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Digital Twin: Enabling Technologies, Challenges and Open Research

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Digital Twin: Enabling Technologies, Challenges and Open Research

Preprint · May 2020


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3 authors, including:

Aidan Fuller
Keele University


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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI
10.1109/ACCESS.2020.2998358, IEEE Access

Digital Twin: Enabling Technologies,

Challenges and Open Research
AIDAN FULLER1 , (Student Member, IEEE), ZHONG FAN1 , CHARLES DAY1 , (Member, IEEE),
School of Computing and Mathematics, Keele University, Staffordshire, ST5 5BG. e-mail: (,,
Astec IT Solutions Limited, Rugeley, Staffordshire, WS15 1UW. e-mail: (
Corresponding author: Aidan Fuller (e-mail:

ABSTRACT Digital Twin technology is an emerging concept that has become the centre of attention for
industry and, in more recent years, academia. The advancements in industry 4.0 concepts have facilitated
its growth, particularly in the manufacturing industry. The Digital Twin is defined extensively but is best
described as the effortless integration of data between a physical and virtual machine in either direction.
The challenges, applications, and enabling technologies for Artificial Intelligence, Internet of Things (IoT)
and Digital Twins are presented. A review of publications relating to Digital Twins is performed, producing
a categorical review of recent papers. The review has categorised them by research areas: manufacturing,
healthcare and smart cities, discussing a range of papers that reflect these areas and the current state of
research. The paper provides an assessment of the enabling technologies, challenges and open research for
Digital Twins.

INDEX TERMS Digital Twins, Applications, Enabling Technologies, Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT),
Internet of Things (IoT), Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Literature Review.

I. INTRODUCTION In conducting this review, we are attempting to answer the

Digital Twin is at the forefront of the Industry 4.0 revolution following research questions:
facilitated through advanced data analytics and the Internet RQ1. What is a Digital Twin and what are some of its
of Things (IoT) connectivity. IoT has increased the volume misconceptions with current and previous definitions?
of data usable from manufacturing, healthcare, and smart RQ2. What are the applications, challenges, and enabling
city environments. The IoT’s rich environment, coupled with technologies associated with IoT/Industrial IoT(IIoT), data
data analytics, provides an essential resource for predictive analytics and Digital Twins?
maintenance and fault detection to name but two and also RQ3. Is there a link between IoT, IIoT and data analytics
the future health of manufacturing processes and smart city with Digital Twin technology?
developments [1], while also aiding anomaly detection in RQ4. What are the open research and challenges with
patient care, fault detection and traffic management in a Digital Twins?
smart city [2] [3]. The Digital Twin can tackle the chal- This paper focusses on the status of Digital Twins with
lenge of seamless integration between IoT and data analytics IoT/IIoT and data analytics identified as enabling technolo-
through the creation of a connected physical and virtual gies. The rest of the paper is organised as follows: Section II
twin (Digital Twin). A Digital Twin environment allows for will define a Digital Twin, identifying similar concepts and
rapid analysis and real-time decisions made through accurate applications, while highlighting the misconceptions seen in
analytics. This paper provides a comprehensive review of such definitions. Section III discusses the challenges found.
Digital Twin use, its enabling technologies, challenges and Section IV investigates the key enabling technologies for
open research for healthcare, manufacturing and smart city Digital Twins while giving a brief history of each key en-
environments. Since the centre of gravity of the literature abling technologies. Section V relates to current research and
relates to manufacturing application, the review has tried to is split into three subsections. Subsections A and B set out the
capture relevant publication from 2015 onwards across three methodology for producing the categorical review in Table
areas: manufacturing, healthcare and smart cities. The paper, 5, subsection C follows with a concise analysis of a range
uses a range of academic sources found through keywords of papers on Digital Twins across a plethora of disciplines
related to IoT and data analytics, but with an overall aim of and finally, the concluding section gives an insight from an
identifying papers relating to Digital Twin. industry perspective. Section VI presents open research, with

, 1

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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI
10.1109/ACCESS.2020.2998358, IEEE Access

overall challenges and findings for Digital Twin research. f) Mandi 2019 [10]
Section VII concludes the paper. “A Digital Twin is a virtual instance of a physical system
(twin) that is continually updated with the latter’s perfor-
II. DIGITAL TWIN mance, maintenance, and health status data throughout the
A. WHAT IS A DIGITAL TWIN? physical system’s life cycle.” [10]
The origins of the Digital Twin are set out in this section. The Definition a) is an ambiguous definition specific for
review sets out clear definitions while also looking at some NASA’s interplanetary vehicle development [5] and is one
of the misconceptions found with wrongly identified Digital of the early papers that defines Digital Twins. Despite there
Twins. being over six years between publications a) and f), the
Formal ideas around Digital Twins have been around since consensus remains that there is not a fundamental or mean-
the early 2000s [4]. That said, it may have been possible ingful change. Academia and industry alike have not helped
to define Digital Twins earlier owing to the ever-changing in distinguishing DT’s from general computing models and
definitions. simulations. Future work requires a more definitive defini-
tion for a Digital Twin. This research aims to aid in the
1) Definitions development of an updated definition, while also helping in
The first terminology was given by Grieves in a 2003 pre- analysing related work and pointing out wrongly identified
sentation and later documented in a white paper setting Digital Twins.
a foundation for the developments of Digital Twins [4].
The National Aeronautical Space Administration (NASA) B. DIGITAL TWIN MISCONCEPTIONS
released a paper in 2012 entitled “The Digital Twin Paradigm 1) Digital Model
for Future NASA and U.S. Air Force Vehicles”, setting a key A digital model is described as a digital version of a pre-
milestone for defining Digital Twins. existing or planned physical object, to correctly define a dig-
ital model there is to be no automatic data exchange between
a) Nasa 2012 [5] the physical model and digital model. Examples of a digital
“A Digital Twin is an integrated multiphysics, multiscale, model could be but not limited to plans for buildings, product
probabilistic simulation of an as-built vehicle or system that designs and development. The important defining feature is
uses the best available physical models, sensor updates, fleet there is no form of automatic data exchange between the
history, etc., to mirror the life of its corresponding flying physical system and digital model. This means once the
twin.” [5] digital model is created a change made to the physical object
has no impact on the digital model either way. Figure 1.
b) Chen 2017 [6] illustrates a Digital Model.
“A digital twin is a computerized model of a physical device
or system that represents all functional features and links with 2) Digital Shadow
the working elements.” A digital shadow is a digital representation of an object that
has a one-way flow between the physical and digital object.
c) Liu et al. 2018 [7] A change in the state of the physical object leads to a change
“The digital twin is actually a living model of the physical in the digital object and not vice versus. Figure 1. illustrates
asset or system, which continually adapts to operational a Digital Shadow.
changes based on the collected online data and information,
and can forecast the future of the corresponding physical 3) Digital Twin
counterpart.” If the data flows between an existing physical object and a
digital object, and they are fully integrated in both directions,
d) Zheng et al. 2018 [8] this constituted the reference “Digital Twin”. A change made
“A Digital Twin is a set of virtual information that fully to the physical object automatically leads to a change in the
describes a potential or actual physical production from the digital object and vice versa. Figure 1. illustrates a Digital
micro atomic level to the macro geometrical level.” Twin.
These three definitions help to identify the common mis-
e) Vrabic et al. 2018 [9] conceptions seen in the literature. However, there are several
“A digital twin is a digital representation of a physical item misconceptions seen but they are not limited to just these
or assembly using integrated simulations and service data. specific examples. Amongst the misconceptions is the mis-
The digital representation holds information from multiple conception Digital Twins have to be an exact 3D model of a
sources across the product life cycle. This information is physical thing. On the other hand, some individuals that think
continuously updated and is visualised in a variety of ways a Digital Twin is just a 3D model.
to predict current and future conditions, in both design and Figure 1. and their definitions present the different levels
operational environments, to enhance decision making.” of integration for a Digital Twin. Table 5 in Section V of
2 ,

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License. For more information, see
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI
10.1109/ACCESS.2020.2998358, IEEE Access

Figure 1. Digital Model, Shadow and Twin.

