’t carry it around with them, as a rule.
Benefits: None.
Restrictions: This cryptic alliance is not open to player
Experience Point Bonus: Not applicable since player
characters cannot be members of this alliance.
Notes: Just because this group doesn’t believe in ar-
tifacts doesn’t mean that they arc weak or defenseless. They
have cannons and flintlocks for weapons. Seekers
with powerful mutations are quite capable of protecting
their families and homes.
There is a splinter group forming from the Seekers. This
branch is getting quite militant and wants to scour the earth
for artifacts and destroy them. The splinter group’s
members believe that they know what is best for the whole
world. Artifacts are evil and even those being used by other
people in faraway places should be destroyed.
Typical alliance members are farmers. Tradition dictates
that the men must always wear hats and keep their faces

Chapter 8; Cryptic Alliances 139

Originally the Zoopremists were dedicated to serving all activity of the Ranks of the Fit, if possible. In general, he
sentient species of animals. Their alliance was to be a must promote the condition of animals wherever possible.
common society in which the new species of Gamma Terra Experience Point Bonus: A Zoopremist is eligible for a
could mingle freely. Since that time, it has splintered into 100 xp bonus times his current level each adventure if he
two groups, neither of which follows the old creed of the thwarts a serious threat to mutated animals, if he causes the
original Zoopremists. Ranks of the Fit trouble, or if he significantly aids mutated
The current thinking of the Zoopremists is that the animals. The Game Master will have to judge the
thinking beasts of the world are its rightful heirs. They character’s performance during the adventure. Actions
believe themselves to be superior to humans, including the worthy of the xp bonus must be significant in stature and
Altered Ones. The Zoopremists do not want to kill pure not just a small thing.
strain humans and altered humans, merely make them their Notes: Zoopremists can be disruptive as player char-
servants. Sentient plants are not thought to be of any acters. The Game Master might want to not allow them as a
consequence. player character alliance.
Young animals seem attracted to this cryptic alliance.
An alarming number of them join its ranks. Fortunately, as
they mature into adulthood, many leave the Zoopremists.
Those few that do stay tend to comprise the leadership
ranks of the Zoopremists. Their young followers are quite
zealous and devoted.
The Zoopremists secretly oppose the Ranks of the Fit. It
galls them that a significant group of animals believes that
it is possible to live with humans, even altered ones. The
Zoopremists act as a secret organization to prevent the plots
and activities of the Ranks of the Fit, seeking to discredit
them in the eyes of mutated animals everywhere.
Left: Leftist Zoopremists have formed a secret society
devoted to destroying anything and anybody that stands in
the way of new animal supremacy. They wholly embrace
the tools of terrorism.
Right: These new animal rights activists are interested in
furthering the role of animals in the new world. They are
militant but not a terrorist organization. They do not
advertise themselves, but do not go to great lengths to keep
their cryptic alliance secret.
Symbol: A bull’s head is used to symbolize the Zoo-
premists’ organization. Members use a secret sign with the
thumb and forefinger curved to look like an animal’s horns
(see picture).
Benefits: A Zoopremist is skilled at making and using
bombs. These bombs act like high explosive grenades or
warheads. The damage and the radius of the bomb increase
with their Zoopremist maker’s level of expertise. The bomb
is set off by a lit fuse up to 10 meters long. It takes four
hours to pack the bomb and prepare the fuse. It takes 10
minutes to place it properly.
Leve Damage Radius Components
1-2 3d4 5 meters Cost 100 domars
3-4 3d6 10 meters 250 domars
5-6 3d8 15 meters 500 domars
7-8 3dl0 20 meters 1000 domars
9+ 3dl2 25 meters 2500 domars

Restrictions: The character must avenge any threat or

discrimination to animals. In particular, he must stop any

140 Chapter 8: Cryptic Alliances


All creatures in the GAMMA WORLD® game have an

experience point value associated with them. This is a
measure of how hard it is to defeat the creature. Defeating a
creature usually means beating it in combat, but can also
mean outwitting it. For more details on awarding
experience points, see the “Campaign” chapter, beginning
on page 166 of this book.
The base experience point score for a creature is de-
termined by roughly measuring its combat potential. The
GAMMA WORLD® game uses the same method that is
used in the AD&D® game. The level ol the creature serves
as a base. Once the base xp value is determined, other
special abilities add to the base score. Each plus shifts the
xp value to the next higher rank.
In general, a power or mutation only gives the highest
bonus on the table. If it has been counted for one- bonus, it
cannot be counted for another. For example. life leech is an
area effect attack, but is also a mental attack. It does not
give both bonuses to the character, only the higher of the
Let’s look at an example. An ark is a 2nd level creature.
Therefore, its base xp value is 35. However, arks have the
life leech mutation, which is an area effect mental power
( +2), and telekinesis (+ 1), which is a mental attack. They
also carry ranged attack weapons, such as bows (+ 1). Their
Intelligence is too low to give them a modifier. The
modifiers total to +4, which moves them down the Base
Experience Point Value Table four rows. Therefore, an ark
is worth 270 xp if defeated. Arks with artifacts could be
worth even more.

Base Experience Point Value

Level XP Value
l 15
2 35
3 65
4 120
5 175
6 270
7 420
8 650
9 975
10 1400
11 2000
12 + +1000 each

141 Chapter 9: Creatures

Experience Point Modifiers Level: This is a measure of the toughness of the creature.
Special Ability Mod. When creating creatures of your own, the level is used to
AC of at least 20 +1 determine the THAC and MD and influence your decisions
AC of at least 30 +2
about other values. In general, the THAC is the same as the
MD of at least 20 +1
MD of at least 30 +2 level and the MD is 10 plus the level. See Making Monsters
Stealth/R.U. greater than + 10 +1 & Creatures on the following page for further details.
Perception greater than 20 +1 Hit Dice: This is the number of six-sided dice roiled for
Area effect attack +2 hit points. The average value for this die roll is given in
Causes disease +1 parentheses for quick encounters where the GM does not
Flies +1
Four or more attacks/round +1 want to generate individual hit points.
Hit dice greater than 10 +1 THAC: This acronym stands for To Hit Armor Class. It
Hit dice greater than 20 +2 is used in the same way as for player characters.
Hit dice greater than 30 +3 Attacks: All of the natural attacks of the creature are
Average intelligence or better +1 listed along with the damage that they can do. An entry for
Each attack form immunity +1
Ranged attack +1
“Weapon” specifies the damage modifier for Physical
Each mental attack +1 Strength.
Multiple attacks that can cause 30 + points of damage + 2 Mutation Morale: Whenever the Game Master thinks that the
with an MP score greater than 20 +1 creatures might break and run (first blood, clearly losing the
Poison, low intensity +1 battle, etc.), he can have them make a morale check. He
Poison, intensity 20 or higher +2
rolls a 20-sided die, and if the value is less than or equal to
Poison, intensity 30 or higher +3
Radiation, low intensity +1 the morale number, the creatures stay and fight.
Radiation, intensity 20 or higher +2 Int: This stands for Intelligence and is the equivalent of
Radiation, intensity 30 or higher +3 the player character trait. It has been simplified somewhat
Each artifact usable against the player characters +1 for NPC creatures.
Single attack that can cause 20 + points of damage +1
Any nondefect mutations not covered by the above* + 1 Special attack Int. Creature Intelligence
or defense not covered by the above + 1 Score0 Rating
*This bonus applies only once regardless of how many mutations 1 Animal intelligence
the creature may have. 2-4 Semi-intelligent
5-7 Low intelligence
8-12 Average intelligence
13-14 Very intelligent
15-16 High intelligence
The creatures and monsters of the GAMMA WORLD® 17-18 Superior intelligence
game are wondrous and deadly. The creatures of the land 19-20 Exceptional intelligence
are most unpredictable. A seemingly innocent plant or 21-22 Phenomenal intelligence
23-24 Genius
animal could be a fierce predator, while a fanged and 25 + Supra-genius
clawed behemoth is a gentle devotee of culture and
etiquette. Size: The letter is the descriptive size category, followed
The listing that follows describes the essential infor-
by the average height in meters (m).
mation that the Game Master needs to roleplay an en-
counter. Each of the entries is described in detail below.
Number: This is the typical number of creatures found in
a random encounter. Villages or lairs probably have more.
Percept: Short for Perception. It is also used as the
creature’s Senses score if one is needed.
Stealth/R.U.: This value is used for both the Stealth and
Remain Unseen abilities, as described for PCs.
AC: Short for Armor Class. A value in parentheses
indicates the creature’s AC when not wearing armor
MD: Short for Mental Defense. It is also the creature’s
Mental Strength score if needed.
Speed: This is the number of meters per round that the
creature can move. It is assumed to include the en-
cumbrance of standard equipment for that creature.

142 Chapter 9: Creatures

Abbre Size Rating Avg. Height in Meters strategies used in combat by this creature. Any special
v. T s Tiny Small < 1 /2 m powers are fully detailed as well
M Man-sized < P/2 m Society: Any further comments about the creature’s
L Large S 4m society, habitat or ecology are noted here. Especially
H Huge <8m important are its reactions to strangers or members of
G Gargantuan > 8m other races.
XP Value: The number of experience points the party to throw at the characters. A stripped down version of the
earns if it defeats this creature. This number will increase if character generation system will do very nicely for making
the creature has any artifacts usable against the player new creatures.
characters. The Game Master must first determine the bask
Climate/Terrain: This defines where the creature can genotype of the new creature: human, plant or animal.
most commonly be found. Climates include arctic, Next, generate a series of mutations for it. It is recom-
subarctic, temperate, and tropical. Typical terrain includes mended that you roll ld4 for the number of physical
plains/scrub, forest, rough/hill, mountain, swamp, river, and mutations and ld4 for the number of mental mutations,
desert. instead of using the rule used for player characters. Each
Frequency: This is the likelihood of encountering the mutation needs to have a power score rolled for it. Roll 3d6
creature. for each mutation to get the power score.
Organization: This is the general social structure the Now the Game Master must determine if the creature is
creature adopts. “Solitary” includes small family units. intelligent and what tech level it uses. Most creatures with
Activity Cycle: The creature is most active during this sentience should be Tech Level II or 111. Try and keep
time of the day. It may be active at other times as well Tech Level IV creatures rare. No creature type should have
under unusual circumstances. a native Tech Level V or Tech Level VI society. Creatures
Diet: Carnivores eat meat, herbivores eat plants, and might commonly use artifacts from that age, but they
omnivores eat both. Scavengers eat carrion or waste by- should have a lower tech level society as a whole.
products. Plants actually “eat” minerals and nutrients The next element for the creature type is its level. Level
derived from waste byproducts. They are classified by the in the GAMMA WORLD game is comparable to level in
animal diet category they come closest to. the AD&D® game. Barring unusual modifiers, the
Tech Level: This is the typical level of technology that creature’s Stealth/R.U. and THAC are the same as its level.
these creatures attain. Its Health and MD scores arc both 10 plus its level.
Artifacts: This denotes the chances of the creature Creatures don’t usually need Use Artifacts or Robot
possessing artifacts, and what types it might have. Recognition scores. The AC, Base Speed, and Perception
Ownership of an artifact does not mean that the creature scores are made up by the Game Master, and not
necessarily related to the creature’s level.
knows how to use it or is willing to use it.
Last but not least are the hit dice. Big creatures should
Physical Mutations: These are the physical or plant
have lots of hit dice (15 or more), while small ones should
mutations of the creature. The attribute score is specified in
have few (8 or less). Medium-sized creatures have between
parentheses following the mutation.
9 and 14 hit dice. Always have an average hit points score
Mental Mutations: These are the mental mutations of the
available for the creature.
creature. The mutation score is specified in parentheses
Any special powers and social characteristics will have
following the mutation. The attribute modifier for the score
to be invented by the GM. However, the list of mutations
is the MH AC.
may spawn ideas for what kind of life this creature lives.
Special Powers: This is a summary listing of any special
Loot types will be affected by the tech level and nature of
powers or abilities listed in the description.
the creature.
Description; The creature’s physical appearance, de-
meanor, smell, speech, or noise patterns are all described
here. Any commonly used clothing, armor, weapons or
artifacts are also listed.
Combat: This describes the particular tactics and
Making Creatures & M onsters
The GAMMA WORLD® game has a built-in method of
making new creatures and opponents for the Game Master

Chapter 9: Creatures 143

Arks [Hound Folk]
Number 2d6
Percept: 15
Stealth/ +2
AC: 15(H)
MD: 12
Health: 12
Speed: 18
Level: 2
Hit 9 (32)
THAC: +2
Attacks 1
:Bite ld6
Weapon +2
Int: Low
Morale: 11
Size: L (3
XP 270

Frequency: Common Organization: Pack Frequency: Common Organization: Swarm

Activity Cycle: Day Tech Diet: Carnivore Activity Cycle: Day Diet: Carnivore
Level: II Artifacts: С, I Tech Level: 0 Artifacts: None
Climate/Terrain: Nonarctic plains, forest, or hills Climate/Terrain: Temperate/tropical swamp and coastal area
Physical Mutations: None
Mental Mutations: Telekinesis (13), life leech (10) Physical Mutations: None
Special Powers: None Mental Mutations: None
Special Powers: None
Description: These intelligent man-dogs grow to be 3 meters high
when standing on their hind feet. Their hands have adapted to tool use.
Their coarse, heavy fur offers substantial protection from the
elements. They run the gamut of colors: brown, black, white, blond,
spotted, multihued, etc.
Arks carry Tech Level II weapons: swords, spears, bows, and such.
They most commonly wear leather or studded leather armor most
commonly, and have rarely been seen without a shield of some sort.
Their pack insignia is usually emblazoned upon their shields.
Combat: The arks’ primary strategy is to attack from an ambush
with guerrilla tactics, using their life leech mutation as much as
possible. Since they are not immune to this power themselves, they
life leech each other as well as the enemy in combat. However, their
life leeching of each other tends to cancel itself out, so ignore it in
large fights. They have an unreasoning fear of flying creatures larger
than 1 meter.
Society: The hound folk travel in loosely knit family units called
packs. These packs can be up to two dozen members strong, but the
hunting parties rarely number more than a dozen. The pack is ruled by
the alpha male, usually the ark with the most combat prowess. Other
males will occasionally challenge the alpha male for the right to rule
the pack. Sometimes a large pack will split, with part of it following a
new alpha male and part of it staying with the old one.
Arks fear all Tech 111 and IV artifacts. Ignore them if rolled as
loot. However, Tech V and VI artifacts are worshipped as totems. The
alpha male’s first wife is charged with the care and transportation of
the totems. They consider human hands to be a great delicacy.
Description: Ains, mutated dragonflies, live solely in moist, humid
regions of the world. Their compound eyes make it almost impossible
to sneak up on them, unless one is invisible or shrouded in darkness.
Their loudly humming wings can be heard from 100 meters away and
make arns easy to detect. Their colorful and pearlescent exoskeleton
encases poisonous flesh (debilitative, intensity 18 poison). Most
predators choose not to hunt them.
Combat: The arn prefers to eat small insects and rodents. It
generally flees from prey larger than itself, except in times ol extreme
hunger. The arn has a vicious bite, causing 2d6 points of damage
whenever it strikes. Once it has fed, it flies to the top of trees to bask

144 Chapter 9: Creatures

in the sun, until hungry or threatened by brave or ignorant predators. Organization: Solitary enough to defend themselves.
If attacked, the arn must make a morale check with every suc- Diet: Carnivore The attercop’s flame-resistant
cessful strike against it. If this check fails, the arn takes flight and Artifacts: D web sometimes stretches over an
escapes if possible. If the arn kills its attacker, it injects the creature, Climate/Terrain: Any area 60 meters in diameter.
using its coiled tubular mouth, with an acidic compound to liquefy the temperate or tropical nondesert Creatures captured in the web
organs. After 10 minutes, the arn repunctures the creature’s skin with Physical Mutations: Electrical need to make a challenging (5)
its mouth and sucks out the fluid contents. generation (14) Physical Strength check to es-
Society: Arns congregate in swarms no greater than six in number Mental Mutations: None cape. Any loot found in an
unless food is scarce. If food is scarce, they are solitary hunters. The Immune to mental attacks, attercop’s web is merely
swarm brutally protects its territory whenever it is invaded by other except illu undigesrible waste to the spider.
arns, and drives other predators from the territory during famine. sions The lil, a humanoid race,
If captured soon after emerging from its pupal stage, an arn can be commonly take refuge within or
trained to carry loads up to 20 kilograms. It only carries loads while Description: Attercops, also behind attercop webs, although
airborne. Its legs are unable to wield such weight. Dabbers use arns as known as blackuns, are mutated some fall prey to rhe spider
mounts and pack animals. garden spiders. They have long Frequency: Common
bristles across their bodies, mak- Organization:
ing them unpalatable prey to all Feudal
but the largest creatures. Atter- Activity Cycle: Night Diet:
cops have 12 eyes located all Carnivore
over their heads, giving these Tech Level: III Artifacts:
creatures 360° sight. Two types A, G
of attercops exist. One dwells Climate/Terrain: Temperate
strictly in its huge web, while the woods and hills
second variation (Attercop Physical Mutations: Night
abulare) is an active hunter, vision Mental Mutations:
preferring to use its web only to Empathy (11) Special Powers:
shackle its prey. Battle fury
Combat: The attercop
attacks with a bite, causing ld4 Description: These mutated
points of damage. As its teeth hit badgers all have evil disposi-
their mark, the creature uses its tions. They are inclined toward
electrical generation to jolt its chaotic violence, bursts of inex-
prey. Once its victim stops plicable rage, and given to
moving, the attercop trusses it in raiding their neighbors and
sticky webbing. Creatures held gleefully engaging in wanton
in this manner must make a destruction. They walk erect and
difficult (10) Physical Strength have human-like hands with
check to escape. Attercops keep opposable thumbs, allowing
their prey as long as four days them to wield any weapon they
before they settle down to feed. get their hands on. Their favorite
Because of the creature’s weapons are vicious-looking
extraordinarily high Mental bludgeons with spikes—the
Strength, the attercop is more spikes, the better. They
completely immune to all mental wear chain mail and ring mail
attacks except illusions. These armor, preferring to cover it with
mental attacks always succeed. the skin of their last kill. They
Society: The attercop is a also use flintlock pistols and
solitary hunter, allowing no bows with viciously barbed
others of its kind within its web arrows.
or territory except during fall Combat: Badders prefer to
breeding. Female attercops swarm their opponents. By over-
deposit a half-meter-diameter powering their enemies with the
egg sac containing over 1000 sheer frenzy of their attacks, they
young. Blights, blood birds and hope to confuse them Their
carrins hunt these young battle fury is so impressive that
attercops, killing all but a few their opponents make all morale
dozen before they are large checks at - 2 to their base morale
Attercops [ESIackuns] Sadders [Burrowers]
Numbe l Numbe 3d6
Percept 21 r:
Percept 16
Stcalth/ : :Stealth/ :
AC: 17 AC: 16(H)
MD: N/A MD: 11
Health: 14 Health: 14
Speed: 17
Speed: 9: Creatures
10 145
Web 6 Level: 4
Blaashes [Gamma Maths] Blights [Cloud Worms]
Number: Number: ld4
Percept: Percept: 15
Stealth/R . Stealth / R. U.: +7
11.: AC: AC:
Health: Health:
Speed: Speed:
Flying Flying
Level: Hit Level:
Dice: Hit Dice:
Attacks: Attacks:
Buffet (2) Bite
bit: Squeez
Morale: e
Size: XP Int:
Value: Morale:
Size: XP

Frequency: Uncommon Organization: Solitary Frequency: Rare Organization: Solitary

Activity Cycle: Day Diet: Carnivore Activity Cycle: Day Diet: Carnivore
Tech Level: 0 Artifacts: None Tech Level: 0 Artifacts: L
Climate/Terrain: Temperate forests or plains Climate/Terrain: Nonarctic forests and hills
Physical Mutations: None Physical Mutations: Photogeneration (18) Mental
Mental Mutations: None Mutations: None
Special Powers: Emits intensity 18 radiation Special Powers: Invisible, immune to heat, radiation, sound

score. Player characters do not equipment even more. Description: Mutated from animal tied to its birthplace. It
have to make morale checks. the gypsy moth, the blaash re- never strays more than three
Most of these creatures carry sembles its original stock in kilometers from its cocoon. The
Tech Level 111 weapons, but color and shape only. The eggs it lays hatch into large
some (usually the nobility) creature has soft hair across its caterpillars in the spring. In the
possess Tech Level IV weapons whole body, with two large fall they spin cocoons, which in
as well. A few have Tech Level antennae allowing it to detect turn hatch into blaash in the
V artifacts. Fortunately, badders motion from 20 meters away. Its spring, forming a two-year cycle.
do not know how to use these wings are thick and leathery, After a year of life, a female will
artifacts unless shown by their with beautiful coloring that looks fly far from her cocoon in search
captives. like giant eyes. Fearless and of a mate. Once her eggs are
Society: Badders have a carnivorous, this creature is laid, she does not survive the
feudal society, with barons, feared by all who encounter it. winter.
counts, and the like as their Combat: Because it prefers Blaashes fight a mating ritual
leaders. The nobility makes the fresh meat, the blaash only with other males who battle for
rules and is usually obeyed attacks moving and live targets. the right to mate with a receptive
without question. Any badders When it attacks, the blaash emits female. This ritual is usually
questioning rules or orders are intensity 18 radiation from its nonlethal. The blaashes buffet
killed immediately, and placed abdomen, causing it to glow each other with their wings until
on display as an example for the brightly. It affects anything the weaker one submits to the
rest of the society. within a 180° arc, which is 6 stronger.
Badder villages and steadings meters in radius. Creatures above Description: These
consist of underground, earthen or behind the blaash are safe. As carnivorous, winged worms have
tunnel complexes containing up it swoops over its target, the a wingspan three times longer
to 100 males of fighting age, an blaash also buffets the target than their body length. Blights
equal number of females who with its wings, causing ld4 secrete a substance that bends
will fight without weapons. and points of damage per wing. Once light around their bodies,
young. They are rarely able to a creature falls victim to the rendering them invisible (even to
trade with other humanoids or radiation, the blaash stops to IR, UV, radar, and the like).
intelligent creatures, since their feed on the carcass. It will Sonar and creatures that use
reputation as thieves and continue combat only to defend other means to locate objects can
brigands precedes them. This itself or its catch. detec t them normally. Rain
causes them to steal and kill for Society: The blaash is an washes this substance away, and

146 Chapter 9: Creatures

it takes 24 hours to replenish this damage per round (respectively). to its Intelligence—makes it strike the opponent).
protective coating. Once the blight starts highly resistant to mental attacks, The brutorz uses its intuition
When viewed without their constricting, it cannot use its including illusions. When and telepathy to great advantage
protective coating, the blight is photogeneration until it releases. encountering areas of radiation in combat. It always seems to
deathly white with white wings. It can immediately take flight or attacked by radiation- know what an opponent is going
Their mouths, full of hundreds of after releasing a victim its target. producing weapons or mutations, to do before he does it.
needle-sharp fangs, strike fear in Blights are resistant to weapons the blood bird gets a +4 bonus to Frequently, brutorz taunt their
those caught unaware. The blight and mutations involving its Health score. enemies telepathically, trying to
is blind, with dark, pupilless radiation, heat, or sonic effects. Society: Blood birds are get them to break and run.
eyes. Its sense of hearing and Society: Adventurers solitary, unless in the employ of Society: Brutorz live in herds,
smell is so acute it can pinpoint commonly misconstrue blights a car- rin. The carrin, also known much like their ancestors. While
its prey with deadly accuracy. as a mindless predators, but they as a dark emperor, always has they are smart enough to use
Combat: While invisible, the are intelligent, though they do one to four blood birds as technology, they disdain its use.
blight gains a +4 bonus to its not have a society. Any loot is followers. When not serving They also lack the opposable
Armor Class. Before a blight considered “nonfood” by blights. carrins, the blood bird is a loyal manipulative digits needed to
attacks, it uses its When large prey enters their member of a very small family, effectively use most technology.
photogeneration to blind its hunting grounds, blights work which consists of two adult They live to run free and wild. If
victims with a flash of intense together to bring it down. A mates and their young. The birds approached in a congenial
light. While its prey struggles blight reproduces by fission, mate for life. The female lays manner, a brutorz may befriend a
with its loss of sight, the blight dropping its lower half in a one or two eggs in the spring. humanoid. Brutorz refuse to ally
wraps itself around the body of painful process that takes a full The pair look after their young with humanoids and creatures
the victim, constricting and day to complete. with great care. The blood bird who do not respect them. In a
biting, for 5d6 and 3d6 points of aggressively protects its territory like manner, characters who plan
Blood Birds (Red from other blood birds. Blood to use a brutorz for their own
birds never fight to the death, means, without a thought toward
Deaths] unless protecting their nest, the creature, can never hope to
Brutorz [Bi g young, or mate. gain the brutorz as an ally. Bru-
Walkers] Description: Brutorz are torz willingly serve as draft
Number: ld4 Percept: Stealth/R.U.: AC: Number: mutated animals, but refuse bits, bridles,
MD: Percept: percherons (a or confining harnesses. They
Health: Steal breed ol horse). have a PS of 26 and can carry
Speed: th/R.U.: Their shoulders three normal men comfortably.
Flying AC: MD: are level with a
Level: Health: human’s head.
Hit Dice: THAC: Attacks: Speed: Their coloring
Bite Level: Hit ranges from
Spur(2) Dice: pure white to
Int: THAC: jet-black and
Morale: Attacks: from soft beige
Size: XP Value: Bite to chocolate
Kick (2) brown. A proud
Frequency: Common Organization: Family lot: Morale: animal,
Frequency: Rare
Size: XP brutorz's head Organization: Herd
Activity Cycle: Day Tech Diet: Herbivore Activity Cycle: Day Herbivore
Value: sits high on its Diet:
Level: 0 Artifacts: None Tech Level: massive 0 neck, Artifacts: None
Climate/Terrain: Temperate forests, hills and plains Climate/Terrain: Temperate/subarctic
and its long plains
Physical Mutations: None Physical
flowing tailMutations:
stands out None
from its
Mental Mutations: None Mental Mutations: Intuition (15), telepathy (21)
Special Powers: Radioactive flesh, intensity 15 Special
Combat: Powers:
The brutorzUnusually
prefers strong
Description: The blood bird, An open wound subjects all peaceful coexistence with other
also known as the red death, is a creatures within 2 meters to animals and intelligent plants,
mutated scarlet tanager. It retains intensity 10 radiation. The touch but it never backs down from a
the startling red plumage of its of its blood requires a check fight when peaceful options are
unmutated cousin, but is much against intensity 15 radiation. A exhausted. These massive beasts
larger, standing nearly a meter check against intensity 15 attack with a bite or with two
tall. Its serrated beak is as radiation is also required if it kicks with their front legs. If at-
formidable as the spurs on its successfully hits using its bite or tacked from the back, the brutorz
wings. On the top of its red head, spurs. As you can imagine, it has can strike with its two back
the blood bird carries two long few natural predators. Its hooves. As an attack of last
spurs that apparently serve no primary attacks are pecking with resort, the brutorz can trample
purpose. Its eyes are excep- its beak or raking with its wing with his four feet, causing 3d6
tionally keen. spurs. points of damage per hoof. (The
Combat: The flesh of these The blood bird’s incredible GM should roll a ld4 to
creatures is highly radioactive. Mental Strength—in comparison determine how many hooves

