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Station Class

Surge Arresters
Product Overview

Answers for energy.

High Voltage – Reliable Protection

Just as the Golden Gate Bridge has

successfully defied all winds, weather
and earthquakes for decades, our
surge arresters in the same environment
exhibit all their properties and benefits
to ensure they will meet the one target –
to protect from lightning and switching

With decades of experience in the design and manufacturing of As pioneers in the field of Silicone Rubber
high voltage power supply components, Siemens also specializes (SR) insulation and one of the few suppliers
in advanced Silicone Rubber (SR) insulated surge arresters pro- with comprehensive inhouse research and
viding the highest levels of mechanical strength, performance development capabilities in this industry,
and safety even in the most demanding environments, such as we can also provide surge arresters cus-
in contaminated, industrially polluted, high seismic and vandal tomized to very special requirements. The
prone critical installations. cost-effectiveness of our products is under-
scored by uncompromising quality ensur-
The product family of our surge arresters offers the right solution ing the long service life and reliability of
to any specific need. They have a proven fit for protecting trans- each application.
mission lines and transformers, as well as complete switchgear
against the hazards of high voltage start-up surges, line transients Available off-the-shelf, the 3EL standard
and lightning. Siemens surge arresters have been succesfully series of our SR surge arresters have been
tested to the latest ANSI/IEEE Standard C62.11-1999. designed to meet the requirements of
a wide range of common installation
environments. For more demanding appli-
cations, our high-end 3EQ series will main-
tain at least 75 % of its nominal mechanical
strength in the event of a pressure relief,
and can thus also be used as a “regular”
support (station post) insulator.

Siemens Promise System Reliability

Silicone Rubber (SR) Insulation for Safety Further key advantages of SR especially
Siemens offers two different types of arresters with SR housing: compared to EPDM based alloy rubber
The 3EL series for standard applications, and the advanced 3EQ include:
series for the highest performance needs. Both are designed ■ High resistance to tracking erosion
using the same glass collared MOV-blocks resulting in the same ■ Excellent resistance to flashover
outstanding electrical performance. ■ Superior UV stability
■ Self-extinguishing flame retardancy
SR has been used as outdoor insulation material for over 25 years, ■ Adaptability to variable design and
with excellent service experience even under severe climatic ease of processing
and environmental conditions. Today, it is among the most widely
used materials for HV outdoor equipment. For additional information call for our
publication on Silicone Rubber insulation.
Silicone is highly hydrophobic. While there are many polymeric
materials with similar initial hydrophobic properties, most of
them lose their hydrophobicity after a relatively short period such
as EPDM based alloy rubber. Only the true SR is capable of main-
taining its hydrophobicity throughout its entire lifetime. This
again ensures the long service life of our 3EL and 3EQ arresters.

One Goal – 3 Designs

3EL Silicone Rubber (SR) 3EQ Silicone Rubber (SR)

Surge Arresters in Cage Design Surge Arresters in Tube Design 3EP Porcelain Surge Arresters

The fiber reinforced plastic

(FRP) tube material has been
The standard 3EL series chosen to provide the high-
is based on a cage of est possible mechanical
prestressed fiber glass strength. Due to its excellent
reinforced rods for high processibility, the SR insula-
mechanical strength. tion is molded directly onto
The SR insulation is molded the FRP tube.
directly onto the MOV-Blocks. The 3EQ tube design is con-
The design provides an sidered the best choice for The high-quality porcelain
optimum price/performance applications up to 800 kV housing of the 3EP as well
ratio for applications up to system voltage, particularly as the special grade sulfur
362 kV system voltage. The in locations or installations cement bonding of housing
new 3EL1 as intermediate with demanding environ- and flanges both ensure
class surge arrester is the mental or extremely high outstanding mechanical
enhancement of our product mechanical/seismic require- strength, for applications
line 3EL. 3EL ments. 3EQ up to 800 kV. 3EP

■ Total enclosure of all components to ■ FRP tube design for outstanding ■ Reliable technology with a proven
avoid partial discharges or moisture mechanical stability (much stronger history
ingress than porcelain), combined with an ■ Optimized glass collared MOV-block
■ High mechanical performance for excellent sealing system for long-life design
standard applications protection against ingress of moisture ■ Pressure relief system for very fast
■ Silicone Rubber shielding provides and partial discharges venting, providing the highest possible
low-pressure escape of the arc in ■ Highest level of safety in the event means of safety in areas requiring
the event of a short circuit of short circuits, no ejection of any special protection
■ Significant weight savings vs. internal components ■ Very high cantilever strength over
comparable porcelain arresters, ■ Retention of at least 75 % of initial 360,000 inch lbf
facilitating transport and installation mechanical strength even after short ■ Highly reliable sealing system and state
of the arresters circuit and thus permits the use of the of the art seal test set-up make Siemens
■ Suitable for use as substation and/or arrester as a support insulator arresters highly reliable
transmission line arresters ■ Weight savings vs. comparable
porcelain arresters
■ Ideal for applications in areas exposed
to high seismic activity, heavy wind loads
and any other demanding mechanical
■ Available as single-unit arrester rated
up to 300 kV or two-unit arresters for
up to 550 kV, minimizing the required
number of units
■ High reliability over a wide range of
temperatures and extreme temperature
changes from – 67 F to + 122 F
(– 55 °C to + 50 °C)

