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Bosch WTW85460AU Dryer Users Guide

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Tumble dryer


en Installation and operating instructions

Your new tumble dryer Display rules

You have opted for a tumble dryer : Warning!

manufactured by Bosch.
This combination of symbol and signal
Please take a few minutes to read and word indicates a possibly dangerous
become familiar with the advantages of situation. Not heeding the warning can
your tumble dryer. cause death or injuries.

To meet the high quality demands Caution!

required by Bosch, every tumble dryer
This signal word indicates a possibly
that leaves our factory is carefully
dangerous situation. Not heeding the
checked to ensure that it functions
caution can cause property and/or
correctly and is in perfect condition.
environmental damage.
For more information on our products,
accessories, replacement parts and
services, see our website Information about the optimum use of or contact our Customer the appliance/any other useful
Service centres. information.
If the operating and installation 1. 2. 3. / a) b) c)
instructions describe different models,
any differences will be pointed out at the The steps are represented by numbers
relevant points in the text. or letters.
■ /-
Lists are represented by a small box or
Read these operating and installation a dash.
instructions before operating the tumble


Contents enI stal tionandoperatinginstructions

8 Intended use. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4 Starting the programme . .

Programme sequence . . . .
. . . . . . . .26
. . . . . . . .27
Changing the programme
( Safety instructions . . . . . . . . . . .4 or adding laundry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .27
Children/people/pets . . . . . . . . . . . ..4 Cancelling the programme . . . . . . . .27
Installation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..6 Programme end . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .27
Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..8 Removing laundry
Cleaning/Maintenance . . . . . . . . . . . 10 and switching off the dryer . . . . . . . .27
Clean the fluff filter . . . . . . . . . . . . . .28
7 Environmental protection . . . . .12 Emptying the condensate
Packaging/old appliance . . . . . . . . . 12 container . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .29
Coolant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Energy-saving tips. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 M Signal setting. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
5 Installation and connection . . .13 > Noises . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
Scope of delivery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Installing and connecting D Cleaning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
the dryer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Cleaning the dryer and the control
Optional accessories . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 panel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .32
Transport and frost protection . . . . . 14 Cleaning the moisture sensor . . . . . .32
Cleaning the filter
ΠDraining the condensation in the condensate container . . . . . . .33
water . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15
3 Faults and what to do
Y The main points in brief . . . . . .18 about them . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34

* Getting to know J After-sales service . . . . . . . . . . 36

your appliance . . . . . . . . . . . . . .19
Dryer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 [ Consumption values . . . . . . . . . 37
Control panel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Consumption values table . . . . . . . . .37
Display panel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
J Technical data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
Z Laundry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .22
Preparing the laundry . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
Sorting washing according to: . . . . . 22

/ Programmes and buttons . . . . .23

Programmes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
Buttons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25

1 Operating the appliance . . . . . .26

Loading laundry
and switching on the dryer . . . . . . . . 26
Setting a programme . . . . . . . . . . . . 26

en Intended use

8 Intended use ( Safety instructions

esudntI This appliance is intended for private The following safety information

domestic use only. and warnings are provided to

■ Do not install or operate this protect you from injury and to
appliance anywhere that is liable to
experience frost and/or outdoor prevent material damage to
conditions. There is a risk that the your surroundings.
appliance will be damaged if It is nevertheless important to
residual water in it freezes. If hoses
freeze up, they may crack/burst. take the necessary precautions
■ This appliance must only be used for and to proceed with care when
drying and freshening up domestic installing, maintaining, cleaning
laundry, consisting of items that have and operating the appliance.
been washed with water and are
suitable for tumble drying (see label
on item). Using the appliance for any Children/people/pets
other purpose is outside of the
scope of its intended application and : Warning
is forbidden. Risk of death!
■ This appliance is intended for use up Children and other people who
to a maximum height of
4000 metres above sea level.
are unable to assess the risks
involved when using the
Before you switch on the appliance: appliance may injure
Check that there is no visible damage to themselves or may find
the appliance. Do not operate the themselves in life-threatening
appliance if it is damaged. Should you situations. Therefore please
have any problems, please contact your
specialist dealer or our customer
■ The appliance may be used
Read and follow the operating and by children over the age of 8
installation instructions and all other
information provided with this appliance.
years and by persons with
reduced physical, sensory or
Retain the documents for subsequent
use or for subsequent owners.
mental capacity or by
persons with a lack of
experience or knowledge as
long as they are supervised
or have received instruction
on how to use the appliance
safely and they have
understood the potential
risks of using the appliance.
■ Children must not play with
this appliance.