Chapter 9: Creatures 147

Cal-Thens [Flying Rippers] Carrins [Dark Emperors]
Numbe l Number ld6
Percept orld3
13 :Percept: 9
:Stealth/ : Stealth/ -1
AC: 14 AC: 13
MD: 18 MD: 19
Health: 18 Health: 19
Speed: 5 Speed: 8
Flying 28 Flyin 21
Level: 8 g
Level: 9
Hit 8(28) Hit 17(6
THAC: +8 Dice:
THAC: 0)
Attacks 1 Attacks: l
Bite 6dl0 Quills d4 l
Int: Aver Int: d4
Morale: age
13 Morale: rior9
Size: L(2.5 Size: L(3
XP m)
1400 XP m)

rot grow out of their wings along the

Frequency: Rare away front blade. They are usually
Activity Cycle: Day after dark-colored or black, and prefer
Tech Level: IV
one to live in dimly lit locations.
Climate / Terrain: year. Most carrin carry ceremonial
Physical Mutations: Society: spears with some sort of totem or
In spite of mark attached near the top, like
Mental Mutations: the the skull of a dabber or the dried
Special Powers: skin of a humanoid’s face. They
Intelligence these vicious use these to help strike fear in
creatures hold, they do not their opponents, hoping to defeat
possess any semblance of them before combat even stans.
society. They commonly hunt These ceremonial spears are not
together to bring down larger used in combat, and the totems
prey and then share the meat, but displayed on them may be some
this is where their cooperation sort of badges of rank or honor
Frequency: Very Rare cling to any surface, no matter ends. They are solitary, unless in carrin society. A carrin has 1
Organization: how smooth or greasy. Their found with a mate or the d4 blood bird followers around it
Solitary antennae allow them to detect occasional hunting party. They at all times.
Activity Cycle: Day Diet:
heat from warm-blooded animals do not have a spoken language, Combat: As a rule, carrins
Carnivore and electrical components. but by scraping the burrs of their avoid personal combat. They
Tech Level: 0 Artifacts:
Combat: When hungry, the six legs across their thick prefer to have their servants or
None calthens fearlessly approach any exoskeleton, the cal-then claim machines fight for them. Carrins
Climate/Terrain: Any exposed living flesh, no matter their territorial boundaries and are rarely without a plan or
evergreen forests how large the target might be. attract mates. scheme. When all else fails, they
Physical Mutations: None They consider bone marrow to Organization: try to use their telepathy to
Mental Mutations: None be a delicacy. Their dual-jawed Coalition anticipate what their opponents
Special Powers: Immune mouths are coated with an Diet: will do.
to heat and cold organic metal and cause an If forced into combat, they
incredible 6dl0 points of damage Scavenger send their blood bird followers in
Description: Cal-thens are to anything they grip. This Artifacts: K, first, while they flee to safety.
large predatory insects that live includes plastic and duralloy- W Carrins frequently have powerful
exclusively in areas containing based armor. Cal-thens can Any tropical or temperate artifacts which they can use to
coniferous (evergreen) trees. disable tires and wreak havoc on Quills, poison (quills), intensity defend themselves. If these strat-
Their shells are colored bark- the strongest powered armor 12 destructive egies won’t work, they make
green to camouflage themselves with a single bite. They are the Telepathy (17) strafing runs, firing their
within these areas, enhancing most feared insect on Gamma Immune to their own poison poisoned quills (destructive,
their ability to move stealthily Terra. Cal-then mandibles can be intensity 12) up to 5 meters at
and remain unnoticed (and made into melee weapons, Description: Carrins are 3- targets from beyond melee
reflected in a higher granting a +2 THAC and doing meter-tall mutated vultures, range.
Stealth/Remain Unseen score). ld8 + 2 points of damage. weighing nearly 50 kilograms Society: Carrins are known
Their long legs end in feet that However, they deteriorate and (110 lbs.). Taloned bird hands by many cultures as dark emper-

148 Chapter 9: Creatures

Centisteeds [Fast Trotters] Dabbers [Brown Beggars]
Numbe 4d4 Number: ld8
Percept 17 Percept: 19
Stealth/ : Stealth/ +5
AC: ll AC: 15
MD: 14 MD: 17
Health: 14 Health: 17
Speed: 36 Speed: ll
Level: 4 Level: 7
Hit 4(39) Hit Dice: 4(14
THAC: +4 THAC: + 7)
Attacks l Attacks: l
Tram (ld8)l Weap -l
Int: d6
Anim on
Int: Ver
Morale 5 Morale: 8y
Size: L (4 Size: S (l
XP m)
270 XP m)

ors. They gained this name Frequency: Uncommon its force field generation to ward
because they rule large areas Organization: off any possible damage. If a
with an iron fist. A typical tactic Herd rider is currently on the beast,
of theirs is to control the flow of Activity Cycle: Day Diet:
the force field actually raises the
trade in their dominion, carrying Herbivore character off the beast’s back,
a high percentage off for their Tech Level: 0 Artifacts:
causing him to fall to the ground.
own consumption. None Centisteeds have been known to
Carrin society is a Climate/Terrain: Temperate trample each other in their panic
complicated structure where the plains to follow another centisteed on
wealthy make the rules and Physical Mutations: None the run. Once they get going,
Machiavellian political intrigue Mental Mutations: Force field they are almost impossible to
is common. Currying favor and generation (7) catch.
double-crossing is a way of life. Special Powers: Eats twice Society: Ceniisiccds have no
Most carrin schemes are elaborate, as much as normal society other than herd instinct.
twisted plots. A centisteed can carry two
Description: Centisteeds are human-sized passengers, or one
mutated horses of insectoid ap- passenger and 100 kilograms of
pearance, each having between cargo. One rider must
12 and 18 legs—(Id4 + 5X2). concentrate at all times on
Centisteeds are usually colored controlling the beast, or it tries to
in blotches, much like a “paint- throw and then trample the
ed” horse. Their heads are horse- passengers. No amount of
shaped, but they have two coaxing and kind words can
compound insect eyes, giving calm these hyperactive creatures.
them 360° vision. Small mandi- To add insult to injury, they eat
bles fill their mouth instead of twice as much as a normal
teeth. animal their size. Herds of
Combat: Centisteeds do not centisteeds can overgraze a
initiate combat at any time. They pasture or meadow in record
panic with the tiniest of time. The Ranks of the Fit are
provocation, perceiving every- rumored to have a centisteed
thing as a threat to their meager cavalry with riders that use
lives. Unfortunately, the centi- mental mutations to keep the
steed tends to trample any beasts calm.
character or creature in its way. Frequency: Uncommon
A successful attack means that Organization:
the opponent has been knocked Clan
down and trampled with ld8 Activity Cycle: Day Diet:
hooves. Each hoof does ld6 Omnivore
points of damage. Tech Level: I Artifacts:
When the centisteed perceives L, V
danger, it immediately activates Climate/Terrain: Any

Chapter 9: Creatures 149

temperate the items to their hands. Their
Physical Mutations: illusion generation is particularly
Photogeneration (10) strong. They can muster up
Mental Mutations: Empathy visions of warbots or horrible
(13), monsters to scare their opponents
illusion off when they are at a combative
generatio disadvantage.
n (22), Their telepathy and empathy
repulsion give them a tremendous advan-
field (16), tage when dealing with their
opponents. They are almost im-
possible to ambush. As a rule,
s (7),
they engage in combat only to
acquire fun little baubles or in
(6) self-defense if cornered.
Special Powers: None Society: Dabbers are found in
small, family-oriented groups.
Description: Dabbers are These groups, in turn, are only a
highly intelligent, mutated rac- small section of a larger clan
coons who walk upright. Their These clans, or cities, consist of
manipulative hands have oppos- up to 100 dabber families.
able thumbs, allowing human- Dabbers are intrigued with
like manipulation of objects. anything shiny. If they see an-
Dabbers wear human clothing of other creature with an object,
all types, including boots and they approach cautiously, asking
shoes. They maintain the for it. If turned down nicely, the
raccoon face and mask, giving dabber leaves distraught, but
them a startling appearance. understanding and accepting that
Combat: Dabbers sometimes the object is cherished by its
carry Tech Level 111 and IV current owner. If turned away
equipment and weapons. cruelly, the dabber runs away.
Occasionally, they even know Often (90% of the time), the
how to use them (20%). When dabber then comes back with up
dabbers fight, they use their to seven friends to take the
repulsion field mutation to ward object, and anything else that
off small projectile weapons. strikes his and their fancy.
They use their telekinesis to lift

Number ldlO Number 2d8

Percept: ll :
Percept: 9
Stealth' 0 Steal +7
AC: 14(H) th/R.L!.:
AC: 12
MD: 13 MD: 14
Health: 13 Health: 14
Speed: 7 Speed: —
Swim 10 Swim 9
Fly 24 Fly 20
Level: 3 Level: 4
Hit 10 Hit 8(28)
THAC: (35)
+3 Dice:
THAC: +4
Attacks: 2 or 3 Attacks: 1
Tail slap 4d6 Bite 2
Buffet ld6 Int:
Bite 2d6 Morale: al1
Avera 4 M (2
Int: Size:
ge m)4
Morale: 8 XP
Size: M (2 Value: 20
XP m)
420 Frequency: Very rare Organization: School
Frequency: Very rare Organization: Lyceum Activity Cycle: Day Tech Diet: Carnivore
Activity Cycle: Day Tech Diet: Omnivore Climate/Terrain:
Level: 0 Any lake orArtifacts:
ocean None
Level: II Artifacts: M Physical Mutations: Shapechange (10), gator form only, new body
Climate/Terrain: Any water or coastal pans, spines, poison, spines (intensity 15
Physical Mutations: None debilitative)
Mental Mutations: Shapechange (10), birdChapter
form only 9: Creatures
Mental Mutations: None
Special Powers: Limited air breathing time, 24 hours Special Powers: Immune to own poison, feeding frenzy
Gators [Green Hissers] Grens [Green Men]
Number: ld2 Number: Percept: Stealth/R.U.:
Percept: 14 AC:
Stealth/R -l MD:
AC: 16 Health: Speed:
MD: 12 Level: Hit Dice: THAC: Attacks:
Health: 12 Weapon
Speed: 6 Int: Morale:
Swimmi 9 Size: XP Value:
Level: 2 Frequency: Uncommon Frequency: Common Mental Mutations: None
Hit Dice: 6(2 Organization: Solitary Activity Cycle: Night Tech Special Powers: Immune to
THAC: +1)
2 Activity Cycle: Day Diet: Level: I radiation
Attacks: 2 Carnivore Organization: Tribe
Bite ld6 Tech Level: 0 Artifacts: None Diet: Omnivore
Tail slap ld8 Climate/Terrain: Temperate/tropical rivers and Artifacts: None
Tentacle (2)0 swamps Climate/Terrain: Temperate/tropical forest
Int: Se Physical Mutations: New body parts, tentacles, Physical Mutations: None
Morale: mi-
12 poison, tentacles (intensity Mental Mutations: None
Size: (1- 20 paralysis) Special Powers: None
XP 2
120 Description: Gators, mutated alligators, live members. Communities form only in very isolated areas. Settled
in the wetlands of the world. Gators are very dog-like in size and grens still hunt and gather food, but they also tend any food plants
shape, and their legs are structured like those of a mammal. which grow within their communities. They are careful to not harm
A gator is dark green in coloration, and 2-meter-long, smooth the local ecology, trying to live in harmony with nature.
tentacles spring from its forehead. It has three sharp claws on each of Grens are also remarkably adept with animals and can train even
its webbed feet. A gator’s thick tail is equal in length to its body. the most stubborn of creatures, such as gators. This training ability
Combat: Gators are very territorial and aggressive, viciously also applies to semi-intelligent plants and funguses Creatures are
attacking any creatures which invade their claimed area. The gator domesticated solely for the use of the community and are never kept
can use its bite and tail slap at the same time, but not against the same as personal guardians or pets.
opponent. Grens are very insular, but sometimes help friendly pure strain
In addition to these two attacks, the gator slaps with its two humans.
tentacles. These cause no damage, but act as intensity 20 paralytic
poison attacks. The effect of the paralysis can be no greater than
Stage III.
Gators have no real combat strategy; they simply rush to the attack
when something invades their territory, attacking with everything at
their disposal until their opponents are all paralyzed or dead.
Society: Gators are normally solitary, but during their mating
season each spring they congregate in groups of up to 60 individuals.
The males vie with one another for the attention of the females, and
each takes as many mates as possible. The mating season lasts about
two weeks, after which the gators all return to their own territories.
Females lay eggs about a month after mating, and these hatch in three
During mating season, gators are even more aggressive than usual
and will attack anything that moves. They attack on an individual
basis and are as likely to attack one another as any other opponent.
Gators are nearly impossible to train, but if an egg is obtained and
allowed to hatch in a certain area, the gator will guard that area with
its life.
Description: Grens look like pure strain humans except for their
dark green skin. Hair color ranges from brown to green, though a few
rare individuals have blond hair. Grens wear a minimum of clothing,
usually something made from leaves and grass.
Combat: A gren’s skin color allows him to blend in with natural
surroundings. If a gren is outside his normal forest environment, his
Stealth/Remain Unseen bonus does not apply.
Though normally peaceful, grens will defend their homes with
spears, staves, and other primitive weapons if necessary. They never
wear armor or use equipment above Tech Level 1, and hate and shun
ancient technology.
Gren communities are often guarded by domesticated animals or
intelligent plants, usually blackuns, gators, kai lins, or obbs. A typical
tribe has ld4 + 2 of a single type of these creatures. Other community
defenses include snares and pit traps, and a few settled tribes have
primitive catapults.
Society: Grens are normally nomadic, living as simple hunter-
gatherers in forests and jungles. Some tribes have settled and
expanded, however. These communities consist of 20-80 (ld4X20)
Hawkaids [Terror Birds] Hissers [Man-Snakes]
Numb ld3 Number: ldlO
Percep 15 Percept: 12
Stealth +2 Stealth/ +5
AC: В AC: 13
MD: 13 MD: 19
Health в Health: 1
:Speed: 3 Speed: 9 9
Flying 4 Level: 9
Level: 0 3 Hit 13(4
Hit 5 (IS) Dice:
THAC: +6)
THAC +3 Attacks: 2
Attack l or 2 Bite ld6
Bite ld4 Weap +3
Weapo +l on
Int: Ave
Int: Avera Morale: rage
Morale 17 Size: L(3
Size: M XP m)
XP (1.5
Frequency: Uncommon Organization: Pack
Activity Cycle: Day Diet: Carnivore
Tech Level: I Artifacts: None
Climate/Terrain: Temperate forests and hills
Physical Mutations: None
Mental Mutations: Fear generation (12), levitation (18), repulsion
field (14), duality
Special Powers: None

Description: Hawkoids are mutated forms of sparrow hawks. They

grow to a height of 1.5 meters and their wingspan is equal to their
height. They have many human elements, including human-like
hands on their wings and legs. These creatures usually wear clothing
of some sort, and all wear at least a harness for weapons and
The feathers of a hawkoid are predominantly brown, though they
have white markings. Male hawkoids have beautiful white crescents
on the undersides of their wings.
They often wear light armor (such as leather, studded leather, and
other non bulky, nonmetallic armor), and most use two weapons,
wielding them in their hand-like talons.
Combat: Hawkoids are aggressive hunters and will attack almost
any reptilian or mammalian life form for food. They are nearly
Hawkoids almost always attack first by swooping silently down
upon their prey, attempting to get in one surprise attack. After that,
they will usually stay in melee range of a chosen victim, fighting until
one or the other is dead.
If hard pressed, or if a group of prey seemingly has a powerful
guardian, hawkoids will use their fear generation to drive the biggest
threat away. Though largely fearless, they are not stupid, and will
retreat if their lives are threatened. Hawkoids generally save their
repulsion fields to protect them when they decide to retreat with any
victims they have slain.
Society: Hawkoids consider hissers and hoops special delicacies.
They will not eat carrion. They consider carrins disgusting and will
not associate with them.
Hawkoids seldom land, preferring to levitate even when fighting
or talking. The ability to fly is so precious to them that if for some
reason a hawkoid loses it, it enters a self-induced coma and wills
itself to death.
Frequency: Uncommon Organization: Tribal
Activity Cycle: Day Diet: Carnivore
Tech Level: III Artifacts: V
Climate/Terrain: Any nonarctic swamp or desert
Physical Mutations: Energy reflection, lasers (16), sonic blast
Mental Mutations: Mass mind (16), telepathy (11), and one
additional mental mutation
Special Powers: Immune to sonic blast

Description: With the tail and head of a snake but the torso of a
man, hissers often inspire fear in others. Although they only rise to
man-height, this conceals their great strength and large size (3
meters). Most have heavily tanned skin with green to blue-black
scales that flash in iridescent colors, although desertdwellers run to
rust, brown and tan.
Combat: Most hissers fight with clubs, sonic blast, and mental
powers, although 20% of any group may have artifacts useful in
combat and know how to use them (50% chance). They wear no
armor, relying on their scales which are both hard and somewhat
reflective of laser attacks. Half of all hisser patrols are accompanied
by packs of trained squeekers. When accompanied by squeekers, a
hisser’s Stealth/R.U. drops to +3.
Hissers seldom attack alone and are never uncoordinated. They
use their telepathy to execute precise maneuvers on the battlefield.
Groups follow the orders of a leader who stays back from the battle,
processing the thoughts of the others. If this commander is slain, there
is a brief period (ld6 rounds) of disorganization before another hisser
assumes control.
Society: Hissers are communal creatures. Each village (clutch) is
ruled by a brood queen; nearly all the hissers of the village are her
children. A nest queen may rule several villages, which are composed
of the offspring of herself and her children. Some hissers have formed
nations, such as Huush, ruled by a single grand matriarch, known as
the Great Mother of Us All.
Hisser clutches are commonly located on high ground in the
swamp. These are silent communities, except for the shrieks of their
squeekers (raised for food and defense) since the man-snakes
communicate entirely by telepathy. Many cannot even speak the most
rudimentary languages. They have little attachment to artifacts, and
for an appropriate offer, they may sell one that they have. However,
they do not trust or welcome outsiders.
Hoops [Floppsies] Hoppers [Jackalopes]
Numbe ld20 Number: ld20
Percept ll Percept: 8
Stealth/ : +2 Stealth/R -2
AC: 15(H AC: 11
MD: 15) MD: -6
Health: 15 Health: 12
Speed: 18 Speed: 25
Level: 5 Level: 2
Hit 13(4 Hit Dice: 9(32
THAC: +5)
5 THAC: + 2)
Attacks 1 Attacks: 1
:Weapo +1 Ram ld6
Int: Aver Charg 2d6
Morale: age
7 eInt: +2
Size: L Morale: 8
XP 975 Size: L (3
Value: XP m)1

Frequency: Uncommon Organization: Squad Frequency: Uncommon Organization: Herd

Activity Cycle: Day Diet: Omnivore Activity Cycle: Day Diet: Herbivore
Tech Level: I Artifacts: B, U Tech Level: 0 Artifacts: None
Climate/Terrain: Temperate forest, plains Climate/Terrain: Temperate plains
Physical Mutations: None Physical Mutations: Chameleon power (12), horns or antlers
Mental Mutations: Mass mind (15), telepathy (12) Special Powers: Mental Mutations: None
Soften metal by touch Special Powers: None
Description: These mutated rabbits average 2.5 meters in height and help one another.
(not counting their long ears, which add as much as another meter). Society: Hoop society is based on a military structure, and a
They stand erect, though they often crouch, ready to use their community’s leader is always called “general.” Hoops try to gather as
powerful legs to jump at a moment’s notice. many artifacts as they can to “maintain combat superiority.”
Most hoops have white fur, though some have brown or yellow They consider “floppsies” a derogatory term.
markings. I loops do not look cute or cuddly in the slightest, at least Description: These abysmally stupid animals look like giant
not while they are awake. They usually bear cruel expressions, and rabbits and stand 3 meters at the shoulder. Most have a laigc rack of
their malicious grins show their sharp teeth. antlers, though some have simple curved horns instead.
Hoops wear armor and carry Tech Level I and II melee weapons in A jackalope’s natural coloring is usually brown with a white
addition to their artifacts. They favor swords, axes, and short bows. underbelly. Some pure white specimens have been seen, and green,
Combat: Hoops patrol their home area in military units. When blue, and pink individuals have been reported. Because of its
they spot an intruder, they attack first with ranged weapons, then leap chameleon power, a hopper can appear any color, and pastel-colored
to attack in an organized manner. Hoops are able to leap as far as 10 individuals are thought to be the results of the use of this ability.
meters. Combat: Jackalopes are easily spooked unless they have been
Once hoops have moved into melee, they will first attempt to trained. A wild jackalope will attack anything which startles it,
touch any metal items carried by their opponents. If they are leaping at the offensive being (or object) and attempting to skewer it.
successful in this attack, the molecular bonding of the metal item is A hopper will attack until it is hurt or otherwise frightened, such as
altered, and it becomes like rubber—soft, stretchy, etc. Softened by a loud noise or bright light.
weapons and armor are all but useless; armor protection is negated Once it has been frightened, a jackalope will hop away, often
and weapons do minimum damage. Artifacts affected by this power pausing after only one or two leaps, hunkering down and using its
no longer work. Once the hoops’ opponents are weakened in this chameleon power mutation to blend in with its surroundings. After
manner, the hoops will proceed to enter melee. After ld4 hours the blending in, the hopper tries to remain still until it believes that the
softened metal returns to normal, and the item resumes its normal source of the danger has left.
shape. Artifacts will function normally once again. Society: Hoppers live in small family herds. A typical herd will
During a combat, hoops use their mutations to stay in contact with consist of half adults and half young.
If approached carefully, young jackalopes can be captured and
trained. They will respond to only one master, and will still be easily
spooked, though the presence of its master will raise a hopper’s
morale to 12.
Jackalopes have very rough gaits, and a first-time rider is 80%
likely to fall off and take ld6 damage. A trained jackalope can carry
one man-sized rider. A hopper with a rider can leap 5 meters, while
an unencumbered hopper can leap as far as 15 meters.
Horl Choos [Porcupine Plants] Jagets [Savannah Cats]
Number: ld4
Number ld2
Percept: 14 Percept 18
Stealth/ +3 :
Stealth/ : +6
AC: 15 AC: 13
MD: 14 MD: 12
Health: 14 Health: 12
Speed: 3 Speed: 20
Level: 4 Level: 2
Hit 12 Hit 6(21)
THAC: (42)
+4 Dice:
THAC: +2
Attacks: 1 Attacks 3
Quill 2d6 : Claw l
Int: Low (2)Bite d4 l
Morale: 12 Int: d6
Size: L (3 Morale: 12
XP 650 Size: S
Value: XP (1.5

Frequency: Rare the barbed quill in the victim. The

Activity Cycle: Day horl choo then retrieves its prey
Tech Level: 0 with a tough, thin vine, which is
Organization: Solitary attached to the base of the quill,
Diet: dragging the character to itself
with an effective Physical Strength
Carnivore of 15. Stronger characters can
Artifacts: None resist the horl choo’s pull, and
Climate/Terrain: Temperate characters not entangled can try to
forest sever the vine (AC 14, 10 hp).
Physical Mutations: Dissolving When the victim is dragged back
juices (12), next to the horl choo, the plant
poison, secretes a digestive acid causing 2
points of damage per round of
quills (7),
contact. If allowed to continue, the
quills and
acid breaks down the horl choo’s
victim into a nutritive goo which
Mental Mutations: None the plant absorbs.
Special Powers: None Society: Horl choos are rarely
seen together. Each plant usually
Description: The horl choo is a remains within a certain territory.
mutant plant found in deciduous Horl choos are voracious hunters
forests. A vicious hunter, it and generally view any animal as
possesses a dim intelligence and a meal. They do not hesitate to
will avoid encounters with great attack any individual that comes
numbers of foes. The horl choo, within the range of their spines.
which is also known as the On the rare occasions when more
porcupine plant, is about 3 meters than one horl choo is encountered,
tall and 3 meters long. It is the porcupine plants generally
covered in meter-long quills, and cooperate, each selecting its own
it walks slowly on its lower quills prey and refraining from attacking
and uses its upper quills as the victim of another. Horl choos
harpoons. do not attack other plants and can
Combat: The horl choo waits often be helpful if another plant
motionless for its prey to come can make itself understood.
near, and careless characters may
unwittingly walk into its range. Frequency: Uncommon
The porcupine plant attacks by Organization: Family
firing 1 quill per round with a Activity Cycle: Any
range of 30 meters. Each quill
causes 2d6 damage and is coated Diet:
with an intensity level 12
destructive poison. A hit of 4 or Carnivore
more above the required TH AC Tech Level: I
roll harpoons the target, lodging Artifacts:
A mal. A single human-sized
Climate/Terrain: Temperate opponent may be attacked by a
plains lone jaget, but the savannah cats
Physical Mutations: Chemical generally pursue smaller and safer
susceptibility (D) game. Jagets attack with two
Mental Mutations: Fear claws and a bite. If hunting to-
generation gether, the cats will often use their
(14). fear generation ability to drive
telekinesis prey towards the waiting pride
(10). te- Jagets will attempt to use their
lepathy intuition abilities in combat,
(12), gaining a +2 THAC with a
intuition successful MP roll.
(20), Society: The savannah cats are
phobia, a wide-ranging race of hunters.
sentient Their intelligence is barely above
plants the animal, and their lives revolve
Special Powers: None about the hunt. On the open plain,
they usually live in family groups,
Description: Jagets are which cooperate in the taking of
mutated jungle cats who have mi- prey and the defense of the group.
grated into the open plains. Families are composed of a mated
Although they are not very intelli- pair and one or two young or
gent, they have reached the level subadults. Their telepathic and
of basic tool use and can intuitive abilities make it nearly
manipulate objects with their impossible to surprise a group of
forepaws. The typical jaget is cats, and also make the jagets
about a meter and a half long and skilled stalkers.
weighs about 50 kilograms. A Rarely, savannah cats are
jaget’s coat is stippled with dark found wandering alone far from
stripes or spots over a yellowish their homelands as the
base. Jagets prefer to travel on all companions of other creatures.
fours and rarely wear anything or Usually this is because, due to
carry any objects or tools with their substantial mental powers,
them. jagets are often desired as
Combat: Jagets avoid combat followers or hirelings of other
with foes much larger than species . Jagets love bright, shiny
themselves, but occasionally objects and often slip into human
cooperate to pull down a large ani- camps to pilfer small artifacts.
Kai Lins [Lizard Bushes] Katkins
Number: Number ld6
Percept: :
Percept: 17
Stealth/R.U.: Stealth/ +7
AC: MD: AC: 14
Health: MD: 15
Speed: Health: 15
Level: Hit Speed: 17
Dice: THAC: Level: 5
Attacks: Hit 9(32
Bite Dice:
THAC: + 5)
Claw (2) 3 or
kt: Morale: Claw Id6
Size: XP (2)Bite l
Int: d6
Morale: age
Fre Attr Size: S (1
XP m)6
que acti
ncy: on
Com r
mon (D),
Org tric
aniz al
atio gen
n: erat
Pack (16),
Acti radi
e: g
Diet diss
: olvi
Scav juic
enge es
h tal
Lev Mut
el: atio
Arti e
fact Spe
s: cial
Non ers:
Cli Imm
mat une
e/Te to
rrai radi
n: atio
Mutations: D