Product Range

For 3EQ and 3EP series we offer 3 models

each. They differ mainly in diameter and
length of the housings and size of the
MOV-blocks to fulfill different customer
requirements. At this time, the 3EL series
has two models, and its range is being

3EL1 3EL2 3EQ1 3EQ4 3EQ3 3EP4 3EP2 3EP3

Silicone Rubber Porcelain

Reliable power transmission … ... even in extreme climates ... ... and high seismic impact locations

Application: Fixed series capacitor Application: Three advanced series Application: Innovative installation of
protected by arrester banks, consisting of 3-phase static compensators protected 3EQ3 surge arresters for protection of
multi-column 3EP3 arresters connected by arrester banks, consisting of multi- hanging thyristor valves in a 500 kV
in parallel column arresters connected in parallel HVDC long-distance power transmission
Key benefits: Improved power trans- Key benefits: Enhanced power trans- system
mission quality. mission quality at high reliability under Key benefits: Superior resistance to seis-
extreme climatic conditions. All our mic shock for optimum reliability of HVDC
Customer: ENTERGY Services Inc. arresters are capable of withstanding transmission. These arresters are capable
Project name: Jacinto temperature extremes of – 67 F to + 122 F of withstanding seismic forces up to 1 g.
Location: Near Cleveland, Texas (– 55 °C to + 50 °C).
Customer: Los Angeles Department
Customer: Hydro-Québec of Water and Power
Project name: Montagnais FSC Project name: Sylmar East,
Location: Montagnais, Quebec, Canada Valve Reconstruction
Location: Sylmar, California
Rating and Specifications

Station Class – Silicone Rubber Housed Surge Arrester, Type 3EL1

Electrical Characteristics

Protective level
Duty cycle TOV
MCOV Arrester order number
voltage Capability1)
Maximum discharge voltage
FOW2) for 8/20 μs for 45/90 μs

for 0.1 s 1.5 kA 3 kA 5 kA 10 kA 20 kA 40 kA 250 A 500 A

[kV] [kV] [kV] [kV cr] [kV cr] [kV cr] [kV cr] [kV cr] [kV cr] [kV cr] [kV cr] [kV cr]
3 2.55 4.0 8.7 6.8 7.1 7.4 8.0 8.9 10.2 6.0 6.1 3EL1 003-1PC21-4YH5
6 5.1 8.0 17.5 13.5 14.2 14.8 15.9 17.8 20.4 11.9 12.2 3EL1 006-1PC21-4YH5
9 7.65 11.9 26.2 20.3 21.2 22.2 23.9 26.7 30.5 17.9 18.4 3EL1 009-1PC21-4YH5
10 8.4 13.1 29.2 22.5 23.6 24.6 26.5 29.7 33.9 19.9 20.4 3EL1 010-1PC21-4YH5
12 10.2 15.9 35.0 27.0 28.3 29.6 31.8 35.6 40.7 23.9 24.5 3EL1 012-1PC21-4YH5
15 12.7 19.8 43.7 33.8 35.4 37.0 39.8 44.5 50.9 29.8 30.6 3EL1 015-1PC21-4YH5
18 15.3 23.9 52.5 40.5 42.5 44.4 47.7 53.4 61.1 35.8 36.7 3EL1 018-1PC21-4YH5
21 17 26.5 61.2 47.3 49.5 51.8 55.7 62.3 71.2 41.7 42.9 3EL1 021-1PE21-4YH5
24 19.5 30.4 70.0 54.1 56.6 59.1 63.6 71.2 81.4 47.7 49.0 3EL1 024-1PE21-4YH5
27 22 34.3 78.7 60.8 63.7 66.5 71.6 80.1 91.6 53.7 55.1 3EL1 027-1PE21-4YH5
30 24.4 38.1 87.5 67.6 70.8 73.9 79.5 89.0 102 59.6 61.2 3EL1 030-1PE21-4YH5
36 29 45.2 105 81.1 84.9 88.7 95.4 107 122 71.6 73.5 3EL1 036-1PE21-4YH5
39 31.5 49.1 114 87.8 92.0 96.1 103 116 132 77.5 79.6 3EL1 039-1PH21-4YH5
45 36.5 56.9 131 101 106 111 119 134 153 89.4 91.8 3EL1 045-1PH21-4YH5
48 39 60.8 140 108 113 118 127 142 163 95.4 97.9 3EL1 048-1PH21-4YH5
54 42 65.5 157 122 127 133 143 160 183 107 110 3EL1 054-1PH21-4YH5
60 48 74.9 175 135 142 148 159 178 204 119 122 3EL1 060-1PH21-4YH5
72 57 88.9 210 162 170 177 191 214 244 143 147 3EL1 072-1PK21-4YH5
90 70 109 262 203 212 222 239 267 305 179 184 3EL1 090-1PK21-4YH5
96 76 119 280 216 226 237 254 285 326 191 196 3EL1 096-1PK21-4YH5
108 84 131 315 243 255 266 286 321 366 215 220 3EL1 108-1PH22-4YH5
120 98 153 350 270 283 296 318 356 407 239 245 3EL1 120-1PH22-4YH5
132 106 165 385 297 311 325 350 392 448 262 269 3EL1 132-1PQ22-4YH5
144 115 179 420 324 340 355 382 427 488 286 294 3EL1 144-1PQ22-4YH5

