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Predicting The Possibility of Being Malignant Tumor Based On Physical Symptoms Using Iot

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2020 IEEE Region 10 Symposium (TENSYMP), 5-7 June 2020, Dhaka, Bangladesh

Predicting the Possibility of Being Malignant

Tumor based on Physical Symptoms using IoT
Md. Lizur Rahman1, Sadat Hasan Shehab2, Zareen Hasna Chowdhury3, Avishake Kumar Datta4
1,2,4 Dept. of Computer Science & Engineering

3Dept. of Electrical & Electronic Engineering

1East West University, Dhaka 1212, Bangladesh

2,3,4American International University Bangladesh, Dhaka 1229, Bangladesh, 92shehab@gmail.com2, chowdhuryzareen@gmail.com3, avishakedatta@gmail.com4

Abstract—This paper presents a novel technique for tumors [5]. To solve the first part authors proposed an adaptive
predicting the possibility of being malignant brain tumor based filter known as iris filter. Their system is basically based on
on human physical symptoms using internet of things. Other image classification to detect the malignant tumors but that is
state-of-the-art techniques for detecting the malignant brain very expensive. Another recent study by Rouhi et al. presented
tumor based on MRI images use X-ray light to detect malignant two automatic techniques to detect the benign and malignant
tumor, which is more expensive and harmful for health. On the tumors [6]. In the first technique, they proposed a method
other hand, the proposed device is designed in a portable way to which is trained by artificial neural network (ANN) with
monitor the real-time heart rate, blood pressure, body automated region growing. In second technique, they used a
temperature and also more suitable for predicting the possibility
genetic algorithm (GA) to determine the parameters
of being malignant tumor compared to other existing
techniques. This study also shows the relationship between
segmented by cellular neural network (CNN) [6]. Their
symptoms and sub-symptoms of malignant brain tumor. The system provides a good accuracy compared to other methods
effectiveness of the proposed method for predicting the but it is expensive. When someone develops some symptoms
possibility of being malignant tumor from physical symptoms is of malignant tumors and if he goes to hospital for ensure it,
testified by the result analysis. doctors asked him for the test which might be very costly. But
our developed device works like a primary treatment which
Keywords— Malignant Tumor, Vomiting, Vision Change, confirms the possibility of being malignant tumor.
Headache, Insomnia, Deep Sleep
The rest of the paper is organized as follows. Section II
I. INTRODUCTION discusses the detailed overview of malignant brain tumor and
its physical symptoms classification. The proposed
In the addition of new technologies with various methodology of this study is shown on section III, where the
electronics devices and sensors has made Internet of Things measurement of every symptoms and the possibility
(IoT) as a popular area for many researchers. The aim of this prediction technique is discussed. Section IV focuses the
work is to predict the possibility of being malignant tumors device and materials used in this study. The overall result
based on the physical symptoms using IoT. Malignant tumors analysis and discussions are described in section V where
or cancerous tumors originates from the brain and grow fast section VI provides some concluding remarks and future
and aggressively affect surrounding tissue. Malignant tumors directions.
have becoming very dangerous cause of death in recent years.
According to the Cancer Statistics Center, a total of 1,762,450 II. PHYSICAL SYMPTOMS OF MALIGNANT BRAIN TUMOR
new malignant cancer cases and 606,880 deaths from
A tumor formed by a group of abnormal cell which creates
malignant cancer are projected to occur in the US in 2019 [1].
massive amount of tissues in our body. Brain is known as the
In recent year, approximately 23,830 adults diagnosed with
most important organ of human body which controls all the
malignant tumors [2]. On average 34% male and 36% female
activities. There are mainly two types of brain tumor- (i)
can survive at least 5-years after diagnose with malignant
benign or noncancerous, (ii) malignant or cancerous [7].
tumors [3]. No one can predict the future, but these survival
Malignant tumors originate from the brain and grow fast rather
rates show us the formidable face of malignant tumors.
than the benign brain tumors and aggressively affect
Detection of any disease in early stage can increase the surrounding tissue. Malignant tumors also categorized into
survival rate. Many researchers proposed various techniques two parts- primary tumors and secondary tumors. Primary
for detecting the malignant tumors. In [4] author discussed a tumors start within the brain and secondary tumors have
mechanism for detection of malignant tumors using photo propagated from other parts of the body and generates to the
sensitizers and their proposed mechanism is often known as brain [8]. Secondary brain tumors are more common than are
photodynamic therapy (PDT). On that mechanism they used primary brain tumors. The most common malignant tumors
dosimetry of light delivery in the tissue to detect the malignant that can spread to the brain and other part of body are – Breast
tumors which is responsible for damage blood cells. A study cancer, Colon cancer, Kidney cancer, Lung cancer, Melanoma
by Kobatake et al. discussed about a tumor detection etc.
technique for digital mammography [5]. They divided their
The symptoms of malignant tumors varied from different
proposed mechanism into two parts, one is detecting the
sides according to the types and location of tumors. In human
tumors and another is extract features to ensure malignant
body different functions are control by several areas of the

