SK 11 Golden 2 100% Errata Free
SK 11 Golden 2 100% Errata Free
SK 11 Golden 2 100% Errata Free
SK – Pearls
Golden – 11
100% Errata Free
Dr. Atif Afzal
Table of Contents
18 September, 30th – Morning 242
19 September, 30th – Afternoon 258
20 November, 25th – Morning 274
21 November, 25th – Afternoon 287
22 September, 29th – Morning 307
23 September, 29th – Afternoon 316
24 November, 24th – Morning 330
25 November, 24th – Afternoon 342
26 September, 29th – Morning 357
27 November, 24th – Morning 370
This boos is dedicated to the efforts of all
people who are involved in
Khatm e Nabuwat movement.
Special Thanks To
Helping Stars
Dr. Zoshia Ali Zaidi
Dr. Choudhary Abrar
Dr. Aniqa Rahman
Dr. Saher Rafique
September – November – 2020 Papers
SK Origional – Golden 11 9
a. Metaplasia Ans: A
b. Dysplasia Explanation: Lung compliance is
c. Desmoplasia increasedmainly in old age due to loss of elastic
d. Anaplasia tissue while vessel compliance is decreased.
e. Hperplasia 24) Feedback Control of Renal system is
Ans: C by:
Explanation: The Scenario is related tomalignant a. Glomerulofeedback
condition of breast that‘s why it will look as b. Tubuloglomerular Feedback
anaplastic condition on gross examination. c. PCT
20) 60 Years Old man presented with d. CCT
hematuria & right flank pain with Hb Ans: B
of 18, Normal BUN & Creatinine: 25) The most important mechanism for
a. Renal Cell Carcinoma Glomerulo-Feedback System is:
b. Renal Lipoma a. Increase Peritubular Colloid Pressure
c. Renal Angiolipoma b. Decrease Peritubular Sodium
d. Renal Artery Stenosis Concentration
Ans: A c. Decrease Peritubular Colloid Pressure
21) Which of the following is d. Increase Oncotic pressure
Paraneoplastic Syndrome of Kidney? Ans: B
a. Polycythemia Explanation: Concentration & dilution of urine
b. Carcinoid Syndrome is mainly related to Sodium & Water.
c. PrRP 26) Which of the following muscle is
d. ADH supplied by ansa cervicalis?
Ans: A a. Geniohyoid
Explanation: Renal system mainly b. Omohyoid
secreteserythropoietin that leads to Polycythemia c. Stylohyoid
& is considered as paraneoplastic syndrome. d. Mylohyoid
22) Erythropoietin is released by which Ans: B
Organ? Explanation: The following mentioned muscles
a. Lung are supplied by Ansa Cervicalis ―Sternohyoid,
b. Liver Sternothyroid & Omohyoid‖
c. Bone Ref: R.Snell (Page # 589, Edition: 09)
d. Kidney 27) Hyponatremia with Increased ECF
e. Skin Volume:
Ans: D a. Cardiac Failure
23) A person with 2L of blood loss the b. Excessive Water Intake
blood volume will be replaced back c. Excessive Dehydration
by: d. Burn
a. DCT Ans: A
b. Thick Ascending LOH Explanation: CCF leads to Sodium retention.
c. Thin Ascending LOH That in turn leads to passive water reabsorption
d. CCT that leads to dilutional hyponatremia with increase
Ans: A ECF.
Explanation: DCT is the site for Macula densa 28) A man presented with pitting edema,
& that‘s involved in bringing back the lost volume urinary albumin 2+ & bilateral pleural
of blood into normal by the RAAS feedback effusion:
system. a. Hypoalbuminemia
24) Lung compliance is increased in: b. Increase Hydrostatic Pressure
a. Old Age c. Increase Oncotic Pressure
b. Bronchoconstriction d. Hemorrhage
c. Fibrosis Ans: A
d. Negative Pressure 29) Atrial myxoma located in:
SK Origional – Golden 11 12
Ans: D Ans: B
54) A man presented with fever & Explanation: Ligament that‘s damaged in
generalized cervical lymphadenopathy excessive eversion of foot is deltoid ligament.
with TLC of 7230 and biopsy of 60) Foot Drop Nerve damage is:
cervical lymph nodes done: a. Superficial Perioneal Nerve
a. Infectious Mononucelosis b. Tibial Nerve
b. CLL c. Common Perioneal Nerve
c. CML d. Obtruator Nerve
d. ALL Ans: C
Ans: A 61) Esophageal carcinoma dietary
55) A man presented with non-tender causative agent:
cervical lymphadenopathy with small a. Aryl Amines
lymphocytes: b. Nitrosamines
a. HL-Lymphocyte Predominant c. Hydrocarbons
b. CLL d. Alkali
c. CML Ans: B
d. AML 62) Girl presented with palpitation &
Ans: A tachycardia with normal Sodium &
56) Chromosomal Translocation of CML: K+ values:
a. 9:22 a. Hypotension
b. 8:21 b. Hyperaldosteronism
c. 7:22 c. Hyperthyroidism
d. 9:20 d. Pheochromocytoma
Ans: A Ans: C
57) 60 years old male presented with Explanation: As the lab values are normal for
massive spleenomegaly with TLC sodium & potassium so rest of sign & symptoms
count of 50 * 103& immature cells: points toward hyperthyroidism.
a. 9:22 63) Findings in CHF:
b. 8:21 a. Increase Hydrostatic Pressure
c. 8:22 b. Decrease Hydrostatic Pressure
d. 14:18 c. Increase Oncotic Pressure
Ans: A d. Decrease Oncotic Pressure
Explanation: The scenario is related to CML. Ans: A
That‘s with massive Spleenomegaly, Increase TLC 64) Decrease Lymphatic flow due to:
count & blast stage can be found in CML too. a. Decrease Oncotic Pressure
58) Child with 60% weight loss, not b. Increase Permeability
responding to vocal stimulus & c. Hemorrhage
bruises on leg: d. Increase Hydrostatic Pressure
a. Marasmus Ans: C
b. Physical Abuse 65) Decrease Lymphatic flow due to:
c. Malnutrition a. Increase Plasma Oncotic Pressure
d. Hypothyroidism b. Decrease Plasma Oncotic Pressure
Ans: B c. Increase Hydrostatic Pressure
Explanation: Loss of weight with no reponseto d. Increase Permeability
vocal stimulus and bruises on legs points toward Ans: A
physical abuse. 66) Major Blood Vessels Location:
59) Maximum Eversion of foot which a. Subarachnoid Space
ligament is damaged: b. Epidural Space
a. Collateral c. Extradural Space
b. Deltoid d. Between Calvaria & Skin
c. Calcanofibular Ans: A
d. Anterior Talofibular 67) Posterior Cranial Fossa relation:
SK Origional – Golden 11 15
Ans: B d. Captopril
Explanation: Cortisol causes gluconeogenesis, Ans: B
extra hepatic protein catabolism & intrahepatic Explanation:Drug of choice for T.Solium is
protein anabolism. Prizaquental, but that wasn‘t in options the next
105) Volume of plasma filtered per unit best choice in Levinson is Albendazole while in
time is called: Katzung Pharmacology book it‘s Niclosamide so
a. Filtered Load we prefer Katzung.
b. Renal Clearance 111) Acetaminophen metabolism reaction:
c. Renal Blood Flow a. Acetylation
d. GFR b. Glucoronidation
Ans: D c. Oxidation
Explanation: d. Reduction
Volume of plasma filtered per unit time is Ans: B
called GFR. Explanation: Acetaminophen is extensively
Volume of substance filtered per unit Metabolized by the liver mainly through
time is called filtered load. glucoronidation.
106) Normal GFR value is: 112) Newborn presented with respiratory
a. 125 ml/min tract infection which physiological
b. 135 ml/min antibody is missing:
c. 110 ml/min a. IgA
d. 130 ml/min b. IgG
Ans: A c. IgM
107) Gunshot injury to cervical region & d. IgE
difficulty in breathing, muscle Ans: B
damaged: Explanation:
a. Serratus Anterior Newborn the antibody missing is IgG.
b. Diaphragm Child the antibody missing is IgA.
c. External Intercostal Muscle 113) Diabetic Nephropathy is diagnosed
d. Internal Intercostal Muscle by:
Ans: B a. Increase urinary Albumin
108) A British woman went to Thailand b. Increase Serum Albumin
and presented with fever, rigors & c. Microalbuminuria
chills is most likely suffering from: d. Increase Urinary Nitrogen
a. Malaria Ans: C
b. Infectious Mononucleosis Explanation: Microalbuminuria is only in case of
c. Enteric Fever DM, but if increase urinary albumin this could be
d. AIDS either nephritic or Nephrotic syndrome.
Ans: A 114) Venous drainage of heart is mainly by:
Explanation:Thailand is geographically more a. Great Cardiac Vein
related to malaria & the findings are suggestive for b. Anterior Cardiac Vein
malaria too those are Fever, rigors & specially c. Middle Cardiac Vein
chills. d. Coronary Sinus
109) Scenario of typhoid confirmation test: Ans: D
a. Western blot test Explanation: The coronary sinus receives mostof
b. CD4 count the heart‘s blood. Ref: (RJ Last).
c. Widal test 115) Apex of Heart blood supply:
d. Immunoassay a. Marginal Artery
Ans: C b. Anterior interventricular Artery
110) Drug of choice for T.Solium: c. Circumflex Artery
a. Albendazole d. PAD
b. Niclosamide Ans: B
c. Metronidazole 116) Highest systolic pressure seen in:
SK Origional – Golden 11 19
a. Aorta a. Decrease PH
b. Renal Artery b. Increase PH
c. Pulmonary Artery c. Increase osmolarity
d. Radial Artery d. Increase protein
Ans: B Ans: A
117) Familial medullary carcinoma & 124) Which of the following is decreased in
history of hypertension: CSF?
a. Pheochromocytoma a. Glucose
b. Addison Disease b. Protein
c. Adrenal Crisis c. Sodium
d. Essential HTN d. Potassium
Ans: A Ans: B
118) Genetic Analysis done with: Explanation: Both Glucose & protein is in
a. CVS decrease amount in CSF but protein is decreased
b. Amniotic Fluid Analysis more than glucose.
c. USG 125) Patient with history of Meningitis the
d. Doppler drug of choice is:
Ans: B a. Ceftazidime
119) Muscle injury assessment done with: b. Ceftrixone
a. CK-MM c. Penicillin G
b. CK-MB d. Macrolides
c. Muscle Biopsy Ans: B
d. Myoglobin 126) Transmitted by mosquito:
Ans: A a. Yellow Fever
120) A pregnant lady from remote village b. AIDs
died on the way to hospital, the c. IM
probable cause is: d. Hep. B
a. Amniotic Fluid Embolism Ans: A
b. Fat Embolism 127) Ovaries lymphatic drainage:
c. Pulmonary Embolism a. Para-Aortic Nodes
d. Hemorrhage b. Internal Iliac Nodes
Ans: A c. External Iliac Nodes
Explanation:Pregnant lady on way to hospital d. Celiac Nodes
having no history of RTA so the most likely cause Ans: A
is amniotic fluid embolism. 128) Ureter damaged during hysterectomy:
121) During contraction the length of a. Pelvic Brim
following decreases: b. Bifurcation of Common Iliac Artery
a. I band c. Base of Broad Ligament
b. Actin d. Suspensory Ligament
c. Myosin Ans: C
d. Sarcomere Explanation:Ureter damaged during
Ans: A >D(Both Shorten) hysterectomy follows the following order:
122) Analgesic Effect of TCA: Cardinal Ligament > Broad Ligament >
a. 1 Week Pelvic Brim.
b. 1 Month 129) Parasympathetic Action:
c. 1 day a. Opens GIT Sphincters
d. 2 months b. Closes GIT Sphincters
Ans: A c. Bronchodilation
Explanation:Analgesic effect of TCA takes 1 – 2 d. Increase HR
Weeks while antidepressant effect of TCA takes 3 Ans: A
– 4 weeks. 130) Nucleus of tractus solitarius contains:
123) CSF differ from plasma by: a. 1st Order Neuron
SK Origional – Golden 11 20
c. Mental foramen lies in upper of body of 164) Directly proportional for oxygen
mandible diffusion:
d. Mental foramen lies in lower of body of a. Alveolar Capillary surface Area
mandible b. Thickness
Ans: C (Ref: Parikh Page # 80) c. Fibrosis
157) Reticular formation location: d. Hemoglobin
a. Floor of Sulvyian Aqueduct Ans: A
b. Roof of Sulvyian Aqueduct Explanation: Diffusion is directly proportional
c. Lateral Ventricle with Area, differences in partial pressures &
d. Fourth Ventricle indirectly proportional with thickness.
Ans: A 165) Staging of tumor:
158) Skeletal muscle attached to bone via: a. Extent of spread
a. Tendon b. Degree of differentiation
b. Ligament c. Both
c. Muscle d. None
d. Membrane Ans: A
Ans: A 166) Grading of tumour:
159) Internal oblique muscle forms: a. Extent of Spread
a. Deep Inguinal Ring b. Degree of Differentiation
b. Superficial Inguinal Ring c. Both
c. Conjoint Tendon d. None
d. None Ans: B
Ans: C 167) After knee trauma patient presented
160) Woman presented with bitemporal with bone in muscle due to:
hemianopsia & increase Prolactin a. Dysplasia
level which organ is damaged: b. Metaplasia
a. Hypothalamus c. Anaplasia
b. Thyroid Gland d. Desmoplasia
c. Ovary Ans: B
d. Pituitary Gland 168) Action of SCM Muscle:
Ans: D a. Turning of Head to Same Side
161) Estrogen & Progesterone at 07 b. Turning of Head to Opposite Side
months of pregnancy are produced by: c. Elevating Neck
a. Placenta d. Depressing Scapula
b. Corpus Luteum Ans: B
c. Corpus Hemorrhagicum 169) Sequence for vitamin-D activation:
d. Ovary a. 25 Hydroxylation in Liver & 1
Ans: A Hydroxylation in Kidney
162) Carcinoma of head of pancreas will b. 1 Hydroxylation in Liver & 25
compress: Hydroxylation in Kidney
a. Cystic Duct c. Both 1 & 25 Hydroxylation in Kidney
b. IVC d. Both 1 & 25 Hydroxylation in Liver
c. CBD Ans: A
d. None 170) Vitamin D formation decreases in:
Ans: C a. Acute Renal Failure
163) T-Configuration of hemoglobin has b. Chronic Renal Failure
decrease affinity for: c. Acute Liver Failure
a. Oxygen d. Acute metabolic disturbances
b. CO2 Ans: B
c. Helium 171) Neck Swelling with dropping of
d. Nitrogen eyelids:
Ans: A
SK Origional – Golden 11 23
c. Whole Blood
d. Plasma
Explanation: Ans: B
S1 heart sound is produced on closure of Explanation: The best treatment for Hemophilia
Mitral & Tricuspid Valve. A that‘s classical Hemophilia is factor VIII when
S2 heart sound is produced on closure of that‘s not available the next best option is
Aortic & Pulmonary Valve. cryoprecipitate?
156) Development of Adenohypophysis: 163) When a test is performed in a disease
a. Rathke‘s Pouch from Dienchephalon person and person is positive for that
b. Outpouching from stomodium then the test is?
c. From telencephalon a. Sensitive
d. None b. Specific
Ans: B c. Positive Predictive Value
157) Mesenphric duct remnant: d. True Negative
a. Ductus Deferns e. True Positive
b. Seminal Vesicle Ans: E
c. Seminiferous tubules 164) 2/3rd of Body fluid:
d. Uterus a. ICF
Ans: A b. ECF
158) Extraembryonic coleom derived from: c. Plasma
a. Epiblast d. Interstitial Fluid
b. Hypoblast Ans: A
c. Lateral Plate Mesoderm Explanation:
d. Intermediate Mesoderm 2/3rd of total body fluid is ICF
Ans: B 1/3rd of total body fluid is ECF
Explanation: 165) Most common cause of pulmonary
Intraembryonic Coelom: Lateral Plate embolism:
Mesoderm. a. Left Ventricular Failure
Extraembryonic coelom: Hypoblast. b. Right Heart Failure
Etraembryonic Mesoderm: Epiblast. c. Thromboembolism
159) Hydrocephalus most common cause: d. Atherosclerosis
a. Aqueductal Stenosis Ans: C
b. 4th Ventricle Obstruction 166) Vital capacity less than 80% in:
c. Lateral Ventricle Obstruction a. Restrictive Lung disease
d. None b. Normal Person
Ans: A c. Tension Pnumothorax
160) Athlete maximum heat loss through: d. Heart Failure
a. Vasoconstriction Ans: A
b. Sweating 167) Platelets adhesion:
c. Shivering a. Normal Endothelium
d. Posterior Hypothalamus b. Rough Endothelium
Ans: B c. Prostacyclins
161) Bee sting which immunoglobulin d. PGs
found? Ans: B
a. IgA 168) Atypical pneumonia feature is seen
b. IgE with:
c. IgM a. Staph Aureus
d. IgG b. S.Pnumoniae
Ans: B c. Mycoplasma
162) Hemophilia A is best treated with: d. TB
a. FFP Ans: C
b. Cryoprecipitate
SK Origional – Golden 11 38
d. Decrease Renin
Ans: A
184) Pancreatic fluid accumulates in: SURGERY & ALLIED
a. Paracolic gutter November 25th, 2020 – Morning
b. Subphrenic Space
c. Lesser Sac
1) School Children presented with
d. Subdiaphramatic Space
bloody diarrhea containing mucus is
Ans: C
most likely caused by which of the
185) Highest energy compound:
a. Starch
A) Shigella
b. ATP
B) Vibrio Cholera
c. ADP
C) Salmonella
d. Camp D) Streptococcus
Ans: B
Ans: A
Explanation: Shigella is the leading cause of
Highest energy compound/molecule: childhood diarrhea, the manifestation can be both
ATP in form of watery diarrhea or dysentery that‘s
Highest Energy content: Starch diarrhea with fresh blood & mucus.
186) Fat content in adult male is: 2) Infection of neck in front of
a. 15% pretracheal fascia will spread to:
b. 17% A) Anterior mediastinum
c. 40% B) Superior mediastinum
d. 45% C) Inferior Mediastinum
Ans: A D) Posterior Mediastinum
Explanation: Non Aethlete Male has 15% and Ans: A
Non Aethlete Female has 27%(Guyton) Explanation:
187) Most common Leukemia in children: Infection infront of pretracheal fascia
a. ALL spreads to: Anterior Mediastinum
b. CLL
Infection posterior prevertebral fascia
c. AML
spreads to: Superior Mediastinum.
d. CML 3) Bronchogenic carcinoma metastasize
Ans: A
most commonly to which of the
following endocrine gland:
A) Pituitary Gland
B) Adrenal Gland
C) Thyroid Gland
D) Parathyroid Gland
Ans: B
Explanation: Adrenal gland is the commonest
endocrine gland site for metastasis of the
bronchogenic carcinoma that‘s 22% followed by
Pituitary gland.
4) Female hand cut with knife, doesn‟t
heal properly since last two weeks,
presented with fever, Hb 8gm/dl, RBS
130 mg/dl what‟s the probable cause:
A) Anemia
B) Protein Deficiency
C) Diabetes Mellitus
D) Infection
Ans: D
SK Origional – Golden 11 41
Explanation: Ans: B
Infection is one of the commonest cause Explanation: Anthrax is a bacterial disease of
of delayed wound healing & here fever is animals most commonly seen in cattle, sheep and
a clue toward infection. goats.
DM is the systemic cause of 9) Shigella causes dysentery by
delayedwound healing. mechanism of:
5) Which of the following is the A) Mucosal Invasion
lymphatic drainage of external nose? B) Cell Wall
A) Upper Deep cervical Lymph Nodes C) Proteoglycan
B) Retropharyngeal Lymph Nodes D) Phospholipid
C) Submandibular Lymph Nodes Ans: A
D) Parotid Lymph Nodes Explanation: Shiga toxin causes GI mucosal
Ans: C invasion & damage leading to dysentery.
Explanation: 10) Knee infection in a young person is
External Nose & Anterior nasal cavity: most likely caused by:
Submandibular Lymph Nodes A) Streptococcus
Posterior Nasal Lymph Nodes: B) Hemophilus
Retropharyngeal Lymph nodes & JD C) Staph Aureus
Nodes D) N.Gonorrhea
Remaining Nasal cavity: Upper Deep Ans: C
cervical lymph nodes Explanation: Staph Aureus is the leading cause
6) Most common tumor of Salivary of septic arthritis that commonly involves knee
Glands: joints.
A) Parotid Gland 11) Which of the following is
B) Sublingual characteristic of bacteroids infection?
C) Submandibular A) Can‘t cause abscess
D) Mixed B) Foul smelling discharge
Ans: A C) Not part of normal flora
Explanation: D) Fruity smell
Most common Salivary gland tumor is Ans B
pleomorphic adenoma of Parotid gland Explanation: Bacteroids infections can cause
Most common malignant tumor of abscess, the discharge is foul smelling and is part
salivary gland is mucoepidermoid of GIT normal flora.
carcinoma. 12) A patient had trauma to femur now
7) Stenson duct is present in: presented with bony growth in soft
A) Mandibular Space tissue due to:
B) Sublingual Space a. Metaplasia
C) Mandibular Angle b. Neoplasia
D) Buccal Space c. Dysplasia
Ans: D d. Abscess
Explanation: The main duct of the parotid gland Ans: A
(Stenson‘s duct) courses in transverse fashion Explanation: This is the case of“myositis
through the buccal fat pad and it pierces the ossificans” is essentially metaplasia of the
buccinators muscle opposite the second maxillary intramuscular connective tissue resulting in extra
molar. osseous bone formation without inflammation.
8) A farmer contacted a disease from 13) Breast mass with irregular shape
sheep & the skin lesion is ulcerated that‟s non mobile & 3cm in size with
black most likely is: skin involvement will look on gross:
A) Plaque a. Metaplasia
B) Anthrax b. Dysplasia
C) Pneumoconiosis c. Desmoplasia
D) Leishmania d. Anaplasia
SK Origional – Golden 11 42
Explanation: Growth Hormone needs Insulin supination of arm at elbow joint due
like growth factor (Somatomedian-C) to exert to damage to:
maximum effect. A) Upper Trunk of Brachial Plexus (C5-C7)
36) Slow wave is characterized by: B) Lower Trunk of Brachial Plexus
A) Low frequency waves C) Radial Nerve
B) Teeth grinding D) Ulnar Nerve
C) Active dreaming Ans: A
D) NREM Explanation: In upper trunk of brachial plexus
Ans: A there is mostly damage to musculocutaneous,
Explanation: axillary and suprascapular nerve that leads to loss
Slow wave: Delta waves low frequency of abduction, flexion & supination of forearm.
and high amplitude. 42) Lateral cord of brachial plexus
Teeth grinding in stage 2 of NREM. supplies which of the following
37) Aldosterone exerts its maximum effect muscle?
on which of the following site? A) Biceps Brachii
A) PCT B) Deltoid
B) LOH C) Serratus Anterior
C) DCT D) Diaphragm
D) CCT Ans: A
Ans: D Explanation: The lateral cord of brachial plexus
Explanation: is made by confluences of anterior division of
Aldosterone acts on: CCT > DCT > CT upper & middle trunk of brachial plexus and
ADH acts on : CT > DCT > CCT musculocutaneous nerve one of its branch
38) Stability of knee joint is by: supplies bicep brachii.
A) Vastus Medialis 43) Gastrin secretion is decreased by:
B) Vastus Lateralis A) Somatostatin
C) Sarotrius B) Insulin
D) Adductor C) Glucagon
Ans: B D) Acetylcholine
Explanation: Ans: A
Stability of knee joint is by Vastus 44) Gastric acid secretion is maximally
Lateralis stimulated by:
Stability of Patella is by Vastus Medialis A) Protein
39) Which of the following nerve supply B) Carbohydrates
adductor longus: C) Vitamins
A) Posterior division of Obturator nerve D) Lipids
B) Anterior division of obturator nerve Ans: A
C) Femoral nerve Explanation: BRS physiology states that the most
D) Long thoracic nerve potent stimulus for gastrin secretion is
Ans: B phenylalanine & tryptophan which are amino
40) Supply of lateral skin of knee: acids and peptides (protein).
A) Obturator nerve 45) Dermatome supply of lateral hand:
B) Femoral nerve A) T1
C) Sciatic Nerve B) C8
D) Common perioneal nerve C) C6
Ans: B D) C7
Explanation: The innervation to the lateral knee Ans: C
skin is variable from either the lateral femoral 46) Hand muscles are supplied by:
cutaneous nerve or branches of the femoral nerve. A) Radial nerve
41) A baby after an obstructed delivery B) Ulnar Nerve
presented with inability to abduct the C) Median Nerve
arm, loss of flexion & loss of D) Axillary Nerve
SK Origional – Golden 11 45
C) Median Ans: A
D) Lateral Explanation: The transverse cervical artery is the
Ans: A next branch off the thryocervical trunk.
Explanation: 99) Deep inguinal canal relation with
Largest zone is peripheral. inferior epigastric artery:
Structurally largest lobe is median. A) Lateral
Anatomically largest lobe is lateral. B) Medial
93) Vertebral column is held in its place C) Posterior
by which ligament: D) Anterior
A) Ligamentum Flavum Ans: A
B) Anterior ligament 100) Terminal part of common bile duct
C) Alar Ligament relation with pancreas:
D) Anterior & Posterior Longitudinal A) Anterior to it
ligament B) Embedded in it
Ans: D C) Lateral
94) Rectus abdominis nerve supply: D) Media
A) Last 5 intercostal and subcostal nerves Ans: B
B) Iliohypogastric nerve 101) A child aspirated peanut (position
C) Ilioinguinal nerve wasn‟t mentioned in 2nd stem) it will
D) Obtruator nerve lodge in:
Ans: A A) Right upper lobe
95) Artery arising from posterior aspect of B) Right lower lobe
bifurcation of aortic arch: C) Right middle lobe
A) Median sacral D) Left upper lobe
B) Middle aortic Ans: B
C) Common ilac 102) Perforation of posterior wall massive
D) External iliac bleeding due to:
E) Internal iliac A) Gastro duodenal artery
Ans: A B) Right Gastric Artery
Explanation: The Median sacral artery or middle C) Left Gastric Artery
sacral artery is a small vessel that arises from D) Right Colic Artery
posterior to the abdominal aorta & superior to its Ans: A
bifurcation. Explanation:
96) Maximum pressure in aorta during: Perforation of anterior wall of duodenum
A) Rapid ejection phase leakage of content into greater sac, right
B) Reduced ejection phase paracolic gutter & right iliac fossa.
C) Isovolumetric contraction Perforation of posterior wall massive
D) Isovolumetric relaxation bleeding due to gastro duodenal artery.
Ans: B 103) Magna Artery is a branch of:
97) Highest systolic pressure seen in: A) Splenic Artery
A) Aorta B) Gastro duodenal Artery
B) Renal Artery C) Celiac Trunk
C) Pulmonary Artery D) Aorta
D) Radial Artery Ans: A
Ans: B Explanation: The greater pancreatic artery also
98) During surgery profuse bleeding from known as pancreatic magna artery is a branch of
transverse cervical artery which of the the splenic artery that supplies the pancreatic tail
following to be ligated: and body.
A) Thyrocervical Trunk 104) Collateral branch of intercostals nerve:
B) Aorta A) Gives lateral cutaneous branch
C) Vertebral Artery B) Runs in subcostal space
D) Carotid Artery C) Run in intervertebral space
SK Origional – Golden 11 50
big toe goes to which group of lymph 10) Which of the following ions is main
nodes: determinant of plasma osmolarity:
A) Horizontal group of superficial inguinal A) Potassium
lymph nodes B) Sodium
B) Vertical group of superficial inguinal C) Magnesium
lymph nodes D) Chloride
C) Deep inguinal lymph nodes E) Calcium
D) Para-aortic lymph nodes Ans: B
E) Retroperitoneal lymph nodes 11) A 50 years old man started on oral
Ans: B anti-coagulant therapy, which of the
06) An old man presented with urinary followings used to monitor oral anti-
symptoms, after examination, doctor coagulant:
made a diagnosis of benign prostate A) APTT
hypertrophy, which zone of prostate is B) PT
involved in this condition: C) INR
A) Central zone D) D-diamers
B) Peripheral zone Ans: C
C) Transitional zone Explanation: INR > PT
D) Anterior zone 12) A sample of blood was drawn from the
Ans: C vein of a patient of renal failure, which
07) Long head of bicep femoris muscle is of the followings is estimated from
supplied by: this sample:
A) Common peroneal nerve A) Creatinine
B) Sciatic nerve B) PAH
C) Tibial nerve C) Nitrogen
D) Sural nerve D) Inulin
E) Common fibular nerve Ans: A
Ans: C 13) A lactating female presented with boil
Explanation: on labia, which of followings is safe to
Short head of Bicep femoris is supplied prescribe in this female for the pain:
by common perioneal branch of sciatic A) Naproxen
nerve. B) Ibuprofen
Long head of Bicep femoris is supplied by C) Diclofenac
Tibial branch of sciatic nerve. D) Celecoxib
08) A female with sign and symptoms of Ans: B
hyperprolactinoma was diagnosed 14) A 58 years old male presented with
with pituitary adenoma, if this tumor lethargy, malaise and cervical lymph
grows anteriorly; it will compress adenopathy, diagnosed as case of
which of the following structures: CML, which of the followings is
A) Cavernous sinus associated with the pathology in this
B) Optic nerve patient:
C) Optic chiasma A) 9:22
D) Optic Tract B) 9:21
Ans: B C) 8:14
09) Which of the following muscles D) 14:18
transverses the shoulder joint: Ans: A
A) Short head of bicep 15) A male presented with fever and
B) Long head of bicep cervical lymphadenopathy, he was
C) Deltoid diagnosed as a case of Burkett‟s
D) Trapezious lymphoma,which of the followings is
Ans: B associated with his condition:
A) 9:22
SK Origional – Golden 11 56
26) Blow at anterior inferior iliac spine, out of his nose, what could be the
muscle damaged in pelvic avulsion: causative organism?
A) Sartorious A) Pin-wom
B) Retus femoris B) Taenia solium
C) Obturator internus C) Echinococcus granlosus
D) Hamstrings D) Ascaris
Ans: B Ans: D
Explanation: 33) Scenario asking for the remnant of
Avulsion at inferior iliac spine muscle Notochord
damaged: Rectus Femoris A) Spinal meninges
Avulsion at superior iliac spine muscle B) Annulus fibrosis
damage is: Sarotrius C) Spinal cord
27) A highly infectious respiratory virus D) Nucleus pulposus
discovered recently as covid-19, it is Ans: D
now named as: 34) A 30 years old patient presented with
A) Novel-corona pain in abdomen, on investigations it
B) Sars-cov-1 was found that a stone is blocking the
C) Sars-cov-2 proximal part of CBD, this blockage
D) Sars-Cov-9 results in:
Ans: C A) Increased amount of fats in stool
28) Which of the following muscles help B) Decreased bile salts absorption
in un-locking of knee: C) Decreased bile salts synthesis
A) Vastus laterals D) Blood in stool
B) Vastus medialis Ans: A
C) Quadriceps Explanation: Increase stool water content >
D) Popliteus Increase fat in stools.
Ans: D 35) An 11 years old girl referred to the
29) Anti-hyperlipedemiac drug side effect: radiologist for the x-ray of his elbow
A) GIT disturbances for the accurate measure of her age
B) Constipation the ossification centre will be present
C) Seizure at:
D) Hypertension A) Lateral epicondyl
Ans: A B) Medial epicondyl
Explanation: The commonest side effect formost C) Trochlea
of the drugs is GIT disturbances. D) Capitulum
30) Mucus secreting glands are found in Ans: A
which of the following parts of GIT: 36) A 19 Years old girl living with her aunt
A) Sigmoid colon is under treatment for her depression,
B) Duodenum her aunt called her doctor and
C) Ileum inquired about the present condition
D) Cecum of the patient, but,the doctor is
Ans: B reluctant to give any information
31) Which of the following test is best to about the present condition of his
check the function of thyroid gland: patient, this action of the doctor is
A) TSH under heading of which of the
B) T3 following aspects of the doctor‟s
C) T4 profession:
D) rT3 A) Justice
Ans: A B) Non-maleficence
32) An Eight years old boy looking pale C) Autonomy
with history of eating mud, he D) Confidentiality
vomited and a 6 inch long worm came Ans: D
SK Origional – Golden 11 58
Ans: C A) Glycogenesis
Explanation: B) Glycolysis
The commonest local cause for delayed C) Gluconeogenisis
wound healing is infection. D) Lactogenisis
The commonest systemic cause is DM. Ans: C
88) Malignant feature: Explanation: Between Meals Glycogenolysis
A) Pleomorphism >Gluconeogenesis(FA)
B) Metastasis 93) Ewings sarcoma involves which of the
C) Invasion followings:
D) Increase N/C ratio A) Diaphysis
Ans: B B) Metaphysis
Explanation: C) Epiphysis
Malignancy is characterized by: D) Epiphysial line
Metastasis > Invasion > Pleomorphism > Ans: A
Increase N/C Ratio Explanation:
89) A 50 years old male known case of Giant cell tumor most common site:
renal failure GFR less than 50%, Epiphysis
which of the following de- Osteosarcoma: Metaphysis
arrangement is most alarming for the Ewing Sarcoma: Diaphysis
doctor in this patient: Most common malignant tumor in young
A) Hyponatremia age: Osteosarcoma
B) Hyperkalemia Most common primary tumor of bone:
C) Hypokalemia Osteosarcoma
D) Hypermagnesemia Most common benign tumor:
Ans: B Osteochondroma
90) Which of the following causes Soap bubble appearance: Giant cell tumor
thrombus formation: 94) A person got a stab wound 3cm
A) Decrease Blood flow vertical on lateral right side of linea
B) Decrease Viscosity alba, initially he was fine but then
developed hypotension & shock.
C) Endothelial damage
Which vessel is most likely damaged:
D) Increase blood flow A) IVC
Ans: C B) Superior mesenteric Artery
Explanation: The Virchow‘s triad of thrombosis C) Inferior Mesenteric Artery
consists of stasis of blood flow, hypercoagulability D) Abdominal Aorta
& Endothelial Injury. E) Ileal branch of superior mesenteric artery
Ans: A
91) Which of the following investigations Explanation: The surface marking of the inferior
most sensitive for the SLE: vena cava is a vertical line 2.5 cm – 3 cm to the
A) ANA right of the midline from the intertubercular plane
B) AMA to the sixth costal cartilage.
C) Anti Ds DNA 95) Which of the following decreases
D) Anti Ro Antibodies osmolarity:
Ans: A A) Vasopressin (ADH)
Explanation: B) Epinephrine
Most sensitive test for SLE is: ANA C) Aldosterone
Most Specific test for SLE is: Anti
D) Renin
Smith > Anti DsDNA
92) Liver maintains serum glucose levels Ans: A
between meals by which of the Explanation: Vasopressin (ADH) absorbs water
followings: & decreases plasma osmolarity.
SK Origional – Golden 11 64
96) Which of the following is the 102) Which of the following is the direct
characteristic of Botulinism: branch of subclavian artery that take
A) Paralysis of Abdominal muscles part in the shoulder joint anastomosis:
B) Paralysis of Respiratory muscles A) Dorsal scapular artery
C) Death B) Suprascapular artery
D) Cardiac arrest C) Thyrocervical trunk
Ans: B D) Thoraco-acromial artery
97) ESR more than 100 is seen in: Ans: A
A) RA Explanation:
B) OA Dorsal scapular artery is the direct branch
C) Multiple Myeloma of subclavian artery that takes part in
D) SLE shoulder joint anastomosis.
Ans: C Thyrocervical trunk is the main branch
98) In fasting during summer urine but it doesn not take part in shoulder
osmolarity is increased due to: joint anastomosis, but through its branch
A) ADH called suprascapular artery.
B) Oxytocin 103) Muscles have different classifications
C) Epinephrine according to their actions and features
D) NE they are divided in different groups
Ans: A and sub groups, according to one
Explanation: During fasting when ECF volume classification, which of the following
is decreased ADH is secreted that leads to muscle is white muscle:
retention of water and thus increasing urine A) Masseter
osmolarity. B) Temporalis
99) A 50 years old male, diagnosed case of C) Gastrocnemius
chronic pancreatitis, presented with D) Buccinators
steatorrhea, this abnormality is caused Ans: C
by the deficiency which lipid digestive 104) Anterior fontanelle closes at the age
enzyme: of:
A) Amylase A) 12 months
B) Lipase B) 3 year
C) Lactase C) 2 years
D) Enterokinase D) 24 months
Ans: B Ans: D
100) 1 degree rise in temperature increases Explanation: Anterior fontanelle closes at 18-24
CRMO2 by: months of age (Klm+BD+Google)
A) 8% 105) Drug receptors are:
B) 7% A) Protein in nature
C) 6% B) Fixed in number
D) 5% C) Decreased in old age
Ans: D D) Variable
101) Which of the following is the Ans: A
parasympathetic effect: 106) A female presented with burning
A) Increases HR micturition, no any history of fever or
B) Decreases HR flank pain, what could be the
C) Increase Contractility organism responsible for her
D) Increases TPR condition:
Ans: B A) S.aurues
Explanation: Parasympathetic system decreases B) Pseudomonas arugenosa
Heart rate, TPR & contractility. C) Proteus mirabilus
D) E.coli
Ans: D
SK Origional – Golden 11 65
Explanation: Zona glomerulosa secretes C) Fetus with raised middle cerebral artery
aldosterone that‘s linked with sodium absorption D) Doppler has low probability of anemia
and Potassium secretion. E) Can detect renal changes in fetus during
120) Cimetidine interaction with warfarin: last months
A) Increase hepatic clearance of warfarin Ans: B
B) Decrease hepatic clearance of warfarin 126) Heart can‟t be tetanized due to:
C) Increase half-life of warfarin A) Short refractory period
D) Decrease half-life of warfarin B) Long refractory period
Ans: B C) Gap junctions
Explanation: Cimetidine is potent CYP3A4
enzyme inhibitor & thus decreases the hepatic D) Desmosome
clearance of warfarin. Ans: B
121) Most common leukemia in children: 127) 28 Years old Girl (Same in CPSP
A) ALL Paper) with circumcision history of
B) AML bleeding which test to perform to
C) CML confirm the diagnosis:
D) CLL A) Factor VIII Assay
Ans: A B) Factor VII Assay
122) Increase level of calcium will lead to C) Aptt
increase in which of the following: D) PT
A) 1,25 cholecalciferol Ans: A
B) 24,25 cholecalciferol Explanation:
C) 1 cholecalicferol This is a scenario related to hemophilia,
D) 25 cholecalciferol now two doubts arises either they
Ans: B mistyped girl instead of boy or if not then
123) Prostate carcinoma involves which of in some countries Circumcision is carried
the following lobe: in girls too. Hemophilia is X-Linked that‘s
A) Anterior very rare in girls but still it can express
B) Posterior itself in female gender too.