*158 Chapter 9: Creatures

Kai Lins [Lizard Bushes] Katkins
escr of
iptio the
n: root
Thes s
e traili
creat ng
ures behi
look nd
very the
muc mai
h n
like bod
stran y of
ge the
liz- creat
ards, ures
but rese
are mbl
in es
fact the
mob actio
ile n of
plan a
ts. tail.
The T
y heir
mov “ski
e via n” is
two com
stro pose
ng, d of
thic gree
k n
stalk plate
s s
whic that
h are
end mor
in e
thor like
ny, bark
“foo than
t- scal
like” es.
pads Thes
. As e
kai scal
lins es
mov offer
e, com
they plete
drag prot
their ectio
root n
s from
behi ra-
nd diati
the on
m. for
The kai
moti lins,
on but

*159 Chapter 9: Creatures

Kai Lins [Lizard Bushes] Katkins
do whic
not h
retai the
n kai
this lin
abili uses
ty simi
once lar
rem to
oved an
from ani
their mals
bodi claw
es. s to
A attac
pair k
of live
stub prey
by in
bran conj
ches unct
locat ion
ed with
just its
unde bite.
r a C
kai omb
lin’s at:
“hea A
d” kai
give lin
s the eats
impr carri
essi on
on by
that jabb
kai ing
lins its
are root
mini s
a- into
ture a
gree car-
n cass
tyra and
nnos suck
auru ing
s rex the
dino carri
saur on’s
s. vital
Thes juice
e s
“ar awa
ms” y. If
end the
in carri
bunc on is
hes drie
of d
thor up,
ns then

*160 Chapter 9: Creatures

Kai Lins [Lizard Bushes] Katkins
the prey
kai with
lin their
secr elec
etes tric
a al
che gen
mica erat
l ion
that mut
will atio
diss n,
olve whic
what h is
ever used
orga in
nic conj
mate unct
rial ion
it with
can their
use bite,
into and
a rend
liqui ing
d with
nutri their
ent, claw
whic s.
h is The
then y
abso then
rbed use
by their
the radi
plan atin
t’s g
root eyes
s. mu-
If tatio
no n to
carri finis
on h off
can the
be prey
foun .
d, S
then ocie
kai ty:
lins Kai
will lins
hunt hunt
live in
prey pack
. s
The and
y are
kill dom
by inate
stun d by
ning a
their one

*161 Chapter 9: Creatures

Kai Lins [Lizard Bushes] Katkins
larg lin’s
e kai to
lin be-
(16 com
hit e
dice pack
). lead
The ers.
y If a
are lead
gene er is
rally kille
sirn d,
ple one
creat kai
ures, lin
with of
a the
simp pack
le will
hier meta
arch mor
y— phos
one e
lead into
er a
and lead
ever er
yone with
else in a
on mon
an th.
equa Fre
l que
level ncy:
with Rare
othe Org
r. aniz
Pack atio
attac n:
ks Solit
are ary
poor Acti
ly vity
orga Cycl
nize e:
d, Diur
and nal
it is
not Diet
kno :
what Carn
attri ivor
bute e
s Tec
caus h
e Lev
certa el: II
kai Arti

*162 Chapter 9: Creatures

Kai Lins [Lizard Bushes] Katkins
fact cats,
s: from
Cli whic
mat h
e/Te they
rrai spra
n: ng.
fore y
st are
Mutations: som
Hei ewh
ghte at
ned larg
bala er,
nce, stan
heig ding
hten abou
ed t a
spee mete
d r tall
(10), whe
sou n
nd walk
imit ing
atio bipe
n dall
Men y.
tal The
Mut y
atio have
ns: man
Tho ipul
ught ative
imit fore
atio paw
n s,
Spe allo
cial win
Pow g
ers: the
m to
Non use
e wea
D and
escr tools
iptio ,
n: alth
Katk oug
ins h
arc they
simi still
lar poss
in ess
appe shar
aran p
ce to retra
com ctabl
mon e
hous claw
e s

*163 Chapter 9: Creatures

Kai Lins [Lizard Bushes] Katkins
capa ed
ble wea
of pons
cons —
ider darts
able ,
har javel
m. ins,
Thei and
r fur smal
can l
be bow
eithe s
r and
long arro
or ws.
shor If
t they
with poss
a ess
broa usab
d le
rang artif
e of act
colo wea
ratio pons
n— as
whit part
e, of
oran their
ge- treas
strip ure,
ed, they
calic will
o, use
blac thes
k, e
grey too.
, or How
bro ever
wn. ,
C beca
omb use
at: of
Katk their
ins smal
typi l,
cally light
rely fram
on es,
their katk
own ins
natu do
ral not
wea carr
pons y
and rifle
smal s or
l othe
Tec r
h 11 larg
rang e

*164 Chapter 9: Creatures

Kai Lins [Lizard Bushes] Katkins
wea kills
pons with
whe their
n on own
the claw
hunt s,
. ofte
Suc n
h wea
gear keni
is ng a
typi victi
cally m
mou with
nted miss
for ile
defe wea
nse pons
of befo
the re
lair. closi
Thei ng
r in
most for
com mele
mon e.
defe S
nse ocie
tacti ty:
c is Katk
to ins
use live
sou in
nd smal
imit l
atio fami
n to ly
lure grou
their ps
prey amo
awa ng
y the
from tree-
the tops.
herd The
or adul
nest ts
and typi
then cally
attac hunt
k as a
from team
the and
trees kitte
. By ns,
cust whe
om, n
they old
pref enou
er to gh,
mak assis
e t by

*165 Chapter 9: Creatures

Kai Lins [Lizard Bushes] Katkins
drivi h
ng som
the e
prey have
clos been
er to kno
the w to
pair. buil
Katk d
ins cabi
are ns.
recl Cont
usiv act
e with
and the
keep outsi
treet de
op worl
sum d is
mer nor
hom mall
es— y
smal limit
l, ed
cam to a
oufl few
aged sele
huts ct
of trad
bran ers.
ches K
and atki
bark ns
high are
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*166 Chapter 9: Creatures

Kai Lins [Lizard Bushes] Katkins
fool mea
hard ns.

*167 Chapter 9: Creatures

Keeshins [Water Weirds] Lils [Wee Ones]
Percept: Stealth/R.U.: AC:
Hit Dice: THAC: Attacks:
Lnt: Morale: Size: XP Value:

Frequency: Uncommon Organization: Solitary same proportions as normal humans, as well as the same range of hair
Activity Cycle: Day Diet: Omnivore and eye color. Their wings are usually like those of dragonflies, long
Tech Level: 0 Artifacts: A, G and transparent, though some groups have wings like those of
Climate/Terrain: Small bodies of water butterflies of various types.
Physical Mutations: None Much like fireflies, lils have a limited ability to generate light.
Mental Mutations: Cryokinesis (15), force field generation When in the dark or in deep shadow, lils periodically and invol-
(15) untarily give off enough light to illuminate everything within one
, life leech (15), mental reflection (12), mental meter. This is not the mutation photogeneration, and lils cannot
blast (11), telekinetic hand (17), telekinesis concentrate this light into bursts.
Special Powers: (16), telekinetic flight (13) None Combat: The grace and beauty of these tiny beings hides their
incredible toughness. They will avoid combat as much as possible,
Description: Keeshin are white amphibians preferring to use their vast array of mutations to protect themselves
that live in small bodies of water. They grow to be one meter long and and drive opponents away. If forced into close melee combat they are
live in caves with underwater entrances. They cannot breath water, al- essentially helpless.
though they can absorb oxygen through osmosis to a limited extent— Lils often use tiny bows and arrows which do 1 point of dam age if
enough to allow them to remain submerged for up to an hour. they hit successfully, but are dipped in intensity 15 sleep poison. This
Although they are amphibious, they have a great dependence on the poison functions like paralytic poison, but never goes above Stage III.
water. While out of water, they begin to dehydrate, and their lack of Stage III is “asleep.” It lasts an hour.
skin pigmentation offers virtually no protection from the sun’s Society: Lils live in villages built of mazes of brambles, building
ultraviolet rays. So threatening is the sun to them that they will die if small nest-like family dwellings. They are very playful and
left out of water for 24 hours. mischievous, playing pranks on one another and on outsiders. They
Combat: Keeshin hare highly mutated creatures which are mainly prefer to avoid contacts with other intelligent life, though they have
motivated by greed and self-interest. They use their mutations been known to aid travelers who have not caused them any problems.
effectively to take what they want. Their primary goal, upon Lil often have artifacts of great sophistication, but their ability to
encountering an object they desire, is to take it and leave as quickly as use such items is limited by their size. Nonartifact items are always
possible (usually by diving underwater). Rarely will a keeshin remain Tech Level I or II.
in combat for an object once it is injured, though. Although keeshins
are terrible bullies, they are also cowards at heart. If they are in
danger of being killed, they will quickly bargain some of their loot for
their lives.
Keeshins usually open with a mental blast, followed by using life
leech, and then returning to mental blast after life leech can no longer
be maintained. They will also use tactics such as freezing the water
around a target's feet to hinder its movement using cryokinesis and
then using telekinetic hand to take an object.
Society: Keeshins are snide bullies who crave shiny objects and
intriguingly shaped artifacts. They store their loot in their caves. But,
keeshin are not above bargaining for loot that they desire, and often
will trade information for a shiny trinket or odd curiosity. Normally
solitary, keeshins will be found together when they are hatch-mates or
during the mating season.
Frequency: Rare Organization: Village
Activity Cycle: Night Diet: Omnivore
Tech Level: I Artifacts: L
Climate/Terrain: Temperate/tropical forest and jungle
Physical Mutations: Energy reflection (15), size change, wings, dual
brain (mass mind (16). telepathy (14), total
healing (12))
Mental Mutations: Anti-life leech (11), empathy (16), force field
generation (14), illusion generation (18),
telekin esis (9)
Special Powers: Light generation

Description: These graceful creatures appear to be diminutive

humans with antennae and beautiful, fragile wings. They have the

168 Chapter 9: Creatures

Mantas [Green Renders] Menarls [Slime Devils]
Number ld2 Number ld4
Percept: 15 :
Percept: IO
Stealth/ +6 Stealth/ 0
AC: 17 AC: 14
MD: 16 MD: 14
Health: 16 Health: 14
Speed: 24 3
Level: 6 Swim 24
Hit 13 ming
Level: 4
Dice: (46)
+6 Hit 10(3
Attacks: 3 Dice:
THAC: +5)4
Bite 5d6 Attacks: ld6 +
Claw(2) 3d6 Weap +42
Int: Low onFists ld2
Morale: 16 Constriction
Size: L(3 Int: Aver
1400 age1
XP Morale:
Size: G
XP (10
Frequency: Rare Organization: Solitary Frequency: Rare Organization: Solitary
Activity Cycle: Any Diet: Carnivore Activity Cycle: Day Diet: Carnivore
Tech Level: 0 Artifacts: None Tech Level: I Artifacts: U
Climate/Terrain: Temperate hills and forest Climate/Terrain: Temperate/tropical swamps, rivers
Physical Mutations: Heightened speed (10) Physical Mutations: Heightened Physical Strength Mental
Mental Mutations: None Mutations: None
Special Powers: None Special Powers: Frenzy at the sight of birds

Description: These horrifying predators stand 3 meters high and greens.

are armed with powerful jaws and dangerous claws. Mantas are Combat: Mantas are deadly fast and have been known to run down
mutated praying mantises and have evolved a low intelligence. Their many a foolish creature whose only panic-stricken thought was to run.
green coloration varies subtly through the spring, summer and fall to They are not afraid of numbers, but will hesitate to attack a group of
best imitate the seasonal vegetation the render hunts in, This is not the victims that is clearly stronger, such as a band of 10 or more humans.
chameleon power mutation as the changes take much too long to Mantas are extremely dangerous in hand-to-hand combat. They
occur and the only variations occur throughout the spectrum of attack twice a round with their clawed forelimbs, inflicting 3d6

Chapter 9: Creatures 169

Narl Eps [Ghost Trees] Obbs [Flying Eyes]
Numbe ld4 Number ld4
Percept 12 :
Percept: 18
:Stealth/ :+2 Stealth/ + 12
AC: 15 AC: 12
MD: 14 MD: 16
Health: 14 Health: 16
Speed: Immobi
Speed: 3
Level: 4 Flyin 30
Hit 35 g
Level: 6
THAC: (123)
+4 Hit 8(28
Attacks 8 Dice:
THAC: + 6)
: Squeeze vines Attacks: 3
Int: Anim Claw( 2d6
Morale al
16 2)
Int: Aver
Size: G (60 Morale: age
XP m)
2000 Size: M (2
XP m)

damage with each hit, and once with their Organization: Solitary
Frequency: Rare mandibles for 5d6 damage. If both claws Diet: Omnivore
Activity Cycle: Day hit the same opponent in one round, the Artifacts: Z
Tech Level: 0 Climate/Terrain: Any marshes, lakes, ponds
victim is held with a Physical Strength of
20, and the bite attack automatically hits. Once held a manta grips an Physical Mutations: Squeeze vines (15), sonic blast (15)
opponent in this manner, it will bite him each round, automatically Mental Mutations: None
hitting. A manta can be forced to release its victim by inflicting one-
half its hit points in damage on it, at which point the creature will
usually seek to escape.
Society: Green renders are solitary creatures that are fortunately
seldom encountered in groups. On rare occasions a mated pair may be
encountered, but this is possible only in a few weeks out of the year,
as the female devours the male after mating. Mantas are intelligent
enough to be bribed with food, but do not understand any language
beyond their own system of gestures and preening.
Description: Menarls are huge water snakes. They have ldl2+4
arms ending in hands with opposable thumbs. Each arm is about one
meter in length.
Menarls are predominantly brown with an off-white underside,
though those inhabiting particularly verdant swamps often have green
splotches. Their hands and arms are the same color as their bodies and
are covered in fine scales.
Combat: Slime devils are immensely strong and very aggressive.
They wait in the water for prey to get very close, then attempt to
strike from concealment. The never attack with their bite, instead
using their fists (they have as many fist attacks as they have arms) or
any available weapons. They often pick up pieces of driftwood;
consider these as clubs for damage.
Menarls may attack several different opponents at the same time;
they can attack however many are ranged along their length. Their
bodies are very supple as well, and they can whip around to bring
more arms to bear if several opponents are clustered at their head.
A menarl may also try to grab an opponent with at least one hand
(no damage) and then constrict with its body. If ii is holding a victim,
the menarl gains a + 1 to its constriction attack.
Menarls generally use only Tech Level I items. They often hire
themselves out as mercenaries or guards, however, and their em-
ployers may then provide them with superior weapons.
Society: Slime devils have little in the way of society. Though a
few of them are often found in the same place, they have little
commerce with one another, except during mating. They arc
relatively friendly towards humanoid mutants and pure strain humans.
They prey on water birds and go into a frenzy when they see any type
of bird. When in a frenzy, they will attack until all birds in sight are
dead or they are, ignoring morale.

170 Chapter 9: Creatures

Organization: Clutch Climate/Terrain: Temperate hills and plains
Diet: Carnivore Physical Mutations: Radiating eyes (19)
Artifacts: None Mental Mutations: None
Special Powers: None Special Powers: Immune to radiation and heat (including IR
and fire)
Description: This tree has stark white bark and off-white leaves. Description: The obb is a fungoid carnivore that is nearly helpless
It grows to a height of about 60 meters. The tree appears to be just on the ground but a deadly opponent in the air. About 1 meter long,
like any other until it attacks. It cannot communicate or display any with a 2 meter wingspan, the obb has three powerful claws and one
other sign of activity other than its attacks. The tree’s vine network great, dark eye from which it emits blasts of radiation. Obbs possess
usually extends for 30 meters away from its trunk. The vines lie on an alien intelligence that is nearly unfathomable to plant and animal
the ground and look like roots or extend into lakes and ponds where alike. Obbs tend to hunt in spore-groups called clutches.
they lurk under the water waiting to snag something. Combat: The obb is an exceedingly dangerous enemy in the air. It
The nickname “ghost tree” comes from its appearance, and the fact is fast and maneuverable. When attacking ground-bound creatures,
that the ghosts of its victims re said to haunt the area it inhabits. the obb begins with a silent (treat as a Stealth attempt) strafing run
During the spring, the tree’s vines are covered with pods that, and blast with its eye. The radiation blast is a cone 50 yards long and
when ripe, are flung away by the tree for a distance of 120 meters or 10 yards wide at its base, at intensity 24. The obb will then
more. When the pods land and their husks rot away, the sound of the commence a series of swooping attacks, returning every other round
bursting seeds creates a sonic blast (doing 3d6 + 15 points of damage from a different direction to claw at its opponents. Its eye recharges at
to those within 10 meters of the seeds). the rate of 1 intensity per round, and generally the obb will wait until
Combat: The vines lie in wait for and object to touch them. As it has built up a charge for 10 rounds or so before using its ability
soon as the vines contact something, they immediately leap from their again. If caught on the ground (a rare occasion) the obb cannot use its
resting place and attempt to entangle their prey. See the squeeze vines claws and can only use its radiation
mutation for details. It can direct up to eight vines in attacking. It will Frequency: Very rare blast on an opponent directly in front
usually concentrate on one target at a time. Activity Cycle: Day Tech of it.
Each vine has 1 d6 hit points. If a vine is cut, another will take its Level: 0 Society: Obbs are fearless predators
place in two minutes. The narl eps does not detach its vines, but they and even one may attack a large group
are extremely long (up to 30 meters) and, for all intents and purposes, of humans, counting on its radiation blast to kill or injure several
there are an infinite number of them in any given battle (over 100 per victims at once. The creature usually plants spores in the remains of
tree). its kills, which grow into ld6 young obbs within 24 hours. These
Society: Narl eps are solitary creatures. They have no intentional spore-groups, or clutches, will remain together for the rest of their
interaction with any other tree or plant. Generally, most creatures will lives. Obbs can occasionally be approached through use of telepathy
avoid ghost trees because of their vine system. The vines avoid plants without causing them to attack, but rarely have any thoughts
but attack anything else that moves. Squirrels and birds that generally comprehensible to a human or even a sentient plant.
stay in the trees will of course not land or walk near a ghost tree, but
they will inhabit the other trees surrounding a ghost tree.

Chapter 9: Creatures 171

Orlens Parns [Sword Beetles]
Numbe ld4-1 Number ld4
Percept l :
) Percept: 14
:Stealth : +2 Stealth/ : -2
AC: 1 AC: 17
MD: 4 1 MD: 15
Health: 7 1 Health: 15
Speed: 7 1
Speed: 12
Level: 7 Level: 5
Hit 18(6 Hit 14
THAC: 3)+ Dice:
THAC: (49)+
Attack 2 Attacks: 5(+84
Weapo + Antennae (2)
Int: 3
High Spines (2 or
Morale 1 4) 2d6
Int: Semi
Size: L Morale: 1
XP 4000 Size: 7 L(3
XP m)
Frequency Rare Organizatio Clan Frequency: Rare Organization: Band
Activity Cycle: Any n: Diet: Omnivor Activity Cycle: Any Diet: Carnivore
Tech III Artifacts: G, W Tech Level: 0 Artifacts: None
Climate/Terrain: Any temperate or subtropical Climate/Terrain:
Physical Mutations: Multiple limbs, dual brain (two random Temperate/subtropical hills
mental mutations) Physical Mutations: Quills and spines
Mental Mutations: None
Mental Mutations: Telekinesis (18), telepathy (18), will force
Special Powers: Antennae attacks at + 3 THAC
Special Powers: None
Description: The parn is a fierce, 3-meter-long hunting
beetle with a tough, black carapace. Its limbs are covered in
Description: Orlens are tall two-headed humanoids with long spines which it can break off and fling at its prey with
four arms. Peaceful by nature, they are exceptionally great accuracy. The parn’s most notable feature, however, is
intelligent and collect artifacts of all sorts. A typical orlen will its antennae. These multibranched antennae are 3 meters long
possess artifacts of Tech Levels IV or V. In addition to the and composed of many “blades” made of razor-sharp chitin.
older artifacts they may have, all orlens carry an assortment of Often referred to as “sword beetles,” parns are persistent,
Tech Level II and III weapons and tools. (The GM will need cunning hunters who attack almost anything they encounter.
to remember to add to the XP Value for an orlen based on Combat: When attacking prey, a parn will often begin by
what artifacts it is carrying.) rearing and using four limbs to fling spines (30 meter short
Orlens prefer not to resolve problems by combat, but their range). Each spine hits for 2d6 damage. The sword beetle then
size, strength, and armament ensure that they will not be closes in to finish the kill with its whip-like antennae, striking
caught unprepared when trouble comes looking for them. All for 3d6 with each one. The sword beetle is so skillful in its use
orlens have a dual name, one for the left head and one for the of these appendages that it gains a + 3 THAC bonus in
right, such asjan-jane, Maura-Maureen, Tim-Tom, and Kevin- addition to its normal +5, for a total of +8 THAC when it
Calvin. When an orlen talks, the heads alternate speaking. strikes with its antennae. If involved in a fight with more than
Combat: Any given orlen’s combat abilities will vary one opponent or with a struggling meal, the parn fires two
widely with the nature of the extra mutations he may have and more spines every round in addition to its antennae attacks
what kind of weaponry he is carrying. A typical orlen might until all struggling ceases. The antennae are somewhat brittle
carry two battle axes, a duralloy shield, a flintlock rifle, and an and can be specifically targeted by opponents. Each antennae
IR laser pistol, with a grenade or two thrown in for good is AC 15 and takes 18 hp of damage (above and beyond the
measure. He would prefer to save the pistol for an emergency parn’s hit dice) to sever or disable.
and use the flintlock from good cover, entering melee only Society: Parns have enough intelligence to cooperate some-
when necessary. what in the hunt. Usually they spread out over a wide area,
Society: Many orlens are wanderers, but there is a and when one finds a suitable target, it will summon the others
significant segment of the species that likes to settle down. by clashing its sword-bladed antennae together. This can be
The only orlen settlement of any significant size isjainus, a heard for a mile or so and is considered an excellent sign that
fairly large city. Nomadic orlens are peaceful and gentle. The it is time to leave the area.
urban orlens are more aggressive and love sporting events,
particularly those with a lot of physical contact.
Pinetos [Horse Cacti] Podogs
Numb 2d8 Number ldl2
Perce 20 :
Percept: 17
Stealth/R.U.: Stealth/ :
AC: 14 AC: 15
MD: 12 MD: 12
Healt 12 Health: 12
Speed Speed: 2
Level: 2 Level: 2
Hit 6(21) Hit 12
THA +2 Dice:
THAC: (42)
Attac l Attacks: 1
Tail ld6 Bite 2d6
slap ( + Id6 Int: Aver
Int: + l2)
Semi- Morale: age1
Moral 6 Size: L
Size: L (4 XP (2.52
XP m)

Frequency: Rare Organization Herd Frequency: Common Organization: Pack

Activity Cycle: Day Diet: Herbivore Activity Cycle: Any Tech Die t: Carnivore
Tech Level: 0 Artifacts: None Level: 0 Artifact s: None
Climate / Terrain: Any desert, plains Thorns Climate/Terrain: Temperate/subarctic plains and forest
Physical Mutations: or spikes (12) None Physical Mutations: Sound imitation, dual brain (1 % chance)
Mental Mutations: None Mental Mutations: None
Special Powers: Special Powers: Immune to sonic attacks, rush
name only. It is in actuality a mobile, plant with qualities as a normal horse.
behaviors in many ways resembling a horse. The plant has a Description: A podog is a huge, mutated mastiff standing
large, horizontal central trunk which is supported by either more than a meter and a half high at the shoulder. Podog
four or six thick, stubby stalks which act as legs. These legs coloring is usually a deep bay, but some run towards a
can propel the creature at great speeds. When the creature chocolate or black coat.
moves as quickly as it can, the action of the legs resembles a One in one hundred podogs is a prize breed, with the dual
horse galloping. brain mutation and its attendant additional one to three mental
The trunk extends into a thick, neck-like growth which the mutations. These animals, when encountered, are always the
plant keeps elevated. At the end of the “neck” is a large assort- leaders of their packs. Podogs are sometimes found as mounts,
ment of leaves, roots and a clump of visual and olfactory but in their wild state they often hunt humanoids.
organs. The leaves are used to gather sunlight, and the roots Combat: Podogs attack with a powerful bite, but begin
absorb liquids. The plant lowers its leaves and roots into pools combat with a rush, charging and leaping for the throat of their
of water when it drinks, an action that further resembles horse victim.
activity. This first rush allows them to make a full move and then at-
The pineto is much more cactus than horse. Every tack with a +2 THAC. A successful hit of 4 or more above the
centimeter of its surface except for the leaves and roots is required number means a small- or medium-sized victim has
covered with long, sharp thorns. These thorns arc usually 5 been knocked flat and is now fighting prone. Podogs also have
centimeters or so in length. Although sharp, they are the unusual habit of baying as they attack, exactly imitating
somewhat flexible. These thorns give a pineto the appearance the cries or sounds their opponents may be making. Note that
of having a hairy “coat” of thorns. The pinetos can be ridden, the character who tries to use sonic blast or uses a screamer on
but a saddle of thick leather or other strong material is a pack of rushing podogs will have as many as a dozen hounds
required. returning the sonic attack at full effect. When fighting as
Combat: Opposite the neck growth is another growth that mounts, podogs still imitate sound, but they cannot use their
tapers to a relatively thin stalk. This stalk is flexible, and the bounding rush to enter melee.
plant can use it to attack. This attack is treated as a tail swipe. Society: Podogs are very intelligent creatures and have a
Society: Horse cacti are encountered in small groups of rich oral pack tradition. They are not tool users, but they
two or four, oi herds of as much as 16. They reproduce by certainly understand some basic implements like bows and
budding. Pinetos are extremely skittish and will bolt as soon arrows or simple machines. If they are encountered as mounts,
as they perceive a threat. Only one of a pack has to become it is because they feels friendship for the person riding them—
aware of the threat for everyone else to run. a podog will never allow itself to be saddled and ridden by a
Intelligent races, such as sleeths, have tamed pinetos and stranger! In the wild, podogs are clever and dangerous
used them as beasts of burden and riding animals. In this re- hunters, using their sound imitation to maximum effect and
spect, they have the same endurance and load-bearing making fast, hit-and- run attacks to weaken strong prey.
Rakoxen Sarbises [Varks]
Number: Number: ld20
Percept: Percept: 22
Stealth/R.U.: Stealth/ +4
AC: AC: 12
MD: MD: 15
Health: Health: 15
Speed: Speed: 9
Level: Burro 3
Hit Dice: Level: 5
THAC: Hit 10(3
Attacks: Dice:
THAC: +5)
Gore 1 or
Claws ld42
(2)Weap +2
Int: Aver
XP Value: Morale: 15
Size: M (2
XP m) 6
Frequency: Common Organization: Herd Frequency:
Value: 50 Rare Organization: Tribal Diet:
Activity Cycle: Day Tech Die t: Herbivore Activity Cycle: Diurnal Omnivore
Level: О Artifact s: None Tech Level: III Artifacts: W or X, H
Climate/Terrain: Temperate plains and hills Climate/Terrain: Anywhere important minerals are found
Physical Mutations: Partial carapace (15), horns or antlers, Physical Mutations: Heightened senses (sight, smell, taste), di-
heightened Physical Strength rectional sense
Mental Mutations: None Mental Mutations: None
D plat
escr e
ipti acro
on: ss
The the
se cro
slow wn
, but of
pow their
erful head
, s.
mut The
ated se
oxe horn
n s
spor for
t a m a
toug parti
h al
clust cara
er of pac
horn e
s, whi
whi ch
ch prot
angl ects
e the
gene head
rally and
forw shou
ard lder
fro s of
m a the
bon lako
y x.

