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College of Education – Graduate Studies


A. The Teacher as an individual Person
1. Teacher have Different Talents and Skills

Critical Questions: Reflect and write your answer to the following questions.

1. What are the personal characteristics of an ideal teacher?

a. An ideal teacher is someone who excels not only professionally,
but also inspires students to discover their best selves. They
must be someone who instills in students the true value of
learning, motivating them to educate themselves not only
because it is their way of securing a secure job in the future, but
also a vital component in their overall self-development. For the
ideal teacher to be able to do this, they must possess the
following values:
i. Dedication - They must demonstrate enthusiasm in their
subject matter. Their passion allows them to master
each lesson and spark the interest and excitement of
ii. Adaptability - The education landscape is also fast-
paced. A teacher must also be able to keep up with the
signs of the times. To teach effectively, they must know
a range of different methods, especially in a digital age
where students need more stimuli to be interested.
iii. Patience and Empathy - The list of characteristics an
ideal teacher should have can get as long as it can get,
but this trait would be the most important. Patience and
empathy go hand-in-hand in understanding and
supporting students. Each student is different and
experiences different circumstances that affect their
learning capacities.
b. With an unwavering commitment to their student's success, the
ability to adapt teaching methods to diverse needs, and a
compassionate understanding of individual experiences, ideal
educators play a significant role in inspiring students to reach
their full potential through an environment where learning
flourishes, and students are motivated to become the best
versions of themselves.
2. What talents and skills do you have that can be shared or used when
you become a full-fledged teacher?
a. As an individual with an extensive background and experience
in communication, leadership, and management, I bring a
unique set of talents and skills to the realm of teaching:
i. Strategic Communication: As a broadcast
communication graduate, my strong communication
strategies ensures that complex ideas can be conveyed
effectively to students through engaging and clear
ii. Digital Literacy and Social Media Management: With
years of experience leading social media and
information teams in my workplace, I possess a deep
understanding of digital literacy and the effective use of
social media tools. This enables me to integrate
technology seamlessly into educational practices.
iii. Educational Leadership and Management: My doctoral
degree in educational management is an advantage
that equipped me with insights into organizational
leadership and effective management practices, helpful
to the overall administration and success of educational
iv. Research and Data Analysis: My academic background
and professional experience allow me to bring a robust
approach to research and data analysis, enriching the
educational experience for students.
v. Cultural Sensitivity: Working in diverse teams and
communities has enhanced my cultural competence,
ensuring an inclusive and respectful approach to the
diverse backgrounds of students.
vi. Problem-Solving and Decision-Making: Experience in
managing diverse teams has also honed my problem-
solving skills that facilitate effective decision-making in
educational settings.
vii. Adaptability and Innovation: The dynamic nature of
broadcast communication and social media
management has cultivated adaptability and a knack for
innovative approaches, ensuring that teaching methods
remain current and engaging.
viii. Leadership and Mentorship: Years of heading social
media teams have provided me with strong leadership
skills, which I can leverage to mentor and guide students
effectively in their academic pursuits.
3. Think of a teacher whom you consider to be talented and skillful in his/her
teaching. How do his/her talents benefit his/her teaching?

Regarding undeniable wit, gift

of gab, and relatability, our
beloved Dr. Alejandro L.
Collado. Not only is he a master
of content, but he also
possesses a unique ability to
connect with his audience on a
personal level. Dr. Collado's
lectures are not just informative but also engaging and entertaining. He has a
way of breaking down complex concepts into easy-to-understand ideas,
making his presentations accessible to everyone.
Beyond his impressive speaking skills, Dr. Collado is also a true expert in his
field. With years of experience and a deep understanding of his subject matter,
he can provide valuable insights and perspectives that are hard to find

Perhaps most importantly, Dr. Collado is a kind and compassionate person

who genuinely cares about his students and colleagues. He goes out of his way
to help others, and his generosity and warmth have earned him countless

In short, Dr. Alejandro L. Collado is a true gem in the world of academia and
beyond. His wit, intelligence, and kindness make him an invaluable asset to
anyone with the privilege of working with or learning from him.
2. Teachers have different needs

Critical Questions: Reflect and write your answer to the following questions.
1. What other needs of teachers can you identify?
a. As mentioned before, the ideal teacher should be adaptable, but
this is only possible if their needs are addressed:
i. Professional Development Opportunities: As educators,
our pursuit of learning is endless. Our continuous
professional development should be made possible
through training and workshops that address current
educational trends, teaching methodologies, and the
integration of technology in teaching approaches. These
opportunities should be open to all educators, allowing a
better learning experience for each student.
ii. Classroom Resources and Materials: Whether it be
teaching materials, textbooks, or technology that
enhances the quality of instruction and allows the
teachers to perform their responsibilities more easily,
these should all be provided by the government and must
not come from the educators’ pocket.
iii. Emotional and Mental Health Support: Teachers bear a
lot of stress. They carry a lot of heavy responsibilities that
will also cause them to feel burned out. Teachers’ mental
health and well-being must not be neglected. Resources
and programs crucial for taking care of each educator’s
health must also be provided.
iv. Salary Increase: Teachers deserve much better. Educators
have sacrificed so much for the sake of their students,
going as far as using their own money to buy learning
materials and resources to make their lessons more
engaging and effective. Teachers, both in public and
private institutions are underpaid. A lot of them have
already left the country to teach students of other
nationalities because the pay is much better. The country
must appreciate its teachers by giving them the pay they
2. As future teachers, what do you think is the best way that the
government can do to meet the needs of teachers?
a. The best way that the government can do to meet the needs of
teachers is to listen and implement. So many groups have
already communicated all the needs of teachers. Our educational
crisis has been going on for so long, but still, so many problems
continue. The government must give the education sector more
budget to build classrooms, buy more resources and tools, and
give a salary increase to educators.
3. Do you believe that teachers are treated unfairly compared to other
professions? Why?
a. I agree that teachers are undervalued in our society. Educators
face many challenges such as low salaries, heavy workloads, and
a lack of appreciation for the vital role they play in shaping
future generations. Despite their noble profession, teachers are
looked down upon because they are neglected by our
government despite their pivotal role.

3. Teacher have individual rights

Critical Questions: Reflect and write your answer to the following questions.
1. Examine the Bill of Rights in Article III of the 1987 Philippine Constitution.
Do you think all teachers are enjoying their rights as citizens?
a. Not all teachers are enjoying their rights as citizens to the full
extent, especially their right to freedom of speech and expression.
It has always been controversial for educators to discuss issues
like politics since they might be afraid that their views will affect
their relationship with their employer or affiliated institution.
However, it should not be this way. As educators, teachers should
be at the forefront of discussing difficult everyday issues so
students will understand the importance of being aware of what
is happening in our society. We should be the ones guiding
students toward the right information vital to their development
as individuals and that is not limited to the subjects being taught
inside the classroom. It also includes the lessons we can learn
outside, in the real world. Teachers should be free but also
responsible for their views. After all, as educators, we should be
champions of the truth.
2. What is your opinion about teachers joining anti-government rallies?
a. Teachers, like any other citizen, have the inherent right to
assemble and petition the government to redress grievances.
They are entitled to participate in peaceful anti-government
rallies, without retaliation, as such actions are their means to
express their concerns that the government ought to hear and
address. It is important to recognize that teachers, as taxpayers,
have a stake in government policies. If they perceive a lack of
fairness and believe that assembling and rallying for their rights is
a viable solution, such expression should be considered a
legitimate exercise of their rights.
3. How do we encourage teachers to become human rights advocates in
their communities?
a. First and foremost, teachers must be aware of their rights to be
able to protect themselves. Human rights should be ingrained in
the pedagogy practiced in the academe, from the pre-service and
in-service teacher training programs to the curriculum being
followed in each classroom. One of the main reasons why
teachers often hesitate to speak about sensitive topics is because
there is no supportive environment that allows them to express
and acknowledge injustices freely. If every educator is made
aware of their rights and is encouraged to advocate for
themselves, we can create a safe space where educators are
empowered to participate in open and respectful discussions that
help them navigate potentially challenging conversations.

B. The Teacher as a Professional

Critical Questions: Reflect and write your answer to the following questions.
1. Looking at the triumphs and failures of teachers today, do you think that
teaching is still the noblest profession? Explain your answer.
a. The juxtaposition of triumphs and failures within the realm of teaching
indeed underscores its status as the noblest profession. Despite
confronting formidable challenges, including the ongoing impact of the
pandemic, a widening digital divide, and broader educational crises,
educators persist in their unwavering commitment to inspire and
enlighten their students, molding them into the potential leaders of
future generations. Persistent issues within the education system,
ranging from inadequate resources and disparities in educational
access to bureaucratic hurdles, continue to pose significant obstacles.
Nevertheless, the existence of these challenges should not diminish the
inherent nobility of the teaching profession. It is crucial, however, not
to romanticize or normalize teachers' struggles. The nobility of this
vocation should not be contingent solely upon educators enduring
injustices resulting from systemic corruption. Rather, these injustices
must be addressed to ensure that teachers can continue practicing
their craft in an environment that not only recognizes their noble
mission but also actively supports and uplifts their contributions to
2. What are the things that should be improved in the professional life of
In addition to previously mentioned needs such as competitive salaries,
allocated professional training, and adequate teaching resources, it is
crucial to prioritize the work-life balance of teachers. The current
scenario involves educators grappling with heavy workloads, extending
beyond classroom hours to encompass tasks like lesson planning,
grading assessments, and reviewing papers. This often compels them
to bring work home, contributing to burnout and diminishing mental
well-being. Specifically, the necessary improvement in teachers'
professional lives entails a systemic change, starting with the
streamlining of administrative processes to alleviate the bureaucratic
burden. By minimizing paperwork and administrative tasks, teachers
can allocate more time to direct teaching and meaningful engagement
with their students.
3. Interview a model professional teacher in your school. What made him/her an
outstanding professional?

