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Three - Local Projects Retrofitted in - Comparative Urban Research From Theory To Practice

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Three: Local projects 

retrofitted 
Authors: Michael Oloko and
Barry Ness 
Publication Date: 25 Mar 2020

Pages: 41–62


Comparative Urban Research

From Theory To Practice
Co-Production For Sustainability Download PDF

Editors: David Simon,
Henrietta Palmer, and Jan Riise Rights and permissions

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 Headings This chapter presents and reflects on a process of
international comparative and transdisciplinary co-
production research referred to as ‘local projects
retrofitted’, or, more precisely, retrofitting a
Introduction comparative dimension on to an existing unilocal
Retrofitting project. The intention is to demonstrate how the
comparative process is understood and
Strategies for and experiences of operationalised in one of the urban contexts to
building retrofitted comparative contribute towards sustainability and justice through
projects joint research and problem solving for mutual benefit.
We demonstrate how this may trigger surprising
Comparative dimensions during results and innovative solutions.
the process Such possibilities to relate and analyse situations
Choice of city for comparison from different cities, countries and regions make this
process of retrofitting instructive for governments,
Targeted expertise of the private firms and donor agencies that are willing to
research team facilitate access to and transfer good practice,
knowledge and technologies between global South 
Setting up a research and North or South and South, to help meet
demonstration site international environmental obligations and
commitments (UNCTAD, 2001; UN, 2004; UNEP, 2013).
Real scientific evidence The focus on comparative dimensions helps to
stimulate increased possibilities for sustainable urban
Analysis of waste change, enhance learning from both the positive and
management technologies negative experiences in the cities being considered,
and foster translocal links to promote sustainable
Waste governance and urban change. This chapter draws on our experiences
networks in developing and implementing the process of
retrofitting a local project in Kenya with comparative
Privatisation of waste dimensions drawn from ongoing developments in
management services in the Sweden. In particular, we discuss the process of how
city a unilocal research project based in Kisumu (Kenya)
was retrofitted, or adapted, to include comparative 
Benefits dimensions based on practices and experiences of a
related project in Helsingborg (Sweden).
Limitations encountered during 
the project The sustainability challenge identified to illustrate this
comparative process is solid waste management,
which is one of the major global environmental 
Conclusion problems and an important service all cities must
Acknowledgements provide. Indeed, the World Bank notes that a city that 
cannot effectively manage its waste is rarely able to
References manage other services such as health, education or
transportation (Hoornweg and Bhada-Tata, 2012). The 
Solid Waste Management (SWM) comparative project,
implemented by both the Kisumu Local Interaction
 Subjects and Keywords Platform (KLIP) and Skåne Local Interaction Platform
(SKLIP), respectively, is used to demonstrate how the
process of retrofitting as a form of comparative
transdisciplinary co-production takes place between
the two regions. The project was prioritised by KLIP to
identify and promote sustainable approaches to
waste management in Kisumu city. The choice of the
cities – Kisumu in Kenya and Helsingborg in Sweden –
provides a global South–North perspective, making
the process particularly relevant for development
agencies that are keen on transferring good practices
from one part of the world to another. Both cities
have more or less similar goals: to achieve a more
resource-efficient use, and ensure a clean and healthy
environment as per the Kenya Constitution 2010 and
the Swedish waste plan (Swedish Environmental
Protection Agency, 2005; National Environmental
Management Authority, 2014), but are at different
levels of implementation within different socio-
political and socio-technical contexts.
Solid waste management is a cross-cutting issue with
impacts on 12 out of 17 Sustainable Development
Goals (SDGs) of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable
Development, adopted by UN Member States in
September 2015 (Wilson et al, 2015). This includes the
three sustainability domains – ecology, economy and
society – and in particular covers living conditions,
sanitation, public health, marine and terrestrial
ecosystems, access to decent jobs, and the
sustainable use of natural resources (Rodic and
Wilson, 2017). By comparing and contrasting different 
responses related to urban challenges in the two
cities, we draw out experiences, lessons and
knowledge of good practice that can influence future
changes for the realisation of just cities. First, we
present retrofitting, the different strategies for and
experiences of building retrofitted comparative
projects. Second, we discuss the comparative
dimensions, and finally, we reflect on the main
challenges and benefits of this process and
comparative approach.
Beyond the research methodological approach,
introduced in the previous paragraphs, of retrofitting
a comparative element on to an initially local project, 
the notion of ‘retrofitting’ existing urban
environments has gained increased prominence
within research and policy agendas in recent years 
(Sustainable Development Commission, 2010; Cole,
2012). As often understood at the level of buildings 
and neighbourhoods, the term ‘urban retrofit’ refers
to reshaping the existing built environment, the
networks and resources that flow through them and 
the physical fabric of the city (Bulkeley et al, 2011;
Hodson and Marvin, 2016). As new sets of ecological, 
economic, social and political pressures are being
exerted at the city level, the conceptual and empirical
frame of urban retrofit extends from the domain of
engineering and construction to encompass places,
policy makers, finance, systems, natures, users and
other interests and issues (Kelly, 2009). It is therefore
not only about the technical fixes, add-ons or
replacements, but also about a more fundamental
retrofit of mindsets and behaviours – individually and
organisationally – with new overarching socially and
environmentally driven principles (Clarke et al, 2017).
The approach of retrofitting therefore goes beyond
the technical and economic feasibility issue to include
global environmental governance as well as built
environments and the role of cities within this
(Hodson and Marvin, 2016). While cities are seen as
being the source of many environmental and
resource depletion problems, they are also
recognised as major centres of population that offer
huge potential opportunities in ‘scaling up’ responses
to climate change and the need for energy efficiency,
and are also seen as ‘hubs’ of innovative social
practice and learning (Hodson and Marvin, 2010).
A critical challenge for contemporary urbanism is how
cities develop the knowledge and capabilities to
shape their built environment and urban
infrastructure systematically in response to climate
change and resource constraints (Hodson and Marvin,
2009; Hodson, 2014) across the entire ecological
footprint of cities and the regions within which they
are embedded (Hodson et al, 2012; May et al, 2013).
There is hence a need to relate two strongly
disconnected issues: ‘what’ is to be done to the city 
(for example, technical knowledge, targets,
technological options), and ‘how’ measures will be
implemented (for example, institutions, role of the
citizens, governance) (Perry et al, 2013). The ‘local
projects retrofitted’ typological category, in this case,
compares two projects of the same theme but in
different cities to identify what needs to be done and
how, and builds on the positive experiences and
lessons learnt during the comparative process. It is
where existing research projects on a similar theme in
different cities need retrofitting, or perhaps just a
specific comparative add-on, to facilitate drawing
conclusions about that particular theme from
multiple contexts (Simon et al, 2018; see also Chapter
Two of this volume).
Strategies for and experiences of building 

