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Internet of Things: A World of Need and Opportunity: Vikas Kumar Dr. Neetu Sharma

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International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication ISSN: 2321-8169

Volume: 5 Issue: 6 248 252

Internet of Things: A World of Need and Opportunity

Vikas Kumar1 Dr. Neetu Sharma2

Scholar (M.Tech) Head of Department (C.S.E)
Cyber Forensics and Information Security Cyber Forensics and Information Security
Ganga Institute of Technology and Management, MDU Ganga Institute of Technology and Management, MDU
e-mail: e-mail:

AbstractWith increasing popularity of the IoT (Internet of Things) and devices getting smarter day by day, this paper presents
an idea to reform the Internet of things a world of opportunity. The IoT is opening fantastic opportunities for entrepreneurs and
large established enterprises alike. Whether you prefer to think of it as the Internet of Everything or the Internet of New
Services for Me, your life will be changed in ways not yet imaginable. The Internet of Things (IoT) refers to the use of
intelligently connected devices and systems to pull data gathered by embedded sensors and actuators in machines and other
physical objects. IoT is expected to spread rapidly over the coming years and this convergence will unleash a new dimension of
services that improve the quality of life of consumers and productivity of enterprises shows internet of things as world of
opportunity. In many different ways, and it encompasses many aspects of life from connected homes and cities to connected cars
and roads, roads to devices that track an individual s behavior and use the data collected for push services. Some mention one
trillion Internet-connected devices by 2020 and define mobile phones as the eyes and ears of the applications connecting all of
those connected things.
Keywords-component; IOT, M2M, Agricultural IOT, GSMA, IOT Ecosystem, Smart Cities, Wireless Sensor

I. INTRODUCTION turn into information, knowledge, and, ultimately, wisdom. In

this context, IoT becomes vastly important.[1] Already, IoT
The term IOT was first coined by Peter T. Lewis in the year projects are under way that promise to close the gap between
1985 in a speech given at the Federal Communication poor and rich, improve distribution of the worlds resources to
Commission (FCC). At that time the concept didnt gain those who need them most, and help us understand our planet,
popularity back then, it has been gaining a lot of traction since so we can be more proactive and less reactive. Even so, several
last five years or so. IoT has now entered into a lot of industries barriers exist in the way of IoT development, including the
and made our daily lives much easier than never before. These transition to IPv6, having a common set of standards, and
industries include automotive, healthcare, retail, transportation developing energy sources for millionseven billionsof
etc. Media and entertainment industry One of the industries, minute sensors. However, as businesses, governments,
which came a little late to the party. But, they have now standards bodies, and academia work together to solve these
realized that IoT is both disruptive and inevitable and in order challenges, IoT will continue to progress. The goal of this
to survive in this competitive world and retain paper, therefore, is to educate you in plain and simple terms so
viewers/customers, they will have to embrace the technology. you can be well versed in IoT and understand its potential to
change everything we know to be true today.[2]Lets talk about
some other related terms to IoT like M2M.
The Internet of Things is a rising topic of technical, social, Machine to Machine (M2M) solutions ia a subset of the IoT
and economic implication. Consumer products like cars and which already use wireless networks to connect devices to each
trucks, industrial and utility components, sensors, and other other and the Internet, with minimal direct human interference,
everyday objects which are being combined with Internet for deliver services which confermed the needs of a wide range
connectivity and have powerful data analytic capabilities that of industries. In 2013, M2M connections accounted for 2.8% of
guarantee to transform the way we work, live, and play. The global mobile connections which were about 195 million; it
Internet of Things presents a whole new class of smart objects shows that this sector is still at a comparatively early stage in
and applications ushering in novel forms of automation for its development. An evolution of M2M, the IoT indicate the
nearly all fields of human endeavor. assortment of multiple vendors machines, devices and
Industry analysts project a steep growth trajectory for appliances connected to the Internet through multiple networks.
connected IoT devices, with a range of numbers that While the hidden impact of the IoT is considerable, a
underscores the newness of this phenomenon: Gartner forecasts cooperative effort is required to move beyond this early stage.
26 billion IoT devices by 2020, meanwhile ABI Research In order to optimize the development of the market, a common
projects more than 40 billion and IDC has estimated the figure understanding of the discrete nature of the opportunity is
to exceed 50 billion. required. To achieve this, mobile operators have identified the
The Projections for the impact of IoT on the Internet and following classifiable features:
economy are impressive, with some anxiety as many as 100 The Internet of Things can enable the next wave of
billion connected IoT devices and a global economic impact of life-enhancing services across several fundamental
more than $11 trillion by 2025. Now consider that IoT sectors of the economy.
represents the next evolution of the Internet, taking a huge leap Meeting the needs of customers may require global
in its ability to gather, analyze, and distribute data that we can distribution models and consistent global services.
IJRITCC | June 2017, Available @
International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication ISSN: 2321-8169
Volume: 5 Issue: 6 248 252
The Internet of Things presents an opportunity for be stored in the SD card, and send to the upper computer when
new commercial models to support mass global established network connection.[3]
The majority of revenue will arise from the provision
of value-added services and mobile operators are III. OPPORTUNITY ENTERTAINMENT AND SOCIAL
building new capabilities to enable these new NETWORKING
service areas. The IoT is breaking down barriers between professional and
Device and application behavior will place new and user-generated content as never before, with higher quality
varying demands on mobile networks. data-capture and display capabilities. Accordingly, media
entertainment and social networking are becoming a seamless
II. OPPORTUNITY IN AGRICULTURE For example, if you are a fan of the Food Network,
Due to the development of society, traditional forms of watching a cooking show, you could connect your TV to a
agriculture can't satisfy people's needs, so agriculture must be smart refrigerator integrated with a supermarket that delivers,
change to satisfy people's needs. The development of Internet enabling timely access to needed ingredients. From there, you
technology has brought great opportunity for the development could also activate a smart oven, or social network of fellow
of agricultural modernization, agricultural Internet of things has food-preparers to share in recipe preparation. .[4]
become the inevitable trend of agricultural informatization.
With the help of remote monitoring and control of greenhouse,
the greenhouse monitoring system realized the precise
measurement and real time control of the greenhouse.