For this activity, I interviewed a novice professor just like me in the College of
Education, namely Dr. Lyan De Guzman. I believe that she excels not just in the
beauty and intellect department but also
embodies a high level of professionalism as an

During the interview, Dr. De Guzman discussed her

teaching philosophy and the strategies that have
proven to be effective for her. She emphasized the
importance of establishing strong relationships
with her students and creating a secure and
inclusive learning environment. She also
highlighted the significance of utilizing different
teaching methods that cater to the diverse learning styles and preferences of
her students.

Dr. De Guzman also talked about the challenges she faced as a new professor,
such as the pressure of meeting the expectations of both her students and
colleagues. However, she was able to overcome these challenges by seeking
guidance from her mentors and continuously improving her teaching skills
through workshops and seminars.

Overall, my conversation with Dr. De Guzman was enlightening and motivational. I

gained valuable insights from her experiences and perspectives on teaching, and I
hope to apply some of her strategies in my own future teaching endeavors.

C. The Teacher as a Community Leader and Social Advocate

Critical Questions: Reflect and write your answer to the following questions.
1. How can we engage teachers to be good community leaders?
a. Engaging teachers to be good community leaders involves fostering a
sense of civic responsibility and providing opportunities for professional
development. Experience is the best teacher. We can start through
community partnerships and excursions where educators can engage
and collaborate with the partner community. Service-learning projects
can also be integrated into the curriculum to provide an avenue where
teachers and students can experience addressing real community
needs, fostering a sense of leadership and civic engagement.

2. What forms of advocacies should a teacher participate in the community?

a. It is a definite answer that teachers should be champions of learning,
and to fulfill this role effectively, they should advocate for policies that
prioritize educational access, equity, and quality. Teachers can actively
participate in discussions and initiatives aimed at reducing educational
disparities, ensuring that all students have equal opportunities to
succeed. They can also rally for their welfare by calling for policy
changes that will help teachers perform effectively. Teachers as
advocates set a good example to their students through standing up for
their beliefs and fighting for what is right and just.

3. Can you identify teachers who are good community leaders and advocates? Set an
interview with them. What are the things they do to serve the community?

I had the privilege

of interviewing an
educator, namely
Mr. Leomar Angel
who has made
several television
advocating for the
vision of the Youth
for Environment in
Schools (YES)
organization. This
strives to promote
awareness among
During the interview, Mr. Leomar Angel shared his passion for environmental
education and his dedication to helping students understand the importance of taking
care of our planet. He emphasized the need for schools to incorporate environmental
education into their curriculum and for teachers to
make it a priority in their lesson plans.

Angel also discussed the various initiatives that YES

has undertaken, such as tree-planting programs,
waste management campaigns, and eco-friendly
school projects. But the highlight of all these
projects is the Christmas village in their school. The
students work hard to create the village, from designing and building the structures to
decorating them with lights and miniature decorations.

As the holiday season approaches, the excitement in the school grows. The students
eagerly anticipate the unveiling of the Christmas village, which is set up in the school's
main lobby. Each year, the village becomes more elaborate, with new features and
details added. The school community comes together to admire the village, taking
pictures and marveling at the creativity and hard work of the students.
The Christmas village has become a cherished tradition at the school, bringing joy and
holiday cheer to students, teachers, and staff alike. It's a testament to the creativity,
teamwork, and community spirit that thrive in the school, making it a special place for
all who are a part of it.

Overall, Mr. Angel's advocacy for environmental education and his work with YES
serves as an inspiration for educators and students alike. His dedication to promoting
environmental awareness and sustainability is a testament to the positive impact that
education can have on our planet.

D. The Teacher as a Model of Good Character

Critical Questions: Reflect and write your answer to the following questions.
1. What are the problems and issues related to teachers’ character and behavior
that you are aware of?
a. While we must recognize that the majority of teachers demonstrate
professionalism and dedication, like any profession, teaching is not
immune to challenges related to character and behavior. Recently,
there have been reported instances of unprofessional conduct,
particularly inappropriate relationships with students, which cast a
shadow on the overall reputation of the teaching profession.
Additionally, there are cases where some teachers exhibit a lack of
empathy and sensitivity, with biases or unawareness impacting their
interactions with students, compromising the inclusivity and
effectiveness of the learning environment. Such an example would be
failing to understand that each student has different capacities and
experiences different circumstances that can affect their performance
and well-being as a student. Addressing such challenges is imperative
to uphold the integrity of the teaching profession and ensure a positive
and supportive learning atmosphere.
2. What are the factors that influence the values system and character of teachers
a. Several factors contribute to the values and character of teachers today
such as their educational background, professional experience,
personal beliefs, and socio-cultural influences. Though values that are
practiced within the household have great influence, formative learning
years during high school or college also have a great impact on what
teachers believe in. An important factor to mention is technology and
globalization. Technology allows us to access more information and
connect with people across the globe, contributing to absorbing new
concepts and learning that can affect a teacher’s character.
3. Who among your former teachers has greatly influenced you to become a
teacher? How?

My grandmother was a firm believer in

education, and she always encouraged me to
pursue my studies and strive for excellence.
She would often tell me stories of her own
struggles with getting an education and how it
had changed her life. Her words resonated
with me, and I knew that I wanted to follow in
her footsteps.

Aside from teaching me about language and

grammar, my grandmother also instilled in me the values of respect, kindness,
and compassion. She would always remind me to treat others the way I wanted
to be treated and to never judge someone based on their appearance or

Even though my grandmother had passed away, her lessons and teachings have
stayed with me throughout my life. I am forever grateful for her guidance and
love, and I know that she would be proud of the person I have become.

E. The Teacher as an Expert

Critical Questions: Reflect and write your answer to the following questions.
1. How can we help develop expert teachers?
a. Developing expert teachers requires a systemic transformation,
acknowledging the many obstacles impeding the growth and
development of educators. To initiate this change, we must confront
inherent flaws within the educational sector, including inadequate
budgets for classrooms, essential resources, tools, and teacher salaries,
instances of corruption, neglect of teachers' well-being, and an
overwhelming administrative burden, among other challenges.
Addressing these systemic issues is paramount in creating an
environment conducive to professional growth. We can only aspire to
cultivate many expert teachers if we can provide them with the proper
mindset and resources for their professional growth.

2. What are the factors that have contributed to the mediocrity of teaching
profession in the Philippines?
a. As highlighted in the previous question, the teaching profession in the
Philippines struggles with systemic inadequacies that impede its
growth. Notably, issues like insufficient salaries contribute significantly
to widespread dissatisfaction and demotivation among educators. The
evident lack of prioritization of education by the Philippine government
initiates a detrimental ripple effect throughout the sector and society at
large, setting it aside despite its importance. In our culture, where
meritocracy is valued, teaching unfortunately stands as a less
prestigious profession, further exacerbating the challenges educators

3. Identify an expert teacher. Set an interview with him or her. What made
him/her as an expert teacher? What lessons can be learned from his or her life
as an expert teacher?

I interviewed one of my students in the

doctoral program namely Maricel
Candido. She is an expert educator bar
none. Her passion and dedication are
unmatched and her level of
professionalism cannot be questioned.

She is an expert educator, bar none. Her passion and dedication are unmatched,
and her level of professionalism cannot be questioned. What makes her an
expert is the adaptability to resolve issues as a principal and at the same time
become an effective instructional leader while maintaining her composure
despite the challenges and complexities.
In addition to her skills as an educator, she is also a wonderful person. Her
warmth and kindness make her a joy to be around, and she is always willing to
lend a helping hand to anyone in need. It's no surprise that she is highly
respected and admired by her colleagues and students alike.
In short, she is a true gem in the world of education, and anyone who has had
the privilege of learning from her knows just how lucky they are.