retrofitted comparative projects 

This section is based on the understanding of the
overall waste management system in general and the 
expectations at both local and global scales. It also
explains how the two cities, Kisumu and Helsingborg, 
are brought together. Relevant aspects of the waste
management situations in both cities are discussed to
highlight the comparative dimensions. Waste 
governance, actors and institutions, waste
management practices, facilities and technologies are
some of the aspects of the urban waste management
system considered, alongside climatic conditions
potentially influencing actions towards sustainable
waste management. Since they can influence actions
towards waste management, the diverse climatic
conditions are also considered.
The opportunities within the waste management
value chain are primarily waste collection,
transportation, material recovery and waste to energy
systems, as described in the Kisumu County
Integrated Development Plan 2018–22 (County
Government of Kisumu, 2018). A principal focus was
on the justification process for specific technological
options, especially those at the end of the waste
management chain, for instance, material recovery
and waste-to-energy systems. These technological
alternatives are not clearly understood in how they
need to be implemented in the case of Kisumu, and
replicating them (as will be described in Chapter Four)
is not easily justifiable in relation to existing policies.
There are fundamental questions to address: what
are the feasible alternatives for Kisumu City other
than the open dumping of solid waste? What solid
waste handling alternatives exist that better
incorporate principles of a circular economy? What
collaborative approaches can best foster progress in
these more sustainable directions?
Kisumu City generates approximately 400 tonnes of
solid waste per day, only 20–25% of which was
collected to the Kachok open dump site until its 
recent closure by the county government. Of the total
municipal solid waste collected, 65% is organic and
another 27% is recyclable (County Government of
Kisumu, 2015). Kisumu City authority collects waste
directly from market areas and the central business
district, while private waste actors collect waste from
residential areas and business premises for a fee.
Recycling centres in Kisumu are privately owned and
are established to receive selected fractions of
wastes. On the other hand, Helsingborg region (which
includes six municipalities) generates 1,309 tonnes of
waste per day, of which only 2% is landfilled, 59% is
material recovered, 20% is treated biologically, and
18% is incinerated with energy recovery (Corvellec et
al, 2011). In Helsingborg, however, contracted 
municipally owned companies (for example, NSR AB)
collect waste within the city, but private companies
can also be allowed, through competitive bidding, to 
collect waste from commercial or industrial
establishments with extended producer
responsibility. Solid waste is managed at well- 
established, municipality-owned recycling centres
with necessary waste facilities. In addition, Verapark 
Circularity AB, a public–private partnership, has been
established in Helsingborg, specialising in developing
new or alternative products, such as furniture, from 
waste resources. In this comparative process a
number of issues on waste management are worth
noting. These include the level of waste recovery and
land filling, the establishment and management of
recycling centres, process of development of new
products from waste resources, and the biological
treatment of waste material as well as incineration
with energy recovery.
To respond adequately and generate knowledge to
address these critical aspects of waste management
that every city must deal with, there was a need to
find out how other cities were handling similar
challenges, and to explore possibilities for cross-city
learning. The first task was to determine which of the
Mistra Urban Futures cities would be best placed to
link up with Kisumu City in a way that will eventually
add value to the project’s activities. Helsingborg was
deemed the most appropriate, with its advanced
technology in waste management with both
incineration and biological waste management
processes, as well as its efforts to increase recycling
and development of new products from waste
resources. Relevant expertise from SKLIP was
therefore sought to contribute to the comparative
project and enable the local project to achieve its
ultimate goal of contributing towards effective and
sustainable environmental management for Kisumu.
The objectives of the comparative project included
mapping of waste management technological options
and identifying the most appropriate options for solid
waste management in Kisumu, testing the selected
options for solid waste management in Kisumu and
finally drawing up a roadmap for full implementation
of the tested option.
The research process helped to foster a robust
understanding of the waste management
technologies and policies in both city contexts as a
basis for the comparative dimensions. The research
was undertaken by individual actors during the
comparative project process from different societal
realms familiar with their respective contexts and
technologies. In the case of Kisumu, it involved
researchers and actors who participated in an earlier
KLIP project under the theme of marketplaces, that
identified waste management as an area of interest
(Ngusale et al, 2017), which eventually formed the
basis of this comparative project implemented by 
both KLIP and SKLIP. From SKLIP, a practitioner based
at Verapark, in conjunction with researchers from 
Lund University, made up the team in the new
comparative approach. The proposed waste
management solutions that were considered relevant 
during the project, for instance, management of
organic waste through biogas technology, included 
broader institutional arrangements, individual socio-
political situations and viable technologies for
Kisumu. Regular communication between the teams 
involved consultations through Skype meetings, joint
workshops in both Kisumu and Helsingborg,
presentations and meetings at international
conferences in Kisumu and Cape Town, study visits to
waste management facilities (including the Kachok
open dump in Kisumu, residential areas in both cities,
bioreactor landfills in Helsingborg, and waste
recycling centres and incineration plants in
Helsingborg), and presentations of plausible waste
management options for Kisumu in two stakeholder