Safety instructions en

■ Do not allow children to : Warning

clean or maintain this Risk of suffocation!
appliance unsupervised. If allowed to play with the
■ Keep children under 3 years packaging/plastic film or
and pets away from this packing components, children
appliance. may become caught in these or
■ Do not leave the appliance pull them over their heads and
unattended when children or suffocate.
other people who are unable Keep packaging, plastic film
to assess the risks are in the and packing components away
vicinity. from children.
: Warning : Warning
Risk of death! Risk of poisoning!
Children may lock themselves Detergents and care products
inside appliances and find may result in poisoning if
themselves in a life-threatening consumed.
situation. If accidentally swallowed, seek
medical advice. Keep
■ Do not position the detergents and care products
appliance behind a door, as out of the reach of children.
this may obstruct the
appliance door or prevent it : Warning
from opening completely. Eye/skin irritation!
■ Once an appliance has Contact with detergents or care
reached the end of its life, products may cause eye/skin
pull the mains plug from the irritation.
socket before severing the Rinse eyes/skin thoroughly if
mains cable, and then they/it come(s) into contact
destroy the lock on the with detergents or care
appliance door. products. Keep detergents and
care products out of the reach
of children.

en Safety instructions

Installation ■ The mains plug must be

freely accessible at all times.
: Warning If this is not possible, in
Risk of electric shock/fire/ order to comply with the
material damage/damage to relevant safety regulations, a
the appliance! switch (2-pole switch-off)
If the appliance is not installed must be built into the
properly, this may lead to a permanent installation in
dangerous situation. Ensure accordance with electrical
the following: installation regulations.
■ If using a residual current
■ The mains voltage on your circuit breaker, only use one
power socket must match that bears the following
the rated voltage specified mark: z. The presence of
on the appliance this mark is the only way to
(identification plate). The be sure that it fulfils all the
connected loads and the applicable regulations.
required fuse protection are
specified on the identification : Warning
plate. Risk of electric shock/fire/
■ The appliance must only be material damage/damage to
connected to alternating the appliance!
voltage via a protective If the appliance's mains cable is
contact socket that has been altered or damaged, this may
correctly installed. This plug result in electric shock, short
socket must be freely circuiting or fire due to
accessible at all times. overheating.
■ The mains plug and the The mains cable must not be
protective contact socket kinked, crushed or altered, and
must match and the earthing must not come into contact with
system must be correctly any heat sources.
■ The installation must have an
adequate cross section.

Safety instructions en

: Warning ■ Incorrectly placing (stacking)

Risk of fire/material damage/ this appliance on top of a
damage to the appliance! washing machine may result
The use of extension cords or in injury, material damage
power strips may result in fire and/or damage to the
due to overheating or short appliance.
circuiting. If this appliance is to be
Connect the appliance directly placed on top of a washing
to an earthed socket that has machine, the washing
been correctly installed. Do not machine must be of at least
use extension cords, power the same depth and width as
strips or multi-way couplers. the appliance, and it must be
secured in place with the
: Warning appropriate connection set if
Risk of injury/material available. ~ Page 14
damage/damage to the The appliance MUST be
appliance! secured with this connection
■ The appliance may vibrate or set. Stacking the appliance
move when in operation, in any other way is forbidden.
potentially resulting in injury Ri■sk of inIfjury/materi
you taketo thehold
al damage/damage appliance! of any of the
or material damage. appliance's protruding parts
Place the appliance on a (e.g. the appliance door) in
clean, even, solid surface order to lift or move it, these
and, using a spirit level to parts may break off and
guide you, level it with the cause injury.
screw-in feet. Do not take hold of any of
Risk of injury/material damage/damage to the appliance! the appliance's protruding
parts in order to move the

en Safety instructions

: Warning ■ Do not use the appliance if

Risk of injury! industrial chemicals have
■ The appliance is very heavy. been used to clean the
Lifting it may result in injury. laundry.
Do not lift the appliance on
your own. : Warning
Risk of inThe
■ jury! appliance has sharp Risk of explosions/fire!
edges on which you could ■ If there is any residual
cut your hands. material left in the fluff filter,
Do not take hold of the this may ignite when drying
appliance by its sharp is in progress, or even cause
edges. Wear protective the appliance to catch fire or
gloves to lift it. explode.
Risk of inIfjury! the hoses and mains

Clean the fluff filter regularly.
cables are not correctly ■ Certain
Risk of expl osions/fire! objects may ignite
routed, they may constitute a when drying is in progress,
tripping hazard, which may or even cause the appliance
result in injury. to catch fire or explode.
Route hoses and cables Remove any lighters or
such that they do not matches from pockets on
constitute a tripping hazard. items of clothing.
Risk of expl
■ ons/fire! is coal dust or flour in
Operation the air around the appliance,
this may cause an explosion.
: Warning Make sure that the area
Risk of explosions/fire! around the appliance is kept
Laundry that has come into clean when it is in operation.
contact with solvents, oil, wax,
wax remover, paint, grease or
stain remover may ignite when
dried in the machine, or even
cause the appliance to explode.
Therefore please note:
■ Rinse the laundry thoroughly
with warm water and
detergent before drying it in
the machine.
■ Do not place laundry in this
appliance to be dried if the
laundry has not been
washed first.

