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Microsingularity Solarian Solar Manifestation

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by Kishmo

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Unlike most solarians, you are drawn to the crushing gravity and
inescapable pull of black holes, rather than the bright star stuff of other
solar manifestations.

TABLE 1-1: The Microsingularity Solarian

Solarian Microsingularity Microsingularity Microsingularity Weapon Special Abilities
Level Damage Range
1st 1d3 30 ft. Penetrating, Force, Gravitation (5 ft.)
2nd 1d3 30 ft.
3rd 1d3 30 ft.
4th 1d4 30 ft.
5th 1d4 30 ft.
6th 2d3 30 ft.
7th 2d3 40 ft. Gravitation (10 ft.)
8th 2d3 40 ft.
9th 3d3 40 ft.
10th 3d3 40 ft.
11th 3d3 40 ft.
12th 4d3 50 ft. Gravitation (15 ft.)
13th 5d3 50 ft.
14th 6d3 50 ft.
15th 7d3 50 ft.
16th 8d3 50 ft.
17th 9d3 60 ft. Gravitation (20 ft.)
18th 10d3 60 ft.
19th 11d3 60 ft.
20th 12d3 60 ft.

form your microsingularity in it. You cannot form your

MICROSINGULARITY microsingularity inside an object (but it can be used to
Herein is presented a new solar manifestation that
damage objects, after being formed.) You can form your
solarians can choose at 1st level. Except where otherwise
microsingularity inside the space a creature is occupying,
stated, this follows all regular rules for solar
although you cannot form your microsingularity inside
manifestations, as presented on page 101 of the
another creature. At 7th level, you can form it anywhere
Starfinder Core Rulebook.
within 40 ft. This increases to 50 ft. at 12th level, and 60
ft. at 17th level. Unlike other solar manifestations, your
Microsingularity microsingularity is not held, and does not occupy hands
You have the ability to condense your stellar mote into
while wielded.
a microsingularity - a microscopic black hole. Your stellar Once formed, as a move action, you can command
mote is more likely to be the perfect blackness of a black your microsingularity to move, using its listed range in
hole, but it can take different forms as usual for a stellar Table 1-1 as its speed. It does not have any effect on
mote, as you wish. creatures or objects in between its starting and end point,
You can command your mote to become a however (instead, see below on attacking with your
microsingularity anywhere within 30 ft. of you as a move microsingularity.) Your microsingularity can move in any
action that takes the same amount of effort as drawing or direction, including up or down, although solid objects
sheathing a weapon (and can be combined with and force effects block its movement as usual. It can end
movement as a single move action.) It cannot be used its turn in the air, where it remains hovering.
with the Quick Draw feat, or similar abilities that function At 1st level, your microsingularity is treated as a
as Quick Draw. Dismissing your microsingularity takes the magical weapon, and has the Penetrating and Force
same actions and effort as sheathing a weapon, at which weapon special properties, as well as a special version of
point your mote returns to hovering near your body. You the Gravitation (5 ft.) property that functions in all ways
must have line of sight and line of effect to a square, to as the regular Gravitation weapon special ability, except