workshops. The comparative project team was
therefore constituted to draw on experiences and
practices for mutual learning about what lessons
from Helsingborg might be relevant for Kisumu but
also how Kisumu’s situation and approach might
prove instructive for Helsingborg, which has been
locked into its capital-intensive, hi-tech approach for
over 20 years.
Waste management policies in Kenya aim to increase
the value of waste through industrial processing
activities to produce useful products or to derive
energy from waste resources through reusing,
recycling or composting (National Environmental
Management Authority, 2014; Ministry of
Environment and Forestry, 2018). Therefore, policies
are consistent with the solid waste management
hierarchy: prevent, reduce, recycle, recover, treat and
dispose. In Helsingborg, waste management activities
are dictated by European Union (EU) and more
targeted Swedish legislation, also guided by the waste
hierarchy – promoting waste management efforts
upwards towards prevention, reuse and recycling.
Anaerobic digestion of organic wastes, resulting in 
biogas production and digestate as recycling
operations, has been prioritised above waste
incineration and co-generation, with high level energy
recovery (Article 2 [6]‌of Commission Decision 2011).
Incineration with limited energy recovery and
landfilling rank lowest (UNEP, 2013). This is not
consistent with some trends in other European cities,
nor with other Swedish cities.
Within the comparative research team and the
collaborative processes, various deliberate actions
and strategies were taken to facilitate learning and
knowledge generation. For example, the Verapark
representative was included as a part of the team to
augment learning about new/alternative products
from waste resources that could be pursued in 
Kisumu, including compost manure, biogas and
briquettes. This also helped to promote the creation 
of spaces to develop and test innovative ideas. In
particular, the city of Kisumu has allocated a piece of
land through a temporary occupation licence to a 
private waste actor to support research and
demonstration activities on different waste 
management technologies. The activities at the site
include briquetting technology testing, composting
and anaerobic biodigestion of organic waste 
resources to produce biogas and biofertiliser. In
addition, there is the direct link with another actor,
Zingira, a community-based organisation, for the
development and improvement of locally produced
sanitary pads from water hyacinth. The
demonstration site, therefore, has become part and
parcel of the waste management research project in
Kisumu. The appropriate waste-to-energy system for
Kisumu has also been considered with reference to
the diverse experiences and somehow the focus is
strongly on management of organic waste, through
anaerobic processes to produce biogas and
biofertiliser. Pilot demonstrations at both the Kibuye
Market and Nyamasaria area in Kisumu City are
focused on promoting this technology of waste
In one of the stakeholder workshops held in Kisumu
in 2018 and attended by officials from both the city
and the county, a waste governance management
model based on the configuration of NSR in Sweden
was proposed. It would involve the city authority
contracting a private company to manage and
maintain the city’s waste facilities. The multi-
stakeholder Kisumu Waste Actors’ Network, which is a
creation of earlier research projects on waste
management, has positioned itself to manage at least
one of the waste recycling/transfer/recovery stations
to be created in the wards within the city. As a result
of international policies to increase environmental
sustainability, more consideration is being given to
waste recycling and biodigestion as opposed to
incineration, which is popular in the global North. This
presents divergent priorities between the two
regions, which may be worth considering later.
Comparative dimensions during the process
Choice of city for comparison
Finding relevant participants elsewhere is necessary
for any comparative transdisciplinary co-production
project. The project considered Helsingborg as a
relevant city for comparison based on the existing
Mistra Urban Futures LIP network, the waste
management situation in Kisumu and the possible
areas for improvement. Its advanced technical waste
management infrastructure of diverse waste
management options of both high-tech incineration
plants operating alongside modern biogas systems (in 
form of both bio-cell units and bioreactors in the
landfills) provides an opportunity to study and 
understand the operations of individual waste
management technologies, and the hybrid system, as
guidance towards future sustainable solutions in 
waste management in Kisumu.
Targeted expertise of the research team 
Another vital component of the process was to
include individuals with specialised knowledge. In 
considering the project’s need for expertise and
experience based on geographical locations and
practices, the research team was strengthened by
bringing in a highly knowledgeable and experienced
researcher on the use of biological processes for
waste management and, as mentioned, a practitioner
from Verapark to reinforce the component of
developing new/alternative products from waste
Setting up a research demonstration site
The establishment of a designated facility to test
various waste management technologies was key to
this research process. The expertise from SKLIP and
experience from Verapark demonstrated the
possibilities of developing alternative products from
waste resources. Learning from Verapark informed
the experiments in Kibuye in Kisumu with the help of
one of the waste actor organisations – the
community-based organisation (CBO) Kibuye Waste
Management – which was represented in the
research team. The temporary occupation licence that
has since been provided by the city of Kisumu shows
formal commitment of the local government to
support this process. This project therefore has
played the role of reframing waste as an economic
resource through the development and testing of
products from waste resources, that is co-
development of prototypes.
Real scientific evidence
Developing an appropriate waste management
strategy requires evidence to support proposed
technologies or management options. This 
responsibility lies with the research team to furnish
the policy makers with such information. Preliminary
findings of the research were consolidated and
presented in a stakeholder workshop in Kisumu,
