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Numerical Methods in Geotechnical Engineering Hicks, Brinkgreve & Rohe (Eds)

2014 Taylor & Francis Group, London, 978-1-138-00146-6

Application of artificial neural network in monitoring seepage flow through

Dadin Kowa dam, Gombe State Nigeria

E.B. Ojo & D.S. Matawal

Nigerian Building & Road Research Institute, Abuja, Nigeria

ABSTRACT: Several numerical models have been developed for seepage analysis in embankment dams.
However, these methods require a specification of the initial and boundary conditions and the spatial distribution
of hydraulic parameters which are not easily measured. Therefore, data modeling tools that are able to capture
and represent complex input/output relationships, such as Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs), are potential tools
for obtaining more accurate results. The principal objective of this study was to train a neural network model to
predict water levels in piezometers in an embankment dam using Dadin Kowa dam in Gombe State, Nigeria as a
case study. A feedforward 3-layer network employing the backpropagation algorithm for network learning was
used. The model results show that predicted water levels compared satisfactorily with those measured on the field.
This study offers insight to the effectiveness of ANNs in monitoring seepage flow through an embankment dam.

1 INTRODUCTION for two of the saddle dams of the Som-Kamla-Amba

project in Rajasthan, India. Turkmen et al. (2002)
Embankment dams are usually designed to allow drilled boreholes and used dye trace tests to identify
steady state seepage through the dam sections. How- the seepage paths in the rockfill Kalecik dam inTurkey.
ever, when internal erosion occurs, the seepage flow Because of the complexity of most real seepage prob-
increases and fines from the core or foundation are lems of interest, approximate solutions are commonly
transported away thereby affecting the stability of the employed. The most common are numerical meth-
dam. Research has revealed that internal erosion is one ods and graphical solutions. Several numerical models
of the prevalent failure modes in embankment dams that provide seepage estimates have been developed
(ICOLD, 1995). Dam failures are usually catastrophic by making use of the finite difference and the finite
and result in a significant loss of lives and properties. element methods, or other numerical modeling tools
A seepage monitoring system is therefore a vital (Tayfur et al. (2005), Tien-Kuen (1996), Naouss and
part of an embankment dams monitoring system as Najar (1996) etc.).
anomalous seepage may pose a threat to the integrity of In the finite element method, the flow domain
the dam and any excessive and unplanned seepage may is subdivided into small elements within which an
lead to the dam failure. Dam safety monitoring is of approximate form of solution is assumed. Thus, a solu-
prime importance to owners and operators of embank- tion is obtained for each individual element, in which
ment dams as dams represent large economic values. the constants of the solution are obtained by minimiz-
From routine inspections, deviations from expected or ing the energy dissipation rate, subject to the boundary
predicted seepage flow rates may be indicative of pref- conditions and continuity requirements between the
erential seepage zones or piping through the core or elements (Zienkiewicz and Cheung, 1965). Using the
foundation, which can severely compromise the struc- finite element method (FEM) based on an invariant
tural stability of the embankment. The prediction of mesh technique, Honjo et al. (1995) analyzed seepage
infiltration and seepage in time and space and the through the saturated-unsaturated zone in the Tarbela
consequent seepage path through the dam is impor- dam in Pakistan. They analyzed various stages of
tant for planning and implementing technically and reservoir filling and depletion and various conditions
economically sound remedial stability measures. of sedimentation in the reservoir. Tien-Kuen (1996)
investigated the stability of an earth dam under steady
state seepage by a FEM. Naouss and Najjar (1996)
1.1 Seepage flow models
developed a finite difference method (FDM) to cal-
Over the years, physical and mathematical methods culate the piezometer head and seepage velocity at
have been used to predict seepage paths. Panthulu et al. all nodal locations within a permeable stratum. Solv-
(2001) used geophysical methods to analyse seepage ing the inverse problem with a steady state model of
and a self potential method to delineate seepage paths saturated-unsaturated seepage flow in porous media,

