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End-of-Course Reflection Paper/Questionnaire

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End-of-Course Reflection Paper/Questionnaire

Guide Questions Response/s

How relevant and applicable were the course From module 1 to module 2 are very relevant and
contents in helping you enhance your applicable in improving my competencies as 21st
competencies as 21 Century teacher? century teacher. It had kept me updated and
refreshed with the current trends in the landscape
of education as well as it had appended me more
knowledge from which I am able to uplift my
skills, and cultivate attitude and values towards
21st century education.

What significant learning insights did you I gained a lot of insights from the course Guro 21.
gain from the course? The most significant I think is what a lifelong
learner would be and applying these principles
alongside habits of 21st century teachers to
become more dynamic, innovative and creative,
all round, flexible and adaptive and communicator
as well. That teacher is not only a subject matter
expert, but as a facilitator and as a classroom
manager even to many ancillaries given to a

What challenges or difficulties did you As the program started, I realized that it was not a
experience during the course? bed of roses after all I experienced low internet
connection. I encountered difficulty in attending
online classes for there are times that my class
schedules are in conflict with my school works.
Another challenge is the planning and drafting of
my Personal Lifelong Plan that almost crafted for
two weeks.
But the most challenging is the classroom
demonstration which I am so bothered about
because there isn’t any more chance for us to meet
our students due to pandemic. Also it makes me
sick in editing and uploading. Many times
attempting to upload but still it failed due to more
20 minutes upload video. Thankful I had
surpassed it. And I am happy and satisfied of my
What areas related to 21st Century teaching As what I learned from the course, learning is a
and learning do you still need to improve on lifelong process. Basically, I want to improve
and why? more on content and pedagogical knowledge first.
Need to have a deeper understanding of the
content, and digesting and introducing them to my
cognitive facility by heart, and then I could
develop more strategies that are even more
challenging and suited to the needs of my learners.
As for the need to improve, its classroom
management and understanding our learners. The
heart of the classroom is the learner. While the
heart of learning is completely understanding.

What can you say about your overall It’s my first time of such kind of online learning.
experience (i.e. comment on chat, forum, It is challenging. In this course you need to give
course requirements, FLT competency, and more, ask more and gain more learning. Every
the online modality)? endeavor is not a wasted effort. It keeps on
pressing you to your limit, sometime I stay doing
nothing for a while, but I never triggered to give
up. It just keeps me to moving forward and I find
myself doing things more than what is required. I
think that’s how the course succeeded in
motivating me and in affecting me, and I salute
every person behind it especially our Flexible
Learning Tutor, Dr. Jesnar Dems S. Torres.
What are your other comments / suggestions
for improving the content coverage and For me it is the best course I have been enrolled.
future course deliveries? Let me extend my gratitude to SEAMEO Innotech
for being an instrument to enlighten the course of
education in our country.


Guro 21 Learner

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