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Computers in Biology and Medicine 152 (2023) 106405

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Brain tumor segmentation of MRI images: A comprehensive review on the

application of artificial intelligence tools
Ramin Ranjbarzadeh a, *, Annalina Caputo a, Erfan Babaee Tirkolaee b, **,
Saeid Jafarzadeh Ghoushchi c, Malika Bendechache d
School of Computing, Faculty of Engineering and Computing, Dublin City University, Ireland
Department of Industrial Engineering, Istinye University, Istanbul, Turkey
Faculty of Industrial Engineering, Urmia University of Technology, Urmia, Iran
Lero & ADAPT Research Centres, School of Computer Science, University of Galway, Ireland


Keywords: Background: Brain cancer is a destructive and life-threatening disease that imposes immense negative effects on
Brain tumor patients’ lives. Therefore, the detection of brain tumors at an early stage improves the impact of treatments and
Artificial intelligence increases the patients survival rates. However, detecting brain tumors in their initial stages is a demanding task
Tumor segmentation
and an unmet need.
Tumor classification
MRI Modalities
Methods: The present study presents a comprehensive review of the recent Artificial Intelligence (AI) methods of
diagnosing brain tumors using MRI images. These AI techniques can be divided into Supervised, Unsupervised,
and Deep Learning (DL) methods.
Results: Diagnosing and segmenting brain tumors usually begin with Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) on the
brain since MRI is a noninvasive imaging technique. Another existing challenge is that the growth of technology
is faster than the rate of increase in the number of medical staff who can employ these technologies. It has
resulted in an increased risk of diagnostic misinterpretation. Therefore, developing robust automated brain
tumor detection techniques has been studied widely over the past years.
Conclusion: The current review provides an analysis of the performance of modern methods in this area.
Moreover, various image segmentation methods in addition to the recent efforts of researchers are summarized.
Finally, the paper discusses open questions and suggests directions for future research.

1. Introduction many other places [6]. There are more than 150 kinds of brain tumors.
The two basic classifications of brain tumors are cancerous and
Brain is an important organ containing one hundred billion nerve noncancerous [7,8].
cells or neurons. According to the reports, brain tumors are the 10th The brain is made up of several cell types, each with its own special
main cause of mortality among adults and children for both genders in characteristics. It is impossible to generalize results from malignancies
developed countries [1,2]. It is anticipated that the incidence of primary in other organs to those arising in the brain [9]. The unique biology and
brain tumors will cause 18,280 deaths in adults in the USA in 2022 [3]. microenvironment of the brain is the main aspect of brain cancers. Each
Brain tumors, known as intracranial tumors, include a diverse set of form of tumor has its own biology, course of therapy, prognosis outlook,
cancerous cells that start in the intracranial tissues of the brain and can and a different set of risk factors [10,11], and this makes the brain tumor
range in malignancy from benign to advanced [4,5]. Brain tumor begins classification difficult to describe. Pressure in the head caused by a brain
in case of cell division rates increase and multiply uncontrollably. Any or spinal cord tumor is a common sign of brain cancer. People with brain
portion of the brain or skull can develop a brain tumor, including the tumors are more likely to have specific symptoms, such as exhaustion,
brain’s protective lining, skull base, brainstem sinuses, nasal cavity, and nausea, or discomfort. The other side effects of living with brain tumors

* Corresponding author.
** Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: (R. Ranjbarzadeh), (A. Caputo),
(E.B. Tirkolaee), (S. Jafarzadeh Ghoushchi), (M. Bendechache).
Received 17 September 2022; Received in revised form 6 November 2022; Accepted 3 December 2022
Available online 7 December 2022
0010-4825/© 2022 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
R. Ranjbarzadeh et al. Computers in Biology and Medicine 152 (2023) 106405

Table 1 and brain cancer are fever, rash, and increased pulse. The experts can
List of abbreviations. link signs and symptoms to describe the problem with more certainty.
Description Abbreviation Description Abbreviation However, brain tumors do not always cause symptoms [12,13].
Diagnosing a brain tumor involves three different tests and proced­
Magnetic Resonance MRI Cerebrospinal Fluid’s CSF
Imaging ures, including imaging tests, neurological exams, and biopsy. The most
Artificial Intelligence AI Glioblastoma GBM common and well-established method to diagnose brain cancers is using
Multiforme Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) [14]. During an MRI scan, a dye can
Positron Emission PET Low-Grade Glioma LGG be injected into a vein. Experts assess the tumor and make treatment
Computed CT High-Grade Glioma HGG
plans based on the MRI scan elements, e.g., perfusion MRI, functional
Tomography MRI, and magnetic resonance spectroscopy. In some circumstances,
Computer-Aided CAD Radio Frequency RF further imaging tests like Positron Emission Tomography (PET) and
Diagnostic Computed Tomography (CT) are used in combination with MRI. Prob­
Repetition Time TR Time To Echo TE
lems in any area can signify which part of the brain is affected by a
Fluid Attenuated FLAIR Support Vector SVM
Inversion Recovery Machine tumor [15,16]. In this case, neurological tests can help the expert for a
Artificial Neural ANN Random Forest RF better diagnosis. During the neurological examination, the expert checks
Network the hearing, vision, coordination, balance, strength, and reflexes of the
K-Nearest Neighbors KNN Linear Discriminant LDA patient. For a more precise diagnosis, a biopsy is utilized. In this pro­
Algorithm Analysis
Genetic Algorithm GA Maximum Marginal MMH
cedure, a sample of abnormal tissue collects and examined under the
Hyperplane microscope [17,18].
Social Ski Driver SSD Kernel Support Vector KSVM If the practitioners can diagnose the disease early, it can result in a
Machine timely treatment which increases the likelihood of survival. However,
Random Decision RDF Gaussian Mixture GMM
because tumor regions frequently have unclear morphological struc­
Forest Model
Decision Tree DT Random Forest RFC tures, the identification of malignancies can be challenging [19]. Phy­
Classifier sicians have recently used Computer-Aided Diagnostic (CAD) tools to
Proton density PD Chemical shift imaging CSI aid in the diagnosis of cancer more accurately [20–23]. These innovative
Whale Optimization WOA Adaptive Artificial AANN methods of brain imaging have increased the detection ratio of brain
Algorithm Neural Network
tumors [24]. Due to the requirement for intelligence in CAD systems,
Fuzzy-C-Mean FCM Naive Bayes Classifier NBC
Harmony-Crow HCS Particle Swarm PSO significant changes have occurred recently, and Artificial Intelligence
Search Optimization (AI) is integrated with CAD to reduce the recognition time and system
Learning Vector LVQ Self-Organizing Maps SOM memory requirements [25,26]. Also, it aids in the development of a
useful knowledge-based design system. Comparing the new AI assis­
Principal Component PCA Adaptive Kernel Fuzzy AKFCM
Analysis C-Means tance with the traditional CAD system, one can realize that the new AI
Contrast Enhanced CEFCM Pixel-Based Voxel PBVMT assistance, when combined with CAD, proves to be more efficient. The
Fuzzy C-Means Mapping Technique accuracy and algorithms of AI systems have improved as a result of the
Multiscale Fuzzy C- MsFCM Gray-Level Co- GLCM growing application of Deep Learning (DL) in medical research and the
Means Occurrence Matrix
growth of big data analytics. For example, a radiologist can apply the
Edge Adaptive Total EATVD Imaging Mass IMS
Variation Denoising Spectrometry latest AI technology and advanced computer-assisted detection and
Technique diagnosis to collect more details about normal and tumor tissues [27].
Hierarchical Cluster HCA Region Of Interest ROI Furthermore, it is possible to assess the patient’s status by employing
CADs and analyzing imaging and/or non-imaging patient data. Over the
Association Allotment AAHC Density-Based Spatial DBSCAN
Hierarchical Clustering of
last decades, this technology significantly influenced early cancer
Clustering Applications with detection and its timely treatment [28].
Noise This review has summarized more than 100 scientific research pa­
Gustafson-Kessel (G-K) Convolutional Neural CNN pers from 2015 to 2022 (until September 1, 2022). To find out the
number of investigations on brain tumor diagnosis through supervised
Enhancing Tumor ET Whole Tumor WT
Tumor Core TC Recurrent Neural RNN learning, unsupervised learning, and DL models a statistical report is
Network provided based on the “Scopus” database. The keywords searched in this
Long Short-Term LSTM Generative Adversarial GAN database were “brain tumor” AND “name of the technique (e.g., Random
Memory Networks
Forest)” OR “brain cancer” AND “name of the technique”.
Residual Cyclic RescueNet Sailfish Political SPO
Unpaired Encoder- Optimizer
This paper focuses on reviewing the studies that applied AI tech­
Decoder Network niques for brain tumor segmentation. Abbreviations used in this paper
Deep Belief Networks DBN Stacked Sparse SSAE are referenced in Table 1.
Autoencoder The rest of the paper is organized as follows: Detailed images of body
Reinforcement RL Gated Recurrent Unit GRU
organs in Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) are described in Section 2.
Density-Based Spatial DBSCAN Gaussian Mixture GMM Different types of tumors and their characteristics are implied in Section
Clustering Models 3. In Section 4, more details about supervised and unsupervised tech­
Earthworm EWA Monarch Butterfly MBO niques are represented. Next, some Deep learning models applied in the
Optimization Optimization field of brain tumor segmentation are discussed in Section 5. In the next
Harris Hawks HHO Moth Search MSA
step, some top databases for the brain tumor segmentation are repre­
Optimization Algorithm sented in Section 6. Then, performance measures are described in Sec­
Hunger Games Search HGS Runge Kutta Optimizer RUN tion 7. Finally, the discussion and conclusion parts are provided in
Slime Mould SMA Colony Predation CPA Sections 8 and 9.
Algorithm Algorithm

2. Magnetic Resonance Imaging in brain tumor detection

Clinicians can plan the most effective and practical treatment for

R. Ranjbarzadeh et al. Computers in Biology and Medicine 152 (2023) 106405

Table 2
MRI image modalities [34].
Type Feature

T1 T1-weighted MRI
Calculate the tissue’s T1 (longitudinal) relaxation time.
Brighter tissue has shorter relaxation times.
T2 T2-weighted MRI
Calculate the tissue’s T2 (transverse) relaxation time.
Longer relaxation times result in brighter tissue
T1c T1 weighted images with contrast material Gadolinium.
The signal for tumor increase
FLAIR Fluid Attenuated Inversion Recovery (FLAIR) MRI.
Cerebrospinal Fluid (CSF) bright signal is suppressed.
Can more accurately identify small hyper-intense lesions.