Xu et al. (2003) designed a hydraulically optimal earth
dam cross section.
Generally, numerical methods require a compli-
cated technique for the solution of model equations,
determination of initial and boundary conditions as
well as the spatial distribution of hydraulic parameters.
The complexity of the phenomena governing seepage
through an embankment dam and the lack of infor-
mation concerning the boundary conditions makes it
Figure 1. Dam section showing some of the piezometers.
very difficult to build a finite element deterministic
model. In practical situations, satisfying all the data
needs of a comprehensive FEM is seldom available
due to time and budgetary constraints. Furthermore, 2 MATERIALS AND METHODS
there is always a problem of convergence and insta-
bility in the numerical solution of the highly nonlinear 2.1 Case study
differential equation of the physics based model. These The Dadin Kowa dam was used as a case study to
factors reduce the accuracy of the model in predicting carry out this investigation. It is located in North-
seepage flow. Eastern Nigeria in Yamaltu-Deba Local Government
Tayfur et al. (2005) developed a FEM model along- in Gombe State. It lies on Lat.N10 18 and Long E
side an Artificial Neural Network model, to predict 11 31 . The dam is located 5 km north of the village
seepage path through the body of Jeziorsko dam, of Dadin Kowa on River Gongola in Gombe State. Its
Poland. The piezometer water levels computed by the major basin is the Benue River basin. It has a capac-
models satisfactorily compared with those measured ity of 2 885 000 000 m3 and area 300 000 000 m2 . The
by the piezometers. However, the model results also reservoir extends northwards for a distance of 65 km
revealed that the ANN model performed as good as approximately to where the Borno extension railway
and in some cases better than the FEM model. In recent line crosses the Gongola River in Ashaka.
time, both in research and practical applications, neu- It is a rockfill embankment which consists of a
ral networks have proven to be a very powerful method central core of silty clay, supported upstream and
of mathematical modeling. downstream by rockfill shells in which the maxi-
mum aggregate size ranges from 300 to 1200 mm. The
1.2 Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) embankment is 42 m high with a length of 520 m and
Artificial neural networks are powerful data mod- a base width of 230 m. Figure 1 shows a schematic
eling tools that are able to capture and represent representation of a section of the dam.
complex input/output relationships. The motivation The transition zone between the core and the shell
for the development of neural network technology consists of 3 m of granular filter formed of a mix-
stemmed from the desire to develop an artificial sys- ture of crushed rock and natural sand as shown. The
tem that could perform intelligent tasks similar to embankment is founded on river sand (up to 18.5 m
those performed by the human brain. The true power thick) at the river section, and on bedrock (a sandstone
and advantage of neural networks lies in their ability with occasional mudstone intercalations) at the banks.
to represent both linear and non-linear relationships The bedrock is overlain by a thick alluvial deposit, up
and in their ability to learn these relationships directly to 70 m wide along the dam axis, which consists of
from the data being modeled. Traditional linear mod- medium to coarse sand with discontinuous zones rich
els are simply inadequate when it comes to modeling in gravel and/or silt. The river sand which has an in
data that contains non-linear characteristics. situ hydraulic conductivity of about 0.00010.1 cm/s
Over the last few years, the use of Artificial Neu- (before densification) attains a maximum thickness
ral Networks (ANN) has increased in many areas of of about 18.5 m along the dam axis (Chido-Amajuoyi
Engineering. In particular, ANNs have been applied and Ofoegbu, 1987).
to many geotechnical engineering problems and some
2.2 Methodology
degree of success has been recorded. A review of liter-
ature reveals thatArtificial Neural Networks have been To create the network prediction model, the NNTOOL
recently employed for the solution of many hydraulic, application in MATLAB was used. Water levels for
hydrologic and water resources problems ranging from twenty-five piezometers in the embankment sections,
rainfall runoff (Tokar and Johnson 1999) to sedi- the alluvial foundation and the bedrock were collected
ment transport (Jain 2001; Nagy et al. 2002) to solute from the Dadin Kowa dam from 6 September, 1983
transport (Aziz and Wong 1992; Lu et al. 1998). In to 21 October, 1998. This much data was required in
embankment dams, ANNs have been used to predict order to select the year which contains all the pos-
seepage path in a homogenous earthfill dam in Poland sible variations in water rise in the upper reservoir.
(Tayfur et al. 2005). They have also been used sat- Therefore, water levels from the period of 17 October,
isfactorily to estimate peak outflow from breached 1989 to 10 September, 1990 was selected and used
embankments (Amini et al. 2011; Hoosyaripor and to calibrate the network as this showed a wider varia-
Tahershamsi 2012). tion in the reservoir level. Similarly, water levels from

Figure 2. Network topology. X Reservoir water level,
Y Tailwater level, Z Identification of piezometer, O
Piezometer water level. Figure 3. Training process.

