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Ece 5 Creative Arts

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Module 1: Fostering Creativity in Young Children

Draw any scenery or view you would like to draw. Write a brief description of your drawing. Use the space below.
I draw a view of a living tree and nature because these are important to our lives. A tree is

a symbol of life and I always like to watch nature as it’s a creation of God. Tree and nature is a

gift that provide people with their basic necessities such as food, water, shelter, clothes, air, and

even provide relaxation with good sceneries that stimulates art. A tree can be anything. It can be

just standing but can become a sculpture, chair, table, bed, paper, and anything which make a tree

exquisite and fundamental to our lives.

Enabling Activity:
Compare and contrast the two models in the Venn diagram below.

MI THEORY Whole Brain Model

 Both are theories
• Describes the different in learning • Thinking preferences
ways that students learn and based upon what comes
 Studies the
acquire information naturally to the learner in a
nature of
• Indicated that learning
education should try to  Leads to coming • Everyone has a
preserve the most remarkable up with potential for creativity, that
features of the young mind – strategies in creativity can be learned and
its adventurousness, its teaching and creative thinking involves the
resourcefulness and its flashes learning whole brain
of flexibility and creativity
Main Task:
Demonstrate your knowledge and understanding about the creative process and researches about
creativity among children. Write your answers on the spaces provided.

I. Write the letter of the corresponding II. Write the creative process in order and

author of the following statements. describe briefly each process in your own

A. Lowenfeld & Brittain terms.

B. Bruner C. Gardner

D. Boden E. Mostar The creative process includes knowledge,

F. Fisher G. Hermann motivation, skill, immersion, and incubation

H. Lucas I. Jensen and production. Knowledge, inspiration,

J. LeDoux K. General Definition versatility, talent, immersion, nurturing, and

production are all components of the creative

D. 1. Creativity is doing something beyond process. The capacity for thought and the

the acceptable rules or “thinking the opportunity to construct or create are both

impossible” in a way that is components of knowledge. Learners are

understandable and acceptable to a wider motivated to take action, produce work, and

audience. keep learning new things. In order to

B. 2. Creativity is an act that produces an consistently produce, creativity needs

“effective surprise.” inspiration. The creative process requires

H. 3. Creativity is a state of mind in which talent since without it, the learners couldn't

all of our intelligences are working produce anything. So, instructors should

together. guide students in learning how to produce. To

K. 4. “Creativity as practiced by young develop creativity, one has to immerse

children is dynamic and changing themselves. As a result, instructors should

adaptable experience that derives its expose students to creative opportunities and

satisfaction from the process and not the learning experiences. The final stage of the

product. It is an intensely creative process is incubation and production,

personal process, since the source of which has to be assessed in order to close any

creativity is within the child.” gaps and advance the creative process as a

F. 5. Qualities of creative people: flexible, whole.

can connect ideas, are unorthodox, show

aesthetic taste, are curious and inquisitive,

see similarities III. Write T if the statement is True and F

and differences, and question accepted ways if false.

of doing things. T. 1. Emotions are crucial to learning.

G. 6. Creativity is among other things, is F. 2. Our memory must be organized in a

the ability to challenge assumptions, single specific pattern.

recognize patters, see in new ways, make T. 3. The brain is a social brain.

connections, take risks and seize upon a T. 4. The search for meaning occurs

chance. through patterning.

E. 7. Creativity is the ability of all living F. 5. The search for meaning is unnatural.

beings to transform and solve problems to T. 6. Challenge and threat are both

live. essential to meaningful learning.

C. 8. Considers creativity not as a general F. 7. All brains are alike.

characteristic but as specific to each of the F. 8. The brain is similar to a computer.

multiple intelligences. T. 9. Learning engages the entire

K. 9. Children’s creativity reflects their physiology.

feelings, emotions and imaginations. T. 10. Learning in children follows a

A. 10. “Giving the child opportunities to developmental pattern.

create constantly with the knowledge he T. 11. Every brain perceives and creates

currently has is the best preparation for parts

future creative action.” and wholes simultaneously.