Figure 2. IOT in Entertainment And Social Networking[9]

The term IOT was first given by Peter T. Lewis in the year
1985 in a speech which is given at the Federal Communication
Commission (FCC). At that time this concept didnt gain
popularity till then, it has been gaining a lot of traction since
last five years or so. IoT has now entered into a lot of industries
and made our daily lives much easier than never before. These
industries are automative, healthcare, retail, transportation etc.
The Media and entertainment industry was that industries
which came a little late to the party. But, they have now
Figure 1. IOT in Agriculture[8] realized that IoT is both troublesome and inexorable and in
order to survive in this competitive world and retain
Also the greenhouse monitoring system can implement the viewers/customers, they will have to clinch the technology.
scientific management methods, improve the situation of crop
disaster prevention ability and increase production. The Here are a few key areas where IoT is expected to make a
greenhouse monitoring system is designed for satisfy the need huge difference for the media and entertainment industry:
of the remote monitoring and control of greenhouse. The IOT Advertisement
gateway is a join point of public network and wireless sensor A recent report of global survey and accounting firm, Ernst
network in greenhouse monitoring and control system. And the & Young tells that the usage of sensors within the Internet of
function of the gateway is to gathering data, upload and Things devices such as phones, or wearable will be
processing remote user control information. The gateway is contributing mankind with probably the biggest data unlocking
based on modularization method and the using of the method to potential. This huge data can be utilized by the advertisers to
improve the compatibility and better meets the needs of target their ads to specifically to their target audience. The
complex agricultural environment. report also mentions that this data can provide help the
advertisers to understand when and where did one will see their
In agricultural Internet of things Because of the electric and ad, and how many times the ad watched, and at what context
network is instability, the design can realize the cable and all this made the ad successful.
wireless communication between the gateway and the upper Googles much famous Ad Words advertising platform
computer, if all the network lose connection, then the data will works exactly towards matching with the media as more and
more consumers now want to consume their content in terms of
IJRITCC | June 2017, Available @
International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication ISSN: 2321-8169
Volume: 5 Issue: 6 248 252
context, engagement and sometimes even performance. Over IV. SMART FITNESS AND HEALTH CARE
the years, the way Mark Zuckerbergs Facebook has utilized its The concept of smart healthcare plays a significant role in
marketing skills and leveraged its social networking sites healthcare applications through embedding sensors and
famous newsfeed to make it a top revenue generator for itself actuators in patients and their medicine for monitoring and
and the media companies is a commendable success story in tracking purposes. The IoT is used for clinical care to
itself. After that almost all the top newspaper publishing houses monitoring physiological situations of patients through sensors
in the world have now joined Facebook in order to provide and by collecting, analyzing that information. After then
direct content to their readers and decrease the loading time sending that analyzed patients data remotely to processing
exponentially. .[5] centers for perform suitable actions. More and more people use
Big-data Journalism connected personal objectsso-called wearablesto collect
For the unskilled, data journalism involves a journalist information about themselves and positively impact their lives.
analyzing and filtering a large sea of data to arrive at news Currently, wristband monitors and mobile apps track
stories that are worth being told to the viewers. The core performance metrics. On the other end of the spectrum is an
process of data journalism involves gathering, filtering and then array of implanted medical devices creating new opportunities
visualizing this data into news that will be relevant to the to serve patients by dispensing medications, providing
masses. electronic and motor stimuli and monitoring critical
This type of journalism holds a wide variety of scope as far biometrics.[6]
as story ideas are concerned because the only thing that matters
here is news worthiness.
After all, data journalism is considered as the only type of
