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The rapid growth of technology and infrastructure has made our lives easier. The advent
of technology has also increased the traffic hazards and the road accidents take place frequently
which causes huge loss of life and property because of the poor emergency facilities. The
accident detection project will provide an optimum solution to this drawback. An accelerometer
can be used in a car alarm application so that dangerous driving can be detected. It can be used as
a crash or rollover detector of the vehicle during and after a crash. With signals from an
ultrasonic sensor, a severe accident due to an obstacle can be recognized. When a vehicle meets
with an accident or if a car rolls over, the accelerometer and ultrasonic sensor detects the signal
and immediately sends it to microcontroller. Microcontroller sends the alert message through the
GSM module including the location to police control room or a rescue team. So the emergency
help team can immediately trace the location through the GPS module, after receiving the
information. The location can also be viewed on Google maps. After conforming the location
necessary action is taken. If the person meets with a small accident or if there is no serious threat
to anyone`s life, then the alert message can be terminated by the driver by a switch provided in
order to avoid wasting the valuable time of the medical rescue team. This project is useful in
detecting the accident precisely by means of both accelerometer and ultrasonic sensor. As a
future implementation a wireless webcam can be added for capturing the images of the accident







3.. Hardware


3.2 GPS

3.3 GSM










The high demand of automobiles has also increased the traffic hazards and the road accidents.
Life of the people is under high risk. This is because of the lack of best emergency facilities
available in our country. An automatic alarm device for vehicle accidents is introduced in here.
The proposed design is a system which can detect accidents in significantly less time and sends
the basic information to first aid centre within a few seconds covering geographical coordinates,
the time and angle in which a vehicle accident had occurred. This alert message is sent to the
rescue team in a short time, which will help in saving the valuable lives. Switch is also provided
in order to terminate the sending of a message in rare case where there is no casualty, this can
save the precious time of the medical rescue team. When the accident occurs the alert message is
sent automatically to the rescue team and to the police station. The message is sent through the
GSM module and the location of the accident is detected with the help of the GPS module. The
accident can be detected precisely with the help of accelerometer and ultrasonic sensor. The
angle of the roll over of the car can also be known by accelerometer. This application provides
the optimum solution to poor emergency facilities provided to the roads accidents in the most
feasible way.

It is mainly benefit for the companies which are based on transport system. Since it can show th

position of all vehicles in real time, so that they can create the expected data accordingly. These

tracking system can store the whole data where the vehicle had gone, where did it stop, homuch

time it take at every stop and create whole data analysis. It is also used in buses and

estimate how far are they, how much time it takes for them to come to a particular stop. These

systems are used to data capture, data storage, data analysis and finally data transfer.
1.2: Accident Alert System Features
This system is based on new technology, its main purpose is to detect an accident and alert

control room, so the victim can find some help. It can detect accidents the intensity of the
accidentwithout any visual contact from control room. If this system is inserted in every vehicle then it is

easy to understand how many vehicles are involved in a particular accident and how intense is it. So

that the help from control room will be according to the control room. The present board designed

has both vehicle tracking and accident alert systems, which make it more valuable and useful. board
alerts us from theft and on accident detection also.

 Tracking in India is mainly used by transport systems, taxi companies, traffic operators.

 Taxi operators use this to estimate how far the vehicle is from a particular area and send this
information to call centers and they can inform general public about the distance of the taxi
location and time it takes tom come to them.

 Another use is for traffic police if this system is located in every vehicle they can estimate the
traffic by looking on the map and if any accident is detected then they can route the traffic in to
another way.

 This is how tracking is useful because India is one of busy traffic countries and this system can
control many of the traffic problem.
2.1: Concept and Overview

This vehicle tracking system takes input from GPS and send it through the GSM module

mobile/laptop using mobile communication. Vehicle Tracking System is one of the bigges

technological advancements to track the activities of the vehicle. The security system

Positioning System GPS, to find the location of the monitored or tracked vehicle and then uses

satellite or radio systems to send to send the coordinates and the location data to the monitorin

center. At monitoring center various software’s are used to plot the Vehicle on a map. In this

the Vehicle owners are able to track their vehicle on a real-time basis. Due to real-time tracking

facility, vehicle tracking systems are becoming increasingly popular among owners of expensive

For designing this hardware many types of devices are used to make it perfectly working. All the

devices are purchased from different manufacturers. These components are soldered on asoldering. The
following list of hardware are required for this system.




 MAX232

 RS232





 Here in this system micro controller used is AT89S52. Mainly micro controller consists of cpu,
memory and various I/O pins, and the speed of this micro controller is enough to execute the
program in real time.

