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Polycentric Urban Climate Governance: Creating Synergies Between Integrative and Interactive Governance in Oslo

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Received: 27 March 2020 Revised: 26 January 2021 Accepted: 2 February 2021

DOI: 10.1002/eet.1935


Polycentric urban climate governance: Creating synergies

between integrative and interactive governance in Oslo

Trond Vedeld1 | Hege Hofstad1 | Hilde Solli2 | Gro Sandkjær Hanssen1

Norwegian Institute for Urban and Regional
Research (NIBR), International Department, Abstract
Oslo Metropolitan University, Oslo, Norway Cities have emerged as important agents and sites in climate governance interventions,
Technical Department, Climate Agency, Oslo
experimentations and networks. Drawing upon two strains of climate governance and
Municipality, Oslo, Norway
collaborative governance literature, respectively, this article adopts a polycentric
approach to the analysis of Oslo's urban climate governance. It unpacks the relation-
Trond Vedeld, Norwegian Institute for Urban
and Regional Research (NIBR), International ships between urban leadership, climate goal-setting and institutional design, and
Department, Oslo Metropolitan University,
reveals how these variables condition the employment of a combination of integrative
Postboks 4 St. Olavs plass, 0130 Oslo,
Norway. and interactive governing instruments that foster both self-governance and co-creation
in climate responses. The article argues that broad and long-term political support facil-
Funding information itates the adoption of ambitious climate goals, utilization of regulatory powers, and the
The Research Council of Norway, Grant/
design and operations of innovative hybrid mixes of integrative and interactive
Award Number: 270668
governing instruments. The hybrid combination of instruments is what provides the
basis for synergistic, predictable and dynamic forms of self-governance and co-created
linkages among public and private ‘units’ within the wider urban climate governance
ecosystem. Trans-local and transnational networks play an important role in building
such capacities for urban climate governance. Local processes of co-creation and
networked experimentations are ‘scaling up’ to change policies at city, national and
international levels. The empirical observations from Oslo have implication for theories
of polycentric urban climate governance and for the promise and limitations of co-
creation in the climate arena. The analysis draws upon qualitative interviews with close
to 50 public and private stakeholders and policy document studies.

co-creation, experimentations and scaling, integrative and interactive governance, leadership,
polycentric urban climate governance

1 | I N T RO DU CT I O N climate policies. It inspired the search for new opportunities among

a diversity of city actors (Bernstein & Hoffmann, 2018;
Cities are currently taking the global lead in pursuing goals of resil- Bulkeley, 2015; IPCC, 2018). Cities often outperform their states
ient, low-carbon, and sustainable urban development (IPCC, 2018; and emerge as important sites for climate leadership and experi-
van der Heijden, 2019). To this end, the Paris agreement opened ments with innovative governing instruments (Hofstad and Vedeld,
up an increased space of manoeuvre for cities, while also introduc- 2020; Bulkeley, Castán Broto, & Edwards, 2015). They frequently
ing a greater sense of real urgency in implementing appropriate break out of traditional local-regional-national hierarchies and act

This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits use, distribution and reproduction in any medium,
provided the original work is properly cited.
© 2021 The Authors. Environmental Policy and Governance published by ERP Environment and John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

Env Pol Gov. 2021;1–14. 1


in trans-local and transnational city networks or in public–private First, goal-setting is central to enhance the efficiency and effec-
collaborative arenas (Acuto & Rayner, 2016; Pierre, 2019; van der tiveness of any public policy and governance strategy (Latham &
Heijden, 2018; van der Heijden, 2019). Cities have thus become Locke, 2006, p. 332). Cities are observed, in Oslo as elsewhere, to
interesting locations for the study of climate leadership and gover- often set higher climate goals and ambitions than the nation states
nance from the local to the global level (van der Heijden, 2018, they are in (Reckien et al., 2014; van der Heijden, 2018, p. 82). We
p. 82, 2019). explore the processes of climate goal-setting in the context of Oslo
However, despite considerable progress, a general problem and reveal how goals are utilized to frame climate strategies and
observed in the empirical literature on how cities lead and govern cli- mobilize both internal and external actors to the city administration
mate action is the gap between high levels of policy ambitions and the for shared climate governance.
reality of limited activity on the ground (van der Heijden, 2019, p. 2; Second, despite observed achievements in responding to climate
Bulkeley & Betsill, 2013). Pathways to ‘deep decarbonization’ and ‘cli- change at policy level, many cities show limited capability in internalizing
mate transformation’ understood as a fundamental shift in the struc- and actually operationalizing climate policies into concrete pathways to
ture of political and economic systems seem hard to create decarbonization (van der Heijden, 2019). They rather prioritize other
(Bernstein & Hoffmann, 2018; Bulkeley, 2013, 2015; Wolfram, van important or acute policy concerns (Bernstein & Hoffmann, 2018;
der Heijden, Juhola, & Patterson, 2019). To this end, it remains a chal- Hickmann & Stehle, 2019; Lafferty & Hovden, 2003; Patterson, de
lenge in both theory and practice to understand what exactly the Voogt, & Sapiains, 2019). Intrigued by these observations, we study
governing of climate change in a city entails and how various path- how the city government integrates ambitious climate goals into own
ways may be designed and lead to effective, efficient and fair urban governance, strategies and instruments to promote coherent and
climate governance (Hughes, 2017, p. 364). Inspired by these chal- coordinated climate action across departments, sectors and actors.
lenges, this article explores the leadership of urban polycentric gover- Third, any policy or governance system that tries to improve
nance in both theory and practice. The article aims to unpack levels of collective climate action is dependent on the willing coopera-
relationships between public leadership, climate goal-setting, institutional tion of citizens and private firms and a certain level of trust by the par-
design, and the employment of a combination of integrative and interac- ticipants that others are (also) complying with the adopted goals and
tive governing instruments that fosters both self-governance and co-crea- policies (Ostrom, 2010, p. 551; Visseren-Hamakers, 2018; Kern, 2019;
tion of climate responses among stakeholders (Bulkeley & Betsill, 2013; Bulkeley & Betsill, 2013). We are thus interested in how cities enable
Bulkely and Newell 2015; Bulkeley, Castán Broto, & Edwards 2015; or engage in interactive and collaborative arenas to overcome barriers
Hughes, 2017; Jordan, Huitema, van Asselt, & Forster, 2018; to boost synergistic urban governance performance and linkages within
Patterson & Huitema, 2019; van der Heijden, 2018, 2019; Visseren- the broader polycentric regime; climate challenges being perceived to
Hamakers, 2018). By drawing upon experiences in the city of Oslo, raise a nexus of unruly or ‘wicked' collective action problems across a
the study is set in circumstances in which climate politics increasingly wide variety of actors and scales (Hofstad & Torfing, 2017). Specifically,
shape local urban agendas and politics. how do patterns of networking shape ‘governance experimentations’
Cities and the networks and actors they collaborate with can in and ‘scaling’. Experimentation has become a mainstream strategy by
this regard best be understood as (open) self-governing ‘units’ within many cities to test innovative policies or technologies on the ground
a polycentric system, rather than as a specific domain (Jordan (Smeds & Acuto, 2018; van der Heijden, 2019; Gordon, 2018; Bulkeley
et al., 2018; Ostrom, 2010; van der Heijden, 2018, 2019). Urban cli- et al., 2015; Bulkeley & Castán Broto, 2013).
mate governance is defined in broad terms as ‘the ways in which pub- The article proceeds as follows. First, we outline the analytical
lic, private and civil society actors and institutions articulate climate framework. Second, we present the methodological approach and
goals, exercise influence and authority, and manage climate planning Oslo as our empirical case. Third, we present the key elements of the
and implementation processes’ (Anguelovski & Carmin, 2011, p. 169). ‘Oslo urban climate governance approach’ and explore how the
Cities to this end are observed to develop goals, test new institutional emerging urban climate governance relates to key research questions.
arrangements and leadership roles for ensuring policy integration Fourth, we outline the implications of the empirical findings for theory
internally and developing and experimenting with climate policies, and policy and polycentric urban climate governance. Finally, we
plans and projects through interactive processes with external actors conclude and suggest areas for further research.
to advance innovative step changes (Smeds & Acuto, 2018; Acuto &
Rayner, 2016; Bulkeley and Castán Broto, 2013; van der
Heijden, 2018). Starting from such a broad understanding, we focus 2 | ANALYTICAL FRAMEWORK: A
on three related topics identified in recent scholarship as central for P O L Y C E N T R I C A N D M U L T I LE V E L A P P R O A C H
explaining the role of city leadership in polycentric urban climate gov- T O U R B A N C L I M A T E G OV E R N A N C E
ernance (building on van der Heijden, 2018, 2019). These topics are
subsequently utilized to explain Oslo's public leadership and gover- Our adopted framework for studying polycentric urban governance
nance within the larger polycentric regime or ‘governance ecosystem’ allows us to bridge two key strains of literature:
in the climate arena (Gordon, 2018; Hausknost et al., 2018; Held & Urban climate governance scholarship; highlighting the key role of
Roger, 2018). cities in public climate governance with a main focus on integrative