Table 3
Different types of brain tumors [38]. Fig. 1. MRI image of Glioblastoma.
Brain Tumor Types Subtype

1 Gliomas Astrocytoma Table 4

2 Pilocytic Astrocytoma (grade I)
Glioma grades and their characteristics [37].
3 Diffuse Astrocytoma (grade II)
4 Anaplastic Astrocytoma (grade III) Grade Characteristic
5 Glioblastoma Multiforme (grade IV)
I Near to normal appearance
6 Oligodendroglioma (grade II)
Least malignant
7 Anaplastic Oligodendroglioma (grade III)
Slow growing cells
8 Ependymoma (grade II)
Commonly indicates long-term survival
9 Anaplastic Ependymoma (grade III)
II Cells growing fairly slowly
10 Craniopharyngioma
Fairly abnormal appearance
11 Epidermoid
Able to attack nearby tissue
12 Lymphoma
In some cases recur as a higher grade
13 Meningioma
III Actively creating abnormal cells
14 Schwannoma (neuroma)
Abnormal appearance
15 Pituitary adenoma
Infiltrate normal tissue
16 Pinealoma (Pineocytoma, Pineoblastoma)
Tend to recur, often as a higher grade
IV Rapidly reproducing abnormal cells
Highly abnormal appearance
patients involved with brain cancer by obtaining information from Area of dead cells (necrosis) in center
several restorative diagnostic imaging technologies, including MRI, PET, Form new blood vessels to continue growth
and CT [29]. However, better images of organs and soft tissues can be
produced using MRI. Using radio waves and strong magnetic fields, MRI
releases detailed images of body organs [30]. Compared to a CT scan or primary tumors are classified as benign or malignant. Those tumors
X-rays, MRI provides clearer images and it is a better option when developed in other parts of the body, like the lungs or breast, and spread
doctors should see soft tissues. Brain tumor location and size are to the brain typically through the blood flow are referred to as metastatic
determined using imaging methods like MRI [8]. MRI images typify brain tumors [37]. Malignant tumors with metastases are regarded as
significant data about tissue characteristics, for example, Proton density cancer. There are several types of brain tumors. Table 3 represents the
(PD), spin-lattice (T1), and spin-spin (T2) relaxation durations, chemical most common brain tumors.
shift imaging (CSI), and flow velocity. These facts allow for a more ac­ One of the most common types of brain cancer is Gliomas and ac­
curate representation of brain tissue [31,32]. MRI scans can acquire count for almost 33% of all brain cancers [37,39]. As gliomas frequently
images with various contrasts using various procedures or acquisition mix with healthy brain tissue and develop within the substance of the
parameters. T1 weighted images with contrast material Gadolinium brain, they are sometimes referred to as intra-axial brain tumors. Glio­
(T1c) aid in distinguishing tumor borders from surrounding normal blastoma, also named Glioblastoma Multiforme (GBM) and is chal­
tissues. T2 weighted (T2) images are typically employed to provide an lenging for experts to diagnose and cure. Fig. 1 shows the Glioblastoma
underlying assessment, identify different tumor types, and distinguish imaging.
cancers from normal tissues. No enhanced tumors are seen using the T2 Glioblastoma often has a blend of cell grades and changes synchro­
weighted scan in axial viewing with FLAIR. Given these unique char­ nously to their growth. The features of tumors that appear under a mi­
acteristics, MRI provides a decision-making advantage in investigations croscope and the aggressiveness of the tumor make it possible for experts
of brain tumors [12]. Table 2 indicates the four types of MRI images. to recognize tumor types. For example, if the grades are low, it means
they are least aggressive, and if the grades are high, it indicates they are
3. Brain tumor types most aggressive. You can see the characteristics of Glioma scales in
Table 4.
Brain tumor, sometimes referred to as an intracranial tumor, is an In glioma, grades I and II (cf. Table 4) are categorized as Low-Grade
abnormal lump where cells are amassed to reproduce uncontrollably Glioma (LGG), and grades III and IV are High-Grade Glioma (HGG) [40].
[35]. Currently, over 120 types of brain tumors are detected, two basic Taking the best procedure for treatment depends on the early diagnosis
types of which are primary and metastatic. Primary brain tumors, also of Glioma and its grade [8,37], and MRI imaging is one of the bests
known as Meningioma, are tumors that develop from the brain’s tissues screening methods for diagnosing Glioma. In this screening method, the
or its immediate surroundings and account for more than 30% of all protons which are randomly oriented inside the water nuclei of the
brain tumors [36]. Glial (consisting of glial cells) and non-glial (formed tissue are brought into alignment using a strong, uniform, external
on or in the brain structures; i.e., nerves, glands, and blood vessels) magnetic field. The subsequent disruption of this alignment (or
magnetization) is caused by the addition of an external Radio Frequency

R. Ranjbarzadeh et al. Computers in Biology and Medicine 152 (2023) 106405

T1 characteristics of tissue are primarily responsible for determining

the contrast and brightness of the image. On the other hand, longer TE
and TR times are used to create T2-weighted images. The T2 charac­
teristics of the tissue determine the contrast and brightness in these
images. The Fluid Attenuated Inversion Recovery (FLAIR) sequence is a
third frequently utilized sequence. The TE and TR timings of the FLAIR
sequence are significantly longer than those of a T2-weighted image
[42]. Fig. 2 indicates the MRI image T1, T2, and FLAR modalities.
Table 5 shows the frequently-used MRI sequences, along with an
estimate of their TR and TE times for different tissues.

4. Brain tumor segmentation

Segmentation means grouping regions or pixels of images into many

coherent subregions and categorizing each subregion into one of the
specified classes based on the extracted features, such as color or texture
attributes [44–46,245]. Segmentation is a form of image compression
and has extensive applications in the development of CAD that works
based on radiological images such as MRI. Generally, image segmenta­
tion can be categorized into two main groups: supervised and unsu­
pervised [47–49]. Unsupervised segmentation approaches include
thresholding, edge detection, graph cutting, and deformation to define
the boundaries of the target item in the image [50,51]. In contrast, su­
pervised segmentation techniques apply training samples to include
prior knowledge about the image processing problem. Fig. 3 shows the
Fig. 2. Some examples of MRI images including T1, T1ce, T2, and FLAIR. categories of supervised and unsupervised approaches.
To find out the number of investigations on brain tumor diagnosis
through supervised and unsupervised learning, a statistical report is
Table 5 provided based on the “Scopus” database. The keywords searched in this
Most common sequences of MRI images [43]. database were “name of the method (e.g., SVM)” AND “brain tumor” OR
Tissue T1 T2 FLAIR “name of method” AND “brain cancer.” The date of publication was set
White matter Light Dark gray Dark gray from 2015 to 2022 (until September 1, 2022). Fig. 4 shows the number
CSF Dark Bright Dark of publications that used Machine Learning (ML) approaches to diagnose
Fat Bright Light Light brain cancer. According to Fig. 4, “Support Vector Machine (SVM),”
Cortex Gray Light gray Light gray
with 1136 papers published between 2015 and 2022, is the most used
Inflammation Dark Bright Bright
approach for brain tumor classification or segmentation. This approach
is employed in two ways, directly applied to databases or used in a
(RF) energy. hybrid with other techniques.
Through a variety of relaxation mechanisms, the nuclei return to SVM, more than 90% of the time, indicated a high accuracy rate, and
their resting alignment and release RF energy in the process. The emitted this is the main reason for the highest number of publications based on
signals are evaluated after a certain amount of time has passed from the this approach. The second approach that is applied to diagnose brain
first RF. The signal from each place in the imaged plane is converted tumors is “Artificial Neural Network (ANN)”. The number of in­
using the Fourier transform into the relevant intensity levels, which are vestigations conducted based on this approach is about 846 papers.
then represented as shades of gray in a matrix of pixels [41]. Different Random forest is the third popular approach with 834 papers. In the
forms of images can be produced by altering the order in which RF following, the ML approaches are introduced briefly and the several
pulses are delivered and collected. The T1-and T2-weighted scans are papers that applied the approach are discussed.
very popular MRI sequences. Short Time to Echo (TE) and Repetition
Time (TR) is utilized to create T1-weighted images.

Fig. 3. Brain tumor segmentation approaches.

R. Ranjbarzadeh et al. Computers in Biology and Medicine 152 (2023) 106405

Fig. 4. Number of publications between 2015 and 2022 for brain tumor segmentation using supervised and unsupervised learning techniques.