C) Lateral Initial Test for Hemophilia is aPTT
D) Median Confirmatory Test is Factor VIII Assay
Ans: B 128) A patient receives radiotherapy for
Explanation: Prostate carcinoma involves cancer, after a few days he develops
posterior lobe or peripheral zone. scaring & ulceration of the skin it‟s
124) Pregnant lady with delayed reach to due to:
hospital presented with dyspnea most A) Endarteritis Obliterans
likely due to: B) Desquamation
A) Fat Embolism C) Venous thrombosis
D) Infection
B) Air Embolism Ans: B
C) Amniotic fluid embolism Explanation: Within few days desquamation
D) Hemorrhage develops while endarteritis obliterans takes time to
Ans: C develop.
Explanation: Pregnant lady with dyspnea without 129) Parturition is initiated by:
any other factors like trauma is most likely A) Oxytocin
amniotic fluid embolism. B) Prostaglandins
125) Doppler studies during pregnancy: C) Fetal Cortisol
A) Can detect fetal cardiac activity before 8 D) Fetal Adrenals
weeks Ans: C
B) Pulstility in uterine areries increase in
growth restricted fetus
SK Origional – Golden 11 67
Ans: C Ans: A
Explanation: Explanation: Lateral lymphatic drainage of breast
Fibroblasts secrete amorphous ground is mainly to pectoral lymph nodes & medical to
substance. internal thoracic lymph nodes.
Fibrocartilage has collagen fibers. 48) Which factor is determined by TPR
41) Which of the following supply supra Index?
renal gland? a. Pulse Pressure
a. Greater Splanchnic Nerve b. Means Arterial pressure
b. B) Lesser Splanchnic Nerve c. Diastolic Pressure
c. Least Splanchnic Nerve d. Systolic Pressure
d. Intercostal nerves Ans: C
Ans: A 49) Shigella causes dysentery by
42) Which of the following muscle rotates mechanism of:
scapula? a. Mucosal Invasion
a. Serratus Anterior b. Cell Wall
b. Pectoralis Major
c. Proteoglycan
c. Pectorlis Minor
d. Deltoid d. Phospholipid
Ans: A Ans: A
43) Antigen appears on RBC at which of Explanation: Shiga toxin causes GI mucosal
the following week? invasion & damage leading to dysentery.
a. 10th Week 50) Sympathetic stimulation causes which
b. 15th Week of the following?
c. 20th Week a. Increase Heart rate
d. 30th Week b. Decrease Cardiac contractility
Ans: C c. Decrease Cutaneous blood flow
44) Hyperplasia means which of the d. Decrease Bronchi diameter
following? Ans: A
a. Increase in size of cells Explanation: Epinephrine increases HR, cardiac
b. Increase in number of cells contractility, bronchodilator & decreases
c. Increase in stromal tissue cutaneous blood flow.
d. Decrease in number of cells 51) Sympathetic beta adrenergic leads to
Ans B which of the following?
45) Gut bacteria helps in synthesis of a. Increase Airway resistance
which of the following vitamin? b. Decrease Airway resistance
a. Vitamin A c. Increase Bronchoconstriction
b. Vitamin B d. Decrease Heart rate
c. Vitamin C Ans: B
d. Vitamin K 52) 10 Years old presented with cyanosed
Ans: D lips & fingers most likely suffering
46) Morphological & functional change is: from:
a. Dysplasia a. TGA
b. Atrophy b. TOF
c. Metaplasia c. ASD
d. Anaplasia d. Bicuspid aortic valve
Ans: C Ans: B
47) Breast Lateral Lymphatic drainage: Explanation:
a. Pectoral (Axillary) Lymph Nodes Most common cyanotic heart disease
b. Posterior Axillary Lymph Nodes immediately after birth and also in infant
c. Internal Thoracic Lymph Nodes of diabetic mother is: TGA
d. Supraclavicular Lymph Nodes
e. Infraclavicular Lymph Nodes
SK Origional – Golden 11 74
Most common cyanotic heart disease is: 58) Which of the following is last to
TOF appear in blood after hemorrhage?
Most common acyanotic heart disease is: a. Hematocrit
VSD b. Hemoglobin
Most common congenital heart disease is: c. RBCs
VSD d. Reticulocytes
Most common acyanotic heart disease in Ans: C
adult is: ASD 59) Old aged man with testicular
The only cyanotic heart disease where swelling & raised LDH is most
shunt is must for survival of baby is : likely suffering from:
TGA a. Seminoma
53) Which of the following accurately b. Lymphoma
measure GFR? c. Embryonal Carcinoma
a. Inulin d. Yolk Sac tumor
b. Creatinine Clearance
c. Serum Creatinine
Ans: B
d. PAH Explanation:
Ans: A Old aged male with raised LDH is
Explanation: Remember measure by inulin & suffering from Lymphoma
estimated by creatinine clearance. Young aged male with Raised LDH is
54) Which of the following hyperglycemic Seminoma
factor is released by pancreas? As general seminoma > Lymphoma
a. Insulin 60) Type III HSR is seen in which of the
b. Somatostatin following condition:
c. Glucagon a. Tb
d. Cortisol b. SLE
Ans: C c. RA
Explanation: Glucagon is secreted via pancreas d. Atopic Asthma
that increases blood sugar level & is hyperglycemic Ans: B
in nature. 61) Microscopic feature of chronic
55) Which of the following is therapeutic inflammation of liver:
approach to MRSA: a. Lymphocytes infiltration
a. Resistant to Vancomycin b. Fatty Accumulation
b. Sensitive to Vancomycin c. Portal & periportal fibrosis
c. Sensitive to Metronidazole d. Dense lymphocytic infiltrates
d. Sensitive to penicillin Ans: C
Ans: B 62) Epitheloid cells found on liver
56) Which of the following is the histology is most likely:
functional unit of liver? a. Gangrenous Necrosis
a. Lobule b. Liquefective Necrosis
b. Hepatocyte c. Caseous Necrosis
c. Segment d. Fat Necrosis
d. Hepatic Acinus Ans: C
e. Sinusoids 63) Inflammation of all three zones of liver
Ans: D and wide spread necrosis, what is the
57) Histology of lymph node with cause?
squamous epithelium: a. Acute hepatitis
a. Pharyngeal tonsil b. Fulminant hepatitis
b. Peyer patches c. Chronic hepatitis
c. Palatine tonsil d. Chronic active hepatitis
d. None of the above Ans: D
Ans: C
SK Origional – Golden 11 75
b. PT d. Suxamethonium
c. BT Ans: A
d. CT Explanation: According to applied therapeutics
Ans: A there‘s no release of histamine by cisatracurium
Explanation: This is most likely case of ITP and that‘s why it‘s considered safe in asthmatic
to confirm we go with Anti platelet antibodies. patients.
101) A child presented with failure to thrive 105) Ulcer on posterior wall of Gastric
and multiple blood transfusion history antrum will lead to acute
to his brother which of the following abscess/Peritonitis in which of the
test need to be done? following space?
a. Ferritin a. Greater Sac
b. Hb Electrophoresis b. Lesser Sac
c. Serum Iron c. Right Sub hepatic Space
d. TIBC d. Right Posterior sub phrenic space
Ans: B Ans: B
102) Six months transplant rejected & Explanation:
reversed with immunosuppressive Ulcer on posterior wall of duodenum or
drugs is most likely: Gastric antrum will lead to fluid
a. Acute Cellular Rejection accumulation in: Lesser Sac
b. Chronic Rejection Anterior duodenal perforation the
c. Preformed Antibodies contents will accumulates in: Posterior
d. None of the above subphrenic space
Ans: A In erect posture in case of Duodenal
Explanation: For Acute & chronic transplant perforation the contents will collect in:
rejection 6 months is the boundary line, here the Right Iliac Fossa > Right Paracolic gutter
reversal is in favor of acute as chronic is 106) Which of the following is locally
irreversible. malignant tumor?
103) Lateral cord of brachial plexus a. Melanoma
supplies which of the following b. Squamous cell carcinoma
muscle? c. BCC
d. Adenoid cystic carcinoma
a. Biceps Brachii Ans: C
b. Deltoid Locally Malignant tumor is Basal cell
c. Serratus Anterior Locally spreading tumor is
d. Diaphragm More Aggressive tumor is Melanoma
107) Which of the following is most
Ans: A common benign tumor?
a. Pleomorphic Adenoma
Explanation: The lateral cord of brachial plexus b. Warthin Tumor
is made by confluences of anterior division of c. Mucoepidermoid Ca
upper & middle trunk of brachial plexus and d. SCC
musculocutaneous nerve one of its branch Ans: A
supplies bicep brachii. Explanation:
104) Muscle relaxant that can be given to Most common malignant:
asthmatic patient: Mucoepidermoid
a. Cisatracurium Most common Benign: Pleomorphic
b. Atracurium Adenoma
Most common in smokers: Warthins
c. Succinylcholine
SK Origional – Golden 11 79
108) Lateral side of foot and from the back 114) A British woman went to Thailand
and lateral side of calf lymphatic and presented with fever, rigors &
drains into: chills is most likely suffering from:
a. Vertical group Lymph nodes a. Malaria
b. Horizontal group lymph nodes b. Infectious Mononucleosis
c. Inguinal lymph nodes c. Enteric Fever
d. Popliteal lymph nodes d. AIDS
Ans: D Ans: A
109) Atrophy of calf muscles due to: Explanation:Thailand is geographically more
a. Upper motor neurons lesion related to malaria & the findings are suggestive for
b. Lower motor neurons lesion malaria too those are Fever, rigors & specially
c. Spastic paralysis chills.
d. Atonic paralysis 115) Patient who is known case of
Ans: B Hypothyroidism which of the
110) Which of the following muscle following will increase in the blood:
produce yawing & increase cardiac a. TSH
output? b. T3
a. Lateral pterygoid muscle c. T4
b. Medial pterygoid muscle d. Cholesterol
c. Masseter Ans: D
d. Buccinators Explanation: TSH can increase only in primary
Ans: A hypothyroidism but not in other cases while
111) Which of the following paraneoplastic cholesterol is increase in all hypothyroidism cases
syndrome is associated with Oat cell so we prefer Cholesterol > TSH.
carcinoma of lungs? 116) A tall man on oxygen suddenly started
a. ACTH being dyspnic due to:
b. Insulin a. Spontaneous pneumothorax
c. Glucagon b. Tension pneumothorax
d. Androgen c. Cardiac tamponade
Ans: A d. COPD
Explanation: Oat cell carcinoma of lungs that‘s Ans: A
small cell carcinoma of lungs produces ACTH & 117) Which of the following is lymphatic
ADH. draining of fundus of stomach?
112) Which of the following nerve supply a. Celiac Nodes
obtruator externus muscle: b. Inferior mesenteric node
a. Anterior division of obtuator nerve c. Superior mesenteric node
b. Posteriro division of obtruator nerve d. Inguinal node
c. Femoral nerve Ans: A
d. Sciatic nerve 118) CO2 during first minute of apnea:
Ans: B a. 6mmhg
Explanation: Obtruator externus muscle is b. 10mmhg
supplied by the posterior division of the obtruator c. 8mmhg
nerve (l3 and l4) originating from the lumber d. 12mmhg
plexus. Ans: A
113) S2 – S4 at the level of: Explanation:
a. L1 – 2 During first min of apnea in conscious
b. S1 – 2 person CO2 : 6mmhg
c. S3 – 4 If Anesthetized then : 10mmhg
d. L4 – 5 119) Patient presented with decrease
Ans: A peripheral pulsation with abdominal
pain and creatine kinase normal and
pulsating abdominal mass with
SK Origional – Golden 11 80
fasting glucose of 130 – 150 from last 125) During surgery profuse bleeding from
20 years is most likely suffering from: transverse cervical artery which of the
a. Thoracic aortic Aneurysm following to be ligated?
b. Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm a. Thyrocervical Trunk
c. Rupture of IVC b. Aorta
d. Common Iliac artery Aneurysm c. Vertebral Artery
Ans: B d. Carotid Artery
120) Lymphatic drainage of external nose Ans: A
& anterior part of nasal cavity: Explanation: The transverse cervical artery is the
a. Submandibular Lymph Nodes next branch off the thryocervical trunk.
b. Deep cervical lymph nodes 126) Surfactant deficiency will lead to:
c. Retropharyngeal Lymph nodes a. ARDS
d. Occipital Lymph Nodes b. Abdominal muscle paralysis
Ans: A c. IBS
Explanation: d. RA
External nose & Anterior nasal cavity Ans: A
drained by submandibular lymph nodes 127) In fasting during summer urine
Posterior Nasal cavity drained by osmolarity is increased due to:
retropharyngeal lymph nodes & JD nodes a. ADH
121) Male presented with Limb weakness b. Oxytocin
& respiratory symptoms after c. Epinephrine
consuming canned pack foods: d. NE
a. Botulism Ans: A
b. GBS Explanation: During fasting when ECF volume
c. MG is decreased ADH is secreted that leads to
d. Staph Aureus retention of water and thus increasing urine
Ans: A osmolarity.
122) Which of the following is the 128) ESR more than 100 is seen in:
characteristic of Botulinism? a. RA
a. Paralysis of Abdominal muscles b. OA
b. Paralysis of Respiratory muscles c. Multiple Myeloma
c. Death d. SLE
d. Cardiac arrest Ans: C
Ans: B 129) Renin is persistently increased in:
123) A child presented with a. Malignant phase of Essential HTN
thrombocytopenia, immunodeficiency b. Hypotension
& eczema is most likely suffering c. CCF
from: d. MI
a. Wiskott Aldrich Syndrome Ans: A
b. IGA Deficiency 130) Urologist doing Transurethral surgery,
c. Allergic Rhinitis 2 arteries at 5 & 7 clock position
d. SLE started bleeding and his way is
Ans: A blocked, name the arteries:
124) Candidiasis in child is most likely due a. Floch‘s Artery
to: b. Badenoch Arteries
a. IGA Deficiency c. Branches of Vesicle Artery
b. Immunosuppressive d. Capsular Artery
c. Immunocompetent Ans: B
d. None of the above 131) Supernumerary rib will compress:
Ans: B a. Brachial plexus & subclavian vessels
b. Brachial branches
c. Roots
SK Origional – Golden 11 81
Explanation: This is most likely due to BPH b. Partially compensated respiratory acidosis
leading to outflow obstruction. c. Partially compensated metabolic alkalosis
144) An Old man with recurrent UTI: d. Mixed Acidosis
a. BPH Ans: C
b. Carcinoma Explanation: As the PH is in alkalosis range now
c. Pyelonephritis we look toward the HCO3 that‘s in alkalosis range
d. Renal Failure too so we keep metabolic alkalosis in mind, after
Ans: A looking to PCO2 that‘s in Acidotic range shows
145) Hb 4.5 with indirect jaundice 4 and the struggle toward compensation but not fully
reticulocytes 10 most likely: compensated yet hence, this is case of partially
a. IDA compensated metabolic alkalosis.
b. Hemolytic anemia 150) A patient presented with Post OP
c. Thalassemia hypotension & abdominal swelling
d. Siderblastic anemia most likely due to:
Ans: B a. Hypovolemic shock
146) A pregnant lady presented with b. DIC
obstructive Jaundice features which of c. Cardiogenic shock
the following investigation will d. Cardiac arrest
confirm the diagnosis? Ans: A
a. GGT 151) Droplet infection spread by:
b. Bilirubin a. 1 – 3 feet
c. ALP b. 1 – 3 Meter
d. AST c. 3 – 6 feet
Ans: A d. 1 – 6 feet
Explanation: ALP is used for diagnosis of Ans: A
Obstructive jaundice but in pregnancy ALP is Explanation:
increased so we go for GGT. Droplet infection : 1 – 3 feet
147) A 30 years old male suddenly died Airborne infection: 3 – 6 feet
after a sudden rise in blood pressure, 152) Thrombocytopenia is caused by:
at autopsy the ruptured vessel a. Quinine
completely lack the tunica media at b. Thiazide
the point of aneurysm most likely c. Insulin
aneurysm is: d. ACEI
a. Berry Aneurysm Ans: A
b. Dissecting Aneurysm Explanation: Heparin > Quinine > Thiazide
c. Marfan Aneurysm 153) 5 years after transplant surgery
d. Mycotic Aneurysm malignancy is:
Ans: A a. Skin
Explanation: Dissecting Aneurysm has thin b. Lymphoproliferative
tunica media while berry aneurysm has absent c. Rectal
tunica media. d. Lungs
148) Which of the following delays gastric Ans: B
emptying? Explanation:
a. CCK The commonest malignancy after
b. Gastrin transplant is: Skin
c. Secretin Before 5 years: Skin
d. Insulin After 5 years: Lymphoproliferative
Ans: A 154) Anti sera agglutinates with A and D
149) PH = 7.49, PCO = 60, HCO3 = 30 and plasma has Anti B antibodies
which of the following Acid Base what‟s blood group?
abnormality does it indicates? a. A –ve
a. Respiratory Acidosis b. A + Ve
SK Origional – Golden 11 83
165) Which of the following is sensitive test 171) A pregnant lady presented with Hb 9.6
for diabetic nephropathy? gm/dl, MCV 58, Low MCH and
a. Microabluminiuria normal serum ferritin and TIBC which
b. Creatinine clearance of the following next text will confirm
c. Inulin diagnosis:
d. BUN a. Serum Iron
Ans: A b. HbA2
166) Child with periorbital edema and c. HbA1
generalized edema due to: d. Fetal Hb
a. Hypoalbuminemia and increase salt water Ans: B
retention Explanation: As MCV is low along with MCH
b. Hyperalbuminemia but Serum Ferritin and TIBC level is normal so
c. Increase Salt retention the next best test is HbA2 to look for thalassemia.
d. Decrease Salt retention 172) HCO3 is absorbed at which of the
Ans: A following site?
167) Which of the following is Hemophilia a. PCT
A factor? b. PCT + DCT
a. Factor 8 Major c. PCT + CT
b. Factor 8 Minor d. CT
c. Factor 7 Ans: C
d. Von Willibrand factor 173) A baby after an obstructed delivery
Ans: B presented with inability to abduct the
168) Which of the following isn‟t true arm, loss of flexion & loss of
regarding G6PD deficiency? supination of arm at elbow joint due
a. X – linked disease to damage to:
a. Upper Trunk of Brachial Plexus (C5-C7)
b. Rarely affect male
b. Lower Trunk of Brachial Plexus
c. Protects against P. falciparum c. Radial Nerve
d. Genetic disorder d. Ulnar Nerve
Ans: B Ans: A
Explanation: G6PD is a genetic disorder that‘s X Explanation: In Upper Trunk of brachial Plexus
– Linked & commonly affects male & is protective there is mostly damage to musculocutaneous,
against P. falciparum. Axillary and suprascapular nerve that leads to loss
of Abduction, flexion & Supination of forearm
169) Best measure of renal plasma flow:
a. Creatinine Clearance
b. Inulin Clearance
c. PAH
d. Glucose
Ans: C
Best Measure of RPF = PAH
Best Measure of GFR = Inulin Clearance
Best Estimate of GFR = Creatinine
170) Local anesthetic affects which of the
following fibers?
a. A fibers
b. B fibers
c. C fibers
d. A delta
Ans: C
SK Origional – Golden 11 85
palpitations though only 40% individuals present Aplasia is failure of cell production during
with these symptoms. embryogenesis
37) Which GI Hormone stimulates HCO3 Hypoplasia is decrease cell production
and water secretion from liver & bile during embryogenesis
production: 42) Which of the following is functional
A. CCK remanent of mesonephric duct in
B. Somatostatin males:
C. Secretin A. Seminal Vesicle
D. Histamine B. Epididymis
E. None C. Ductus Deferens
Ans: C D. Sertoli Cells
38) Atrial fibrillation ECG findings: Ans: C
A. Absent P-Waves 43) External auditory meatus develops
B. Irregular R-R Interval from:
C. Regular R-R Interval A. 1st branchial arch
D. Prominent QRS B. 2nd branchial arch
Ans: B C. 1st branchial cleft
Explanation:A-Fib is characterized by both D. 2nd branchial cleft
absent P wave & Irregular R-R Interval but Ans: C
irregular R-R interval more than Absent P wave. 44) Biopsy in neck region followed by ear
39) In 2nd degree heart block which lobe numbness which nerve is
statement is correct: effected:
A. Stroke volume is decreased A. Greater Auricular nerve
B. Stroke Volume is increased B. Auriculotemporal nerve
C. Ventricular rate is greater than Atrial rate C. Lessesr auricular nerve
D. Atrial rate is greater than ventricular rate D. Temporal nerve
Ans: D Ans: A
40) Theta Wave appears in which stage of Explanation:
sleep: During leprosy there is hanging of ear
A. Alert Wakefulness lobe why: greater auricular nerve
B. Quiet Wakefulness Ear lobe is supplied by which nerve:
C. Stage 2 greater auricular nerve
D. Stage 4 Ear lobe numbness: greater auricular
Ans: C nerve
Explanation: 45) Vocal cord paralysis is due to
According to Guyton: Alert Wakefulness involvement of which of the following
(Beta Wave) nerve:
Quiet Wakefulness (Alpha Wave) A. External Laryngeal nerve
Stage 1: Low voltage & Spindles B. Internal Laryngeal nerve
Stage 2 & 3: Theta Wave C. Recurrent Laryngeal nerve
Stage 4: Delta Wave D. Superior Laryngeal nerve
While in FA theta wave in stage 1 NREM Ans: C
Follow Guyton 46) 60 years old man chewing pan for the
41) Dysplasia refers to: last 20 years presented with an ulcer
A. Disordered Cellular growth over the tongue is most likely:
B. Failure of cell production A. Submucosal fibrosis
C. Decrease in cell production B. Leukoplakia
D. Increase in cell production C. Erythroplakia
Ans: A D. Oral cancer
Explanation: Ans: A
Dysplasia refers to disordered cellular Explanation:
SK Origional – Golden 11 91
Pan Chewing has an association with pituitary gland & known as neurosecretory
Submucosal fibrosis hormones.
47) A person having blood group A+ve 52) CO2 transport is an example of:
will develop transfusion reaction if A. Positive feedback
transfused with: B. Negative feedback
A. O+ve C. Feedback forward mechanism
B. A+ve D. Baroreceptor
C. B+Ve Ans: B
D. A-Ve 53) During moderate exercise which of
Ans: C the following organ is not effected:
Explanation:A person having blood group A can A. Kidneys
only take blood from A or O which is universal B. Liver
donor & will develop transfusion reaction if C. Brain
transfused with blood group B+ve. D. Heart
48) Most common risk of giving systemic Ans: C
steroids to diabetic patients: Explanation:During moderate exercise blood
A. Deranged diabetic control flow to brain remains unchanged.
B. Cataract 54) The body will lose temperature via:
C. Neuropathy A. Anterior Hypothalamus
D. Nephropathy B. Posterior Hypothalamus
Ans: A C. Anterior Pituitary
49) A patient presented with lesion in the D. Cortex
nose, granulomas & proteinuria with Ans: A
vasculitis, histology shows necrosis Explanation:The body loses heat via activation
most likely lesion is: of Anterior hypothalamus that‘s AC for the body.
A. Leprosy 55) Cleft palate due to malformation of:
B. TB A. Palatine shelves
C. Sarcoidosis B. Maxillary prominence
D. Wegner granulomatosis C. Medial nasal prominence
Ans: D D. Lateral nasal prominence
Explanation:Wegner Granulomatosis involves Ans: A
Nasopharynx & renal system. Explanation:
50) Which of the following is the action of Cleft palate due to malformation of
Oxytocin: palatine shelves
A. Ejection of Milk Cleft lip due to failure of fusion of medial
B. Production of Milk nasal prominence and maxillary
C. Maintenance of pregnancy prominence
D. Growth of fetus 56) Commonest side effect of any drug is:
Ans: A A. Seizure
Explanation:The two main action of Oxytocin in B. Nausea & Vomiting
the body are contraction of the uterus during C. Hypotension
childbirth & ejection of milk. D. Hypertension
51) Which of the following is Ans: B
neurosecretory hormone? 57) 30 years old male treated for
A. ADH meningitis 1 month ago came with
B. Cortisol morning headache having B/L
C. GH papilledema cause is:
D. Insulin A. Blockage of dural sinus
Ans: A B. Hydrocephalus
Explanation:Oxytoxin & ADH are produced in C. Involvement of cerebra l vessels
the hypothalamus & transported to posterior D. Involvement of meninges
E. Subdural collection
SK Origional – Golden 11 92
70) Fastest conducting tissue in human 74) Two groups of patients given
heart: hemorrhoidal treatment and their
A. AV node effect is seen with time, it‟s:
B. SA node A. Prospective Cohort Study
C. Bundle of HIS B. Case Control Study
D. Purkinje fibers C. Randomized Control Study
Ans: D D. None of the Above
Explanation: Ans: C
Follow the following order for speed of Explanation:Random division & treatment given
conduction: to see response is randomized controlled trial.
Purkinje > Atria > Ventricle > SA Node > AV 75) 500 patients exposed to smoking Vs
Node. other subjects are not which type of
71) Child with 60% weight loss, not study is this to see the effect:
responding to vocal stimulus & A. Case Control
bruises on leg: B. Cohort
A. Marasmus C. RCT
B. Physical abuse D. Cross sectional
C. Malnutrition Ans: B
D. Hypothyroidism Explanation:
Ans: B Cohort: Exposed Vs Non Exposed
Explanation:Loss of weight with no response to Case Control: Disease Vs Non Diseased
vocal stimulus and bruises on legs points toward 76) Woman after delivery by Dai
Physical Abuse. presented with Increase PT, APTT &
72) A 30 years old female patient Low platelet count is most likely
developed proximal symmetrical suffering from:
muscle weakness, deltoid muscle A. DIC
biopsy shows necrosis with B. VWD
neutrophils, ANA was negative and C. Hemophilia
Anti-Jo antibodies were positive D. Liver Disease
what‟s the patient suffering from: Ans: A
A. SLE Explanation:Delivery by Dai and then lab picture
B. Dermatomyositis that‘s increase PT, APTT and low platelets point
C. RA toward DIC.
D. Sjogren syndrome 77) 12 years old girl suffering from beta
Ans: B hemolytic streptococcal pharyngitis
73) A sprained ankle resulting from treatment:
excessive eversion most likely A. Benzathine Penicillin
demonstrates which structure is B. Benzyl Penicillin
damaged: C. Benzamine
A. Talofibular Ligament D. Penicillin
B. Deltoid Ligament Ans: A
C. Tendo Calcaneus 78) Characteristic of actinomyces:
D. Interosseous Ligament A. Abscess
Ans: B B. Granuloma
Explanation: C. Cancer
Excessive eversion damages deltoid D. Abscess with Granuloma
ligament Ans: D
Excessive inversion damages talofibular 79) A patient with HR of 75 has
ligament ventricular systole duration of 0.3
MC sprain Inversion > Eversion seconds. At HR of 225, the systole
timing will be:
A. 1 sec
SK Origional – Golden 11 94
permeability so here increase capillary oncotic we have to go for APTT and if confirmatory test
pressure doesn‘t occur in edema. is asked toward the diagnosis then we will pick
38) A patient with 3rd degree extensive Factor 8 Assay.
burn, cause of edema is: 43) Thyroid hormone receptors are
a. Acidosis present:
b. Alkalosis a. On cell membrane
c. Hypoalbuminemia b. Inside the Nucleus
d. Hypokalemia c. Outside the cell
Ans: C d. In cytoplasm
39) Stratum corneum, spinosum & Ans: B
lucidum acute loss will lead to: 44) In dilated cardiomyopathy which
a. Acute water loss functions is disturbed:
b. Pressure sensation effect a. Systolic Dysfunction
c. Sebum b. Diastolic dysfunction
d. Hair follicle c. Both
Ans: A d. None
40) A patient presented with weight loss, Ans: A
productive cough & night sweats what Explanation:
will be seen on histology? In dilated cardiomyopathy there‘s systolic
a. Non caseous necrosis dysfunction.
b. Caseous necrosis In hypertrophic & constrictive
c. Granuloma with Asteroid cardiomyopathy there‘s diastolic
d. Non Asteroid dysfunction.
Ans: B 45) Hormone responsible for
Explanation: The scenario is related to Tb and glycogenolysis, Gluconeogensis &
on histology there will be caseous necrosis. ketogenesis:
41) A child presented with episodes of a. Cortisol
epistaxis after vaccination which of b. Growth hormone
the following investigation is required c. Glucagon
to be performed initially: d. Insulin
a. BT Ans: C
b. CT 46) A 30 years old female presented to
c. Platelet Count OPD with excess hair growth,
d. PT hypertension, hyperglycemia,
Ans: C hyperpigmentation, increased
Explanation: The scenario looks like ITP & depression, edematous face, increased
that‘s why Platelet count is foremost important to fat on chest & trunk, it‟s likely due to
reach the diagnosis. excess of:
42) 2 years old boy brought for a. Cortisol
circumcision there‟s history of b. ACTH
excessive bleeding from umbilical c. GnRH
stump at time of birth, 2 cousins bled d. LH
profusely after circumcision in the Ans: B
past. The test likely to give clue to Explanation: This is scenario of Cushing disease
diagnosis is: as there‘s pigmentation history and that‘s due to
a. APTT increase ACTH level.
b. PT 47) A patient presented with hypertension
c. BT & raised Sodium, low Potassium
d. Factor 8 &raised PH what could the possible
Ans: A underlying reason:
Explanation: The case looks like Hemophilia, but a. Hyper aldosteronism
as we have three types of Hemophilia so initially b. Pheochromocytoma
SK Origional – Golden 11 100
b. 45 a. Pernicious Anemia
c. 65 b. Sideroblastic Anemia
d. 75 c. IDA
Ans: D d. Folate Deficiency
58) Index of total peripheral resistance: Ans: A
a. Mean arterial pressure 64) A 45 years old man with long history
b. Diastolic pressure of alcoholism presented with severe
c. Systolic pressure epigastric pain, nausea, vomiting,
d. Venous Return fever & increase in serum amylase
Ans: B diagnosis of acute pancreatitis
59) A 16 years old female presented with superimposed on chronic pancreatitis
hypertension & increasing weight. was made in this condition which of
Which of the following features would the following type of necrosis is most
be most suggestive of cushing‟s likely?
syndrome rather than simple obesity: a. Coagulative necrosis
a. Abdominal Striae b. Enzymatic necrosis
b. Acanthosis Nigricans c. Fibrinoid
c. Buffalo Hump d. Caseous
d. Moon Face e. Liquefective necrosis
Ans: A Ans: B
60) Nutmug liver occurs in: 65) Which of the following type of
a. Periporatal Congestion necrosis occurs in mesentery?
b. Centrilobular Congestion a. Fat Necrosis
c. Chronic Passive Congestion b. Coagulative necrosis
d. Alcoholic Cirrhosis c. Liquefective necrosis
Ans: C d. Fibrinoid
61) Industry worker cause of Ans: A
Angiosarcoma: 66) Enzymatic necrosis affecting
a. Arsenic pancreases:
b. Vinyl chloride a. Liquefective
c. Cadmium b. Coagulative
d. Asbestosis c. Fat
Ans: B d. Traumatic
Explanation: Ans: C
Factory Worker: Vinyl Chloride. Explanation: Enzymatic fat necrosis occurs in
Farmer: Arsenic. acute pancreatitis & omental necrosis.
62) Patient known HIV suffering from 67) Preferential thorough fare channel:
severe headache, photophobia & sign a. Small caliber
of meningeal irritation. On b. Having smooth muscles
microscopy organism has halo around c. Open on demand
it. The organism is: d. Precapillary sphincter
a. Toxoplasmosis Ans: B
b. Histoplasmosis Explanation: Preferential thorough fare channels
c. Cryptococcus caliber is larger than true capillaries, resembles
d. Candida continuous capillaries but few smooth muscle cells
e. CMV are present around endothelium.
Ans: C 68) CD means:
Explanation: a. Cluster of Differentiation
Brain Abscess: Toxoplasma Gondii b. Classes of Differentiation
Halo: Cryptococcus (Silver Stain) c. Conduct of division
63) Which of the following Anemia occurs d. None of the above
due to Intrinsic factor deficiency? Ans: A
SK Origional – Golden 11 102
b. Globulin Ans: A
c. Titin Explanation:
d. Myosin In anterior Cruciate ligament injury Tibia
e. Actin will move anterior in relation with the
Ans: C femur & Femur will move posterior.
Explanation: Titin, is definitely the largest In Posterior Cruciate ligament injury
protein in the body, with a molecular weight of 3 Tibia will move posterior in relation with
million Dalton and composed of 27000 amino the femur & femur will move anterior.
acids. 85) If cimetidine and sucralfate are given
81) Right gastric artery is branch of: together, the effect will be:
a. Gastroduodenal artery a. Decrease Absorption
b. Proper Hepatic artery b. Increase Absorption
c. Left Gastric Artery c. Inhibit function
d. Celiac artery d. Delayed function
Ans: B Ans: A
Explanation: 86) Kaplan-Meier curve indicates:
Right gastric artery in most cases arises a. Incidence of disease
from proper hepatic artery. b. Demography
Left gastric artery arises from celiac trunk. c. Severity of disease
82) Skin of Glans penis lymphatic d. Survival of patient
drainage: Ans: D
a. Deep inguinal nodes 87) Regarding Cell cycle G2 Phase is
b. Superficial inguinal nodes between:
c. Internal iliac node a. G1 – S
d. Para Aortic lymph node b. S–M
Ans: B c. G1 – G2
Explanation: d. S –G2
Skin of glans penis is drained by Ans: B
superficial inguinal lymph nodes. Explanation:
Glans penis is drained by deep inguinal G2 phase lies between S – M Phase
lymph nodes. G1 Phase lies between M – S phase
83) Arterial blood supply of Upper 1/3rd of 88) Sarcomere lies between:
esophagus is: a. Two Z-Lines
a. Inferior thyroid artery b. Two A-Lines
b. Descending aorta c. Two I-Lines
c. Left gastric artery d. Two Y-Lines
d. Right gastric artery Ans: A
Ans: A 89) Continuous capillaries are present in:
Explanation: a. Muscle
Upper 1/3rd of esophagus is supplied by: b. Kidney
Inferior thyroid artery. c. Brain
Middle 1/3rd of esophagus is supplied by: d. Liver
Descending aorta. Ans: C
Lower 1/3rd of esophagus is supplied by: 90) Prosopagnosia means:
Left gastric artery. a. Inability to read
84) After anterior cruciate ligament injury b. Inability to walk
tibia will moves in which direction in c. Inability to recognize faces
relation with the femur: d. Inability to move
a. Anterior Ans: C
b. Anterolateral 91) Virus act on the cells by following
c. Anteromedial mechanism:
d. Posterior a. Damage to cell membrane
SK Origional – Golden 11 104
b. Damage to nuclear membrane thrice so the cardiac cycle will decrease by thrice
c. Involving protein synthesis that‘s 0.1 Seconds.
d. Changing protein structure 97) Fetal component of placenta if formed
Ans: C by:
92) Unlocking of knee joint muscle: a. Chorionic Frundosum
a. Sarotrius b. Functionalis Layer
b. Popliteus c. Basalis Layer
c. Gluteus d. Endometrium
d. Adductors Ans: A
Ans: B 98) Hemiballismus due to lesion of:
93) 55 years old with testicular swelling a. Substantia Nigra
only LDH raised without any marker b. Subthalamic Nuclei
which of the following does he suffer c. Globus Pallidus
from: d. Hypothalamus
a. Seminoma Ans: B
b. Lymphoma Explanation:
c. Teratoma Hemiballismus is due to lesion of
d. Yolk Sac tumor subthalamic nuclei.
Ans: B Parkinson‘s is due to lesion of Substantia
Explanation: In young age Seminoma is Nigra.
commonest testicular tumor while in old age 99) In dialysis patient how to check GFR:
lymphoma. a. Creatinine Clearance
94) Medial part of frontal & parietal lobe b. Inulin Clearance
blood supply: c. Urea
a. MCA d. BUN
b. ACA Ans: A
c. PCA Explanation:
d. Spinal Artery GFR is best measured by Inulin.
Ans: B GFR is best estimated by creatinine.