dimensions and analysing how different forms of governing and governance. This literature highlights especially the need for interac-
instruments contribute to internal policy mainstreaming horizontally tive governance and collaborative efforts across public and private
and vertically (in multilevel approaches). This scholarship rests to a stakeholders in the co-governance of climate change as a complex
large degree on earlier insights from the literature on environmental problem (Ansell & Torfing, 2016; Pestoff, 2018; Torfing, Sørensen, &
and climate policy integration (Agenda 21) focusing on mainstreaming Røiseland, 2016; Weber & Khademian, 2008). The literature suggests
within the local government in non-environmental sectors, and how institutions design and leadership facilitate collaborative arenas
how the state constrains local environmental policies (Adelle & and platforms and how co-creation processes unfold and are managed
Russel, 2013; Lafferty & Hovden, 2003; Visseren-Hamakers, 2018; to spur innovation and/or public value and, in turn, enable improved
Wang, Van Wart, & Lebredo, 2014). Beyond a focus on how climate self-governance (Ansell & Gash, 2007, 2018; Hood, 2007; Osborne,
change is institutionalized in policies and municipal planning, there is a Radnor, & Strokosch, 2016; Ostrom, 2010; Sørensen &
specific and strengthened focus on how pilots and experimentations Triantafillou, 2009).
evolve to create innovative and transformative pathways to urban Figure 1 illustrates the analytical framework and provides at the
climate governance (van der Heijden, 2019; Díaz-Pont, 2020; Hofstad same time a visual representation of our findings. Our basic hypothe-
and Vedeld, 2020; Smedby, 2019; Patterson et al., 2019; Smeds & sis is that urban (polycentric) climate governance evolves through a
Acuto, 2018; Gordon, 2018; Held & Roger, 2018; Hoelschera, Fran- fine-tuned and balanced combination of instruments and forms of
tzeskakaia, McPhearson, & Loorbacha, 2019; Jordan et al., 2018; governing facilitated by experimental urban leadership. Leadership is
Kern, 2019; Bulkeley & Newell, 2015; Bulkeley & Betsill, 2013; performed through climate goal-setting and institutional design of a
Bulkeley, 2013; Bernstein & Hoffmann, 2018). mix of integrative and interactive forms of governing and instruments.
Collaborative governance and public administration literature; con- In turn, these processes enable a combination of voluntary self-
tributing an actor- and institutional oriented perspective on (urban) governance and engagement in co-creation among both public

F I G U R E 1 Leadership of polycentric
urban climate governance [Color figure
can be viewed at]