4.1. Supervised learning that employed an adaptive KNN classifier to categorize MRI images of
brain tumors into normal or abnormal categories. Then, the optimal
Supervised learning is a popular branch of ML algorithms and probabilistic Fuzzy C-Means (FCM) clustering approach is applied to
commonly is referred to as supervised ML. In this approach, labeled separate the tumor areas. The application of the proposed work on the
datasets are utilized to train computers in order to properly categorize BRATS MICCAI dataset indicated the evaluation’s findings show that the
data or predict outcomes [52,53]. The model modifies its weights until suggested technique, which employs KNN-based brain tumor classifi­
the model is properly fitted, which is a part of the cross-validation cation, achieved the highest accuracy of 96.5%. The maximum sensi­
process. A training set is used in supervised learning to instruct pat­ tivity was 100%, while the maximum specificity was 93%. Ajai et al.
terns to produce optimal results. This training dataset has accurate input [59] performed analyses on various pre-processing algorithms that can
data and outputs (labels), enabling the model to develop through time. be utilized to enhance images prior to applying the active contour
The algorithm evaluates precision using the loss function and modifies it without performing the technique called edge-based segmentation.
to minimize the error. Supervised learning techniques assist in finding Moreover, both the linear kernel SVM and KNN classifiers’ accuracy
large-scale solutions to real-world issues, including in the medical field. were compared. According to the findings, KNN is superior to linear
Various methods of supervised learning have been applied to diagnose a SVM for classifying brain tumors when active contouring without an
brain tumor. In the following, a list of techniques is provided. edge-based method of segmentation is utilized.
The most important benefit of these methods is that they allow to In order to identify and categorize the different types of tumors,
produce a data output or collect data from prior experience. The main Ramdlon et al. [60] created a tumor classification system based on the
disadvantage of these models is the inability to correctly classify input KNN method that can identify tumors and edema in T1 and T2 imaging
data that did not belong to any classes in the training data. sequences. The tumor categorization reported 89.5% in terms of accu­
racy, which can give more precise and detailed information about tumor
4.1.1. K-nearest neighbors algorithm detection. For the classification of glioblastoma, Wibowo et al. [61]
The K-Nearest Neighbors (KNN) algorithm is a supervised learning compared the use of KNN and SVM methods. Additionally, the Genetic
classifier that employs proximity for classifications or predictions about Algorithm (GA) was applied to identify the chosen relevant features and
the grouping of a data point [54]. Although it can be applied to classi­ categorize them using KNN and SVM techniques. With 92.35% accuracy,
fication or regression issues, it is commonly employed as a classification the findings demonstrated that the SVM-GA method outperformed the
method since it relies on the concept that similar points can be discov­ KNN-GA strategy.
ered near one another [55]. It is also known as a lazy learner algorithm. Although the KNN technique is much faster than other strategies that
The KNNs have been common in brain cancer segmentation, and the require training (such as decision tree, random forest, and SVM), it does
results of studies had different accuracy rates. For example, Havaei et al. not learn anything in the training period (i.e., lazy learner). Moreover, as
[56] created a structure for interactive brain tumor segmentation and the KNN technique does not need any training dataset before making an
applied it to MICCAI-BRATS 2013. This study suggested a estimation, new input training samples can be added without impacting
semi-automatic method to enhance the effectiveness of various classi­ the performance of the model.
fication techniques, including SVM, KNN, and random forests. The
improved KNN reported 85%, 91%, and 87% for accuracy, specificity, 4.1.2. Support Vector Machines
and sensitivity rates, respectively. But SVM outperformed and yielded SVMs are effective and adaptable supervised ML algorithms used for
better rates. both classification and regression. However, they are typically imple­
Çınarer et al. [57] investigated the statistical features of the input mented for classification. An SVM model is just a hyperplane in a
images in order to categorize the data. Then, a variety of methods were multidimensional space that represents two or more classes. SVM will
employed to examine the accuracy rate of various ML algorithms, construct the hyperplane in an iterative manner in order to reduce error
including KNN, LDA (linear discriminant analysis), RF (random forest), [62]. An SVM technique aims to classify samples in order to identify a
and SVM. However, KNN’s accuracy rate was lower than SVM’s 90% Maximum Marginal Hyperplane (MMH). As a result of its flexibility in
accuracy rate. Kumar et al. [58] proposed a four-modular framework handling several continuous and categorical variables, SVM methods are

R. Ranjbarzadeh et al. Computers in Biology and Medicine 152 (2023) 106405

widely-used ML techniques [63], especially for brain cancer segmenta­ segmentation methods based on random forest classifiers to classify the
tion and classification. For example, Amin et al. [64] developed an brain modality into two groups of normal and abnormal. The proposed
automated approach to identify brain tumors whether malignant or approach’s sensitivity and specificity rates were 97% and 98%, respec­
benign in MRI images. To compare the proposed framework’s precision, tively. Yang et al. [75] utilized Small Kernels of Two-Path Convolutional
an SVM classifier was applied with various cross-validations on the Neural Network (SK-TPCNN) and RF to provide an automated segmen­
features set. The approach obtained average accuracy, sensitivity, and tation approach. The sensitivity scores for the whole tumor, core tumor,
specificity of 97.1%, 91.9%, and 98.0%, respectively. and enhancing tumor were 96%, 92.2%, and 83.2%, respectively.
Padlia et al. [65] suggested a method for identifying and segmenting Rajagopal. (2019) suggested an approach based on a random forest
brain tumors using T1-weighted and FLAIR brain images. In order to classifier to detect the Glioma brain tumor. In this study, the charac­
enhance images and remove noise, a fractional Sobel filter is utilized. teristics of texture are extracted from MRI images of the brain and
Bhattacharya coefficients and mutual information are employed for optimized using Ant Colony Optimization (ACO) algorithm. The
detecting asymmetry in brain images. After extracting features of the resulting optimized sets of characteristics were categorized thanks to the
region of interest through the windows and patches, SVM is used to random forest classification method. The result of this study indicated
categorize the statistical features to separate the tumor area from the 97.7% of sensitivity, 96.5% of specificity, and 98.01% of accuracy [76].
tumor hemisphere. Their method gained an average accuracy of Although RF helps to improve the accuracy by diminishing over­
98.03%. In another study, Khairandish et al. [66] presented a hybrid fitting in decision trees and works well with both continuous and cate­
model, which integrated CNN and SVM models for classification. Also, a gorical data, it requires much time for training.
threshold-based algorithm for detecting the brain tumor. The hybrid
CNN-SVM got a 98.49% overall accuracy. Rao and Karunakara [67] 4.1.4. Decision tree
focused on efficient classification and segmentation, using KSVM-SSD Decision tree models (DTs), i.e., non-parametric supervised learning
for more accurate classification. In this study, the malignant tumor is techniques are used in regression and classification. The objective is to
further graded as a low, medium, and high utilizing the SSD (Social Ski learn simple decision rules derived from the features of the data to build
Driver) optimization method after being diagnosed as cancerous and a model to predict a target variable’s value. One can assume a tree as a
non-cancerous using Kernel Support Vector Machine (KSVM). The pro­ piecewise constant approximation [77,78]. The tree is utilized to let
posed KSVM-SSD model is shown to be superior regarding classification individuals or organizations evaluate probable actions against each
accuracy assessed on the BRATS datasets, with accuracy values of other based on their benefits, costs, and probabilities. A single node is
99.2%, 99.36%, and 99.15% for the corresponding years of 2018, 2019, the starting point of a decision tree, which then forks into probable
and 2020 BRATS datasets. outcomes. Then, every single outcome results in additional nodes, which
Rashid et al. [68] aimed to shed some light on the area of the brain lead to other probabilities [79]. Previous studies have employed DT
being damaged by the tumor. The major steps of the described technique approaches for brain cancer diagnosis. For example, Naik and Patel [80]
include using abnormal MRI brain images as input, anisotropic filtering applied a Decision Tree algorithm to discern brain tumors in MRI images
to remove noise, an SVM classifier for segmentation, and morphological and compared the results with a Naive Bayes classification algorithm.
procedures to distinguish the damaged area from the normal one. The The researchers reported that the Decision Tree classifier outperformed
results indicated that the segmentation accuracy of the SVM was 83%. a Naive Bayes in the task with an accuracy of 96% and sensitivity of
For the categorization of medical images, Deepak & Ameer [69] applied 93%. Chaddad et al. [81] implemented Gaussian Mixture Model (GMM)
CNN features with SVM to enhance the quality of classification. In to take out attributes from brain tumors’ MRI images and applied the
comparison to the most recent technique, the proposed model out­ Decision Tree classifier to GMM features to evaluate the performance of
performed with 95.82% accuracy. cancer detection. They defined the task to detect brain tumors based on
Although SVM is able to work well with even semi-structured and the T1, T2, and FLAIR MRI images. For the T1 and T2 weighted images,
unstructured data using an appropriate kernel function, finding a good the accuracy performance was 100%. The accuracy decreased to 94.11%
kernel function is not an easy task. in FLAIR mode. Hussain et al. [82] implemented multiple feature
extraction strategies on MRI images of the brain and so tested the per­
4.1.3. Random forest formance of different classification algorithms for tumor detection. The
Random Forest (RF) strategies are a collection of ML algorithms researchers reported that the Decision Tree classifier was the
paired with several classifier trees. Each classifier tree casts a unit vote second-best algorithm for the task with a total accuracy of 97.81%, after
for the most popular class, and the final sort of result is obtained by the Naïve Bayes classifier with total accuracy of 100%.
combining these results [70]. High classification accuracy, good noise Thayumanavan and Ramasamy [83] developed a framework for the
and outlier tolerance, and no overfitting are all features of RFs. In diagnosis and segmentation of tumors in the brain using MRI images and
addition to building each tree from a separate bootstrap sample of the compared the performance of Decision Tree (DT), Random Forest
data, the RF technique modifies how classification or regression trees are Classifier (RFC), and SVM. The experimental results showed that RFC
built [71]. In an RF model, node splitting is based on a random subset of reached the best result with an accuracy of 98.37%. Moreover, RFC
features for each tree. By comparing this counterintuitive approach to showed a specificity of 99.09%, followed by DT and SVM with 95.68%
many other classifiers, it turns out to perform very well. Therefore, this and 88.78% respectively. Rajendran and Madheswaran [84] developed
technique has been widely employed for brain cancer tumors. For a hybrid method based on Association Rule Mining and Decision Tree
example, Lefkovits et al. [72] developed and fine-tuned a discriminative algorithms for brain tumor classification using CT scan images. They
RF model to segment brain tumors in multimodal MRI images. Finding showed that the proposed method reached the accuracy and sensitivity
the optimal parameter values and the discriminative model’s most of 95% and 97%, respectively.
important constraints is the goal of tuning. The proposed method ob­ Although DT does not need scaling and normalization of data, but it
tained 75–91% for the whole tumor and 71–82% for the core section in requires much time for training. Furthermore, a small change in input
terms of dice index. Ellwaa et al. [73] expanded a previously described data leads to large a change in the model structure.
Random Decision Forest (RDF) based brain tumor segmentation tech­
nique. The RDF is trained via an iterative process, where certain patients 4.1.5. Artificial Neural Network
were introduced to the training data using heuristics approaches rather An ANN is a paradigm for information processing that takes its ideas
than a randomly selected training dataset. The obtained dice score of the from how biological nervous systems can learn target patterns. Multiple
model was reported to be over 80%. layers of basic processing units known as neurons make up an ANN
Anitha & Raja [74]. introduced brain tumor identification and structure [85–87]. The neuron carries out two tasks: gathering inputs

