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Station class polymeric

surge arresters
STATION CLASS POLYMERIC SURGE ARRESTERS The origin of this successful service record is the exhaustive, fully
automated, 100% quality control system. Quality control com-
INAEL Station Class Surge Arresters offer unrivalled performance mences with each and every varistor that is produced. Varistors
and optimum cost. INAEL has pursued exhaustive R&D on the pass through individual 100% exhaustive tests that guarantee
basic ceramic semiconductor components, the ZnO-based va- excellent performance and service stability. Tests results are in-
ristor blocks, designed and manufactured by us. This fact allows dividually recorded and varistors are marked, so each individual
optimization of the cost/performance relation, as well as easy block is fully traceable. Then varistors are assembled into stacks
tailoring and customization of performance parameters for any and packaged in the silicone housing in order to produce a final
specific application. Overvoltage protection with INAEL surge arrester, which in turn goes through a specially designed set of
arresters has more than 15 years of excellent track record all control tests in order to determine its optimum performance
through the world, with hundredths of thousand of arresters ins- and to filter out any malfunctioning unit, no matter how tiny the
talled across Europe. malfunction could be. Further details on quality control proce-
dures are available on-line. Full details on quality control proce-
Excellent short-circuit performance, which guarantees a non- dures are available under request.
shattering behavior of the polymeric housing, allows for safe
indoor application of INAEL arresters. The whole housing acts as
a carefully designed pressure relief device, thanks to a specific MAIN INNOVATIONS INCLUDE:
packaging technology that combines robustness with easy over-
pressure self-relief. n Improved protection levels for better insulation coordination.
In addition, INAEL’s varistor technology allows for residual vol-
The housing material is top-quality un-blended silicone, sealed tages to be customized on request.
through a specific process that guarantees water-tightness and
prevents moisture ingress under any conditions, no matter how n Increased energy efficiency through reduced power losses
harassing. The system has been thoroughly tested for environ- under maximum continuous operating voltage.
mental ageing, having surpassed the most severe tests within
international standards. In particular, recent studies demons- n High energy handling capability and thermal stability.
trate the correlation between materials successfully passing the
IEC 5000 hours accelerated ageing test, and materials that have n Improved stability of electric performance through the years.
been in service for more than 20 years now without any indica- Special production technology allows for increased stability
tion of problems. Respectively, materials that have presented of varistor materials.
service problems over a period below 10 years strongly correlate
with materials and designs that were not put under accelerated n Outstanding performance under harassing environmental
ageing tests. INAEL is proud of an excellent service record is ex- conditions. Proven track record under dense salt-fog, and
traordinary, with our arresters being installed all around the strong abrasive winds. Water-tight sealing system provides a
world, under all kinds of harassing environmental conditions long-lasting barrier against moisture ingress.
(high salinity, strong winds with particles in suspension, high
temperatures, dense fogs and heavy rains) without any failure n The built-in pressure-relief capacity provides non-shattering
being ever reported. performance under short-circuit conditions. It allows for safe
indoor installation and safe operation under any circumstance.


Grid reliability and power supply quality are a main concern in

today’s transmission and distribution. The grid evolves towards
new paradigms such as the widespread expansion of distributed
generation, or the active and bidirectional flow of energy. All
these concepts turn the grid into a sensitive object, where the
requirements for supply reliability and grid stability become in-
creasingly important. The transmission lines are critical elements
for guaranteeing this reliability: many of them are overloaded
and operating in conditions where any small disturbance might
affect the system safety at a larger level.

In particular, transmission lines suffer outages due to a number

of transient overvoltage conditions that largely exceed the in-
sulation withstand and cause insulation flashover. These outages
are a risk for system safety and stability, and they have a strong
economic impact in terms of loss of supply quality and (in some
countries) penalties on the energy sales. In many countries,
more than half of the electrical faults of overhead transmission
lines are caused by lightning-induced overvoltages, and about
20%-30% of these faults extend to double-circuit faults. Ultima-
tely, lightning strikes are the main cause for outgaes in overhead
transmission, although other forms of overvoltage (typically
switching surges) have been known to also (occasionally)
exceed insulation withstand and cause flashover.