entities and private organizations. Integrative and interactive forms of silos. This may be done through establishing, for example, dedicated
governing are treated as the core of our analytical model, with leader- institutional agencies or cross-sector working groups and arenas for
ship, goal-setting and institutional design represented as either critical mobilizing and aligning diverse staff and entities for shared goals and
contributions to or context variables for the integrative and interac- visions (van der Heijden, 2019). It may also involve upward/multilevel
tive processes (inspired by Ansell & Gash, 2007). Process outcomes negotiation with state and regional entities to obtain or alter devolved
and policy outcomes are in the form of innovations and pathways to and decentred mandates and authority and organizational capabilities
decarbonization and/or climate transformation as well as potential to manage own estate and infrastructures (Kern, 2019). Moreover, the
feedback to change urban governance, policy and institutions. design of regulatory instruments may be employed to enhance the
Leadership is the authority and mindset to mobilize others for a authority and internal alignments through commonly agreed rules,
shared purpose by facilitating action and interaction (Sørensen & regulations, plans, and climate-related services. Second, interactive
Torfing, 2019). It provides the essential mediation and facilitation for governance, which directs attention to the need for largely autono-
diverse forms of urban governance. Leadership acts through a combi- mous, yet interdependent, public and/or private actors or ‘units’ at
nation of ‘hands off’ orchestration or meta-governance of the overall different scales to come together within the polycentric ‘system’. The
polycentric system, including in institutional design, and ‘hands on’ intent is to share ideas and scarce resources, agree on climate goals,
everyday leadership functions in different organizations. Leadership ensure carbon control, build resilience and manage complex, social
convenes, facilitates and catalyses collaboration through face-to-face dilemmas and equity conflicts through collective efforts (Ansell &
interaction and trust building (Ansell & Gash, 2007; Weber & Gash, 2018; Hofstad & Torfing, 2017). Interactive governance relates
Khademian, 2008). Leadership of networked experimentation requires closely to concepts such as collaborative governance (co-governance),
mindsets as collaborative capacity builders and commitment to the co-creation, participatory governance, and citizen engagement and
collaborative process to bring out the attributes of co-creation. It participation (Torfing et al., 2016).
requires capabilities to enable and work as brokers transgressing insti- The combination of integrative and interactive governing, in turn,
tutional silos and boundaries. Networked or co-created experimenta- facilitates or enhances both self-governance and co-creation, the quality
tions are pilots or testing of innovative technologies and policies on and mix depending on leadership choices and institutional design. Self-
the ground; often associated with complex patterns of city network- governance is defined as non-obligatory or voluntary climate-conscious
ing (Smeds and Acuto, 2018; Bulkeley et al., 2015). action among multiple types of actors (Sørensen & Triantafillou, 2009).
Climate goal-setting indicates what the organization wish to attain, The actors buy into the idea and vision of decarbonization and climate
usually within a specified period of time (Latham & Locke, 2006, transformation by altering their actions and institutions accordingly
p. 332). Goal-setting and how it relates to the institutionalization of without being directly instructed to do so. Co-creation is a specific form
climate policies in cities is an important, albeit overlooked, political of interaction or collaborative governance between a plethora of public
phenomenon in the city climate governance literature (Hofstad, and/or private actors or partners. It implies interactions that lead to
Tønnessen, Millstein, Vedeld, & Hansen, 2021). Goal-oriented courses coordinated and collaborative processes in diverse projects and experi-
of action (goal-setting) to deal with a complex or significant public mentations, platforms, arenas, networks or public–private partnerships
problem is, however, a central performance proficiency dimension of for shared public or collective purposes (Ansell & Gash, 2018). When
any public policy and governance strategy. Moving beyond the public done right, co-creation works to enhance the production of public value
administration scholarship's preoccupation with how public leaders, and continuous innovation and learning; the rationale is that combined
through goal-setting, succeed in motivating internal employees to act, collective efforts produce greater value than the sum of benefit streams
in studies of urban climate governance, the climate goals need to con- from what each actor would have produced in isolation (Torfing
stitute tools that intrigue and motivate the actions of an array of both et al., 2016, p. 8; Ostrom, 2010).
internal and external actors (Hofstad et al., 2021).
Institutional design is defined as the devising and realization by the
leadership of rules, procedures, and organizational structures to enable 3 | METHODOLOGICAL APPROACH
and constrain behaviour and action and interaction of a given constella-
tion of actors in accord with held values, to achieve desired objectives, The data material for the Oslo case includes document studies of climate-
or to execute given tasks (inspired by Alexander, 2005, p. 213). relevant strategies, plans, policies, and steering documents of the city
The analytical framework suggests two main forms of urban cli- (City of Oslo, 2016a, 2016b, 2017, 2018, 2019a, 2019b, 2019c, 2019d,
mate governance are required to resolve social dilemmas inherent in 2019e, 2020a, 2020b). Document review is combined with 48 in-depth
climate change (Ostrom, 2010). First, integrative governance, which interviews in the period 2018–2020. Informants were selected according
directs attention to the need to integrate/mainstream and anchor to the snowball method. They represent high- and medium-level public
shared climate responses of diverse policies and instruments across officials and professionals within the climate domain (23); politicians
multiple internal municipal (sector) entities of the wider organization, (5, position and opposition); high-level employees of private businesses
both horizontally and vertically (van der Heijden, 2019; Visseren- (8); representatives of neighbouring municipalities (4); staff of environ-
Hamakers, 2018). For a city government, this relates foremost to the mental foundations (2); state actors (2); and actors engaged as social
challenges of building in-house coordination capacity across sector entrepreneurs in brokering between private developers and public

agencies and citizens (3, in an idealistic shareholding company). The inter- Reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 95 per cent emis-
views lasted approximately 1–2 hr, and focussed on the interviewees' sion reduction by 2030 (…) and by 65 per cent by 2025
impressions and memory regarding diverse leadership, governance and compared to the 2009 level.
climate action topics. All interviews were audiotaped, transcribed and
coded in NVIVO as part of the analysis. These goals stimulate a focus on key sectors and sector-related actors
Oslo is a medium-scale globally oriented city with about 700,000 and activities which encompass the largest CO2 emission reduction
people. The city enjoys a high degree of devolved discretionary pow- potentials, such as transport, energy, buildings, waste, in this sequence
ers, institutional capabilities and generous financial support to formu- (City of Oslo, 2016a, 2016b, 2018). Emissions from energy are less of
late and act upon own climate policies. The national climate policy a concern given that energy for housing is largely produced by hydro-
framework is in general supportive of Oslo's climate policies, however, power, and oil heating has been phased out. A characteristic trait of
not very specific in terms of what should actually be done on the gro- the goal-setting and governing has thus been a certain ‘CO2-fixation’.
und and how (Hanssen & Hofstad, 2020; Hofstad, Vedeld, & This is also observed in other cities and might be interpreted as pro-
Tønnessen, 2020). With reference to its award as a European Environ- viding a relatively narrow scope for the climate agenda
mental Capital in 2019, Oslo has become an innovative frontrunner in (Bulkeley, 2015). However, in Oslo, the clarity of the climate emission
responding to climate change, and an exemplary climate leader, and reduction goals seems to work as a strong governing tool to align both
the city brands itself as such, along with cities such as Stockholm, internal municipal entities and the external business community that
Copenhagen, Amsterdam, Freiburg and London (Kern, 2019). Being a works to reduce gaps between the goals and implementation on the
partner in the most important transnational climate networks, such as ground. This is underscored by both representatives of the city (inter-
C40 and EUROCITIES, the city influences and is influenced by pro- viewed politicians and administrators) and private business actors (see
gressive global climate cities worldwide.1 Hence, the city is represen- below). The following quote by one of the key political architects of
tative of ambitious, front-running cities that take significant the climate regime underlines the integrative effects of the goals:
innovative actions regarding policy and institutional development of
relevance to climate transformation (The Local, 2019). The city was We needed to have a clear climate goal that could not be
accepted as a member of C40 in 2013, based among others on its manipulated (…) create a governance system that avoids
advanced congestion charge system, elaborate and integrated public fragmentation (…) and incorporates climate measures into
transport system (metro, tram, train, buses), proliferation of electric the entire management of the municipality. (Position poli-
cars, and innovations in climate governance (Hofstad and Vedeld, tician A)
2020; Hofstad et al., 2020; Watts, 2018). Oslo can serve as a case
study to understand urban climate governance in both small-, Compared to many other European cities (Reckien et al., 2014; van
medium- and large-scale ‘global’ cities. der Heijden, 2019), Oslo's climate goals seem to be sufficiently clear
to make the goals hard to escape or obscure, while providing for effi-
cient and predictable approaches for relevant and concerned stake-
4 | F I N D I N G S : T H E ‘ OS LO CLIMATE holders (Hofstad et al., 2021). Oslo's latest Climate 2030 strategy and
GOVERNANCE APPROACH’ adopted goals are explicit about why and how there is a need to
involve an array of relevant and concerned actors and enable both
4.1 | Climate-goal setting spurs both integrative interactive and self-governing arrangements (City of Oslo, 2018,
and interactive processes p. 48, 2020c; Hanssen & Hofstad, 2020; Hofstad & Vedeld, 2020).
Moreover, the strategy moves beyond the previous ‘CO2 fixed’
There might be a variety of reasons why the city of Oslo set high miti- goals and has been framed within a wider strategic scope related to
gation targets – and higher than the national (and EU) level. Van der the integration of climate adaptation, resilience and broader sustain-
Heijden (2019) suggests that cities set ambitious goals for a variety of ability concerns in the climate approach (City of Oslo, 2020c). This
reasons ranging from a wish to tackle ‘low-hanging’ emission sources, new strategy was developed with substantive involvement from both
respond to national-level policy demands, to modernize and promote business actors and civil society and citizens through collaborative
green and smart growth, or as a way of ‘branding’ the city as ‘climate- workshops, public hearings and use of social media to foster broad
friendly’. However, first and foremost, our interviews with administra- ownership to the approach (cf. Hanssen & Hofstad, 2020; Hofstad
tors and politicians in Oslo, suggest that the adoption of the city's et al., 2020; Hofstad & Vedeld, 2020).
visionary and ambitious climate goals represents a manifestation of
continuous, strong cross-party political leadership backing for placing
climate change high on the political agenda over two decades. The (re-) 4.2 | Integrative governance and in-house
elected Labour-Left-Green city government recently reinforced the cli- coordination
mate goals through adoption of a more accelerated climate response.
The city has adopted a relatively clear and targeted climate goal, both The task of securing firm anchorage and delivery of climate goals and
short-term and long-term (City of Oslo, 2016a, 2016b, 2018, 2020c); responses by integrating them horizontally and vertically within a city