attended by practitioners as well as local government
officials. It showed that the benefits of biological
processes for solid waste management outweigh
those for incineration. This was based on the
opportunities for promoting a circular economy,
support to livelihoods and environment sustainability
concerns. More evidence regarding these possibilities
is to be gathered in the ongoing experiments from
the research demonstration site at Kibuye Market.
Analysis of waste management technologies
Despite the inclusion of experts and demonstration 
facilities into the collaborative process, additional
research participants were necessary. To provide
more concrete scientific evidence regarding the 
viability of the different technologies, additional
researchers from Sweden were invited into the group 
to perform a joint multi-criteria analysis. This
provided more targeted knowledge on the different
waste management options to aid decision-making 
processes at city level.
Waste governance and networks 
Building formal working relationships throughout the
process with the local authorities and networks
among the waste actors is important for effective
waste governance. This has been carried out with the
support of research activities of the comparative
project. Kisumu City authority has issued a temporary
occupation licence to Kibuye Waste Management CBO
for demonstration of waste management practices at
Kibuye Market, showing a working relationship with
the waste actor. A relationship between Verapark and
Zingira CBO in Kisumu has also been established and
it is based on development and production of sanitary
pads from water hyacinth for both local and export
markets, including Sweden. The CBO representative
visited Sweden twice in 2018 to explore this further.
Privatisation of waste management services in the
In many cities, the waste management facilities are
owned by the local authorities but leased out to
private companies through contracts. The local
authorities therefore carry out the supervisory roles,
as noted in the case of the NSR company in Sweden.
This research project has also considered possibilities
of such a governance system for Kisumu. It proposes
the establishment of waste management facilities by
the city and the need to assess the benefits versus
costs of privatising the management of these facilities
through lease agreements with the private companies
(see, for example, the various perspectives in Zapata
Campos and Hall, 2013). To create incentives for
various waste actors, including community groups
and networks, the research team also presented a 
business model with business opportunities based on
provision of waste management services and
products from waste resources for sustainability at
the local scale.
The comparative project has brought together groups
of researchers from Kenyan and Swedish universities
with diverse backgrounds and relevant expertise.
Practitioners and community members participated
in the research activities, giving their views. Other
organisations, for example, the international non-
governmental organisation (NGO) Practical Action,
also contributed through related projects with waste
pickers on the Kachok dump site in Kisumu before its 
closure. The process therefore allowed for the
integration of various similar projects, experts,
organisations, practitioners and other stakeholders, 
resulting in the consolidation of resources, efforts and
sustained engagement. Although it took time to 
constitute such a research team, the discussion
became rich and generated a sense of shared
ownership of the project, with trials taking place at 
the same time, for example, at Kibuye demonstration
site with biodigesters for management of organic 
The approach in this comparative project has allowed
for transdisciplinary co-production of knowledge in
Kisumu and led to discussion of various solid waste
management technologies, both simple and
sophisticated. This, in turn, led to the formulation of
proposals for managing organic waste through
biodigestion and production of both biogas and
biofertiliser as the locally most appropriate solution.
This, therefore, challenged the modernist notion that
the way forward should simply be to adopt advanced
technology from the global North. Increased
environmental sustainability does not necessarily
coincide with the level of investment or the level of
sophistication of any given technology. The European
Commission favours waste prevention and recycling
of waste that also includes anaerobic digestion with
biogas production and a digestate as biofertiliser
(European Commission, 2017). For increased
environmental sustainability, incineration may not be
the best option, even in Europe, despite its potential
for district heating as a co-benefit. However, it
provides a quick-fix solution, and most African cities
including Kisumu think of it positively (Oteng-Ababio
et al, 2013). Accordingly, this project has
demonstrated how bringing all the stakeholders
together in a co-productive relationship can arrive at
locally appropriate and sustainable outcomes.
Learning through participation, demonstrations and
experimentations is important for testing different
strategies, technologies and products, and enabling
their benefits to be more widely understood. Issuing a 
temporary occupation licence to the demonstration
site shows the interest/desire of the local authority to
achieve effective and sustainable solid waste
management in the city. Methodologically, the
approach adds to the establishment of urban
development processes that are more inclusive where
a variety of voices are heard, therefore contributing to
the realisation of just cities.
Like many other African cities, Kisumu still has greater
opportunities to test different technologies of waste
management, which can later be beneficial to the
global North. What can the global South contribute to
the world in this context? One answer is a simple
waste management technology, fully tested and
functional in urban areas like Kisumu City. Policies in
the North do not allow experimentation and testing of 
some products from waste resources, while long-term
technological lock-in from past decisions, such as 
investments in capital-intensive incinerators or other
equipment, limits the ability to respond to new
technologies, understandings or opportunities (Unruh 
and Carrillo-Hermosilla, 2006; Corvellec and Hultman
2012; Corvellec et al, 2012). This may prompt a review 
of past decisions, and hence a change in policies, to
allow for more opportunities of interventions.

