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The Warning - Illumination of Conscience

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The Warning – Illumination Of Conscience

Please click below for an introduction (with audio) to the messages in the Book of Truth
(Maria Divine Mercy):
Please click below to download a free PDF copy of the Book of Truth (Maria Divine
Mercy) and Crusade of Prayers:
Also see these helpful pages (has free downloadable documents):
Guide to The Warning and the Second Coming of Jesus Christ
Summary of Preparation for End Times in the Book of Truth (Maria Divine Mercy)
Please See (immediately after The Warning):
“Prayer For Forgiveness Of Sin – Jesus Please Forgive Me”
“The Warning And Its Aftermath – The Suffering of Purgatory as Penance for Sin”
“Jesus Christ Reveals Details Of His Crucifixion – Two Messages”
“Jesus Christ Speaks To His People – The Mortal Sins That Send Souls To Hell (Book Of
Truth – Maria Divine Mercy)”
BLOG SECTION: The Warning – God Speaks To You
BLOG SECTION: The Warning – The Lord Warns His People
BLOG SECTION: The Warning – What To Do Afterwards
BLOG SECTION: Invitation To Become A Child Of Mary

An Appeal To His Holiness, Pope Francis the First

An Appeal To My Fellow Americans – 40 Days
Special Commentary (Easter 2017): After The Great Warning – Understanding Fatima,
Garabandal And Medjugorje – By a soul
Special Commentary (Divine Mercy Sunday 2017): Understanding the Syrian Conflict
and the March Towards World War III – By a soul
The Great Warning – Illumination Of Conscience – And Holy Love – United Hearts Of
Jesus And Mary
What Is Holy Love? Holy Love Is…
Short Commentary: Writing about Holy Love Ministry and the Spiritual Journey of the
United Hearts of Jesus and Mary – MaryRefugeOfHolyLove – By a soul

(As originally written on the website)

THE ILLUMINATION OF CONSCIENCE predicted by Our Lady in Garabandal, Spain in
1961 will take place soon to save the world.
 To help save us before the Final Day of Judgement by giving us a chance to ask for
forgiveness for the sins we have committed.
 To dilute the impact of sin and evil in the world through conversion.
 To bring everyone back to Jesus and the way of the truth.
 To prove to all that God exists.
 To convert non-believers who would have no chance of redemption without this great act
of mercy.
 To strengthen the faith of believers.
 Everyone over the age of 7 will experience a private mystical encounter with Jesus Christ
which will last anything up to 15 minutes.
 It is a gift from God the Father to convert people back to the truth.
 It is how the Final Day of Judgement will unfold only this time you will not be
 Instead you will be given a chance to ask for forgiveness.
 Two comets will collide in the sky.
 People will believe it to be catastrophic worse than an earthquake. But it is not – it is a
sign that Jesus has come.
 The sky will turn red – it will look like a fire & then you will see a large cross in the sky
to prepare you first.
 Atheists will say it was a global illusion. Scientists will look for a logical explanation but
there won’t be one.
 It will be spectacular and will not hurt us because it comes as an act of Love and Mercy
from Jesus.
 Our sins will be shown to us and this will make us feel tremendous sorrow and shame
when they are revealed to us.
 Others will be so sickened and shocked by the way in which their sins will be revealed
that they will drop dead before they have a chance to ask for forgiveness.
 Everyone will see the state of their soul before God – the good they have done in their
lives, the grief they have inflicted on others and all that which they failed to do. Many
people will fall down and cry tears of relief. Tears of joy and happiness. Tears of wonder
and love.
 For, at last, it will be possible to live a new life thereafter when we know the full truth.
 Jesus is now asking everyone to pray for those souls who will die of shock who may be in
mortal sin. Everyone needs to prepare now. Jesus asks that all ask for the forgiveness of
their sins in advance of The Warning.
By the visionaries of Our Lady of Garabandal, Spain (1960s)
The main visionary Conchita has declared:
 The Warning is a thing that comes directly from God and will be visible throughout the
entire world in whatever place anyone might be.
 The Warning will be like a revelation of our sins – and it will be seen and experienced
equally by believers and non-believers and people of any religion whatsoever.
 The Warning is like a purification for the Miracle.
 And it is a sort of a catastrophe. It will make us think of the dead, that is, we would prefer
to be dead rather than to experience the Warning.
 The Warning is something supernatural and will not be explained by science.
 lt will be seen and felt.
 The Warning will be a correction of the conscience of the world.
 For those who do not know Christ, they will believe it is a Warning from God.
 The most important thing about that day is that everyone in the whole world will see a
sign, a grace, or a punishment within themselves, in other words, a Warning.
 They will find themselves all alone in the world no matter where they are at the time,
alone with their conscience right before God.
 They will then see all their sins and what their sins have caused.