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the DC is calculated using your Charisma bonus, rather work only with melee attacks. Anything that specifically
than your Dexterity bonus. At 7th level, this special affects solar weapons (such as the Soulfire weapon fusion)
Gravitation property increases to Gravitation (10 ft.), at affects your solar flare in the same way, though it can’t
12th level it increases to Gravitation (15 ft.), and at 17th gain any weapon special property, critical hit effect, or
level it increases to Gravitation (20 ft.) Your weapon fusion that can’t be applied to a weapon with the
microsingularity affects incorporeal creatures as normal Line or Flexible Line special properties. Solarian weapon
for a weapon with the Force property, and it extends into crystals can be added to your mote as usual, but their
the Ethereal Plane, and can affect creatures there. Your damage die size is reduced one step: d3s become d2s, d4s
microsingularity is considered to have an item level equal become d3s, d6s become d4s, and so on. Solarian weapon
to your solarian level. crystals that usually add d2s of damage now add only 1
For purposes of the microsingularity's Gravitation damage, and those that add a flat 1 damage continue to
property of the attack, you can move enemies hit by the do so.
attack and who fail their Reflex save against the Your microsingularity is so small that is does not
Gravitation property either towards or away from your occupy space, and other creatures can move through and
character’s location, not the microsingularity’s location. occupy the square it's in. Your microsingularity does not
You can attack with your microsingularity as a ranged threaten squares, can’t flank enemies, and cannot be
attack, treating it as a special weapon that you are used to make attacks of opportunity. It does not block line
proficient with, that takes no hands to wield, and causes of sight, line of effect, or provide cover. However, its
your character to provoke attacks of opportunity, as crushing gravity can be dangerous. Any creature or object
normal for making a ranged attack. When you attack with that ends its turn in the same space as your
your microsingularity, you cause it to move in a straight microsingularity must succeed at a Reflex save (DC = 10 +
line from its current location. Treat this as a ranged attack 1/2 your microsingularity's item level + your Charisma
with the Flexible Line property, with the first, starting, bonus) or take damage as if it were hit by an attack with
square of the Flexible Line being your microsingularity's the microsingularity.
current location, and the second, ending, square of the Your microsingularity persists until you dismiss it,
Flexible Line being any square within weapon range of the which takes the same actions and effort as sheathing a
starting point. At 1st level, this weapon range is 30 ft., and weapon, or you fall unconscious, in which case it returns
it increases to 40 ft. at 7th level, to 50 ft. at 12th level, and to orbiting you, in its mote form. It also instantly returns
to 60 ft. at 17th level, as described in Table 1-1: the to its mote form if you end your turn with your
Microsingularity Solarian. This can be used as part of a microsingularity farther away from you than Medium
Full Attack, or other Attack Actions that allow or require range (100 feet + 10 feet per solarian level.) It does not
you to make an attack. After the attack, your have hit points, does not take damage, and cannot be
microsingularity’s new location is the second, ending, disarmed or sundered, but certain spells and supernatural
square of the Flexible Line attack. or magical effects function differently against the
If the attack fails to affect a target and the line effect microsingularity, as follows. For purposes of being
ends, as detailed in the Line weapon special property, affected by spells and supernatural or magical effects,
your microsingularity’s new location is the square of the consider your microsingularity to have your EAC, KAC,
creature it failed to pass through, closest to your and Saving Throw Bonuses.
microsingilarity’s starting location.  Any spell, effect, or ability that deals Force damage can
Creatures or objects in the starting and ending squares affect your microsingularity. While it doesn’t have Hit
of the Flexible Line are included in its attack. No creature Points and doesn’t take damage, if it would be
or object can be hit more than once per attack with your subjected to a single Force effect or included in the
microsingularity. area of a Force effect that does damage equal to at
Your microsingularity targets EAC. At 1st level, it deals least twice your solarian level, your microsingularity is
1d3 Bludgeoning damage. At 4th level, this increases to destroyed, as if you had dismissed it. However, you can
1d4. At 6th level, it increases to 2d3, at 9th level to 3d3, reform the microsingularity as usual after it has been
and it increases by another 1d3 at 12th level and every destroyed.
level thereafter, as described in Table 1-1: the  The microsingularity can be dispelled with Dispel
Microsingularity Solarian. When you gain Weapon Magic, Greater Dispel Magic, and similar effects, as if it
Specialization at 3rd level, you add your full solarian level were a spell with a caster level equal to your solarian
to damage with your microsingularity. If you are a level. If successful, your microsingularity disappears as
multiclass solarian, you add only your full solarian level if you had dismissed it. However, you can reform the
and half your levels in other classes to damage with your microsingularity as usual after it has been dispelled.
microsingularity.  Your microsingularity can be affected by the Dismissal
Any solarian class features (including stellar revelations spell as if it were an Outsider with a CR equal to your
and zenith revelations) that specifically affect melee solarian level. If successful, your microsingularity
weapons (such as the flashing strikes class feature) disappears as if you had dismissed it. However you can
function with your microsingularity, even if they normally reform the microsingularity as usual afterwards.

