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( \/ )( ___)(_ _) /__\ ( ) / __)( ___) /__\ ( _ \

) ( )__) )( /(__)\ )(__ ( (_-. )__) /(__)\ ) / Version 1.60 - 7/5/08

(_/\/\_)(____) (__)(__)(__)(____) \___/(____)(__)(__)(_)\_) --Well, I hope everyone had a nice holiday (for those
___ _____ __ ____ ____ __ of you who celebrate it).
/ __)( _ )( ) (_ _)( _ \ /. | Anyways, back to business. I added a lot more to the
\__ \ )(_)( )(__ _)(_ )(_) ) (_ _) Unlockables, and started
(___/(_____)(____)(____)(____/ (_) the Extras sections with Easter Eggs. More is on the
way though. I'm looking
GUNS OF THE PATRIOTS to update the No Kills/No Alerts walkthrough tonight.
One other thing I added
was some info relating to the psyche gauge and
| Metal Gear Solid 4 Guide | Version 1.65 - 7/7/08
| Created by: Axel7174 | --Ok, I'm getting near the end now. I have almost all
| FAQ and Walkthrough | of the stuff that I
| Copyright 2008 Ryne Gardner| wanted to add. I put more unlockables, a few more
|____________________________| Easter Eggs, and I also put
up to the start of Act 4 in the No Kills/Alerts
walkthrough. I'm going to be
Version History ready to add submissions soon so please, hold out
--------------- until then.
Version 1.00 - 6/17/08 - 6/27/08
--Guide started. Well, I sort of tried to rush but I had Version 1.75 - 7/13/08
so many other things --This took longer than I wanted, and basically I
to do so working on this took some time. I wanted to haven't had time to even touch
get this up soon so some my PS3 since Wednesday. However, I am happy to
sections aren't done yet, but the main walkthrough say that I now have an HD TV! Oh
is. I'm also going to try yay, I'm finally stepping out of the stone age! I can
and diligently get the others up soon. finally read shit on my
PS3 games! Wow! No, but seriously, it is really cool.
Version 1.25 - 7/1/08 There is good news for
--I made a few changes in information. Some things you, the readers as well however. I have indeed
were just mindless errors decided to do something for the
I totally didn't notice (perhaps due to my rushing the long sought after Big Boss Emblem. It will not be in
guide down the stretch). this guide however, and I
Others included things I meant to put in, but for will probably try to make a separate guide for it,
some reason forgot. I have some time after this one is
started the No Kills/Alerts walkthrough, and started completed or near completed. As for this update, I
adding some of the other finished Act 4 in the No
things for listing purposes. I threw in a few more Kills/Alerts walkthrough, as well as added a lot of
frequently asked little new pieces of info
questions. I also noted in my walkthrough about that I recently discovered or forgot about (meh). Oh,
finding the Stinger in Act 3, and if you have submitted
but feeling like I had found it once before that. I me tips, don't worry, I haven't forgot. I just wanted to
remembered where: Act 2, get more of this guide
and I have fixed that, as well as a few other things. done first, so I'll be adding them really soon. Also,
you can consider this
guide open to tips now officially, so if you got 'em,
Version 1.35 - 7/2/08
please read the submission
--A few more additions, many of them small fixes and
section at the end of the guide, and you can e-mail
things like that. I also
me. They better be good!
added more to the No Kills/Alerts walkthrough, up to
just after the boss in Act
Version 1.80 - 7/15/08
2. Somehow I missed a pretty cool spot in Act 2 and
--I finished the No Kills/Alerts walkthrough. I will be
now I've decided to change
starting a separate
my walkthrough for a certain part around a little bit.
guide for the BBE soon and it will be located under
More on the way soon.
In-depth FAQs on the MGS4
FAQs page. As for other things, there's a few changes
Version 1.40 - 7/3/08
in information, extra tips
--Small update due to my being so busy with other
in strategies, etc. There's a bunch of new
things, including preparation
routes/areas I added in Act 1. Also,
for the holiday. I continued the No Kills/Alerts
a few more Easter Eggs. I've also finally added the
walkthrough, up to Act 2's
first submissions to this
end. I also added more of the unlockables. I still got
guide. Here's a brief overview:
more to add there
though, so they're on their way.
-Added an easier strategy for Act 3 No Kills/Alerts
-Finished No Kills/Alerts guide
Happy 4th of July folks!
-Added another Easter Egg (more coming so hold on)
-More audio flashbacks mentioned in the standard --Well, I'm almost done I hope. I wanted to finish this
walkthrough completely before school
-Created Advanced Tips section but alas, that's not possible. I have classes starting
-Added more info to some Boss strategies tomorrow; gotta wake up
-Added several submitted tips bright and early at 5 AM. Ugh. Junior year of College,
hoorah -_-. In any case,
Version 1.85 - 7/17/08 I made some small fixes, updates, etc. Added a few
--Well, with the No Kills/Alerts guide done, I have to tips and another FAQ
say, this FAQ might be question. Also, if you're interested, I finished my BBE
close to completion. I'm gonna try to skim through it guide. It doesn't look
and find any other things like it will be accepted however, due to the fact one
that need tweaking. For example, I have revised the already exists. Kinda
Crying Wolf boss strategy sucks, but I will just add the information to this guide
(standard), and also added other various tips here if I have to.
and there. I'm still in the
process of confirming a bunch more locations for iPod Version 2.50 - 8/27/08
songs. For the future, you --Well, you can call this a big update. And for the
can hopefully expect a BBE guide. That's all for now, simple reason of getting
here's what's new: attention to this point...


-Revised Crying Wolf strategy (standard) THIS GUIDE***
-Added a few more Advanced Tips
-Added Cheats section under Extras Yes, since I unfortunately couldn't get it in as a
-Added information on extra passwords to enter at separate file, I made my
Otacon's computer under Fun current guide even more bloated. With the addition
Things To Do of the BBE walkthrough, I'm
cutting the No Kills/Alerts walkthrough out of it. More
Version 1.90 - 7/23/08 information on that
--A few small updates. Worked on confirming some decision in the "About This Guide" section. To reflect
new information, improved a this change, a lot of
few things here and there. Not much else to say. I'm things have been also moved around or changed. For
going to be starting the example, the tips for the
separate guide soon, I hope. No Kills/Alerts walkthrough have been added to the
Advanced Tips and the boss
-Revised strategy for Act 1 - Red Zone (No strategies from that walkthrough have been moved
Kills/Alerts) to their own new section. Refer
-New finds added for Act 1 - Urban Ruins to the Table of Contents for where to go to get your
-Updated the walkthrough to incorporate finding BBE fix.
more iPod songs
-Added more Easter Eggs Version 2.55 - 9/15/08
-Fixed a whole mess of errors --Friends, let me tell you something. Life is full of
peaks and valleys. Just
Version 1.95 - 8/1/08 when things seem like they're going swell, everything
--Went a while without an update. I actually figured I takes a sudden turn. You
did have a few more buy a new game system, then get mugged on the
things to add, mostly in the realm of general street by some hobo. You invent a
information about the game. There new device to help handicapped people get around in
is still more to add, such as the Ghosts that I have even more places, then you
been sort of purposely get hit by a bus. Or maybe you're like me, and your
neglecting for a while now. I will of course still be computer just up and
adding tips, easter eggs, decides to deliver you a big "Fu*k you" and die.
and the like but I imagine a Final version is on the Yeah... my harddrive got fried
horizon. As for the other and that meant no computer or internet access for a
guide, it's in the works, but let me say don't expect week. Not as bad as it
to see it really soon. sounds, but I had school work to do, and just now I've
gotten a new HDD. The
Version 2.00 - 8/8/08 good news? Well, I got my car hooked up with a nice
--I hope to finish this guide soon. I'm trying to find stereo system and new
more time to sit down speakers. Major schwingage. Oh... good news for
and finish some things up. I hate to say it, but my you? Haha, right, right. Well,
next semester of college is I added a few tips, if that counts for anything. Final
right around the corner (bleh), so I have to take that update soon I hope. But
into account as well. first I have to lament the loss of all my music, video,
Anyways, I made a few small updates, changes, etc, and text files in a
including a few new flood of my own tears.
Version 2.65 - 10/18/08
Version 2.10 - 8/26/08
--I've added the Ghosts section which can be found in * Act IV................................................. (bbe4)
the Fun Things To Do * Act V.................................................. (bbe5)
section of the guide. I also added a few tips but I will 5. Extras................................................. (exra)
no longer be accepting * Non-lethal Boss Strategies............................. (nlbb)
many of them from here on out. * Weapon Index........................................... (wpin)
* Easter Eggs............................................ (ovresy)
Version 2.70 - 2/23/09 * Fun Things To Do....................................... (hvfn)
--A very small update in which I made a few fixes, * Cheats................................................. (chts)
added a tip or two, and also 6. Unlockables............................................ (unlk)
added a new FAQ question. At this point, I'm not * Weapons/Items.......................................... (wpns)
accepting any more submitted * FaceCamo............................................... (fccm)
tips whatsoever. Please read the revised section at * Costumes............................................... (cstu)
the end of the guide for * Emblems................................................ (embd)
more info. * iPod Songs............................................. (hlycrp)
* Other.................................................. (otra)
FINAL Version - 7/1/09 7. Miscellaneous.......................................... (mscl)
--If you've read the Version History of this guide * Frequently Asked Questions.............................
carefully, you'll notice (afak)
this is not the real first Final version. In fact, I * Regarding Submissions
stamped Final twice before * Credits/Special Thanks
this, and I realize now that it was premature. I found * Contact Info
some new things to add * Legal Gibberish
and so I included two brand new sections. I also
made a lot of fixes, mostly
formatting (reducing bulky paragraphs to smaller,
seperate ones). I know feel
like this guide is definitely done. Small fixes may still
be done but I doubt
any new info or sections will be added. Thank you,
/ \
everyone for helping me out.
-]| Introduction - Here We Are (hrwr)


Table of Contents About the Author

1. Introduction........................................... (hrwr) Well, this is going to sound awfully repetitive, but...
* About the Author what can I say? I'm
* About This Guide (what to expect) making yet another guide. This is going to be third
* About Metal Gear Solid guide and you know the
2. Snake's Intel....................................... (intl) strange part about it? All of my guides so far have
* What Are We Looking At Here? been for games issuing
* OctoCamo their fourth installments. Yes, all for game series who
* Button Layout produced their 4th
* The Moves game. Devil May Cry 4, Grand Theft Auto IV. Now
* Triangle - Special Actions here we are, a guide for the
* CQC much anticipated Metal Gear Solid 4.
* Other Things
* Enemies All I can say about myself is I'm here to help. I enjoy
* Advanced Tips writing and I write a
3. Standard Walkthrough................................... (wlkt) lot of stories and so forth and English is more or less
* Foreword my strongest subject,
* Act I.................................................. (act1) so all of those go into the idea of making a guide. I'm
* Act II................................................. (act2) a resident New Yorker
* Act III................................................ (act3) and I just like to have a good time with friends and
* Act IV................................................. (act4) play baseball, and of
* Act V.................................................. (act5) course, chill back and play a good video game.
4. Big Boss Emblem Walkthrough............................
(bbew) About This Guide (What To Expect)
* Foreword ---------------------------------
* The Requirements In this guide, I'm hoping to provide a quality
* Before You Begin walkthrough to help players get
* BBE Tips through the main story. On top of that, I have also
* Beating the Clock provided a walkthrough for
* Act I.................................................. (bbe1) the long sought after Big Boss Emblem. It will be
* Act II................................................. (bbe2) replacing my No Kills/Alerts
* Act III................................................ (bbe3)
walkthrough to accommodate this change. Reason is Health and Psyche bar: This is the one at the top left
the No Kills/Alerts guide is it has Snake's name on
like 75% of what the BBE guide offers, so there's no it as Old Snake. The top solid bar is Snake's health.
point in clogging this When it's depleted, Snake
guide with three walkthroughs. However, the No of course, dies.
Kills/Alerts walkthrough also
covered getting the Solar Gun and some FaceCamos, THE PSYCHE GAUGE - New in MGS4, but quite similar
and in that light, I will be to the Stamina Gauge from
saving the Non-lethal Boss strategies, but placing MGS3. If it goes down, Snake's performance is
them in a different section. affected. He can't hold his gun
straight and his vision is impaired slightly. Perhaps
When it comes to spoilers, I will not ever discuss any the worst effect of low
of the game's lengthy psyche is that Snake loses the ability to heal his body
revelations and other things that pertain to the naturally. Psyche is
intricate plot. I may often measured by a smaller factor: Stress. When Stress
say, "Watch the scene. (insert character) will tell you increases, Psyche goes down so
to go _______ " and for the obvious thing is how to avoid being stressed out?
the most part, I will be avoiding spoilers in doing this. Read on
You won't have to
worry about me revealing anything such as the --STRESS--
game's ending or anything like
that during the course of this guide. However, some Under the Psyche gauge during certain situations,
minor spoilers may be you will see (unless you had a
mentioned in the Extras and Unlockables sections so crappy TV like I used to have, you won't see it I
just be aware of that. suppose) the Stress indicator.
Stress slowly increases by 0.1 intervals in pressing
About Metal Gear Solid situations for Snake. As
---------------------- Stress increases, it has more of an effect on Snake's
I have to admit, I'm now a huge Kojima fan. My first psyche. When the Stress
Metal Gear Solid game was level turns red, you'll see Snake's pyche decrease
Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty. The game itself steadily. Stress becomes a
always talked about things thing to watch for when playing on Solid Normal and
from the first game. It was such a rich and rewarding above. Certain situations
experience, but it made and stimuli will increase and decrease Snake's stress.
me hunger for more. I wanted to know, what is
FOXHOUND? Who exactly is this guy _______________________________________________
Liquid? What exactly did Snake had to go through? |Stress Increase Factors|Stress Decrease Factors|
So I played Metal Gear Solid, |-----------------------------------------------|
the original, and was also, quite rewarded. Thanks to |Direct sunlight |Shade |
MGS3: Subsistence, I also |Cold weather |Laying prone |
got a chance to play original MG games as well. I was |Combat situations |Remaining stealthy |
impressed and entranced |Alert phase |Compress |
by Kojima's way of entertainment. Kojima expressed |Back pain |Playboy magazines |
once that he doesn't see -------------------------------------------------
videogames as art. I find it somewhat ironic because
in my opinion, the MGS Heavy combat will cause Snake's stress to really
series is a rare find. It's got a wonderful gameplay climb, and may result in a
system, surrounded by a Combat High. Other factors like staying out in the
story that is well told with quality voice acting and sun will slowly but steadily
cinematic beauty. It may get Stress to accumulate over time. It can be
not be the best game series ever, but it's still a very reversed if Snake stays in the
good one. shade. Crouching for prolonged periods will cause
Snake back pain, but using a
Compress will prevent any significant stress increase.
If all else fails, flip
through a Playboy magazine and Snake will feel
much more relaxed.
/ \
-]| Snake's Intel (intl) |[-
Wind/Radar: At the top right, it begins as a wind
direction thing. When you
\_____________________________________________________ have the Solid Eye on however, it displays a much
____________/ more detailed radar. The
small dots of light represent nearby sounds or
What Are We Looking At Here? movement.
Just a brief layout of the HUD display on the screen Camo Index: Much like MGS3, you can see your Camo
when you're controlling Index at the top right in the
Snake. same display. On my crappy TV, I cannot see it for
my life. I swear, if I
didn't read the instruction manual, I never would instruction manual (da da daaaaah!). It's important
have known it was there. It to get used to the controls
measures how well Snake is blended in. Wear since some things have changed since the last
FaceCamo to increase this. installment. We'll start with the
Item: When you have an item selected from the Item
Menu, it shows up at the
bottom left.
Weapon: When you have a weapon selected from the
|Button|Not Moving |Moving |When Aiming |
Weapon Menu, it shows up at
Laying Flat |Behind Cover |
the bottom right.
|X |Prone/Lay flat|Roll |N/A |Prone/Stand |
Stand/Prone |
Like in MGS3, camouflage will play a role in Snake's
mission. The OctoCamo suit
|Square|N/A |N/A |Autoaim/Manual|N/A
automatically responds to surrounding surfaces and
|N/A |
stimuli, mimicing the color
and even the texture. Thus, this allows Snake to
blend in with almost anything
|Circle|Reload |Reload |Reload |Reload
at any location. The degree of success is measured
|Reload |
by the Camo Index in the top
right. The higher the percent, the better Snake's
disguise is. It goes down when
|Triang|Cover/Special |Climb |Scope/FPV |Play
he is moving or making other hostile actions. Also,
dead/turn |Leave cover |
like in MGS3, no matter how
well Snake is hidden, he can be discovered if an
enemy gets too close.
|LAS |Walk/Run |Run |Move Snake |Crawl
|Move along wall|
OctoCamo has two settings. The default is Auto
which allows you to easily blend
in just by pressing up against a wall or laying flat on
|RAS |Camera |Camera |Move Reticle |Camera
the ground. In a few
|Camera |
seconds, the camo will kick in and copy the color of
the nearby surface. The
other setting is one MGS3 players are more familiar
|L1 |Aim |Aim |N/A |Aim |Jump
with, and that is Manual. On
out shot |
Manual, you will have to enter the Camo submenu
from the Pause menu and select
by hand which camo suit you which to use, and see
|L2 |Items/Equip |Items/E.|Items/Equip |
how well it blends in to the
Items/Equip |Items/Equip |
current area. Auto works best because you never
have to second guess yourself on
how well you're hidden.
|L3 |N/A |N/A |N/A |N/A |N/A
The OctoCamo only has a few preset suits however.
You can obtain more by
blending in with various areas and then permanently
|R1 |CQC |CQC |Fire Weapon |N/A |
copying that color scheme to
Fire/Tap wall |
some sort of internal database for future use. You can
do this by blending, then
going to Camo from the Pause menu, and selecting
|R2 |Weapons/Equip |Wep/Eq. |Weapons/Equip |
Register Camo. This lets you
Weapons/Equip |Weapons/Equip |
copy the current camo scheme and adds it as a
permanent selectable camo suit.
Snake's suit comes with a few preset options, and
|R3 |Center camera |C. Cam. |L/R Shoulder |Center
you can register up to 10 new
camera |Center Camera |
schemes, as well as download more if you have that
Button Layout
------------- The Moves
Ok, I'm going to outline all of the controls briefly. If ---------
you want more help, Let's go a little bit more in-depth on Snake's actions.
refer to that little booklet that comes with your Most of the controls
game. You know... the
you can get a feel for by reading the above layout. It position, Snake hangs from the ledge with his hands.
helps to look a little This is useful for
more deeply at all the available moves in Snake's slipping out of sight (such as hanging over a railing
arsenal though. You never where enemies may be
know when one of these moves can come in handy. pointed at) or dropping to a lower platform faster.
While hanging, pay
-Creeping- attention to the Grip Gauge. It is the same size as
your Psyche Gauge and as
Just another word for moving slowly. This technique is such, the lower your Psyche, the lower your Grip
irrelevant except on capability. When hanging, the
Hard and Extreme. On all other difficulties, enemies Pysche Gauge is coated in blue; that's the Grip
won't hear you unless you Gauge. As the blue area starts
are moving full speed. Tilting the stick very very to deplete, you'll be closer to falling off.
slightly allows you to move
without making noise, which is imperative for Hard
and Extreme. Triangle - Special Actions
-Roll Forward- In many situations, the function of the Triangle
button will change. Most of
While running, hit X to roll forward. This is useful for the time, you will be using it to enter and leave cover
crossing small gaps behind walls and other
you may encounter. It may also be used as an attack objects. However, there are times when the function
on enemies, especially if will change. You can use
you need to get out of a tight spot in a hurry. It's not the button to climb up small ledges like onto crates
capable of knocking and such, as well as climb
enemies out in one blow though, so be aware of that. ladders. There are even more times however, that
you'll find during the course
-Combat Roll- of the game where the Triangle button will appear
and prompt you to do
A combat roll, not to be confused with the Side Roll something special. It also figures prominently into
(see below), is a roll you the next section.
can do while crouching. In this position, hit left or
right on the Left
Analog Stick and then X to make a small roll in that Snake - Soldier Interactions
direction. It's a roll -----------------------------
meant to keep Snake in the combat position. When dealing with enemy soldiers, there are few
things to cover about the
-Laying Flat- controls in particular. R1 becomes your CQC button
(covered next), and things
Hold X to lay flat when prone. This is different from like movement become important. Don't run, lest you
simply laying down. In give your position away to
this position you play dead. It doesn't help a ton the enemy. Tilt the stick slightly to walk. This will
against nearby enemies but allow you to get the jump
it allows Snake to recover lost health slowly. on your enemy and perform some CQC moves.
Again, that's all covered in the next
-Turn Over- part. We have a few techniques to go over first.

When laying prone, hit Triangle to flip over to Snake's -Hold Ups: To hold up an enemy soldier, sneak up on
back. From here, he can them and point your gun
inch forward on his back and have a different angle with L1. Snake will tell them to freeze and the enemy
to lob grenades and so on. will put their hands up
You can hold X (above) to play dead in this position and drop their gun.
-Shake for items: Right after you've held someone
-Side Roll- up, while still holding L1,
maneuver Snake to the front of your enemy and then
While prone, either with a gun equipped or release L1. Press triangle
unequipped, you can roll along the to begin searching for items. Snake will search the
ground. Hold L1 and then x. At that point, simply enemy's body and the prompt
move left or right on the for Triangle will appear. Press it at the right time and
Left Analog Stick to roll in that direction. Good for you'll get some ammo
covering ground but still and other items from the soldier. Time it wrong and
remaining low. you'll miss. Eventually,
Snake will then be able to stun the enemy, so time
-Hanging- that prompt right to knock
the soldier out.
To hang, slip over an edge or jump over a railing with
Triangle. In this -Picking up bodies: Stand near a dead or
incapacitated soldier and hold the
Triangle button to pick up their body. Using the Left out.
Analog Stick, you can
drag their body around. The reason for doing this is -Snap Neck: Keep tapping R1 when the enemy is held
to hide it from other in CQC and eventually their
enemies that may spot it and therefore will call in neck will break
back up. However, leaving
a body can be useful (see tips). -Throw to Ground: After already grabbing an enemy,
press down on the Left
-Hiding bodies: Often times, if you know where the Analog Stick and R1 to throw them down. This is not
enemy searches, you can keep as powerful as the normal
them from finding their fallen comrades if you place throw, so it will not knock the enemy out, so be
the body in the right mindful of that.
place. However, if you want to be sure, drag the body
to a nearby locker (if -Human Shield: While holding R1 to keep the enemy
there is one). The locker needs to be open. Drag the in your grasp, use L1 to aim
body into it and Snake your pistol and use the held soldier as a human
will put them inside and close the door. shield. Other enemies will
hesitate to fire at you. It makes getting out of hairy
situations much easier.
CQC - Close Quarters Combat
--------------------------- -Assault Rifle Throw Down: With an M4 or other
CQC returns from MGS3 and it's much improved this assault rifle equipped, approach
time around. It's a valuable an enemy and press R1 and then immediately down
weapon for Snake in his mission. There are a number on the Left Analog Stick. Snake
of different CQC techniques will perform a quick combo which ends with a throw
and they change depending on Snake's situation. In a down, knocking the soldier
way, this is an offshoot unconscious.
of the previous section because obviously, CQC
requires an enemy soldier as -Choke Out on Ground: While holding an enemy,
well. press X to crouch, then release
R1 quickly. Press R1 again immediately and down on
*======* the Left Analog Stick at the
Basics same time to place the enemy face down and get on
*======* top of them. Hold R1 and the
enemy will eventually be choked into a stunned
Grabbing: Grab an enemy with R1 and Snake will position.
place them in a chokehold. This
can only be done with one handed weapons (pistols) *============*
or with no weapon equipped Other Things
at all. *============*

Melee: If you have no weapon or just a pistol There are a few more things to watch out for when
equipped, pressing R1 three times you play the game. While they
in succession will let Snake perform a short melee don't allow you full control, there is a bit of limited
combo. If he has an assault player interaction in
rifle weapon equipped, he can perform a one hit these specific sequences.
strike attack with it.
-Flashbacks: When watching cutscenes, you may see
Holding an Enemy vs Choking: Hold R1 lightly to an X prompt in the top right.
simply hold an enemy. Use the Press X several times to see various flashbacks that
left analog stick to drag them around. are relevant to the
previous MGS games and other things. There are a
*==========* few hidden ones however when
Techniques X doesn't show up but you can still hit it to see
*==========* something.

-Throw Enemy to Ground: Press R1 and down on the -Snake's View: You can get a glimpse of what Snake is
Left Analog Stick at the same looking at during some
time to toss the enemy hard to the ground. This will scenes by looking for the L1 prompt in the top left
stun them for a short corner. Hold it to see what
time. Snake sees. Like flashbacks, there are a few hidden
ones where the prompt does
-Knock Weapon Away: After grabbing with R1, release not appear.
R1 as Snake is pulling the
enemy toward him, then hit R1 again to make the Psyche Drops: During cutscenes, some things
enemy drop their weapon. characters say to Snake, or at
times, Snake's own actions result in him getting a
-Choke Out: Hold R1 firmly to choke an enemy. drop in Psyche. You can tell
Eventually they will be knocked
this when the Health/Psyche gauge becomes visible becomes a necessity. Without the Rail Gun, killing a
during the scene and the Gekko is not all that
Psyche drops a little. Prevent this by tapping X hard. The important thing is to keep moving and
repeatedly when it drops to never let it get too close to
restore it back. There are a few exceptions to this you. The Gekko's kick attacks are deadly and will
however. obliterate Snake. Use the
Solid Eye to find the Gekko's weak points. Fire at its
*=======* legs to bring it to its
Enemies knees. Aim for the neck to bring it all the way down,
*=======* then fire at the head
until it blows up. When you get the Rail Gun, charge
Snake doesn't face a wide array of enemies, but a it up all the way and
few of them can be more deliver a shot to the head for an instant kill.
deadly than most enemies he's fought in his video
game career! Boning up on Raven's Minions
them might just help you avoid a swift death. ---------------
Where: Act 3
Description: Unmanned flying units that look like
PMC Soldier birds, drop bombs from above
----------- Weapons: Rockets, bombs
Where: Acts 1, 2, and 3 Difficulty: 1/5
Description: Your most typical MGS enemy Tips: These things are pretty easy. During the chase
Equipment: Mk. 17, Grenades, Stun G., WP G., G3A3, sequence, just aim at them
M60E4, etc. with your submachine gun. You only have to be so
Difficulty: 1/5 accurate and they are very
Tips: All strategies in dealing with enemies advocate weak. During the boss fight, take them out if you
stealth as a primary prefer, it will make things a
option, but sometimes, as you know, being stealthy little easier. They offer a little problem if they start
isn't always easy. So when attacking so stay in
you have to, favor pistols or automatic weapons and the building.
submachine guns. These guys
go down pretty easily. When you're remaining Scarab
stealthy, use the Mk. 2 and Stun ------
Grenades. Very susceptible to CQC moves. Use Where: Acts 4 and 5
Human Shield when you get in a Description: Small spherical units with 3 arms, they
bind. move in groups
Equipment: DE
FROG Soldier Difficulty: 3/5
------------ Tips: These guys are really annoying and they prove
Where: Acts 1, 2, 3, and 5 that in Act 4. They comb
Description: Female soldiers with special armor and the area and being spotted by a single one of them
combat abilities. brings on a hellish
Equipment: P90, Five-Seven experience for Snake. They attack in giant swarms
Difficulty: 2/5 and respawn continually until
Tips: Avoid using the Solid Eye when trying to sneak you shake the Alert phase, which is by the way, not
through an area with these easy. Killing a Scarab may
gals. They can detect the sound. Also avoid CQCing often call in even more too which makes things
them directly. Direct means harder as well so avoid it most
when they can clearly see you coming. The FROGs times. Learn their patrol routes and avoid their
have a counterattack and most search beams. Their biggest
of the time, it will backfire on you. If you can sneak weakness? Chaff Grenades. Hope you saved up! If
up on them, it's easier, you get attacked, don't let
but avoid doing it directly. They like to move around, them swarm you. Use a Machine Gun or the MGL-
using the ceilings and 140. They may grab Snake and use
walls to cling to. Don't let them flank you and use a laser on him, just execute a roll with X when they
assault rifles and the latch on.
like, as well as sniper rifles and sometimes grenades.
Gekko Advanced Tips
----- *=============*
Where: All Acts Just some random tidbits of information, ranging
Description: Unmanned mech unit, uses sounds of from near common knowledge tips
Cicada and Bull to lesser known ones. Various things to help you in
Weapons: Machine gun, grenades achieving more when playing
Difficulty: 4/5 MGS4.
Tips: The most primary strategy is to just avoid
detection at all costs. There 1. Crouch when you can, it is less conspicuous and
are times when **** happens though, and also a time draws less attention than
(Act 4) where killing them when running
14. Playing dead in certain situations, especially with
2. Avoid using guns with light attachments when the Corpse Camo on, can
trying to be stealthy, they'll help
give you away all to easily
15. Also, playing dead can help restore some of
3. On the battlefield, especially in the earlier acts, it Snake's health, allowing you to
can be hard to get a better manage your healing items (thanks to M for
grip on things with the constant gunfire, explosions this)
and so forth. Use the Solid
Eye to sort things out. Enemies are red and allies are 16. When it comes to Scarabs, just use Chaff
blue Grenades, for your own sanity,
4. Earning the trust of the rebels can help you out,
especially on the hardest 17. Never underestimate how useful the Mk. II/III can
difficulties where (according to a friend), they too, be in scouting. It can
can alert you! also help you take some enemies out and even
procure items for you
5. Beware of places where enemies respawn
endlessly and don't get caught fending 18. It goes without saying but, if it's dark, infrared
them off forever can be a big help

6. Although you really don't have to pay attention to 19. My friend put this pretty simply. Never
it as much as in MGS3, underestimate how helpful the Drum
refer to the Camo Index (top right on HUD) to see Can and Cardboard Box can be
how well you blend in. In
general, anything above 65% means you won't be 20. CQC can be a life saver. The Human Shield
spotted, unless of course, you technique can really save you in
move the middle of big fire fights, because it really
immobilizes nearby enemies
7. The Threat Ring might also be of use if for some
reason you can't see an 21. Conserve the battery life on the Solid Eye when
enemy nearby. If a part of the ring elevates into a possible, refer to it for
peak, that means something just quick moments when you need it, then leave it
is close by. The higher the peak the bigger the object off
is. A small peak may be
something like a mouse. I really never found it that 22. Taking the time to make more accurate shots
helpful because of radar, (headshots especially), can be a
but it's there big help in saving ammo, especially on later
8. Although you can indeed hide bodies, leaving
them can prove to be more 23. Don't underestimate how useful Magazines can
helpful in some cases. If you can lure another soldier be. And no, I don't mean the
to find the downed one, Playboys. I mean the ammo Magazines that
you can usually get a good jump on him as well accumulate in your inventory when you
reload. You can easily control enemy movement with
9. To avoid any trouble from the rebels (especially if these. Toss one where you
you don't feel like want a PMC to look. Once his back is turned, he's all
buying them out), just wear the appropriate disguise yours.
and they will like you

10. Watch your psyche carefully, especially on later Tips for avoiding Alerts/Kills
difficulties, and try to ------------------------------
avoid the situations where it is depleted faster
1. Use the radar (with Solid Eye on) to show you
11. Get a feel for which healing items restore more, where nearby enemies may be
and manage them into
categories as such, for casual, bigger wounds, and 2. Make it a habit not to use lethal weapons except
much needed health when fighting things like
restoration, based on the severity of your injuries Gekkos and Raven's minions

12. When in doubt, call Otacon. Frankly, in some 3. Stun Grenades can be a big help, but only use
cases, he couldn't always give them in the right situations
me the hint I needed but don't sweat
4. Learn to like crawling and use OctoCamo well
13. When dealing with the "Beauties", choose
weapons that have automatic fire to 5. Be very careful when dealing with PMCs, try to
really light them up, or if you're going for no kills, the avoid confrontation
M870 with V-Ring
6. Watch out when you do take out PMCs, some of
them respawn very fast and you
can get caught when you think it's safe to proceed
7. Use. Infrared. A lot. Even when it's daytime out,
/ \
the infrared setting on
-]| Walkthrough (wlkt) |[-
the Solid Eye clearly delineates enemies and this is
helpful so that you can
always see what's coming. \_____________________________________________________
8. Save often. Every time you pass a checkpoint,
save the game. A checkpoint Foreword
is when the screen fades and then it says "Press Start --------
to continue." Save when This walkthrough is, and I will emphasize this, made
you get to these parts and if you mess up you can for a very basic run
reload from there. through. By that I mean, you want to just get through
the game and you don't
9. Be extremely careful when using the Mosin care if you kill your enemies and bosses or not. If
Nagant. It's sound can give your you're looking to stamina
position away if your targets are too close. If they are kill bosses, then seek out the second walkthrough
close enough to hear further down. I decided to
your Mosin Nagant shot, you should have used the loop No Kills/Alerts with the stamina boss killing
Mk. 2. strategies in one, since
they go hand in hand with each other. This
10. Try using the Mk. II/III in more situations that you walkthrough is meant to be your
didn't before, but first playthrough, whereas the second is geared
be warned. If you're not using its stealth function, toward those who have already
and the MK. II/III is beaten the game, and therefore want to get some
spotted, it will trigger an alert also. unlockables by trying to get
no alerts/kills and stamina killing the bosses.
11. Stun Grenades can give you away if they are not
close enough to the enemy. ***This guide was made to suit the Solid Normal
Try to be more precise and try throwing only from the difficulty. You may notice
laying position when in slight differences playing it on a different setting.***

12. Check your stats when you're in the middle of an

act if you're unsure if _____
you still have 0 kills/alerts. You don't want to __________________________________________
accidentally save if you have (, / | _ /
gotten one of either. Quit out to the main menu and /---| _ _/_ / / / LIQUID SUN
load the Mission Briefing ) / |_(__(__ / / (act1)
for the current Act. On the main split screen, on that (_/ / /
orange bar, your current /
stats will scroll across. _____________________/

13. Never use a gun with a light attachment. Most of

the guns you're using Watch the cutscenes. After a few moments, you'll
should be non-lethal anyway, so some of them can't gain control. You'll start out
use lights (exception: M870) at....
but still, avoid the lights whenever possible since
they can give your position Middle East - Ground Zero
away easily when aiming at enemies from hiding -------------------------
spots. From where you are now, get on your stomach and
crawl under the nearby truck.
14. Just remember to avoid confusion. Mk. 2 = You'll find a ration tucked away there. To continue, go
tranquilizer gun. Mk. II = The to the other truck and
robot pal you get from Otacon. crawl under it. If you take too long, this will be done
15. Don't be afraid to make separate saves for
different areas in each Act, Watch the next scene. When it's over, you'll be
especially if you don't check your progress regularly standing behind a bunch of
by going to the mission crates with a fallen Rebel soldier near you. Walk over
briefings (see tip #12). You don't want to accidentally the gun near him to pick
save over an alert or it up. You get an AK-102. Now just proceed forward.
kill so if you do make a mistake, you can hopefully Don't bother shooting these
reload before you messed guys around you; they're not your enemies. Just
up. move north for another scene.
All hell breaks loose when the Gekkos show up. After it up for more ammo, then keep moving toward that
the scene, enter the door big pile of debris. Crawl
right next to your position. Climb up the stairs to the again and you can slip underneath. You'll see a rebel
second floor. On the solider get executed by
wall to your left is a big hole. Run toward it and hit X a PMC. Stay still and wait for the PMC to move away.
to roll out of the You can kill him if you
wall and onto the street below. Go left to the next want by headshotting him from the ground with your
street, then right at the AK, but you might want to go
corner. If a Gekko spots you, just run. At the corner with a more subtle tactic. It's up to you but we're
turn right and take cover gonna knock him out with
near the next street. There's a large opening across some CQC. Get on your feet and slowly creep up
and to the north into a behind him. Then press R1 and
sanctuary of sorts. That's your destination, but DON'T down on the Left Analog Stick at the same time.
run out there right Snake will throw the enemy to
away. Stay behind all the junk at the corner. Another the ground and knock him out. He'll also drop his
Gekko will fall out of gun, an MK. 17, which has an
the sky and if you had run out there right away, it ID lock unfortunately, so you can't use it.
might have killed you
instantly with the impact. Just stay where you are Proceed down this alley where the pile of boxes are
and let it pass by. If you at the end. When you get
use the junk and so forth for cover, you should be close to the street, you'll see a solider prone there.
fine if it turns toward you. Crawl and activate your
If it does see you however, run for it fast. Just get OctoCamo. Just wait for the soldier to proceed
across the street and forward. Another PMC soldier
into that large opening for a bunch of scenes. When will also move forward, coming from the right. Wait
they're over, you'll get a for them both to pass, then
Codec call from Otacon. crawl out of there and turn right. When the coast is
clear, get on your feet
Otacon will tell you to meet up with the Mk. II and and proceed toward the door behind the large
that becomes your next container.
objective. After that you'll be rewarded with
OctoCamo. This is the function Middle East - Red Zone
built into Snake's new suit that lets him mimic the ----------------------
appearance of surrounding You might remember this area if you watched the 15
surfaces, as you saw in one of the previous minute gameplay trailer. The
cutscenes. It will be one of the sad part is, you can't do everything that was done in
most valuable assets for Snake in this mission. that trailer, such as use
a sniper rifle. Oh well. You can still camouflage
Middle East - Red Zone NW Sector yourself among the statues in
-------------------------------- front of you by climbing onto the pedestal with
From where you are now, turn around and go down triangle, then pressing it
the alley. You'll find a dead again. Snake will blend in with the other statues.
soldier there. Pick up his AK for some ammo. Head Unfortunately, it's not
back and turn right twice to really useful since the only nearby patrol will soon
get onto the main street. Some soldiers are patrolling slip out of sight. If you
here. Stay under the get spotted though, run back here if you'd like and
roof and look for the opening on the right wall. Enter use it. Also, blend in
here and move forward. three times with the statues for something funny.
In the next room, there's a ration sitting in front of all
the junk right Anyways, when you're ready, proceed up the stairs to
across from the open doorway. You'll see a scene the left of where you
where an enemy APC will roll entered. As Otacon advises, use X to roll across the
in and drop off more troops. Just keep moving gap. There might be an
forward in this room til you enemy soldier beyond the doorway. If so, wait for him
reach the door. Don't go out this way though. Lay to move into the adjacent
down and crawl through the room. Take cover near the doorway here to blend in
hole adjacent to the door. Inside here you'll find an with the wall. Wait for him
Arsenal Compress, useful to come back into the room. Again, the choice is up
if you get any back aches. to you whether you want to
ignore him or not. I'm going to hold him up and shake
When you get out of the crawlspace, move out back him down for items. To
to the street. While still do that, sneak up on him and when behind, point
crawling, turn the corner and stay in between the your gun at him with L1 to get
wall and the destroyed car. him to throw his hands up and drop his gun. Move in
The APC vehicle has a sensor so you don't want it to front of him and let go of
spot you. Enter the door L1, then press Triangle to begin the search. Press
on your right when you get the chance. Inside is a Triangle when the prompts
dead soldier and a gun. Pick show up to find items, but time it wrong and you'll
miss. Time it on the last
prompt to knock the enemy out. Otherwise just CQC see easily. Tranq or kill them both. The Solid Eye
him. Holding up the enemies makes dropped weapons and
here may yield some new weapons though, like Stun items easier to see. Keep picking up their stuff. Enter
and WP Grenades. With that the barricade they've
taken care of, open the second nearby locker for a set up under that little roof. Take down any more PMC
Playboy magazine. Useful for soldiers, then, scurry
distracting enemies. across the street to the other side.