this review presents a range of publications, highlighting the being able to create a living testbed within a virtual twin that
claimed level of integration against the actual integration can achieve two things; one, to test scenarios, and, two, to
based on the above definition. The definitions and figures allow for Digital Twins to learn from the environment by
should help in the development and identification of future analysing changes in the data collected. The data collected
Digital Twins. can be used for data analytics and monitoring. The scope for
Digital Twins is becoming more viable as the development of
C. DIGITAL TWIN APPLICATIONS smart cities increases connectivity and the amount of usable
The next part of this review focusses on the applications of data [19] [20] [21] [22].
Digital Twins. It will first start by looking at the potential ap-
plications for Digital Twins, discussing the domain, sectors, 2) Manufacturing
and specific problems for Digital Twin technology. For the
moment the term and concept of a Digital Twin are growing The next identified application for Digital Twin is within
across academia, and the advancements in IoT and artificial a manufacturing setting. The biggest reason for this is that
intelligence (AI) are enabling this growth to increase [11] manufacturers are always looking for a way in which prod-
[12] [13] [14] [15] [16]. At this stage, the primary areas ucts can be tracked and monitored in an attempt to save
of interest are smart cities and manufacturing with some time and money, a key driver and motivation for any man-
healthcare-related applications of Digital Twin technology ufacturer. Thus why Digital Twins look to be making the
found. most significant impact within this setting. Likewise, with the
development of a smart city, connectivity is one of the biggest
1) Smart cities drivers for manufacturing to utilise Digital Twins. The cur-
The use and the potential for Digital Twins to be dramatically rent growth is in line with the Industry 4.0 concept, coined
effective within a smart city is increasing year on year due to the 4th industrial revolution, this harnesses the connectivity
rapid developments in connectivity through IoT. of devices to make the concept of Digital Twin a reality for
With an increasing number of smart cities developed, the manufacturing processes [23] [1] [24] [25] [26].
more connected communities are, with this comes more The Digital Twin has the potential to give real-time sta-
Digital Twins use. Not only this, the more data we gather tus on machines performance as well as production line
from IoT sensors embedded into our core services within a feedback. It gives the manufacturer the ability to predict
city, but it will also pave the way for research aimed at the issues sooner. Digital Twin use increases connectivity and
creation of advanced AI algorithms [3] [17] [18]. feedback between devices, in turn, improving reliability and
The ability of services and infrastructures within a smart performance. AI algorithms coupled Digital Twins have the
city to have sensors and to be monitored with IoT devices potential for greater accuracy as the machine can hold large
is of great value for all kinds of future-proofing. It can be amounts of data, needed for performance and prediction
used to help in the planning and development of current smart analysis. The Digital Twin is creating an environment to test
cities and help with the ongoing developments of other smart products as well as a system that acts on real-time data,
cities. As well as the benefits of planning, there are also within a manufacturing setting this has the potential to be
benefits within the energy saving world. This data gives an a hugely valuable asset [27] [28] [2] [29].
excellent insight into how our utilities are being distributed Another application of Digital Twins is in the automotive
and used. Advancement for the smart city is the potential to industry, most notably demonstrated by Tesla. The ability to
utilise Digital Twin technology. It can facilitate growth by have a Digital Twin of an engine or car part can be valuable in
, 3

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License. For more information, see
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI
10.1109/ACCESS.2020.2998358, IEEE Access

terms of using the twin for simulation and data analytics [30] with predictive maintenance and ongoing repair of medical
[31]. AI improves the accuracy of testing as it can perform equipment. The Digital Twin within the medical environment
data analytics on live vehicle data to predict the current and has the potential along with AI to make life saving decisions
future performance of components. based on real-time and historical data [39] [40].
The construction industry is another sector that hosts a Applications of a Digital Twin are identified here, showing
range of applications for Digital Twin use. The development some of the cross overs in the intended use demonstrating
stage of a building or structure is a potential application for how predictive maintenance is adaptable from manufacturing
a Digital Twin. The technology cannot only be applied in the plant machines to patient care. It also shows some of the
development of smart city buildings or structures but also as applications where they do not cross over, and Digital Twin
an ongoing real-time prediction and monitoring tool. The use use is specific to its intended use. The advancements in AI,
of the Digital Twin and data analytics will potentially provide IoT and Industry 4.0 have facilitated the growth in Digital
greater accuracy when predicting and maintaining buildings Twin applications.
and structures with any changes made virtually then applied
physically. The Digital Twin gives construction teams greater
accuracy when carrying out simulations as the algorithms can D. DIGITAL TWIN IN INDUSTRY
be applied in real-time within the Digital Twin before the General Electric (GE) first documented its use of a Digital
physical building. Twin in a patent application in 2016. From the concept set
A common goal seen so far across the field of Digital out in the patent, they developed an application called the
Twins is this idea of real-time simulation as opposed to low “Predix” platform [41] which is a tool for creating Digital
detailed static blueprint models. The use of these models Twins. Predix [41] is used to run data analytics and moni-
serves a purpose, but they are not using real-time parameters toring. In recent years, GE has scaled back their plans for a
which limit the predictability and learnability. The Digital Digital Twin, planning to focus on their heritage as an indus-
Twin can be learning and monitoring simultaneously, as well trial multinational rather than a software company. Siemens,
as applying machine and deep learning algorithms [32] [33] however, has developed a platform called “MindSphere” [42]
[34] [35]. which has embraced the Industrial 4.0 concept with a cloud
based system that connects machines and physical infras-
3) Healthcare tructure to a Digital Twin. It uses all the connected devices
The healthcare sector is another area for the application of and billions of data streams with the hope of transforming
Digital Twin technology. The growth and developments en- businesses and providing Digital Twin solutions [42].
abling technology are having on healthcare is unprecedented An alternative platform for developing Digital Twin and
as the once impossible is becoming possible. In terms of AI technology is “ThingWorx” [22]. This platform created by
IoT the devices are cheaper and easier to implement, hence PTC is an Industrial Innovation Platform with the main focus
the rise in connectivity [36] [37]. The increased connectivity of harvesting IIoT/IoT data and presenting via an intuitive,
is only growing the potential application of Digital Twin role-based user interface that delivers valuable insight to
use within the healthcare sector. One future application is users. The platform facilitates the smooth development of
a Digital Twin of a human, giving a real-time analysis of data analytics while also developing an environment for a
the body. A more realistic current application is a Digital Digital Twin solution [22].
Twin used for simulating the effects of certain drugs. Another
IBM developed a platform called “Watson IoT Platform”
application sees the use of a Digital Twin for planning and
[43] marketed as an all-round IoT data tool that can be used
performing surgical procedures [38].
to manage large scale systems, in real-time, through data col-
Likewise with other applications within a healthcare set-
lected from millions of IoT devices. The platform has several
ting the use of a Digital Twin gives researchers, doctors,
add on features: cloud based services, data analytics, edge
hospitals and healthcare providers the ability to simulate
capabilities and blockchain services. All of which makes this
environments specific to their needs whether it be real-time
a possible platform for a Digital Twin system [43].
or looking to future developments and uses. As well as
this, the Digital Twin can be used simultaneously with AI From an open-source viewpoint, there are two big projects
algorithms to make smarter predictions and decisions. Many to highlight. The first is the “Ditto” project by Eclipse [44], a
applications within healthcare do not directly include the ready to use platform that can manage the states of a Digital
patient but are beneficial for the ongoing care and treatment, Twin, giving access and control to physical and Digital
hence the key role such systems have on patient care. Digital Twins. The platform lies in a back-end role providing support
Twin for healthcare is in its infancy, but the potential is vast for already connected devices and simplifying the connection
from using it for bed management to large scale wards and and management of Digital Twins [44]. Another open-source
hospital management. project called “imodel.js” developed by Bentley Systems [45]
Having the ability to simulate and act in real-time is even is a platform for creating, accessing and building Digital
more paramount within healthcare as it can be the difference Twins.
between life or death. The Digital Twin could also assist
4 ,

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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI
10.1109/ACCESS.2020.2998358, IEEE Access

III. CHALLENGES framework for training models. It allows users’ data in a

It is becoming more evident that Digital Twin runs in parallel learning model to stay localised without any data sharing,
with AI and IoT technology resulting in shared challenges. addressing privacy and security issues when implementing
The first step in tackling the challenges is to identify them. data analytics within a Digital Twin.
Some of the common challenges are found with both data
analytics and the Internet of Things, and the end aim is to 4) Trust
identify shared challenges for Digital Twins. Trust is another challenge that concerns much of the field of
AI. Firstly, being because it is relatively new and secondly
A. DATA ANALYTIC CHALLENGES because unless the developer is familiar with the complexity,
Some of the challenges within the field of machine and deep the use of AI can be daunting. The anxiety that robots and AI
learning are listed below. will become a dominant force on earth, taking control of key
infrastructure from humans is a barrier to trust.
1) IT Infrastructure The issue of trust can be a barrier because the portrayal of
The first big challenge is the general IT infrastructure. The the AI mostly focuses on the negative effects that could occur.
rapid growth of AI needs to be met with high-performance Positive media stories in the field of artificial intelligence
infrastructure in the form of up to date hardware and soft- are becoming more common, but the challenge is evident,
ware, to help execute the algorithms. The challenge with and the need for wider exposure of AI and the positive
the infrastructure currently is down to the cost of installing uses would help overcome challenges with trust. Privacy and
and running these systems. For instance, the costs of the security challenges contribute to these trust issues, but more
high-performance graphics processing unit (GPUs) that can comprehensive privacy and security regulation in AI builds
perform the machine and deep learning algorithms are in the trust.
thousands, anything from $1,000 to $10,000. As well as this,
the infrastructure needs updated software and hardware to 5) Expectations
run such systems successfully. Overcoming this challenge is
The last challenge for data analytics is the expectation that it
seen through the use of GPUs “as a service” providing on-
can be used to solve all our problems. Careful consideration
demand GPUs at cost through the cloud. Amazon, Google,
is vital for AI use and investing time in this identifies the cor-
Microsoft and NVIDIA, to name a few, are offering unique
rect application, ensuring standard models could not produce
on-demand services similar to traditional cloud-based appli-
the same results. The same as other new technologies, they
cations, breaking the barrier to demand, but the poor infras-
have the potential to work hand-in-hand with strengthening
tructure and high cost are still challenging for data analytics.
things like manufacturing and smart city developments.
Using the cloud for data analytics and Digital Twins still pose
The potential users only see the benefits and believe it will
challenges in ensuring that the cloud infrastructure offers
instantly save time and money, hence the high expectations.
robust security.
The field is still in its infancy, and the challenge needs to
2) Data
be kept in mind when applying data analytics. It is evident
through the number of scenarios that use “AI” for processes
From a data point of view, it is important to ensure it is not
that do not need it, in contrast to other situations where
of inferior quality. The data needs to be sorted and cleaned,
AI should be used. Greater exposure and understanding of
thereby ensuring the highest quality of data is fed into the AI
AI is needed to allow people to gain the correct baseline
knowledge of the area, thus learning how it can be applied.
3) Privacy and Security
Privacy and security is an important topic for anyone con- B. IOT/IIOT CHALLENGES
cerned with the computing industry and this is no different Listed below are the challenges found in the field of internet
when performing data analytics. Laws and regulation are of things and industrial internet of things:
yet to be established fully because of the infancy of AI.
The challenge is more scrutiny, regulation and measures 1) Data, Privacy, Security and Trust
concerning AI in the future as the technology grows. Future With the huge growth of IoT devices both in the home and in-
regulation ensures the development of algorithms that take dustrial setting comes the challenge of collecting substantial
steps to protect user data. The General Data Protection Reg- amounts of data. The challenge is trying to control the flow
ulation (GDPR) is a new regulation that ensures the privacy of data, ensuring it can be organised and used effectively.
and security of personal data across the UK and throughout The challenge becomes a bigger problem with the advent
Europe. Despite being an umbrella regulation concerning of big data. The use of IoT increases the large volumes of
data and security, this highlights the concerns with handling unstructured data. For IoT to manage the amount of data,
data when developing AI algorithms. sorting and organisation of data is a necessity and will result
Regulation is one step to ensure personal data is protected, in more data being usable and providing value. Otherwise,
while another method is federated learning, a decentralised the data collected through IoT will be lost or it will be
, 5