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 Your microsingularity can be targeted by the unattuned, you dismiss your microsingularity, or your
Dimensional Anchor spell. If hit, you cannot move or microsingularity otherwise stops functioning.
attack with your microsingularity, although it still You must have the microsingularity solar
effects creatures and objects that end their turn in its manifestation to select this revelation.
space as normal. You can dismiss and reform your
microsingularity as normal, however. Existing Revelations
 Just as regular black holes will, over the course of eons, The following existing stellar revelations can, at your
shrink and evaporate as their mass is converted into GM’s discretion, be altered to work with your
strange and esoteric types of radiation, your microsingularity, as follows, by adding these lines to the
microsingularity can be affected by supernatural or end of each stellar revelation:
magical aging. Any effect that would cause it to take Distant Burst COM: If you have the microsingularity solar
damage from aging, such as a ghost’s Corrupting Touch, manifestation, while attuned or fully attuned, these solar
or cause it to age by 1 or more standard Absalom manifestations can instead be centered on the square
Station Years, causes your microsingularity to your microsingularity is in.
evaporate and vanish, as if you had dismissed it. After
1d4 rounds, you can reform it as usual. At the GM’s Gravity Grappler GEM: If you have the microsingularity
discretion, additional aging effects may cause your solar manifestation, you can treat the square your
microsingularity to evaporate. microsingularity is in as the point of origin for this effect.

Gravity HoldCRB: If you have the microsingularity solar

Stellar Revelations manifestation, you can treat the square your
New Revelations microsingularity is in as the point of origin for this effect.
The following are new stellar revelations that alter or
interact with the microsingularity solar manifestation, RadiationCRB: If you have the microsingularity solar
that can be taken at your GM’s discretion. manifestation, you can instead have your radiation aura
emanate from your microsingularity, rather than
6th Level yourself.
Bend Gravity (Su) Graviton Revelation
When you are fully graviton attuned, you can bend
Gravity Surge CRB: If you have the microsingularity solar
gravity while attacking with your microsingularity. You
manifestation, you can treat the square your
can bend the normally straight line that your
microsingularity is in as the point of origin for this effect.
microsingularity travels one time when you make a
If you do so and disarm your target, the dropped item flies
Flexible Line attack with it, creating a single turn of up to
towards your microsingularity, and not you (although you
90 degrees in its path. You must declare where this bend
can still catch it, if you are in or adjacent to the path it
will occur prior to making your attack roll. Your
would take to reach your microsingularity, and have the
microsingularity can still be stopped before reaching
free hands to do so.)
that point (for example, by failing to damage a creature
If you trip the target, it is pulled up to 10 ft. closer to
or obstacle hit in the line.)
your microsingularity, rather than yourself.
You must have the microsingularity solar
manifestation to select this revelation.
Gravity SlamAP35 : If you have the microsingularity solar
manifestation, you can treat the square your
Metaphysical Alignment (Su) Graviton Revelation
microsingularity is in as the point of origin for the bull rush
Your personal alignment manifests in your
combat maneuver, rather than your own square.
microsingularity. Choose one component of your
alignment, that must be lawful, chaotic, good, or evil.
Your attacks with your microsingularity are considered
to have your chosen alignment for the purposes of
overcoming damage reduction.
You must have the microsingularity solar
manifestation to select this revelation.

Accretion Disk (Su) Graviton Revelation

As a move action while attuned or fully attuned, you
can command your microsingularity to suck in dust,
atmosphere, scrap, and even convert small amounts of
background radiation and ambient energy into tiny
particulates, forming a swirling disk of matter around it.
The square your microsingularity is in provides soft
cover to allies. This effect persists until you become

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