Move out the doorway that the PMC soldier was These guys are rebels, so they won't attack you.
hanging around at. Turn around They don't exactly "like" you
and go down the stairs. In this room is another set of yet either though. We want the next part to go easily
lockers, on which holds so let's change that.
another Ration. Go back upstairs. Move toward the Take cover behind the sandbag barricade and look
large opening in the wall down the street. There's an
there. Jump over the gap with Triangle and then just enemy APC with a gun turret, which you can't do
proceed. Stay prone here much about now. However, there
and just keep moving; if you're standing, you might are a few enemy soldiers taking cover near there.
attract the attention of Take them down and the rebels
another PMC soldier. Keep moving up this ledge to will see that and appreciate the help, and therefore
the very end. Here, you'll they will like Snake more.
see a large green container below you. Drop down Let's seal the deal though. To the right of all the
here. In the corner across barricades is a doorway. It
from the container is a Compress. Use the container might be hard to see but it's there. There might be a
as cover and see if you can rebel coming out of the
spot the enemy soldier. If he's coming toward you, door. Have a Ration or other healing item equipped,
just stay where you are. and walk up to him. Press
When he turns his back, go ahead and run out and Triangle when the prompt shows up and Snake will
turn right. give the rebel the item. Do
this and it will make any militias like you more, and
In this alley, you'll see some more PMC soldiers may yield rewards as
ahead. There's a dumpster on well. Give them more items if you wish, otherwise
your right if you need to hide. These two PMC just proceed into the door.
soldiers will turn around and
come down the alley toward you. Don't stay at the Middle East - Militia Safehouse
corner of the wall because -------------------------------
they'll see you. Instead, move into the alley and just You're inside the rebels' underground base. Rebels
lay flat, using OctoCamo are all around. If you did
to hide yourself. The patrol will come down, peek in, not help them you might have to treat this part like a
and then move into the sneaking mission. Avoid
adjacent street. Now you can proceed. Turn right to the rebels at all costs by using your OctoCamo. If you
face that first alley did help them out and
again, and enter the opening in the wall on your right gave some items, they probably still won't like Snake
for a scene. yet (unless you're
playing on a lower difficulty in which case they're
You get a bunch of new goodies now. For one, you've easy to please). In this
got the use of the Mk. II, case, you will have two options:
which can help you do some recon. It has stealth so
you can have it run around The rebels will see you if you don't hide and they'll
and stun enemies or pick up items for Snake. It has confront Snake as if he's
limited range though, like an enemy, but they will only attack if you run away. If
an RC car so send it out too far and you won't be able you stay still, they'll
to use it. You also let you by. So you can just use sneaking tactics for
receive two new guns, an Operator pistol, and the the most part and if you're
Mk. 2 Pistol which is your seen, don't move, and you can get through this part,
standard tranquilizer gun. On top of that, you get the no problem. If you want it
Solid Eye which has easier though, keep picking up items you find around
numerous functions, including personnel data, here (use the Solid Eye).
highlighting of items, better For every soldier you come across, give him an item.
radar, and infrared/night vision functions. Schwing! Eventually, they will get
hearts above their heads, which means they like
Move forward. A group of PMC soldiers will fire on Snake now and they won't
rebels down the way. Just confront him.
sit tight and wait for them to move. When they're
gone, get onto the street and Either way, proceed through, picking up items until
lay low. If you want, tranq or kill the soldiers, or just you reach the room with all
let them keep moving. the chickens. Pick up some more items here, then
They'll all enter the barricades on the left. Creep up proceed down the next hall.
toward the two you can There's two rebels. Like I said before, if you can, try
to appease them and
hopefully they'll start to like Snake. If not, just wait
for them to confront Watch the scene. You'll meet Drebin and afterwards
you and they should let Snake pass if you don't make get a call from Otacon. When
any sudden movements. Turn it's all over, you'll get another call, and then you'll
left at this fork here and enter the room with some have your hands on the
dead PMC troops. There's M4 Custom. Now that you've met Drebin, you can
some items and ammo here, as well as a new gun, start earning points in his shop
the GSR pistol. Pick it all up, to buy new guns and ammo for your existing arsenal.
then leave and go down the other fork. This will be helpful in
completing the game. Whenever you find guns you
In this next room are the injured rebels. Again, if you already have, Snake will keep
haven't made them the ammo, and the gun itself will be sold to Drebin
happy, you might want to use stealth here. There's for points. Also, your
only one uninjured soldier performance in the game will now have a chance to
here that can actually see you though. There's some earn you points. Have less
pentazamin on the crate to alerts, less kills, consume less healing items, etc.,
the left, some ammo near there at a soldier's side, and you will earn even
and some ammo in the far more Drebin Points. You can also use the points to
right corner. Grab it all and proceed through the next remove those nasty ID locks
corridor. Before going on new guns you find, plus you can customize
around the bend, look to your left. In an alcove here, existing weapons. Let's move on,
you'll find an iPod your new objective, as already explained, is to find
song, the "Theme of Tara". Pick it up, and keep your informant.
moving. In the next small room,
there is some ammo to the right. In the next hallway Middle East - Urban Ruins
is another rebel. Do what -------------------------
you have to and enter the next room. Here two From where you are now, turn right down that little
rebels will be looking over the alley where the dead
wing of one of those flying enemies. Go to the far soldier is. Take his gun off his hands and you'll hear a
door and into the next hall. chime sound. That
means it was sold to Drebin, but you keep the ammo.
Right here is another fork. Look in front of you Now exit this alley and go
though with Night Vision on. up the stairs right there. Up here you can find some
There's something under that table there right in ammo and stuff. You can see
front of you. Crawl under a ledge far across from here. Try rolling toward it. You
there to find, yes! The signature cardboard box! Turn won't make it, but you
left at the fork and should land on a ledge with an RPG-7. Sweet. Drop
enter the room. Pick up the items to find a whole down now and begin to traverse
mess of grenades, including this maze. I'll lay out instructions for getting through,
regular, Stun, and Smoke. Leave and go down the just for the sake of
other way. making sure nobody gets lost, but the easiest way to
get through here is to
Here you'll find yet another fork. Turn down the right just turn on the Solid Eye's infrared. You can see
passage and into another footprints laid out that will
small room. This one yields some much nicer rewards guide you through.
though. You'll find some
ammo, among other things, but the most important Proceed past the fallen soldier and enter the opening
find is the RPG-7 in the right on the right. Turn right
corner, along with ammo. Wow, bet you didn't expect and go down this corridor. Pick up the gun and turn
to get such a powerful left. Climb the ledge here
weapon this early, huh? There's more though, open and get the ammo, then drop down. Enter the
the lockers to get a Playboy, opening here and you'll see two
some AK ammo, and the Middle Eastern Militia rebels ahead of you get picked off by PMC troops
disguise. This is the same outfit below. Grab their guns for more
Snake wore in the opening scenes. You can now wear Drebin Points, then go into the opening on the left
this now and in the future wall. Turn right to find a
(Act 1 only) and the rebels will always like you! Leave Compress near another dead soldier, then go back
this room and go back the other way. On the right
to the original path. will be another climbable ledge with a ration on top.
Turn right here, then
Proceed into another room with two rebels. The right again to another corridor.
corridor after that leads you to
a left to right hallway. On the left is some RPG-7 Proceed forward a little and a brief scene will show
ammo, so pick that up, then the ceiling collapsing.
go down the opposite way. In this last room you'll find When it's over, move along and turn right, then enter
some ammo, a Ration, the next space. Go up the
and the Petro Bomb behind the pillar near the stairs. makeshift ramp and then hug the wall with Triangle
When you have everything, while standing. Use the Left
go up the stairs into the next area.
Analog Stick to slide across the wall to the other now and then. Pop him, then go up to the third floor
ledge. If not, you'll have with your scope and wait
to shimmy across. Get on that ledge and into that for another enemy. When they're all dead, the rebels
opening there to slide down will cheer which is good
into the last area. for you. Pick up any dropped weapons from the fallen
rebels for much needed
Climb up the ledge at the end, and turn right. You'll Drebin Points.
see a small ramp leading
down then what looks like a rectangular hole to drop Head across the plaza and into that first floor window
down into. Do not drop (climb through with
down. Just carefully go down the ramp and turn Triangle). Climb out the other side and then take
immediately left. Crouch to get cover on the right side of
under this low ceiling and you'll find a dead soldier. the adjacent alley by laying down. Make sure you
When you're under here, stay to the right side. Two
stand up again and you should be able to see a ledge PMC sentries will come running down to the corner.
here. Climb onto it and in You might as well pick them
this niche here, you will find some Instant Noodles, both off. Favor your Mk. 2 since it has a silencer. You
as well as the iPod song, don't want to give your
"Zanzibarland Breeze". With that in hand, go back to position away. Take them both down and grab their
the drop point and go in stuff, then head down the way
for a cutscene. they came from, past the blue van. You need to stop
here and lay down. Stop
Middle East - Downtown before that little spot of light on the wall there. Two
---------------------- more PMC troops will
You'll get the Drum Can after the scene which is a come out. Back up very slowly if you want to let
somewhat more useful item them pass, but you'd be better
than the Cardboard Box. You can press X to put it on off taking them both down quietly for their weapons
its side, and roll into for more DP. Proceed when
enemies, but if you want to stay stealthy you should ready, but be wary of another PMC soldier around the
avoid that. Anyways, turn next corner. Take him out,
the corner and then proceed down the street, then turn left. The alley runs back into the street, and
hugging the right wall. When you there may be a few
approach the car, turn right and then turn right again PMC soldiers there. One might get killed by rebel
into the alley. Around gunfire. Take the other or
the corner, you'll see some rebel troops. If they still both out and grab their gear, then move to the right.
don't like you by now, Go prone and move between
just fade into the wall with OctoCamo and let them the ruined car and the wall.
run by. Otherwise, just keep
moving and turn left at the street there. Some more You'll reach another open area. The PMCs are on the
rebels will run by. Follow right, and the rebels are
them. They'll get picked off by snipers. Pick up their on the left. The PMCs respawn very fast in this area
gear and then proceed though, so you're better
into the next area. Lay down and crawl forward. off just ignoring them. In that case, your best course
There are snipers ahead of you, of action is to use the
as well as other enemies lying in wait. Sneaking is large ditch in front of you and just crawl past the
possible, but it's much enemy lines. However, if
easier to take the enemies out. Plus, it will make the you want to take a risk, hug the right wall and sneak
rebels like you more. in past the PMC
barricades. This will let you sneak up on them. Take
Enter Drebin's Shop from the pause menu. Keep in them down fast. These two
mind on Wednesdays and PMCs are replaced very, very fast so if you want, you
Sundays, Drebin's prices are slashed by 20%. You can camp here and pick up
should have enough points some extra DP. It's not much though and honestly,
though for the M14EBR sniper rifle. Buy it and equip probably not worth it because
it right away. Crawl getting out of this little area is really tough without
forward a bit and get behind the barricades. You can being seen by the
go prone here. Now use replacement PMC soldiers. Still, you can try it if you
the rifle and spot the sniper on the high ledge to the wish. Just crawl through
far right. Using your the ditch. A helicopter will start an airstrike above,
scope will make it easier to find him. He's to the left but it shouldn't be a
of a telephone pole problem if you keep moving. You can also go behind
that's short circuiting. Pick him off first. Then turn the Rebels (again they're on
your sights back to the left) and find a niche in the building nearby that
ground level. Across the plaza behind some sandbags you can slip through
are two other PMC soldiers. (thanks to Luigisyoshibuddy for this). When the coast
Snipe them both. To the left is the first floor window is clear (use the camera
of the building directly to make sure you're out of the PMC soldiers' sight
across the way from your position. Another enemy lines), get up and enter the
will poke his head out every door on the left.
the kitchen area. There's only ammo here, but in the
Middle East - Advent Palace room to the right of it,
--------------------------- there's a Claymore guarding the iPod song, "Level 3
No enemies here, so don't worry. Doesn't mean you Warning". Pick it up, and
can be lax though. There's some other stuff laying around, including a Ration in
a lot of traps here, some that are not as easy to spot the restaurant room,
as others. In the main then find the staircase at the end of the other side of
room here, you'll find an AK on the table. Ahead of the room.
that is a Claymore, made
easier to see if you turn on infrared on the Solid Eye. Head up to an outdoor area. Proceed from here into
Claymores will go off the bar room. Watch out for
if you get too close. Veteran MGS players will know the Sleep Mine right there. There's a Regain on the
how to disable these car counter, and some ammo
puppies. Crawl over them and Snake will procure the and some Instant Noodles in the corner. When you
Claymore without it going got it all, enter the doorway.
off. This will also add it to your weapon inventory. Approach the red door in the hallway for a few
Near the Claymore is a scenes.
Playboy on the chair. Head to the stairs to the far left
corner. Go up and At the end, Akiba's dimwittedness will cause the
there will be a fallen soldier. Pick up his AK for DP and FROGs, the elite part of
the Ration nearby. Liquid's army, to appear. When you finally have
Go up the stairs to the next floor. Head out onto the control, the shooting has
walkway to find a already started and you're in the middle of your first
Compress. The rest is blocked off, as well as the next unofficial boss fight.
floor of the stairs, so
get back on the stairwell and head down to the first []=====BOSS FIGHT - FROG
floor again. UNIT=============================
Now move across to the other stairs, the ones near | Right from the get go, you've got a few
the door you entered. Go FROGs in the outdoor area you |
up and immediately you'll see a strange device |originally entered from. You've got Meryl and Rat
resting there. It's a pop up Patrol Team 01 on your side|
Sleep mine. If you get too close, it releases gas that |though, and they have no problem killing some of
will knock Snake out for these enemies for you. Still|
a short time. The good news is that all it can do is |you want to help out so take aim at any nearby
slow you down, since there enemies with your M4 or other |
are no enemies that can take advantage of you in |weapon. When they're down, a whole lot more will
this situation. Like come flying onto the scene |
Claymores, you can crawl over them and collect |and land on the roof. Gun them down, as well as any
them as weapons. If you prefer, others around the corner.|
you can shoot them, but they are useful weapons in |Be sure you pick up the P90, which is the signature
the right situations, so you weapon of the FROGs. Not |
might want to collect them. Proceed up the stairs |only is it one of my favorite guns, but it's actually a
when you're ready. On the pretty decent weapon |
next floor you'll find down the nearby walkway is a |and I will be recommending it later on. When Meryl
box of Stun Grenades, but and her unit start moving,|
resting in front of it, is another Claymore. Crawl |follow them downstairs into the next area. Here, on
toward them and pick up the the opposite walkway, a |
Claymore first, then get the Stun Grenades. Head |whole lot of Frogs will show up. Some will also jump
down the other walkway. There around and cling to the |
will be another Claymore guarding the next few |walls. Gun them down easily when they do this. For
rooms. Get it first, then the others, take good aim |
explore these areas for some other goodies. In the |(use the M14EBR if you need to) and shoot them
bathroom are some Smoke down. Eventually though, move |
Grenades, and in a room to the right there is a |along the walkway to the other side where the unit
Claymore guarding some Instant is just standing around. |
Noodles. When you've got all that, head all the back |Some more FROGs might be waiting on this adjacent
to the stairs and go up walkway. Gun them down. |
to the next floor. | You'll be warned of enemies behind you.
Use the pillar as cover and |
This is the last floor, but the stairs still lead up. Turn |look down the walkway you came from. A small
on Infrared to see group of FROGs will be waiting, |
the Claymore right near you at the base of the next |with some bounding across the ceiling toward you.
staircase. Grab it, then Make quick work of them, |
go up to the top to find a dead end, but also a pack |trying to use as few bullets as possible. Soon a FROG
of Instant Noodles. Head will swoop in from |
back down to explore the previous floor. Turn right |behind on the other walkway so don't let her get the
and enter the doorway into jump on you. Rat Patrol |
|will probably start moving at this point, so ignore the cutscene. After that, proceed up the slope in the
other FROGs or gun | corner and then climb a ledge
|them down. Don't bother using Grenades on them and over some boxes to reach the next area.
because more often than not, |
|they'll use the walls and ceilings to get away. Follow Middle East - Crescent Meridian
Meryl and her unit | -------------------------------
|into the restaurant/kitchen area. Help them gun Leave the corridor to reach the street where you'll
down more approaching FROGs. | see a whole bunch of rebel
|When the coast is clear, you'll reach the opposite troops. A tank will then come bustling onto the scene
walkway, where they | with more rebels aboard.
|attacked from originally. Follow Meryl down the stairs Move down the street, picking up any guns along the
to the next floor. | way, and enter the ruined
| Some more FROGs will attack on the building on your left, right near the barbed wire
opposite walkway, as well as on the| barricade. There's some
|one above you. If aiming with the M4 becomes too Pentazamin there so pick that up, then jump out of
difficult, try using the | the window and you'll be
|M14EBR. It's easy to get headshots with it and you'll on the street with the tank. Use the tank as cover as
spend less ammo. More | it moves forward. You'll
|FROGs will replace the fallen ones. Eventually spot some PMC troops taking cover on the left. Kill or
though, Meryl will have her | Tranq them, then grab
|unit move on, so just follow them. They'll move into their stuff. Move forward and pop a few more of
the bathroom and other | them, then turn left down the
|adjacent rooms. More FROGs will swoop in though, alley there, but be very careful. Around the next
coming from the room across | corner is where the
|from where Meryl is standing. A flashbang will knock reinforcements come from and they'll spot you easily.
Akiba out. Kneel over | So either wait and then
|his body and hold Triangle to wake him. Take the pop them or take them head on.
FROGs down and any others |
|that show up. Go to Johnny (Akiba) and he might Climb the ladder here and get to the roof. A sniper
drop items for you. If Meryl | should be there, laying
|and her unit do not move, that means there are still down. Take him down, then on the far end of this
some FROGs around. Make | rooftop you’re on, on the other
|sure you grab the ammo the FROGs drop, you might side of the little penthouse, you'll find the Javelin.
also find a Five-Seven | Call of Duty 4 players
|pistol on them. might remember this nifty little gun. It doesn't
| exactly work the same way, but
| When they're dead, follow them into a it's a nice weapon all the same. Next, move across
hallway where a short scene. | the walkway to the other
|starts. When it's over, follow them down the hole. rooftop and you'll find a Ration. Climb back down to
You can cut in front of | ground level now.
|Jonathan if you'd like, but be careful he doesn't drop
down on top of you. | Move up along the street and you'll encounter more
|You'll be on the other side of the first floor bar. PMC troops. Take them down,
There's some Instant | and keep moving up. There will be more of them
|Noodles tucked away if you need them. A bulldozer hiding behind a sandbag
will come crashing through,| barricade. Take them down as well and that should
|letting more FROGs inside. Gun them all down with quell the threat for now, and
your M4 or M14EBR or other | start up another rousing cheer from the rebels. Grab
|weapons. When they're all dispatched, follow Rat any guns and then proceed
Patrol out the other door | down the street. There's a barricade blocking your
|and into the next room for a scene. way, so instead move back
| a little, and on the left side of the street, under an
[]=============================== awning, there should be
================================ a ladder. Climb up and go around the corner, then
============[] drop down to get on that
street that was blocked off. Now, a rather surprising
Jump down the elevator shaft, but grab the nearby turn of events will take
ammo if you want first. At place in the form of a cutscene.
the bottom of the shaft, enter the next room and
approach Meryl's unit again Middle East - Millennium Park
for another scene. You'll get Liquid's location, and -----------------------------
getting to his camp is now Now that literally everyone is dead, go ahead and
your new objective. pick up all their guns for
some extra DP. After that, proceed forward. Around
Middle East - Advent Palace Garage the next corner are a pair
---------------------------------- of PMC troops. Lay down and use the OctoCamo,
Nothing to do here but grab the dropped P90's from then quietly pick them both off
the FROGs killed in that with your Mk. 2 or other gun. Remember that having
less kills will earn you
more Drebin Points at the end of this Act, but if
you've already accumulated a
large number of kills, it won't matter.
If you look to the right, you'll see the barricades, and
/ \
an enemy APC with a
-]| Act 2 Mission Briefing |[-
PMC behind the turret, as well as another PMC
standing before the gate. The
logical solution may at first seem to include \_____________________________________________________
tranquilizing the PMC from afar, ____________/
then getting the gunner so you can slip in. It's a nice
strategy, but let's During this briefing, as well as all the others in the
make it even easier. To the left of where all the future, you can control
barricades are, there should the Mk. II. With the exception of the Act 5 briefing,
be an alley. It's around the same area where that you can pilot the Mk. II
previous PMC ends his walking around and scour the plane, the Nomad, for items, or
routine. Find the alley (there's a dumpster inside), just get a different
and against the right wall perspective on things. After you finish the next act,
you can find an opening. Slip inside. you can also use the
Mk. II to get some special items during the briefings.
To your immediate right, behind a stack of crates,
you can find the iPod song, When the scene eventually switches to the split
"Theme of Solid Snake". Now go upstairs. Be careful screen, hit square to switch
of a PMC patrolling; he the camera view on the right to the Mk. II. Then press
might come up the hallway adjacent to the top of the Triangle to put it on
stairs. Take him out, then the big screen. Now hit L2 to make it full screen.
continue exploring. If you go straight across from the
top of the stairs, you For starters, go down the plane toward where the
can find some ammo on the ledge behind the crate. helicopter is and you should
In the hall where the PMC find a Battery on the left, near the chicken's cages.
came from is a door. Enter to find a Playboy to the Now turn around, going
left, then enter the next back toward where Snake and Otacon are. Find the
room ahead. You can find another door here and stairs on the right and move
some holes in the floor. Enter the Mk. II into them. It will eventually scale up to the
the other door and you can find some Instant top on its own. Turn
Noodles. Now drop through one of the corner and you'll find Sunny's kitchen. Find some
the holes. You'll land on the other side of the Instant Noodles nearby,
gateway. and then to the right of the TV, some ammo. If you
turn around from there, you
Two of the lockers here have ammo if you want to can see something in the bathroom stall. Pick up the
search, plus there's a Ration iPod song, "Boktai 2
underneath the desk. Venture out into the plaza area. Theme", then watch the end of the briefing. When it's
Just be cautious of a over, you'll gain all the
nearby PMC. Take him out from a far. items the Mk. II picked up.

We want to go across to the right side. See that

metal shed? Go there but make _____ _
sure no other soldiers can see you. Hurry over and __________________________________________
approach the wall and that (, / | ' ) /
shed. There is a space between the two. Hug the wall /---| _ _/_ ,--' / SOLID SUN
with Triangle to slip in. ) / |_(__(__ /___ / (act2)
On the other end, near the dumpster, you'll find the (_/ /
PSS. Pick it up, then lay /
down and use OctoCamo. Proceed forward slowly, _____________________/
tranquilizing any PMC troops you
come across. There should be a pile of wooden Watch the following scenes. When you gain control
planks and other supplies. On you'll start out at...
top is a Ration.
South America - Cove Valley Village
Continue forward through the next gate. Here are a -----------------------------------
lot of tents as well as a From where you currently are, lay down and crawl up
big truck. There's a lot of troops here so stay low and to the cliff edge. From
don't go out too far. here, you can get a good vantage point of the
Bring down each enemy as you come across them, situation below. The PMCs have
then head toward the wall behind the rebels and are about to execute them. If you
the tents and find the red door. Enter here for some want to get in their good
scenes. graces, you'd best save them. You can easily snipe
the PMCs from here, but make
When it's all over, you'll be done with Act 1!
sure you're blended in with OctoCamo first, or else Continue up the ledges until you pass a small hut. In
you'll be spotted. Take out the canyon there, you'll
each PMC, using your sniper rifle and Night Vision on be led to the next part. You'll get a Codec call. When
your Solid Eye. It will it's over, meet up with
be morning soon, but you're gonna need it for now. some more rebels. Follow them up the way and
they'll encounter more PMCs. If
Stay there and wait for more enemies to show up. any of your fellow rebels die in the ensuing
The rebels will start fighting bloodbath, check their corpses for
back and most of them will get slaughtered. Keep an weapons. Among other things, you might get the
eye out for more enemies Twin Barrel, if you forgot to get
coming out of the nearest house, and then farther it at that house, and the M10.
down from there. When the
coast is clear, drop down and start your search. In Keep going, backing up your rebel friends but also
the first house, Stun trying not to get spotted at
Grenades, ammo, and a Playboy will be waiting for the same time. At a cabin you'll find some ammo,
you. Keep Night Vision on to along with more enemies.
find them. Proceed through the valley to the right after that, and
you'll enter the next
Now for the next house. This is the house that was to area.
Snake's right from the
cliff. Coming out of the previous building, it's just to South America - Power Station
the right. It's also -----------------------------
the only building on this "side" if you think of this You'll get another codec call. After that, proceed
area like a square. In forward with more rebels.
here a few goodies, including V-Ring ammo, the Stay to the left, and look for the opening on the right.
South American Rebel Disguise and Stay low here and look
the Muna. The Muna is an item that will help your for the snipers on the ledge ahead. Pop them both,
recover Psyche slowly. It's then proceed forward,
useful until you become a lot better at the game and crossing over to the right side. Across the field will be
as a result, better at the PMCs, and they'll
keeping your Psyche up. be engaging your rebel friends for eternity, so there's
not much point in
The house to the right of the first one you entered is sticking around. Just silence who you need to
broken down, so ignore proceed, and hug the right wall.
it. Go to the barn like building next to it. Climb the You can find a Ration tucked away in a small basin,
ladder and you can find and then a trail nearby
Pentazamin and a Ration. If you turn around, you'll that leads up to the top of the cliff. There's another
see the SVD sniper rifle Ration here, plus a
along with some ammo, but it's across a large gap. mortar that you can fire on the PMCs.
Sometimes you can traverse
this gap simply by running and rolling at the right When you're done, jump down, and go along the
time, but more often than perimeter of the power station. Be
not, that won't be enough. Get a head start, run, and careful the enemies on the left don't spot you. Move
hit X to roll, then mash carefully and when you get
the Triangle button, and Snake will grab the ledge. to the opening in the gate on the left, be wary of two
Hit it again to pull more PMCs that might spot
yourself up and collect the SVD. Now drop down and you. Take them out from afar and then enter the
head over to the next house. area. Look for an MP7 drop.
That one is also ruined, so move to the next one. Enter the building and you should find a Ration and
Under the porch are some some C4. Grab both and you
Smoke Grenades. Inside you'll find the iPod song, can wait for the rebels to blow up the generator for
"The Fury", as well as some the Power Station, which
ammo. You're done here, now move out to the right, might come in handy in a little. Either way, leave and
into the open valley. proceed again, along the
perimeter and you'll start up a cutscene.
If you saved some of the rebels, they might be
waiting up ahead. They might After it's all over, proceed down the road into the
have also been killed while you were scrounging up next area. This is where
items so don't get too you need to make a decision. There's two paths here.
excited. Either way, keep NV on and start sniping the Each go to the Confinement
PMC troops you find, or, Facility, but they take very different routes. The right
if you prefer, just get close and hit them with the Mk. path will put you
2. Continue up the right into the heart of the action and will lead you
trails, climbing ledges until you get onto the upper directly to the facility
ledges. Search the bodies where a lot of good stuff awaits. If you go left
of the PMC soldiers and you might find the G3A3 however, you will enter the
assault rifle. Confinement Facility area from a different spot, and
there will be less PMCs
around and it's very easy to slip in. There will also be direction.
a fork here that can
let you go to the facility or take a shortcut and skip it Eventually the road will bring you to the facility.
completely. Before we go there however,
there is something we need to find in what I call the
I personally prefer the right path since it's not too big countryside area,
easy and I like getting in which is what you would have first seen if you took
on the action. However you should definitely go down the right fork from the
the left path at least Power Station. Turn away from the facility and enter
once and pick up some new stuff because it's this very large and open
definitely worth it. So what I'm area. The PMCs are fighting with the rebels across
gonna do is advise you to take the left route for now, the way. Go across the small
but we'll swing back to creek and up the hill toward the road. Take out the
the facility as well. Listen (read) closely. PMCs along the way and go
to their sandbag barricades. The one nearest to the
Go ahead and take the left path here and if you road has an item box near
watched the rebels take out it. That's the FIM-92A, better known as the Stinger
the power station, they'll be with you. If not, there Missile Launcher. Scwhing!
will be PMCs here so be
careful. There's a lot of items around here so look Good coincidence since you can probably see there's
carefully. The most a helicopter nearby. You
important find is the XM8 carbine rifle under small can use this to take it out (if you want). There will
wooden roof. This is a nice also be an enemy APC on
rifle and I like using it aside from the M4. It's the the road so take that out (again if you want) with an
same one that Rat Pt. 01 anti-tank missile or just
uses. ignore it and turn back. Before you leave this bog
area, look around. You can
Anyways, continue through this path and watch out see there are a few pieces of land mired out across
for more PMCs if you have to. this swampy terrain. Find
Eventually, you'll enter the next area. the large island in the center. It's got three tiers
(levels) to it and has a
South America - Confinement Facility lot of rocks. Find it and get onto it from the water. On
------------------------------------ the middle plateau,
You'll be in the rocky area. There will be a road you can find the iPod song, "Rock Me Baby" sitting in
directly before you that goes front of two rocks. How
left and right. Left leads to the prison area and a clever. Now go back toward the facility.
shortcut, while the right
leads to the facility. We eventually want to explore When you can, enter the facility from the left wall.
both but for now, go left. Find the first door and
Just stay on top of the rocks and look for PMCs. walk in to find the barracks. You'll find a Playboy
Continue and get on the high here, as well as the iPod
ridge and follow this path along until you can see the song, "Metal Gear 20 Years History (Part 3)". Go down
prison area which is the hall and enter the
comprised of a few small buildings and a guard next door. In this small storage area you'll find some
tower. From the ridge, you can more healing items. That
easily snipe three or more of the PMCs here if you'd is not the most important find however. Inside this
like. Sneak in and go to small room will be a
the first building you see. There are rebels being held package of... could it be? Are the legends true? o_O
prisoner in here. Go Chaff Grenades! (cue
around and take out the guard in the doorway and Legend of Zelda "Link got a..." music) Yes, these
they will be freed. They'll babies which are now a rarity
help you take out the rest of the PMCs. can be found here. Grab them, then continue to the
mess hall, where some Instant
There are a lot of items around here, in the various Noodles wait. There's nothing else here so move on.
buildings and underneath, Go up and find the small
and outside, etc. Take down the PMCs and do some little house inside the facility walls. In here you'll find
searching. Our prime reason a bunch of ammo,
for being here is one weapon in particular. In a room but more importantly, the M870 Custom, a very nice
in the building with a shotgun, and one weapon
big hole in the floor, you will find the VSS. It's a heavily favored for stamina killing the bosses. With
silenced sniper rifle. that in hand, move on to
Schwing! This is what we came for, so you can leave. the next area, through the small valley up ahead. You
If you look down the road, can also reach this next
it leads into what looks like a mine shaft entrance. area by turning around and taking that "shortcut"
This leads to the next path I mentioned, but it's a
area. This is the shortcut for the Confinement Facility, long walk so I'm not going that way. Just keep going
but we don't want for now.
that. Turn around now and go all the way back down
the road in the opposite South America - Vista Mansion
----------------------------- Keep going and you'll find a small store room with a
You're almost there. Meet up yet again with some bunch of goodies,
rebels. Not too far ahead of including Stun Grenades, normal Grenades, a bunch
your current position, is a PMC troop walking about of ammo, as well as a Ration
unknowingly. If you don't and a Compress. Keep going down the corridor and
take him out, the fighting will begin momentarily you'll find the ladder.
anyway. Help the rebels take
out any PMCs, always looking to the right. The PMCs South America - Research Lab
stay on the hill to the ----------------------------
right and the one above you. Keep your rebel friends There are a few scenes to watch here. Sit back and
covered while moving up enjoy for now. When it's
the hill to the large gate. Keep low and don't get over, you've got a fight on your hand, with a much
spotted. Eventually when you bigger one looming.
reach the top, a scene will show a bulldozer charging
in. Otacon advises you to The FROGs will be your opponents for now, so figure
give it cover, but it really doesn't matter. Eventually out how you want to go
it will bust down the about this. They will come in by units of two, only
gate, and you'll be given access to the mansion one at a time. You can
grounds. hide out under the bed nearby and wait for them,
then cap them both. It's a
Proceed in. The PMCs will gun your friends down. slow approach but it gets the job done. If you prefer a
Check the bodies and one of more direct approach,
them should be carrying the M72A3, the anti-tank hunt them down and take them out using the M4,
missile launcher, and another, and utilize cover to reduce the
the PKM. Scwhing! From the entrance, proceed to the damage you take. Make use of the radar to know
right, toward where all the where they are and get the jump
tents are. Just be careful about being spotted, as well on them. Try to avoid getting close; CQC usually only
as all the gunfire and works if you try to throw
explosions going off. Try to stay near the walls and them down to the ground. If you try and grab them
behind the tents. When you normally, the FROGs can
reach the wall, go up and keep going up until you counter this so avoid doing that. When you dispatch
find a pair of dark red the first two, another two
containers. The one on the right should be almost will show up, and so on. When you take out all four
touching the wall, but far units, the boss will call
enough to allow Snake to pass through. Hug the wall out to you. It's time to fight.
and slide through this gap.
Why? You'll find the iPod song, "Sailor" if you do. With []=====BOSS FIGHT - LAUGHING
that, head all the way OCTOPUS==========================
back toward the entrance. This time, go left into the ===============[]
garden area. Stay on the | Right off the bat, you'll have Octopus in
outer perimeter and swing to the left side of the front of you. Unload on her |
doorway where the PMCs are |with your M4. You might also want to use one of the
shooting from. Take them out then when the coast is new guns like the PKM or |
clear, enter the door. |something else, but it's your choice. I prefer the M4
because it doesn't make|
Inside, you'll hear some PMCs talking. One will come |things too easy. If you do decide to use the M4, I
running down the stairs in recommend you go ahead and|
the next room and into this room. Hide on the red |customize it if you have not already. Select it in
carpet if you want, or just Weapons from the Pause |
go ahead and rush both of these enemies on the |menu and hit L2 to customize. Add a grenade
stairs. Either way, when it's launcher attachment to it. It |
safe, proceed into the next room. There are the stairs |will come in handy.
leading up, but if you |
want, go down the hall to the right and search the | Fend off Octopus in the lab room and
room for Pentazamin. Go down she'll ball up and release some |
the next hallway into the dining room for some |black mist. She use it to vanish, much like a real
ammo. After that, go back and go Octopus would. Now here is|
up the stairs. There's nobody waiting up here, so just |where the fight gets creepy. Octopus will use her
turn the corner, and go camo unit to hide, and all |
down the hall and into the next room. Find the door |the sounds and music and her abrupt outbursts will
that leads to the roof. keep you on your feet. The|
There may be enemies here so be careful. Proceed to |goal is to locate her before she gets the jump on you
the left and find the small and keep depleting her |
deck with the opening in the floor. Drop down and |health. First, we'll outline her attacks.
enter the cellar. |
| Octopus will mostly fire at you with a gun.
Go through the corridors, and you'll find some Instant It does little damage but |
Noodles and some ammo. |if it goes unanswered, it can deplete your health
fast. She may also try to |
|grab and electrocute you with her tentacle. Later on |crash through the windows to confront you. Just
in the fight, when she | unload on her with your M4 |
|balls herself up, she may start a rolling attack. It's |and if she jumps onto the ceiling, use the grenade
hard to avoid unless | launcher attachment. Just |
|you can climb onto a box or onto the bed in one of |be careful if she rolls into a ball and starts coming
the rooms. Octopus will | after you. Climb onto |
|also commonly send out floating bombs when she |something if you can to avoid it.
vanishes. These will actively | |
|seek you out. You can shoot them all down, but if | Eventually as the fight winds down, she'll
you want to save ammo, it's| change her face to resemble|
|better to let them touch you. The bombs will not |Naomi's. Just shoot her and that will end that. After
explode on contact. Instead,| this, the fight will |
|you can hear the beeping which counts down to |start to wind down. Octopus will stop hiding and just
their detonation. The bombs | continue to come after |
|will stick to Snake until they go off. Just let them |you at this point. Just keep shooting her and use
latch on, then start | healing items if needed, |
|running and do a roll to shake them all off at once. |and you should win in time.
That outlines the | |
|attacks of Laughing Octopus. []===============================
| ================================
| When she disappears the first time, you'll ============[]
be tasked with tracking her|
|down. She can mask herself as just about anything, Watch the scene. Surprisingly enough, the fight isn't
which makes it difficult. | over just yet!
|Luckily, you have a tool on your side that can make
this much easier. Use the| []=====BOSS FIGHT - LAUGHING
|Infrared function of your Solid Eye. It will illuminate BEAUTY===========================
Octopus wherever she | ===============[]
|hides. Also pay attention to the radar. When she | She'll stagger toward you slowly.
speaks, the sound will show | Laughing Beauty has no weaponry to |
|her location on the radar. Most often, after her first |harm you, but if she gets close, she'll grab you and
disappearance, she | slowly drain your life. |
|will appear in one of the hallways and blend in with |If this happens, wiggle the Left Analog Stick to shake
the wall. Fire on her | her off, then press |
|from afar and she'll vanish again, usually dropping |Triangle when prompted to throw her down.
some bombs. Shake them | |
|off and then find her again. | Back up slowly and keep your gun pointed
| on her. She'll sidestep at |
| The rest of this fight will consist of you |certain moments, making it difficult to land an
finding her hiding spots | accurate shot, especially if |
|and unloading on her. She may hide in any of the |you use a pistol. Her sidestepping may make it
following locations: the | difficult to deplete that |
|painting at the end of one of the halls, on the ceiling, |health, but good aiming and reactions will make it
in the small store | easier. |
|room in a box, in the lab room as a small machine | Now is also a great time to search for
connected to the ceiling, | items as well. Just be careful |
|and as a marionette. Use your Solid Eye Infrared and |if you stray too far from Laughing Beauty. She'll
you can find her easily | come after you much faster |
|for most of these spots. When she's in the store |when there's distance between you. When you're
room, you can see the | ready, start unloading on her |
|tentacles coming out. When she's hiding as the |and when all her health is depleted, the fight finally
marionette, she's lit up like | ends. |
|a Christmas tree, and as you'll notice, the real []===============================
marionette is in the | ================================
|opposite room. In the lab, fire on the machine, not ============[]
the tentacles. |
| Halfway through, she'll disguise herself as For winning this fight, you get FaceCamo, and a call
the Mk. II and even mimic | from Drebin. As he will
|Otacon's voice. She'll call you and have you turn the explain, FaceCamo can be used to make Snake even
corner. Call Otacon and| harder to find when using
|he will not have any knowledge of this. When you OctoCamo. Personally, I didn't use it all that much,
turn the corner and see the | but sometimes in tight
|Mk. II, do NOT get too close. She's set some mines, spots, it can be useful. The one detraction about it is
so stay where you are and| that it shows up in
|shoot it from afar to shake her disguise. She'll cutscenes.
disappear again after that. |
|Keep finding her and shooting her. Eventually she'll Anyways, when you're done, you'll be in the next
stop disappearing and | area.
South America - Mountain Trail grab. The other two paths lead to the same place,
----------------------------- but the right one will take
You've got to find Naomi, and you'll get a Codec call you on a more scenic route. Choose that one. On the
with some good tips. The way, you'll find a bra
paths are littered with footprints that you can see strewn across the rock face there. Hm... seems like
with Infrared. The trail we're getting... warmer.
splits in many different directions though, so it's
going to take a bit of You'll come across a small ruined house with two
guesswork to track her down. There is only one true guards, one patrolling, the
path, and some others are other inside. Just take out the one in the open and
just traps. there are a few worth exploring however either use a Stun Grenade
for extra items. like before, or try to coax him out by tapping on the
side of the building.
For now, just follow the trail a ways. You'll be able to When they're down, pick up any goodies, then
find a Ration in a continue to the next spot.
small basin on your right. Keep going until the trail
turns and opens up into In the next section, there will be one guard sort of
a larger area. Here there are three paths: left, dozing off. Just take him
middle, and right. The right down and now look at your next few paths. There's a
path is really just a shortcut back onto the path you left one and a right one.
came from, so it's They will both take you to the same place, but favor
useless. The middle path will take you to a dead end the left one. You'll end
where a PMC soldier is up coming to a place where all the grass is strangely
relieving himself. Yes. Go ahead and hold him up flattened. A crop circle?
while his back is turned, or Then, you'll hear a voice, saying lines very familiar if
whatever you want to do. There's also some ammo you played MGS2. When
here. Turn back and take the it's over, you'll score a bonus of Drebin Points. This is
left path now. This will take you to a bridge. Cross it the first of many
to reach the next fork. audio flashbacks. You'll encounter a whole bunch of
these later on.
Here, an enemy soldier is patrolling. Go ahead and
hold him up, shake him down Now cross the river and you'll see the footprints,
for items, etc, or just take him down. Three paths lay again, split into multiple
before you again. The directions. Again, either path is fine, they'll both take
right trail is the correct one, so let's check the others you to same place,
out first. The center but know that the right path has two FROGs on it.
path, with the sort of makeshift clothesline above it One is hiding behind a log,
will be our first choice. and the other around the corner from there. You
Go down this way and you'll find a small house. Aw, should hopefully get a Codec
look at the happy guinea call if you approach them, giving you a valuable
pigs! Err, anyways... The house is inhabited by piece of advice. The FROGs can
another PMC, and he'll spot you hear the faint sound emitted from the Solid Eye's
if you enter, so make it easy and toss a Stun Grenade Infrared mode. So avoid using
so that it just lands it when you get near them, otherwise they'll get
inside the doorway to incapacitate him. Grab more suspicious and come toward
Stun Grenades inside, as well your position. If you choose left or right, you'll wind
as a Playboy outside under the small roof. On the up in the same spot.
right side of the house, you
will find the PSS handgun. If you got one already, Three paths again here. The left and middle paths
you'll just trade it in for lead to the same spot, but
Drebin Points. Head back and take the left path now. take different routes. The right-hand one is a trap,
Here you'll find some and if you go down it, you
Instant Noodles, but Infrared will reveal that they are will hear Naomi's voice. It will lead you to a small hut.
well guarded by a It sounds like Naomi
Claymore. Don't rush up and grab the noodles. Crawl is in there and is in danger, but it's just a trap. If you
to them to grab it and the use the Infrared,
Claymore too. Head back now and take the right when you come down the path, you might notice the
path. FROG laying in wait on the
hill in the distance. This FROG spotting you entering
Here you should see a PMC soldier laying on the hill the hut is what triggers
in front of you. Take him the trap and if you fall for it, you'll be surrounded. So
out from afar. When you move farther, you might cap this FROG from a
spot an object laying on the distance, and you can safely proceed.
ground. It's a handkerchief, maybe belonging to
Naomi. It seems you're on the Inside the small house are some Smoke Grenades, as
right track. Three paths here. The left one is a dead well as a portable stereo
end that will just lead playing a recording of Naomi's voice. Shoot it, since
you back to the small house you were at before, but it's annoying. Outside the
there's a Ration there to
house you'll find a Regain and some Sleep Mines. you would any other weapon. You'll start off at the
Pick them all up and head back. mansion grounds, and some
PMCs in armored suits will come through the gate.
You now have two paths, and as I said before, they Fire on them at will, but
lead to the same place. The be careful of all the PMCs surrounding you. Their
left path is better strategically as it will let you see nanomachines have them all
both FROGs before they befuddled and they will try to climb Drebin's APC to
can spot you. Just be careful with that Solid Eye. If get to you. If you don't
you took the right path care about high kill counts, just shoot them with the
and had Infrared on, one of the FROGs would have turret if you can. If
detected it and come snooping. they get on, take them out with heavy firearms or
Also, on the left path, you can find a Ration tucked they'll knock Snake off the
away in the small basin. turret. Take care of the suited enemies. Drebin will
Continue to follow the footprints through the small eventually drive off.
In the next area, a whole mess of Gekkos will create
In this next area, a lone PMC will be standing a road block. Oh ****.
dangerously close to a Claymore. Well, that's what you'd normally say when confronted
You can probably sneak up on him, but I did that by so many Gekkos, but
once and both he and myself fortunately, the turret is more than enough to handle
got blown up by the Claymore. I survived, but... my them. Fire on their heads
friend wasn't so lucky. Oh and they will go down without too much trouble. The
well. Do what you wish, and collect the Claymore if annoying part here is that
you can. Again you have when they blow up, it causes large clouds of dust and
three paths. The center and right paths go to the smoke to kick up, which
same spot, so go to the left will effectively block your view for a few seconds.
first. You'll find some guinea pigs and some items. Don't let any Gekkos get
Now take either path, too close. You get nice bonuses of Drebin Points for
preferably the center one. You'll find a small grassy each one you destroy. They
area with a very hard to also don't count as kills since they're unmanned.
spot FROG. She can spot you easily, very easily, Eventually Drebin will speed
especially if you have off again.
Infrared on. Don't let her see you. Take her down and
she might drop the DSR-1 When you start the next area, another APC will
sniper rifle. Although I like the SVD for its old school attack. Focus on the green doors
feel, I have to say, here and fire at the drums nearby which might
I love the DSR's targeting reticle. Continue down the weaken the doors' strength. The
next path. APC will attack again so fire at it with the turret and it
will stop. Now focus
In this area is one PMC. Take care of him and then on the doors again until they are both blown off. This
turn right down the trail starts up the final
which will take you to the area you would have area.
wound up at if you had taken the
right path at the previous fork. Go down the right More Gekkos block your way. Keep firing away and
path here to wind up at the Drebin will pilot the APC up
area that was overlooking the "trap" house with a long road, where even more of these things try to
Naomi's voice recording. If you block you off. Keep that
recall, it was watched by a FROG. If you killed her, trigger finger steady and eventually you'll turn right
just grab the RPG-7 into a small valley. The
nearby, and if you have one already (which you Gekkos will give chase so keep firing. Eventually
should), it will sell for good Drebin will say "Don't fall
DP. If you tranquilized the FROG, she might have off!" and that means you're in the clear. You enter the
awoken by now so be careful. next area and a scene
Head back and take the next path straight ahead, to will start.
the right. It's the one
sort of blocked off by a big rock. South America - Marketplace
This trail is just a big horseshoe with a path Impressive stuff eh? After the scene ends, you're in
dissecting it through the the middle of a very
middle. A PMC patrols the outer trail if you want to dangerous area. Otacon is waiting up ahead but this
get him. Otherwise, just area is filled with Gekko.
go through the center path and find the entrance to No time to fight them or hide, just keep moving!
what seems like a mine. Go From where you star this area,
inside for a scene. there is an item more or less in front of Snake's
position. Avoid the Gekko and
After it's over, you'll start a short segment riding on find the iPod song, "Bon Dance". From there, stick to
top of Drebin's APC. the left and go under an
Get close to the gun turret and press Triangle to man awning. There's some ammo there if you need it.
it. Fire it with R1 like Move up and then left again
into the small alley. When you turn the corner, a have some FaceCamo for us to get, but they're both
bunch of scared villagers run sitting down now. We'll have
by and a Gekko comes running from out of nowhere. to wait. For now, go to the area directly behind
Crap. Throw on the Solid Eye Sunny's computer and you will
and you can see the Gekko's weak points. We don't find the Camera. Schwing! Now go upstairs into the
have time to destroy it, so kitchen. Snake is there.
just disable it. Fire a few Mk. 2 rounds into its legs Right next to him is the iPod song, "Shin Bokura no
and it will fall. Taiyou Theme". Near that is
another Battery, and in the bathroom is a Compress.
Now quickly run past it and turn the corner. Turn left Get these and head back
again and carefully pass downstairs with Snake. You can also find some ammo
the other Gekko. This is the last stretch, through a near the back (front of the
street lined with merchant helicopter) but I was full on both of them.
stalls. Hurry down and yet another Gekko will block
your path. Quickly use the Just watch the scene unfold for now. Eventually after
same method as before. It's your best option a lot of talking, Snake
because just trying to get past will walk over to Raiden. Shortly after that, Naomi will
it won't do. The Gekko can deliver a swift and very get up. You can ram
powerful kick that will her (lol, innuendo) with the Mk. II and get another
knock a huge chunk off your health. Just tranquilize FaceCamo. After some more
the legs again and the talking, Naomi will ask to take Sunny's seat and when
path will be unbarred. However, before proceeding, Sunny gets up, you can
check the very last stall on bump into her too for the last FaceCamo in this
the left. Behind that stall you can find more Chaff briefing. In fact, it's the
Grenades! That's two packs, last one you can get from here on out, but there's
for a total of 4 grenades (assuming you haven't used still one more. Watch the
any yet). Remember the rest of the briefing and when it's over you'll gain all
location and move forward. A scene starts. the items, including
FaceCamo for Otacon, and two for Raiden. Now, Act 3
When it's over, Act 2 ends with it. begins....