R. Ranjbarzadeh et al. Computers in Biology and Medicine 152 (2023) 106405

and producing an output. Nodes or artificial neurons are connected to employed for analyzing medical images and some researchers employed
other nodes together with their threshold and weight. When the output the LVQ approach for brain tumor detection. For example, Liu et al.
of a node is higher than a certain threshold value, that node is activated, [100] employed the LVQ neural network for the brain cancer prognosis.
and the data is sent to the next layer of the network. Otherwise, data A normal diagnostic accuracy of 85.7% and a glioma diagnosis accuracy
won’t be sent to the next layer [88]. ANN has been widely used for brain of 89.5% were achieved by using the suggested procedure. Sonavane
cancer. An SVM and an ANN were utilized by Chithambaram and et al. [101] suggested a proper and precise classification system for brain
Perumal [89] to create two hybrid ML models (GA-SVM and GA-ANN), tumor detection. This technique uses the LVQ approach to group brain
which were then evaluated on two different datasets. Virupakshappa & tumors into two groups of normal or abnormal. With respect to the
Amarapur [90] developed a technique for classifying data based on an DDSM mammography database and the clinical brain MRI database, the
Adaptive Artificial Neural Network (AANN) approach. Utilizing the suggested system’s accuracy was 68.85% and 79.35%, respectively.
Whale Optimization Algorithm (WOA), the values of neurons in the Sonavane & Sonavane [102] developed a four-stage system and classi­
adaptive ANN are optimized. The result of classification accuracy was fied brain tumors using the Adaboost technique and LNQ neural
reported at 98%. Virupakshappa et al. [91] suggested an effective tumor network. For clinical brain MRI images, the accuracy rate was 95%,
segmentation model based on FCM clustering, multiple feature extrac­ while it was 79.3% for DDSM.
tion using Gabor wavelets, and an ANN classifier. Based on the result of The LVQ is intuitive, simple, and easy to implement while still
this study, it is proved that system accuracy levels up to 85%. yielding decent performance. However, if the data have a lot of di­
Although an ANN model is able to process unorganized data, an mensions or are noisy, the Euclidean distance is not a good solution.
effective visual analysis, and the ability to process in parallel, it is
economically and computationally expensive and needs a long training 4.2. Unsupervised learning
Unsupervised learning, as known as unsupervised ML, analyzes and
4.1.6. Naïve Bayes groups unlabeled datasets using ML algorithms. These algorithms cluster
A collection of supervised learning algorithms, Naïve Bayes methods, data and discover hidden patterns without the intervention of a human
are founded on implementing Bayes’ theorem with the “naive” [103–105]. In other words, unsupervised learning algorithms work
assumption that each pair of characteristics is conditionally independent based on finding similar attributes, naturally occurring patterns and
given the value of the class variable [92,93]. Bayes’ Theorem is a trends, or relationships in a given dataset [106,107]. In contrast to su­
straightforward mathematical procedure for conditional computing pervised learning, it is not possible to apply unsupervised learning
probabilities. Conditional probability is defined as the possibility of an methods directly to a regression or a classification problem because
event occurring due to the occurrence of another event before it (via there is no knowledge about the values of the output [108]. Unsuper­
assumption, supposition, statement, or evidence). The Naive Bayes vised learning algorithms are able to do more complex processing tasks
Classifier (NBC) is among the easiest and most efficient classification than supervised learning algorithms. Moreover, dimensionality can be
algorithms. It helps develop rapid ML models, which can make accurate easily reduced thanks to this approach. Unsupervised learning can help
predictions [94]. There are several researches that applied Naïve Bayes to understand raw data. This learning resembles human intelligence as it
to diagnose brain cancer in medical images. For example, Kaur and happens gradually and weighs the result afterwards. Clustering is an
Oberoi (2019) applied a Naïve Bayes classifier to discover brain tumors unsupervised method that clusters the data into a number of groups.
in MRI images. The proposed algorithm showed 86% accuracy for brain There are many clustering approaches that have been widely used in the
tumor segmentation [95]. medical imaging area, especially clustering brain tumors into a benign
Raju et al. [96] implemented a Bayesian fuzzy clustering algorithm and malignant one.
for the segmentation and the Harmony-Crow Search (HCS) optimization Unsupervised learning methods have less complexity in comparison
algorithm-based multi-SVNN classifier for the classification of brain with supervised learning and do not require labeled data. However, the
tumors. The researchers reported that the proposed method reached an outcomes often have lesser accuracy and may be difficult to understand
accuracy of 93%. Ulku and Camurcu [97] utilized histogram equaliza­ or unpredictable.
tion and morphological image processing techniques to develop a
computer-aided brain tumor detection method based on MRI images. Six 4.2.1. K-means
different classification algorithms were tested. Based on the final results, As a clustering method, K-means is a simple and well-liked algorithm
SVM-PSO and KNN algorithms reached 100% accuracy. The Decision of unsupervised ML [109]. The K-means clustering algorithm is
Tree algorithm showed 98.11% accuracy in negative samples, while prototype-based and seeks to find K non-overlapping clusters. This
Naïve Bayes showed the weakest performance with 83.71% accuracy in approach aims to categorize a given collection of data into K distinct
negative samples. clusters, where k has a predetermined value [110]. Benefiting from
Although Naïve Bayes methods are appropriate for solving multi- linear time complexity, the K-means algorithm is optimal for large
class prediction problems and require much less training data, they datasets. K-means uses big unlabeled data to provide deep insights and
face the ‘zero-frequency problem’ where they assign zero probability to be beneficial. K-means have been employed in many investigations for
a categorical sample whose class in the test samples was not available in brain tumor diagnoses. For example, Khilkhal et al. [111] applied
the training samples. K-means clustering, thresholding, and morphological operations, for
segmenting brain tumors in MRI images. The morphological procedure
4.1.7. Learning Vector Quantization removed non-brain tissue to increase the final accuracy results. The
Learning Vector Quantization (LVQ) is a prototype-based supervised experiments were implemented on BRATS datasets utilizing High-Grade
classification algorithm. With the use of piecewise linear decision sur­ Glioma (HGG) and LGG images. Islam et al. [112] proposed an improved
faces, this algorithm aims to approximate the theoretical Bayes decision outline to detect brain tumors that makes use of Template-based
boundaries in the input domain of the principal observation vectors K-means (TK) with a superpixel technique and Principal Component
[98]. The class codebook vectors are supposedly placed in signal space Analysis (PCA) in order to detect brain tumors efficiently. Their method
in an ideal manner. The classification decision possesses a very fast could obtain an acceptable segmentation result with a shorter process­
computational feature and is based on the nearest-neighbor selection ing time in MRI images. Kumar et al. [113] proposed a five stages
among the codebook vectors. LVQ algorithms have things in common methodology to segment brain tumors in MRI image segmentation. A
with other competitive learning algorithms, including Self-Organizing rough K-means algorithm was used to achieve this aim. The results are
Maps (SOMs) and c-means [99]. This approach has been widely indicative of the fact that the suggested methodology gained better