978-1-7281-7366-5/20/$31.00 ©2020 IEEE

Fig. 1. Physical Symptoms Classification of Malignant Tumors

brain. Some tumors are damaged directly by assail of brain Another study shows fatigue is caused by brain injury. About
tissue. Some tumors contain no symptoms but cause a serious 40% to 70% of the primary brain tumor patients have fatigue
as well as rapid fall to health when the tumors get quite large. as the most prevalent symptom [13]. During fatigue people
Some tumor may have developed their symptoms slowly. Fig. often face vomiting, headache, and insomnia etc.
1 shows the physical symptoms, sub-symptoms and
corresponding considered value of malignant tumors. E. Drowsiness
Many several studies from malignant tumor patients show
A. Vomiting that fatigue decreases the quality of life [13]. During fatigue
Sometimes it can be occurred when a patient changes his people usually cannot perform their daily functions. Fatigue
position [9]. A patient feels fever, headache and sick to his has been considered as one of the leading signs, when a patient
stomach during this symptom. Also, the patient’s blood sends to doctor for ensure about malignant tumor diagnosis.
pressure and heart rate become high during vomiting [9]. Another study shows fatigue is caused by brain injury. About
Vomiting is also the symptom of many conditions including- 40% to 70% of the primary brain tumor patients have fatigue
early stages of pregnancy [10], emotional stress (e.g., fear), as the most prevalent symptom [13]. During fatigue people
intense pain, food poisoning, infections (e.g., stomach flu), often face vomiting, headache, and insomnia etc.
overeating, and ulcers etc. But the main difference is
malignant tumor related vomiting occurs in the morning when F. High Heart Rate (HHR)
the patient wake from sleep. If those symptoms of vomiting The measurement of heartbeat speed per minute (bpm) is
are presents to someone, he could be developing a sign of commonly known as heart rate. It can be varied quickly
brain tumor. according to the body conditions. High heart rate is also
known as tachycardia. When the heart rate is exceeded to the
B. Vision Change normal heart rate called high heart rate [15]. Generally, when
Vision change can be occurred from temporal lobe, brain heart rate exceeds 100 bpm is accepted as high heart rate in
stem, or occipital lobe of a brain [11]. Vision change includes adults [15].
double vision, blurry vision, and loss of the part of the vision.
Patients also can see some floating spots during this symptom, G. High Blood Pressure (HBP)
which is known as ‘aura’ [11]. During this symptom, patient’s Blood pressure is the amount of pressure of blood flows
heart rate and blood pressure becomes high, and feels through arteries. Blood pressure is varied between people to
vomiting. This symptom occurs when patients wake up from people. High blood pressure is also known as hypertension
sleep and go to sleep. which is the excessive amount of pressure of blood flows
through arteries. Basically, blood pressure is accepted high
C. Headache when systolic value (top number) is above or equal 140 mmHg
Headache often occurs when patients wake up from sleep. and diastolic value (bottom number) is above or equal 90
Headache also can be caused by migraine. A recent statistic mmHg [16]. High blood pressure increases the risk and causes
by American Brain Tumor Association shows around 700,000 different health problems.
people develop malignant tumor and 37,000,000 people
develop migraine in US [2]. But the most important difference H. Abnormal Body Temperature (ABT)
between malignant tumor headache and migraine headache is When the body temperature rises above the normal range
the change of pattern of headache [12]. Malignant tumors of temperature set-point, usually defined as fever or
headache pattern changes rapidly and migraine headache abnormality in the body temperature [17]. There is not a
pattern is not change rapidly [12]. During this symptom, constant lower point of body temperature which can be
patients experience high blood pressure, increase body considered as lower limit of fever [17]. In our experiment, we
temperature, vision change, and seizures problem. have considered 37.2 °C as the lower limit of fever.
D. Fatigue I. Insomnia (Ins)
Many several studies from malignant tumor patients show Insomnia is a sleep disorder where people face difficulties
that fatigue decreases the quality of life [13]. During fatigue during sleeping [18]. During insomnia people experiences less
people usually cannot perform their daily functions. Fatigue amount of sleep, and day time period sleep problem. It takes
has been considered as one of the leading signs, when a patient long time to falling asleep in insomnia [18]. In this study, we
sends to doctor for ensure about malignant tumor diagnosis.