C. 11. “Education should try to preserve T. 12. Learning may or may not involve

the most remarkable features of the young conscious and unconscious processes.


G. 12. Everyone has a potential for

creativity, that creativity can be learned

and creative thinking involves the whole


I. 13. “Amazingly, the part of the brain

that processes movement is the same part

of the brain that processes learning.”

J. 14. Emotions and thoughts literally

shape each other and cannot be separated.

K 15. If the brain is overstressed, it ceases

to operate at a higher level and our most

primitive survival instincts take over and


Reinforcement Task:

Explain what current researches say about creativity in young children.

Young children's creativity might include thinking or learning. So, educators have a

responsibility to provide students with meaningful learning opportunities so they may learn and

grow as creative thinkers. The most amazing qualities of the youthful mind, such as its curiosity,

ingenuity, and occasional bursts of flexibility and originality, should thus be preserved as much

as possible through schooling. Also, creativity as it is demonstrated by young children is a

dynamic, adaptive experience that finds fulfillment in the act of creation rather than the finished

product. As a child is the root of creativity, it is a very intimate procedure. Thus, researchers

suggested that teachers should provide students the opportunity to practice independence while

yet providing them with dynamic learning instructions. Additionally, according to researchers,

creativity is the capacity for all living things to transform and solve problems in order to survive.

It is the capacity for all living things to challenge presumptions, recognize patterns, see the world

in new ways, connect the dots, take chances, and seize opportunities. As a result, creativity is
important to our lives and something we can employ every day. So, it is important for young

children to obtain an early education and to foster their creativity at a young age.


Answer the following questions as point for reflection:

1. How was your creative experiences when you were a young child?

When I was a little child, sketching was the center of my world since I was curious

about art. As a child, I like holding crayons that are colorful and fun to play with. I have a

variety of coloring supplies, and I enjoy drawing things that I observe or am familiar with.

My caregiver also gave me warm artistic support that enriched my creative experience. In

addition, I was free to play and explore by my caregiver. I had the perfect creative experience

as a result of it.

2. Who influenced you to do creative activities? How did this person influenced you to do

creative activities?

My caregiver encouraged me to engage in artistic endeavors. She got me supplies for

a variety of artistic endeavors. She was an artist, in actuality. I used to watch her sketch and

depict scenes, locations, creatures, and other things. Since I was a small child, I have enjoyed

emulating the things I observe that appear perfect to me. For this reason, I emulate her. As a
child, I enjoyed observing and fortunately, I was givena chance to be taught and guided,

hence, I was influenced well.

3. Which among the parts of the creative process do you find the most important in teaching

young children? Why?

For me, the most crucial aspect of the creative process for efficiently fostering a child's

creativity is motivation. The motivation of students is always crucial in teaching. Effective

teaching and learning are challenging to attain if the students lack motivation, even if the

teacher is experienced, certified, professional, and has a wealth of teaching expertise.

Without motivation, the children will hardly learn and would not even compose their selves

to performing any task.

Lesson 2: Fostering Creativity in Young Children
Create a graphic organizer of the teachers’ roles in developing creativity in young children. Use the space below. Be creative!
Enabling Activity:
Write the words corresponding to the following statements (under fostering creativity in children
and components of the creative curriculum topics.)
1. This claims that children learn best in an atmosphere of encouragement and acceptance.
2. It states that when a child is engaged in creative work, the teacher must remain the child
3. There is a need for children to celebrate their best and most exciting work.
4. This states the need to lead to long-term changes in behavior.
5. This includes everything that surrounds children inside and outside of the school.
6. This evaluating the progress the children and the teacher have made.
7. This refers on how the materials are presented, chosen and prepared.