_____ _
(, / | ' ) /
/---| _ _/_ -( / THIRD SUN
/ \
) / |_(__(__ (__ ) / (act3)
-]| Act 3 Mission Briefing |[-
(_/ /
\_____________________________________________________ ______________________/
Watch the scenes. When it's over you'll get a Codec
After the introductory scene, you get that split screen call from Otacon outlining
thing again. As said your objective. After it's over, you gain a few new
earlier, use Square to change the camera view in the items. There's the Signal
small screen to the view Interceptor which may be important although not
from the Mk. II, then Triangle to switch it to the necessary in helping you
bigger screen, and then L2 through this next part. You also get the Civilian
to make it full screen. We have some things to get Disguise, and two new
here, so let's start the FaceCamo for a younger look on Snake.
Your objective is to locate Big Mama, leader of the
First I'll mention something I hinted at before. Now Paradise Lost resistance
that you have FaceCamo, group. To do that though, you'll need to find a
you can use the Mk. II to collect some new resistance member and tail him
FaceCamos to wear. To earn them, you back to their hideout. The first half of this act will
have to ram into certain characters with the Mk. II. consist of you just
Right when you gain finding a resistance member and following him. The
control, your first target is Otacon. Ram into him with key is to stay behind him
the Mk. II and you'll and not make any noise and just follow him
hear that "item collected" sound. That means you got throughout the city, and also avoid
it. You could also get the PMC troops at the same time. You have the
this one from the Act 2 briefing, but since you didn't Civilian Disguise, and for me, I
have FaceCamo back then like wearing it the whole way through if I can. I don't
this is the earliest you can get it on your very first know why, it feels more
playthrough. appropriate, as if it's from some kind of movie where
one guy is following the
Ramming into characters only works when they're other down dark city streets and alleys. Weird I
standing. Both Naomi and Sunny suppose but that's just me. If
your location might become compromised at any you. Around the corner to the right, there is yet
time, switch to OctoCamo. another PMC. Do the same and
our guy can move on. You could just go up the stairs
A few things I want to note. The routes I laid out are and get a better vantage
basically the path you point and try to get both PMCs from up there, then
follow him if nothing goes wrong. Even still, I've had drop down from the walkway
to take alternate routes further up and wait for our guy. Or instead of using
sometimes because the resistance member just the tranquilizer, you can
decides to walk down different use the Mk. II, Otacon's little bot.
streets. I'm not sure if this has to do with different
difficulties, or just a Either way, he'll turn left from where the second PMC
random variable added. So on that note, here's a few is and turn the corner
tips to help you out, even there. He'll pass some cars, go down the street, then
if you don't end up following him the same way. Use turn and enter the park.
the Solid Eye, both regular Don't follow him. Instead, go the opposite direction
mode and Infrared. It's dark and if you can't see him, he went, going down the
both functions will help right-hand street. Keep going until you find a lone
out. The radar particularly when Solid Eye is on, it PMC. From where you are, he
will show you where he is can see you pretty easily. Don a different FaceCamo
based on the whistling and his movements. though, such as the Otacon
one, and the PMC will not be startled. In fact, you can
Eastern Europe - Midtown S Sector walk right up to him and
--------------------------------- then hold him up. Pat him down for items until you
You start out at the street corner. You have the Signal get the iPod song, "One Night
Interceptor in your in Neo Kobe City". Incapacitate him afterwards. This
item inventory already. It will give you a very broad FaceCamo trick will work
area (indicated on your the whole act if you want to use it. It makes things
map by a bright orange square) in which you may easier because the PMCs
find a resistance member. If will not bother with you if you're not wearing any of
you're lucky though, you won't need to use it even Snake's faces. Now, go
once. From where you are, back to where the resistance member entered the
go around the corner and up the street, and a scene park.
will take over.
To the left of the park staircase is a Compress. Go in
You'll find a resistance member coming out of hiding. and follow him. He'll
You can always identify follow the cobblestone path for a while, but after he
them by their trademark whistling (vaguely sounds passes some statues, he
like an MGS theme). He will will stop. At this point, you should hide. He's going to
walk across the street to the right. Don't start turn around and come
following him just yet. Turn back to the statue on the left to relieve himself. You
around and go back to the intersection. Turn left and can just use OctoCamo
go to the left side of the nearby or hide behind the shrubs. You can also use
building. Behind a small barricade, you'll find the iPod the OctoCamo statue trick
song, "Test Subjects by climbing up on the ledge and hitting Triangle.
Duality". Go back and find the resistance member.
Get behind him and hold him After the guy has done his business, he'll move on.
up. Pat him down and he'll drop a few things, one of Get low and get close to the
them being the iPod song, drum at the corner, but not any closer. To the let are
"Biohazard". Let him run away scared after this and two PMC guards. They'll
then stay out of sight prevent our guy from moving on so take them both
until he starts moving again. down from afar with your MK. 2.
Our guy will then move on and exit the park, walk
Start following him, but don't run and don't let him across the street and get on
see you. Again, if you the other side of a big ramp. Follow him and then up
prefer, just ditch the disguise and use OctoCamo. The the ramp itself He'll
resistance guy will go follow the wall and go around the corner, approach
down the sidewalk, then cross the street to the left, some cars and go down a
then continue down and go staircase. If you go left from the top of the stairs
around the corner. You can either follow directly or there's a Ration tucked
take the nearby stairs. under the small awning.
Around the corner there will be a PMC. The resistance
guy can't get any closer Follow him down the stairs and the next part will
unless the PMCs are neutralized. If they aren't, the consist of you following the
resistance member will just resistance member as he ducks into various
turn around and find another route. So either follow doorways. Just stay behind him as
him and try to pop the PMC he slips into all these nooks. He moves on and
with your MK. 2, but at the same time, not letting the eventually crosses to the other
resistance member see side of the street and hides there. Wait for him to
move again and he'll start
running to the right and then turn into the opening that is to the right of the PMC patrol/helicopter
there. Follow him and you search area. The rightmost
will enter the next area. road is where he should be. Find him and tail him
again. He'll try and sneak
Eastern Europe - Midtown NE Sector behind two PMCs. Stop where you are and try to
---------------------------------- tranquilize both of the PMCs
We're gonna ditch our friend for a few minutes. Don't quickly. Otherwise, our friend will accidentally make
worry, the diversion will noise and they will spot
be worth it. As you will notice soon upon entering this him. They will try to take him in, and then you'll be
area, there are four forced to tranquilize
PMCs posted, as well as a helicopter making them anyways before they take him away. After he's
searches with its light. While our freed he usually runs away
friend maneuvers around them, go ahead and either scared and hides for a moment, and he might come
try to sneak by on the left, toward you so try to avoid
or better, just tranquilize all four PMCs. Now slip by this by taking the PMCs out fast.
and you can find some
Instant Noodles behind where they were standing. Afterwards, he'll eventually make his way down that
More importantly, there is a street as it enters a big
road to the left of where they stood, it goes up a hill intersection. Stay somewhere out of sight and watch
sort of. Go down here him. He'll turn down one
to enter the next area. alley and stop, then start running again. Follow him
and you'll both wind up in
Eastern Europe - Midtown NW Sector the next area.
Just a ways up, you'll see a path going left and right. Eastern Europe - Midtown N Sector
On your left you should ---------------------------------
see two PMCs. Carefully peek out from cover and Around the corner you'll hear some sort of rustling
tranquilize them both without noise. There's an opening
them seeing you. When they're down, proceed past on the left but don't go in. Stay back and wait, and a
them and you should see the PMC will stroll out.
area behind them. It's like a small canal sewage drain Wait... something's fishy here. Yes, it is, it's our
of some sorts. You can resistance member! Somehow
hang over the ledge of the solid walls (not the railing he has gotten PMC threads and now can travel
like walls), or just go incognito and pass by the other
up the canal to the ladder and drop down that way. PMCs no sweat. Unfortunately for you, this means if
Just be careful of another you want to follow him, you
helicopter and other PMCs. When you get down, you might have to take some of those PMCs down. You
can find some ammo, and among can also tell it's the same
other things, lots of rats. Anyways, your main goal guy by the same old whistling, and also by looking at
here is an underground him with the Solid Eye
tunnel. Find it on one side of the canal and walk equipped. You can see the blue color, which means
through to one more area. he's not an enemy. Keep that
in mind.
Eastern Europe - Midtown Central Sector
--------------------------------------- Follow him out the alley into the street. Stay there
Again, you're in another sewage canal. There are a where the alley and road
few more goodies to be found. meet and look down the hill. Two PMCs are waiting.
In particular, there is an interesting pick up to find on Our guy can slip through,
one side of the canal, but they will be a problem for us. Try to hit them both
and that's a Stinger, or just ammo if you got it with your Mk. 2 from
already in Act 2. Comb both afar. Then follow the PMC disguised resistance
sides for items, but the item that we're solely looking member around the corner, where
for, the whole reason he will meet up with three other PMCs! Oh boy.
you're taking this detour, is above you. Find a ladder Follow them slowly. If you lost
and climb up. Not far track of the resistance member, just use the Solid
from there, tucked away in the corner, you should Eye. He's the only one that
find them. Throw Infrared on shows up as "blue". One PMC will turn right down an
to help you. There they are. Chaff Grenades. You can alley. At the next
go ahead and search for intersection, another will turn left, while the last PMC
other stuff, but when you're done, head all the way and our guy will turn
back and retrace your steps. right. Follow them down the sidewalk for a few
Back into the ditch, into the tunnel, out of the other moments. The last real PMC will
ditch, past the PMCs turn right. Don't follow our guy though, follow this
again and back all the way to... PMC. He'll duck into a
small alley. Go ahead and CQC him with the throw
Eastern Europe - Midtown NE Sector down, or just hold him up, or
---------------------------------- whatever. Make sure he's out. Nearby in this alley,
Ok, we have to find our friend again. He's usually you should find the iPod
found in the same spot and
song, "On Alert". Nice. Return outside and find our Gekkos will approach. Just aim for the PMCs and gun
resistance member. Follow down as many as you can.
his trail again. Aim for the barrels near them to trigger helpful
explosions. There are some
He'll have slipped into the alley directly across the barrels on the left corner of the right-hand street
street. Follow him in and (where the Gekkos are
at the corner, you can find a Ration. As you proceed coming from), and two sets of barrels on both sides
down the adjacent corridor of the archway on the left.
with him, Otacon will mention vehicle patrols. You're Big Mama and the convoy will take you through the
getting very close to end arch, past more enemies and
of this part, so don't get caught now by the vehicle into the next area.
patrols. You can hear the
big jeep coming and see the headlights, so prepare In the next area, the FROGs will come into play. As
with OctoCamo or just use you turn the corner to the
the Drum Can item. left, a whole bunch will be firing on you. Take some
out as a jeep suddenly
As you turn the corner leading to the exit of this bursts onto the scene. Take out the gunner and then
alley, you should see the keep your eyes peeled for
first of these vehicle patrols whiz by. Follow the more enemies. After you pass the overhead bridge, a
resistance member across the FROG will land on top of
street, and he'll stay on the sidewalk for a while. the van. Shoot her down and continue on. Big Mama
Watch for another patrol will drive down a riverside
coming by, so use the Drum Can to hide. After that, street, where the pathway is blocked. Turning the
keep following our guy. other however, and the other
His goal is at the end of this road so don't blow it side will also be blocked off. Shoot all the PMCs,
now. Watch for one more using the barrels on the
patrol at the last intersection. Then down from there, left to assist you. Take out the gunners on top of the
the resistance member jeeps too. Eventually,
will slip into an alley. Make sure you're either out of Big Mama will turn around and you'll launch off a
sight or using the ramp in slow-mo over the
Drum Can and not moving as he takes one peek first blockade. Getting a shot off is tough but you
around and might spot you. When might be able to get one or
he slips into the alley, he'll ditch the disguise and two PMCs while you're going through the air in slow-
walk back out. Now he mo. Either way, when you
goes to the left. Follow him this way, and you'll finish stop, take aim at all of them. Use the barrels on the
with the commencing of right. Eventually the
a cutscene. van will burst through and you'll all move on.

Some really mind blowing cutscenes will take place. The next few streets will be lined with FROGs. A few
Very mind blowing. will jump on the van so
always shoot them off. The others will be on the
When it's all over you'll receive the Vz. 83, a small sides, so shoot them when you
submachine gun. The next can get a clear shot. Eventually, you'll get onto a
part is going to be a long motorcycle chase with a lot bridge and enter the next
of enemies and a lot of area, but not before a short cutscene.
shooting. I highly recommend you ditch the Vz and
instead choose something B&B Corp member, Raging Raven has joined the
else. Your weaponry is limited during this part to party with her flying minions.
submachine guns and pistols, This next section will have you being bombarded
but any that you use will have infinite ammo. I from above by them. They're
personally prefer the P90, you easy to destroy though, so use the P90 and gun as
know that nifty gun you picked up from the FROGs. I many down as you can. They
find it's a bit more are unmanned if you're worried about kill counts, and
accurate, and it has a better ammo clip. Pick that or like Gekko, they give you
some other submachine gun small rewards of Drebin Points. Raging Raven will
from Drebin's shop and let's get started. also show herself so fire on
her if you can. Big Mama will navigate you down
Right from the get go, you'll be forced to take a many more streets and these
detour because of Gekko. You things will continue to attack so keep your gun
can't do much about them during this sequence so pointed up and your finger on
just concentrate on the enemy the trigger.
soldiers and FROGs. You'll see some down the next
street, but if you decide to You'll pass a jeep on the right, but it's not a concern.
shoot, be careful you don't hit your allies on the You'll encounter more
motorcycles. Past the plaza flying enemies, and then another jeep will appear,
and up the next street you run into a barricade road but this one will chase you.
block. Time to turn back, Take out the gunner and let Big Mama take you
as a Gekko gets dangerously close. Big Mama will further down the street. More
stop and a bunch of PMCs and
flying enemies show up, including Raven again. From |try them all out. It really depends on whether you
there, you'll turn down want to stay inside |
some more streets and a collision occurs between |or go outside. If you stay inside, just hide and wait
two jeeps and you barely slip for her to come inside.|
through in slow-mo. While you're moving under the |Shoot her with any weapon you want. M4, a
jeeps in slow-mo, gun down machinegun, or better yet, use an |
both FROGs ahead. |RPG. She'll fly out and then you can just wait and
she'll come back and then |
As this chase winds down, you'll find a lot of FROGs. |you can just repeat. Getting the first shot will help
Gun them down and use the you reduce the damage |
barrels found conveniently on many street corners to |that you might take from her attacks.
make the task easier. More |
flying enemies will appear, and eventually Big Mama | If you want to go outside though, which is
will take a detour down an my personal preference, go |
alley. Use the barrels to take out upcoming FROGs, |up the stairs to the top floor. Out here the strategy
then when you get back onto will consist of finding|
the street, turn around to see more flying enemies, |Raven and avoiding her attacks. Typically out here,
including Raven again. Many she will hover in the air|
explosions go off, but eventually, you'll escape under |for a few seconds, leaving her wide open. You have a
a tunnel. Seems like short time to pull out |
it's safe... for now. |something like a sniper rifle and fire it at her. If you
take too long, she |
Eastern Europe - Echo's Beacon |eventually will fire a grenade at you and move away.
------------------------------ The key to this is |
Two scenes take over. When they're done, you know |trying not to lose track of her, because she likes to
what you have to do. Time to move around a lot. For |
fight. |this reason, some may prefer the indoors tactic, but
I don't like to stay |
[]=====BOSS FIGHT - RAGING |inside the whole fight since it's too easy. For
RAVEN============================ outdoors, the sniper rifle is|
=================[] |the best weapon in my opinion. Just be fast and
| This fight is a toughie. Raven has a clear react quickly so you can |
advantage over you because | |avoid her grenades if you have to. Avoid using the
|she has the sky and you only have this tower. She Stinger here because it's |
also has a slew of flying | |pretty much useless and she has no trouble dodging
|baddies at her disposal. They will scour the area and the missiles. Keep the |
crash through the tower| |Stinger handy though, it will serve its purpose soon.
|in search of you. If they spot you, Raven will know |
where you are and find | | If you let enough time pass, or if you try
|you. She's equipped with a powerful grenade to weaken Raven gradually |
launcher, so in a firefight it's | |with short bursts of fire, followed by some ducking
|imperative that you get your shots off first and and covering, you may |
dodge hers at all cost. | |notice her start to smoke. Keep attacking and hiding
| Her attacks are pretty straightforward. and eventually she will |
She will just fly around and | |overheat. She'll drop a stun grenade and then fly off
|have her drones look for you. When she knows to a rooftop where she |
where you are she will typically| |will land and try to cool off. It's easy to find her
|fire her grenade launcher. When inside, you only because several of her |
have to worry about damage, | |minions will flock around her. Get a shot on her and
|but if you decide to go on the balconies, you run the you can use a sniper |
risk of being thrown | |rifle, but here is a great time for that Stinger. Fire a
|off the edge by the explosion. As far as I know, you missile and it will |
can never be thrown off | |do a lot of damage, and not only that, it may very
|instantly; you always have a chance to climb back well take out several of |
up. She will also drop some| |her minions. If nothing else, it means more DP.
|missiles overhead like a bombing run if you stay |
outside. Another attack that| | Any of these tactics will work. Just be
|you may encounter, is one Otacon will tip you on. careful and try not to stand |
You'll hear that beeping | |still. Also be wary of Raven's drones. They have
|sound. That means Raven is launching a payload of missiles too, and any time |
missiles. The best way to | |she says "Kill him!" they will open fire. Use whatever
|deal with this is to just run away from wherever it is means you feel are |
you're at, whether it | |best and bring Raven down. Eventually you'll win
|be inside or outside, just run. this fight. |
| []===============================
| You have the freedom to go about this ================================
fight in several ways. You don't| ============[]
|even have to stick to the same strategy. You can
freely change tactics and |
*NOTE: According to a tip, it is actually possible to be Watch the rest unfold and we'll get to start what
totally thrown off many believe is the best Act
the balcony during the fight. I've still never had this in the whole game.
happen to me, but I
guess it is possible. Before Act IV officially begins, you'll have control for
a special segment. I
A short scene unfolds. As it turns out, just like before, won't spoil it so I won't be giving any strategical
this fight isn't details, but none are
quite done with yet. really necessary. Just go around, pick up items if you
want to, and reach one
[]=====BOSS FIGHT - RAGING of the access areas and you can move on. Savoring
BEAUTY=========================== this little moment is good
=================[] too though. When it's done, you earn a new
| This should seem somewhat familiar. FaceCamo.
Once again, you'll be chased by |
|the Beauty form. If she gets close, she'll drain your After a scene, Act IV officially begins.
life. This is the best |
|time to look for items. Like Laughing Beauty before
her, Raging Beauty will | _____
|move faster if you go all the way up to the top floor. ______________________________________
Just don't let her get| (, / | / / /
|too close when she moves faster, by stopping her /---| _ _/_ /___/_ / TWIN SUNS
with some bullets. On the | ) / |_(__(__ / / (act4)
|top floor, you can find a few things in the outer (_/ / /
corners. At the top, if you| /
|didn't already get it, is the iPod song, "The Essence _________________________/
of Vince". Grab this as|
|well as anything else you want. When you're ready,
fire at will on Raging | Shadow Moses - Snowfield
|Beauty. Anything with automatic fire can work much ------------------------
better than a single shot | Where you begin, the intense blizzard makes it hard
|pistol or the like. Go with what you want and reduce to see. Just move to your
her health to nothing to| left very slightly and you'll slip into a small valley. As
|be done with it. you proceed in, you
| may hear an ominous sound. Yeah, it's a Gekko. As
[]=============================== Otacon warned earlier, they
================================ are in the valley, scouting. The first one is on the
============[] pathway ahead of you. If
you continue on this track and just try to hide,
After this, a few wild cutscenes will take over for a chances are it won't work and
good while. You'll also you'll be in a bit of trouble. Taking down Gekkos isn't
receive the MGL-140, which is a grenade launcher. exactly hard, but it
Schwing! A few more scenes would best to avoid it at all costs. Instead, find the
will play for a good while. Grab a snack if you want slope on your right and
and watch everything go up. Stay low and crawl toward the tree. The Gekko
unfold. When it's all done with, Act 3 ends. will probably show up and
start scanning around, but shouldn't find you above it
if you stay low. There
you'll find some ammo.
Now, watch the Gekko carefully. It may be hard with
the tree in your way, but
/ \
wait til it moves farther away. Slip over the ledge now
-]| Act 4 Mission Briefing |[-
and land there. Now on
the rock wall just behind you, find a small crawlspace
\_____________________________________________________ near you. Get inside and
____________/ enter this tunnel. You'll find some Instant Noodles
and ammo. Crawl out the
The Mk. II is no more. Now you can control the Mk. III. other end but be cautious here as well, as another
When you can use it, Gekko will most likely be
put it on full screen and we'll take another look very close. Stay still and help yourself with that
around the Nomad for some OctoCamo. Just stay near the
goodies. Near the chicken's cages, you'll find a right wall and wait for it to go to the left. Get up and
Regain and some ammo. If you run through the
go upstairs, you should find next to Sunny, the iPod passage on your right.
song, "Lunar Knights Main
Theme". Next to the TV, there is a Battery. That does Shadow Moses - Heliport
it for this briefing. -----------------------
Very familiar music will pick up, familiar, that is, if stairs on the right side of the heliport and ascend to
you've played MGS1. the second floor. Then
Anyways, proceed toward the Heliport and you have find the crawlspace up there and enter. Let me just
a lot of things to do here. note that, personally, I
First go to the far left. Near the elevator is a ration, find this entrance the most annoying out of all of
just stick close to them, so we're doing this
the fence. An audio flashback will start then, sort of just to get an extra item. For future playthroughs,
like the one from South you may wish to use the
America from MSG2, but all of these are from MGS1. bottom-left ventilation shaft. It's up to you.
Go ahead and listen to it
pan out, and when it's over, you're awarded with Shadow Moses - Tank Hangar
1000 DP. Each audio flashback --------------------------
from here on will also award you with the same Crawl through and you'll get another flashback with
amount. Not a bad deal at all. more DP. Keep going through
and you will eventually find the iPod song, "Warhead
From there, turn right and approach the helicopter Storage". This is the only
landing platform. There, reason we took this path. Now, if you want, you can
another flashback starts, but more importantly, just crawl back out and
there's an item on the pad take another path, but for the sake of getting in, we'll
there. Yes, more Chaff Grenades! Hopefully you've just do it this way.
gotten some of the others up Drop down and you'll land on the walkway of the
to this point as well, because the next few areas are second floor of the Tank
some of the toughest in Hangar.
terms of avoiding detection. Not only that, just being
spotted makes life a Now, the thing that makes this area and many of the
living hell for you in these areas. A Chaff Grenade subsequent areas somewhat
could really help. annoying for players, are the Scarabs. You might
remember seeing one during a
Anyways, go left from the pad and enter the open cutscene in Act 3. They're miniature Gekkos which
room there. A normal flashback means they're nowhere near as
should start. When it's over, inspect the room to find powerful, but they have very annoying behavior.
a Compress. Across from They'll roll around and stop
that, there is a crawlspace. Get in and crawl to the every so often to scan the room, like normal Gekko. If
next room. There's a they find you, you're
ration on a crate there, and also a pack of Stun super ****ed. These things are the epitome of
Grenades. Grab them, then move cavalry. They'll come after you
to the next room via the crawlspace again. You'll find wave by wave and it makes it hard to shake the Alert
some grenade launcher phase, because a half
and RPG-7 ammo under the table on the right. Grab assed hiding spot rarely does any good. They literally
it and then exit this area mob you, coming at you
through the door. in waves of 15 or more at a time so avoiding this is
Now approach the truck which is situated before the
Tank Hangar entrance. Vet So your first thoughts may be just take them out and
players will now the significance of the truck in that's all. While this is
MGS1, but unfortunately the true sometimes, and using a silenced gun will work
backside is sealed. Not to worry. Crawl underneath it to dispatch them, for some
and there you will find of them, it only compounds the problem. If you kill a
the Mk. 23 pistol! Schwing! This is my favorite pistol Scarab in a certain
hands down simply for location, it just triggers a ton more to appear out of
the retro feel. I don't like the light attachment but thin air. It gets really
luckily you can turn it annoying and it only increases your chances of being
off. You also get another DP bonus for finding this. spotted. Sometimes just
Nice. normal stealth tactics are the best but you really
need to be careful.
Ok, now you've got to get in the Tank Hangar. There
are three ways to get in. Honestly though, getting out of here should be your
MGS1 players know the first two as the ventilation only goal, and just doing
shafts found on the ground that, is not too hard. If you choose to explore for
level to the left, as well as the one on the second items, it's your choice,
floor. Either yield another but the goods aren't that worth it. They include a
audio flashback which gets you another DP bonus. Ration, in the nearby room,
The other entrance is more a Stun Grenade pack in the other 2nd floor room, and
direct and skips that completely. It's right in front of some ammo and a silencer
the truck as Otacon for the Mk. 23 in the room on the first floor. Only the
tells you, and you can simply slip in through the open silencer/suppressor is
hangar door. Not advised really worth it, but even then, you can just buy it
however. We want to get more items so let's take the from Drebin. I would really
top floor one. Find the
just suggest skipping item hunting here because of a problem because it only patrols the front half of the
how hard it is to stay Canyon. Just watch the
hidden. If you do though, I totally suggest the Chaff second Gekko and move out of there to the large
Grenades. hangar door when it's safe.
Crawl under to enter.
Anyways, from the walkway you're on now, just drop
over the railing to the Shadow Moses - Nuclear Warhead Storage BLDG 1F
first floor. Just be really careful that there are no ----------------------------------------------
Scarabs about to roll by Another familiar place. Just like old times, you can
when you do so. Quickly duck under the half open find a Ration at the end
doorway into the next room. of the left walkway. Go down the ramp and up to the
This was previously a laser wired room that would next door. Crawl under and
release gas if the lasers enter the next room. As Otacon tells you, there's no
were tripped. Now, several Scarabs are searching the enemies around so you can
area from the walls. breathe a sigh of relief. Go ahead and look around for
Either hit them all with silenced guns or just drop a ammo, but nothing that's
Chaff Grenade. If you opt particularly interesting, except a Stinger if you didn't
to shoot them with a silenced gun, just be already get one. It's
forewarned that a huge group of inside the truck (thanks to FusionSaint for this).
Scarabs will come up from behind you in a few
moments to check out what Snake's goal is to reach the Snowfield, which MGS1
happened. So move quickly and keep shooting the vets will remember usually
others to proceed through called for Snake having to reach it from the bottom of
before the Calvary finds you. Proceed through the one of the towers
other door to enter... following the Hind D fight. This time Otacon suggests
using the hangar door in
Shadow Moses - Canyon the back behind the truck to use a shortcut. When
--------------------- you go and inspect the door,
If you managed to get here without any alerts you'll find it's unfortunately locked. There's no power
(maybe cautions too, I'm not 100% so you're gonna have to
sure yet), you'll be treated to another audio take a temporary detour. Go upstairs and approach
flashback. It's worth hearing the elevator. Call it up and
just for the memories, so if you really want to, you get on, then select B2, which is your only other
can sacrifice a death to choice. At the bottom, enter
hear it again. Just die in this area and you'll restart in the next room.
the Canyon. Move up
a bit and you can hear it. Shadow Moses - Nuclear Warhead Storage BLDG B2
On the left there is a Ration. If you have infrared on As Otacon will notify you of, the once electrified floor
by any chance, you might is not electrified
notice two large objects, one closer to you than the anymore. Well... there's really no reason it would be
other. They're Gekkos, and because Snake had to
although they appear inactive, get too close and knock the electricity out to proceed, and if he hadn't,
they'll suddenly spring to we wouldn't be here
life! o_O Holy crap! Yeah, be careful. Just run away right now.
quick and then hit the
ground before they throw their sensors on. You can Anyways, for starters, turn right immediately from
avoid the first one easily the elevator to enter the
by staying to the right. For the second one, if you area with the switchboard and the office before it.
choose to get close, just Otacon will call on the
let it walk over to the left and it will do a very easy to Codec to reminisce. After that, you can look for
memorize patrol items, but there isn't much.
pattern. Use that to figure out how to proceed. In the The best find is at the far end, where there is a lot of
top corner there behind debris. In the corner
the pipes and stuff, you can find another Ration to the right of all the mess, you can find the iPod
along with some ammo. In fact, song, "Metal Gear 20 Years
just about every other item in the Canyon is merely History (Part 2). Now just go to the debris and crawl
ammo. under the desk to get back
into the hallway. From here, cross to the other side.
There is one nice find however. On the far left side Hm, it's quiet, too quiet.
behind that pillar wall, Go into the next passage here. This will take you
near where the Gekko goes in its patrol, there is a down a hallway with many
small crawlspace that is memories, and an audio flashback will remind you.
very hard to find without infrared. Go over to that There's a ration on the right
side and crawl in when the in the middle of the hall if you need it. Enter the door
Gekko isn't looking. You'll find the iPod song, "Flowing at the end for a scene.
Destiny" inside. Just
be warned that this will probably wake up the second When it's over, you've got to type in the password
Gekko, but it shouldn't be that Otacon gave you just
earlier on the 1F via Codec. In case you forgot, it's it and press Triangle at the prompt. That will destroy
48273. You don't need to the Gekko easily. Don't
remember though, because you can still proceed worry after that, the floor will be shut down so it's
without it. Also, there's some safe to cross. With that
other numbers you can put in for other effects (see taken care of, get back on the elevator and return to
Extras). the 1F.

After the scene is over, you get control and are Shadow Moses - Nuclear Warhead Storage BLDG 1F
pointed back to the door. ----------------------------------------------
Before you leave though, check this room for items. Drop to the ground and approach the door. With the
Start by going to the area power back on it can be
with the big computers, near the locker. You'll find a opened. The bad news is it takes time. Even worse
Ration and a Compress, news is that a Gekko somehow
and you should also trigger another audio flashback. manages to use an elevator and shows up at the
Keep looking and you can worst possible time. The Gekko
find, besides ammo, a Regain and some Instant will eventually spot the Mk. III and if that happens
Noodles. With all of that in you can't let it be
hand, leave the room and go back through the destroyed or you're not getting through that door.
hallway into the first corridor. Again you have a few options
here. You can either take the Gekko on or just keep
Before you even leave the small room to get back luring it around the room.
into that hall, a Gekko will You can then do that one of two ways, by just
suddenly crash through the ceiling. Oh jeez. Hide banging on stuff and staying
immediately behind the wall, hidden (avoiding alerts), or just blatantly letting it
and the Gekko will walk forward and then turn down see you and running
the corridor, effectively away, but that may incur some damage on Snake.
blocking your exit. There's two ways you can go
about this. You can take the It's up to you. Personally, I prefer to take it out,
Gekko on directly, using the proper methods as in the because if you destroy it,
Enemies section, going the door will open immediately. Whereas if you want
first for the legs until it falls, then the neck, then the to run around and let it
head, each weak point chase you, the door takes a couple minutes to open.
being visible on the Solid Eye. You can expedite this Plus you get some DP for
process with heavier destroying it. It's also honestly, not all that tough,
firepower (Grenade Launcher anyone?). It can be and just requires a few
tedious however because you grenades and some assault rifle ammo, probably a
will often want to fire at it while it has its back healing item or two as well,
turned, then run away and which is nothing if you've been searching for items.
retreat to the safe room leading back to the office. Just fire at the legs with
a few grenades until it goes down, then aim at its
Note that if you do that, don't just stay in the first neck with the M4 or other
room, go all the way back similar weapon. When the Gekko goes completely
into the hallway. Reason is the Gekko, after chasing helpless, fire at its head and
you up to the room, will that will be that. For an easy method, you can call
toss a grenade in so if you just take refuge in the first upon the high powered sniper
room, you can still rifle, the M82A2 and it will make mincemeat of the
take damage. Also make sure that if you knock it on Gekko. Or, if you're trying
its head, finish it off! to avoid an alert, you can use the VSS, the silenced
Don't just run by it and try to get to the elevator. I did rifle. It won't take many
that once and the shots if you hit the weakpoints dead on (thanks to
Gekko actually crashed through the doorway and Batman for these last two
killed me. Amazing. tips).