Safety instructions en

: Warning : Warning
Risk of fire/material damage/ Risk of poisoning!
damage to the appliance! Poisonous fumes may be given
If a program is terminated off by cleaning agents that
before the drying cycle has contain solvents, e.g. cleaning
finished, this prevents the solvent.
laundry from cooling down Do not use cleaning agents that
sufficiently and may cause the contain solvents.
laundry to ignite, or may result
in material damage or damage : Warning
to the appliance. Risk of injury!
■ If you support your weight/sit
■ During the last part of the on the appliance door when
drying cycle, the laundry in it is open, the appliance may
the drum is not heated tip over, which may result in
(cooling cycle). This is to injury.
ensure that it remains at a Do not support your weight
temperature at which it will on the appliance door when
not be damaged. it is open.
■ Do not switch off the Ri■sk of inIfjury! you climb onto the
appliance before the drying appliance, the worktop may
cycle has finished unless you break, which may result in
remove all items of laundry injury.
from the drum immediately Do not climb onto the
and spread them out (to appliance.
dissipate the heat). Ri■sk of inIfjury! you reach into the drum
while it is still rotating, you
: Warning risk injuring your hands.
Risk of poisoning/material Wait until the drum has
damage! stopped rotating.
Condensation water is not
suitable for drinking and may
be contaminated with lint.
Contaminated condensation
water may be hazardous to
health and may cause material
Do not drink or reuse.

en Safety instructions

Caution! ■ If you pour the wrong

Material damage/damage to quantity of detergent or
the appliance cleaning agent into the
■ If the amount of laundry in appliance, this may result in
the appliance exceeds its material damage or damage
maximum load capacity, it to the appliance.
may not be able to operate Use detergents/care
properly, or this may result in products/cleaning agents
material damage or damage and softeners in accordance
to the appliance. with the manufacturers'
Do not exceed the maximum instructions.
■ al If
Materi the appliance
damage/damage to the appliance overheats, it
load capacity of dry laundry.
Make sure you comply with may not be able to operate
the maximum load capacities properly, or this may result in
specified for each of the material damage or damage
programs. ~ Page 23 to the appliance.
■ alIf
Materi you tooperate
damage/damage the appliance the appliance Make sure that the
without a fluff catcher (e.g. appliance's air inlet is never
fluff filter, fluff depot, obstructed when the
depending on appliance appliance is in operation,
specifications), or if the fluff and that the area around the
catcher is incomplete or appliance is adequately
defective, this may result in ventilated.
damage to the appliance.
Do not operate the appliance Cleaning/Maintenance
without a fluff catcher, or with : Warning
a fluff catcher that is Risk of death!
incomplete or defective.
■ alLight
Materi damage/damageobjects
to the appliance such as hair The appliance is powered by
and lint may be sucked into electricity. There is a risk of
the air inlet when the electric shock if you come into
appliance is in operation. contact with live components.
Keep these away from the Therefore please note:
appliance. ■ Switch off the appliance.
■ alFoam
Materi damage/damage toand
the appliance foam rubber may
Disconnect the appliance
deform or melt if dried in the from the power supply (pull
appliance. out the plug).
Do not dry laundry items that ■ Never take hold of the mains
contain foam or foam rubber plug with wet hands.
in the appliance.
Material damage/damage to the appliance

Safety instructions en

■ When removing the mains : Warning

plug from the socket, always Risk of injury/material
take hold of the plug itself damage/damage to the
and never the mains cable, appliance!
otherwise this may damage The use of spare parts and
the mains cable. accessories supplied by other
■ Do not make any technical brands is dangerous and may
modifications to the result in injury, material damage
appliance or its features. or damage to the appliance.
■ Repairs and any other work For safety reasons, use
on the appliance must only genuine spare parts and
be conducted by our accessories only.
customer service or by an
electrician. The same applies Caution!
for replacing the mains cable Material damage/damage to
(when necessary). the appliance
■ Spare mains cables can be Cleaning agents and agents for
ordered from our customer pretreating laundry (e.g. stain
service. removers, prewash sprays, etc.)
may cause damage if they
: Warning come into contact with the
Risk of poisoning! surfaces of the appliance.
Poisonous fumes may be given Therefore please note:
off by cleaning agents that
contain solvents, e.g. cleaning ■ Do not allow these agents to
solvent. come into contact with the
Do not use cleaning agents that surfaces of the appliance.
contain solvents. ■ Clean the appliance with
nothing but water and a soft,
: Warning damp cloth.
Risk of electric shock/material ■ Remove any detergent,
damage/damage to the spray or other residues
appliance! immediately.
If moisture penetrates the
appliance, this may cause it to
short circuit.
Do not use a pressure washer,
steam cleaner, hose or spray
gun to clean your appliance.

en Environmental protection

Energy-saving tips
7 Environmental
protection ■ Spin the laundry before drying.
The drier the laundry, the shorter
Packaging/old appliance the drying time will be, thus
consuming less energy.

) Dispose of packaging in an ■ Load the dryer with the maximum

environmentally-responsible load.
manner. Note: Do not exceed the maximum
This appliance is labelled in load for the programs, as this
accordance with European prolongs the drying time
Directive 2012/19/EU and increases energy consumption.
concerning used electrical and ■ Ventilate the room and keep the air
electronic appliances (waste inlet on the dryer free to ensure air
electrical and electronic exchange.
equipment - WEEE). ■ Clean the fluff filter after each drying
The guideline determines the cycle. If the fluff filter is dirty,
framework for the return and the drying time is prolonged
recycling of used appliances and energy consumption is
as applicable throughout the increased.
EU. ■ Energy saving mode: If the dryer is
not operated for a prolonged period,
it automatically switches off before
Coolant the program starts and when
The dryer's heat exchanger contains the program has ended to save
fluorinated greenhouse gas in a energy. The display panel
hermetically sealed unit. and indicator lamps go off after
a few minutes and the Start button
Greenhouse gas: R134a flashes. To activate the lighting,
press any button, open or close
Filling quantity (kg): 0.220 the dryer door or turn the program
Total GWP (tCO2): 0.315 selector.