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License. For more information, see
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI
10.1109/ACCESS.2020.2998358, IEEE Access

too cost-prohibitive to extract the value from the enormous used to ensure full connectivity and facilitate the running of
volumes amassed. AI models with high accuracy and little to no missing data.
As the data could be sensitive, it could be of value
to a criminal, thereby increasing the threat. The threat is 4) Expectations
significantly increased for businesses when they could be Likewise, with AI, the expectations associated with IoT are
dealing with sensitive customer data. Cyber-attacks pose a challenge, due to organisation and end-users not fully
more challenges with criminals targeting systems and tak- understanding what to expect from IoT solutions or how to
ing them offline, to cripple an organisation’s infrastructure. best use them. A promising aspect is that the rapid growth in
Some organisations have thousands of connected IoT devices IoT indicates the end-users and organisations recognise the
posing a risk that cyber-criminals may target them to take value in IoT and how a smarter connected world can benefit
control and use the devices for their services. An example of us all.
this is the Mirai botnet scandal were nearly 15 million IoT The expectation that IoT can just be used infinitely without
devices worldwide were compromised and used to launch prior knowledge can be damaging, with the knock-on effect,
a distributed denial-of-service attack (DDoS) [46]. The risk posing more pressure on privacy and security concerns fur-
of DDoS attacks increases because of the rapid growth of ther putting the burden on challenges with trust. Similar to
IoT. As well as this, the lag in priorities around privacy AI, background knowledge in IoT is needed to ensure it is
and security solutions poses a further risk of attack. When used to its full potential.
installing the devices, the most up to date security features
and protection are needed, if not this is a vulnerability which C. DIGITAL TWIN CHALLENGES
offers a back door for criminals to infiltrate a larger connected
This section draws primarily on the challenges associated
IoT environment.
with Digital Twins. However, as the research progresses, it
is clear to see the challenges found in data analytics, IoT and
2) Infrastructure
IIoT are similar to those found in the challenges for Digital
The IT infrastructure currently in place is behind, due to Twins with some discussed below:
the rapid growth observed in IoT technology compared with
the existing systems currently in place. The updating of old
1) IT Infrastructure
infrastructure and the integration of new technology helps
facilitate IoT growth. Similarly to both analytics and IoT the challenge is with the
Updated IoT infrastructure provides an opportunity to current IT infrastructure. The Digital Twin needs infrastruc-
benefit from the latest technology and leverage the applica- ture that allows for the success of IoT and data analytics;
tions and services available in the cloud without expensive these will facilitate the effective running of a Digital Twin.
refreshing of existing systems and technology. Without a connected and well thought through IT infrastruc-
Another challenge for IoT systems is connecting old ma- ture, the Digital Twin will fail to be effective at achieving its
chines to the IoT environment. One of the ways to combat set out goals.
this is retrofitting IoT sensors to legacy machines, ensuring
data is not wasted and old machines can have some form of 2) Useful Data
analytics. The next challenge is around the data needed for a Digital
Twin. It needs to be quality data that is noise-free with a
3) Connectivity constant, uninterrupted data stream. If the data is poor and
Despite this growth in IoT use, the challenges of connectivity inconsistent, it runs the risk of the Digital Twin underper-
still exist. These are especially prevalent when trying to forming as it’s acting on poor and missing data. The quality
achieve the goal of real-time monitoring. A large number of and number of IoT signals is an essential factor for Digital
sensors within one manufacturing process poses a significant Twin data. Planning and analysis of device use are needed to
challenge when trying to connect all of them simultaneously. identify the right data is collected and used for efficient use
Challenges with attributes like power outages, software er- of a Digital Twin.
rors or ongoing deployment errors are impacting this overall
goal of connectivity. Just having one sensor not fully con- 3) Privacy and Security
nected could dramatically affect the overall goal of a given Within an industry setting, it is clear that the privacy and
process. For example, IoT devices are one source of feeding security associated with Digital Twins are a challenge. Firstly
data to AI algorithms; this can become a major challenge because of the vast amount of data they use and secondly
as all the data is required for it to perform accurately and the risk this poses to sensitive system data. To overcome this
missing IoT data could detrimentally affect the running of challenge, the key enabling technologies for Digital Twins
the system. Retrofitting machines and harvesting the data - data analytics and IoT - must follow the current practices
already served up by the machine is a method of ensuring all and updates in security and privacy regulations. Security and
data is collected. Imputation methods are a process of finding privacy consideration for Digital Twins data contribute to
replacement values for missing IoT sensor data, a concept tackling trust issues with Digital Twins.
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License. For more information, see
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI
10.1109/ACCESS.2020.2998358, IEEE Access

4) Trust These are important moving forward as it ensures they are

The challenges associated with trust are both from an or- considered in the future development of Digital Twins as well
ganisation point of view and that of the user. Digital Twin as when using IIoT/IoT and data analytics. Table 1 below
technology needs to be discussed further and explained at shows a summary of challenges for both data analytics and
a foundation level to ensure the end-users and organisations I/IoT while showing the overarching combined challenges
know the benefit of a Digital Twin, which will aim to over- for a Digital Twin, with challenge six and seven specifically
come the challenge of trust. for Digital Twin implementation.
Model validation is another way to overcome the chal-
lenges with trust. Verifying that Digital Twins are performing Table 1. Shared Challenges.

as expected is key for ensuring user trust.

Digital Twin
With more understanding, trust in Digital Twins prevails. Data Analytics Industrial IoT/IoT
The enabling technology will give more insight into the IT Infrastructure IT Infrastructure
steps that ensure privacy and security practices are followed Data Data
Privacy Privacy
through development, in turn, overcoming challenges with Security Security
trust. Trust Trust
Expectations Expectations
5) Expectations Connectivity

Despite Digital Twin adoption being accelerated by industry

leaders Siemens and GE, caution is needed to highlight the
challenges that exist for the expectations of Digital Twins
This section discusses the enabling technologies for Digital
and the need for more understanding. The need for solid
foundations for IoT infrastructure and a greater understand-
ing of data required to perform analytics will ensure the A. BRIEF HISTORY OF THE INTERNET OF THINGS
organisations will make use of Digital Twin technology. It The Internet of Things is the term given to devices connected
is also a challenge to combat the thinking that the Digital to the internet. It is about giving so-called “things” a sense
Twin should be used solely because of the current trends. of intelligence and the ability to collect information on their
The positives and negatives for the expectation of Digital environment. The term was first published in the late 1990s
Twins need to be discussed to ensure appropriate action when with Kevin Ashton setting out his vision for IoT [47]. The
developing Digital Twin systems. idea that all devices that are interconnected gives the de-
It is clear to see that challenges for both the Industrial veloper the ability to track and monitor everything we do,
IoT/IoT and data analytics are also shared challenges for thus leading to a smarter world. An example of this is to be
the application of a Digital Twin. Despite the challenges found many years earlier at Carnegie Mellon University in
Digital Twin shares with IoT and data analytics from a user Pittsburgh. Here a programme would connect a Coca-Cola
perspective to the privacy and infrastructure challenges of machine via the Internet to see if the drink was ready and
Digital Twin, there are also specific challenges relating to the cooled enough for a user to buy and consume [48]: a simple
modelling and building of the Digital Twin. but effective use case for Ashton’s vision.

6) Standardised Modelling
The next challenges within all forms of a Digital Twin de-
velopment relates to the modelling of such systems because
there is no standardised approach to modelling. From initial
design to a simulation of a Digital Twin there needs to be a
standard approach, whether it be physics-based or designed
based. Standardised approaches ensure domain and user un-
derstanding while ensuring information flow between each
stage of the development and implementation of a Digital

7) Domain Modelling
Another challenge as a result of the need for standardised
use is related to ensuring information relating to the domain
use is transferred to each of the development and functional
stages of the modelling of a Digital Twin. This ensures Figure 2. Internet of Things Diagram.
compatibility with domains such as IoT and data analytics,
allowing for the successful uses of the Digital Twin in the The number of IoT devices recorded year on year shows
future. the considerable growth of this technology. In 2018 the figure
, 7

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was over 17 billion [49]. By the year 2025, [50] predicts the development of Industry 4.0, which is the introduction of
that there will be over 75 billion devices with the industry IIoT within the industrial revolution timeline [60].
predicted to be worth over $5 trillion [51]. Figure 3. shows
the growth in IoT devices since 2016. These figures show the
enormous impact these devices are having and further adds
to the vision set out by Ashton. The considerable number of
connected devices aids the vision of a fully connected world,
Figure 2. illustrates this idea of connected a services through
IoT. The proliferation of IoT devices is universally beneficial,
impacting the core of daily life, the communication sector,
healthcare, building and transport, smart cities and manufac-
turing [51] [52].
Figure 4. Industrial Revolution.