A. Educational Foundations

Critical Questions: Reflect and write your answer to the following questions.
1. How does history shape the educational system of any country?
a. Historical events, cultural shifts, and political changes shape the
development and structure of education over time. A significant
example would be the Philippines which endured hundreds of years
of colonialism that drastically affected its culture including
education. Spanish rule emphasized Catholic teachings, fostering a
lasting religious influence still observed currently in many schools,
dedicating a whole subject to religion. When it was the Americans’
turn, they introduced the English language and a more secular and
pragmatic approach. However, the colonizers’ ways posed
challenges. The use of foreign languages as mediums of instruction
marginalized local languages. The cultural identity of Filipinos was
somewhat overshadowed by Western influences, impacting how
history and literature were taught. These long-lasting effects of
colonialism are still felt in our current system where our history and
culture are overlooked.
2. What are the significant contributions of the following fields to education?
a) Philosophy: It provides the foundational framework for shaping
educational goals, objectives, and methods. It delves into questions
about the nature of knowledge, the purpose of education, and
ethical considerations, influencing the development of curricula and
educational philosophies.
b) Sociology: In education, sociology explores the impact of societal
structures on educational institutions and practices. It investigates
issues such as social inequality, the role of education in social
mobility, and the dynamics of interactions within schools,
contributing to a deeper understanding of how societal factors
shape the educational experience.
c) Anthropology: It examines the cultural contexts of learning,
shedding light on how different societies approach education. It
explores cultural diversity in educational practices, the transmission
of knowledge, and the role of education in preserving or
challenging cultural norms, offering valuable insights for culturally
responsive teaching.
d) Psychology: It focuses on the cognitive, emotional, and behavioral
aspects of learning. This informs educators about how students
think, learn, and develop, influencing teaching strategies, classroom
management, and assessments. Insights from psychology
contribute to creating a more effective and student-centered
learning environment.
3. Do you think the information you learned from your professional
education courses is enough to develop your knowledge and appreciation
of education as a field of study? Explain your answer.
a. My learnings from the professional education courses form a
foundational understanding of education as a field of study.
However, as our profession entails, we are in the constant course of
learning, the depth of knowledge needed for a comprehensive
appreciation of education involves ongoing learning. Practical
experiences and continuous professional development will further
enrich my understanding. Therefore, while my professional
education courses lay the groundwork, ongoing exploration, and
hands-on experiences contribute significantly to a more holistic and
nuanced appreciation of the field.

B. Learning Environment

Critical Questions: Reflect and write your answer to the following questions.
1. What are the characteristics of an ideal learning environment for the
a. A classroom should be a student’s safe space. It is a place that
prioritizes engagement, inclusivity, and safety. Engagement is
important as it ensures that the learning space is dynamic and captures
students' interest. Inclusivity fosters a sense of belonging, where all
students feel respected and valued, creating a supportive community
for learning. Lastly, safety is foundational, providing a psychological
and emotional foundation that encourages students to express
themselves, take risks, and actively participate in the learning process.
2. What type of learning environment should be provided to promote academic
a. To foster academic excellence, the learning environment should
prioritize a conducive atmosphere as stated in the previous question.
Aside from emotional health, the learning environment should also
protect the student’s physical health, helping them in focusing on their
studies. If students feel safe and confident enough inside a classroom,
they will not hesitate to participate in the learning process. A culture
that appreciates efforts is also important. Establishing an environment
where students feel that their efforts are recognized and rewarded
cultivates a sense of achievement and motivates them to excel.
3. What is the role of learning environment in the development of student’s
culture and character?
a. The learning environment plays a pivotal role in shaping the culture
and character of students. It is where students absorb values, beliefs,
and behavioral norms, influencing their overall development.
Interactions with classmates, teachers, and others, offer opportunities
for students to learn traits such as resilience, integrity, and empathy.
Teachers, in particular, serve as role models, influencing students'
ethical perspectives and interpersonal skills. The classroom is also
where they discover more about the world, contributing to the
development of open-mindedness, cultural awareness, and respect for

C. Diversity of Learners

Critical Questions: Reflect and write your answer to the following questions.
1. What strategies can be used to promote an appreciation of cultural diversity in
different classes?
a. Introducing diverse perspectives into the curriculum helps students
learn about different cultures, histories, and traditions. Using teaching
materials, literature, and resources that delve into multicultural
concepts creates a more inclusive learning environment. Implementing
inclusive teaching practices, such as using different instructional
methods that cater to diverse learning styles, ensures that all students
feel valued and engaged in the learning process. Additionally, fostering
a classroom culture that actively rejects stereotypes and promotes
empathy helps create a more inclusive and respectful environment.
2. Examine existing instructional materials such as textbooks and manuals. How
do these instructional materials respond to students with various needs and

As an educator, it is essential to consider the diverse needs and interests of our

students to create an inclusive and effective learning environment. By
analyzing some of these materials, I realized some gaps or areas where certain
groups of students might be excluded or not fully supported, a glaring
contradiction to the national mandate in education of not leaving any learner
behind. Some of the materials do not represent diverse perspectives and

3. What type of learning environment can be developed for culturally diverse

a. A supportive, safe, and inclusive environment is essential for culturally
diverse students to reach their utmost potential. Utilizing inclusive
teaching practices, such as varied instructional methods and
collaborative projects, accommodates diverse learning styles. A
classroom where students are valued and treated equally despite
cultural differences encourages empathy and growth among

D. Curriculum and Instruction

Critical Questions: Reflect and write your answer to the following questions.
1. What curriculum models can be developed and implemented in a multicultural
country like the Philippines?
a. Introducing diverse cultures to students is crucial; thus, incorporating
representing different cultures in lessons would be a great start. To
promote inclusivity in the classroom, each student can also be
encouraged to share customs they would like to highlight, furthering
each other’s understanding of differing ways of life. Finally,
implementing collaborative projects that encourage students to work
together and share their unique perspectives can break down cultural
barriers, promoting teamwork and creating a space where diversity is
celebrated rather than merely acknowledged.

2. What strategies and programs can you suggest for the successful
implementation of the curriculum?
a. To ensure the success of cultural diversity in the curriculum, the teacher
must also serve as a great example for their students. They should
exhibit what we want to see from students. Teachers should be given
professional development initiatives that will help them incorporate
cultural diversity in the classroom. Community involvement is also vital
because real lessons are learned in the real world. Through
partnerships with the community, involving parents and community
leaders, we can create a supportive network where students can
develop their understanding of diversity.
3. What pedagogical approaches can be used to maximize students’ learning?
a. The most effective approach would be active learning where students
can actively participate in the learning process. This can involve group
discussions, problem-solving activities, and hands-on projects, fostering
a deeper understanding of the lesson. In this case, which involves
cultural diversity, students can learn best through excursions or
immersions where they can involve themselves in actual situations and
interact with others.
4. What are your thoughts about the practice in the Philippines of adapting
curriculum models and programs from other countries, especially the United
a. Adapting curriculum models and programs from other countries,
particularly the United States, can be both advantageous and
challenging. While it allows the integration of global best practices,
innovative teaching methods, and contemporary educational trends,
there is a lack of contextual relevance and sensitivity to the unique
needs of Filipino students and the local education system. After all, we
are Filipinos, not Americans. While adapting the American ways of
education got us this far, the negative effects can be felt through the
neglect of our own culture and language due to the prioritization of the
English language as instruction. While we must prepare students for a
globally competitive world, they must also embrace their own national

E. Planning, Assessing, and Reporting Learners’ Progress

Critical Questions: Reflect and write your answer to the following questions.
1. What are the essential features of the assessment framework of the
Department of Education in the Philippines?
a. Some essential features of the assessment framework of DepEd are (1)
formative assessments, which are ongoing and diagnostic, helping
teachers understand students' learning needs; (2) Summative
assessments, conducted at the end of a learning period, provide a
summary of students' overall performance; (3) Performance Tasks and
Portfolios, that help in assessing skills and competencies effectively.
These methods allow students to showcase their application of
knowledge and skills in real-world scenarios and provide a more holistic
view of their capabilities.

2. What should be included in an individual learning portfolio?

a. The portfolio serves as a dynamic and reflective collection, providing a
holistic view of the learner's progress and accomplishments over a
specific timeframe. It should include vital components such as
educational goals and objectives, samples of work showcasing skills
and understanding, self-reflections on academic growth and
challenges, recognition of achievements and awards, assessment
results with feedback, evidence of skills development aligned with the
curriculum, multimedia elements documenting extracurricular
participation, and finally, a reflective letter summarizing the learning
journey and future goals.
3. Some people believe that grades don’t necessarily reflect the capacity and
ability of a student. What is your idea of this?
a. While I do believe that grades are important and are a quantitative
snapshot of academic performance, they may not fully capture a
student's creativity, critical thinking, problem-solving skills, or other
aspects of intelligence. All students have different skills. They possess
diverse talents and learning styles that standardized grading systems
might not fully acknowledge. Moreover, students are also humans who
face personal challenges that can affect their performance in school.
Thus, while grades are vital in student development, it does not fully
encapsulate a student’s ability and capability.

F. Establishing Community Linkages

Critical Questions: Reflect and write your answer to the following questions.
1. What forms of community services do teachers provide in their communities?
a. Teachers engage in community services mainly through educational
outreach programs. This involves organizing workshops, seminars, or
tutoring sessions for community members. Through these initiatives,
teachers extend their educational expertise beyond the classroom,
fostering a culture of continuous learning within the community. Other
forms of community service that teachers participate in are community
projects such as food drives or environmental initiatives.
2. How can teachers strengthen their linkages and partnerships with government
organizations and private institutions?
a. Teachers can strengthen their linkages and partnerships with
government organizations and private institutions through proactive
engagement and collaboration. They can initiate dialogue with relevant
stakeholders to discuss potential areas of collaboration. Active
participation in projects that these organizations already implement is
also a plus. By aligning their efforts with broader educational goals,
teachers can strengthen their ties with government organizations.

