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Detailed Lesson Plan in English Vi: (Cause and Effect)

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Quezonian Educational College Inc.

Little Angels Montesorri Learning Center

Dr.Soler Zone II Poblacion Atimonan, Quezon
S.Y. 2020-2021




APRIL 21, 2021
8:00 – 9:00 am

Prepared by:

Grade 6 Adviser
A. Identify the cause and effect of a particular situation.
B. Write the cause and effect of a particular situation.
C. Appreciate the importance of cause and effect relationship in real life situation.


B. Reference: K to 12 Effective English for Lifelong Learning
C. Materials: ICT tools, power point
D. Values: Don’t do to others what you don’t want others do to you.

A. Preliminary Activity
1. Prayer
2. Greetings
3. Checking of Attendance
4. Review
Before we proceed to the next topic,
let us have a short review of what you
have learned in your past lesson.
What is your past lesson? Our past lesson is all about the
coordinating conjunction.

Direction: Identify the appropriate

coordinating conjunction to complete
the sentence.
1. I am bringing juice to the party,
__ Lily is bringing cupcakes.
a. and b. so c. or

2. I know the answer, __ I can’t tell you.

a. nor b. but c. for

3. Should we go by train, __ take a bus?

a. for b. yet c. or

4. I have to find a new job, ____ I am

a. for b. so c. yet

5. It is snowing out, ____I will wear my

boots to school.
a. nor b. so c. but

B. Developmental Activity
1. Motivation
The teacher shows some pictures. The pupils will match each picture to the given picture inside
the box.
2. Presentation
(The teacher will present a short story about “Raffy, The Kind Giraffe”.)


Raffy was a good giraffe. Since he was young, her mother had told him not to eat forbidden leaves. But Raffy
was no ordinary giraffe. He loves to eat grass when he should only be eating leaves instead. He was always
teased by Girro, the bully of the young giraffes. Raffy hates trouble. He doesn’t mind being teased by Girro.
Raffy once drank water from a stream. “Look what I will do to Raffy,” Giro boasted to his friends. Girro
suddenly kicked Raffy. He lost his balance and fell into the water. Girro’s friends laughed hard at Raffy. Raffy
caught colds after submerging in the water. He also broke a leg. Girro got mad because Raffy isn’t reacting to
his antics. He thought a way to pick up a fight with the giraffe. Girro didn’t notice he was eating the forbidden
leaf. He felt a strong pain in his stomach. Girro felt dizzy. He knew nobody was going to help him because
only Raffy was around. Girro might be right because Raffy ran away as soon as he saw what happened to the
bad-mannered giraffe. He ran as fast as he could. Contrary to what Girro thought, Raffy ran quickly to get
some help. Girro escaped a certain death. “You should thank Raffy. You’re still alive because of him” Raffy’s
mother said. Girro couldn’t look straight at Raffy. Despite of all the bad things he has done, Raffy was still
kind to him. “I hope you could forgive me.” Girro said. “Of course, all giraffes belong to one family. We
should love one another.” Raffy said. The usually bad natured Girro has changed his ways. Thanks to the
kindness that was shown to him by Raffy, the kind giraffe.

3. Discussion

What is the title of a short story? Raffy, the kind giraffe is the title of a
short story.

Who are the characters in a short

story? The characters are the giraffes.

What kind of giraffe is raffy? Raffy was a good giraffe.

Who is Girro? Girro is the bully of the young giraffe.

How did Girro treated raffy? Raffy was always teased by Girro.

What happen when Girro suddenly

kicked Raffy? Raffy lost his balance and fell into
the water.

What is the reason or cause of Girro’s

strong pain in his stomach? Because Girro accidentally eats
the forbidden leaf.
What did raffy do to help girro? Raffy ran quickly to get some help.

What did girro says to raffy after the

accident? Giro noticed that after that he
always teased Raffy he still have
a heart to help when his in need.

What is the moral lesson in the story? Don’t do to others what you don’t
want others do to you.

Very Good Class!