8. This includes concepts, tools, media and techniques which lead the child to the achievement of
the desired outcomes.
9. This claims that children learn best when they have hands-on experiences.
10. This is a place conducive to creative works.
Main Task:
Demonstrate your knowledge and understanding about fostering creativity among young
children. Create activity plans (using the template format) targeting the specific goal for arts,
music and movements.
1. Goal for Music and Movement: Use music and movement as he/she begins to make sense of
the environment and community.

Title of Activity: Act with Me

Age Level of Children: 5 years old

Area of Development: Motor Skills, Creative Development

Purpose/Objective(s): At the end of this activity, the children will be able to:

a) Identify verbs and nouns;

b) Develop their motor skills and enhance their creativity; and

c) Establish teamwork.


1. Songs with verbs

2. Objects

3. Speaker


1. The teacher will present the songs with verbs and let the children listen to it. Then, the

teacher will prepare objects that the children will get while acting the action words.

2. The children will familiarize their self with the songs.

3. The teacher will allow the children to identify the verbs of the song played in the speaker.
4. The teacher will let the children act the verbs found in the song and get the objects the

teacher will require. For example the song has the word “jump,” so the teacher will say

jump with the ball, hence, the children will get the ball and jump with it.
Reinforcement Task:
Identify specific activity for arts, music and movements for early childhood levels. Write the
description of the activity and objectives for each activity.

Art Activity: Drawing My Favorite Plant

Description: The teacher will require learners to prepare materials on drawing such as paper,

pencil, and coloring materials. Then, the children will draw their favorite plant in a paper with


Objective(s): At the end of this activity, the children should be able to:

a) Identify the importance of plants

b) Develop creative and fine motor skills

c) Establish appreciation of nature

Music Activity: Singing and Playing Activity

Description: The teacher will let the learners listen to nursery rhymes. Then, the teacher will

teach learners how to sing the nursery rhymes on their own and the children will play with

objects that make sound such as a stick, wood, etc.

Objective(s): At the end of this activity, the children should be able to:

a) Identify sounds and rhythms of nursery rhymes.

b) Develop creative, sensory and fine motor skills

c) Establish appreciation of songs

Movement Activity: Balance Activity

Description: The teacher will require the children play a game. The teacher will prepare an

illustration of feet and hands and the learners will jump through it with balance.

Objective(s): At the end of this activity, the children should be able to:

a) Identify basic parts of body

b) Develop creative and motor skills

c) Establish balancing skills

Write your personal idea on how you should be as an early childhood educator in providing
creative activities for young children.

An early childhood educator must develop motivation in learners to exercise creative

skills when offering creative activities to young children. If the students had a

positive prior experience with creative pursuits, they would be more motivated.

Hence, educators must constantly ensure that students have ample time to engage in

creative pursuits. For them to comfortably engage in creative pursuits, a safe setting is

necessary. Also, a variety of resources, including a number of them, should be

employed, allowing a variety of learners with varied tastes to participate in creative



Title of Activity: Dance Activity

Age Level of Children: 2 years old

Area of Development: Motor Skills, Creative Development

Purpose/Objective(s): At the end of this activity, the children will be able to:

a) Identify objects;

b) Develop their motor skills and enhance their creativity; and

c) Establish teamwork.


1. Objects or props use for dancing

2. Speakers

1. The teacher will present the songs and let the children listen to it.

2. The children will familiarize their self with the songs.

3. The children will begin working with their group and formulate steps. The teacher will ensure

that the children are dancing together.

4. The teacher will require the children to use the objects or props in dancing and should use


5. The teacher will observe and watch the children as they do the activity.

Title of Activity: Painting Activity

Age Level of Children: 5-6 years old

Area of Development: Fine Motor Skills, Creative Development

Purpose/Objective(s): At the end of this activity, the children will be able to:

a) Identify types of plants;

b) Develop their fine motor skills and enhance their creativity; and
c) Establish appreciation of nature.