G. School Leadership

Critical Questions: Reflect and write your answer to the following questions.
1. Identify a teacher leader that you know. How does a teacher leader influence
the society?
While Atty. Leni Robredo is widely recognized as a lawyer, government official,
public servant, political figure, and leader. Few may know that she started her
career as a teacher. At the University of Nueva Caceres in Naga City, her
hometown, she imparted her passion for education and the belief that it could
be a catalyst for positive change. Atty. Robredo's emphasis on education and
its potential to create a brighter future for Filipinos has influenced her
approach to public service, as evidenced by her continued prioritization of
education. Through her experience as a teacher, she inspired her students to
pursue their aspirations and make a positive impact in their communities.

2. How can we encourage

teachers to exercise leadership
in their school?
a. Encouraging teachers to
exercise leadership in
their schools involves
fostering a culture that
recognizes and values
their potential contributions. Firstly, teachers must be provided
opportunities focused on leadership skills that allow them to enhance
their capabilities and confidence. Secondly, there should be a
supportive environment where teachers feel their ideas and initiatives
are valued can empower them to take on leadership roles. Recognizing
and celebrating teachers' achievements motivates them to contribute
actively to the school's development. By promoting a culture of shared
leadership, schools can harness the diverse expertise of their teaching
staff, leading to a more dynamic and effective educational institution.

H. Classroom Management

Critical Questions: Reflect and write your answer to the following questions.
1. What types of problems do teachers encounter in their classes? How do they
manage these problems?
a. Teachers encounter many challenges in their classrooms, including
student behavior issues, diverse learning needs, and limited resources.
To manage these challenges, teachers often employ a range of
strategies. Implementing clear and consistent classroom rules,
fostering positive relationships, and employing proactive classroom
management techniques are common approaches to behavior issues.
Teachers may provide additional support through one-on-one sessions
or collaborative learning to address diverse learning needs and
leverage technology for personalized learning. Limited resources can be
managed by being resourceful, seeking community partnerships, and
advocating for additional support. Consistent communication with
parents and colleagues, ongoing professional development, and a
flexible, adaptable teaching approach are crucial elements in
successfully navigating and managing these challenges in the

2. How can we empower teachers to become effective classroom manager?

a. To become effective classroom managers, teachers must have
adequate skills and confidence. There should be professional
development programs focused on classroom management strategies
to equip teachers with the right skills. By combining training, support, a
positive school culture, and ongoing reflection, educators can be
empowered to excel in classroom management.

3. How can teachers work effectively with families and professionals to

understand the issues and problems of learners?
a. Teachers can effectively understand learners' issues by promoting open
communication with families and collaborating with other
professionals. Establishing regular communication channels, such as
conferences and digital platforms, keeps families informed, fostering a
supportive network. Collaborating with school counselors and
specialists contributes to a comprehensive view of students' needs.
Additionally, involving families in decision-making processes, such as
IEP meetings, enhances partnership and understanding. These
strategies create a collaborative environment where insights are
shared, enhancing overall support for learners.
I. Professional Development

Critical Questions: Reflect and write your answer to the following questions.
1. How can we develop the research culture of basic education teachers in the
a. Developing the research culture of basic education teachers in the
country involves fostering a supportive environment that encourages
and equips educators to engage in research activities. There should be
opportunities that teachers can explore and this should include proper
support through collaborations, and access to research resources,
journals, and funding opportunities that encourage teachers to explore
and contribute to the existing body of knowledge.

2. How can we encourage teachers to take professional development seriously to

improve their knowledge and skills?
a. The answer to this is pretty simple, meet them halfway. We expect
teachers to be dedicated and passionate, but they should also be given
the proper incentives and resources to further their learning and

3. What do you think could be done to improve the quality of in-service

programs and graduate education in the country?
a. To enhance the quality of in-service programs and graduate education
in the country, curriculum alignment with current educational needs
and advancements is crucial. Next, partnerships between academic
institutions and educational organizations must be strengthened to
create opportunities for collaborative research, experiential learning,
and exposure to diverse educational contexts. Finally, establishing
quality assurance mechanisms, such as accreditation and continuous
program evaluation, ensures that in-service programs and graduate
education consistently meet high standards.

A. Domain 1: Content Knowledge and Pedagogy

Find a partner and answer the following questions.
1. Many teachers are teaching subjects and courses that are not their area of
expertise. What are the effects of this practice in Philippine education?
a. This practice compromises the quality of instruction, leading to gaps in
student understanding and hindering academic performance. Teachers
may also experience burnout from teaching a subject that is not their
mastery or unfamiliar to them. This situation also highlights systemic
issues in teacher deployment and resource allocation within the
academe which perpetuates disparities in educational quality.

2. In senior high school, some teachers do not have units in education. Do you
think that this will affect their teaching competence? Explain your answer.
a. The lack of education units among teachers in senior high schools can
potentially impact their teaching competence. Education units provide
foundational knowledge and pedagogical skills essential for effective
teaching. Teachers with a background in education are equipped with a
deeper understanding of instructional strategies, classroom
management, and educational theories. Without formal education
units, teachers may lack these crucial foundations which might affect
their ability to engage students. However, it's important to note that
teaching competence is a multifaceted aspect influenced by various
factors. While education units contribute significantly to teaching
competence, other factors can mitigate their absence to some extent.
3. How can teachers improve their content knowledge?
a. Teachers can explore multifaceted learning to improve their content
knowledge through professional development opportunities,
workshops, and seminars. They can also pursue advanced degrees or
certifications that provide a more in-depth understanding of the
content they teach. Additionally, using a variety of educational
resources, from textbooks to online courses, helps teachers stay
informed about new developments and resources in their subject areas.
4. How can teachers improve their pedagogical knowledge?
a. Professional development, workshops, and training sessions provide
opportunities to delve into pedagogical methodologies. Pursuing
advanced degrees in education, with a specialization in pedagogy,
enhances understanding and application. Regular reflection on
teaching practices, seeking feedback, and engaging in peer
collaboration through professional learning communities contribute to
continuous improvement. Observing experienced teachers,
participating in peer observations, and receiving constructive feedback
offer insights into varied pedagogical approaches. Same as above,
continuous learning is the key.

5. What are the teaching strategies that will develop a critical and creative
thinking among students?
a. Teachers can employ problem-based learning where students solve
real-world challenges and engage them to think analytically and
creatively. This can involve collaborative projects that will test their
skills and camaraderie, testing their critical thinking in a complex
scenario. Teachers can provide visual tools such as mind mapping and
concept mapping to help students organize thoughts and visualize
connections between ideas, stimulating creative thinking.

6. What do you think are the important content knowledge and pedagogical skills
that a teacher should possess to effectively teach Mother Tongue-Based
Multilingual Education?
a. Effective teaching in Mother Tongue-Based Multilingual Education
requires a strong grasp of the language, including grammar and
cultural aspects. Proficiency in the mother tongue helps convey
concepts accurately, laying a solid foundation for learning.
Understanding the local culture ensures the curriculum aligns with
students' experiences. Pedagogical skills are essential, involving the use
of culturally sensitive strategies, the creation of engaging materials,
and the fostering of a supportive language-rich environment.

B. Domain 2: Learning Environment

Observe a class in your laboratory school or cooperating school. Make sure you have a
letter asking the permission of the school principal for you to observe some of their
classes. Assure the principal and the teacher whom you will observe that the result of
your observation will be used only for academic purposes.

Write the summary of your observation below:

Strands Observations

Learner safety and security The classroom environment is safe and

well-maintained, with easily accessible
emergency exits and safety equipment.
The teacher demonstrates consistent
implementation of safety protocols, and
students feel comfortable and secure in
their surroundings, promoting a positive
learning atmosphere.

Fair learning environment The teacher promotes an inclusive

classroom culture by treating all students
with respect and fairness, providing
varied seating arrangements, accessible
instructional materials, and individualized
support without singling out anyone.

Management of classroom structure and The class maintains a well-organized

activities schedule with clear transitions and
instructions, promoting a structured and
focused learning environment. The
teacher balances teacher-led instruction
and student-centered activities,
encouraging engagement and
participation. Classroom management
techniques, like consistent routines and
clear expectations, are used effectively.

Support for learner participation The teacher creates a collaborative

learning environment where students feel
comfortable sharing their thoughts and
ideas through open-ended questions,
group discussions, and interactive
activities. The teacher provides adequate
wait time and values contributions from
all students, fostering a supportive
environment for diverse perspectives.

Promotion of purposive learning To ensure effective teaching, learning

objectives are communicated,
instructional methods align with these
objectives, real-world examples are used,
and formative assessments and feedback
mechanisms are employed.

Management of learner behavior The teacher enforces positive behavior,

uses proactive strategies to prevent
disruptions, handles challenging behavior
discreetly, and has a positive behavior
management system that rewards
students for their positive contributions.