Dispose of the dryer properly.

Installation and connection en

■ You could cut your hands on the

5 Installation and sharp edges of the dryer. Do not
connection hold the dryer by the sharp edges.
■ Protruding parts on the dryer may
Scope of delivery break off when it is lifted or pushed.
Do not move the dryer by holding on

■ Dryer to protruding parts.

■ Installation and operating
instructions Caution!
■ Basket for woollens* Risk of material damage to the dryer or
■ Condensation drain* fabrics
■ Check the dryer for damage caused
during transportation. Never operate
Installing and connecting the a dryer if it is damaged.
dryer ■ Any residual water in the dryer may
freeze and damage the dryer. Do not
: Warning install the dryer in rooms that are at
Risk of death! risk of frost.
There is a risk of electric shock as the
dryer is operated with electricity. During installation ensure that:
■ Check the dryer for visible damage. ■ The dryer is placed on a clean, level
You must not operate the dryer if it is and firm surface,
damaged. ■ The mains plug can be accessed at
■ Before connecting the dryer to the all times,
power supply, ensure that the ■ The air inlet on the dryer is kept clear
electric voltage specified on the and there is sufficient ventilation,
rating plate matches the voltage of ■ The area around the dryer is kept
your socket. clean and
■ Only use residual current circuit ■ The dryer is levelled using the
breakers with the following symbol: threaded feet.
z. Note: Check the alignment of the
■ Ensure that the mains cable is not appliance with a spirit level and
kinked or trapped and that it does correct if necessary. Change the
not come into contact with heat height by turning the appliance feet.
sources or sharp edges. All appliance feet must stand firmly
on the ground.
: Warning
Children could lock themselves in the
dryer, putting their lives at risk!
Do not set up the dryer behind a door
or sliding door as this may obstruct the
dryer door or prevent it from opening.
Risk of injury Incorrect alignment may cause high
■ As the dryer is heavy, you could noise levels, vibrations and improper
injure yourself by trying to lift it. movement of the drum.
Do not lift the dryer on your own.
Note: If in doubt, have the appliance
* Depending on the model connected by a specialist.

en Installation and connection

Optional accessories Transport and frost protection

Order optional accessories* from the 1. Empty the condensate container.
after-sales service: 2. Select any programme using
the programme selector.
■ Washer-dryer stack connection set: 3. Press the Start button.
To save space, the dryer can be 4. Wait for 5 minutes.
placed on top of a suitable washing Note: The condensation is drained.
machine of the same width and 5. Empty the condensate container
depth. again.
The dryer must be secured to the 6. Switch off the dryer.
washing machine using this
connection set. Note: Despite draining, there will
Order number with pull-out worktop: always be some residual water in
WTZ11400; the dryer.
Order number without pull-out
worktop: WTZ20410. Caution!
■ Platform: Any residual water may leak out
For easier loading and unloading, and cause material damage.
raise your dryer with a platform. Transport the dryer in an upright
Transport laundry with the clothes position.
basket integrated into the platform
drawer. Caution!
Order number: WMZ20500. The dryer contains coolant and may be
■ Basket for woollens: damaged.
Dry individual woollen items, sports Allow the dryer to rest for two hours
shoes and soft toys in the basket for before initial use.
Order number: WMZ20600.

* Depending on the model

Draining the condensation water en

3. Disconnect the hose from the

ΠDraining the connecting piece and put it in the
condensation water "parked" position.

Condensation will form in the appliance


as it dries the laundry.

You must ensure that the drain hose is
connected when you operate the
If there is no drain hose connected to
the appliance, the condensation water
from the appliance will run into the
condensation container. In this case,
you will need to empty the condensation
container each time the dryer finishes
drying the laundry, and also if it 4. Take the drain hose from the
becomes full before drying is complete. accessories and secure it to the free
Connect the drain hose as follows: connecting piece.
1. Remove the accessories from the
dryer drum.

2. When the dryer is delivered from the

factory, the hose for discharging the
condensation into the condensation
container is fastened to the
connecting piece.

en Draining the condensation water

5. Fasten the other end of the drain hose with the remaining accessories,
depending on the connection situation (A, B or C).



& &



Accumulated water can be drawn back into the dryer and may cause material
Check that the water drains away from the wash basin quickly. The drain must
not be sealed or blocked.
Material damage due to leaks or draining water.
Secure the drain hose so that it cannot slip out.Do not kink the drain hose.
Ensure that a height difference of max. 100 cm and min. 80 cm between the
installation surface and the drain is maintained for drainage into a siphon.

Draining the condensation water en

6. Pull out the condensation container 9. Slide in the condensation container

fully. until it clicks into place.

7. Turn the condensation container The condensation is now discharged via

180° onto its underside and remove the drain hose into the waste-water
the stopper that is fitted.Turn the system or into a wash basin
condensation container back over
and insert the stopper into the Note: If you want to drain the
recess in the top of the condensation water back into the
condensation container. condensation container, reverse these

8. Pull the filter out of the lock-in slot

and place it into the recess in the top
of the condensation container.

en The main points in brief

Y The main points in brief


1 @ @

Load the laundry and close Switch on the dryer. Select a programme and,
the door. if necessary, adjust
the programme default

2 @ @

Select the start button A. Dry. Unload the laundry.