1. Canvas

2. Paints

3. Paintbrush


1. The teacher will let the children prepare the painting materials.

2. The teacher will ask the children to paint in the canvas. The learners should paint any type of

plant utilizing creativeness.

3. While doing the activity, the teacher will play a song such as background music of nature,

forest, or tweeting birds.


Title of Activity: Collage Making

Age Level of Children: 7 years old

Area of Development: Fine Motor Skills, Creative Development

Purpose/Objective(s): At the end of this activity, the children will be able to:

a) Identify types of animals;

b) Develop their motor skills and enhance their creativity; and

c) Establish good communication.


1. Pictures

2. Paper

3. Glue

4. Scissors


1. The teacher will let the children prepare pictures of animals.

2. The children will collect pictures and paste in on a paper making a collage. Their collage

must show creativeness.

3. The children will present their collage and share something about their work.
Module 2: Assessing Creative Arts, Music and Movement Activities
Try grading and judging the drawing below. You may rate it from 1 as the lowest and 10 as the
highest. Add your comments as well.

I would give 9 out of 10 for the artwork. The drawing features a wonderful

illustration, a meaningful statement, various items, variety of colors and a pleasing

color scheme. The learner needed to have completed the entire sheet correctly to get a

score of 10. Yet, generally, the artwork is excellent and the drawing is well done.
Enabling Activity:
Write your own criteria in assessing young children’s art work. The criteria for assessing the
artwork has to involve the child’s use of curved lines and coloring materials. Write your answer
on the space provided.

Criteria on Drawing Activity



CREATIVITY Did not use any Use small ideas Has used own Has used own ideas

idea or and imagination. ideas and and imagination.

imagination. imagination. There is unity of

colors in the drawing.

TIME AND Did not use the Took time but Took time to paint Took time

EFFORT time for painting. didn’t finish the on time. appropriately and

painting on time. worked hard on


COMPLETENESS The drawing Draw with colors Draw with colors Has finished the

AND ACCURACY wasn’t finished. but inaccurately accurately artwork completely

and accurately with

colors and variety of


IMPACT AND The drawing has The drawing has The drawing is Drawing has

COHERENCE no coherence. coherence. complete with internally coherent,

coherence. well-developed and

interesting structure

that catches attention

of the audience.

Main Task:
Describe a specific activity in art, music and movements for young children. Based on the
specific activity for art, music and movements for young children, create an appropriate 3 to 5-
point scale rubrics.
1. Art Activity: Painting Activity
Description of Activity: The children will paint their favorite toy and present it to the class.

Needs Improvement Satisfactory Excellent

(3 points) (4 points) (5 points)

Neatness The painting has The painting was done The painting is presentable

inappropriate colors and neatly without with appropriate colors

dirt inappropriate colors and without unnecessary colors

dirt and illustrations

Creativity Use small ideas and Has used own Displays originality. Has

imagination. creativeness used own ideas and

imagination. There is unity

of colors in the drawing.

Time and Took time but didn’t Took time to paint on Took time appropriately

Effort finish the painting on time. and worked hard on the

time. painting.

Impact and The painting has little The painting is The painting has internally

coherence impact and coherence complete with impact coherent, well-developed

and coherence. and has overall interesting


2. Music Activity: Singing Activity

Description of Activity: The teacher will let the learners to sing the National Anthem properly

and accurately.

Needs Improvement Satisfactory Excellent

(3 points) (4 points) (5 points)





Rate and smoothness

Tone/ Pitch



3. Movement Activity: Balance Game

Description: The teacher will prepare an illustration of feet and hands. the illustration will serve

as a guide for the children to move. The children will jump through the illustration following if

they should step with their feet or move with their hands.

Needs Improvement Satisfactory Excellent

(3 points) (4 points) (5 points)

Identify parts of the


Balances well

Can move actively

Knows what to do

Moves confidently

Reinforcement Task:
Try to assess again the picture from the pre-activity with a rubric for art activity. Write your
rubric and score for the artwork

Needs Satisfactory Excellent Score

Improvement (4 points) (5 points)

(3 points)

Creativity Use small ideas Has used own The drawing displays 5

and imagination. creativeness. originality. Has used own

ideas and imagination that

includes variety of objects.