175 Chapter 9: Creatures

Rakoxen Sarbises [Varks]
Bot stam
h pede
mal ,
e they
and are
fem one
ale of
rako the
xen mos
poss t
es favo
their red
impr draft
essi ani
ve mals
horn in
s. Men
You ga
ng for
rako heav
xen y
begi labo
n r.
gro C
win omb
g at:
the Rak
horn oxe
s n
shor typi
tly call
after y
they attac
are k
wea whe
ned. n
Adu they
lt are
rako spoo
xen ked.
are The
abo rako
ut 2 x
met will
ers gore
tall with
at its
the extr
shou aord
lder. inari
Alth ly
oug dens
h e set
rako of
xen horn
are s
pron once
e to per
pani roun
c d
and and

176 Chapter 9: Creatures

Rakoxen Sarbises [Varks]
can k
char does
ge if 4d6
the + 6
targ poin
et is ts.
mor S
e ocie
than ty:
10 Rak
me- oxe
ters n
awa roa
y. m
Rak plai
oxe ns
n area
are s in
exce larg
ptio e
nall herd
y s,
stro graz
ng ing
for in
their grou
size ps
(PS of
24), 20dl
givi 0.
ng The
the y
m a are
bon also
us to foun
dam d in
age man
and y
TH Tec
AC h
in Lev
com el II
bat. and
nor civil
mal ized
gore area
attac s,
k whe
does re
2d6 they
+ 6 are
poin used
ts of to
dam pull
age, wag
whil ons,
e a plo
char ws,
ging etc.
attac Do

177 Chapter 9: Creatures

Rakoxen Sarbises [Varks]
mest es,
ic olde
rako r
xen rako
ofte xen
n are
have butc
their here
horn d for
s food
saw .
dow The
n or mea
capp t is
ed salty
by but
their othe
own rwis
ers. e
If pala
saw tabl
n, e.
the The
horn hide
s can
gro be
w cure
back d
in a and
sea- used
son, , but
requ it is
iring less
the serv
m to icea
be ble
cut than
agai rog
n. hide
Rak (see
oxe the
n “Ca
are m-
rarel paig
y n"
ridd chap
en, ter).
sinc The
e horn
they s are
tend holl
to owe
buc d
k off out
rider and
s. mad
I e
n into
man mus
y ical
plac instr

178 Chapter 9: Creatures

Rakoxen Sarbises [Varks]
ume han
nts ds,
or whil
stor e
age man
cont ipul
aine ativ
rs, e,
like end
gun in
pow pow
der erful
horn claw
s. s
D goo
escr d for
ipti digg
on: ing
The and
sarb fight
is ing.
look C
s omb
strik at:
ingl Var
y ks
like are
a 2- not
mct warl
cr- ike
tall crea
bi- ture
peda s,
l and
aard mai
vark nly
. Its pref
bod er to
y is be
cove left
red alon
with e.
coar The
se y
yell favo
ow r
to defe
gray nsiv
fur, e
and tacti
its cs,
face espe
is ciall
dom y
inat burr
ed owi
by a ng
long out
snou of
t. dan
The ger.

179 Chapter 9: Creatures

Rakoxen Sarbises [Varks]
Ho alm
wev ost
er, any
once terra
rous in
ed, exce
they pt
are the
tena cold
ciou est.
s Thei
fight r
ers settl
and eme
will nts
cont or
inue cam
until ps
deat inva
h or riabl
vict y
ory sign
is al
gain the
ed. pres
The ence
y of
are min
quit erals
e , for
com the
forta sarb
ble is
with are
mos pass
t iona
type te
s of min
Tec ers.
h III The
wea cam
ponr ps
y are a
and mixt
will ure
use of
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180 Chapter 9: Creatures

Rakoxen Sarbises [Varks]
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181 Chapter 9: Creatures

Rakoxen Sarbises [Varks]
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182 Chapter 9: Creatures

5 г й '5 j L a r. a S h a г к bi( Subarctic/temperate plains,
Although they are a Tech Level
II society, they readily use
Serfs (Thought Masters] forest, rough higher Tech Level equipment if
Physical Mutations: shown how to operate it.
Number ld6 Number ld4 Heighten They are semi-nomadic,
:Percept: IS :
Percept: 12
ed traveling when food in a
Stealth/R.U + 12 Stealth/ + l Physical particular area becomes scarce,
AC: l) AC: 16(12 Strength, or with the changing of seasons.
16 partial Once every few years, at the
MD: 16 MD:
Health: 16 Health: 15
carapace whim of the commander, a
- Speed: 12
(14), new brigade travels to Gran Rads.
Burrow 12 Level: 5 body Once, there it participates in a
Level: Hit 9(32)
pans, festival of celebration with other
Hit Г Dice:
THAC: +5
claws, serf brigades, holding
THAC: (60)
+6 Attacks: 2 or l po/so/i, gladiatorial contests and swap-
Attacks: Claws( claws (3) ping stories. One serf clan, the
l ld4
Mental Mutations:
2) Weapo
Death field Ministers of Thought, never
Bite 9<l6
Anim n generatio leaves Gran Rads. Its members
Int: Int: Very
Morale: al
l« Morale: 14 n (12), believe that a serf leader called
Size: l. i f Size: M (2 density the Forstar will be born to their
m) XP m) control clan there, and will lead the serfs
XP 1400 5000
(others) to create a great new nation.
Frequency: Rare silently burrows towards it (this (14), life
is the reason for its excellent leech (9),
Activity Cycle: Day
Tech Level: 0 Stealth/R.U.). Often attacking by photokin
surprise, it lunges out of the esis (13),
Organization: Pack mental
Diet: C earth and attacks with a deadly
bite, then dives back into the blast (15)
arnivorous Special Powers: Immune
Artifacts: None earth. It takes a round for the sep
to turn around and reposition to own poison. +2 Health
Climate/Terrain: Any
itself for another pass, so it against
desert (or any plains)
usually attacks once every other poisons
Physical Mutations: None
Mental Mutations: None round, always from a different
Special Powers: direction. Although the sep can Description: These
burrow faster than most other humanoids have claws instead of
Exceptional burrowing subterranean monsters, a fleet- fingers on their hands and with
footed human can easily outrun them can make two attacks pc t
it on the surface, and most peo- round. The claws carry intensity
Description: The land shark 8 debilitative poison. Serfs have
ple advise flight when a land
is a voracious predator that does a partial carapace, a ridged,
not hesitate to attack almost shark is encountered.
Society: Seps are stupid bony plate that covers the top
anything it encounters. It resem- and back of their heads.
bles its aquatic relatives in killing machines that seem to
hunt continuously. They often Combat: Serfs may make
general form, with the same two claw attacks or one other
streamlined body and gaping school together in packs of up to
six animals to attack large type of attack. They much prefer
jaws, but its skin has roughened to engage in mental combat as
into a thick, rubbery hide and its concentrations of game, but little
or no cooperation is shown by opposed to physical melee, and
pectoral fins have developed into are 90% likely to do so. Serfs
short, stubby claws. The sep is a the predators. A rare variety of
arctic snow sep has been commonly wear chain mail into
subterranean predator, depend- battle and will fight with lech
ing upon a telekinetic organ in occasionally seen in deep winter,
when large areas of contiguous 111 weaponry, such as flintlock
its brain and its stubby claws to rifles. They prefer the battle axe
push loose earth out of its path snow pack make it possible for
these hunters to follow game to the sword in melee combat.
and reduce its body’s friction Society: Serfs arc either
with the soil around it. It passes easily. They are for all purposes
identical to their desert-prowling encountered as a small patrol, or
so effortlessly through earth that may be found in large “brigades”
it seems to “swim” through it. A relatives.
Frequency: Uncommon of 5d2O + 5O individuals. (A
sep tunnel is about a meter brigade will include 30%
across, but collapses after the Organization:
Pairol females and 30% children.) Serfs
land shark passes. Activity Cycle: Day Diet:arcmilitant, and prefer to dress in
Combat: The sep is a terrible Omnivore uniforms imitating ancient mili-
foe, equipped with many natural Tech Level: 11 Artifacts:
tary and police designs, using
advantages. It senses any sound M, W these as clan symbols. They as
or motion on rhe ground within Climate/Terrain: likely to attack other brigades of
60 meters (this is the reason for serfs as they are other enemies.
its high Perception score) and

Chapter 9: Creatures 183

Seroon Lous Sleeths [Seer Lizards]
[Haunted Fruit Trees] ldlO
:Percept: 15
Numbe 3d6
Stealth/R 0
Percept 15
AC: 15
:Stealth :
MD: 20
AC: 13
Health: 20
MD: 13
Speed: 16
Health: 13
Immo Level: 10
Speed: Hit 14(49
Level: 3 )
Hit Dice: Dice:
THAC: +5
Attacks: 1
THAC: + 3(63) (+
8) +1
Attacks 5 n
lnt: Super
: Squeeze vines 4 ior1
Weap +5
Size: 0 (2
lnt: Anima m)
XP 9000
Morale IOl
Size: G (30
XP 420

12. If a vine is destroyed, one of (21),

the remaining vines will take its telepathy
Frequency: Rare place until the seroon lou runs (16),
Activity Cycle: Day out of vines. It takes the tree two total
Tech Level: 0 week s to regenerate a lost vine. healing
If, for some reason, a vine (14), and
cannot wield a weapon, it can one non-
attempt to grab a target and defect,
squeeze for 4 points per round. nonspecie
Once the prey is unconscious s mental
or dead, the tree’s roots (which mutation
are also 20 meters long) extend Special Powers: Immune
and insert themselves into the to illusions, can negate force
prey and withdraw the animal’s fields
juices. This process can take up within 30
to two days. meters
Society: Seroon lous are
solitary. They live without Description: Sleeths are
regard to the other plant life lizard-like humanoids, the
Organization: Solitary vines. around them. Although they intelligent descendants of
Diet: The seroon lou is called the generally grow in clumps, with alligators. They have an erect
haunted fruit tree because it ex- as many as 18 or more of them stance, tails, long snouts, and
Carnivore udes a sweet-smelling aroma in a square kilometer, they do dextrous hands. They are dark
Artifacts: None that has the scent of apples to not cooperate with each other or green in color.
Climate/Terrain: Any lure animal prey to it. even seem to be aware of each Combat: Sleeths are
marshes, lakes, or ponds Combat: Seroon lous make others’ existence. normally peaceful. They use
Physical Mutations: Allurement melee attacks with heavy, blunt Frequency: Uncommon their mutations and intelligence
(24), squeeze vines (17) objects which they wield in their Organization: to avoid combat, sending plants
Mental Mutations: None squeeze vines. Their tool use is College to attack and using telepathy and
Special Powers: None limited to bashing with whatever Activity Cycle: Any Diet:
intuition to discover the intent of
happens to be lying nearby. Carnivore their opponents. They prefer
When they see something Tech Level: III Artifacts:
using nonlethal high-tech
Description: Seroon lous I, W
grow to a height of 30 meters moving, they strike until there’s weapons to defend themselves.
no more movement from the Climate/Terrain: Any If forced, they will fight using
and have a single eye to see temperate/tropical/nonarid
with, located on a stalk two or target. A seroon lou’s vines are melee weapons of Tech Level I,
very strong, and so have a + 5 except II, or III, coordinating their
three meters above the body of mountain
water they grow in or beside. THAC and + 5 damage when efforts with telepathy.
using a weapon. s Society: Sleeths live in
Seroon lous have 2d4 + 1 Physical Mutations: None
squeeze vines of 20 meters in A seroon lou can control five peaceful, scholarly communities.
of its squeeze vines in the attack Mental Mutations: Intuition Each sleeth village is headed by
length. The trees drape their (15),
vines across the surface of the at once. Vines can be targeted a dean, who often presides over
separately, and take 8 points of plant a governing body called a
water they grow in and wait for control
prey to come near one of their damage to sever. They are AC faculty. In times of trouble, the

184 Chapter 9: Creatures

Sou! 9eshes (Skeeters] Squeekers (King Rats)
Numbe ld4 Number 2d8
Percept 16 :Percept: 14
:Stealth/ : Stealth/R ;
AC: 5 .U.
AC: 16
MD: 18 MD: 12
Health: В Health: 12
Speed: 16 Speed: 14
Level: 3 Level: 2
Hit 6(21) Hit 6(21)
THAC: +3 Dice:
THAC: +2
Attacks l Attacks: 3
: Feeding tube ld6 Claw ld4
Anima (2)Bite 3d6
Morale 14l Int: Anim
Size: S (l.5 Morale: al
XP m)
270 Size: S (l.5
XP 120

Organization: Swarm
Frequency: Common Diet: Carnivore Organization: Pack
Activity Cycle: Day Tech Artifacts: None Diet: Scavenger
Level: 0 Artifacts: None
Temperate/tropical grasslands,
Climate / deans of marshes, forests 10 paralytic poison (limited to
Terrain: villages gather
neighboring Physical Mutations: Chameleon Stage 111 effectiveness).
together and form a college. power (16) Once the target is paralyzed,
They then elect a president from Mental Mutations: In tuition the skeeter withdraws blood for
among their number to preside (12) nourishment at a stupendous
during their decision-making. Special Powers: Feeding rate. It causes damage due to
Once the trouble is dealt with or tube attack (poison and blood blood loss at a rate of 2d6 per
the major decision made, the drain) round. If allowed enough time
college and presidency dissolve, (four hours) a soul besh can
and the deans return to their completely drain a human-sized
Description: Soul beshes are
villages.The faculty is composed creature of virtually all its blood.
gargantuan, mutant, man- eating
of professors, the most respected If the target is not paralyzed
mosquitoes. They grow to 1.5
members of sleeth society. Be- or immobile, the soul besh will
meters in length and about that
neath the professors are teachers continue to strike anywhere it
tall. They are flightless,
and students. Visitors are often can on the target in an attempt to
however, but scurry over any
referred to as transfers. eventually cause paralysis.
terrain an incredible speed. Their
Sleeths tend to be friendly to Society: Skeeters travel in
ability to do this comes from
transfers. They are subtly arro- small swarms of around four.
their long, spindly legs which
gant in the extreme, however, Although normal mosquitoes
support their thin, streamlined
believing themselves to be men- travel in large numbers, they in-
body. Except for the lack of
tally superior to all other races. creased size of skeeters over
wings, they look exactly like a
Sleeths build beautiful mosquitoes makes this
normal mosquito, only bigger.
villages and towns. They make impractical if a stealthy
Soul beshes prefer terrain
full use of their plant control approach is to be maintained.
where they can hide easily and
ability. Though sleeth villages Skeeters exhibit typical
strike from cover. They use their
and towns are mostly Tech Level insect-like preening, mating and
chameleon power to remain
III, they almost always contain swarming behaviors They lay
undetected, and their large,
high-tech items. These items are their eggs in shallow water.
faceted eyes to easily detect
put to use to ease living condi- Frequency: Uncommon
prey. Activity Cycle: Night Tech
tions and for defense. Combat: The skeeter attacks Level: None
with its feeding tube, which is a Climate/Terrain: Any
2-meter-long apparatus that Physical Mutations: Sonic blast
uncoils and strikes targets for ld6 (13)
damage. It prefers to attack prey Mental Mutations: None
that is sleeping, paralyzed or Special Powers: None
otherwise alive but immobile.
Once the feeding tube punctures
Description: Looking like
the skin of a target, it
nothing more than grossly over-
immediately injects an intensity
grown brownish or rust-colored

Chapter 9: Creatures 185

rats, squeekers are easily identi-
fied by the shrill, painful cries
they make in combat. O1 course,
by this time the knowledge may
come too late to save the in-
tended victim.
Combat: Squeekers are pack
animals, taking their prey by
surrounding and overwhelming
the target. Although vicious and
quite capable of causing serious
harm, squeekers have never been
known for their courage. When
hunting, they single out weak or
isolated targets that can easily be
pulled down.
Their most common hunting
tactic is to stealthily surround the
victim and then rush out ail at
once, directing their sonic blast
attacks at the target. If the victim
is still standing, they then attack
with their bite, clinging to the
animal until it is pulled down by
the weight of their numbers. If
their dinner puts up strong
resistance, they will circle it at a
safe distance, hoping to wear the
target down by repeated lunges.
If this does not work or help
arrives, the squeekers flee in all
di reel ions.
Society: Squeekers can be
found in any terrain, but arc
most frequently encountered
near settlements, lurking around
garbage pits, or close to the lair
of a larger creature. They prey
on passersby or scavenge food
from the waste of others. Their
dens are usually a small complex
of underground tunnels with
several chambers and exits.
Squeekers can be
domesticated somewhat and
trained to serve like guard dogs
or hunting animals. This requires
that they be trained from birth
and even then can only be
accomplished by those immune
to their sonic blast mutation.
Htssers. tn particular, keep pens
of the animals for use both in the
hunt and as food. Indeed, it is
likely that the hisser immunity to
sonic blasts developed slowly
from a close relationship

186 Chapter 9: Creatures

” | jp p J’ Ci
r 'l' S.
Wardents [Oevo Beasts]
Number: ld4 Number:
Percept: 16 Percept:
Stealth/R +4 Stealth/R.U
AC: ll . AC: MD:
MD: 14 Health:
Health: 14 Speed:
Speed: — Level: Hit
Swim 9 Dice:
Flying 7
Level: 4 Attacks:
9 Weapon
Hit Dice:
+4 Int:
Attacks: l
Size: XP
Morale: 9
Size: L (3

Frequency: Uncommon Organization: Solitary mental

control Organization: Solitary
Activity Cycle: Day Diet: Carnivore
Diet: Omnivore
Tech Level: 0 Artifacts: None (14),
Artifacts: 1, Y
Climate/Terrain: Temperate/tropical forests, rivers
Physical Mutations: Gills telepathy (18), telekinesis (10), will force (10),
Mental Mutations: Cryokinesis (7), sonic blast (12), telekinetic flight (16) stunning force (15)
Special Powers: Immunity to heat and lasers Special Powers: Always carry 1 <14 artifacts

Description: This creatures is the mutated descendant of the Description: These 1-meter-tall humanoids arc covered in silky
barracuda. The terleen is about 3 meters long, is equally adept at blond to dark brown fur. They have three toes on their feet, as well as
swimming or flying, and can breathe in either air or water. It is four fingers on each human-like hand, and tend to be chubby. Their
covered in bright feathers and lives in trees. Terleen feathers are blood faces are quite furry, but have a wizened expression on them. When
red to bright orange in color, with yellow along the edges. On seen, they usually are wearing clothing and accessories, of Tech Level
occasion, terleens with greens, blues, and even brilliant violet coloring II and III.
have been seen. Terleen feathers contain special reflective cells, Combat: Not having a great physical presence, the wardents opt to
distantly akin to solar reflectors, that make the terleen immune to the combat threats mentally, which provides them with a chance to
effects of heat and laser attacks. escape, if necessary. They are not naturally aggressive and will avoid
Combat: The terleen attempts to kill its prey first with its mental violence, if possible. They are quite cunning, and will usually keep
mutations, saving biting attacks for a last resort. If both of these potential enemies at bay with a variety ol mental tricks. Occasionally,
methods of attack fail, a terleen will retreat into the trees to await a wardent will carry an artifact weapon of some sort, but will avoid
easier game. using it except in dire need.
There are stories of entire swarms of terleen attacking herds of Society: Wardents tend to be solitary by nature, usually traveling
wild animals, and sometimes even sentients’ communities, but this is alone, or with a single companion. They dwell in deep and
extremely rare. inaccessible mountain and forest regions, and their homes tend to be
Society: Terleens generally live in small family groups sharing the complex mazes of winding passages made of mud walls or
same tree, although there have been cases of large numbers nesting in intertwined in the branches of very tall and large trees. They have a
legions of forest. They build nests of sticks, grasses, bones of their natural curiosity for knowledge and odd experiences, as well as an
prey, and even clothing and other items from sentients that they have insatiable hunger for tasty food. These traits can convince a wardent
killed. to join tn on an adventure, provided any group it comes tn contact
In the spring, terleens travel to the headwaters of rivers, where they with does not seem menacing to it.
spawn. The young hatch and live as water creatures for the first six Although wardents are natively a Tech Level 1 culture, they have
months of their lives, whereupon they grow their first feathers and no fear of stranger artifacts and will readily use them. It is not
take flight. Young terleen have a rainbow-like sheen, and are reported uncommon to see wardents with steel knives, flintlocks or even
to be extremely good to eat. artifacts that they have found or acquired through trade. Their
The feathers of the terleen are prized as fine material for creating insatiable curiosity means that any usable artifacts which fall into their
special cloaks and other clothing, which bestow the ter- leen’s hands will soon yield up their secrets—or be broken.
immunity to heat and lasers to the wearer. However, this property
fades from the feathers after three months.
Frequency: Rare
Activity Cycle: Day Tech Level: I
Climate/Terrain: Subarctic/temperate forests, mountains
Physical Mutations: None
Mental Mutations: Heightened Intelligence, mental reflection (13),

187 Chapter S: Creatures

Winisleans [Tangle Vines] Yexils [Orange Dartarsj
Numbe 3d4 Number ld4
Percep 14 :
Percept: 15
Stealth .: 0 Stealth/ : +2
AC: 12 AC: 12
MD: 13 MD: 8
Health: 13 Health: 13
Speed: Immob Speed: 9
Level: ile3 Flying 24
Hit 20 (70) Level: 3
THAC +3 Hit 12(42
:Attack 4 Dice:
THAC: + 3)
s: Squeeze vine 2 Attacks: 2
Int: Non- Eyes 3d6+
Morale 18 Bite ld4
Size: H (8 Int: Low
XP 270 Morale: 12
Value: Size: L (3
XP 270

Mental Mutations: None

Frequency: Rare
Special Powers: None
Activity Cycle: Day
Tech Level: 1
Climate/Terrain: Description: This carnivorous plant can cover
an area as large as 8 meters in diameter and
grows in clusters so dense and entangled that it
is difficult to determine where one plant stops and another begins.
Winisleans are primarily made of meaty vines with small barbed
thorns and ivy-like leaves (2d6 + 2 vines per plant). The winislean
tends to show hues of green, and sometimes brown or yellow,
depending on its surroundings. It blends in with normal flora quite
well. An aquatic version, found near the shores of calm bodies of
water where many plants grow, has leaves that resemble water lilies.
The land version of the winislean gives off an odor that attracts most
creatures of animal Intelligence or less.
Combat: A winislean waits for a creature to come into range, then
quickly wraps its vines about the victim when it senses motion,
entangling its prey. In addition, its thorns secrete an intensity 10
paralytic poison. The vines continue to squeeze for 2 points of damage
per round after they have grasped a target. The vines can be cut (6 hit
points, AC 12) if targeted specifically. If a winislean loses three vines,
it will cease attacking and wait for more docile prey.
Once prey stops moving, the vines consume its flesh through small
ciliary “fingers” on the undersides of the winisleans leaves.
Society: Winislean reproduction is a very slow process, as an
overabundance of vines in any given area will deny the innermost
plants from receiving food, thus causing them to die. This results in a
ring-like structure in very large patches of winisleans. Ten doses of
intensity 10 paralytic poison can be boiled out of every three to four
vines. This poison must be injected to be effective. These doses will
remain toxic for two months before losing potency. This poison is
commonly used by some Tech I and 11 societies, who like to coat
their melee and missile weapons with the stuff.
Organization: Family
Diet: Huie anil cloth
Artifacts: U. W (group)
Subarctic/temperate forest, rough, moun
Frequency: Uncommon Organization: Clump
Physical Mutations: Hands of power, laser (using eyes) (10)
Activity Cycle: Day Diet: Carnivore
Mental Mutations: None
Tech Level: 0 Artifacts: None Special Powers: Immunity to cold
Climate/Terrain: Temperate/tropical scrub, swamp, river
Physical Mutations: Allurement (17), poisonous thorns (5), squeeze
Description: This exotic animal looks like a cross between a bat
vines (5) and a lion. It has a 9-meter wingspan, with a human hand at the point

Chapter 9: Creatures 188

of each blade. Its head looks like a male lion, with the addition of two
pinching mandibles. It stands on two lion-likc paws. The yexil is
covered with a thick pelt of orange fur, with an extremely bushy mane
of golden brown. Females have a marsupial pouch in which they carry
their young until the infants reach the age at which they are able to
learn to fly.
Combat: Yexils can project a laser beam from their eves once per
round (25 meter range) and can also pinch with their mandibles, but
rarely get close enough for this melee attack. Typical yexils can fire
10 shots with their eyes before their stored charge runs out, but
weaker and exceptionally gifted yexils have been reported. Yexil fur
has a special genetic insulating fiber content that repels intense cold,
making them immune to such attacks. In general, unless their young
are threatened or they have been cornered or captured, yexils will not
stay and fight, preferring to flee to safety. Yexils are extremely
miserable when kept in captivity—even as a whole family—and soon
die from this.
Society: Yexils are friendly creatures, but slightlv slow-witted.
They travel in small prides, sometimes as an extended family (ld4 + 2
X normal number appearing), and they mate for life. They are very
receptive to intelligent interaction with other species. The most
striking oddity about yexils ale then love of various types of hide and
cloth, particularly synthetic libers, as food. They are known to trade
virtually anything, including artifacts (for which they have little use),
in exchange for material for tasty sustenance. The more gaudy and
outrageous a piece of fabric or garment looks, the more appealing it is
to a yexil. If killed, their pelts will not maintain their unusual ability to
resist cold, so yexils are generally left in peace.