government implies that the city government needs to make the is integrated in the ordinary municipal financial budget as a distinct
whole municipality – each of the 50 or so entities – responsible for chapter. Thus, it confers strong internal authority across sector entities.
the climate goals and policy (City of Oslo, 2016a, 2019c). Oslo has CO2 emissions from core sector measures are counted and reported
approached this in several ways. upon in the same way as the financial budget accounts for financial
allocations. The motivation behind the budget is explained by the City
government in the following way (City of Oslo, 2020a: 3):
4.2.1 | Building a climate agency
The climate budget is a necessary governance tool to
In order to build in-house coordination capacity and take the climate allow the implementation of efficient measures so that
goals and strategy forward, the city government chose to establish a the target of a 95% emission cut can be reached in 2030.
dedicated, special-purpose Climate Agency located relatively close to The climate budget represents a commitment for all
the Mayor's office with strong mandates and resources to coordinate municipal entities to issue regular reports on the status of
and act (in 2016). Today it consists of about 30 highly trained and execution of the climate measures for which they are
dedicated climate officials and planners that champion the climate responsible.
cause; many recruited from national-level ministries or from the large
environmental NGO sector in Oslo. The Agency's mandate is to be a As this quote illuminates, the climate budget process helps integrate
technical agency, advisor, and driver of coordinated design and imple- the city's climate goal into the heart of the municipal climate gover-
mentation of climate measures, such as advising on the climate budget nance process. Being tied to the financial budget, the climate budget
process and undertaking monitoring and follow-up of the reporting is part of the routinized process of creating, adopting, monitoring and
and providing support to other agencies (City of Oslo, 2020b). reporting on the budget operations (City of Oslo, 2017). The budget is
Besides establishing such an agency, the city utilizes cross- formally adopted by the city council and integrated into each entity's
sectoral working groups that bring together public officials from dif- letters of assignment. This allocates responsibilities for specific CO2
ferent sectors and professions, based on a needs basis to develop spe- emission reduction measures. The process facilitates an anchorage of
cific sector policies or project experimentations. Input from these the climate goal politically and administratively, as suggested by the
working groups has led to refinement of the climate budget and following quotes:
spurred the development of new procurement rules and new urban
planning requirements to include climate criteria, as well as an innova- The important thing about the climate budget is that,
tive policy on emission-free construction machinery and sites, see below from a political point of view, you have to consider the
(City of Oslo, 2019a, 2019b, 2019c, 2019d, 2019e). The policy pack- connection between the goals you have set and the
ages and accompanying governing instruments emerging from these instruments you plan to use. The system is never allowed
working groups were formulated with substantive involvement of a to go to sleep. (Administrative leader B)
variety of private and civic stakeholders, according to interviews with
representatives of these sectors. By formalizing the decisions, … you put a claim down-
wards in the organization. (Opposition Politician)

4.2.2 | Integrative governance through climate As a leadership tool, it is impossible for agency directors
budget processes to ignore. (Administrative leader C)

As a unique innovative governing experiment to pursue the ambitious Despite these achievements, both leadership and senior officials
climate goal, the city government developed a climate budget in 2016 across different entities and levels report a set of significant barriers
consisting of close to 50 climate measures across key sectors rep- for the firm integration of the climate goals and climate budget expec-
resenting climate actions and entities within which the city government tations, indicating that the complete transition of institutional modes
had some degree of control (some perceived as ‘low hanging fruits’): of operando across the 50 or so municipal entities of the city adminis-
mobility, city planning and the built environment, energy and tration is demanding and likely to take time:
resources/waste. The climate budget process quickly evolved into the
main internal instrument for directing policies and coordinating climate • Variable or limited anchorage at the top level of several of the
governance across these key different sector departments and entities. climate-relevant sector agencies.
Our interviews with both high- and medium-level staff suggest that the • Lack of climate knowledge competence among key professional
climate budget distributes clarity in expectations and responsibilities personnel across sectors.
throughout the city administration, both horizontally and vertically, • Limited experience with working towards political (climate) goals in
between front-line employees, administrative leaders and politicians. operative entities.
The climate budget operates as a normal budget managed by the • Occasional goal conflicts between an agency's core activities and
finance department with technical support from the Climate Agency. It climate response measures.