C. Domain 3: Diversity of Learners

Form a small group. Continue observing classes in the laboratory school and answer
the following questions.
1. How do teachers respond to diversity of learners in the classroom?
Effective teaching requires teachers to use a range of strategies that cater to
the diverse needs of their students. They must use inclusive teaching methods,
differentiate instruction, and establish a supportive classroom environment
that promotes respect, inclusion, and positive learning outcomes. This includes
acknowledging diverse learning styles, utilizing culturally responsive teaching,
employing universal design for learning principles, providing varied
instructional materials, and creating personalized learning plans. Teachers
must also use flexible grouping and tiered assignments to ensure that every
student has the opportunity to thrive. Professional development, collaboration
with colleagues, and open communication with parents and caregivers are also
crucial to creating an environment where every student feels valued and

2. What teaching strategies and classroom management techniques are used to

address diversity inside the classroom?
Effective teaching strategies and classroom management techniques that
promote diversity include differentiated instruction, culturally responsive
teaching, Universal Design for Learning (UDL), inclusive classroom practices,
individualized support, student-centered learning, positive behavior
management, collaboration and communication, and continuous professional
development. These approaches aim to create an inclusive and supportive
learning environment that celebrates diversity, supports individual needs, and
maximizes learning opportunities for all students.

3. How do teachers observe gender sensitivity in their classes?

Teachers can promote gender sensitivity by using inclusive language, selecting
diverse learning materials, providing equal opportunities, challenging gender
stereotypes, respecting gender identity, implementing gender-neutral policies,
introducing diverse role models, facilitating inclusive discussions, designing
gender-inclusive assignments, participating in professional development,
addressing bullying and harassment, creating an inclusive classroom decor,
involving parents and the community, and reflecting and evaluating regularly.
These strategies contribute to a classroom culture that values the diversity of
gender identities and promotes an inclusive learning environment.

4. Are there students coming from indigenous communities in the classroom?

How do teachers respond to their needs?
Based on the virtual visit that I did, I came to realize that to create an inclusive
and culturally sensitive learning environment for students from indigenous
communities, teachers should educate themselves about the cultures and
histories of these communities, incorporate diverse indigenous perspectives
into the curriculum, and respect individual needs. Teachers can also engage
with families and communities and challenge cultural stereotypes. Flexibility in
assessment methods and promoting inclusivity in the classroom are crucial.
Teachers should reflect on their practices and adapt instructional strategies
accordingly. Advocating for resources that support indigenous education and
celebrating cultural events are also essential.

5. How do teachers respond to the needs of learners with disabilities?

Teachers play a critical role in providing support to learners with disabilities. To
ensure equal access to education, educators must have a strong grasp of each
student's unique needs and be able to offer appropriate accommodations and
modifications. This can include assistive technology, customized assignments
and assessments, and creating an inclusive learning environment.

Effective collaboration with other professionals, such as special education

teachers and occupational therapists, is also key in developing individualized
education plans (IEPs) for students with disabilities. These plans outline specific
goals and accommodations that are crucial for the student's success in the

Creating an inclusive atmosphere that values diversity and encourages student

participation and learning is equally important. This can be achieved through
the promotion of positive attitudes towards differences, providing
opportunities for peer support and collaboration, and implementing universal
learning design (UDL) principles.

Ultimately, teachers must be strong advocates for their students with

disabilities and ensure that they have access to the necessary resources and
support to achieve their full potential.

6. How do teachers nurture the giftedness of every student?

Teachers play an indispensable role in fostering the giftedness of each student.

Initially, it's crucial to acknowledge that giftedness is not limited to academic
excellence. Students might exhibit exceptional skills in sports, music, or art,
and it's imperative to identify and cultivate these talents. Secondly, teachers
must provide opportunities for students to explore and develop their interests
and passions by encouraging them to participate in extracurricular activities,
competitions, or events. Thirdly, gifted students should be challenged by
providing them with more advanced or intricate tasks and assignments to
maintain their engagement and motivation levels and prevent boredom or
disinterest. Lastly, teachers should offer emotional support to their gifted
students, who may encounter unique challenges such as perfectionism, high
expectations, or social isolation. By creating a supportive and inclusive learning
environment, teachers can enable each student to reach their full potential.

D. Domain 4: Curriculum and Planning

Interview a professional teacher using the following questions. Write the responses in
the space provided below.
1. How do you ensure alignment between the learning outcomes and the
curriculum competencies?
To ensure a high-quality education, educators must clearly define learning
outcomes and curriculum competencies and map them to each other,
identifying gaps or inconsistencies. Regular review and assessment of the
alignment between the two is important. It helps to ensure students have the
skills, knowledge, and abilities they need to achieve the learning outcomes and
be prepared for success in their chosen field.

2. How do you ensure the relevance and responsiveness of your learning

Ensuring the relevance and responsiveness of a learning program is crucial in
today's fast-paced and ever-changing world. One way to achieve this is by
conducting regular needs assessments to identify the skills and knowledge that
learners need to acquire. This involves analyzing job requirements,
interviewing subject matter experts, and surveying learners to determine their
goals and objectives.

Another strategy is to incorporate feedback mechanisms into the learning

program, such as quizzes, surveys, and assessments. This allows learners to
evaluate their understanding of the material and provides instructors with
valuable insights into areas that may need improvement.

3. What are the examples of professional collaboration to enrich your teaching

Professional collaboration plays a crucial role in improving teaching
techniques. Teachers engage in collaborative planning within grade-level or
subject area teams, aligning curriculum and analyzing student data.
Professional Learning Communities (PLCs) provide a forum for teachers to
discuss instructional practices and conduct book studies for deeper
understanding. Cross-disciplinary collaboration fosters integrated projects and
shared professional development. Mentorship programs, both for new
teachers and among peers, contribute to skill-sharing and support. Teacher
observation and feedback, along with technology integration teams, enhance
instructional methods. Collaboration with special education teachers ensures
inclusive practices, while community engagement partnerships enrich
classroom experiences. Action research groups and reflective practices, such as
journal clubs, allow teachers to continuously refine their techniques based on
shared insights and experiences.

4. What are the ICT tools and other learning resources that are available in your
school? Are they sufficient to implement the curriculum outcomes?

The effective ICT tools and resources used in schools to support curriculum
outcomes are computers, interactive whiteboards, projectors and document
cameras, learning management systems, online educational platforms, e-
books and digital libraries, educational software and apps, video conferencing
tools, simulation software, coding and programming tools, online research
databases, AR and VR tools, online assessment tools, educational games,
teacher collaboration platforms, student response systems, and adaptive
learning platforms. However, the sufficiency of these tools may vary depending
on the curriculum requirements, the number of students, and the budget
allocated by the school. Regular updates and evaluations are necessary to
ensure they align with educational goals.

5. What are the types of trainings provided to teachers for the implementation of
the K-12 Education Curriculum?

The implementation of the K-12 Education Curriculum requires specialized

training for teachers to effectively deliver quality education to students. These
trainings are designed to equip teachers with the necessary knowledge and
skills to effectively teach the curriculum.

There are various types of training that are provided to teachers. One of the
most important trainings is the orientation training, which is given to teachers
before the start of the school year. This training provides teachers with an
overview of the curriculum, its goals, objectives, and expected outcomes.
Another type of training is subject-specific training, which is focused on
developing teachers' content knowledge and pedagogical skills in a specific
subject area. This training is facilitated by subject specialists and is aimed at
improving teachers' teaching strategies and techniques.
There are also training programs that are designed to develop teachers' skills
in assessment and evaluation. These training programs focus on developing
teachers' abilities to design, implement, and evaluate different types of
assessment tools that are aligned with the K-12 curriculum.

Overall, the training provided to teachers is essential in ensuring that they are
equipped with the necessary skills and knowledge to effectively deliver quality
education to students.

E. Domain 5: Assessment and Reporting

Continue to interview some teachers. Ask the teachers the following questions. Write
the responses in the space provided below.

1. What are the types of assessment tools used in your class?

Assessment tools are crucial in evaluating students' progress and
understanding of a subject. Formative assessments, such as quizzes and
homework, measure progress throughout a learning process. Summative
assessments, such as tests and projects, evaluate overall performance at the
end of a learning cycle. Diagnostic assessments identify individual strengths
and weaknesses and inform customized teaching approaches. Teachers use a
variety of assessment tools to ensure the best possible education for their
2. How do you use the result of the students’ assessment?
For the teachers, the assessments can provide valuable feedback on the
effectiveness of their teaching methods, highlighting areas where
improvement is needed. This information can then be used to adjust the
curriculum or teaching style to better suit the needs of the students.
For the students, the assessments can help identify their strengths and
weaknesses, allowing them to focus on areas that may need more attention.
This can help them to improve their overall performance and achieve their
academic goals.
Furthermore, the results of assessments can be used to track progress over
time, providing a measure of the students' growth and development. This
information can be used to celebrate successes, identify areas for
improvement, and set new goals.

Overall, the results of students' assessments are a valuable tool for both
teachers and students, providing important feedback and insights that can be
used to improve learning outcomes.