The other option which is much easier and also safer, When you have the door open, go ahead and
is to use the Mk. III. proceed to the next area.
From a safe area, use the Mk. III and guide it across
the hallway to the door Shadow Moses - Snowfield & Communications Tower
that is blocked off. It's no use to get through there -----------------------------------------------
with Snake, but with the This area has some memories too, but unfortunately
Mk. III, you'll find it's easy to slip in underneath all you won't have much time to
the debris. You can reminisce. Go down the ramp and on the right of it,
then pilot it through this area (there's only a Ration you can find two packs of
laying around if you're Stun Grenades. In a small building to the left, you
looking for items) and up to the top right room. There can find a Ration, some
you should see the Claymores, and other ammo. Now continue on and
barely functioning control panel. It's the same panel drop down two ledges for a
that Snake busted in MGS1 scene.
to deactivate the electric floor. Well, we're gonna
reactivate it. Get close to You know what's coming, so let's get to it.
|You can also see the blue marking next to her life
[]=====BOSS FIGHT - CRYING bar. Stay low and get |
WOLF============================ |closer and you have some options. The best one is
==================[] to snipe her exposed head |
| This fight differs greatly from all the |when she's scoping the area with her Rail Gun. You
others. First of all your | can usually get two shots,|
|opponent has a huge advantage over you. Call |depending on what rifle you're using. If you prefer
Otacon to know the specifics. | however, you can get |
|She can sniff you out, and with the blizzard raging |closer and try the MGL-140. You can get two shots
on, you've got no senses | with the MGL, but the |
|to rely on really. Not only that, this area is the |damage is not as great as the sniping option.
largest of all the boss | |
|fight areas. Luckily, there are a number of ways you | If you choose to find her, be very careful
can find to win. | of any incorrect actions |
| Crying Wolf has one primary method of |that might begin the "hunting" sequence which is
attack, and that is her Rail Gun| from Wolf's point of view. |
|which has a sniper function. She tends to try and |Typically she'll have an easier time finding you if
track your scent, and if | you're not downwind or |
|she has a hard time pinpointing it, she'll wander out |if you are not staying camouflaged or give yourself
in the open and will on| away by shooting at a |
|occasion stop to poke her head out and look through |FROG or something. If the hunting sequence starts,
the scope. She relies on | try to find cover if you |
|the FROGs who roam the snowfield to track you |can. If she runs up and pounces, try to get away. If
down and when they spot you, | she knocks you down, get|
|Wolf will attack. Besides this however, she also |the MGL-140 out and shoot at her from your
drops grenades. Also, while | backside to avoid another attack. |
|tracking you, if you see the camera shifting to her | After the first encounter, you can track
point of view, this means| her much easier with the IR |
|she has a beat on Snake's location. Eventually she'll |of the Solid Eye. Follow her very distinguishable
come running and pounce| footprints but stay low |
|on Snake. She may also go crazy and run around |when you can. This will let you find her faster.
wildly. Avoiding these attacks| Besides this however, you |
|is not too hard for the most part. |can also get onto the tower and snipe or launch
| grenades from up there, just |
| Now you have a few different ways you |watch out for the FROGs who respawn and might
can go about this. Every single | hear your Solid Eye. |
|strategy calls for taking out the FROGs however. It's | Finally, the safest, albeit slower strategy
much easier this way. | is to use the truck near |
|Most of them don't respawn, but some do and Wolf |the start as your haven. Crawl under and snipe the
also calls in more after a | FROGs, then wait for Wolf |
|certain time, but for a while you can take advantage |to appear. She usually either prowls around and then
of the battlefield more | pokes her head out to |
|by taking the FROGs out of the picture. Use the |look out her Rail Gun scope, or she'll come up to the
snow and OctoCamo and keep in| truck and go nuts when |
|mind that the Solid Eye can be detected by them so |she finds you, dropping two grenades and running
be careful. Take them out | away. The grenades won't do |
|and try to find Crying Wolf. If you listened to Otacon, |much to you under there. More importantly, Wolf will
the important thing | usually flee to the side|
|is to stay downwind. Look at the radar without the |of the tower and expose her head. Get a shot, and if
Solid Eye on, and you can | you have to, crawl out a|
|see the wind direction arrow. Basically, stay in the |bit to clear your view. This gives you a great vantage
direction opposite of | to headshot her. Then |
|the arrow to avoid being found. |you can just crawl back under and repeat the
| process. The radar will tell you|
| The best way to find Wolf is to stay |where she's coming from sometimes when she
downwind and to use two main | howls. Use the Solid Eye and just |
|tools, the Solid Eye (Infrared) and a sniper rifle. A |wait patiently.
sniper rifle will let | |
|you take out the FROGs without getting too close, | There is a way to speed this process up
and the Solid Eye gives you| however. The cables on Wolf's |
|some vision in the blizzard. The blizzard will shift in |body can be seen on infrared. Shoot these cables to
intensity all | make something explode. |
|throughout the fight, getting so bad that you won't |It will not only damage Crying Wolf, but it will also
be able to see anything | make her run about and |
|at all. Use the Solid Eye, and look for Wolf, who can |then try to snipe you, revealing her head again,
be seen easily by the | giving you a chance to shoot|
|cables on her body and if she's sniping, her head |her. Take these chances and any others you have,
which will be lit up on IR.| and this will eventually |
|silence Crying Wolf. Otacon opened. As soon as you enter, turn to your
| right. There you'll find the
[]=============================== iPod song, "The Best Is Yet To Come". Sweet! After
================================ that, proceed in and you'll
============[] have a quick, albeit funny Codec conversation with
Otacon. Go down the stairs
Another scene starts up, and at this point, it after that, into the next area.
shouldn't seem out of the
ordinary what happens. After it's over, you've got one Shadow Moses - Blast Furnace
last fight. ----------------------------
If you hated the Tank Hangar, you'll hate this place
[]=====BOSS FIGHT - CRYING too. It's covered by a lot
BEAUTY=========================== of Scarabs. Kill one and the place will be swarmed by
=================[] them. A Chaff Grenade
| Nothing new, right? Again, this is the time solves all problems, and even if you only picked up
to go item hunting if you | one set, you should still
|want. The area is huge though, be cautious with have one left hopefully if you used one before.
Crying Beauty. Like the rest,| Luckily, you can get through
|she will move much faster if you distance yourself here without one, if you go straight to the exit.
from her too much. On that|
|note, if you go item hunting, it wouldn't be a bad Your objective is to get through here to find the
idea to have Infrared on | chamber where REX is. MGS1
|so you can see her coming easier through the fans will know where it is from the Blast Furnace, and
blizzard. When you're ready, | may head to the top
|just pop her a few times and then eventually the right corner. Otacon will tell you this door is locked
fight will end. | though when you get
[]=============================== there. Instead, the right door is to the top left, and
================================ it's much easier to go
============[] to that one from the get go, rather than going to the
first one, considering
For winning, you're rewarded with the Rail Gun. Wow, you have to avoid the Scarabs.
that's a big Schwing! o_O.
A scene will take over and when it's done, you can So to get out of here easily, go across the walkway
continue searching if you and hug the wall. On the
wish. There are a few neat things to check out in left is a Ration if you need one. Go to the right and
particular. From where you are hug the wall to slip
immediately following the scene, turn around and across the narrow ledge. If you slip and grab the
move toward the tower. An audio ledge, just shimmy over to
flashback from MGS1 will play, and it's a memorable the other walkway and you can climb over the railing
one. Now go left and around with Triangle. Go across
the tower to the second tower. Take the stairs up and this walkway and then halfway to the wall, hang over
turn around at the top to the railing and drop down
go down the walkway just a little to trigger another to the floor below. Watch out for the Scarab on the
one, this one from the boss wall above that's scanning
fight against Liquid's Hind D. Also, don't forget to the area. Slip by and around the corner to find the
search on the other tower elevator. Go through and
for the XM28, a grenade launcher. From here, go you're done. Easy right? Yeah....
down to the trench that is to
the left (or right depending on your perspective) of Shadow Moses - Casting Facility South
the truck. It's that big -------------------------------------
trench that's surrounding by fences. Go through here In the elevator, you'll experience more audio
and you'll get another flashbacks. When the elevator
famous audio flashback from prior to the first Sniper reaches its destination, the door opposite the one
Wolf fight, the one you entered will open. When
where Meryl was ambushed. it does, you will probably see a scary sight. Yes, this
area is inhabited by
That's not all however. Return to the doorway that Gekko. Scarabs too. You now have a very efficient
Otacon opened. To the right weapon for killing Gekko
is a small passage. Check the map, it's a small cutout however. The Rail Gun. By holding L1 with the Rail
path separate from the Gun equipped, you can charge
rest of the area. Go down here to find the remains of the shot to 3 levels. The 3rd level is a one hit kill on a
the Hind D that Liquid Gekko. You can see
piloted and Snake took down in MGS1. Getting near it the charge if you use the scope. So, if you don't
triggers an audio flashback wanna be as stealthy, or just
relevant to that time. And how funny, near the want to make things easier and earn some extra DP,
wreckage you can find Stinger try hitting the Gekko from
ammo. Ha. Grab it and other nearby items and then afar with the Rail Gun. You only have one Gekko in
return to the doorway that this room so take it out and
scour the place for ammo. You can proceed to the some Instant Noodles. More importantly, you can
next room from the left or wait for the rolling Scarab to
right. I prefer the right. move back down the walkway. Before he does, he
goes toward the stairs you went
Shadow Moses - Casting Facility North up and sits there. When he moves, he'll return to the
------------------------------------- starting area, so that's
There are three Gekko in here, and if you came in your chance to go back down and enter the door. Just
from the right, the first one watch the search beam of
is easily visible. Strangely enough, it's hanging from the Scarab on the wall there. Just wait for a chance to
the ceiling in the move, or shoot it down.
distance. Gun it down with a fully charged shot from Shooting it will summon a horde of Scarabs from the
the Rail Gun to its head. trap door, but since you're
The others usually come snooping around and wind at the exit, that won't matter at this point. Proceed
up in your sights too, making through to the next area.
them easy picking. As for the Scarabs, they roll
around and a few are on the Shadow Moses - Underground Supply Tunnel
walls scanning. The great part is they don't respawn ----------------------------------------
or call in a million A few scenes. Finally. We've found REX. Otacon will
friends like the others. Hallelujah! Take them out and attempt to get it up and
then the others on the running again, but then company shows up. Time for
other side if you want, then look around for items, a fight.
although there's not much.
On the conveyer belt you can find Javelin ammo []=====BOSS FIGHT -
though. VAMP============================
When you're ready to proceed, head toward the door | The fight against Vamp is slightly similar
at the top right which should to the first time you faced|
be right in front of you if you took the right door |him (if you did) in MGS2. He still has keen acrobatic
earlier. Before leaving, you skill, jumping around |
can see a big container with a cloth draped over it, to |and showing off fancy footwork. He will still throw
the right of you. Go knives. Luckily that move|
around it to the other side to find the iPod song, "Yell |where he could hold you in place by throwing a knife
(Dead Cell)". For some at your shadow hasn't |
reason, I always think of Papa Roach's song, "Dead |returned. Vamp will for the most part jump around
Cell" when I see that name. the place like a kangaroo, |
Weird. Anyway, go ahead and proceed through the |then eventually come running at you and attack.
door, jump down the ledge and This attack, and nearly most |
enter the next area. |of his knives can be dodged easily. Since you'll be
undoubtedly aiming at |
Shadow Moses - Underground Base |him, you can use Snake's roll move to dodge most of
------------------------------- his attacks in the nick |
Head down the corridor and you'll find a crawlspace. |of time. Use the roll when he gets close to you.
It will lead you, |
amazingly enough, to the area just after the | Any weapon with automatic fire is good
Warehouse from MGS1. In fact, if here. Vamp takes a lot of hits.|
you get close to the door on the right, it will trigger a |Even headshots with sniper rifles won't do a whole
relevant audio lot of damage and he's not|
flashback. On your left are two trapdoors and a lone |very susceptible to grenades. An assault rifle or
Scarab. Do not, and I machine gun is the best way|
repeat, do not kill this little guy. If you do, about a |to go. Note however, that you can knock him down
dozen of his friends with a sniper rifle shot. |
will show up. Getting through here is no problem |Otherwise, just keep shooting him as he slowly loses
though. life and avoid his |
|attacks. Also keep the radar on, in case you lose
Wait for the Scarab to move to the right. Go ahead track of him behind debris.|
and move up but stay behind |Also beware of a combo he might do with his knives,
the corner. Wait for the Scarab to hop up the stairs. throwing many in a row. |
Again you can move up, | Bring his health down and you'll
but the Scarab will turn around and use its search eventually win. Wait... oh, **** me |
beam so if you move up to |o_O. Vamp gets right back up and regenerates his
the walkway, stay low. When it's done it will move to health completely. Keep |
the end of the walkway, |fighting and you'll be able to bring his health down
hop up some more stairs and turn to the left. Wait for to nothing with just a |
the Scarab to use its |few rounds of any weapon. However, still, he will
search beam again and run across the walkway and regenerate. You can easily |
then turn right and head up |figure it out if you just keep killing him and if you
the stairs. Here you'll find some ammo for the Stinger wanna learn the hint |
and RPG-7, as well as |without being told it directly, just do this. Use the
area to your advantage |
|and hide from Vamp. He'll say "Where are you?" and Continue down the tunnel and always watch out for
"Vanished." Try to find | Gekko. Try not to leave any
|him with your sniper rifle without giving away your alive but also try not to stand around too long. If you
position. When searching | pass the Gekko without
|for you, he moves very slowly so getting a headshot killing them, you'll lose health quicker. Always check
is easy, and that's all | the platforms on the
|it takes to bring his health down. Again, this is just sides of the rooms for other Gekko and shoot them
an easy way to kill | down with the vulcans. If
|him quickly, to expedite the hint being revealed to you keep the vulcans firing too long, they'll overheat,
you. If you want to know | forcing you to wait a
|right now, just read the next paragraph. few seconds, so it's best to fire in bursts. If you spam
| the AT missiles, they
| Vamp will hint it to you, "As long as these need to reload too.
nanomachines run through |
|my veins...". If you're playing on a lower difficulty, When you get far enough or take enough damage,
Otacon will just spoon| Raiden will jump out and cover
|feed it to you. It's the syringe. You need the syringe you. Start moving more a little quicker and continue
to suppress Vamp's | to blast away the Gekko.
|nanomachines, which removes his rapid healing It shouldn't pose too much of a threat but watch the
ability. Using it is not easy | damage and don't just rush
|though. Equip the Syringe and grab him with CQC, through them. Eventually you'll escape.
but be careful of his fast |
|melee moves. Grab him and then press Triangle to Shadow Moses - Port Area
finish this fight. | ------------------------
[]=============================== A cutscene takes over. When it's done, you've got yet
================================ another boss fight to
============[] tackle.

A scene plays. The Suicide Gekko show up and now []=====BOSS FIGHT - METAL GEAR
you've got to deal with them. RAY==============================
Use the Rail Gun and wipe them out. They come from =============[]
the shafts on the walls and | This is a fun fight. RAY was originally
from the ceiling. Just used fully charged Rail Gun designed to obliterate REX and|
shots and take them out from |other Metal Gear brethren but REX holds an
the distance with the scope. Always sweep the room advantage in this fight. RAY holds|
from left to right and take |similar attacks to REX: a machine gun, missiles, and
out any you see. If they get close to you, they'll its own laser, called |
activate their detonation |the Water Cutter. Liquid only attacks with RAY when
sequences, and if that succeeds, you're done for. you let him, so if you |
Stop them before that |can keep attacking him, you effectively limit more
happens. If you run out of Rail Gun ammo, purchase than half of his attacks. |
more from Drebin. Keep | RAY will use the area to its advantage,
firing until the battle on the right ends. hiding behind the various |
|structures. Always keep track of it and keep firing
After a scene, REX is up and running again. It's time your vulcans or use the |
to escape this place |AT missiles. This is also a great time to try and fully
before it's too late. A new sequence begins, and boy charge the Laser. It |
is it a doozy. |can deal a nice piece of damage to RAY. You also
have at your disposal, some |
You'll be piloting Metal Gear REX and you've got to |special attacks unleashed by using Triangle in
escape through the tunnel. certain situations. The first |
The timer at the top counts down so you've got to |is when you get close to Ray, either when in close
escape before that. It's not quarters as it tries to |
hard as long as you don't stand still for prolonged |ram you, or when you've stunned it. When RAY tries
periods of time too much. to ram you, it will also |
The tunnel is guarded by hordes of Gekkos. REX's |attempt to use its own special attack. If you fail to
firepower is able to rip them press Triangle at the |
apart, and you can read the controls in the Briefing. |correct moment, you'll sustain damage. Get it right,
REX has three armaments, and REX will grab RAY |
the vulcan guns, the laser, and the anti-tank missiles. |with its beak and fire the Laser. You can also do it by
The two you'll want to stunning RAY and |
use for this sequence are the vulcan guns and the AT |getting close. Stun RAY with some vulcan rounds,
missiles. The laser is and get closer by using X to|
helpful but it's firing time is short and it takes a while |dash. |
to charge to full | RAY will jump on the warehouse
power. The vulcan gun however can easily dispatch sometimes, as well as dive into the |
these Gekko. Use the AT |water. If it does the latter, it always resurfaces in the
missiles to try and clear a large crowd. same place. RAY's |
|missiles are easily defeated by using your vulcans to entire run), now is the time to spend that hard
shoot them down. Keep | earned DP. Unfortunately, you
|attacking and you can easily reduce the amount of can't stack this bonus together with the 20% off on
damage you'll take, while | Wednesday/Sunday bonus.
|depleting RAY's. Oh well. If you do decide to buy, I recommend the
| Mosin Nagant as one of your
| You can also perform a few more special purchases. It will be very useful on your No Kill/Alert
attacks, one by bringing RAY | playthrough.
|down completely, which is more than a stun. Do this
by hitting it with a | This area consists of FROGs and Gekkos. Getting by
|barrage of AT missiles, or use a heavily charged here without an alert is
Laser attack. RAY falls down| basically the only way to get through it at all. The
|and if you get close and press Triangle fast enough, Alert phase is extremely
REX jumps on its back | hard to lift once you've been spotted. My friend once
|and sweeps the Laser on it. complained that it was
| nearly impossible to accomplish this, when in fact,
| When you bring RAY's health down, Liquid it's rather easy.
will become more aggressive. |
|He'll come after you directly and try to ram you. The first thing you need is the Mk. 2. Ironically
Keep him at bay with your | enough, it's the most
|weapons. You can also fight fire with fire by trying to effective weapon here. Anything else threatens to
ram him with X. This | give your position away. With
|also lets you do another special attack. Follow up the Mk. 2 you can put down all the FROGs with ease.
the ramming attack with |
|Triangle to unleash a nice missile attack. An When you start, move to your left and lay down,
alternate strategy is to just | letting OctoCamo take over. You
|spamming X and keep tackling. It might work. will see two FROGs show up in front of you. Take aim
| at their heads with the
| Keep Liquid at bay and unleash hell to win Mk. 2 and tranquilize them both. Get up and move
this fight. | past their bodies, then lay
[]=============================== low again. Crawl forward a bit and two more FROGs
================================ will appear at the end of the
============[] path. Either tranquilize them both or let them pass,
but be careful if you let
Three scenes will play. After they're all over, you can them go, not to get spotted by one of them up
give a fond farewell to ahead. Move up and past the two
Act 4. crates, there will be two more FROGs, one nearby.
Take her down and the other
There's a briefing for Act 5, and you can control the should hopefully notice and come over to check. Get
Mk. III, but in a very her as well and now you can
limited scale. You can only move its head which move up. Continue to favor the left wall.
moves the projection, so there
is not much point. After that, Act 5 begins. Up ahead, you may see another FROG. Tranquilize
her if you can, otherwise let
her go around the big pillar. Don't follow her because
_____ ___ in that main area is
_______________________________________ where the Gekkos are and you'll probably see one.
(, / | / / Stay to the left near all the
/---| _ _/_ /__ / OLD SUN crates and pillars. Eventually you should see a really
) / |_(__(__ ____) / (act5) big pillar and a stack
(_/ / of two crates near it. There's a space created
/ between them that you can just
________________________/ slip through by hugging the pillar with Triangle. Go
through this way, then on
After the scene, you'll begin the last chapter of this the other side, get low again and crawl forward,
amazing game. You start staying left and avoiding the
off at... sights of the Gekko. Move up and you will eventually
see two more FROGs appear.
Outer Haven - Ship Bow Continue to stay low and shoot them both from afar
---------------------- with the Mk. 2. Now move to
Before actually beginning, I'd like to note that during the area right behind where they were and turn right.
this Act, and only Make sure you're as far
this Act, Drebin's prices in his shop are totally back as you can get before you turn.
slashed. Half off everything!
Wow. This makes some pickups extremely affordable. Here you'll see another Gekko drop in. Just stay still
If you've not been spending and wait. Eventually the
much and buying a lot of new weapons (I only bought blasts from the Missouri will destroy it. Now's your
about 3-4 throughout this chance. Move up and stick
to the left, using the crates to help you avoid |her. As for Akiba, he's out cold the whole fight, and
detection from the other Gekko. the only way he dies is|
Just let the other Gekko turn around and go the other |if you damage him. Aside from shooting him
way and then approach the intentionally (why would you do |
door there. Tap Triangle repeatedly to open it, then |that?), avoid using grenades and the like near his
head inside. You'll find a body. |
Ration with some ammo. Grab the stuff then enter | Mantis' only attack is kinda cool actually.
the elevator. Another audio She'll disappear and then |
flashback takes place, but it's a recent one, not from |reappear a few times and get close to you, then
other games. When it's attack quickly. Just move to |
over, enter the next room and grab the ammo on the |avoid it. She'll also have Meryl and the FROGs shoot
left and right. Head through you. The FROGs can be |
the next door for a scene. |tough to deal with if they all shoot at you, so take
some down or use cover. |
Outer Haven - Command Center | As for Mantis, take aim at the doll on the
---------------------------- left, aka, the one dangling|
This next part is kind of annoying. The FROGs can be |from her right arm. It's a Psycho Mantis doll and it
real bitches here. Use the glows orange. The other |
computer desk areas as cover and find the FROGs in |is doll of The Sorrow, but it's useless in helping you
the surrounding areas and defeat her. Just shoot|
kill them all. The M4 or other assault rifle is good, but |at the orange doll. Mantis will fly away and then
you may want to use a attack or use her minions |
machinegun for the extra ammo, to reduce reload |to attack. Keep shooting the doll and its strings will
time. The MGL-140 and a sniper snap one by one. Keep |
rifle also help. Take them all out and if you're getting |an eye on your health, especially if the puppet
shot at too much, you FROGs gang up on you. Also |
might have a FROG sneaking up on you. |keep Meryl sedated. Eventually Mantis will pull a
very familiar trick and try|
When you clear the first wave, use a healing item if |to make Meryl shoot herself. Just tranquilize her
necessary. The next wave quick and then go back to |
will come out from above you on that walkway. I like |Mantis. Just be careful when aiming at her doll,
the sniper rifle here so Mantis may try and use the |
use the DSR-1, SVD, or whatever. Snipe them all |bodies, including Meryl's to block your shot. Shoot
easily. Some may drop down to when safe until it drops.|
the ground and so take them out with the rifle or | Find the doll and grab it. It will now be a
switch back to your other permanent addition to your|
weapons. Watch out for the FROGs grenades as well. |weapons. If you want, do the same thing and make
her drop The Sorrow doll. It|
Take out the last wave and the true fight begins after |can't be used to win this fight, but you can still use it
a cutscene. in the future so |
|shoot it down if you want. Either way, we're gonna
[]=====BOSS FIGHT - SCREAMING use the Psycho Mantis doll|
MANTIS=========================== |now. Equip it immediately and aim it at Screaming
==============[] Mantis. Fire and if you can|
| Mantis is also different than the other |connect, you'll be able to control her. Now use the
members of the B&B Corps. She | six-axis by holding L1 |
|doesn't really do much fighting on her own, and |and tilting the controller toward you a few times. Do
instead controls others to do| this until Mantis loses|
|the fighting, using her puppet dolls. At the start of |all of her health, and that ends the fight handily.
the fight, she'll have | |
|control over Meryl (seem familiar?) and the dead []===============================
FROGs. You need to shoot | ================================
|Meryl with the Mk. 2, but you can't for some reason. ============[]
You also can't aim at |
|Mantis either. The solution may not seem very clear, Screaming Mantis sheds her armor. You should know
but it's an easy one. | what's coming by now. Get
|Select the syringe and use it from the Item menu by ready for the last fight with the Beauties.
holding L2. This will |
|free Snake from Mantis' control, allowing you to []=====BOSS FIGHT - SCREAMING
finally shoot things. | BEAUTY===========================
| Now your goal is to defeat Mantis, but you ==============[]
can't do it by shooting her| | Nothing new here either. Just avoid her as
|directly. Instead you have to aim for one of her dolls. usual and keep firing with |
At the same time you | |whatever you got. Automatics are, again, a sound
|have to protect Meryl and Akiba. If either of them choice since they can hit |
die, you'll lose. It's not| |repeatedly. Meryl and Akiba are conspicuously
|hard though. Just use the Mk. 2 to put Meryl down absent so you don't have to |
every time Mantis controls | |worry about them. Just focus on the Beauty and take
her down. |
[]=============================== corridors until the door and it seems like it won't be
================================ too hard at first, but
============[] before the end of the first one, Snake will get zapped,
then again when he
Man, her scream is lame. Anyways, watch the scene passes into the second corridor. This will put him on
and after it's done, you'll his knees and force you,
be in for a treat. the player, to mash Triangle the rest of the way.
While crawling, avoid the
A few more scenes will play. When it's over you'll be prods on the sides of the corridors at all costs,
in... because if you get too close
they can indeed kill you. Just keep straight as you
Outer Haven - Missile Hangar can and continue to pound
---------------------------- that Triangle button.
You'll pass through 5 rooms, each with a long
walkway. As you move through each Meanwhile, you can see all the action going on in the
one, a recent audio flashback will play. At the 5th screen above, as all the
room, Snake will move members of your team struggle just to stay alive. It's
automatically to the door, then a cutscene will start. getting scary for all of
them. Keep moving forward, and you'll have to keep
When it ends, Snake will be in the 6th room, but now that Triangle button going.
he won't be alone. Scarabs If your hand or finger gets tired, switch to the other
are here and they want to play. In fact, the next are one, if only for a few
filled with these guys. seconds to give your main tapping hand rest. Just
Not only that, they respawn endlessly. Sounds keep going and you should be
annoying, I know, but it can turn able to make it through.
into a profit for you.
Another dramatic scene takes over, followed by some
You can comb the first corridors and just keep killing others. Snake will be
the Scarabs (more on laying on his back on Outer Haven as Otacon goes to
this in Extras) and sweeping the walkways seek a medic. That's when a
continually. The kills against the familiar face shows up. Another intense scene
Scarabs get you unmanned kill bonuses, and their begins.
drops will also give DP.
After a while, you'll gain control. Now it's time for the
Honestly, I would expect a lot of people to avoid this final showdown!
the first time through.
Most players would probably be more fixated on []=====BOSS FIGHT -
finishing the game. Keep this in LIQUID============================
mind though. If you're just looking to break through, =======================[]
clear the path ahead of | This is a pure, no holds barred fist fight.
Snake of Scarabs, using a machinegun or something All you've got to aid you |
like the MGL-140. The Rail Gun |here are your two fists. Liquid will unleash a quick
can also help, and apparently the electric field combo, and a kick move. |
generated by the Rail Gun, can |He will also use a running head butt, much like
give Snake a temporary shield (thanks to EW for Liquid would in MGS1. You can|
this). Alternative, a Chaff |often prevent this attack by keeping him peppered
Grenade or two solves all problems and lets you with your own attacks. |
effortlessly run by. | Use R1 to unleash a quick combo. L1 will
be your block button. Use X |
You don't have to use weapons though. Just run |plus the Left Analog Stick to dodge/dash in a
forward and execute a roll when direction. You can use this to |
you get near the Scarabs, and Snake will easily get |get closer to Liquid, or to just dodge his attacks. You
over them and also avoid can also follow up |
damage. You can just keep rolling and never take any |the dash by pressing R1 right after, to unleash
damage at all. I will Snake's gut punch. Last, but |
admit though that this trick seems easier to do on |certainly not least, you have Snake's trusty CQC
lower difficulties. Instead, moves. Hold R1 when you're |
you can use the trusty old Drum Can (thanks to gsp), |near Liquid to use a grapple move with CQC.
and you will be able to |
get past them easily by using it to roll. | The important thing is to vary your
attacks with the blocking button. |
After a scene (and a good one at that), you'll enter |If you can dish out more damage and then block
the Microwave corridor. Be Liquid's attacks, you'll be |
sure you're fully prepared because you can't pause in |off to a good start. If Liquid knocks you down, press
the middle of this part. Triangle to get up the |
|first time. If you get knocked down after that, you
When it begins, you can move Snake forward with can get up faster, and |
the left stick. There's three |Liquid will often use a taunt. If you can, you might
be able to get up, dash,|
|and gut punch him before he can react. Use these |Keep using these moves and hit the appropriate
and other tactics to deplete| prompts when attacking or |
|Liquid's health. When it gets to about half, |being attacked. The fight eventually shifts into its
something will change. | final phase. |
OCELOT=========================== OCELOT===========================
====================| ==========================|
| For the most part, his moves will not have | The CQC is gone. In fact, just about every
changed a terrible amount. | mechanic of this fight has |
|His head butt however is changed to a windup |been abandoned, sans movement and punching.
punch that actually hurts a lot.| Stagger forward and get near |
|Avoid it when you can by using dodge and just not |Ocelot. Press R1 and it will start a rather cinematic
being too close to begin | punch attack. When the |
|with. He advertises it well but it's still not that easy |action pauses again, stay close and deliver another
to dodge sometimes. | punch. Ocelot will also |
|If you can't dodge, just block it. Blocking it will at the |attack you in the same manner if you let him, so
least, reduce the | don't let him get too many |
|damage inflicted by the attack. |hits in. |
| | It will only take a few of these dramatic
| Keep attacking and blocking. Dodging his punches to bring Ocelot |
windup punch is critical. Too| |down. Continue the attacks and eventually, the fight
|many hits from that can easily turn this fight sour. will end. |
Any time you manage to | []===============================
|dodge it, counter with a gut punch, then follow that ================================
up with a combo of R1. | ============[]
|Continue attacking, and after his health is a little
more than halfway gone, | Watch the following scenes. A lot of things will
|yet another change will occur. happen and the last few scenes
| will easily drain close to an hour out of your life, but
|=====PHASE THREE - damn if it isn't some
OCELOT=========================== gripping stuff! After that, the credits roll. Congrats,
=========================| you've beaten the game!
| This is Ocelot as he was in MGS3. He
knows CQC well after picking it |
|up from Big Boss. Close encounters with him now
will usually wind up in a |
|grapple from Ocelot. You can still perform your
/ Big Boss Emblem Walkthrough (bbew) \
combo attacks, but CQC grabs |
--/ \-----------------------------
|will start to dominate this part of the fight now.
| If Ocelot grabs you and starts to choke
you, toggle the Left Analog |
|Stick as prompted to break free. Follow it with
There's not much to say. I know why you're here. You
Triangle to knock him down. |
want to take on the
|When Ocelot is on the ground after this, quickly
toughest challenge that Metal Gear Solid 4 has to
press R1 when prompted to |
offer. The Big Boss Emblem is
|deliver a punch to him. Don't miss that chance. He
no easy feat to achieve. With this guide, I will hope to
may also grab you and a |
provide some tips and
|Triangle prompt will appear first. Press it to knock
knowledge that will help folks get through this
him away. |
quicker, easier, and most
| You're not defenseless in this CQC brawl
importantly, with less frustration. I'll just say now,
though. Strike back with some|
that this guide might not
|CQC of your own (remember to hold R1). There's a
be perfect in its first iteration, because there are
few kinds and the prompts |
definitely quicker ways to
|will differ depending on which one occurs. My
do many parts, and in a quest like this, where every
personal favorite is when Snake|
second counts, even a
|grapples him and the Triangle prompt appears,
simple change that saves 10 seconds is big. I'll be
which will let you get Ocelot |
looking to improve it when
|on the ground. You can begin hitting R1 repeatedly
I can but for now, the guide will suffice in getting you
to punch him many times |
through and meeting all
|until a Triangle prompt appears again. Hitting
the requirements.
Triangle there does a very |
|nice attack, to which Ocelot replies, "Splendid,
The Requirements
brother!" Another is to try |
|a grapple when you're standing near one of the
All of the following criteria must be met in order to
three pillars on the top of |
nab that Big Boss Emblem
|the ship. Hold R1 when you're near these and you
at the end of the game. There are as follows:
get a different grapple. |
-Game must be completed on The Boss Extreme last stall on the left, before the exit (guarded by a
difficulty Gekko). In the sewers of
-Game must be completed in under 5 hours Midtown Central Sector, find a ladder leading up, and
-There can be no kills earned they will be in the corner
-There can be no alerts earned near there. At the Heliport, they're found on the
-No healing items must be used helipad. Collect as many of
-You cannot use a continue these beforehand as you can. The only ones you can
-You cannot use Special items (Bandanna, Stealth) really get without going out
of your way (and thus using up more time) during the
Yeah, it's a tall order, but we can do it. The biggest BBE are the ones in the
concerns are the alerts Marketplace and the ones on the Heliport. Try to have
and the time limit. 5 hours may sound like a lot of 6 Chaff Grenades at the
time, and it is, but you very least before you start.
always want to practice getting through areas faster
than you can. If something Solar Gun
happens and you need to spend an extra 10-15 -How to Obtain: To get the Solar Gun, you need to
seconds in an area than you might beat the game having all five
normally have had to, ok, no big deal. You'll have the of the boss Statues. What are those you ask? Well, in
leeway to expend these short, you can find them
small intervals, but do not make it a habit because all after you have defeated the FROGs in Act 1 and each
of it will add up in the of the B&B Corps' Beast
end and it could hurt you. forms by non-lethal means. This means blue
weapons. After that, you can find the
Before You Begin statue laying around in the immediate area. For the
---------------- B&B Corps, it's important to
There are a few things you can do to prepare first, note that with the exception of Crying Wolf, you have
and it would be in your best to grab the statue during
interest to do so. First and foremost, you need to the Beauty form, or else you'll miss it. Get all five and
have The Boss Extreme you'll earn the Solar
difficulty unlocked. Kinda hard to do this without it. Gun when you beat the game. For much more
Simply put, just beat the information and strategies, head to
game on any other difficulty to unlock it. Outside of the non-lethal boss strategies.
that however, you should
come in with the Middle Eastern Rebel Disguise, a Besides these though, there are a multitude of other
FaceCamo that isn't one of weapons you'll be using in
Snake's faces, and Chaff Grenades. I put these as the game to help you get by. The main weapon you'll
prerequisites. Another is be using is the Mk. 2, and
optional, but still highly recommended. That is the 85% of the time, you can get by with it, so I'm not
Solar Gun. I'll go over how making these other weapons
to get them all next. requirements although a few (and I'll list which after)
I strongly recommend.
Middle Eastern Rebel Disguise The weapons you'll see being used in this guide
-Where Found: Act 1 - Militia Safehouse include:
-Location: After the room where the two rebels are
inspecting the damaged wing List of Non-lethal weapons used for general
of the flying enemy. Go down the hall and enter the purposes:
right corridor to find a
room with a bunch of lockers and an RPG-7 lying on -Mosin Nagant
the ground. The disguise is -M870 (V-Ring ammo)
in one of the lockers. -Twin Barrel (V-Ring ammo)
-Stun Grenades
FaceCamo -MGL-140 (Stun Grenade ammo)
-Where Found: Act 1, 2, 3, 4 Mission Briefings, other,
etc List of Lethal weapons used for Beast forms of B&B
-Location: It's up to you how you want to do this. Corps and Unmanned enemies:
Head to the FaceCamo (fccm)
section under Unlockables for more details. Having a -Rail Gun (Used against all B&B members and
FaceCamo that isn't one of Gekkos)
Snake's faces will help you in Act 3. -M82A2 (backup for the Rail Gun)
-P90 (Raven's minions during the Bike Chase)
Chaff Grenades
-Where Found: Acts 2, 3, and 4 So obviously, if you've played through the game a
-Location: Confinement Facility (Act 2), Marketplace couple times, you should try
(Act 2), Midtown Central and get a few of these weapons to help you with this.
Sector (Act 3), Heliport (Act 4). In the Confinement All of them are easy to
Facility, it's in a small get. Most are either bought from Drebin or can be
closet in the main facility. At the Marketplace, you found along the way, or are
can find them in the very dropped by bosses. You'll definitely have the Rail
Gun, so we won't worry about
that, but some others I really suggest you have are since it always takes a few seconds to deploy, and
the M82A2, Twin Barrel, and then further time for Snake
some Stun Grenades. Stun Grenades are easy to find to get to the area that you're using it to clear out.
and you can buy them before
you start your BBE. The Twin Barrel can be found in 6. Learn to be a good marksman. A lot of guides and
the beginning of Act 2, at videos I've watched seem to
the Cove Valley Village area. From where you start on advocate taking more enemies than I or my friend
the hill, there are two deem necessary. Since Mk. 2
buildings next to Snake. The Twin Barrel is in the right ammo is scarce and you can't buy any from Drebin
building, which is also (yes, I'll repeat that; you
the location of the South American Rebel Disguise, CAN'T buy any), I like to avoid firing when possible,
which you can get, but you unless it will save a lot
won't need. The M82A2 you can buy from Drebin. of time to do so. In the situations that you need to
fire, you want to be dead
General Tips on with your shots. Always make sure at the very
------------ least, you get the enemy's
This thing is hard. Let's just get that out of the way. upper body. Since on Extreme, it takes longer for the
Getting BBE is not an enemy to succumb to the
easy task for your average and even above average anesthetic, you should fire two shots to bring them
gamer. Here are a few tips to down quick. This is unless
help you get by in some general situations. of course, you get a headshot, which should be what
you attempt most of the time
1. First and foremost, do NOT get overly stressed out. when possible.
I get really frustrated
sometimes when I'm trying to do something in a 7. Sleep vs. Stun: Ammo conservation. A somewhat
game that seems utterly continued point of #6. You want
impossible. Going for the BBE is just one of those to avoid Caution phases when it's possible. Putting
things and you owe it to enemies to sleep (assuming
yourself not to get bent out of shape over it. the first shot doesn't make them go "huh?!" or "We're
under attack!" will mean
2. Save. Save. Save. Every time you reach a new that when they do wake up, they will think nothing of
area, save your game. I can't it and just assume they
emphasize this enough. You'll save yourself a lot of nodded off. If they did get spooked before falling
frustration. There are many asleep or if you use stun
parts of this run that will literally take you hours of methods (such as CQC or the Mk. II, etc), the enemy
trial and error to beat. will wake up and call for
When you finally do get it right, you don't want to backup immediately. So my point is that although
just mess it up 5 minutes you want to conserve ammo, you
later and have to do it all over again do you? Save. might want to use tranquilizers to avoid later trouble.
Always save.
8. Timing is everything. Sometimes, I will do
3. Don't fumble around in the pause menu. You don't
"running" sequences, where we just
need to. The only time you
want to get through an area by moving as fast as
should go there is to save your game. The other
possible. Certain factors like
exception is when fighting the
where guards will be and so forth are contingent on
bosses when you need to switch for a better weapon.
you running full speed, not
crouching or anything like that when I say so,
4. Be very cautious. In Extreme, the enemy's senses
otherwise things can fall out of
are heightened to superhero
flux and you may run into an enemy at the wrong
level. They can hear you coming easily, they can see
time. I'll try to be as specific
you from a mile away. You
as I can in my directions.
have to adjust to this and always be careful. Make
sure nobody is watching you
9. Avoid Caution phases as much as possible. This
and get used to moving very slowly when sneaking
somewhat goes along with
up on an enemy. If you're one
number 6. Caution phases will make your life a living
of those with unsteady hands, you might be in
hell because the PMCs
trouble. You always need to be
come out in swarms and sometimes they just so
tilting the Left Analog Stick slightly enough to move
happen to be coming too close to
slowly. If you twitch and
you and bam, you're found. Cautions can be tough to
make Snake move any faster, boom, you're caught.
avoid sometimes because
enemies stay incapacitated for very short intervals
5. Get used to using weapons/items you may not
on Extreme. So, if you
have used much before. In
avoid having to tranquilize guards all together, you
particular, the Stun Knife and the Mk. II. The Stun
save yourself some stress.
Knife is sometimes a better
If you do tranquilize enemies, try to move out of the
alternative than the Mk. 2, and the Mk. II is
area fast enough that a
sometimes better to use without
Caution phase will not ruin it for you.
getting directly involved. When you can avoid it
though, don't use the Mk. II,
10. Do not waste time hiding bodies. There is
absolutely no need for it. I know *-More on 5A-*
this contradicts number 9's "avoid Caution" idea, but It has been confirmed that the clock does actually
you'd be better off run during Act installs.
spending that time trying to get through the area in a You can shave about 5 minutes off you total time if
faster way. Don't hide you know how to get around
bodies unless you really need to. this. The trick is to always save your game when
asked to at the end of each
11. Make extra saves. Definitely do this. For starters, Act. Do so and then when the act is installed, exit the
after you load your game and then reload
completed game file to start on Extreme, the first your save. It will reload the save to the beginning of
save you should make should the next act again, but
be in a separate slot, NOT overwriting your old one. it will have already been installed so you can just
Do this because so that in pick up and go (thanks to
the worst case scenario, say you just really, honest to crimsonriver for the tip).
God, cannot beat the
BBE. If you wind up with a save file in the middle of When the clock isn't running:
the damn thing, you can't
go back to play the game with all your old stuff, so 1. When an area is loading.
you'd have to start a new
file and get everything over again! Then, on top of It was previously thought by myself and other people
that, while you're going that holding the PS button
through, it's a good idea to make separate files for down to get to the options menu would stop the
tricky parts and always clock. This is apparently not
have a safety net in case you mess up and get a kill true. Whether this was the case before and a
and accidentally save it firmware update changed this, or
or something. Saving takes a few seconds so a good if it has always been the case, I am not certain. Just
idea is to make a separate know that this does not
save file when you're roughly halfway through each stop the clock at all! (thanks to a few people for this).
So just to summarize, skip cutscenes and so forth
Beating the Clock and just don't let the "Press
----------------- Start Button" message stay there for like a half hour.
One of the tougher parts of this challenge is meeting I did that once
the 5 hour requirement. accidentally and wondered why my time was like an
I'll address here what counts as time and therefore extra half hour than it should
what you should do to save have been. Bleh. The install for each act takes 2
it. As I mentioned before, you can afford in this minutes, and you might be
expedition to take a little compelled to go grab a drink or a snack. That's fine,
extra time here and there, but don't let all the extra just don't leave the game
seconds add up too much. unattended! The clock isn't running during the install,
If you save time in small bunches of seconds every but once it's done, it
so often, suddenly you're starts up again. Once you can hit Start, hit it!
shaving a minute or two or three off your time.