Table 1: Station Class – Silicone Rubber Housed Surge Arrester, Type 3EL1

Station class 3EL1 Up to

Maximum continuous operating voltage MCOV 115 kV

Duty cycle voltage 144 kV
Low-current, long-duration 500 A
High current pressure relief 65 kA
Low current pressure relief 600 A
High-current, short-duration 100 kA
Impulse classifying current 10 kA
Maximum design cantilever load-static (MDCL) 7430 lbf in
Energy absorption capability thermal 6.3 kJ/kVMCOV
Energy absorption capability impulse 2.6 kJ/kVMCOV

Mechanical Characteristics

Creepage Flashover Height

LIWV3) Weight
distance distance „H“

[inch] [inch] [kV] [inch] [lbs]

35.4 12.4 183 18.1 16
35.4 12.4 183 18.1 16
35.4 12.4 183 18.1 17
35.4 12.4 183 18.1 17
35.4 12.4 183 18.1 17
35.4 12.4 183 18.1 17
35.4 12.4 183 18.1 17
55.1 17.9 264 23.6 22
55.1 17.9 264 23.6 22
55.1 17.9 264 23.6 22
55.1 17.9 264 23.6 22
55.1 17.9 264 23.6 22
80.7 24.8 365 30.5 28
80.7 24.8 365 30.5 28
80.7 24.8 365 30.5 28
80.7 24.8 365 30.5 29
80.7 24.8 365 30.5 29
121 35.8 528 41.5 38
121 35.8 528 41.5 39
121 35.8 528 41.5 39
161 49.6 731 55.1 52
161 49.6 731 55.1 52
202 60.6 893 66.1 61
202 60.6 893 66.1 62

1) Temporary overvoltage with no prior duty

2) 0.5 μs Front-Of-Wave Protective level:
10 kA for 360 kV duty cycle
3) Lightning impulse withstand voltage of
arrester housing

Rating and Specifications

Station Class – Silicone Rubber Housed Arrester, Type 3EL2

Electrical Characteristics

Protective level
Duty cycle TOV
MCOV Arrester order number
voltage Capability1)
Maximum discharge voltage
FOW2) for 8/20 μs for 45/90 μs

for 0.1 s 1.5 kA 3 kA 5 kA 10 kA 20 kA 40 kA 250 A 500 A

[kV] [kV] [kV] [kV cr] [kV cr] [kV cr] [kV cr] [kV cr] [kV cr] [kV cr] [kV cr] [kV cr]
9 7.65 11.9 24.2 19.0 19.8 20.7 22.0 24.5 27.8 17.2 17.6 3EL2 009-2PC31-4NH5
10 8.4 13.1 26.4 20.7 21.6 22.6 24.0 26.7 30.3 18.8 19.2 3EL2 010-2PC31-4NH5
12 10.2 15.9 31.9 25.0 26.1 27.3 29.0 32.2 36.6 22.7 23.2 3EL2 012-2PC31-4NH5
15 12.7 19.8 39.6 31.0 32.4 33.9 36.0 40.0 45.4 28.1 28.8 3EL2 015-2PC31-4NH5
18 15.3 23.9 47.3 37.0 38.7 40.5 43.0 47.8 54.2 33.6 34.4 3EL2 018-2PC31-4NH5
21 17.0 26.5 55.0 43.0 45.0 47.0 50.0 55.5 63.0 39.0 40.0 3EL2 021-2PC31-4NH5
24 19.5 30.4 63.8 49.9 52.2 54.6 58.0 64.4 73.1 45.3 46.4 3EL2 024-2PC31-4NH5
27 22 34.3 71.5 55.9 58.5 61.1 65.0 72.2 81.9 50.7 52.0 3EL2 027-2PC31-4NH5
30 24.4 38.1 79.2 62.0 64.8 67.7 72.0 80.0 90.8 56.2 57.6 3EL2 030-2PC31-4NH5
36 29.0 45.2 94.6 74.0 77.4 80.9 86.0 95.5 108 67.1 68.8 3EL2 036-2PF31-4NH5
39 31.5 49.1 103 80.9 84.6 88.4 94.0 104 119 73.4 75.2 3EL2 039-2PF31-4NH5
45 36.5 56.9 119 92.9 97.2 102 108 120 136 84.3 86.4 3EL2 045-2PF31-4NH5
48 39 60.8 127 99 104 108 115 128 145 89.7 92.0 3EL2 048-2PF31-4NH5
54 42 65.5 143 112 117 122 130 144 164 101 104 3EL2 054-2PF31-4NH5
60 48 74.9 158 124 130 135 144 160 182 112 115 3EL2 060-2PF31-4NH5
72 57 88.9 190 149 156 163 173 192 218 135 138 3EL2 072-2PJ31-4NH5
90 70 109 238 186 194 203 216 240 272 169 173 3EL2 090-2PJ31-4NH5
96 76 119 253 198 207 216 230 255 290 179 184 3EL2 096-2PJ31-4NH5
108 84 131 285 223 233 244 259 288 326 202 207 3EL2 108-2PM31-4NH5
111 88 137 293 229 239 250 266 295 335 208 213 3EL2 111-2PM31-4NH5
120 98 153 317 248 259 271 288 320 363 225 230 3EL2 120-2PM31-4NH5
132 106 165 349 273 285 298 317 352 400 247 254 3EL2 132-2PQ32-4NH5
144 115 179 381 298 311 325 346 384 436 270 277 3EL2 144-2PQ32-4NH5
168 131 204 443 347 363 379 403 447 508 314 322 3EL2 168-2PJ32-4NH5
172 140 218 454 355 372 388 413 459 520 322 330 3EL2 172-2PJ32-4NH5
180 144 225 475 372 389 406 432 480 544 337 346 3EL2 180-2PJ32-4NH5
192 152 237 507 397 415 433 461 512 581 360 369 3EL2 192-2PJ32-4NH5
228 180 281 602 471 492 514 547 607 689 427 438 3EL2 228-2PW32-4NH5
240 190 296 634 495 518 542 576 639 726 449 461 3EL2 240-2PW32-4NH5
258 209 326 652 516 534 558 593 652 712 469 480 3EL2 258-3PW42-4NH5
264 212 331 668 528 546 571 607 668 728 480 492 3EL2 264-3PW42-4NH5
276 220 343 699 553 572 597 635 699 762 502 514 3EL2 276-3PW42-4NH5
288 230 359 728 576 596 622 662 728 794 523 536 3EL2 288-3PM42-4NH5
294 235 367 744 588 608 636 676 744 811 534 548 3EL2 294-3PM42-4NH5