Limitations encountered during the project
While the process of comparative research is
beneficial in many respects, building an international
team is time-consuming. This involves identifying the
collaborating city as well as the expertise and the
relevant organisations with which to partner. To some
extent, it also requires prior understanding of the
prevailing situations in other cities, in order to
establish the relevance and possible comparative
dimensions based on previously identified gaps. Even
though information and communications technology
has made it easy to discuss issues between distant
places, it is still necessary to meet and undertake joint
collaborative research activities, which may be
expensive, hence compromising the effectiveness of
implementation of the research activities throughout
the process and therefore quality of the findings.
The research team comprised individuals from
different institutions with different mandates. By
participating in the research activities, the expectation
to fulfill these mandates, some of which are not
research-oriented (for example, development or
marketing in nature), is difficult to achieve. This
resulted in discouragement and withdrawal of some
The unexpected actions of the county/city
government to evacuate waste materials from Kachok
dump site and later close it in August 2019, before
any comprehensive solid waste management strategy
of the kind being explored in this project could be
implemented, and to explain the implications, has
created new challenges of what will happen to the 
waste in the short term. The Kachok dump site had
been earmarked for demonstration of gas collection
and composting, but this did not take place.
This category in the typology of comparative research
– retrofitting of local projects as a comparative
strategy – involves cities with different socio-technical
operating systems, such as Helsingborg with
technologically advanced waste management
technologies, and Kisumu with non-existent or
rudimentary technologies. The collaborative process
can create the impression that one city cannot learn
or benefit from the practices of the other, creating
lack of motivation and interest for one city team, but
the experience reported here has demonstrated
otherwise. 
Conclusion 
Our conclusions relate both to the substantive
research topic of SWM and to the research 
experience of undertaking an innovative comparative
project on local projects retrofitted.