 We will all feel it differently because it will depend on our conscience. The Warning will
be very personal, therefore, we will all react differently to it.
 The most important thing will be to recognize our own sins and the bad consequences of
 Your experience of the Warning will be different from mine because your sins are different
from mine.
 This will be a Warning to see what you have done with your sins.
 It will be like a purification before the Miracle to see if with the Warning and Miracle we
will be converted.
 The Virgin told me that before the Miracle, God will be sending us a Warning so as to
purify us or prepare us to see the Miracle and in this way we may draw enough grace to
change our lives toward God.
 It is a phenomenon which will be seen and felt in all the world and everywhere; I have
always given as an example that of two stars that collide.
 This phenomenon will not cause physical damage, but it will horrify us because at that
very moment we will see our souls and the harm we have done.
 It will be as though we were in agony but we will not die by its effects but perhaps we will
die of fright or shock to see ourselves.
 No one will have doubts of it being from God, and of its not being human.
 I who know what it is, am very much afraid of that day.The Virgin told us that the
Warning and Miracle will be the last warnings or public manifestations that God will
give us. This is why I believe that after them we will be near the end of time.
 To me it’s like two stars that crash and make a lot of noise and a lot of light but they don’t
fall down.
 It’s something that’s not going to hurt us but we’re going to see it.
 In that moment, we’re going to see our conscience. You’re going to see everything wrong
that you’re doing and the good you’re not doing.
The visionary Loli stated:
 Everyone will experience it wherever they may be, regardless of their condition or their
knowledge of God. It will be an interior personal experience. It will look as if the world
has come to a standstill, however, no one will be aware of that as they will be totally
absorbed in their own experience.
 It is going to be something like an interior feeling of sorrow and pain for having offended
God. God will help us to see clearly the harm we are causing Him and all the evil things
we do. He will help us to sense this interior pain because often when we do something
wrong we just ask the Lord’s forgiveness with our lips, but now (through the Warning) He
will help us sense physically that deep sorrow.
The visionary Jacinta stated:
 The Warning is something that is first seen in the air everywhere in the world and
immediately is transmitted into the interior of our souls. It will last for a very little time,
but it will seem a very long time because of its effect within us. It will be for the good of
our souls, in order to see in ourselves our conscience, the good and the bad that we’ve
* * *

Click below for helpful information on other blog pages:

Special Commentary: The First Seal of the Apocalypse and Earthquakes Before The
Warning – By a soul
Two Suns Prophecy – Comet of The Great Warning (Illumination of Conscience) – Comet
of Chastisement
Prophecy Alert – Satan Says – Two Suns – Magnetic Reversal and Coronal Mass Ejection
An Experience of the Abandonment (Loss) of God and Signs Just Before The Great
Warning (Illumination of Conscience)
Jesus Christ – The Great Warning is a manifestation of My Divine Mercy
The Great Warning – Illumination Of Conscience – And Holy Love – United Hearts Of
Jesus And Mary
The Date – Day of The Great Warning – Illumination of Conscience – and Traveling to
Prophet John Leary – Messages from Jesus Christ – The Warning – Illumination of
Only God The Father Knows The Day Of The Warning
Jesus Christ – Remember This Prayer For The Day Of The Warning
Jesus Christ – The Warning Has Been Delayed
* * *
Words From Jesus
Messages to Locutionist, Jennifer
A Vision of The Warning To Come
9/12/03 @6:00 AM

“My child, you are witnessing a vision of the warning to come.”

The sky is dark and it seems as though it is night, but my heart tells me it is sometime in the
afternoon. I see the sky opening up and I can hear long, drawn out claps of thunder. When I
look up, I see Jesus bleeding on the cross and people falling on their knees.
Jesus then tells me, “They will see their soul as I see it.” I can see the wounds so clearly on
Jesus and Jesus then says, “They will see each wound they have added to My Most Sacred
To the left I see the Blessed Mother weeping, and then Jesus speaks to me again and says,
“Prepare, prepare now for the time is soon approaching. My child, pray for the many souls
who will perish because of their selfish and sinful ways.”
As I look up, I see the drops of blood falling from Jesus and hitting the earth. I see millions of
people from nations from all lands. Many seem confused as they were looking up toward the
sky. Jesus says:
“They are in search of light, for it should not be a time of darkness, yet it is the darkness of sin
that covers this earth, and the only light will be that of which I come with for mankind does not
realize the awakening that is about to be bestowed upon him. This will be the greatest
purification since the beginning of creation.”
I see people crying and some with horrifying screams when they see Jesus bleeding on the
cross. Jesus says, “It is not the sight of My wounds that causes their suffering; it is the depth of
the soul knowing that he has placed them there. It is not the sight of My wounds bleeding that
causes their suffering; it is knowing that man’s rejection of Me has caused My wounds to
“My child, so many will perish, for their souls have become so far from Me, yet it is I, Jesus,
that will show the great depth of My mercy.”