R. Ranjbarzadeh et al. Computers in Biology and Medicine 152 (2023) 106405

scores in evaluation in comparison with previous works. mean-shift clustering techniques. The researchers reported that the
The K-means model is simple, easy to implement, and Guarantees proposed method reached a precision of 0.914052 and a recall of
convergence. However, it is highly dependent on initial values and 0.995641.
clustering outliers. The mean-shift clustering approach is able to define the number of
clusters automatically and no problem is generated from outliers.
4.2.2. Fuzzy C-means However, this method is unable to work well in case of changing the
Another well-known technique to cluster data is FCM where datasets number of clusters changes abruptly (high dimension).
are classified into n clusters and are frequently used for pattern recog­
nition [114]. Every segmented data point in the dataset belongs to over 4.2.4. Hierarchical clustering
one group with distinctive values for membership. If the data is closer to Hierarchical clustering, also known as hierarchical cluster analysis,
the cluster center, its membership inclines more toward that particular is an algorithm to categorize similar objects in groups called clusters
cluster center [115]. Enabling memberships of data points through time [127]. Hierarchical clustering includes a multilevel hierarchy tree where
may be the main benefit of FCMs clustering. These data points are clusters at one level are joined as clusters at the next level. The algorithm
known to have degrees in [0,1] and this technique makes it possible to clusters together object with similar attributes [128]. Finally, the algo­
show that data points do not necessarily belong to one cluster. More­ rithm returns a set of clusters or groups, where clusters are different
over, FCM can provide the best result for the overlapped data set [116]. from each other and objects within clusters are similar to each other.
Devi et al. [117] developed a clustering method called Adaptive Kernel These algorithms have been applied in the medical domain for brain
Fuzzy C-Means (AKFCM) for diagnosing brain cancer based on MRI tumor clustering. For instance, Hiratsuka et al. [129] examined samples
images. Then, they applied a Hybrid Convolution Neural Network- Long of human brain tumors using imaging mass spectrometry (IMS). IMS
Short-Term Memory (CNN-LSTM) to enhance the accuracy of tumor analysis was integrated with the Region Of Interest Analysis (IMS-ROI)
categorization. The results indicated that the proposed method did and a novel Hierarchical Cluster Analysis (IMS-HCA). IMS-HCA and
better than the present methods. IMS-ROI appear to be promising methods for finding biomarkers in brain
Debnath et al. [118] applied the Contrast Enhanced Fuzzy C-Means cancer samples, according to the study’s findings. Tamilmani & Siva­
(CEFCM) clustering method to accurately categorize the 2D tumor re­ kumari [130] proposed a novel Association Allotment Hierarchical
gions from MR images. Pixel-based Voxel Mapping Technique (PBVMT) Clustering (AAHC) approach for early brain cancer detection. The final
mapped the decision values for each pixel location from the segmented results revealed that the suggested approach reached an accuracy of
image into 3D space and showed overall accuracy, sensitivity, and 100%, outperforming the state-of-the-art method. Moreover, the
specificity of 94.8%, 92.14%, and 96.97%, respectively. Sheela et al. method was proven to be more computationally efficient compared to
[119] proposed a method to segment brain tumors in MRI images based other models.
on rotating triangular sections with FCM optimization. At first, the The hierarchical clustering approach is able to define the number of
background should mostly be eliminated through morphological clusters. However, this method is unable to work well with huge datasets
reconstruction processes in two levels, after which thresholding hap­ or vast amounts of data.
pens. To assess the proposed structure’s performance, they employed
T1-a weighted contrast-enhanced image dataset. The final assessment of 4.2.5. DBSCAN
the proposed method is indicated. Soleymanifard et al. [120] applied a DBSCAN or Density-Based Spatial Clustering of Applications with
classification method, which was a Multiscale Fuzzy C-Means (MsFCM) Noise is a state-of-the-art algorithm based on density [131]. The
with 12 scales to discern enhancing tumors in the image cropped from prominent feature of this algorithm is detecting clusters of all sizes and
the former stage. Then, thanks to using a neural network classifier, they shapes in different databases, even those with noise and outliers [132].
managed to specify the input tumors’ grade in the MR image. The DICE This approach was employed to diagnose brain tumors. For instance,
score results show that the model proposed is highly competitive in Muthaiyan et al. [133] proposed systems to discover brain tumors using
comparison with newer segmentation methods. images taken using MRI and PET by different classification methods,
The FCM model gains the best results for overlapped sample points such as Gustafson-Kessel (G-K) algorithm, k-means clustering algorithm,
and is comparatively better than the K-Means strategy. However, it is DBSCAN, and FCM. The effectiveness of various algorithms is compared,
highly dependent on the predefined number of clusters. and DBSCAN is not among the most effective methods for detecting
brain cancer. Moreover, Bandyopadhyay [134] used DBSCAN and
4.2.3. Mean-shift clustering K-means clustering for the problem of segmenting and grouping brain
Mean-shift clustering algorithm is a powerful nonparametric tech­ tumors from MRI images of the human brain, and the result of the study
nique based on centroid that is proven to be useful in various unsuper­ indicated the effectiveness of the DBSCAN approach in comparison with
vised learning use cases [121,122]. This algorithm works by moving the K-means technique.
data points toward centroids to become the average of nearby points. The DBSCAN clustering approach not only is able to define the
Mode-seeking algorithm is another name for mean shift clustering. The number of clusters but also can find arbitrarily-shaped clusters along
algorithm’s advantage is that it clusters the data without automatically with their sizes. However, this method fails in case of varying density
determining how many clusters there should be based on the defined clusters.
bandwidth [123]. Researchers have implemented mean-shift clustering
for the clustering of brain tumors. Vallabhaneni and Rajesh [124] 4.2.6. Gaussian Mixture Models
developed a method based on mean-shift clustering, and Gray-level As a probabilistic model, GMM presumes that a combination of a
Co-Occurrence Matrix (GLCM) features for automatically diagnosing limited number of Gaussian distributions, which have unknown pa­
brain tumors in noise-corrupted images. The researchers implemented rameters, generates all the data points [135]. To investigate the effec­
Edge Adaptive Total Variation Denoising Technique (EATVD) for pre­ tiveness of GMM in brain cancer segmentation, Chaddad [136]
serving the edges in the denoising process of images. The experimental introduced a unique technique for extracting Glioblastoma (GBM) fea­
results showed an increased precision in tumor detection in noisy im­ tures from MRI data using GMM. The accuracy performance for the
ages. Singh et al. [125] implemented modified mean-shift-based FCM T1-WI and T2-WI was 97.05% and 97.05%, respectively. The accuracy
segmentation for brain tumor detection in MRI images. The results dropped to 94.11% in FLAIR mode. These experimental findings show
indicated a high level of efficiency and accuracy for the suggested promise for improving heterogeneity features and, consequently, early
technique. Kim et al. [126] offered a strategy for reducing file sizes and GBM treatment. Pravitasari et al. [137] segmented the MRI-based brain
brain tumor discovery in MRI images using modified K-means and tumor utilizing the GMM and the Reversible Jump Markov Chain Monte

R. Ranjbarzadeh et al. Computers in Biology and Medicine 152 (2023) 106405

Table 6 Carlo algorithm. The study’s findings showed that the suggested tech­
Overview of recent segmentation methods. nique executed the algorithm quickly and efficiently.
Author Method of MRI Dataset Advantage The GMM approach is less sensitive to the number of parameters.
Segmentation Modalities However, this method has a slow convergence rate and is sensitive to
Bonte et al. Random Forest T1ce and BRaTS 2013 1. Requires initialization values.
[138] FLAIR database fresh training
MRI sets. 4.3. Overview of supervised and unsupervised methods application
2. Very much
sensitive to
Table 6 displays the 12 papers that applied either supervised or
Bahadure watershed – 15 images 1. Sensitivity unsupervised approaches. It should be mentioned that all these papers
et al. [139] with 9 slices to intensity are selected randomly. According to this table, as most of the researchers
using 3 T S variants. applied the BRaTS dataset, MRI image modalities are T1, T1c, T2, and
FCM Magnetom 2. Ignore the
FLAIR. The advantages of each approach are mentioned in the last
Spectra MR blurry
machine boundaries. column.
DCT 3. High
system 5. Deep learning application in brain tumor segmentation
Reddy & Region T1, T1c, BRATS 2015 1. Over
DL is a form of ML and AI that mimics how humans gain specific
Reddy. growing T2, and segmentation. subjects. In data science, which also encompasses statistics and predic­
[140] algorithm FLAIR 2. Need seed tive modeling, DL plays a significant role. Multiple visual analysis tasks,
point including classification, object detection, and tracking, have provided
notable performance gains due to DL techniques [150–154]. Addition­
Xie & KNN T1 and T2 – 1. Poor run-
Xiaozhen. time ally, DL techniques have had a significant impact on the automation of
[141] performance. medical image processing tasks while showing state-of-the-art accuracy.
2. Only using Over the last decades, many DL techniques have been developed and
T1 and T2 applied in different areas, including brain tumor diagnosis [155]. In the
Raja & Rani Bayesian fuzzy T1, T1c, BRATS 2015 1. High
following, the popular DL approaches that are utilized for brain cancer
[142] clustering T2, and system diagnosis are introduced. Fig. 5 illustrates the number of papers that
FLAIR complexity. applied different approaches of DL to investigate their performance in
2. Time- brain cancer segmentation and classification.
According to Fig. 5, the number of studies that applied CNN-based
Ilhan & Ilhan Novel Flair, T2 TCIA: 100 1. Poor run-
[143] Threshold- and T1C MRI images time approaches is considerably higher than other DL approaches with
based method performance. 1793 publications between 2015 and 2022. LSTM is the second DL
2. High approach that has been employed in brain tumor diagnosis with 282
system papers.
Aslamet al. Sobol Edge- – – 1. Not
[144] detection acceptable 5.1. Convolutional Neural Network
result at fuzzy
borders. A Convolutional Neural Network (CNN), or ConvNet, sets the basis
2. Not clear
for DL [156,157]. In this method, learning is received straight from the
the process of
the model. data, so it is not required to extract features manually [51]. The most
Kermi et al. region-based + T1, T1ce, BRaTS′ 2017 1. Poor run- significant usage of CNNs is in discovering patterns in images [158]. A
[145] boundary- T2, and time CNN network can be trained using a large dataset from scratch by
based FLAIR performance fine-tuning an existing model or utilizing "off-the-shelf CNN features”
Sheela & Region of – medical MR 1. High
Suganthi Interest + Images of system
[152]. Fine-tuning involves transferring weights of the first n layers
[146] Region 120 patient complexity. learned from an earlier-based network to the new network [159]. The
Growing + 2. Class dataset obtained for the new network is trained to perform specific tasks.
Morphological imbalances By effectively learning general image features through transfer learning,
Operation not
CNNs are able to tackle the majority of computer vision problems by
Khan et al. k-means + T1, T1c, BRaTS 2015 1. Many combining these features with straightforward classifiers [50]. This is
[147] VGG19 T2, and features are the main reason why the CNN approach has been applied considerably
FLAIR required. for brain tumor diagnosis. For example, Abd El Kader et al. [160] used
2. Easy to lose deep differential CNN to categorize brain tumors in MRI images. This
ŞİŞİK & SERT BTS-ELM- T1 3200 pieces 1. Only using
method achieved maximum accuracy of 99.25%.
[148] FRFCM MRI image T1 modality. Bacanin et al. [161] deployed the firefly algorithm to optimize CNN
2. Class for glioma brain tumor grade classification. The researchers reported
imbalances that the introduced method reached the maximum multi-class accuracy
of 97.9% and the maximum accuracy of 96.5% in the images containing
Khosravanian superpixel T1, T1ce, BRaTS 2017 1. Ignore the brain tumors. Wang et al. [162] offered a ground-breaking structure
et al. [149] fuzzy T2, and blurry based on CNN with a dilated convolutional feature pyramid called
clustering + FLAIR boundaries. DFP-ResUNet to categorize multimodal brain tumors. The results of
lattice 2. High testing the suggested model on the BRaTS 2018 dataset showed the
Boltzmann system
mean Dice value of different subregions to be Enhancing Tumor (ET)
0.8431, Whole Tumor (WT) 0.897, and Tumor Core (TC) 0.9068.
Gurunathan and Krishnan [163] applied CNN for brain tumor detection
and diagnosis using MRI images. The method reached the maximum