journalism that is capable of moving into any sector. Every
company is currently in need of people who have the skills to
find relevant information and create valuable, relevant stories
from them.
IoT Enabled Devices in the Warzone
If all goes according to the plan, we could soon see IoT
enables devices becoming important companions of soldiers
fighting it out in the warzone. As we have reported earlier,
global tech giants Google and Amazon have already been
testing their innovative drone technology for product delivery
purposes. The defence forces of several countries including
India have also recruited drones into their war equipment.
Theres a strong possibility that in the future we might see
IoT enabled devices being used by journalists and media
organisations to provide real-time news coverage from
warzones and keep their staff safe at the same time.
Connected Smartphones
With Internet of Things enabled sensors will soon have the
potential of generating news through data and deliver news
relevant to individuals based on their previous news Figure3. IOT in Health [10]
consumption habits. A recent research has found that 39 of the
top 50 news sites in the US get more traffic from mobile The Healthcare industry is the fastest then others to adopt
devices than from desktop PCs. the Internet of Things. The reason of this trend is that features
Wearable devices of IOT into medical devices which improves the quality and
Applications for wearable devices hold a huge potential for effectiveness of service, bringing especially high value for the
the media and entertainment industry. It can attract new elderly, patients with chronic conditions, and those requiring
subscription and advertising revenue for broadcasters, constant supervision. According to some estimates, spending
publishers, and entertainment firms. Hence, devising a suitable on the Healthcare IoT solutions will reach a staggering $1
wearable media strategy has now become an important task for trillion by 2020 and, hopefully, will set the stage for highly
media organizations. personalized, accessible, and on-time Healthcare services for
Challenges With Big-data everyone.Smart sensors, which combined with other sensors
The biggest challenge for a media organization has to face and also with microcontroller, which make it possible to tackle
with big-data is smartly handling the massive amount of data the power of the IoT for healthcare by accurately measuring,
that is available to them. The media companies depend on monitoring and analyzing a variety of health status indicators.
heavy IoT deployment to track and analyse this massive These can include basic vital signs such as heart rate and
amount of data. Social media channels, embedded devices and blood pressure, as well as levels of glucose or oxygen
sensors further expand the ability of gathering data from areas saturation in the blood. Smart sensors can even be incorporated
that were previously unexplored or considered difficult to into pill bottles and connected to the network to indicate
explore. This calls for the creation of a sophisticated analytics. whether a patient has taken a scheduled dose of medication.
A recent Accenture research has shown that finding top
analytics talent to manage massive amounts of data is going to
become a difficult task in the coming years. Hence, it is needed After IoT is also making aggression in this sector, with
that the industry takes a stock of the situation and makes sure solutions ranging from smart thermostats and security systems
that such a situation does not arrive in the future.
IJRITCC | June 2017, Available @
International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication ISSN: 2321-8169
Volume: 5 Issue: 6 248 252
to many different types of appliances and energy management devices. we can Tap your phone to our water meter, to
products controlled from remote locations. monitor usage or view our account, or run diagnostics
In the Programmable World, All Our Objects Will Act as on your Internet-connected TV, so we can resolve a
One. In our houses, cars, and factories, were surrounded by problem, access warranty information, or request a
intelligent devices which capture data. And with the help of service call. We can even use our phone or tablet to
that data it can be decide about how we live and what we do. program appliances that arent connected to Wi-Fi,
Now they are beginning to talk to one another. Soon well be like your microwave, for a new level of
able to choreograph them to respond to our needs, solve our programmability.
problems, even save our lives. Controlling
This is the future: tiny, intelligent things all around us, NFC gives us greater control over settings and access