“My child, you see that the earth has been trembling for as this hour of purification of
enlightenment draws near, the fury of the lion will be prowling amongst My people. The
temptation will multiply, for he seeks his many victims. It will be the greatest spiritual battle
man has ever endured. My child, tell My people that today I am asking that they take heed to
My words, for the sign in the east is about to rise. Tell My people that this is the hour, for I am
Jesus and all will be done according to My will.”
As I look up, I continue to see Jesus bleeding on the cross. I continue to see the Blessed Mother
weeping to the left. The cross is bright white and illuminated in the sky; it looks suspended. As
the sky is opening up, I see a bright light come down on the cross and in this light I see the
resurrected Jesus appear in white, look up toward heaven raising His hands, He then looks
down at the earth and makes the sign of the cross, blessing His people.
* * *
From the Book of Truth
(Maria Divine Mercy)
“The Great Warning – A Gift Out of Mercy”
Monday, November 22nd, 2010 @ 02:00
My beloved daughter, I Am so pleased at the way you follow My Words with complete faith and
obedience. My Love for you is strong. So too, is your love for Me. You now feel Me very close to
your heart. You are one with Me, now, My daughter. I, and My Eternal Father, as well as, the
Holy Spirit – the Blessed Trinity, rejoice with your response to this very important calling. We,
and all the angels and saints walk with you, every day, to protect you in this most Sacred Work.
Take heart and continue to hold My Hand. Allow Me to guide you in your words to give
mankind a chance to finally understand the Truth before the Great Warning. This Great
Warning, out of Mercy and Love, as a last Gift to My children, will happen soon. Every single
one of My children will be shown their lives, their sins, their wrong doings and every single
insult they were responsible for against their brothers and sisters, all during a mystical
experience. Not one man, woman or child on this Earth will be excluded. Some will be deeply
shocked and saddened by the sins in their lives and will immediately turn to Me, their Just
Judge, and redeem themselves. They will, out of love and sorrow, ask for Mercy.
Others will be so sickened and shocked by the way in which their sins will be revealed, that they
will drop dead before they have a chance to ask for forgiveness.
And then there will be those who follow the deceiver. They, in their terror, when they see the
wicked sins in their past life flash in front of them, will flee. They will try to hide, but there is
nowhere to go. Ducking and diving, they will either accept what they see and ask for
forgiveness there and then, or they will turn away and squirm in shame and horror, but will not
ask for Mercy.
Then there is the final sinner. When his sins are shown to him, all he will do is argue and deny
that he committed these grievous offences against God’s Commandments. He will simply deny
the truth and turn his back into the darkness of eternal Hell.
No one will be turned away from My Mercy
Why won’t My children understand this? If they are genuinely repentant and desire to come and
live with Me on the New Earth, where Heaven and Earth become one, why don’t they ask for
forgiveness? No one will be turned away from My Just Mercy if they show remorse. Yet, so
caught up in their pursuit of selfish goals, they fail to grasp the consequences.
Wake up now, all of you. Accept the changes you are about to witness through the evil actions of
mankind, the signs that have been foretold and which will pre-empt My return to Earth.
Let Me guide you to Paradise
Through this prophet and the Book of Truth, I plead with you, once more, out of My precious
Love for you all, turn to Me, now, before time runs out. Let Me hold you in My Arms. Let My
Love flow through you in mind, body and soul. Open your hearts and let Me guide you to My
Paradise, on Earth. where you will enjoy eternal life. Why would you wish to choose the other
doomed path to nowhere, when the Truth has been revealed?
My Heart heaves with worry and sadness when I think of My children who just refuse to accept
the Truth of My promise. I say, one more time, turn to Me, now, and talk to Me. Ask Me to come
back into your heart. I will make Myself fit within your soul. I give you this promise, even for
those most hardened of souls. Just one word is all you need to say. Ask Me to show you My
Presence by saying:
“Jesus, I feel lost. Open my heart to accept Your Love and show me the Truth, so that I may be
My Words of Warning are not a threat. This event has been known since My death on the Cross.
Why do you think it cannot happen? The Truth lies in the Scripture, for all to understand. I will
act as your Saviour, right up to the last minute, before I come, as Just Judge, so that I can
finally lead My children to My family of great love, joy and happiness, where all will live in
harmony for eternity.
Satan and his followers will be plunged into darkness forever. My family will witness the joy
and Divine Heavens, which no man, were they to glimpse just a taste of what it promises, would
turn their back on this pure happiness in My Father’s Kingdom.
Pray, pray for forgiveness and enter My Father’s Kingdom in glory where you, and your loved
ones, will be welcomed into the Light of Pure Love.
I will fight to win you all back
I died for all of you and I will fight to win you all back to Me, despite the darkness of evil in the
world, up to the very last moment.