R. Ranjbarzadeh et al. Computers in Biology and Medicine 152 (2023) 106405

Fig. 5. Number of publications between 2015 and 2022 for brain tumor segmentation using DL models.

classification accuracy of 98.3%, sensitivity of 97.2%, and specificity of

The CNN models are able to explore hidden patterns inside the input
data automatically and share weights between layers. However, these
models fail to encode the orientation and position of objects.

5.2. Recurrent Neural Network

As an ANN, a Recurrent Neural Network (RNN) employs time series

data or sequential data [164]. RNNs have the concept of "memory,"
which enables the method to retain the qualities or details of the former
inputs in order to produce the following output in the sequence. RNNs
are characterized by their capacity to transmit data over time steps Fig. 6. An example of LSTM structure.
[165]. RNNs feature an extra parameter matrix in their structure for
connections between time steps, which encourages training in the
5.3. Long Short-Term Memory
temporal domain and makes use of the input’s sequential nature. In the
RNN technique, the predictions made at each time step are trained to be
There are recurring neural networks able to learn order dependency
based on both the most recent input and data from earlier time steps
in issues related to predicting sequences; these networks are called Long
[166]. RNNs hold the second place among the most favored approaches
Short-Term Memory (LSTM) networks [170]. LSTM is one of the most
to diagnose brain cancer and have been implemented in many studies.
widely-used RNN designs to date. It is the best option for modeling
For example, SivaSai et al. [167] used fuzzy RNN to categorize brain
sequential data and is thus utilized to learn the complex dynamics of
tumors in MRI images automatically. The results showed an accuracy of
human behavior. The word "cell state" refers to long-term memory.
87.8% and it was proven that the proposed framework is much more
Previous data is stored in the cells because of their recursive nature.
computationally efficient. Zhou et al. [168] deployed DenseNet and
LSTM was specifically created and developed in order to address the
RNN for a holistic screening and categorization of brain tumors via MRI
disappearing gradient and exploding gradient issues in long-term
images. By testing the proposed structure on public datasets, the re­
training [171]. Fig. 6 shows an example of LSTM structure and the
searchers reported that the DenseNet-RNN approach reached the
way this technique works.
maximum accuracy of 84.61%. However, DenseNet-LSTM achieved an
This approach has been utilized in previous studies to diagnose a
accuracy of 92.13% and performed better than RNN based approach.
brain tumor. For example, Dandıl and Karaca [172] used stacked LSTM
Begum and Lakshmi [169] combined optimal wavelet statistical texture
for pseudo-brain tumor detection based on MRI spectroscopy signals.
and RNN to discover and classify brain tumors in MRI images. The
The experimental results indicated an accuracy of 93.44% for the cate­
proposed method achieved a maximum accuracy of 96% and a
gorization of pseudo brain tumor with glioblastoma, 85.56% accuracy
maximum sensitivity of 100% in the classification. Moreover, the
for a pseudo brain tumor with diffuse, 88.33% for a pseudo brain tumor
introduced approach reached the maximum accuracy and sensitivity of
with astrocytoma, and 99.23% for a pseudo brain tumor with metastatic
95% and 97%, respectively for the segmentation.
brain tumors. Xu et al. [173] proposed an LSTM Multi-modal UNet to
The RNN models are capable of processing inputs of any length and
categorize tumors using multi-modal MRI. The experimental results by
each sample can be assumed to be dependent on former samples.
testing the model’s performance on the BRATS-2015 dataset showed
However, these models face issues such as vanishing gradient or ex­
that the proposed LSTM multi-modal UNet outperformed the standard
ploding gradient.
U-Net with fewer model parameters. Shahzadi et al. [174] developed an
approach according to a cascade of CNN with an LSTM network for 3D

R. Ranjbarzadeh et al. Computers in Biology and Medicine 152 (2023) 106405

Fig. 7. An example of the GAN method structure.

data problems in segmenting the tumors using 3D brain MR or CT im­

ages. Once the suggested method was evaluated on the ISLES dataset,
the results showed a Dice value of 0.83, a Hausdorff score of 9.3, a
precision of 0.81, and a recall of 0.78.
The LSTM models are capable of improving data instances, lowering
costs, and increasing data production. However, these models require
strong technical knowledge and advanced datasets.

5.5. Deep belief network

Deep Belief Networks (DBNs) are a type of graphical representation

that is fundamentally generative, producing all possible values for the
given case. It combines ML and neural networks with probability and
statistics [180,246]. DBNs are made up of many layers with values, but
there is no relationship between the values and the layers. The major
objective is to assist the system in categorizing the data into distinct
categories. Fig. 8 represents a simple structure of the DBN approach.
In other cancer studies, it is indicated that DBN is among the best
approaches to segment tumors. There are several research works that
used DBN for brain tumor segmentation. For example, Kharrat and Néji
[181] implemented personalized DBNs for brain tumor classification
using MRI images. The researchers trained the proposed model on the
Fig. 8. An example of the DBN method structure. BRaTS dataset and showed the model reached an accuracy of 91.6%.
Raju et al. [182] offered a strategy according to a DBN and hybrid active
brain tumor MR image classification. The researchers reported an ac­ contour model to split and classify the tumors of the brain via MRI im­
curacy of 84% for the proposed method. ages. The outcomes indicated the accuracy of 0.945, sensitivity of
The LSTM models are capable of learning long-term dependencies. 0.9695, and specificity of 0.99348 for the proposed model.
However, these models are prone to overfitting and need a lot of re­ The DBN models are capable of providing the best performance re­
sources, high memory-bandwidth, and time to get trained. sults even if the amount of data is huge. However, these models require
strong technical knowledge and huge data to perform better.

5.4. Generative Adversarial Network 5.6. Autoencoders

Generative Adversarial Network (GAN) is one of the categories of Autoencoders are an unsupervised learning method that uses neural
generative models [175]. These models have the capacity to create or networks for the presentation learning task [183]. Specifically, it is a
develop new data with statistics similar to the training set given. For neural network architecture with an imposed bottleneck that represents
instance, a GAN trained on images can produce new images with a compact knowledge of the specified input [184]. Amin et al. [185]
numerous realistic features that appear to be created by humans, at least deployed Stacked Sparse AutoEncoders (SSAE) to detect brain tumors.
on the surface [176]. Fig. 7 indicates the simple structure of the GAN They tested the suggested model on the BRaTS datasets and reached the
approach. average accuracies of 100%, 90%, 95%, 100%, 97%, and 95% on the
In order to evaluate the efficiency of the GAN method in segmenting 2012 dataset, 2012 synthetic dataset, 2013 dataset, Leaderboard 2013
brain tumors, several studies have been conducted. For example, Nema dataset, 2014 and 2015 datasets, respectively. Badža and Barjaktarović
et al. [177] developed a novel architecture called residual cyclic un­ [186] implemented a convolutional autoencoder to segment brain tu­
paired encoder-decoder network (RescueNet) to segment brain tumors mors based on MRI images. The researchers reported that the proposed
which is trained based on an unpaired GAN. The results showed a Dice method achieved 99.23% average accuracy for pixel classification and
value of 0.9401% and 0.9463% for the BRaTS 2015 and BRaTS 2017 an average accuracy of 99.28% for 5-fold cross-validation and one test.
datasets, respectively. Neelima et al. [178] provided an approach The Autoencoders can reduce the dimensionality of the data, provide
founded on the Optimal DeepMRSeg strategy trained by a devised an appropriate way to diminish the noise of input data greatly, and make
Sailfish Political Optimizer (SPO) algorithm to segment the tumors and the creation of DL frameworks much more efficient. However, learning
then applied GAN to classify brain tumors using MRI images. The and reproducing input features in training autoencoders is unique to the
elevated accuracy, segmentation accuracy, sensitivity, and specificity data they are trained on and don’t work for new data.
resulting from this method were 91.7%, 90%, 92.8%, and 92.5%,
respectively. Rezaei et al. [179] proposed a new method according to
the adversarial network called voxel-GAN for mitigating imbalanced