F. Domain 6: Community Linkage and Professional Engagement

Critical Questions: Answer to the following questions.

1. How do teachers establish learning environments that are responsive to
community contexts?
a. Teachers can establish learning environments responsive to community
contexts in various ways such as incorporating local content or contexts
into their lessons such as stories and traditions to foster relatability and
connections among the students. Another way is to actively collaborate
and participate in the community, meeting the members, and gaining
knowledge about the norms and values practiced by the people.
2. How are the parents and the wider school community involved in the
educative process?
a. Parents and wider school community members can be involved in the
learning process through continuous collaboration with educational
institutions. They can provide support by providing insights to the
teachers, sharing their expertise through talks, and assisting in
spearheading community and school projects.
3. How do teachers observe professional ethics in dealing with parents?
a. The key to dealing with parents professionally is open communication,
respect, and collaboration. First, teachers should be careful with
handling sensitive information making sure to respect the privacy of the
families and avoid the disclosure of confidential details. The second is
transparency. Teachers provide accurate updates to parents regarding
their child's academic progress, behavior, and any concerns that may
arise. The most important of all would be empathy where teachers
must recognize the differences between each family, approaching them
with a non-judgmental attitude.
4. What are the school policies and procedures that promote a healthy
relationship between school and the community?
a. The school should be committed to actively working with the
community through involving stakeholders in terms of communication
and decision-making. A school-community committee with
representatives from each sector would be helpful for open
communication and convening for policies that affect the school and
the community.
5. How does the Brigada Eskuwela help in promoting good school and
community partnership?
a. Brigada Eskwela actively promotes a healthy school and community
partnership by instilling a sense of bayanihan, ownership, and shared
responsibility for the school's well-being. It serves as a platform for
open communication between school administrators and community
members, fostering transparent discussions about school needs,
challenges, and future plans. This initiative empowers community
members, recognizing and valuing their contributions to the
educational environment for students.
6. What are other activities in the school where parents and community
members can support?
a. Parents and community members can support various activities by
attending PTA meetings, school events, and celebrations, and providing
assistance in volunteer programs, and fundraising activities.

G. Domain 7: Professional Growth and Personal Development

Critical Questions: Have a small group discussion and answer the question below.
How do the following strands influence the personal and professional growth of
1. Philosophy of teaching
a. A clear understanding of the philosophy of teaching guides teachers in
making purposeful decisions in the classroom. By actively reflecting on
their pedagogical beliefs, teachers align their practices with their
educational values to foster a consistent and meaningful approach to
teaching. This influences personal and professional growth by providing
a foundation for instructional decision-making and continuous

2. Dignity of teaching as a profession

a. Upholding and promoting the dignity of teaching as a profession
involves advocating for the value of educators in society. By actively
engaging in initiatives that recognize and celebrate the contributions of
teachers, educators enhance their sense of professional pride and
personal fulfillment. This influences personal and professional growth
by reinforcing a positive professional identity and contributing to a
supportive teaching community.
3. Professional links with colleagues
a. Building and maintaining professional links with colleagues involves
collaborative efforts to share insights, resources, and best practices.
Through active participation in professional learning communities and
collaborative projects, teachers enhance their professional network,
fostering a supportive community of practice.
4. Professional reflection and learning to improve practice
a. Engaging in regular reflection on teaching practices allows educators to
identify areas for improvement and refine their instructional
approaches. After all, teachers have a lifetime of learning. By actively
seeking feedback, setting goals for improvement, and implementing
changes, teachers continually enhance their effectiveness.
5. Professional development goals
a. The continuous pursuit of professional development goals involves a
proactive approach to one's own learning and growth. By identifying
areas for skill enhancement, and integrating new knowledge into
practice, teachers stay abreast of evolving educational trends.

H. Different Stages of Professional Teachers in the Philippines

Critical Questions: Reflect on the following questions. Write your answers in the
space provided.
1. How can the standards for professional teachers improve the quality of
teachers in the Philippines?
a. The standards for professional teachers play a significant role in
improving the quality of educators by setting clear expectations and
benchmarks for their performance. The standards can serve as a
framework that guides educators to identify areas where they can
improve and adjust practices. Moreover, standardized criteria ensure
that the quality of teaching is consistent.
2. How can these Professional standards influence the development of the pre-
service teacher education curriculum?
a. Similar to how these standards play a role in ensuring overall
consistency in teaching quality and improvement of the academic
profession, these also serve as a foundation that ensures aspiring
educators are equipped with the essential knowledge, skills, and
competencies needed for effective teaching. These standards set a
benchmark for the expectations placed on future educators,
contributing to the overall quality and relevance of the pre-service
teacher education curriculum.

3. As an education student, how can you prepare yourself for these professional
standards for teachers?
a. As an education student, I can prepare myself for these professional
standards by making sure I stay on top of my coursework, actively
seeking opportunities for practical experiences, and consistently
reflecting on my learning and teaching practices. I will ensure that my
studies are aligned with the established standards, making certain that
I acquire the necessary knowledge and skills outlined in the framework.
Making sure that I am also updated with the latest educational trends
is also essential in my preparations.


A. Teaching in Multicultural and Multilingual Classrooms

Critical Questions: Reflect and write your answer to the following questions.
1. How do we encourage teachers to develop culturally relevant and
responsive curriculum for their learners?
a. Developing a culturally relevant and responsive curriculum should
come naturally from teachers if they have the proper awareness,
training, and support. Professional development opportunities that
emphasize cultural competence and sensitivity can help teachers
understand the diverse backgrounds of their learners. This can be
established by schools through mentorships where experienced
educators impart their expertise in integrating culturally responsive
practices into lessons. Ultimately, recognizing and valuing cultural
diversity should be embedded in the educational culture,
emphasizing the importance of creating an inclusive learning
2. How can teachers incorporate cultural literacy in classroom pedagogy and
in the content of their course?
a. A good start for this would be incorporating texts, materials, and
examples that represent a variety of cultures and experiences into
the curriculum. To capture the student’s interest, it is also
important that the examples or case studies being discussed
resonate with the background and culture of the learners.
Additionally, we can do activities that explore and celebrate cultural
traditions, events, and histories, allowing students to gain a deeper
appreciation for various cultures.
3. What is your idea on the implementation of Mother Tongue-Based
Multilingual Education?
a. I think the implementation of Mother Tongue-Based Multilingual
Education (MTB-MLE) is a commendable and inclusive approach to
education. It emphasizes the importance of students learning in
their mother tongue. Learning in their first language fosters a
deeper understanding of concepts and lays a strong foundation for
academic prowess. This approach not only preserves linguistic
diversity but also promotes cultural identity, allowing students to
connect with their roots. By gradually introducing other languages,
including the national language and eventually a global language,
MTB-MLE facilitates a smooth transition to multilingual proficiency.
If one masters their first language, other languages would not be
4. How do we promote equity and social justice in our school?
a. To instill equity and social justice in multicultural classrooms, we
should diversify our curriculum by incorporating different
perspectives, ensuring representation. Employing varied teaching
methodologies will address distinct language proficiencies. We can
foster student engagement by encouraging dynamic discussions on
cultural awareness. It is crucial to cultivate a safe and respectful
learning environment that honors diversity and rejects

B. Teaching Special Education Classes

Critical Questions: Reflect and write your answer to the following questions.
1. How can we address the needs of gifted children in class?
a. To adequately meet the needs of gifted students in class, teachers
must implement strategies that will best nurture these learners’
abilities while also ensuring that they feel supported and not
alienated. Differentiated instructions that challenge and extend
their current knowledge can be incorporated into the lesson plan.
Teachers can also provide them with opportunities for enrichment
activities, projects, or independent study options to cater to their
advanced skills while also encouraging them to work with peers of
similar abilities to promote social and emotional development. It is
also crucial to consistently communicate with the parents so they
can understand their children’s interests and strengths.
2. How can we help address the learning needs of slow learners in the class?
a. In addressing the needs of slow learners, teachers must always
possess two important things: patience and empathy. The teacher
can apply a one-on-one or small-group approach with the students
to provide extra support and to further analyze each student’s
strengths. Analyzing each student’s strengths and types of
intelligence can help the educator assess what kind of teaching
style would be most effective for each learner, contributing to
tailored materials and activities that accommodate various learning
styles and paces. Most importantly, teachers must act as safe
spaces where these students feel comfortable, encouraging them,
and fostering an inclusive learning environment.
3. How can we work closely with the parents of special learners?
a. To work closely with parents of special learners, teachers should
maintain consistent and transparent communication with them.
Initiate regular meetings to discuss the child’s challenges, progress,
goals, and achievements. This is a platform where the educator can
explain to the parents what kinds of strategies are being used to
help their learning and how they can contribute and support their
children. Through this, teachers can empower the parents to further
involve themselves in the growth and development of their children,
fostering a collaborative and supportive relationship that ensures
the best possible educational experience for special learners.
C. Teaching in Multigrade Classes