Please, let Me show you how much I love you, once more. Take My Hand now, place your head
on My Shoulder and your gentle soul will be set aflame with a love you have forgotten.
“What you will experience during The Warning and Prayer for instant pardon”
Saturday, April 16th, 2011 @ 10:00
My beloved daughter, move quickly to escalate awareness around My Message, for The
Warning is almost upon the world. Tell those souls who refuse to pray, to push aside their pride
and distaste and turn to Me now to ask for forgiveness. Be clear that many, many souls will not
survive this imminent event. Many of these souls are simply lazy and while they may, behind it
all, believe in God the Eternal Father, they think that at some time in the future they will then
deal with their spiritual beliefs. But it will be too late.
Tell the world this event is going to save them. Many will repent during this Mystical
Experience. They will feel a burning sensation, not unlike that experienced by souls in
purgatory. This will give them an insight as to what souls, who are not fully clean, have to go
through before they can see the Glorious Light of Heaven.
By simply accepting that this event may take place, they can survive it. Turn to Me and
“Please guide me towards the Light and Goodness of Your great Mercy and forgive me for
my sins.”
and I will pardon you instantly.
Then after The Warning you will experience a deep peace and joy in your soul.
Young people find it embarrassing to pray
Many people in the world today refuse to pray. Many young people in particular find it
embarrassing and old-fashioned. They mistakenly believe, that yes, while they do hold a belief
in God, that prayer is not necessary. This is not true. It is essential in order to enter the
Paradise you will desperately crave after death. If you remain in sin you cannot taste this
glorious feast. Just as those of you who keep fit, look after your body, watch what you eat
carefully and keep trim, so too must you prepare your soul in this way. Without paying attention
closely as to the state of your soul, it will become weak and lacking in the nourishment needed
to ensure that it is in perfect shape.
Prayer to say to convert others
Because of the weakness of faith among those in the world who are believers, those of you who
are strong in your faith have a huge responsibility now. You must pray this conversion prayer
for the others:
“I urge you Jesus, in your Divine Mercy, to cover those lukewarm souls with your Precious
Blood so that they can be converted.”
Say this short prayer on behalf of those, whom you believe need it most.
Remember, children, My glorious promise. I will Triumph in the end. Satan, the deceiver, simply
cannot survive. Please let Me protect you and take you with Me. Don’t give Satan your soul. I
love you all. Keep asking Me to strengthen your belief every day.
“The Swords of Justice will fall now”
Monday, May 30th, 2011 @ 03:00
Hear Me now, My children, everywhere. The Swords of Justice will fall on those who fail to
prepare adequately for The Warning.
My Flames of Divine Mercy, presented to the world to give each of you a taste of what the final
day of Judgment will be like, is going to be misinterpreted by so many of you. This great day of
The Warning draws closer by the month, so you must now put aside the time in preparing for
My Divine Mercy.
Many, many souls will find it difficult to understand what this event really means. So many will,
as a result, die of shock, which saddens Me, because for those who do not survive, it will be
because of the sorry state of their souls. Catholics everywhere, seek Confession now, if you
want to benefit from My Great Act of Love and Mercy. Christians and other faiths, speak in
silence, and tell God how remorseful you are, how much you regret your transgressions and ask
Him to forgive you for your sins. Only those who are strong of heart in their love for Me and
God the Almighty Father, will be prepared adequately. Others, because of their strength in mind
and character will finally understand the Truth and accept Me with love in their hearts.
As for others, so harsh will the shock be, that when their souls are revealed to them in their
darkness, they will drop dead. By then it will be too late to seek forgiveness. There will be no
hope for them. Pray, pray, all of you, so that as many souls as possible will survive My great
Act of Mercy.
“Two comets will collide, My cross will appear in a red sky”
Sunday, June 5th, 2011 @ 16:30
My dearly beloved daughter, the time is near. The Warning is close now. It is with great sorrow
that I must tell you that many souls will not heed these Messages about The Warning. My Word
falls on deaf ears. Why won’t they listen? I Am not only giving them My great Gift of Mercy,
when I will shower My graces over the whole world, I Am also trying to prepare them for this
event. Many millions of sinners will rejoice when they are shown My great Mercy. Others won’t
get a chance to redeem themselves in time, because they will die of shock.
My daughter, you must do everything you can to warn the world, because this Great Event will
shock everyone. They will see great signs in the skies, before The Warning takes place. Stars
will clash with such impact that man will confuse the spectacle they see in the sky as being
catastrophic. As these comets infuse, a great red sky will result and the Sign of My Cross will be
seen all over the world, by everyone. Many will be frightened. But I say rejoice, for you will
see, for the first time in your lives, a truly Divine Sign that represents great news for sinners
See My Cross then and you will know that My great Mercy is being given to each of you, My
precious children. For it was with the deep abiding Love that I held for you that I died,
willingly, on the Cross, to save you. When you see the Crosses in the sky during The Warning
you will know that this is a Sign of My Love for you.
