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A An Some Any

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- Singular nouns
- Singular nouns
- A thing is near - A thing is far

- Plural countable nouns - Plural countable nouns
- Things are near - Things are far
A / AN
- Singular nouns
- Singular nouns
- Start with consonant - Start with vowel
- The first time - The first time

- The second time,
- The unique thing
- The river, ocean, sea, sky…
- Instruments, superlative
- The first, second, third …
1. Put the, a/an where necessary: h) Woman came to see you yesterday. I
a) Susan lives in small town in country. had never seen her before.
_______________________________ _______________________________
b) Earth goes around sun i) We have to protect environment.
_______________________________ _______________________________
c) President of United States is Barack j) I went to school to see my son
Obama. ________________________
_______________________________ k) We went to nice restaurant in Rome.
d) We do same things every day! _______________________________
_______________________________ l) London is capital of England.
e) We can go to cinema to watch film. _______________________________
_______________________________ m) He has got new car. Car is red
f) Jane is looking for new job. _______________________________
_______________________________ n) She’s teacher.
g) Can you turn off television, please? _________________
_______________________________ m) He’s listening to radio
2. Choose the correct article:
a) We went to _____ museum in j) _____ police officer who arrested the
Poland. I don’t remember which one. thieves is now a hero.
b) _____ first lady visited _____ hospital k) We visited _____ hospital where Joe
yesterday morning. was taken after the accident.
c) There’s _____ post office at _____ l) _____ hotel where we stayed in
end of the street. Galway was _____ very nice place.
d) I’m going to _____ supermarket. m) We have arrived at _____ same
e) _____ architect is someone who time.
designs buildings. n) _____ exam was so difficult that I
f) How often do you listen to _____ think I’ll fail it.
radio? o) We went to _____ concert on Friday.
g) He’s bought _____ new television. I didn’t know any of the groups playing.
h) There’s _____ space between us, p) Does he live in _____ country?
come and sit! q) We can turn on _____ light now.
i) We saw something strange in _____ r) Pass me _____ salt, please.
sky and we called _____ police.
A / an
Some / any
- Singular nouns
- Singular nouns
- Start with consonant - Start with vowel

- Plural countable nouns - Plural countable nouns
- Uncountable nouns - Uncountable nouns
- Affirmative sentences - Negative & Question
1 a/an apple 5 a / some coffee 9 a / some lemon