R. Ranjbarzadeh et al. Computers in Biology and Medicine 152 (2023) 106405


5.8. Gate recurrent unit

Gated Recurrent Unit (GRU) is the upgraded version of the standard

RNN, i.e. RNN, which was offered by Kyunghyun Cho et al. [188] GRUs
are very similar to Long Short Term Memory (LSTM). Resembling the
LSTM, GRU employs gates to supervise the flow of information, which
are newer than LSTM. Therefore, they improve LSTM and focus on
simplifying the architecture. Fig. 9 displays the structure of the GRU
One of the main usages of the GRU is increasing the memory capacity
Fig. 9. An example of GRU method structure. of an RNN and facilitating the training of a model. On top of that, we can
employ the hidden unit and solve the problem of vanishing gradients in
5.7. Reinforcement Learning RNNs. There are investigations that applied the GRU technique for brain
cancer diagnosis. For example, Gab Allah et al. [189] employed a
Reinforcement Learning (RL) is the training of ML models to make a combination of a VGG-16 network and a GRU model to increase the
sequence of decisions. The agent gains the ability to do a task in a brain tumor segmentation in the presence of even fuzzy borders. Table 7
possibly complex and uncertain environment. An AI encounters a sce­ indicates the 16 papers that used DL approaches to classify and segment
nario similar to a game during RL. In order to solve the problem, the brain tumors.
computer uses trial and error. AI is rewarded or punished for the steps it Unlike LSTM, GRU models do not have a separate cell state (Ct) and
takes to make the machine do what the programmer desires. The goal of only have a hidden state (Ht). These models are much faster due to the
the RL algorithm is to maximize the total reward Stember and Shalu simpler architecture.
[187] automatically extracted labels from clinical reports and then
utilized a deep RL classifier to classify3D MRI brain volumes. The results 6. Brain tumor imaging database
revealed that the presented method provides 100% accuracy.
The RL models are desired to gain long-term outcomes, which are There are many advanced databases of medical images taken from
challenging to obtain. Moreover, a perfect model can be created to solve patients suffering from brain tumors to facilitate the development and
a particular problem. However, RL models need plenty of data and validation of new images. Table 8 outlines the list of top brain databases
computation and are not preferable to utilize for solving simple used in recent investigations. The number of data and their modalities

Table 7
Overview of segmentation through DL approaches.
Author Method of Segmentation MRI Modalities Dataset Limitations

Chang et al. [190] CNN + FCRE T1, T2, T1c, BRaTS2013 1. Requires fresh training sets.
FLAIR 2. Only using HGG patient subjects.
Kaldera et al. [191] Faster R–CNN T1 MRI dataset of Nanfang Hospital and General 1. Requires fresh training sets.
Hospital in China 2. Only using T1 modality.
Sajjad et al [192] CNN + Data augmentation T1 Radiopaedia dataset 1. Need a post-processing step.
2. Only using T1 modality.
Murthy et al [193] Optimized CNN – kaggle 1. Requires fresh training sets.
2. Need a post-processing step.
Rehman et al [194] 3D CNN T1, T2, T1c, BRaTS 2015, 2017, and 2018 1. Fail to detect the unobvious and small
FLAIR brain tumors.
2. High system complexity
Amin et al [195] LSTM T1, T2, T1c, BRaTS + SISS database 1. High system complexity.
FLAIR 2. Requires fine-tuning of the network
Liu et al [196] DRL + DTCWT T1, T2, T1c, BRaTS2018 + CQ500 + hospital databases 1. High system complexity
FLAIR 2. Lack of spatial consistency.
Kumar et al [197] DBN + GS-MVO T1 Kaggle dataset 1. The feature selection is not clear.
2. Only using T1 modality.
Harish & Baskar [198] R–CNN + Alex Net model – – 1. Many layers, which increases system
2. Requires fresh training sets.
Ahmad et al. [199] Variational Autoencoders T1 Figshare 1. Requires fine-tuning of the network
+ GAN parameters
2. Only using T1 modality.
Mukherkjee et al. [200] Optimized GAN method T1, T2, T1c, BRaTS 2020 dataset 1. High computational cost.
FLAIR 2. High system complexity.
Takrouni & Douik [201] DPGM + DDM T1, T2, T2c & BRaTS 2013 + 2015 +2017 1. Need a lot of training data.
FLAIR 2. High system complexity.
Chattopadhyay & Maitra CNN T1, T2, T2c & BRaTS 2020 1. Weak interpretability.
[202] FLAIR 2. Requires fresh training sets.
Kesav & Jibukumar [203] RCNN T1 Figshare + Kaggle 1. Requires fine tuning of the network
2. Only using T1 modality.
Vankdothu et al [204] CNN + LSTM T1 Kaggle 1. High system complexity.
2. Only using T1 modality.
Ranjbarzadeh et al. [18] CNN + Attention T1, T2, T2c & BRaTS 2018 1. High system complexity.
FLAIR 2. Requires fresh training sets.

R. Ranjbarzadeh et al. Computers in Biology and Medicine 152 (2023) 106405

Table 8 Table 9
Top database for the brain tumors. Dice and Hausdorff index of investigations based on BRaTS 2020–2017.
Dataset From Number of Available BRaTS 2020
images Modalities
Method Dice Hausdorff 95%
BRATS 2012 MICCAI 2012 Challenge 45 3D T1, T2, T1c,
Comp Core Enh Comp Core Enh
BRATS 2013 MICCAI 2013 Challenge 65 3D T1, T2, T1c, 3D U-Net [205] 89% 84% 81% 6.4 19.4 15.8
FLAIR nnU-Net [206] 89% 85% 82% 8.50 17.33 17.80
BRATS 2014 MICCAI 2014 Challenge 50 3D T1, T2, T1c, Multiple U-net [207] 89% 84% 78% 6.7 19.55 20.4
FLAIR Scale Attention Network 88% 84% 82% 5.2 17.97 13.43
BRATS 2015 MICCAI 2015 Challenge 300 3D T1, T2, T1c, [208]
FLAIR Variational-autoencoder 89% 79% 70% 4.62 10.07 34.30
BRATS 2016 MICCAI 2016 Challenge 300 3D T1, T2, T1c, þ regularized 3D U-Net
FLAIR [209]
BRATS 2017 MICCAI 2017 Challenge 285 3D T1, T2, T1c, Deep Layer Aggregation 88% 83% 79% 5.32 22.32 20.44
FLAIR [210]
BRATS 2018 MICCAI 2018 Challenge 285 3D T1, T2, T1c, Lightweight U-Nets [211] 87% 80% 75% 6.2 19.6 21.46
FLAIR HI-Net [212] 88% 84% 79% – – –
BRATS 2019 MICCAI 2019 Challenge 335 3D T1, T2, T1c, Modified UNet [213] 89% 85% 79% – – –
FLAIR DR-Unet104 [214] 87% 80% 75% 10.41 21.84 24.68
BRATS 2020 MICCAI 2020 Challenge – T1, T2, T1c,
BRaTS 2019
BRATS 2021 MICCAI 2021 Challenge – T1, T2, T1c, Method Dice Precision
ADNI1 Alzheimer’s disease 400 T2, FLAIR, DTI Comp Core Enh Comp Core Enh
neuroimaging initiative Two-stage Cascade UNet 89% 84% 83% 4.62 4.13 2.65
BrainnWeb McConnell Brain Imaging 21 T1, T2, PD- [215]
Centre weighted Encoder-decoder þ 88% 84% 83% 4.7 3.97 2.20
RIDER TCIA 365 3D T1, T2- Combined loss function
weighted [216]
AANLIB Harvard Medical School – T1, T2- CNN [217] 87% 78% 78% 7.3 6.8 3.7
weighted MRI 3D UNet [218] 85% 80% 78% 6.5 6.3 3.5
The IBSR The CMA 39 T1- weighted RMU-Net [219] 92% 91% 83% – – –
Allen brain Allen Institute Publications 20 T1, T2, DTI Deep Layer Aggregation 87% 83% 79% 5.32 22.32 20.44
atlas for Brain Science [220]
Figshare Jun Change 3064 T1 DNN [221] 88% 86% 81% 4.8 5.6 2.4
Kaggle – 3264 – Multi-Resolution 3D CNN 82% 72% 70% 8.42 9.14 5.59
SISS – – FLAIR, DWI, T2, [222]
T1 3D Residual U-Net [223] 83% 77% 70% 14.64 26.69 25.56
3D FCN [224] 89% 78% 76% – – –

BRaTS 2018
Method Dice Precision

Comp Core Enh Comp Core Enh

6.1. BRaTS database 3D UNet [225] 86% 82% 76% 7.01 5.63 5.6
Deep CNN [226] 88% 79% 78% 5.5 6.9 2.93
According to Table 8, BRaTS are the most used data set for brain 3D UNet [227] 87% 77% 71% 6.5 8.31 4.14
cancer diagnosis. BRaTS database employs special MRI scans that are Contour-aware 3D CNN 89% 79% 72% 8.05 7.5 5.2
multi-institutional and pre-operative to concentrate on parting incon­
S3D-UNet [229] 84% 78% 69% 9.2 7.7 4.5
gruous brain tumors, i.e., gliomas, which are different in appearance, HTTU-Net [230] 88% 89% 82% 7.53 8.81 4.43
shape, and histology. Table 9 indicates the dice and Hausdorff param­ Auto-encoder 88% 81% 77% 5.9 4.8 3.8
eter for the papers that applied the different methods to diagnose brain Regularization [231]
Cascaded UNet [232] 88% 78% 72%
tumors based on the BRaTS database. – – –
CNN [233] 87% 77% 78% 6.55 27.05 15.90
CNN þ Test-time 88% 80% 75% 5.97 6.71 4.16
7. Performance measures Augmentation [234]

BRaTS 2017
The performance assessment of the classification or segmentation Method Dice Precision
strategies can be accomplished using different methods. Researchers
Comp Core Enh Comp Core Enh
employ various strategies for validating the obtained outcomes. The
most popular and widely used performance measures include Sensitivity UNet [235] 81% 76% 65% – – –
(Recall or True Positive Rate), Specificity, Accuracy, and Precision, Confu­ Random Forest þ CNN 85% 69% 67% 6.12 28.72 23.55
sion matrix, Jaccard Index, and Dice Similarity. These criteria can be FCN [237] 70% 55% 40% – – –
defined as follows: Anisotropic CNN [238] 87% 77% 78% 6.5 27 15.90
A confusion matrix is used to provide crucial information about EMMA [239] 89% 80% 73% 5.01 23.1 36.0
actual and estimated outcomes created by the classification or seg­ CNN [240] 83% 65% 65% – – –
UNet [241] 88% 76% 64%
mentation techniques. One example of a two-class classification task is
– – –
Pixel Net [242] 87% 76% 68% 9.8 12.30 12.93
represented in Table 10. Multi-path CNN [243] 84% 69% 60% – – –
Here, TP, FP, FN, and TN are described as: Ensemble-of-Forest [244] 42% 41% 42% 21.17 40.06 69.12

TP: Correctly classified or segmented brain tumor.