Chapter 9: Creatures 189

The campaign for the GAMMA WORLD® game is set into them regularly. The thistle in our own time grows
in what used to be the United States. The people of the land about as tall as a man and has a round, purple flower on
call it Meriga, a derivation of America. Specifically, the top. The cataclysm mutated this plant into a tree-sized
campaign centers on the Midwest. Game Masters are monster. Looking something like an evergreen, it bears
welcome to establish their campaigns anywhere in the round, purple flowers ail over it in spring. The trunk is
world. However, the bulk of the future support product will smooth, without spikes or thorns. However, the leaves are
focus on Meriga and the Great Lakes region. all barbed, making the tree virtually unclimbable. Like the
A common problem in setting up a campaign in the evergreen, the lower branches fall off and die when the
GAMMA WORLD game is keeping the past and present upper ones cut off the sunshine. This makes it relatively
separated. The world before the cataclysm was several safe and easy to walk among the thistle “trees.”
centuries in our own future. That alone makes it largely Fauna: There are two common beasts in the land:
unrecognizable. Now, add in a cataclysm that took place
several centuries ago, and the world is a very different
place. A person from today stepping out into Meriga would
not recognize the place or even the surrounding area where
he once lived.
Only a very few landmarks, such as the St. Louis Arch
or Mt. Rushmore, still stand. The cities as we know them
are gone. The pell-mell pace of the future changed them
almost beyond recognition, and then the cataclysm finished
the job. From space, the outlines of the continents are
different, but the ghosts of the past can be seen in the
shapes of the present. Rivers have changed their courses,
shorelines have been redrawn, mountains have risen and
fallen. Many roads are completely overgrown, if not buried.
The inhabited towns and villages of Meriga have all
been built since the cataclysm. Very few inhabited towns or
villages have buildings from before the Time of Troubles.
Immediately after the cataclysm, the displaced and
homeless built new towns and villages. Those that lived in
the old towns soon realized that without electricity, their
homes and other buildings did not serve them very well. It
only took a century or two for nature to eradicate most
signs of these places once they were abandoned. Some still
stand, but most are buried and overgrown.
The Game Master must make sure to keep the players
aware that this is not just a bombed-out version of their
homeland. Even if they figure out where in the U.S. the
campaign is based, and they probably will, it doesn’t help.
Even something as simple as trying to follow the
Mississippi River down to the Gulf of Mexico is doomed to
failure. The players should be encouraged to work within
the framework of their characters new world rather than try
and recreate or rediscover the old one.

Common Elements of Meriga

There arc a few elements of the world that are found in
most places throughout Meriga. If used regularly (don’t
harp on them), they can enhance the alien feel of the
landscape. Try and toss one of these elements into a game
session every now and then.
Flora: The most common elements of the land’s veg-
etation that are different than before the cataclysm are the
thistle forests. They are about as common as maple or elm
trees. They aren’t everywhere, but the characters should run

190 Chapter IO: The Campaign

one is a beast of burden, like our own horse, and the other the location of magnetic north, and increased the amount of
is bred for its meat, hide, and milk. The stagon is a mutated rare gases in the atmosphere. Between the two, one night
whitetail deer with six legs. It is a little larger and stronger out of six there is a colorful interaction between these gases
than its ancestors, making it ideal for riding and use as a and the Earth’s magnetic field. Streamers and flares of
draft beast. Other animals are sometimes used as beasts of coloi shoot across the sky, like strokes from a hidden brush.
burden, such as the rakoxen, podog, and centisteed, but This event is so common that many people think nothing of
stagons are by far the most common. Domesticated male it. The lights are not bright enough to significantly affect
stagon usually have their horns sawn off or capped for nighttime visibility.
safety. Stagons will only attack with their hooves when
desperate. However, a stagon trained to fight can butt with Common Elements of Society
its horns for 2d6 points of damage. Such war stagons also
have a better morale (12). When carrying a rider, they have There are a few elements common to all, or at least
a reduced speed of 20. The abbreviations used below are most, of the societies in Meriga. Money and language are
described fully in the “Creatures” chapter. the best examples.
Money: The domar is the most common form of money
Stagon: Percept 17; Stealth/R. U. +3; AC 14; MD 13; and is widely accepted in many different cultures. A domar
Health 13; Speed 24 (20); Level 3; Hit Dice 11 (35); THAC is a plastic rectangle, which is the size of a credit card, and
3; #AT 1 or 2; Damage 2d6 or Id4/ld4; Int Animal; Morale
7(12);SizeL(3m long); XP Value 125. single color. This is caused by the rare gases that build up
in the clouds. When the lightning rips through the gas, it
Rogs, the most common meat and domesticated animal glows a particular color. Red and blue are the
in Meriga, are descendants of the pig. They hold the same just a durable. Each domar is stamped with a national
place in the farming community that cows do in our time. symbol (different for each printing nation), a denomination,
Roughly the same size as a normal pig, they have elongated and a color to indicate its value. The general run of colors,
snouts, similar to an anteater, but not as long as an in increasing order of value, is blue, silver and gold. Each is
elephant. They have a mane of fur that grows over their worth 10 of the previous color. As they are merely thin
necks and shoulders and down the ridge of their spine. plastic, it takes 500 of them to weigh a kilogram!
They suffer from periodic amnesia, although most farmers
just assume that they are stupid. The milk from a rog is
slightly sweet and very nutritious. Its skin and fur can be
made into cloth.
ceptions: the heat fogs and the color storms. Heat fogs only
happen in the spring and fall, and even then most regions
only see one or two a year. Color storms are far more
frequent. About one-fourth of the normal thunderstorms are
color storms.
A heat fog is a radioactive fog, giving off low-level
radiation at 1 point per hour. The fog is indistinguishable
from a normal fog, except that it raises the temperature of
Weather: Most of the time the weather is the same as in
our own time. However, there are two notable ex
the area by several degrees. It lasts for ld4 hours and then
rolls away. Afterward, animals and people sometimes are
taken sick.
A color storm is a normal storm that glows like a dying
lamp during lightning flashes. Each storm has a

most common, although any color is possible. The glowing

trace lasts for up to 10 seconds before fading completely
away. Color storms are only as dangerous as the wind, rain,
and lightning of a normal storm.
An effect related to the color storm is the aura boras.
This is our aurora borealis, or northern lights, except that it
can be seen frequently at all latitudes. The cataclysm
radically altered the Earth’s magnetic field, although not

Chapter 1O: The Campaign 191

Money [Domars] Occasionally, races evolutionarily far from humans
100 blue = 10 silver (sleeths, mutated plants, etc.) will have their own lan-
100 blue = 1 gold guages. As a rule, such creatures also speak English, but
10 silver = 1 gold not always. Fortunately, robots and computers all speak
The plastic used to make domars is easily melted and
cast into a shape. The stamp is highly detailed to deter Runrung э Campaign
counterfeiters. Since domars are modeled after the old
credit cards of the ancients, when domars are found in ruins Campaigns usually need a home base. This place can
it is assumed that these “domars” are actually credit cards change over time, but the characters have to start
from before the cataclysm. Precataclysmic domars can be somewhere. The two easiest places to use as a home base
spent like current domars, and in fact, any collection of are Ascension and Jainus. Anywhere will work, but some
domars from more mundane sources usually contains a few places are more difficult to use than others. Ascension
ancient credit cards. andjainus are both open cities with a broad mixture of
Artifacts: Unimportant artifacts, junk, baubles, and genotypes and cryptic alliances available. It is easy to
curiosities are sometimes used like money. They can justify why a strange combination of characters (the PCs)
usually be sold to the Restorationists, Archivists, or just has come together in either place. Also, both cities provide
plain merchants, for the prices listed in the “Equipment” good places to exchange money, and have artifacts
chapter, under Loot. The characters can also buy such evaluated, etc.
pieces fairly easily if they want them. In most civilized Once a campaign is rolling, the GM must always re-
(Tech Level III) towns and cities, there is a 50% chance of member the carrot and the stick—in other words, reward
characters being able to find and buy such unimportant and punishment. Punishment is to be used sparingly, if at
artifacts. all, because it is most often seen as “unfair” of the GM by
More useful artifacts, like those listed in the “Equip- the players. However, if the players do dumb things, or are
ment” chapter, are less commonly available on the open completely uncooperative, the GM might have to resort to
market. Anything listed without a price is never, or very it. Some good examples of the stick are having minor
rarely, available for sale. Other artifacts have a 10% chance artifacts stolen, being denied access to cryptic alliance
of being found in a given city or town. The chances privileges (use only if the characters violate their alliance
improve to 20% if the Restorationists have a major center restrictions), etc.
there. A far better approach is to reward the players for good
Game Masters should feel free to use their judgment in gaming and let the lack of reward be their punishment for
allowing artifacts to be found. If it would ruin an adventure bad gaming. Experience points (xp) are the most common
to buy a particular artifact in advance, then it isn’t and useful method of rewarding players. Defeating
available, regardless of the die roll. If the characters have a monsters, robots and the like is not the only way to get
very creative way to use a particular artifact, and it won’t experience points. Many of the cryptic alliances provide xp
be a gamebreaker, then increase the chances of finding one bonuses for doing things their way.
for sale. Additionally, if the town or village is a small one, At the end of every game session, the GM should give
reduce the chances or just declare that such an artifact isn’t out xp bonuses for good roleplaying, good prob-
As a rule of thumb, it takes an entire day to locate and
arrange the purchase of an artifact and even longer for
powerful weapons or armor. The artifacts available in any
given area won’t change for a month. Searching again in
the same city before a month has passed will produce the
same results without a new die roll. In general, buying
artifacts should be discouraged in favor of exploring for
Language: English is the common language of Meri- ga.
It has not changed greatly since the cataclysm. The
vocabulary has many new words for things never en-
countered by the ancients, but has lost thousands upon
thousands of technical terms and culture-specific words
(such as “Cowabunga, dude!”). This can make translating
the works of the ancients very difficult at times.
It is possible to encounter other languages. Spanish and
French arc the most common second languages.

lem solving, creative ideas, and progress toward the overall about one day’s travel by foot. If you own the
goal. Such rewards should be roughly 2%-5% of the xp FORGOTTEN REALMS® campaign setting boxed set or
needed for a given character to advance to the next level of the RAVENLOFT™ campaign setting boxed set, you can
experience. For example, a 5th level character needs 32,000 use the plastic overlays found in those products with this
more xp to become 6th level. Therefore, his rewards at the
end of a game session should be roughly between 750 and
1500 xp, even if he is only 100 xp from gaining his next The Maps
level. Exactly how many xp arc awarded is up to the There are two major maps provided with this book. First
judgment of the GM. of all, there is the map of the greater United States as it is
At the end of the adventure, or when major goals of the at the time of the campaign on page 171. Much of the
adventure have been completed, give the player characters territory outside of the Midwest will tiot be developed.
another reward. This one should be of the same caliber as That is not to say there will never be source material
the session award. This does not replace the xp bonus for available for those regions. But they will not have the same
the end of the session, but rather adds to it. Spectacular level of development as the Great Lakes region. The Game
successes or wonderful game playing can be rewarded Master is encouraged to develop his own campaigns in
beyond the limits of this formula. The table below these outer regions.
summarizes the rule for xp bonuses. Some of the numbers This map is basically the same as the one found on the
have been rounded off to make them easier to work with. large map sheet from the second edition of the GAMMA
Regardless of the level, it is recommended that the GM WORLD® game. If the Game Master has that product, he
never reward a player more than 10,000 bonus points for a should feel free to use the larger color map. On both maps,
single game session—20,000 if it includes the adventure many coastal areas of the U.S. have been either
completion award. submerged, bombed into oblivion, or both. This is a
somewhat realistic result of what might happen in a limited
Experience Point Bonuses nuclear exchange. Unfortunately, it puts some of the most
Character Experience Point populated and technologically developed areas of the U.S.
Level Bonus Range out of the game. Since our campaign takes place largely in
1 100-200 the Midwest, this is not
2 100-200
map. The FORGOTTEN REALMS boxed set template is
3 200-400
particularly suitable, since it is marked
4 400-750
5 750-1,500
6 1,500-2,500
7 2,500-5,000
8 5,000-10,000
9 Up to 10,000

too big a problem. However, Game Masters who wish to

design their own campaigns around their home towns may
find them to be under water or a nuclear wasteland.
There is a very simple solution to this problem— change
it. That’s right—change it. Redraw the coast line or
“unradiate” the area that you want to play in. Since these
areas are largely outside of plans for future supplements
and sourcebooks, Game Masters are free to make them into
anything they desire. As a rule, it won’t disrupt things very
much at all if a GM makes New York City (and most of the
state!) into dry, livable land. The Midwest is another story.
If Game Masters change things in that area too much, they
will make it difficult to blend their campaigns in with our
future source material.
The second major map is the full-color, poster-sized
map of the Midwest bound into the back of this book. They
map is perforated on one edge for easy removal. The scale
of this large map is 1 inch equals 30 kilometers, which is

Chapter IO: The Campaign 193

with a 1 inch equals 30 miles scale. Merely read the long way. Unknown to most of the population, the
numbers as kilometers, not as miles. With either template, Restorationists intend to move their headquarters sometime
the large hexes are 30 kilometers. The smaller hexes are in the next 10 years. The new location is not yet picked, but
each 5 kilometers (З’/г miles) across. it will be a small, backward town, like Ascension was
This large map is not complete. There are things and before they arrived
places of interest that are not shown on it. The larger The ruler of Ascension is Governor Slyler, a mutated
elements—nations, cities, etc.—are present and accurate. fox. He is noted for being extremely clever and not beyond
However, the large map is not a complete source of using underhanded tactics. To be fair, he usually puts the
villages, since many are so small and insignificant as to be genuine needs of the city above his own personal gain. The
not worth placing. The open space between features is position is hereditary, and his son is a scoundrel without the
filled with undeveloped land, plains and large groves of moral fiber of his father. Currently, Governor Slyler is
trees. Near the towns and cities, the land has been cleared annexing the nearby farming areas; he is providing
and turned into farmland. Additionally, there are protection and other services to increase his tax base.
installations, amusement parks, small ruins, cryptic alliance Most cryptic alliances are active in Ascension, although
bases and the like, that are not shown. This allows Game most are not public about it. All are trying to compete for
Masters to place new towns or strange places for new recruits for their ranks. The secretive ones do this
adventures as they wish. secretly, of course. Sometimes turf wars break out in the
Ascension: This is the largest city in rhe region. There poorer sections of the city, particularly between the Knights
might be others somewhere in Meriga that are larger, but of Genetic Purity and the Iron Society
nobody around here knows of them. It boasts a population Ascension is an excellent place to begin a campaign.
of 30,000 sentients. It is an open city, where any genotype From here the characters can get embroiled in all sorts of
is welcome. At least, that is the law. In practice, like in any adventures. Rumors and political intrigue abound. A wide
other town, there is a certain amount of intolerance towards variety of alliances and private interests might want to hire
“the other guvs,” who are defined differently bv each the characters to perform dangerous tasks. Between
group, by some sectors of the population. In general, adventures, the characters can return here to get healed,
though, the different genotypes get along well enough. buy, sell, and trade artifacts, make repairs, do research, etc.
The city is divided into many districts. The market Bastion (BAST-shun): This city is ruled by the Knights
district is one of the busiest in Meriga. There are residential of Genetic Purity. As you might expect, it is populated
districts that are primarily populated by true men, and solely by pure strain humans, or, as they call themselves,
others for altered humans, mutated animals, and sentient true men. This city has a population of 17,000 humans.
plants. The fringes of these districts are populated by a Mutated animals arc generally slaves and indentured
mixture of genotypes. The slums are filled with unlucky servants. While the leadership of this
ones whose mutations are useless or even degenerative. The
slums make no distinction between human, animal or plant.
The city itself has a low stone wall (3 meters tall), which
is just high enough to keep out roving animals and prevent
an invading army from just walking in. Cannons are
mounted at intervals along the top. Governor Slyler has
foiled three separate attempts by the Peace Brigade to
improve the defenses. He wants Ascension to remain an
open city and not become a fortress.
One of the principal influential groups in Ascension is
the Restorationists. They do not run the government, and,
in fact, studiously avoid getting directly involved.
However, they are a wealthy and powerful lobby which
persuades politicians and leaders behind the scenes.
The Restorationists have a compound in Ascension.
This is their primary headquarters in Meriga. Most of their
research is conducted behind its walls. The chances of
being able to buy a particular artifact in Ascension are
much greater than in most cities (30% total chance). Their
examiners examine artifacts with a Use Artifacts of 15, and
can repair them at a Repair Artifacts of 20.
Despite the influence of the Restorationists, the town is
basically Tech Level III. A few decades ago, it was a small
Tech Level II town. The Restorationists have brought it a

194 Chapter 1O: The Campaign

I---------1 |---------1 Scale: 1 ” = 500 Kilometers
|______I High Plains |______| Lakes, Oceans • Ancient Ruins

Mountains Rivers
city, and a decent amount of its population, hate mutated action rifles. Visitors, particularly merchants, are welcome in
humans, not all of the citizenry are filled with hate. Many of Bonparr. Adventurers are frequently hired as freelance spies or
them fear mutants or merely prefer the company of other true scouts by the Ranks of the Fit.
men. There is an underground that believes in equal rights for The capital isjospeen, which has a population ol 22,000
all people, mutated or not. It is generally formed of people with sentients. General Ursal and his staff are headquartered here. Its
secret mutations or those that have children born with walls are high and strong. Other towns of the nation are
mutations. Defiance, Finday, Lemay, Elda, Fortain, Moonsee and Green
No other cryptic alliances except the Healers are tolerated Village.
inside the city, but several have a secret, underground presence. Most cryptic alliances are tolerated in Bonparr, so long as
The Archivists, Restorationists, Zoopremists, and particularly they don’t cause trouble. All have a presence of some sort here,
the Iron Society are all secretly active in Bastion. The other although not in every town and sometimes as a secret
alliances stay as far away from the Knights as possible. Only underground organization. Strangely, the Zoopremists hate the
members of the White Hand can move and act openly in Ranks of the Fit, and are definitely a secret presence in
Bastion. In fact, they have a small hospital established there. Bonparr. The Ranks are one of the few cryptic alliances on
Within the walls of Bastion, the order of the Knights of neutral terms with the Knights of Genetic Purity. The nation of
Genetic Purity rules. The Knights use old feudal titles to Bonparr is a major trading partner with Bastion.
indicate relative stations of the government. The ruler of the Bort Yuron (Bort YOUR-on): This small island nation lives
city is King Garik Blackhand. Under his guidance, the Knights amid the ancient ruins that cover the island. The lower floors of
plot to exterminate mutated humans wherever they may be the old buildings were covered by mud and silt hundreds of
found. Garik is currently planning a cleansing war upon years ago. That silt and mud is now dry land, only the tops of
neighboring Odess, a haven for mutated humans. the buildings protrude from the ground. The Bort Yuron natives
Citizens of Bastion trade only with mutated animals or pure use old steel girders as a framework for their own homes and
strain humans. A good deal of their wealth is gained by raiding buildings. Any building over four stories tall (above the new
mutated human villages, an act they call “cleansing.” Artifacts ground level) still has its framework rising above the wooden
are highly prized by the Knights, particularly weapons. Bastion buildings of the newer Bort Yuron.
itself is a Tech Level III city. It looks like a medieval walled Bort Yuron controls the Straits of Sate Care, which link Lake
city and is armed to the hilt. Bastion’s prize possession is a Heron and Lake Ire. Bort Yuron’s sailing ships patrol the
fission cannon mounted over the front gate. A pair of Gatling waters to the north and east of the island nation. Any sailing
guns oversee the postern gate. Cannons serve to protect the vessel passing through the straits must pay a moderate tax of 5
walls. domars per person and 1 domar per 100 kilograms of cargo.
Bonparr (Bone-PAR): This land is ruled by the Ranks of the Bort Yuron ships are well armed with cannons, and their sailors
Fit, a militarily organized cryptic alliance. It is predominantly are
populated by mutated animals, although all genotypes are
welcome. It has a population of 60,000 sentients. As a culture,
it is Tech Level III, but on the verge of entering a new age
(Tech Level IV). Scientific principles are on the rise, and
precision manufacturing is in the early stages here. Tech level
IV military equipment is getting more and more common.
The ruler of Bonparr is a mutated bear by the name of
General Ursal. He is quite old and not prone to aggressive
behavior. If aroused, however, he is more than fit to command
the defense of his nation. There are several young colonels in
his command that are just waiting for him to die or step down.
When that happens, the nation of Bonparr will most likely
begin marching upon its neighbors.
Each town has a highly organized militia under the
command of a colonel. Young citizens are required to enter the
military for two years when they come of age. After that, the
good ones (mutated animals only) are invited to join the Ranks
of the Fit, the only way to advance in the military. Each village
earns money by leasing the use of its militia as mercenaries.
Every village or town in Bonparr is walled and defended by
many cannons. The guards are always alert, and tough to fool.
Regular patrols walk the stieets, pieventing crimes and keeping
order. Typical guards arcarmed with flintlocks or even bolt-
172 Chapter Ю: The Campaign
armed with flintlocks and cutlasses (treat these as a long unplundered place.
swords). There are ships and captains in the region that Doyleto (Doy-LEE-to): The mainland portion of these
specialize in shooting the straits, usually at night, to avoid ancient ruins has been gutted of useful artifacts for over a
the tax. century. On rare occasions, an explorer will uncover a new
The inhabitants of Bort Yuron are largely mutated cache, but such events are exceedingly rare. There is no
animals. There are a few other genotypes, but the animals appreciable radiation remaining in Doyleto.
are by far the largest segment of the 14,000 senti- ents on The islands have not been explored as heavily. The
the island. Any genotype is allowed into the city, but Circle of Chaos Islands just off the coast of Doyleto have
humans, altered and true, are sometimes persecuted. Most some of the most dangerous currents on Lake Ire.
merchants charge people 50%-100% more for goods than Whirlpools and waterspouts are common events and can
they will charge an animal or plant. sink a ship before it has a chance to get away. Once he has
The city is Tech Level III, and its inhabitants willingly landed, the adventuresome cxplorei is faced with the
use any artifacts they can get their paws on. However, they prospect of the blights that infest the islands. Though
have not been overly successful at acquiring such items. intelligent, the blights do not have a society as we
They subsist mostly by fishing and merchant sailing. understand it.
Despite its control of the Straits of Sate Care, Bort Yuron In the last 50 years, the Ills have occupied the mainland
really doesn’t make that much money from the taxes when ruins. Few sentient creatures bother to explore Doyleto
the expenses of the tax ships are considered. anymore, and the ruins have become overgrown with vines
The Mayor of Bort Yuron is Payo, a mutated skunk. He and brambles in many places. These make a perfect home
has led his people for almost two decades now. Of late, he for the iils. Their population does not begin to fill the city,
has had his eye on the ruins of Troyt. He has sent several but it is growing quickly. They occupy almost 5% of the
expeditions of hired sentients into them to try and recover ruins—a large area, considering the size of the ruins and the
artifacts of great power. Payo dreams of using this power to size of the lils. Doyleto has the largest single population of
take control of all the shipping on the lakes, just like the lils in known Meriga.
Faremen of Mitchgloom. The lils are not hostile toward visitors, but will protect
Within the city, many of the cryptic alliances are ac- their territory fiercely if necessary. They occasionally
cepted. The Zoopremists, and to a lesser degree the Ranks engage in trade with outsiders, but only for items of great
of the Fit, are very popular here. Since the two groups hate value to them. They have successfully pilfered some
each other, there are violent clashes in the city and artifacts from the Circle of Chaos Islands. Their small size
continuous mad schemes by both groups to eradicate each and powerful mutations allow them to avoid or defeat the
other. As is true in many places, the Knights of Genetic blights.
Purity arc reviled and cast out when found. Earthwound: The forces unleased in the cataclysm
Burning River: Huge oil storage tanks upriver survived caused the earth itself to crack open here. The rift is a
rhe cataclysm. A few decades ago they started leaking oil kilometer wide for much of its length and almost 250
into the river. Most fish and marine life has been killed as a meters deep. The west side of the chasm is higher than the
result, but algae and the like are thriving. If hit by lightning east side by about 120 meters. Near the ends, all of the
or otherwise ignited, the river will actually burn. This heights and gaps close up.
happens a couple of times each year. The fire can last for Anyone that enters the Earthwound is affected by
weeks until a heavy rain puts it out. So far, the tanks
themselves have not caught fire.
Datun (DAH-tun): The ancient ruins of Datun are in the
center of the Wild Lands. Few adventurers have explored
Datun and returned to tell the tale. As the saying goes,
getting there is half the fun. Rumors abound about this lost
city of the ancients. It is called lost not because its location
is unknown, but because it is so difficult to reach.
The mysterious androids are rumored to control the
underground vaults of Datun. Since androids arc only found
in stories and books from before the cataclysm, it is not
even known if such creatures exist. One can only guess at
the treasures that might be found in such a remote and

