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Module 3 : Unit 3


Year/ Course/Section: 1 BS ACCOUNTANCY – C Score: _________
Professor/Instructor: MAAM ELANGBAI BALAWAG

Exercise 1: Reading Comprehension Test. Identify the choice that best completes
the statement or answers the question. Write your answer before the

__B__ 1. The narrator suggests that Mathilde’s problem is that she —

a. needs a job to give her self-worth

b. was born into the wrong social class
c. does not know how to spend her vast wealth
d. does not really love her husband

__B__ 2. Mathilde envies the social class and wealth of others because —

a. she was born wealthy but wants to be even wealthier

b. she feels that she deserves a more beautiful life
c. her husband is very demanding
d. her friends encourage her to be a social climber

__A__ 3. Mathilde borrows a necklace from Mme. Forestier because —

a. she does not have fine jewelry

b. all of her jewels are in storage
c. she does not want to wear real diamonds and risk losing them
d. Mme. Forestier offers one, and Mathilde feels bad about refusing her

__D__ 4. Why don’t the Loisels tell Mme. Forestier that the necklace has been lost?

a. They fear Mme. Forestier will mock them.

b. They do not care what anyone thinks of them.
c. The minister advises M. Loisel not to tell the truth.
d. They are ashamed to admit their carelessness.

__C__5. In order to get the money to replace the necklace, the Loisels —

a. borrow all of it
b. steal it
c. borrow some, reduce their standard of living, and work hard
d. work hard but do not reduce their standard of living

__A__ 6. Mathilde seems happiest when she —

a. attends the big party

b. replaces the necklace
c. gets the party invitation
d. finally pays off her debt

__D__ 7. Mme. Forestier responds to Mathilde’s final revelation with —

a. cruel mockery
b. a scream of terror
c. compassion and generosity
d. amazement

__C__ 8. At the end of the story, it is plain that —

a. the Loisels will soon become wealthy

b. the Loisels have learned an important lesson about thrift
c. the Loisels have suffered needlessly
d. Mme. Forestier will help the Loisels

__D__ 9. Which of the following statements best summarizes “The Necklace”?

a. A woman who wants to make a good impression goes to a dance.

b. An expensive necklace is lost and needs to be replaced.
c. A woman buys an expensive dress and borrows a diamond necklace.
d. In pursuit of recognition, a woman is driven to financial ruin.

__C__ 10. If you were summarizing “The Necklace,” you would mention a(n)

a. rifle
b. Oriental tapestry
c. necklace made of fake diamonds
d. expensive fur coat

Exercise 2: Vocabulary test. Choose the letter of the best meaning for the
underlined word as it is used in context from the story. Write your
answer in the space before the number.

__C__ 1. In the context of "The Necklace," what is a saloon?

a. a hair-do
b. a place to get one's hair cut
c. a room
d. a house

__A__ 2. “At the end of ten years everything was paid off, everything, the usurer's
charges and the accumulation of superimposed interest.” What is a usurer?
a. one who lends money with interest
b. a small room
c. a useful quality
d. one who sells necklaces

__B__ 3.“Suddenly she discovered, in a black satin case, a superb diamond necklace;
her heart began to beat covetousIy.” The word covetously most nearly means :
a. unenvious
b. grasping
c. moderate
d. victorious

__B__ 4. As it is used at the beginning of paragraph 1, the word blundered most

nearly means:
a. tripped
b. erred
c. mistook
d. careened

__A__ 5. As it is used in paragraph two, the word mean in the phrase, "from its
mean walls" most nearly means:
a. menial
b. snide
c. normal
d. stingy

__D__6. As it is used near the end of paragraph three, the word gallantries most
nearly means:
a. courageousness
b. etiquette
c. chatter
d. flattery

__A__ 7. As it is used at the beginning of the dialogue sequence, the word exultant
most nearly means:
a. triumphant
b. exalted
c. chipper
d. hilarious

__B__ 8. As it is used in this phrase, "Everyone wants one; it's very select, and very
few go to the clerks." The word select most nearly means:
a. preferable
b. eclectic
c. unique
d. appropriate

__B__ 9. “She dressed plainly because she could not dress well, but she was unhappy
as if she had really fallen from a higher station; since with women there is neither
caste nor rank, for beauty, grace and charm take the place of family and birth.” The
word caste most nearly means:
a. valor
b. status
c. circumstance
d. rich

__A__ 10.“The day of the ball drew near and Madame Loisel seemed sad, uneasy,
anxious. Her frock was ready, however.” The word frock most nearly means:
a. dress
b. group of animal
c. self
d. large aquatic amphibian

Exercise 3: Cause-and Effect Relationship. The story can be analyzed in terms of
causes and effects.