have considered insomnia as poor amount of total sleep than Otherwise variable ‘P’ contains the same value and goes to the
normal people which is below 240 minutes. next condition. Other sub-symptoms calculation is same as
like this one. After completing all conditions, variable will ‘P’
J. Insufficient Deep Sleep (IDS) contain a final value and based on that value our system will
When someone enter into deep sleep, it becomes difficult to provide the result using the decision table (Table I). The result
wake him/her up. During deep sleep, human body temperature will show in a status which might be ‘Positive’ or ‘Neutral’ or
and blood pressure gets drop [19]. Different studies have ‘Negative’. Positive means strong possibility of being
shown that the standard deep sleep should be the 20% of malignant tumor, neutral means average possibility of being
overall sleep. During drowsiness people often face this malignant tumor and negative means low possibility of being
symptom. In our experiment, we have considered below 48 malignant tumor.
minutes in deep sleep as insufficient deep sleep.
In Fig. 1, we have divided the symptoms of malignant
tumor into corresponding sub-symptoms because sub-
symptoms can easily be measured by sensors. In total five sub-
symptoms are used in this work. Only two sensors (heart rate
sensor and body temperature sensor) are used in this research
to calculate those five sub-symptoms. Heart rate sensor can
directly measure the heart rate and temperature sensor can
directly measure the body temperature. But these two sensors
cannot measure rest of the three sub-symptoms (high blood
pressure, insomnia, and insufficient deep sleep) directly.
In this research, we have used our previous work where
we developed a system to calculate the systolic blood pressure
using heart rate [20]. On that study, we collected more than
2500 data of heart rate and blood pressure then found out three
common patterns between heart rate and systolic blood
pressure [20]. Based on those common patterns we developed
three regression equations. Our developed system takes heart
rate as input and provides systolic blood pressure as output
[20]. In this research, we have used the same concept to
calculate the diastolic blood pressure.
There are five stages of sleep- stage 1, 2, 3, 4, and REM sleeps
[21]. All these stages create a sleep cycle and it takes almost 90
to 110 minutes to complete one cycle. A cycle starts from stage 1
and end to REM sleep. All the stages take 15 to 20 minutes to
complete. During sleep human heart rate drops and becomes 40-
50 bpm. Stages 3 and 4 are called deep sleep [21]. When someone
enter into deep sleep, it becomes difficult to wake him/her up.
During deep sleep, human body temperature and blood pressure
gets drop [21]. Using those concepts, we can easily measure the
insomnia and insufficient deep sleep.
If we analyze Fig. 1, we can find out that the symptom
Vomiting contains 3, Vision Change contains 3, Headache
contains 3, Fatigue contains 4 and Drowsiness contains 2 sub-
symptoms individually. If we add the number of sub-
symptoms of all the individual symptoms, we get a total 15
sub-symptoms. Fig. 2 shows the flowchart of overall process
of our system. In this flowchart-
HR = Heart Rate (unit is bpm)
BP = Systolic Blood Pressure (mmHg) Fig. 2. Flowchart of overall Process
BP = Diastolic Blood Pressure (mmHg)
TS = Total amount of Sleep (minute)
TDS = Total amount of Deep Sleep (minute) Final value of P Result
P≥10 Positive
The system contains a temporary variable ‘P’ which is 0 9≥P≥6 Neutral
(Zero) initially. After completing the input process, the system P<6 Negative
will check whether the HR > 100 or not. Because HR > 100 is
the considered value for sub-symptom high heart rate (Fig. 1).
If it is true then variable ‘P’ will update its value by adding 4 IV. DEVICE & COMPONENTS
because high heart rate is a sub-symptom of 4 symptoms This research aim is to measure the sub-symptoms
(Vomiting, Vision Change, Headache, and Fatigue). including: heart rate, blood pressure, body temperature,