Chapter 1O: The Camoaian T73

the Curse, since there are several zones of radioactivity kilometers across, larger than any postcataclysm city.
down there. There are also rumors of unspeakable horrors Nobody knows what treasures and artifacts are waiting to
bred in the darkness that feed on flesh. The only confirmed be found in the cooling walls of Gary.
inhabitants of the Earthwound are the squeekers. The islands of Gary are like the others on Lake
Fermee (Fair-me): This installation has survived since Mitchgloom. They are filled with decaying and damaged
before the cataclysm. It is rumored to be a place of evil and buildings. The channel between the ruins and the largest
is known to be controlled by live metal. island is filled with bones of the giants, their framework
This is the site of an ancient laboratory. Its inhabitants tops thrusting out of the water. They form a rusting steel
were able to erect an experimental force field over the lab spider web from the mainland to the island.
to protect themselves from the cataclysm. Unfortunately, it Gran Rads: The mainland portion of these ancient ruins
interfered with the main computers and the robots. The is in a shambles. The ruins have not been radioactive for a
largest Al computer took over and had the robots slaughter while. Gran Rads is still a worthwhile place to hunt for
all of the people. artifacts, since it has not been cleaned out vet.
Decades ago, the force field collapsed and has never Unfortunately for would be explorers, the reason it has not
been restored. The computer is still insane and has several been cleaned out are the large number of serfs that make
dozen robots and an entire laboratory full of cutting-edge their home here.
Tech Level VI stuff. The loot in Fcrmcc is a treasure Unlike in other ruined cities, many of the buildings in
without price. The defenses are equally dead I v. Gran Rads are still intact. However, many are structurally
Most of the lab is underground. The whole place is unsound, and each year or so another building collapses
powered by a nuclear reactor deep underground. The from the weight of the years, weakened by the forces of the
aboveground buildings are all in perfect condition. The cataclysm unleashed centuries ago.
computer is in control of the security system and can There is one building, 77 stories tall, that is in pristine
observe anything through the system’s cameras and other condition. Nobody knows how or why this is so. The first
sensors. Modified security and police robots wander the dozen floors are accessible to anyone entering them. They
grounds. Any damage from time, the elements, or outright are in perfect condition, although they are completely
attacks is repaired within a day by a fleet of service robots. empty. If any pait of the building is damaged, within a few
On occasions, robots from Fermee will leave to perform weeks it is repaired by unknown forces. No attempt to
strange tasks for the computer. They might bury an odd penetrate the upper floors or the basement has yet
device or kidnap a person. They might leave an artifact succeeded.
sitting in the middle of a road or inscribe an Gran Rads is a meeting ground for the serf clans.
incomprehensible saying on a wall. Normally nomadic, once every few years each clan travels
The only cryptic alliance members that have had any ro Gran Rads. There are never less than 8 serf clans in the
success penetrating Fermee are the Followers of the Voice. city. The serfs patrol the empty streets and hunt down all
Each Follower is given a white I.D. card by the base's intruders that they can find. Among themselves, they hold
computer. These members are allowed into the lab, but only gladiatorial contests and swap stories.
in restricted zones. The Followers are devoted servants of There is one serf clan, the Ministers of Thought, that
rhe computer and will do anything it says. never leaves Gran Rads. It is the clan appointed to await the
Gary: This city has only just become safe for travel. coming of the Forstar. According to clan legends, he will be
Until five years ago, the background radiation was too born to a member of the Ministers of Thought in Gran Rads
deadly for extended trips into the ancient ruins. Now it is and lead his people to create a
finally safe for exploration, although there are still many
radioactive places.
Few normal animals and plants can be found in Gary.
Those that have set up home there are new to the ruins or
else have been severely affected bv centuries of living in a
radioactive environment. I here arctales by explorers of
horrid monsters, mutated beyond recognition, wandering
the streets and lurking in the buildings
Compared to its precataclysm size, there is very Никки
of Gary. However, the remaining ruins are still 25

174 The Campaign

new nation. The next wave of elders that might someday replace them arc
Bestie, the large island off of Gran Rads, is controlled by the almost as old and equally conservative. Politics in Harmony are
Faremen (see Mitchgloom). This is their only known land base. not hkelv to change for many generations. Currently, the tribu-
They use the harbor on the island to shelter their ships in bad nal is planning to establish a new Seeker village not lar from
weather. This is one of their winter retreats when the shipping Harmony. Its name has yet to be decided.
business slows down. Only the Brotherhood of Thought atid the Healers are
The harbor waters are very treacherous. Submerged buildings welcome in Harmony. Even the Healers are required to leave
lie just below the surface, waiting to rip out the hull of an their high tech equipment behind. They must practice medicine
unwary ship. Only the Faremen know how to safely navigate the the old-fashioned wav with salves, splints, and bandages. The
harbor. Seekers are considered too much on the fringe for any of the
The island of Bestie itself is not filled with ruined buildings, other cryptic alliances to try and set up a secret underground in
like many of the other islands on Lake Mitchgloom. The eastern Harmony.
half of Bestie does contain some small ruins, with buildings Lake Heron (HAIR-on): This lake was once a separate body
standing only a few stories high. They have been thoroughly of water. Now the channel between it and Lake Ire is so large as
pillaged by the Faremen. The rest of the island, and the other to make the two lakes into one body of water. However, the
smaller islands that surround it, is natural landscape. separate names have persisted, even though nobody remembers
Gruesome Afbayz (GREW-sum AF-bayz): Once an air force why one section of this great lake has a different name than the
base and spaceport before the cataclysm, Gruesome Afbayz is other. For further details, read the entry on Ire.
now one of the most dangerous places in Meriga. Although the Hmish (Hoosh): This land of the hissers can be a dangerous
base itself suffered little damage during the cataclysm, one of place for poorly armed travelers. Those that stay away from the
the warbots stationed there was activated for defense. It has settled areas are relatively safe. However, anyone entering a
since awakened several other warbots, and the lot of them patrol village had better be well armed, hissers have no great love for
the base, keeping out intruders. any of the other races. Unwary strangers are likely to be
Most of the surface buildings have fallen due to time’s attacked and eaten. Fortunately, the hissers recognize the
ravages. However, the reinforced bunkers and the munitions usefulness of trade and political relations with their neighbors,
dump sustained minimal damage. The few successful explorers but only as far as their own immediate needs and national
tell of huge live metal birds and powerful armored chariots of security are concerned. Armed groups of four creatures or more
the ancients resting unharmed and awaiting new owners. These are safe, so long as they are wary.
explorers did manage to bring back a few ancient and functional A hisser village is a creepy place, almost devoid of
weapons of destruction to verify their stories.
The Ranks of the Fit in Bonparr mounted an assault upon
Gruesome Afbayz 43 years ago. Wave after wave of well-armed
mutants stormed the ruins. Two large live metal warriors wiped
them out totally. Since that time, few have tried to enter
Gruesome. The Ranks of the Fit still nurse plans of conquest
while licking their wounds from the failed attack.
Harmony (HAR-moan-ee): This is the largest Seeker town in
the area. There are 3500 humanoids living here. They believe in
a grass roots way of life that shuns ail Tech Level IV and above
technology. They refuse to allow any form of progress or
advancement. Town guards have flintlocks and axes, but no
artifacts. There are no walls around the town, but the buildings
are solidly built of wood and stone.
The Seekers wish to live as peaceful farmers, handing down
their way of life to generation after generation. Only true men
and mutated humans arc allowed to live in Harmony. Mutated
animals and plants arc shunned.
Unfortunately, the Seekers can sometimes get quite militant
about their beliefs. Anyone visiting Harmony had better not
bring in artifacts. Such artifacts will be confiscated, and the
offender severely punished. A typical punishment is the
impounding of all property and a public flogging.
Harmony is ruled by a tribunal of peacemakers, all elders of
the town. They are a bunch of old men (Seekers arc sexist as
well as antitcchnology) with highly conservative viewpoints.
176 Chapter 1O: The Campaign
beyond the town limits. 500 soldiers, not
The culture of the hissers is Tech Level III. They do not Mad Zone: Unlike many of the ancient ruins. Mad Zone is
manufacture anything higher than Tech Level II, preferring to not crawling with dangerous life forms. Instead, it is crawling
trade for the higher tech level items. Tech Level IV and better with dangerous live metal. Before the cataclysm, the city was
artifacts are used when they can be obtained. Hissers do not the site of a robot production facility. The plant was presumably
greatly value artifacts and are rarely willing to pay for Tech destroyed, although nobody has been able to prove this.
Level V or VI artifacts. However, the robotic offspring of the factory still wander the
streets. There have been sightings of all types of robots.
While each village is ruled by a queen, the land of Huush is
ruled by the Grand Matriarch Saressa. She is a huge hisser, three
times the size of a normal creature, and rumored to have
powerful mental powers. Sares- sa’s goal for her people is a
mystery. She has established herself as a dealer in information.
With the combined efforts of a race that has both mass mind and
However, they do find or steal a few such items. work for orlens.

telepathy at its disposal, there are few secrets in Meriga that she
doesn’t know.
Saressa rules over the city of Saa, which has a population of
5000 hissers. A typical village has 500-1000 hissers. As a
nation, Huush numbers roughly 10,000 hissers. Only hissers are
allowed past the city gates of Saa. Just outside its low stone wall
are its trading posts. These buildings, including a few homes,
serve the traveler wanting to trade.
None of the cryptic alliances, except the Healers and the
Brotherhood of Thought, are welcome within the borders of
Huush. Travellers belonging to unwelcome alliances are
tolerated, so long as they don’t stay long and don’t engage in
alliance activities while in hisser land.
Lake Ire (EYE-er): This lake is connected to Lake Heron (see
above) and is essentially the same body of water. The combined
waters of Lake Ire and Lake Heron are larger than Lake
Mitchgloom. Unlike on Mitch- gloom, there are no Faremen
that ply the waters with confidence. The lake is available to
anyone brave enough to sail it.
There are islands along the shores of the lake, remnants of
the cities of the ancients. Many still contain buildings, although
they are twisted frames and hulks. Some have been scoured including reserves, and is well armed and well disciplined.
clean by the forces of the cata- the city.
An assaulting army would meet very stiff resistance.
Jainus is ruled by two heads of state. One leader is appointed
for life by an elected council of politicians. The other is elected
directly by the populace and only serves for six years. Both
leaders have equal sav in all events, and are advised by the
council, a situation that would never work for humans, but
somehow seems to
Jainus is a Tech Level III society. The orlens buy, sell, and
use higher tech level artifacts, but don't seem to be too
interested in improving their own ability to manufacture them.
All nonviolent cryptic alliances are welcome in orlen land.
Only the Knights of Genetic Purity are outlawed and are
universally reviled by the orlens. The Archivists, Followers of
the Voice, and the Zooprentists keep a low profile, operating
strictly as underground movements. The other alliances operate
openly and many even have permanent headquarters in Jainus.
As a society, the orlens tend to value physical power and
personal honor. In this respect, they are very much like the
Knights of the Round Table. Jainus is an excellent place to start
adventures, since there are frequently many people there
looking to hire sentients to perform dangerous tasks.
There are 14,000 sentients living in Jainus. The city is not
walled, but has several outlying bunkers that are armed with
cannons and are nearly impregnable. A sporadic guard patrols
the city’s outlying perimeter. The militia of Jainus numbers over
Chapter "ICk The Campaign 177
including street cleaners, police robots and construction Most cryptic alliances function as underground
machines. Some are at best neutral toward living creatures, movements in Miacholin. So long as they don’t make
and many are hostile. themselves too visible or cause trouble, they are left alone.
There are secretive life forms that successfully survive The carrins pay lip service to the Ranks of the Fit and the
the streets of Mad Zone. Archivists and Followers of the Zoopremists, playing one off of the other by allowing them
Voice are particularly enamored with living here, even to operate openly. Violent clashes between the two groups
though they must hide from the robots to survive. Since the are not uncommon. Few carrins are members of either
robots do not search or even enter many of the smaller alliance.
buildings, animals and even people eke out a meager Of the other alliances, only the White Hand is genuinely
existence. The sentients tend to be Tech Level I or even respected and supported in Miacholin. Archivists, Seekers,
Tech Level 0 societies. the Peace Brigade, Restorationists and the Iron Society are
Mad Zone is the only ancient city in Meriga that is all illegal. Visitors are allowed some latitude, although they
growing. The robots have spent the last few centuries are watched carefully if their alliance membership is
rebuilding the city. Since there are not very many of them discovered.
and resources are scarce, the process has been very slow. So Carrin homes are mounted on high platforms. These are
slow, in fact, that they frequently have to go back and three stories tall (10 meters) or higher, making the homes
restore sections that they had restored decades ago. They accessible only by flight or a folding ladder. There is
have approximately a third of the city rebuilt. What they always a comfortable roost present for blood bird followers.
will do several centuries from now when the project is In the capital of Spiral, there is a single tower standing 12
complete is anyone’s guess. stories high (40 meters) that houses the ruling cartel. The
Magmatap (Mag-MA-tap): In ancient times, this was a carrins rarely meet as a group, relying upon their telepathic
power source, tapping into the magma layer of the Earth’s abilities to communicate with each other.
core. During the cataclysm, the tap was damaged. A few The carrins’ long-term goal is the conquest and sub-
decades later, it erupted into a volcano, lava and ash jection of all of Meriga. They are willing to wait many
spewing forth from the man-made hole. It is still active, generations to accomplish this goal. At the current time,
generating a lot of heat and smoke. The last eruption they are sifting through the old ruins of the ancients looking
occurred several decades ago. The equipment for tapping for useful artifacts. Groups of hired sentients, rarely carrins
the magma was completely destroyed in the original themselves, are paid well to bring back anything they can
eruption. find. Such groups have standing orders to attack any other
Miacholin (Mee-AH-ko-lin): This nation is ruled by the group in these places that might be considered to be in
dark emperor birds, the carrins. It is an open country where competition for artifacts found in them.
trade and interaction with other societies is encouraged. Lake Mitchgloom: The great waters of Mitchgloom are
However, the carrins maintain a tight grip on the reins of the home of a nation of sailors called Faremen (FAIR-men).
power. Border patrols meet all incoming travelers and The Faremen ply the waters, trading goods and carrying
charge them a small tax on the goods they are carrying in. passengers from one side to the other. There are hidden
This includes all personal items. The tax amounts to 2% of dangers beneath the surface of the water that only the
the value of the items (2 domars for every 100 domars of Faremen know how to handle. Some passengers have
value). The tax is applied again upon leaving the nation. reported sighting a pair of enormous dorsal fins, like those
The amount may be small, but the constant collecting adds of a shark, circling their boat. The two fins, one eight
up quickly. There are approximately 1200 carrins in meters ahead of the other, seemed to be part of a single
Miacholin, and another 35,000 sentients of other races and massive beast. The Faremen tossed a large sack overboard,
genotypes. and shortly
Miacholin is primarily an early Tech Level IV society.
The lower and middle classes still rely upon Tech Level III
tools and implements, but the upper class, mostly carrins,
frequently use Tech Level IV items. There is even a small
plant that manufactures primitive cars. Of course, the
carrins can only make a handful a year, all of which must
be sold to carrins. While the birdmen don’t personally have
a use for them, they make great rewards for important
servants and do very nicely as political gifts.

178 Chapter ID: The Campaign

the Faremen will not sail in such conditions. or so. The background radiation still present in the crater
The only known Faremen land base is the isle of Bestie, (intensity of 1 point per two hours') has twisted and warped
just offshore from the ruins of Gran Rads. It is rumored that everything that lives there.
they also have a secret base far beyond the horizon. This The plants, twisted and mutated things, seem to grow in
artifact of the ancients is supposed to be able to shelter their strange patterns. It is almost as il they were laid out as
entire nation during the harsh winters and bad weather. cultivated fields by a deranged mind. Sentient plants
The Faremen of Mitchgloom are mostly mutated humans wander the crater engaged in unknown tasks. There are no
and mutated animals. Most of the animals are of basic stock animals living here larger than 20 centimeters (8").
that is suited to working on and in the water: otters, fish, Strangely, the name of this place does not come from the
birds, etc. Faremen are armed with short swords and crater. It refers to the large pit at the center of the crater.
flintlock pistols. They are a Tech Level III people with only The crater itself is such a normal part of the landscape that
a few higher tech level artifacts. One notable exception is it is only thought of as a valley. The pit in the center of the
that every boat has a shortwave radio that the crew and crater is an opening 50 meters in diameter. A corkscrew
captain know how to operate. Their secret base is rumored ledge runs around the inner surface, granting access to the
to be filled with ancient artifacts of great power. subterranean land below.
There is a recorded incident where a band of Knights of A race of enlarged, mutated ants live under the crater.
Genetic Purity attempted to hijack a Faremen boar They are not individually intelligent, but have a communal
According to the story, a few hours out into the great water, mind that is very smart. How this works is not known, nor
a live metal boat attacked the Knights. Firing huge guns, it are any details of their realm available. What is known is
sank the hijacked boat and captured the surviving Knights. that they have secret entrances all over the crater and that
One of these Knights was released in port as a blind man to they feed on anything that moves.
give warning to all other people that might want to steal the Psion City (SIGH on SIT-ee): The ruling elite of this city
boats of the Faremen. are all master espers. The rest of the urban population have
The Faremen have a complete economic stranglehold on more mental mutations than average. This does not mean
merchant travel across Lake Mitchgloom. They allow that every person on the street is an esper or even has a
fishing boats to sail the lake only so long as they keep shore mental mutation; it is just a tendency. When generating
in sight. Going out further than that is risking the anger of NPCs for Psion City, roll 2d4 for the number of mental
the Faremen. mutations, ignoring the lower die roll and using the higher
There are many routes that the Faremen travel. They die roll. PC-type characters would roll a ld4 for physical
charge about 2-3 domars per kilometer for a person’s
passage. Freight costs a domar per kilometer for every 100
kilograms. A trip across the widest part of Lake
Mitchgloom is roughly 175 kilometers. The Faremen
charge 400 domars for such a trip, which takes about six
hours with a good wind.
The Faremen do not discriminate against any genotype
or cryptic alliance. However, the Knights of Genetic Purity
refuse to use boats manned by “deviants and tainted flesh.’’
There is some evidence that the Iron Society has a strong
following among the Faremen.
Napless (NAP-less): This smoking ruin of a citv is still
quite hot with radioactivity. It has low level radiation of 1
point per five minutes—far too hot to explore safely. There
are no buildings over three stories tall that are left standing.
It is highly unlikely that anything of value remains in these
ancient ruins. Napless is even devoid of plant and animal
The Pit: This is a large crater, which is five kilometers
across and a full kilometer deep. High levels of radiation
left it barren for almost a century. However, plants and
small animal have finally returned in the last hundred years

The ruling council of Psion City has eight members plus skirts cliffs, stone walls and fences, houses, etc. However, it
a chairman, called the mentat. Its members vote on all will break through light wooden fences and ford streams
issues, with the mentat's vote breaking all ties. The rulers of and rivers. The plants do not appear to mind being
Psion city believe that the power of the mind is the natural submersed for a day or so. The woods will flee a fire, even
path of advancement for all senti- ents. They seek to foster if it means moving in the daylight.
a spirit of mental community in Psion City, regardless of Farmers dread the rambling woods, as a field of crops
genotype. Three of the more radical members of the council can be ruined by one. Wherever such a woods has been, the
believe that non- esper creatures should be lower class land is filled with broken plants and raw patches of earth
citizens or even slaves of die espers. However, this is not where the different trees and plants pulled out their roots.
the mentat's view, nor is it shared by the rest of the council. Larger plants, like nonrambling trees, are safe, but smaller
It is rumored that the three dissenters have formed a rebel or more fragile plants are trampled.
triumvirate to overthrow the others. Skyoto Dam (Skeye-O-toe): Known locally as the water
Although not a large city (11,000 sentients), it is a wall, this dam is one of the few surviving dams in this
prosperous one. It is a Tech Level III society with fewer region of Meriga. Although the power plant portion of the
artifacts than most towns its size. The general sentiment is dam is no longer functional, miraculously the locks can still
that it is better to rely upon one’s own powers and abilities be opened and closed. The dam itself is on its last legs. If
than to use artifacts. left alone, it will burst anv vear now. Any river settlement
The city itself has no wall. Guards patrol the perimeter along the banks of the Skyoto will be washed away in the
day and night, watching for wild animals as well as resulting flood.
intruders. These guards are armed with flintlock rifles and Spring’s Field: This ruined citv of the ancients is largely
ornate spears. Each group of guards (usually numbering filled with giant’s bones. Few buildings are left standing. A
three), is required to have at least one telepathic or mere smattering have any interior walls, with most of the
empathic member. Visitors to Psion City are required to remainder being only the iron-gir- dered skeletons of of
pass a mental scan by the guards. If the guards fail to ruined frames. Spring’s Field has not been radioactive for
penetrate a visitor’s defenses, it is assumed that it is safe to 150 years.
let the visitor enter (a generous policy). Spring’s Field is home to many creatures, but the
Most cryptic alliances are permitted in Psion City. Only dabbers’ presence is the strongest. Known as wheelers and
the Knights of Genetic Purity are outright banned. dealers in junk and artifacts, the dabbers have staked out
Reactionary groups, such as the Iron Society or the these ruins as their own. There is no dabber nation here, just
Zoopremists, are watched carefully but allowed to enter. a collection of families, which are all sharing the territory.
There is rumored to be a fledgling esper cryptic alliance There are other dangers in Spring’s Field aside from the
called the Order of the Mind that has been started in this dabbers, including a wide variety of large carnivores, and
city. even a wandering robot or two.
Rambling Woods: One of the stranger phenomena of The dabbers allow anyone to search through the ruins for
Meriga is the rambling woods. Two of them are known to treasure or artifacts. However, they are very ettri-
exist in this portion of Meriga, and more are assumed to
exist elsewhere. These forests are literally made up of
plants that can walk. They slowly move from place to place
in a migratory pattern. In the spring, they wander north, and
then in fall, they head south again. The exact path and final
destination vary from year to year, but each does have a
most common route and territory.
The rambling woods in this region are roughly 15
woods, but there are also no landmarks or stable paths. An
open glade one day is a thicket the next. Even the most
experienced scout can get lost.
A wood travels at night, each plant unrooting itself and
wandering with the rest, replanting as the dawtt breaks. It
can cover up to 5 kilometers a day, which is a pace of about
/з of a kilometer an hour, or 1 meter per round. In its
travels, it avoids most obstacles except water. The wood

180 Chapter ID: The Campaign

ous and overly friendly, and have almost no sense of is dedicated to a particular field of research. Areas of
property. The end result is that they “borrow” many of the devotion include astronomy, language, art, the cataclysm,
finds from would-be treasure hunters before the hunters can precataclysm history, mental powers, etc. The sleeths have
leave. Fighting the dabbers is not a healthy choice. Their little or no interest in (he physical sciences, such as
mutations and access to artifacts make them dangerous chemistry, lasers, nuclear physics, etc.
opponents, although they are very difficult to anger. Each village is run by a dean. He makes sure that all
The end result is that Spring’s Field has been partially sleeths are involved in the rotating duties of day to day
picked over, mostly by the dabbers, but there are still good living. He communicates telepathically with deans in other
finds to be made. Most people that want artifacts from villages, sharing new ideas and dealing with problems. If
Spring’s Field trade for them with the dabbers. There is a necessary, the deans will gather together to form a college.
lot less hassle, although the quality of the artifacts suffers The college elects a president who presides. The college is
since the dabbers keep all the best stuff. only convened if dramatic events warrant a decision that
Troyt: Like Gary, Troyt is a cooling city, at least as far affects all sleeths. When the decision has been made, the
as radioactivity is concerned. The islands are still hot with president’s office is dissolved and the deans return to their
low-level radiation (1 point per 30 minutes), but the own villages.
mainland portion is much safer (1 point per eight hours). Yrsahl is a strange mixture of tech levels. The basic-
Although it was a huge metropolis before the cataclysm, living style is Tech Level III, but Tech Level IV, V and VI
only a small portion of the city remains. In a few years it conveniences are common. One of the more common riding
will be picked clean of useful artifacts. beasts is the pineto mobile plant. There are no high-tech
Walkee: This city of the ancients is filled with the bones weapons of destruction anywhere in Yrsahl. Spears, bows
of giants (girder building skeletons) and a few cloud towers and other Tech Level III weapons can be found, but not in
(intact buildings). Hawkoids and obbs dominate the upper large numbers. The sleeths rely on paralysis rods, stun rays,
floors of both types of structures. The presence of these needlers (paralytic poison) and other nonlethal high tech
fierce predators has left much of the city unplundered. The weapons to protect their land
outer fringes are very picked over, but the heart of the city The most impressive defense of Yrsahl is found in the
is not. plants that the sleeths cultivate. They use an immobile
A wide variety of dangerous life forms live on the mutated form of the 3-meter-tall porcupine plant (horl
ground level. Arks and badders are the predominate choo). It has empathy and can shoot hallmeter-long
intelligent races. They battle constantly for territory amid poisoned quills (destructive, intensity 9) up to 20 meters
the ruins. The badders are more numerous and have the away. If it senses hostility or bloodlust in an approaching
upper hand in most combats. creature, it attacks. The roads and paths into Yrsahl, as well
The island off of Walkee is also filled with ancients’ as the outlying borders, arc- lined with these plants. As a
ruins. The city’s island is still radioactive in places and secondary line of defense, there are trained kai lins that
highly dangerous. Its shores are lined with partially roam inside the borders of Yrsahl. Tamer kai lins are kept
submerged, frequently skeletal, buildings. Neither the as pets.
badders nor the arks live on the island. The Brotherhood of Thought, the White Hand, and
Wild Lands: This large area is overrun with vegetation especially the Rcstorationists arc all welcome in Yrsahl.
and filled with many dangerous beasts. Blackuns, kai lins, Some sleeth even belong to these organizations. The
obbs and parns are common. This dense, trackless forest Knights of Genetic Purity, the Iron Society and the
has never been fully explored. Only the fringes of it are Zoopremists are all forbidden. Other cryptic alliances are
known at all. tolerated, but watched carefully.
Deep within the Wild Lands live the grens. They have a
Tech Level I society, relying upon stone-tipped spears and
arrows. The grens are shy and reclusive, but they know the
Wild Lands like no other people. A gren guide is almost
necessary to do any significant traveling or exploring of the
Wild Lands.
Yrsahl (Ear-SAL): This is the land of the sleeths. They
are peaceful scholars that welcome visitors. There are
roughly 2500 sleeths in Yrsahl. There is no large city in this
land, but rather a collection of small villages. Each village

Chapter 1O: The Campaign 1B1

These characters are tailored for use in the campaign runs from the east to the west coast of Lake Mitchgloom.
included with these rules. In particular, they tend to emphasize a Captain Bayhar is noted for not getting lost in fogs or at night.
campaign that uses Ascension as a base of operations. If the He has the appearance of being frail (looks as if he had a PS of
Game Master is running his campaign from a different city, he 6), compounded by his constantly being out of breath In reality,
can transplant these characters if he wishes. This is true even if he is smart, tough and respected by his crew.
the Game Master is running a campaign located off the map, say Bayhar owns studded leather armor (he is AC 13 when
in Texas, New York, California, or wherever. These characters wearing it), but has only worn it twice, both times when the ship
are generic enough to stand on their own merits. was being attacked. He is rarely without a hand axe or his two
Each of the characters described has its attributes flintlock pistols. He owns a pair of binoculars and, like all
summarized following the format of the block below. The Faremen, has a ham radio on his ship.
second paragraph of the block lists the seven basic attribute
scores. The third paragraph lists mutations, followed by the MP Billy
score in parentheses. A (D) indicates a defect. Last, but not MA rhinoceros (H); EN 2; AC 19; MD 12; HP 81; THAC +6
least, are listed the class skills and their ratings. Equipment is ( + 3); #AT 1; Dmg ld4 +4 or ldl() + 4; Hth 14; Spd 12; Per 11;
described in the text following the summary block. St +2; RU 0; UA 0; RR 10.
PS 19; DX 13; CN 19; MS 16; IN 8; CH 4, SN 11.
Name Mutations: Heightened smell: diminished sight (D); wings
Genotype; Class/Lvl; AC; MD; HP; THAC; #AT; Dmg; Hth; (8); dual brain (mental control 12); heightened DX; new body
Spd; Per; St; RU; UA; RR. parts, claws (ld4+4 damage); mental reflection (12); phobia,
PS; DX; CN; MS; IN; CH; SN. heights (D).
Mutations: Class Skills: Combat Leadership 5, Makeshift Weap-
Class Skills: on/Armor 7, Size-Up Opponent 3.
Billy is half of the soon-to-be-famous team Billy and
Genotype: PSH is pure strain human, AH is altered human, Ussquilligor (they argue all the time about the order of the
MA is mutated animal, SP is sentient plant. Animals and plants names). Billy is small, for a rhino man, and rarely uses his
are followed by the base stock, with an H in parentheses if wings because of his fear of heights. He is a grumpy grouch
humanoid. Separate intelligent races (orlen, sleeth, etc.) are with no sense of the social graces. Like his friend, he is a
listed by name. member of the Peace Brigade. The two of them are always on
Class/Lvl: EN is enforcer, ES is esper, EX is examiner, SC is the lookout for out-of-the- way villages that need improving.
scout, NCC means no character class. The level immediately
follows the abbreviation, as in ES 7, which is a 7th level esper.
AC: Armor Class (normally worn armor is included).
MD: Mental Defense.
HP: Hit points.
THAC: Melee THAC, with ranged THAC in parentheses if
different than the melee THAC.
#AT: Number of attacks.
Dmg: Damage per attack.
Hth: Health.
Spd: Base speed, given as walking, then flying, then
swimming, separated by slashes. For example, 12//3 means the
NPC walks with base speed 12, can’t fly, and swims at speed 3.
Per: Perception.
St: Stealth.
RU: Remain Unseen.
UA: Use Artifacts.
RR: Robot Recognition.