95) Damage to glossopharyngeal nerve GFR is checked clinically by Creatinine
leads to loss of which of the following Clearance.
taste sensation? 100) Right Optic tract lesion effect:
a. Sweet a. Left Homonymous Hemianopia
b. Salt b. Right Homonymous Hemianopia
c. Bitter c. Bitemporal vision loss
d. Sour d. Binasal vision loss
Ans: C Ans: A
Explanation: Glossopharyngeal nerve takes taste Explanation:
& general sensation from posterior 1/3rd of the Right optic tract lesion leads to Left
tongue that‘s related with transmission of bitter homonymous hemianopia.
taste sensation. Left optic tract lesion leads to right
96) A patient whose heart is 75 beats/min homonymous hemianopia.
with cardiac cycle of 0.3 seconds, 101) Which of the following drug blocks H-
calculate his cardiac cycle if his heart K pump?
rate increase to 225: a. Histamine
a. 0.1 S b. Omperazole
b. 0.2 S c. Cimetidine
c. 3 Seconds d. Protamine
d. 4 Minutes Ans: B
Ans: A 102) Which of the following structure lies
Explanation: As with heart rate of 75, cardiac deep to carotid sheath?
cycle was 0.3 Seconds & now heart rate increased a. Vagus
SK Origional – Golden 11 105
D) Serosa B) Vitamin C
Ans: B C) Vitamin E
Explanation: Esophageal varices are extremely D) Folate
dilated sub-mucosal veins in the lower third of the Ans: C
esophagus. Explanation: The potent antioxidant is
24) Which of the following organism Glutathione but as that‘s not mentioned so we
causes meningitis in age group 06 follow the following sequence: Gluthathione >
months to 02 years old? Vitamin E > Vitamin C > Vitamin A.
A) Streptococcus pneumonia 28) What does the word tachyphylaxis
B) Staph Aureus means?
C) E. coli A) Rapid decrease in drug responsiveness
D) Group B streptococcus B) Rapid increase in drug responsiveness
Ans: A C) Gradual increase in drug responsiveness
Explanation: The organisms causing meningitis D) Gradual decrease in drug responsiveness
in various age groups are different in various Ans: A
books but as per FA that‘s most favorite CPSP 29) Regarding weber syndrome:
book as under: A) Contralateral paralysis with ipsilateral
0 – 6 Months: GBS, E coli ptosis and lateral deviation of eye
6 Months – 6 Years: S.Pneumoniae, B) Ipsilateral paralysis with ipsilateral ptosis
N.meningitis, H-Influenzae C) Ipsilateral Paralysis & contralateral ptosis
6 – 60 years: S.Pneumonia, N.meninitis D) Contralateral ptosis & ipsilateral weakness
25) A patient presented with upper GIT Ans: A
bleeding who is a known case of CLD Explanation: Weber‘s Syndrome, also known as
which of the following is the drug of superior alternating hemiplegia, a form of stroke
choice? that affects the medial portion of midbrain. It‘s
A) Inj. Octerotide characterized by the presence of ipsilateral
B) Inj. Terlipressin occulomotor nerve palsy & contalateral
C) Inj. Propornaolol hemiparesis or hemiplegia.
D) Inj. Histadine 30) Which one of the following is the
Ans: B MOA of TCA drug?
Explanation: The Drug of choice in upper GIT A) Block reuptake of serotonin &
bleeding in case of CLD is Injection terlipressin norepinephrine in post synaptic terminal
but in case of CLD with IHD then we prefer B) Block reuptake of Serotonin &
Injection octerotide, as terlipressin is Norepinephrine in Pre synaptic terminal
contraindicated in IHD. C) Block reuptake of Insulin
26) A newborn presented with repeated D) Increase reuptake of Serotonin &
respiratory tract infection, which of Norepinephrine.
the following physiological antibody is Ans: B
missing: 31) Segment of Lung with bronchus &
A) IgA arterial supply is called:
B) IgG A) Brochopulmonary Segment
C) IgM B) Bronchoalevolar Segment
D) IgD C) Bronchiole
Ans: B D) Bronchi
Explanation: Ans: A
In Newborn (NG) the antibody missing is 32) Which of the following nerve is
IgG. damaged during ligation of inferior
In case of child the antibody missing is thyroid artery?
IgA. A) External Laryngeal nerve
27) Which of the following is a potent B) Internal Laryngeal nerve
antioxidant? C) Recurrent Laryngeal nerve
A) Vitamin A D) Glossopharyngeal nerve
SK Origional – Golden 11 115
120) In exercise, venous return is due to: The sixth arch persists as proximal
A) Contraction of leg muscles portion of right pulmonary artery.
B) Relaxation of leg muscles 125) A patient on beta blocker presented
C) Increase TPR with prolong PR interval which of the
D) Decrease Stroke Volume following could be the possible cause?
Ans: A A) Drug induced 1st degree heart block
121) Which of the following receptors are B) 2nd Degree heart block
with no adaptation? C) Complete heart block
A) Pain receptors D) Sinus Tachycardia
B) Baroreceptors Ans: A
C) Chemoreceptors 126) Which of the following ion has
D) Pacinin Receptors profound effect in ECF?
Ans: A A) Calcium
122) Man working in ship industry is at risk B) Sodium
of developing: C) Potassium
A) Urothelial carcinoma D) Chloride
B) Gastrick Carcinoma Ans:. B
C) Bronchogenic Carcinoma C127) Which of the following is caused by
D) GIT Carcinoma sympathetic over activity?
Ans: C A) Bronchodilation
123) Posterior 1/3rd of interventricular B) Bronchoconstriction
septum artery accompanies which C) Decreases HR
vein? D) Decrease Cardiac contractility
A) Great Cardiac Vein Ans: A
B) Middle Cardiac Vein Explanation: Sympathetic activity leads to
C) Lesser Cardiac Vein bronchodilation, increase HR & cardiac
D) Coronary Sinus contractility.
Ans: B 128) Which of the following is post
Explanation: sympathetic cholinergic?
Posterior interventricular artery A) Intestine
accompanies Middle cardiac vein. B) Sweat Glands
Anterior interventricular artery C) Muscles
accompanies Great cardiac vein. D) Cardiac tissues
124) Maxillary artery supplies which of the Ans: B
following aortic arch? 129) Which of the following is normal adult
A) 1st hemoglobin?
B) 2nd A) HbA
C) 3rd B) HbF
D) 4th C) Gower Hb
Ans: A D) HbA2
Explanation: Ans: A
Maxillary artery is the branch of 1st arch Explanation: Both HbA & HbA2 is found in
(Mandibular Arch). normal adult but HbA > HbA2.
The ventral end of the second develops 130) Which of the following muscle leads
into the ascending pharyngeal artery & its to Knee flexion & hip extension?
dorsal end gives origin to stapedial artery. A) Sarotrius
The third arch gives raise to the proximal B) Semitendinous
end of internal carotid artery. C) Adductor magnus
The fourth arch forms the right D) Rectus Femoris
subclavian artery. Ans: B
The fifth arch regresses. Explanation:
Hip & Knee flexion: Sartortius.
SK Origional – Golden 11 124
Hip flexion & Knee extension: Rectus 137) Pregnant lady with delayed reach to
Femoris. hospital presented with dyspnea most
Hip Extension & Knee Flexion: likely due to:
Semitendinosus. A) Fat Embolism
Hip Extension without knee flexion: B) Air Embolism
Adductor Magnus. C) Amniotic Fluid Embolism
131) Which of the following is side effect of D) Hemorrhage
Levodopa? Ans: C
A) Seizure Explanation: Pregnant lady with dyspnea without
B) Orthostatic Hypotension any other factors like trauma is most likely
C) HTN amniotic fluid embolism.
D) Provoking Angina 138) Which of the following is nerve supply
Ans: B of SCM?
132) AJK earthquake leading to death of his A) Accessory nerve
uncle & now in depression: B) Vagus nerve
A) Social crisis C) Trigeminal nerve
B) Emotional crisis D) Abducent nerve
C) Situational crisis Ans: A
D) Developmental crisis 139) Which artery leads to posterior wall
Ans: C MI?
133) Bell‟s phenomenon is: A) RCA
A) Bell‘s Palsy B) LCA
B) Eye globe downwards and drooping of lid C) Cirumflex
C) Eye globe upwards, drooping of lid D) Marginal artery
D) Eye globe moves upward when he tries to Ans: A
close his eyes 140) Outer sheath of the nerve is called:
Ans: D A) Endoneurium
134) Triple pattern if microtubules are B) Perineurium
present in: C) Epineurium
A) Kinetochore D) None of the above
B) Centrioles Ans: C
C) Centrosomes Explanation:
D) Centromere Individual nerve fiber covered with:
E) Mitotic apparatus Endoneurium.
Ans: B Nerve fascicle is covered with:
135) Which of the following is normal Perinuerum.
GFR? Whole bundle of neurons that‘s complete
A) 110 ml/min nerve outer covering is: Epineurium.
B) 125 ml/min 141) Xerostomia, dry eyes & otitis media,
C) 135 ml/min where is the nuclei located?
D) 150 ml/min A) Cerebral cortex
Ans: B B) Pons
136) An Old diabetic patient presented C) Midbrain
with gastroparesis which of the D) Medulla
following drug would be helpful? Ans: B
A) Prokinetics 142) Patient had difficulty in breathing for
B) PPI some days, O/E breath sounds are
C) H2 Blockers decreased on both sides and dullness
D) Antacids on percussion, CXR shows bilateral
Ans: A fluid & leg edema what could be the
Explanation: In diabetic gastroparesis the drug of possible cause?
choice is prokinetics i.e Metoclopromide. A) Hypoalbuminemia
SK Origional – Golden 11 125
&VMA & raised aldosterone is most 160) Graft will be successful in which of the
likely suffering from: following condition?
A) Cushing disease A) Increase Corticosteriods
B) Cushing Syndrome B) Agammaglobuinemia
C) Conn‘s Syndrome C) Aspirin Overdose
D) Pheochromoctyoma D) In old age
Ans: C Ans: B
Explanation: As VMA is normal so 161) Obese female pre surgery had taken
Pheochromocytoma is excluded and then with gentamicin BD is likely to have
normal cortisol cushing disease & syndrome is impaired:
excluded. This is case of Conn‘s syndrome due to A) Filtration
increase aldosterone level that has led to decrease B) Excretion
potassium level, hypertension. C) Absorption
155) Which of the following is potent D) Hepatic Metabolism
anabolic hormone? Ans: B
A) DHA 162) Which of the following is major cause
B) Testosterone of non-healing ulcer?
C) Estrogen A) Infection
D) Inhibin B) Old age
Ans: B C) Protein deficiency
156) Which of the following is low velocity D) Suture
fibers: Ans: A
A) A fibers Explanation:
B) B fibers Local cause for non-healing wound ulcer
C) C fibers is: Infection
D) A delta fibers Systemic cause for non-healing wound
Ans: C ulcer is: DM
157) A patient presented with history of 163) Which of the following is secreted by
joint pain & gastric ulcer which of the fibroblasts?
following is drug of choice? A) Collagen
A) Aspirin B) Hyaline
B) Celecoxib C) Amorphus Ground substance
C) Corticosterids D) None of the above
D) PGs Ans: C
Ans: B Explanation:
Explanation: The patient suffers from peptic Fibroblasts secrete amorphous ground
ulcer that‘s why we can selectively give CoX-2 substance.
inhibitors for pain that‘s celecoxib. Fibrocartilage secretes collagen.
158) Thoracic aorta passes posterior to: 164) The ability of the kidney to excrete
A) Root of left lung concentrated urine will increase if:
B) Root of right lung a. The permeability of the proximal tubules
C) Behind IVC to water decreases
D) Behind Azygous Vein b. The rate of blood flow through the
Ans: A medulla decreases
159) Loss of parietal cells due to damage to c. The rate of flow through the LOH
which of the following area? increases
A) Fundus d. The activity of Na-K pump in the LOH
B) Antrum decreases
C) Duodenum e. The permeability of the collecting duct to
D) Lesser curvature water decreases
Ans: A Ans: B
SK Origional – Golden 11 127
to: Ans: B
A) Embolism Explanation: Atlas is made of a thick anterior
B) Thrombus arch and a think posterior arch with lumen & skull
C) Damaged valves articulation but has no spinous process.
D) None of the above 182) Circle of willis is formed by:
Ans: A A) One anterior cerebral arteries
177) A man presented with fever, rigors & B) Three posterior cerebral arteries
renal parenchymal damage is most C) Two Posterior Communicating arteries
likely suffering from: D) Two anterior communicating arteries
A) UTI Ans: C
B) Chronic Pyelonephritis Explanation: Circle of willis is formed by two
C) Acute Pyelonephritis anterior cerebral arteries, two posterior cerebral
D) Appendicitis arteries, two posterior communicating arteries &
Ans: C one anterior communicating artery.
178) A child died with having multiple 183) Lung compliance is increased in:
cysts on autopsy of kidneys, what is A) Old Age
the mode of inheritance of the B) Bronchoconstriction
disease? C) Fibrosis
A) Autosomal dominant D) Negative Pressure
B) Autosomal Recessive Ans: A
C) X-Linked Dominant Explanation: Lung compliance is increased
D) X-Linked Recessive mainly in old age due to loss of elastic tissue while
Ans: B vessel compliance is decreased.
Explanation: Polycystic kidney disease is
autosomal recessive in children & autosomal
dominant in elders. ===============
179) Patient falls to the left with tremors at
the end of movement & abnormal gait
is most likely having lesion of:
A) Right Cerebellum
B) Left Cerebellum
C) Right Cerebrum
D) Left Cerebrum
Ans: B
Explanation: The signs & symptoms are related
to cerebellar lesion and in cerebellar lesion the
patient falls toward the side of the lesion, like here
the patient falls to left side so the lesion is in left
180) Which of the following is having
highest vitamin A?
A) Carrots
B) Lemons
C) Oranges
D) Apples
Ans: A
181) Which of the following is not found in
A) Articulation with skull
B) Spinous process
C) Lumen
D) Arch
SK Origional – Golden 11 129
99) A Person sweats 2L and drinks 2L 104) Common peroneal nerve relation to
of pure water, what will happen? bicep femoris tendon in popliteal
A) Increase ICF Volume fossa:
B) Increase ECF Volume A) Medial
C) Increase ICF Osmolarity B) Lateral
D) Increase ECF Osmolarity C) Anterior
Ans: A D) Posterior
Explanation: This will lead to Increase ICF Ans: A
volume Greater than ICF osmolarity. 105) Which of the following is correct
100) A woman runs on a treadmill for a route of CSF route?
few minutes, HR doubles, cardiac A) Fourth ventricles to Third ventricles
cycle length will be: B) Lateral ventricles to fourth ventricles
A) 0.8 Seconds C) Foramen Magendi to subarachnoid
B) 0.4 Seconds space
C) 0.1 Seconds D) Foramen Lushka to magendi
D) 1 Minutes Ans: C
Ans: B 106) Female only eats animal based diet
Explanation: As cardiac cycle takes 0.8 and lacks fruits and vegetables,
seconds now that the heart rate is doubled the likely cause of poor wound healing
cardiac cycle will decrease by half that‘s 0.4 would be:
Seconds. A) Defective Collagen
101) A soldier presented with 3 months B) Vitamin C deficiency
history of fever, bilateral C) Vitamin K deficiency
lymphadenopathy, D) Decrease tensile strength
hepatospleenomegaly, anemia, Ans: B
fatigue & H/O of sleeping on floor 107) A doctor was offered a chance of
and bitten by some fly, diagnosis: travel in exchange for taking part
A) Kala Azar in upcoming discussion of a drug
B) Malaria in the hospital, what should be the
C) CML response of the doctor?
D) Filariasis A) Accept it
Ans: A B) Refuse Politely
102) A patient having ecchymosis & C) Inform hospital administration
reduced platelet count is suffering D) None of the above
from: Ans: B
A) Hemophilia 108) Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy:
B) ITP A) Myocyte Necrosis
C) TTP B) Myoctye disarray
D) VwD C) Systolic Dysfunction
Ans: B D) Decrease TPR
103) A student fall down while watching Ans: B
a surgery due to: 109) A wound healing that goes beyond
A) Increase TPR its margins is most likely
B) Decrease TPR A) Keloid
C) Increase CO B) Hypertrophic Scar
D) Decrease VR C) Contracture
Ans: B D) Hyperplastic
SK Origional – Golden 11 140
A patient with lesion of left optic tract 158) Pregnant lady delivered at home
will develop right Homonymous yesterday, presents now with active
Hemianopia. bleeding and low platelet count,
153) A known case of CRF, likely gland likely diagnosis:
to enlarge: A) TTP
A) Thyroid B) Hemophilia
B) Parathyroid C) DIC
C) Adrenal gland D) VwD
D) Pituitary Ans: C
Ans: B 159) A 20 year old lady has amenorrhea
154) Drug to be used with caution in for the past 6 months but otherwise
patient on warfarin: reportedly normal, cause:
A) Cimetidine A) Anovulation
C) ARBs C) Precocious Puberty
D) Vitamin K D) Granulosa Cell Tumor
Ans: A Ans: A
Explanation: Cimetidine is a potent inhibitor of 160) Pregnant ladies are always advised
P450 enzyme that acts on warfarin & will increase to lie on the left lateral position to
chance of bleeding. avoid compression of:
155) Successful resuscitation after shock A) Aorta
treatment: B) IVC
A) Increase Pulse C) Common Iliac Artery
B) Increase BP D) Femoral Artery
C) Increase Urinary Output Ans: B
D) Increase Cardiac Output 161) Which of the following organ is
Ans: C resistant to hyper acute graft
156) Which of the following is rejection?
immediate mechanism for heat A) Kidney
loss? B) Heart
A) Cutaneous Vasodilation C) Liver
B) Cutaneous Vasoconstriction D) Lung
C) Activation of Anterior hypothalamus Ans: C
D) Activation of Preoptic nucleus 162) Which of the following is the drug
Ans: A of choice of Schizophrenia?
157) Lyme disease is caused by which A) Risperidone
of the following? B) Fluoxetine
A) Chlamydia C) SSRI
B) Gonorrhea D) Alprazolam
C) Spirochete Ans: A
D) Viral Explanation: According to the American
Ans: C Psychiatric Association, second generation
Explanation: (Atypical) antipsychotics with the exception of
Lyme disease is caused by Borrelia Cloazapine are the agents of choice for the
Burgdorferi is a bacterial species of first line treatment of Schizophrenia.
the spirochetes class of the genus 163) Which of the following are lungs
borrelia. main fighter cells?
A) Dendritic macrophages
SK Origional – Golden 11 145
A) 5000 ml A. Nifedepine
B) 4000 ml B. Nimodipine
C) 3000 ml C. Captopril
D) 2000 ml D. Acetazolamide
Ans: A Ans: B
Explanation: 115) Circle of willis is formed by:
CO = HR * SV A. One anterior cerebral arteries
CO = 72 * 70 B. Three posterior cerebral arteries
CO = 5040 ml C. Two Posterior Communicating arteries
110) Muscle relaxant that can be given to D. Two anterior communicating arteries
asthmatic patient: Ans: C
A. Cisatracurium Explanation:Circle of willis is formed by two
anterior cerebral arteries, two posterior cerebral
B. Atracurium
arteries, two posterior communicating arteries &
C. Succinylcholine one anterior communicating artery.
D. Suxamethonium 116) Nerve supply of anterior abdominal
Ans: A wall:
Explanation:According to applied therapeutics A. T7 – L1
there‘s no release of histamine by cisatracurium B. T6 – T9
that‘s why it‘s considered safe in Asthmatic C. T4 – T5
Patients? D. T5 – T6
111) MOA of cabergoline: Ans: A
A. D1 Agonist Explanation:Lower six intercostal nerves & first
B. D2 Agonist lumber nerve supply anterior abdominal wall.
C. D1 Antagonist 117) Initial, most common side effect of
D. D2 Antagonist Lidocaine:
Ans: B A. Treated with hydrocortisone
112) Post-operative patient taking B. Given as 2% solution to avoid adverse
gentamicin having problem in which effect
of the following? C. Causes convulsions before cardiac toxicity
A. Excretion for several hours
B. Distribution D. Perioral parasthesia
C. Absorption Ans: D
D. Potency Explanation:
Ans: A Initial : Perioral Parasthesia
Explanation:Gentamicin is eliminated through Later on: Convulsion
renal system and in post-operative patient there‘s 118) Maximum lymphatic drainage of
chances of dehydration that‘s why it will lead to breast is parallel with which of the
difficulty with excretion of the drug? following artery?
113) Patient having diabetic retinopathy & A. Axillary Artery
IHD developed chest pain due to: B. Inernal carotid artery
A. Thrombosis C. Internal thoracic artery
B. Embolism D. Subclavian artery
C. Coronary artery disease Ans: A
Explanation:Maximum of breast is drained via
Ans: C
Explanation:In DVT & prolong immobilization Anterior (Pectoral) Axillary lymph nodes & that‘s
history the patient presents with chest pain & that parallel with Axillary artery.
most likely indicates CAD which is due to 119) Submucosal Fibrosis (SMF) is:
Thrombosis A. Premalignant
114) Drug for SAH (Subarachnoid B. Benign
hemorrhage): C. Malignant
SK Origional – Golden 11 159
C) Inulin C) Below L5
D) BUN D) Above L5
Ans: A Ans: A
Explanation: Explanation: Between L4-5 and Below L4 and
Renal plasma flow is measured by : PAH above L5
GFR is Estimated by: Creatinine 42) A 20 years old boy with rheumatic
clearance valvular heart disease has been
GFR is Measured by: Inulin running a low grade fever for the last
36) In IDA which of the following is two weeks. In addition to a
investigation of choice: pansysotlic murmur, he is found to
A) Serum Iron have splenomegaly and clubbing, the
B) Serum Ferritin Level treatment should be:
C) HbA2 A) Inj. Cefotaxime + Metronidazole
D) MCV B) Inj. Ceftriaxone
Ans: B C) Inj. Penicillin
37) Propanolol acts on which of the D) Inj. Penicillin + Gentamycin
following receptors? E) Inj. Ciprofloxacin
A) Beta 1 Ans: D
B) Beta 2 43) Dermatitis & diarrhea is caused by
C) Both Beta 1 & Beta 2 deficiency of which of the following
D) Alpha 2 vitamin?
Ans: C A) Thiamine
38) Protein diet, which of the following B) Riboflavin
vitamin must be taken along with it? C) Niacin
A) Thiamine D) Folate
B) Riboflavin Ans: C
C) Biotin Explanation:Niacin (B3) deficiency leads to
D) Niacin dementia, dermatitis & diarrhea.
Ans: B 44) Mesothelioma is caused by which of
Explanation: the following?
Along with protein diet: Riboflavin (B2) A) Asbestosis
Along with Carbohydrate diet: Thiamine B) Coal Worker
(B1) C) Silicosis
Along with Fatty diet: Biotin (B7) D) Berylosis
39) Barret esophagus increases the risk of Ans: A
which of the following? Explanation:Asbestosis causes bronchogenic
A) Squamous cell carcinoma carcinoma > Mesothelioma.
B) Adenocarcinoma esophagus 45) Which of the following is the karotype
C) Gastric carcinoma of turner syndrome?
D) PUD A) 45 XO
Ans: B B) 46 XX
40) Which of the following murmur is C) 46 XY
heard in rheumatic fever? D) XXY
A) Pansystolic Ans: A
B) Early diastolic 46) Regarding cartilage:
C) Early systolic A. Epiglottis is hyaline
D) Systolic clicks B. Synovial Joint has fibrous cartilage
Ans: A C. Appositional growth
41) Which of the following is best site for D. Transitional growth
LP? Ans: C
A) Below L4 47) Webbed neck, short stature, primary
B) Above L4 amenorrhea, diagnosis:
SK Origional – Golden 11 163
93) Anti Depressant effect of TCA takes the hospital in semiconscious state is
how much long: most likely due to:
A) 1 Week A) Heat Stroke
B) 1 – 2 Weeks B) Heat Exhaustion
C) 3 – 4 Weeks C) Excessive Sweating
D) 2 Months D) Normal Phenomenon
Ans: C Ans: B
Explanation:Analgesic effect of TCA takes 1-2 Explanation:
Weeks while antidepressant effect of TCA takes 3- Heat exhaustion is characterized by
4 weeks. excessive sweating and cold, clammy skin
94) Percentage of Fats in adult male: Heat Stroke is characterized by
A) 10% Temperature above 100 & absence of
B) 15% sweating with loss of consciousness
C) 30% 100) Which of the following is most
D) 40% powerful stimulus for gastric
Ans: B secretion?
Explanation: A) Protein
Percentage of Fat in male: 15% B) Carbohydrates
Percentage of fat in female: 30 – 35% C) Lipds
95) Ataxic gait & Ipsilateral face sensation D) Acids
lost where is the site of lesion: Ans: A
A) Cerebro Pontine Angle Explanation:According to BRS physiology the
B) Cerebellopontine Angle most potent stimulus for gastrin secretion is
C) Midbrain phenyalanine & tryptophan which are amino acids
D) Pons and peptides (Protein).
Ans: B 101) Erythropoietin is secreted by which
96) Cellular vault is maintained by: organ?
A) Apoptosis A. Lung
B) Necrosis B. Intestine
C) Lysosome C. Liver
D) Enzymatic Destruction D. Kidney
Ans: A Ans: D
97) Gastrocnemius size is reduced after Explanation:
cast applied for few weeks of fracture 90% of Erythropoietin is secreted via
is most likely due to: Kidney & only limited via liver.
A) Decrease Blood supply 102) Urine examination of a patient with
B) Decrease muscle caliber diabetes demonstrates ketone bodies,
C) Denervation atrophy what is the mechanism of formation of
D) Decrease Actin & Myosin these ketone bodies?
Ans: D A) Insulin deficiency
98) Eight years old girl with well B) Hyperglycemia
developed breast and pubic hair is due C) Defective fat metabolism
to: D) Hyopalbuminemia
A) Granulosa cell tumor E) Defective glucose metabolism
B) CAH Ans: A
C) Theca cell tumor 103) Which of the following is renal
D) Normal compensation for hyperkalemia?
Ans: A A) Acidosis
99) A patient having temperature of 99F, B) Alkalosis
cold clammy skin, sweating profusely, C) Increase Glutamine secretion
and working on a hot day, brought to D) Decrease Glutamine secretion
Ans: A
SK Origional – Golden 11 168
Explanation: D) Glossopharyngeal
Metocloperamide is preffered in pre OP Ans: B
cases while Odenstrone is preferred in 135) Vibration is carried by which of the
post OP, pre chemo and radiation following tract?
induced vomiting cases A) Anterolateral system
129) Nucleus of tractus solitarius contains: B) DCML
A. 1st Order Neuron C) Spinocerebellum
B. 2nd Order Neuron D) Spinotectum
C. 3rd Order Neuron Ans: B
D. None Explanation:
Ans: B Fine touch, vibration & proprioception is
130) Investigation for Hashimotos carried out by DCML.
thyroiditis: Crude touch, pain & temperature is
A) Anti thyroglobulin & anti TPO carried out by anterolateral system.
B) Anti T3 136) Which of the following is cause of
C) TFTs global blindness?
D) Anti Thyroglobin A) Bacterial infection
Ans: A B) Viral infection
Explanation:Anti microsomal and anti C) Chlamydial infection
thyroglobulin antibodies destroy parenchyma and D) Measles
are present in hashimotos. Ans: C
131) Asthmatic Patient having respiratory 137) Paroxysmal hypertension & episodic
rate of 30/min and dyspneic, findings: headache is seen in which of the
A) Increase Lung compliance following condition?
B) Decrease Lung compliance A) Pheochromocytoma
C) No change B) Adrenal tumor
D) None of the above C) Myxoma
Ans: A D) Renal Cell carcinoma
132) Phrenic nerve avulsion at its origin Ans: A
will lead to: 138) An Old diabetic patient presented
A) Loss of sensation of central tendon of with gastroparesis which of the
Diaphragm following drug would be helpful?
B) Hemi diaphragm paralysis A) Prokinetics
C) Loss of respiratory reflex B) PPI
D) Loss of respiration C) H2 Blockers
Ans: B D) Antacids
Explanation:Phrenic nerve avulsed at its origin Ans: A
will lead to:Hemi diaphragm sensory loss > Hemi Explanation:In diabetic gastroparesis the drug of
diaphragm paralysis > Central tendon sensation choice is prokinetics i.e metoclopramide.
lost. 139) Anti H antibodies are present in
133) Intervertebral discs have which of the which blood group?
following cartilage? A) A +ve
A) Fibrocartilage B) B +Ve
B) Hyaline C) Oh
C) Elastic D) AB +Ve
D) Articular Ans: C
Ans: A 140) After a marathon race which of the
134) SCM muscle is supplied by which of following is found:
the following nerve? A) Increase Insulin
A) Vagus B) Decrease glucagon
B) Accessory C) Decrease Insulin & Increase Glucagon
C) Hypoglossal D) Decrease Glucagon & Insulin
SK Origional – Golden 11 171
B) Bordetella E) T3 & T4
C) Shagella Ans: D
D) Botilinum 57) An anemic kid was seen with worm
Ans: D crawling out of his mouth:
50) The sign of past pointing occurs in: A) Ascaris Lumbricoid
A) Cerebrum B) Diphyllobotrum Latum
B) Cerebellum C) Tinea Solium
C) Mid Brain D) Entamoeba Histolytica
D) Medulla Ans: A
Ans: B 58) Which of the following ossifies last?
51) Main determinant of plasma A) Medial epicondyle
osmolality: B) Lateral Epicondyle
A) Glucose C) Olecrenon
B) Sodium D) Trochlea
C) Albumin Ans: B
D) Globulin Remember: Critol
Ans: B
Bone Age
52) Stomach circular muscles get more
thicker in: Capetulum 1 year
A) Fundus Radial Head 3 years
B) Antrum Internal Epicondyle 5 years
C) Pylorus Trochlea 7 years
D) Cardiac Olecrenon 9 years
E) Gastroduodenal orifice Lateral Epicondyle 11 years
Ans: E 59) Tubular organ with characteristic
53) Prevention of excessive medial and aggregate of lymphoid tissue:
lateral movements at TMJ: A) Palatine tonsil
A) Sphenomandibular ligament B) Jejunum
B) Stylomandibular ligament C) Appendix
C) Collateral ligament D) Ileum
D) Anterior ligament Ans: C>D
Ans: C 60) A patient has depressive state and her
54) Which of the following side effects is aunt was interested in knowing her
related to the use of statins? disease but the doctor refused; what is
A) GI Disturbance this termed as?
B) Vomiting A) Maleficence
C) Nausea B) Autonomy
D) Headache C) Confidentiality
Ans: A D) Respect
55) Bulbar urethra lies in: Ans: C
A) Deep perineal pouch 61) Which of the following is an adult
B) Superficial perineal pouch derivate of notochord?
C) Scrotum A) Nucleus Pulposus
D) Bladder B) Vertebrae
Ans: B C) Vertebral canal
56) Which of the following hormones is of D) Annulus fibrosis
immense importance to assess thyroid Ans: A
function? 62) Receptors for thyroid hormones are
A) T3 present in which part of the target cell:
B) Calcitonin A) Inside the nucleus
C) T4 B) On the nuclear membrane
D) TSH C) Inside the cell membrane
SK Origional – Golden 11 178
D) Cytoplasm A) Enterococcus
E) On the cell membrane B) Streptococcus
Ans: A C) Hemophilus
63) Testosterone is synthesized by: D) Klebsiella
A) Seminiferous tubules Ans: A
B) Sertoli cells 70) A 53 year old lady is concerned about
C) Leydig cells her strong family history of Breast
D) Parenchymal cells Cancer and IHD. She is also
Ans: C concerned about osteoporosis, which
Explanation: Leutenizing Hormone (LH) causes prophylaxis drug will you give?
testosterone synthesis from Leydig cells. A) Bisphosphonates
64) The fluidity of the cell membrane is B) Tamoxifen
caused by: C) Raloxifen
A) Integrins D) cHRT
B) Lipopolysacharride E) Calcium and Vitamin D
C) Glucose Ans: C>A
D) Cholesterol 71) A disease caused by the bite of a
Ans: D mosquito:
65) Anterior fontanelle closes at which the A) Ochronosis
age of how many months? B) Whipple disease
A) 8 months C) Ascariasis
B) 12 months D) Filariasis
C) 22 months Ans: D
D) 26 months 72) Metastasis most common to the brain
Ans: B is from:
Range: 9-18 months. A) Liver
66) Regarding tracheoesophageal fistula, B) Kidney
which structure separates them? C) Lungs
A) Bronchial bud D) Breast
B) Laryngeal fold Ans: C
C) Laryngotracheal groove 73) Which of the following ligaments is
D) Thymus involved in maintaining the medial
Ans: C longitudinal arch?
Explanation: At the age of 4 weeks A) Calcaneonavicular ligament
Laryngeotracheal groove is formed which divides B) Posterior talofabular ligament
into respiratory and digestive tracts. C) Anterior talofibular ligament
67) Which part of the brachial plexus is D) Calcaneofibular ligament
present in axilla? Ans: A
A) Trunks 74) A man with moon face and skin
B) Cord pigmentation alongside a buffalo
C) Division hump includes:
D) Root A) Increase FSH
Ans: B B) Increase MSH
68) C1 (Atlas) Vertebra lacks which one of C) Increase LH
the following? D) Increase ACTH
A) Spinous process Ans: D
B) Articular facet 75) Aqueous humor is produced by:
C) Lateral process A) Non pigmented ciliary epithelium
D) Tranverse process B) Pigmented ciliary epithelium
E) Body C) Iris and lens
Ans: A D) Ganglion cell layer of the retina
69) Gram +ve Diplococi bacteria is: Ans: A
SK Origional – Golden 11 179
76) Carcinoma of the tongue most 82) A patient presents with BP of 180/110.
commonly occur at: Which of the following kidney
A) Lateral border of anterior 2/3rd structure is involved?
B) Lateral border of posterior 1/3rd A) JG Cells
C) Tip B) Glomerulus
D) Dorsum C) Bowmen‘s capsule
Ans: A D) Epithelial cells
77) Absence of ganglion cells occurs in Ans: A
which of the following conditions? 83) A patient presents with burns, which
A) Hirschprung‘s disease test should be done in him?
B) Toxoplasmosis A) Keratin
C) Ulcerative Colitis B) Globulin
D) IBD C) Albumin
E) Crohn‘s disease D) Transferrin
Ans: A E) Electrolytes
78) A 6 year old child with history of joint Ans: C
swelling and bleeding during a 84) An pulsating eye involves:
circumcision. Raised aPTT. Which A) External jagular vein
test should be done to confirm the B) Internal carotid artery and cavernous
diagnosis? sinus fistula
A) Factor V laden C) External carotid artery and cavernous
B) Factor 9 assay sinus fistula
C) Factor 8 assay D) Cavernous sinus fistula
D) PT Ans: B
Ans: C 85) A patient with right carotid
79) A kid with distended abdomen along endartectomy presents with dizziness
with hepato-splenomegaly and streaks on vigorous right arm movements and
in hair and skin? diagnosed as emboli in subclavian,
A) Kwashiorkor which artery is involved?
B) Marasmus A) Vertebral
C) Beri-Beri B) Carotid
D) Hypothyroidism C) Jagular
Ans: A D) Middle meningeal
80) Von Gierke disease is caused due to E) Anterior communicating
deficiency of: Ans: A
A) Branching enzymes 86) A patient with hematuria and RBC
B) Acid maltase cast in urine. Structure involved:
C) Glucose 6 Phospate A) JG Cells
D) Debranching enzymes B) Glomerulus
Ans: C C) Bowmen‘s capsule
81) A female patient with Hb 9.6 g/dl and D) Epithelial cells
doctor prescribed iron, after 2 months Ans: B
she presents with Hb 10.2 g/dl. What 87) A young patient presents with
should be further considered for jaundice. The investigations revealed
diagnosis? high serum ALP and decreased Hb
A) Ferritin and increased retic count. Most likely
B) Bone Marrow Biopsy cause of jaundice is:
C) Hb electrophoresis A) Hepatitis
D) Transferrin B) Drug induced cholestasis
Ans: C C) Cholingiocarcinoma
D) Hematological malignancy
E) Pigment stones
SK Origional – Golden 11 180
depends on B) Trapezius
Loss of water by evaporation and Hypothalamus C) Serrates posterior inferior
insensible loss from the body is D) Subscapularis
controlled by Ans: B
54) Trachea is descending in superior
48) Malignant tertian malaria‟s causative mediastinum, which structure runs to
agent is? its right side?
A) Ovale A) Vagus nerve
B) Malariae B) Common Carotid Artery
C) Vivax C) Arch of aorta
D) Knowlesi D) Descending aorta
E) Plasmodium Falciparum Ans: A
Ans: E 55) A female presents with the problem in
49) Prominent pre-potential can be seen maintaining her memory. She was also
in which tissue? complaining of diarrhea from some
A) AV node days and also had rashes over the skin.
B) SA node Deficiency of what causes this
C) Bundle of His condition?
D) Purkinje fibers A) Vitamin B1
E) Myocardial tissue B) Vitamin B2
Ans: B C) Vitamin B6
50) Conducting system of the heart D) Vitamin D
comprises of: E) Vitamin B3
A) Nicotinic fibers Ans: E
B) Cholinergic fibers Explanation:Dementia, Dermatitis, Diarrhea.
C) Sympathetic fibers This triad represents ‗Pellagra‘ caused by the
D) Modified cardiac tissue deficiency of Niacin (Vitamin B3).
E) Adrenergic fibers 56) Anterior relations of suprarenal gland:
Ans: D A) Hepatorenal ligament
51) A boy is presented with loss of B) Aorta
consciousness by his mother. His C) Liver
investigation showed high RBS level D) Lesser sac
and his mouth gave a fruity odor, what Ans: D
is the most probable cause? 57) What is the most important factor for
A) Stroke exudate formation?