Correctness The drawing has The drawing has The drawing has correct 2

incorrect lines and incorrect lines but lines and color accurate to

color. have correct colors. the drawing.

Total: 7
Write 5 advantages of using appropriate rubrics for creative arts, music and movement activities
of young children.

The grading procedure is more effective with a rubric. Using appropriate rubrics for

creative arts, music and movement activities of young children will help learners develop

creative arts, music and movement. This also makes accurate grading and scoring feasible.

The standards used in the grading process must be established by the faculty and described

in more detail for it to be fair and accurate. It offers uniform and consistent grading

guidelines for different faculty members and clarifies to students the requirements for

academic excellence in their tasks. Students are better equipped to assess their own work

before handing it in and understand why grades are given. Also, adopting a rubric makes it

simpler for teachers and students to discuss grades, which improves student performance

since they know what to focus on.



Title of Activity: Acting Activity

Age Level of Children: 2 years old

Area of Development: Gross motor Skills, Sensory Skills, Social Skills

Purpose/Objective(s): At the end of this activity, the children should be able to:

a. Identify instructions and the different emotions

b. Develop gross motor skills, sensory skills, social skills

c. Establish trust


1. The teacher will require the children to listen attentively while doing

the activity.

2. The teacher will instruct the children to act out what the teacher

wanted them to act. For instance, the teacher will say, “the child will

laugh”, then, the children will be act laughing or the teacher will say,

“the child will be terrified,” then, the children will act being afraid.

Criteria for Acting Activity

Needs Satisfactory Excellent Score

Improvement (4 points) (5 points)

(3 points)

Listening The child doesn’t The child know The child know

comprehensio know how to how to listen how to listen

n listen attentively and

follows the


Acting Can act the Can act the Knows how to

emotions emotions properly act the different

emotions and

have a smooth

transitions in



Title of Activity: Music Activity

Age Level of Children: 4-5 years old

Area of Development: Sensory Skills, Gross motor skills, Social Skills

Purpose/Objective(s): At the end of this activity, the children should be able to:

a. Identify sounds

b. Develop motor, sensory and social skills

c. Establish teamwork


1. Speakers and musical instruments


1. The teacher will prepare the speakers for the music activity.

2. Then, the teacher will let the children be at the activity area and be at

their desired spot.

3. The teacher will play a music and let the children dance to variety of

songs and music.

Criteria for Music Activity

Needs Satisfactory Excellent Score

Improvement (4 points) (5 points)

(3 points)


Interaction with

the audience



Title of Activity: Drawing Activity

Age Level of Children: 7 years old

Area of Development: Fine Motor Skills, Creative Development

Purpose/Objective(s): At the end of this activity, the children should be able to:

a) Identify the importance of plants

b) Develop creative and fine motor skills

c) Establish appreciation of nature


1. Pictures

2. Paper

3. Glue

4. Coloring materials

5. Pencil


1. The teacher will let the children prepare materials for drawing activity. The

teacher will present illustrations of nature and other sceneries that the learners can

watch and draw.

2. The teacher will require the children to draw any scenery that they like to draw.

3. The children can use variety of colors and finish the drawing by presenting it to

Needs Satisfactory Excellent Score

Improvement (4 points) (5 points)

(3 points)

Creativity Use small ideas Has used own Has used own

and imagination ideas and ideas and

imagination. imagination.

There is unity of

colors in the

pasting activity.