Captain Bayhar
AH; NCC; AC 10; MD 11; HP .31; THAC + 1 (0); #AT 1;
Dmg ld6 + 1 or 2d8; Hth 11; Spd 12; Per 13; St 0; RU +2; UA
2; RR 18.
PS 13; DX 11; CN 13; MS 13; IN 16; CH 14; SN 11.
Mutations: Heightened PS: poor respiration (D); dual brain
(magnetic control 16); directional sense (7); psychomctry (10).
Bayhar is the captain of the Misty Eyes, a ship that regularly
Chapter 1O; The Campaia-.t 183
Billy has a specially tailored set of banded armor and carries of fire of 2), given to her by her father. Jan-Jane also carries a
a halberd. He distrusts firearms, using two hand axes instead for pair of flintlock pistols and a pair of flails. In a fight, she prefers
ranged attacks. As a rhino man, he has a tendency to want to to use her pistols and save the assault rifle for needy situations.
charge enemies with his horn ( + 2 melee THAC, ld6 + 5 She only carries a single clip of 30 rounds with her.
damage or 2d6 + 10 on a charge).
Lieutenant Finback
Big John MA shark (H); SC 3; AC 15; MD 11; HP 53; THAC 0; #AT
AH; EN 5; AC 16; MD 13; HP 80; THAC +7 ( +6); #AT 1 1; Dmg ldl2 or 3d8 or ld6; Hth 12; Spd 7/ /14; Per 10 (13
or 2; Dmg ld6 + 2/ld6 + 2 or ld8 + 2/ld8 + 2; Hth 12; Spd 13; underwater); St +3; RU + 3; UA 0; RR 11.
Per 8; St +1; RU +1; UA 0; RR 14. PS 12; DX 12; CN 13; MS 11; IN 8; CH 10; SN 7.
P.S 16; DX 13; CN 16; MS 17; IN 12; CH 17; SN 8. Mutations: Gills: heightened smell (underwater only):
Mutations: Multiple limbs, 6 arms; oversized limbs, 1 pair poison, bite (intensity 14, debilitative); body change, transparent
arms ( + 90%); sonic blast (15); immunity to poisons: density facial skin (D); immunity to disease: total healing (17); force
control (others) (16, 40%-120%). field generation (17).
Class Skills: Combat Leadership 10, Makeshift Class Skills: Detect Ambush/Trap 5, Hunting 10, Navigate 3,
Weapon/Armor 5, Size-Up Opponent 9. Tracking 8, Wilderness Survival 4.
A sergeant of the guard in Ascension, John oversees the Finback is a member of the Ranks of the Fit. As a shark, he
evening patrol for the Guild District. He is an emotional man, has a 5% chance of entering bloodlust whenever he gets into
given to great swings of wild joy and furious anger. The combat or is severely provoked. His superiors decided that this
impression he gives is of a man that deals straight from the heart made him unsuited for the discipline of rank and file troops.
with no ability to deceive. In general, he is fair and honest, and They made him a scout and assigned him to the Ascension area
his men are intensely loyal to him. to keep track of troop movements (of which there are very few)
John favors the double two-handed sword in real combat, but and any other unusual events.
reluctantly uses the less deadly club when on duty. His extra- Lieutenant Finback relies upon his bite attack in melee, but
long, multiple limbs let him get two attacks per round when he uses a flintlock rifle for ranged attacks. When
uses two identical weapons, even two two-handed swords. He is
rarely without twin flintlock pistols (2d8 damage each) and
wears ring mail when on duty. The city has entrusted him with a
stun ray pistol with a spare battery to use in emergencies.
Unknown to most folk, he owns a vibroblade ( + 10 THAC and
8d6 + 2 damage) which he has never used.

Or. Clavius
PSH; NCC; AC 11; MD 10; HP 25; THAC + 1; #AT 1; Dmg
ld4 + 1 or 2d8; Hth 10; Spd 13; Per 7; St +1; RU +1; UA 1; RR
PS 13; DX 14; CN 8; MS 9; IN 14; CH 12; SN 6.
Dr. Clavius is one of the healers at the Hospital of the Open
Palm in Ascension, which is run by the White Hand. He has a
small staff of untrained servants. Although he is not a man of
authority in the hospital, he is one of the first people a patient
meets. The doctor is a middle-aged man, kindly but over-
worked, and hence absent-minded. He has a tendency to say
“uhm” a lot.
He is rarely armed, but does own a dagger and a flintlock
pistol for protection. He also has a reasonable supply of
medikits V (not for loan to anyone), several toxin neutralizers, a
glow cube, and wears a rad badge.

Orlen; AC 20; MD 17; HP 65; THAC +7; #AT 2; Dmg ld6 +
3/ ld6 + 3 or 2d8/2d8; Hth 17; Spd 14; Per 15; St +2; RU +2;
UA 2; RR 14.
Mutations: Telepathy (18); telekinesis (18); will force (16);
dual brain (levitation 14); directional sense (15); multiple
limbs, 4 arms; illusion generation (14).
Jan-Jane is a popular adventurer in Jainus. Daughter of a
wealthy merchant, she does not need to work for a living,
although her funds are not limitless. She never lends money,
claiming that it ruins good friendships. Jan is more daring than
Jane, but both are willing to take a chance for fun and
Jan-Jane wears banded mail and owns an assault rifle ( + 2/
+4/ +8 THAC, depending on range, and 3d6 damage, with a rate
184 Chapter 1O: The Campaign
hunting, he prefers a short bow and arrows. He rarely wears Quisit
armor. He has a ham radio which he has been trained to use. MA otter (H); EX 2; AC 11; MD 12; HP 40; THAC 0
( + 1); #AT 1; Dmg ld6 or 2d8; Hth 10; Spd 7 / /10; Per 10;
Hareth St +1; RU 0; UA 3; RR 13.
SP vine (H); ES 8; AC 12; MD 20; HP 31; THAC + 1 PS 12; DX 14; CN 10; MS 16; IN 11; CH 11; SN 10.
( + 1); #AT 1; Dmg ld6 or 2d8; Hth 11; Spd 10//4; Per 10; Mutations: New body parts, tentacles (1 m long);
St +1; RU 0; UA 0; RR 0. heightened balance: chameleon power (11): transfusion
PS 11; DX 14; CN 8; MS 15; IN 9; CH 10; SN 9. (13); hands of power, gamma (intensity 4 radiation);
Mutations: Density control (others) (13); telekinetic photokinesis (15).
flight (20); displacement (20); psychometry (24); telekinetic Class Skills: Avoid Artifact Disaster 2, Jury-Rig 9, Read
hand (21). Schematics 4, Repair Artifact 5.
Class Skills: Hypnosis 8, Identify Mental Power 10, Quisit is one the more obnoxious sentients around,
Photographic Memory 13, Sense Mental Powers 13. although he is innocent and well-intentioned. He is a newly
As a wandering representative of Psion City, Hareth’s enrolled Restorationist and eager to delve into the guts of
job is to seek out worthwhile espers and try to entice them any machine, even if he hasn’t the faintest idea what it
to live in Psion City—or at least work for it. She is a very might do. He is nosy and overly helpful, always trying to
soft-spoken plant, and not aggressive in the least. She put his hands into a job at just the wrong time. He works in
prefers social confrontation to physical confrontation. the Restorationist Hall in Ascension, but is readily available
Hareth carries a rapier and a flintlock pistol for defense. for any adventure.
She keeps a tangier hidden in her vines for really bad He carries a revolver (2d8 damage, rate of fire 2) and
situations. She never wears armor, and studiously avoids seems to have a good supply of bullets. He can bite (ld6
any situation where it might be necessary. damage), but prefers not to. Quisit refuses to wear armor of
any sort, preferring to run away in the face of danger. At
Juchi the Beak any given time he has ld4 useless artifacts with him (roll on
Carrin; AC 13; MD 19; HP 69; THAC +9; #AT 1 or ld4 thejunk, Baubles & Curiosities Table on page 80). When he
(using quills); Dmg 2d8 or 4dl0 or ld4; Hth 19; Spd 6/16; is bored, he pulls one out and begins fiddling with it, much
Per 9; St - 1; RU - 1; UA 3; RR 8. to the consternation of everyone around him.
Mutations: Partial carapace (AC 15 from behind);
quills: poison, quills (intensity 12, destructive), telepathy Sir Ren
(17). PSH; EN 5; AC 21; MD 11; HP 97; THAC +7 (+6);
Juchi is a carrin trader operating between Ascension and #AT 1; Dmg ld6 + 2+4dl0or ldS + 2; Hth 14; Spd 13; Per
various towns in Miacholin. He is a scheming bird, 17; St +1; RU +3; UA 3; RR 20.
scrambling to amass enough money to become a big- time PS 15; DX 13; CN 17; MS 11; IN 17; CH 19; SN 14.
player in carrin politics. He hopes to develop a stable flow Class Skills: Combat Leadership 8, Makeshift Weap-
of trade between Ascension and Miacholin and carve a on/Armor 6, Size-Up Opponent 10.
small merchant’s monopoly for himself. He has arranged Ren is a respected member of the Knights of Genetic
for accidents to befall his competitors several times in the Purity. Like many members of that cryptic alliance, he
past. He is unusual among carrins in that he is slightly believes himself to be superior to all mutated species.
mutated (partial carapace). This has ostracized him Unfortunately, he is a rather superb physical example of a
somewhat from other carrins. true man, which makes it difficult to argue tlie point with
Like all carrins, Juchi has blood bird retainers—three of him. However, his attitudes and values are rather vile. He
them. They act as spies, scouts and couriers. He also has a actively hunts altered humans and kills them. Their deaths
mutated hyena that acts as a bodyguard. Juchi personally are rather slow since he tortures them for information on the
keeps a revolver (2d8 damage, rate of fire 2) in a belt whereabouts of other mu-
holster and has a screamer (4dl0 damage) hidden away that
he can use in emergencies. At any given

Chapter 1O: The Campaign 185

tants before letting them die. valuable and strands the group.
Sir Ren carries an energy mace ( + 5 additional melee Slivkin’s stinger carries intensity 3 paralytic poison. She
THAC), a long sword, and a duralloy shield and wears carries a spyglass, spear and two flintlock rifles. She has a
shining plate mail. He rides a large stagon trained to fight. stun grenade, a variety of I.D. cards, and an IR laser pistol,
Its horns are tipped with sharp metal caps. Sir Ren has which she keeps hidden from sight. Most of her ill-gotten
access to a wide variety of artifacts, which he has borrowed gains seem to pass through her hands like water, traded for
from the alliance. Ren usually rides with at least four other short-lived pleasures in Ascension.
2nd-4th level enforcers from the Knights of Genetic Purity.
Although he is from Bastion, he is currently assigned to Ussquilligor
operate in and around Ascension. MA octopus (H); EN 2; AC 16; MD 8; HP 59; THAC
+5; #AT 2; Dmg 3d8 or 2d8 or ld8 + 3; Hth 12; Spd 11//9;
Shilith Per 8; St +3; RU +2; UA 2; RR 7.
Sleeth; AC 15; MD 20; HP 93; THAC + 5; #AT 1; Dmg PS 18; DX 17; CN 14; MS 5; IN 16; CH 14; SN 6.
1; Hth 20; Spd 18; Per 15; St 0; RU 0; UA 3; RR 14. Mutations: Gills; shapechange (16); density control
Mutations: Plant control (21); intuition (15); telepathy (11); chameleon power (15); fadeout (D); oversized limbs, 1
(16); total healing (14); mental reflection (16). Immune to pair of arms; spines; infravision; multiple limbs, 2 arms and
illusions and able to negate force fields with 30 meters 4 legs; photodependent (D); levitation (11).
(natural sleeth abilities). Class Skills: Combat Leadership 5, Makeshift Ar-
This kindly sleeth is a student of ancient history. He mor/Weapons 4, Size-Up Opponent 6.
knows the history of the region and can frequently provide He is half of the soon-to-be-famous team of Ussquilligor
clues about the places and things of the ancient world. He and Billy. This happy-go-lucky, severely mutated octopus is
always seems to have time to help others, even those that a member of the Peace Brigade. After an unfortunate
arc not sleeth. However, he does ask for money if the incident which he barely survived, Ussquilligor decided he
research will take a lot of time and effort. Usual rates are needed a partner. He could not afford to be fading out in the
50-500 domars a day, depending upon the difficulty of the middle of a fight without a backup. Billy was the perfect
task and how many other sleeth will be involved. answer.
Shilith dislikes weapons. He has a pet kai lin which he Ussquilligor carries two flintlock rifles, two flintlock
has trained to be his mount. His only other defense is a pistols, two battle axes, and wears specially made studded
needier (damage 1 + poison, rate of fire 2) loaded with leather armor. He also has a sniper rifle with 24 rounds of
intensity 20 paralytic poison. If he needs heavy- duty ammunition and a set of IR goggles. His battle tactics are to
firepower, he calls upon one of the groups of friends that he fire his rifles one round, drop them and fire his pistols the
has done favors for in the past (i.e., the characters). next round, drop them and go in with his axes for the
remainder of the fight.
MA wasp (H); SC 4; AC 16; MD 11; HP 47; THAC +1
(+ 2); #AT 1; Dmg ld6 + 1 (stinger) or ld6 + 1 or 3d8; Hth
10; Spd 10/19; Per 16; St +5; RU +6; UA 0; RR 12.
PS 13; DX 16; CN 10; MS 10; IN 10; CH 9; SN 12.
Mutations: Infravision (11); attraction odor (D);
multiple limbs, 4 legs; psychometry (12); stunning force
(12); confusion (9).
Class Skills: Detect Ambush/Trap 5, Hunting 6,
Navigate 11, Tracking 7, Wilderness Survival 6.
This slimy excuse for a sentient wasp-person is known
by most scoundrels in Ascension for her treachery, double-
crossing, and thievery. She is a smooth liar and cares little
what other people think of her. Her favorite trick is to act as
a guide for hapless adventurers in Ascension. Even if she
has never heard of the place, she will claim to have been
there at least twice. Once on the road, she steals anything

Tables, diagrams, lists and maps are listed in the the separate table index, ss
main index (in italic) and in below.
» AT............................................................. 183
About This Game..............................................4
AC (Armor
Class) 23, 55, 113, 121, 141, 183
Achilles Heel (D) .......................... 26
Activity Cycle ............................................. 142
Adamant ...........................................................6
Adaptation ......................................................26
Adjusting Mutated Animals .....................9
Advancement, Character
Sec Level Advancement
Adjusting Sentient Plants ............................... i5
Al Guidance ..................................................112
Aimed Shots ...................................................60
Air Analyzer .................................................118 Combat
Air Sail ...........................................................26 ( onibat
Allergy (D) ....................................................27 Combat
Alligator .........................................................12 Combat
Allurement .....................................................27
Altered Humans ................................................9 Common
Altered Ones......................................................6 Common
Ammunition ...................................................96 (ommon
Armor Piercing .........................................97 Common
Hollow Nose .............................................97 Common
Incendiary .................................................97
Tracer .......................................................97
Ancients ...........................................................6
Animals ............................................................9
Announcing Intended Actions . . 54 Anti-Life Leech 27
Antigrav ....................................................... 118
Antigrav Pods .................................................86
Antigravity .....................................................72
Approximate Metric Conversions 1
Table .......................................................48 (>o
Archivists, The
(Servants of the Eye) ...............................127
Area ................................................................48
Area Effect Weapons ......................................57
Arks (Hound Polk) ...................................... 143
Armadillo ...................................................... 12
Armor .......................................................... 119
Armor Classes of Common Materials
Table .......................................................61
Arns (Dragon Bugs) .................................... 143
Artifact Armor fable .......................................95
Artifact Breaks ...............................................66
Artifact Complexity .......................................65
Artifact Examination Modifiers . .68
Artifact Ranged Weapons Table. .94
Artifacts .................................................6, 168
Ascension .................................................... 170
Assault Rifle ..................................................97
Assumed Broken.............................................66
Assumed Useless............................................66
Attack Roll Formula........................................55
Attack Roll, The .............................................55
Attacks ..................................................121.141
Attercops (Blackuns) ................................... 144
Attraction Odor (D).........................................27
Attribute Check Roll Formula . . . 69
Attribute Checks ............................................69
Attribute Modifiers ........................................16
Attribute Modifiers Fable . . . 16. 23
Attribute Scores ............................................ 15
Avg. Cost............................................. 113
Avoid Anifact Disaster....................................21
Background Radiation ....................................64
Badders (Burrowers)............................144
Badger ............................................................12
Bandaging ......................................................58
Base Animal Stock ........................................ 10
Base Animal Stock List ............................ 12-13
Base Experience Point Value
Fable .................................................. 140
Base Plant Stock List......................................14
Basics of Technology. The ...................72
Bat ................................................................. 12
Baubles (Complexity 7) ....................78
Bear ............................................................... 12
Big John .................................................. . . 184
Billy ............................................................ 183
Binoculars ......................................................86
Blaashcs (Gamma Modis) ........................... 145
Black Ray Rifle ..............................................97
Blaster, Mark V ..............................................97
Blaster. Mark VII ...........................................97
Blights (Cloud Worms) ............................... 145
Blinded ...........................................................59
Blood Birds (Red Deaths) ............................146
Boar ...............................................................12
Bodily Control ...............................................28
Body Change (D) ...........................................28
Bones of the Giants .........................7
Bonparr ....................................................... 172
Bon Yuron .................................................. 172
Brotherhood of Thought .............................. 128
Brush ............................................................. 14
Brutorz (Big Walkers)...................................146
Bubble Car ...................................................114
Bull ............................................................... 12
Bulletproof Vest .............................................98
Burning River ............................................. 1~5
Cal-Thens (Elying Rippers) ... 142
Called Shots .................................................. 60
Camel ............................................................ 12
Campaign .................................................... 166
Captain Bayhar............................................ 185
Car. Atomic...................................................115
Car. Bubble See Bubble Car
Car, Primitive ...............................................115
Carapace ........................................................28
Cargo in Kg.................................................. 113
Carnivorous Jaws............................................28
Carrins (Dark Emperors) ...............................14'
Cataclysm ........................................................."
Centisteeds (East Trotters) .......................... 148
Chameleon .................................................... 12
Chameleon Power...........................................28
Character Advancement-
See Level Advancement
Character Attributes bv Genotvpe 'Ta ble ..... 15
Character Classes ...........................................19
Character Generation .......................................8
Character Generation Process
Checklist ................................................... 8
Character Record Sheet .191-192
Charging ........................................................50
Charisma (CH).............................................. 16. "0
Cheetah ..........................................................12
Chemex Warhead ........................................ 108
Chemical Susceptibility (15)...........28
Class Skill ('heck Roll Formula .. 69
Class Skill Checks .........................................70
Class/Lvl ......................................................183
Classification (Robot) ...117, 121
Cavil .................................................... 11"’
Corporate .............................................. 11"
Military ..................................................117
Personal ................................................ 117
Climatc/Terrain ............................................142
Cloud Towers ................................................
Combat ........................................................ 142
Combat Sequence.....................................53
Announcing Intended
Actions ..........................................54
Initiative............................................. 54
Surprise h 14 apai 11 at cd 1 Hi iaisi ions table ('ommon Melee Weapons. Ашпч anil Ranged Cougar
Result ing ( .anbat ( omb.U Modihvts Menial .Altai ks Ranged ( ombat Uc.i/'iva table* Cover
Aimed Shots Berserk Blinded ( ailed SI к Unarmed t onih.n Leadciship Modifiers Common Ranged Weapon* lablc (.ommon Robi'h CPU
as ( ovet Dodging R.ingc, Modifier* lablc Sequent c Armoi table Art ilai is (ommon Weapons and Atm< (.ommunit aiions \ Crab . .
Damage Amlait* lablc Elements of Meiiga Elements <4 8<H Sensors (..ommutiK ana Crawling
E.ftci is of Damage Bandaging ictv Equipment (omputet Sight . . . Confusion ( rcated. 1 lie (Ma< hmisis) (.reatlire buttsi ц s
Bead Common Equipment I a*i ('ommon Melee Weapon* (onst itui ion (( N I Creatures
(ontait Poison Sap Conversion Beamer Crvptu Allianic(s) Curiosities (Complexity
10) Curse ■ l.cgai у. I he

Dabbers (Brown Beggars) ........................ 148 Explosive Seeds ........................................ 31 Healing ..................................................... 60 Keeshins (Water Weirds) 1
Damage .................................................... 57 Fadeout (D)............................................... 31 Health ....................................................... 23 Kinetic Absorption............................. 15
Damage Effect Summary........................... 59 Failure ...................................................... 66 Health Hazard Knights of Genetic Purity
Dangerous Event ...................................... 66 Falling ...................................................... 52 Attack Roll Formula............................. 61 (Purists)...................................... 1
Datun ........................................................ 173 Falls Apart................................................. 66 Health Hazard Lake Heron ....................................... 11. Г 6
Dead ......................................................... 59 False Function........................................... 66 Effect Stage Formula ........................... 61 Lake Ire ............................................. 1
Death Field Generation ............................. 29 Fauna ........................................................ 166 Health Hazards.......................................... . 61 Lake Mitchgloom .............................. " Г
Debihtative Poison Table.......................... 62 Fear Generation ........................................ 31 Heightened Raiance . 3.3 Lamprey Disk 8 1
Deer........................................................... 12 Fens (Man-Fish) ....................................... 149 Heightened Mental Attribute . . . 33 Language ........................................ 01 1
Density Control, Others ............................ 29 Fermee....................................................... 174 Heightened Physical Attribute . 33 Laser Guidance ................................. .112 68
Density Control, Self................................. 29 Finger Vines ............................................. 31 Heightened Precision ................................ 33 Laser Guns......................................... 1
Derived Attributes .................................... . 23 Fire Extinguisher....................................... . 88 Heightened Sense...................................... . 33 Laser Sight.................................... 01 1
Descriprion(s) ..........................114, 142 Fireman’s Suit........................................... - 99 Heightened Speed ..................................... . 34 Leaping............................................ '
.................................................121, )1 1
Designer Poisons....................................... 63 Fission Cannon ......................................... 99 High Explosive Warhead .......................... 109 Legs ..................................................
Destructive Poison Table .......................... 62 Fission Warhead ....................................... 108 High-Level Radiation Table ... . 63 Level (Creatures)................... 1
Detect Ambush/Trap................................. 22 Flame Thrower ......................................... 99 Hissers (Man-Snakes) .............................. 151 Level Advancement 25
Devolution ................................................ 29 Flare Warhead, Parachute ......................... 109 Hit Dice..................................................... 141 Levitation .......................................... >
Dexterity (DX)........................................16 , 70 Flcshius (Flying Fish) ............................... 149 Hit Points Lexicon, Computer............................. 5. 88
Die Roll, The ............................................ . 54 Flight ........................................................ 118 (See also HP) ........................24, 121 Lieutenant Finbatк............................. .
Diet .......................................................... 142 Flitter......................................................... 115 .......................................................113,
Holding Initiative...................................... . 54 Life Force Derec tor 89, 1
Diminished Sense (D) .............................. 29 Flora ......................................................... Hoops (Floppsies)..................................... 152 Life Leech .................................... 18 1
Directional Sense ...................................... 29 Flower ...................................................... 14 Hoppers (Jackalopes) ............................... 152 Lift Pack ............................... 5 . 89
Disaster Robot .......................................... 122 Flying........................................................ . 50 Horl Choos (Porcupine Plants) . 153 Lightning . . ...........................
Displacement ............................................ 30 Flying Blades............................................. 99 Horns or Antlers........................................ . 34 Lils (Wee Ones).......................... 1
Dissolving Juices ...................................... 30 Followers of the Voice, The Horse ........................................................ . 12 Liquid Durallov ............................ 55 84
. . . .
Distance.................................................... . 48 (Programmers) ..................................... 130 Hostility Field (D) .................................... . 34 List of Abbreviations .........................
Diving for Cover....................................... . 57 Force Field Generation.............................. . 32 Household Robot ...................................... 123 Live Metal .................................... -
Dmg ......................................................... 183 Force Field Generator................................ 100 Hovercraft ................................................ 115 Locomotion .................... 1
Dodging ................................................... . 59 Force Field(s) ................................73,119, 121 HP (Hit Points) ....................................55, 183 Loot .............. .................. "
’8 '
Domars—See Money Fox ........................................................... , 12 Hth ........................................................... 183 Loot Table .........................................
Doubled Pain (D)...................................... . 30 Fragmentation Warhead ........................... 109 Hunting..................................................... . 22 Low-Level Radiation ........................ . .
Doyieto ..................................................... 173 Frequency ................................................. 142 Huush ....................................................... 176 Machine Gun .................................... . .
Dr. Clavius ............................................... 184 Frog .......................................................... . 12 Hypnosis ................................................... . 20 Machine Pistol ........................ 1
Drone Weaver ........................................... . 98 Fruit........................................................... . 32 I.D. Cards Table........................................ . 83 Mad Zone .......................................... . . D ’
Drop Belt .................................................. . 86 Fungi ......................................................... , 14 I D. Cards ................................................. 120 Magmatap ......................................... . . 1'8
Dual Brain................................................. . 30 Futuristic Weapons & Armor Civil Authority Override .... 120 Magnetic Control .............................. 1
Duality ......................... - 30 (Artifacts) ............................................ . 96 Common .............................................. 120 Makeshift Weapon/Ainioi . 5.
Duck ......................................................... . 12 Gary........................................................... 174 Maintenance ........................................ 120 Making Creatures & Monsters 1
Ducallov ...............................................72, 119 Gas Bags ................................................... . 32 Program Override................................. 120 Making of a Robot. The . . . .42 .
Durallov Shield......................................... . 98 Gas Generation.......................................... . 33 Security Override ................................ 120 Man. Class......................................... 116 i
DX, PS ..................................................... 121 Gas Mask .................................................. . 88 Supervisor ........................................... 120 Maneuverability ........................... ll )
Earthwound............................................... 173 Gas Wai head............................................. 109 Identify Mental Power .............................. . 20 Manipulators .... 1
18 1
ECM Warhead........................................... 108 Gatling Gun .............................................. 100 Illusion Generation ................................... . 34 Mantas (Green Renders)
Ecobot ...................................................... 122 Gators (Green Hissers) .............................. 150 Immunity .................................................. . 34 Map of Meriga ................................ Г
Effects of Damage .................................... . 58 Geiger Counter.......................................... Incapacitated............................................. . 59 Maps, The..................................... 1. 169
. 88
Effects of Encumbrance Genotype(s) ............................................8, 183 Incapacitated and Unconscious . . 62 Maser Pistol or Rifle ......................... 1
(Meters/Round) fable ........................... . 52 Gills .......................................................... . 33 Industrial Robot ........................................ 123 Mass Mind ................................... 02
. . 16
Electrical Generation ................................ . 30 Glow Cube ................................................ . 88 Infravision ................................................ . 35 Max Speed . . .................................... 1
Elephant .................................................... . 12 Glow, The.................................................. . . 7 Initiative ................................................... . 54 Ml) (Mental 11