B) DKA A) Chemo taxis
C) Head injury B) Increased permeability of blood vessels
D) Pancreatitis C) Increased oncotic pressure
E) Uremia D) Decrease hydrostatic pressure
Ans: B Ans: B
52) A person exhibiting an extra 58) Hypornatremia is due to:
chromosome in his genes instead of A) Increased level on water
normal two: B) Increased level of sodium
A) Trisomy C) Increase hydrostatic pressure
B) Triploids D) Decreased hydrostatic pressure
C) Klinefelter Syndrome E) Increased oncotic pressure
D) Turner Syndrome Ans: A
Ans: A 59) A fisherman presents with low Hb and
53) Stab wound to the posterior triangle of macrocytic anemia, which organism is
the neck most likely causes damage to the causative agent?
which muscle? A) Diphyllobothrium latum
A) Scalene B) Ancylostoma dueodenale
SK Origional – Golden 11 191
A) Caudate Ans: B
B) Amygdala 163) Common remnant of allantois is termed
C) Sub thalamus as:
D) Substantia Nigra A) Urachal cyst
Ans: D B) Urachal sinus
156) Injury to the neck of the fibula would C) Urachal fistula
cause an injury to which artery? D) Medial ligament
A) Anterior tibial Ans: A
B) Posterior tibial Remember:
C) Peroneal
Total failure of urachus to Urachal fistula
D) Lateral Genicular
undergo obliteration
Ans: A
157) An autosomal dominant: Partial failure of urachus to Urachal cyst
A) Both male and female are involved obliterate
B) Only male is involved Patent lumen that remains Urachal sinus
C) Only female is involved either superior or inferior
D) Affects only male children
Ans: A 164) A person sitting quietly in a chair with
158) Definition of an axon: closed eyes and resting. What type of
A) Brings information towards the cell body sleep waves will be present?
B) Insulated by oligodendrocites A) Beta
C) Takes away information from the cell B) Alpha
body. C) Delta
D) Has abundant nuclei D) Gamma
Ans: C Ans: B
159) Fracture of the lesser trochanter 165) A patient has low Glomerular
causes injury to which artery? Filtration Rate (GFR). A Physician
A) Psoas muscle must be concerned mostly about
B) Gluteus Maximus which parameter?
C) Gluteus Minimus A) High creatinine
D) Sartorius B) Hypernatremia
Ans: A C) Potassium
160) 5 year post-op transplant which will be D) Calcium
the most likely cancer? Ans: C
A) RCC 166) Lymphatic drainage of the skin of
B) HCC glans penis:
C) Melanoma A) External iliac nodes
D) Lymph proliferative disorder B) Internal iliac nodes
Ans: D C) Superficial inguinal lymph nodes
161) Drug that is inactivated highly in D) Celiac lymph nodes
lever: Ans: C
A) Streptomycin 167) Normal daily requirement of iron in
B) Regular Insulin woman?
C) Nitroglycerine A) 2g
D) Paracetamol B) 4g
Ans: C C) 1g
162) Concept of mother transmitting D) 6g
genetical disease via DNA of: Ans: A
A) Nucleus 168) Where are the smooth muscle
B) Mitochondria pericytes found in the body?
C) Golgi body A) Neurons
D) Nucleolus B) Nephrons
SK Origional – Golden 11 200
b. Great veins c. B6
c. Posterior hypothalamus d. B7
d. Skin Ans: B
e. Spinal card 27) Cervical dysplasia is caused by which
Ans: A of following?
21) From sitting to standing position a. CMV
there is compensation by which b. Herpes
mechanism? c. HPV
a. Increase HR d. Pseudomonas
b. Increase Venous return Ans: C
c. Decrease HR 28) Down syndrome is caused by:
d. Increase TPR a. Trisomy 23
e. Increase CO b. Trisomy 21
Ans: A c. Trisomy 24
22) Staging for any malignancy done to d. Trisomy 25
see: Ans: B
a. Pleomorphism 29) Most common cardiac anamoly is:
b. Extend of spread a. ASD
c. Metastasis b. VSD
d. Invasion c. PDA
Ans: B d. TOF
23) Which of the following has highest Ans: B
chances of developing endometrial 30) Woman with mitral stenosis at 28
cancer and indication of week of gestation dyspnea worsen due
Hysterectomy? to:
a. Simple hyperplasia a. Pulmonary hypertension
b. Complex hyperplasia with atypia b. IVC compression
c. Complex hyperplasia without atypia c. Systolic HTN
d. Squamous metaplasia d. Diastolic HTN
e. Chronic endometritis Ans: A
Ans: B 31) Posterior 1/3rd blood supply of heart:
24) A female of 35 yr present with increase a. LCA
central obesity hyperpigmentation b. RCA
over the body which one is responsible c. LAD
for her changes? d. Marginal Artery
a. Fsh Ans: B
b. Acth 32) Increase stroke volume keeping TPR
c. Lh constant:
d. TRH a. Increase pulse pressure and MAP
Ans: B b. Increase stroke volume and map
25) Anterior pituitary tumor will c. Increase cardiac output and map
compress: d. Decrease pulse pressure and map
a. Optic nerve Ans: A
b. Occulomotor nerve 33) A chronic pressure overload in the left
c. Abducent nerve ventricle due to aortic stenosis results
d. Trochlear nerve in:
e. Trigeminal nerve a. Altered left ventricle distensibility
Ans: A b. Decreased contractility
26) Beri Beri is caused by which of c. Left ventricular dilatation
following vitamin deficiency? d. Left ventricular hypertrophy
a. B2 e. No change
b. B1 Ans: D
SK Origional – Golden 11 203
34) Person work in digging deep earth d. A women told you she is depressed and
crust is prone to: occasionally she has suicidal thoughts
a. Silicosis e. None of the above
b. Anthacosis Ans: E(FA Step 2 )
c. Asbestosis 41) At apex of lungs:
Ans: A a. Increase ventilation
35) A patient had non-productive cough b. Increase V/Q
for 2 months non-smoker. Now c. Increase perfusion
presented with blood streaked d. Decrease V/Q
sputum. Left Lung has 5 cm hilar Ans: B
mass. Sputum shows hyper chromatic, 42) 30 yr old male who was treated for
pleomorphic cells with scanty meningitis one month back has
cytoplasm. Cause of this condition? complaint of morning headache. O/e
a. Silicosis there is bilateral papilledema. Likely
b. Asbestosis cause:
c. Smoking a. Blockage of dural sinus
d. Passive smoking b. Hydrocephalus
e. Radon exposure c. Involvement of meninges
Ans: E d. Involvement of cerebral vessels
36) Similarity between cardiac and e. Subdural collection
skeletal muscle is: Ans: B
a. Transverse Striations 43) An old man falls from the bed,
b. Transverse Tubules fractured the neck of femur. Cause of
c. Gap junctions osteoporosis:
Ans: A a. Poor diet
37) Most serious side effects of estrogen b. Decrease blood supply
in postmenopausal: c. Old age
a. Thromboembolism d. Hormonal insuffienccy
b. Endometrial Ca Ans: D
c. Breast Ca 44) The most commonest hospital
d. Ovarian carcinoma acquired organism for UTI:
Ans: B a. E. Coli
38) Male presented with head injury b. P-auriginosa
present with decrease thirst and c. S-aureus
decrease plasma osmolarity: d. Citrobacter species
a. Stimulation of lateral hypothalamus e. Klebsella species
b. SIADH Ans: A
c. Cushing Reflex 45) Von Gierke‟s disease is due to
Ans: B deficiency of enzyme:
39) Increase sodium causes: a. Glucose-6-phosphatase
a. Cell expansion b. Glucose-1-phosphatase
b. Cell shrinkage c. Branching enzyme
c. Cell burst d. Myophosphorylase
d. None Ans: A
Ans: B 46) Type of hypersensitivity in pt who has
40) Confidentiality shouldn‟t be breached been given diphtheria toxoid?
in situation: a. Type1
a. An HIV b. Type2
b. An adult male sexually abusing daughter c. Type3
c. A girl told you she has hid 100 tablets to d. Type4
commit suicide Ans: C
SK Origional – Golden 11 204
b. Abducens a. Increase CO
c. Trochlear b. Decrease HR
d. Optic c. Decrease SV
Ans: A d. Decrease MAP
49) A patient who was on Anti-TB (ATT) Ans: B
drugs developed swelling of the big 56) A soldier who was posted at Siachen
toe. The drug responsible is: presents to the emergency with
a. INH numbness of the fingers and
b. Ethambutol headache. Most probable diagnosis:
c. Pyrazinamide a. Primary polycythemia
d. Streptomycin b. Pulmonary Embolism
Ans: C c. Secondary Polycythemia
50) A patient had a car accident; which d. Polycythemia Vera
mechanism will be responsible for Ans: C
restoring his MAP? 57) A soldier went on a high altitude and
a. Brain-Bridge Reflex developed dyspnea. What is the
b. RAAS cause?
c. Baro-receptor reflex a. Primary polycythemia
d. Knee jerk reflex b. Pulmonary Embolism
Ans: C c. Pulmonary Edema
51) The antibodies used in diagnosis of d. Polycythemia Vera
hashimoto thyroiditis: Ans: C
a. Ant-Ro 58) Difficulty in differentiating red from
b. Anti-mitochondrial green has developed in a patient on
c. Anti-thyroglobulin and anti-mitochondrial ATT. The drug responsible is:
d. Anti-parietal a. INH
e. Calcitonin b. Ethambutol
Ans: C c. Pyrazinamide
52) Type of necrosis in dissecting aortic d. Streptomycin
aneurysm: Ans: B
a. Coagulative 59) Gastro-esophageal pyloric and other
b. Fibrinoid sphincters are relaxed by which
c. Liquefactive hormone?
d. Medial a. CC
Ans: D b. Gastrin
53) A patient died and after his autopsy c. VIP
was done, the tunica media was d. Trypsin
lacking in blood vessel, The condition Ans: C
is: 60) The splitting of S2 occurs due to:
a. Berry aneurysm a. Early closure of aortic valve
b. Caseous necrosis b. Late closure of aortic valve
c. Sarcoidosis c. Early closure of pulmonary valve
d. Fibrinoid necrosis d. Late closure of pulmonary valve
Ans: A Ans: D>A
54) The local anesthetic will affect which 61) Which of the following acts via c-
fibers first? GMP?
a. Type A delta a. LH
b. Type A beta b. ACTH
c. Type C c. ANP
d. Type B d. FSH
Ans: C Ans: C
55) The increase in CVP is owing to:
SK Origional – Golden 11 210
B) By the end of 3rd postnatal month 69) A hypertension patient presented with
C) By the end of 6th postnatal month vision problems and was diagnosed as
D) Early in 6th postnatal month a Grade 3 retinopathy. Which of the
Ans: C following is the target of hypertension
63) A data is arranged based on presence in retina?
or absence, this is: A) Vein
A) Nominal data B) Arteries
B) Ordinal data C) Retina nerve fibers
C) Interval data D) Arterioles
D) Ratio data E) Venules
Ans: A Ans: D
64) pH level that decreases upon 70) A patient exhibiting FEV1 84% on
10mmHg increase in CO2: spirometer, what is his condition?
A) 0.04 A) Normal lung
B) 0.01 B) Increased lung compliance
C) 0.1 C) Decreased lung compliance
D) 1 D) Emphysema
Ans: D Ans: A
Explanation: Decreases by 0.08 so 1 here is the 71) A patient presents with galactorrhea
closest answer. and amenorrhea, his labs reveal a
65) A patient with labs showing decreased prolactin level of 6500ng/ml. This
calcium level, increased phosphate condition best describes:
level and increased PTH is a case of: A) Micro adenoma
A) Acute renal failure B) Macro adenoma
B) Renal tubular acidosis C) Normal condition
C) CRF D) Pituitary adenoma
D) RCC Ans: B
Ans: C 72) A patient exhibiting
66) A patient presents with tingling hyperprolactinemia signs with
sensation and spastic contraction, he decreased vision loss has a problem
is a case of: in:
A) Vitamin B12 deficiency A) Hypothalamus
B) Tetany B) Thalamic nuclei
C) UMN Lesion C) Pituitary
D) LMN Lesion D) Occulomotor nerve
Ans: B Ans: C
67) A diuretic of choice in pulmonary 73) A damage to the right optic chiasm
edema is: would result in which kind of vision
A) Loop diuretic loss?
B) K+ Sparing diuretic A) Bitemporal Hemianopia
C) Thiazides B) Right Homonymous Hemianopia
D) Spironolactone C) Left Homonymous Hemianopia
Ans: A D) No vision impairment
68) Complication of diabetes mellitus: Ans: A
A) Wet gangrene 74) Ultra violet (UV) radiation is involved
B) Dry gangrene in causing:
C) Caseous necrosis A) Teratogenesis
D) Apoptosis B) Deafness
Ans: B C) Cataract
Remember: DD – FW D) Telangiectasia
Complication of DM Dry gangrene Ans: C
Complication of Diabetic Foot Wet gangrene.
SK Origional – Golden 11 224
D) Area 22 D) Biotin
Ans: A Ans: C
114) Arterial blood as compared to venous 121) Infectious mononucleosis is
blood has: diagnosed by:
A) Increase PO2 A) ANA
B) More packed cell volume B) Antimitochondrial antibody
C) Decrease bicarbonate C) Antimicrosomal antibody
D) Increase chloride D) Heterophile sheep antibody
Ans: A Ans: D
115) A patient with low level of thyroid 122) A female presented with menorrhagia
hormones, TSH level is also low but and her platelet count is 30,000 mcL,
increases when TRH is administered which antibody test should be done?
to the patient. The structure most A) ANA
likely damaged: B) Antimitochondrial antibody
A) Thyroid gland C) Antimicrosomal antibody
B) Pituitary D) Heterophile sheep antibody
C) Hypothalamus E) Antiplatelet antibody
D) Adrenal gland Ans: E
Ans: C Explanation: She is a case of ITP.
116) Intraembryonic coelom is derived 123) Starting a conversation with a patient
from: should initiate with:
A) Lateral plate mesoderm A) Asking name, age and address
B) Intermediate mesoderm B) Leading question
C) Endoderm C) Open ended questions
D) Ectoderm D) Sympathetically approach
Ans: A Ans: A
117) The time period of absolute refractory 124) The auscultation area of mitral valve
resting period of heart: is:
A) 200-300 msec A) Left 5th intercostal space at midclavicular
B) 150-200 msec line
C) 10-20 msec B) Right 5th intercostal space at midclavicular
D) 50-60 msec line
Ans: B C) 2nd intercostal space
118) Insulin is secreted by which cells of D) 4th intercostal space at midaxillary line
the pancreas: Ans: A
A) Delta cells 125) Vitamin A prophylaxis is an example
B) Alpha cells of:
C) Beta cells A) Primordial protection
D) Parenchymal cells B) Specific protection
Ans: C C) Health promotion
119) Pellagra is owing to: D) Disability limitation
A) Thiamine deficiency Ans: B
B) Niacin deficiency 126) Low depolarization occurs in:
C) Riboflavin deficiency A) Hyponatremia
D) Biotin deficiency B) Hypokalemia
Ans: B C) Hyperkalemia
120) A 35 week primigravida female, she D) Hypercalcemia
takes iron supplements only, which Ans: A
deficiency might occur in her? 127) Receptors present on finger tips?
A) Vitamin D A) Pacinian corpuscles
B) Vitamin K B) Meissners corpuscle
C) Folic acid C) Krause bulb
SK Origional – Golden 11 228
C) Neuropathy followed by Vasculopathy Elevation. What test would you call for
D) Vasculopathy followed by neuropathy to confirm the diagnosis?
Ans: C A) Trop-T
123) The chronic exposure to radiation B) Trop-I
causes: C) CK-MB
A) Lichen Planus D) LDH
B) Melanoma Ans: B
C) Endarteritis obliterans 131) What does the baro-receptors
D) Anemia increase?
Ans: C A) MAP
124) Dicrotic notch is related to: B) SV
A) Pulmonic valve closure C) CO
B) Aortic valve closure D) HR
C) Aortic valve opening Ans: A
D) Mitral valve closure 132) Gastric ulcers common location:
Ans: B A) Fundus
125) Tall “T” waves on ECG would B) Anterior wall of stomach
indicate: C) Antrum
A) Hypercalcemia D) Lesser curvature
B) Hypokalemia Ans: D
C) Hperkalemia 133) Malignant change is:
D) Hypoglycemia A) Invasion of the basement membrane
Ans: C B) Necrosis
126) Increase in oxytocin results in: C) Local involvement
A) Cervix dilation D) Increase vascularity
B) Cervix contraction Ans: A
C) No effect on cervix 134) A 55-Year-old patient with generalized
D) Increase blood supply to cervix lymphadenopathy. Platelets and TLC
Ans: A count was raised. Peripheral smear
127) What is less in CSF in comparison to showed mature lymphocytes. What is
plasma? the diagnosis?
B) Na B) Hairy cell leukemia
C) Mg C) Burkitt lymphoma
D) Protein D) Hodgkin lymphoma
Ans: D E) CLL
128) Which of the following factors must be Ans: E
matched for transplant patient? 135) The type of anemia that occurs after
A) HLA gastrectomy is termed as:
B) Rh factor A) Sickle cell anemia
C) DNA B) Hemolytic anemia
D) MHC C) Pernicious anemia
Ans: A D) Normocytic anemia
129) Cardiolipin is present in: Ans: C
A) RER 136) A patient has signs of Byssinosis. He
B) Mitochondria works in which industry?
C) SER A) Coal
D) Plasma membrane B) Textile
E) Golgi bodies C) Road
Ans: B D) Plumber
130) A patient with chest pain for the last 4 Ans: B
hours and on ECG there is ST 137) Sympathetic activation causes:
SK Origional – Golden 11 241
toward death in post adrenalectomy patient if not During thryoidectomy the nerve most
treated. commonly damaged is external laryngeal
9) Stratum functionalis of uterus is nerve.
formed by: 13) Carcinoma of the skin of glans penis
a. Stratum compactum & Spongiosum is most likely to spread via lymphatics
b. Stratum basale & Spongiosum to:
c. Stratum compactum & basale a. External iliac nodes
d. Stratum basale & Spongiosum b. Internal iliac nodes
Ans: A c. Superficial inguinal nodes
Explanation: Stratum functionalis of uterus is d. Deep inguinal nodes
composed of stratum compactum & stratum Ans: C
spongiosum while the regenerating layer is stratum Explanation: Skin of glans penis is drained via
basale. superficial inguinal nodes while glans penis itself is
10) OCP discontinued due to the presence drained by deep inguinal nodes.
of: 14) Early diagnosis & prompt treatment
a. Migraine is:
b. Cervical neoplasia a. Counseling
c. Cluster Headache b. Primary prevention
d. Tension headache c. Secondary prevention
Ans: A d. Simple prevention
Explanation: According to MRCOG guidelines e. Tertiary prevention
OCPs are contraindicated in migraine. Ans: C
11) Fine skilled motor movements are Explanation:
controlled by: Primary prevention: health promotion &
a. Corticospinal tract specific protection.
b. Cerebellum Secondary prevention: early diagnosis &
c. Rubrospinal tract prompt treatment.
d. Spinothalamic tract Tertiary prevention: Disability limitation
Ans: A & rehabilitation.
Explanation: 15) Water loss through sweating after
Fine skilled & discrete movements are exercise is replaced with normal saline
controlled by CST. which of the following will increase?
Fine movements are controlled by a. Extracellular volume
cerebellum. b. Extracellular osmolarity
12) During thyroidectomy superior c. Intracellular volume
thyroid artery is ligated. The nerve d. Intracellular potassium
likely to be injured: Ans: C
a. External Laryngeal nerve 16) Alpha 5 reductase stimulates which
b. Internal Laryngeal nerve hormone?
c. Recurrent Laryngeal nerve a. Testosterone
d. Superior Laryngeal nerve b. Cortisol
e. Vagus nerve c. Epinephrine
Ans: A d. NE
Explanation: Ans: A
If superior artery is ligated the nerve most 17) Infection of the neck anterior (infront)
likely to be damaged is external laryngeal of pretracheal fascia will spread to:
nerve. a. Anterior Mediastinum
If inferior artery is ligated the nerve most b. SuperiorMediastinum
likely to be damaged is recurrent laryngeal c. Posterior Mediastinum
nerve. d. Middle Mediastinum
e. Inferior mediastinum
Ans: A
SK Origional – Golden 11 246
Explanation: d. Uterus
Infection of neck in front of pretracheal Ans: B
fascia will spread to anterior Explanation: Urogenital folds make the ventral
mediastinum. surface of penis in a boy & the same structure
Infection of neck behind pretracheal makes labia minora in a girl.
fascia will spread to superior & posterior 22) The maternal mortality ratio (MMR):
mediastinum. a. The number of maternal deaths during a
18) A 02 years old child presented with a given time period per 100,000 live births
midline swelling just below the hyoid during the same time period.
bone. The swelling was noticed at 03 b. The number of maternal deaths during a
months of age and is slowly increasing year.
in size, with no movements on c. The number of maternal deaths in a given
protrusion of tongue, the condition period per population of women who are
most likely is: of reproductive age.
a. Accessory thymic tissue d. The number of deaths of young women.
b. Branchial cyst Ans: A
c. Cranipharngioma Explanation:
d. Ectopic thyroid gland Maternal mortality ratio is the number of
e. Thyroglossal duct cyst maternal deaths per live births.
Ans: D Maternal mortality rate is the number of
Explanation: Thyroglossal duct cyst will move maternal deaths in a given period per
with protrusion of the tongue & protrusion of population of women who are of
tongue test is positive while in ectopic thyroid reproductive age.
gland there will be no movement of the swelling 23) Which of the following is always
with protrusion of tongue and hence, protrusion present in anemia?
test is negative. a. Low MCV
19) A patient having serum creatinine b. High TIBC
level of 8 mg/dl and blood pressure is c. Low Hemoglobin
180/100 mmhg. Which cells are most d. High hemoglobin
likely damaged: Ans: C
a. Glomerular cells Explanation: Low hemoglobin is found in all
b. JGs cells types of Anemia while MCV & TIBC maybe
c. Macula Densa cells increased or decreases in various types of Anemia.
d. Afferent arteriole 24) The best option for accurate
Ans: B calculation of gestational age by
20) During summer a fasting man has ultrasound scan will be measurement
concentrated urine due to: of:
a. Decrease water intake a. Crown rump length at 8 weeks of fetal life
b. Increase ADH b. Crown rump length at 6 weeks of fetal life
c. Increase sweating c. Biparietal diameter at 18 weeks of life
d. Decrease ADH d. Bitemporal diameter at 18 weeks of life
Ans: B Ans: A
Explanation: During summer and fasting there‘s Explanation: CRL upto 14 weeks while BPD in
less water intake & hence ADH is released that 2nd trimester.
leads to concentrated & low volume urine. 25) Abnormal overgrowth thickening of
21) In a boy on examination a structure bone is due to:
which fails to develop on ventral a. Chief cells of parathyroid
surface of penis, what‟s the b. Cells of adenohypophysis
counterpart of structure in a girl? c. Pars intermedia
a. Labia Majora d. Leydig cells
b. Labia Minora Ans: B
c. Clitoris
SK Origional – Golden 11 247
Explanation: 1st heart sound is produced in latissimus dorsi posteriorly, the external oblique
isolvolumetric ventricular contraction due to muscle anteriorly & the iliac crest inferiorly.
closure of AV valves that‘s mitral & tricuspid 85) Uterinecarcinoma (or infection)
valves. travels to Labia majora through which
80) Progress to grade 4 hepatic route:
encephalopathy is caused by: a. Round ligament
a. Alcohol b. Broad ligament
b. Diuretics c. Cardinal ligament
c. Paracetamol d. Suspensory ligament
d. Antibiotics Ans: A
Ans: B 86) Medial border of inguinal triangle is
81) Baby came with intestinal obstruction formed by:
and was diagnosed to have a. Lateral boarder of rectus abdominis
hirschsprung disease. Which segment b. Inguinal ligament
will be involved? c. Inferior epigastric vessels
a. S2, S3, S4 d. Medial boarder of rectus abdominis
b. S4, S5 Ans: A
c. L5, L5 Explanation:
d. L2, L3 Medial boarder is formed by Rectus
Ans: A abdominis
82) 60 year old man with painless Lateral boarder is formed by inferior
testicular swelling, biopsy shows epigastric vessels
mature stem cells: What is your likely Inferior boarder is formed by inguinal
diagnosis: ligament
a. Choriostoma 87) The inferior rectal vein drains into:
b. Lymphoma a. Inferior mesenteric vein
c. Mixed cell tumor b. Superior mesenteric vein
d. Teratoma c. Internal pudendal vein
e. Adenoma d. Left renal vein
Ans:. D e. Internal iliac vein
83) Scenario about a patient, tooth Ans: C
extraction was done,doctor prescribed Explanation: The inferior rectal vein drains into
him multivitamins and calcium internal pudendal vein that in turn drains into
supplements. Patient is already taking internal iliac vein.
candesartan. Which of the following 88) Counter part of labia majora in men:
antibiotics will affect its efficacy? a. Scrotum
a. Tetracycline b. Penis
b. Metronidazole c. Testis
c. Amoxcillin d. Appendix testis
d. Penicillin Ans: A
Ans: B 89) Which structure act as a conduit
84) Anterior border of lumbar Triangle is between peritoneal cavity and uterus?
formed by: a. Birth canal
a. Posterior boarder of Latissimus dorsi b. Cervix
b. Iliac crest c. Fallopian tube
c. Posterior boarder of quadratus lumborum d. Ovaries
d. Posterior boarder of external oblique Ans: C
muscle. 90) Antihypertensive drug which causes
e. Serratus anterior postural hypotension, tachycardia &
Ans: D angina:
Explanation: The boarders of petit‘s triangle, also a. Hydralazine
known as inferior lumber triangle is bounded by b. Nifidipine
SK Origional – Golden 11 253
c. Fibrinogen Ans: C
d. Antibodies 154) cAMP pathway is stimulated by:
Ans: A a. Receptor
149) Chronic smoker working in a tyre b. Protein
factory presented with painless c. Hormone
haematuria & histopathology shows d. Enzymes
transitional cell bladder carcinoma Ans: A
most likely cause: 155) Man with blood group A negative
a. Aromatic amines can‟t receive blood from:
b. Tobacco smoking a. A+Ve
c. Nitrites b. A-ve
d. Aluminium c. AB-ve
Ans: B d. O-ve
Explanation: Smoking is the overall commonest Ans: C
cause for bladder carcinoma followed by aromatic Explanation: AB is universal acceptor and it can
amines. only donate blood to AB blood groups.
150) A non-insulin dependent diabetic and 156) Bone density is best assessed by:
hypertensive female patient had a. Dexa scan
Cholecystectomy. On the 3rd post- b. MRI
operative day, she complained of c. Ultrasound
sudden onset of dyspnea, chest pain d. X-ray
and haemoptysis. The most likely Ans: A
cause of her symptoms would be: 157) Question regarding liver grauloma:
a. Myocardial infarction a. Coagulative necorsis
b. Pneumonia b. Caseous necrosis
c. Pulmonary embolism c. Liquefective necrosis
d. Septicaemia d. Fat necrosis
e. Spontaneous pneumothorax Ans: B
Ans: C 158) Diaphragm development:
151) Ureter can be damaged at pelvic brim a. With transverses abdominis and costal
while ligating: margins
a. Uterine artery b. With external oblique muscle
b. Internal iliac artery c. With internal oblique muscle
c. Ovarian artery d. From septum transversum
d. Aorta Ans: D
Ans: C 159) Hasselbachtriangle‟s boundaries were
Explanation: The artery at pelvic brim is ovarian mentioned and associated hernia was
artery. asked:
152) Root value of femoral nerve is: a. Inguinal hernia
a. L2, L3 b. Indirect inguinal hernia
b. L2, L3, L4 c. Direct inguinal hernia
c. S1, S2 d. Femoral hernia
d. T2, T6 Ans: C
e. L1, L2 160) Most prominent prepotential:
Ans: B a. SA Node
153) Scenario regarding raised JVP, Low b. AV node
BP and high lactate level. Most likely c. Purkinjee fibers
cause: d. Bundle of HIS
a. Hypovolumic shock Ans: A
b. Cardiac tamponade 161) Taste sensation from anterior 2/3rd of
c. Septic shock tongue:
d. Cardiac shock a. Facial nerve
SK Origional – Golden 11 259
systemic d. Renin
b. Systemic resistance lower than pulmonary Ans: A
c. Pulmonary Resistance equal with systemic Explanation: Vasopressin (ADH) absorbs water
d. None & decreases plasma osmolarity.
Ans: A 54) Fever with lymphadenopathy & EBV
49) Confidence interval is: infection:
a. Mean & its standard error a. Burkitt‘s Lymphoma
b. Standard error of mean & T-value b. AML
c. Mean & Mode c. CML
d. Median & Standard Error d. IM
Ans: A Ans: A
Explanation: Explanation: Burkitt lymphoma is caused by
Confidence interval: Mean & its standard EBV & presents with cervical lymphadenopathy.
Error 55) Which of the following increases
Confidence limit: Standard error of mean during sleep?
& T-value a. Insulin
50) Trachea starts at which level: b. ADH
a. C6 c. Growth Hormone
b. C7 d. Renin
c. C4 Ans: C
d. C5 Explanation: Cortisol, melatonin & prolactin
Ans: A increases during sleep but as these weren‘t in
Explanation: Trachea starts at C6 level while options, the next among these are GH.
trachea bifurcates at T4-5 > T5. 56) Cytoskeleton connected to ECM by:
51) Septal blood supply: a. Intermediate filament
a. Anterior Interventricular Artery b. Proteoglycan
b. Posterior Interventricular Artery c. Integrin
c. Right Marginal Artery d. Cadehrin
d. Left Marginal Artery Ans: C
Ans: A Explanation:
Explanation: Cytoskeleton connected to ECM by
Anterior 2/3rd of septum is supplied by: Integrin
Anterior interventricular Artery ECM connected to ICM by Intermediate
Posterior 1/3rd of septum is supplied by filament
posterior interventricular Artery 57) Atlas has no:
Hence, Anterior interventricular Artery > a. Spinous process
Posterior Interventricular Artery b. Articulation with Skull
52) Epithelium of Main salivary duct: c. Lumen
a. Stratified cuboidal d. Arch
b. Simple Cuboidal Ans: A
c. Simple Columnar Explanation: Atlas is made of a thick anterior
d. Stratified Columnar arch and a think posterior arch with lumen & skull
Ans: D articulation but has no spinous process.
Explanation: Epithelium of Main salivary gland 58) Atlanto-axial joint causes which
duct is lined by Stratified columnar epithelium movement?
while epithelium of sweat gland main duct is lined a. Rotation
by stratified cuboidal epithelium. b. No movement
53) Which of the following decreases c. Yes
osmolarity? d. None
a. Vasopressin (ADH) Ans: A
b. Epinephrine Explanation:
c. Aldoesterone Atlanto-Axial joint produces rotational
SK Origional – Golden 11 266
d. Iliacus Ans: A
Ans: A Explanation: Obtruator internus muscle is
Explanation: supplied by anterior division of sacral plexus.
Structure cut in mediolateral episiotomy is 111) Which of the following forms pelvic
bulbospongiosus inlet boundary?
Structure at risk during mediolateral a. Pubic Crest
episiotomy is Levator Ani b. Levator Ani muscle
In Median Episiotomy structure at risk is c. Ischial Tuberosity
external anal sphincter d. Iliacus
106) Ultrasound wave frequency more Ans: A
than: 112) Post-operative pain relief in asthmatic
a. 5 khz patient:
b. 10 khz a. Keterolac
c. 15 khz b. Pethidine
d. 20 khz c. Paracetamol
Ans: D d. SSRI
107) Ultrasound wave frequency per Ans: B
second range: Explanation:
a. 5000 hz Mild – Moderate pain is relieved with
b. 10,000 hz PCM
c. 15,000 hz Severe Pain is relieved with Pethidine
d. 20,000 hz Keterolac is contraindicated in Asthmatic
Ans: D patient
108) Main support of uterus: 113) 20 years old patient presented with
a. Lateral Cervical ligament increase urea, creatinine & increase
b. Uterosacral ligament K+ level:
c. Broad ligament a. CKD
d. Uterine ligament b. RTA
Ans: A c. DKA
Explanation: d. HONK
Main support of uterus is: Lateral Cervical Ans: A
Ligament. 114) GFR in a healthy person is about:
Dynamic Support of uterus is: Pelvic a. 100 ml/min
Diaphragm. b. 125 ml/min
Associated support of Uterus is: c. 200 ml/min
Uterosacral Ligament. d. 250 ml/min
109) Diagnosis of thalassemia: Ans: B
a. Hb Electrophoresis 115) Distance from sacral promontory to
b. CBC inner part of pubic symphsis:
c. Bone marrow Biopsy a. True Conjugate
d. Serum Ferritin b. Obstetric Conjugate
Ans: A c. False Conjugate
Explanation: d. Diagonal Conjugate
Thalassemia is diagnosed accurately with Ans: B
Hb Electrophoresis. Explanation:
IDA is diagnosed with serum ferritin. True Conjugate: Distance from sacral
110) Obtruator internus muscle is supplied Promontory to upper boarder of Pubic
by: Symphysis.
a. Sacral plexus Obstetric Conjugate: Distance from
b. Femoral plexus Sacral Promontory to inner part of Pubic
c. Lumber Plexus Symphysis.
d. Tibial nerve Diagonal Conjugate: Distance from Sacral
SK Origional – Golden 11 271
c. CEA b. Epiblast
d. PSA c. Hypoblast
Ans: A d. Intermediate mesoderm
Explanation: Ans: D
CA-125 is raised in ovarian carcinoma 146) Uterine changes during pregnancy:
CA 19-9 is raised in pancreatic & a. Hyperplasia
colorectal carcinoma b. Hypertrophy
CEA is raised in colorectal & pancreatic c. Hypertrophy + Hyperplasia
carcinoma d. Atrophy
PSA is raised in Prostate carcinoma Ans: C
139) Antidote for atropine reversal: 147) Middle value with exact numbers
a. Neostagmine above & below it:
b. Physostagmine a. Median
c. Edrophonium b. Mode
d. Epinephrine c. SD
Ans: B d. Mean
140) Pink frothy vaginal discharge with Ans: A
vulval pruritus is caused by: 148) Muscle paralyzed during difficult
a. HSV child birth:
b. HPV a. Iliacus
c. Gonorrhea b. Levator Ani
d. Chlamydia c. Perineal body
e. Tichomonas Vaginalis d. Obtruator Internus
Ans: E Ans: B
141) Whole body Edema due to: 149) Superficial inguinal ring is traversed
a. Hypernatremia by:
b. CCF a. Ilioinguinal nerve
c. Excessive Renin secretion b. Genitofemoral nerve
d. Excessive Aldosterone secretion c. Iliohyopgastric nerve
Ans: B d. Obtruator nerve
142) Chorioamniotis most specific Ans: A
indicator: 150) Deep inguinal ring is formed by defect
a. IL-1 in:
b. IL-6 a. External oblique muscle
c. IL-8 b. Transversalis Fascia
d. TNF c. Internal Oblique muscle
Ans: B d. Psoas
143) A patient with yellowish vaginal Ans: B
discharge & motile trophozite: 151) Diabetic mother presented with
a. Gonorrhea respiratory distress fetus should be
b. Trichomonas Vaginalis given:
c. HPV a. Betamethasone
d. HSV b. Promethasone
Ans: B c. Momethasone
144) Opsonization is done by: d. Dexamethasone
a. FC portion of IgG & C3b Ans: A
b. FC portion of IgM Explanation: Dexamethasone can cause a bit of
c. FC portion of IgM & C5a neurotoxicity that‘s why betamethasone is
d. C5b & IgM preferred.
Ans: A 152) Inferior rectal artery is a branch of:
145) Genitourinary system is derived from: a. Internal pudendal artery
a. Lateral Plate mesoderm b. External Pudendal artery
SK Origional – Golden 11 274
Explanation: Pregnant lady with dyspnea without 170) Appendicular artery is a branch of:
any other factors like trauma is most likely a. Posterior cecal artery
amniotic fluid embolism. b. Iliocolic artery
164) Suckling response causes: c. Middle colic artery
a. Decrease GnRH d. Superior mesenteric artery
b. Decrease FSH Ans: B
c. Decrease LH Explanation:
d. Decrease Oxytocin According to RJ last Iliocolic artery give
Ans: A raise to appendicular artery
165) Primitive streak mesoderm migrates Snell however, mentions Posterior cecal
to anterior abdominal wall around artery
cloaca. A rupture of this mesoderm Follow RJ last
cranially will produce: 171) Virus causes cancer due to alteration
a. Ectopic anal canal of:
b. Imperforate anus a. Protein
c. Bladder extrophy b. DNA
d. None c. RNA
Ans: A d. Ribosome
Explanation: Ans: A
Cranial opening: Ectopic anal canal Explanation:
Caudal Opening: Extrophy of bladder Virus has oncogenes
166) Bulbourethral gland is present in: Virus cause cancer by proto-oncogenes
a. Superficial perineal pouch Virus cause cancer by alteration of
b. Deep perineal pouch protein.
c. Intermediate pouch 172) Body/tissue source of cholesterol:
d. Sphincter a. LDL
Ans: B b. HDL
167) A tall man with normal external c. VLDL
genitalia married but had no kids, he d. Chylomicrons
had normal ejaculation period but Ans: A
semen analysis showed azospermia 173) Hypersensitivity reaction is reduced
cause maybe in: in:
a. Epidydymis a. Immunocompromised
b. Sertoli cells b. Immunocompetent
c. Scrotum c. Malignancy
d. Seminiferous Tubules d. Hepatitis
Ans: B Ans: A
Explanation: Sertoli cells found in seminiferous 174) Most common cause of
tubules and play important role in hydrocephalus:
spermatogenesis. a. Cerebral aqueduct stenosis
168) Decrease surfactant leads to: b. Increase CSF production
a. RDS c. Lateral Ventricles obstruction
b. Immature Heart d. 3rd ventricles obstruction
c. Immature intestine Ans: A
d. Immature Brain 175) A patient with abdominal pain,
Ans: A bloating and foul smelling most useful
169) Heart can‟t be tetanized due to: investigation would be:
a. Short refractory period a. Stool D/R
b. Long refractory period b. Culture
c. Gap junctions c. Gram staining
d. Desmosome d. Colonscopy
Ans: B Ans: A
SK Origional – Golden 11 276
49) The diagnostic lab test for the 56) Nissil bodies are abundant in:
infection by streptococcus beta A. SER
haemolyticus is: B. RER
A. ASO titre C. Golgi apparatus
B. Blood culture D. Mitochondria
C. ESR Ans: B
D. Leukocytes culture 57) Which of the following types of drugs
E. Urine for bile pigment will have maximum oral
(Best initial ➡ASO titer) bioavailability?
