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Cancer Detection by Machine Learning

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Cancer detection by machine learning

Article in International Journal of Computer Science and Information Security, · April 2021

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1 author:

Md Haris Uddin Sharif

University of the Cumberlands


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International Journal of Computer Science and Information Security (IJCSIS),
Vol. 19, No. 2, February 2021

Cancer detection by machine learning

Md Haris Uddin Sharif1
University of the Cumberlands, Williamsburg, Kentucky, USA

for brain tumor diagnosis. The main way of identifying

Abstract— Cancer is a terminal condition, often caused by the brain tumors, for instance, is the study of MR pictures.
aggregation of genetic defects and several disease modifications. A pulmonary nodule may be a cancer symptom in the lungs.
Cancer cells are pathological regions that are often life- Pulmonary cancer is a fatal illness that requires early diagnosis
threatening in some portion of the human body. At the early
to preserve patients' lives. An item with a circular forming is a
stage, cancer, also known as the tumor, must be diagnosed easily
and properly to determine what may potentially treat it. benign or malignant nodule. The malignant nodule is rapidly
However, modalities are different, such as complicated history, developing, and malignant nodules will also rapidly develop in
inaccurate diagnostics and care, which are the major causes of the other organ. It is essential to treat malignant nodules in the
death. The study aims to review, assess, classify, and discuss initial stage for this reason. The diagnostics of lung cancer is
existing advances to diagnose human body cancer by breast, the most commonly used CT scan. Following a CT scan, more
brain, lung, liver, skin cancer, and leukemia machine learning
study is required if abnormal lung areas are to be found.
methods. The research demonstrates how machine learning with
supervised, unmonitored, and deep learning approaches helps The dominant cause of death for women is breast cancer.
cancer diagnosis and the curing process. Various state-of-the-art Significant cancer patients above the age of 50 are observed.
methods are classified under the same class, and outcomes from In 2017, nearly 40.610 females expired because of breast
precision, sensitivity, specificity, and false positives metrics. cancer in the US, according to Meenalochini, Malignant
Metrics are compared on benchmark data sets. In conclusion, and benign can occur in the breast with two groups of
obstacles for potential future work are also outlined.
abnormal cells. Malignant cells are cancer cells that, when
Index Terms—Artificial Intelligence, Biomedical Image
replicated or meta-situated in other bodies, are more harmful.
Analysis, Cancer diagnosis, Deep neural network, Machine Both benign and large cells are formed, although the number
Learning. of malignant cells is very limited. Due to the disadvantages of
fatty and dense tissue size and incidence, malignant tumors at
the beginning of the cycle are exceedingly difficult to detect.
I. INTRODUCTION Advanced auto- or computerized devices often need to classify
the tumor end of the breast.
M edical imaging research plays a vital part in identifying
various parts of the body, such as blood cancer, skin
cancer, breast cancer, brain tumor, lung cancer, and retina.
Cancer of the skin is one of the most common diseases
around the globe. Uncontrolled formation of abnormal cells in
GLOBOCAN estimates reveal that in 2018, about 18.1 million the skin forms a skin cancer. There are two forms of skin
new cancer cases resulted in 9.6 million deaths from cancer cancer, melanom and melanomanon-a are found. Melanoma is
[06]. The study reveals that lung cancer is the most important harmful rather than non-melanoma, a severe form of tumor or
source of expiration (18.4%), followed by breast cancer cancer that starts from the skin and appears like a dark spot.
(6.6%), colon (5.8%) prostate cancer (3.8%), and skin cancer, They often go from a mole to develop in size, uneven margins,
including melanoma and not melanoma (1.3 per cent) [06]. itchiness, skin disintegration and color. In 2018 there were
In the human body, the brain is the most essential and 9,320 deaths of 3330 women and 5990 men due to skin cancer
complex organ. Inappropriate mitosis pathways control the (S., 2020). Melanoma percentage is the highest and smaller in
conduct of morphological cells in the human brain. Cancerous Asia, Latin America and Africa in North America, Europe,
cells with many morphological features, example size and Australia and New Zealand. The report states that the
strength, have been developed during this process. There are mortality rate will decline by up to 90 percent of skin cancer is
two main types of brain tumor, called low and high rates. A diagnosed early (S., 2020).. This indicates that early diagnosis
low-grade tumor is rising steadily, whereas the high grade is of cancer is crucial because it can reduce the associated risk
violent and disturbs the brain's blood flow. Many malignant factor.
brain tumors are also known as neuroepithelial tumors. The Acute lymphocytic Leukemia or Acute Lymphocytic
percentage of such brain cancers to 5 per cent and patients' Leukemia is the type of cancer attributed to immature
survival time is less than five years. The bulk of cancer cells lymphocytes in the bone marrow (ALL). Leukaemia is rapidly
have a poor comparison with surrounding cells. Glioblastoma developing and migrates to various parts of the body,
is a frequent type of tumor. Accurate diagnosis of brain tumors including spleen, liver, lymph nodes, brain and nervous
is also critical. A painless technique, which provides aid in systems. Both of the blood and bone marrow affect.
studying tumors from various viewpoints, was primarily used Leukaemia in healthy children is the majority in children, but 67
ISSN 1947-5500
International Journal of Computer Science and Information Security (IJCSIS),
Vol. 19, No. 2, February 2021