3 @ @

Switch off the dryer. Empty the condensate Clean the fluff filter.

Getting to know your appliance en

* Getting to know your appliance


( Condensate container
0 Control and display panel
8 Drum interior light (depending on the model)
@ Dryer door
H Air inlet
P Fluff filter

en Getting to know your appliance

Control panel

( Use the programme selector to switch the dryer on and off and to select
the programme.
0 Programmes ~ Page 23.
8 Start button for starting or interrupting the programme ~ Page 25.
@ Buttons ~ Page 25.
H Display panel with buttons ~ Page 21.

Getting to know your appliance en

Display panel
Buttons in the display panel Display panel


( Select the degree of dryness. ” Anti-Crease selected.

0 Select the drying time. – Fine adjustment of the dryness
8 Select the Ready in time. level.
@ Select Anti-Crease. 5 Timed programme selected.
H Select Low-Heat Drying. ñ "Ready in" time selected.
P Switch the signal on or off. E Childproof lock selected.
X Select Start/Pause. 0 Spin speed selected.
s Low-Heat Drying selected.
For a detailed description of all buttons, C Audible signal active.
see ~ Page 25 onwards. A Start or Pause selected.
3h Programme delay in hours
when "Ready in" time is
1:27 Expected programme duration
in hours and minutes.
Ù ö » Q “Ÿš - ˜ -
Programme progress: Dry;
Iron Dry; Cupboard Dry; Anti-
Crease; End and Pause.
ó Heat exchanger is
automatically cleaned.
ð Empties the condensate
container; ~ Page 29.
é Cleans the fluff filters;
~ Page 28.

en Laundry

■ Some detergents and care products,

Z Laundry e.g. starch or softeners, contain
particles which may be deposited on
Preparing the laundry
the moisture sensor. This may impair
the sensor function and in
: Warning consequence the drying result.
Risk of explosion/fire! Notes
Remove any cigarette lighters and – When washing laundry to be
matches from pockets. tumble-dried, use the correct
amount of detergent and care
Caution! products as specified in the
The dryer drum and fabrics could be manufacturer's instructions.
damaged. – Clean the moisture sensor
Remove all objects from pockets and regularly ~ Page 32.
observe the following information:
Tie cloth belts, apron strings, etc.

together or use a laundry bag.
Sorting washing according to:
■ Close zips, hooks and eyelets and c Suitable for tumble drying
buttons. Button up large items of
laundry, such as covers. a Dry at normal temperature
■ Remove any metal objects, such as ` Dry at low temperature
paper clips, from pockets. b Do not tumble-dry
■ To ensure a consistent drying result,
sort laundry by fabric type and Note: Do not load laundry from the
drying programme. washing machine directly into the
■ Always dry very small items of tumble dryer. Sort the spun laundry
laundry, e.g. babies' socks, together before placing it in the dryer drum.
with large items such as towels.
■ Knitted fabrics such as T-shirts and If you dry thin, thick and multi-layer
jerseys often shrink the first time they fabrics together, they will dry to differing
are tumble-dried. Use a gentle degrees. To achieve an even drying
programme. result, you should therefore only dry
■ Do not overdry easy-care laundry. together laundry of the same type of
This increases creasing of the fabric and structure. If you feel that the
laundry. laundry is still too damp, you can select
■ Use timed programmes for single a timed programme for subsequent
garments. drying ~ Page 23.
Possibility of material damage to the
dryer or laundry.
Do not tumble-dry the following
■ Laundry contaminated with oil.
■ Unwashed fabrics.
■ Non-breathable fabrics (e.g. rubber-
■ Easily damaged fabrics such as silk,
synthetic curtains.

Programmes and buttons en

/ Programmes and buttons


Programme and fabrics Maximum load and programme

Name of the programme The maximum load is based on the
Which fabrics is the programme suitable for? dry weight of the fabrics
Possible programme settings
Cotton i Very Dry ±: 9 kg
Hard-wearing, heat-resistant fabrics that are made of more than one
layer of cotton or linen and do not dry readily.
Cotton i Cupboard Dry ±. 9 kg
Normal, hard-wearing and heat-resistant fabrics made of a single
layer of cotton or linen.
Cotton i Iron Dry ö 9 kg
Normal, hard-wearing and heat-resistant fabrics made of a single
layer of cotton or linen that need to be damp after drying and are suit-
able for ironing or hanging up.
Easy Care f Very Dry ±: 3.5 kg
Synthetic or blended fabrics that are made of more than one layer
and do not dry readily.
Easy Care f Cupboard Dry ±. 3.5 kg
Normal synthetic or blended fabrics made of a single layer.
Easy Care f Iron Dry ö 3.5 kg
Normal synthetic or blended fabrics made of a single layer that need
to be damp after drying and are suitable for ironing or hanging up.
Sportswear w 1.5 kg
Weatherproof and outdoor clothing with a membrane coating
and water-repellent fabrics.
Towels ¼ 6 kg
Hard-wearing towels made of cotton.
Mix o 3 kg
Mixed load consisting of cotton and synthetic fabrics.