Both IoT and IIoT have a wide range of essential areas that
ensure the running of connected systems. These enabling
technologies are classified into four main functional domains,
as described by [61]. These domains cover the individual en-
abling technologies from network communication, hardware
and software to data processing, power and energy storage
Figure 3. IoT Device Growth. [50] — all with specific goals to enable the full development of an
IoT system facilitating an Industry 4.0 architecture.
The four enabling technology domains for I/IoT comprise
B. BRIEF HISTORY OF THE INDUSTRIAL INTERNET OF of D1 the Application domain, D2 the Middleware domain,
THINGS D3 the Network domain and D4 the Object domain as seen
The concept of the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) has below in Table 2.
come from the term IoT, drafted by Ashton [47]. The defi-
nition of IoT varies across academia, and the same goes for Table 2. Enabling Technologies and Functional Blocks: I/IoT.
defining IIoT. The term is similar in characteristics to IoT
but with an added emphasis on industrial processes. Boyes Domain Enabling Technology
I/IoT Application
et al. present a range of definitions for IIoT, but the main D1 Application Domain Architecture
focus outlined is improving productivity for industry [53]. Software and APIs
Within manufacturing and industrial settings, the original Cloud Platforms
D2 Middleware Domain Data Processing Mechanism
systems are Industrial Control Systems (ICS). These are Data Storage
well documented and used, but the benefits of these systems Communication Protocol
becoming autonomous and smart are potentially seen through D3 Networking Domain Network Interface
Adoption Mechanism
IIoT. Another technology intricately linked to both IoT and Hardware Platform
IIoT is Cyber- Physical Systems (CPS) [54] [55]. Both ICS D4 Object Domain Embedded Objects
and CPS are like IIoT, but not the same. The main difference Mechanical and Electrical Parts
being IIoT devices require a connection to the internet as
opposed to being enclosed in an ICS architecture [56]. D1 is made up of three layers. The first is the application
Like IoT, IIoT can have a huge impact on improving layer, which is the I/IoT applications; from smart home
manufacturing processes, allowing for tasks to be evaluated and smart cities to smart farms. Next is the architecture
with greater knowledge and real-time responses through con- layer; this can be enabling software architectures; SOA
nected devices, thus improving the performance, production (Service-oriented architecture) or REST (Representational
rate, costs, waste and many other critical deliverables within State Transfer), both examples of what makes up the archi-
the industry setting [57]. The IIoT does not only affect tecture layer. The third layer; software and APIs, bridges the
manufacturing but agriculture, oil, gas and other large scale application domain to the middleware domain. It maintains
processes. Likewise, with IoT, Industrial IoT is having a the operating systems and software. For instance, Android
significant impact within the industry. This is especially seen and custom made OS’s used to operate an IoT system. This
with Morgan Stanley predicting the market size to reach $110 could also be made up of custom-built APIs for the deploy-
billion by 2021 [58]. [59] reports that IIoT could add $14.5 ment of an IoT system, both of which are a key technology
trillion to the global economy by 2030 [59]. Figure 4. shows for bridging D1 to D2.
8 ,

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The middleware domain is made up of three more lay- sis. These being the requirements, collection, processing and
ers. The first being the cloud platform, which is made up cleaning. The requirements set out the necessary needs of
of services that provide on-demand computing resources the data and how it is used, ensuring that specific require-
through the cloud. Microsoft, Amazon and Google are lead- ments are outlined, considering the intended use of the data.
ing providers in cloud services. The second stage acts on the requirement of collecting the
The second layer is data processing; enabled using data relevant data, identifying physically where and how the data
mining and example services provided by BigQuery, Apache will be collected. The collected data will then go through a
and Storm. The third enabling layer in D2 is data storage. processing phase in which it is sorted according to specific
This is essential in an I/IoT infrastructure, and an example is requirements. The final phase and arguably the most impor-
MongoDB, which offers large storage engines. tant is the cleaning of data. Despite the data being collected
The third part of the IoT system is D3, the networking and sorted, it may have significant gaps or erroneous data.
domain, which is made up of three enabling layers. The first This cleaning phase uses the imputation methods, previously
is the communication protocol layer; this comprises of the identified as challenges to data analytics. These methods
application, transport and network protocols for a given sys- ensure that no missing data exists [63] [24].
tem, enabling seamless communication. The second enabling
layer is the network interface. Located here are essential 2) Statistics
technology standards (for example RFID) used throughout
Statistics is the overarching term for the collection, classifi-
the IoT system, again for enabling the seamless integration
cation, analysis, and interpretation of data. Briefly relevant
of IoT. The final layer of D3, the networking domain, is
in this case for data analysis as statistical models underpin
the adoption mechanisms. Consisting of the adoption layer,
machine learning algorithms. Statically inference and de-
which includes standards like 6TiSCH and IEEE 1095, which
scriptive statistics are another way in which data analytics
enable more reliable wireless communication; likewise with
are used to describe observations in collected data. AI and
the connectivity interface and the gateway layer, all of which
the following topics below show the growth of advanced data
are key enabling technology standards for the development
analytics [64] [63].
of an I/IoT system.
D4 is the final block in the IoT system, as illustrated in
Table 2. The object domain is made up of three enabling 3) Artificial Intelligence
layers. The first is the hardware platforms, consisting of the Artificial Intelligence (AI) is the first topic of interest in
hardware solutions, examples being Raspberry Pi or Arduino. data analytics. The overall definition of AI dates back to the
This domain brings together the last three layers; examples late 50s with this concept of creating “intelligent systems”
being sensors, radio tags, displays and firmware, all of which [65]. These are categorised below into topics of potential
are vital in connecting the system. The last layer is the importance for this project [66] [67].
mechanical and electrical parts, made up of the batteries and
the processing units needed to run the device. 4) Machine Learning
The splitting up of the domain into four functional blocks A subsection of AI, machine learning is the creation of
is easier for understanding the twelve enabling sections of algorithms that can give the computer the ability to learn
this given IoT system; this provides an integrated and inter- and act for the user without being directly programmed
connected framework. to do so. Machine learning is used to create programmes
that use sophisticated algorithms to collect and analyse data
D. BRIEF HISTORY OF DATA ANALYTICS autonomously. For more general analysis, machine learning
The term data analytics is an umbrella term that groups an- can fit into two types of learning: [54] [55].
alytic concepts, as seen throughout the paper and academia.
Therefore an understanding and analysis of other papers are
a) Supervised Learning
needed. The term data analytics stems from the field of “Data
Science”, a multidisciplinary subject that covers a range of This is the most popular form of machine learning. The
concepts, with an emphasis on collecting and presenting data algorithms use large amounts of labelled data to analyse and
for analysis to gain greater insight. The subsection below learn. The algorithm is tasked with learning and analysing
presents an in-depth analysis of the field of data analytics. the labelled data to identify a given task correctly; image
The identification and highlighting of these topics will help classification is one example [68]. The algorithms learn from
in analysing other papers and seeing where this research fits training data and are then given test data to see how well it is
in [62]. accurately predicting what an image is showing, presented
through an accuracy percentage. The user then analyses
1) Data these answers and any errors are corrected and re-learned,
To perform data analysis, the need for raw data is paramount. helping train the model and increasing the accuracy of a given
There are several actions needed to turn this data into usable algorithm [69].
information, ready for use in algorithms and statistical analy-
, 9

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b) Unsupervised Learning Table 3. Enabling Technologies and Functional Blocks: Data Analytics.