 This particular micro controller is chosen because the experiment requires minimum of 8-bit
micro controller. This microcontroller contains 4Kb flash memory inbuilt in it,this memory is
enough to dump our code in to the microcontroller.

 This micro controller contains 40 pins and circuit is designed according to fig 2.3. The 40 pins of
microcontroller has different properties and usage they are shown in the following image.
3.2.GPS module

 GPS abbreviates global positioning system and this is used to detect the latitude and longitude
of the particular position and it also shows the exact time. It detects these values anywhere on
the earth.

 In our project it plays main role and it is the main source of the latitude and longitude of the
vehicle to know the accident occurred location, or even for theft tracking of the vehicle.

 This gadget gets the coordinates from the satellite for each and every second. This device is the
main component of vehicle tracking project.
Figure :GPS modem

 GSM abbreviates global system for mobile communication, this is a second generation
(2G) mobile network.
 This is widely used in all over the world for mobile communication. This GSM device consists
of Sim slot in which a sim can be inserted which has unique number, this unique number has
used for in contact GSM abbreviates global system for mobile communication, this is a
second generationconsists of sim slot in which a sim can be inserted which has a unique
number, this unique number is used for contact.
 This GSM device consists a unique number called imei number and this is different for each
and every hardware kit. In our project the device is used for transmitting data.
 The data from GPS is transmitted to given mobile through this GSM itself.

Figure 6 GSM MODEM

Vehicle tracking system working

 This system takes input from GPS and which goes into rs232.
 This Rs232 sends data into max232 and it converts the data format and sends it to the Rx
(receiver pin) of microcontroller and this microcontroller stores this data in USART buffer
and the data stored is sent again through Tx pin into max232 this max 232 sends the data
into GSM via rs232.
 This is how vehicle tracking works using GSM and GPS. The lcd interfaced to the
microcontroller also shows the display of the coordinates.
This lcd display is only used to know the working condition of the vehicle tracking system.

4.1: Accident alert system working

 Accident in the sense it could be collision of two vehicles or fire accident inside the vehicle.

 Theseshock sensors are attached to the car on all sides of the vehicle and they all are
connected to the OR gate.
 OR gate is used because to detect at least one sensor is high .the output from the or gate is
connected to the interrupt pin of microcontroller and whenever this pin 12 is high the micro
controller sends the message about the accident.

 Commercial fleet operators are by far the largest users of vehicle tracking systems. These
systems are used for operational functions such as routing, security, dispatch and collecting on-
board information.

 These are also used for fire detector in large vehicles like train, bus etc. because the vehicle like
train contains large number of people and the sending alert of fire accident can save many lives.

 The applications for this project are in military, navigation, automobiles, aircrafts, fleet
management, remote monitoring, remote control, security systems, tele services, etc.

 Fleet monitoring
 Vehicle scheduling
 Route monitoring
 Driver monitoring
 Accident analysis
 Geo-fencing gegegeo-codi
 We can monitor the speed of the vehicle.

We can monitor speed of the vehicle.

 We can monitor speed of the vehicle.

 Security, remote monitoring and transportation and logistics.

 alert message to mobile phone for remote information.

 Mobile number can change at any time.

 Costlier.
 Sending data not secure.
 This system is not applicable for poor network connection


The proposed system deals with the accident alerting and detection. Arduino is the heart of the
system which helps in transferring the message to different devices in the system. Vibration
sensor will be activated when the accident occurs and the information is transferred to the
registered number through GSM module. Using GPS the location can be sent through tracking
system to cover the geographical coordinates over the area. The accident can be detected by a
vibration sensor which is used as major module in the system.

World Health Organization Road Traffic Injuries Fact Sheet No 358, March 2013,

Available from [Last accessed on 2017 Dec

16] [2] National statistics of road traffic accidents in India, September 2013, Available from
7341;year=2013;volume=6;issue=1;spage=1;epage=6;aulast= Ruikar /[Last accessed on 2017
Dec 16] [3] “Vehicle Accident Detection And Reporting System Using Gps And Gsm.” by
AboliRavindraWakure, ApurvaRajendraPatkar, IJERGS April 2014. [4] Tanushree Dalai,
"Emergency Alert and Service for Automotives for India", International Journal of Advanced
Trends in Computer Science and Engineering (IJATCSE) Mysore India, vol. 2, no. 5, pp. 08-12,
2013. [5] Amit Meena, Srikrishna Iyer, Monika Nimje, Saket JogJekar, Sachin Jagtap, Mujeeb
Rahman, "Automatic Accident Detection and Reporting Framework for Two Wheelers", IEEE
International Conference on Advanced Communication Control and Computing Technologies
(ICACCCT), pp. 962-967, May 2014.

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