Table 2: Station Class – Silicone Rubber Housed Arrester, Type 3EL2

Station class 3EL2 Up to

Maximum continuous operating voltage MCOV 235 kV

Duty cycle voltage 294 kV
Low-current, long-duration 1200 A
High current pressure relief 65 kA
Low current pressure relief 600 A
High-current, short-duration 100 kA
Impulse classifying current 10 kA
Maximum design cantilever load-static (MDCL) 24782 lbf in
Energy absorption capability thermal 10 kJ/kVMCOV
Energy absorption capability impulse 3.5 kJ/kVMCOV

Mechanical Characteristics

Creepage Flashover Height

LIWV3) Weight
distance distance „H“

[inch] [inch] [kV] [inch] [lbs]

59.1 16.0 235 19.0 35
59.1 16.0 235 19.0 36
59.1 16.0 235 19.0 36
59.1 16.0 235 19.0 36
59.1 16.0 235 19.0 37
59.1 16.0 235 19.0 37
59.1 16.0 235 19.0 37
59.1 16.0 235 19.0 38
59.1 16.0 235 19.0 38
94.4 24.8 365 27.8 47
94.4 24.8 365 27.8 48
94.4 24.8 365 27.8 48
94.4 24.8 365 27.8 49
94.4 24.8 365 27.8 50
94.4 24.8 365 27.8 51
151 38.8 571 41.9 65
151 38.8 571 41.9 68
151 38.8 571 41.9 69
179 45.9 676 48.9 77
179 45.9 676 48.9 77
179 45.9 676 48.9 79
245 54.7 900 69.4 99
245 63.6 900 69.4 108
301 77.6 900 83.5 132
301 77.6 900 83.5 133
301 77.6 900 83.5 134
301 77.6 900 83.5 137
329 84.6 1000 90.5 149
357 91.7 1000 97.5 155
329 84.6 1000 96.7 153
329 84.6 1000 96.7 155
329 84.6 1000 96.7 156
357 91.7 1100 104 165
357 91.7 1100 104 166

1) Temporary overvoltage with no prior duty

2) 0.5 μs Front-Of-Wave Protective level:
10 kA for 360 kV duty cycle
3) Lightning impulse withstand voltage
of arrester housing

Rating and Specifications

Station Class – Silicone Rubber Arrester, Type 3EQ

and Porcelain Arrester, Type 3EP

If the offered values of our standard arresters type 3EQ

and 3EP do not meet your requirements customized arresters
can be provided on special request. Porcelain type 3EP3 Silicone Rubber type 3EQ4 (550 kV)
(420 kV)

Electrical Characteristics for 3EQ & 3EP

Duty Protective level

TOV Catalog
cycle MCOV
capability 1) number
voltage Maximum discharge voltage
for 0.1 s FOW 3) for 8/20 μs (impulse) for 45/90 μs (impulse)