TN: Correctly classified or segmented of Ordinary tissue as Ordinary

R. Ranjbarzadeh et al. Computers in Biology and Medicine 152 (2023) 106405

Table 10 in AI. Researchers have been applying AI algorithms and techniques for
Details of classification criteria for two classes. detecting brain tumors, computing tissue volumes, abnormality detec­
Category Estimated Brain tumor Ordinary tissue tion, pathology, treatment planning, and computer-aided surgery. These
techniques work well in tasks related to segmenting brain tumors as
Brain tumor True Positive (TP) False Negative (FN)
Ordinary tissue False positive (FP) True Negative (TN) their features enable distinguishing abnormal tissues from normal ones.
This paper offers a general survey of methods applied to brain tumor
segmentation. A long array of automatic and semi-automatic brain
FN: Wrongly classified or segmented of actual tumor tissue as Ordi­ tumor segmentation, classification, and feature extraction methods is
nary tissue. covered in this study. The current paper quantitatively measures the up-
FP: Wrongly classified or segmented of an ordinary tissue. to-date approaches based on multiple evaluation metrics to help readers
) and medical experts both to develop future research directions and,
Accuracy = , (1) more importantly, identify the most effective and precise strategies to
TN + TP + FP + FN
segment tumors of the brain. This paper proposes that the upcoming
2 × TP
) research aiming to enhance the performance of the current systems for
DICE = , (2) brain segmentation can be followed in several directions: (i) Gathering
(2 × TP) + FP + FN
larger databases with images from various qualities, (ii) Focusing on
) improving the classification accuracy of current methods by developing
Precision = , (3) novel methods for feature extraction, and (iii) Developing hybrid sys­
tems consisting of multiple approaches regarding ML and DL.
( )
TN Except for the techniques employed in this study, some of the most
Specificity = , (4) representative computational intelligence techniques can be utilized to
solve the problems, like Harris Hawks Optimization (HHO), Moth Search
( )
TP Algorithm (MSA), Monarch Butterfly Optimization (MBO), Colony Pre­
Sensitivity or Recall = , (5)
TP + FN dation Algorithm (CPA), Earthworm Optimization Algorithm (EWA),
Slime Mould Algorithm (SMA), Runge Kutta Optimizer (RUN), and
|A ∩ B| Hunger Games Search (HGS).
Jaccard Index (A, B) = . (6)
|A ∪ B| However, it is still questionable whether the abundance of compu­
tational resources, deep learning technology, and training data needed
8. Discussion to run DL at full performance is meaningful, considering other learning
techniques that may yield fast, higher interpretability, and close per­
Brain tumor is one of the fatal diseases that occurs when the growth formance with less parameterization, tuning, and fewer resources.
of cells in the brain is out of control. The mortality rate of this cancer
made researchers investigate approaches for early brain cancer diag­ Declaration of competing interest
nosis. MRI images are one of the best tools to diagnose cancer by
providing a picture of soft tissue in the brain. Over the last decades, The authors declare that there is no conflicting or financial interests.
many ML-based and DL-based approaches have been developed. How­
ever, due to the large number of articles that implemented these ap­ Acknowledgement
proaches, it is important to summarize the current studies and methods.
In this work, we provide a holistic approach and summarize ML-based This publication has emanated from research [conducted with the
segmentation approaches, DL-based segmentation methods, a review financial support of/supported in part by a grant from Science Foun­
of top DL and ML papers, the top database of brain cancer, and a com­ dation Ireland under Grant number No. 18/CRT/6183 and is supported
parison of the accuracy rates in applying different methods on publicly by the ADAPT Centre for Digital Content Technology which is funded
available datasets. The application of CAD systems that work based on under the SFI Research Centres Programme (Grant 13/RC/2106/_P2),
DL and ML approaches in brain tumor diagnosis increases accuracy, Lero SFI Centre for Software (Grant 13/RC/2094/_P2) and is co-funded
decreases failure in diagnosis, early detection, and provides better under the European Regional Development Fund. For the purpose of
treatment approaches. Also, in underdeveloped countries with a scarcity Open Access, the author has applied a CC BY public copyright license to
of experts, CAD-based systems can provide early diagnosis, which results any Author Accepted Manuscript version arising from this submission.
in a decrease in the mortality rate.
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[207] T. Henry, et al., Brain Tumor Segmentation with Self-Ensembled, Deeply- pp. 3–12,
Supervised 3D U-Net Neural Networks: A BraTS 2020 Challenge Solution,” [226] C. Zhou, S. Chen, C. Ding, D. Tao, Learning Contextual and Attentive Information
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[208] Y. Yuan, Automatic Brain Tumor Segmentation with Scale Attention Network,” 978-3-030-11726-9_44/COVER/.
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[209] J. Tang, T. Li, H. Shu, H. Zhu, Variational-Autoencoder Regularized 3D
MultiResUNet for the BraTS 2020 Brain Tumor Segmentation,” Lecture Notes in [228] H.Y. Yang, J. Yang, Automatic Brain Tumor Segmentation with Contour Aware
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Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), vol. 12659, LNCS, 2021, pp. 431–440, https:// (Including Subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), vol. 11384, LNCS, 2019, pp. 267–278,
[210] C.A. Silva, A. Pinto, S. Pereira, A. Lopes, Multi-stage Deep Layer Aggregation for 978-3-030-11726-9_24/COVER/.
Brain Tumor Segmentation,” Lecture Notes in Computer Science (Including [229] W. Chen, B. Liu, S. Peng, J. Sun, X. Qiao, S3D-UNET: Separable 3D U-Net for Brain
Subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Tumor Segmentation,” Lecture Notes in Computer Science (Including Subseries
Bioinformatics), vol. 12659, LNCS, 2021, pp. 179–188, Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), vol.
978-3-030-72087-2_16/COVER/. 11384, LNCS, 2019, pp. 358–368,
[211] T. Tarasiewicz, M. Kawulok, J. Nalepa, Lightweight U-Nets for Brain Tumor 32/COVER/.
Segmentation,” Lecture Notes in Computer Science (Including Subseries Lecture [230] N.M. Aboelenein, P. Songhao, A. Koubaa, A. Noor, A. Afifi, HTTU-net: hybrid two
Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), vol. 12659, track U-net for automatic brain tumor segmentation, IEEE Access 8 (2020)
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[212] S. Qamar, P. Ahmad, L. Shen, HI-net: Hyperdense Inception 3D UNet for Brain [231] A. Myronenko, 3D MRI Brain Tumor Segmentation Using Autoencoder
Tumor Segmentation,” Lecture Notes in Computer Science (Including Subseries Regularization,” Lecture Notes in Computer Science (Including Subseries Lecture
Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), vol. Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), vol. 11384,
12659, LNCS, 2021, pp. 50–57, LNCS, 2019, pp. 311–320,
[213] P. Ahmad, S. Qamar, L. Shen, A. Saeed, Context Aware 3D UNet for Brain Tumor [232] D. Lachinov, E. Vasiliev, V. Turlapov, Glioma Segmentation with Cascaded UNet,”
Segmentation,” Lecture Notes in Computer Science (Including Subseries Lecture Lecture Notes in Computer Science (Including Subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial
Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), vol. 12658, Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), vol. 11384, LNCS, 2019,
LNCS, 2021, pp. 207–218, pp. 189–198,
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Brats Challenge 2019 Segmentation Task,” Lecture Notes in Computer Science Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), vol. 11384,
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[216] A. Myronenko, A. Hatamizadeh, Robust Semantic Segmentation of Brain Tumor 2017 Challenge,” Lecture Notes in Computer Science (Including Subseries Lecture
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Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), vol. 11992, LNCS, 2020, Subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in
pp. 338–348, Bioinformatics), vol. 10670, LNCS, 2018, pp. 204–215,
[218] F. Wang, R. Jiang, L. Zheng, C. Meng, B. Biswal, 3d U-Net Based Brain Tumor 978-3-319-75238-9_18/COVER/.
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Bioinformatics), vol. 11992, LNCS, 2020, pp. 131–141, Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), vol. 10670,
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for Brain Tumor Segmentation,” Lecture Notes in Computer Science (Including Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), vol. 10670, LNCS, 2018,
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Bioinformatics), vol. 11993, LNCS, 2020, pp. 148–157, [239] K. Kamnitsas, et al., Ensembles of Multiple Models and Architectures for Robust
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[221] Y.X. Zhao, Y.M. Zhang, C.L. Liu, Bag of Tricks for 3d Mri Brain Tumor Subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in
Segmentation,” Lecture Notes in Computer Science (Including Subseries Lecture Bioinformatics), vol. 10670, LNCS, 2018, pp. 450–462,
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(Including Subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in pp. 309–319,
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[242] M. Islam, H. Ren, Multi-modal PixelNet for Brain Tumor Segmentation,” Lecture LNCS, 2018, pp. 159–168,
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Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), vol. 10670, LNCS, 2018, [245] A. Salmanmahiny, M. Erfani, A. Danehkar, V. Etemad, Image texture indices and
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