Coherence The output has no The output has The output has

coherence and the coherence but the internally

pictures weren’t pictures weren’t coherent, well-

cut well. cut well or the developed and

output has interesting

coherence and but structure

pictures were cut



Criteria for Drawing Activity

Module 3: Instructional Materials Making

Write various activities in creative arts, music and movements (as many as you can). These
activities should be appropriate for children from 0 to 8 years of age.
Art Music Movement
 Drawing  Film viewing  Exercising
 Sketching Activity  Dancing  Games
 Watercolor activity  Speaking Activity  Outside play activities
 Painting  Tapping activity  Moving exam
 Coloring activities  Listening activity  Dancing
 Collage  Singing activity  Puzzles
 Mosaic  Playing musical  Obstacle games
 Pasting activity instruments
 Clay
 Dough
 Molding activity
 Origami activity
 Illustrating activity

Enabling Activity:
Choose an art activity from the list above. Enumerate the materials needed and write the
procedure in doing the art activity.

1. PICTURES 1. The teacher will let the children
2. PASTE prepare pictures that they like.
3. PAPER 2. The children will collect pictures and
4. GLUE paste it on a paper.

Main Task:
Choose a specific activity in art, music and movements for young children involving technology.
Create a mini activity plan for each specific activity indicating the title, materials, strategy in
doing the activity and procedure. Use the template below.
*Note: You may use your main task in APPLY part of your Module 2.
1. Art Activity:

Title of Activity: Needs of Animals

Materials: Paper, coloring materials, short film


1. The teacher will prepare a short film about emotions. It should be about animals and

how they live, and what are their needs.

2. The teacher will present the short film using a television, or a Digital Light Processing.

3. The children will watch the short film. The teacher will require the children to

understand the short film and enumerate the needs of animals.

4. The teacher will let the children draw animals and show some of their needs.
Reinforcement Task:
Try to check what you have written in the pre-activity. On the table below, enumerate from what
you have written specific activities that can be done with the integration of technology.

Art Music Movement

 Drawing  Dancing  Exercising
 Painting  Listening activity  Outside play activities
 Coloring activities  Singing activity  Moving exam
 Collage  Playing musical  Dancing
 Mosaic instruments
 Pasting activity
Reflect through a heat map your level of mastery when it comes to art, music and movement
activities (lightest as the least and darkest as the highest). Write a short justification of your


I can speak for myself when I claim that I am better at art and music than I am at movement. Since I
was a little child, I have been more exposed to music and the arts than to movements. As a result, as
a future early childhood educator, I will leverage my expertise in music and the arts to provide
engaging and enjoyable learning experiences. Arts and music are examples of fun and interesting
activities that learners can engage on.

Learning Material: Musical Instrument

Steps in making a musical instrument:

1. Prepare the materials such as big can, tape, and paper.

2. First, get a big can that can produce a sound and cover it with a tape and paper.
3. Cover the can that would make it presentable and creative.



Learning Material: Hands and feet

Steps in making the learning material:

1. Lay out shapes of hands and feet.
2. You can do it in variety of colors.
3. Print out the lay out and place it on the floor during a balance activity.
Module 4: Teaching Creative Arts, Music and Movement in ECE
Go back to your activity plan in module 1. Enumerate and describe the strategies and approaches
you can use in doing these activity plans in class.

Art activity Music activity Movement activity

 Before doing the  Let children listen to  Provide a safe activity

activity, the teacher variety of songs area
should demonstrate  Have musical  Teachers should be a
first or present a instruments model on how to
model for the learners  Introduce musical execute proper
to imitate instruments movements such as
 Provide diverse art  Teach several and balancing Movement
materials that diverse songs activities should be
preferred by the  Let children explore safe
diverse learners by letting them play  Provide freedom
 Employ sensible and instruments  Let the learners move
cultural appropriate art  Songs or musical on their own
activities instruments should be  Activities should be
 Introduce art materials age-appropriate age-appropriate
 The activities should
be age-appropriate
Enabling Activity:
Complete the matrix through writing your roles as an educator in applying the Principles of
Child Development and Learning in doing creative arts, music and movement activities.