Critical Questions: Reflect and write your answer to the following questions.
1. How can the community support teachers assigned to handle multigrade
classes in their respective areas?
a. Communities can support teachers handling multigrade classes by
offering additional teaching materials, classroom supplies, and
technology assistance. Parents of these learners can also provide
assistance by participating and involving themselves in the learning
of their children.
2. What are the instructional strategies that can be effective in multigrade
a. For instructional strategies to be effective in multigrade classes,
differentiated and tailored instruction is the key where lessons are
personalized and adjusted to accommodate various skill levels
within the same classroom. Peer tutoring and collaborative learning
activities enable older students to assist their younger peers,
fostering a supportive learning environment. The use of flexible
grouping allows students to work with peers at similar learning
levels for specific activities. Project-based learning, where students
engage in hands-on projects, encourages independent exploration
and critical thinking. Lastly, incorporating technology can provide
personalized learning opportunities and access to resources suitable
for different grade levels within the class.
3. If you were assigned to teach in multigrade class, how will you plan to
address the needs of your students?
a. If I were assigned to teach in a multigrade class, I would start by
assessing the individual needs and learning levels of each student.
Based on the assessment, I can group the students according to
their learning level so every exercise or project each group will be
working on adheres to their current abilities. I will also implement
peer learning activities and collaborative projects to encourage
interaction and mutual support among students. Consistent
assessment and feedback sessions would guide instructional
adjustments, ensuring that each student receives the necessary
support and challenges to promote their academic growth. Of
course, I will also be continuously communicating with the learners’
parents to foster a collaborative approach to the students'

D. Teaching in a Multiple Intelligence Classroom

Critical Questions: Reflect and write your answer to the following questions.
1. Why is it important for teachers to know the multiple intelligence profiles
of their students?
a. Howard Gardner's theory of multiple intelligences recognizes that
students have diverse strengths and ways of learning. By knowing
the multiple intelligence profiles of my students, I can tailor and
customize my instruction to align with students' specific abilities,
fostering a more engaging and impactful learning experience. This
knowledge helps address diverse learning styles, allows for
differentiated instruction, and promotes the holistic development of
students. It also enables teachers to recognize and appreciate the
unique talents of each student, contributing to a positive and
inclusive classroom environment. Moreover, catering to the needs
of students with multiple intelligences is also a challenge to my
professional development, contributing to my continuous
improvement as an educator.
2. What are examples of instructional strategies that can be used in designing
MI classroom?
a. Designing a Multiple Intelligences (MI) classroom involves a variety
of instructional strategies that cater to different intelligence
profiles. Here are examples:
i. Verbal-Linguistic Intelligence: Activities that encourage
speaking - Storytelling, debates, writing assignments, and
ii. Logical-Mathematical Intelligence: Activities that encourage
the use of logic - problem-solving, experiments, and
mathematical challenges.
iii. Visual-Spatial Intelligence: Activities or materials that
stimulate the visuals - visual aids, graphic organizers, art
projects, and multimedia presentations.
iv. Musical Intelligence: Activities involving music - songs,
rhythm-based activities, and creating musical compositions.
v. Bodily-Kinesthetic Intelligence: Physical activities
encouraging movement - hands-on activities, role-playing,
sports, and movement-based learning.
vi. Interpersonal Intelligence: Interactive and collaborative
activities - group projects, cooperative learning, peer
teaching, and collaborative activities.
vii. Intrapersonal Intelligence: Activities that encourage internal
learning - self-reflection, goal-setting, independent projects,
and journaling.
viii. Naturalistic Intelligence: Activities that keep in touch with
nature - outdoor activities, nature-based projects, and
environmental studies.
ix. Existential Intelligence: Activities that dabble on deep
thinking - discussing philosophical questions, exploring
ethical dilemmas, and integrating real-world connections.
x. Interconnected Intelligence: Designing interdisciplinary
projects that involve multiple intelligences and encourage
holistic learning experiences.
3. How can we design a curriculum that address the multiple intelligence of
a. Designing a curriculum that addresses multiple intelligences
requires heavy research of effective styles and methods that will
cater to each student’s needs. Through thorough research, we can
apply the learnings to our lesson plans and implement them. I have
mentioned different approaches in the question above and these
can all be applied according to the needs of the students. These
various teaching methods should be continuously assessed and
updated accordingly to keep up with the growing needs of learners.

E. Teaching in a Learner-centered and Constructivist Classroom

Critical Questions: Reflect and write your answer to the following questions.
1. How can learner-centered education be applied in instructional planning?
a. Learner-centered education in instructional planning revolves
around understanding each student's unique needs and
preferences. This involves collaborative goal-setting, providing
choices, and differentiating instruction to accommodate diverse
learning styles. Educators offer autonomy, encourage collaboration,
and utilize varying resources to keep students engaged. Formative
assessments and personalized feedback are crucial for tracking
progress, and regular reflection helps students take ownership of
their learning journey. In essence, learner-centered education
fosters an inclusive, collaborative, and personalized instructional
environment that prioritizes each student's growth and
2. What are examples of learner-centered instructional strategies?
a. Learner-centered instructional strategies prioritize active student
engagement and individualized learning experiences. One effective
strategy is project-based learning (PBL), where students tackle real-
world problems or challenges in a group. PBL encourages critical
thinking, creativity, and teamwork, allowing them to take
ownership of their learning. Another example is the flipped
classroom model, where traditional lecture and homework
elements are reversed. Students access instructional content at
home through videos or readings, and class time is dedicated to
hands-on activities, discussions, and personalized support. This
caters to diverse learning paces and allows teachers to address
individual needs during face-to-face interactions. Both strategies
empower students by fostering a sense of autonomy, curiosity, and
active participation in their educational journey.
3. What are examples of constructivist teaching strategies and approaches?
a. Constructivist teaching strategies engage students in constructing
their own understanding. One example is problem-based learning
(PBL) mentioned before. PBL encourages critical thinking, problem-
solving, and the application of knowledge in practical scenarios,
fostering a deeper understanding of the subject matter. Another
approach is the use of concept mapping, a visual representation of
knowledge that students create to illustrate relationships between
concepts. Creating concept maps helps students organize
information, identify patterns, and develop a conceptual
framework, promoting a more holistic understanding. Both PBL and
concept mapping align with constructivist principles by emphasizing
hands-on experiences, social interaction, and the active
construction of knowledge by students.
F. Brain-based Education

Critical Questions: Reflect and write your answer to the following questions.
1. What are teaching strategies that can be used in implementing brain-based
education principles?
a. Brain-based learning is an innovative approach that limits lectures and
focuses on how the brain naturally learns. Some examples of teaching
strategies in this approach are physical activities that enhance
cognitive function and memory retention. This can include interactive
games, brain breaks, or kinesthetic learning activities. Another
approach is fostering a positive and supportive learning environment,
as emotions significantly impact learning. Teachers can incorporate
emotional learning practices, encourage collaboration, and provide
opportunities for students to connect personally with the material.
2. How can teachers organize instruction of brain-based education?
a. Teachers can incorporate physical activities for engagement, maintain
a positive atmosphere to reduce stress and encourage group activities
for social connections. Providing choices in assignments accommodates
different learning styles, and using visuals and real-world examples
makes lessons more interesting. Taking short breaks prevents students
from feeling overwhelmed, and aligning lessons with the natural flow
of energy levels throughout the day helps optimize learning. Keeping
things clear and simple in lesson structures avoids confusion, and
reflection exercises let students think about what they've learned. This
approach creates a friendly and effective learning environment that
suits how our brains work best.

G. ICT Integration in Teaching and Learning

Critical Questions: Reflect and write your answer to the following questions.
1. How can teachers encourage students to use ICT responsibly?
a. Digital literacy among teachers is a must before they can educate
students about ICT. As the saying goes, “Practice what you preach,”
teachers must also be capable in using digital tools. Responsible use of
ICT starts with demonstrating proper online etiquette, emphasizing the
impact of words and actions in virtual spaces. Students must become
purveyors of a safe online environment where cyberbullying and
harassment does not happen. The most important part of responsible
ICT use is instilling critical-thinking so students will be able to discern
facts from fake information.
2. Do you believe that computers can soon replace traditional schools?
a. While computers have provided innovation, convenience, and efficiency
in the teaching process, the complete replacement of traditional
schools is highly unlikely. Technology can optimize learning
experiences, provide access to a wide array of resources, and facilitate
distance education. However, traditional schools offer social
interaction, mentorship, and a structured environment that fosters
holistic development, including interpersonal skills and character
building. The optimal approach is likely a blend, where technology
complements traditional teaching methods to create a well-rounded
and effective educational experience.
3. What are the best practices of ICT integration in teaching and learning that
you know?
a. Effective ICT integration i teaching and learning starts with the
provision of adequate tools and resources where teachers and students
can access the necessities. Along with these necessities are not only the
hardware and the internet connection, but also the software and
platforms essential for collaboration and online communication.
Blended learning should be integrated seamlessly into the curriculum
where students can learn and enhance their ICT skills through various
modes of teaching and activities.


