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Shainnah T.

BSEd-English III
EDUC 328
Prof. Aldrous Glenn Aguilar Camino
Chapter 7

Question to Ponder:
Read the questions and instructions carefully. Write your answers in the space
1. What is your personal definition of creativity?

 Being creative, in my opinion, entails being innovative, or the ability to

develop and express ourselves and our ideas in novel ways. Michael
Blythe is a well-known actor. Going above and beyond the norm, or
stepping outside the box, is what creativity is defined as. It can be defined
in a variety of ways, including how someone gathers information, solves
problems, and lives their lives.

2. Recall some of the creative classroom activities you had in school.What made
them creative?

 Making creative materials from of discarded objects was one of the most
innovative activities we offered. It becomes creative for me since we tend
to plan what we will utilize and visualize our ideal designs or outcomes in
our heads. We can employ our imaginative or creative thinking skills, to
put it another way.
3. Is creativity the same with innovativeness? Read various definitions on these to
concepts and organize your notes using a Venn diagram.

The innovation the introduction

Creativity is the act of of something new and effective
producing new ideas, into the market.
imaginations, and possibilities
● Continuous reflection
● Unattached exploration
● Creative thinkers ● Iterating between
● Risk takers. abstract and
● Dare to fail attitude. ● concrete thinking. ...
● Willing to be different. ● Action-oriented. ...
● Impulsive, fickle ● Opportunity-focused. ...
● Change their mind quite ● Mental resilience. ...
often. ● Intellectual humility. ...

4. Refer to the characteristics of artistically literate students. Examine yourself and

tell whether you possess any of the characteristics mentioned.

 I'm a person who prefers to take action. I prefer to carry out ideas that
come to me. If one makes things happen by putting words into action,
one shows a sense of responsibility. It's pointless if the plan stays a plan
with no action taken to make it a reality. Being a responsible individual
means being an action-oriented person.

5. Explain this quote from Picasso: All children are born artist. The problem is to
remain an artist as we grow up.

 All children are born artists because their minds are naturally creative.
Students prefer to be imaginative and imagine their own imaginary worlds
in their heads. They have a strong desire to learn new things and make
new things. They become artistic as a result of their action-oriented
temperament and increased emphasis on whatever they tend to make.
Children are born inventors and discoverers. It's just that as kids get
older, they need to continue to be artists in their own right.

Read the questions and instructions carefully. Write your answers on the space

1. How should art learning be structured so that students can begin to think like an

 It is easier for children to think like artists when arts are emphasized as a
means of exploring and expressing oneself. They won't stop learning
about materials, concepts, ideas, motifs, and the message of their art until
they've mastered everything there is to know about them. They will be
more likely to explore and discover new things, which will help them
develop their creativity in the future.

2. What are some best practices in teaching that create an active or student-
centered learning environment?

 As instructors, it is our job to develop confidence in them. The most

beneficial practice for our students, in my opinion, is one that encourages
and motivates them, allows for student choice and autonomy, uses open-
ended questioning techniques, engages in explicit instruction, encourages
student collaboration and group projects, and encourages student

3. Why are 21st century skills or personal dispositions important goal for students in
arts education?

 21st-century skills include critical thinking, creativity, cooperation,

communication, information literacy, media literacy, technology literacy,
and flexibility. These skills are crucial for arts students since they will not
only focus on their art, but will also establish higher criteria in order to
achieve the international concept of arts education in the twenty-first
4. Guided by the characteristics mentioned, can you name artists from your family,
school, and community? Make a profile of these artists.

Phoebe Castro Alcampado Mending

34 yrs. Old
Master Teacher I
Manuel Medel Elementary School

A lady who is interested in teaching. She's been at the Department

of Education for almost 11 years. Being a teacher necessitates critical
thinking. She believes that education is such a vital aspect of people's lives
that she is attempting to teach them about it. To make appropriate
judgments in her field of competence, teaching requires a sharp intellect
and a big heart. Her line of work encompasses all and any other lines of
work. It is the foundation of all professions, and it is what distinguishes
teachers as critical thinkers. Critical thinking is essential for effective and
efficient instruction.

5. Choose a grade level and topic. Design instructional plan showing creative
classroom activities that will engage learners.

Grade Level: 6
Topic: Elements of the Story

Roll dice to have your students answer story questions.

"What is the plot of the story?" you might ask them. "What is the setting?" You
can introduce more reflective questions such as, "Why did this character do what
he or she did?" and "What was the author's purpose?" You can write these
questions on cards or purchase them from

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