Furthermore, key politicians and high- and medium-level administra- When you (…) also get business players to push the same
tive staff that were engaged in developing and implementing the cli- market, you get the opportunity to really create change
mate budget pointed to specific challenges related to the climate and I think that is exciting. (Administrative advisor B)
budget process itself. These involved: problems of control over the cli-
mate emission agenda, emanating from the fact that the city govern- You do not get a company with a healthy economy to
ment controls only a minor share of the emissions from the city as respond to uncertain procurement or market signals. We
such; problems of goal attainment, as neither available governing need to know the direction. (…) The supplier industry in gen-
instruments nor infrastructure are rigged to accommodate as fast and eral can fix anything, provided we get some lead-time and
radical transformation as the climate goal anticipates; and problems of know that we compete among ourselves on similar terms.
calculation, as climate measures are complex and highly connected Buyers and procurers need to be aware that the environ-
and it is difficult to estimate the exact emissions for a source as well ment and sustainability counts in the assessment of tenders;
as the effect of a given climate mitigation measure or response. This this provides a super important signal. (Private consultant)
complicates the design process, as well as monitoring and reporting
on progress. The following quotes underscore these issues: Overall, regarding the role of the private sector in Oslo in climate
action and trans-local networks, our interviews suggest that the
When the first climate budget was presented, I was business sector holds considerable promise as collaborative partner
completely baffled, completely, it was a real chore (…) the and for performing climate change self-governance. This is in line
measurements are quite strange. (Opposition Politician) with what other authors find in other global cities (Lister, 2018),
even if there are also limits to their potentials. The business ratio-
Climate action measures are very complex. It is difficult to nale of private firms across the city of Oslo, many among which are
know (…) the intended effect. Typically (…) measures work part of the trans-local Business for Climate Network (BCN; 150
together to trigger an effect. (Administrative leader D) firms) and Green Building Alliance (200 firms) and other networks
and arenas, underpin shared climate mitigation schemes. It has
Hence, the verdict is still out as to how successful the scheme will become commonplace to integrate sustainability visions and refer-
finally become, reflected also by the fact that it has been in operation ences to SDGs, and the Paris Agreement in contemporary business
only 4 years. models, both among private firms and many non-profit civil society
think tanks and foundations. Recently, key Oslo-based firms within
the building- and construction sector have even in public newspaper
4.3 | Interactive governance enhances articles requested stronger climate requirements by the city govern-
collaboration and self-governance ment in response to climate concerns.2 All the private company rep-
resentatives we interviewed (eight interviews), suggested to this
4.3.1 | Enhancing collaboration and self- end, that there had been a recent ‘paradigm’ shift among key pri-
governance in the private sector vate business actors reflecting broad ideas circulating in town (and
globally); revealed not least during 2019 when Oslo celebrated the
Despite the limitations of the climate budget as a governing tool, the European Green Capital Award. As suggested by the director of one
related design and implementation processes have triggered the adop- of the largest transport companies:
tion of a set of innovative governing instruments and policies, as well
as new interactive governance approaches. Revealing the large CO2 We are working with trucks and transport of goods.
emissions arising from own construction sites, which the Climate Hello…? How exciting is that? We want to do something
Agency discovered through the technical design of the climate budget bigger (…) this (sustainability) is a goal for both the heart
process, the city government moved to mobilize own authority as and the brain, it's about our conscience, it's about the
large purchaser of services and goods to change the municipal procure- future, about working with something which is really
ment rules in own tenders. These new procurement rules included meaningful. (Transport company A)
stronger climate criteria and were developed with substantive involve-
ment of private-sector networks. The new rules are considered by As such, Oslo's climate goals and visions seem to add an enabling layer
both public and private actors as a key step to align internal and exter- on top of an engagement that is already to a large degree present
nal actors for shared promotion of policies for zero-emission buildings, among entrepreneurs and developers in the private sector. To this
electric machinery, and clean construction sites (City of Oslo, 2019a, end, private firms and related networks play a driving role within what
2019b, 2019e). Innovations in both technology, practice and gover- may be deemed as Oslo's dynamic ‘governance ecosystem’ in the cli-
nance are emerging with implications for national and city-level poli- mate arena (cf. Held & Roger, 2018). However, there are also limita-
cies and regulations. The transformative potentials of reformed tions to their approaches, private businesses and developers also
procurement rules, in combination with the networking of public staff pursue own interests that may be at odds with broader environmental
with key market actors, are illustrated by the following two quotes. or societal goals, for example in compact city development regarding

the need to protect green areas or public spaces or protests over or instruments, and opportunities for more innovative, sustainable self-
restrictions on fossil-fuelled vehicles. Moreover, our interviews sug- governing. The compact and operating routines of the network serve as
gest that the interpretation of the new procurement rules linked to, ‘clear ground rules’ for the co-creation processes (cf. Ansell &
for example, the more precise definition of ‘fossil-free’ construction Gash, 2007, 2018), which, in turn, feed lessons into self-governance.
keep varying from one municipal agency and sector to another,
reflecting diverse interpretations among both public entities and pri-
vate entrepreneurs of what constitutes ‘fossil-free’ constructions 4.4 | Combining integrative and interactive
(Multiconsult, 2018). Hence, knowledge sharing, as well as direct and governance in experimentations
indirect incentives, motivations and regulations by public actors are
likely to be essential for increasing local businesses' climate ambitions Beyond the government-initiated BCN, a variety of networks
and contributions and taking climate actions to scale (cf. Lister, 2018). between public and private actors are emerging across Oslo, which
are central to the shaping of urban climate policies and governance
and socio-technical experimentations (as observed by Smeds and
4.3.2 | Business for climate network as an Acuto, 2018 and Bulkeley et al., 2015 for other global cities). Such
interactive platform and arena experimentations are observed across many global cities. A pitfall of
networked urban experimentation in its current form has been on
Reflecting the need for an external collaborative arena between the whether and how such experimentations are scaling, that is, ‘scaling
public and private sectors, our respondents highlighted the growing out’ to change city networks and markets and ‘scaling up’ to change
importance of the city government-created ‘Business for Climate Net- policies (Smeds and Acuto, 2018).
work’, which is designed as a collaborative platform (Ansell & The adoption of fossil-free construction site policies in Oslo is in
Gash, 2018). The Network is managed by the Climate Agency (secre- this regard an interesting and illustrative example of the networked
tariat function) and serves as a reinvigorated interactional arena for nature of experimentations. The long-term aim of the city is to
collaboration between climate-progressive members of the business achieve zero emission from all construction sites by 2025. The first
community, citizens and NGOs and municipal staff/politicians and ‘fossil-free’ building site in Oslo was, however, conceived and devel-
agencies towards achieving Oslo's climate goals.3 The rationale for oped relatively spontaneously between one dedicated environmental
the Network is illustrated by the following quote from a senior foundation and a public building agency which both wanted to pilot
administrative staff manager of the network: the approach in building of a welfare institution prior to 'clean con-
struction' being adopted as city policy (in 2015). The experimentation
If we are to achieve the (climate) goals, we must continu- featured construction processes and the use of transport technologies
ously demand more from the companies in Oslo. that was radically novel at the time, for example, low-carbon building
(Administrative advisor C) processes and attempt to use electric machinery and vehicles that
was either not directly available or needed to be produced through
Close to 150 businesses and institutional actors in the Oslo-region are remaking of diesel driven machinery. The technological approach was
now members (initiated as Oslo's Climate Compact in 2010). In order to in part co-developed with the collaboration of other key public–
ensure genuine commitment to the collaborative processes, the CEO private networks. Clean construction further ‘scaled out’ to two other
must solemnly sign a compact and express willingness to contribute to pilot-initiatives where public building agencies partnered with other
attain Oslo's climate goals and ensure anchorage of the climate agenda civic and private organizations. Subsequently several other private
in the core business models. Interviewees from the private sector par- building- and construction firms have adopted the clean construction-
takers, both among the businesses and environmental foundations, sug- approach as they place tenders with the municipality. In 2018, the
gest that their main motivation for participating is to be able to interact approach became city policy indicating how the experimentation was
with political and administrative representatives of the city government ‘scaling up’. The policy became manifest in the city's introduction of
on key policy issues and acquire information about new municipal initia- new climate criteria in reformulated procurement rules and in new
tives. Nevertheless, they also stress benefits such as to meet like-minded planning and building guidelines with specific climate criteria. Oslo at
professionals, and to get inspiration and energy and acknowledgement present demands fossil-free/emission-free sites across all own con-
from fellow business actors. The network leadership organizes a variety struction sites. However, the city government also works to make
of co-created arenas related to specific topics, spanning from top man- such requirements standard in all new constructions within the city.4
agement meetings, ordinary network meetings and thematic meetings to The policy approach has furthermore been taken up in the policies of
discuss policies and instruments, such as the climate budget, procure- neighbouring municipalities and by other major Norwegian cities (fur-
ment, planning, and funding. Newsletters, web page and minutes of ther ‘scaling out’). As of late, several relevant and concerned national
meetings ensure that input from participants contribute to policy entities in Norway has also adopted or accepted the policy of fossil-
changes and the transparency of the network. Hence, the co-creation free construction sites, suggesting that the experimentation is also
processes within the network contribute in important ways to shared ‘scaling up’. The policy has been adopted by the national energy effi-
learning, new ideas, openness and accountability regarding new policies ciency fund, which provides ample support for such experimenting, as