en Programmes and buttons

Timed program warm 5 3 kg

All types of fabric; time programme. You can adjust the programme
Suitable for pre-dried or slightly damp laundry and for drying off length using the button for
multi-layered, thick laundry. the drying time.
■ Only dry wool, sports shoes and soft toys with the basket for
woollens ~ Page 14.
■ In the time programme, the laundry's residual moisture is not
automatically detected. If the laundry is still too damp after
the drying programme, repeat the programme and, if required,
extend the programme length.
Timed program cold 5 3 kg
All types of fabric. For freshening up or airing items of laundry You can adjust the programme
that have not been worn for long. length using the button for
the drying time.
Shirts ’ 1.5 kg
Non-iron shirts or blouses made of cotton, linen, synthetic fibres
or blended fabrics.
SuperQuick 40’ ñ 1 kg
Synthetics and light cottons.
Down Wear t 1.5 kg
Fabrics, pillows, bedspreads or eiderdowns filled with down.
Dry large items individually.
Wool finish l 3 kg
Fabrics made from wool or a wool blend that are suitable for tumble

Programmes and buttons en

Buttons Explanations and notes
Note: Not all buttons and their functions can be selected in all programmes.
Fine adjust – If the laundry is too damp after drying, you can finely adjust the dryness level e.g.
Cupboard Dry. The dryness level can be increased with the degree of dryness in
three stages, from – to •.
If you have adjusted the dryness level, the setting for all programmes with a selecta-
ble dryness level is retained even after the dryer is switched off.
Note: The higher the degree of dryness, the longer the programme duration.
Drying Time 5 Adjust the programme length for the time programmes. Between 20 minutes
and 3 hours, in 10-minute increments.
Finished in ñ The programme will end in 1-24 hrs. Set the "Ready in" time in increments of one
hour to delay the start of the programme. The required number of hours after the
programme ends is displayed in the display panel.
Easy-Iron Q The drum moves the laundry at regular intervals for 60 or 120 minutes after drying,
in any programme, to prevent creasing.
Low Heat s Reduced temperature for delicate fabrics, e.g. polyacrylic or elastane. Selecting the
button will extend the drying time.
Buzzer C A signal sounds after the programme has ended.
E 3 sec. Press and hold the "Ready in" time button and the drying time button at the same
(Childproof lock time for 3 seconds to activate or deactivate the childproof lock.
3 sec.)
Start/Pause A Starts or pauses the programme.

en Operating the appliance

2. Use the programme selector to set

1 Operating the required programme. The default
the appliance programme settings for the selected
programme appear in the display
Loading laundry and
switching on the dryer
Note: The dryer must be correctly
positioned and connected, ~ Page 13.
1. Place the laundry in the drum.
2. Turn the programme selector to any
programme to switch the dryer on.
3. Close the dryer door. Note: Default programme settings
are standard settings that are
Caution! already defined when a programme
Possibility of material damage to the is selected. After selecting a
dryer or laundry. programme, you can see the default
programme settings in the display
Take care not to trap any laundry in the
3. If required, adjust the default
programme settings. You can find
Setting a programme detailed information on this from
~ Page 23 onwards.
Note: If you have activated the
childproof lock, you must deactivate it
before you can set a programme, see Starting the programme
~ Page 25. Press the Start button.
1. Select the required programme; Note: If you want to lock the
detailed information on the programme to prevent it from being
programmes can be found from adjusted inadvertently, you can select
~ Page 23 onwards. the childproof lock, see ~ Page 25.

Operating the appliance en

Programme sequence Cancelling the programme

The programme status is indicated in The programme can be interrupted at
the display field. any time; to pause, open the dryer door
or press the Start button.
e.g. Expected programme duration
1:27 in hours and minutes. Caution!
Risk of fire. Laundry may catch fire.
Note: When a programme is
selected, the expected drying If you cancel the programme, you must
time for the recommended load remove the laundry items and spread
is displayed. During drying them out so that the heat can disperse.
moisture sensors detect the
remaining moisture in the load Programme end
and adjust the programme
length (except timed “Ÿš appears in the display panel.
programmes). This is visible via
the time remaining leaping Removing laundry and
forward. switching off the dryer
Ù Dry
ö Iron Dry 1. Remove the laundry.
» Cupboard Dry 2. Turn the programme selector to the
Q AntiCrease "off" position.
- ˜- Pause
“Ÿš End

Changing the programme or

adding laundry
You can remove or add laundry and
change or alter the programme at any
time during drying.
1. To pause the programme, open the
dryer door or press the Start button.
2. Add or remove laundry.
3. Select another programme or an
additional function, if required.
4. Close the dryer door.
5. Press the Start button.
Note: The programme duration in the
display panel is updated depending on
the load and residual moisture in the
laundry. The values displayed may
change after the programme is
changed or the load is adapted.

en Operating the appliance

Clean the fluff filter 5. Open both filters and remove all the
Note: During drying, fluff and hair from
the laundry is trapped by the fluff filter. If
the fluff filter is blocked or dirty, this
reduces the flow of air, which prevents
the dryer from achieving its maximum
performance. Clean fluff filters also
reduce energy consumption and the
drying time.
6. Rinse away the fluff under warm,
Clean the fluff filter after each drying running water.
1. Open the dryer door and remove all
fluff from the door.
2. Pull out the two-part fluff filter.

7. Dry the fluff filter, close it and reinsert

the two-part fluff filter.