Empathy ................................................... . 31 Gorilla ...................................................... . 12 Ini ............................................................. 141 Defense) . ... 24, 58. 4 1.
Encumbrance ............................................ . 52 Gran Rads ................................................. 174 Intelligence (IN)......................................16, 70 Medibot ........................... 18 1 1
Energy Absorption .................................... . 31 Grasshopper .............................................. . 12 Introduction .............................................. ..4 Medikit ........................................ ?•). 89
Energy Cloak............................................. . 86 Gravity Gun .............................................. 100 Intuition .................................................... - 35 Menarls (Slime Devils) ..................... I
SO 5
Energy Mace ............................................. . 98 Gravity Warhead....................................... 109 IR Cameras ............................................... 118 Mental Attack Damage . . .
Energy Metamorphosis.............................. ■ Green Folk ................................................ ..7 IR Goggles................................................ . 88 Mental Attacks .................................. 8 5
Energy Reflection ..................................... 31 . 31 Grenade..................................................... 101 IR Sight (Scope) ....................................... 106 Mental Blast ................................. ’ 1
Energy Reflection Diagram . . . . . 31 Grenade Launcher .................................... 101 Iron Society, The....................................... 132 Mental Control .................................. ... 16
Energy Sensitivity (D) .............................. ■ Grenade Scatter Diagram ........................ . 56 Jagets (Savannah Cats)............................... 153 Mental Invisibility . . 16
Enforcer..................................................... 31
- 19 Grenades ................................................... 107 Jainus.......................................................... 177 Mental Multiplier.......................... 1
Entropy is Convenient .............................. Grenades, Missiles, Micromissiles Jan-Jane...................................................... 184 Mental Mutations .............................. . 142
F.nvirolvzer .................................. . 88 and Smart Darts ................................... 107 Jog or Trot ................................................. . 49 Menial Mutations Table . . 18
Equipment .................................78, 121 Grens (Green Men) ................................... 150 Juchi the Beak............................................ 185 Mental Paralysis ............................... 1
..................................................119, " 1
Esper ......................................................... . 20 Gruesome Afbayz...................................... 176 Jumping ..................................................... . 51 Mental Reflection ..............................
Examiner .................................................. . 20 Guidance Systems..................................... 111 Junk (Complexity 4)................................... . 78 Mental Strength (MS) ...................... 16. '()
Examining & Using Artifacts . . . . 64 Hand/Claw ................................................ 119 Junk, Baubles & Curiosities Mentally Defenseless (D) . . . r
Experience Pome bonuses table . 169 Hands of Power ........................................ . 33 (Large Items) Table.............................. . 81 Metamorphosis .......................... S
Experience Point Modifiers Hareth ....................................................... 185 Junk, Baubles & Curiosities MHAC (Mental Hit "
Table ................................................... 141 Harmony ................................................... 176 Table ................................................... . 80 Armor (.lass)................................ 21, 5'
Experience Point Value ............................ 140 Hawk ........................................................ . 12 Jury-Rig .................................................... . 21 Miacholin ....................................... 1
.’8 .
Experience Points (Awarding) . . 168 Hawkoids (Terror Birds) ........................... 151 Kai Lins (Lizard Bushes) .......................... 154 Micromissile .....................................
Experience Points per Level Hazmat Suit .............................................. 101 Kangaroo................................................... . 12 Missile .................................. 1
Table ................................................... . 25 Healers (The White Hand) . . . . 131 Katkins ..................................................... 154 Missiles and Micromissiles . . .02

г 11; Index
Mission Statement .................................... 121 Gas Generation..................................... 33 Teleportation ......................................... 46 Podogs ......................................... 1
Mixed Initiative ........................................ 54 Gills ..................................................... 33 Thorns or Spikes .................................. 46 Poison 45
Molecular Disruption ................................ 37 Hands of Power ................................... 33 Thought Imitation ............................ 46 Poisonous Thorns ..................................... 4
Montv (Domars) Table.............................. 168 Heightened Balance ............................. 33 'Total Healing ...................................... 47 Poisons & Drugs........................................ 06
Money ...................................................... 167 Heightened Mental Attribute 33 Transfusion .......................................... 47 Police Robot ..............................
Monkey .................................................... 12 Heightened Physical Attribute 33 Ultravision............................................ 47 Poor Dual Brain (D) .................................
Mood ........................................................ .5 Heightened Precision ........................... 33 Vocal Imitation .................................... 47 Poor Respiration (D) 4
Morale ...................................................... 141 Heightened Sense................................. 33 Will Force ......................................... 47 Porcupine ................................................. 3
Mosquito .................................................. 13 Heightened Speed ................................ 34 Wings .................................................. 47 Portent....................................................... 0
Morion Detector ....................................... 90 Horns or Antlers................................... 34 Mutations Table ........................................ 17 Power Oil, Atomic .............................. 0
Movement ................................................. 49 Hostility Field (D) ................................ 34 Napless ................................................ 179 Power ( ell ( hrmu 01
Charging .............................................. 50 Illusion Generation .............................. 34 Narl Fps (Ghost Trees) ............................. 157 Power (Sell. Hydrogen
Climbing ............................................ 51 Immunity ............................................. 34 Navigate ................................................... 22 Power Cell, Solar ............................ 9
Crawling ....................................... 50 Infravision ........................................... 35 Needier ..................................................... 103 Praying Mantis ........................ A
Encumbrance ....................................... 52 Intuition ............................................... 35 Neural Bite ............................................... 103 Progress ........................................ (
Falling ............................................... 52 Kinetic Absorption............................... 35 New Body Pans ........................................ 39 Projectile Seeds
Hying.................................. 50 Levitation ............................................. 35 Night Vision ............................................. 39 Psion City ................................ Г
Jog or Trot .......................................... 49 Life Leech ............................................ 35 Nocturnal (D) ........................................... 39 Psvchomctrv 40
Jumping ................................................ 51 Magnetic Control ................................. 35 Nograin ..................................................... 7 Pure Strain 1 lumans 1
Leaping ................................................ 51 Mass Mind............................................ 36 Non-Player Characters ............................. 15 Pyro/Crvokinesis....................................... 4
Running ..................................... 49 Mental Blast ........................................ 36 Nuclear Fuel Cell ...................................... 90 Quills or Spines 4
Searching.............................................. 50 Mental Control ..................................... 36 Num. Seats ............................................... 113 Quistt........................................ 1
Swimming ............................................ 50 Mental Invisibility ............................... 36 Number..................................................... 141 Raccoon ........................... 83
Walking ............................................... 49 Mental Multiplier ................................. 36 Obbs (Flying Eyes) ................................... 157 Rad Badge ................................................
While Fighting ..................................... 50 Mental Paralysis .................................. 37 Octopus .................................................... 13 Radar .................................. .................... 1
Movement Rates (Meters/Round) Mental Reflection ................................ 37 Optional Bandaging Rule ......................... 59 Radiating Eyes 4
Iable .................................................... 50 Mentally Defenseless (D) .... 37 Optional Grenade Blast Zones Radiation................................................... (
Multiple Limbs ......................................... 37 Metamorphosis .................................... 37 Table ................................................... 108 Radiation Sickness .................... 6A
Musket Balls and Gunpowder . . 95 Molecular Disruption ........................... 37 Optional Radiation Rule ........................... 64 Radiation Suit.......................... 1
Mutated Animals (New Animals) .9 Multiple Limbs .................................... 37 Optional Rule (Attribute Check Radio 10
Mutation(s) .....................................16, 63 New Body Parts ................................... 39 Difficulties).......................................... 70 Radioactivists, The ................................... I
..........................................................26 30
Achilles Heel (D) ................................. 26 Night Vision ........................................ 39 Optional Rule (Deciphering Radios (Listen-Only and 1 lam)
Adaptation ........................................... 26 Nocturnal (D)........................................ 39 Artifacts) ............................................. . 66 Rakoxrn .................................................... 11
Air Sail ................................................ 26 Oversized Limbs .................................. 39 Optional Rule (Encumbrance) . . . 53 Rambling Woods ...................................... 16
Allergy (D) .......................................... 27 Periodic Amnesia (D)........................... 39 Optional Rule (Warheads)......................... Ranged Attack Combat Modifiers 8
Allurement ........................................... 27 Phobia (D) ........................... 39 Ordnance Guidance .................................. 111 Iable ................................................... (
Anti-Life Leech ................................... 27 Photodependent (D) ............................. 40 Organization.............................................. 142 Ranged Combat . ...................................... 5i
Antlers.................................................. 34 Photogeneration ................................... 40 Orlens ....................................................... 158 Ranged Weapon Damage 05
Attraction Odor (D).............................. 27 Photokinesis ......................................... 40 Ostrich....................................................... . 13 Ranged Weapon Rate of Fire 40
Beguiling.............................................. 27 Photosynthetic Skin ............................. 40 Other Artifact Weapons Table . . . 96 Ranges .....................................
Bodily Control ..................................... 28 Plant/Animal Control ........................... 40 Ochci Attributes........................................ 1 19 Ranges Iable ........................................ 6.
Body Change(D) .................................. 28 Poison .................................................. 40 Other Noncombat Actions .... . 69 Ranks of the Fit, The 5
Carapace .............................................. 28 Poisonous Thorns ................................ 40 Otter ......................................................... . 13 (Bonapartists) .................................... . 1
Carnivorous Jaws.................................. 28 Poor Dual Brain (D).............................. 41 Oversized Limbs ....................................... . 39 Rates of Fire and Cleaning........................ .
Chameleon Power................................. Poor Respiration (D) ............................ 41 Parachute................................................... . 90 Razor-Edged Leaves 04
Chemical Susceptibility (D) . . 28 Projectile Seeds..................................... 41 Paralysis Rod ........................................... 103 Reactions 2I
Confusion ............................................ 28 Psychometry ........................................ 41 Paralytic Poison Table.............................. . 62 Read Schematics ..........................
Contact Poison Sap............................... 28 Pyro/Crvokinesis.................................. 41 Parns (Sword Beetles)............................... 158 Read/Write................................................ 2
Death Field Generation ........................ 29 Quills or Spines .................................... 42 Peace Brigade ........................................... 134 Reality 5
Density Control, Others .... 29 Radiating Eyes ..................................... 42 Per ......................................................... 183 Reassembled .........................
Density Control, Self ........................... 29 Razor-Edged Leaves ............................ 42 Percept ...............................................121, 141 Recovering Lost Hit Points . .
Devolution ........................................... 29 Regeneration......................................... 42 Perception...............................................24 , 69 Regeneration ... 64
Diminished Sense (D) .......................... 29 Repulsion Field..................................... 42 Perception and Stealth/ Remain Unseen....................................... .
Directional Sense ................................. 29 Seizures (D) ......................................... 44 Remain Unseen.................................... 119 Remain Unseen Roll Totmula 6
Dissolving Juices.................................. 30 Shapechange ........................................ 44 Periodic Amnesia (D) . 39 Remaining Unseen ................................... 8.
Displacement ....................................... 30 Size Change ......................................... 44 Phobia (D) ................................................ . 39 Remote Force Field............................ . 61
Doubled Pain (D).................................. 30 Skeletal Enhancement .......................... 44 Photodependent (D) .................................. . 40 . Remote Hand .................................. Ю
Dual Brain............................................ 30 Skin Structure Change (D) . . 44 Photogeneration ........................................ . 40 Repair Artifact ......................... 2|
Duality ................................................. 30 Sonar .................................................... 44 Photographic Memory .............................. . 20 Repulsion Field...................... ............. 14
Electrical Generation ........................... 30 Sonic Rlast............................................ 44 Photokinesis ............................................. . 40 Resolving Combat 25
Empathy ............................................... 31 Sound Imitation ................................... 44 Photon Warhead........................................ 109 Restorationist.s.......................................... 1
Energy Absorption ............................... 31 Spines .................................................. 42 Photosynthetic Skin .................................. . 40 Rhinoceros................................................ .
Energy Metamorphosis......................... 31 Spore Cloud ......................................... 45 Physical Mutations ................................... 142 Ride ........................ 12
Energy Reflection ................................ 31 Squeeze Vines...................................... 45 Physical Mutations Iable .......................... . 18 Riot Shield ................................................
Energy Sensitivity (D) ......................... 31 Stunning Force .................................... 45 Physical Strength (PS) ............................16, 69 Robot Recognition ............................... 2- ,
Explosive Seeds ................................... 31 Summoning ......................................... 45 Physical Strength Modifier........................ . 57 Robots .................... 1'
Fadeour (D) .......................................... 31 Symbiotic Attachment ......................... 45 Pinetos (Horse Cacti) ................................ 159 Rocket Grenade Kit 1
Fear Generation ................................... 31 Telekinesis ........................................... 45 Pit, The ..................................................... 179 Roleplaying Deciphering
Finger Vines ........................................ 31 Telekinetic Hand .................................. 46 Plant Mutations Table .............................. . 18 Artifacts .... (
Force Field Generation......................... 32 Telekinetic Flight ................................. 46 Plant/Animal Control ............................... . 40 Rolling the Same Mutation
Fruit...................................................... 32 Telepathy.............................................. 46 Plasma Gun............................................... 103 Again .............. 1
Gas Bags .............................................. 32 Teleport Object..................................... 46 Play of the Game ...................................... . 49 RR \............................................ 8
lech IV (Age of the Glow)..............................76 Armor Classes of Common Materials dable
lech Level Artifacts .......................................79 Chapter 11: Lndpx
.........................................................61 1ЯР
KU ...............................................................183 lech Level Artifacts Table .... 82-83 lech Levcl(s) Artifact Armor Table .....................................95
Running ........................................................ 49 .......................................... 24, 75, 121, 142 Artifact Ranged Weapons dable . 94 Attack Roll
Running a(.ampajgti..................................... 168 lech Level, Complexity ................................113 Formula..........................................................55
Sample ArutM i Complexity
lech V (Age of Live Metal) ..........................76» Attribute ('.heck Roll Formula . . . 69 Attribute
Table ........................................................65
Sample Primary Purpose Color lech VI (Age of Wonder).................................77 Modifiers dable .. 16.23 Base Animal Stock List
Schemes Table........................................ 120 lelckinesis ......................................................45 ..................................................................12-13
Sarbiscs (Varks)............................................160 Base Experience Point Value
lelckinctic Flight ...........................................46)
Stout ..............................................................22
lelekinetic Hand............................................46> Table ..................................................... 140
Screamer ..................................................... 104
Sea Lion (Seal) ............................................. 13 lelepathy.........................................................46 Base Plant Stock List..................................... 14
Searching........................................................50 leleport Object ..............................................46) Character Attributes bv Genotype
Securite Robot ............................................ 124 dable ........................................................15
Seekers (New Dawn) .................................. 138 (iliaiacici Gciiciatioii PICK css
Seeking (ruidance........................................... Ill lelescope ..................................................... 118
Seizures (D)....................................................44 Telescopic Sight (Scope) ............................ 106 Checklist .................................................8
Sense .Mental Power ......................................20 lentacles ... ...................................................119 Character Record Sheet .... 191-192
Senses , SN) .....................................16. 70 (ilass Skill Chee к Roll Formula 6
Icrleens (Tree Fish)...................................... 164
Sentient Plants .............................................. 14 o
Seps (Land Sharks) ................................... 161 terminology ...................................................6> Combat Modifiers Table.............................. 5
Common Armor lable 0•
Sequent, e of a Combat Pound Termite ......................................................... 15
Summary...............................................5 3 'lerritorv ...................................................... 121 Common Artifacts dabic 8)
Serfs (Thought Masters).............................. 161 58
THAC Scores .............................................. 119 Common Equipment List
Serious .............................................................6
111AC (lb Hit Armor Common Melee Weapons lable 94
Seroon Lous
Common Melee Weapons, Armor 3
; 1 launtcd Fruit Frees).......................... 162 (lass) ............... 24. 55, 12 1, 141. 183
Shapeciiange ..................................................44 d'horns or Spikes ..........................................46) and Ranged Weapons lables 9
Sliatk ..............................................................13 Common Ranged Weapons lable 9
Sheep. Bighorn ............................................. 13 Thought Imitation .........................................46)
Ihrown Objec t Scatter Distance Damage Effect Summary ....................... 5
Shilith .........................................................186)
Debiiitative Poison lable 9(
Shotgun.........................................................104 Table ....................................................56)
Sights & Scopes........................................... 106 Destructive Poison lable >
1'щег .............................................................. U
Sir Ren ........................................................ 185 Effects of Encumbtancc G
Time ..............................................................49
Size ................................................... 121, 141 Time Measurements List ................................49 5
Size Change ...................................................44 (Meters / Round liable
4ool Set ..........................................................92 Energy Reflection Diagtam 21
Size-Up Opponent ......................................... 19
Skeletal Enhancement ....................................44 dore Warhead .................................................Ill 11
Experience Point Bonuses lable
Skills, (.lass ....................................................19 dotal I Icaling .................................................47 Experience Point Modifiets 6
Skills, Common .........................................2 } Ibxin Neutralizer ............................................92 1
Skills, Enforcer ............................................. 19 dable .....................................
Fracking .........................................................22 42
Skills Esper.....................................................20 Experience Points pct Leve l lable
Skills. Examiner .............................................21 Tracks ..........................................................118 Grenade Scatter Diagram 55
Skills. Scout....................................................22 Trains and the Like ..................................... 115 Health Hazard 6
Skin Struc ture Change (D) ............................44 Attack Roll Formula (
Transfusion ....................................................47
Skunk ............................................................ 13 .
dree ............................................................... 14 Health I lazard
Skv Chariot ......................................................7
Skvoto Dani ................................................ 180 droyt.............................................................181 Effect Stage Formula 6
Sleeths (Seer Lizards) ................................. 162 I'rue Function ...............................................66) High-Level Radiation lable 6
Shvkin ........................................................ 186) l.D. Cards lable ..................... 8
dun It ............................................................. 13
Smart Dart(s) ..................................... 104, 107
Smoke Warhead ...........................................109 UA ............................................................. 18.1 Junk, Baubles & Curiosities
Snake ........................................................... 1.3 Ultravision......................................................4" (Large hems) Table 8
Sniper Rifle ................................................. 104 Unarmed Combat............................................58 1
Junk. Baubles Sc Curiosities
Society ........................................................ 142 8
Unconscious ..................................................59 dable .............................................
Sottrock ............................................................"
Solar Charger .................................................92 Unusual Movement Actions .... 50 Use Artifacts List of Abbrcviations 10
Sonar ..............................................................44 ........................................................................24 Loot lable..................................................... ’2
Sonic Blast .....................................................44 Use Artifacts Diagram ...................................(C Map of Mrriga 1o
Soul Beshes (Skeeters) ................................ 163 Use Artifacts Diagram Results . . . 66> Use Mental Mutations dable .............................. 1
Sound Imitation .............................................44
Artifacts Diagram Usage 8
Spd............................................................... 183 Money (Domars) lable.............................. 1
Special .Actions .............................................68 Summary.................................................66» 6
Movement Rates ( Meters/Round )
Speual Attack Rolls Summary .55 Use Artifacts Diagram, The..........................65 dable . .......................................... 5
Special Powers............................................. 142 Ussquilhgor.................................................186) Mutations dable ................................ 10
Speed .....................................24, 121. 141
Vehicles ...................................................... 113 Optional Grenade Blast Zones
Spider ............................................................ 13
Spines ............................................................42 Vehicles lable ............................................. 113 dable .................................................. 1
Spore 6 loud ...................................................45 Vibroblade and Vibrodagger . . . 10(> Vine . 14 0
Other Artifact Wc-.ipons lable .
Sports Gear ..................................................105 Vocal Imitation ...............................................47 (o
Paralytic Poison dable
Spring’s Field .............................................. 180 21
Voltmeter........................................................92 Physical Mutations Table
Squeekcts ( Kmg Rats) ................................ 165
Volume ..........................................................48 Plant Mutations dable ............................... 81
Squeeze Vines.................................................45
Squirrel, Plying ............................................. 13 Walker......................................................... 181 8
Ranged Attack Combat Modifiets
St .................................................................183 Walking .........................................................49 Table ................................................. (
Stagon ......................................................... 167 Warbot......................................................... 125
Ranges lable ........................................... 5>
Starting Equipment ........................................25 Wardents (Devo Beasts) ............................. 164 (O
Remain Unseen Roll Formula
Starting Position ............................................66 Warheads......................................................108 S
Sample Artifact Complexity
Stealth...................................................24, Waiheads tot Grenades and Missiles dable .................................................... O
...............................................................68 Table ........................................................95 S
Sample Primary Purpose Color
Stealth Roll Formula ......................................68 Warheads. Grenades & Guidance Schemes diiblc...................................... 1
Stealth/R.U..........................................121. 141 Systems Table ............................................8 3 2
Sequence of a Combat Round
Structural Damage .........................................60 Wasp ............................................................ 1.3 5
Summary ...........................................
Stun Ray Pistol or Rifle ...............................105 Weasel ...........................................................13 Special Attack Rolls Summats 5
Stun Warhead............................... 45, 111 Weather ...................................................... 16’’ Stealth Roll f ormula ................................ 6
Stunning force ...............................................45 Weight ...........................................................48 Summary of Derived Attributes 8
Submersible ................................................ 118 W'heels........................................................ 118 Table .................................... 2
Succulents ..................................................... 14 While Fighting (Moving)................................50 5
Surprise Results Summary
Summary of Derived Attributes Wild and Wahoo ..............................................5 45
Surprise Roll formula
Table .....................................................2.3 W’ild Lands ................................................ 181 deed) Level Artifacts Table 8. 2
Summoning ..................................................45 Wdlderness Survival ........................................2 3 -
d’hrown Object Scatter Distance
Will Force ....................................................47’ 5
Sun Bolt .......................................................7 lable ...............................................
Wings 4 (4
Supporting Characters .................................. 183 l ime Measurements List
Wdnisleans (Tangle Vines) ......................... 165 9
Surprise ........................................................53 Lise Artifacts Diagram
Wire Guidance ............................................... И 2
Surprise Results Summary .............................54 Use Artifacts Diagram Usage
Wolf.............................................................. 1.3
Surprise Roll Formula....................................53 Summary............................................ (
XP See Experience Points i1
Swim(mmg) .........................................23, Vehic les lable
(Awarding) & Level Advancement XP Value
...............................................................50 Warheads lot Grenades and Missiles
........................................................... 121, 142
Symbiotic Attachment ...................................45 lable .................................................... o
Yexils (Orange Darters) .................... 165 s
Tangier.........................................................105 Warheads, Grenades A Guidance
You’ve Done Phis Before ................................7
dangler Warhead.............................................Ill Systems dable ............................ 8
Yrsahl ......................................................... 181
Ta.sci .......................................................... 105
Zoopremists................................................. 159
lech 0 .............................................................75
lech I (Age of Fire) ........................................75
Tables, Lists, Formulas, Maps and
Tech II (Age of Metal) ...................................75
lech III (Age of Reason) ................................75
Approximate Metric (ionversions dable 48


Character Name:__________________________________________________ Player Dame:________________________________________________

Genotype*----------------- ----------------------------------------diameter Ойвй--------------------------■—* Lereli__________________

Cryptic Alliance:---------------------- ----------------------------Alliance Benefits:--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Hiimt Tiiwn-______________________________________Tech l evel: ______________ Family*________________

Base Animal'Plant Stock Abilities; - —------------------------------------------ - — ______________________________

П1ЛС Иске Damage Bwnis
Max Lib in Kg
ГНАС Ranged Stealt
Bose Artuor Class
Hetilili h
Mental Defense
Use Artiftets Remain
l>ot Recognition □

□ О
Force field | | Itjln on Force field

Wounds ik-urc: Mod. Score Mod,

Hit Points | | ~ +
1 4 17-1У 3
f>nxnir> Lxpcricntc I’oil cl - 19-2D +
Character Class skiiLs 2-3 4
LN 3 i-
1.___________________ 4-5 - 21-22
2- 5
2___________________ 6- 23-21 •6
7B-12 I *
3--------------------------- 0 25-26
1.3-14 + 27- +
4___________________ rt
15 li. ]• 2Hel
5________________ c

□ PfayiiCal Mutations

Dy permission ttl'TSR, Luc., this page тягу be reproduced for personal use only.
<1991 TML Inc. All Rights Reserved.

iH Damag Weig Equipment Notes, Ranges,Special Abilities, etc.

At e ht

TH* Daniii Wei

Artifacts C gr ght^es FjpdpmMii \riit-4 ItningeH, 4|wvia1 ASIHtle*, fftr.
1. E

2. О
,. О

4. .... 1____



j 1 i
О г



Adventure Notes

Hv pcrmlsHioii cif'J’Sft, inc., this page may lie гг produced for personal uw only,
a 1992 TSR, lor. All Rights Reserved
fl rainbow of flicK ering colors dances across the night sky. T irninj, you shamble off into the jumble of cloud
h^u/nra pmirf tho glow. 1/V/th ал effort of willpower you float over the gaping chasm of aoftrock and steel.
Your large, webbed feet paddle the air slowly.

Uuddunly, yuu detect a dim mind signal. Your antennae seek its direction. Knights of Genetic Purity! Quickly
you unhoister your
weapons, all four arms moving in smooth harmony. Tracing the cryptic symbols of the ancients on ita metal
skin, you awaken the sun bolt gun. If the air currents stay strong, you might тако it гэогооа bho chasm
before the Knights arrive.

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