recurring Leukemia and Myeloid Leukemia in babies are grade 2 are malignant and cancerous. The pre-processing
uncommon. The malignancy in leukaemia cell growth and procedure is carried out to eliminate the sound and non-brain
progeny have been generalized to complex molecular tissue from image input for greater precision. There are
approaches [02]. This is known as Leukemia for hematogenic several primary steps for tumor identification. The techniques
cell development. Acute Leukemia induces more than 20 per BSE (brain surface extraction) are used to eliminate non-brain
cent of explosions in the bone marrow (S., 2020). organ. The simple non-local mean (FNLM), partial differential
The liver is a fundamental part of the human body that diffusion (PDDF) and Wiener filter are used for noise
fulfils basic functions, such as drug detoxification, the reduction and contrast depletion for better contrast. Fuzzy
development of blood proteins, and the filtering of the blood Cmean, k-mean and Otsu threshold approaches are the most
from waste components. In place of this, an illness in the common brain tumor segmentation techniques. In the same
human body is highly important, particularly if a cancer way, Net architecture is also one of the popular CNN
diagnosis has been made. Liver cancer is commonly known as architectures for brain cancer segmentation.
hepatic cancer which is the most serious and aggressive Hand-crafted features are collected after the segmentation
ailment. The most prevalent form of liver cancer, causing up process to turn the fractured images into math explanations.
to 80 per cent of death has been Hepatocellular Carcinoma More rigorous methods are currently employed to isolate
(HCC) (S., 2020).. GLOBOCAN estimates that liver cancer is features and then to identify them. The most popular
the world's 6th and 7th leading cause of deaths among both techniques for extraction include histogram orientation
men and women. gradient (HOG), Gabor wavelet transform (GWT), local
In my discussion, having a variety of cancers, I shall now binary patterns (LBP), and form-based functions. Also,
focus on two types of cancers to showcase how machine multiple filtering and reduction methods are used for
learning assists in detecting these diseases. maximizing function selection, such as a genetic algorithm
(GA) and the main component analysis (PCA). At present,
II. SCOPE AND OBJECTIVES CNN architecture is often known as an effective tool for the
diagnosis of brain tumours.
A. Scope and Objectives
A new field of early-detection research on cancer has been
opened up by different forms of cancer detection and
classification using the computer assistance that has shown the
potential to eliminate manual system impairments. The present
survey provides numerous sections on the cutting-edge
methods, analysis and comparisons for F-measurement,
sensitiveness, precision, precise, and accurate data sets for
brain tumours, breast cancer, prostate cancer, liver tumours Fig: 01 [10].
and Leukemia, and skin lesion identification. This diagram
provides a pictorial example of this analysis. To increase image transparency, multiple variations are
B. Benchmark Datasets created. The preprocessing methods, including noise,
complement optimal performance changes, decreasing,
The section discusses data sets commonly used to equalizing histograms, and enhancing tip. In the latest model's
experiment, analyze, and compare state-of-the-art
class, the weighting is used to deal with the topic of class
technologies' cancer tests and rankings. The section also
disparity. Details of validation are inspected in a learned
highlights their source, training sets, test sets, cancer detection
model from the same image set, and each experiment's results
success metrics, segmentation and classification.
are reported. ConvNet, as one score (accuracy) of 75% and
C. Brats 2015 Datasets 80% of the total fusion of 82.29% is provided by an LSTM-
This dataset consists of 274 sets, of 192 training cases (154 based network [08]. The defined model is validated by the
HGG and 38 LGG), 82 test cases and 82 trials cases from the MICCAI Challenge database, including multi-modal brain
Perelman School of the University of Medicine in tumor segmentation (BRATS) 2015, 2016 and 2017,
Pennsylvania (66 HGG and 16 LGG [08]. The training respectively, using the latest science imaging and computer-
pictures include high quality and low glioma with ground- assisted intervention [08]. Such technologies are developed by
level reality. The ground trueness is noted in five codes, for entropy to quickly and accurately detect and interact with
example, 1 for necrosis, 2 for edema, 3 for tumor-free fused vectors to classification units. The study results were
improvement, 4 for tumor enhancement, and 0 for everything 0.99 with 2015 BRATS, 1.00 with 2016 BRATS and 0.99
else. with 2017 BRATS with a coefficient of dice similarity (DSC)
[08]. They did not, though, use other classifiers or their fusion
D. Brain Tumor to check their technique's feasibility.
A brain tumor is an irregular four-degree cell array. Brain
tumors in grade 1 and 2 appear to develop slowly, and cancers
in grades 3 and 4 grow rapidly and difficult to treat. Tumors of 68
ISSN 1947-5500
International Journal of Computer Science and Information Security (IJCSIS),
Vol. 19, No. 2, February 2021