Principles of Child Development and Role as an Educator

Learning that Inform Practice:
1. All the domains of development and The educator should use all exercises that
learning – physical, social and emotional, help students grow in their physical, social,
and cognitive - are important and they are emotional, and cognitive areas. The actions
closely interrelated. Children’s development could have several purposes and connect all
and learning in one domain influence and are the different realms.
influenced by what takes place in other
2. Many aspects of children’s learning and In order to achieve student growth, instructors
development follow well-documented should use a step-by-step procedure. For
sequences, with later abilities, skills and children to acquire knowledge efficiently,
knowledge-building on those already scaffolding should be used and teachings
acquired. should be broken down.

3. Development and learning proceed at The initial step for educators should be to
varying rates from child to child, as well as at determine each learner's capabilities, skills,
uneven rates across different areas of a and level. Each learner is unique. As a result,
child’s individual functioning. the teacher should tailor the instructions to
each child's needs.

4. Development and learning result from a Early childhood development and

dynamic and continuous interaction of accomplishments are regularly, deliberately,
biological maturation and experience. and intentionally examined, and educators
should always keep this in mind. Teachers
must consistently offer the best possible
learning opportunities and evaluations that
will be used to gauge and raise students'

5. Early experiences have profound effects, Early learning experiences should be given to
both cumulative and delayed, on a child’s students with enough timing since they will
development and learning, and optimal provide the groundwork for their growth.
periods exist for certain types of development
and learning to occur.
6. Development proceeds toward greater Teachers should monitor children's general
complexity, self-regulation, and symbolic or development to help them gain higher levels
representational capacities. of complexity, self-control, and symbolic or
representational skills that they can utilize to
be competent in real-world situations.
7. Children develop best when they have To achieve total development, educators must
secure, consistent relationships with make sure that the students have safe,
responsive adults and opportunities for dependable interactions with receptive adults
positive relationships with peers. and possibilities for constructive relationships
with peers.

8. Development and learning occur in and In order for students to learn successfully and
are influenced by multiple social and cultural flourish, teachers must ensure that they are
contexts. exposed to a variety of social and cultural

9. Always mentally active in seeking to Children learn in a number of ways; a broad

understand the world around them, children array of teaching strategies and interactions
learn in a variety of ways; a wide range of are helpful in supporting all these forms of
teaching strategies and interactions are learning. Instructors should make sure to
effective in supporting all these kinds of create learning experiences that causes
learning learners to be intellectually engaged in
striving to comprehend the world around

10. Play is an important vehicle for Play should be promoted by educators. Play
developing self-regulation as well as for should be included into learning experiences
promoting language, cognition and social for students because it fosters self-regulation,
competence. which in turn helps with language, cognitive,
and social skills.

11. Development and learning advance when To allow students to advance with their
children are challenged to achieve at a level existing level of ability, educators should
just beyond their current mastery and also make sure to give them difficult learning
when they have many opportunities to situations.
practice newly acquired skills.
12. Children’s experiences shape their Teachers should make sure that students are
motivation and approaches to learning, such motivated and have learning strategies like
as persistence, initiative and flexibility; in tenacity, initiative, and flexibility so that they
turn, these dispositions and behaviors affect may participate actively in class and learn
their learning and development. well.

Main Task:
Complete the matrix through giving of examples in applying the Principles of Child
Development and Learning in doing creative arts, music and movement activities.

Principles of Child Development and Application in Creative Arts, Music and

Learning Movement Activities:
that Inform Practice:
1. All the domains of development and  Use activities that utilize and develops
learning – physical, social and emotional, physical, social and emotional, and
and cognitive - are important and they are cognitive skills of the child
closely interrelated. Children’s development  Employ activities that develops
and learning in one domain influence and are physical, social and emotional, and
influenced by what takes place in other cognitive at the same time such as
domains. molding clay together using ideas and
2. Many aspects of children’s learning and  Let the children start with drawing
development follow well-documented lines, to curves, to shading, to
sequences, with later abilities, skills and coloring, then patterns, shapes and
knowledge-building on those already starts drawing simple illustrations of
acquired. tree, flower, to complex sceneries.