well as by the body in charge of national procurement policies (the overall municipal planning and climate policies with an array of co-
national directorate for procurement). The policy of fossil-free con- created experimentations aimed to pursue the climate agenda as a
struction is also internalized in the BREEAM-NOR standards, which collective and collaborative endeavour. They push for the design
are the most utilized Norwegian environmental certification for all and testing of new innovative instruments, as well as engagement
types of buildings. Moreover, recently, the national Minister for Cli- with actors in formal and informal networks to stimulate experi-
mate and the Environment declared that all construction sites by the mentation and learning. With limited direction from the national
Norwegian government should be fossil-free by 2025. level, city leadership and managers took bold initiatives to further
Transnational networks play an important role in this ‘scaling’ of dynamic climate governance across sectors, actors and scales
fossil-free construction policies (Bulkeley & Castán Broto, 2013; beyond what would be expected of them within a conventional
Pierre, 2019). Oslo recently joined the cities of Copenhagen, Stock- bureaucracy with command-and-control systems.
holm and Helsinki to promote a ‘clean construction’ policy declaration Figure 2 illustrates the interactional processes involved and how
to be adopted by the C40 cities at the 2019 annual conference. Clean the adoption of bold climate goals, which were negotiated within the
construction is at present the recognized policy within C40 and BCN and in various citizen arenas, laid the premises for developing
among many of the member cities. Moreover, C40 in 2020 decided to the climate budget as a main climate steering instrument to pursue
establish an Oslo C40 office for clean construction and governance goals and ensure internal alignments (manifest in the financial budget).
experimentation, the office being housed within the Climate Agency. The climate budget process subsequently triggered actions across sec-
Oslo's strategic work with other large cities and city-networks tor agencies and actors – and spurred innovation of both integrative
has diverse rationales, including learning and influencing global poli- and interactive instruments such as new procurement rules and several
cies and markets, as underscored by a central administrative advisor: co-created experimentations with clean construction sites. The climate
budget also motivated new planning criteria and underpinned the
The city of Oslo involves 700,000 people, and has little city's elaborate mobility strategy and public transport system
influence on the global market situation, but if we can con- approach. Hence, the public leadership's employment of integrative
nect to San Francisco, Los Angeles, New York, Vancouver, and regulative, bureaucratic instruments, some of which appeared in
Sydney, London, Paris … Then the market knows that to new suits, laid premises for co-creation and networked experimenta-
build in London, Paris and Oslo and all places we must tion in governance and socio-technical interventions, exemplified by
have zero-emission solutions. (Administrative advisor D) clean construction site policies to promote compact, healthy and live-
able city development. These city climate policies as they relate to, for
Our interviews with senior officials in the Climate Agency further con- example, procurement and clean construction sites were pursued
firmed the importance of networks, and how the ‘scaling out’ also has through trans-local and transnational networks (e.g., C40,
implications for European policy network initiatives, such as EUROCITIES) to change both global and European policies and inter-
EUROCITIES and ICLEI. For example, city officials recently engaged national market actors (producers of electric machinery and vehicles).
with the EU Commission's Big Buyers Initiative (BBI), an initiative We observed limited resistance to act on the climate goals among
linked to EUROCITIES. Oslo now heads a working group of BBI on public officials, albeit some knowledge constraints. Rather several
clean construction sites. BBI is the EC initiative for promoting collabo- agencies pursued self-governance strategies taking initiatives on their
ration between big public buyers in implementing strategic public pro- own that occasionally went further than what was expected by the
curement and provides Oslo with an opportunity to engage with city government.
other public authorities in cities across Europe and shape new innova- Our findings indicate that collaboration and co-creation processes
tive solutions to procurement and zero-emission construction. To this within urban governance are initiated on a needs-basis, in instrumen-
end, engagements by city officials in these European networks tal ways, linked to the developing of new strategies, instruments
‘bypass’ the policies of the nation state. Impacts on EU policies, in and/or technologies and when operating in unploughed field. This is
turn, have feedback effects on national-level policies. when new ideas, knowledge and experimentations are required, and
new governing instruments need to be anchored. For example, the
Climate Agency used the BCN actively to develop, test and get
5 | HYBRID AND POLYCENTRIC URBAN response on new climate policies and instruments (e.g., climate strat-
C LI M A T E GO V E R N A N C E egy, procurement rules, climate funding), and to enhance collaboration
and buy-in to the policies. Beyond the overall meta-governing inher-
In sum, the empirical findings from the study of Oslo bring out a ent in the conventional, bureaucratic city planning processes, collabo-
city climate governance approach drawing upon a dynamic mix of ration in experimentation emerged through iterative or virtuous
integrative and interactive instruments. The approach shows high cycles of formal and informal dialogues in a variety of meetings and
complexity in terms of the types of instruments designed and trans-local collaborative arenas, including in well-known forums such
employed, and the number of actors, networks and scales involved. as the BCN. These arenas contributed to the building of relationships,
The city leadership within and outside the Climate Agency seems confidence, and trust, which transformed into joint commitment to
to carefully design and piece together instruments by combining goals and shared understanding of key relevant topics. In turn, this led