coordinating their activities: Coffee pots that talk to alarm advantage, so NFC gives a higher degree of flexibility
clocks, Thermostats that talks to motion sensors, Factory with a higher degree of security. we can set our
machines that talk to the power grid and to boxes of raw washing machine to start early in the morning, or
material. A decade after Wi-Fi put all our computers on a program our preferred settings for lighting,
wireless networkand half a decade after the Smartphone temperature, and entertainment, so your living room is
revolution put a series of pocket-size devices on that network just the way we like it, or temporarily disable our
we are seeing the dawn of an era when the most mundane items alarm to let guests in.
in our lives can talk wirelessly among themselves, performing
tasks on command, giving us data which weve never had Imagine a factory where every machine, every room, feeds
before. [7] back information to solve problems on the production line.
Imagine a hotel room (like the ones at the Aria in Las Vegas)
where the lights, the stereo, and the window shade are not just
controlled from a central station but adjust to your preferences
before you even walk in. Think of a gym where the machines
know your workout as soon as you arrive, or a medical device
that can point toward the closest defibrillator when you have a
heart attack. Consider a hybrid carlike the new Ford
Fusionthat can maximize energy efficiency by drawing down
the battery as it nears a charging station.
The Internet of Things is a world of opportunities to deliver a
step change in individuals quality of life and enterprises
productivity. With help of widely distributed, locally
intelligent network of smart devices, the IoT has the power to
enable extensions and enhancements to fundamental services
in transportation, logistics, security, utilities, education,
healthcare and other areas also, while providing a new
ecosystem for application development. There is need of
concerted effort to move the industry beyond the early stages
Figure 4. IOT in Programmable Homes[11]
of market development towards maturity, driven by common
Technology developers are seriously aware of the need for understanding of the distinct nature of the opportunity. This
simplicity and convenience in smart-home applications. market has distinct characteristics in the areas of service
The NFC Forum in particular, has formed an IoT Special distribution, business and charging models also, capabilities
Interest Group (SIG) to investigate how NFC makes it easier to required to deliver IoT services, and the differing demands
connect, commission, and control IoT devices in the home. The these services will place on mobile networks. GSMAs
figure below gives an overview of what that means. Connected Living Programme is an industry initiative which
Connecting seeks to hasten of the development of mobile-enabled IoT
NFC lets us pair devices with each other that use services. It is hoped that a common understanding of the
different communications technologies, so we can characteristics of IoT will enable industry stakeholders to
initiate a Bluetooth or Wi-Fi transaction. In this we collaborate more effectively in order to propel the market
Join a Wi-Fi network without having to enter settings forward for the benefit of consumers and society.
or complex pass codes, or add a new light equipment
to your network without keying in a product ID or REFERENCES
serial number. NFC is especially helpful when
working with IoT devices that dont have a user [1] Marty Lafferty, CEO, Distributed Computing Industry
interface, such as light bulbs, sensors, small Association (DCIA), ,
appliances, electrical outlets, and so on.
[2] Dave Evans, Cisco Internet Business Solutions Group (IBSG).
NFC helps to install our setup easily, log data, and
maintain our network. In most cases, our Smartphone BSG_0411FINAL.pdf
becomes the user interface for the smart-home [3] Guohong Li, Wenjing Zhang,, Yi Zhang North China Institute
network, making it possible to interact with IoT of Aerospace Engineering, Hebei Langfang, 065000, China
IJRITCC | June 2017, Available @
International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication ISSN: 2321-8169
Volume: 5 Issue: 6 248 252
School of Information Engineering, Hebei University of
Technology, Tianjin, China E-mail:
[4] This is How IoT Will Dominate the Media Industry by Kirti
Sharma Mar 15, 2017,
[5] Engaging In Entertainment Social Networks Kelsey Jones on
March 8, 2011 at 9:39 am,
[6] IoT applications spanning across industries Written by: Rahul,
[7] The IoT at home: NFC makes it easier to create smart
environments by Pierre Goarin,
[8] http://iotlist-production.s3-us-west-

IJRITCC | June 2017, Available @

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