3. Development and learning proceed at  Employ diverse activities appropriate

varying rates from child to child, as well as at to every child’s level
uneven rates across different areas of a  Assign children to draw lines, other
child’s individual functioning. children who already know how to
draw lines will draw shapes, and
children who already know how to
draw shapes will draw anything that
they like to draw.

4. Development and learning result from a  Have creative, music, and movement
dynamic and continuous interaction of activity routine in the class that are
biological maturation and experience. practiced everyday

5. Early experiences have profound effects,  Provide early activities or learning

both cumulative and delayed, on a child’s experiences, and creative, music, and
development and learning, and optimal movement activities throughout the
periods exist for certain types of development class. Have opening songs, art activity,
and learning to occur. and play.
6. Development proceeds toward greater  Provide activities that have freedom
complexity, self-regulation, and symbolic or for learners such as talking, playing,
representational capacities. drawing, and singing on their own.

7. Children develop best when they have  Provide activities that includes
secure, consistent relationships with caregivers. They should be working
responsive adults and opportunities for together enhancing communication
positive relationships with peers. and relationship.

8. Development and learning occur in and  Provide group activities such as

are influenced by multiple social and cultural playing with a group, drawing
contexts. together and sing altogether that
applies contextualization.

9. Always mentally active in seeking to  Let children draw about their home
understand the world around them, children  Let children draw, paint, play, dance,
learn in a variety of ways; a wide range of and sing about life or real-life
teaching strategies and interactions are experiences
effective in supporting all these kinds of
10. Play is an important vehicle for  Let children play on their own such us
developing self-regulation as well as for playing games, molding clay, dressing
promoting language, cognition and social toys, dancing alone, etc.
11. Development and learning advance when  Children should learn new skills every
children are challenged to achieve at a level day. It should include several, diverse,
just beyond their current mastery and also and basic to gradually challenging
when they have many opportunities to movement activities.
practice newly acquired skills.
12. Children’s experiences shape their  Give them new experiences that
motivation and approaches to learning, such stimulate their curiosity, such as
as persistence, initiative and flexibility; in experiments and contemporary
turn, these dispositions and behaviors affect dances. It should ne interesting, fun,
their learning and development. and effective.
Reinforcement Task:
Write in bullet form on the table below the ways on how you can apply the developmentally
appropriate concepts in teaching creative arts, music and movement activities.

Art Music Movement

 Age-related  Age-related  Age-related
appropriateness art appropriateness music appropriateness
activities activities movement activities
 Employ several,  Employ several,  Provide group art
diverse, and basic to diverse, and basic to activities
gradually challenging gradually challenging  Examples are
art activities music activities implementing
 Provide group art  Provide group music traditional games such
activities activities as sack race, tumbang
 Examples are  Examples are singing preso, et.
identifying and traditional songs  Employ several,
drawing native foods, diverse, and basic to
related to religion, etc. gradually challenging
movement activities

Write a short reflection about the importance of knowing developmentally appropriate practices
in teaching creative arts, music and movements in early childhood education

The efficacy of teaching and learning depends on understanding the developmentally

appropriate approaches for teaching creative arts, music, and movement in early childhood

education. To lay a solid basis for young children's development, it is important to give

suitable learning experiences in early education. Children's imagination, sensory, and motor

abilities are developed when creative arts, music, and dance are taught. In light of this,

educators must use the right strategies to carefully guide students and provide them with

relevant learning opportunities. A natural activity to assist children's unstructured play is art.

Exploration and experimentation are made possible by the ability to work with various

materials in an unstructured and organic fashion. These creative pursuits and independent

investigations are both entertaining and instructive. Teaching art is very important; hence,

teachers must understand to provide appropriate practices on how to teach effectively and lead

learners to effectively learn creative arts, music and movements in early childhood.

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