When the clock runs: _________________

/ Walkthrough \
1. During general gameplay --/ \---------------------------------
2. While on the pause menu and any submenus
3. During cutscenes
4. Any time an area is done loading Without further ado, let's get started shall we? Skip
5. During and after installs all of the cutscenes in
6. During codec calls the beginning and get right to the action. Let's go.
7. During the two Credits sequences

_ _ _
1A. Get through areas faster (this is what the / \ ___| |_ / |
walkthrough is for!) / _ \ / __| __| | |
2A. Cut down the time you spend on the pause _________________________________
menu, in Weapon and Item menus / ___ \ (__| |_ | | __________/ LIQUID SUN Big Boss
3A. Skip all cutscenes Emblem \_____
4A. When the "Press Start Button" message appears, /_/ \_\___|\__| |_| / (bbe1)
hit it right away \_________________________________/
5A. Always press start when "PRESS START BUTTON" ______________________/
appears (also read next part)
6A. Skip codec calls Skip the opening scenes and whatnot. Time to get
7A. Have a cushion of more than 15 minutes before this train rolling.
you beat the final boss
Middle East - Ground Zero Do NOT stand up here, to your left is a small room
------------------------- and a window, and PMCs will
Alright, once you have control, move immediately to be looking inside. Keep OctoCamo on and crawl
the left. Ignore the Ration through. Watch out for the body
tucked away under the truck; you do not need it here, because getting too close will cause Snake to
because you can't use healing get up. Crawl forward to get
items anyway. Unless you want to appease the rebels to the big pile of rubble in front of you. Crawl
(which I won't be doing in underneath and then you'll see
this guide anyway), don't waste time getting it. Crawl the rebel get killed by the PMC. Stay still and watch.
under the left truck for He'll signal for his
a scene. Skip it. other PMC friend to move up. They'll both start
moving. Wait a second or two,
After that, grab the AK-102 and move down the street then get out and crouch. Easy on that Analog Stick
for the next scene. After friend, move slowly so they
that, move left and go up the stairs. On the second won't hear you. I mean that, move slowly and sneak
floor, roll out of the hole up on them.
in the wall. Now turn right and go onto the main
street. The Gekko will see you Again, you can make a choice here. I find the best
most likely, but it won't alert you so just keep way to take care of this is
moving. Charge down the main to wait until the right PMC starts to veer toward the
street all the way toward the end. Watch out for the doorway. Take out your
other incoming Gekko by Stun Knife and shock the left PMC to knock him out.
staying to the right. Quickly slip under the archway After that, SLOWLY catch up
to start the next scene. with the other PMC and use some CQC to knock him
Skip it and we'll move on to the next area. Save your out fast. After that, proceed
game. down the alley. Move slowly and get up to the crates.
Remember that the PMCs can
Middle East - Red Zone NW Sector hear you easily, so do not jump the gun. Wait for
-------------------------------- them to start moving to the
Ok, here's your first challenge. Immediately turn the left and let them get a good head start. You don't
corner and then duck into want to blow it here. Wait
the opening on the right. Run full speed through this for them to move and then very slowly, while
area to the next room. You crouching, move out. If for some
will get the scene of the APC rolling up and the PMCs reason there is a PMC moving to the right, wait for
piling out (get used to him too and then just knock
seeing this scene a lot unless you get through here him out with CQC. When the coast is clear, get to the
on your first few tries). container and then run for
Enter the crawlspace quickly and get to the other the door. You're done. Save your game immediately.
side. The PMCs and Rebels will
start shooting it out. Now you can go about this next Middle East - Red Zone
part one of two ways. The ----------------------
quick way which is only to save time, is more risky. I found this area to be less annoying. From the start,
The safer way is of course, move to the right and
less risky, but will cost you an extra few seconds. enter the building here. Quickly run up to the open
doorway here but do not go
The problem here is two PMCs on your left in the through it; go behind the door. One, perhaps even
street who will run up to the two PMCs will see something
damaged car. Your destination is the opening directly and come to investigate. Just chill behind that door
near that car. If you and do not move. Angle the
crawl up to it immediately after leaving the camera so you can see clearly. Wait until the PMCs
crawlspace, the enemies will see disperse and then get ready
you, but if you OctoCamo activated, they will only be to move. A third PMC will have probably walked
confused. Keep moving and through the door. Wait until he
enter the doorway, continuing to crawl until you get turns around and just CQC him quickly. Proceed into
around the next corner. At the small room with a few
that point, keep moving. The PMC that saw you will crates. Turn to the right a little and you should see
come inside to investigate the stairway. If a PMC is
but shouldn't follow you around the corner. coming down, hide. If not, proceed upstairs and
carefully locate him. Take him
The other way is, from the crawlspace, lay flat for a out or if his back is turned, just slowly slip away.
while and wait for the two Approach the opening in the
PMCs to move up. When they are visible, start wall and roll out onto the ledge.
moving and you can get to the side
of the car and then in the doorway. Problem is, a third Follow this ledge forward, but stay low by crawling.
PMC will see you, so There's only one PMC you
crawl inside quickly and then get around that corner have to worry about on the ground here. We want
with the crates. him to spot us however. If you
crawl near the edge where he can see you, he'll get
spooked and attempt to come
up there to find you. We want this because it gets through this area which is a very good things. You
him off the ground and clears can grab some items along the
the path for us. Get up and run all the way to the end way, but it isn't necessary. Just breeze through and
of this platform and then get to the stairway at the
drop down near the green container. Lay flat end. Move up for the Drebin scene. Skip it, then save
immediately and turn the corner a your game.
little, but don't move out too far yet. A group of PMCs
should venture off to Middle East - Urban Ruins
the left. Crawl forward to the building where the Mk. -------------------------
II is waiting. Two more Again we're gonna breeze through this area.
PMCs will appear down the alley on the street and Hopefully you should know the way
will be coming toward you and if not, throw on infrared to see the footprints to
however. Veer into the right alley and just lay flat on guide you. Get all the
the ground here, using way through, running when possible if only but to
OctoCamo. Wait for the two PMCs to come save you a few seconds. Get
investigate; they won't see you unless on the other side and drop into the hole for the next
you make a movement. After that, they too, will go scene. Skip and save.
down that street following
the others. Middle East - Downtown
By this point, there's a good chance one PMC has Another somewhat difficult area. Hopefully you still
awakened and started a Caution have that disguise on. Move
Phase. Not a big deal. If this is the case, then stay in forward and hug the wall. Turn immediately when you
the alley. Don't move! get the chance to. Head down
Reason is, four or five more PMCs will charge down the alley where a group of rebels will be waiting at
and then make that turn like the end. Turn left where
the others did. Once they do, you're free to move. they are and follow the others down this bazaar area.
Crawl out of that alley, Through the archway you'll
turn the corner and immediately turn right to go into find the area with the snipers. Turn left here and go
the opening of the down the alley. There are
building. Another PMC may see you with his super two openings on your right. Turn right at the second
powered magnifying eyesight, one to find a bunch of
but it will be too late. You should be in and once you boxes. Climb over and enter the adjacent alleyway.
are, get up and run
forward to trigger a cutscene. Skip it. We're almost To your left you can see a whole bunch of PMCs.
through here. Worry not, for they won't see
you. Just get near the very next alley but do not
After the scene, you'll be armed with new goodies. enter. Stay to the side as an
From here, wait for the three APC rolls forward. Wait for it to move down the street
PMCs to move. Follow them out onto the battlefield. or else it will see you.
You can either wait for them When it's passed, go down that alley and then turn
again to move, or try to knock them out with some right. Keep moving past one
Mk. 2 rounds. Either way, more alley. On your right will be the PMCs at the
after that barricade, move to the left, down the alley. other end of the "sniper
Turn right down the next area". Ignore them and enter the building right in
alley and get toward the street. An APC will roll up front of you. Go down the
past you. Get on the ground hall and turn left. Run up to the window and roll out.
and crawl behind the APC to the other side of the
street. Go around to the left Turn right here and you'll enter a large alley with a
of the APC and before you get near the PMCs, go to big blue van. Get behind
the left and in the wall it immediately and wait for the PMCs to come near
there you should see a crawlspace. Get inside and you. Carefully and slowly get
crawl all the way down, then on the right side of the van so you remain
to the left. On the other end you'll be near the rebels. undiscovered. Now ditch your disguise
Here's where you should and put OctoCamo Auto back on. Proceed forward a
put on your M. E. Rebel disguise. Do it fast and then little until you get to the
get out of the crawlspace. spot where the light is shining on the wall. Hug this
The reason we want this is because on Extreme, wall immediately and let
rebels can alert you as well. On OctoCamo take effect. Two more PMCs will burst out
top of that, we just don't want to waste time getting and then after a brief pause,
them to like Snake so do they will venture down the alley. Wait for them to
it easier with the disguise. With the disguise on, just move, then slowly move away.
go forward and then to When you're far enough, start running and go down
the left and duck into the hideout. the alley and turn the corner.

Middle East - Militia Safehouse Crouch again here and hug the right wall. Keep
------------------------------- moving and don't stop. Approach
Ok, keep that disguise on. As long as you have it on, the street with the damaged car and go in between it
you can just run straight and the wall. Now venture
out into the street and go to the other side, the left dispatch them fast and move on. The first will come
side of the street. Spot from across the gap on the
the crawlspace in the wall here, in between two opposite walkway. Wait until you see movement,
stacks of crates and go inside. then fire a Stun Grenade across
Put your rebel disguise back on crawl out to the other to take them out. The second will come from right
side. Go under the low behind you, on the stairway
overhang and you'll be on the rebel side of the that you just took. Wait here and when they show up,
current battle. They won't alert lob one (don't use the MGL)
you with the disguise on so go across this small so that they'll all be taken out. You want to aim this
street to the pillars. Turn grenade so that it lands
left under this small roof and you'll see the door halfway up the stairs. For best results, aim it sort of
leading into the next area. into the wall. After
Save now. that, you and your allies can move on.

Middle East - Advent Palace Enter the restaurant area, which is where most of Rat
--------------------------- Pt 01 should be moving
If you haven't fired a shot yet like me, there's really into. Quickly proceed into the room adjacent to the
no need to look for any kitchen where there is a
ammo or items. Just venture up the stairs and onto lot of things blocking your way and two doors at the
the rooftop area. Any traps end. Take the right door
you encounter along the way, just shoot them quickly and you'll get behind two FROGs. You have the
with your Operator. Get to choice of trying to peek out the
the roof, enter the bar, then the hallway after that for door and tranquilizing them (Mk. 2 or Solar Gun), or if
the scenes. Skip them you want to be safe
and save. Now for the challenging fight with the (because they can spot you easily), use the Mk. II,
FROGs. the robot, to sneak up on
them with stealth on and shock them. You can also of
-->BOSS FIGHT - FROG UNIT<-- course, just lob another
Stun Grenade in to save some time.
Ok, this is going to be pretty tough, but quick
thinking and just overall At this point, a large group will appear in those two
knowledge of what to do will help you through. When doorways at the end of
you begin, quickly change that room I described. You're in position to ambush
your inventory to accommodate either Stun them both. From the kitchen
Grenades or the MGL-140. If you know area, get out of sight of the doorway you came from,
how to handle the MGL-140 and the blast it produces, because two FROGs will
use it. If you don't want appear inside there. Expect them and throw a Stun
to get blinded, just use Stun Grenades. If you use the Grenade inside. When they're
MGL, remember to set it down, enter the small room and look out the
for Stun Grenades before firing. doorway. You'll be behind a few more
FROGs who are dukeing it out with Rat Pt 01. Shoot
Anyways, when you start, get out of the bar area and them with the Mk. 2 or Solar
strafe to the left so you Gun. Then, a few more will appear again in the
can shoot down the alley. Fire a Stun Grenade and kitchen/lounge area. Make sure
knock those FROGs out. The you find them fast and use the Mk. II if possible to
third in front of you should go down with gunfire from save ammo and also reduce
your allies. Hurry down the risk you'll take. When all the FROGs go down,
that alley where the stunned ones are. Turn around hurry out of that area onto
here and a whole group will the walkway and down the stairs to the next area.
land on the scaffolding above you and on the rooftop.
You could shoot them with Down here, you're stuck in this area until the
your Mk. 2, but save your bullets. Use the Solar Gun, dialogue passes. The FROGs will
or instead, just wait. appear on the adjacent and upper walkways and a
Three FROGs will land in front of you. One by one, lot of them will be gunning for
CQC them all to stun them. you and in very little time you'll be a seeing nothing
Remember always to use CQC on FROGs when they but black. To avoid this,
have their back to you, otherwise move to the right part of the walkway, where there is
it will probably backfire. After the three are down, a broken pillar. Lay down
head into the open area, here and move back a little so you can see the upper
and aim with your Solar Gun or Mk. 2 on the wall to walkway. From here you'll
the left. Eventually a FROG be protected from the FROGs on the adjacent
should stick to the wall here, unless Rat Pt 01 got it. walkway, and you'll have a great
When the FROG appears, shot at the ones above. Also, before the action starts,
shoot her in the head. After that, move on with the lay down and play dead
group downstairs. (hold Triangle) and recover any health you may have
lost. Remember not to use
In the next area, you need to expect the two waves any healing items. When the FROGs appear, start
of FROGs so that you can aiming at them up on the walkway
above. Be deliberate in your shots, make them count Stick with the Mk. 2 here. Wait for the tank to roll up,
as you have only so much and more PMCs will
ammo. When the members of Rat Pt 01 start saying probably come to replace the others. Aim at a few
"Switch out!" and "It's all others, but don't waste too
you!", it's time to get moving. Head into the many bullets. Eventually, use the tank as cover and
bathroom area. leave the alcove, hugging
the right wall. The PMCs at the next corner will be
Here, stay near the stalls, but in a position so that actually pretty close to
you can't be seen from the you, but surprisingly, they will not alert you. Stick
door you just passed. Use the Mk. II, and when the close to the right wall
wall goes down, send it and crawl forward. Keep moving and if PMCs get too
through the hole. Keep stealth on and wait for the close, use some quick Mk. 2
FROGs to filter into this shots to dispatch them. Keep crawling, entering
area and they all have their backs turned. Now take under the area with the
them out one by one with pillars. Get up to the large ditch. Worry not about the
the Mk. II's stun whip. Make sure no others are PMCs; again, they
coming, then deactivate the shouldn't be able to alert you. Get up and cross the
Mk. II and return to Snake. Outside the door you just ditch, then on the other
used to get here, there side, crawl again.
will be two other FROGs. Just quickly lob a Stun
Grenade out there to take them You should see a lone PMC leave the safety of cover
out. That should do it. Move with Rat Pt 01 into the behind the blue van and run
hallway for a quick scene forward, taking refuge behind a wall. Take aim at him
you can't skip. After that, drop down and enter the and with a headshot, he'll
bar area. go down. Now keep crawling forward until you get to
the debris. Go around this
Get the Solar Gun out. If you don't have it, you'll just corner and keep favoring the right side. Move up
have to use the Mk. 2. until you get to the destroyed
When the bulldozer takes out the adjacent wall, turn car. Go around it, then a little bit further. Now turn
away from the incoming left and go across the
flashbangs. After that, take aim at the FROGs before street into the small area where the sandbag PMCs
they start moving. Make are. Ignore them and just go
sure to charge the Solar Gun fully before firing, as a for the ladder. Climb up, go around this building
fully charged shot will using the walkway, and then
take them down. Use the bar to duck in between drop down on the other side for a scene. Skip it and
shots so you don't take too much save.
damage. Also try to line up so that the pillars in this
area will block a few of Middle East - Millennium Park
the other enemies. Do whatever you can to -----------------------------
minimalize damage. Use Stun Grenades From here, go around the topped over bulldozer and
as well. When the threat is over, move with Meryl's around the next corner, you
team into the next area for can see the next two PMCs. They're fair game for the
a scene. Skip it, then drop the elevator and approach Solar Gun if you wish to
them for one more scene. save some ammo, but it's slightly risky. The next four
Skip it and save your game. With that over, proceed PMCs (these two included
up the hill, over the boxes, can be dispatched with the Solar Gun, but it could
and around the corner. lead to a quick Caution
phase. This is sort of irrelevant however, since you're
Hopefully at this point, you're averaging roughly 30 gonna wind up getting a
minutes or less. The fewer Caution here anyway most likely. So if you want, go
the better. If you're at 40, not a big deal. Much more ahead and use a fully
than that could spell charged Solar Gun shot on the first PMC. The other
trouble later on, but it's serviceable. will most likely be startled
and run forward a bit. Before he gets on the horn
Middle East - Crescent Meridian with his buddies, fire another
------------------------------- fully charged shot.
Before you venture too far out, make sure you put on
the rebel disguise or else Now creep forward a bit but keep your eyes set on
you'll be paying for it very shortly. Once it's on, head the distance and don't move
out and watch the quick too far out. Another PMC in the background will be
scene with the tank. After that, veer into the alcove patrolling. Lay low and wait
on the right. Move up for him to walk to the left. Fire a fully charged Solar
until you can see the PMCs through the opening. Take Gun shot at him, or
aim at first at the one in just use the Mk. 2 if you must. Keep moving forward,
the window above. Don't use your Solar Gun here and pan the camera so you
since enemies can see the blast, can see down the adjacent street. One more PMC,
causing an alert. standing watch outside the
gate. Take him out as well, but use the Mk. 2 this
time if you want, or of
course, if you have no other choice.
Skip all the scenes and codec conversations. You're
Now, move slowly into the alley with the dumpster. done with Act 1. You'll see
Stay in a crouch position and your stats. Hopefully there are no kills or alerts, or
move slowly up the stairs. A PMC is up here. Just wait anything else. Your clear
on the stairwell and time for this Act is hopefully decent. 45 minutes is
watch him walk by. When he turns his back on you, decent/average. Around 40
pounce! No, not literally. minutes is good, and anything less is really good. If
Just sneak up on him and CQC him. Now venture into you got 50 minute clear
the adjacent hallway and time, that's ok too. Anything more than 50 minutes
enter the door. By now, a Caution has probably can be a problem later on
sprung up, which can lead to and if it's even worse, you might want to start over.
problems, but it can be overcome. In this room, you
can see the plaza area below
and the group of PMCs patrolling the place. Put _ _ ____
OctoCamo back on quick, and when / \ ___| |_ |___ \
the PMCs aren't looking, drop down. Let OctoCamo / _ \ / __| __| __) |
take effect and slowly crawl _________________________________
out. / ___ \ (__| |_ / __/ __________/ SOLID SUN Big
Boss Emblem \____
The backup group that was sent in due to the Caution /_/ \_\___|\__| |_____| / (bbe2)
phase will probably whisk \_________________________________/
through here. They are a variable that you can ___________________________/
neutralize and play off of. Since
PMCs are all over this area, you should tranquilize
any coming toward you or any Skip the Mission Briefing scenes, and save your
in your path with the Mk. 2. If the patrol group sees game. Then skip the subsequent
the downed PMC, they'll cutscenes and the codec call. Let's begin.
go deal with him, and won't even be a factor for you.
Take advantage of this, Start by laying low immediately. The PMCs below will
and using OctoCamo, crawl from the opening that see you otherwise and come
you dropped down into, to the up to investigate. Lay down and crawl up to the cliff's
left. Keep moving in this direction toward the wall. edge. From here you can
Now turn right and find the see the scene below. Whether you want to save the
opening in the wall. Crawl under here to reach the rebels or not, it coincides
final area. You're very close with taking out the PMCs which is a must. Chances
so don't screw up here. are all the rebels will get
blown away though, so don't worry about them
One thing that will help you immensely here, much.
especially since Caution phase will
not go away most likely, is the radar. Keep the Solid By now, you're probably running low on Mk. 2 ammo.
Eye on and pay attention We're gonna procure some soon
to those bright circles on your radar to know the so don't worry. Take aim at each PMC below with the
enemy movement. From the hole Mk. 2. Headshots if you can
in the wall, crawl forward and go around the big get them are preferred. When the rebels start
truck, going to the right. Now, fighting back, shoot at the other
crawl toward the boxes, again keeping OctoCamo on PMCs that start to appear, including the one at the
and watching that radar. If far end near the barn. Save'
any PMCs are in your way or you think they might on your MK. 2 ammo by using the Mosin Nagant.
see you, take them out. Crawl Now, I know you're thinking, "It's
around the big boxes and proceed toward the tents. too risky!" Yes, the Mosin Nagant, is a risky weapon
Take a look around and when to use. But I prefer it in
it's safe, keep moving, going in between the tents. some situations, especially to save on ammo. The
Now, at this point, if any rule of thumb with it, is to
PMCs see you, they'll do their usual "Is something never fire it on enemies in groups, or else you'll be
there?" and walk over to alerted. Use the Mosin
investigate routine. If you just keep moving, you Nagant on single enemies that are a distance away
should be fine. Crawl between from you. This usually ensures
the tents and if a PMC is following you, turn around you won't be discovered. Take out each PMC and
quick and plug him in the then we'll prepare for the valley
head with a Mk. 2 round. Keep moving. When you get area. Don't worry about the rebels if they survived;
to the wall, look both ways. they will love Snake so
A few PMCs could be around due to the Caution you don't need the disguise.
phase, so just lay still if things
are busy. Wait for them to disperse, then tranquilize There's items all around here in the various buildings,
any others in this spot. but we're only
When the coast is finally clear, crawl toward the red interested in one. In the barn, go to the small alcove
door. If the radar is behind the ladder. Here
clear, get up and walk through.
you will find some ammo for the Mk. 2. Good. Save it Skip the codec call and save. Move up and stay to
as much as you can. Now the left. Take out your Mosin
proceed into the valley, with or without the rebels. Nagant and when the path to the right opens, find
the two sniper PMCs on the
far ledge and snipe them both. Now you can move to
Head up the slope. Near the first small tree, you
the right. Move forward while
should be able to get a good
hugging the right wall this entire time. The rebels will
vantage point on a PMC in the distance. Use infrared
get on their front and
to help you. Line him up in
engage the PMCs at the Power Station, but as long as
the Mosin Nagant crosshairs and take him down.
you lay back, you won't be
Move up carefully. On this
discovered. Keep moving along the right wall until
terrace area, some enemies are close and simply
you find the opening path
above you on higher plateaus.
leading up. Get up here now.
Use the camera and the radar appropriately to make
sure you don't venture out
At the top there is a path to the right that leads
too far.
down. If you want to be safe,
use the Mosin Nagant to snipe some of the PMCs
Proceed further down the first path, but before
near the right wall of the
climbing up the first ledge, try
station. Proceed down the slope and use the various
to get a few more enemies in your sights. Don't use
objects for cover. Keep
the Mosin Nagant here; go
moving until you get near the opening in the fence,
with the Mk. 2 again. Stay low and if one sees you,
right after the big vehicle.
don't panic, just let him
Two pesky PMCs are in here so don't get even
get closer and make your shot before you're alerted.
remotely close. Just use some Mk. 2
Once again, before climbing
rounds from afar and when they both go down,
the first ledge, make sure you've got a good
continue over to where they are.
breathing room. Climb up and then
go to the left. Use the Mk. 2 and take out a few more
It's in your best interest at this point to let the rebels
PMCs. Chances are, some of
take the Power
their buddies will see them and come over to wake
Station and destroy it. Just wait until one of them
them up. Try to take them out
lumbers in and chucks a
as well. Use the Mosin Nagant if the enemies are
grenade inside. When everything is destroyed,
isolated, but only if. It's
proceed along the road for a bunch
always a risk so be wary of that. Climb up the next
of scenes. Skip them all. You don't have to save now
few plateaus and if the
if you want to save a few
coast is clear, proceed past the small hut and into
seconds. Just keep moving and take the left path,
the small valley for a codec
following the rebels.
call. Skip it and save.
Along this path are a lot of goodies. You can pick
Hurry forward and you'll meet up with some more
them up for DP and the like
rebels. As you move closer, look
if you wish, but don't waste time scavenger hunting
to the right for a broken tree trunk with a small
too long. You can find some
wooden table laying next to
V-Ring ammo and Mk. 2 ammo along this path. When
it. To the right of it is a small crawlspace with Mk. 2
you near the end, take the left
ammo. Grab it and move
exit, because it will put you in very good position to
on. Around the bend you'll encounter more PMCs.
skip the Confinement
Again, infrared will help make
things clear for you. Wait til one PMC strolls out from
behind a rock, and then
South America - Confinement Facility
headshot him. A few more will try to sneak in from
the right, so without getting
You'll emerge on the red plateaus. Lay flat
too close, shoot them as well. There will probably be
immediately as a patrol APC whizzes
at least one more in front
by. When it's gone, move up and to the left. Stay
of you so take him down as well.
amongst the rocks, avoiding
the main road and just take the left path. You'll
The rebels will move up, but we want to go right, so if
encounter one PMC near the
it's safe, scurry over
road. Tranquilize him with one shot from the Mk. 2
to the passage to the right. As you pass the big rock
and then move on. Another PMC
that divides this small
is on the road up ahead, but you can ignore him.
circular path that you'll be passing on your left, make
Proceed toward the smaller
sure the PMC there
prison facility.
isn't looking your way. Move into that passage now
and on a ledge to your right
From the hill leading into this area, whip out your
is a PMC. You can ignore him and just crawl past, or
Mosin Nagant and take aim
tranquilize him when he
at the soldiers you can see. There should be one on
isn't looking and run to the next area.
the right, one on the left,
and one in the guard tower you can see. Take them
South America - Power Station
all out and move toward the
closest building. Slowly pass the wall of the building prepare for a fight. First you'll have to get through
and you'll see a PMC the FROGs.
guarding the doorway. Chances are another PMC
from further away will spot you The best thing to do is to get in a good position to
from the windows. Try to take out the guy in the ambush them and take them
doorway first, and then fire a down quickly. Each group goes down certain paths
round through the windows at the other, but you can and if you know which routes
probably ignore him in the they take you can get through them faster. Besides
end when the rebels break free and start fighting the Mk. 2, you can also use
back. Now move up, going Sleep Mine satchels and plant them in the halls the
past the vehicle to the right. Make sure nobody is on FROGs will be going through.
the left, then move down It will rarely work on all of them at once, but it will be
this path to the right of the guard tower. Enter the a nice alternative.
corridor here to move to
the next area. Get through each group fast and then you'll fight the
big one.
South America - Vista Mansion
You'll be on a high ledge, and it will take you right to -->BOSS FIGHT - LAUGHING OCTOPUS<--
the gates. Don't move
too fast though, as there are PMCs below you. Use This fight isn't too tough if you have the necessary
the Mk. 2 on them and take weapons. The two big ones
them out. For the ones further away on the hill, use are the Rail Gun and M82A2. If you're looking to do
the Mosin Nagant, if only this as fast as possible,
to help out your rebel buddies. If not, just move up this is the way to do it. From the start, try to fire off a
along the path and it will round from the
take you to the gates for a quick scene you can't M82A2 right away. Octopus will be knocked down and
skip. As the bulldozer takes then she'll disappear. Always
out the gate, scurry inside and to the left. Keep let her bombs cling to you. After they're on, just roll
moving and in the far corner to shake them off.
in the direction you're going, you can find some Mk. 2
ammo tucked away near a Octopus' first hiding spot is always down the hall
drum can. Now move to the right and go around the around the corner, standing
hedges toward the mansion. near the pillar. Get close and fully charge the Rail
Gun and fire at her head.
One thing to watch for is replacement PMCs coming The damage won't be much, especially for a fully
down the left perimeter of the charged shot, but it's the best
building. Make sure that path is clear before you've got. She'll probably disappear and launch her
proceeding. At least two PMCs will bombs again; just let them
be guarding the door, dukeing it out with the rebels. cling and shake them off. Now just find her next
Chuck a Stun Grenade in hiding spot. If you need a
there to knock them both out, then hurry through the reminder, this includes the painting at the end of the
door. Inside here, lay low adjacent hallway, on the
immediately on the red carpet next to the coffee ceiling of the hallway, in the ceiling of the lab room,
table. A PMC will rush through as a machine in the lab
the door and then through the one you just came room, as a marionette opposite the real one, and in a
through. Take the Mk. II out and box in the storage closet.
send it through the door. Find the other PMC and stun
him. Now as Snake, get up Snuff her out and fire a fully charged Rail Gun shot
and hurry up the stairs. Go down the hallway, and file always. If she attacks, use
into the room. Find the the M82A2 and try to take her out. When she uses
door that will give you access to the roof; it should be her gun, I find sometimes I can
clear. Hurry left along avoid some damage if I crouch. I don't know maybe
the roof, find the small deck and drop through the it's just luck.
Eventually she'll change into the Mk. II. Follow her
In the cellar area, just move through until you find and charge up the Rail Gun
the small room on the right as you're turning the corner. When it's locked and
after turning a corner. Exactly across from this loaded, shoot at her to take
doorway (to your left before off a little more health. She'll likely disappear again.
entering) is a pack of Mk. 2 ammo. Inside you can After this, she'll
find some Stun Grenades and disguise herself as a downed FROG and later Naomi.
V-Ring ammo. Continue through until you get to the Again use the Rail Gun. When
ladder. she starts coming out of the windows and attacking,
use the M82A2 or an
South America - Research Lab automatic weapon like an assault rifle. Always stay
---------------------------- close to the beds or a crate
Skip all the scenes and save when prompted to do at this point, since she might use the rolling attack. If
so. Skip the next scene and she balls up, start
running immediately and get to higher ground. Then the right path from here and you'll come across a
when she unwraps herself, small dilapidated building.
fire with the M82A2. Wait for her to appear again and One PMC will be outside, so take him out quick. The
keep firing until you've other is inside, too
won. occupied with "reading material". Take him out too
and the Mk. 2 ammo is tucked
Beast is gone, now for the Beauty, which you have to away on the right side. Grab it and go.
(obviously) revert back to
non-lethal weapons for. Now go down this next path but be very careful,
because it's tough to expect
-->BOSS FIGHT - LAUGHING BEAUTY<-- when you become visible and the next PMC will be
right there so move slow and
The Solar Gun is a good choice here. Two fully get down. Get him in your sights and take him out.
charged shots is all you need. From here, take the right
The downside is that getting a shot in isn't easy. It path and it will lead to the river. Cross for a
shouldn't take too long checkpoint, where you should
however. If you're more comfortable, or if you don't definitely save. Take the left path, the longer one.
have the Solar Gun, use the The other takes you right
M820 with V-Ring ammo. It will work handily as well. past a FROG. Remember that they can sniff out the
Use either method to win. sound the Solid Eye makes so
try to trust it less. Don't be afraid to hit pause and
One down, three to go. Skip the following scenes and check your map every once
codec calls, then save your in a while. Again, knowing the overall layout of most
game. of these paths helps a
South America - Mountain Trail
----------------------------- As you enter this next area, pay attention to the
Hopefully, if you've been through this area a few boulder on your left. On the
times, you have a general idea other side is a FROG. Crawl past until she is in your
of which way to go. Try not to sightsee or spend time sight and then pop her
grabbing unnecessary item with the Mk. 2. Now take the central path from here.
drops. It's the one that makes a
small left turn then goes down a long way. Keep the
For starters, head down the path to reach the first Solid Eye off and go down
open area with multiple here slowly. When you reach this intersection, a
paths. You shouldn't have used any Mk. 2 ammo in FROG will be on your immediate
the Octopus fight, but if you left; she's hard to see. Take her out with one shot and
used a lot on the FROGs before her, or just are low on only one shot, then
ammo in general, you can crawl to the right.
take the middle path. You'll find a guy at the waterfall
relieving himself. When it's safe, get up and scurry onward. In the next
Sneak up on him and hold him up and if you can area, take the central
successfully pat him down, you'll path again and you'll navigate around a rock column.
get some Mk. 2 ammo. If you have a good amount, Chances are a FROG will
ignore this path to save time, spot you and want to come over to investigate.
or save a couple seconds by using a fully charged Before she gets too close, take
Solar Gun shot instead. Either her out with a few tranquilizer rounds. Now go down
way, proceed down the left path to reach a bridge. the only path here and hug
the left wall. Move forward and take out the PMC you
One thing to note is that within a few of the last find. Keep moving in this
several areas (this includes direction. You'll find the path cutting across here so
Act 1), you've gotten away with getting really close go right down this path.
to enemies, mostly because Find the entrance here and go inside.
they've been dealing with rebels and so forth. In this
area you're by yourself, Skip the scenes and save. You'll start the APC
so that super sight of the PMCs is back more or less. sequence. It's not a bad idea to
This goes the same for the make a separate save file here.
guy you're about to run into on the other side of the
bridge. If he's in view, South America - Vista Mansion
stay low and then try to shoot him with the Mk. 2. -----------------------------
Now you'll have a few more Remember, you can't kill anyone, so don't bother
paths to choose from. with the turret for now. When
you reach the gate, the powered suits will appear. If
Take the right path, with the stack of crates near a you have the Solar Gun,
tree. Go down here to reach use it. As for the PMCs that climb up after you, just
a new area. Lay low and take out the PMC on the hill use CQC and don't kill
directly in front of you them. Don't let them hit Snake too much, you'll need
with your Mk. 2. Again, if you need ammo for it, the health. When Drebin
there's a spot nearby. Take starts moving, you're clear.
stall on the left. Definitely grab the if you have none.
South America - Confinement Facility Cross the threshold and
------------------------------------ you're done with Act 2. Nice
Your first encounter with Gekko. You are of course
permitted to shoot them, but Hopefully you finished Act 2 with a combined time of
you would probably die if you didn't so.... yeah. Take roughly 1 hour, 25 minutes.
aim at them but again, That's pretty good if so. If it took you an hour and a
watch for the crazy PMCs. Don't let them gang up on half, that's decent.
you, so you'll have to start Close to an hour is great. If you got more it's kinda
a juggling act between them and the Gekkos. The ehh, but doable. Actually,
constant smokescreens don't make if you wound up with like 2 hours or more, you might
it easy, so do your best to take them out. Also, be actually still be able to
very, very careful of a PMC do this, believe it or not. If you're not confident
that likes to climb up the front of the APC. You may though, reload an old save.
never even notice him, but Now, on to Act 3!
he'll be there, and will be directly in front of your
turret. Be careful because
it's easy to miss and you'll wind up with a kill. Drebin _ _ _____
will move on eventually / \ ___| |_ |___ /
and you'll be done with this area. / _ \ / __| __| |_ \
South America - Power Station / ___ \ (__| |_ ___) | __________/ THIRD SUN Big
----------------------------- Boss Emblem \____
Take aim at the green doors immediately. Shoot the /_/ \_\___|\__| |____/ / (bbe3)
barrels near them (I guess it \_________________________________/
helps) and just unload until Drebin turns away. Now _________________________/
take aim at the enemy APC
until it explodes once. Wait til Drebin gets in position Act 3 is really annoying to me. And no, it's not just
again and fire at the because of the infamous
doors again. On Extreme, they take a LONG time to "Bike Chase" part; I actually did that part within a few
crumble so just keep at it. tries. The Bike Chase
Eventually they will fall and you'll move on. is definitely vexing but what bothers me about Act 3
is the beginning with the
South America - High Woodland Highway resistance member. I feel like if you've been going
------------------------------------- through the BBE thus far,
The last stretch of this sequence. Not too hard. Take your "tempo" so to speak is on a certain wavelength
out the Gekko when you and you're ready to dodge
can, but Drebin will be driving all over the place. Just bullets and act sneaky and tranquilize enemies and
keep shooting and if so forth in fast paced action
you can take them out, good. None of them can sequences. Act 3 changes that tempo dramatically
really do any significant damage with this slower paced stalking
so don't worry. As you go through the valley, a few affair. Any slight mess up can screw you over here
will give chase. Try to and it gets aggravating fast.
topple them with some more fire from the turret. You can spend 5 minutes following the guy, only to
Eventually you'll escape. mess up right before you
reach the exit to the area and have to do it all over
South America - Marketplace again. Perhaps you don't
--------------------------- understand what the hell I'm talking about and that's
This is it. One last area. Prep your Rail Gun. From the fine. Let's get started.
starting point, head to
the left, and go down the alley. Turn the corner and Skip a whole bunch of scenes and you'll be prompted
start charging the Rail to save. You can if you
Gun. When the Gekko appears, fire at its head with a want, but you'll be saving in the first area anyway so
fully charged shot. No it's up to you. Skip a
doubt the APC sequence, being out in the sun so few more scenes and then you'll finally be out on the
long, has taken a huge toll on street.
Snake's psyche so your aiming will be a little difficult.
Turn here after the Eastern Europe - Midtown S Sector
first one is down and charge again. Wait for one ---------------------------------
Gekko to appear from the left From the start, ignore Otacon and jump into the item
and take it down as well. Now turn left and go down menu quickly to swap the
the street toward the finish Scanning Plug for the Solid Eye. Also take the Mk. 2
line. A Gekko will appear at your rear flank and start and keep it handy. Remember
firing, so do a zigzag that when you're running as Snake, the gun is visible;
to hopefully avoid a little damage. Charge the Rail if he's walking it's in
Gun again and fire at the his pocket. Remember that when you're near
one blocking your exit. If you want, grab the Chaff enemies. Also you should wear a
Grenades in the very last FaceCamo other than Snake's faces. Otacon, or the
Beauty ones will do. This will
shield you from Alerts during this first part and allow will not be a problem but I just figured I'd mention it.
you to get closer to the When they're down, and
PMCs. our guy is done with his business, keep following
him. The resistance member
Turn the corner and go down the street. You'll see the will go to the far wall then proceed forward and see
resistance member appear the two downed PMCs. Wait
from his hiding spot. Save now. Now you can either for him to go down the stairs. Before you follow, grab
wait and follow him or you the Mk. 2 ammo tucked
can run ahead and clear the area out. One thing I away here. Now catch up to him.
noticed while doing the latter
a few times during this area was that if you run too From here our guy will cross the street toward the big
far ahead, leaving the ramp, taking the side
resistance member in your dust, he will not move at alley. Here is where you need to get in front of him.
all. He will just stand It's very important that
still until you get close to him again. I don't know you beat him to the next area. So while he's taking
why this is but it's the alley, run up the ramp
annoying and it can be a time waster. Mostly you can directly and get around the next corner. He might see
do this by just staying you but he shouldn't be
behind him, but there's one part in this first area you spooked and run away, he'll just stop for a second.
need to beat him to. In Keep moving and around the
any case, just follow him and be slow and quiet. corner you'll find the area with all the cars and the
stairs leading down to the
He'll go across the street and approach the staircase. next street. Our guy will come down these stairs and
In the alley here you can peek around the corner
find some Mk. 2 ammo. Grab it and then follow the before proceeding. Unfortunately, there's two PMCs
resistance member (watch the down this street and if they
can!) around the corner and then around the next aren't cleared fast enough, our guy will change plans
one until you encounter the and take a much longer,
first group of PMCs. Get out into the street a bit so much more annoying route through the sewers. We
that you're still behind do not want that, so that's why
the resistance member, but you can see both PMCs. you got here first before him.
Again, if you beat the
resistance member here you can get really close to From the upper platform with all the cars, go to the
the PMCs (so long as they left. Use the radar to see
don't see you aiming the gun at them) and that will where the PMCs are placed. Stand near the railing so
better your chances. Either you can see the first one,
way, take out both of them with the Mk. 2 and be as standing near the far wall. The other is directly below
precise as you can. If the you. Be careful here,
PMCs get spooked and call in backup, it will just very careful. Your target is very close to you so you
make things really annoying, shouldn't have any problem
so you want to be accurate and take them out with getting a headshot with the Mk. 2. If you miss, you're
no fuss. pretty much caught so be
careful. Get the headshot on the first PMC, and then
With the first two down, the resistance member the one below you will walk
moves up. Go behind the truck and over to check on him. Headshot him too. Now the
then face the next two PMCs up the hill. If you left path is cleared.
the resistance member
behind and he's still catching up, you can use the Go back and look for the resistance member. There's
Mosin Nagant on these two a chance that he hasn't
PMCs. If not you've got to use the Mk. 2 again. When moved since you're a bit far away from him. Just get
they go down, our guy will a little close and he
move up again. Follow him. He'll turn down the street should start his trademark whistling and begin
left and will eventually moving again. Get out of sight
enter the park from the adjacent street. Follow him and hide near the pillars while he approached the
into the park this way. stairs. He'll eventually go
down, see the coast is clear, and then make his
He'll stop at the fountain area, then walk down the move. Follow him but stay on the
path past the two statues. stairs. After he gets off the stairs, he typically turns
As usual, he'll stop at that point, then turn around around so if you're
and dash back to the left there he might get spooked for a second. Usually he
statue to go "bleed the lizard". Stay out of sight at never runs off, unless you
this point. While he's are wearing other FaceCamo, but it'll save time if you
doing his business, go to the left and get on the hill never let him see you.
and spot the two PMCs So wait for him to turn around again, then start
guarding the park exit. Use the Mk. 2 to tranquilize following him down the street.
them both. You can also use
the Mk. II but a stun method will make them wake up Eventually he'll get to that intersection and he will
and call for backup. This duck into the doorways of
the various stores. Wait for him to make his move to street, and then the last real PMC will turn down an
the right. He'll suddenly alley while our guy goes
dash off in great haste into the archway. Follow him left. Follow him into the next alley and then on the
through, stop for a moment, other side, he'll cross the
then follow him into the next area. street again. This is the last stretch so there's really
no strategy involved.
Eastern Europe - Midtown NE Sector
---------------------------------- Keep following him and don't make any noise or
Find the resistance member just ahead of you and anything. Eventually at the very
he'll move to the right. Follow end he'll come to a small alley. Duck in the nearby
him into this open area. It's the one with the doorway to avoid being seen
squadron of PMCs and the because the resistance member usually looks around
helicopter. Now the resistance member stays close to before he goes inside. When
the wall and ventures off he comes out without the disguise on, just follow him
to the street to the right. Sometimes one or two down the street and a
PMCs in the open area see him scene will eventually take over. Phew.
and walk over. I figured I'd mention this but I've
never seen them become an Skip the scenes, and there are a lot of them. Don't
issue. They walk over to find him, but by the time save yet. Skip more scenes
they show up, the resistance and then the Bike Chase will begin. Save now and get
member is already gone. Just be aware of this. ready.

Follow him down the right street and then he'll First prepare your weapon inventory as follows. Equip
meander down and try to sneak the Mk. 2, the Twin Barrel
past two PMCs. Shoot them both before he gets there with V-Ring ammo, Stun Grenades, and the P90 for
or else he'll end up being later. Also go into Options and
discovered and that will waste a minute or two. Take put Auto-Aim on. If you want to avoid throwing your
a steady aim and try to TV out the window from
headshot both of the PMCs and the resistance frustration, do it.
member can travel safely through.
Secondly, a huge part of this, especially in the
Eventually you'll follow him with no more problems second and third areas, is
into a large intersection. luck. Luck, luck, luck, luck, luck, luck. There's only so
He'll venture down one street. Follow him as he runs much skill you can put
off and around the corner. into this. You can do just about everything right but
still end up getting
Eastern Europe - Midtown N Sector killed. It's just the way it is. The key is when you get
--------------------------------- lucky, you don't mess
Stay back and wait for the resistance member to up. So without a doubt, always save in each new area
walk out in his new PMC duds. so that you don't have to
Follow him out onto the street and you'll notice that keep redoing each.
the vehicle patrols are
already out on Extreme. Having the FaceCamo (again In the first area, you'll have not much to worry about
not one of Snake's faces) is as you whiz past a few
a big help here. You won't need to fire any more Mk. Gekkos and such. When Big Mama does indeed stop
2 bullets in this last though, you'll be confronted by
area, so the only challenge here is staying a group of PMCs. Just take aim at them all and shoot
undetected by the resistance member them with the Mk. 2. You've
and following him the rest of the way. got unlimited ammo during this sequence too, so
don't worry. Hopefully you'll
He'll go down the hill with a whole bunch of PMCs come away with very little or no damage. That will do
and then turn left. Just it for the first area.
casually follow him down here and the PMCs will all You're probably thinking, "Ha! This is hard? Yeah
be surprised to see you, but right." That's what I thought
they will not do anything about it with the FaceCamo too. Sigh. Save when you start this next part.
on. Watch out for the
vehicle patrols. They will not do anything either In the second area is where luck will first come into
except honk at you if you're play. You'll whiz past a
in the way. whole mess of PMCs and a jeep will come up as well.
Try to shoot one of the PMCs
Stalk the resistance member down and around the as you pass by if you can. It doesn't make much of a
next corner. There are three difference though. The key
other PMCs and all four of them will walk in tandem to knowing if you got lucky or not is if you took any
down the street. Keep tabs damage. Again, all I can
on your resistance member and as the other PMCs say about this is it is 100% luck. Sometimes you'll
turn away, keep following the pass those PMCs and take no
correct one. The resistance member and one other damage, and other times your entire life bar will be
PMC will turn right at the next almost depleted. And no,
that is not a joke, it does happen. If you almost get In the final area, you'll again be frustrated, but it
massacred, you might as really comes down to two
well start over and save yourself the trouble. If you parts. Again, luck. What else can I say? From the
took less than half of beginning, whip out the P90.
your life bar, keep going. Fire at the flying enemies and gun as many down as
you can for extra DP. Also
A FROG will land on top of the van. Shoot her down shoot Raging Raven if you want. You can keep
with the Mk. 2. The convoy shooting her during this sequence,
will stop at the road block and turn around. Take out and it will shave off some health later, but it honestly
the Stun Grenades. Take will not make even the
aim and before the next group of enemies appears, slightest difference. Just aim for the minions and so
toss one so that it will land on.
precisely where they'll be appearing from. Hopefully
if you aimed well enough, Big Mama will warn Snake of enemies on the left.
the Stun Grenade will take them out. Now use the Take out some more minions.
Mk. 2 and aim for the gunners After this, watch out for a jeep on the right at the
on the jeeps. Once again, if you're lucky you will take next intersection. This is
very little or no a big cause for concern because it's really hard to get
damage here. Big Mama and the convoy turn around by without damage. Take
and go back to the first road out the Twin Barrel before you get here and have it
block. Hurry and whip out the Twin Barrel and make loaded. Use Auto-Aim and
sure it's loaded. try to fire a shot at the driver from a distance before
you get too close. By
As Big Mama hits the ramp, aim with the Twin Barrel some divine miracle, if you get by without damage,
down and a little to the you should thank a higher
right. Your target as you're flying overhead in slow- power, that is, if you believe in one. In any case,
motion, is the left (soon there is one more worry to
to be right) jeep gunner. Wait until the motorcycle see. Down the next street, you'll take out some more
passes the lamp pole, then flying minions, then
fire a round from the Twin Barrel at the gunner. another jeep will appear from behind. Be prepared
Quickly swap it for the Mk. 2 for this jeep as well. Have
and try to shoot one of the PMCs before landing. Not the Twin Barrel pointed in its direction and Auto-Aim
required but if you get the driver right away and
one, then nice bonus. shoot. You should get him without any problems.

