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Ordinary Time

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Ordinary Time refers to the longest season of the liturgical year between Christmas and Lent/Easter. It focuses on the teachings and ministry of Jesus.

Ordinary Time is the longest liturgical season in the Church's cycle/year. It consists of numbered weeks between Christmas and Lent, and Easter and Advent.

Ordinary Time is structured in two sections totaling 34 weeks. The first section is between Christmas and Lent. The second section is between Pentecost and the feast of Christ the King.

Ordinary Time

“An extra-ordinary season”

“Come, follow me," Jesus said, "and I will make you fishers of men."
Matthew 4:19

Mr. Pablo Cuadra

Religion Class
Matthew 11:4-6
Jesus said to them in reply,
"Go and tell John what you
hear and see: the blind
regain their sight, the lame
walk, lepers are cleansed,
the deaf hear, the dead are
raised, and the poor have
the good news proclaimed
to them. And blessed is
the one who takes no
offense at me."
What is Ordinary Time?
• Ordinary time is the longest
liturgical season in the
Church’s cycle or year.

• The liturgical cycle is

composed of five seasons:
Advent, Christmas, Ordinary
time, Lent and Easter.
Did you know?
• Ordinary time is the
result of the liturgical
reforms brought about
by Vatican II.
• The new liturgical
cycle consisting of
five seasons took
effect on the first
Sunday of Advent in
Why is Ordinary Time called
• The word ordinary is derived
from the word ordinal which
means “counted time”.

• During Ordinary time Sundays

and weeks are counted in a
quasi sequential order.

• There is no first Sunday of

Ordinary time. Ordinary time
begins on a weekday.

• Hence, The first week of

Ordinary Time begins with the
first Monday of ordinary time.
How is Ordinary Time structured?
• Ordinary time is structured in two • The second section of Ordinary
sections of 34 Weeks total. time begins the Monday after
the feast of Pentecost. The
• The first section of Ordinary time celebration of Pentecost marks
begins after the Feast of the the end of the season of
Baptism of the Lord which is the Easter.
feast that marks the end of the
Holy Season of Christmas and the
beginning of ordinary time. • The second section of ordinary
time continues until the
• The first section of Ordinary time Solemnity of Christ the King
continues until Ash Wednesday which is the Sunday that
which is the celebration that marks concludes the Liturgical cycle
the beginning of Lent. of the Church.
Did you know?
• All years in which
January 1 begins on a
Sunday or Monday and
leap years which begin
on a Saturday will have
34 weeks. All other
years will contain 33

• This means that the

liturgical year will have
33 ordinary weeks
approximately 68 per
cent of the time.
What is the liturgical color of
Ordinary time?
• The liturgical color for
ordinary time is green.
• Green is a symbol for
hope, growth and new
• In Christian tradition,
green came to symbolize
the life of the church
following Pentecost, as
well as symbolizing the
hope of new life in the
The symbol for Ordinary Time
• The Chi- Rho is a Christian
symbol usually associated with
the liturgical season of
ordinary Time.
• It consists of the first two
letters of the Greek word for
Christ or Christos (anointed
one). The Hebrew equivalent
is Messiah.
• The letters that make up the
Chi-Rho are: Chi =X and the
letter Rho =P
• The fusion of these two letters
into an abbreviation became a
symbol for Christ also known
as labarum or monogram of
• This symbol was adopted as
an emblem by Constantine.
Misconceptions about Ordinary
• The word ordinary in the
liturgical sense does not
mean “average” or
• Another misconception
about Ordinary time is
that is a season without a
• On the contrary, the
Church celebrates the
mystery of Christ in all its
aspects during this
liturgical season.
Did you know?
• During ordinary time the Gospels of
Matthew (year A), Mark (year B), and
Luke (year C) present in a semi-
continuous manner the public ministry
of Jesus beginning with the third
Sunday of ordinary time.

• During Ordinary time, the letters of

Paul and James are read in a
chronological order.