October 1990 to July, 1991 were used to validate the

model. Piezometers in the embankment sections were
selected based on their location upstream or down-
stream of the core. Also, piezometers before and after
the slurry cut-off wall in the alluvial foundation and
bedrock were also selected.
In this study, the multi-layer perceptron feed
forward neural network was selected as prediction
model because of its performance in previous stud-
ies (Tayfur et al. 2005). Previous studies have shown
that the more neurons in a hidden layer, the more pow-
erful the network, except for purely linear networks.
The network employed for this study had two layers, Figure 4. Predicted Water Level against Measured Water
with tan-sigmoid transfer function in the hidden layer Level during Training.
and a linear transfer function in the output layer. This
is a useful structure for function approximation prob-
lems. Each hidden layer had seven neurons each. The 3.2 Model calibration
optimal number of neurons in the hidden layer was
obtained by trial error to avoid underfitting in the case Using the reservoir water level, tailwater level and
of too few neurons and overfitting in the case of too piezometer identification number as inputs, and the
many neurons. piezometer water levels as outputs, the neural network
As shown in Figure 2, the network output layer had model was calibrated. Measured water levels from
a single neuron with the water level in the piezometer 17th October, 1989 to 10th September, 1990 were used
as the output variable. The network had three input to calibrate the model. To ascertain the performance
neurons since there were three input variables (the of the model, a regression analysis was carried out
upstream water elevation, the downstream water ele- between the measured piezometer water levels and the
vation and the identification number of a piezometer). model predicted water levels.This is shown in Figure 4.
Because, several input vectors were used for training, Figure 4 shows a coefficient of determination (R2 )
the batch training style was used. In this training style, is 0.997 indicating a strong correlation between the
weights and biases are only updated after all of the measured water levels and predicted water levels. The
inputs and targets are presented. The scaled conjugate slope of the regression line is 0.995 with an intercept
gradient (trainscg) training algorithm was selected as of 1.25.This indicates an overall successful training of
it requires no line search and is good general purpose the neural network model.
training algorithm. Figure 5 shows an average R2 value of 0.8 which
also indicates a satisfactory correlation between the
measured water levels and predicted water levels.
However, two piezometers (P38 and P37) had cor-
relation coefficients which were less than 0.5. The
indicates the model did not perform so well in captur-
ing the input-output relationships in these piezometers.
3.1 Network learning
This may be attributed to irregular trend in the water
The figure below shows the training process with the level variations for these piezometers as observed in
performance goal being met at the 4769th epoch. the initial data analysis.

Figure 7. Correlation Coefficient for Piezometers in the
Validation Run.
Figure 5. Correlation Coefficient for Piezometers in the
Training Run.

Figure 8. Computed MeanAbsolute Errors for Piezometers.

The computed Mean Absolute Error (MAE) and

Figure 6. Predicted Water Level against Measured Water percentage error were computed and are presented in
Level during Validation. Figure 8.
The results show that about 60% of the piezome-
3.3 Model validations ters have a computed mean absolute error of less than
The trained neural network model was then tested 0.5 m. P47 had a computed mean absolute error of
by predicting the measured piezometer level for the zero.
period of 8 October, 1990 to 1 July,1991. Figure 6 The result from this study gives more insight for
compares the model-predicted piezometer water level the potential use of ANNs in monitoring piezometer
with the measured water level showing a coefficient water levels in embankment dams. The neural network
of determination (R2 ) of 0.994, a slope of 0.99 and an model selected for the study satisfactorily captured
intercept of 2.2 for the regression line. This indicates the relationship between the reservoir, tailwater lev-
satisfactory predictions of the measured water levels els and the piezometer water levels. However, some
by the ANN. piezometers showed errors as high as 2 m (P29 and
Figure 7 shows an overall average R2 value of P17). These piezometers however had satisfactory R2
0.8 which is satisfactory. From the figure, it can be values. Performance of neural networks, as any data-
observed a few piezometers (P57, P38, P37 & P18) driven model is extremely sensitive to the data used
had low R2 values. during calibration. This would suggest that although
These piezometers are located in the core of the the pattern between the input variables was captured
embankment section. A time series plot for these in the training run, such a pattern did not exist in the
piezometers revealed patterns which were not similar data used for the validation test.
to the other piezometers. This may be due to piezome-
ter defects, construction errorrs, etc. Since, the model
performed poorly in the calibration stage, it is only
expected that the performance should also be poor in
the validation stage. Performance of neural networks,
The following conclusions have been drawn from this
as any data-driven model is extremely sensitive to the
case study:
data used during calibration.This suggests that the data
used to train the network was insufficient and there- Monitoring piezometer water levels in embankment
fore incapable of capturing the pattern between the dams is essential to detect anomalies in seepage
input and output variables for these piezometers. paths which may lead to dam failure.

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