Unsupervised learning is another form of machine learning,

Domain Enabling Technology
it does not require expensively marked-up data where for Data Collection and Preprossessing
D5 Object Domain
each input pattern the desired output has previously been Data Repositories
determined: as is required for supervised learning [68]. Un- Storage Facilities
D6 Middleware Domain Data Processing
supervised learning algorithms learn using it’s own methods Analysis Techniques and Algorithms
in categorising and highlighting patterns within data instead D7 Networking Domain Wireless Network Technology
of relying on user feedback. Clustering is one method of Hardware & Data Visualisation
D8 Application Domain
Data Analytic Applications
categorising data. Algorithms learn to cluster unlabelled data
sets together, potentially showing hidden patterns that were
not explicitly identifiable [68].
D5 is the object domain which has at least three layers,
reflecting the dual-status of the storage facilities. The first
c) Deep Learning
enabling layer is the data collection, which deals with the
Deep learning is another part of the field of data analytics pre-processing of data for the analytic solutions. The use of
and a subsection of machine learning. Deep learning algo- data sensing tools and methods enables the collection of data.
rithms learn unstructured and unlabelled data using complex Digital signal processing units also ensure the harvesting of
neural networks with autonomous input feature extraction as data. The second layer is the data repository which facilitates
opposed to manual extraction [70]. These networks utilise the storage and use of databases. The final layer of D5, link-
machine learning to create deep learning models that can take ing to D6, is the storage facilities which enable the storage
longer to train because of the much larger neural networks, of copious amounts of data through the use of server storage
but this allows for greater accuracy. Another type of learning enabling on-demand data. This layer is also the connection to
is semi-supervised learning, defined as having some labelled the processing of the storage data to the middleware domain.
data, but more data is unlabelled to see how the algorithms D6 is the middleware domain, consisting of three enabling
can learn to be more accurate [70]. Many more algorithms layers. The first links with D5, which relates to storage
appear throughout the field of data science, but these are the processing. The second layer in D6 is data processing, which
most common. is the main layer for enabling data analytics, cloud services
and the main middleware architectures, including software
5) Data Visualisation and database systems. The third layer in D6, seen in Table 2,
The final subtopic within data analytics is visualisation, de- is the analysis and algorithms. This layer facilitates the task
fined as a graphical representation or visualisation of data or of data mining, machine learning, statistics and querying of
results. The type of data affects the way it is visualised. The the collected data. As well as the enabling models within data
most common being multidimensional data, which can be analytics; supervised and unsupervised learning.
presented using graphs and charts, taking multiple variables, D7 is the networking domain, showing enabling technol-
for instance, bar or pie charts. Another data type is geospatial; ogy for the connectivity protocols looking at wireless and
this involves data collected from the earth through location communication and how they enable efficient collection and
data, visualised through distribution maps, cluster maps, and processing of data from previous layers and domains. D7 also
more commonly, contour maps [71]. concerns the enabling standards relating to the privacy and
security mechanisms.
E. ENABLING TECHNOLOGIES AND FUNCTIONAL The final domain discussed is D8, entitled application.
BLOCKS FOR DATA ANALYTICS D8 has two enabling technology layers. The first being the
The next section concerns data analytics within the field of hardware and visualisation layers. This layer enables tangible
Artificial Intelligence, machine and deep learning. The de- technology to record the data and conduct machine and
scriptions of enabling technologies for data analytics [72] and deep learning or statistical analysis. The visualisation side
the classification scheme outlined by [61] are summarised of the layer easily enables the display of useful information
in Table 3 below. The enabling technologies are like IoT in regarding user tasks.
many ways but have slightly different layers around visual- Finally, the application layer highlights the applications
isation and the algorithm side of analytics. An overview is relating to data analytics such as self-driving cars, image
seen below, with the domains labelled D5, D6, D7 and D8. recognition or virtual personal assistants such as Amazon’s
Table 3 is produced as a result of analysing Table 2 by Alexa.
Bibri and Krogstie [72]; however, it is slightly different in In summary table 2 presents the functional domains for
presentation. The table starts with D5, the object domain enabling technologies associated with IoT/IIoT, while Table
followed by D6, the middleware domain, D7, the network 3 presents the functional domains for enabling technologies
domain, and lastly D8, the application domain. In each of for data analytics. The above section provides a framework
the domains is a list of enabling technologies associated with for creating a synthesis of functional domains and enabling
data analytics. technologies in the context of a Digital Twin, as can be seen
10 ,

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in Table 4 of subsection F, below. hardware is in place to conduct Digital Twin analysis, as

well as facilitating the collection of data through sensor
Similar to Table 2 by Bibri and Krogtie [72], Table 4 provides
an additional synthesis of ideas for the functional domains V. CURRENT RESEARCH
and enabling technologies of a Digital Twin. Starting with This next section identifies related work for IoT/IIoT and
D9 for the Application domain, progressing to D10 for the data analytics with a focus on Digital Twins publications,
Middleware domain, followed by D11 for the Networking discussing a range of publications and identifying gaps in the
domain and finally D12 for the Object domain. field. This insight from academia will aid other researchers,
enabling them to find gaps within the research and will allow
Table 4. Enabling Technologies and Functional Blocks: Digital Twin. a move towards a more comprehensive definition of a Digital
Domain Enabling Technology
Model Architecture and Visualisation
D9 Application Domain Software and APIs A. CATEGORICAL REVIEW METHODOLOGY
Data collection and Pre-processing
Storage Technology The first part of this section performs a categorical review
D10 Middleware Domain Data Processing of the relevant literature, following methodology used by
Communication Technology Kritzinger et al, [73] to produce a categorical review table
D11 Networking Domain Wireless Communication
Hardware Platform
of selected publications. The main elements of the review
D12 Object Domain Sensor Technology draw on the three levels of integration of a Digital Twin, as
described in Section II, subsection B of this paper and by
The first domain is D9, which is the application domain Kritzinger et al. [73].
and is made up of three important layers, the first being the The methodology used in this paper is based on work
model architecture and visualisation layer essential for creat- conducted by Kritzinger et al. [73] ], which involved the
ing high-fidelity models of the physical entity. The layer en- categorisation of forty-three papers related to the topic of
ables the visualisation and architecture modelling of Digital Digital Twins, that were published between from 2001 to
Twins. This ensures Digital Twins are modelled using more 2017. The papers were obtained via literature search engines,
than just the behaviours of physical entities. It is enabled such as Google Scholar. For the search performed in this
through tools such as Simulink and Twin Builder. The second paper, the authors used Google Scholar with specific searches
layer is the Software and API, specifically used to aid in targeting ACM, IEEE and Science Direct repositories. Of
the modelling of such Digital Twin architecture facilitating the research found there were 177 papers to look at from
the third layer; pre-processing and collection. This last layer 2015 to present (31st December 2019), with only 42, pre-
of the application domain is needed to ensure the data is 2017. The search terms included variations of Digital Twin
collected properly, for example, with Predix, Mindsphere and (Digital-Twin, Digital Twins). As well as the term Digital
Storm, to name just a few applications for data collection. Twin, the search included adding terms relating to the broad
This layer ensures the data is harvested correctly to facilitate research areas (Industrial Digital Twin, Healthcare Digital
the use of IoT and analytics for a Digital Twin while also Twin, Smart Cities Digital Twin). We found twenty-six key
bridging domain D9 to D10. sources from three areas, manufacturing, healthcare and
D10, the middleware domain, consists of two enabling smart cities to synthesise Table 5.
layers. The first being storage technology. Which facilitates
the storage of data through Mongo DB, MySQL services and B. ORGANISATION OF THE CATEGORICAL REVIEW
on-demand databases which are needed for Digital Twin use. The papers are ordered alphabetically in three broad areas,
The second layer, related to data processing, is essential to manufacturing, healthcare and smart cities, shown below in
transfer the stored data between D10 and D11. Table 5. The following sections discuss the columns used in
D11 consists of the Network Domain with two enabling Table 5:
layers, the first being the communication Technology layer
essential in ensuring the data collected is communicated
1) Paper
between domains. The second layer in the network domain
functional block for Digital Twins is the wireless communi- The first column provides the authors and year of each
cation layer, which is needed to ensure the transmission of publication.
data wirelessly follows the correct protocol within a Digital
Twin architecture as well as bringing data to the next domain, 2) Type
D12. The second column identifies each paper by the type of
D12, the object domain, consist of two enabling layers. research carried out; review paper or a case study. It could
The first is the hardware platform and the second being the also be a new concept relating to Digital Twins or a definition,
sensor technology. Both are needed to ensure the correct each is categorised accordingly.
, 11

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3) Defined Twin
The next two columns are the definition relating to levels of
integration. The first identifying what the original authors are
referring to; Digital Model, Shadow or Twin.

4) Actual Twin
The second column identifies if the paper accurately de-
scribes a Digital Model, Shadow or Twin. The definitions
from Section II are used to classify the publication, giving Figure 5. Percentage share of research areas found in the analysis of
insight into possible misconceptions in definitions. papers presented in Table 5.

5) Broad Area
A fifth column identifies the broad areas of research: this ways. From a health perspective, the Digital Twin technol-
being manufacturing, healthcare and smart cities. ogy, combined with AI algorithms, can be used to see the
effects specific lifestyle changes could have on a person’s
6) Specific Area health, recommending specific changes from AI and Digital
The sixth column elaborates on the broad area narrowing Twin analysis. This use emphasises the full integration of
down to a specific area. For instance, in manufacturing this data from both the physical twin (The Human) and the Digital
would be narrowed down to a smart factory or fault diagnosis Twin (The Replica). Giving the human the ability to see what
area of interest. For smart cities, this is narrowed down to impact their actions are having on the physical twin while
traffic or infrastructure. also showing the effect some lifestyle changes could have on
them [40].
7) Technology In another more recent setting, Laaki et al. [32] present
The final column identifies the technology used, for example, a working prototype of autonomous surgery harnessing IoT
simulation, data analytics and IoT. and Industry 4.0 connectivity to create a Digital Twin of a
The papers are ordered alphabetically in three broad areas, patient. The authors propose a remote surgery application
manufacturing, healthcare and smart cities, shown below in through a mobile network. The prototype uses a robotic
Table 5. arm, virtual reality (VR) with a 4G environment, to deliver
precision surgery. The paper presents the complexity with
C. ANALYSIS OF THE REVIEWED PAPERS multidisciplinary research, citing this as one of the reasons
The following sections draw on the papers reviewed in why the work used simulation as opposed to a physical
the categorical review, discussing the paper in more detail, prototype. Laaki et al. also discuss problems with integrating
highlighting any concepts and case studies performed. The the prototype with a Digital Twin. The authors explore some
sections are not limited to but will include, the main areas of the advancements in AI and Industry 4.0 and how they
of papers collected relating to healthcare, smart cities and ease the challenges of connectivity, integration and multidis-
manufacturing. The order of the areas presented reflects the ciplinary research [32].
level of current research in terms of the number of papers Liu et al. [37] present a novel approach for the future de-
found. For healthcare, the number of papers found is limited, livery of healthcare combining cloud technology with Digital
but the potentially life-changing benefits Digital Twins can Twins to create a framework that helps to monitor, diagnose
have on the healthcare industry are prevalent [84] [32] [39] and predict the health of a patient. Liu et al. achieve this
[40]. Next closely is the smart city area with a small number through the advancement and use of IoTs wearable technol-
of papers found. Most research falls within the manufacturing ogy and in-home sensors with an emphasis on use for the
setting. Figure 5. shows the share of papers in terms of the elderly. In addition to a framework, the authors also present
area of research they fit in to; healthcare, manufacturing or several applications citing the feasibility of each. The main
smart cities, all discussed below with example papers. contribution of Liu et al.’s paper is the ability to predict a
problem with patients more accurately, through the combined
1) Healthcare use of IoT, Cloud and Digital Twin technology [37].
An element to take from the several definitions of Digital
Twins is the concept as described by He [75], the “digital 2) Smart Cities
replications” of a physical thing. El Saddik redefined this This section is focused on current research involving smart
with the inclusion of Digital Twin replications of living cities in relation to Digital Twins. Research in recent years
things as well as non-living entities [39]. Presenting potential has seen substantial growth in urbanisation combined with
use of the Digital Twin for the healthcare sector shows it is the rise of IoT and data analytics [3]. Mohammadi et al. [3]
not limited to manufacturing. cite this as one of the motivations for their work and identify
Ross [40] presents work with Hewlett-Packard using AI the varying states in spatiotemporal flux, emphasising that
and IoT to create Digital Twin avatars of people in several these need to be understood to maintain growth. The concept
12 ,

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Table 5. Categorical Review.