2 a / some chocolate 6 a / some potato 10 an / some onion

3 a / some sandwich 7 an / some sugar 11 a / an strawberry

4 a / an banana 8 a / an olive 12 a / some jam

Fill in the blanks with “a-an” or “some-any”
1. There aren't……………………… children in the school yard.
2. I need………………………paper and a pen.
3. Would you like……………………… orange for dessert?
4. She never takes……………………… luggage when she travels.
5. Would you like……………………… iced tea?
6. You can see……………………… wonderful Modernist buildings
in Barcelona.
7. Have you got………………………English friends?
8. ………………………………… people don’t like flying.
9. I hardly ever watch………………………….. films in English.
1. “Is there ... tea in this kitchen?” 5. Sorry, there isn’t … more
any some tea.
a an some any
2. “Are there any girls in your a an
class?” - “No, there aren´t … “
an some 6. Are there … lamps in the house?
any a some a
any an
7. Have the Collins got …
3. The Browns haven’t got … children?
children. an some
any some a any
a an 8. Is there … book on the table?
4. I haven’t got … books to read.
a an
some an
some any
a any
9. Has Mr. Evans got … 13. Have the Evans got …
coffee? flat?
some any any some
an a an a
10. This is … interesting 14. “Have you got any
newspaper. glasses?”
a an “No, I haven’t got …”
any some some a
11. “Is there any coffee in the any an
kitchen?” “Yes, there is.....” 15. Have you got … chair for
some any me?
a an any an
12. There are … cups of tea some a
on the table. 16 . Is there … beer in the
17. There aren’t … flats to rent. 21. Are there … boys in this class?
an some an any
any a some a
18. There isn’t … water in the glass.22. In the park there are … very
some a nice trees.
an any some any
19. “Is there any coffee in the cup?” an a
“Yes, there is …” 23. I’m reading … interesting
a an book.
some any an any
20. There isn’t … beer in the bottle. some a
a some 24. Mrs Green is having … coffee
an any with milk.
some any
a an
29. There are … girls in this class.
25. We haven’t got … cinemas any some
here. an a
any some 30. “Is there any beer in the glass”
an a “No, there isn’t …”
26. Mr. Smith is having … bread. some any
any some a an
a an 31. Has Peter got … interesting
27. There are … children in the books?
street. some any
any some an a
an a 32. Have they got … books?
28. Is there … wine in the glass? any some
some a an a
any an
Circle the uncountable noun in each group.
1. cherry butter sardine tomato
2. purse coin wallet money
3. sofa wardrobe furniture armchair A/ an/ some/ any
4. glue book pencil ruler
Choose the correct word.
5. jar pot jam glass
1. Can I have _ _ _ _ _ _ _ more cake?
2. Are there _ _ _ _ _ _ _ foreign
students in your class?
3.Would you like _ _ _ _ _ _ _ orange?
4.There aren’t _ _ _ _ _ _ _ eggs left.
Could you get me _ _ _ _ _ _ _?
5.We need _ _ _ _ _ _ _ information about invertebrates for our
biology project.
6.Ann had _ _ _ _ _ _ _ terrible headache so I advised her to take _
_ _ _ _ _ _ aspirin.
7.There’s _ _ _ _ _ _ _ soup left for you in the microwave oven.
8.To prepare the salad I need _ _ _ _ _ _ _ bowl, _ _ _ _ _ _ _
cheese, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ red pepper, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ corn, _ _ _ _ _ _ _
cucumber and _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ketchup.
9.We have _ _ _ _ _ _ _ good news for you.
10. There weren’t _ _ _ _ _ _ _
people at the bus stop because the
drivers were on strike.
Complete with ‘a/an’, ‘some’ or ‘any’.
Change the statements into the 1. I’ve seen _ _ _ _ nice dress in the shop
negative or question. window.
1. I’ve baked some biscuits for you. 2.They didn’t bring _ _ _ _ food to the
(x) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ party.
2.My brother found some money in the 3.You shouldn’t have _ _ _ _ problems with
street yesterday. understanding the article.
(?) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 3.I 4.Would you like _ _ _ _ apple juice?
know some words in German. 5.Henry doesn’t have _ _ _ _ Italian
(x) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ dictionaries,but he has got _ _ _ _ English
4.There are some beautiful fountains in the one.
park. 6.I need _ _ _ _ help with the writing
(x) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ assignment.
5.Judy bought some trendy shoes last week. 7.We like U2. _ _ _ _ of their songs are just
(?) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ brilliant.
8.There’s _ _ _ _ envelope and _ _ _ _
stamps on the table.
9. Rob is _ _ _ _ shy boy. He hasn’t got _
_ _ _
Change the statements into the negative or question.
1. I’ve baked some biscuits for you.
(x) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
2.My brother found some money in the street yesterday.
(?) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
3.I know some words in German.
(x) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
4.There are some beautiful fountains in the park.
(x) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
5.Judy bought some trendy shoes last week.
(?) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
1.Look! There is ……… elephant and ……… tiny mouse in the cage.
2. There aren’t ……… Penguins in the zoo but there are ………
3. I haven’t got ……… oil left. Can you lend me ……….?
4.My father is reading ……newspaper and you are playing ………… game.
5.Celia isn’t wearing ……… sunglasses. She is wearing …….. pink dress.
6.Are you waiting for ……bus? No, I am waiting for ……… teacher.
7.No, they aren’t watching ……… videos. They are doing ……….
8.The policeman wears ……… blue uniform and ………… boots.
9.Excuse me, is there ……… computer free?
10.-She’s got …… angry dog and …… lovely cat.
11.There wasn’t ……… money for me. My father gave ………… coins.
12.She didn’t get ……… Letters from her friend.
13.his boyfriend was ……… ugly person.
14.I watched ……… extraordinary event at the circus.
15.The monster has got ……… long legs and …… big mouth.
16.Did you get ……… information at the desk?
17.We are eating ………. fish and drinking …….. glass of milk.
18.…………… short stories were really funny.
19.I didn’t have ……… ice-cream. I had ………… crisps.
20.She said it was ………… easy exercise.
21. My mother didn’t give me ……… help with my homework.
22. There is ……mosquito in my bedroom.
23. We were looking for …… fingerprints.
24. He ate …… biscuits,……apple and …… orange.
25.My father cooked …… strawberry cake.
26.The strong man won ……… sumo competition.
27.……… Scottish girl played the pipes.
28.This is ……… special method to freeze food.
29. Open …… window, please. It’s too hot in here.
30. We write …… postcard and put it in …envelope
31.Matilda milked …… cows and fed …… rabbits.
32.There wasn’t ……time to finish the project.
33.We always wanted to have …… freedom.
34.Paolo is ……… boy who studies English with me at school.
35. Bobby and his sister gave the poor man ………… clothes and shoes.
36.Is there ……… hospital near here, please?
37.We didn’t get ………… tickets for the rock concert.
38.The kite didn’t fly because it didn’t blow …………… air.
Many / much
A lot
- Uncountable plural nouns
Countable plural nouns
- Negative & Question - Negative & Question