Pray, My beloved followers, that your brothers and sisters can rejoice when they too, are shown
the proof of My Existence. Pray that they will accept that this is their chance to redeem
themselves in My Eyes. That this great Act of Mercy will save their souls if they will allow Me to
help them.
You will be shown what it is like to die in mortal sin
The Warning will be a purifying experience for all of you. It may be unpleasant in part,
especially for those in grave sin. Because for the first time ever, you will be shown what it feels
like when the Light of God disappears from your life. Your souls will feel the abandonment felt
by those who die in mortal sin, these poor souls who left it too late to ask God to forgive them
their sins.
Remember, it is important that I allow all of you to feel this emptiness of soul. For only then will
you finally understand that without the Light of God in your souls you cease to feel. Your soul
and body would be just empty vessels. Even sinners feel the Light of God because He is present
in every one of His children on Earth. But when you die in mortal sin, this Light no longer
Prepare now, for this Great Event. Save your souls while you can. For it will only be when the
Light of God leaves you that you will finally realise the empty, barren darkness that Satan
offers, which is full of anguish and terror.
Replenish your souls. Rejoice now, for The Warning will save you and bring you closer to My
Sacred Heart.
Welcome The Warning. For then you will be given the proof of eternal life and know how
important it is.
“The Warning is a Manifestation of My Divine Mercy given to Sr. Faustina”
Sunday, June 26th, 2011 @ 18:00
My dearly beloved daughter, time is close now. There is very little time to warn and prepare all
those poor souls, who will be so shocked during The Warning that they will not realise what
they are witnessing. They must be told so that they will know what to expect. If they open their
hearts to this great moment of Divine Mercy, they will be given the chance of eternal life.
This great Warning is the manifestation of My Divine Mercy given to Sister Faustina. This
Great Act of My Mercy was foretold and it will be during The Warning that My great Mercy will
envelop the whole world. My Blood and Water will gush forth so that you will all know the
Truth at last. Tell those who do not believe in Me or My Eternal Father, that this event will
happen. Then when it does they will be able to withstand the shock of My Mercy, which will
save millions of souls during The Warning, from the grasp of Satan. The Truth, when revealed,
will save so many from the fires of Hell.
The Holy Spirit, thereafter present in My children everywhere, will help defeat the works of the
evil one. All of you must spread the Word about how mankind needs to prepare their souls in
advance. For even believers must understand that they too will find it emotionally disturbing to
view their own past sinful behaviour as it appears to Me.
I call on all of you now to seek Confession. For those other Christians, you must kneel down
and pray for redemption. For those who are unsure of this prophecy, please keep your hearts
open for when you witness this ecological, but supernatural event, it is important that you
understand that this is the greatest miracle you will ever see and that it is My great Gift to you
Consider this. This is how the final day of Judgment will unfold only this time you will not be
condemned. You will be given a new lease of life when your soul will be saved, to enable you to
restore to the level I desire of it.
Believers, pray for others with all your hearts now that they will be saved.
“Signs will appear in the sky first – the sun will spin”
Friday, November 11th, 2011 @ 16:00
Prayer, and much of it, is needed to help save souls now. You, My daughter, must prepare your
family and tell those in need of My great Mercy to be ready.
Once again the signs will appear first. Many people will sit up and take heed when they see the
changes in the skies. They will witness the sun spin like never before. Then they will see the
Cross. This will happen immediately before the stars clash in the skies and when My Rays of
Divine Mercy will cover the Earth.
Silence will ensue so that each soul will be in a state of absolute privacy when they come before
Me. Tell My children what to watch out for, because they must not be afraid. This is not an
Event to fear. Instead you must all welcome this encounter.
All My children must accept that it is I Who now comes before them. They must not think that
this is the end of the world. For it is not. It is the beginning of a new period in time when all of
My children will know the Truth at last.
I rejoice and feel a great tenderness towards every single soul who can be redeemed if they
allow Me to give them this Gift.
Pray, pray, pray for all souls now and in particular for those who will be so fearful that they
may not be strong enough to accept My Hand of Mercy.
“The time for the comet to appear, of which I spoke, when people will believe that there
are two suns, is close”
Saturday, April 6th, 2013 @ 17:00
My dearly beloved daughter, the stars will soon change and the time for the comet to appear, of
which I spoke, when people will believe that there are two suns, is close. Soon the wondrous
spectacle will be seen by humanity, and there will be heard the sound of thunder, and it will
seem that the two suns will collide.
My Rays of Mercy will fall on every human soul, including those who will be blinded by the
Light, so dark are their souls. When the sound of thunder is heard, a quiet calm will then
descend over the earth and the stillness will be deafening. No sound will be heard – only the
sound of My Voice imprinted on the souls of the wretched.