Regarding SWM, Kenya represents an emblematic
global South perspective of being at the lowest
technological levels of implementation of the SWM 
hierarchy (UNEP, 2013), with open dumping sites and
low levels of separation and recycling at source.
Conversely, Helsingborg has pursued an approach
comprising recycling, anaerobic digestion for organic
fractions and incineration with energy recovery for
solid waste streams. The approach helps to narrow
the gap between policy expectations and practice,
even though the trend does not seem to be
consistent with EU policies. The research outcomes
from the transdisciplinary co-production research
process, therefore, favours recycling alongside
biological treatment, with incineration last. Provision
of basic services, like waste management services,
needs to respond to the emerging complex
environmental challenges resulting from the existing
methodologies, approaches and technologies in
various regions of the world. Retrofitting our way
towards a sustainable future, both in terms of the
mindsets of decision makers and individual
behavioural change, should therefore be guided by a
universal agenda. This, therefore, interrogates
divergent local as well as regional policies and
practices, and how they respond to the global
agendas such as the SDGs.
Different countries adopt diverse approaches to
SWM, and are at different technological levels of
implementation, ranging from traditional and/or
informal means and methods to advanced
sophisticated technologies, but everywhere now
favours an emerging resource recovery waste regime
as well as policies that promote resource recovery
and recycling over disposal through landfills (Gille,
2013). Waste management is part of the critical 
infrastructure that greatly improves living conditions
in cities. However, when such infrastructure performs
well, it tends to be taken for granted and therefore
becomes invisible until it loses relevance or becomes
obsolete (Graham and Thrift, 2007). To understand
how to overcome ‘lock-in’ situations and facilitate
systems change will be critical to achieving
sustainability (Lomas, 2009; Lowe, 2009). Lessons
drawn from such collaborative work can contribute to
diminishing this knowledge gap.
This chapter has explored retrofitting as one
transdisciplinary co-production process to foster
sustainable urban change on complex challenges.
Experiences have shown that careful planning must
be done to ensure the right project partners 
participate in the collaborative work. It is also
important that individual participants with the right 
technical and socio-political knowledge participate to
help guide the knowledge co-production processes in
plausible directions. Establishing demonstration and 
pilot projects was also an important part of the
process, as they were avenues to test the feasibility of 
specific waste treatment technologies and were an
effective way to build supportive evidence for
decision makers and the general public. Finally, 
inclusion of other key actors such as government
decision makers and the private sector early on in the
transdisciplinary co-production process were also key
in creating buy-in and fostering mutual trust among
the different partners.
The authors would like to acknowledge and thank
Dusan Raicevic and Torleif Bramryd for their
contributions to the Mistra Urban Futures solid waste
management comparative project.


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