3. Remove the fluff from the recess in

the fluff filter.

The dryer may be damaged.
Do not operate the dryer without a fluff
filter or if the fluff filter is defective.
Note: Ensure that no fluff falls into
the open shaft.
4. Pull apart the two-part fluff filter.

Operating the appliance en

Emptying the condensate 3. Push in the condensate container

container until you feel it lock back into place
in the dryer.
Condensation will form in the appliance
as it dries the laundry.
If there is no drain hose connected to
the appliance, the condensation water
from the appliance will run into the
condensation container. In this case,
you will need to empty the condensation
container each time the dryer finishes
drying the laundry, and also if it Note: The filter in the condensate
becomes full before drying is complete. container filters the condensation which
is used during the dryer's automatic
1. Pull out the condensate container cleaning cycle. The filter is cleaned by
horizontally. emptying the condensation.
Nevertheless, you should check the
filter regularly for remaining deposits
and remove them. See ~ Page 33.

2. Pour out the condensation water.

Dirty condensation water may be
harmful to your health and cause
material damage.
Condensation water is not suitable
for drinking and may be
contaminated with fluff. Do not drink
the condensation water or reuse it.

en Signal setting

5. The volume of the audible signal at

M Signal setting the end of the programme is shown
in the display.
You can change the following settings:

■ The spin speed that is used for

spinning your laundry before it is
■ The volume of the audible signal at
the end of the programme,
■ The volume of the audible button
signals. 0 = off, 1 = quiet, 2 = medium,
You will need to activate the setting 3 = loud, 4 = very loud
mode in order to change these settings. 6. Press the "Ready in" time button
or the drying time button to change
 the volume.
 7. Turn the programme selector
 clockwise to position 4.
 8. The volume for the audible button

signal is shown in the display.

Activating setting mode

1. Switch the dryer on.
2. Select the "Cottons" programme in
position 1 and wait for five seconds.
Setting mode is now activated.
The symbols go out in the display panel 0 = off, 1 = quiet, 2 = medium,
and the programme duration is 3 = loud, 4 = very loud
displayed. 9. Press the "Ready in" time button
or the drying time button to change
1. Press and hold the Start button and, the volume.
at the same time, turn
the programme selector clockwise Exiting setting mode
to position 2. Turn the programme selector to
2. The spin speed is shown in the "Off" position once you have set
the display. the required spin speed and
3. Press the "Ready in" time button the volume. The settings have now
or the drying time button to change been saved.
the spin speed.
4. Turn the programme selector
clockwise to position 3.

Noises en

The condensation is pumped into

> Noises the condensate container by a pump.
This generates pumping noises.
Note: During drying, particularly in the

initial phase, operation of the appliance

results in noise from the compressor
and pump. This is perfectly normal and
does not impair proper functioning of
the appliance.
From time to time, the compressor in
the dryer generates a humming noise.
However, the volume may vary
depending on the programme and
progress of the drying process.

Every now and then, the compressor is

ventilated. This creates a whirring noise.

The automatic cleaning of the dryer

causes a clicking sound.

en Cleaning

Cleaning the moisture sensor

D Cleaning
Note: The dryer is equipped with a
Cleaning the dryer and the
stainless-steel moisture sensor. The
control panel moisture sensor measures how damp
the laundry is.
: Warning After long periods of usage the moisture
Risk of death! sensor may become covered by a fine
There is a risk of electric shock as the layer of limescale or residues of
dryer is operated with electricity. detergents and care products. Such
Disconnect the dryer from the mains residues must be removed regularly as
before cleaning. the sensor function and in consequence
the drying result may be impaired.
Clean the dryer using only water and a
soft, damp cloth. Open the door and clean the moisture
sensor with a coarse sponge.
Remove all detergent residue, spray
residue or other residues immediately.
Do not use cleaning agents or agents
for pre-treating laundry (e.g. prewash
sprays, stain removers). Do not use
high-pressure cleaners or steam jet
cleaners to clean your appliance.

Moisture sensor may be damaged.
Do not clean moisture sensors with
abrasives and steel wool.

Cleaning en

Cleaning the filter

in the condensate container
Note: The filter in the condensate
container cleans the condensation
water that is used during the dryer's
automatic cleaning cycle.
1. Pull out the condensate container
2. Pour out the condensation water.
3. Remove the filter.

4. Clean the filter under warm, running

water or in the dishwasher.

5. Push in the filter until you feel it lock

into place.

The dryer may be contaminated
with fluff and thus become
Only operate the dryer with the filter
6. Push in the condensate container
until you feel it lock into place.