- Plural countable nouns - How much + N uncountable
- Plural uncountable nouns - How many + N countable
- Affirmative sentences
1. Fill in the blanks with “much”, “many” or “a lot of”
1) There are ________________ birds in the sky.
2) I haven’t got ___________ homework today.
3) John hasn’t got _______________ money.
4) There aren’t _________________ cars in the street.
5) There is __________________coffee in the cup.
6) Are there ____________________ apples on the tree?
7) Jane spends ________________ money at the shops.
8) Have you got ______________bread in the cupboard?
9) Are there _____________ children on the beach?
10) We are early. We have _______________ time.
2. Fill in the blanks with "much", "many" or "a lot of".
1. Have you got ................. money?
2. My brother has ..................... books.
3. There isn't .................... sugar.
4. Have you got ..................... beer?
5. He has got ...................... cousins.
6. He drinks too ...................... whisky.
7. She doesn't smoke .................. cigarettes.
8. There aren't ...................... flowers in the vase.
9. Is there ...................... cheese in the fridge?
10. Are there ........................ bananas in the supermarket?
11. She eats ........................ chocolate everyday.
12. There are too .................. people at the zoo today!
13. I don't like lemons very ............
14. The little boy can't buy .................... sweets because he
doesn't have …………………. money.
15. Do you usually buy so ........................ bread every
1. I have _____meat left in my plate.
2. There is _____ milk in the glass.
3. She drank  _____   wine yesterday.
4. They saw  _____  people inside the shop.
5. I need   _____  pens to give to the students.
6. Can I have  _____   bread, please?
7. There are only  _____  students left in the classroom.
8. Derek has  _____  books in his backpack.
9. There's  _____  rice in the fridge if you get hungry.
10. I borrowed  _____   movies from my friend.
11. She usually eats  _____  things in the morning.
12. Just write  _____   pages for me, will you?
13. There are  _____   toys in the basket.
14. I have  _____  work to do tonight.
15. I invited only_____friends for my birthday.


Complete the sentences with A LITTLE, LITTLE, FEW, A FEW.

1. Let's go to the movies. I have ……… money.

2. I'm sorry, I can't pay for your lunch. I have ……… money.
3. Not many children like vegetables. For example, children eat
4. Joe is always angry. That's why he has ………friends.
5. Bill didn't drink all the soda. There's ……… left.
1. Can I have a few / some / many butter please?
2. He has a lot of / many / some money. He owns two large
3. Do you want sugar in your tea?
“Just how much / a little / a few ‘please.”
4. I have a lot of / much / a little DVDs.
5. I’ll be ready in some / a few / little minutes.
6. How many / how much time do you need to finish your homework?
7. How many / how much books have you read in the last two
8. Do you want much / any / few cosmetics from Avon?
9. We have little / a little / few bread. It is not enough for dinner.
10. We have much / many / few chairs but we need more.

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