(Diagnostic ➡Culture) A. Drugs with high first-pass metabolism.
Ans: B B. Highly hydrophilic drugs.
50) Most common congenital heart C. Largely hydrophobic, yet soluble in
disease: aqueous solutions
A. ASD D. Chemically unstable drugs.
B. VSD E. Drugs that are P-glycoprotein substrates
C. TOF Ans: C
D. TGA 58) Patient has blunt truma to abdomen
E. PDA presented in shock state most likely
Ans: B organ damage:
51) Slowly adaptive receptors: A. Liver
A. Merkle‘s disk B. Spleen
B. Carotid baroreceptors C. Kidney
C. Rufini's corpuscles D. Pancreases
D. Pacinion corpusles E. Intestine
E. Fine nerve endings Ans: B
Ans: C 59) Conducting part of lung:
52) Anesthetic drug in asthmatic patient: A. Bronchi
A. Propofol B. Alveoli
B. Ketorolac C. Alveolar duct
C. Halothane D. Bronchioles
D. Ketamine Ans: A
Ans: D 60) Which of is strong Analgesic but weak
53) Manubriosternal joint: anesthetic?
A. Primary cartilaginous joint A. Ketamine
B. Secondary cartilaginous joint B. Morphine
C. Tertiary cartilaginous joint C. Nitric oxide
Ans: B D. Toradol
54) Doppler ultrasound: Ans: C
A. Findings are modified by fetal 61) Choline is component of:
presentation A. Sphingomylein
B. Pulstality is increased in growth restricted B. Phsophotidicholine
fetus C. Cephalic
C. Pulstality is decreased in growth restricted D. Glycerol
fetus Ans: A
Ans: B 62) Growth hormone uses which as main
55) Female patient wants to lose weight source for energy production?
what is best strategy for her? A. Acth
A. Self-punishment B. Glucose
B. Self-reward C. Fat
C. Self-monitoring D. Proteins
D. Social withdrawl Ans: C
Ans: C
SK Origional – Golden 11 281
Ans: A Ans: B
90) The female child is at risk for clear cell 96) Characteristic of carcinoma:
carcinoma of the vagina of she had A. Keratin Pearls
utero exposure to the following drug: B. S – 100
A. Diethylstilbestrol(DES) C. Desmin
B. Nicotine D. Vemtin
C. Clomiphene Ans: A
D. Isotretinoin 97) Spermatogenesis take how many days:
E. Methotrexate A. 30
Ans: A B. 60
91) A 38 week pregnant woman visited her C. 90
family and a remote area after which D. 120
she develop jaundice suddenly. Which Ans: B
type of hepatitis is most likely 98) Person had swelling in upper arm
prevalent and the pregnant women? after injury. Swelling remained for 3
A. Hep. A months but resolved in 1 year. What
B. Hep. B was the cause of swelling?
C. Hep. C A. Hypertrophy
D. Hep. D B. Hyperplasia
E. Hep. E C. Metastatic calcification
Ans: E D. Dysplasia
92) Due to stress of surgery what will E. Metaplasia
increase and cause vasoconstriction? Ans: E
A. ACTH 99) Which cause of intestinal obstruction
B. Cortisol gives worst prognosis?
C. Catecholamines A. Adhesion
D. Dopamine B. Diverticulitis
Ans: C C. Mesenteric ischemia
93) A patient was brought to the hospital D. Hernia
with a history of RTA eight hours E. Intrinsic cause
back. A few drops of blood are noted Ans: C
at the external urethral meatus. He 100) What pulmonary disease, most
has not passed urine? commonly associated with smoking,
A. Urethral injury results in enlarged, overinflated lungs
B. Rupture bladder owing to the destruction of the
C. Ureteral injury alveolar walls with diminished elastic
D. Anuria due to hypovolemia recoil?
Ans: A A. Asthma
94) In pulmonary embolism respiratory B. Lung carcinoma
distress is due to: C. Emphysema
A. V/Q mismatch D. Pneumoconiosis
B. V/Q increase Ans: C
C. V/Q decrease 101) Patient brought in shock in
Ans: A emergency department. Successful
95) The number of new cases of breast fluid replacement will be indicated by?
cancer per 100000 women in a year is A. Decrease in tachycardia
expressed as: B. Increase in BP
A. Rate C. Increase in urine output
B. Incidence Ans: C
C. Prevalence 102) Downward displacement of enlarged
D. Proportion spleen is prevented by?
E. Ratio A. Linorenal ligament
SK Origional – Golden 11 284
a. Iliacus c. B fiber
b. Levator Ani d. A delta fiber
c. Perineal body Ans: A
d. Obtruator Internus Explanation:―C – Fibers‖ are the slowest nerve
Ans: B fibers because they are Un-myelinated that
32) A female present with pink frothy transmits slow pain.
vaginal discharge with vulval pruritus 37) An old lady presented in medical
caused by: emergency in unconscious state. Her
a. HSV Bp 180/90 Temp 39 Pulse 90.Labs are
b. Trichomonas Vaginalis Glucose 350mg/dl Na 130, K 3.5, Urea
c. Gonorrhea is 10. Diagnosis?
d. Syphilis a. Chronic Renal Failure
Ans: B b. RTA
Explanation: In trichomonas vaginitis patient c. Diabetic Keto acidosis
have frothy,yellow-green, foul smelling discharge d. Honk
(strawberry cervix).On lab finding motile pear Ans: A
shaped trichomonads can be seen. Explanation: Since patient is Hypertensive,Urea
Treatment: Metronidazole is increased,Unconscious due to Urosepsis, All are
33) Primitive streak mesoderm migrates indicating about chronic renal failure.Since
to anterior abdominal wall around potassium level is also normal range in CKD
cloaca. A rupture of this mesoderm potassium level is less likely to fluctuate.
cranially will produce: 38) Of 20 women with neonates getting
a. Ectopic anal canal Tetanus 19 had not taken Tetanus
b. Imperforate anus Toxoid Vaccine and of 40 whose
c. Bladder extrophy babies did not have Tetanus 30 has
d. None taken two tetanus toxoid shots during
Ans: A Pregnancy. The odd ratio will be?
34) A patient is suffering from chronic a. 10
renal failure and on dialysis. Increase b. 11
in which parameter of blood is c. 7
alarming? d. 8
a. Calcium e. 9
b. Creatinine Ans: E
c. Urea 39) One gram of haemoglobin binds with
d. Sodium how much oxygen?
e. Potassium a. 3.0ml
Ans: E b. 1.34ml
35) Highest systolic pressure is present in: c. 2.45ml
a. Renal artery d. 5ml
b. Aorta Ans: B
c. Pulmonary Artery Explanation: Healthy person have 15gm of Hb
d. Carotid artery which binds with 20.1 of oxygen i.e 1.34×15=20.1
Ans: A so each 1 gm of Hb binds with 1.34ml of oxygen.
Explanation: Glomerular capillaries are unique 40) Tamoxifen is given to a patient who is
because they have Arterioles on both having Ca Breast. Keeping in mind
sides so pressure is high around Tamoxifen have Estrogenic and Anti
50mmHg.Since there is no dissipation of estrogenic effect what would be
arterial pressure that‘s why renal artery possible side effect:
have highest systolic pressure. a. Endometrial Carcinoma
36) Slowest nerve fiber: b. Endometrial hyperplasia
a. C fiber c. Endometriosis
b. A fiber d. Stroke
SK Origional – Golden 11 293
Ans: D c. Tyrosine
78) A Patient is having severe diarrhoea d. Spectrin
from 3 days what will happen: e. Myosin
a. Metabolic alkalosis Ans: B
b. Metabolic acidosis 83) Covid-19 current name is:
c. Respiratory acidosis and Alkalosis a. Influenza type 2
d. No acid base balance disturbance b. Sars 2
e. Metabolic Alkalosis and Metabolic c. Sars 1
acidosis. d. Paramyxovirus
Ans: B e. HHV-8
Explanation: Ans: B
Acute Diarrhea=Normal anion Gap Metabolic 84) A patient presents with hypoglycemia
Acidosis. and Hepatomegaly. A glycogen
Chronic Diarrhea =Metabolic Alkalosis storage disease known as von gierke
79) 1 degree decrease in body disease is diagnosed. Which enzyme
temperature. What %age of CMRO2 is deficient in this patient?
decreases? a. Alpha 1,4 Glucosidase
a. 3% b. Glucose 6 Phosphatase
b. 8% c. Myophosphorylase
c. 15% d. Alpha 1,6 Glucosidase
d. 28% Ans: B
e. 32% 85) The Glucose molecule present In
Ans: B Glycogen side chain is metabolized by
Explanation: which enzyme?
Normal CMRO2 i.e. Cerebral metabolic rate of a. ATP
oxygen is 3.0-3.8 ml O2/ 100gm b. ADP
brain/min.Hypothermia decreases cerebral c. Glucose 1 phosphorylase
metabolic rate (CMR) by 6% to 7%. d. Kinin
80) In post streptococcal e. Reductase
glomerulonephritis finding is: Ans: C
a. Linear depositions 86) Cobalamin transported in blood by:
b. Mesangial proliferation a. Albumin
c. Sub epithelial deposits b. Transcobalamin 1
d. Alveolar damage c. Transcobalamin 2
e. Sub Endothelial Deposits d. Heptoglobin
Ans: C e. Transferrin
81) A 4 years old female child is Ans: C
diagnosed case of Cystic fibrosis.She 87) 45 years female was on prolonged bed
also developed lung abscess due to rest and now she is having shortness
Pseudomonas auruginosa.What of breath and peripheral edema. Her
complication is most likely to chest X-ray shows many areas of
develop? infarction.
a. Bronchiectasis a. Massive pulmonary embolism
b. Atelectasis b. Recurrent pulmonary embolism
c. Pneumothorax c. Left Heart Failure
d. Rib Fracture d. Pulmonary Edema
e. Pulmonary Edema e. Stroke
Ans: A Ans: B
82) Duchene muscular destroy is due to Explanation: Here we choose Recurrent
deficiency of: Pulmonary Embolism because in x ray areas of
a. Amino acid infarct shows previous history of mild pulmonary
b. Dystrophin infarction and patient is also having peripheral
SK Origional – Golden 11 298
edema a major risk factor for DVT which leads to 93) Vesicles on vulva are due to:
embolism and also look for signs of Right Heart a. HPV 18
Failure(Cor pulmonale) secondary to Chronic b. Herpes 1
Pulmonary Disease i.e. Recurrent c. Herpes 2
Thromboembolism in such stems. d. Varicella
88) Cacl2 was given to a Rat in a e. Chlamydia
laboratory which leads to Ans: C
Hypercalcemia. Now what will 94) Pap smear positive by:
increases? a. HPV 18
a. 1,25 Dihydroxycholecalciferol b. HPV 16
b. 24,25 Dihydroxycholecalciferol c. Chlamydia
c. Cortisol d. Trichomonas
d. Epinephrine Ans: B
e. Cholecalciferol 95) Preganglionic sympathetic fibers:
Ans: B a. White rami
89) In hypernatremia what will happen? b. Gray Rami
a. Cell Lysis c. Dorsal Root
b. Degranulation of lysomal enzymes d. Dorsal primary ramus
c. Cell shrinkage e. Ventral primary ramus
d. Cell swelling Ans: A
e. Decrease osmolarity of ICF Explanation: Sympathetic polyneuronal signals
Ans: C starts from Hypothalamus and Pre ganglionic
Explanation:Hypertonic solution sympathetic reach in LATERAL or
(Hypernatremia) water shifts from ICF to ECF as INTROMEDIAL HORN of spinal cord.Then
a result of this shift dec. in ICF which causes cell from here these pre ganglionic sympathetic fibres
shrinkage. leaves as WHITE RAMI( Name white rami
90) A patient is suffering from Sepsis and because these fibers are Myelinated). So
Hypotensive. We give him I.V fluids Intromedial/Lateral horn>White Rami
but didn‟t resolve. What happen to 96) Cortisol and Fatty acid metabolism.
this patient? Hormone involved is:
a. Hypovolemic Shock a. Inulin
b. Anaphylaxis b. Prolactin
c. Haemorrhagic Shock c. Insulin
d. Refractory to fluid therapy d. T4
e. Sepsis e. GnrH
Ans: D Ans: C
Because of Third spacing 97) Thiamin deficiency causes:
91) Primary gravida normal delivery a. Rickets
which structure damage? b. Osteoporosis
a. Ischial spine c. Color blindness
b. Sacrotuberous Ligament d. Beri Beri
c. Perineal Body Ans: D
d. Ureter 98) A baby with Edema
e. Levator ANI hepatosplenomegaly and
Ans: E hyperpigmentation. Diagnosis:
92) Potent anabolic hormone is: a. Kwashiorkor
a. Cortisol b. Celiac Disease
b. Prolactin c. Marasmus
c. Testosterone d. Rickets
d. Insulin e. Scurvy
e. Glucagon Ans: A
Ans: C 99) 1g of fat give:
SK Origional – Golden 11 299
b. Omphalocele b. Epinephrine
c. Umbilical Hernia c. Insulin
d. Bladder Extrophy d. Cortisol
Ans: A e. Thyroxin
126) A 46-year-old man immunodeficiency Ans: C
virus (HIV)-negative man presented 131) Largest cell in blood:
with an exudative effusion. Dense a. Monocyte
black pigment within macrophages b. Megakaryocytes
was identified in the both lung Hilus. c. Neutrophils
Diagnosis? d. Basophils
a. Pulmonary Tuberculosis e. Eosinophils
b. Anthracotic pigment Ans: A
c. Silicosis Explanation:
d. Asbestosis Largest cell in Blood=Monocytes
e. Bronchogenic Carcinoma Largest cell in Bone marrow= Megakaryocytes
Ans: B 132) Hyaline cartilage Present between:
Explanation: In pneumoconiosis of coal workers a. Symphysis pubis
carbon-laden macrophages can be found in b. Intervertebral Joint
exudative and transudative pleural effusion as well c. Manubrium-sternal joint
as on peri hilar area. d. 1stchondrosternal joint
127) In trauma what is the metabolic Ans: D
response of skeletal muscle: 133) 24, 25 dihydroxycholecalciferol
a. No change increase in:
b. Increase Proteolysis a. Chronic Renal failure
c. Decrease proteolysis b. Hyper parathyroidisam
d. Ketogenesis c. Hyperthyroidism
e. Lipolysis d. Prolactinoma
Ans: B e. Paget‘s Disease
Explanation: Ans: A
Surgical stress and trauma result in a reduction in 134) Goblet cells are present up-to:
protein synthesis and moderate protein a. Alveoli
degradation. Severe trauma, burns and sepsis b. Primary Bronchiole
result in increased protein degradation. c. Terminal Bronchiole
128) Basic function of kidney: d. Alveolar Duct
a. Excretion of wastes e. Secondary Bronchus
b. Maintenance of body Ph Ans: C
c. Hormone production Explanation:
d. Maintain BP Terminal bronchioles have Simple cuboidal
e. Osmoregulation epithelium, comprising of Clara cells and
Ans: A ABSENT Goblet cells.Before (up-to) terminal
129) Patient has malnutrition and bronchiole Respiratory tract have Goblet cells.
dependent edema which test should If we choose option D that means terminal
be done? Bronchiole have Goblet cells so better option is C.
a. Coagulation Profile 135) Carotid supply to foetus from aorta is:
b. Serum Electrolytes a. Ductus Venosum
c. Serum Folic acid level b. Ductus Arteriosus
d. Serum Ferritin c. Pulmonary Artery
e. Serum Albumin d. Jugular Vein
Ans: E Ans: B
130) Which one of these use fats for 136) A 6 year old girl presented in medical
energy? emergency in Unconscious state.She
a. Nor Epinephrine had a history of diarrhoea 3 days
SK Origional – Golden 11 302
d. Fibrosis e. Hep. D
e. Due to Hepatocyte Degeneration Ans: D
Ans: C 151) About standard deviation true is:
146) A 13 years old boy presented with a. Statistic that measures the dispersion of a
Rose spots on Chest with data set relative to its mean on either
fever,Headache Nausea and sides.
vomiting.On examination his b. Calculated as the square root of mean.
abdomen was Doughy.What c. Prevalence
confirmatory Test is needed to d. Not a main measure of variability
diagnose this disease? Ans: A
a. VDRL 152) The most important factor for
b. Sputum AFB coagulation to begin is:
c. Widal Test a. ITP
d. Stool Culture b. Rough endothelial surface
e. Bone marrow Biopsy c. Acute inflammation
Ans: C d. Increase viscosity
Explanation: Rose spots are diagnostic for Ans: B
enteric fevercausative agent is salmonella typhi. 153) Angiotensin II causes:
147) A person got a lesion on basal ganglia. a. Increase Thirst
What will happen? b. Decrease urine osmolarity
a. Intension Tremors c. Bronchoconstriction
b. Involuntary Movement d. Volume loss
c. Peduncular knee jerk Ans: A
d. Nystagmus 154) During poisoning best route of
e. Lack of Coordination antidote is:
Ans: B a. IM
148) Nerve supply of levator ANI muscle b. Oral
is: c. IV
a. Inferior Hypogastric d. Sub lingual
b. Femoral Nerve Ans: C
c. Obturator Nerve 155) A kid is anaemic and history of a
d. Superior Gluteal Nerve worm coming out of mouth. Which
e. Pudendal Nerve parasite is involved?
Ans: E a. Loa Loa
149) Hormone responsible for development b. Entamoeba Histolytica
and proliferation of Duct, Alveoli and c. Ascariasis lumbercoides
secretion of breast lobules? d. Malaria
a. Prolactin Ans: C
b. Estrogen 156) An abscess is formed on big toe.
c. Progesterone Where would be its Lymph drainage?
d. Oxytocin a. Vertical Group of inguinal lymph nodes
Ans: A b. Horizontal group of inguinal lymph
Don‘t choose Progesterone here because it has no nodes
role in Breast Secretion in contrast it inhibits c. Popliteal lymph nodes
secretion. d. Deep inguinal lymph nodes
150) A Pregnant Lady visited to Remote Ans: A
area and developed jaundice 157) A 32 years old G2+P1+0 presented
afterwards. What is cause? with Gestational Amenorrhea of 33
a. Hep. A weeks. She complains of severe
b. Hep. C headache and vomiting.Her Bp is
c. Hep. B 180/90mmHg.She also has history of
d. Hep. E Fits during last pregnancy.Which
SK Origional – Golden 11 304
Ans: A d. CA-125
Explanation:Most adverse reactions were Ans: A
suggestive of histamine release which leads to 192) A female patient presented with
Hypotension and anaphylactic shock. Incisional hernia. Which layer comes
188) A patient is alcoholic and his liver biopsy out first after skin and sub cutenous
shows mallory bodies.What is it‘s fats?
composition: a. Cremesteric Fascia
a. Intermediate filament b. Transversalis Fascia
b. Desmin c. Internal onlique
c. Hyaline d. Rectus Abdominis
d. Colllagen fibers e. Conjoint tendon
Ans: A Ans: B
189) Diaphragmatic surface of the heart is 193) Primary oocyte surrounded by zone
formed by: pellucida, zona granulosa and fluid
a. Left ventricle filled cavity is called:
b. Right atrium a. Primary Follicle
c. Left ventricle b. Secondary Follicle
d. RV + SVC c. Tertiary Follicle
Ans: A d. Antral Follicle
190) An 11 years old boy with no CVS or Ans: B
respiratory ailment is having swelling
in front of the neck.He feels difficulty
in breathing while in the lying ===============
position. Diagnosis:
a. Multinodular Goiter
b. Follicular CA of thyroid
c. Asthma
d. Retrosternal Goiter
e. Colloid Goiter
Ans: D
191) A female is worried about a lump in
her breast. She also has family history
of Ca breast. What is main risk factor
in her?
a. BRCA-1
b. Smoking
SK Origional – Golden 11 308
September – November – 2020 Papers
SK Origional – Golden 11 309
September 29 , 2020 – Morning 7. Vertical Diplopia, proptosis, fracture
of orbit:
A. Floor
1. Grading of carcinoma shows:
A. Dysplasia B. Roof
C. Lateral
B. Permeability to basement membrane
D. Medial
C. Mitosis inside cell
Ans: B
D. Invasion
8. Transfusion related acute lung injury
E. Degree of differention
(TRALI) within?
Ans: E
A. Almost Immediately
Grading….Degree of differention
B. Within 4hrs
Staging…Distance to spread
2. Blood supply to capsule of kidney? C. Within 24hrs
D. Within 48hrs
A. Actuate
Ans: B
B. Renal
9. After trauma patient has rustling
C. Interlobar
sound and proptosis of eye:
D. Interlobular
A. Carotid cavernous fistula
Ans: D
B. Floor damage
C. Roof damage
Renal Column: Interlobar
D. Retro optic Hemorrhage
Renal Capsule: Inerlobular
Ans. C
3. Definitive clinically for malignancy:
10. New born baby was alright for 6hrs
A. Staging
after that she developed blue
B. Grading
discoloration of lips and hands.
C. Pleomorphism
Ans: A
A. Tetralogy of falot
4. In the last 7 month of pregnancy
estrogen and progesterone are
C. Transposition of great vessel with no
produced by:
A. Placenta
B. Corpus luteum
Ans: C
C. Hypothalamus
Explanation: Not compatible with life unless a
D. Anterior pituitary
shunt is present to allow mixing of blood. Most
E. Posterior pituitary
infants die within the 1st few months of life.
Ans: A
Ref. 1st AID
Ref. Guyton Physiology
11. 10-year-old boy developed shortness of
5. Patient oral surgery done and
breathing on exertion? Diagnosis:
mandibular nerve damage its place of
A. Under Incisor teeth
B. Under Premolar teeth
Ans: A
C. Under canine teeth a little below
Explanation: Most common cause of early
Ans: C
childhood cyanosis.
6. Anterior to posterior, optic chiasma
Ref. 1st AID
compressed by berry aneurysm artery
12. Intrahepatic protein anabolism and
extra hepatic catabolism:
A. Cortisol
B. Glucagon
C. Basilar Artery
C. Epinephrine
D. Ophthalmic
Ans: A
E. Internal carotid
SK Origional – Golden 11 310
Ans: D D. Synchondrosis
Ref. Ganong Physiology E. Fibrous
27. Notching of rib occurs in? Ans: B
A. Pre ductal coarctation of aorta 34. Vitamin A deficiency:
B. Post ductal coarctation of aorta A. Abnormal epithelial growth
C. Co-arctation of arc of aorta B. GIT disturbance
D. PDA Ans: A
E. VSD 35. Blood supply of urinary bladder
Ans: B through which ligament?
Ref. Clinical anatomy A. Puboparastatic
28. Fluid which increasers ECF then B. Ventrolateral
decrease ICF and overall increases C. Dorsolateral ligament
blood volume? D. Inguinal
A. 3 percent NaCl E. Suprapubic
B. 0.45 NaCl Ans: C
C. 5% dextrose 36. Specific gravity measurement of urine
D. Ringer Lactate is associated with:
Ans: A A. Volume
29. In primary dehydration ECF becomes: B. Frequency
A. Hypotonic C. Sepsis
B. Isotonic D. Concentration
C. Hypertonic E. Filtration
D. None Ans: D
Ans: C 37. Patient has 5-liter urine output which
30. First 2cm of duodenum which artery investigation?
supply? A. Water deprivation test
A. Right gastric Artery B. Electrolyte imbalance
B. Superior pancraticoduodenal Artery Ans: A
C. Inferior pancraticoduodenal Artery 38. Which of the following Artery
D. Celiac Artery damaged at pelvic brim?
E. Hepatic Artery A. Superior gluteal
Ans: B B. Internal Iliac
Explanation: Superior pancraticoduodenal artery C. Uterine
is a br. Of gastrodudenal artery. D. Inferior Gluteal
Ref. Clinical Anatomy E. Ovarian
31. Insoluble form of iron stored is: Ans: E
A. Hemosiderin. 39. Superficial inguinal LN:
B. Ferritin A. Lower body of uterus
C. Transferrin B. Cervix
D. Hemoglobin C. Vagina above hymen
Ans: A D. Ureter
32. Diaphragmatic parietal pleura is E. Vagina below hymen
supplied by: Ans: E
A. Intercostal Nerve Explanation: The vaginal orifice in a virgin
B. Phrenic and Intercostal nerves possesses a thin mucosal fold called the Hymen.
C. Phrenic nerve The hymen usually consists of tags.
Ans: C Upper1/3rd drain into ext. and int. iliac node
33. Manubriosternal joint is: Middle1/3rd drain into the internal iliac node
A Primary Cartilaginous joint Lower1/3rd into the superficial inguinal node
B. Sec. cartilaginous joint Ref. Clinical Anatomy
C. Primary cartilaginous joint between 40. Nerve damaged in lateral pelvic wall:
epiphysis and Diaphysis A. Obturator nerve
SK Origional – Golden 11 312
frequency since 1 month PSA is 87) 4thcranial nerve palsy causes difficulty
significantly raisedmoderately in?
enlarged prostate palpable on PR A) Downward and adduction
examination lobe involved is: B) Downward and abduction
A) Lateral lobe C) Upward
B) Middle lobe D) Downward
C) Posterior lobe Ans: B
D) Anterior lobe 88) A patient is suffering from some
Ans: C bleeding disorder. His PT is normal
Explanation: Prostatic carcinoma involve but APTT is raised. Defect is in which
posterior lobe. of following pathway?
BPH Involve meddle lobe A) Extrinsic
82) A patient is known case of CLD with B) Intrinsic
caput medusae formation which of C) Extrinsic + Intrinsic
following veins will involve? D) None
A) Para umbilical veins Ans: B
B) Gastric vein Explanation: Features are suggestive of
C) Esophageal veins Hemophilia that is a defect in intrinsic pathway.
D) Splenic vein Ref. 1st AID
Ans: A 89) Terminal ileum resection?
83) Muscle having same nerve supply as A) Inc. water content in feaces
mylohyoid: B) Dec fat content
A) Ant belly of digastric C) Inc. bile salt absorption
B) Posterior belly of digastric D) Dec. water content in faced
C) Latissimus Ans: A
D) SCM Ref. BRS physiology
Ans: A 90) During Hysterectomy doctor should
84) Which of following structure is present know the relation of ureter along?
between stomach and pancreas? A) At pelvic brim
A) Lesser sac B) Base of broad ligament
B) Greater sac C) Internal iliac artery
C) Small intestine D) Infundibulapelvic ligament
D) Spleen Ans: B
Ans: A Ref. Clinical Anatomy
85) A 45-year male presented in 91) Ulceration of posterior wall of
emergency following RTA with Duodenum involves which of
Fracture of neck of femur operated following artery?
next day died: A) Gastroduodenal
A) Fat embolism B) Splenic
B) Air embolism C) Gastric
C) Thromboembolism D) Pancreaticoduodenal
D) Amniotic embolism Ans: A
Ans: C Ref. Gray‟s Anatomy
Explanation: Fat embolism develops after 48hrs. 92) Conductive Aphasia which of
86) Pyloric ulcer rupture abscess initial following artery is involved?
goes to: A) ACA
A) Lesser sac B) PCA
B) Right sub hepatic C) MCA
C) Left sub hepatic D) ACA + PCA
D) Greater sac Ans: C
Ans: A 93) Ca pancreas patient is admitted in
ward his brother is not letting you tell
SK Origional – Golden 11 326
the patient that the patient has cancer 99) Action potential depolarization in
because according to his brother it ventricular muscle is caused by:
would kill the patient even faster at A) Na influx
the evening the patient's family is B) Ca influx
going to come to hospital to discuss C) Increased k conductance
and we'll have a conference together D) Decrease k conductance
what will you do? Ans: A
A) Give family time to discuss among 100) The most likely complication in the
themselves mouth due to chewing peanut and pan
B) Tell his brother that it will be dishonesty would be?
with patient family and medical staff A) Sub mucus fibrosis
C) Will ask him to mind his own business B) Leukoplakia
Ans: B C) Erythroplakia
94) A patient is known case of CKD died D) Lichen planus
and on autopsy found hypertrophy of Ans: A
which of following glands? 101) Which of the following systemic factor
A) Parathyroid is responsible for poor wound healing?
B) Thyroid A) Decrease Blood supply
C) Pituitary B) Decreased Vit. C
D) Adrenal C) Diabetes
Ans: A D) HTN
95) Regarding confidence interval? Ans: C
A) Mean and standard error of mean 103) Which of following type of hernia is
B) Only mean associated with hesselbach triangle?
C) Only standard error A) Femoral hernia
D) Standard deviation B) Direct inguinal
Ans: A C) Indirect inguinal
96) Blood supply to which organ remains D) Umbilical
unchanged during moderate exercise? E) Strangulated
A) Heart Ans: B
B) Skin 102) 26yr old man had gunshot wound to
C) Brain the spine after which he lost
D) Splanchnic sensations to lower limbs loss of
E) Skeletal muscle power but increased tone and up
Ans: C going plantar with central clonus
Ref: BRS physiology lesion at?
97) Thirst is stimulated by which of A) Corticospinal
following? B) Lateral spinothalamic
A) ADH C) Both corticospinal and lateral
B) Angiotensin – 2 spinothalamic
C) Renin D) Cerebellum
D) Aldosterone E) Corticobulbar
E) Angiotensin-1 Ans: C
Ans: B 105) Which of the following zone is most
98) Pulse pressure is increased in which of commonly involved in BPH?
following conditions? A) Peripheral zone
A) Aortic stenosis B) Middle zone
B) Tachycardia C) Anterior zone
C) Thyrotoxicosis D) Central/periurethral zone
D) Pericardial effusion Ans: D
Ans: C 106) Most common risk factor for penile
SK Origional – Golden 11 327
Ans: D Ans: B
119) Which of following is single motor 126) Part of heart form most of sternal
supply muscle? surface?
A) Diaphragm A) Right atrium
B) Mylohyoid B) Right ventricle
Ans: A C) Left Atrium
120) A female with non caseating D) Left ventricle
granuloma and hilar Ans: B
lymphadenopathy (sarcoidosis). The 127) Which of the following structure
type of cells involved: arches over right lung?
A) Basophils A) Azygous
B) T- lymphocytes B) Vagus
C) Eosinophils C) Right phrenic
D) Plasma cells D) Left phrenic
E) Neutrophils Ans: A
Ans: B 128) A child with decrease chest sounds on
121) In pituitary adenoma, the bitemporal left side? And decreased chest
hemianopia occurs due to lesion of: movements on left side, improve on
A) Central part of optic chiasma holding up and intestine is present on
B) Optic nerve left side of chest. Cause is:
C) Optic tract A) Defective pleura peritoneal membrane
D) Peripheral part of optic chiasma B) Hiatus hernia
Ans: A C) Diaphragm eventration
122) Which sutures were prematurely Ans: A
closed in frontal and occipital Explanation: most common cause of
bossing? diaphragmatic hernia is defective pleura peritoneal
A) Sagittal membrane defect.
B) Coronal Ref. Langmans Embryology
C) Lambdoid 129) Which of the following is dynamic
D) Coronal + lambdoid support of uterus?
Ans: A A) Pelvic diaphragm
123) Right vocal cord weakness which of B) Broad ligament
following nerve is involved? C) Urogenital diaphragm
A) Right recurrent laryngeal D) Transverse cervical ligament
B) Left recurrent laryngeal Ans: A
C) Left vagus nerve 130) Prostate lymph drainage:
Ans: A A) Internal Iliac
124) What is age of closute of Anterior B) External iliac
fontanelle? C) Internal and external
A) 24 month D) Inguinal
B) 12 month to18months E) Para aortic
C) 9 month Ans: A
D) 36 month Ref: Clinical Anatomy
Ans: A 131) Loss of water by evaporation and
Explanation: After 18 month range is 18- insensible loss from body:
24months(KLM+BD) A) Controlled by hypothalamus
125) Blood supply of middle of B) Thermal gradient
oesophagus: C) Remains constant
A) Superior thyroid D) Depends on core body temperature
B) Descending thoracic aorta Ans: D(Repeated)
C) Inferior thyroid
D) Left gastric
SK Origional – Golden 11 329
Ans: B b. Autoimmune
45) After surgical neck of humerus c. TB
fracture there is loss of abduction and d. Streptococcus
proximal upper and lateral side Ans: A
sensation lesion in? 52) All of the following cause edema
a. Axillary nerve except?
b. Musculocutaneous nerve a. Obstruction of lymphatic flow
c. Brachial artery b. Dec oncotic pressure
d. Ulnar nerve c. Inc. hydrostatic pressure in capillaries
e. Radial nerve d. Dec. venous pressure
Ans: A e. Inc. lymphatic pressure
46) Injury at the anterior inferior iliac Ans: D
spine.Pelvic avulsion: 53) Maxillary nerve enters through which
a. Rectus femoris foramen?
b. Sartoius a. Foramen Ovale
c. Gluteous maximus b. Foramen rotundum
d. Adductor magnus c. Foramen spinosum
Ans: A d. Jugular foramen
47) Women developed painless gradual Ans: B
protrusion of one eye with normal X- 54) A middle aged woman presented in
Ray cause is? the OPD with complaint of pain in the
a. Orbital vessel aneurysm epigastric region, posterior thoracic
b. Optic nerve glioma wall and right shoulder after a fatty
c. Thyroid ophthalmology meal, the pain is most likely
d. Meningioma originating from:
Ans: B a. Appendix
48) True regarding scalenus anterior b. Gall bladder
muscle? c. Kidneys and ureters
a. Arises from C3-C6 vertebral bodies. d. Right deltoid muscle
b. Inserted at the anterior border of first rib. e. Right trapezius muscle
c. Phrenic nerve passes anterior to it. Ans: B
d. Subclavian artery/vein passess anterior to 55) Structure crossing superficial to the
it. flexor retinaculum:
Ans: C a. Median nerve.
49) Categorical data analysis by which of b. Ulnar nerve
following? c. Flexor digitorum superficialis.
a. Chi square d. Flexor pollicis longus.
b. T test e. None of the above.
c. Bar chart Ans: B
d. Cohort 56) Mono spot test is diagnostic for which
Ans: A of following disease?