en Faults and what to do about them

3 Faults and what to do about them

meht uobadt wahdnstluFa

Faults Cause/remedy
ð on the display panel ■ Empty the condensate container; ~ Page 29 and the dryer; ~ Page 14.
and drying has been ■ If the optional condensation drain* is installed, the drain hose may be
interrupted. blocked or kinked. Check the hose for deposits and rinse the hose. Lay
the hose without any kinks.
é on the display panel. Clean the fluff filter and press the Start button ~ Page 28.
selfCleaning on the ó Not a fault. The heat exchanger is cleaned automatically. Do not pull out
display panel. the condensate container while this is displayed.
Dryer does not start. ■ Mains plug plugged in or fuse checked?
■ Programme selected? Select a programme.
■ Dryer door open? Close the door.
■ Is the childproof lock activated? Deactivate the childproof lock.
■ "Ready in" time selected? Programme starts after a delay ~ Page 25.
Creasing. ■ Creasing occurs when you have exceeded the maximum load or selected
the wrong programme for the type of fabric. All the required information
can be found in the programme table ~ Page 23.
■ Remove clothes immediately after drying; creasing may occur if they are
left in the drum.
Water is leaking out. Not a fault; the dryer may be positioned on an incline. Level the dryer.
Change in the pro- Not a fault. The moisture sensors detect the remaining moisture in the load and
gramme duration dis- adjust the programme length (except timed programmes).
played during drying.
Laundry is not dried cor- ■ After the end of the programme, warm laundry feels damper than it actually
rectly or is still too damp. is. Spread the laundry out and allow the heat to disperse.
■ Finely adjust the dryness level – this extends the drying time but does not
increase the temperature. Your laundry will become drier ~ Page 25.
■ Select a programme with a longer drying time or increase the drying level.
This does not increase the temperature.
■ Select a timed programme for subsequent drying of laundry that is still
damp ~ Page 23.
■ If you have exceeded the maximum load for the programme, the laundry
may not be dried properly.
■ Clean the moisture sensor in the drum. The sensor may become covered by
a fine layer of limescale or residues of detergents and care products which
then impair its function. Your laundry is not being dried correctly
~ Page 32.
■ Drying has been interrupted as a result of a power cut, because the conden-
sate container is full or because the maximum drying time has been
Note: See also the laundry tips ~ Page 22.
* Depending on the model

Faults and what to do about them en

Faults Cause/remedy
Drying time too long? ■ The fluff filter may be dirty and cause a longer drying time. Clean the fluff fil-
■ If the air inlet on the dryer is blocked or not freely accessible, this may
increase the drying time. Make sure that the air inlet remains unobstructed.
■ The optimum ambient temperature for drying is between 15 °C and 30 °C.
Outside of this range, the drying time may increase.
■ Insufficient air circulation in the room may increase the drying time. Venti-
late the room.
Display panel goes off Not a fault. Energy-saving mode is active ~ Page 12.
and Start button flashes.
Residual water in Not a fault. If the condensation drain is installed, residual water remains in
the condensate con- the condensate container due to the dryer's self-cleaning function.
tainer despite the dryer
being connected to
the condensation drain*.
Humidity in the room Not a fault. Make sure the room is sufficiently ventilated.
Power cut. The drying programme is interrupted. Remove the laundry and spread it out,
or restart the programme.
Unusual noises when Not a fault. Noises are produced by the automatic cleaning of the heat
drying. exchanger ~ Page 31.
The dryer feels cold Not a fault. The dryer can dry efficiently at low temperatures using a heat pump.
despite drying.
* Depending on the model

If you cannot rectify the fault yourself by turning the dryer off and on, please contact
our after-sales service.

en After-sales service

J After-sales service
After-sales service

If you cannot rectify the fault yourself

(faults, what to do?), please contact our
after-sales service. We will always find
an appropriate solution to avoid
unnecessary visits by engineers.
The contact information for your nearest
after-sales service can be found here or
in the enclosed after-sales service
Please provide after-sales service with
the dryer's product number (E-no.) and
production number (FD).

(1U )'

You can find this information on the

inside of the dryer door or on the rear of
the dryer.
Trust the expertise of the
Contact us. You can therefore be sure
that the repair is carried out by trained
service technicians who carry original
spare parts.

Consumption values en

[ Consumption values
Consumption values table

Spin speed used for

Programme Duration** Energy consumption**
spinning the laundry
Cotton 9 kg 9 kg
Cupboard Dry* 1400 rpm 204 min 1.81 kWh
1000 rpm 226 min 2.01 kWh
800 rpm 251 min 2.23 kWh
Iron Dry* 1400 rpm 138 min 1.27 kWh
1000 rpm 164 min 1.51 kWh
800 rpm 190 min 1.75 kWh
Easy Care 3.5 kg 3.5 kg
Cupboard Dry* 800 rpm 55 min 0.51 kWh
600 rpm 71 min 0.66 kWh
* Programme setting in accordance with the applicable IEC 61121 standard when using the external
drain hose.
** The values may differ from those specified, depending on the type of fabric, composition of laundry to
be dried, residual moisture in the laundry, the degree of dryness that has been set, the amount of laun-
dry being loaded, the environmental conditions, and any additional functions that have been activated.

en Technical data

J Technical data

85 x 60 x 60 cm
Height x width x depth
Approx. 56 kg
Maximum load:
9 kg
Condensate container:
4.6 l
Mains voltage:
220 - 240 V
Connected load:
Max. 1000 W
10 A
Drum interior light*
Ambient temperature:
5 - 35 °C

* Depending on the model

7 Advice and repair order in the event of faults
GB 0344 892 8979 (Calls charged at local or mobile rate.)
IE 01450 2655 (0.03 € per minute at peak. Off peak 0.0088 € per minute.)

You can find the contact information for all countries in the attached after-sales
service directory.

Robert Bosch Hausgeräte GmbH

Carl-Wery-Straße 34
81739 München, GERMANY

9001302388 (9703)

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