E. Lung Cancer understanding of cancer growth hypothesis, the creation of

Lung disease is a major cause of lung death worldwide. preclinical models for the treatment of difficult tumors, early
Several patients will benefit from operative, percutaneous and treatment and innovative approaches for planning and carrying
operational therapies in the case of a thin, diffuse tumor. out clinical studies [05]. The need for huge data sets, which
Unfortunately, since few patients show no symptoms in the may not be available for cancer tissues, is a drawback of deep
early stages of infection, 75 percent of lung cancers will be learning approaches. This model can boost efficiency and
diagnosed later in a gradual pathological state, nodal and expose more valuable trends as more gene expression data
metastatic disease [01]. According to studies in Australia, the become available. Machine learning algorithms can also be
average survivability level of patients with lung cancer is very scalable to big data inputs [03]. Due to the high
about 15% [01]. Multiple authors have documented their work dimensionality and sophistication of these results, cancer
with the LIDC/IDRI database in the field of pulmonary nodule prediction continues to present a challenge. Despite decades of
identification and classification. research, the clinical diagnosis of cancer and tumor-specific
Using machine learning approaches helps detect and marker recognition are still elusive [04].
evaluate pulmonary nodules by using artificial intelligence
tools to analyze CT images. These systems are referred to as IV. EXPERIMENT
decision support systems, which evaluate the images using the At a stage where the cancer is known in a patient,
preprocessing, segmentation, extraction, and classification. laboratory tests are performed. A blood sample is typically
MCNN is used to capture nodular heterogeneity by taken for blood count testing. Determination of signs of cancer
separating discriminatory features from alternative layers. is helpful for many cancers. Depending on the cancer presence
MCNN is used to capture nodular. Lung nodule scanning and in the blood, the number of tumor markers vary. In cancer
annotation was used to test the proposed LIDC-IDRI process. screening, tracking and pronostic assessment, tumor markers
There are three CNNs in this system in the MCNN model, may be used. A blood examination may assess the occurrence
which assemble input parallel nodule patches of different of the markers. Tumor markers are secreted into the blood
sizes. The segmentation process is 97 per cent and is based on from the tumor tissue. The detection or accumulation of tumor
the LIDC database [01]. markers may signal the progression or recurrence of cancer.
Effective pulmonary nodular detection based on several
patches from the lung picture of the Frangi filter. A 4-channel V. CONCLUSION
neural network model gathers input from radiologists to In recent decades, computer service has seen a breakthrough
classify nodules from four layers through the combination of in cancer diagnosis and treatment. However, this paper has
two picture groups. 80.06 percent of the sensitivity could be submitted a thorough assessment of current diagnostic and
achieved with 4.7 false positives for each scan and a 15.1 curative methods for various cancers that seriously damage the
false-positive sensitivity per sample [01]. They concluded that human body. This article focuses on evaluating, examining,
in multiple classes, the patch-based learning approach categorizing, and defining various types of cancer
increases efficiency and significantly decreases false positives methodologies but focused deeply on brain and lung cancer to
in a large number of image data [02]. showcase how machine learning assists in cancer detection.
Finally, a deep thought approach based on the stored Future study of multiple cancer types is important to identify
autoencoder and SoftMax was applied to those false-positive biomarkers for cancer-specific applications. Furthermore, the
results. The partnerships between Lung Image Database and study of aggregated heterogeneous cancer data may contribute
the Image Database Network Initiative, the largest publicly to the identification of cross-cancer biomarkers.
available database, indicate that the proposed approach
lowered false by 2.8 per scan significantly with an opportunity REFERENCES
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