50) The action potential of a neuron? a. HIV
a. Is initiated by efflux of Na+ b. Typhoid
b. Is terminated by efflux of K+ c. Infectious mononucleosis
c. Declines in amplitude as it moves along d. Measles
the axon e. GBS
d. Results in a transient reversal of the Ans: C
concentration gradient of Na+ 57) Pericardiocentesis is best performed
Ans: B by passing a needle through:
51) Waterhouse frederiksen most common a. The fourth intercostal space.
cause: b. The 5thintercostal space left to sternum
a. Neisseria meningitides
SK Origional – Golden 11 337
Ans: D a. Mesoderm
99) Blood supply of head of femur in b. Endoderm
adults: c. Ectoderm
a. Obturator artery d. Neural crest
b. Retinacular artery Ans: A
c. Nutrient artery 107) All of these supply the first 2cm of
d. Medial Circumflex duodenum except:
Ans: B a. Supraduodenal artery
100) Vein accompanying posterior b. Common hepatic artery
interventricular artery: c. Gastro duodenal artery
a. Middle cardiac vein d. Superior pancreaticoduodenal artery
b. Anterior cardiac vein e. Right gastroepiploic artery
c. Posterior cardiac vein Ans: D
Ans: A 108) Lymphatic drainage of the fundus of
101) In avascular necrosis of femur head stomach is?
which artery is involved? a. Celiac node
a. Medial circumflex artery b. Superior gastric node
b. Obturator artery c. Hepatic nodes
c. Deep circumflex artery d. Inf. mesenteric nodes
d. None Ans: A
Ans: A 109) Which structure is not present in
102) A patient having ST elevation in lead 2 lesser omentum?
and complete heart block vessel a. Portal vein
involved? b. Bile duct
a. RCA c. Left gastric artery
b. Right marginal artery d. Hepatic artery
c. LAD Ans: C
Ans: A 110) Hydrocarbon causes which
103) Traid of carcinoma?
thrombocytopenia,eczema,and a. Bronchogenic carcinoma
recurrent infections is seen in: b. Bladder carcinoma
a. Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome c. Hepatocellular carcinoma
b. Williams syndrome d. Renal cell carcinoma
c. SCID Ans: B
d. IgA deficiency 111) Wrist joint is an example of:
e. HUS a. Condylar type
Ans: A b. Sadle type
104) Most common valve involved in c. Ellipsoid type
endocarditis in IV drug users: Ans: C
a. Mitral 112) In which of the following area, the
b. Tricuspid vomiting center is located:
c. Aortic a. Thalamus
Ans: B b. Hypothalamus
105) Regarding the pubic symphysis, what c. Medulla oblongata
type of joint is? d. Pons
a. Fibrous Ans: C
b. Condyloid 113) Child with frontal bossing bow legs
c. Synovial and chest deformity it is seen in:
d. Primary Cartilaginous a. Malnutrition
e. Secondary Cartilaginous b. Vit. D deficiency
Ans: E c. Myrasmas
106) Adrenal cortex is derived from? Ans: B
SK Origional – Golden 11 341
c. Hemosiderin
d. Hemoglobin
158) Asthmatic patient with RR 30/min November 24th, 2020 - Afternoon
dyspenic will have:
a. Decrease airway entry 1) Regarding pulmonary varix which of
b. Increase PaCO2 following is true?
c. Decrease PaCO2 a. Opens into left atrium
d. Increase lung compliance b. Opens into right atrium
e. Decrease airway trapping c. Opens into right ventricle
Ans: C d. Opens into Left ventricle
159) A young female presented with fever Ans: A
for last 10 days and continuous chest 2) Sesamoid cartilage found in:
pain unrelated to respiration the likely a. Epiglottis
cause is: b. Nasal septum
a. Mycardium c. Ala of nose
b. Pericardium d. Ear pinna
c. Pleurisy Ans: C
d. Chostrochonditis 3) Which one of the following
e. Sub endocardium neurological condition is most
Ans:. A commonly associated with
160) Which of the following occurs in Rheumatoid Arthritis?
severe diarrhea? a. Carpal tunnel syndrome
a. Metabolic alkalosis b. Meningitis
b. Hyperkalemia c. Peripheral neuropathy
c. Increase plasma osmolariy d. Gillian barre syndrome
d. Hyponatremia Ans: A
Ans: D 4) Vein accompanying posterior
161) A child with retinoblastoma interventricular artery:
radiotherapy was given a second a. Middle cardiac vein
tumor arises in lower limb what could b. Anterior cardiac vein
be the tumor: c. Posterior cardiac vein
a. Lymphoma d. Lateral cardiac vein
b. Osteosarcoma Ans: A
Ans: B 5) Inferior epigastric artery is a branch
162) Retinoblastoma give rise to which of:
tumor? a. External iliac
a. Ewing sarcoma b. Internal iliac
b. Osteosarcoma c. Sup epigastric
c. Giant cell tumor d. Internal pudendal artery
Ans: B Ans: A
6) Largest lobe of prostate is:
a. Medial lobe
=============== b. Median lobe
c. Lateral lobe
d. Posterior lobe
Ans: C
7) Testicular tumor drains into which
lymph nodes?
a. Inguinal lymph nodes
b. Popliteal lymph nodes
SK Origional – Golden 11 345
c. Para-Aortic lymph nodes 15) A young athlete injuries his ankle and
d. Infaclavicular lymph nodes develops ecchymosis He can stand on
Ans: C his toes but painful:
8) Posterior wall of middle ear cavity a. Achilles tendon damage
gives attachment to: b. Plantaris tendon damage
a. Tensor tympani c. Medial mellolus fracture
b. Stepedius muscle d. Lateral mellolus fracture
c. Eustachian tube Ans: B
d. Tympanic membrane 16) Anterior duodenal perforation
Ans: B contents will move into?
9) Recurrent laryngeal nerve is a. Lesser sac
associated with: b. Right iliac fossa
a. Superior thyroid vein c. Hepatorenal pouch
b. Middle thyroid vein d. Right posterior sub phrenic
c. Inferior thyroid vein e. Right anterior sub phrenic
d. None Ans: D
Ans: C 17) Three segments apical, anterior and
10) Internal jugular vein anterior relation posterior in which lobe of lung?
to which structure after exiting from a. Right upper
skull? b. Right middle
a. Carotid sheath c. Right inferior
b. Internal carotid artery d. Left superior
c. SCM Ans: A
d. Accessory nerve 18) After esophagectomy which artery is
Ans: B used?
11) After mastectomy for breast Ca a a. Left gastric artery
female developed winging of scapula b. Left gastroepiploic
due to: c. Right gastroepiploic
a. Axillary nerve damage d. Splenic
b. Long thoracic nerve damage Ans: C
c. Metastatic calcification 19) During endoscopy 32 yr old women
Ans: B ulcer found on post wall of stomach it
12) Relation of left renal vein is: is likely to cause bleeding by causing
a. Passes infront of Aorta damage to?
b. Behind Aorta a. Left gastric artery
c. Left ovarian b. Gastro duodenal artery
d. Right ovarian c. Splenic artery
Ans: A Ans: C
13) In which of the following AFP is 20) The most common asbestos related
raised? tumor in human being is:
a. Seminoma a. Bronchogenic carcinoma
b. Teratoma b. Pleural mesothelioma
c. Embryonal carcinoma c. Bladder carcinoma
d. Sertoli cell tumor d. Breast carcinoma
Ans: C Ans: A
14) In femoral sheath which is most 21) Staph aureus infection causing
lateral structure? valvular damage. On autopsy, spleen
a. Femoral artery pale and 1.5 something lesion. What
b. Femoral nerve happened?
c. Femoral vein a. Coagulative necrosis
d. Lymphatic‘s b. Abscess formation
Ans: A c. Caseous necrosis
SK Origional – Golden 11 346
b. IgA Ans: A
c. IgE 43) Sacral hiatus:
d. IgM a. Fused S4 and S5
e. IgD b. Unfused S4 and S5
Ans: B c. Between S1 and S2
36) Tumor at porta hepatis. What is d. Between S2 and S3
compressed? Ans: B
a. Common bile duct 44) What is weight of prostate gland?
b. Portal vein a. 28 gram
c. Hepatic artery b. 34 gram
d. Hepatic vein c. 18 gram
Ans: B d. 50 gram
37) During needle thoracotomy, what Ans: C
structure damaged first? 45) Free margin of leseer omentum
a. IC muscle contains:
b. IC nerve a. Portal vein,hepatic artery,common bile
c. IC vein duct
d. IC artery b. Hepatic vein and CBD
e. Internal thoracic artery c. Hepatic artery and hepatic vein
Ans: B d. Only CBD
38) Lucid interval after injury, then again Ans: A
loss of consciousness: 46) Most aggressive of all:
a. Epidural hematoma a. Melanoma
b. SAH b. Squamous cell carcinoma
c. Subdural hemorrhage c. Basal cell carcinoma
d. Intracerebral hemorrhage d. Nevo
Ans: A Ans: A
39) Lower lumbar vertebra slipped over 47) Abdominal bloating, foul smelling
the sacram so it came anterior to it stools, what should be investigation?
problem? a. Stool culture and sensitivity
a. Spondylosis b. Stool detailed report
b. Spondylolisthesis c. CBC
c. Pott disease d. Blood culture
d. Retroisthesis Ans: B
Ans: B 48) Pancreatic secretion compromised.
40) Apex of the heart is supplied by: What will happen in relation to
a. Anterior interventricular artery (LAD) absorption and digestion?
b. Diagonal a. Failure to digest triglycerides
c. RCA marginal artery b. Failure to form micelles in the intestine
d. Posterior descending artery c. Lactose intolerance
Ans: A d. Secretory diarrhea
41) Midbrain attached to cerebellum by: Ans: A
a. Superior cerbellar peduncle 49) Bile salt absorption compromised by
b. Inferior cerbear peduncle damage to:
c. Middle cerebral peduncle a. Jejunum
Ans: A b. Colon
42) Severe diarrhea. hylonatremia, c. Ileum
hypokalemia, hypocholremia. Resp d. Stomach
rate 22 Bicarb is normal. Abnormality: Ans: C
a. Metabolic acidosis 50) Contents from cecum to ileum are
b. Metabolic alkalosis prevented by:
c. Respiratory alkalosis a. Ileocecal valve
SK Origional – Golden 11 348
108) Patient in abducted hand is asked to 114) A stab just above the xiphisternal joint
move hand slowly and smoothly at sixth costal cartilage just to right
downward but he dropped hand will damage which structure:
suddenly by his side. Which muscle is a. Right ventricle
most likely torn? b. Right atrium
a. Deltoid c. IVC
b. Supraspinatus d. Liver
c. Subscapularis Ans: B
d. Teres major 115) The lumen of uterine cavity is
e. Pectoral obliterated by fusion of:
Ans: A a. Decidua basalis n spongy layer
106) Normal amount of iron in adult b. Decidua basalis n decidua capsularis
female: c. Decidua capsularis n decidua parietalis
a. 1 gram d. Decidua parietalis n decidua basalise)
b. 2 gram Ans: C
c. 3 gram 116) A player has suffered fracture of right
d. 4 gram first rib. Which of the following
Ans: B arteries will be damaged?
109) Asthma affects: a. Subclavian
a. Medium size bronchiole b. Brachiocephalic
b. Medium size bronchus c. Axillary
c. Respiratory bronchiole Ans: A
d. Tertiary bronchioles 117) Rib notching on x-ray is feature of:
Ans: A a. Preductal coarctation
110) Absence of cartilage in respiratory and b. Postductal coractation
terminal ducts differentiates it from: c. PDA
a. Conducting bronchiole d. VSD
b. Terminal bronchiole Ans: B
c. Alveoli 118) Extent of invasion depends upon:
d. Trachea a. Staging
Ans: D b. Grading
111) Patient had RTA injury at the level of c. Pleomorphism
T10. o/e he was pale and hypotensive. d. Dysplasia
Organ likely damaged is: Ans: A
a. Stomach 119) Vessel of the base of bladder lie in
b. Spleen which ligament?
c. Liver a. Puboprostatic
d. Kidney b. Ventrolateral
Ans: B c. Dorsolateral
112) Structure passing posterior to d. Median umbilical
diaphragm: e. Illiofemoral
a. Aorta, azygous, thoracic duct Ans: C
b. Esophagus vagus 120) Regarding muscle connective tissue
c. Vena cava which of following is true?
d. Hemiazygous esophagus vagus a. Desmin
e. Splanchnic vessels b. Vimetin
Ans: A c. Keratin
113) Thoracic aorta passes posterior to: d. None
a. Median arcuate ligament Ans: B
b. Lateral arcuate ligament 121) A patient head injury to tibial part of
c. Medial arcuate ligament sciatic nerve but he is still able to do
Ans: A flexion on the knee because of:
SK Origional – Golden 11 353
a. Dysplasia Ans: B
b. Permeability to basement membrane 143) Nasopharyngeal carcinoma is most
c. Mitosis inside cell commonly associated with:
d. Invasion a. HPV
e. Degree of differentiation b. Hep.B
Ans: E c. Aflatoxin
137) During thyroidectomy, inferior thyroid d. EBV
artery is ligated. The nerve likely to be Ans: D
damaged is: 144) Trypsinogen is activated to trypsin by:
a. External laryngeal nerve a. Dec. PH
b. Recurrent laryngeal nerve b. Inc. PH
c. Internal laryngeal nerve c. Enterokinase
Ans: B d. None
138) Initiation of action potential in Ans: C
skeletal muscle by stimulating its 145) After few weeks of delivery regression
motor nerve: of enlarged uterus & breast occurs due
a. Require the release of acetylcholine to:
b. Require temporal facilitation a. Cell membrane
c. Require spatial facilitation b. Endoplasmic reticulum
d. Require the release of NE c. Golgiappratus
Ans: A d. Lysosomes
139) If a foot is permanently Doris flexed e. Mitochondria
and averted which nerve is most likely Ans: D
damaged? 146) Temperature increases above set
a. Tibial nerve point, what will decrease?
b. Common peroneal nerve a. Shivering
c. Femoral nerve b. Sweating
d. Superficial peroneal c. Vasoconstriction
Ans: A d. None of above
140) What is the landmark for pudendal Ans: A
nerve block? 147) Pillar of medical ethics:
a. Sacral promontory a. Equality justice
b. Ischial spine b. Treatmentfollows up
c. Ischial tuberosity c. Equality,justice,confidelity
d. Pubic tubercle d. Autonomy, Justice, beneficence, non-
Ans: B malfeince
141) 0.5 gram of albumin/100 ml is present Ans: D
in which fluid? 148) Lymphoma in AIDS patient is caused
a. Lymph by which virus?
b. Bile a. EBV
c. Pancreatic juice b. CMV
d. Gastric juice c. HSV
Ans: A d. Influence
142) After total gastrectomy pt who Ans: A
receives no further treatment will 149) A lesion in the arcuate fasciculus
usually develop? would cause what?
a. Symptoms to dec. abs of iron a. Sensorineural deafness
b. Symp due to dec. abs of Vit. B12 b. A global aphasia
c. Exaggerated fluctuations in plasma gluc c. Anarthria
levels after meals d. Conduction aphasia
d. Exaggerated fluctuations in blood volume e. Sound localization problems
e. All of the above Ans: D
SK Origional – Golden 11 355
164) 2nd Heart Sound occur at the 171) PO2= 50 and Hb=9, which type of
beginning of which phase of cardiac hypoxia?
cycle? a. Anemic hypoxia
a. Atrial systole b. Hypoxic hypoxia
b. Rapid ventricular filling c. Stagnant
c. Reduced ventricular filling d. Histotoxic
d. Isovolmetric contraction Ans: B
e. Isovolumetric ventricular relaxation 172) Bergers disease is associated with:
Ans: E a. Asbestosis
165) GVE of vagus arise from: b. Silicosis
a. Dorsal nucleus c. Anthracosis
b. Nucleus ambigus d. Smoking
c. Nucleus soliterus e. Berryless
d. Trigeminal nucleus Ans: D
Ans: A 173) Regarding fat embolism syndrome:
166) Gall bladder pain over neck due to: a. Mostly due to fracture of long bone
a. Sensory supply from mid cervical b. 1-3 days after initiating event
dermatome c. Most patients survive after treatment
b. Sensory supply from T10 dermatome Ans: A
c. Sensory supply from splanchnic 174) A child present with occular
Ans: A anomalies, corneal defect, lense
167) Right bronchial artery is single in it is prolapsed. Diagnosis?
a branch of? a. Potter syndrome
a. Arch of aorta b. Trisomy 21
b. Thoracic descending aorta c. Trisomy 13
c. Right 2ndintercostal artery d. Trisomy 18
d. Right 3rdintercostal artery Ans: C
Ans: D 175) Arrangement of chromosomes on
168) Patient presented with jaundice equatorial plate:
anemia raised ALP cause is: a. Prophase
a. Hepatitis b. Metaphase
b. Pigmented stone c. Prometaphase
c. Ca pancreas d. Telophase
d. Cholangitis Ans: B
Ans: B 176) Exopthalamos in thyroid eye disease
169) Which hormone always acts through is due to:
cAMP second messenger system? a. Fat accumulation
a. TSH b. Blood
b. Dopamine c. GAGs
c. Glucocirticoid d. Proteins
d. ADH Ans: C
Ans: A 177) Patient IVC blocked just above the
170) In the first week of typhoid fever, emergence of azygous vein, where
which is the most probable diagnostic blood will divert:
test? a. Left gastric vein
a. Widal test b. Hepatic vein
b. Blood culture c. Left ascending lumbar vein
c. Typhidot d. Umbilical vein
d. Stool culture e. Splenic vein
e. Urine culture Ans: A
Ans: B 178) Diagnostic investigation for
hemophilia investigation needed:
SK Origional – Golden 11 357
a. aPTT
b. Factor 8 assay
c. BT
d. CT
Ans: B
179) Muscles that elevate the palate:
a. 4thand 6tharch
b. 3rdand 6tharch
c. 1stand 2ndarch
d. 2ndand 3rdarch
Ans: A
180) The most commonest hospital
acquired organism for UTI:
a. E. Coli
b. P-auriginosa
c. S-aureus
d. Citrobacter species
e. Klebsella species
Ans: A
181) Posterior fibers of temporalis
contraction causes:
a. Retraction of mandible
b. Elevation of mandible
c. Chewing
d. Depression of mandible
Ans: A
SK Origional – Golden 11 358
SK Origional – Golden 11 385
e. Aorta
Ans: C
8. Left Undescended testes, risk of:
a. Infertility
b. Avascular necrosis
c. Neoplasia
Ans: C
9. Dilatation of aortic arch will compress?
a. Left Bronchus
b. Trachea
c. Esophagus
d. Right Bronchus
Ans: A
10. At which level trachea starts?
a. C6
b. T1
c. T2
d. T4
Ans: A
11. Pt suffering from appendicitis, having pain in right iliac fossa that is referred to umbilicus.
Which spinal nerve root is involved in this referred pain?
a. T10
b. T11
c. L1
d. L2
Ans: A
12. Primary active transport:
a. Pump
b. Carriers
c. Channel proteins
Ans: A
13. Renal threshold for glucose:
a. 180
b. 200
c. 250
d. 375
Ans: B (Ref: Guyton)
14. Patient with discoid rash, arthritis and hemolytic anemia. What‟s most specific investigation?
a. ANA
b. Anti-ds DNA Ab
C. Anti Sm Ab
Ans: C
15. What is used for traveller's diarrhea?
a. Metoclopramide
b. Diphenoxylate
SK Origional – Golden 11 388
c. Ofloxacin
Ans: B
16. Drug of choice for traveler's diarrhea:
A. Bismuth subsalicylate 1st best choice
B. Diphenoxylate/Loperamide 2nd best choice
C. Antibiotics (ciprofloxacin>>norfloxacin) Third best If diarrhea is not responding to antidiarrheal.
16. Metastasis occurs due to:
A. Loss of E cadherin
B. Migration of tumor cells
Ans: A
17. After chemotherapy, cancer cells die, nucleus and cytoplasm show fragmentation. What is the
Ans: Apoptosis
18. Patient is given oral anti-coagulant. How to monitor?
a. PT
Ans: A
INR > PT. Better option is PT/INR if both options separately given then prefer INR only PT is given in
options and no INR option available then go for PT.
19. Chronic Intravascular hemolysis?
Ans: Hemoglobinuria > Hemosiderinuria > Decrease Heptoglobin Levels
20. Obstructive pattern disease diagnosed by:
Ans: FEV1/FVC Less than 70
21. A lady with 6 weeks of German measles:
a. Cataract
b. Deafness
c. PDA
Ans: B
Nerve deafness is most commonly associated abnormality with Rubella. Ref: Davidson
22. Air embolism, quantity of air required to produce symptoms:
a. 100ml
b. 50 ml
Ans: A (Ref: Robbins)
23. Severe hypomagnesaemia causes:
a. Hypocalcaemia
b. Hypercalcemia
Ans: A
Severe Hypomagnesaemia leads to Hypocalcaemia
Mild Hypomagnesaemia Hypercalcemia
Both Mg and Ca compete for excretion through Kidney, but if Mg is too low it causes decreased production of
PTH which in turn causes hypocalcaemia.
24. 7th left pulmonary segment. What is it called?
a. Lingual lobe
b. Right medial basal
c. Lateral basal
SK Origional – Golden 11 389
d. Apical
Ans: B (Ref. RJ Last)
25. A child who is apathic, peripheral edema, low albumin?
a. Kwashiorkor
b. Marasmus
Ans: A
26. Cimetidine is used preoperatively because?
a. Inhibits H2 receptors competitively
b. Decrease gastric acid
c. Does not affect gastric motility
d. Does not interact with induction agent‘s
Ans: B
27. Diagnostic criteria for sarcoma?
a. Increased vascularity
b. Pleomorphism
Ans: A
28. Soldier coming down from height, now with discoloration of fingers, dyspnea?
Ans: Secondary polycythemia
29. Dual nerve supply but not reciprocal?
a. Sweat gland
b. Thyroid gland
c. Ciliary body
d. Pupils
Ans: A (Ref. BRS)
Salivary glands have dual supply from sympathetic and parasympathetic both. But both of them increase
Reciprocal supply means parasympathetic and sympathetic working opposite to each other ideally should be
like if parasympathetic is increasing salivation, sympathetic should decrease. But what happens in salivary
glands is that both innervations increase salivation so salivary glands have dual supply, but not reciprocal
30. Typhoid first week test?
a. Blood culture
b. Widal
Ans: A (BASU)
1st week Blood Culture
2nd week Blood plus Widal
3rd week Stool Culture
4th week Urine Culture
31. Patient has pericardial friction rub, with deranged Renal Function Tests, what is the cause of
a. Serous
b. Fibrinous
c. Exudative
Ans: B (Uremic Pericarditis)
32. Pus contains?
SK Origional – Golden 11 390
a. Dead Bacteria
b. Dead Neutrophils
Ans: B
33. Thorn prick on the leg abscess due to:
Ans: Staph Aureus
34. Increase LES tone and speeds up gastric emptying?
a. Metoclopramide
b. Ondansetron
Ans: A
35. Heparin primary action achieved by binding to?
a. Anti-thrombin 3
b. Xa
c. Thrombin
Ans: A
36. Short arms /legs Lordosis With normal mental health. Disease mode of transmission
a. Autosomal dominant
b. Autosomal recessive
c. X-linked
Ans: A
37. Adult Polycystic kidney disease mode of transmission?
a. Autosomal dominant
b. Autosomal recessive
Ans: A
38. Philadelphia chromosomes:
a. CML
b. AML
Ans: A
39. Isthmus of thyroid?
a. 2, 3, 4 rings
b. 3, 4 rings
c. 1, 2 rings
Ans: A
40. Which cause malignancy in GIT?
a. H.Pylori
b. CMV
Ans: A
41. Most abundant in serum:
a. IgG
b. IgM
Ans: A
42. Microscopic findings were epithelium and rete ridges:
a. Verrocus carcinoma
b. Squamous cell carcinoma
Ans: A (it‟s a type of SCC, if not given in options then SCC can be opted)
SK Origional – Golden 11 391
e. Semen
Ans: B
52. Acute toxicity of oral anticoagulant is immediately reversed by:
a. Protamine sulphate
b. FFP
c. Vitamin K
Ans: B (Specific antidote is Vitamin K. But it takes time to act)
53. Most radiosensitive tumor:
a. Ovarian CA
b. Lymph node
c. Germ cell
d. BCC
e. SCC
Ans: B
Remember the mnemonic LSGS = Larkana Sui-Gas Company (Lymphoma > Seminoma> Glioma>
54. Burn patient presented with tachycardia hypotension high grate fever, bleeding diathesis
oozing from wounds and hematuria. Diagnosis?
a. Infection
b. Septic shock
c. Hypovolemic shock
d. DIC
Ans: D
55. 1st mechanism after injury:
a. Vasoconstriction
b. Platelet recruitment
c. Fibrin deposition
Ans: A
56. Fisherman diet consists of fish and rice he suffered from megaloblastic anemia causative
agent is?
a. Diphylobothrium Latum
b. Ancylostoma duodenale
c. Ascaris Lumbericoides
d. Taenia Solium
Ans: A (Causes B12 deficiency)
57. First defense against tumor are:
a. Natural killer cells
b. Th1 cell
c. Th2 cells
d. B cells
Ans: A (Ref: Robbins)
58. Patient comes with sinking heart and flat T waves what could be the cause?
a. Hypokalemia
b. Hypernatremia
c. Hyperkalemia
SK Origional – Golden 11 393
Ans: A (Hyperkalemia causes Tall T waves, Hypo causes Flat T waves and U waves)
59. Type of hypersensitivity in Myasthenia gravis?
a. Type 1
b. Type 2
c. Type 3
d. Type 4
Ans: B
60. A child having recurrent viral infections sinusitis otitis media and having 2 month history of
diarrhea, he also has a family history of such complains what test should be diagnostic?
a. Fat absorption test
b. Sweat chloride test
c. Jujenal biopsy
Ans: B (Typical cystic fibrosis)
61. Natural antithrombotic in blood?
a. Heparin
b. Warfarin
c. Plasminogen
Ans: A
Explanation: Anti-coagulant and anti-thrombotic are no different things. They have same meaning.
anticoagulation or antithrombotic means the given substance works before the formation of clot or thrombus
in simple words; it stops platelets aggregation and stops/prevents formation of clot. Now what is plasminogen
It's naturally occurring fibrinolytic/thrombolytic:
Understand the difference. Plasminogen is Fibrinolytic. Which means it breaks down the already formed clot.
It doesn't prevent clot formation rather it breaks down the formed thrombus or clot.
Anti-Coagulant/Anti-Thrombotic Heparin which Prevents clots formation
Fibrinolytic/Thrombolytic Plasminogen which Breaks down the already formed clot
Prefer plasmin (aka fibrinolysin) over plasminogen if present in option.
62. Liver Enzymes and Regarding Liver:
ALT>AST Nonalcoholic Hepatic Necrosis, Drug Induced, Viral Hepatitis
AST>ALT Alcoholic Hepatitis
ALP, GGT Extra Hepatic Cholestasis/Enzymes of Biliary Tract
PT Best prognostic indicator for Hepatic Failure if not given then Factor V Estimation
SGPT/ALT Best to monitor Hepatitis B
Differentiate between Acute and Chronic Hepatic Failure Serum Albumin
Enzyme that can be released from cardiac myocytes as well AST
Reference: Davidson
Most common cause of fatty liver in our society Starvation > Fatty food/obesity > Hepatitis B & C
> Alcohol
Most common cause of cirrhosis in Asian population Alcohol
Most common cause of cirrhosis in Pakistan Viral Hepatitis> Alcohol
Most common hepatitis In our population Hepatitis A
Most commonly transfused via transfusion Hepatitis C
Most dangerous when transfused CMV > Hepatitis B
SK Origional – Golden 11 394
c. Increase PCO2
d. Decrease PCO2
Ans: C
66. Pulmonary vasoconstriction occurs due to?
a. Raised PCO2
b. Reduced systemic PO2
c. Reduced pH
d. None of above
Ans: B
As we all know hypoxia causes vasodilation in all the vasculature other than pulmonary where it causes
In the 1st question they are asking about "Hypoxic Vasoconstriction Accentuated By?‖ which means patient
already has vasoconstriction due to hypoxia but now what is ―aggravating it‖? So, the answer is Increased
PaCO2 because it further worsens vasoconstriction in pulmonary vessels.
In the 2nd scenario question is simply about pulmonary vasoconstriction which is a direct effect of hypoxia so
for that prefer B here but better option is‖ Reduced Alveolar Oxygen‖. If not in options then reduced
systemic PO2 is fine.
67. A 59 years old female known Hypertensive on medication brought in semi collapsed state Her
K=6.1 most likely cause in patient is?
a. Acute Renal Failure
b. Chronic Renal Failure
c. Cushing Syndrome
d. Diuretic intake
e. Hemolysis
Ans: A
ARF can be pre-renal, renal and post renal Initially oliguria sets in which leads to decreased excretion of
potassium causing Hyperkalemia Hypernatremia and Hypervolemia It can occur in the matter of 7 to 10 days
and if uremia sets in because of oliguria it will lead to uremic encephalopathy and unconsciousness so patient
will present in emergency in case of sudden collapse or semi-comatose condition.
Potassium sparing diuretics will cause Hyperkalemia which is specifically not mentioned other diuretics cause
excretion of potassium and also diuretics alone cannot alone do this until given with ARBs.
ESR is the rate at which red blood cells settle out when anti-coagulated whole blood is allowed to stand. It is
affected by the concentrations of immunoglobulin and acute phase proteins like fibrinogen, C-reactive protein,
alpha-1 antitrypsin, Heptoglobin, ferritin, albumin etc.
68. Regarding ESR:
Factors that increase ESR are:
Raised HCT
Raised Fibrinogen
Decreased Albumin
And any inflammatory process because of acute phase reactants Like Multiple myeloma, RA, SLE etc.
Factors that decrease ESR are:
Decreased HCT
SK Origional – Golden 11 396
Increased albumin
Sickle Cell Anemia
How albumin affects ESR?
Presence of albumin in plasma increases negative charge of RBCs and decreases its sedimentation
69. Regarding proteins:
Ferritin Normal stored form of iron
Hemosiderin Endogenous pigment, abnormally produced by the breakdown of RBCs
Heptoglobin A protein that binds to free hemoglobin
Hemopexin Protein that binds to free Heme
Transferrin Iron binding proteins
Ceruloplasmin Copper carrying proteins
Hepcidin Caries iron into circulation
Ferroportin Transports iron from inside to outside of the cell.
70. Regarding action potential and resting membrane potential:
Hyperpolarization and #Repolarization is d/t Efflux of Potassium
The opening of channels that let positive ions flow out of the cell or negative ions flow in causes
hyperpolarization For example, Opening of channels that let K+ out of the cell causes hyperpolarization
which is followed by repolarization.
Depolarization is d/t influx of Na+ means more positivity inside the cell:
The opening of channels that let positive ions flow into the cell can cause depolarization For example, opening
of channels that let Na+ into the cell.
SK Origional – Golden 11 397
For MCQs purpose just remembers that when question is about #RMP answer is going to be #Potassium
When asked about #AP answer is going to be #Sodium.
The difference in total charge between the inside and outside of the cell is called the membrane potential. A
neuron at rest is negatively charged, the inside of a cell is approximately 70mv more negative than the outside.
This voltage is called the resting membrane potential. It is caused by differences in the concentrations of ions
inside and outside the cell.
The difference in the number of positively charged potassium ions inside and outside the cell dominates the
resting membrane potential.
The actions of the sodium potassium pump (Na+/K+) help to maintain the resting potential.
71. Patient comes with tender right hypochondrium; stool with occult blood on colonoscopy
ascending colon was involved showing ulcers while other parts of colon were spared on
histology/microscopy what will be seen?
a. Necrotizing Vasculitis
b. Crypt Abscess
c. Entamoeba Histolytica
d. Creeping Fat
Ans: C
Can‘t be B. As it is a feature of UC which involves the whole length of colon not only the ascending part
Can‘t be D As it is a feature of CD which most commonly involves rectum and there is no RHC pain
associated with that
Reference # Harsh Mohan # Robbins
72. Urine osmolarity for diagnosis of:
# Central DI:
After fluid deprivation: < 300
After desmopressin: >800
Nephrogenic DI:
After fluid deprivation: < 300
After desmopressin: < 300
Partial DI:
After fluid deprivation: 300-800
After desmopressin: < 800
73. In response to compensation of hemorrhage what will decrease?
a. Heart Rate
b. Cardiac Contractility
c. Venous Capacitance
d. Blood Pressure
Ans: A
74. In response to hemorrhage what will decrease?
A. Heart Rate
B. Cardiac Contractility
C. Venous Capacitance
D. Blood Pressure
Ans: C
Look at both scenarios and the difference.
In hemorrhage immediate response of body is vasoconstriction which in other words can be called as
increased TPR or decreased venous capacitance and this happens to compensate and minimize the blood loss
this happens in response to hemorrhage.
In the first scenario question is about in response to#compensation of hemorrhage which means after
compensation what will happen?
We know compensation and successful resuscitation is assessed by increased urine output, Normalization of
HR and BP so in that case we are going to optioned decreased HR.
SK Origional – Golden 11 398
In response to Hemorrhage Venous capacitance decreases
In response to compensation of Hemorrhage HR decreases
74. Regarding hypoxia:
There are 4 main types of hypoxia
#Hypoxic Hypoxia decreased O2 tension causes include hypoventilation, high altitude
#Anemic Hypoxia decreased O2 carrying capacity causes include anemia CO poisoning In CO poisoning CO
binds with HB and occupies the O2 binding sites that's why causes anemic hypoxia.
#Stagnant/Circulatory Hypoxia d/t decreased tissue perfusion because of shock, HF or ischemia/infarction
#Histotoxic /Cellular Hypoxia cells can't utilize O2. Cytochrome oxidase system is paralyzed decreased SaO2
but normal PaO2 occurs in cyanide poisoning mainly.
75(a) Regarding dead space:
Actually dead space is ventilation without perfusion which increases in the following conditions like PE,
Hemorrhage, Hypotension, Surgical manipulation of pulmonary artery tree anything that decreases perfusion
to well ventilated alveoli Emphysema d/t loss of alveolar septa and vasculature and asthma anesthetized
patient and upright position.
Any area which is not well profuse or has decrease blood for V/Q maintenance may increase dead space
V/Q ratio directly proportional to dead space.
Atelectasis and shunt decreases dead space
75.(b) In chronic respiratory acidosis what is normal?
a. pH
b. Bicarbonate
Ans: A
In chronic respiratory acidosis renal compensation (increased HCO3 reabsorption) has occurred. Thus arterial
pH is increased towards normal (i.e. compensation).
Reference # BRS
76. In the presence of ADH which segment filtrate will be isotonic to plasma?
Ans: Cortical collecting duct
In the absence of ADH cortical and medullary collecting tubules and ducts are impermeable to water.
ADH increases the water permeability of these nephron segments and allows the filtrate to reach osmotic
equilibrium with the interstitial fluid surrounding the nephron. Interstitial fluid in the cortex of the kidney is
isotonic to plasma so the filtrate can become isotonic to plasma in the cortical collecting tubule On the other
hand interstitial fluid is hypertonic to plasma in the medullary collecting tubule so the filtrate becomes
hypertonic to plasma in this region of the nephron.
77. In a patient with hyperthyroidism TSH is low. TRH is given that will increase TSH where is
the problem?
a. Pituitary
b. Hypothalamus
c. Thyroid
Ans: C
Primary hyperthyroidism increase T3/T4, decreases TSH
For secondary hyperthyroidism increase T3/T4 increase TSH but TRH is low problem is in pituitary
Here it is primary hyperthyroidism increase T3 /T4 have negative feedback on TRH, so TRH will be low and
TSH so if you will give TRH, it will increase creation of TSH so problem lies in Thyroid.
78. Sarcoidiosis is microscopically diagnosed by:
a. Granuloma with Asteroid
b. Non-Casseating Granuloma
Ans: B
Microscopically Sarcoidiosis is diagnosed by non-Casseating granuloma. Presence of asteroid bodies is not
important and non-specific for the diagnosis as they may be presenting in granulomas of other origins too.