1.5 kA 3 kA 5 kA 10 kA 15 kA 20 kA 40 kA 500 A 1 kA 2 kA
[kV] [kV] [kV] [kV] [kV] [kV] [kV] [kV] [kV] [kV] [kV] [kV] [kV] [kV]
30 24.4 38 87.5 67.6 70.8 73.9 79.5 85.1 89.0 102 61.2 63.6 66.8 3EQ1 030-1PB21-4NH5
36 29.0 45 105 81.1 84.9 88.7 95.4 102 107 122 73.5 76.3 80.1 3EQ1 036-1PB21-4NH5
39 31.5 49 113 87.6 91.7 95.8 103 110 115 132 79.3 82.4 86.5 3EQ1 039-1PB21-4NH5
45 36.5 57 119 92.9 97.2 102 108 114 120 136 86.4 88.6 92.9 3EQ1 045-2PB31-4NH5
48 39 61 127 98.9 104 108 115 122 128 145 92.0 94.3 98.9 3EQ1 048-2PB31-4NH5
54 42 66 143 112 117 122 130 138 144 164 104 107 112 3EQ1 054-2PB31-4NH5
60 48 75 158 124 130 135 144 153 160 181 115 118 124 3EQ1 060-2PB31-4NH5
72 57 89 190 149 156 163 173 183 192 218 138 142 149 3EQ1 072-2PB31-4NH5
90 70 109 238 186 194 203 216 229 240 272 173 177 186 3EQ1 090-2PE31-4NH5
96 76 119 253 198 207 216 230 244 255 290 184 189 198 3EQ1 096-2PE31-4NH5
108 84 131 285 223 233 243 259 275 287 326 207 212 223 3EQ1 108-2PJ31-4NH5
111 88 137 293 229 239 250 266 282 295 335 213 218 229 3EQ1 111-2PJ31-4NH5
120 98 153 325 254 266 277 295 313 327 372 236 242 254 3EQ1 120-2PJ31-4NH5
132 106 165 349 273 285 298 317 336 352 399 254 260 273 3EQ1 132-2PP31-4NH5
144 115 179 381 298 311 325 346 367 384 436 277 284 298 3EQ1 144-2PP31-4NH5
168 131 204 443 347 363 379 403 427 447 508 322 330 347 3EQ1 168-2PS31-4NH5
172 140 218 454 355 372 388 413 438 458 520 330 339 355 3EQ1 172-2PJ32-4NH5
180 144 225 475 372 389 406 432 458 480 544 346 378 372 3EQ1 180-2PJ32-4NH5
192 152 237 507 396 415 433 461 489 512 581 369 378 396 3EQ1 192-2PJ32-4NH5
228 180 281 602 470 492 514 547 580 607 689 438 449 470 3EQ1 228-2PJ32-4NH5
240 190 296 634 495 518 541 576 611 639 726 461 472 495 3EQ1 240-2PJ32-4NH5
258 209 326 681 532 557 582 619 656 687 780 495 508 532 3EQ1 258-2PP32-4NH5
264 212 331 697 545 571 596 634 672 704 799 507 520 545 3EQ1 264-2PP32-4NH5
276 220 343 728 569 596 622 662 702 735 834 530 543 569 3EQ1 276-2PP32-4NH5
288 230 359 760 594 622 650 691 732 767 871 553 567 594 3EQ1 288-2PP32-4NH5
294 235 367 777 607 635 664 706 748 784 890 565 579 607 3EQ4 294-2PN32-4NH1
300 245 382 776 613 635 663 705 740 776 846 571 585 613 3EQ4 300-3PN42-4NH1
312 249 388 806 638 660 689 733 770 806 880 594 608 638 3EQ4 312-3PN42-4NH1
336 272 424 869 687 711 743 790 830 869 948 640 656 687 3EQ4 336-3PR42-4NH1
360 291 454 931 736 761 795 846 888 931 1,015 685 702 736 3EQ4 360-3PR42-4NH1
396 318 496 1,075 819 857 884 931 978 1,015 1,108 763 791 819 3EQ4 396-4PV52-4NH1
420 335 523 1,116 850 889 918 966 1,014 1,053 1,150 792 821 850 3EQ4 420-4PV52-4NH1
444 353 551 1,133 881 911 941 990 1,030 1,069 1,168 832 851 881 3EQ4 444-5PV52-4NH1
468 372 580 1,240 929 960 992 1,044 1,086 1,128 1,232 877 898 929 3EQ3 468-5PV52-4NH1
588 470 733 1,557 1,167 1,206 1,245 1,311 1,363 1,416 1,547 1,101 1,127 1,167 3EQ3 588-5PT53-4NH1
612 485 757 1,622 1,215 1,256 1,297 1,365 1,420 1,474 1,611 1,147 1,174 1,215 3EQ3 612-5PU53-4NH1

Table 3: Station Class – Silicone Rubber Arrester, Type 3EQ and Porcelain Arrester, Type 3EP

Voltage per unit MCOV

Station class 3EL2 Up to
Preheating 140 F/60 °C
no prior duty Maximum continuous operating voltage MCOV 485 kV
1.5 Preheating 140 F/60 °C Duty cycle voltage 612 kV
prior duty
1.4 Low-current, long-duration 2100 A
High current pressure relief 65 kA
Low current pressure relief 600 A
High-current, short-duration 100 kA
1.1 Impulse classifying current 20 kA
Time in
seconds Maximum design cantilever load-static (MDCL) 361,110 lbf in
0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000 10000 Energy absorption capability thermal 22.5 kJ/kVMCOV
Energy absorption capability impulse 14 kJ/kVMCOV

TOV characteristics – valid for all surge arresters in this catalogue

Mechanical Characteristics for 3EQ (Silicone) Mechanical Characteristics for 3EP (Porcelain)

Short Creep- Grading Canti- Flash- Short Creep- Grading Canti- Flash-
circuit age Weight Height ring lever over LIWV4) circuit age Weight Height ring lever over BIL
current distance diameter strength2) distance current distance diameter strength2) distance
0.2 s 0.2 s