Paper Type Defined Twin Actual Twin Broad Area Specific Area Technology

Bilberg, Malik (2019) [1] Case Study DT DS Manufacturing Smart Factory Simulation
AI, Sensors,
Chhetri et al. (2019) [74] Case Study DT DT Manufacturing Assembly Line
Simulation, AI,
He et al. (2018) [75] Review DT DS Manufacturing Power System
Howard (2019) [11] Concept DT DM Manufacturing Product Development EDA, Visualisation
Jain et al. (2019) [76] Concept DT DT Manufacturing Fault Diagnosis Industry 4.0
AR, VR, Industry 4.0,
Karadeniz et al. (2019) [77] Case Study DT DS Manufacturing Ice Cream Machines
Kuehn (2019) [78] Concept DT DS Manufacturing Smart Factory Simulation
Lu (2019) [79] Review DT No Example Manufacturing Smart Factory Cloud, CPS, Industry 4.0
Mandolla et al. (2019) [2] Case Study DT No Example Manufacturing Aircraft Blockchain, Visualisation
Mawson, Hughes (2019) [27] Case Study DT DT Manufacturing Energy Modelling Industry 4.0
Min et al. (2019) [35] Case Study DT DS Manufacturing Petrochemical Factory AI, Optimisation
Industry 4.0 , AI,
Qi, Tao (2018) [24] Review DT DT Manufacturing Smart Factory
Cloud, Big Data
Shangguan et al. (2019) [80] Case Study DT DM Manufacturing Wind Turbine CPS
Sivalingam et al. (2018) [17] Review DT DS Manufacturing Wind Turbine CPS, Simulation
Tao et al. (2019) [81] Review DT DT Manufacturing Smart Factory CPS, Industry 4.0, AI
Tao et al. (2018) [82] Review DT DT Manufacturing Assembly Line CPS, Industry 4.0, AI
CPS, Industry 4.0, AI,
Xu et al. (2018) [23] Concept DT DS Manufacturing Fault Diagnosis
Transfer Learning
El Saddik (2018) [39] Definition DT DT Healthcare Patient Monitoring VR, AI
Laaki et al. (2019) [32] Concept Undefined DS Healthcare Surgery Robotics Industry 4.0, AI, VR
Health Management,
Liu et al (2019) [37] Concept DT DT Healthcare Cloud, CPS
Elderly Health
Predictive Health &
Ross (2016) [40] Review DT DT Healthcare VR, 3D Modelling
Chen et al. (2018) [22] Review Undefined DS Smart City Driving Simulation, AI
Jo (2018) [15] Review DT DT Smart City Livestock Farms Industry 4.0
Concept DT DT Smart City Infrastructure Analysis Simulation, VR
Taylor (2017) [3]
Pargmann et al. (2018) [18] Review DT DS Smart City Wind Farm AR, AI, Cloud
Ruohomäki et al. (2018) [83] Case Study DT DS Smart City 3D Energy Mapping
Sensors Ontology

they present does this through the use of Digital Twin and With this comes the need for accurate delivery within a
virtual reality headsets, allowing them to monitor fluctuations smart city. Wind power is an example of a renewable energy
while making predictions through real-time analytics [3]. source which needs to be delivered, monitored and analysed.
Ruohomäki et al. [83] also present a framework, “myS- Pargmann et al. [18] present a cloud-based Digital Twin
MARTlife”, which makes use of advancements in IoT across monitoring system used for the development and monitoring
cities to create a smart city Digital Twin. The paper presents of wind farms. The authors present a working prototype that
a case study for helping in urban planning and built environ- uses data feeds, and parameters set out both from a technical
ments, but has particular uses in the energy consumption field and business context, allowing for the creation of a working
with the ability to use the Digital Twin for monitoring and twin of a wind farm development [18].
comparing of energy consumption based on the environment Sivalingam et al. [17] review and produce a case study
and human impact. Both are used for real-time and future de- that investigates wind farm use and energy consumption for
velopments [83]. Both Mohammadi et al. [3] and Ruohomäki a smart grid. The paper cites some of the challenges with
et al. cite the need for the uptake of Industry 4.0 concepts to the reliability of power consumption and the general main-
ensure the level of data exchange is high enough for the twin tenance of wind turbines. The authors propose a working
to perform accurately. methodology that makes use of IoT sensors combined with
Fuelling the energy grid, along with implementing the data analytics within a Digital Twin environment to accu-
integration of renewable energy methods, is a challenge. rately perform and predict maintenance of the wind turbines
, 13

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[17]. IoT as a factor in the growth and use of Digital Twins. [82]
In terms of a smart city, Jo et al. [15] and Chen et al. [22] [81] [85].
both present work that is related to smart cities and both
utilise Digital Twins. The first, by Jo et al. [15], presents a b) Simulation and Artificial Intelligence
paper that produces a feasibility study on the potential uses The above papers have touched on some key areas relating
of a Digital Twin for a smart farm. The authors note the to using Digital Twins combined with simulation and AI ap-
importance of Industry 4.0 for the realisation of this project as proaches for manufacturing. Kuehn [78] describes a concept
it makes the deployment of Digital Twin a challenge in com- that cites “virtual clones” of a system combined with machine
plex environments. The authors highlight three applications, learning algorithms to enhance the manufacturing process.
GE’s Predix, Eclipse’s Ditto and IBM’s Watson as contenders The author categorises key areas in a manufacturing process
for the deployment of Digital Twin technology along with to highlight their specific goals and concepts for applying a
some guidelines on how the monitoring of livestock can be Digital Twin to the manufacturing process, giving enterprises
smarter through the use of a Digital Twin [15]. the ability to test, simulate and optimise manufacturing pro-
Chen et al. [22] present Digital Twins for cars and traffic cesses in a virtual environment ensuring increased quality
management. The paper explores the challenges with driving, and efficiency.
showing there needs to be more data flow within the vehicle Similarly to Kuehn [78], Min et al. [35] present a paper
used and a connection to other vehicles in the vicinity. Chen that exhaustively lists the key enabling technologies with
et al. [22] present a framework that uses a Digital Twin an emphasis on digital twin solutions using AI, specifically
combined with learning algorithms that monitor and analyse machine learning, giving comprehensive evaluations. The
feedback based on user behaviour. The algorithms facilitate work uses a case study to evaluate the pros and cons of using
a real-time digital behavioural twin of a driver, providing machine learning and Digital Twins for the petrochemical
warnings and instructions on how to drive more safely to industry, applying each to an industrial IoT petrochemical
minimise risk [22]. Both Jo et al. and Chen et al. share the factory [35]. A limitation found when performing the case
need and challenge of data exchange both citing the need for study is that the Digital Twin and algorithms are unique to
greater connectivity, which is needed to achieve the optimum a petrochemical plant. Transfer learning could be used to
result and accuracy for each of the Digital Twins. find commonalities in algorithms to help create solutions
transferable to other manufacturing processes.
3) Manufacturing
A subsection of manufacturing is fault diagnosis with
two papers of interest found. The first paper by Jain et al.
Finally, this section concerns an area that includes the ma-
[76] present a simulation study which discusses a Digital
jority of research relating to digital twins. It is also an area
Twin approach to fault diagnosis for distributed photovoltaic
that has many sub-fields, from large smart factories to smaller
systems (PV). The advancements in Digital Twin technology
machines and tools. For this reason, the section is split into
allows the team to develop a Digital Twin that can estimate
the following subsections: a) Smart Manufacturing Reviews,
accurately faults relating to PV energy units in real-time [76].
b) Simulation and Artificial Intelligence, c) System Design
Similar work by Xu et al. [23] proposes a AI focused
and Development and d) Energy Efficient Manufacturing.
solution for fault diagnosis in a smart manufacturing envi-
ronment. Xu et al. highlight challenges in the amount of
a) Smart Manufacturing Reviews training data available for creating accurate AI algorithms
Reviews in this field are limited, but the first to note is for new manufacturing processes, something also needed to
presented by Qi and Tao [24] which give a comprehensive create accurate Digital Twins. To ensure any challenges are
“360” view on Digital Twins for big data in a manufacturing mitigated, the front running of the model is using a Digital
and industrial setting. It gives a comparison of enabling Twin which learns and diagnoses faults while producing
technologies for Digital Twins as well as arguing the impor- training data. The second phase can then make use of transfer
tance of emerging technologies for the development of smart learning using the collected training data from phase one
manufacturing [24]. of the algorithm. A more accurate fault diagnosing system
Tao presents two review papers, [82] and [81]; the first is achieved with the help of a Digital Twin and transfer
[82] compares Digital Twins and Cyber-Physical systems learning. The authors present a workable case study with
within a smart manufacturing environment. The latter by Tao a car manufacturing environment testing and evaluating the
[81], is a state-of-the-art paper for Digital Twins combined effectiveness of the concept [23].
with industry. Both papers share enabling technologies, IoT,
cloud, big data, and artificial intelligence showing how these c) System Design and Development
technologies use Digital Twins. Tao [85] also elaborates on Another key area for embracing Digital Twin use is through
some of the main application uses; Digital Twin simulation, the design and development stage of manufacturing pro-
Digital Twin “as a service”, data fusion and interaction and cesses and systems. Shangguan et al. [80] discuss an ap-
collaboration. Both cite the increased development of Indus- proach that draws on Digital Twin use but also introduces the
try 4.0 technologies with an emphasis on data analytics and Cyber-Physical System (CPS) trend. The authors present a
14 ,