Reference# Robbins
SK Origional – Golden 11 399
B. Gastro-duodenal Artery
C. Splenic Artery
Ans: C
109. Truncal Vagotomy:
a. Decrease gastric secretion
b. Decrease gastric emptying
Ans: A
110. Thoracic vagotomy:
a. Decrease gastric secretion
b. Decrease gastric Motility
Ans: B
111. Insulin dependent uptake in:
a. Exercising muscle
b. Myocardium
c. Hypothalamus
Ans: B
112. CVS Physiology:
• Alpha 1- Adrenergic receptors are found on the arterioles of the skin, splanchnic, and renal
• Beta 2- Adrenergic receptors are found on arterioles of skeletal muscle
• Arterioles are the site of highest resistance in the cardiovascular system
• Capillaries have the largest total cross-sectional and surface area
• Veins contain the highest proportion of the blood in the cardiovascular system called unstressed
volume have α1-adrenergic receptors
• Right atrial pressure is measured by JVP
• Left atrial pressure is estimated by the pulmonary wedge pressure
• QT interval represents the entire period of depolarization and repolarization of the ventricles
• ST segment represents the period when the ventricles are depolarized
• Plateau phase is caused by a transient increase in inward Ca2+ current, and by an increase in K+
• Fatty acids are the primary energy source for stroke work
• ANP right atrium
• BNP right ventricle
• Skin does not have auto-regulation
• The most important local vasodilator for the cerebral circulation is C02
113. Regarding pressure of chambers of heart:
• Maximum Aortic Pressure Slow Ejection Phase
• Minimum aortic pressure Iso-volumetric Contraction Phase
• Maximum intraventricular pressure Rapid Ejection Phase
• Minimum intraventricular pressure Rapid Filling Phase
114. Which of the following normally has the most prominent prepotential?
a. Sinoatrial Node
b. Atrial Muscle Cells
c. Bundle of His
d. Purkinje Fibers
e. Ventricular Muscle Cells
Ans: A
115. Cardiac output of the right side of the heart is what percentage of the cardiac output of the
left side of the heart?
a. 25%
b. 50%
c. 75%
d. 100%
SK Origional – Golden 11 404
e. 125%
Ans: D
116. The work performed by the left ventricle is substantially greater than that performed by the
right ventricle, because in the left ventricle:
a. The contraction is slower
b. The wall is thicker
c. The stroke volume is greater
d. The preload is greater
e. The afterload is greater
Ans: E
117. When a person moves from a supine position to a standing position, which of the following
compensatory changes occurs?
a. Decreased heart rate
b. Increased contractility
c. Decreased total peripheral resistance (TPR)
d. Decreased cardiac output
e. Increased PR intervals
Ans: B
118. At which site is systolic blood pressure the highest?
a. Aorta
b. Central vein
c. Pulmonary Artery
d. Right Atrium
e. Renal Artery
Ans: A
119. Which of the following would you expect to decrease in a normal individual who stands
quietly in the same position for l hour?
a. Haematocrit
b. Diameter of the Thigh
c. Plasma Renin Activity
d. Plasma Vasopressin Concentration
e. Central Venous Pressure
Ans: E
120. Which of the following organs has the greatest blood flow per l00 gram of tissue?
a. Brain
b. Heart muscle
c. Skin
d. Liver
e. Kidneys
Ans: E
121. Which of the following organs has the most permeable capillaries?
a. Brain
b. Posterior pituitary gland
c. Liver
d. Small intestine
e. Kidneys
Ans: C
122. Which of the following is not increased during isotonic exercise?
a. Respiratory rate
b. Stroke volume
c. Heart rate
d. Total peripheral resistance
e. Systolic blood pressure
SK Origional – Golden 11 405
Ans: D
123. Which of the following agents or changes has a negative inotropic effect on the heart?
a. Increased heart rate
b. Sympathetic stimulation
c. Norepinephrine
d. Acetylcholine (ACh)
e. Cardiac glycosides
Ans: D
124. The low-resistance pathways between myocardial cells that allow for the spread of action
potentials are the:
A. Gap junctions
B. T tubules
C. Sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR)
D. Intercalated disks
E. Mitochondria
Ans: A
125. Which agent is released or secreted after a haemorrhage and causes an increase in renal Na+
A. Aldosterone
B. Angiotensin I
C. Angiotensin II
D. Antidiuretic hormone (ADH)
E. Atrial natriuretic peptide
Ans: A
126. Regarding pulse pressure:
a. It is decreased in shock
b. It is difference between systolic & diastolic pressure
c. It is diastolic pressure + 1/3 of systolic pressure
d. It is normal in cardiac failure
e. It is 1/3 of systolic pressure
Ans: B
127. High output cardiac failure is associated with:
a. Vit. C
b. Riboflavin
c. Vit. K
d. Thiamine
e. Vit. B12
Ans: A
128. Cimetidine may significantly prolong the Prothrombin time and cause bleeding in patient
who has been treated with warfarin because of?
a. Decreasing the hepatic clearance of warfarin
b. Displacing warfarin from plasma protein
c. Increasing the oral bioavailability of warfarin
d. Inhibiting renal tubular secretion of warfarin
e. Inhibiting the conversion of Prothrombin to thrombin
Ans: A
129. T wave occurs during:
a. Depolarization of Atria
b. Hyperpolarization of Ventricle
c. Repolarization of Ventricle
d. Depolarization of Ventricle
e. Atrial Repolarization
Ans: C
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130. An unconscious patient is pale, cold and clammy. His pulse is rapid and thready. His mean
arterial blood pressure is 50mm of Hg. The mechanism which provides maximum
compensation at this stage of shock is?
a. Baroreceptor reflex
b. Brain bridge reflex
c. C.N.S. ischaemic response
d. Chemo receptor reflex
e. Volume reflex
Ans: C
131. Pulse pressure is increased in:
a. HTN
b. Haemorrhage
c. Heart failure
d. Aortic stenosis
e. Tachycardia
Ans: A
132. End systolic volume in a normal healthy person is:
a. 30 ml
b. 50 ml
c. 60 ml
d. 70 ml
e. 80 ml
Ans: B
133. In a young athlete at rest, the heart has:
a. Increase heart rate
b. Increase stroke volume
c. Increase cardiac output
d. Increased vascular resistance
e. Increased coronary blood flow
Ans: B
134. Least HB in newborn at which age?
a. 1st month
b. 6th month
c. 3rd month
d. 1st year
Ans: C
135. In a patient with raised intracranial pressure, the blood flow to the brain tends to be
maintained by:
a. Cushing‘s reflex
b. Auto regulation
c. Baroreceptors
d. Chemoreceptors
e. Low pressure stretch receptors
Ans: A
136. The following factors are associated with elevated blood levels of high density lipoprotein
(HDL) except?
a. Diabetes Mellitus
b. Oestrogen Therapy
c. Family History of Longevity
d. Low levels of Very Low Density Lipoprotein (VLDL)
e. Regular Strenuous Exercise
Ans: A
137. Following are the findings in normal ECG except:
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a. Superior meatus
b. Inferior Meatus
c. Middle Meatus
Ans: B
142. Protrusion of tongue muscle involves:
a. Palatoglossus
b. Genioglossus
c. Styloglossus
Ans: B
143 Which tongue papillae has taste receptors?
a. Fungiform
b. Folliate
c. Circumvallate
d. Filliform
Ans: C
144. Which papillae of tongue impart red colour to tongue?
a. Fungiform
b. Filliform
Ans: A
145. An old man with crocodile tears syndrome which of the following nerve has been injured?
a. Facial nerve at stylomastoid foramen
b. Lacrimal nerve
c. Facial nerve proximal to the geniculate ganglion
Ans: C
146. Dryness of nose and the palate lesion in which ganglion?
a. Pterygopalatine Ganglion
b. Otic Ganglion
c. Ciliary Ganglion
Ans: A
147. Numbness above the vocal card?
a. External Laryngeal Nerve
b. Internal Laryngeal Nerve
c. Recurrent Laryngeal Nerve
Ans: B (Below Recurrent Laryngeal Nerve)
148. Patient loss cutaneous sensation over tip of nose:
a. Maxillary Nerve
b. Ophthalmic Nerve
c. Facial Nerve
Ans: B
149. Muscle of protrusion of jaw:
a. Medial pterygoid
b. Lateral pterygoid
c. Masseter
Ans: B
150. Superior laryngeal artery is associated with:
a. External laryngeal nerve
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Ans: B
160. Base of the heart is formed by:
a. Left Atrium
b. Right Atrium
c. Right Ventricle
d. Left Ventricle
Ans: A
161. 22 years old man Sickle cell anaemia, active complaints pallor lethargy headache. Labs are
HB is 4.6 retic is 3%. Parvovirus infection is suspected, what is your diagnosis?
a. Thrombotic crisis
b. Sequestration crisis
c. Haemolytic crisis
d. Aplastic crisis
Ans: D
• Sequestration crisis a sickling of RBCs within organs like spleen or lungs.
• Acute chest syndrome very painful.
• Aplastic crisis a Infection with parvovirus. Sudden fall in HB.
• Haemolytic crisis Rare Fall in Hb due to increase haemolysis.
• Thrombotic or painful crisis Painful or vasoocclusive Precipitated by infection, dehydration
and deoxygenation.
• Avascular necrosis of head of femur, hand foot syndrome in children.
162. Regarging bladder carcinoa:
Risk factors in order of frequency:
• Squamous Cell Carcinoma Schistosomiasis > Calmette Guerin Treatment> Smoking
• Transitional Carcinoma Smoking > Exposure to Aniline Dye in Printing Industry >Rubber
Manufacture. > Cyclophosphamide.
163. Regarging Ligament:
Anterior Cruciate Ligament Prevents
a. Anterior dislocation of Tibia on Femur
b. Posterior dislocation of Femur on Tibia
Posterior Cruciate Ligament Prevents
a. Anterior dislocation of Femur on Tibia
b. Posterior dislocation of Tibia on Femur
164. Coagulopathy related to liver disease which clotting factor is characteristically increased?
a. Factor 8
b. Factor 2
c. Factor IX
d. Factor 7
e. Factor 12
Ans: A
In liver failure all clotting factors are low except for factor 8 which is paradoxically supernormal because it is
synthesized by endothelial cells throughout the body and for clearance of activated factor 8 good hepatic
function is required leading to increased circulating level of Factor 8.
165. ATT drugs side effects:
• Streptomycin Ototoxity
• Isoniazid Neuropathy
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e. Tricep Brachii
Ans: C
180. A patient climbed a peak with a heavy bag on his shoulder after that he develop loss of
adduction of arm with loss of flexion at elbow and loss of extension at wrist. Most likely
damage occurs to?
a. Radial Nerve
b. Musculocutanous Nerve
c. Axillary Nerve
d. Upper Part of Brachial Plexus
Ans: D
181. Loss of extension of little and ring finger, along with Hypothenar atrophy is seen in injury
a. Radial Nerve
b. Ulnar Nerve
c. Median Nerve
d. Posterior introsseus Nerve
Ans: B
182. Patient presented with weakness of all short muscle of hand and #weak #radial pulse
a. Ulnar Nerve Damage
b. C8 -T1 Lesion
c. Cervical Rib
Ans: C
183. Axillary sheath is continuation of:
a. Pre-Vertebral Fascia
b. Deep Cervical Fascia
Ans: A
184. Patient with flattened Thenar eminence, sensory loss at lateral three and half fingers nerve
a. Carpel tunnel syndrome
b. Median nerve trapped at middle of forearm
c. Anterior introsseus nerve
Ans: A
185. Muscles of hand are supplied by:
a. Ulnar Nerve
b. Median Nerve
c. Radial Nerve
d. Ventral Branches of T1
e. Ventral Rami of C8
Ans: D
186. Axillary vein is formed by:
a. Union of Basilic Vein and Venae Comitantes
b. Union of Cephalic Vein and venae Comitantes
c. Union of Basilic Vein and Cephalic Vein
Ans: A
187. Carpometacarpal joint is:
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a. Hinge Joint
b. Ball and Socket
c. Saddle Joint
Ans: C
188. About axillary artery which is true?
a. Divided into 2 parts
b. Pectoralis minor crosses it posteriorly
c. It extends from lateral border of first rib to upper border of Teres Minor
d. It extends from lateral border of first rib to lower border of Teres Minor
e. It extends from lateral border of first rib to lower border of Teres Major
Ans: E
189. Humeral surgical neck fractures which artery damages?
a. Profunda Brachii Artery
b. Anterior Circumflex Artery
c. Brachial Artery
d. Posterior Circumflex Artery
e. Axillary Artery
Ans: D
190. In rotator cuff muscles which muscle is more frequently damages?
a. Supraspinatus
b. Infraspinatus
c. Teres Minor
d. Subscapularis
Ans: A
191. At the site of taking radial pulse, radial artery relations are:
a. Brachioradialis on medial side and flexor carpi radialis on lateral side
b. Brachioradialis on lateral side and flexor carpi radialis on medial side
c. Brachioradialis on medial side and flexor carpi ulnaris on lateral side
d. Flexor carpi ulnaris on medial side and flexor carpi radialis on lateral side
Ans: B
192. Opponens Policis is supplied by:
a. Median Nerve
b. Ulnar Nerve
c. Radial Nerve
Ans: A
193. Pectoralis major muscle action:
a. Abducts the arm
b. Adducts and rotates laterally
c. Adducts and rotates medially
d. Adducts, rotates medially and flex the arm
Ans: D
194. Patient dropped from tree. He holds a branch of tree to save himself but he injured his
a. Radial Nerve
b. Upper Trunk
c. Lower Trunk
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d. Posterior Cord
Ans: C (BAG on shoulder or over extension of shoulder Upper Trunk Injury)
195. Rhomboids are supplied by:
a. Axillary Nerve
b. Supra-scapular Nerve
c. Lower Sub-scapular Nerve
d. Dorsal Scapular Nerve
Ans: D
196. Nerve lesions upper limb:
• Fracture of Surgical Neck of Humerus or Dislocated Humerus Axillary Nerve
• Musculocutanous Nerve Lesion Rare
• Saturday Night Palsy mid-shaft fracture of Humerus, Subluxation of Radius, fracture of Lateral
Epicondyle Radial nerve
• Carpal Tunnel, supracondylar fracture, Pronator Teres Syndrome Median Nerve
• Fracture of Medial Epicondyle, Fracture of Hook of Hamate, Fracture of Clavicle Ulnar nerve
• Surgical Neck of Humerus Axillary Nerve Injury
• Anatomical Neck of Humerus Radial Nerve Injury
197. Carpal bones:
• Common Fracture Scaphoid
• Common Dislocated Lunate
• Hook of Hamate Fracture Ulnar Nerve Palsy
• Dislocation of Lunate Median Nerve Palsy
• Fracture of Scaphoid Radial artery
• Fracture dislocation of Scaphoid Carpal tunnel syndrome
• Capitate Largest Carpal Bone
• Pisiform Smallest Bone
• Capitate Ossifies First in 1st year
• Pisiform Ossifies last 10 year
198. Unable to grip a glass of water win his right hand after fell asleep in an arm chair the most
likely nerve affected?
a. Radial Nerve
b. Ulnar Nerve
c. Median Nerve
d. Posterior Cord of Brachial Plexus
Ans: A
199. Lady producing thick saliva:
A. Alpha1Beta 1
B. Alpha1
C. Beta1 and alpha2
D. Beta2
Ans: A
200. Inferior angle of scapula:
a. T2
b. T7
Ans: B
201. The surface marking of the oblique fissure of lung would be:
a. From T2 spine around thorax to 5th costochondral junction
b. From T2 spine around thorax to 6th costochondral junction
c. From T3 spine around thorax to 6th costochondral junction
d. From T4 spine around thorax to 6th costochondral junction
Ans: C
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202. Patient is having myocardial infarction. Posterior 1/3rd on inter ventricular septum is
involved which artery is affected?
a. Right coronary Artery
b. Left coronary Artery
c. Anterior Descending Artery
Ans: A
203. About trachea wrong is:
a. Starts at C6
b. Bifurcates at T4
c. Is About 15 cm
d. Starts at superior border of cricoid
e. Has 16 to 20 incomplete cartilage
Ans: D
204. ST elevation in lead II III aVF artery involved is:
a. Left Anterior Descending
b. Right Coronary Artery
c. Left Circumflex Artery
d. Posterior Descending Artery
Ans: B
205. Thorax:
• Contraction of Diaphragm Causes Increase Thoracic Volume
• Major Inspiratory Muscle Diaphragm
• Diaphragmatic hernia occurs through Oesophageal Opening & Costovertebral Opening
• Most common site of Morgagni hernia Right Anterior
• Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia Incomplete Pleuroperitoneal Membrane
• Patient can‘t survive without ventilation if lesion Above C5
• Patient can survive without ventilation if lesion Below C5
• Medial Arcuate Ligament Arches over psoas muscle as it passes through it
• A Stab at 6th Costal Cartilage Just Right will Damage Right Atrium
• Best Site of Aspiration of Pleural Fluid 4th intercostal Space Midaxillary Line
• Intercostal Space 1 Large Posterior and 2 Small Anterior Intercostal Arteries
206. Tuberculosis:
• Initial Chest x-ray
• Definitive Diagnosis Culture
• Microscopic Diagnostic AFB
• Microscopic Caseous Necrosis
• Histologic Epithelioid Cells with Casseating Granuloma
• Type of Hypersensitivity Delayed Type 4
• MarginsUndermined
207. Insulin and Drugs:
• Short Term Control of Blood Sugar Regular Insulin
• Long Term Control of Blood Sugar Metformin (S/E Lactic Acidosis+ Weight Loss+ Metallic
• Starting new drug in obese patient Metformin
• Starting new drug in elder patient Tolbutamide
• Excessive Exercise Causes Hyperkalemia
• Insulin causes Hypokalemia
208. Deep vein thrombosis:
• Most common source of Emboli Femoral Vein
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and Athletes
• Fourth Heart SoundHeard in Atrial Systole, Non- compliant Left Ventricle + Best at Apex
+ Due to Increased Atrial Pressure.
220. Regarding heat loss:
• Heat Loss Depends Upon Core Body Temperature (if not present choose Temperature of
External Environment)
• Set Point Increased than Hypothalamus Shivering Happens and Sweating Decreases (Vice
Versa if Set Point Decreased)
• If a person is Lying Naked Heat Loss By Radiation and Conduction
• Marathon Runner Having excessive Sweating Heat Exhaustion>Dehydration
• If a Person has no Sweating and then Collapsed Heat Stroke
• Farmer in a sunny day collapsed Hypernatremia due to Excessive Sweating.
221. Regarding myasthenia gravis:
• Myasthenia Gravis Antibodies against Pre synaptic Voltage Gated Channels
• Diagnostic Test Ach Receptor Antibodies
• Most accurate/Confirmatory/Gold Standard EMG
• Initial drug for Myasthenia Gravis Neostigmine
• For Maintained Therapy Pyridostigmine
• Physostigmine Crosses BBB Immediately and Increases Acetylcholine
• In Eaton Lambert Syndrome Antibodies are directed against Calcium Channels.
222. Regarding skin malignancies:
• Most common Skin Malignancy Basal Cell Carcinoma (Nodular Variant )
• Most common site of Basal Cell CA Upper Lip
• Most common after Basal Cell CA Squamous Cell
• Most common site of SCC Lower Lip
• Most Aggressive Melanoma
• Locally Malignant Ameloblastoma
• Pre-malignant lesion on cheeks which must be Excised Actinic Keratosis
• Condition having Highest Malignant Potential Basal Cell CA
• Blue Cell Tumor in Children+ releasing Catecholamine + Gene Amplification
223. Regarding Exercise:
• During Exercise Blood Flow Increased to Exercising Skeletal Muscle
• During Exercise Blood Flow Decreased to Splanchnic Vessels> Kidney
• During Exercise Blood Flow to Exercising Muscles is maintained by Local
• During Exercise Blood Flow to Non-Exercising Muscle is maintained by Sympathetic
• During Exercise there is an increase in Ventricular Contractility
• During Exercise Subjective Feelings of Getting Tired is due to Increased Heart Rate
• After Exercise Feeling of Getting Tired is due to Increased Lactic Acid
224. Regarding body fluids:
• Normal Individual Body Water In 70 kg is 42 Liters
• ICF 2/3rd is 28 Liters
• ECF 1/3rd is 14 Liters
• ECF is divided into Two Parts Plasma which is 1/4th of
ECF 3.5 Liters
• Interstitial Fluid which is 3/4th of ECF 10.5 Liters
225. Regarding ECG:
• Most Prominent Feature of Hypokalemia U wave + Inverted T wave
• In Hyperkalemia Tall T wave
• Normal ECG is unable to record Electrical Activity of SA Node
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• Carcinoid syndrome Most common site is small intestine (ileum)>lungs, Trachea & Bronchi
• Most common tumor of appendix Carcinoid Syndrome
• Most common site of Carcinoid syndrome overall GIT>Respiratory system
• Sympathetic is always Adrenergic
• Sympathetic is Cholinergic only in Sweat glands
• Sympathetic is for Fight and Flight (Pupillary dilation+Bronchodilation +decreased GIT Motility)
• Parasympathetic effect on GIT Relaxation of Fundus, Contraction of body of stomach +
Relaxation of sphincter+Increasead GIT motility
• Posterior Duodenal Wall and Pancreatic Rupture Fluid Leaks into Lesser Sac
• Anterior Duodenal Wall Rupture Fluid Leaks into Right Posterior Sub phrenic Space
• Right Paracolic Gutter Greater Sac and Right iliac Fossa
231. Regarding thyroid:
• Maximum concentration of thyroid hormone T4
• Thyroid hormone Enter in Circulation T4
• Thyroid hormone cause fetal Brain development T3
• Active form of thyroid hormone T3 (Free form or Unbound is Active)
• Thyroid gland is enclosed by Pretracheal fascia
• Metabolism of TSH in Liver Demethylation
• Metabolism of Thyroid hormones In Liver De-iodination
• Dyspnea on lying down Retrosternal Goiter
• Superior Thyroid artery Related to External Laryngeal Nerve
• Inferior Thyroid artery Related to Recurrent Laryngeal Nerve
• Superior Laryngeal Artery Related to Internal Laryngeal Nerve
• Most Common Nerve injured during Thyroidectomy External Laryngeal Nerve
• Most Common Nerve injured during Tracheostomy Recurrent Laryngeal Nerve
• Most Common Cause of Bleed During Thyroidectomy Inferior Thyroid Vein
• Most Common Cause of Heavy Bleed During Thyroidectomy Anterior Jugular vein>Isthmus
• During Tonsillectomy Bleed due to Tonsilar artery, Palatine vein and Ascending Pharyngeal Artery
232. Regarding buffer system:
• Major blood/Extracellular/Interstitium/Plasma Buffer Bicarbonate
• Major RBCs bufferHemoglobin
• Major Intracellular Buffer Proteins
• Major Renal/Renal Tubular Buffer Phosphate
• Major Urinary Buffer(Quantitatively) Ammonium
• Major Bone Buffer Calcium Carbonate
233. Regarding malignancy:
Microscopic feature of Malignant tumor:
• Metastasis >Invasion of adjacent tissues >Pleomorphism >Increased N/C ratio
• Histologically Invasion Diagnostic For Malignancy
• Grading Nuclear differentiation /Degree of differentiation /Mitosis
• Staging Extent of Spread /Lymph Nodes Involvement
• Pre-malignant lesion Pleomorphism Diagnostic
• Pre-malignant condition Increased N/C ratio Diagnostic
• Most Common Nevus In Children Junctional
• Most Common Nevus In Adult is Intradermal
• Highest Malignant Potential Dysplastic Nevus
• Male age Less than 40 Seminoma
• Male age more than 50 + increased LDH Lymphoma
• Tumor containing mature cells Teratoma
• AFP raised +Schiller Duval Bodies Yolk Sac Tumor
• Call Exner Bodies Granulosa Cell Tumor
• Giant cell tumor (Soap bubble appearance ) Epiphysis
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• Hyper coagualability
• Increase Lipolysis
• HCG maintains Pregnancy upto 8-10 Weeks
• After 10 weeks by Estriol and Progesterone of Placenta
• HCG In blood Upto10 days
• HCG In Urine After 10 days
• Labour Initiated by Fetal Cortisol>Fetal ACTH(Pituitary)
246. Regarding prostate:
• Median Structurally Largest Lobe
• Lateral Anatomically Largest Lobe
• Peripheral Largest Zone
• CA Prostate Peripheral Zone/Posterior Lobe+ Metastasize to Vertebral Column and Brain by
Anterior Intervertebral Venous Plexus
• BPH Median Lobe/Transitional Zone
247. Regarding cardiovascular system:
• Right ventricle pressure during Systole 25 mmHg
• R ventricle pressure during Diastole 0-8 mmHg
• Right ventricle pressure at which Pulmonary Valve open 8mmhg
• Left ventricle pressure at which Aortic Valve open 80mmhg
• Maximum Aortic Pressure Reduced Ejection Phase
• Minimum Aortic Pressure Isovolumetric Contraction Phase
• Maximum Ventricular Pressure Rapid Ejection Phase
• Minimum Ventricular Pressure Rapid Filling Phase
• Maximum Ventricle Filled Atrial Systole
• Maximum Ventricle Filling Rapid Filling Phase
• Maximum Pulse Pressure Dorsalis Pedis>Femoral Artery>Popliteal Artery > Aorta
• Highest Systolic Pressure Renal Artery
• Max O2 Pulmonary Capillaries
• Low O2 SVC > Pulmonary Artery>Umbilical artery
• Highest O2 Saturation Umbilical Vein
• Cardiac output unchanged in Sleep
• Pace Maker activity of SA Node due to Sodium Channels
• Action Potential of Pace Maker due to Calcium Channels
• Action Potential of Cardiac Muscle due to Sodium Channels
• Becks Triad (Cardiac tamponade) Muffled Heart sound, Hypotension and Raised JVP
• Rustling Sound /Pericardial RubPericarditis
• Pain unrelated to respirationMyocarditis
• SA node located inUpper one third Sulcus Terminalis
• SA node located in Sub Epicardium
• AV node located in Endocardium
• Conducting System Sub Endocardium
Heart Rate and Location of Pacemaker:
• SA Node--60-80
• AV Node--40-60
• Purkinje fibers --20-40
• SA Node Slowest pre-potential
• SA Node works as syncytium as it is able to generate impulses at a faster rate
• Purkinje Fibers have highest speed of conduction due to Wide Diameter>Large number of Gap
Junctions>Large number of Sodium Channels>Less number of myofibril>Short Refractory Period
Speed of Conduction:
Purkinje fibers>Bundle of His>Atria>Ventricles>SA Node>AV Node
Speed of Rate:
SK Origional – Golden 11 427
• Peritonitis E-coli
• Pyogenic Peritonitis Bacterioides
• Puerperal Sepsis Group B streptococcus > E coli > Bacterioides
• Nasopharyngeal CA EBV
• Oropharyngeal CA HPV
• Lung CA CMV
• Respiratory Symptoms Ascaris
• Fisherman with anemia +Ecchymosis Vitamin C deficiency
• Fisherman with anemia, Vitamin B12 DeficiencyDiphylobothrium
• Microcytic Anemia Ancylostoma
• Conjunctival Swelling Loa Loa
• Global Blindness Cataract > Chlamydia > Glaucoma
• Rectal Prolapse Trichuris Trichura
• Muscle(Myalgia) Trichinella Spiralis
• Portal HTN Schistosoma Mansoni + Japonicum(Lateral Spine)
• Pulmonary HTN Schistosoma Haematobium(Terminal Spine)
• Cholangiocarcinoma Clonorchis Sinesis
• Hydatid Cyst Echinococus
• Neurocysticercosis (Brain Cyst) Taenia Solium
• Sexually Transmitted Diseases by Chlamydia > Gonorrhea > Syphilis
• Tubo-ovarian mass Gonorrhea
• Honeymoon Cystitis E coli
252. Regarding Cancer Markers:
• Cytokeratin Carcinoma (Epithelial)
• Vimentin Sarcoma (Mesenchymal)
• Desmin Muscle
253. Regarding Malaria:
• Plasmodium malariae can lead to Nephrotic syndrome (Membranous GN)
• Plasmodium Vivax and ovale has Hypnozoite stage
• Primaquine is DOC to kill Hypnozoite
• Shortest pre-erythrocytic phase is seen in Plasmodium Falciparum
• Longest proerythrocytic phase is in Plasmodium Malariae
• Species that cause relapse are Vivax>Ovale
• Most common non-falciparum malaria is Plasmodium Vivax
• DOC for non-falciparum malaria is Chloroquine
• Malignant tertian malaria is caused by Plasmodium Falciparum
• Benign tertian malaria (48 hours) is caused by Ovale/Vivax
• Quartan malaria (72 hours ) caused by Plasmodium Malariae
• Quotidian malaria caused by Plasmodium Knowlesi > Falciparum
• Anemia in malaria is Normocytic Normochromic Anemia
• Dormant phase of malaria Hypnozoite
• Malaria enter into human body as Sporozoites
• Sporozoites divide in liver as Merozoites
• New species of malaria is Knowlesi
254. Regarding renal pathology physiology:
• Dilute urine (decrease osmolarity) Early DCT (Macula Densa )>Thick Limb of LOH
• Dilute urine (decrease osmolarity) Thick Limb of LOH>DCT (Note: Difference between Early
DCT and Only DCT)
• In dehydration (ADH) concentrated urine(Increase Osmolarity) Collecting Ducts (Vasa Recta)
• Erythropoietin secreted by Peritubular capillaries > Meningeal Cells (Reference: Ganong Mcq)
• Kidney Podocytes At visceral layer of bowman capsule
• Crescents Formed by parietal cells lining bowman capsule
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a. Larynx
b. Ala of Nose
Ans: B (Reference: KLM and Dhingra)
264. Most common cause of autoimmune hemolytic anemia:
a. Idiopathic
b. SLE
c. Drugs
Ans: A (Reference: Oxford handbook of clinical medicine)
265. Hematocrit is defined as:
a. RBCs+WBC s+Platelets
b. Only RBCs
Ans: B (Reference: Ganong)
266. The most likely cause of hypercalcemia in malignancy:
a. Parathormone related proteins
b. Parathormone
c. Calcitonin
d. Bone metastasis
Ans: D
267. A very frequently asked topic in exam:
Sickle Cell Anemia:
It is an autosomal recessive disorder. Occurs as a result of point mutation.
Hemoglobin S (HbS) is the result of a single base-pair change, thymine for adenine, at the 6th codon
of the β-globin gene. This change encodes valine instead of glutamine in the 6th residue in the β-globin
molecule. Sickle cell anemia (HbSS), homozygous HbSS, occurs when both β-globin alleles have the sickle
cell mutation (βs).
As early as 6 months of age, infants with sickle cell anemia develop abnormal immune function
because of splenic dysfunction. By 5 years of age, most children with sickle cell anemia have complete
functional asplenia Regardless of age; all patients with sickle cell anemia are at increased risk of infection and
death from bacterial infection, particularly encapsulated organisms such as Streptococcus pneumoniae,
Haemophilus influenza type b, and Neisseria meningitides.
Human parvovirus B19 infection poses a unique threat for patients with sickle cell disease because
this infection results in temporary red cell aplasia , limiting the production of reticulocytes and causing
profound anemia. Any child with sickle cell disease, fever, and reticul-cytopenia should be presumed to have
parvovirus B19 infection until proven otherwise.
Acute splenic sequestration is a life-threatening complication occurring primarily in infants and
young children with sickle cell anemia. Sequestration can occur as early as 5 week of age but most often
occurs in children between ages 6 months and 2 year. Patients with the SC and Sβ+thalassemia types of sickle
cell disease can have acute splenic sequestration events throughout adolescence and adulthood. Splenic
sequestration is associated with rapid spleen enlargement causing left sided abdominal pain and Hb decline of
at least 2 g/dL from the patient's baseline. Sequestration may lead to signs of hypervolemia as a result of the
trapping of blood in the spleen and profound anemia, with total Hb falling below3 g/dL. A decrease in WBC
and platelet count may also be present. Sequestration may be triggered by fever, bacteremia, or viral
infections. Treatment includes early intervention and maintenance of hemodynamic stability using isotonic
fluid or blood transfusions. Careful blood transfusions with RBCs are recommended to treat both the
sequestration and the resultant anemia.
Dactylitis, referred to as hand-foot syndrome, is often the first manifestation of pain in infants and
young children with sickle cell anemia, occurring in 50% of children by their 2nd year of life. Dactylitis often
manifests with symmetric or unilateral swelling of the hands and/or feet. The Cardinal clinical feature of
SK Origional – Golden 11 438
sickle cell disease is Acute Vasoocclusive Pain Acute sickle cell pain is characterized as unremitting
discomfort that can occur in any part of the body but most often occurs in the chest, abdomen, or
extremities. These painful episodes are often abrupt and cause disruption of daily life activities and significant
stress for children and their caregivers. The pathogenesis may be initiated when blood flow is disrupted in the
microvasculature by sickled red blood cells and other cellular elements, resulting in tissue ischemia. Acute
sickle cell pain may be precipitated by physical stress, infection, dehydration, hypoxia, local or systemic
acidosis, exposure to cold, and swimming for prolonged periods.
Avascular necrosis (AVN ) occurs at a higher rate among children with sickle cell disease than in the
general population and is a source of both acute and chronic pain. Most often the femoral head is affected.
Priapism, defined as an unwanted painful erection of the penis, affects males of all genotypes but most
frequently affects males with sickle cell anemia. The mean age of first episode is 15 yr, although priapism has
been reported in children as young as 3 years some Neurological complications like Ischemic Stroke can also
268. Lungs activate which of the following?
a. Angiotensin 1
b. Angiotensin 2
Ans: B
Conversion and activation are different angiotensin 1 is not an active form and can't be activated. When it's
structurally altered by ACE, it's converted into Angiotensin 2 in lungs which is an active form Angiotensin 1
is never activated. It's converted, and then that converted form is activated.
Reference: Ganong
• Most common cause of impaired wound healing - Infections
• Most common pathogen in wound infections - S. Aureus
270. Hormone acting is relation between puberty and weight gain:
a. Leptin
b. Estradiol
Ans: A (Reference: Ganong Physiology)
271. CVP is increased by:
a. Decrease Heart Rate
b. Increase Total Peripheral Resistance
Ans: A (Reference: Guyton)
Central venous pressure is decreased during negative pressure breathing and shock. It is increased by
positive pressure breathing, straining, expansion of the blood volume, and heart failure. It's directly
proportional to peripheral venous pressure but inversely proportional to TPR.
272. Patient was diagnosed to have a pale infarct. In which condition pale infarct occurs?
a. Hypertensive stroke
b. Embolic/ischemic stroke
c. Rupture of berry aneurysm
d. Atherosclerosis
e. Rupture of Av fistula
Ans: B (Reference: Goljan Pathology)
Pale (ischemic) types of infarctions:
Increased density of tissue (heart, kidney, spleen) prevents RBCs released from damaged vessels from
diffusing through the necrotic tissue; therefore the tissue has a pale appearance.
Hemorrhagic (red) types of infarctions:
Loose-textured tissue (lungs, small bowel, testicle) allows RBCs released from damaged vessels to diffuse
through the necrotic tissue; therefore the tissue has a hemorrhagic appearance.
Atherosclerotic (thrombotic) stroke
SK Origional – Golden 11 439
Supplemental iron use in pregnancy is intended to prevent iron deficiency in the mother not to
prevent either iron deficiency in the fetus or to maintain maternal Hb concentration. To meet maternal iron
needs in a woman who is not anemic, 60 mg of elemental iron is recommended daily.
Because iron from dietary sources may not be sufficient, the National Academy of Sciences
recommends an iron supplement of 27 mg (present in most prenatal vitamins). In the form of ferrous sulfate,
60 mg of iron is a dosage of 300 mg. Patients who are anemic should receive 60 to 120 mg of iron.
279. IDA in pregnancy is best diagnosed by:
b. Serum Ferritin
Ans: B
Both of them are required to make diagnosis. But serum ferritin is confirmatory.
280. Iron requirement in pregnancy:
a. 800mg
b. 1200mg
Ans: A
281. Calcium requirement in pregnancy:
a. 800mg
b. 1200mg
Ans: B
• S1 Low Pitched, Low Frequency, Duration of about 0.15 seconds
• S2 High Pitched, High Frequency, Duration of about 0.12 second
283. Foot drop is caused by injury to:
a. Deep Peroneal (fibular) Nerve
b. Common Peroneal (fibular) Nerve
Ans: B (References: Snell Anatomy, Atlas, RJ Last)
284. During pregnancy, lactation is inhibited by which of the following?
a. Progesterone
b. Estrogen
c. Prolactin
d. Oxytocin
Ans: B
During pregnancy both estrogen and progesterone levels are increased and help in development of
breast. No lactation occurs during pregnancy due to inhibitory effects of both estrogen and progesterone.
Opioid of choice in terminally ill cancer patients Morphine
Opioid of choice in Acute Pancreatitis Morphine
286. Appendicular artery is the branch of:
a. Posterior cecal artery
b. Ileocolic artery
Ans: B (References: RJ Last, Atlas Anatomy, BRS Anatomy)
287. Person had swelling in upper arm after injury. Swelling remained for 3 months but resolved
in 1 year. What was the cause of swelling?
a. Hypertrophy
b. Hyperplasia
c. Metastatic calcification
d. Dysplasia
e. Metaplasia
Ans: E (Reference: Robbins)
SK Origional – Golden 11 441
Myositis ossificans is benign process characterized by heterotopic ossification usually within large muscles.
288. What is the most common feature of autoimmune disorders?
A. Hematological
B. Arthritis
Ans: A
What are hematological changes? These are most commonly.
Autoimmune diseases are immune reactions to self-antigens (autoimmunity) are the underlying cause of
numerous human diseases Autoimmune reactions can present as hypersensitivity type 2, 3 and 4
These reactions include antigens plus antibodies and cell mediated hypersensitivity (T-cell mediated). All of
them involve blood and its components so affect all the cell lines causing hematological changes.
289. Least Hb in infant at which age?
a. 1st month
b. 6th month
c. 3rd month
d. 1st year
Ans: C
290. Gardener spraying insecticides become unconscious with increased salivation. Which drug
will antagonize symptoms?
a. Pralidoxime
b. Atropine
Ans: B
Q. Gardener spraying insecticides become unconscious with increased salivation. Which drug
acts as Specific Antidote?
a. Pralidoxime
b. Atropine
Ans: A
Organophosphates are insecticides that exert their toxicity through inhibition of acetyl cholinesterase, with
subsequent accumulation of excess acetylcholine producing nicotinic (mydriasis, fasciculation‘s, muscle
weakness, hypertension) and muscarinic (diarrhea, urination, miosis, bradycardia, bronchorrhea, emesis,
lacrimation, salivation) effects.
Pralidoxime can reactivate inhibited AChE. However, it is unable to penetrate into the CNS and therefore is
not useful in treating the CNS effects of organophosphates.. So we need to give it within minutes to stop
AChE from permanent inhibition. This is the specific antidote if we give it within a specified period of time.
Atropine on the other hand antagonizes the symptoms (mentioned above) caused by OP poisoning.
Precisely, Specific Antidote – Pralidoxime
Antagonizes symptoms – Atropine
291. A 28-year-old primiparous woman, with no previous history of infection with herpes zoster, is
18 weeks pregnant. She had significant contact with a young girl with widespread chicken
pox 12 days ago. Serum stored from an antenatal booking blood sample was sent for serology
and came back negative for VZV IgG. She has no rash at present. What is the SINGLE most
appropriate management?
A. Oral acyclovir
B. Intravenous acyclovir and varicella-zoster immunoglobulin (VZIG)
C. Intravenous acyclovir
D. Nothing required, start acyclovir once rash appeared
E. Intravenous varicella-zoster immunoglobulin (VZIG)
Ans: D
292. Blood is warmed at 37°c before transfusion for the following reason?
SK Origional – Golden 11 442
a. To Prevent Infection/Reaction
b. Left to Right Shift
Ans: B
Recall O2-Hb curve. What causes it shift to right and what shifts it to left. Shift to left means O2 affinity is
increased and that will be hard to deliver O2 to tissues. And one of the causes is decrease in temperature
Shift to right means O2 affinity is decreased and now it is easier to deliver O2 to tissues. And increased
temperature shifts to curve to right, warming of blood to prevent reaction are less likely. That's basically
washed RBCs that are used to prevent reaction.
293. Fine voluntary motor movement controlled by:
a. Corticospinal
b. Cerebellum
Ans: B
294. Fine skilled motor movements controlled by:
a. Corticospinal Tract
b. Cerebellum
Ans: B
295. Fine voluntary discrete moments are controlled by:
a. Corticorubrospinal Tract
b. Corticospinal Tract
Ans: B
296. Most common feature of carpal tunnel syndrome:
A. Wasting of Thenar eminence
B. Loss of sensation on Lateral aspect of Hand
Ans: B (Reference: RJ Last)
Do not confuse yourself with "spared sensation on Thenar eminence" because lateral side of hand has palm
and fingers too, not only Thenar eminence.
Sensation is spared on Thenar eminence only but lost on lateral 3 and a half finger. Wasting of Thenar
eminence may occur in long term but still not the most common feature.
