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Aristeia Quick Reference Guide

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Quick Reference Sheet


Characters affected by this State can only choose
A. PREPARATION STEP (PAGE 13) A. PLANNING PHASE (PAGE 13) the Character that provoked it as the target for
1. The Active Character has zero Action Points and Players place their Initiative cards facedown on their Attacks.
zero Movement Points. their Running Order slots, ordered from left to
2. Beginning of the Preparation Step. The right. Stunned
Activation begins.
i Targets affected by this State must Nullify a 2
before the Switches step of each of their Rolls.
3. The Active Character gains as many Action This phase repeats four times.
Points as their eEnergy. REMEMBER: The symbol 8 is not affected by
4. If the Character was benched, place its model in 1. INITIATIVE this State, as it’s not a 2.
the HexaDome. Both players reveal their leftmost Initiative card.
The player with the highest yInitiative decides Focused
End of the Preparation Step.
5. the order. In the case of a tie, the Underdog
decides the order.
k Targets affected by this State may remove this
B. ACTIONS STEP (PAGE 3) State before making a Roll to add a . to that Roll.
1. Beginning of the Actions Step. ACTIVATIONS
2. During the Actions Step, the Active Character Both Characters activate in turn.
Smoke tokens affect the visibility in the
may spend Action Points to perform Actions. HexaDome, blocking the Line of Sight but not
3. End of the Actions Step. movement.
• All spaces, even Free Spaces, with a Smoke
C. STATES STEP (PAGE 17) Players gain Victory Points according to the
token block Line of Sight.
1. The Active Character loses all remaining Action Scenario.
• Targets inside a space with a Smoke token
Points and Movement Points.
2. CHECK END-GAME cannot draw Line of Sight beyond Range L0-1,
2. Beginning of the States Step or use their wDefense Rolls’ 2 to inflict 4 to
If it’s the end of the fifth Round, or if any player
3. During this step, remove all blue-side up tokens has 8 or more Victory Points, the game ends. Attackers outside Range L1-1.
from the Active Character’s card. •E very Line of Sight to a space with a Smoke
4. Flip all red-side up tokens from the Active 3. ASSIGN UNDERDOG STATUS token is blocked.
Give the Underdog token to the player with the •F ree Spaces with a Smoke token don’t provide
Character’s card so they are blue-side up.
fewest Victory Points. If both players are tied, the Cover.
5. End of the States Step. Underdog token changes hands. •C haracters always have a Clear Line of Sight to
6. End of the Activation. The Character is no longer an Adjacent Target, ignoring Smoke rules.
the Active Character. D. RECOVERY PHASE (PAGE 14) • Remove Smoke tokens at the beginning of
the deploying Character’s next Activation. If
ACTIONS (PAGE 2) the Character is in the Infirmary, remove the
All Effects that last ‘until the end of the Round’
Smoke tokens when that Activation would
end at this point.
1. REQUIREMENTS have taken place.
Check that all requirements are met: Range, Line of 2. NANOTHERAPY •T he maximum quantity of Smoke tokens
Sight,... Move all Characters in the Infirmary to the Bench, provided with the Character determine the
then impose each of those Characters a -2e maximum quantity of Smoke tokens they can
2. DECLARATION State token. deploy at the same time. Once a Character has
Pay the Action Points and declare the Action. deployed all their Smoke tokens, they cannot
3. DRAW TACTICS deploy more Smoke tokens until some of their
3. ROLL Each player draws one Tactic from their deck. Smoke tokens have been removed from the
Make the Roll. Hexadome.
If you scored at least one Victory Point this
4. EFFECTS Round, draw one additional Tactic. Burning
Apply 6 Effects. a Targets affected by this State suffer a random
If you got at least one 2, apply 5 Effects. quantity of 4Damage when the blue side of
this State token is revealed.
5. RESOLUTION ROLLS (PAGES 9 AND 16) When one or more ABurning State tokens are
End of the Action. flipped blue-side up, roll a ,, for each flipped
1. TACTICS token:
Both players may play Tactics to modify the Roll.
The Underdog decides who goes first. • For each 2: The Character suffers 14.
•F  or each 3: Impose a new ABurning State
ACTIONS 2. ROLL THE DICE token to the Character.
3. CRITICAL BLOCK • Remove the ABurning State token immediately
If a player rolled a 7, they may use it to Nullify one after showing its blue side.
May target anyone. By default, if it requires a roll, it will die from their opponent’s Roll. • Unlike other States, Characters can suffer more
be a Simple Roll. than one instance of ABurning at the same
Results of 2 do not cause 4(Damage).
4. SWITCHES time, gaining one ABurning token for each such
Both players, in turn, may activate Switches using instance.
the symbols they rolled. The Active Player decides •N  o Character makes this roll and, because of
which player gets to activate Switches first. that, players cannot modify it by playing Tactics,
or activating Switches. Also, as it’s not a Roll,
Cannot target Allies. 5. RESULTS the limitation of ,,, doesn’t apply.
Make a Face to Face Roll against the Target’s Both players Nullify as many 2 from the
opponent’s roll as 1 they obtained. Marked
Results of 2 cause 4(Damage). For Combat Rolls, each Character involved Targets affected by this State may be
receives as many 4(Damage) as 2 remain on their targeted even with no Line of Sight.
opponent’s roll. • Targets affected by this State cannot Benefit
from Cover.
REMEMBER : Defenders with no Line of
Its Effects are always available, even during STATES Sight to the Attacker cannot use their
Enemies’ Activations. WDefence Roll’s 2 to cause 4Damage.
ACCIONES COMUNES: Targets affected by this State cannot draw Line Hidden
of Sight beyond the l0-1 Range. You cannot have a Line of Sight to Targets
Poisoned affected by this State, except within Range 1-1.
Targets affected by this State suffer 14 • Targets affected by this State cannot benefit
when the blue side of the State token is from Cover.
revealed. • Remove this State token immediately after
performing an Attack, after the end of the
• Remove the dPoisoned State token Action.
immediately after showing its blue side. • Neither Enemies nor Allies can have Line of
• Unlike other States, Characters can suffer more Sight to this Target.
than one instance of dPoisoned • Targets affected by this State still block Line
at the same time, gaining one dPoisoned token
of Sight.
for each such instance.
REMEMBER: Defenders with no Line of Sight to
Immobilized the Attacker cannot use their Defence 2 to
Targets affected by this State cannot spend cause 4Damage.
Movement Points.

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