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End-of-Course Reflection Paper/Questionnaire: Guide Questions Response/s

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End-of-Course Reflection Paper/Questionnaire

Guide Questions Response/s

How relevant and applicable were the course The course is extremely timely and relevant to me as a
contents in helping you enhance your competencies learner and as a teacher in the 21st century. The course
as 21st Century teacher? contents are very relevant and applicable in enhancing
my competencies as a 21st century teacher as it
provides us with the latest updates, trends, and
pedagogies in education. It also helps us improves
ourselves as teachers especially in the use of
technology in today’s trend of giving instruction
through ICT and facilitating learning emphasis on
collaborative learning. We should also be equipped
with knowledge, skills, attitudes, and values so that we
could also develop it to our 21st century learners. Also,
it allows me as a teacher to be more motivating than to
be a threat to our learners, be more of facilitating than
just simply pour knowledge, be of great change
through giving real life situations and be aware of
changes that may come our way and we must be ready
to embrace it. The things I have learned from the
course are so timely. The course was able to transform
my thinking and my profession. The topics are all
motivating to be better in the field of education. It will
be a life changing in my part because through this
course, I was able to gain knowledge on how will I
innovate my class into a thinking classroom. It will be
great chance to transform the traditional scenario in
class into thinking class. As a teacher in the 21st
century, I really need to elevate my way of teaching
especially that the curriculum and learning styles of
learners are also changing. We became more
modernized and globalized that we need to strive as
third world country in the field of education. It is not
easy to adapt a thinking class but there are easy and
manageable strategies that we can use to transform our
learners and develop their thinking skills specially
HOTS. In developing students’ higher order thinking
skills we need to be patient on how to do it. We
teachers should bear in mind the application of what
we are teaching to real life situations. Teaching now is
no longer ideal but real. We should hook learners that
what they are learning is something that they can use
in their daily lives. Critical thinking in solving life
problems and societal situations are good points to
integrate the 21st century skills. It is where learners
will try to offer solutions to problems and evaluate
these solutions of what they can turn into either good
or bad thus we also teach them of decision making
which are essential to their growth as learners.
What significant learning insights did you gain The significant learning insights that I gained from this
from the course? course are:
 A 21st century teacher knows more about the
new teaching and learning environment in the
21st century world, which is characterized by
fast-paced changes. I also realized that this
new learning environment in the 21st century
requires changes in your teaching approaches,
strategies, and even your teaching philosophy.
 I have learned in the process of studying the
course that technology as a tool that can help
our learners become better prepared for life
and work in the 21st century.
 I learned more about 21st century learning as
learner-centered, integrated, and inter-
disciplinary curriculum, focus on intellectual
abilities, demand-driven: learning content
based on what students can actually learn,
cooperative learning, focus on acquisition of
learning tools, balance of scientific-
technological and social-humanistic cultural
content of education, balance of general vs.
vocational components of education and
general vs. specialized training.
 The course hooked me about having many
opportunities to develop balance and
completeness in life, if I am willing to learn.
Asking help of my colleagues and friends for
advice and practical tips on how to live a more
balanced and complete life is what I am
looking forward.
 As a teacher I will be a model so that learners
will emulate me. I should also be a subject
matter expert, a great facilitator of learning,
and a firm classroom manager to ensure
quality of learning among learners.
 Learning styles vary from student to student. It
is important for you to learn about them so that
you can suit your teaching style to the unique
needs of each individual student in your class.
 adding active learning to your toolbox of
teaching strategies, you need to know “what
will work,” “what is likely to work,” and
“what will not work.” You need to practice
“trial and error” to implement active learning
 promote stimulating learning environments for
them to become generators of new ideas,
analyzers of information, and creators of new
 give due consideration to some of the
contextual teaching and learning strategies
 teamwork is a predominant feature of
contextual teaching and learning in multiple
contexts such as the classroom, science
laboratory, music room, life skills workshops,
in the playing field, or even under a tree. For
this reason, teacher educators and teachers are
called to design learning environments that
integrate different forms and type of
experiences to accomplish the desired student
learning outcomes.
 It would be best if you integrated both covert
and overt strategies, as you would be able to
make your students accountable and
responsible for their own learning and it also
provides you with an informal assessment of
your students’ understanding with respect to
what you have taught.
 As teachers and facilitators of learning, we
want to ensure that we are able to clearly
communicate the lesson to our students. Being
able to recognize and interpret your students’
behaviors is a valuable tool for teachers like
you in monitoring how clearly and accurately
you are communicating with them.
 Make a personal commitment to lifelong
learning. Make it a fruitful lifetime journey by
learning something new intermittently
 Maximize your resources such as time, energy
and, perhaps, finances to the fullest.
 Maximize your learning environments.
Identify settings that are able to support and
inspire you, both inside and outside your
 Know how you learn, for example: learning
patterns and learning style.
 Maximize your mental ability. Engage in
analytical, critical, and creative thinking.

What challenges or difficulties did you experience We cannot deviate from challenges during online
during the course? classes.

 The main struggle I encountered is when I

cannot log in iflex3 due to the same name that
exist in the class. But as said there is beauty in
good communication and patience. Sir
Raphael was very accommodating, and he
assisted me well. Doc Precy on the other hand
patiently considered my late response to the
first activity.
 One of these and I think is the biggest reason
is time management that I really learned the
hard way during the SEAMEO. Due to a lot of
demand in our teaching profession, I really
have to set time to read the modules and
required readings as well as make time in
making the course requirements which at times
I am truly late in submitting. But as the
process go on, I came to embrace time
 The number one challenge among us was the
unstable internet connection where most of us
are from places where internet is not working
well. But this does not hinder my joy and
perseverance to attend my class; I was able to
find ways to look for strong connections
through going in higher place.
 The scheduled brown out was the worst part of
my journey in the class. I felt really, sad of not
joining my third Sunday class. I was not able
to connect because there is no current to run
our Wi-Fi. I tried to connect to phone using
data, but it was a total mess because, I can’t
join in in the chat. With this I got no score,
nevertheless Doc Precy gave me a second
chance to post my answers to questions she
posted on the chat group. With this I realized
that great things happen when you really
pursue well.
What areas related to 21st Century teaching and The area that I need to improve is “The 21st Century
learning do you still need to improve on and why? Teacher as a Facilitator of Learning”, which describes
the characteristics of facilitative teaching. It also
examines the various strategies that cater to students’
learning styles and elicit active learning.
I need to learn more on how to integrate higher order
thinking in my lessons, apply questioning and reacting
skills to enhance the teaching-learning process in my
classroom, and contextualize teaching to local

What can you say about your overall experience The course was able to provide the best experience to
(i.e. comment on chat, forum, course requirements, us who are still new in the profession. It was a life
FLT competency, and the online modality)? changing course which will surely enhance my
teaching strategies and thinking culture. The
application and evaluation of various thinking
strategies to enhance students’ higher order thinking
skills. It also discusses the importance of a learner
inside the classis of great impact to me. The learning
and sharing in the chat group is new and a comfortable
way for us learners to express our own thoughts and
knowledge. The online modality is highly
commendable. It is easy to access and learn. It is
overall great and laudable platform which I want to
What are your other comments / suggestions for I don’t have any recommendation because the
improving the content coverage and future course processing of answers in the chat group is very
deliveries? systematic. Learners inputs were processed that each
were enlightened. It is a great part for the learner to
boost himself more. Appreciation of each learner is
well done by Doc Precy. Overall, the course content
and the delivery are all commendable. I therefore
suggest that you will continue doing a great job. God
bless everyone and I deeply thank you so much.

Prepared by:

Learner’s Name and Signature

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