• The Gospel of John is read on the

Second Sunday of each year and also
from the Seventeenth to the Twenty-
first Sunday of Year B. On these five
Sundays, we hear our Lord's discourse
on "The Bread of Life" from chapter 6
of John's Gospel.
Solemnities of Ordinary time
• Ordinary time is comprised of
several solemnities.

• Solemnities are special feasts

honoring the memory of Christ,
The blessed mother of God
(Theotokos), the Saints, or the
Holy Trinity.

• Among some of the solemnities

commemorated during
Ordinary time are: Trinity
Sunday, Corpus Christi,
Assumption of the Virgin Mary,
St. Peter and Paul, All Saints’
day, Christ the King.
Did you know?
• When a solemnity falls on a Sunday during Ordinary time. The feast in
question will pre-empt (replace) the numbered Sunday for that particular

• Did you know? Ordinary time always emerges on a weekday. Sometimes

the second section of ordinary time starts a little higher than when we left

• For instance, we may stop the first section of ordinary time on the fourth
Sunday and re-start ordinary time on the ninth week. As it is the case this
year (2008). This is done to ensure the solemnity of Christ the King always
falls on the 34th Sunday of Ordinary time.

• This is how it works: Ordinary weeks count forward from The Baptism of the
Lord. After the Day of Pentecost, however, they are checked backwards
from the last week of the Church’s Year which is always the 34th week of
Ordinary Time. So sometimes a week is dropped out.
Announcing the Kingdom of God
• During Ordinary Time the
Church highlights Jesus’
public ministry and his saving
• His preaching – his message
about the Kingdom of God.
• His works– i.e. “Feeding the
• His healings– i.e. “Curing the
• His ministry – i.e. “instructing
his disciples”
Announcing the Kingdom of God
• Ordinary Time is a great opportunity
for Evangelization.

• Every baptized Christian is called to

spread the “Good News” of Jesus
Christ to all the corners of earth.

• St. Francis of Assisi once said,

“Preach the Gospel. And if necessary,
use words”.

• As Christians we continue the ministry

of Jesus, and his saving actions
among the men and women of today.
Hence, that the Church, the people of
God, is called the Sacrament of Christ.

• We continue, as an extension of
Christ’s body, to proclaim the reality of
the Kingdom of God, by word and
deeds, with the same intensity and
urgency as that of Christ our savior.
Announcing the Kingdom
• During ordinary time we can do • Visiting the elderly at a nursing
several things that can help us home, or joining your parish
spread the Good News and grow in bereavement ministry.
faith and charity. Here are some •
suggestions: Spending time each day
becoming acquainted with the
• Volunteering at a local soup kitchen • Joining the local chapter of the
or mentoring at a crisis shelter like Knights of Columbus, this
Covenant House, or building houses Catholic organization, is very
with Habitat for Humanity. active promoting family and
Catholic values and helping the
• Joining your parish CCD or RCIA Church’s mission.
programs, parishes are always in • Asking your priest about what
need of volunteers. ministries in your parish may be
more suitable for you.
• Becoming a lector or Eucharistic • Joining the choir
minister. Helping your pastor by • Finding out about the different
bringing holy communion to the sick prayer or bible groups in your
or homebound. parish. Joining these groups is a
great opportunity for fellowship
besides Sunday Mass.
Ordinary Time
An extra-ordinary season
• Ordinary Time is an open
invitation to walk with the Lord.
He comes to the shores of our
daily lives, intercept us in the
midst our busy and hectic
schedules and invites us, like
he did with the early disciples,
to come and follow him to
know the life that never ends,
the Kingdom that never
perishes and the treasure that
never looses its value.
The Beatitudes
Blessed are the poor in spirit : for theirs is the kingdom of
Blessed are the meek: for they shall posses the land.
Blessed are they who mourn: for they shall be
Blessed are they that hunger and thirst after justice : for
they shall have their fill.
Blessed are the merciful: for they shall obtain mercy.
Blessed are the clean of heart: for they shall see God.
Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called
the children of God.
Blessed are they that suffer persecution for justice' sake,
for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
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The End

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