Directions: Make a cause-and-effect chain to track the relationship between events

especially of the conflict and complications. The first row is an example. You can use
another sheet of paper if you wish to add more boxes.

Madame Loisel dreams Her husband manages Mme. Loisel is upset

of going to fashionable to get a ticket to the that she has nothing
events. Minister’s Reception. good enough to wear.

1. Her husband 2. She use the 3. The couple find

told her to necklace she it but they
borrow a borrowed but couldn’t find it
necklace to her at the end she that is why his
friend. lost it. husband told
her to lie to the
owner of the
necklace and
find a better

4. Mathilde and 5. They borrow 6. They pay their

her husband money at all debt for about
find a similar lenders and ten years but at
one but it cost buy the similar the end they
expensive. necklace and know that the
give to the necklace they
owner. lost was a fake.

Exercise 4. Answer the following questions.

1. Why was Mathilde unhappy with her life at the beginning of "The Necklace"
by Guy de Maupassant?

Mathilde is unhappy because she wishes for a life that is kind of different from
her current one, she was unhappy with her life because she was not wealthy. She
has been disappointed with her circumstances, since she was a child Mathilde
grew up in a lower-class family with no prospects, according to the story's first

2. What is the conflict of the story? Explain what type of conflict it is.

The type of conflict in this story is a man vs. self. When Madame Loisel realizes
she has misplaced the diamond necklace she borrowed, she must decide
whether to warn her wealthy neighbor, Madame Forestier, or risk
embarrassment and the loss of the woman's friendship. Or would she want to
replace it on her own while keeping her friend in the dark over the loss of the
original necklace? They borrow money in whatever manner they can, sometimes
at high interest rates, and purchase a diamond necklace that seems to be similar.
The owner does not notice the difference when Madame Loisel returns it to
Madame Forestier. Madame Loisel's secret is secured, but she and her husband
will have to borrow and pay the money  for years to repay the loan. When she
learns that the original necklace did not contain actual diamonds, but rather
paste at the end of the novel, she will reconsider her decision.

3. How did the couple try to resolve the conflict? Discuss whether they chose
the right course of action when they found the necklace was missing?

The pair resolves the problem by not saying the truth about the necklace, lying to
the owner of the necklace, and finding a similar necklace, despite its high cost.
They can borrow money at any rate, even though the interest is high, as long as
they can find an exact price to purchase the similar necklace. And, in my opinion,
their decision is incorrect since, even if they lost the jewelry, they must say the
truth to the owner and, because the owner is her friend, she might understand
that it was not their intention to accidentally lost  it, but rather a mistake.
Another point is that if they say the truth from the start, they shouldn't have to
struggle for ten years.

4. Describe how their society influence the events that unfold in the story?

The plot portrays a society that is not equal, and this equality encourages lower-
income individuals to work harder in order to join the society's upper class. It
demonstrates inequity in society in many ways, which may cause difficulties for
other families that believe they do not belong in the upper class and would go to
great lengths to become a member of it. That is why it describes how Mathilde's
life was challenged by her attitude; she knows, but only in the end, for how can a
person understand until she has first experienced it? This inequality tells the
story of how certain people will not be satisfied with what they have and it
demonstrates and makes them know that they are compared to upper-class
people in any way. Yet this story still teaches and reminds us as readers that
contentment and appreciation are important in life. This story sends a powerful
message about the importance of human values. The first lesson we learn from
this story is that everybody should be happy with however little they have in life.
Living within one's means is essential; otherwise, one invites needless troubles,
anxieties, and uncertainty into one's existence.

Exercise 5. Writing a Narrative Paragraph

This type of paragraph tells a story. There is a sequence of action or there's a clear
beginning, middle, and end to the paragraph.

Write one narrative paragraph. Relate the story in your own experience, narrate a
story similar to Matilde’s. Cite how you resolved your problem and what you have
learned from the experience. The paragraph should not exceed five sentences.

There was a time when I wished for a new phone with improved
picture quality and specifications, and as a result, I decided to sell my old
phone and should purchase a new one. After selling it, my funds were
insufficient to buy the phone of my dreams, so I asked my brother for
financial assistance, which he gladly provided. However, even though I have
enough money, the supply of cellphones is poor; malls are having difficulty
restocking their cellular stocks due to the lockdown, I have learned how to
wait in order to solve my dilemma. And I haven't had a cellphone in almost a
month, which is sort of dull, but it made me understand that I should
remember and learn how to wait and be happy with what I have because we
never know what the future holds, even though it's just a cellphone, which
we should appreciate because some teenagers don't have one.


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