B. Education System’s Response to Globalization
Critical Questions: Form a small group. Discuss and answer the following questions.
Present your answer to the whole class.
1. What is your own understanding of globalization?
a. Globalization describes the interconnectedness and interdependence of
different cultures and societies made possible by trade and continuous
technological advancement. The rapid exchanges of human beings,
goods, and services, capital, technologies or cultural practices all over
the world fostered greater integration among nations. While
globalization positive effects on economic growth, cultural exchange,
and technological progress, it also poses challenges such as inequality,
cultural homogenization, and environmental concerns.
2. What are the changes and challenges brought by globalization in your
a. In the Philippines, globalization has led to significant changes and
challenges. On the positive side, it has contributed to economic growth
through increased trade and foreign investments. The outsourcing
industry, in particular, has become a major economic driver.
Globalization brought many opportunities to Filipinos who wanted to
work abroad for better pay. However, challenges include income
inequality because not all sectors benefit equally from globalization.
Additionally, there are concerns about the loss of cultural identity and
environmental sustainability. The country grapples with balancing the
advantages of global economic integration with the need to address
social disparities and preserve its unique cultural and environmental
heritage and this can also reflect in the current state of our educational
3. How can education address the demands, issues and challenges brought by
globalization in the society?
a. Education plays a pivotal role in addressing the demands, issues, and
challenges brought by globalization specifically the diminishing
national identity and patriotism among students. Our current
educational system has been mainly focused on preparing students to
be globally-competitive individuals, but unfortunately, some important
aspects such as embracing our own culture and history has been
overlooked with the removal of subjects like history and Filipino
literature subjects in college. I personally think that knowing yourself is
the key to become aware of your environment too and this is also true
for our students who can achieve their utmost capabilities and reach
global heights through wholeheartedly embracing their identity as


A. Article XIV of the 1987 Philippine Constitution

Critical Questions: Reflect and write your answer to the following questions.
1. How are the provisions of Article XIV of the 1987 Philippine Constitution
reflected in the K-12 education program?
a. The provisions of Article XIV of the 1987 Philippine Constitution are
reflected in the K-12 education program through its commitment to
providing quality education accessible to all. The program aligns with
constitutional mandates by addressing the diverse needs of learners,
promoting a holistic approach to education, and emphasizing the
importance of cultural and historical heritage. Additionally, K-12
incorporates provisions for the use of Filipino as the medium of
instruction and the integration of the national language in the
curriculum, aligning with constitutional directives to uphold and
promote the country's diverse cultural and linguistic heritage.
2. What education programs were developed and implemented to support this
constitutional provision?
a. K-12 Basic Education Program: Introduced to enhance the country's
education system by adding two additional years to the basic education
cycle, the K-12 program aims to provide a more comprehensive and
globally competitive education.
b. Mother Tongue-Based Multilingual Education (MTB-MLE): MTB-MLE
was implemented to use students' native languages as the medium of
instruction in the early years of schooling, promoting better
understanding and retention of lessons.
c. Alternative Learning System (ALS): ALS provides a flexible learning
system for those who have not completed formal education, offering
opportunities for out-of-school youth and adults to acquire basic
education equivalency.
3. What should the government do to further improve the quality of Philippine
a. The government should be focusing on the improvement of the quality
of Philippine education through increased funding with emphasis on
professional development, salary increase, infrastructure investments,
promoting research and innovation, implementing inclusive education
policies and technological integration. Strengthening global
partnerships and collaborations are crucial in keeping up with global
educational trends and practices.

B. Republic Act 232

Critical Questions: Reflect and write your answer to the following questions.
1. How does the state protect the rights of teachers?
a. In the Philippines, the Magna Carta for Public School Teachers
(Republic Act No. 4670) outlines the rights and privileges of teachers,
including security of tenure, academic freedom, and the right to
organize. Additionally, the Labor Code of the Philippines provides
general labor standards applicable to all employees, including teachers,
ensuring fair wages, working hours, and benefits. The Magna Carta for
Private School Teachers, however, is still a Senate bill.

2. Interview teachers. How do they perform their duties in the school and in their
specific community?

Interview teachers have a multifaceted role that extends beyond traditional

classroom teaching. Their duties include providing instructional support,
professional development, and community engagement within schools. They
observe classroom instruction and provide feedback, lead workshops and
training sessions, collaborate on lesson planning, analyze student performance
data, and provide individualized support. They also engage with parents and
community members, promote cultural sensitivity, advocate for education,
establish community partnerships, and offer community workshops. Overall,
interview teachers aim to create a positive and collaborative educational
environment and enhance student outcomes.

E. Republic Act 10533 “Enhanced Basic Education Act of 2013”

Critical Questions: Reflect and write your answer to the following questions.
1. What are the current programs and projects of the board of Professional
Teachers for the advancement of teaching profession in the country?
2. What are the things that need to be improved in the Licensure Examination for
a. Improvements to the Licensure Examination for Teachers (LET) in the
Philippines could include measures to enhance efficiency in result
release, provide comprehensive review materials, explore technology
integration, establish a feedback mechanism, align content with
current educational trends, standardize review centers, improve
accessibility and inclusivity, offer ongoing professional development,
strengthen communication channels, and implement rigorous quality
assurance measures. These enhancements aim to optimize the
examination experience, ensure relevance to modern educational
demands, and maintain the credibility of the teaching profession in the
3. With the implementation of the K-12 education program, what are the things
that need to be improved in the teaching profession?
a. With the implementation of the K-12 education program in the
Philippines, improvements in the teaching profession should focus on
enhancing professional development programs to equip educators with
the skills needed for effective K-12 delivery. There is a critical need to
ensure teachers' deep understanding of the K-12 curriculum, facilitate
resource allocation to support program demands, address concerns
related to teacher workload and well-being, promote the seamless
integration of technology in teaching, refine assessment strategies
aligned with K-12 outcomes, strengthen inclusive education practices,
foster parental and community engagement, appropriately recognize
and compensate teachers, and encourage ongoing research and
evaluation efforts to assess the program's effectiveness and identify
areas for enhancement. These measures collectively aim to support
teachers in navigating the challenges and leveraging the opportunities
presented by the K-12 education program.

F. Republic Act of 4670 The Magna Carta for Public School Teachers

Critical Questions: Reflect and write your answer to the following questions.
1. Do you think the provisions in this Law are observed in all public schools in the
a. The effectiveness of the observance of provisions in education laws,
such as the K-12 program, can vary across schools and regions.
Implementation may be influenced by factors such as resource
availability, training, and local administrative practices. While it is safe
to believe that most if not all provisions are being practiced, corruption
and injustices are still happening in the educational system with the
existence of people who abuse their power and take advantage of
teachers. If the law fully protects public school teachers, it should
reflect on their job satisfaction and performance.
2. What are the positive and negative practices on the systems of hiring,
promotion, and tenure of public-school teachers?
a. Positive practices include hiring educators based on their merits,
ensuring that teachers are capable and competent. However, negative
practices such as nepotism and favoritism undermine fairness and
meritocracy. More capable teachers are overlooked since those with
personal connections are prioritized. In addition, discriminatory
practices in hiring can perpetuate inequalities and limit diversity in the
teaching workforce.

G. The Code of Ethics for Professional Teachers in the Philippines

Critical Questions: Reflect and write your answer to the following questions.
1. Interview some public and private school teachers. What is the usual violation
of the Code of Ethics for Professional Teachers committed by some teachers?
It's crucial to emphasize that these violations are not representative of the
majority of teachers, who are dedicated professionals committed to upholding
ethical standards and providing quality education. The Code of Ethics for
Professional Teachers is designed to guide and maintain the integrity of the
teaching profession in the Philippines, and any violations are subject to
investigation and disciplinary action by the Professional Regulation

The Code of Ethics for Professional Teachers in the Philippines is taken seriously
by the Professional Regulation Commission (PRC). While most teachers uphold
high ethical standards, violations can occur, such as unprofessional conduct,
negligence, violations of students' rights, breach of confidentiality, misuse of
authority, forgery or falsification, engaging in unlawful or immoral activities,
violation of school policies, plagiarism or copyright infringement, and failure to
pursue professional development. The PRC investigates and takes disciplinary
action against such violations to maintain the integrity of the teaching

2. Considering the enormous expectations and responsibilities of teachers, what

can the schools and community members do to help and support them?
a. To support teachers in managing their substantial responsibilities,
schools can prioritize professional development opportunities, allocate
resources effectively, and implement initiatives focused on teachers'
mental health and well-being. Community members can engage in the
school community, fostering a positive environment and recognizing
teachers' efforts. Collaborative efforts, open communication channels,
and mutual respect between schools and communities contribute to
creating a supportive ecosystem that enhances the overall well-being
and effectiveness of teachers.
3. What can teachers do to improve their working relationship with parents?
a. Teachers can enhance their working relationship with parents by
maintaining open and regular communication channels. Providing clear
and consistent updates on students' progress, both academically and
behaviorally, fosters transparency and trust. Actively involving parents
in decision-making processes, such as school activities or policy
discussions, creates a sense of partnership. Additionally, setting clear
expectations for classroom behavior, academic goals, and
communication norms helps establish a positive and collaborative
environment, strengthening the overall teacher-parent relationship.

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