I will be like a ray of sun, which will make every single fault, every sin and cry of despair,
become clearly visible in the eyes of the sinner.
There will be wailing and a deep sense of sorrow felt within the hearts of men, as they come
face to face with the state of their souls. All will remain still for fifteen minutes, and then life
will become like before, as if this miracle did not happen. In those, whose souls were touched
by the Truth, life cannot, nor will it ever be the same again. They will then follow Me, My
Teachings and they will convert in billions.
My Messages will become their daily food and along with My Most Holy Eucharist, they will
need nothing more. So strong will they become that nothing will stand in their way, nothing will
intimidate them, or slow them down, as they march in My remnant army towards My New
The others will be told that The Warning was caused by a disruption in the earth’s atmosphere
and it will be easily explained away. But it will be a lie, for they do not want to acknowledge the
Existence of God. If they were to do this, they would not be able to complete their plan to
deceive the world into accepting the empty promises of the antichrist.
When miracles of God are witnessed on such a grand scale, know that My plan to bring
humanity into the realm of salvation is in the final stages.
Go, My loyal followers, and trust always in My promise to salvage all souls. My Mercy is great
and My Power almighty.
“I come only as a God of Mercy. I do not come to frighten you for I truly love each of you”
Monday, November 18th, 2013 @ 20:10
My dearly beloved daughter, all must prepare themselves so that they are fit to come before Me,
for I will come like a thief in the night and many will not know what is happening. Therefore, it
is important that each one of you confesses to Me now.
The Truth of My Most Holy Word will become pronounced, as twisted versions replace it by My
enemies, who will be daring in their endeavours to deceive you. Now is the time to focus on
your own souls and the state they are in. To the man who does not believe in Me I say to him.
When I come before you will you be relieved to know Who I Am? Will you come with Me? I will
take you and wipe away your tears and you will live a glorious life, once you confess to Me and
ask Me to take you into My Mercy.
To the man who believes in Me, will you be able to stand before Me, without shame? Will you
come before Me, knowing all that you do about what I taught you, with a clean soul? No matter.
When you say to Me, “Jesus forgive me, I want to follow You,” you will be saved.
To the man who believes in Me, but who believes he is exemplary and in no need of confession,
are you also fit to come before Me? When I show you the state of your soul, will you argue with
Me and say that you are fit to come before Me when you are not? If you cannot accept My Gift
of Mercy and admit your wrongdoing, then you will remain separate from Me and I will give
you only one more chance of reprieve.
To all of humanity, I ask you to prepare first your soul. You must fix every part of your soul,
before you are ready to stand complete in My Presence during The Warning. If you don’t, you
will have to endure a painful purification and your Purgatory will be endured on Earth, before
the Day My Second Coming dawns. I urge you to say this Crusade Prayer for each of your own
souls and that of your loved ones.
Crusade Prayer (127) To save my soul and those of my loved ones:
“O Jesus, prepare me, so I can come before You without shame. Help me and my loved ones
(name them here….) to get ready to confess all our wrong doings. To admit our short-comings.
To ask for the forgiveness of all sins. To show love to those we have wronged. To beg for Mercy
for salvation. To humble ourselves before You, so that on the Day of the Great Illumination, my
conscience and those of (name them here…..) will be clear and that You will flood my soul with
Your Divine Mercy. Amen.”
Now is the time to remind yourselves of everything that I taught you. Now is the time to examine
The Ten Commandments and ask yourselves if you have truly lived your lives accordingly.
Be honest with yourselves because if you are not, you will – either way – be shown how you
have grieved Me in your lifetime. But, let Me give you comfort.
I come only as a God of Mercy. I do not come to frighten you, for I truly love each of you, no
matter what you have done, but My Patience is limited. Only those who accept the grievous
nature of their sins against God can be enveloped into My Divine Mercy. Those who reject Me
will have little time to redeem themselves, for I will separate the sheep from the goats. One side
will come with Me. The other side will be left and then the New Beginning will be made known
to every creature. Only those who love Me will be given Eternal Life.
Heed now My Call, for I do this to ensure that as many of you as possible are prepared well
before the Day of the The Warning.
“Mother of Salvation: By the miracle of the Illumination of Conscience, He, my Son, will
bring joy, love and hope to the world”
Sunday, December 22nd, 2013 @ 15:19
My child, please let it be known that my precious Son is preparing for His Great Intervention of
Mercy. The world will be renewed as a result and many will rejoice in their new-to-be found
freedom from doubt about the Existence of God.
How lonely are those who do not know my Son. When my Son stood on the mount, just before
His Ascension into Heaven, His disciples were confused and frightened because of the
separation they would have to face without Him. Many of them panicked and begged my Son
not to leave them. He comforted them by patiently explaining to them that this separation would
only be temporary and that He would send them help. The help He was referring to was the Gift
of the Holy Spirit. Then He said to them: “Do not fear, for by the help of He Who I will send to
you, you will not be alone. I will always be with you in the Form of the Holy Spirit.”