amount of sleep and calculate the approximate possibility of TABLE II. EXPERIMENTAL ANALYSIS OF MALIGNANT TUMORS ON
being malignant brain tumor. The Arduino Uno (ATmega328)
is working as a CPU for measuring those sub-symptoms of a No HHR HBP ABT Ins IDS P
person. The list of sensors and components are given below- 1 + + + + - 14
2 + + + - - 12
 Body Temperature sensor 3 - + + + + 11
 Heart Rate sensor 4 + + - + + 11
5 + + + + + 15
 Arduino Uno (ATmega328) 6 + - + + - 10
 Power Supply 7 + + + - - 12
 Push Button 8 + + + - + 13
 LCD Display 9 - + + + - 10
10 + + - + - 10
Fig. 3 shows the overall circuit diagram of our device. In
our experiment, we have used two push buttons, one is for start TABLE III. EXPERIMENTAL ANALYSIS ON NORMAL HUMAN DATA
and another is restart. When the power supplied into the No HHR HBP ABT Ins IDS P
microcontroller (Arduino Uno), the device become active. 1 - - + - + 5
After that, heart rate sensor and body temperature sensor will 2 - + - - - 4
start to sense data when the start button is pushed. These 3 - - + + - 6
sensors will wait until they do not get any valid data. A 4 - - - + - 2
5 + - - - - 4
program is set into the microcontroller which calculates the 6 - - - - - 0
sub-symptoms by using sensed data. Then this device 7 - + - - + 5
calculates the possibility of being malignant brain tumor and 8 - - - + + 3
display the output into LCD display. 9 - - + - + 5
10 - - - - + 1


Total Result
sample Positive Neutral Negative
10 10 - -
Tumor patient
Normal People 10 - 1 9

In this paper a novel method for the possibility prediction
of being malignant tumor from the physical symptoms via IoT
has been proposed. The experimental analysis was conducted
for 20 datasets into two groups, and the proposed model
Fig. 3. Circuit Diagram for Possibility Detection of being Malignant provides nearly acceptable result. The result analysis of our
model validates the effectiveness of the proposed low-cost
V. RESULT ANALYSIS & DISCUSSION design. In future, the accuracy of our system can be further
improved with the addition of other parameter related to
To find the efficiency of our method, we have used human body e.g., loss of balance, walking problem etc.
malignant tumors patient’s data as well as normal people’s
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