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Hierarchical Digital Twin Framework (HDTM) for the design cryptocurrency [86] [87] [88]. Mandolla et al. [2] present
and development of dynamic CPSs in a smart manufacturing an example of blockchain use, in a case study showing how
environment. The Digital Twin is used throughout the levels they have combined it with a Digital Twin. The authors focus
of CPS design, harnessing the ability to reuse and test against on aerospace manufacturing concerning the metal additive
physical data on a virtual twin. The authors perform a case process. Mandolla et al. create a Digital Twin of this process
study showing the benefits of a Digital Twin, which are best while providing a conceptual answer to securing the process
seen here as it gives the authors the ability to use the twin in through blockchain, and monitoring through a Digital Twin
a real-time predictive design setting as well as learning for [2]. Similarly, Bilberg and Malik [1] are using robotics, to
large scale system changes. The framework is an application explore how they can be adapted for a manufacturing process,
for industrial robot design [80]. they present an event driven Digital Twin that works in
Howard [11] presents a paper that is an insight into the parallel with a robot to perform tasks on an assembly line.
trend of Digital Twin, evaluating its uses and suitability for The other combines the physical task and the virtual task
the ever-evolving smart manufacturing world. The main goal to create a real-time, skills-based robotic production line
achieved is the design and development of manufacturing accurately allocating a task to the human or robot based on
electronic hardware through “virtual validation” utilising a the optimum production they could respectively achieve [1].
Digital Twin [11]. Both papers cite challenges identified Both papers, through the use of case studies, identify the
by leaders and visionaries in the world of Digital Twins, benefits of digitalisation, but both also cite the challenges
analytics and smart manufacturing. with seamless integration, something needed for the effective
Aside from high-level system design, Karadeniz et al. running of an assembly line and Digital Twins [2] [1] [89].
[77] and Chhetri et al. [74] produce contextual papers and
case studies on the development of Digital Twin systems d) Energy Efficient Manufacturing
for manufacturing processes. The former [77] discusses the
advancements in Industry 4.0 and IoT using a case study In line with national and international targets, energy used
to explore how this growth is facilitating the trends of AR for manufacturing, is required to be monitored and reduced;
(Augmented Reality) and VR (Virtual Reality). The authors hence, the need for potential solutions for energy efficient
set out a concept that creates a Digital Twin of gastronomic production lines. Both Lu et al. [79] and Mawson [27] present
things (devices and processes relating to food and cooking) systems and architecture for energy efficient manufacturing.
and presents this as “eGastronomic things”, similar to the A driver for this are the environmental benefits. However,
Internet of Things. The gastronomical processes have physi- more efficient manufacturing will also reduce cost, increase
cal IoT sensors collecting data to create a Digital Twin. The profits and future investments. Lu et al. present a paper that
authors use an ice cream machine as a case study to show focuses on developing an architecture that implements energy
how a Digital Twin can help in monitoring and maintaining aware Digital Twin model with a platform called MCLoud.
the performance of “eGastronomic” processes, namely the Both of which facilitate an Industry 4.0 environment where
ice cream machine [77]. manufacturing processes are monitored continuously and
The latter, by Chhetri et al. [74] also cites the advance- self-configured through CPSs and Digital Twins, with energy
ments in digitalisation for the growth in smart manufacturing efficiency the overall goal.
design and developments. The authors propose a methodol- Mawson et al. [27] also draw on the advancement in Indus-
ogy and perform a case study that takes advantage of the try 4.0, citing a review on their effectiveness for increased
growth in IoT to build a Digital Twin of a manufacturing automation, connectivity and flexibility for manufacturing
process. In this methodology, the IoT sensors help collect processes. The main contributions of the paper are a holistic
and store data streams that are used to indirectly highlight review and case study using methodologies and frameworks
side channel states; acoustics, power and magnetic output of derived from the analysis of energy consumption at the
a process. These can be used to localise a fault and iden- machine process level. Mawson et al. cite various simulation
tify problems with the manufacturing processes. The team tools, but they lack multi-level integration.
validates the work with a case study of a Fused-Deposition To produce a high accuracy model, all aspects of the
Modelling system (FDM) which produces high accuracy manufacturing process from the materials to resource flows
anomaly detection, the first of its kind in this format [74]. are needed to analyse energy consumption accurately. These
Mandolla et al. [2] discuss another trend adapted for the are challenges demonstrating how Digital Twins, VR and AR
smart manufacturing industry, Blockchain. A growing list of will facilitate future research [27].
blocks within a decentralised ledger can be used to record
data across many computers. The previous blocks are linked
using a cryptography hash, a method of protecting data using
encrypted codes. These hashes are unique to each block The penultimate section in this review briefly discusses open
and contain attributes such as timestamp and transaction research questions for Digital Twins as well as exsploring the
data. Blockchain growth is attributed to its increased use in literature reviewed for challenges facing future research.
processes other than its original intended use; for example,
, 15

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A. DIGITAL TWIN IN MANUFACTURING assembly line. Min et al. [35] investigate how Digital Twin
Manufacturing and fully integrated Digital Twins are pro- use can optimise production in the petrochemical industry.
posed in the literature, but are not currently realised in [2] presents work on how Digital Twins and blockchain can
industry. Section V, above, explored a number of case studies, be used to support and optimise the aircraft manufacturing
reviews and concepts relating to publications in the manu- industry.
facturing industry. There are a number of publications on The first three publications above concern case studies
smaller developments of a Digital Twin. Industry examples which explore optimisation, while the next four, [74] [77]
of case studies were listed in Table 5 and discussed in greater [27] and [80], relate to the modelling of Digital Twin systems.
detail in Section V subsection C and summarised below. [74] investigates a case study on how to model and maintain
In the literature not all publications cover all aspects of a Digital Twin with IoT sensors; [27] uses a case study to
a Digital Twin from the physical and virtual modelling to explore how to develop digital twin models using a multi-
the data, connection and service parts of modelling a Digital levelled framework and [80] explores the use of a hierarchical
Twin. Modelling and scaling are needed to create generic modelling framework for Digital Twin development. The last
Digital Twins. Zheng et al. [8] and Schleich et al. [34] paper, by Karandiz et al. [77] presents a case study on the 3D
both present sensor-based modelling of different stages of a modelling of an ice cream machine exploring how a Digital
Digital Twin with Shangguam et al. [80] only focusing on Twin can be utilised.
the hierarchy modelling of the virtual and physical modelling Specific findings from each of these case studies contribute
of a Digital Twin; there is a need for a generic model for a to the overall finding from the literature, presented in Section
complete Digital Twin. VI.D below.
Literature covering data fusion is another topic that is
heavily researched across all areas of science but is less B. DIGITAL TWIN IN HEALTHCARE
researched when applying data fusion and Digital Twins in This next section discusses the open research questions for
an industrial setting. Likewise, with Digital Twin modelling, Digital Twins in a healthcare setting. Some of the research
another avenue is to incorporate data fusion when developing cites the potential for adapting Digital Twin technology for
generic models. The literature explores how predictive main- humans. An example is a Digital Twin of a person to monitor
tenance can incorporate Digital Twins with data fusion which day-to-day health and well-being giving the potential for
is a promising area of research [90] [7]. a human twin for simulating what positive and negative
Lacking in research is the modelling of Digital Twins lifestyle changes could have on the physical human. The
that use virtual and physical data fusion, this can also be significant open research comes in the form of modelling
discussed under the term “Cyber-Physical” fusion. The need and breaking down the barriers to modelling a human body
is for standardised approaches when modelling data fusion to a Digital Twin. Again, down to the issue of having no
with Digital Twins. [90] [7] and [91], explore some of the standardised Digital Twin modelling methods [91]. Similar
ways data fusion can be used for Digital Twins in industry, to PHM in manufacturing, this concept is an exciting area
while also highlighting some of the potential challenges of research with the Digital Twin being used to monitor
with implementing data fusion, from connection problems to and maintain people’s health. From day-to-day healthcare to
security threats. ongoing health conditions, the Digital Twin can be used in
Years of research in the maintenance of machines has pro- a similar way to PHM, combining data analytics to ensure
duced the term prognostics and health management (PHM) patients are healthy. [32] presents open research relating to
primarily used in an industrial setting as it can be applied to surgery; using historical data with current real-time data for
the health and manufacturing processes from small to large Digital Twin simulations of surgery and overall healthcare.
scale plants [92] [93] [23]. Digital Twin technology promotes The aim is to spot risks before they arise using the virtual
PHM as a potential for research in areas of fault diagnosis twin of the patient.
and predictive maintenance for industrial processes, which An area of research is in the field of data fusion, with [32]
are tangible with the development of Digital Twins [10] [94]. and [37] citing the need for research in accurately dealing
The Digital Twin also allows for the potential interaction with data collected and processed for a Digital Twin, mainly
and collaboration of machines, giving the ability for sim- as it deals with sensitive patient data over the virtual and
ulation of processes, facilitating the goal of more accurate physical Digital Twin, adequate interaction and convergence
manufacturing [95] [96] [82]. are needed for greater trust and use; hence, the need for more
1) Industry Case Studies Remote surgery and healthcare is another exciting area
In the literature reviewed above, seven authors present find- of research. The ability of a doctor being able to perform
ings from a number of case studies on Digital Twin imple- pre-surgery checks remotely through a Digital Twin is a
mentations. To summarise [1] [35] and [2], all three papers promising way to minimise risk to life. Another concept
and case studies discuss how digital twins can be utilised presented by Lakki et al. [32] is the open research for net-
to optimise the manufacturing processes. [1] explores the work supported remote surgery; this comes in line with the
benefits in optimisation when applying a Digital Twin to an developments of 5G for mobile networked surgery, another
16 ,