For, although He told everyone that day that He would come again, they did not truly
understand what He meant. Some thought that it would be weeks before He would make
Himself known. But, remember, a day in God’s Time, can be any time. Now that Day is drawing
close and all the prophecies foretold, as to the signs of the time of the end, are happening. Have
no fear in your hearts, dear children, for the time for rejoicing is almost upon you. There will be
no more tears or sadness, for my Son’s Great Day will dawn suddenly and He will gather all of
His own into His Sacred Arms.
Pray for God’s Great Blessings and for the Great Mercy, which my Son holds, in great
abundance, for each one of God’s children. This includes the good, the bad and the indifferent.
By the miracle of the Illumination of Conscience, He, my Son, will bring joy, love and hope to
the world.
Be thankful for this great Mercy. My Son’s Love for you will never die, fade or be withheld,
because you belong to Him. You are His. You are the children of God. You do not belong to
Pray, pray, pray that humanity will choose the Merciful Hand of my Son over the deceit and the
wicked stranglehold, which the evil one exerts over the weak.
“Soon you will see Me in all of My heavenly Glory and then you will finally understand
the Mystery of My Divinity”
Sunday, December 22nd, 2013 @ 15:56
My dearly beloved daughter, how the world will soon sit up and acknowledge My Presence. My
Presence will be felt in every nation, country and home and no one will deny My Presence, yet
some will not want to witness My Intervention. You must all accept that when The Warning
takes place, that it is a Great Sign from Heaven. It will confirm the Love, which God has for all
of His children.
Your lonely separation from God will come to an end that Day. For those who want the
Protection they desire, from the sorrow, which exists in the world today, know this. I will wipe
away your tears. Forgive you your sins. I will Bless all of you, including those who will turn
their backs on Me, in the hope that they will come running back to Me, so that I can save them.
The world is Mine. God’s children will be gathered together and all of those whose names are
in the Book of the Living will be swept up into My Arms. Pray that those who have doubts will
be rid of them, that those who are in terrible darkness will ask Me for Mercy and that those who
deny Me will finally recognise Me.
You must never allow the detractors of My Holy Word to take you away from Me, your beloved
Jesus. Soon you will see Me, in all of My heavenly Glory, and then you will finally understand
the Mystery of My Divinity.
“Prepare always, every day, as if The Warning were tomorrow, for it will come upon you
Friday, January 31st, 2014 @ 16:13
My dearly beloved daughter, hear Me now, as I speak of The Warning to come. Without My
Intervention, most of the world would plunge into the abyss of the beast and would never see
the Light of God. Without this Miracle, billions of souls would go to Hell.
So then, I must remind you that you must prepare for this Event, for it will cause tremendous
pain and suffering for many. It will be as if many have plunged into the lowest level of
Purgatory, which purges the soul with a powerful heat and creates a terrible sense of remorse,
which causes pain of the flesh.
Many souls will rejoice. However, even those souls who are close to Me will also feel anguish
when they have to face their wrongdoings before Me. The shame they will feel though will be
quickly forgotten, as the Light of My Mercy will devour them and fill them with Graces. The
souls who do not know Me at all will be mesmerised and many will believe that they have died
and are being judged by Me, on the last Day. They too will rejoice when the Truth is revealed to
them. Then those poor wretched souls, who relish their sinful lives, will suffer greatly. Some will
break down and lie at My Feet and protect their eyes from My Light, because the pain of
standing before Me, alone and defenseless, will be too much for them to bear. They will not ask
for My Mercy, for their hatred of Me runs deep.
Finally, the souls who have completely renounced Me and given themselves over in body and
soul to the evil one will suffer a greater torment, as if they have crawled into the depths of Hell.
Many will not be able to withstand My Presence and they will fall stone-dead before Me. Others
will try to call out to Me, but they will be dragged away from Me by the evil one.
After this powerful Intervention by Me takes place, however, billions will be converted and they
too will join with My Remnant Church, to endure penance for those souls who have completely
cut themselves off from My Mercy, in order to help Me salvage their souls.
All will be well, for in the end, I Am All-Merciful, All-Goodness, All-Love. Those who love Me
will be given the Gift of My Love in abundance. My Love in them will ignite the Image of My
Passion and this will encourage them to make great sacrifices in
atonement for the sins of the lost souls who need My Mercy the most.
Prepare always, every day, as if The Warning were tomorrow, for it will come upon you
“Mother of Salvation: After The Warning will come a great desire to give glory to God”
Sunday, March 9th, 2014 @ 17:25
My children, you will always be under my protection when you call on me, the Mother of
Salvation, throughout this Mission. I am a servant of God and my role is to serve my Son, Jesus
Christ, and help Him in His quest for souls, which will cover the whole Earth. Not one nation
will be excluded by Him. My Son’s Plans, to prepare the world, include every race, nation,
creed and every man, woman and child will be aware that He is coming to help them. He does
this because of the deep Love, which God holds in His Heart for His children.