[inch- [inch-
[kA] [in] [lbs] [in] [in] lbf] [in] [kV] [kA] [in] [lbs] [in] [in] lbf] [in] [kV]
50 81.6 46 34.8 – 37.173 23.6 348 3EP4 030-1PC21-3NH5 65 38.5 53 21.9 – 47.794 13.9 206
50 81.6 46 34.8 – 37.173 23.6 348 3EP4 036-1PC21-3NH5 65 38.5 53 21.9 – 47.794 13.9 206
50 81.6 46 34.8 – 37.173 23.6 348 3EP4 039-1PC21-3NH5 65 38.5 53 21.9 – 47.794 13.9 206
50 81.6 53 34.8 – 37.173 23.6 348 3EP4 045-2PD31-3NH5 65 98.0 99 41.3 – 47.794 32.8 484
50 81.6 53 34.8 – 37.173 23.6 348 3EP4 048-2PD31-3NH5 65 98.0 99 41.3 – 47.794 32.8 484
50 81.6 55 34.8 – 37.173 23.6 348 3EP4 054-2PD31-3NH5 65 98.0 101 41.3 – 47.794 32.8 484
50 81.6 57 34.8 – 37.173 23.6 348 3EP4 060-2PD31-3NH5 65 98.0 104 41.3 – 47.794 32.8 484
50 81.6 60 34.8 – 37.173 23.6 348 3EP4 072-2PD31-3NH5 65 98.0 106 41.3 – 47.794 32.8 484
40 103.7 68 40.7 – 37.173 29.5 435 3EP4 090-2PD31-3NH5 65 98.0 110 41.3 – 47.794 32.8 484
40 103.7 71 40.7 – 37.173 29.5 435 3EP4 096-2PD31-3NH5 65 98.0 112 41.3 – 47.794 32.8 484
40 133.4 79 48.6 – 37.173 37.4 551 3EP4 108-2PE31-3NH5 65 134.0 143 51.8 – 47.794 44.6 658
40 133.4 79 48.6 – 37.173 37.4 551 3EP4 111-2PE31-3NH5 65 134.0 143 51.8 – 47.794 44.6 658
40 133.4 84 48.6 – 37.173 37.4 551 3EP4 120-2PE31-3NH5 65 134.0 146 51.8 – 47.794 44.6 658
40 170.4 93 58.5 – 37.173 47.2 696 3EP4 132-2PE31-3NH5 65 134.0 150 51.8 – 47.794 44.6 658
40 170.4 95 58.5 – 37.173 47.2 696 3EP4 144-2PF31-3NH5 50 150.9 163 57.5 – 47.794 49.0 722
40 192.7 108 64.4 31.5 37.173 53.1 783 3EP4 168-2PD32-3NH5 65 196.0 231 82.7 31.5 47.794 65.7 750
40 266.9 152 97.2 31.5 37.173 72.8 900 3EP4 172-2PD32-3NH5 65 196.0 234 82.7 31.5 47.794 65.7 750
40 266.9 152 97.2 31.5 37.173 72.8 900 3EP4 180-2PD32-3NH5 65 196.0 234 82.7 31.5 47.794 65.7 750
40 266.9 154 97.2 31.5 37.173 72.8 900 3EP4 192-2PD32-3NH5 65 196.0 238 82.7 31.5 47.794 65.7 750
40 266.9 168 97.2 31.5 37.173 72.8 900 3EP4 228-2PD32-4NH5 65 268.1 302 103.5 31.5 47.794 80.5 950
40 266.9 170 97.2 31.5 37.173 72.8 900 3EP2 240-2PF32-3NH1 65 251.1 437 115.4 39.4 132.761 83.6 1,050
40 340.9 198 116.9 39.4 37.173 85.0 1,050 3EP2 258-2PG32-3NH1 65 283.8 478 127.6 39.4 132.761 95.6 1,200
40 340.9 198 116.9 39.4 37.173 85.0 1,050 3EP2 264-2PG32-3NH1 65 283.8 478 127.6 39.4 132.761 95.6 1,200
40 340.9 201 116.9 39.4 37.173 85.0 1,050 3EP2 276-2PG32-3NH1 65 283.8 481 127.6 39.4 132.761 95.6 1,200
40 340.9 205 116.9 39.4 37.173 85.0 1,050 3EP2 288-2PG32-4NH1 65 317.7 602 127.6 39.4 132.761 95.6 1,200
65 400.3 392 138.6 47.2 130.106 100 1,300 3EP2 294-2PG32-4NH1 65 317.7 606 127.6 39.4 132.761 95.6 1,200
65 400.3 430 138.6 47.2 130.106 100 1,300 3EP2 300-3PG42-4NH1 65 317.7 644 127.6 39.4 132.761 95.6 1,200
65 400.3 434 138.6 47.2 130.106 100 1,300 3EP2 312-3PG42-4NH1 65 317.7 648 127.6 39.4 132.761 95.6 1,200
65 400.3 467 138.6 70.9 130.106 100 1,300 3EP2 336-3PD43-4NH1 65 346.6 752 145.9 47.2 132.761 110 1,300
65 400.3 476 138.6 70.9 130.106 100 1,300 3EP2 360-3PF43-3NH1 65 376.6 675 173.0 47.2 132.761 123 1,700
65 400.3 553 138.6 70.9 130.106 100 1,300 3EP2 396-4PF53-4NH1 65 414.5 899 173.0 70.9 132.761 123 1,700
65 607.4 564 193.7 70.9 130.106 134 1,850 3EP2 420-4PD54-4NH1 65 462.2 1,010 194.5 70.9 132.761 137 1,800
65 607.4 721 193.7 70.9 130.106 134 1,850 3EP3 444-5PH53-4NH1 65 552.1 1,770 193.7 70.9 361.110 142 1,750
65 651.9 928 204.7 70.9 260.212 144 1,800 3EP3 468-5PH53-4NH1 65 552.1 1,784 193.7 70.9 361.110 142 1,750
65 889.3 1,259 283.5 86.6 260.212 200 2,400 3EP3 588-5PK54-4NH1 65 868.5 2,630 294.5 86.6 361.110 211 2,500
65 925.5 1,305 295.3 86.6 260.212 212 2,500 3EP3 612-5PK54-4NH1 65 868.5 2,648 294.5 86.6 361.110 211 2,500