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area of future research for Digital Twins in healthcare [32] This is something to be achieved through evaluating and
[40]. comparing current Digital Twin systems with each other,
Data fusion, modelling, remote surgery and the implemen- exploring how they differ in handling smaller and larger
tation of Digital Twins for healthcare facilitates more specific heterogeneous Digital Twin environments.
areas of research. [40] [39] [32] and [37] all cite the ongoing
concern with the security of collection and processing of data 3) Artificial Intelligence (AI)
for a Digital Twins, more importantly when dealing with With the advancement in digitalisation, AI is one of the lead-
sensitive data from a healthcare setting. The goal of future ers and facilitators for growth and adaptability for enabling
work is to ensure the privacy of the data used for a Digital Digital Twins and is becoming the main component of such
Twin. systems. The open areas of research evaluating the impact
of AI, machine and deep learning algorithms could poten-
tially have on the advancements and uses of Digital Twin
The final area of interest is the open research questions technology. These advancements in Industry 4.0 concepts
for Digital Twins assosiated with smart cities. The review have enriched the way we live, work and communicate, in
reported in Section V, above, shows that this area is similar to turn, opening up more research opportunities as the demand
healthcare in terms of limited academic research. The papers for Digital Twin technology increases. AI paves the way for
currently cover large parts of this broader vision of a smart more case studies in an industry setting for evaluating the
city; anything from city-wide Digital Twins for smart cities predictive maintenance and remaining useful life of systems
to more specific areas like traffic management Digital Twins as a case study.
[22] [97] and livestock management [15] to renewable energy
[18]. The topics touched on how the large scale Digital Twin
4) Security
can be used for a fully connected large town or city.
An exciting opportunity is the combination of Digital With the advancements in technology like blockchain, come
Twin and local infrastructure, as explored by [3] and [83], several opportunities to ensure security with the main focus
making use of 3D modelling for smart city development on exploring solutions that aid secure Digital Twins.
and maintenance. Open areas to be researched come in the
form of applying data analytics, such as predictive analytics 5) Data Exchange
applied to a Digital Twin for developing smart city. Like security and AI, with more connectivity comes the
A standardised Digital Twin for a smart city is a must. rise in Digital Twin systems and its enabling technologies.
However, this necessitates further research in areas for the More research will ensure the Digital Twin can thrive when
interactions of data fusion for the physical and virtual inter- sharing data between devices. An open area is looking for
change of data for a Digital Twin. The need for modelling in solutions in achieving the seamless integration of data for
a smart city is emphasised by [22] and [97] with the call for small IoT systems as well as large heterogeneous systems.
more generic models that take into account all components The development of small Digital Twins needs to be scaled
of a smart city. Chen [22] presents a traffic management con- up, with consideration for weak data exchange.
cept integrated without the need for further developments or
more generic modelling, setting a standard for compatibility 6) IoT
between smart buildings and smart traffic. With the rise and Most of the open research is from an IoT perspective when
development of Digital Twins for manufacturing, it is clear to thinking of a Digital Twins. There needs to be a way to
see the opportunities for smart cities are increasing [3] [83] retrofit sensors to ensure the data exchange is accurate and
[22]. performing to its best ability. Edge computing is another open
area of research for IoT and Digital Twin technology.
1) Data Models
The first set of findings relate to the Digital Twin model and
its architecture. There is a lack of unified models or a generic There are a number of challenges encountered when trying
Digital Twin architecture in the literature, with no consensus to address open research questions for Digital Twins, as
on how to build a Digital Twin system. Developing a design discussed below.
paradigm for building a Digital Twin could be a generic way
of implementing a basic Digital Twin system. 1) Multidisciplinarity
One significant challenge comes from the multidisciplinary
2) Heterogeneous Systems environments used for designing and developing. These arise
As the Digital Twin environment is heterogeneous, while due to the many different fields of research involved in col-
also being connected to large distributed networks, it is an laborating, which can aid breakthroughs, but also a hindrance
ongoing goal seen throughout the field for researchers to gain as goals in several fields lead in different directions for the
a deeper understanding of how to deal with such systems. research, ultimately leading to slower results.
, 17

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2) Standardisation there is no real difference in definition since being initially

As highlighted in this paper and seen in many new and coined in 2012. It is also evident that some research wrongly
emerging technologies, another challenge facing Digital identifies Digital Twins as models and shadows. Across the
Twin is with the lack of standardisation. This results in dis- literature, there are examples of small scale Digital Twin
crepancies between projects in Digital Twin. A contributing projects, but a lack of large scale projects. One reason for this
factor is the variety of definitions seen; this, coupled with is the lack of domain knowledge on successfully scaling up
no standardisation is a challenge, slowing the progress of the larger Digital Twins. Papers concerning Digital Twin use in
Digital Twin technology. manufacturing identify a range of publications with particular
growth in the health of the machines and predictive mainte-
3) Global Advancements nance. Digital Twins for healthcare draws on similar themes
With the vast advancements in Digital Twins and their en- in terms of health status and monitoring, with a number of
abling technologies, come many benefits but also challenges. papers investigating Digital Twins use for predictive analytics
Futuristic and unrealistic goals lead to slower uptake and of human users. The paper also highlights the advancements
development of newly adapted technologies and opinions. in remote surgery and the importance of researching data
With the breakthrough of Industry 4.0 and the rapid growth fusion, mainly due to the nature of sensitive data used in
of digitalisation comes the growth of technologies at different healthcare. Research for smart cities is limited, but the po-
rates. However, the accelerated growth leads to a range of tential to investigate Digital Twins for traffic management
challenges with connectivity and data exchange. For ex- systems and smart city developments is on the rise.
ample, the supporting systems or IoT devices may not be Despite the field of Digital Twin being in its infancy and
compatible with the Digital Twin. This growth at different dominated by manufacturing, this review paves the way for
rates can also pose new challenges for security in terms of further work. The paper provides a foundation for other
exposing vulnerabilities. researchers to investigate the field further.


The growth in Digital Twin use has seen a shift in recent This work is partly supported by the SEND project (grant ref.
years, facilitated by an increase in the number of published 32R16P00706) funded by ERDF and BEIS. We would also
papers and industry leaders investing heavily in developing like to thank Astec IT Solution Ltd as an industry partner in
Digital Twin technology. It would not be possible without conducting this research.
the same growth in the AI, IoT and IIoT fields, which are
becoming key enablers for Digital Twins. The majority of References
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18 ,

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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI
10.1109/ACCESS.2020.2998358, IEEE Access

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AIDAN FULLER received a Bachelor of Science CHARLES DAY gained an undergraduate degree
degree in Software Engineering in 2017 and an in physics and computer science. After graduation,
M.Sc. in Advanced Computer Studies in 2018 both he worked in the IT industry supporting manufac-
at Liverpool John Moore’s University respectively. turing companies in the telecoms and agricultural
He is currently SEND Graduate PhD Researcher sectors of the economy for a number of years. He
in the School of Computing and Mathematics at returned to academia in the 1990s to complete an
Keele University and is a member of the Soft- MSc and then a PhD (Neural Networks). After
ware and Systems Engineering research group. spells as a post-doctoral researcher at the EC Joint
His research interest is in software engineering, Research Centre in Italy and also in the MacKay
AI (Machine Learning, Deep Learning), Internet Institute for Communication & Neuroscience at
of Things, Industrial IoT and Digital Twins. Keele, he became a Computer Science lecturer at Keele in 2001. Has special
interests in computational modelling, echo state networks and data mining
of large data sets.

ZHONG FAN is a Professor and Academic Direc-

tor of SEND at Keele University. Before that, he CHRIS BARLOW has been a director of SMEs
was Chief Research Fellow with Toshiba Research for over 20 years, focused on delivering innovative
Europe, Bristol, U.K., leading research on IoT, solutions that improve the operations of our man-
smart grid, data analytics, and 5G communica- ufacturing, utility and broadcasting clients. Cur-
tions. He was a Research Fellow with Cambridge rently, as technical director of Astec IT Solutions
University, a Lecturer with Birmingham Univer- since 2005, he is focused on growing the business
sity, and a Researcher with Marconi Laboratories, to be one of the leading system integrators in the
Cambridge. He also received a BT Short-Term UK, providing thought-leadership around digital
Fellowship for his work at BT Laboratories. He transformation and the impact and opportunity
received the B.S. and M.S. degrees from Tsinghua University, China, and IIoT presents to our customers. Areas of expertise
the PhD degree from Durham University, U.K. His research interests are include IIoT, MES/MOM, SCADA systems, IT platforms, analytics, report-
smart energy, IoT, and machine learning applications. ing and virtualisation.

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