The motorcycle touches down and then turns around. After this, you'll go down a few more streets and then
Again, luck, luck, luck is come to an intersection
here. I've died like 5 times at the exact moment the where two jeeps converge and Big Mama has to
motorcycle landed. Yes, it swerve around them. This is another
is that annoying. If you're lucky, you will not take any big problem. Have the Twin Barrel loaded again and
damage, and if you're Auto-Aim the right gunner and
a good shot, you'll avoid any damage. Quickly take take him out before you pass. This is critical,
aim at the PMCs, putting especially if you took a little
emphasis on the other jeep gunner. Again, this is damage before. Chances are if you miss them both,
really hard due to luck, so you'll end up dying right
prepare to do this part over, and over, and over. after. I died three times in a row because I missed the
Eventually you'll get it to go shot and one of the
your way and you'll be off as the convoy breaks gunners blew up a nearby car, causing Snake to die.
through. Annoying.

Hopefully you have at least half of your health bar, If you get the gunner on the right jeep, you should
maybe a little less. As you get by without damage. After
go through the streets, a bunch of FROGs will appear this comes a few encounters with FROGs. It starts
all around. The ones you with a collision in which you
need to focus on are the ones in the actual street go under some jeeps in Slow-mo. Take aim at one of
firing at you and the ones the FROGs with the Twin
that are clinging to walls when the convoy is moving Barrel and then you'll whiz by. From this point on, use
slower. Use Auto-Aim by the Twin Barrel (my
pressing Square when aiming with L1 (assuming you preference) and as you go down the streets, Auto-
did indeed set it on). Fire Aim the FROGs in your way and
at the FROGs that are blocking your path and just try to take some of them down. Keep reloading and
about any others that you see shooting, etc. If you had
clinging to walls shooting and so on and so forth. taken a lot of damage before, you might be out of
Hide behind Big Mama with luck. Hold on to Big Mama
Triangle and it might protect you if you take some with Triangle if it helps but keep shooting.
damage. Otherwise, just cross
your fingers and you'll make it through. Save your Eventually you'll be taken down the alley, which is
game. the last stretch. Use the
Twin Barrel and shoot the FROGs you encounter at first attempt, but there are other opportunities. This
each stop. Eventually you'll is a fairly quick, safe
make it onto the street again where Raven and her method however.
minions will start bombing
you. Fire at some of them for some DP until you duck Skip the scene. Prepare for phase two.
under the tunnel. Take a
deep breath, pat yourself on the back. You're done. -->BOSS FIGHT - RAGING BEAUTY<--

Eastern Europe - Echo's Beacon Whip out the Solar Gun or the M870. Take aim at the
------------------------------ Beauty and charge the Solar
The bad news however, is that you're carrying Gun to full. She usually dodges one or two shots, but
whatever health you had at the end eventually you'll land a
into the fight. Skip the scenes and get ready to hit. Two fully charged Solar Gun shots is all it takes.
After that, skip a whole lot of scenes. Save your
-->BOSS FIGHT - RAGING RAVEN<-- game and skip more scenes. You
have finished Act 3. Hopefully your finish time is
Basically you've got to be as perfect as you can, roughly 2 hours and 35
seeing as how you most likely minutes. If you finished in 3 hours that's ok too.
have little health. You can recharge by laying down There's only 2 Acts left.
and playing dead with
Triangle. You can afford to spend a minute recovering
if you need to, but you _ _ _ _
can always save time by just being perfect in this / \ ___| |_ | || |
fight anyway. / _ \ / __| __| | || |_
To begin, head up the stairs all the way to the very / ___ \ (__| |_ |__ _| __________/ TWIN SUNS Big
top. Out here, find the Boss Emblem \____
Mosin Nagant ammo. After this find Raven. She's the /_/ \_\___|\__| |_| / (bbe4)
brightest dot on your radar. \_________________________________/
She usually flies low. Get her attention with an __________________________/
assault rifle. She'll spot you
and then most likely begin by flying overhead and Skip all the scenes at the start. You'll then start the
dropping some bombs. Use the "special" sequence.
doorway you came out of as your primary shelter. If Just get to one of the exits right away and don't
she does these bombing runs, bother with anything else.
just run in here and while you're waiting, lay down After that, don't save and skip the cutscenes and
and recover some health. whatnot. Save after that when
you get control at...
After the bombing run, she'll float out in mid-air and
wait for you. Use the Shadow Moses - Snowfield
Rail Gun and try to charge up before she starts doing ------------------------
this. Have a fully charged Move forward to the left. If you want to prepare now
shot ready and fire at Raven's head when she for what's to come, go into
presents herself. Be quick because your inventory now. Have Chaff Grenades and the
she fires grenades back at you. A fully charged, well Rail Gun equipped, as well as
placed shot will take out the M82A2. Anything else is arbitrary. Proceed
half of her health bar. Now Raven will float around through this canyon. Pay
again for a few moments, but attention to the Solid Eye radar and look out for the
getting a shot after her initial floating time is difficult Gekkos. If you move quick
because she starts enough through here, you can just hug the left wall
dodging at the last second. Try if you want, but watch of this small canyon and
out for the grenades and avoid any confrontation. You'll wind up at...
so on. Wait for her to stop this attack.
Shadow Moses - Heliport
She'll probably call for her minions to attack. Duck -----------------------
into the doorway again for First thing's first. There are a lot of audio flashbacks
shelter. Now pop back out and find Raven again. She to trigger here.
might do another bombing However, we don't have time. Go ahead and trigger
run. Hide again and then wait for her to begin the the Hind D one by grabbing the
floating sequence. Again, the Chaff Grenades (especially if you don't have much or
best time to hit her is the first time she is floating in any; you'll need them
the air still. After shortly) on the helipad. Now if you're good on other
that, she moves around too much, so prepare for the ammo, go ahead and approach
first one by charging the the open hangar door. If you need some ammo, you
Rail Gun. Fire a shot at her and if you're lucky, you'll can find Mk. 2 ammo in the open
end the fight right storage room on the left, near a crawlspace, and
here. If you want, you can also use the M82A2. Make then Stun Grenades in the room
sure you get her on that
on the other side of that crawlspace. You can also When the elevator arrives, get out and just drop over
find more Mk. 2 ammo if you the railing. Approach the
are really short, up on the 2nd floor. door for a scene in which yet another Gekko,
apparently smart enough to manage
Now, approach the open door. Don't venture too far an elevator, follows you. Now, since you should
in because the Scarabs are undoubtedly have the Rail Gun,
scanning all over the place. Toss a Chaff Grenade in that is your best primary weapon here. Just fire a
and then when it goes, make fully charged shot at its
a run for it. Make a beeline for the open cargo door. head and be done with it. However, I like to be
You can get through with meticulous and cover as many
the duration of one Chaff Grenade, but if you want bases as I can so I'll provide another strategy. Just
insurance, toss another one wait for the Gekko to come
before you get there, so the effect lasts. Get under down, then immediately throw down a Chaff Grenade
and go into the Canyon. As to knock it out for a moment.
you can see, the Gekko are already awake. While its stunned, take aim at its weak points with
some weapons, preferably
Shadow Moses - Canyon something with rapid fire like the M4 or a machine
--------------------- gun, or a shotgun like the
If you play your cards right you can run through this M870. Bring it down and then aim at its head until it
whole area which saves you blows up. Done. The door
a lot of time compared to other conventional tactics. opens faster this way. Proceed through.
The key is that the Gekko
are not like humans. If you're behind them and Shadow Moses - Snowfield & Communications Tower
running, they're not gonna spin -----------------------------------------------
around. So watch which way they're facing and just Head out and besides the ramp you can find some
run. I can't really recommend Stun Grenades. There is a small
an alternate strategy, since your focus should be shack on the left. Inside you can find a bunch of stuff,
getting through this area, and including Mosin Nagant
not engaging the Gekkos. If you have to though, just ammo. Now head down the cliffs for a scene. Skip it
use the Rail Gun since it and save. Get ready.
works well. It's really not that hard.

Shadow Moses - Nuclear Warhead Storage BLDG 1F -->BOSS FIGHT - CRYING WOLF<--
Proceed down the ramp and crawl under the door for I personally hated this fight a lot on Extreme. There's
a codec call. Skip it and a few ways you can go
move directly ahead toward the door beyond the about this. If you're pressed for time, you might want
truck for another call. Skip that to try a strategy
too. Now go upstairs to the elevator and hit the developed by a guy named underfox, so credit goes
switch. Go down to the only to him for this. Basically,
other floor you can pick. from the start, find Wolf, avoiding or tranquilizing any
FROGs in your way. Find
Shadow Moses - Nuclear Warhead Storage BLDG B2 her and get to the side of her so she won't see you
---------------------------------------------- and chuck a Smoke Grenade at
Now just to save time, go down the hall and turn left, her. The smoke will keep her still for a while. Unload
go down that hall and go on her at this point with
into Otacon's office. Skip the scene and input the the MGL-140's Stun Grenades. It takes about 5-6
password which is 48273, or rounds to take her out and it
put in one of the other secret sequences if you want. ends the fight super quick.
After that, skip the scene
and then head back out into the hallway. However, this is kind of hard to pull off, and if you're
like me, you might not
When you turn the corner, you'll see a Gekko come have enough Stun Grenades for the MGL. That leaves
crashing in. Wait for it to you with two other options.
get moving and when it does, either stay there or go If you've been breezing through BBE like lightning
across the hall to the and have a lot of time on
blocked doorway and crawl through, then head all your hands, you can always try the Truck method.
the way to the back with the Just hide under the truck and
power conduit. From either spot, take out the Mk. II tranquilize any FROGs in your view. When Crying Wolf
and have it electrify the comes running up, she'll
floor by interacting with the conduit. You'll save a drop some grenades which will hurt Snake, then run
little time if you go to off and get into position to
the conduit as Snake, instead of sending the Mk. II all snipe with her Rail Gun. At that point, you can snipe
the way by itself. After her with the M82A2. Since
the Gekko is history, get back on the elevator. it means you take damage, just lay flat while you're
waiting to recover health.
Shadow Moses - Nuclear Warhead Storage BLDG 1F This obviously takes a while, around 15 minutes
---------------------------------------------- sometimes. It's a relatively
safe method however, so if you have the luxury of last howl, you've got one last thing to take care of.
time, it's an option.
However, since I couldn't try the Smoke Grenade
method, and I wanted to do it a As always, just use the Solar Gun or M870. Ignore
little faster, I went with option C. Actively seek her how annoying the constant
out and snipe her in the dodging is and just get your shots in until the
head with the M82A2, then track her down again and stamina/psyche falls to nothing.
repeat. I found this method
to be the easiest since tracking Wolf is not hard. From Save your game, then head through the doorway to
the beginning, just the north and into the Blast
tranquilize the first two FROGs by using a Furnace, but not before a Codec call which you
combination of your infrared and the should skip.
Mk. 2. Head forward in between the stone wall and
the tower. On the walkway of Shadow Moses - Blast Furnace
the second tower, find the FROG and tranquilize her ----------------------------
from below. Now as you turn Hopefully you still have some Chaff Grenades. Go
the corner of the second tower, get down and slowly across the walkway to the left,
proceed into the open field then hug the wall and slide across the narrow ledge
here. This is one of Wolf's potential hiding spots. She to the other one. Now toss
can be in the right-hand a Chaff Grenade down and immediately drop over
corner near the passage that leads to the Hind D, or the railing to land below. Go
she can be on the left. If around the immediate corner and approach the
you see her, get into position and snipe her in the elevator here to activate it. The
head with the M82A2. It will stunning effect of the Chaff Grenade will last long
do a small amount of damage, but it will suffice. enough so don't worry. When
She'll then get up and run it comes up, get in quickly and set it for B5. Listen to
off. Usually, if you're near something like a wall or the audio flashback
something, she will just along the way.
run away. There are times, and this is where you
need to be careful, she will Shadow Moses - Casting Facility South
come right after you and her charge attack really, -------------------------------------
really hurts. There will be a Gekko immediately in front of you as
the elevator doors open.
Use the Solid Eye Radar and just what you can see Another is on the other side. Don't worry about them.
on your own to judge where Just hurry over to the
Wolf is running off to. It's really easy to get at least a right side. You'll see the other Gekko. Let it walk
general idea of where forward, then continue to
she went. To save some time, get up and just stay in the right, getting behind the red pillars here. Watch
a crouched position and out for the Scarab's
move in that direction, as opposed to crawling there. scanning beam. Don't let it touch you, and when it's
Just always watch out for safe, and also when the
FROGs. Chances are you'll need to put a lot of them Gekko turns to the left, dash forward and go to the
back to sleep again. If you right door. You can find
pass any that you tranquilized before, put another some Mk. 2 ammo near a container here. If you take
round in their bodies to keep the left door, you can also
them shootin Z's. Find Wolf's next position and fire find ammo to the left of the stairs. Head through to
again. the next area and save.

Continue this method while again avoiding the Shadow Moses - Casting Facility North
FROGs. Try to move in a very -------------------------------------
straightforward, back and forth path. That is, if you're Now here I like to take out the Gekko just to make
facing the north tower things easier. It's a little
from the exit to the Snowfield (near the passage that risky however since I've sometimes gotten alerted by
leads to the Hind D), make the Scarabs so it's up to
it so that you only move to the left of the tower, and you. If you started on the right, aim at the Gekko
then to the right of the hanging on the ceiling with
tower. Don't go back into the area where the truck is, the Rail Gun and fire a fully charged shot. The others
and don't go too far into will come looking. Take
the forest on the right. Chances are, by just using the the second one out, then drop a Chaff Grenade and
northern tower as your take out the third one. Now
jumping off point, you can find Wolf easily by just make your way onto the conveyor belt, crawl under
going to the left or right the machine and on the other
of it and using your rifle to scout the area. Keep side, drop one more Chaff Grenade to keep the effect
infrared on and you can find going, and then head for
her. It will take a few more rounds to put her down, the door. If you started on the left, take out the
and the M82A2 method will Gekkos and then drop the
probably take 5-10 minutes, but it worked for me. Chaff, move up, cross the conveyor belt, and move
When the Wolf gives out its through. Drop down the ladder
and enter the door. When the first wave is gone, lay flat and recover any
lost health. Once the next
Shadow Moses - Underground Base wave appears, start aiming again. Charge the Rail
------------------------------- Gun to the appropriate level
Crawl through the crawlspace. Just drop another and fire. Beware of some Gekko that will appear
Chaff and you can run through behind you. Turn around and aim
this area in no time. Easy. between REX's legs to get it. After a while, the Gekko
will start filing in one
by one in your area, getting really close. Take them
Shadow Moses - Underground Supply Tunnel out fast and the others as
---------------------------------------- well. Eventually, they will stop coming, and the other
Go ahead and save after the scene. Another boss fight will end.
fight is waiting.
Skip the cutscene and save.

-->BOSS FIGHT - VAMP<-- Shadow Moses - Surface Tunnel

I sincerely hope you got the Solar Gun. If you do, this Onboard REX, making it out of this tunnel, isn't a
fight will be over in whole lot harder than on
a matter of 15 seconds. If not, you'll have a other difficulties. Make use of both the Vulcans and
significantly harder time with the Missile Launcher. The
this. With the Solar Gun, just charge it fully once and Gekko in this tunnel seem to mob you more, so try
fire it at Vamp. A and take out as many as you
direct hit brings him down just like that. Run over to can before moving too far. Fire the Vulcans in bursts
his body and take out the so as not to overheat
Syringe. When he gets back up, CQC grab him and them. When there's a large group, opt for the Missile
hit Triangle (with the Syringe Launcher, then switch
equipped) to end it. back.

However, if you're not so lucky as to have the Solar Make sure to aim at Gekkos on the ledges to the
Gun, my second sides and any others that may
recommendation is the M82A2. It will do a decent suddenly appear. You'll no doubt take some damage,
amount of damage, even more so but it shouldn't be too much
if you can get a headshot. Headshots are easy if you and you'll gain all that health back soon anyway.
can "hide" from Vamp. This Focus on moving but also don't
is hard to do at the beginning of the fight, but it's leave too many Gekko standing. Make your way out
possible. Since the area for a scene.
is large, just run around and hide behind the debris.
If Vamp doesn't see you, Shadow Moses - Port Area
he'll start saying "Where are you?" and the like, and ------------------------
he'll be moving very Skip it and save. One more fly to swat.
slowly. This makes headshots easier. Again, it's easier
once you've already
taken him down once, because once he hits the floor, -->BOSS FIGHT - METAL GEAR RAY<--
you can run away and hide
before he sees you. Either way, just use it, then rush Again, I don't find this fight incredibly difficult. I'd say
him and try to CQC him the biggest thing
with the Syringe. to take advantage of here is REX's ramming attack,
which you can use by holding
After that, skip the scene and prep your Rail Gun. The the Left Analog Stick in the direction you want and
Suicide Gekko will begin hitting X. Liquid is a
to pile in. The challenge here is just staying alive, but little more aggressive on Extreme so he will use RAY
compared to other to come right after you
things you've dealt with so far, it's nothing. Take aim early in the fight. See your openings and strike early
at the Gekko surrounding by ramming into RAY,
you with the Rail Gun and fully charge it. One will then following it up by hitting Triangle at the prompt.
land right in front of you, When at a distance,
so make that your first target. The other Gekko will make use of the Vulcans and the Missile Launcher,
shoot at you so try to take especially to keep RAY from
them out quick. Try charging it to level 2, and not a ramming you back.
full charge. Sometimes, if
you're lucky or just really accurate, you'll get a kill on Fire down RAY's missiles if Liquid uses them. Also
the Gekko with a watch out for the Water
lower charge level on the Rail Gun. If not, just follow Cutter attack. Any time RAY is relatively close, try to
it up with another quick ram it for the Triangle
shot to finish the job. This is useful if you're really attack. Just be careful. Sometimes Liquid expects it
surrounded, so you don't and shields RAY with its
have to charge each shot all the way. arm, and that leaves you wide open.
When RAY is shuffling behind buildings, charge up Just crawl out and get somewhat close to the door,
REX's laser. Try to get it to but stay in a position so
a full charge and then fire it at Liquid, especially if he that you are blocked somewhat by some of the
gets close to you. objects here. Facing away from the
Follow it up with a Triangle attack as well. Use all of door, there are two Gekko down these two aisles on
these various attacks to the ship. The left one just
bring RAY down. disappeared. The right one will come toward you and
look around, then eventually
After that, skip the scenes and save if you like. Act 4 turn around again. When it does, spring up
is done. Hopefully all immediately and go to the door. Mash
is ship shape and you're doing well. No kills, no Triangle to open it and slip inside.
alerts. Your time after
completing Act 4 is hopefully around 3 hours, 5 Grab whatever you want here, then get on the
minutes. 3 hours and 30 minutes elevator. After that, you can find
is acceptable as well. If you're nearing 4 hours, some Mk. 2 ammo here. Now head through the door
you're cutting it close, but and save.
it's still doable. Now, we've got one more to go. Take
a deep breath and get Outer Haven - Command Center
ready. ----------------------------
Some FROGs would like to have a word with you.
Argh, can't they see I'm in a
_ _ ____ hurry?! Oh well.
/ \ ___| |_ | ___|
/ _ \ / __| __| |___ \ It took me a while to figure out the best strategy for
_________________________________ this part. Then my friend
/ ___ \ (__| |_ ___) | __________/ OLD SUN Big Boss reminded me and it seemed simple enough.
Emblem \____ Basically, at the start, find the
/_/ \_\___|\__| |____/ / (bbe5) closest FROG and grab her with CQC. Use her as a
\_________________________________/ shield and this basically
_________________________/ immobilizes the other FROGs. Take aim at them with
the Mk. 2 and pop them one by
one. When the first wave is down, throw down your
FROG and take her out as well.
You know the drill. Skip the briefing, scenes, etc.
When you have control, save.
The second wave shows up. Use the Mk. 2 or Mosin
Nagant and take them out on the
Outer Haven - Ship Bow
upper walkway. When one drops down, grab her and
use the Human Shield move again
My strategy for this doesn't differ than in my regular
to take out the others with little trouble.
guide. Move up and then
lay low as the two FROGs appear from above. Wait
The third wave of FROGs will appear. Again, just grab
for them to get closer and then
the closest one and fire
pop them both with the Mk. 2. Proceed down this
away. That will do it. Time for the last of the B&B
corridor. To the right is a
crawlspace. Find some Mk. 2 ammo here if you need
it. Continue and then drop
again with two more FROGs incoming. Again, shoot
them both then move up. Stay
low as you move around the two crates. Shoot the
At the start, shake off Mantis' control by using the
FROG here, then move out so you
Syringe from the item menu.
can get a view down the next passageway. Two more
Next, you should take out as many of the FROGs as
FROGs should be visible, so
possible by hitting them with
pop them both. Now your way is opened, so get up
tranquilizer rounds. Also knock Meryl out by grabbing
and hurry down, still favoring
her with CQC and using the
the left wall.
Syringe. Now focus on Mantis. Use something like the
M870 that has a nice blast
Find the big round pillar with the stack of crates. Hug
radius, because firing quickly is a priority here. Take
the pillar and slip
aim at the Mantis Doll
through the space. Now move forward and when you
and shoot it whenever Mantis stops. Don't let her
get far enough, lay down and
make a move, just shoot the
crawl again. Two more FROGs at the end of this path
doll every opportunity you get. If you wait too long
will appear. Shoot them both
she may throw knives at
then move up to where they were. Stay prone and
you or bring the FROGs up again to attack you.
just keep crawling, turning the
corner here. Head out to where all the crates and
After a few hits, Mantis will bring Meryl back up. Just
such are. A Gekko appears. On
grab her and use the
Extreme, it won't be destroyed, so you will have to
Syringe again. Aim at the doll again and keep
worry about two Gekko in
shooting. Remember not to let her
this area while attempting to open the door.
get too comfortable. When she tries to make Meryl Phase One starts and he's got a few punches, kicks,
shoot herself, again grab her and the ramming attack. Get
and use the Syringe. Now aim at the doll again and used to blocking and dodging a lot. For Phase One,
keep shooting. With the you can try to stay defensive
M870 or any other shotgun, you don't have to be too by blocking and then striking back with a punch
accurate, so focus on combo. You'll take small bits of
getting the shot off quick. Mantis will bring up one damage by the ramming attack, but not much if you
FROG to attack you but if block that. Try to corner him
you can shoot the doll, the FROG will fall down. and you might get extra hits when he gets up, but
this doesn't always work. You
Eventually the Mantis Doll is dropped. Go and grab it. can also hold R1 for CQC grabs, but these are risky
Now equip it and get because when the Triangle
ready. Mantis will come after you now and try to prompt appears, if you don't hit Triangle or if you
attack you. Back away or roll don't hit it fast enough,
out of danger. She'll follow this up with a second Ocelot will reverse it on you. The other thing you can
attack immediately after so do is just try to dodge
dodge that as well. As Mantis is floating there his kicks and ramming attacks, then strike back with
following the second strike, use a combo. The key is to try
the doll and try to hit her with it fast. It's a brief and not take too much damage in this first part.
window, but it's your Thanks to ZombieHuggles for the
best shot to get her. If you miss, she'll fly around for Blocking strategy.
a moment, then come
after you again. When you have control, just tilt the One thing to keep in mind, and I separate this from
controller a few times to the rest of the strategy for
lower her health and stamina/psyche. The fight ends. good reason, is that you can heal yourself in this
fight. The first time Ocelot
The last of the Beasts, followed by the last of the knocks you down, he'll do a taunt, and you need to
Beauties. Bring it on. wait for the Triangle prompt
to appear to get back up. Next time you get knocked
-->BOSS FIGHT - SCREAMING BEAUTY<-- on your ass however, get
back up quickly with X. As Ocelot does his taunt, hold
Nothing to say here really. Solar Gun/M870. Fire Triangle to do a special
away. Yay. action that will heal some of Snake's life! This is
extremely helpful in the
Skip the scenes and then save. long run of things. If you came out of Phase One a
little bruised, it will help.
Outer Haven - Missile Hangar The thing is, if you get up too fast, Ocelot may not do
--------------------------- the taunt. Also, doing
Just run through the first few areas until you get to this means he has to knock you down first of all.
the Scarab infested
walkways. On other difficulties, you could just charge In Phase Two, Ocelot brings that power punch that is
forward and roll over the extremely annoying. It's
Scarabs. Not gonna work now. The other option is the like the kiss of death. Avoid it all costs. He advertises
Drum Can, which works, but it well by winding up
is very ineffective in the long run due to its short and saying "Take this!". Try not to be too close. Force
usage time. The best idea Ocelot to get closer to
is the Chaff Grenades! Throw one and just run along use that attack. Then when it's coming, dodge and
on your merry way. Toss one quickly counterattack. I know
more after the second corridor to keep the effect it sounds easy, but it might not be at first. Trust me
going. Reach the exit and skip though. If you keep doing
the next scene. this, you'll eventually learn when to predict the
attacks and you'll get better.
Save when prompted, then skip a whole bunch of Dodge that punch every time and counter with
scenes and talking. This is it, combos or CQC if you can pull it
the final showdown. off without him reversing it on you. Eventually he'll
go down again and that's
when you can fight back. At this point, it's out of my
-->BOSS FIGHT - LIQUID OCELOT<-- hands. I can only advise
you. It will come down to how well you can learn a
There's not much I can say about this fight besides pattern and how fast you can
an old adage. "Practice react and counter.
makes perfect." That's what it comes down to. If
you've done this fight enough, Finally comes the last important phase, the CQC one.
you may know how Ocelot attacks and how to dodge, This can get annoying fast
etc. If not, you'll be getting if you've struggled to get here and you have low
a crash course now. It's annoying I know, but this is health. His headbutt move, is
the last fight so just hard to see coming and it's the one move that can
bear down. kill you. Snake's health can
be depleted, but if his psyche is still up he will live. A will probably want to reload your completed game
headbutt from Ocelot file (not on Extreme again
will end the fight though so it's frustrating. Try to though, haha) and try out your new toys. The Patriot
keep your strategy similar is fun enough, playing the
to the last phase. Stay back and see if he will try Snake Eater fanfare when you aim with it. Really
some punches. When he does, cool.
dodge and then counterattack. This might be hard,
so some other tips are to try
and keep a safe distance and while he's coming After that however... Congratulations! You've earned
closer, start a combo. The first the Bandanna, Stealth, and
punches are supposed to miss, but sometimes you the Solar Gun! On top of that, you'll earn the Pigeon
can nail him with the kicks. and Octopus
It's not foolproof, but it might help. Otherwise, one Emblems, among others. Schwing!
thing that worked for me
was to rush him with the dash punch. He often will
back away and then try to
get closer, so if you miss, quickly reverse direction
and dash back. Keep trying
and you might get a hit or two. If you manage to stun
/ \
him, follow it with a
-]| Extras (exra) |[-
combo. This phase is pretty frustrating, but it can be
done. I had to do this
fight my first time with a splitting headache, so \_____________________________________________________
imagine how I felt! He'll go ____________/
down eventually. It's almost over.

Now you're probably thinking, "Phew. Now comes the *===============================

easy part." You wish. I ================================
actually got to the final phase, just to lose. Yeah... =========*
Not gonna go into detail Non-lethal Boss Strategies (nlbb)
how pissed off I was. In any case, you do not want to *===============================
blow the fight here. This ================================
little "movie fight" phase is just as dangerous. As =========*
soon as you see the screen Since I had to scrap my No Kills/Alerts walkthrough,
change, lumber toward Ocelot. Wait about 3 seconds all of the information was
and then let loose a punch. deleted. However, the BBE guide does not go over a
If you miss, he'll fire back. That's ok, but don't let him few things that was covered
hit you again. Or in the former. Namely, the Solar Gun and the
else this will fall out of reach quick. If you make or FaceCamo. So I'll just be keeping
miss the first punch, the strategies for beating the B&B Corps non-lethally,
wait for that subtle change in the screen that tells with the exception of
you it's time to fight Screaming Mantis. I may add more to this in the
again. Immediately hit R1 again. Wait for it again, future.
then quickly hit R1 again.
Keep doing this and do not let more than a second go
by or else Ocelot will 1. Laughing Octopus
strike. Keep it up a few times until finally, it ends.

Skip all the scenes. The first part of the credits roll. []=====BOSS FIGHT - LAUGHING
Skip a whole lot more OCTOPUS==========================
cutscenes. More credits roll. After that.... ===============[]
| Aha! So we meet again you.... crazy,
*drumroll* tentacle woman thing... Yeah.... |
|Anyways, now that we're going to be attempting a
Congrats! You have earned the Big Boss Emblem! You stamina kill, your weapon |
have unlocked the Patriot, |choice will be different and much more limited this
and the Big Boss FaceCamo. On top of that, besides time around. Your best |
the Big Boss Emblem, you'll |friend here is the M870 which I sincerely hope you
also earn the FoxHound, Fox, Hound, Mantis, Wolf, have found our bought from|
Raven, Octopus, and Pigeon |Drebin. Make sure you have purchased V-Ring ammo
emblems, perhaps more depending on how you for it. It's the only type |
played. If you haven't gotten some of |of ammo that makes this work. I also like to use the
these emblems until now, you might also unlock the Mosin Nagant sometimes |
Type 17 Pistol, the Desert |and on occasion, Stun Grenades. If you are indeed
Eagle (Long Barrel), and the Thor .45-70. Schwing! playing this for the second|
Also for getting the Big Boss |time, you have the MGL-140. You can use it if you'd
Emblem, you'll get the Big Boss song for your iPod! If like, but it's preferable|
you were like me, you |not to because of the flash. If she's far away though,
go for it. |
| Anyway, you should know Octopus' |ignore that and also ignore the stamina killing
attacks (and if you don't check the | aspect for the Beast form. |
|first strategy for her in the standard walkthrough). | With the doll in hand, turn your sights on
The key here is to keep | Laughing Beauty. You can go|
|firing at her head with the M870 and V-Ring ammo. |ahead and search for items first if you wish, but you
It doesn't do a whole lot, | know what you must do |
|but it's really the best you've got. You'll be tasked |eventually. We have to stamina kill her too, because
with tracking her down | we obviously want to |
|the whole time. Remember all her hiding spots well. |keep kills at 0 and bosses do indeed count. The
She hides in the hallway,| M870 works wonders on these |
|on the ceiling, in the painting at the end of one hall, |sidestepping witches. It's very easy to get shots on
in the ceiling in the| them and it does a lot |
|lab room, as a machine in the lab room, as a box in |of damage. Just three should be more than enough
the small storage room, | to take her down and end |
|as a marionette (across from the real one), and as a |this. Non-lethally of course.
limp soldier. Snuff her | |
|out by using the infrared setting on the Solid Eye to []===============================
see her lit up like a | ================================
|Christmas tree, and also the radar to tell where she ============[]
might be located when |
|she talks. Find her and use the M870 or the Mosin
Nagant to headshot her, | 2. Raging Raven
|then when she vanishes, you can repeat the whole
process over again. |
| Shake off her bombs when she sends []=====BOSS FIGHT - RAGING
them out and they latch onto you by| RAVEN============================
|rolling. When Octopus starts coming through the =================[]
windows, fend her off with | | Ironically, you might find the stamina kill
|the M870 and if she's far away down the hall, you strategy to be quicker and|
can use the MGL-140 Stun | |more efficient than the normal strategy for Raven.
|Grenades, but again, it's not the best option due the Then again, you might be |
blinding and the fact | |playing it on a lower difficulty like how this guide
|that, unfortunately, they don't do much damage. was written for, so it |
This will be a long fight | |could just be that. Anyways...
|trying to deplete her stamina so healing items may |
become important. Keep up | | You should know Raven's attacks, and if
|your attacks and make sure to dodge her roll attack not, seek out the first |
if you can. Remember that| |strategy on her. Your best friend in this fight is the
|halfway through she'll disguise herself as the Mk. II. Mosin Nagant so you |
After you turn the | |better have it. Another fine choice is the M870, but
|Corner go no farther and hit her from afar. When she the Mosin Nagant is just|
disguises herself as | |money here so we're gonna use that. My personal
|Naomi, just give her a Mosin Nagant round to the preference is to go up to the|
head. Keep up your attacks | |top floor, but depending on your strategy you might
|with the M870 after that and watch for her as she want the 2nd floor. |
continues to bound in and | | Now on the top floor balcony, just take
|out of the windows. Eventually you'll deplete that aim and look for Raven. You |
stamina to zero, and the | |can go ahead and use the M4 or whatever you want
|fight will be won. to shoot down her minions |
| |because again, they do NOT count as kills. Also,
[]=============================== even though Raven's minions |
================================ |can spot you with their searchlights and it makes the
============[] "!" sound like you got |
|an alert, this is not an alert so don't be alarmed.
To find the Laughing Octopus doll.... Again, you can't get an |
|alert here so don't be concerned.
BEAUTY=========================== | The basic strategy is to find Raging Raven
===============[] in your scope and fire at |
| Ok, first thing's first. Turn left and enter |her with the Mosin Nagant. The damage she takes
the lab room. Go into the| from it is considerable so it|
|next room to the right which is the other room with a |won't take very long to end this fight. The key is to
bed. On top of this bed| keep moving and avoid |
|(use infrared) you will find the Laughing Octopus |her grenades. She hovers in the air for a few
Doll. This is the prime | moments, then fires a grenade |
|reason you stamina killed the Beast form, and is the |and flies off. Learn the timing of this in case you
reason you'll be doing | can't get your shot off |
|the same for the rest of the B&B Corps. If you have |so you can move to avoid the blast. Also be wary of
these already, you can | her "bombing run" attack |
|if she does it. One thing to keep in mind when using |will do a good amount of damage and using this
the Mosin Nagant on her | method will not take long, but |
|is that she doesn't always flinch when you shoot her |it depends on how you go about it. You can opt to
with it. That means that| track her by staying |
|even if you land a hit on her, she might still shoot a |downwind and finding her initial hiding spot. Wait
grenade at you so be | until she comes out of her |
|careful. If you prefer not to stay out in the open, it's |shell and then fire away. You just need to be wary of
your choice, but on | the FROGs so tranquilize|
|Naked Normal and with the power of the Mosin |them. Then, when Crying Wolf flees, just track her
Nagant, this fight is pretty | footprints and use other |
|easy. Just keep up the attack and she'll go down in |tools like the Solid Eye and the radar to help you find
no time. | her again and you can |
[]=============================== |just continue this process.
================================ |
============[] | The problem here is the FROGs and the
fact that they can alert you and |
Hold on to your pants though (wait, what?), because |that you're putting yourself at risk whenever you're
this isn't over just yet! out in the open because |
You've got to get the Raging Raven doll. |the Solid Eye, a very important tool for this battle,
can tip them off to your|
[]=====BOSS FIGHT - RAGING |whereabouts. Also, the replacement FROGs will
BEAUTY=========================== come by and wake up the ones you|
=================[] |have taken down so that makes things even more
| By now, these things should be very difficult. This strategy works |
elementary if you have indeed been| |and it's a good idea if you want to finish this fight
|through the game once before already. You have the quickly, but... the most|
freedom to search for some| |cautious strategy is the truck one.
|items but there's one in particular we're after here. |
Go upstairs all the way| | Just stay hidden underneath the truck and
|to the top floor. As soon as you come out the door camp out there for the entire|
onto the balcony, turn | |fight. Just wait for Wolf to come by and snipe her
|right. In that corner there, you'll find the Raging exposed head when you get |
Raven Doll. That's three | |the chance. Also make sure the FROGs are taken
|now so we're on our way. down, just in case you need to |
| |crawl out from under the truck a bit to get a better
| As for Raging Beauty, she will probably shot on Wolf. The worst |
have followed you up here and | |that can happen here is that it just takes long and
|will most likely be moving at a fast pace. Ready your you might take a little |
M870 and fire it at her| |damage if Wolf runs up and drops grenades. It's the
|to slow her down and hopefully get a hit. Just avoid most careful strategy |
her and keep using the | |however and you won't have to worry about the
|M870's V-Ring ammo (remember, no kills!) to reduce alerts. |
her stamina to nothing and| | There is also a way with the "Truck
|the fight will end. Strategy" to make things a little |
| |faster. Under infrared, you can see those glowing
[]=============================== cables on the Wolf's sides. |
================================ |You can shoot these while she's walking around and
============[] sniffing about. A good shot|
|will trigger an explosion that will hopefully hurt her.
3. Crying Wolf It takes out both her |
|health and her stamina. The health will not be a
problem though if you've been|
[]=====BOSS FIGHT - CRYING |reducing her stamina already so don't worry. This is
WOLF============================ not key reason for this |
===================[] |strategy however. The important thing is after you
| Well, this fight can be really annoying but shoot her cables, she'll |
the FROGs can't alert you | |run about for a while, and usually stop, expose her
|here so you don't have to worry about that. Basically head to try and snipe you,|
the strategy here comes | |which in effect, expedites the process, allowing you
|down to two simple things, and they both involve to hit her with the Mosin|
the trusty Mosin Nagant. Also| |Nagant sooner.
|keep in mind that you can't kill the FROGs but they |
can be a nuisance so | | Wolf is not tough, it's just the FROGs. I
|you're better off tranquilizing them when you can. totally recommend just using |
| |the truck because it takes them out of the equation
| Basically, the best thing to do here is completely. However, as a |
either wait for or track down | |last strategy, if you're in a real hurry, you can also
|Crying Wolf and snipe her with the Mosin Nagant use the Rail Gun (which|
when she exposes her head. It |
|again, is not an option if you're playing through the the letters are the grade of the gun's effectiveness in
first time) to take her | that category. The
|out really, really fast. Just watch for the FROGs and attributes are as follows:
take aim, eventually |
|this beast will fall.
| DMG - Lethality of the gun in terms of damage dealt
[]=============================== SLP - How effective the gun is in putting enemies
================================ asleep
=============[] STN - How effective the gun is in stunning enemies
SHK - The range in which the gun is effective
Well, as usual, we're not quite done. After the scene, PNT - The gun's ability to pierce through surfaces
whip out that M870 and STB - How much recoil the gun has
prepare for another beautiful battle. Time to get the RLD - How long the gun takes to reload
Crying Wolf doll. LKD - How effective the gun is when Auto-Aim is
BEAUTY=========================== CAP - This stat isn't included in the table. It's the
=================[] gun's capacity for ammo.
| The first order of business, as always, is
to find that Doll. From the | All of this info can be found in the tables below.
|starting point, you can find it by turning around and
going a ways to the left| Weapon Index Info
|after turning around. It should be stowed away in -----------------
the corner there. If you | This is even more relevant info provided by me. It
|find Stun Grenades, you went the wrong way, so just includes information on where
hug the wall and go in the| to find all of the weapons in the game and any other
|other direction to find the Crying Wolf Doll. Great, things worth noting.
one more to go. |
| As for Crying Beauty, well, just give it to Type: Whether or not the weapon is Non-Lethal,
her (no, not that!). Fire a| Lethal, or can be both
|few V-Ring shots into her and without much effort, Drebin's Shop?: Yes/No on whether this weapon can
she should go down. There | be purchased from Drebin
|are of course, other methods, but this is my Obtained: How the gun is obtained (typically, where
preferred one. When she's down, | it can be found)
|it's time to move on. Special/Notes: If the gun has a special feature or
| something, or is just
[]=============================== interesting, there will be mention of it
=============[] Customization

*=============================== And last but not least, many of your weapons can be
================================ customized with certain
=========* attachments. Finding attachments that fit your style
Weapon Index (wpin) of play can be fun and
*=============================== make different weapons more appealing. There are
================================ several mounting areas
=========* depending on the gun, and each one can have more
Here's a list of all the weapons in the game. They're than one possible attachment.
catalogued first by In the index below, if a weapon can be customized,
guns which have attributes and then the "Other" all the possible attachments
category follows that. They're will be listed to the right of the table.
divided into each class of weapon, which you can
view on the Weapon Menu while [Muzzle Mount]
in-game. The following tables will show you each
gun's attributes so that you -Suppressor: Silences the gun to reduce noise when
can easily compare them to one another. Any special fired
abilities or other notes
will also be made available. [Bottom Mount]

Attributes -Flash Light: Lights dark areas and can blind enemies
---------- very briefly
First, there are the gun attributes. You can see these
on the top right of -GP30: Grenade launcher mount. Needs to be
your screen when looking at a gun in the menu. You'll reloaded after each shot
see several boxes aligned
vertically with symbols and letters. The symbols -XM320: Greande launcher mount. Needs to be
represent the attributes, and reloaded after each shot
-Master Key: Shotgun mount |8|-|D|-|C|E|B|S|B|
-Foregrip A/B: Increases stability and accuracy when
firing rapidly Type: Lethal
Drebin's Shop?: Yes - Cost: 3000 DP
Obtained: In Act 1 - Militia Safehouse, make the left
[Left Mount] at the first fork to find
a room with dead PMCs. This is in there on the
-Laser Sight: Allows user to see where bullets will hit ground.