1) Temporary overvoltage with no prior duty

2) Cantilever strength: MDCL-static acc. to IEEE Std C62.11-1999
3) 0.5 μs front-of-wave protective level: 10 kA for 240 kV duty cycle,
15 kA for 396–444 kV duty cycle, 20 kA for 468–612 kV duty cycle
4) Lightning impulse withstand voltage of arrester housing
Typical Station Class
Arresters Assigned to Respective Voltages

Max system Max system Station class

Station class surge arrester
L–L voltage voltage L-G surge arrester

[kV] [kV] 3EL1 3EL2 3EQ 3EP

4.37 2.52 3EL1 003-1PC21-4YH5
3EL1 006-1PC21-4YH5
8.73 5.04
3EL1 009-1PC21-4YH5 3EL2 009-2PF31-4NH5
3EL1 009-1PC21-4YH5 3EL2 009-2PF31-4NH5
13.1 7.56 3EL1 010-1PC21-4YH5 3EL2 010-2PF31-4NH5
3EL1 012-1PC21-4YH5 3EL2 012-2PF31-4NH5
3EL1 010-1PC21-4YH5 3EL2 010-2PF31-4NH5
13.86 8.00 3EL1 012-1PC21-4YH5 3EL2 012-2PF31-4NH5
3EL1 015-1PC21-4YH5 3EL2 015-2PF31-4NH5
3EL1 010-1PC21-4YH5 3EL2 010-2PF31-4NH5
14.5 8.37 3EL1 012-1PC21-4YH5 3EL2 012-2PF31-4NH5
3EL1 015-1PC21-4YH5 3EL2 015-2PF31-4NH5
3EL1 018-1PC21-4YH5 3EL2 018-2PF31-4NH5
3EL1 021-1PE21-4YH5 3EL2 021-2PF31-4NH5
26.2 15.1
3EL1 024-1PE21-4YH5 3EL2 024-2PF31-4NH5
3EL1 027-1PE21-4YH5 3EL2 027-2PF31-4NH5
3EL1 027-1PE21-4YH5 3EL2 027-2PF31-4NH5
36.2 20.9 3EL1 030-1PE21-4YH5 3EL2 030-2PF31-4NH5 3EQ1 030-1PB21-4NH5 3EP4 030-1PC21-3NH5
3EL1 036-1PE21-4YH5 3EL2 036-2PF31-4NH5 3EQ1 036-1PB21-4NH5 3EP4 036-1PC21-3NH5
3EL1 036-1PE21-4YH5 3EL2 036-2PF31-4NH5 3EQ1 036-1PB21-4NH5 3EP4 036-1PC21-3NH5
3EL1 039-1PH21-4YH5 3EL2 039-2PF31-4NH5 3EQ1 039-1PB21-4NH5 3EP4 039-1PC21-3NH5
48.3 27.8
3EL1 045-1PH21-4YH5 3EL2 045-2PF31-4NH5 3EQ1 045-2PB31-4NH5 3EP4 045-2PD31-3NH5
3EL1 048-1PH21-4YH5 3EL2 048-2PF31-4NH5 3EQ1 048-2PB31-4NH5 3EP4 048-2PD31-3NH5
3EL1 054-1PH21-4YH5 3EL2 054-2PF31-4NH5 3EQ1 054-2PB31-4NH5 3EP4 054-2PD31-3NH5
72.5 41.8 3EL1 060-1PH21-4YH5 3EL2 060-2PF31-4NH5 3EQ1 060-2PB31-4NH5 3EP4 060-2PD31-3NH5
3EL1 072-1PK21-4YH5 3EL2 072-2PJ31-4NH5 3EQ1 072-2PB31-4NH5 3EP4 072-2PD31-3NH5
3EL1 090-1PK21-4YH5 3EL2 090-2PJ31-4NH5 3EQ1 090-2PE31-4NH5 3EP4 090-2PD31-3NH5
3EL1 096-1PK21-4YH5 3EL2 096-2PJ31-4NH5 3EQ1 096-2PE31-4NH5 3EP4 096-2PD31-3NH5
121 69.8
3EL1 108-1PH22-4YH5 3EL2 108-2PM31-4NH5 3EQ1 108-2PJ31-4NH5 3EP4 108-2PE31-3NH5
3EL1 120-1PH22-4YH5 3EL2 120-2PM31-4NH5 3EQ1 120-2PJ31-4NH5 3EP4 120-2PE31-3NH5
3EL1 108-1PH22-4YH5 3EL2 108-2PM31-4NH5 3EQ1 108-2PJ31-4NH5 3EP4 108-2PE31-3NH5
3EL1 120-1PH22-4YH5 3EL2 120-2PM31-4NH5 3EQ1 120-2PJ31-4NH5 3EP4 120-2PE31-3NH5
145 83.7
3EL1 132-1PQ22-4YH5 3EL2 132-2PQ32-4NH5 3EQ1 132-2PP31-4NH5 3EP4 132-2PE31-3NH5
3EL1 144-1PQ22-4YH5 3EL2 144-2PQ32-4NH5 3EQ1 144-2PP31-4NH5 3EP4 144-2PF31-3NH5
3EL2 120-2PM31-4NH5 3EQ1 120-2PJ31-4NH5 3EP4 120-2PE31-3NH5
3EL2 132-2PQ32-4NH5 3EQ1 132-2PP31-4NH5 3EP4 132-2PE31-3NH5
169 97.5 3EL2 144-2PQ32-4NH5 3EQ1 144-2PP31-4NH5 3EP4 144-2PF31-3NH5
3EL2 168-2PJ32-4NH5 3EQ1 168-2PS31-4NH5 3EP4 168-2PD32-3NH5
3EL2 172-2PJ32-4NH5 3EQ1 172-2PJ32-4NH5 3EP4 172-2PD32-3NH5
3EL2 172-2PJ32-4NH5 3EQ1 172-2PJ32-4NH5 3EP4 172-2PD32-3NH5
3EL2 180-2PJ32-4NH5 3EQ1 180-2PJ32-4NH5 3EP4 180-2PD32-3NH5
242 139 3EL2 192-2PJ32-4NH5 3EQ1 192-2PJ32-4NH5 3EP4 192-2PD32-3NH5
3EL2 228-2PW32-4NH5 3EQ1 228-2PJ32-4NH5 3EP4 228-2PD32-4NH5
3EL2 240-2PW32-4NH5 3EQ1 240-2PJ32-4NH5 3EP2 240-2PF32-3NH1
3EL2 258-3PW42-4NH5 3EQ1 258-2PP32-4NH5 3EP2 258-2PG32-3NH1
3EL2 264-3PW42-4NH5 3EQ1 264-2PP32-4NH5 3EP2 264-2PG32-3NH1
3EL2 276-3PW42-4NH5 3EQ1 276-2PP32-4NH5 3EP2 276-2PG32-3NH1
362 209 3EL2 288-3PM42-4NH5 3EQ1 288-2PP32-4NH5 3EP2 288-2PG32-4NH1
3EL2 294-3PM42-4NH5 3EQ4 294-2PN32-4NH1 3EP2 294-2PG32-4NH1
3EQ4 300-3PN42-4NH1 3EP2 300-3PG42-4NH1
3EQ4 312-3PN42-4NH1 3EP2 312-3PG42-4NH1
3EQ4 396-4PV52-4NH1 3EP2 396-4PF53-4NH1
3EQ4 420-4PV52-4NH1 3EP2 420-4PD54-4NH1
550 317
3EQ4 444-5PV52-4NH1 3EP3 444-5PH53-4NH1
3EQ3 468-5PV52-4NH1 3EP3 468-5PH53-4NH1
3EQ3 588-5PT53-4NH1 3EP3 588-5PK54-4NH1
800 461
3EQ3 612-5PU53-4NH1 3EP3 612-5PK54-4NH1