F I G U R E 2 The Oslo model of climate governance – complex, hybrid, dynamic, polycentric [Color figure can be viewed at]

to collective agreements on division of roles and responsibilities and (Hofstad et al., 2021; van der Heijden, 2018). The goal-setting and the
agreed actions to be taken back into the self-governing ‘units’ operationalization and integration of clear, yet narrow CO2 reduction
(cf. Ansell & Gash, 2007). goals into a coherent policy framework by the municipal leadership
The BCN had clear ground rules (defined in a compact agree- proved to be an essential instrument for motivating and triggering
ment), relatively open boundaries for membership, yet a sense of innovation in institutions, instruments and socio-technical experimen-
exclusiveness was added to the membership in terms of ensuring tations within as well as outside the municipal sphere of authority.
CEO buy-in and request for outright commitment in self-governing This goal-clarity motivated actions and interactions both among inter-
and business models. Overall, this network platform reflects strong nal and external actors. The goal and climate budget process com-
design principles of a well-functioning collective with clearly defined bined to promote strict internal indicator-based monitoring and
boundaries and operational rules (as suggested by Ostrom, 2010 to be reporting on progress, internal alignment and learning; monitoring rep-
essential). The city climate governing approach appears dynamic, resenting a strong governing tool for enhancing collective actions
hybrid, and, at least at times, synergistic, promoting linkages between (cf. Ostrom, 2010). Establishing a sense of urgency as in the acceler-
actors, networks and scales within the framework of a polycentric ated agenda of the Climate 2030 goals worked to further drive differ-
regime (or governance ecosystem). Interactions were not linear or ent actors to search for new opportunities and risk to pursue
developing in stages from goals to plan to implementation but were experimentation (cf. Smeds and Acuto, 2018).
iterative with feed-back/feed-forward processes involved (as Second, the findings reveal how Oslo's climate governance gradually
observed by Bulkeley, 2013, 2015). strengthens the combined use of both integrative and interactive/co-gover-
nance instruments, backed by strong political leadership, internal capabil-
ities and an evolving agenda. The initial approach represented mainly a
6 | IMPLICATIONS OF EMPIRICAL combination of integrative and regulative enforcement, spurred by the
F I N D I N G S FO R T H E O R Y A N D P O L I C Y climate budgeting process, while the focus on co-governance and
networked experimentation and participation was gradually strength-
Our findings from the analysis of the Oslo approach provide reasons ened as the strategy was broadened and widened to include a greater
to nuance theories of urban climate governance, as well as theories of number of interventions and relevant and concerned actors. This
co-creation and perspectives on the ‘scaling’ of experimentations. is in support of collaborative governance theory related to the
Our observations also point to certain future challenges to urban cli- need for co-creation to tackle unruly, collective problems (Torfing
mate governance and the role that city governments can play. et al., 2016; Sørensen & Torfing, 2019; Ansell & Gash, 2018;
Torfing & Triantafillou, 2016, p. 288; van der Heijden, 2019). The
various arenas and interactional processes levered in additional
6.1 | Theoretical implications resources and facilitated capacity building and ‘scaling out’ processes,
as well as ‘scaling up’ to change the city and national policies.
First, in line with recent research, we suggest that climate goal-setting Third, the findings indicate that collaborative governance and
deserves greater attention in urban climate governance research more specifically co-creation is utilized to assemble and align entities

both within the municipal organization, as well as between public and Torfing, 2019; van der Heijden et al., 2018; Jordan et al., 2018). As
private units. Hence, the definition of co-creation, which until recently stressed, this does not mean that contradictions, dilemmas and con-
has been focused on types of collaboration only between public and flicts in mobilizing internal as well as external constituents are not also
private actors (cf. Torfing et al., 2016), should be considered expanded present and need to be coped with by urban leadership
and changed to involve also collaboration among public entities within (Pestoff, 2018).
the local government as well as among private actors beyond the Finally, we found evidence that networked experimentations, when
influence of the city government. This suggested change in definition initiated within a relatively well-integrated polycentric regime, reveal
has been observed also by other scholars in the latest contributions to potentials for scaling to influence policy integration as well as strengthen
co-creation scholarship (Sørensen & Torfing, 2020). Moreover, the linkages across internal and external actors and units within the polycen-
traditional strong focus on citizen involvement in public-initiated co- tric governance regime. What started as one local experimentation in
creation should be expanded to include a focus on the collaboration fossil-free construction by one civic foundation and one public build-
among all sorts of relevant actors; private business actors, organized ing agency in Oslo in 2015 has subsequently been ‘scaling out’ as well
civil society and citizens and other public actors. Each type of actors as ‘scaling up’ to change national and international networks and poli-
brings different resources to the table and should be involved for dif- cies and build capacity in the city. This is at odds with what Smeds
ferent kinds of reasons. The organized private sector represents both and Acuto (2018) and Bulkeley and Castán Broto (2013) find through
relevant, concerned, legitimate and necessary actors for pursuing their reviews of cities' networked experimentations. They suggest that
effective, efficient and fair climate governance – in co-creation with ‘scaling up’ processes rarely happen. Van der Heijden (2018) similarly
other actors as well as in their pursuit of self-governance. suggests that evidence about the successful outcomes of scaling
Fourth, the choice of a synergetic mix between traditional and inno- remains an open question, referring also to situations when climate
vative integrative, regulative and collaborative instruments of governing experimentations are utilized to justify ‘neo-liberal’ development with
and experimenting, backed by political support, is the main success fac- limited attention to sustainability. The Oslo case rather illustrates that
tor for operationalizing urban climate governance in Oslo. The bene- when diverse actors operate within a highly motivated political envi-
fits of such hybrid governing in terms of fostering of co-governance ronment, directed by clarity in goals and predictable approaches, ‘scal-
are observed by other scholars for other cities (van der Heijden, 2018, ing’ in the form co-created problem solving and diffusion of bold
2019; Hoelschera et al., 2019; Díaz-Pont, 2020; Smeds and Acuto, ideas and experimentations may follow.
2018). However, our findings provide nuances to the arguments
found in the co-creation literature that traditional, bureaucratic (local)
government administration often or even mostly hinders collaboration 6.2 | Implications for policy and urban climate
and co-creation between actors (Torfing et al., 2016, p. 18). The argu- governance
ment is that public administration, with command and control systems
and compartmentalized sectors, leads to prioritization of stability over It is too early to say what the climate responses and experimentations
dynamic development and limitation of knowledge sharing and in Oslo will amount to on the ground in terms of reduced emissions,
resource exchange between actors. Traditional bureaucracies con- resilience and sustainable transformation. On the one hand, the adop-
serve institutional lock-in and hamper collaboration (Torfing & tion of climate change as a core strategic urban policy both directly
Triantafillou, 2016, p. 287). Consequently, a key argument of co- and indirectly shape contemporary policy directions and governing
creation theory is that the public sector needs to transform from a pre- decisions that guide compact city development, green and public
vious authority/regulative mode to a collaborative mode (Ansell & mobility, climate-friendly planning principles and new policies of
Torfing, 2016; Torfing et al., 2016). The Oslo case suggests that this fossil-free construction. There are clear signs of accelerated reduction
perspective represents a portrayed picture of how public administra- in CO2 emissions in many areas, and emergence of many new pilot
tion actually operates in practice. Our data reveal that climate projects and experimentations across key climate-relevant sectors.
responses benefit from a multifaceted governance approach However, progress is uneven and several governance challenges
employing a combination of integrative and interactive instruments. remain.
Good integrative governance seems to condition good interactive First, the climate budget process, which is critical for both integra-
governance and vice-versa. Hence, our empirical observations suggest tive and interactive processes, faces challenges related to firm internal
that we should avoid portraying contrasting images of two strictly anchorage and capabilities to design and develop the tool. The quality
divergent forms of governance and related governing instruments, of the tool also relates to the city's dependence on timely knowledge
one form vested in traditional bureaucratic governing and another in input from national statistical agencies. The latter issue has pushed
new forms of collaborative or co-creational governance. Rather, we the city to acquire emission/climate data also from other public
should study in what contexts and how diverse governing instruments agencies.
and modes can operate in mixed forms, and often in concert to pro- Second, the reorientation of professional staff and leaders across
duce linkages and synergies within a polycentric approach. This ech- internal entities needs further reinforcement (horizontally and verti-
oes findings from recent co-governance and climate and sustainability cally). This requires continuous strengthening of the collaborative
research (Visseren-Hamakers, 2018; Bulkeley, 2015; Sørensen & mentalities and processes between city officials, private actors,