[Right Mount] ______________

|-[Five-SeveN]-| Customization
-Flash Light: Lights dark areas and can blind enemies |______________|____________________
very briefly |CAP|SLP|DMG|STN|SHK|PTN|STB|RLD|LKD| Bottom
Mount: Flash Light
[Top Mount] |-----------------------------------|
|20 | - | D | - | D | B | B | S | B |
-Dot Sight: An optional sight system to assist in '-----------------------------------'
aiming in first person
Type: Lethal
-Scope: An optional sight system for hitting distant Drebin's Shop?: Yes - Cost: 6000 DP
targets Obtained: Dropped by some FROG soldiers in Act 1 -
Advent Palace and Act 2
Notes: Primary pistol used by FROGs. Also used by
Snake in Ghost Babel

HANDGUNS |_______|___________________________
Pistols are a primary gun for any agent. |12 | - | D | - | D | E | A | S | B |
|-[Mk. 2 Pistol]-| Type: Lethal
|________________|__________________ Drebin's Shop?: Yes - 3500 DP
|CAP|SLP|DMG|STN|SHK|PTN|STB|RLD|LKD| Obtained: Carried by the Resistance member in Act 3
|10 | D | - | - | - | E | S | A | B | _______
'-----------------------------------' |-[PSS]-|
Drebin's Shop?: No |-----------------------------------|
Obtained: Given by Otacon (Mk. II) in Act 1 - Red |6|-|D|-|D|C|A|S|B|
Zone '-----------------------------------'
Notes: Single shot
Type: Lethal
____________ Drebin's Shop?: Yes - 5000 DP
|-[Operator]-| Customization Obtained: Dropped by Scarabs.
|____________|______________________ -Found in Act 1 - Millennium Park in the fountain area
|CAP|SLP|DMG|STN|SHK|PTN|STB|RLD|LKD| Muzzle right before Liquid's
Mount: Suppressor camp. In the bottom corner there is a metal shed.
|-----------------------------------| Bottom Mount: Flash Light Beside it is a dumpster and
|7|-|D|-|C|E|B|S|B| behind the dumpster is the gun.
'-----------------------------------' -Found in Act 2 - Mountain Trail in one of the early
dead-end paths. There is a
Type: Lethal house where a PMC waits to ambush Snake. To the
Drebin's Shop?: No right side of the house is the
Obtained: Given by Otacon (Mk. II) in Act 1 - Red gun.
Zone Notes: Built in silencer
Notes: Snake's default hand gun in MGS4, suppressor
available ________
|-[G18C]-| Customization
_______ |________|__________________________
|-[GSR]-| Customization |CAP|SLP|DMG|STN|SHK|PTN|STB|RLD|LKD| Bottom
|_______|___________________________ Mount: Flash Light
|CAP|SLP|DMG|STN|SHK|PTN|STB|RLD|LKD| Bottom |-----------------------------------|
Mount: Flash Light |33 | - | D | - | D | C | C | S | A |
|-----------------------------------| '-----------------------------------'
Type: Lethal
Drebin's Shop?: Yes - 8000 DP Type: Lethal
Obtained: Carried by some Rebels in Act 2 Drebin's Shop?: No
Notes: Has full auto-fire, so it fires like an uzi almost. Obtained: Awarded for earning the Fox Emblem.
Enter "deskyhstyl" as a password.
__________ Special: Has a scope attached with two zoom
|-[Mk. 23]-| Customization settings
|CAP|SLP|DMG|STN|SHK|PTN|STB|RLD|LKD| Muzzle _______________
Mount: Suppressor |-[1911 Custom]-| Customization
|-----------------------------------| |_______________|___________________
|12 | - | D | - | C | E | B | S | A | |CAP|SLP|DMG|STN|SHK|PTN|STB|RLD|LKD| Muzzle
'-----------------------------------' Mount: Suppressor
Type: Lethal |7|-|D|-|C|E|A|S|S|
Drebin's Shop?: No '-----------------------------------'
Obtained: Act 4 - Heliport. Crawl under the truck in
front of the Tank Hangar. Type: Lethal
Notes: Snake's main gun from Metal Gear Solid 1. Drebin's Shop?: No
Has a built in light attachment Obtained: Enter "1aytmmymhk" as a Password on
the Extras menu
____________ Notes: The primary pistol used by Big Boss in
|-[Race Gun]-| Operation Snake Eater
|-----------------------------------| |-[Thor .45-70]-|
|19 | - | E | - | D | E | A | S | B | |_______________|___________________
'-----------------------------------' |CAP|SLP|DMG|STN|SHK|PTN|STB|RLD|LKD|
Type: Lethal |1|-|A|-|S|A|D|A|B|
Drebin's Shop?: No '-----------------------------------'
Obtained: Beat the game once on any difficulty
Notes: Has some slight ricochet Type: Lethal
Drebin's Shop?: No
___________ Obtained: Awarded for earning the Fox Hound
|-[Type 17]-| Emblem
|___________|_______________________ Notes: Extremely powerful. Has a small sight system
|-----------------------------------| _____________
|10 | - | D | - | C | E | B | A | A | |-[Solar Gun]-|
'-----------------------------------' |_____________|_____________________
Type: Lethal |-----------------------------------|
Drebin's Shop?: No |-| |-|S|-|E|S|E|B|
Obtained: Awarded for earning the Hound Emblem '-----------------------------------'
Notes: The signature gun used by Eva in Metal Gear
Solid 3 and Big Mama in MGS4 Type: Non-Lethal
Drebin's Shop?: No
________________ Obtained: Clear the game having obtained all five
|-[Desert Eagle]-| statues/dolls (FROG and B&B)
|________________|__________________ Special: Uses and can only be recharged with
|CAP|SLP|DMG|STN|SHK|PTN|STB|RLD|LKD| sunlight. Strong against Vampires.


Drebin's Shop?: Yes - 20,000 DP ---------------
Obtained: Dropped by Scarabs
Notes: Signature gun used by Meryl in MGS1 and _______
MGS4 |-[P90]-| Customization
____________________________ |CAP|SLP|DMG|STN|SHK|PTN|STB|RLD|LKD| Muzzle
|-[Desert Eagle (Long Barel]-| Mount: Suppressor
|____________________________|______ |-----------------------------------| Left Mount: Laser Sight
|CAP|SLP|DMG|STN|SHK|PTN|STB|RLD|LKD| |50 | - | D | - | D | B | B | B | B | Right Mount: Flash
|-----------------------------------| Light
|7|-|C|-|A|E|D|S|B| '-----------------------------------'
Type: Lethal |___________|_______________________
Drebin's Shop?: Yes - 5000 DP |CAP|SLP|DMG|STN|SHK|PTN|STB|RLD|LKD|
Obtained: Carried by FROGs |-----------------------------------|
Notes: The primary weapon wielded by FROGs |-|-|D|-|B|E|C|-|B|
Type: Lethal
|-[M10]-| Customization
Drebin's Shop?: No
Obtained: Awarded for earning the Big Boss Emblem
Special: Has infinite ammo and never needs to be
Mount: Suppressor
reloaded. Was used by The Boss
in Operation Snake Eater. Plays the Snake Eater
|30 | - | D | - | C | E | B | B | B |
fanfare when aimed.

Type: Lethal
Drebin's Shop?: Yes - 3000 DP
Obtained: Carried by some Rebels in Act 2
|-[MP7]-| Customization
|-[AK102]-| Customization
Mount: Dot Sight, Scope
Mount: GP30
|20 | - | E | - | E | B | A | B | A |
|30 | - | D | - | E | C | C | B | D |
Type: Lethal
Drebin's Shop?: Yes - 3000 DP
Type: Lethal
Obtained: Carried by PMCs
Drebin's Shop?: No
Obtained: Snake picks it up automatically in Act 1 -
Red Zone NW Sector
|-[Vz. 83]-|
|-[M4 Custom]-| Customization
|20 | - | D | - | D | E | B | B | S |
Mount: Dot Sight, Scope
|-----------------------------------| Muzzle Mount: Suppressor
Type: Lethal
|30 | - | D | - | E | C | C | B | D | Bottom Mount: XM320,
Drebin's Shop?: No
Masterkey, Fore Grip
Obtained: Given to Snake by Big Mama in Act 3
'-----------------------------------' Left Mount: Laser Sight
Right Mount: Flash Light
Type: Lethal
Drebin's Shop?: No
Obtained: Given to Snake by Drebin in Act 1
Notes: Snake's default rifle in MGS4. Highly
|64 | - | D | - | D | E | B | B | A |
|-[Mk. 17]-| Customization
Type: Lethal
Drebin's Shop?: Yes - 7000 DP
Obtained: No locations; Drebin's Shop only
Mount: Dot Sight, Scope
|-----------------------------------| Bottom Mount: Fore Grip
|20 | - | C | - | C | C | C | B | D | Left Mount: Laser Sight
'-----------------------------------' Right Mount: Flash Light
Type: Lethal
Drebin's Shop?: Yes - 3500 DP
|30 | - | E | - | D | E | B | C | B |
Obtained: Carried by many PMCs. Found in Act 1 -
Militia Safehouse in the room
with the dead PMCs after taking a left at the first
Type: Lethal
Drebin's Shop?: Yes - 15,000 DP
Obtained: No locations; Drebin's Shop only
|________|__________________________ |-[M14EBR]-| Customization
|CAP|SLP|DMG|STN|SHK|PTN|STB|RLD|LKD| |__________|________________________
|-----------------------------------| |CAP|SLP|DMG|STN|SHK|PTN|STB|RLD|LKD| Muzzle
|20 | - | C | - | C | C | C | C | E | Mount: Suppressor
'-----------------------------------' |-----------------------------------| Left Mount: Laser Sight
|20 | - | C | - | C | B | D | B | - | Right Mount: Flash
Type: Lethal Light
Drebin's Shop?: Yes - 4000 DP '-----------------------------------'
Obtained: Carried by a few Rebels in Act 2
Type: Lethal
_______________ Drebin's Shop?: Yes - 9000 DP
|-[FAL Carbine]-| Obtained: Carried by some PMCs
|_______________|___________________ Notes: Sniper Rifle
|-----------------------------------| _________
|20 | - | C | - | C | C | C | B | D | |-[DSR-1]-|
'-----------------------------------' |_________|_________________________
Type: Lethal |-----------------------------------|
Drebin's Shop?: Yes - 4500 DP |5|-|B|-|A|A|D|C|-|
Obtained: No locations; Drebin's Shop only '-----------------------------------'

________ Type: Lethal

|-[AN94]-| Customization Drebin's Shop?: Yes - 20,000 DP
|________|__________________________ Obtained: There is one FROG on Act 2 - Mountain
|CAP|SLP|DMG|STN|SHK|PTN|STB|RLD|LKD| Bottom Trail (the second part) that
Mount: GP30 carries this. It's in a small area where Naomi's heels
|-----------------------------------| are used as a trap.
|30 | - | D | - | E | C | B | B | D | Notes: Sniper Rifle
Type: Lethal |-[SVD]-|
Drebin's Shop?: Yes - 5000 DP |_______|___________________________
Obtained: Found in one of the houses in Act 2 - Cove |CAP|SLP|DMG|STN|SHK|PTN|STB|RLD|LKD|
Valley Village |-----------------------------------|
|10 | - | C | - | B | A | E | B | - |
_______ '-----------------------------------'
|-[XM8]-| Customization
|_______|___________________________ Type: Lethal
|CAP|SLP|DMG|STN|SHK|PTN|STB|RLD|LKD| Bottom Drebin's Shop?: Yes - 18,000 DP
Mount: XM320 Obtained: In Act 2 - Cove Valley Village, enter the
|-----------------------------------| barn. Climb the ladder and
|30 | - | D | - | E | C | C | B | D | perform a roll to get over the gap to a ledge where
'-----------------------------------' you can find this.
Notes: Sniper Rifle
Type: Lethal
Drebin's Shop?: No _______
Obtained: In Act 2 - Power Station, go down the trail |-[VSS]-|
with the Rebels after the |_______|___________________________
station is destroyed. In the area with the large piles |CAP|SLP|DMG|STN|SHK|PTN|STB|RLD|LKD|
of wood, there is a small |-----------------------------------|
wooden roof hanging over this gun. |10 | - | D | - | D | A | D | B | - |
Notes: Primary weapon used by Rat Pt 01 '-----------------------------------'

_______________ Type: Lethal

|-[Tanegashima]-| Drebin's Shop: No
|_______________|___________________ Obtained: In Act 2 - Confinement Facility. Reach a
|CAP|SLP|DMG|STN|SHK|PTN|STB|RLD|LKD| very small base at the end
|-----------------------------------| of a long road by taking the secret Rebel's path from
|1 | - | C | - | B | E | B | E | D | Power Station and go all
'-----------------------------------' the way north. Inside this base there is a room with a
large hole in the floor.
Type: Lethal This gun can be found on the floor beside the hole.
Drebin's Shop?: Yes - 1,000,000 DP Special: Silenced Sniper Rifle
Obtained: No locations; Drebin's Shop only
Special: Has a 33% chance of summoning a tornado ________________
when fired outdoors. |-[Mosin-Nagant]-|
|-----------------------------------| Drebin's Shop?: Yes - 10,000 DP
|5 | B | - | - | A | E | D | B | - | Obtained: Carried by PMCs in Act 2
'-----------------------------------' Notes: Machine Gun

Type: Non-Lethal _______

Drebin's Shop?: Yes - 60,000 DP |-[PKM]-|
Obtained: No locations; Drebin's Shop only |_______|___________________________
Notes: Bolt-action rifle used by The End in Metal Gear |CAP|SLP|DMG|STN|SHK|PTN|STB|RLD|LKD|
Solid 3. |-----------------------------------|
|100| - | C | - | B | C | D | E | E |
_________ '-----------------------------------'
|_________|________________________ Type: Lethal
|CAP|SLP|DMG|STN|SHK|PTN|STB|RLD|LKD| Drebin's Shop?: Yes - 9000 DP
|-----------------------------------| Obtained: Carried by Rebels in Act 2
|10 | - | S | - | S | S |E | B | - | Notes: Machine Gun
Type: Lethal |-[Mk. 46 MOD1]-| Customization
Drebin's Shop?: Yes - 200,000 DP |_______________|___________________
Obtained: No locations; Drebin's Shop only |CAP|SLP|DMG|STN|SHK|PTN|STB|RLD|LKD| Top
Notes: Extremely powerful Sniper Rifle with a sleek Mount: Dot Sight, Scope
sight system. Used by Akiba |-----------------------------------| Bottom Mount: Fore Grip
|100| - | D | - | B | C | C | E | D | Left Mount: Laser
____________ Sight
|-[Rail Gun]-| '-----------------------------------' Right Mount: Flash Light
|-----------------------------------| Drebin's Shop?: Yes - 9000 DP
|40 | - | S | - | S | S |C | D | - | Obtained: No locations; Drebin's Shop only
'-----------------------------------' Notes: Machine Gun

Type: Lethal _______________

Drebin's Shop?: No |-[Twin Barrel]-|
Obtained: Recovered after the fight with Crying Wolf |_______________|____________________________
Notes: Has three levels of charge and has a scope |--------------------------------------------|
that can zoom. Used by Fortune | 2 |Buckshot| - | B | | S | B | E | A | C |
in Metal Gear Solid 2, and Crying Wolf in MGS4 | 2 |Slug | - | B | - | S | S | E | A | C |
| 2 |V-Ring | - | - | B | S | E | E | A | C |

OTHER FIREARMS Type: Lethal (Buckshot/Slug) and Non-Lethal (V-Ring)

-------------- Drebin's Shop?: Yes - 25,000 DP
Obtained: In Act 2 - Cove Valley Village, it's in the
_________ house the Rebels unlock
|-[HK21E]-| Notes: Shotgun that uses three types of ammo
|-----------------------------------| |-[M870 Custom]-| Customization
|100| - | C | - | C | C | C | D | E | |_______________|____________________________
'-----------------------------------' |CAP|Ammo |SLP|DMG|STN|SHK|PTN|STB|RLD|LKD|
Top Mount: Dot Sight, Scope
Type: Lethal |--------------------------------------------|
Drebin's Shop?: Yes - 6000 DP |4/5|Buckshot| - | B | - | S | B | D | E | C |
Obtained: No locations; Drebin's Shop only |4/5|Slug | - | B | - | S | S | D | E | C |
Notes: Machine Gun |4/5|V-Ring | - | - | B | S | E | D | E | C |
|-[M60E4]-| Customization Type: Lethal (Buckshot/Slug) and Non-Lethal (V-Ring)
|_________|_________________________ Drebin's Shop?: Yes - 30,000 DP
|CAP|SLP|DMG|STN|SHK|PTN|STB|RLD|LKD| Top Obtained: In Act 2 - Confinement Facility, there is a
Mount: Dot Sight, Scope small house on the grounds
|-----------------------------------| Bottom Mount: Fore Grip where you'll find this.
|200| - | C | - | C | C | C | E | E | Left Mount: Laser Notes: Shotgun that uses three types of ammo
'-----------------------------------' Right Mount: Flash Light _____________
|-[Saiga 12 ]-|
Type: Lethal |_____________|______________________________
|--------------------------------------------| |-----------------------------------|
| 8 |Buckshot| - | B | - | S | B | D | B | C | |1|-|A|-|S|-|D|A|-|
| 8 |Slug | - | B | - | S | S | D | B | C | '-----------------------------------'
| 8 |V-Ring | - | - | B | S | E | D | B | C |
'--------------------------------------------' Type: Lethal
Drebin's Shop?: Yes - 40,000 DP
Type: Lethal (Buckshot/Slug) and Non-Lethal (V-Ring) Obtained: Dropped by one of the Rebels that gets
Drebin's Shop?: Yes - 40,000 DP killed immediately after
Obtained: No locations; Drebin's Shop only entering Vista Mansion in Act 2
Notes: Shotgun that uses three types of ammo
________ |___________|_______________________
|________|__________________________ |-----------------------------------|
|-----------------------------------| '-----------------------------------'
'-----------------------------------' Type: Lethal
Drebin's Shop?: Yes - 150,000 DP
Type: Lethal Obtained: In Act 1 - Crescent Meridian, climb the
Drebin's Shop?: Yes - 80,000 DP ladder in the alley to reach
Obtained: On the highest level of the northern tower the roof and find this.
in Act 4 - Snowfield and
Communications Tower. ___________
Notes: Grenade Launcher |-[FIM-92A]-|
|-[MGL-140]-| Customization |-----------------------------------|
|___________|________________________________ |1|-|S|-|S|-|E|B|-|
|CAP|Ammo |SLP|DMG|STN|SHK|PTN|STB|RLD|LKD| '-----------------------------------'
Bottom Mount: Fore Grip
|--------------------------------------------| Right Mount: Flash Type: Lethal
Light Drebin's Shop?: Yes - 100,000 DP
| 6 |Grenade | - | A | - | S | - | E | E | - | Obtained: Various locations as follows:
| 6 |WP G | - | A | - | S | - | E | E | - | -Act 2: Confinement Facility, go along the dirt road
| 6 |Stun G | - | - | A | B | - | E | E | - | where the PMC
| 6 |Smoke G | - | - | - | B | - | E | E | - | chopper is and near the PMC trenches you can find it
'--------------------------------------------' on the ground.
-Act 3: Midtown Central Sector, find it down near the
Type: Lethal (Grenade/WP Grenade) and Non-Lethal canal.
(Stun Grenade/Smoke Grenade) -Act 4: Nuclear Warhead Storage BLDG 1F, inside the
Drebin's Shop?: No truck.
Obtained: Recovered after the fight with Raging -Act 4: Snowfield and Communications Tower, find it
Raven in Act 3 near the wreckage of the
Notes: Grenade Launcher that uses four types of Hind D helicopter
ammo Notes: Also known as the Stinger missile launcher

|_________|_________________________ ----------
|-----------------------------------| ___________
|1|-|S|-|S|-|E|B|-| |-[Grenade]-|
'-----------------------------------' |___________|___________________
Type: Lethal |-------------------------------|
Drebin's Shop?: Yes - 60,000 DP |-|A|-|S|-|-|-|-|
Obtained: Various locations as follows: '-------------------------------'
-Act 1: Militia Safehouse in the room with the lockers.
-Act 2: Mountain Trial on the hill where a FROG tries Type: Lethal
to ambush Snake. Drebin's Shop?: Yes - 120 DP
-Act 4: Heliport inside one of the side rooms under a Obtained: Found nearly everywhere; carried by PMCs
_________ |-[Petro Bomb]-|
|-[M72A3]-| |______________|________________
|_________|_________________________ |SLP|DMG|STN|SHK|PTN|STB|RLD|LKD|
|-------------------------------| |SLP|DMG|STN|SHK|PTN|STB|RLD|LKD|
|-|B|-|B|-|-|-|-| |-------------------------------|
'-------------------------------' |-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|
Type: Lethal
Drebin's Shop?: Yes - 100 DP Type: Non-Lethal
Obtained: Found in many locations; carried by Rebels Drebin's Shop?: Yes - 150 DP
Notes: Also known as the Molotov Cocktail Obtained: Bought in Drebin's Shop only after
completing the game once
____________________________ Special: The gas emitted from this grenade makes
|-[White Phosphorus Grenade]-| targets burst out in laughter
|SLP|DMG|STN|SHK|PTN|STB|RLD|LKD| _______________________
|-------------------------------| |-[Smoke Grenade (Red)]-|
|-|A|-|S|-|-|-|-| |_______________________|_______
'-------------------------------' |SLP|DMG|STN|SHK|PTN|STB|RLD|LKD|
Type: Lethal |-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|
Drebin's Shop?: Yes - 110 DP '-------------------------------'
Obtained: Found in many locations; carried by PMCs
Type: Non-Lethal
________________ Drebin's Shop?: Yes - 150 DP
|-[Stun Grenade]-| Obtained: Bought in Drebin's Shop only after
|________________|______________ completing the game once
|SLP|DMG|STN|SHK|PTN|STB|RLD|LKD| Special: The gas emitted from this grenade fills
|-------------------------------| targets with rage
'-------------------------------' ________________________
|-[Smoke Grenade (Blue)]-|
Type: Non-Lethal |________________________|______
Drebin's Shop?: Yes - 120 DP |SLP|DMG|STN|SHK|PTN|STB|RLD|LKD|
Obtained: Found in many locations |-------------------------------|
_________________ '-------------------------------'
|-[Chaff Grenade]-|
|_________________|_____________ Type: Non-Lethal
|SLP|DMG|STN|SHK|PTN|STB|RLD|LKD| Drebin's Shop?: Yes - 150 DP
|-------------------------------| Obtained: Bought in Drebin's Shop only after
|-|-|-|B|-|-|-|-| completing the game once
'-------------------------------' Special: The gas emitted from this grenade makes
targets cry uncontrollably
Type: Non-Lethal
Drebin's Shop?: No _________________________
Obtained: Various locations as follows: |-[Smoke Grenade (Green)]-|
-Act II: Confinement Facility, inside the actual facility, |_________________________|_____
the storage room |SLP|DMG|STN|SHK|PTN|STB|RLD|LKD|
-Act II: Market, last stall on the left before passing the |-------------------------------|
final Gekko |-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|
-Act III: Midtown Central Sector, tucked in a corner, '-------------------------------'
near a big sewage canal
-Act IV: Heliport, the center of the helicopter landing Type: Non-Lethal
Notes: Temporarily disables Gekko and Scarabs and Drebin's Shop?: Yes - 150 DP
their sensors Obtained: Bought in Drebin's Shop only after
completing the game once
_________________ Special: The gas emitted from this grenade makes
|-[Smoke Grenade]-| targets scream in fright
|-------------------------------| |-[Claymore]-|
|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-| |____________|__________________
'-------------------------------' |SLP|DMG|STN|SHK|PTN|STB|RLD|LKD|
Type: Non-Lethal |-|A|-|S|-|-|-|-|
Drebin's Shop?: Yes - 100 DP '-------------------------------'
Obtained: Found in many locations
Type: Lethal
__________________________ Drebin's Shop?: Yes - 300 DP
|-[Smoke Grenade (Yellow)]-| Obtained: Found as traps in various places; can be
|__________________________|____ picked up by crawling over
them Type: Non-Lethal
Drebin's Shop?: No
__________________ Obtained: One is added to your inventory every time
|-[Sleep Gas Mine]-| you reload a gun
|__________________|____________ Notes: Good for distracting enemies
|-------------------------------| ___________
|S|-|-|-|-|-|-|-| |-[Playboy]-|
'-------------------------------' |___________|___________________
Type: Non-Lethal |-------------------------------|
Drebin's Shop?: Yes - 300 DP |-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|
Obtained: Act 2 - Mountain Trail, take the path that '-------------------------------'
leads to the house where
a recording of Naomi's voice is being played (a Type: Non-Lethal
nearby FROG tries to ambush Drebin's Shop?: Yes - 200 DP
Snake). Outside of this house you can find these on Obtained: Found in many locations
the side Notes: Permanently distracts enemies

______ _______________
|-[C4]-| |-[Emotion Mag]-|
|______|________________________ |_______________|_______________
|-------------------------------| |-------------------------------|
|-|S|-|S|-|-|-|-| |-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|
'-------------------------------' '-------------------------------'

Type: Lethal Type: Non-Lethal

Drebin's Shop?: Yes - 400 DP Drebin's Shop: Yes - 2000 DP
Obtained: Found in many locations Obtained: Drebin's Shop only after completing the
game once
_____________________ Notes: Enemies who read the magazine become filled
|-[Sleep Gas Satchel]-| with emotion
|SLP|DMG|STN|SHK|PTN|STB|RLD|LKD| _______________
|-------------------------------| |-[Mantis Doll]-|
|S|-|-|-|-|-|-|-| |_______________|_______________
'-------------------------------' |SLP|DMG|STN|SHK|PTN|STB|RLD|LKD|
Type: Non-Lethal |-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|
Drebin's Shop?: Yes - 400 DP '-------------------------------'
Obtained: Drebin's Shop only
Type: Lethal*
Drebin's Shop?: No
ETC Obtained: Recovered automatically in the process of
--- defeating Screaming Mantis
Notes: Controls the bodies of living beings
|-[Stun Knife]-| _______________
|______________|________________ |-[Sorrow Doll]-|
|SLP|DMG|STN|SHK|PTN|STB|RLD|LKD| |_______________|_______________
|-------------------------------| |SLP|DMG|STN|SHK|PTN|STB|RLD|LKD|
|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-| |-------------------------------|
'-------------------------------' |-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|
Type: Lethal and Non-Lethal
Drebin's Shop?: No Type: Non-Lethal
Obtained: Snake starts the game with this Drebin's Shop?: No
Notes: Can be used to slit throats in CQC and can Obtained: Optional pick-up during the Screaming
also be used to stun foes Mantis fight; knock it loose to
grab it
____________ Notes: Controls the bodies of the dead
|-------------------------------| *===============================
|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-| ================================
'-------------------------------' =========*
Easter Eggs (ovresy)
*=============================== without leaving the area. Eventually Snake will hear
================================ the voice of Liquid in his
=========* head and it will force him to expel his lunch. Damnit,
There's a lot of stuff I'm adding here, so it will take a I didn't want to see that
little while to bagel again.
compile. Easter Eggs are just fun little findings in the
game that are hidden 7. M Night Shyamalan, Is That You?
or just make some sort of abstract reference to -While in Act 2 - Mountain Trail, you will encounter
something else, especially one many different paths, some
of the previous MGS games. They can come in many of which lead to the same place. Just before you
forms though, even just little reach the river, if you take
weird things you never saw before in the game. the left path, you'll encounter what seems like a crop
Some of these Eggs openly reveal circle, and an ominous
a few minor spoilers in the game's cutscenes. message from MGS2 will be heard. o_O They're
1. The Nomad's "equipment"
-Any time you can control the Mk. II/Mk. III on the 8. Hollyweird...
Nomad during mission -In Act 2 - Mountain Trail, when you reach the area
briefings, go upstairs and into the kitchen/living room where the PMC is planting
area. On the table a Claymore, take the leftmost path. You'll find a dead
across from the TV, you'll see a PlayStation3 console. end with a few items,
Guinea Pigs, but also a strange thing in the ground.
2. Sunny the Gamer Take a closer look and
-During Mission Briefing 1 (access from the main it's a cement block with handprints and signatures in
menu), if you follow Sunny it. You can lay on top
with the Mk. II (go ahead you pedophiles), you will of this and register it as a Camo design.
see she has a PSP and
commences to play it. 9. Whoops, Dropped My Cigarette, Heh
-Snake's perverseness knows no bounds. During one
3. Hey, You Got Apple In My PS3! of the cutscenes with Naomi
-There are a few Apple products that exist in the in the Research Lab area, Snake will drop his
world of MGS4, as strange as cigarette. You can get a first
it may seem. Otacon uses a macbook, and if you look person view here with an unprompted L1 press.
closely at the computers Snake bends over to grab his cig
that Sunny uses at her desk, they also have the and... oh... what do we have here?
Apple symbol on the back of the
monitors. Oh and let's not forget Snake's trusty iPod! 10. *Stares* .....I'm Sorry, What?
Meryl also has a macbook -During one of the scenes with Naomi, she tells
apparently. What an endorsement! Snake how long he has left,
which drops his psyche gauge a bit. Press L1 at this
4. Sorry About That Old Chap time (unprompted) to see
-In Act 1 - Red Zone, just when you enter this area, what Snake is seeing (ooh la la) and it will restore his
there's the pedestal with psyche.
the two statues that Snake can use to hide. You do
this by hitting triangle to 11. Oh Otacon, You Jokester.... Wait, What?!
blend in with the other two statues, and Snake -During the Laughing Octopus fight, we all know that
covers the middle statue's she will disguise herself
"junk". Release Triangle to leave this, but press it two as the Mk. II halfway through. There's two fun things
more times and Snake you can do at this point.
will eventually break off the statue's "piece". The first is to call Otacon on the Codec, and he will
Whoops... not know what Snake is
talking about when he asks. Also, you can use the
5. Damnit! I Knew I Should Have Brought My Bottle of real Mk. II and make it face
Clear Eyes! the disguised Octopus. This causes her to get freaked
-In Act 1, just after you pass from Crescent Meridian and change back. You can
into Millennium Park, you also choose to sneak behind it with the Mk. II and
have a cutscene with the B&B Corps. A prompt shows force her into her own
up near the end, asking you claymores (thanks to Luigisyoshibuddy for this third
to press L1. Do so and Snake will see Screaming tip).
Mantis, but also a very strange
yet familiar figure if you look a bit to the left. Was 12. I've Got A Bad Feeling About This...
that... no, it couldn't -In Act 3, when you tail the Resistance member, you
have been... will inevitably follow him
into the park. When he decides to relieve himself, if
6. Not Good... Gonna Vom... you hide in a particular
-In Act 1 (maybe Act 2 as well), in any area with a lot area and then look back to the statue where he
of PMCs, preferably stood, you might be able to see
where they respawn, just go on a killing spree and someone or "something" follow you, relevant to an
rack up a huge kill count upcoming cutscene. This isn't
the only spot however. You can turn around and -When you reach the Blast Furnace, call Otacon on
different intervals during the the Codec. He'll ask Snake
stalking sequence and you might see him. Creepy about how he defeated Vulcan Raven in his M1 Tank
sh*t... is really creepy ._. back in the Canyon during
MGS1. Otacon conjectures as to the impossible odds
13. Run! It's a Trap! of a man taking on a tank
-Wear one of the Beauty FaceCamos during Act 3's by himself. The conversation ends with a funny and
stalking sequence and let the unexpected line from Otacon.
resistance member see you. Instead of being startled
and running away, he will 21. Aha! Wait.... I CAN'T MOVE!
actually hit on Snake! Boy, he must not be very -During the Screaming Mantis fight, you are at first,
perceptive huh? unable to aim your gun
at her properly and all your shots on Meryl and the
14. I Love What You've Done With The Place! reanimated FROGs miss. Vet
-After you finish following the resistance member in MGS players may opt to hit the PS button and change
Act 3, you get a cutscene their controller port. If
where you can use L1 to get Snake's perspective in you do this, Otacon will call and scold Snake for that,
the resistance hideout. Look saying it won't work
around carefully and you can see some paintings again.
depicting montages of the MGS
series. 22. Shouldn't Have Smoked That Stuff, I'm
15. "Just Like Old Times" -After Screaming Mantis is defeated, and the visage
-In Act 4, when you reach the Heliport, among many of Psycho Mantis appears,
flashbacks you can get in he goes through his routine where you get a few
this area, there is one particular relic from the past flashbacks. More importantly
worth finding. Crawl however, exactly when Mantis "explodes" press X for
under the truck and you'll find the Mk. 23 SOCOM a hidden flashback of
pistol. Schwing! Fire it a few Kojima. There is also a short flashback (X appears for
times and then reload and Snake will remember the this one) where you can
feeling. hear MGS3's The Sorrow talking. Hold L1 (hidden)
here and you can see him. Where
16. Oooh, Retro! are the Ghostbusters when you need them? ._.
-While in Shadow Moses during Act 4, angle the
camera so it's just above Snake, 23. HEY IT'S NOTHING PERSONAL LADY, GET OFF MY
and keep it there for a little while. Eventually Snake BACK WOULD YA?!
will say how it's just -We all know you can hold up enemies and pat them
like the old days, and you'll get a little DP flashback down for goodies, it ends
reward. with Snake delivering a stunning blow to their
"jewels". Do this to FROGs
17. Eek! Mice! however, and they will just scoff at Snake's perverted
-In Act 4, to enter the Tank Hangar, you can choose nature. This also means
to take one of the vents they are not stunned so act quickly to avoid an alert!
like in MGS1. If you do, you'll inevitably run into the
field mice just like in 24. Otacon, You Geek!
MGS1. They must be the great great grandchildren of -Near Otacon's computer, he has a model of Metal
those mice though. They Gear REX. Also, his computer's
still get the "!" above their heads when Snake gets wallpaper is from Zone of the Enders.
25. Snake Used, Kojima Approved
18. "See You In Hell, Liquid..." -Read the description for the M82A2 Sniper Rifle. It
-In Act 4 - Snowfield, following the fight with Crying will say "recommended by
Wolf, you have the Hideo Kojima."
liberty to explore the vast area. The door you have to
go through to proceed 26. Nothing Here But Smoke! Oh ok...
is at one end. To the immediate right of this door is a -Sometimes, you can light up a cigarette and distract
path (you can see it on a nearby guard with the
your map pretty easily). Go down here to find the smoke. If you're already hiding he might be
crashed Hind D from MGS1 that distracted long enough for you to
Liquid used against Snake. get a jump on him, or he might turn around and walk
the other way if he's
19. GET A GRIP! getting close to your position.
-This one is obvious, but before entering the Blast
Furnace area, you are 27. Snake... I Am Your Father. Shut Up, Otacon.
greeted with a Codec call from Otacon, asking you to -In Act 4 - Underground Base, when you see the
change discs. Funny. cutscene of Snake about to get
on the platform to get up to where REX is, there is an
20. Snake 1, Tank 0 area in the background
(to Snake's left) where there is a large black object -Call Rosemary while in the Snowfield area of Act 4.
on the ground. It is only The Colonel will chime in
seen for a brief moment, and even though I just got a and talk about Rations, a trademark of the MGS
new TV, I still couldn't series (thanks to
be absolutely sure, but it seems to be the helmet of Luigisyoshibuddy).
the Dark Lord of the Sith,
Darth Vader! My, my. 35. God, You're Worse Than My Mother!
-Pop a cig and then get on the horn with Rosemary
28. I LOVE This Channel! and she'll give you a nice
-On the table in front of the big TV screen on the health lecture (thanks to Luigisyoshibuddy).
Nomad, there is a remote
control. During Mission Briefings, you can use the Mk. 36. Snake's "Friends"
II to tap the remote and -While crawling through one of the two ventilation
change the channel, depicting one with some nice tunnels at the Heliport in
Japanese ladies. (thanks to Act 4, you will inevitably stumble across the mice.
AndrewM for this) Call up Otacon and Snake
will mention the mice, his "friends" are there to help
29. Camel Joe Wishes He Could Be This Cool him through. Otacon, with
-Snake has an unhealthy habit of smoking, and hey his superior intellect can't figure out what the hell
although it's not my choice, Snake is referring to.
I'd be hard pressed to say if he doesn't look cool
lighting one up. Take a much 37. It's Not Dracula, It's Just A Damn School Bus!
closer look at his smokes, and you'll see the brand is -The Solar Gun, besides being a hilariously effective
called "The Boss". Aha. weapon for stunning your
enemies and knocking their equipment clear off, it
30. O_O Bouncy........... also has one special hidden
-God knows Rosemary is basically a waste of a Codec use. Fire a fully charged shot against Vamp and it will
contact, unless you enjoy deplete all of his
staring wide eyed at the TV for prolonged periods of stamina/psyche. Vampires, go figure. SUNLIGHT!
time. There is one nifty
thing you can do while listening to her clamor on. Tilt 38. Rape! This Is LA, We Don't Rape Suspects In
and shake the Six-axis Custody, We Just Beat Them
controller and you'll see Rosemary's "assets" starting -Pardon my continued abstract references used in the
to bounce a little. titles (if you actually
Hello.... get some of them, brownie pts for you). Anyways, in
Act 3, when following the
31. Watch Me Move resistance member, put on one of the Beauty
-Whenever a character in the game is introduced via FaceCamo masks and let him see you.
cutscene, it always says He will of course, start flirting with you (see Easter
their name, and underneath that, their voice actor. Egg 13). Call Otacon at
Press R2 when this appears this point and he'll scold Snake, telling him to stop
however, and you'll see the name of the motion harrassing the poor guy.
capture actor, who literally Uhhh, Snake's the one doing the harrassment? Yeah,
gave these characters life. Hit R2 again to switch ok... (thanks to
back. Luigisyoshibuddy for this).

32. Mob Connections 39. It's Not Over Yet!

-Drebin, as he explains in the game, is just one of -During the fight with Ocelot, if you get yourself killed
many gun laundering Drebins. (definitely possible
His number 893, isn't just some randomly picked on Hard or Extreme), you'll get the normal Mission
number however it seems. The Failed screen. Instead of
number 893 is as Laetus explains, "a losing saying "Exit" however, it will say Exist. Hit X on Exist
combination in an old japanese card and you'll hear Ocelot
game: ya (8), ku (9), za (3)" and is further connected say "Snake! It's not over yet!". The game will then
to the infamous Japanese automatically set the marker
criminal organization by the same name. Very on Continue, but you can still put it back to Exit to
interesting (again thanks to Laetus quit.
for this!)
40. The Mark of the Brotherhood...
33. It's Not A Game, Snake... -Don the Altair outfit and look at Snake on the viewer
-This one is rather obvious, but I didn't have it down (menu) and he'll make
so what the hell. When the sign of the Assassins, by folding his ring finger
using the Mk. II/III, take a close look at the control back. Nifty! (thanks to
unit that Snake uses to Baconator96 for this).
pilot the little guy. Would you look at that... it's a
Playstation 3 controller!
34. Classic Tip ================================
Fun Things To Do (hvfn) have you that will change the behavior of your
*=============================== enemies. These changes are quite
================================ obvious going by the names. Shoot an enemy with
=========* Laughing Ammo and he'll burst
This is basically a section for other little things you out into uncontrollable laughter. Shoot him with Rage
can do in the game. Ammo and he'll go
They range from a variety of things that almost ballistic. I personally don't use them much because
border on Easter Eggs. I sometimes the effects are
figured it would be best to make a separate section a little hard to predict. They are still tranquilizer
for it all however. rounds so eventually your
enemies will go into a nice sleep. It's a fun
B&B Photo Shoot alternative, and as DexMorgan
--------------- reminds me, the Emotive ammo can help you out a
You may have accidentally experienced this when few times, perhaps by making
fighting the B&B Corps. When enemy soldiers turn on each other and creating a
you're fighting their Beauty forms, if you let enough good diversion for Snake.
time pass by, the screen
goes white and you and the Beauty are brought into Ghost Hunting
a white realm. In here, the -------------
Beauty will continue to come after Snake. Whip out Who you gonna call? Why, Solid Snake of course! The
(no, not that!) the camera ghosts are back and they
however and the Beauties will pose for Snake. can all be found in Act 4 only. They hide in various
Schwing! Take pictures of them spots around Shadow Moses
and you can add them to your gallery and then later and this makes a minor but fun sidequest for you to
export them from your PS3 complete if you are so
as jpeg files. inclined.