Now children, what do you call to the

reason of something happen? It is
usually introduced by because. It
answer the question “why it happen?” The reason of something happen
is called the CAUSE.

Very Good!
What do you call to the result of the
cause? It answer the question “what
happen?” The result of what happen is called

Very Good! A cause is something that

produces an event or condition. The
effect is what results from an event or

Read the sentence.

“I dropped all of my groceries because
the dog scared me.” What is the cause
in this sentence? The dog scared me is the cause.

What is the effect in the sentence? I dropped all of my groceries is the


Read the sentence.

“I failed my math test because I did
not study enough.” What is the cause
in this sentence? I did not study enough is the cause.

What is the effect in the sentence? I failed my math test is the effect.

Very Good!

Read the sentence.

“Mark could not play the championship
because he broke his arm.” What is the
cause in this sentence? He broke his arm is the cause.

What is the effect in the sentence? Mark could not play the
championship is the effect.
Read the sentence.
“Melanie’s shoes was untied, so she
tripped and fell.” What is the cause in
this sentence? Melanie’s shoes was untied is the

What is the effect in the sentence? She tripped and fell is the effect.

Very Good!

Give me an example of situation that

shows cause and effect relationship. Different answers from the pupils.

Very Good! Give yourself 10 claps.

4. Generalization

What is our lesson for today? Our lesson for today is all about the
cause and effect.

What is cause? Cause is the reason of something


What is effect? Effect is the result of what happen.

Very Good!
5. Valuing

Why is it important to know the

relationship between cause and
effect? To know if the action is right or
wrong. To identify an event that is
responsible for the cause that
resulted in an effect.

Very Good! Everything in life has a

cause and effect. In everything that we
do there is always a reason. If we do
something there is always an effect.
When you study for a test, you get a
good grade. You forgot your umbrella
when it rains, you get wet. You break a
rule, you have a consequences.

6. Fixing Skills
Direction: Identify the cause or effect of a particular situation.

Effect-Adam feels pain in his teeth. Cause- The girl was tired.
Cause-_________________________ Effect-_________________________
Effect- The girl is crying. Cause- The boy works hard at school.
Cause-_________________________ Effect-_________________________

Effect- Jimmy was happy. Cause- Lina ate a lot of chocolates.

Cause-_________________________ Effect-_________________________

Direction: Read each sentence carefully. Write C if the underline sentence is cause and E if it is
the effect.
_____1. The grass did not get any water so the grass turned brown.
_____2. Now, I can watch TV because I’ve done all my homework.
_____3. Liz wasn’t able to take any pictures because she forgot her camera.
_____4. Her sister, Emma, was sick last Sunday so she missed the picnic.
_____5. Since the school is too far away from home, I take the bus to school every day.

(The teacher prepared two activities. Activity 1 will be for girls only and Activity 2 will be for
boys only.)
Activity 1 (FOR GIRLS)
Direction: Identify the cause of the given situation.

CAUSE - ______________________________________________
EFFECT - The river flooded the small town.


Direction: Identify the effect of the given situation.

CAUSE - The boy always practice running every

EFFECT -_______________________________________________
Direction: Identify the effect in column B to match the cause in column A. Write only the letter
of the correct answer.

____1. a.

____2. b.

____3. c.

____4. d.


Direction: Read each sentence carefully. Write on the blank the cause and effect from the given

1. We didn’t have school on Monday because we had 8 inches of snow.

CAUSE =_______________________________________________
EFFECT =_______________________________________________

2. Alyssa was very tired Friday night so she went to bed early.
CAUSE =_______________________________________________
EFFECT =_______________________________________________

3. Becky’s flower died because she forgot to water them.

CAUSE =_______________________________________________
EFFECT =_______________________________________________

4. John ate three hotdogs for lunch because he was hungry.

CAUSE =_______________________________________________
EFFECT =_______________________________________________

5. We ran out of milk so we had to drink water for dinner.

CAUSE =_______________________________________________
EFFECT =_______________________________________________

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