Many people, who do not practice any religion, will be unable to ignore the Intervention in the
world by my Son, Jesus Christ. They will be overcome and unable to comprehend, at first, the
extraordinary spiritual experience they will feel, in every fibre of their hearts and souls. What a
joy The Warning will be for many people, as it will bring with it the proof of my Son’s Existence.
With this Gift, many will be filled with a peace they will have never felt before, as well as a
great longing to be in the company of Jesus.
While all doubts about the Existence of my Son will flee from the minds of those who are blind
to the Truth of the Word of God – for many, they will need spiritual direction once the Truth of
The Warning is revealed. After The Warning will come a great desire to give glory to God. This
will be a period of great trials; because the enemies of God will do everything possible to
convince the world that The Warning – the Illumination of Conscience – did not take place.
When God humbles Himself to call out to His children and when He begs them to listen to Him,
this is one of the greatest Acts of Generosity on His part. Children, accept The Warning with
good Grace, because for many it will be the lifeline they need to live in the world without end.
Never reject great acts or miracles from Heaven, for they are for the good of all, so that
salvation is granted to the masses and not just the few.
Always give thanks for my Son’s Great Mercy. You have heard how Generous He is and soon
you will bear witness to the extent of His Mercy, which will encompass the world.
“The Warning will help the world to fight the greatest apostasy of all time”
Tuesday, January 20th, 2015 @ 20:40
My dearly beloved daughter, when the Warning takes place this will be the first stage of the
preparation for My Second Coming. Those who will not accept Me will be given an
extraordinary chance to take time to ponder upon the Truth, such is the extent of My Great
Please wait for this Day with great joy for it will then that unbelievers will finally realise Who I
Am. They will be shaken out of their apathy and filled with astonishment.
The Warning will help the world to fight the greatest apostasy of all time. By turning to Me
during this 15 minutes of compete solitude, and asking Me to pardon you, you will be filled with
the Gift of the Holy Spirit. Then you must prepare to fight to help others fulfill their glorious
While the Warning will ignite the faith of the faithful and convert many, there will be a great
number of people, including priests and senior members of the clergy, who will deny it took
place. They will lead many away from Me and for that they will be judged harshly. The
Illumination of Conscience will bring with it a great outpouring of love from those whose
names are contained in the Book of Life. These are the people – and they include many
unbelievers – who will convert and who will fight to save their brothers and sisters.
My Time will be used to draw towards Me those who do not know Me at all, but who will still
come to Me, when they witness this great event. They will know Me instantly and will respond
in the way that they know best.
All of these events will come soon and, when the prophecies given to man from the beginning
unfold, they will make perfect sense. Many of the prophecies given in the Book of Revelation
were written in a way so that people would understand them through the use of symbols. The
reality is different, but know this. The Intervention by Me will change the world forever. After
that those who are for Me and who love Me, will help Me to bring Eternal Life to billions.
“Soon the skies will split and the Fire of the Holy Spirit will be upon you”
Wednesday, February 4th, 2015 @ 20:06
My dearly beloved daughter, the hatred against all good things which come from God,
including His Holy Word, is intense at this time. Love in the hearts of man, which is naturally
present in the soul of every child born into the world, has turned cold in the hearts of humanity.
Charity and love for one another has evaporated and, as foretold, man will turn against his
brother, sister, father, mother and neighbour as the final battle for souls reaches its pinnacle.
The good, the meek and the humble will be trodden upon and those with malice and a lack of
love in their souls, will bully those who dare to speak the Truth.
My Father, by whose Holy Command I speak to the world, has instructed Me to issue this
warning. Prepare to face Me for soon the skies will split and the Fire of the Holy Spirit will be
upon you. Those with tender hearts and whose souls are filled with love for others will be
rewarded with the Gifts I will bring with Me on that day. To the others I say this. For every
wicked act, word or deed you are guilty of and for the pain you have inflicted on others, you
will experience the pain of your iniquities as seen through My Eyes. Because so many will be
shocked when they see the state of their souls I ask that you do not fear. Simply trust in My
Great Mercy. I am coming not to punish or judge you but to awaken within you the love that
you have lost for Me.
Come all of you the time for God’s Intervention is close and those who prepare their souls,
through the act of reconciliation and Confession, will be spared the pain of purification.
* * *

Please see these pages:

Our Lady – Mary – Speaks To Those Who Never Heard The Gospel
Also see:
“Jesus Christ – Message To The Last Soul Who Converts On The Final Day Before The
Second Coming”
* * *

If you need help in learning how to pray to God, please see this page:

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