297. Loss of sensation in Thumb, index finger and wasting of Thenar eminence. Most common
A. Myxedema
B. Pregnancy
C. Obesity
Ans: B (Ref: Goljan Pathology)
298. Anatomy:
• Biceps Jerk C5-C6 But Main is C6
• Triceps Jerk C6-C7 But Main is C7
• Knee Jerk L3-L4 But Main is L3
• Ankle Jerk S1(Reference: RJ Last)
299. In hypovolemic shock the decreased glomerular filtration is due to:
a. Dec arterial blood flow
b. Dec arterial volume
c. Dec glomerular pressure
d. Dec arterial pressure
Ans: A (Ref: Ganong + GuytonExplanation)
In hypovolemic shock there is already reduced blood volume hence the blood flow to kidneys decrease,
because of compensatory constriction as well which leads to decrease in GFR.
300. A dislodged thrombus from femoral will first go to?
a. Pulmonary artery
b. IVC
Ans: B
SK Origional – Golden 11 443
Autoimmune disorders are rare in infants and children. They most commonly present in middle age. Also
presentation seems to be acute with altered bowel habits. And deficiency may have resulted from low intake
of vitamin B12.
306. During pharyngeal phase of swallowing, what occurs?
a. Vocal cord approximate
b. Larynx moves upward and forward
c. Closure of epiglottis
d. Abduction of vocal cord
Ans: A (Reference: Guyton)
During pharyngeal phase of swallowing vocal cord approximation and upward and anterior movement of
larynx occur simultaneously. But Approximation of Cords is most important.
307. GFR is best measured by:
a. Creatinine clearance
b. Inulin clearance
Ans: B
308. GFR is best estimated by:
a. Creatinine Clearance
b. Inulin Clearance
Ans: A
309. Best to monitor dialysis therapy:
a. Urea
b. Creatinine
Ans: B
Creatinine Clearance (GFR) Levels in CRF:
Normal >90
Mild 60-89
Moderate 30-59
Severe 15-29
ESRD < 15
310. Most common cause of congenital hypothyroidism is?
a. Thyroid dysgenesis
b. Maternal iodine deficiency
Ans: A (Reference: Davidson, Oxford handbook of pediatrics, Harshmohan, MRCPCH)
Maternal iodine deficiency was previously the commonest cause before the interventions were taken to
reduce the deficiency with the use of iodine salt etc. Maternal iodine deficiency is the common cause in
underdeveloped countries but not in developed.
311. Submental and submandibular LNs drain which of the following?
a. CA Tongue
b. CA Lower Lip
Ans: B (References. Snell's Anatomy)
Submandibular Lymph Nodes:
These lie superficial to the submandibular salivary gland just below the lower margin of the jaw. They receive
lymph from the front of the scalp; the nose; the cheek; the upper lip and the lower lip (except the central
part); the frontal, maxillary, and ethmoid sinuses; the upper and lower teeth (except the lower incisors) the
anterior two thirds of the tongue (except the tip and remember tongue has posterior 1/3rd too that this group
as well as submental don't receive) the floor of the mouth and vestibule; and the gums.
Submental Lymph Nodes:
SK Origional – Golden 11 445
These lie in the submental triangle just below the chin. They drain lymph from the tip of the tongue, the floor
of the anterior part of the mouth, the incisor teeth, the center part of the lower lip, and the skin over the chin.
Posterior 1/3rd of the tongue is drained in Deep Cervical LNs.
312. What is the most important response to shock?
A. Baroreceptor reflex
B. CNS ischemic response
Ans: A
313. Maximum feedback gain is via?
A. Baroreceptors
B. CNS ischemic
Ans: C
314. Long term BP control:
A. Baroreceptors
Ans: B
315. A shopkeeper suddenly collapsed with thready pulse. O/E his BP was 80/50. Cold clammy
skin and gives history of sudden crushing chest pain before collapse Diagnosis?
a. Massive Pulmonary Embolism
b. Cardiogenic Shock.
Ans: A (Reference: Davidson)
Explanation: The majority emboli result from propagation of lower limb deep vein thrombosis
Clinical presentation varies, depending on number, size and distribution of emboli and on underlying
cardiorespiratory reserve. A recognized risk factor is present in 80–90% cases. (And here we have a
recognized risk factor him being a Shopkeeper).
316. Which drug does not cause Gynecomastia?
a. Griseofulvin
b. Androgen
Ans: B (Ref: Davidson)
Gynecomastia is the presence of glandular breast tissue in males. Normal breast development in women is
estrogen-dependent, while androgens oppose this effect. Gynecomastia results from an imbalance between
androgen and estrogen activity, which may reflect androgen deficiency or estrogen excess.
317. Down syndrome robertsonian translocation transmits in how much percentage to next
A. 15%
B. 50%
C. 33%
D. 80%
Ans: A
318. A couple with first child with Down syndrome. Both are young, father normal, mother has
robertsonian translocation. What is risk of Down syndrome in next baby?
A. 33%
B. 66%
C. 100%
D. 5%
Ans: D
Explanation: Down's syndrome occurs as a result of two things.
• Nondisjunction 95%
• Robertsonian Translocation5%
The recurrence risk for female Robertsonian translocation carriers is 10-15%, and that for male translocation
carriers is 1-2%.
319. What is most important for transplant?
SK Origional – Golden 11 446
a. HLA matching
b. ABO compatibility
Ans: B
In case of allogeneic bone marrow transplant HLA typing is most important and we take bone marrow of
ABO incompatible but HLA matched related siblings so HLA is right answer
and same principle is followed for solid organ transplant. HLA matching is more important than ABO group
Transplant best investigation:
HLA Matching that is first and single best and most important test for solid organ transplant (In that patient
case donor blood group is O+ and recipient is A+ and HLA matching is 5/5 i.e. HLA-A,B,C and DQ DP
matched) same rule applies for bone marrow transplant. (Do remember hematopoietic stems cells don‘t have
ABO antigens on them so no need to match ABO).
320. Patient comes with tender right hypochondrium, stool with occult blood. on colonoscopy
ascending colon was involved, showing ulcers while other parts of colon were spared. on
histology/ microscopy what will be seen?
a. Necrotizing Vasculitis
b. Crypt Abscess
c. Entamoeba Histolytica
d. Creeping Fat
Ans: C
321. Regarding nevus:
a. Benign neoplasm of melanocytes
b. Congenital nevus is present at birth; often associated with hair
c. Acquired nevus arises later in life.
1. Begins as nests of melanocytes at the dermal-epidermal junction (Junctional nevus); most common
mole in children.
2. Grows by extension into the dermis (compound nevus)
3. Junctional component is eventually lost resulting in an intradermal nevus, which is the most common
mole in adults.
d. Characterized by a flat macule or raised papule with symmetry, sharp borders, evenly distributed
color, and small diameter (< 6 mm)
e. Dysplasia may arise (dysplastic nevus), which is a precursor to melanoma.
Early lesions:
Are composed of round-to-oval cells that grow in ―nests‖ along the dermo epidermal junction. Nuclei are
uniform and round, and contain inconspicuous nucleoli with little or no mitotic activity. Such early-stage
lesions are called Junctional nevi eventually, most Junctional nevi grow into the underlying dermis as nests or
cords of cells (compound nevi), and in older lesions the epidermal nests may be lost entirely, creating an
intradermal nevi.
So from this we conclude that:
• Most common nevus in children Junctional
• Most common nevus in adults Intradermal
• Highest malignant potential Dysplastic
References: Pathoma and Robbins.
322. Most common site of metastatic calcification:
a. Lungs
b. Kidneys
Ans: A
323. A 78 year old women presents with unilateral headache & blurry vision. She also complains
of pain on chewing. Her ESR is 70 mm/hour. She was subsequently started on high dose
oral steroids. What is the single most appropriate additional treatment?
a. Bisphosphonates
b. Hormone replacement therapy
SK Origional – Golden 11 447
c. ACE inhibitors
d. Beta blockers
e. Timolol
Ans: A
324. A 40 years old alcoholic presented with an Epigastric swelling and fever. 10 days ago he had
pain epigastrium with increased s/amylase which is still elevated Diagnosis?
a. Acute pancreatitis
b. Pseudocyst pancreas
Ans: B
325. A child is born to hepatitis B +ve mother. When must the HBV vaccine first dose be given?
a. Within 1 week
b. Within 2 weeks
c. Within 48 hours
d. Within 24 hours
Ans: D
Explanation: Immunoglobulin and Hepatitis B vaccine should be given within 12 hours ideally.
326. A child in the newborn nursery is A+ and mother is O+. The child has anemia and high
reticulocytes count. What test will confirm diagnosis?
a. Indirect coombs test
b. Direct coombs test
c. Ferritin levels
d. Genetic testing
Ans: B
327. A child is brought to your clinic with protruding tongue, delayed milestones, constipation
and soft belly with a protruding umbilicus Diagnosis?
a. Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia
b. Congenital Hypothyroidism
c. Disaccharides Deficiency
d. Down's Syndrome
Ans: B
328. How is lactulose excreted from body:
a. Urinary excretion after gut absorption
b. Liver
c. Fecal route without absorption in gut
d. Renal
Ans: C
329. Which vessels are involved in heat exchange?
a. Arteries
b. Arterioles
c. Venules
d. Capillaries
Ans: B
330. 8 years old female presented with high grade fever and severe RIF pain. She was operated
with suspicion of acute appendicitis. When abdomen was opened her right fallopian tube
was inflamed. What is the best management option?
a. Conservative therapy with antibiotics alone
b. Copious irrigation
c. Unilateral adnexectomy
d. Both antibiotics and surgery
Ans: D
331. Investigation of choice in Wilson's disease?
a. Genetic Testing
b. Liver Biopsy
SK Origional – Golden 11 448
Ans: B
332. Putting cell in urea what will happen to the cell?
a. Remains the same
b. Increase ECF volume
c. Decrease ECF volume
d. Increase ICF osmolality
Ans: A (Ref: Guyton)
The terms hyperosmotic and hypo-osmotic refer to solutions that have a higher or lower osmolarity,
respectively, compared with the normal extracellular fluid.
Highly permeating substances, such as urea, can cause transient shifts in fluid volume between the
intracellular and extracellular fluids, but given enough time, the concentrations of these substances eventually
become equal in the two compartments and have little effect on intracellular volume under steady-state
Hence no matter solution is hypertonic or hypotonic urea shift between both solution will ultimately bring
equal osmolarity in both and hence no change in the end.
333. A 50 year old man known to have hepatoma develops dependent edema with dilated
abdominal walls veins. The most likely structure involved in this patient is?
a. Hepatic artery
b. Hepatic vein
c. Inferior vena cava
d. Portal Vein
Ans: C (Reference: Robbins)
The inferior vena cava syndrome can be caused by neoplasms that compress or invade the inferior vena cava
or by a thrombus from the hepatic, renal, or lower extremity veins that propagate upward.
Certain neoplasms particularly hepatocellular carcinoma and renal cell carcinoma show a striking tendency to
grow within veins, and these may ultimately occlude the IVC
IVC obstruction induces marked lower extremity edema, distention of the superficial collateral veins of the
lower abdomen, and—with renal vein involvement—massive proteinuria.
334. Female after major abdominal surgery admitted in hospital with respiratory problems,
pulmonary infarct was dx where did the emboli lodged?
a. Paradoxical
b. Emboli in small artery
c. Emboli in medium artery
d. Emboli in large artery
e. None
Ans: B (Ref: Robbins)
Embolic obstruction of medium sized arteries with subsequent vascular rupture can result in pulmonary
hemorrhage but usually does not cause pulmonary infarction. This is because the lung has a dual blood
supply, and the intact bronchial circulation continues to perfuse the affected area
Embolic obstruction of small end-arteriolar pulmonary branches usually does result in hemorrhage or
335. Amoeba causes lesions in which part of gut?
a. Terminal ileum
b. Cecum
c. Ascending colon
d. Transverse colon
e. Sigmoid and rectum
Ans: B (Ref: Robbins, Davidson and Goljan)
336. Loss of water by evaporation and insensible loss from body:
a. Controlled by hypothalamus
SK Origional – Golden 11 449
b. Thermal gradient
c. Remains constant
d. Depends on core body temperature
Ans: D (Reference: Guyton)
Insensible water loss water loss of which a person is unaware that is, loss by evaporation from skin excluding
sweat and respiratory passage lining.
Evaporation when water evaporates from the body surface, 0.58 Calorie (kilocalorie) of heat is lost for each
gram of water that evaporates. Even when a person is not sweating, water still evaporates insensibly from the
skin and lungs at a rate of about 600 to 700 ml/day. This causes continual heat loss at a rate of 16 to 19
Calories per hour/
This insensible evaporation through the skin and lungs cannot be controlled for purposes of temperature
regulation because it results from continual diffusion of water molecules through the skin and respiratory
Evaporation Is a Necessary Cooling Mechanism at Very High Air Temperatures. As long as skin temperature
is greater than the temperature of the surroundings, heat can be lost by radiation and conduction.
337. Majority of Serotonin is secreted by:
a. Platelets
b. Agraffian cells of intestine
c. Enterochromaffin cells
d. RBCs
Ans: C (Ref: Vander‘s and Ganong)
Serotonin is found in both neural and non-neural cells with the majority located outside of the CNS
In fact approximately 90% of the body‘s total serotonin is found in the digestive system
8% is in blood platelets and immune cells, only 1% to 2% is found in the brain.
338. Which of following decreases the neuronal excitability in RMP?
a. Hyperkalemia
b. Hypokalemia
c. Hypocalemia
d. Hyponatremia
Ans: B
339. Which of following increases the neuronal excitability in RMP?
a. Hyperkalemia
b. Hypokalemia
c. Hypocalemia
d. Hyponatremia
Ans: A (Ref: Ganong)
Decreasing the external Na+ concentration reduces the size of the action potential but has little effect on the
resting membrane potential. The lack of much effect on the resting membrane potential would be predicted,
since the permeability of the membrane to Na+ at rest is relatively low.
In contrast, since the resting membrane potential is close to the equilibrium potential for K+, changes in the
external concentration of this ion can have major effects on the resting membrane potential.
If the extracellular level of K+ is increased (hyperkalemia), the resting potential moves closer to the threshold
for eliciting an action potential, thus the neuron becomes more excitable
If the extracellular level of K+ is decreased (hypokalemia), the membrane potential is reduced and the neuron
is hyperpolarized.
340. Buffer important in kidney but not in plasma:
a. Ammonia
b. Phosphate
c. HCO3
d. Protein
SK Origional – Golden 11 450
d. Midazolam
Ans: D (Ref: Katzung, Goodman & Gilman)
Midazolam is most rapid.
Sedative doses of midazolam (0.01-0.05 mg/kg intravenously) reach peak effect in ~2 minutes and provide
sedation for ~30 minutes.
Midazolam has the shortest context-sensitive half-time, which makes it the only one of the three
benzodiazepine drugs suitable for continuous infusion.
Elimination half-life of midazolam is 1.7-2.6 hours and that of Triazolam is 2 to 3 hours.
346. In case of reimplantation of an amputated digit, which of the following structures is fixed
a. Nerve
b. Artery
c. Vein
d. Bone
Ans: D (Ref: Sabiston Text book of Surgery)
In case of replantation of digits 1st Bone shortening is done which allows skin to be debrided back to where
it is free of contusion and direct tension-free closure can be achieved.
Than the order of repair is usually bone tendons, muscle units, arteries, nerves, and finally veins
Establishment of arterial flow before venous flow clears lactic acid from the replanted part. The functional
veins can now also be detected by spurting bleeding. However, blood loss must be closely monitored. With
only a few minor variations, the sequence of replantation has been standardized.
347. Negative charge of basement membrane is due to:
a. Elastin
b. Laminin
c. Cadherin
d. Heparan Sulphate
e. Selectin
Ans: D (Ref: Krauses, Grays and BRS)
Heparan sulfate is a negatively charged (polyanionic) molecule of the glomerular basal lamina. The sialo-
protein (podocalyxin) coats the Podocytes foot processes and together with Heparan sulfate gives the
filtration barrier a net negative charge. The negatively charged glomerular basement membrane prevents or
restricts the filtration of molecules such as albumin and other highly negatively charged molecules.
348. A pregnant hyperthyroid lady, during her 5th month of pregnancy, which antithyroid drug
shoud be given?
a. Propylthiouracil
b. Mathimazole
c. Radioiodine
d. None
Ans: B (Ref: Davidson, Harrison & Sabiston)
Mathimazole is preferred over PTU except for during the first trimester of pregnancy and in life-threatening
thyroid storm for the treatment of hyperthyroidism because it can reverse hyperthyroidism more quickly, can
be dosed once daily, and has fewer concerns for hepatotoxicity.
So 1st Trimester PTU
Thyroid Storm PTU from 2nd Trimester Mathimazole
349. Common direction of Shoulder joint dislocation?
a. Superior
b. Inferior
c. Anterior
d. Medial
SK Origional – Golden 11 452
e. Lateral
Ans: C (Reference: Grays, RJ Last, KLM)
350. Common direction of humeral head dislocation:
a. Superior
b. Inferior
c. Anterior
d. Medial
e. Lateral
Ans: B (Ref: Grays, RJ Last, KLM)
Because of its freedom of movement and instability, the glenohumeral joint is most common dislocated joint
in body.
Because the presence of the coraco-acromial arch and support of the rotator cuff are effective in preventing
upward dislocation, most dislocations of the humeral head occur in the downward (inferior) direction.
However, they are described clinically as anterior or posterior (rarely) dislocations, indicating whether the
humeral head has descended anterior or posterior to the infraglenoid tubercle and long head of the triceps.
The head ends up lying anterior or posterior to the glenoid cavity.
351. Most common predisposing factor for squamous cell carcinoma of skin:
A. Marjolin ulcer
B. Actinic keratosis
C. Bowen's disease
D. None
Ans: C (Ref: Davidson & Goljan)
Both Actinic keratosis and Bowen's disease leads to squamous cell carcinoma of skin.
But in almost all books conversion rate of Bowen's disease is greater than actinic keratosis.
352. Drug of choice for MRSA:
a. Fusidic Acid
b. Metronidazole
c. Aztreonam
d. Penicillin
e. Co-amoxiclav
Ans: A (Ref: Davidson)
Explanation: Following drugs are used for MRSA
Clindamycin, vancomycin, rifampicin, linezolid, daptomycin, Tetracycline, Tige-cycline, Co-trimoxazole so if
these are not present as in above question fusidic acid is right option.
Fusidic Acid, active against Gram-positive bacteria, is available in intravenous, oral or topical formulations. It
is lipid-soluble and distributes well to tissues. Fusidic acid is used in combination for MRSA with clindamycin
or rifampicin.
353. Marker raised 60% in colon cancer n 80% in pancreatic cancer?
a. CEA
b. CA19-9
c. CA125
d. CA15-3
e. PSA
Ans: B (Ref: Goljan)
CEA More specific for colorectal carcinoma and also involved in pancreatic, lung, stomach and heart.
CA19-9 more specific for pancreatic tumor and also involved in colorectal carcinoma.
As here asked about 80% pancreatic and 60% colorectal hence CA19-9 seems more preferable.
354. Serious adverse effects of valproate include:
a. Chronic pancreatitis
b. Fulminant hepatitis
SK Origional – Golden 11 453
b. P Falciparum
c. P ovale
d. P vivax
Ans: D
359. Quartan malaria is caused by:
a. P. Malaria
b. P. Falciparum
c. P. Ovale
d. P. Vivax
Ans: A
Quotidian fever daily spikes with no pattern
Tertian fever every 48 hours
Quartan fever every 72 hours
Quotidian also called Malignant Tertian
360. Histopathology report showing pleomorphism, rete ridges, loss of polarity and increased
nuclear to cytoplasmic ratio what is the diagnosis?
a. Squamous cell CA
b. Verrocus CA
c. Sarcoma
d. None
Ans: B (Reference: Abeloff's clinical oncology)
Verrocus carcinoma of the vulva represents a variant of squamous cell carcinoma. These lesions originally
were described as occurring in the oral cavity, but also have been described involving the vagina, cervix, and
vulva histologically, it is composed of large papillary fronds covered by dense keratin. Its deep margin creates
a pushing border of well oriented rete ridges
361. Which of the following is anti-cancer?
a. Chocolate
b. Apple
c. Cheese
d. Nitrated meat
e. Rum
Ans: B (Ref: Text book of Oncology)
Chocolate is associate with aggravation of symptoms of carcinoid tumors
Fruits rich in dietary fiber are protective in certain cancers like colorectal carcinoma.
362. Patient presented with inability to write, read and speech, most likely lesion is in:
a. Medulla
b. Frontal lobe
c. Temporal lobe
d. Parietal lobe
e. Both temporal and parietal
Ans: E (Ref: Snell Neurology and Text book of Neurology)
It is because of lesion of Wernicke‘s area and the sensory speech area of Wernicke is localized in the left
dominant hemisphere, mainly in the Superior Temporal Gyrus, with extensions around the posterior end of
the lateral sulcus into the parietal region.
363. In a study carotid chemoreceptor denervated in animals so which one is least effected?
a. PO2 Arterial
b. PCO2 Arterial
c. PO2 Venous
d. H+ Ion
SK Origional – Golden 11 455
e. HCO3 Level
Ans: B (Reference: Ganong)
After denervation of the carotid chemoreceptors, the response to a drop in Po2 is abolished. As it is not
mentioned arterial or venous. So we consider abolished to overall response of both.
The response to changes in arterial blood H+ concentration in the pH 7.3–7.5 range is also abolished.
The response to changes in arterial PCO2, on the other hand, is affected only slightly it is reduced no more
than 30–35%.
Why not E? Because HCO3 has direct link with body pH↓ in HCO3 can raise H+ ions in body and hence
decrease pH also HCO3 can ultimately converts into H+ and CO2.
364. In a patient with a tumor in superior mediastinum compressing the superior vena cava, all of
the following veins would serve as alternate pathways for the blood to return to the right
atrium, except:
a. Azygous Vein
b. Hemiazygos Vein
c. Internal Thoracic Vein
d. Vertebral venous Plexus
e. Lumbar Veins
Ans: C (Ref: Grays, KLM and Snell)
In SVC or IVC obstruction there are collateral channels of veins which connect both SVC and IVC and serve
as alternative pathways for draining venous blood in Right atrium.
365. Anterior pituitary tumor will compress:
a. Optic Nerve
b. Occulomotor Nerve
c. Abducent Nerve
d. Trochlear Nerve
e. Trigeminal Nerve
Ans: A (Ref: Text book of Neurology)
The first cranial nerve that is likely to be damaged from a growing pituitary tumor is the optic nerve. The
decussating axons at the optic chiasma will be compressed, followed by the non-decussating fibers.
If the tumor becomes very large, the cranial nerves located on the medial wall of the cavernous sinus (namely
the occulomotor, trochlear, and ophthalmic division of the trigeminal and the abducent nerves) will likely be
compressed and cause deficits in the structures that these nerves innervate.
366. Child with loose skin with easy bruising and defective pro-collagen 3.what can be the most
striking symptom / complication?
a. Hyper extensible skin
b. Hypermobile joints
c. Problem in articular cartilage
d. Rupture of Large Vessels
Ans: D (Ref: Robbins)
It is Scenarios of Ehlers Danlos Syndromes which involve defects in multiple types of collagen hyper
extensible skin and Hypermobile joints are almost present in each type of this syndrome
But in vascular type of this syndrome there is defect of Type 3 collagen so vascular type characteristic feature
is rupture of large vessels.
367. Hypoglycemia increases:
a. CCK
b. Somatostatin
c. Gastrin
d. VIP
e. Secretin
SK Origional – Golden 11 456
b. Stage IB
c. Stage IIC
d. Stage II
e. Stage III
Ans: E (Ref: Duttass Text book of Gynecology)
Stage 1b Invasion equal to more than half of myometrium but here it‘s also asked about ovaries in the stem
so tumor spread to ovaries occur in stage 3A up to stage 2 tumor doesn't extend beyond the uterus.
374. Basic mechanism involved in aqueous humor production:
a. Active Sodium Secretion
b. Passive Chloride Absorption
c. Glucose Diffusion
d. Ultrafiltration
e. Water Secretion by Simple Diffusion
Ans: A (Ref: Guyton)
Formation rate of 2 to 3 microliters each minute secreted by the Ciliary processes, which are linear folds
projecting from the Ciliary body, Aqueous humor is formed almost entirely as an active secretion by the
epithelium of the Ciliary processes, Secretion begins with active transport of sodium ions into the spaces
between the epithelial cells. The sodium ions pull chloride and bicarbonate ions along with them to maintain
electrical neutrality.
Then all these ions together cause osmosis of water from the blood capillaries lying below into the same
epithelial intercellular spaces.
375. Regarding bone tumors:
• Osteoblastoma Spine (vertebra)
• Osteoid osteoma Long Bones
• Osteochondroma Metaphysis
• Osteosarcoma Metaphysis
• Ewing sarcoma Diaphysis
• Giant cell in teenage Metaphysis
• Giant cell in adults Metaphysis + Epiphysis
Ref: Robbins
376. Premalignant condition is:
a. Myelodysplastic Syndrome
b. Leukoplakia
c. Cervical Erosions
d. Psoriasis
Ans: A (Ref: Goljan)
Leukoplakia is lesion not condition
Myelodysplastic syndromes(MDSs) group of acquired clonal disorders that affect stem cells age 50-80 years
old Frequently progresses to AML (30%ofcases).
377. True hermaphroditism:
a. XX/XY
b. XXY
c. XXX
d. XYY
Ans: A (Ref: Robbins & Goljan)
Explanation: 46xx karyotype is most common with almost 50% if it is not present 2nd best is XX/XY.
378. Aortic dissection is associated with all of the following except:
a. Cystic medial necrosis
b. Hypertension
c. Atherosclerosis
SK Origional – Golden 11 458
d. Old age
Ans: C (Ref: Robbins & Bailey)
Dissection is unusual in the presence of substantial atherosclerosis or other cause of medial scarring such as
syphilis, presumably because the medial fibrosis inhibits propagation of the dissecting hematoma.
379. Most abundant astrocytes in white matter of CNS are:
a. Microglia
b. Fibrous astrocytes
c. Oligodendrocytes
d. Protoplasmic astrocytes
Ans: B (Ref: Snell Neurology and Text book of Neurology, Junqueira Basic Histo & USMLE)
380. Most abundant cells in Gray matter of CNS are:
a. Microglia
b. Fibrous astrocytes
c. Oligodendrocytes
d. Protoplasmic astrocytes
Ans: D
381. Most abundant cells in white matter of CNS are:
a. Microglia
b. Fibrous astrocytes
c. Oligodendrocytes
d. Protoplasmic astrocytes
Ans: C
382. Most abundant glial cells:
a. Astrocytes
b. Oligodendrocytes
c. Ependymal cells
d. Schwann cells
Ans: A
• Overall most common in gray matter are protoplasmic astrocytes
• Overall most common in white matter are Oligodendrocytes
• Astrocytes which are present in white matter are fibrous astrocytes
• Most abundant glial cells are astrocytes
383. Sign of apoptosis:
a. Karyolysis
b. Karyorrhexis
c. Pyknosis
d. Caseation
Ans: B (Ref: Robbins)
384. Apoptosis include the following except:
a. Cell Swelling
b. Chromatin Condensation
c. Increase in Nuclear Size
d. Karyolysis
e. Rupture of Cell Membrane
Ans: A
Explanation: Clearly mentioned in Robbins nuclear breakdown or fragmentation (karyorrhexis) presents in
apoptosis also there is cellular shrinkage in apoptosis not swelling according to Robbins which makes cell
swelling obvious choice.
385. Which one of the following is most likely feature of reversible injury?
a. Cell Swelling
b. Karyorrhexis
SK Origional – Golden 11 459
c. Decreased glycogen
d. Myelin Figure
Ans: A (Ref: Robbins)
Cellular swelling is the first cellular change in all form of injury and it must be present in reversible injury
Whereas myelin figures are more pronounced feature of irreversible cell injury than reversible clearly
mentioned in Robbins that they might occur in reversible injury so not necessarily occur which makes
swelling more important.
386. All are features of irreversible cell injury except:
a. Karyolysis
b. Karyorrhexis
c. Autolysis
d. Shrinkage of Mitochondria
e. Appearance of Myelin Figure
Ans: D (Reference: Robbins)
In irreversible cell injury there is mitochondrial swelling not shrinkage.
Also myelin figures are more pronounced feature of irreversible cell injury than reversible clearly
mentioned in Robbins that they might occur in reversible injury.
387. Mass of hair shaft is mainly due to:
a. Cortex
b. Matrix of nail
c. Basle plus Spinosum
d. Sebaceous gland
Ans: A (Ref: Gray‘s Anatomy)
A fully developed hair shaft consists of three concentric zones which are, from outwards in, the cuticle,
cortex and medulla.
The cortex forms the greater part of the hair shaft and consists of numerous closely packed, elongated
squamous which may contain nuclear remnants and melanosomes.
388. Infection of the first web space will be first drained by?
a. Epitrochlear Lymph Node
b. Pectoral Group of Lymph Node
c. Supraclavicular Lymph Node
d. Infraclavicular Lymph Node
Ans: D (Ref: Snell & Gray‘s anatomy)
The lymph from the lateral side of the hand ascends in vessels that accompany the cephalic vein; they drain
into the Infraclavicular nodes and some drain into the lateral axillary nodes/.
389. All are vaginal sphincters except:
a. Pubo-vaginalis
b. External Urethral Sphincter
c. Bulbospongiosus
d. Internal Urethral Sphincter
Ans: D (Reference: KLM)
Four muscles compress the vagina and act as sphincters: Pubo-vaginalis, External urethral sphincter,
urethrovaginal sphincter, and Bulbospongiosus.
390. A young female presented in opd with loss of light reflex but intact accomodation reflex. The
lesion is at:
a. Occulomotor Nerve
b. Edinger Westphal Nucleus
c. Pretectal Area
SK Origional – Golden 11 460
a. Putamen
b. Caudate Nucleus
c. Globus Pallidus
d. Amygdaloid Nucleus
Ans: C (Ref: Atlas)
Explanation: Actually internal capsule lies medial to both Globus Pallidus and putamen. But its immediately
medial to globus Pallidus so we have to prefer it.
396. In inferior wall MI which artery should be blocked?
a. Left Marginal Artery
b. Diagonal Artery
c. Right Coronary Artery
d. Right Marginal Artery
Ans: C (Ref. Robbins & Goljan)
397. In lateral wall MI which artery should be blocked?
a. Right Marginal Artery
b. Diagonal Artery
c. Right Coronary Artery
d. Left Circumflex Artery
Ans: D (Ref. Robbins & Goljan)
398. In anterior wall MI which artery should be blocked?
a. Left Marginal Artery
b. Left Anterior Descending
c. Right Coronary Artery
d. Right Marginal Artery
Ans: B (Ref. Robbins & Goljan)
399. A patient with pyloric stenosis has chronic vomiting. The most likely biochemical
abnormalities in this would be?
a. High serum bicarbonate
b. Hypokalemia
c. Hyponatremia
d. Hypovolemia
e. Increased Kaliuresis
Ans: B (Ref: Bailey & Love)
The vomiting of HCL results in hypochloraemic alkalosis but, initially, sodium and potassium levels may be
relatively normal. However, as dehydration progresses, Later the urine has a low chloride and high
bicarbonate content, reflecting the primary metabolic abnormality. This bicarbonate is excreted along with
sodium and so, with time, the patient becomes progressively hyponatraemic and more profoundly dehydrated
Because of the dehydration, a phase of sodium retention follows and potassium and hydrogen are excreted in
preference. This results in the urine becoming paradoxically acidic and hypokalemia.
So initially ↓H+↓CL↑, HCO3 Later... ↑HCO3, ↑Na in urine so it causes ↓HCO3, ↓Na in serum.
Results Hyponatremia Then Na retention occurs and Na back to normal in the end ↑K in urine along
with H+ results ↓K in serum hypokalemia.
400. One of the most important chemical mediators of inflammation is:
a. Histamine
b. Prostaglandin
c. Serotonin
d. Neutrophils
e. None
Ans: A (Ref: Goljan & Robbins)
401. A boy had extraction of deciduous teeth and now profusely bleeding which classic
hemophilia factor is missing?
a. Factor 9
SK Origional – Golden 11 462
424. Increase in arterial hydrogen ion concentration will stimulate respiratory center through?
a. Center chemoreceptor
b. Peripheral chemoreceptor
c. In aortic and carotid bodies
Answer: B Reference: Guyton & Ganong
425. Increase in CSF (interstitial fluid) hydrogen ion concentration will stimulate respiratory center through?
a. Center chemoreceptor
b. Peripheral chemoreceptor
c. In aortic and carotid bodies
Answer: A Reference: Guyton & Ganong
Explanation: H+ ions don't cross BBB or cross at very low rate hence its increase will not directly affect
central chemoreceptors but increase in arterial co2 which indirectly increase H+ concentration in the brain
interstitial fluid will stimulate respiratory center through central chemoreceptors.
Whereas arterial h+ can directly stimulate carotid body peripheral receptors to some extent
426. At the end of ventricular contraction, what happens?
a. Aortic Valve Opens
b. AV Valve Close
c. Pulmonary Valve Close
d. AV Valve open
e. Aortic Valve Closes
Answer: E Ref. Guyton
Note: If aortic valve closes not present then pulmonary valve closes 2nd best option
SK Origional – Golden 11 466
a. CT
b. Serology
Ans: A
464. Diagnostic or sensitive test for amoebic Liver abscess is?
b. Serology
Ans: B
465. Most widely used technique for detection of tumors?
a. PBS
b. Tumor Marker
Ans: B
466. Most widely use technique for detection of circulating tumor cells?
a. Tumor marker
b. PBS
Ans: B
467. P53 most beneficial role?
a. Prevent overcrowding
b. Remove mutated cells
Ans: A
468. Permeation is:
a. Tumor invasion to lymphatic
b. Tumor invasion to blood vessels
Ans: A
469. Regarding Cartilage:
Hyaline Cartilage
1. Articular Cartilage
2. Costal Cartilage
3. Cartilage of Nose, Trachea, Larynx
4. Epiphyseal Cartilage (ossified after age of 21 years)
Elastic Cartilage: 3 E
1. Ext Ear
2. Ext auditory canal
3. Epiglottis
1. Inter vertebral disc
2. Intra articular cartilage
3. Labranal of Glenoid cavity
4. Disc of Pubis Symphysis
470. Sacral S2 S4 spinal cord level?
a. T11 T12
b. L1 L2
c. L3 L4
d. L5 L6
Ans: B
471. More specific for SLE?
a. ANA
b. Anti-ds DNA
c. Anti-smith Ab
Ans: C
472. More specific for Hashimoto thyroiditis?
a. Anti-microsomal
b. Anti-thyroglobulin
SK Origional – Golden 11 475
c. Anti-thyroid peroxidase
Ans: B
473. More specific for Wegener disease?
Ans: A
474. More specific for Sjogren Syndrome?
a. Anti-Ro
b. Anti-La
Ans: B
475. More specific for pernicious anemia?
a. Anti-parietal cell antibody
b. Anti-intrinsic factor antibody
Ans: B
476. The most specific sign of Pericarditis on ECG?
a. Widespread ST Elevation
b. PR Depression
Ans: B (Reference: Pass Medicine Q Bank for MRCP-1)
477. Drug of choice for SVT, Narrow complex Tachycardia, without aberrancy, rhythm control
Ans: Adenosine 6mg IV increased to 12mg IV if not improved
478. Drug of choice for rhythm control of Ventricular tachycardia, broad complex tachycardia is?
Ans: Amiodarone 50mg IV bolus over 10mins, unless there is pre-existing heat failure (reduced LVEF) in
which case digoxin will be preferred?
Reference: Oxford Medicine
479. Which of following does not carry input of taste?
a. Hippocampus
b. Amygdala
c. Ventro medial nucleus
d. Parareticular pontine
e. Ventral thalamic nucleus
Ans: C
480. The collective name for peripheral nerves that exit the brain and brainstem?
a. Spinal
b. Cranial
Ans: B
481. Damage to medullary cutaneous & gracillus causes?
a. Asterognosia
b. Anesthesia
Ans: A
482. Which nerve does not travel through orbital foramen?
a. 2nd CN
b. 3rd CN
c. 4th CN
d. 5th CN
Ans: A
483. Cross eye is caused by lesion in cranial nerve:
a. 3rd CN
b. 4th CN
c. 6th CN
Ans: C
484. Nerve cell bodies for the primary fibers of the facial nerve 7 are located in the?
SK Origional – Golden 11 476
a. Ciliary ganglion
b. Geniculate ganglion
c. Sub mandibular ganglion
d. Pterygopalatine ganglia
Ans: B
485. A patient comes to you with right sided sixth CN palsy and left sided weakness which part of
brain involved?
b. Internal Capsule
Ans: A
486. All are part of PNS except?
a. Radial Nerve
b. V CN
c. 1st CN
Ans: A
487. Pterygopalatine ganglion anatomically related to:
a. Maxillary Nerve
b. Facial Nerve
Ans: A
488. GVE of Vagus nerve nucleus is?
a. Dorsal Nucleus
b. Ambiguous
Ans: A
489. Difficulty in hair combing?
a. Long Thoracic Nerve
b. Accessory Nerve
Ans: A
490. True regarding mandibular foramina?
a. Provide attachment to Ligament
b. Provide axis for mouth Opening
c. Lingua is posterior to it
d. 12 nerve passes through it
Ans: A
491. Number of Cervical vertebra present is:
a. 7
b. 8
c. 9
Ans: A
492. Optic canal found in which part of sphenoid bone?
a. Body
b. Lesser wing
c. Greater wing
d. Pterygoid process
Ans: B
493. Which of following is true?
a. Presence of teeth is necessary for proper jaw growth
b. Development of teeth determines alveolar growth
Ans: B
494. Mandible is not supplied by branches of?
a. Maxillary artery
SK Origional – Golden 11 477
At the End All effort are dedicated to my those students who were unsuccessfull multiple time in FCPS Part
– 1 exam but they did not loose hope.
Dr. Salahuddin Kamal