Arrester application in transmission lines is a reliable and effi- harassing: our polymeric housing (both regarding materials,
cient way of improving the lightning performance. This can also insulator profile, and manufacturing details) has been tested
be achieved by improving the shielding angle or reducing the according to the most severe international standards, and also
tower footing impedances. Surge arresters are the only solution according to particulates standards of utilities all across the
for lines with a poor shielding or for those sections of a line with world.
very high tower footing impedance (typically due to a high soil-
resistivity). Arresters avoid lightning flashovers since the usual
insulation level of transmission lines is much higher than the re- ADDITIONAL ADVANTAGES ARE:
sidual voltage developed across arresters, irrespectively of the
overvoltage cause: a shielding failure (causing direct flashover), n Energy-efficient due to ultra-low-loss technology
or a ground-related phenomena, that causes the dangerous
backflashovers. Additionally, arrester application reduces pro- n Optimized protection levels due to new varistor technology
pagating overvoltage levels, for example when the line is ener- allowing for lower residual voltages
gized and a strong switching overvoltage piles-up.
n Excellent performance reliability under moisture, pollution,
INAEL Transmission line arresters are directly installed in the salt-fog, abrasive wind or any other environmental conditions.
transmission lines, arranged in parallel with the insulator strings.
INAEL provides specific case analysis, giving advice on the ideal n High performance stability even after severe discharge. Multi-
mounting arrangement so as to avoid any kind of transverse- pulse tested.
discharge between the insulator string and the arrester. INAEL
Transmission line arresters are gapless designs and benefit n Safety of operation under short-circuit conditions due to non-
from an advanced ultra-low-loss varistor technology. The shattering nature of the housing.
gapless design brings to the transmission lines all the benefits
already consolidated on distribution networks and station ap- n An automatic ground-lead disconnector can be attached
plications. In addition, INAEL arresters offer outstanding per- under request, isolating the arrester from the line in case of
formance under any environmental conditions, no matter how permanent short-circuit, hence guaranteeing line supply.


INZSP 24 / 10 / 2
Station class surge
INZSP arrester

24 voltage
Rated discharge
10 current Arcing distance
Creepage distance
Line discharge
2 class

INZLP 24 / 10 / 2
Transmission Line Surge
INZLP Arrester

24 voltage
Rated discharge
10 current
Arcing distance
Line discharge
2 class Creepage distance


Rated voltage Ur (kV) 6 – 120

Rated discharge current (kA) 10
Line discharge class (IEC 60099-4) 2
High-current withstand 4/10 μs (kA) 100
Low-current/long duration withstand 2500μs (A) 550
Energy absorption capability (based on two
Low-current/long-duration discharges) 5.5 kJ/kV
Short-circuit current 40 kA – 1 s
Pull-strength (N) 1150
Cantilever withstand (N) 350
Torsion withstand (N.m) 70
Temporary overvoltage with prior duty 1s 1.32 pu (Uc)
10s 1.26 pu (Uc)
100s 1.19 pu (Uc)


Rated Maximum Residual Residual voltage H Housing

Voltage Continuous voltage under under switching (mm) Arcing Creepage
MODEL (Ur) - kV Operating Voltage 8/20μs – 10 kA impulse – kV (*) distance distance
(MCOV or Uc) - kV (kV) mm mm

INZSP 06/10/2 6 5,1 15,1 14,4 216 172 462

INZSP 12/10/2 12 10,2 30,3 24,7 216 172 462
INZSP 18/10/2 18 15,3 45,4 37,1 249 217 603
INZSP 24/10/2 24 19,5 58 47,4 310 265 795
INZSP 30/10/2 30 24,4 73,2 59,7 355 265 980
INZSP 36/10/2 36 29 87,5 71,4 456 412 1135
INZSP 42/10/2 42 34 100 80,7 456 412 1135
INZSP 48/10/2 48 39 116 94,8 456 412 1135
INZSP 54/10/2 54 42 125 102 627 573 1775
INZSP 60/10/2 60 48 142 116 672 616 1960
INZSP 66/10/2 66 54 156 128 773 720 2115
INZSP 72/10/2 72 57 167 136 874 824 2270
INZSP 90/10/2 90 70 210 171 874 824 2270
INZSP 96/10/2 96 76 224 183 1032 985 2910
INZSP 108/10/2 108 84 250 205 1097 1132 3250
INZSP 120/10/2 120 98 281 238 1299 1236 3405
INZSP 132/10/2 132 106 308 261 1299 1236 3405

* Based on a 45/90μs waveshape with 500 A for rated voltages up to and including 96 kV, and 1000 A for rated voltages above 96 kV.



Two or three-hole
mounting system,

Other mounting
upon request.



Manufactured in Al-alloy
and intended for use with
Al or Al-steel conductors.

Size (mm) Nº Torque Øconductor U.T.S.

Type A B C of U-bolts (daN.m) min–max (mm) Conductor type (KN)

GS-1 144 50 18 2 x M10 1.5 5 - 12 LA-30, LA-56, LA-78 28

GS-2 173 58 18 2 x M12 3 12 - 17 LA-110, LA-142 48
GS-3 210 71.5 27 2 x M12 4 17 - 23 LA-180 70


Polymer insulator intended for insulating the

metal base of the arrester from ground in
order for a specific ground lead to be attached
that can lead the current through a discharge
counter or a diagnosis/analysis system. The in-
sulator is available only for the three-hole
mounting arrangement.

Insulator Mounting



For rated voltages above 120 kV


The discharge counter is an option. It records

the number of discharges of the arrester. It
counts any discharge above 200 A with wa-
veshape longer than 8/20μs. It does not
require any separate energy source. It inclu-
des an ammeter for a 0-30 mA range, with 1
mA accuracy. This device provides the actual
sum of the current flowing through the inter-
nal active arrester elements (the varistors)
plus the external leakage across the insulator
surface. The counter requires an insulating


NEMA 2 holes
Galvanized steel

NEMA 4 holes
Galvanized steel

Line connector
Galvanized steel

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