Now, after a thorough investigation, spurred on by a Finding the ghosts isn't easy, unless of course you
few e-mails, I can confirm know exactly where to look,
the following information. In the white "Photo Shoot" which is where this comes in handy! They can only
zone, there is a timer. be seen once you snap a
Many people on the forum claimed that when it fell picture which means if you're not in the exact
to 0, it meant the Beauty location, this can take a while.
would die and it would count as a kill, therefore Luckily, you don't have to be very exact as far as
ruining a bid for No Kills. positioning and all that.
This however, is NOT true. I repeat, THIS IS NOT There is also an easier way to save time. You can use
TRUE. You will not get a kill the Sorrow Doll to see
for allowing the timer to run out, so therefore, the the ghosts before you snap their photos. Have it
folks that said this on equipped in your weapon slot
the forum, are wrong. I have confirmed this and they will appear when you look through the
personally, my friend has also camera lens. It is recommended
confirmed it twice, and I have received three e-mails you get it before starting, but is not required.
saying as much as well.
Letting the timer run out will not count as a kill. Other than the Sorrow Doll, you will definitely need
the Camera obviously. A
If you want to test this out yourself, save your game few more optional but recommended things to have
before the Beauty fight, are the Bandanna and some
let 3 or more minutes go by until the "White Zone" Chaff Grenades. If you have a whole lot, the
appears and then let the Bandanna won't be necessary, but
timer run down to 0. After that, save your game if you only have a few or just want to save ammo,
again (separate file if you the Bandanna will help too.
want). Go to the menu and select Mission Briefing There are a few ghosts in areas where the Scarabs
and load the briefing for your lurk in large packs so the
current Act. It will display your stats on the orange Chaff will help while you take your photos.
bar. The number of kills
will not have increased. If you had 0 before, it will Finally, when you have all the photos, you can view
still say 0. If you had 6 them in your Photo Album
kills before, it will still say 6. This has been from the main menu. If you got them correctly, an
confirmed. option appears for these
particular shots. It's called "Exorcise" and it will
Emotive Ammo extract the ghost from
------------ each picture. Strangely enough, there doesn't seem
You unlock this after completing the game at least to be any reward for this,
once. At that point, you can even if you get all of them, as the exorcism can be
use new tranquilizer rounds for your Mk. 2 or Mosin done on any copies you
Nagant. You can also buy have of the same ghost.
new smoke grenades. The emotive ammo carries a
special serum or gas or what Ghost 1 - Muraoka
Area: Heliport
-Location: Find the cargo elevator. MGS1 vets will camera on this side and snap your picture.
know where it is; it's
behind the helipad. You can trigger an audio Ghost 8 - Decoy Octopus
flashback here and there's also -Area: Tank Hangar
a Ration sitting right in front of it. Face the elevator -Location: Find the elevator, which is on the north
and then look to the side of the room, next to
left of it. Point your lens in this direction and snap a the stairs. This ghost is exactly outside of the
photo. northwest corner of the
elevator's doors. Get close and find it, then say
Ghost 2 - Nishimura cheese!
-Area: Heliport
-Location: This one is on the Helipad. You can just Ghost 9 - DARPA Chief
photograph the Helipad -Area: Tank Hangar
from a distance, or just look beyond where the Chaff -Location: Hopefully you've got plenty of Chaff or the
Grenades are, toward the Bandanna. Enter the
main base. cargo door that leads to the Canyon. When you slip
under, turn around and back
Ghost 3 - Genome Soldier away a little bit. In the top left corner, you'll see the
-Area: Heliport ghostly face of the
-Location: Enter the only room that you can actually DARPA Chief. Take the picture.
walk into on the left side
of the Heliport. It's the one with the camera that falls Ghost 10 - Kobayashi
off. Inside are two -Area: Canyon
big containers. Right behind the one on the left in the -Location: The second rock on your left as you enter.
corner here, you'll Easier to see if you go
find another ghost. Snap a picture. around. If you have the Sorrow Doll, you can see a
very ghostly face floating
Chost 4 - Tanaka above the rock. Take the picture to confirm it.
-Area: Heliport
-Location: From here, go to the top-left corner. This is Ghost 11 - Korekado
exactly where the -Area: Canyon
ventilation shaft is that you can enter. Right in the -Location: The Gekkos may be a problem so get rid of
corner here is another them if you have to. This
ghost. next ghost is in the top right corner. Get close to the
pipes and stuff here
Ghost 5 - Shigeno and look above the pipes to see the ghost up there.
-Area: Heliport
-Location: Now head to the right, past the truck and Ghost 12 - Vulcan Raven
to the stairs. Stand back -Area: Canyon
from them and point your camera up at the -Location: This one can be tough. He's hiding on the
surveilance camera. It might be hard rock wall to the left in
to see (or impossible if you don't have the Sorrow the upper part, more or less across from the last
Doll), but there is a ghost ghost. The snowy rock wall
floating a little to the right and down from the provides good cover so even if you have the Sorrow
camera. If you don't see it Doll, he can be tough to
when you use the Sorrow Doll or when you take the spot. His exact location is easy to find if you have a
picture, get closer to the good eye though. On this
wall. wall, near the ammo, there is a slab of dark rock just
randomly sitting there
Ghost 6 - Master Miller amongst the rest of the wall. Find this dark patch and
-Area: Tank Hangar point your lens at it.
-Location: The location is a tiny bit tricky because Vulcan Raven said he'd be watching!
technically you're not in
the Tank Hangar just yet. Start out by taking the Ghost 13 - Makimura
lower vent on the left side. -Area: Nuclear Warhead Storage BLDG 1F
Crawl through and turn left. Then turn around again -Location: Immediately upon entering this area, take
and face the part that you the walkway to the left,
just crawled out of. Point your camera down this part that leads to the Ration. There's a window here
of the vent and the ghost overlooking the next room and
is there. it's where the ghost is. Get close, but not too close
and take the photo.
Ghost 7 - Light Infantry Soldier
-Area: Tank Hangar Ghost 14 - NBC Warfare Troop
-Location: Crawl all the way through and enter the -Area: Nuclear Warhead Storage BLDG 1F
Tank Hangar. For these next -Location: Crawl under the door that leads to the next
few ghosts, the Scarabs may be a problem so toss a room. From here, go to
Chaff Grenade to put them the left and you'll see two missles. This ghost is
out for a few moments. Find this ghost on the left hanging out in front of the
side of the tank. Point your warhead closest to the stairs.
begin this area) is where it's hiding. Go on the west
Ghost 15 - Matsuhana side (the one facing the
-Area: Nuclear Warhead Storage BLDG B2 forest) and look up at the ceiling below the upper
-Location: Go down the "Gray Fox" hallway, the one walkway. The ghost is there.
that leads to Otcaon's
office. This ghost is sitting on the inner part of the Ghost 23 - Nakamura
corner where the -Area: Snowfield
hallway turns to the left. When you turn to the left, -Location: Find the trench area to the left of your
just look and you should starting position (left of
see him right there. the truck). Enter the trench and face the rock wall to
the south. You may have
Ghost 16 - President Baker to get closer, but here above the trench is a ghost
-Area: Nuclear Warhead Storage BLDG B2 waiting for its picture to
-Location: After you're done with the password, while be taken.
still inside Otacon's
office, go to the left side where all the big computers Ghost 24 - Hirano
are. There is a row of -Area: Casting Facility South
them along the wall, then a gap with some papers on -Location: Just north of the red pillars, where one
the wall, and then another Gekko makes its patrol,
computer. The ghost of President Baker resides in there are these two wedge shaped structures jutting
this small gap. up from the ground. Stand
behind and between them and look up. The ghost
Ghost 17 - Hideo Kojima should be up there.
-Area: Nuclear Warhead Storage BLDG B2
-Location: After you're done with the password, find Ghost 25 - Sasaki
the Policenauts poster on -Area: Casting Facility North
the north wall, above all the terminals. The ghostly -Location: In the northern part, clear the area of
face of Hideo Kojima Gekkos and Scarabs if you
hovers to the left of the poster. want, to make things easier. Get on the conveyer belt
and find the big machine
Ghost 18 - Takabe on it, the one you can crawl under. Stand in front of
-Area: Nuclear Warhead Storage BLDG B2 this big contraption and
-Location: Find the area somewhat in the middle of point your camera lens to the top right part of it to
the office, where there is find this specter.
a wall set up on two sides. Enter this little fenced off
area and in one corner Ghost 26 - Kaneda
is a box on the desk, and an overturned chair. Face -Area: Underground Base
this area from a little -Location: As you enter this area, you'll go down a
further away to see a big face floating there. Snap small set of stairs. Turn
the picture. around and face them. Look above and in the middle
of this hallway will be the
Ghost 19 - Shimizu next ghost.
-Area: Nuclear Warhead Storage BLDG B2
-Location: Leave Otacon's office and make your way Ghost 27 - Negishi
back. A Gekko will crash the -Area: Underground Base
party. Wait for it to turn down the hallway and then -Location: The room after the crawlspace. Again,
go to where it came in. Chaff Grenades will help with
Look up at the hole it crashed through with your the Gekko here. Stand on the walkway and look to
camera and take a picture. the pit to your left. There
is a waterfall over here. Point your lens that way and
Ghost 20 - Sniper Wolf snap another ghostly
-Area: Snowfield photo.
-Location: Approach the exit door. Stand far enough
way that you can see this Ghost 28 - Kimura
ghost who is floating right in front of the doors. -Area: Underground Supply Tunnel
-Location: Now you can only do these last three
Ghost 21 - Sato during the Vamp fight so make
-Area: Snowfield sure you deal with him. It's easiest to knock him out
-Location: From #19, go right and find the passage before taking the photos.
that leads to the crash site This one can be found by going behind Metal Gear
of the Hind D. Sitting just above it's wreckage is a REX's body, then looking up to
ghost that might be a the left side of its head. Snap the photo and then
little tough to spot. Get closer if you have to, then beware Vamp.
say cheese!
Ghost 29 - Gray Fox
Ghost 22 - Shinkawa -Area: Underground Supply Tunnel
-Area: Snowfield -Location: This one is found underneath REX's right
-Location: This one is kind of tough. The southern foot which is on your left
most (nearest where you
facing it. Look in the gap underneath its foot to find now won't have to expend the DP to buy more
this one. ammo. It will in turn, make your job
Ghost 30 - Liquid Snake
-Area: Find the last ghostly apparition in the cockpit Besides machineguns, there are a few guns I like,
of Metal Gear REX. Look and that other players like to
up there with your camera and take a photo of the use here. I like the MGL-140 because it is great at
cockpit and you'll have destroying crowds of Scarabs
nabbed them all! and these things love to mob together. The drawback
is that the MGL-140 has only
The Scarab DP Trick six rounds and it's not a fast reload. There is also the
------------------- Rail Gun which can also
On the internet, it's pretty much impossible to name take out groups in one blast.
an individual who discovers
something new, but Albedo Piazzola is one of many Finally, you may not want to stay in one spot.
to make a well laid out guide Especially since the gun drops
for this so he gets the credit. are about 1050 DP a pop and collecting them will
greatly aid you in getting more
This trick is basically a way to earn a mass of Drebin DP. So, you may end up running back and forth down
Points in Act 5, right each hallway. The problem
before the end of the game in the area known as here is that the Scarabs that may spawn before you
Missile Hangar. It is comprised get to one end, and since
of several hallways swarming with the Scarab you don't want to get trapped in the middle, you
enemies. Killing them awards you have to clear the way, while at
with Unmanned Kill bonuses of DP. They happen to the same time, the other Scarabs from behind will be
respawn infinitely, and on top closing in. Find a way to
of that, they drop guns for trade ins of even more DP. clear the way fast and you can put up your front on
If you spend enough time the other end. Kill more
(and ammo), you can earn a wealth of Drebin Points Scarabs, they'll drop more guns, so when it's clear,
here. make another run and pick
it all up. Repeat this process and you'll expedite your
The key is to pick the first and second hallways with DP collection. I often
these things. You don't do this running back and forth with the MGL-140
want to stretch too far into the next hall at any time equipped, because when I
because the previous door encounter large groups I can clear the way very fast
locks on you, which thereby limits you to one less and sometimes even find
hall for which to do this time to reload while running back and forth.
trick. Standing near a doorway is a good way to
sweep one hall, then turn around Eventually, if you keep this up, you can earn a wealth
and attend to another, if any Scarabs are gathering of Drebin Points. Just be
in one group. The weapon of careful of losing more ground if you accidentally get
choice is usually some type of machinegun, a door locked on you.
preferably something with very large
magazine capacity. It allows you to take these things Otacon's Computer - Shadow Moses
out at a good rate and --------------------------------
reduces the amount of time you need to spend Instead of inputting the correct password of 48273 in
reloading. When you've taken out Otacon's office to begin
a large group, you can pick up their drops for more the power restoration, you can put in some other
DP. digits for different effects.

There's a few tips to keep in mind. Pay attention to 13462: Typing this will reward you with the iPod song,
specifically where the "POLICENAUTS End Title".
Scarabs spawn from. Typically they come from the When played, it puts enemies to sleep when Snake
front, middle, and ends of each holds them in CQC.
hallway. When you stand in the doorway, you can
usually make yourself safe from 78925: This password nets you the iPod song,
being back attacked, but this isn't always going to "Opening - Old L.A. 2040". It can
work. You should also try increase Snake's accuracy when played.
and manage your reloads when possible. When you
clear out a large group and the 14893: Putting this password in will reward you with
hall is for a moment, clear, reload back to a full clip. 100,000 Drebin Points!
This way, hopefully you Schwing!
won't be reloading in the middle of a fight with a
large gang of Scarabs. Other Things To Try For Fun
The trick can be expanded once you hit 2.5 million
DP. In Act 5, 2.5 million -Try out all the different types of Emotive
will allow you to purchase the Bandanna if you don't ammunition. The various effects on
have it. With this, you enemy soldiers are worth a few laughs.
-A personal favorite. Get a large group of soldiers to Password: 1aytmmymhk
converge, usually by Unlocks: 1911 Pistol
triggering a caution in which one will call in for back
up. Use the Tanegashima Password: pkhhnwhsjt
and if you're lucky, a tornado will appear. Just sit Unlocks: Patriot
back and watch the carnage
ensue. When the dust clears, a shower of item drops Password: tshsniammr
will fall to the ground. Unlocks: Thor .45-70

-This one is just fun to me because it's a way to mix Password: aottrykmyn
things up while playing Unlocks: Altair costume
and get more enjoyment out of it. It might seem
ambiguous to others but I just Password: dntkkhktmm
thought I'd mention it. Have Snake don the Suit Unlocks: Drebin Face Camo
costume and his Young Snake W/
Bandanna FaceCamo. Equip the Patriot. Meet Snake,
The Hitman with his own theme
music! Yeah, I know, I'm weird.
/ \
-]| Unlockables (unlk) |[-
Cheats (chts) \_____________________________________________________
*=============================== ____________/
=========* *===============================
To input cheats, you need to have beaten the game ================================
at least once. You can find =========*
it under Extras at the main menu. These cheats will Weapons/Items (wpns)
reward you with various *===============================
items and weapons that you can get once you meet ================================
up with the Mk. II. Some of =========*
them are weapons you can easily earn without
cheating, especially since you Weapon/Item: Name of the weapon or item
can't use this feature without beating it at least once. How to Unlock: How it's unlocked
However, the iPod songs Notes: Any special notes about how it's used or its
available are only obtained through this method. capabilities

Password: george Weapon: Race Gun

Unlocks: iPod song, "Gekko" How to Unlock: Beat the game once on any difficulty
Notes: Bullets will ricochet off walls and other
Password: thomas surfaces
Unlocks: iPod song, "Desperate Chase"
Weapon: Solar Gun
Password: theodore How to Unlock: Collect all five boss statues
Unlocks: iPod song, "Midnight Shadow" Notes: Extremely powerful tranquilizer gun, uses
sunlight. Recharge by holding
Password: abraham circle
Unlocks: iPod song, "Mobs Alive"
Weapon: Desert Eagle - Long Barrel
Password: mgo2play How to Unlock: Earn the Fox Emblem
Unlocks: iPod song, "Subsistence Action" Notes:

Password: skynytktjp Weapon: Thor 45-70

Unlocks: Scanning Plug S How to Unlock: Earn the FoxHound Emblem
Notes: High powered pistol, needs to be reloaded
Password: mnsoymsyhn after each shot
Unlocks: Mosin Nagant
Weapon: Type 17
Password: deskyhstyl How to Unlock: Earn the Hound Emblem
Unlocks: Desert Eagle - Long Barrel Notes: Automatic pistol, same type as Big Mama's
Password: mekakorkkk
Unlocks: Mk. 23 SOCOM pistol Weapon: Mk. 23 SOCOM Pistol
How to Unlock: Find it under the truck at the Heliport,
Password: jmsotsynrn Act IV
Unlocks: Type 17 Pistol
Notes: Snake's old gun, awards Drebin Points when
found and used. Light can be Camo: L. Beauty
turned on or off from the menu How to Unlock: Defeat Laughing Beauty non-lethally

Weapon: Tanegashima Camo: R. Beauty

How to Unlock: Purchase for 1 million DP How to Unlock: Defeat Raging Beauty non-lethally
Notes: 33% chance will fire tornadoes in outdoor
areas Camo: C. Beauty
How to Unlock: Defeat Crying Beauty non-lethally
Weapon: Patriot
How to Unlock: Earn the Big Boss Emblem Camo: S. Beauty
Notes: Has unlimited ammunition, no need to reload. How to Unlock: Defeat Screaming Beauty non-lethally
Also plays the Snake Eater
fanfare when aimed Camo: Otacon
How to Unlock: Bump into Otacon with the Mk. II
Item: Bandanna during the Act 3 Mission
How to Unlock: Beat the game having no kills Briefing or other briefing.
Notes: Bestows infinite ammo
Camo: Raiden w/ Vizor
Item: Stealth How to Unlock: Bump into Naomi with the Mk. II
How to Unlock: Beat the game having no alerts during the Act 4 Mission
Notes: Renders Snake invisible to the naked eye. Briefing
Insufficient against Gekkos or
anything else with infrared scanners Camo: Raiden Vizor Down
How to Unlock: Bump into Sunny with the Mk. II
Item: Scanning Plug S during the Act 4 or any other
How to Unlock: Play Metal Gear Online for more than Mission Briefing
10 hours
Notes: Camo: Roy Campbell
How to Unlock: Bump into Campbell with the Mk. II
Item: Camera during the Act 1 Mission
How to Unlock: Find on the Nomad during briefings, Briefing. To play this briefing, access Mission
search with the Mk. II/III Briefings from the start menu
Notes: If found during Act IV, awards secret photos
Camo: Drebin
Item: Combat Vests How to Unlock: Obtain at least 60 weapons
How to Unlock: Beat the game once on any difficulty
Notes: Allows you to customize Snake's appearance Camo: Corpse
more How to Unlock: Have 51 or more continues in a
*=============================== -Notes: Able to convince soldiers you're dead by
================================ playing dead
FaceCamo (fccm) Camo: Big Boss
*=============================== How to Unlock: Earn the Big Boss Emblem
================================ -Notes: Same as Corpse FaceCamo, also scares
=========* enemy soldiers
The FaceCamos allow you to change Snake's facial
appearance. A couple are pretty *===============================
nice, but a lot of them are just merely for fun and ================================
serve no real purpose at =========*
all. I'd say the main motivation in obtaining them is Costumes (cstu)
just for the sake of *===============================
getting them. Note that you can only start unlocking ================================
FaceCamo on the Nomad by =========*
completing the Laughing Octopus fight in Act 2. The costumes in the game are fun additions as well.
You can make Snake look
Camo: FaceCamo standard (needed to collect other more like a hitman with the suit, or dress to impress
FaceCamo) his friends. The rebel
How to Unlock: Defeat Laughing Octopus disguises and Civilian disguise are only useable in
the appropriate acts so
Camo: Young Snake take note of that.
How to Unlock: Start Act 3
Costume: Middle East Militia Disguise
Camo: Young Snake w/ Bandanna How to Unlock: Middle East - Militia Safe House. Go
How to Unlock: Start Act 3 right at the third fork to
find it in a locker.
Camo: MGS1 Snake Notes: Only useable in Act 1
How to Unlock: Start Act 4
Costume: South American Rebel Disguise 5 hours
How to Unlock: South America - Cove Valley Village. Notes: Completing the requirements for this may
In one of the small houses, award you with several other
go inside to find it, use infrared to make it easier. Emblems if you didn't collect them, including Fox, Fox
Notes: Only useable in Act 2 Hound, Hound, Mantis and
Costume: Civilian Disguise
How to Unlock: Start Act 3 Emblem: Blue Bird
Notes: Only useable in Act 3 How to Unlock: Hand over 50 items to rebels

Costume: Suit Emblem: Centipede

How to Unlock: Beat the game on any difficulty How to Unlock: Have less than 75 alerts, less than
250 kills, and more than 25
Costume: Altair continues
How to Unlock: Earn the Assassin's Emblem
Notes: Makes Snake look like Altair from Assassin's Emblem: Chicken
Creed How to Unlock: Have over 150 alerts, over 500 kills,
over 50 continues, use
*=============================== more than 50 healing items, and beat the game in
================================ over 35 hours
Emblems (embd) Emblem: Cow
*=============================== How to Unlock: Have over 100 alerts
=========* Emblem: Crocodile
The Emblems are a way of ranking your How to Unlock: Have over 400 kills
accomplishments upon beating the game.
They are very much similar to the rankings used in Emblem: Eagle
MGS3. By meeting certain How to Unlock: Have 150 or more headshots
criteria during a playthrough of the game, you can
earn several different Emblem: Fox
Emblems when you finish. Typically, one Emblem How to Unlock: Beat the game on Solid Normal, with
appears first and is considered no kills, no deaths, 5 or
by players to be their "main" for that run through. less alerts, no healing items used, no Bandanna or
Others will also appear for Stealth used in under 6
your various play styles and accomplishments. There hours.
are 40 in total, and
collecting all of them not only gives you plenty to do Emblem: Fox Hound
with MGS4, but also How to Unlock: Beat the game on Big Boss Hard or
rewards you with another iPod Song. Oh yay... higher with no kills, no
Anyways, much of this information deaths, 3 or less alerts, no healing items used, no
comes from the Cheats section of, so Bandanna or Stealth used in
credit goes to those who under 5 and 1/2 hours.
submitted it. I will also be trying to confirm as many
of these as I can in the Emblem: Frog Emblem
coming days. How to Unlock: Roll forward at least 100 times

Emblem: Ant Emblem: Gecko

How to Unlock: Hold up and frisk enemies for items How to Unlock: Lay against walls for a total time of at
50 times least 1 hour

Emblem: Assassin Emblem: Giant Panda

How to Unlock: Have 50 or more knife kills, 50 or How to Unlock: Beat the game in over 30 hours
more CQC holds, and less than
25 alerts when completing the game. Emblem: Gibbon
How to Unlock: Hold up 50 enemies
Emblem: Bear
How to Unlock: Grab at least 100 enemies in CQC Emblem: Hawk
How to Unlock: Be praised 25 times by rebels
Emblem: Bee Notes: Eliminate enemies so the rebels can clearly
How to Unlock: Use the Syringe on at least 50 see, and say "Nice shot!"
enemies among other things
Notes: Scanning Plug S can be used too apparently
Emblem: Hog
Emblem: Big Boss How to Unlock: Experience 10 Combat Highs
How to Unlock: Beat the game on The Boss Extreme Notes: To get a Combat High, go into alert and fire
with no kills, no deaths, no any automatic gun with a
alerts, no healing items used, and without using lot of ammo.
Bandanna or Stealth in under
Emblem: Hound
How to Unlock: Beat the game on Big Boss Hard or Emblem: Scorpion
higher with no kills, 3 or How to Unlock: Have less than 250 kills, less than 75
less alerts, no deaths, no healing items used, not alerts, and under 25
using Bandanna or Stealth in continues
under 6 and 1/2 hours
Emblem: Spider
Emblem: Hyena How to Unlock: Have over 250 kills, less than 75
How to Unlock: Pick up 400 or more dropped alerts, and over 25 continues
Emblem: Tarantula
Emblem: Inchworm How to Unlock: Have over 250 kills, less than 75
How to Unlock: Crawl on the ground for a total time alerts, and under 25 continues
of at least 1 hour
Emblem: Tortoise
Emblem: Jaguar How to Unlock: Spend a total time of at least 1 hour
How to Unlock: Have less than 250 kills, over 75 in a Drum Can or Cardboard
alerts, and less than 25 Box
Emblem: Wolf
Emblem: Leopard How to Unlock: Beat the game with no continues and
How to Unlock: Have less than 250 kills, over 75 no healing items used
alerts and more than 25
Emblem: Little Gray ----------
How to Unlock: Obtain all weapons Here are some little tips for getting some of these
Emblems easier. A lot of
Emblem: Lobster them are easy or downright self-explanatory. A little
How to Unlock: Crouch for a total time of at least 2 help for some of the
and 1/2 hours others can go a long way though, so here you are.

Emblem: Mantis x-Assassin's Emblem-x

How to Unlock: Have no alerts, no deaths, and no
healing items used and beat The requirements are to have 50 CQC grabs and 50
the game in under 5 hours knife kills. In addition to
this, you must have 25 or less alerts. Now, the alerts
Emblem: Octopus part you'll be on your
How to Unlock: Beat the game with no alerts own for that. Just try not to get too greedy for knife
kills that you end up
Emblem: Panther getting spotted a lot. Having more than 15 alerts
How to Unlock: Have over 75 alerts, over 250 kills, before finishing Act 2 is
and less than 25 continues not too good, but it can be done.

Emblem: Pig More importantly however, take note of the fact that
How to Unlock: Consume more than 50 healing items you will automatically
accumulate a CQC grab for every knife kill. You have
Emblem: Pigeon to slit the throats of
How to Unlock: Beat the game with no kills 50 enemies and that can't be done without grabbing
Notes: Unmanned enemies do not count them in CQC first.

Emblem: Puma
How to Unlock: Have over 75 alerts, over 250 kills, x-Ant and Gibbon Emblems-x
and more than 25 continues
To get Ant, you need to frisk 50 enemies for items.
Emblem: Rabbit This can be a standing or
How to Unlock: Flip through 100 Playboy pages prone frisk. For the Gibbon Emblem, you need to hold
up 50 enemies which is the
Emblem: Raven antecedent to frisking them. So by fulfilling Ant you
How to Unlock: Beat the game in under 5 hours will have automatically
fulfilled Gibbon. Keep in mind however that you want
Emblem: Scarab to get a majority of these
How to Unlock: Roll on the ground over 100 times on Acts 1 and 2. There are a lot fewer PMCs in Act 3
Notes: This is not the combat roll you do while (you can also hold up and
crouched. Lay on the ground Frisk the Resistance member) and after that, there
and hold L1 and then X and move left or right to roll are very few easy
along the ground. You opportunities.
MUST stop and let go of X and then repeat for it to
register new rolls.
x-Blue Bird and Pig Emblems-x Combat Highs. Fire a gun that has automatic fire and
just keep shooting while
For Blue Bird, you have to give 50 recovery items to under the Alert Phase and let the stress climb to get
Rebels. For Pig, you have a Combat High. 10 of
to consume 50 of them for yourself. Yum. In any these gets you the Hog Emblem.
case, although the two are
very different, the same basic strategy will apply. You Finally, since 35 hours of played time is a
want to first of all, requirement, why not spend a few
play on a lower difficulty. Naked Normal should do of those hours getting the Centipede and Tortoise
fine, but lower than that Emblems? Centipede is one a
is more helpful. This way, you get to carry more lot of players get easily for 1 hour of crawling time. IF
items. you need it though,
just leave the game on for an hour where Snake is
Always know where to find Rations, Noodles, Regain safe and laying in a prone
in the Acts. I have a lot of position. Do the same for Tortoise by making Snake
them pointed out in the main walkthrough. If you're wear a Cardboard Box or
going for Blue Bird, keep Drum Can and leave the game on. You'll not only get
handing over items to the same Rebel if you want; it the time needed for these
won't matter. You can Emblems, but it will add to your total for Big Panda
often get "freebies" on some because when the and Chicken.
Rebels like you enough, they'll
hand over items in return, and the items will
sometimes include Instant Noodles x-Gecko and Lobster Emblems-x
which is really good.
You can also knock out two really easily with this
You can also make use of the Tanegashima. It makes simple strategy. For Gecko,
both of these emblems super you have to press against walls for a total time of
easy. If you can afford it, use it in Acts 1 and 2. It only one hour. Lobster requires
has a 33% chance of you to have two and a half hours of crouch time
activating, but when the tornado comes to life, a which surprisingly, is hard to
shower of items will rain accumulate in even your very first run of the game.
down on the battlefield. You'll often find plenty of
Rations to use. To make things easier, you can just leave the game
on for a while. Just don't
x-Killing Many Birds With One Stone-x forget that the console is on and do not leave it
unattended! In any case, if
The Chicken Emblem has a really big list of you press against a wall with Triangle while crouched,
requirements. You need to have over you'll earn time toward
150 alerts, over 500 kills, over 50 continues, use both Emblems' requirements. Yes, that's correct. So if
more than 50 healing items, you do a crouching wall
and complete the game with more than 35 hours on press for two and a half hours, you automatically get
the clock. What you may not both Gecko and Lobster.
immediately realize however is that by fulfilling
Chicken's requirements, you
will automatically get a few other Emblems.
Furthermore, the required numbers *===============================
are very close to other Emblem requirements, so ================================
much that you may as well get =========*
them too while you're at it and save yourself the iPod Songs (hlycrp)
time. *===============================
By getting the Chicken Emblem, you will =========*
automatically get the Cow, Crocodile, What a very nice feature for the game. I surely envy
Big Panda, Pig, and Puma Emblems. So it's a good Snake. He gets to fill
idea if you're eyeing any of people full of holes and choke the life out of them
these Emblems, that you just make it easier and go while listening to soothing
for Chicken. However, in tunes on his iPod. Collecting these songs is not just
addition, you can easily get a few more Emblems too for listening, but a lot
with just a little extra of them have very special effects when used. If there
work. is an effect, it will be
listed. Also, all the songs are listed (that we know of),
Since 500 kills is a requirement, making many of but I haven't found
those headshot kills should all of them just yet so I'll be adding more details
not be difficult at all. You need 150 to get the Eagle soon.
Emblem. Also, since you
will be doing a lot of killing and getting a lot of alerts
(most of which you Song: Inori no Uta
should try to gather on Acts 1 and 2), you have a Location: Act 1 Mission Briefing
great chance of getting
Details: Play this briefing from the main menu and Song: Rock Me Baby
use the Mk. II to find it Location: Act 2 - Confinement Facility
upstairs in the kitchen/living room area, near the Details: In the "countryside" part of the Confinement
table Facility, it's on the
centermost island of the bog area. The island is large
Song: Theme of Tara and has a lot of rocks on
Location: Act 1 - Militia Safehouse it, the song is on the middle plateau, right in front of
Details: In an alcove to the left immediately after the two rocks. Rocks, Rock
room with the injured Me, get it? Eh? Ahhh...
rebels Effect: Increases Snake's recovery rate

Song: Zanzibarland Breeze Song: Sailor

Location: Act 1 - Urban Ruins Location: Act 2 - Vista Mansion
Details: Right when you reach the very end of the Details: In the top right when just entering the
ruins, facing the drop point, gateway to the mansion. Find it
turn left. Crouch to enter this area with the dead in the area with the tents in the top right between
soldier, then stand up again. the wall and a large red
There will be a ledge you can see here. Climb up and container
you can find the song. Effect: Increases Snake's recovery rate

Song: Level 3 Warning Song: Bon Dance

Location: Act 1 - Advent Palace Location: Act 2 - Marketplace
Details: In the kitchen area on the 3F, guarded by a Details: It's more or less in front of you when you
Claymore begin this area. Might be
obstructed by some market stalls and also beware of
Song: Theme of Solid Snake the Gekko
Location: Act 1 - Millennium Park
Details: Down the road from where the two PMCs are Song: Shin Bokura no Taiyou Theme
and near a third is an Location: Act 3 Mission Briefing, Nomad
alley with a dumpster. Slip into the building here and Details: Go upstairs with the Mk. II. It's near the
the song is immediately stove, where Snake is
to the right standing at the start of this briefing

Song: Destiny's Call Song: Test Subject's Duality

Location: Act 1 or 2 Location: Act 3 - Midtown S Sector
Details: Random gift from rebel soldiers when they Details: Immediately when you get control following
are given items. Keep giving the cutscenes, go down the
them items until they relinquish this street to see the resistance member appear. Turn
around and go back to the
Song: Show Time previous street, turning left. You can find it near the
Location: Act 1 or 2 building here
Details: Random gift from rebel soldiers when they
are given items Song: Biohazard
Effect: Grabbing enemies with CQC makes them Location: Act 3 - Any Midtown area
scream Details: Hold up and search the resistance member

Song: MGS 4 Love Theme/Action Song: One Night in Neo Kobe City
Location: Act 1 or 2 Location: Act 3 - Midtown S Sector
Details: Random gift from rebel soldiers when they Details: When facing the park in the first area, go
are given items down the street to the right
Effect: Grabbing enemies in CQC causes them to cry and you should find a lone PMC. Hold him up for this
Song: Boktai 2 Theme Effect: Holding enemies in CQC makes them laugh
Location: Act 2 Mission Briefing, Nomad
Details: Go upstairs with the Mk. II. It's in the Song: On Alert
bathroom. Location: Act 3 - Midtown N Sector
Details: Follow the last PMC to be walking with the
Song: The Fury disguised resistance member
Location: Act 2 - Cove Valley Village and he will enter an alley with this song inside
Details: Inside the house with the porch
Effect: Grabbing enemies with CQC makes them feel Song: The Essence of Vince
rage Location: Act 3 - Echo's Beacon
Details: Before the boss fight with Raging Raven
Song: Metal Gear 20 Years History (Part 3) ends, find it on the top floor
Location: Act 2 - Confinement Facility in one of the corners
Details: In the large facility itself, in the barracks
(room with all the beds) Song: Lunar Knights Main Theme
you will find this song Location: Act 4 Mission Briefing, Nomad
Details: Go upstairs with the Mk. II. It's right next to Effect: Snake's accuracy is increased
where Sunny is
Song: Big Boss
Song: Warhead Storage Location: N/A
Location: Act 4 - Tank Hangar Details: Obtain the Big Boss Emblem
Details: At the end of the 2nd floor vents; take the Effect: Increases Snake's damage and accuracy
upstairs vents from the
Heliport and crawl all the way through Song: Snake Eater
Location: N/A
Song: Flowing Destiny Details: Collect all 40 Emblems
Location: Act 4 - Canyon Effect: Increases the rate of recovery by items and
Details: Near the exit, to the far left is a small other methods
crawlspace in the rocks. The
song is inside here MORE COMING SOON
Effect: Grabbing enemies with CQC causes them to

Song: Metal Gear 20 Years History (Part 2)

Location: Act 4 - Warhead Storage BLDG B2
Details: After getting off the elevator, turn right
/ \
immediately. Go through the
-]| Miscellaneous (mscl) |[-
office area to the far end. The song is tucked away in
the corner
Song: Opening - Old L.A. 2040 ____________/
Location: Act 4 - Warhead Storage BLDG B2
Details: When asked for the password in Otcaon's
office, input 78925 *===============================
Effect: Snake's accuracy is increased ================================
Song: POLICENAUTS End Title Frequently Asked Questions (afak)
Location: Act 4 - Warhead Storage BLDG B2 *===============================
Details: When asked for the password in Otacon's ================================
office, input 13462 =========*
Effect: Enemies held by Snake in CQC are
automatically put to sleep 1) How do I beat (insert boss)?
A) Refer to the appropriate boss strategy in each act
Song: The Best Is Yet To Come of the walkthrough. You
Location: Act 4 - Snowfield can also find strategies for stamina killing each boss
Details: After the Crying Wolf battle, in the small area (in which it applies)
that Otacon unlocks, in the second walkthrough.
the song is immediately to the right after entering.
It's the same area that 2) Do Gekkos, the FROGs, Raven's minions, and
the "Disc Change" Codec call occurs in Scarabs count as kills?
A) Of those four, FROGs are the ONLY human
Song: Beyond the Bounds combatants. Shooting them with
Location: Act 4 - Tank Hangar lethal weapons will result in a kill. Gekkos, Scarabs,
Details: After power is restored, return to this area and Raven's flying
and the bottom-right door minions are UNMANNED. Fire at will.
on the 2nd floor will be unlocked. It's in there
Effect: Increases the effectiveness of non-lethal 3) I've heard that even tranquilizing a FROG when it's
weapons on a high ledge will
result in a kill when it falls. Is this true?
Song: Yell (Dead Cell) A) The answer is no. No. No. Don't e-mail me about
Location: Act 4 = Casting Facility North this. You will be ignored
Details: because if you say the answer is yes, then you are
Song: Metal Gear Solid Main Theme (The Document
Remix) 4) Do the alerts caused by Raven's minions count?
Location: Act 5 - Ship Bow A) No. An Alert is only an Alert if the Alert phase box
Details: Under a hatch right near Snake when you appears with the timer.
start this area. Get close to The Alert "!" sound effect means nothing if there's no
it and open it with Triangle. Slip into this area and Alert phase.
crawl through the duct to
find the song 5) I found a new weapon but it says "ID Locked?"
What gives?
Song: Subsistence A) Just keep playing, eventually you can pay to
Location: N/A remove the locks.
Details: Play at least one match of Metal Gear Online
6) Stun Grenades keep blinding me? What's the thing ever in the galaxy. If not, you will be thoroughly
point? ignored. I repeat,
A) I concur that Stun Grenades can sometimes do this guide is closed and I am no longer accepting
more harm than good, but it tips.
really comes down to knowing how to use them
properly. The farther you are from If you do somehow manage on that 1% chance to get
the impact, the less blinding you'll succumb to. a tip approved by me at this
Obviously this makes them not point, make sure you leave an alias, not your real
so good for certain situations. name or e-mail address. It
can be a random screen name or anything. Failure to
7) Where are all the Chaff Grenades? Why are these do this will result in you
things like lost treasure? being ignored. Even still, there's a slim to none
A) Chaff Grenades seem to be rare since they can chance of anything new being
make things very easy for you added.
in the latter parts of the game. The known locations
-Act II: Confinement Facility, inside the actual facility, ================================
the storage room =========*
-Act II: Market, last stall on the left before passing the Credits/Special Thanks
final Gekko *===============================
-Act III: Midtown Central Sector, tucked in a corner, ================================
near a big sewage canal =========*
-Act IV: Heliport, the center of the helicopter landing Well I guess first and foremost I would like to thank
Hideo Kojima. I got
8) Do the Alerts in the "Dream Sequence" count hooked in the series by MGS2, and have since then
toward my total? played every other game in
A) This is another question I hate seeing because it's the Solid Snake story. Thanks for your hard work.
asked way too much. The
answer is an emphatic no. The gameFAQs community as usual for accepting this
guide, and also for the good
9) How do I beat Screaming Mantis without killing folks on the message board who are willing to help
her? The Sorrow Doll isn't out when needed.
A) The Sorrow Doll will never ever work, it's made to Albedo Piazzola for being one of the first people to
work on the dead, and find and outline a good
wouldn't that just defeat the purpose? As it turns out, strategy for the Act 5 Scarab DP trick.
the Mantis doll counts
as a non-lethal kill, so it won't go against your kill DexMorgan for reminding me I didn't really write
count. anything about Emotive Ammo.

10) I just started my second playthrough and I don't bkatzfamily for info on Ghost #21
have any of my weapons or
items from before! What gives?! ChrisR for info on Ghost #20
A) You won't receive any of your old stuff until you
meet the Mk. II in the crimsonriver for info about the install times for BBE
Red Zone area. and how to beat them

11) Well, I met up with the Mk. II and I STILL don't as always, for the ASCII art help.
have my things from
before. YOU LIAR!
A) *Sigh* That means you made the very silly *===============================
mistake of selecting NEW GAME ================================
instead of LOADING your completed save file. =========*
Selecting New Game starts Contact Info
everything over from scratch so don't do it! *===============================
*=============================== =========*
================================ E-mail is always the primary method of reaching me.
=========* I just ask, and this is
Regarding Submissions more applicable to when this guide is "open" so to
*=============================== speak, to note that I have
================================ a somewhat flooded e-mail inbox from my other
=========* guides and so it might take a
This guide is now closed. Do not e-mail me tips ever. little while to get back to you. I don't expect it to take
I will not reply to longer than 2 days
them. If you dare to incur my wrath, your tip had to respond to an e-mail but sometimes it happens.
better be the most amazing When things settle down, I
hope that my inbox will get some relief.

Well, I had my PSN listed previously. Now however, I

have more friends than I
could have ever wanted so I'm trying to cut down on
the number of requests I
get. If you really want to add me, please e-mail me.
That said, I have a few
games that I play (at least when I have the time)
online. I have Grand Theft
Auto IV, Call of Duty 4, MLB 08: The Show, Rock
Band, and of course MGS4. I
made a new account in COD4, and then I got bored
so I kinda don't play nearly
as much as I used to (and I played it quite a bit). I'm
definitely into playing
Metal Gear Online some more in the coming days,

Legal Gibberish
This guide is solely my creation and has been
copyrighted as such. Please do
not use this guide without asking to host it first. Not
all requests may be
approved. If you do host the guide, please leave all
the information intact,
and unchanged. Do not steal my work and attempt to
pass it off as your own
etc, etc, etc. As it stands now, the following sites
have permission to use my

You're always welcome to print the guide out

because lord knows I can't show up
at your house and say "No!" I wouldn't anyway, I
don't really care.

That's all. Good night folks! Schwing!

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