3EL1 Base, Line Terminal and
Standard Terminal Connector Assembly

3EL1 3EL1

0.5 1.7






0.6 2.0





0.9 1.4

Flat terminal 3EL1 Standard Connector Terminal 3EL1

Control Devices for Surge Arresters

Control spark gap 3EX6040

To estimate the current that flows through
the surge arrester in case of an overvoltage
depending on the size of burning marks and
Adapter Plates for Varying Mounting Requirements to count the surges

3EL2 3EQ

grounded M12 grounded



M12 Ø
isolated isolated

Ø M12
≤ 0.6

Ø 0.55

3EL2 3EQ1

15 isolated
M20 12


0.4 thick

Ø 0.55


M20 isolated


11 0.55


All types are equipped with NEMA 4-hole HV-terminal 3EQ3

Sensor 3EX5060 Display unit 3EX5062

Surge counter 3EX5030 Surge counter 3EX5050 Surge counter with leakage current meter for using the display unit
with leakage current meter far away from the surge arrester up to distances of max. 220 yards

3EP Option on request

M12 grounded




A Ø 0.9 A Ø 0.9
M12 isolated
10 C 10”B
Ø M12 10”B

3EP4 3EQ4 grounded 3EQ4 isolated

M16 M12 M16 isolated grounded

Ø 0.9


Ø 10



3EP2 3EP2

M20 M12 5.3



12 Ø 0.55

15 0.2 thick

3EP3 NEMA-ground terminal for 3EQ4, 3EQ3, 3EP2, 3EP3

All dimensions in inches

Published by and copyright © 2009:
Siemens AG
Energy Sector
Freyeslebenstrasse 1
91058 Erlangen, Germany

Siemens Energy, Inc.

Power Transmission Division
444 Highway 49 South
Richland, MS 39218
Toll-free: +1 (800) 347-6659
Phone: +1 (601) 932-9800
Fax: +1 (601) 932-9911

Power Transmission Division

Order No. E50001-F630-A128-X-4AUS
Printed in Germany
TH 263-090146 470300 PA 02090.5

Printed on elementary chlorine-free bleached paper.

All rights reserved.

Trademarks mentioned in this document
are the property of Siemens AG, its affiliates,
or their respective owners.

Subject to change without prior notice.

The information in this document contains general
descriptions of the technical options available, which
may not apply in all cases. The required technical
options should therefore be specified in the contract.

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