citizens and state agencies to keep enhancing shared views on goals, need to confront also broader conflicts and issues of equity, trust
knowledge and how best to arrive at optimal, synergistic governance and the need for broad-based citizen participation (Bulkeley, 2015;
regimes. It presupposes common understanding of what mind-sets Pestoff, 2018).
experimental and co-creational leadership entail as collaborative
capacity builders (Weber & Khademian, 2008). For example, we have
observed that the ‘scaling’ of new procurement rules and policies of 7 | C O N C LU D I N G R E M A R K S
clean construction, presupposes greater agreements among public
entities and firms about what exactly ‘fossil-free construction’ entails The Oslo case provides for cautious optimism regarding the
and what the boundaries are and how experimental leadership should operationalization of a polycentric urban climate governance
be exercised. Moreover, there are also technical and infrastructural approach. Oslo's approach reveals evidence of how a city administra-
issues as well as knowledge constraints on how to go about ‘fossil-free’ tive leadership, with continuous cross-party political backing, is
construction and transforming the wider urban economy towards cir- capable of pursuing bold and clear climate goals, establish a well-
cular economy principles. This underscores that institutional transi- capacitated climate agency, and design an effective hybrid mix of inte-
tions require time and efforts to evolve (cf. Bulkeley et al., 2015). grative and interactive governing instruments that fosters synergies,
Third, as suggested above, a polycentric perspective on urban cli- linkages and innovative outcomes in terms of co-creation and self-
mate governance needs to fully acknowledge the crucial importance of governance. The adoption of a regulatory climate budget process
private business, civil society and networks as components of a dynamic (with strict internal monitoring and reporting) worked to enhance
governance ecosystem in the climate arena (Held & Roger, 2018). The internal collaboration and alignment across sector entities. In turn, this
importance of such actors is manifest in a lot of spontaneous and dis- triggered collaboration in networks and co-created experimentation, a
tinctive institutional innovations and project experiments from the scaling of the experiments, and improved, voluntary forms of self-
bottom-up. Such processes reflect local circumstances, self- governance among a variety of both public and private actors and
governance rationale and local initiatives. The varieties of interven- their organizations. The findings underscore the importance of strong
tions and networks that keep emerging produce a diverse, dispersed, political backing and the choice of a good mix of integrative and inter-
yet also largely connected, multilevel pattern of governing across active instruments through experimental leadership. Oslo thus has
actors, authority spheres and scales in line with a polycentric system started an interesting pathway towards climate transformation
(cf. Bulkeley et al., 2015). Some private business actors even request embedded in a dynamic governance ecosystem.
stronger climate demands from the government, in contrast to how However, governance challenges remain. The city leadership
business rationales are often portrayed as narrowly profit-maximizing recognizes that it needs to keep accelerating cuts in CO2 emissions
(van der Heijden, 2018). Urban polycentric governance thus needs to and deepening and widening the scope of the approach. This
accept such ‘bottom-up’ initiatives and place-based solutions to deca- involves more fully embracing the broader sustainability agenda
rbonization. Broad popular support for contextual climate actions and moving beyond the present ‘CO2 fixation' towards addressing,
among a variety of community, civic and private actors is required to for example, critical consumption and circular economy issues. In
succeed with urban climate transformation. this regard, the climate governance agenda will continue to chal-
Fourth, despite the national climate policies being generally lenge deep values and ingrained behaviours among both citizens
supportive, we have shown that the city government frequently and private businesses. Hence, climate governance, being inher-
engages with national state actors and policies to address perceived ently a political endeavour, will keep relying on a stable, yet bold
local barriers and to defend own policies in specific domains, such as political leadership. Leadership needs to develop a stringent and
within mobility/transport and infrastructure policies, city planning reg- predictable governance system with sufficient flexibility to enable
ulations, and climate and energy investment funding (Hanssen & adjustments and corrections when confronted with new demands
Hofstad, 2020; Hofstad et al., 2020). City authorities and administra- and challenges. In this regard, inclusive strategies that enhance
tive staff have also utilized interactions with the transnational net- broad stakeholder involvement and just transtions are significant
work to break out of traditional top-down or vertical national- traits of an integrative and co-created climate governance
regional-city hierarchies, such as in the engagement on procurement approach.
and clean construction policies with EUROCITIES and C40. The aim Reflecting these empirical observations, we have suggested
has been to create synergistic linkages between national and interna- nuances to theories of polycentric urban climate governance and the
tional partakers within the broader polycentric regime, and, in this role of co-creation and networks in tackling a changing climate. We
vain, also to change national policies. also propose that future research would gain from a stronger focus on
Finally, reflecting recent climate protests in the city and how and why hybrid forms of governance are required to bring a
potential set-backs to former agreements over climate policies, for diversity of public and private actors and networks together in syner-
example, from anti-toll ring protesters to youth school strikes, city gistic and dynamic fashions for just and sustainable climate futures.
politicians and leadership need to tackle emerging contestations This may fruitfully be done within a polycentric perspective that per-
and political opposition to climate policies (both pro- and con- ceives city actors and organizations as nested and linked ‘units’ within
movements). To this end, collaborative governance approaches the dynamic governance ecosystem of the climate arena.

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