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21st Lit (Philippine Literature)

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TITLE: She had his pigeon house destroyed because it stank

The Centipede and had his defenseless butterflies killed as it was

apparently attracting ants. After a string of similar
incidents, it appeared Eddie couldn’t take this
Rony V. Diaz
He is an award-winning Filipino writer. He has won -Berto, the family’s helper found a large white
several Palanca Awards. He joined The Manila centipede and gave it to Eddie. Eddie then stuck a
Times in 2001 as executive director. He eventually sliver into the carapace of the centipede, and made
became publisher and president of the Manila sure it was dead. He then went into his sister who
Times School of Journalism. He has taught English shrieked when he threw the centipede into her lap.
at the University of the Philippines Diliman and has Gasping for air, she accused Eddie of trying to kill
worked for the Philippine government as a foreign
her, and then she dropped on the ground, unmoving.
service corp. He is the author of the story "The
He is a recipient of a University of the Philippines -Eddie knelt before her in a mixture of pity and
Fellowship for Literature, a Rockefeller guilt, showing her the dead centipede.
Fellowship for creative writing and is a member of
the University of the Philippines Writers Club.
-The story has an open ending, and thus, no proper
SETTING: denouement. But if one is insisted, then it would be
-Fields in the Summer (Analeptic Setting) his silent contemplation after what happened.
-Eddie’s Family’s House


-Delia’s younger brother. He is an adventurous First Person POV
young man who loves every creature and treats
them as his friend. THEME:
Revenge is bittersweet.
-Eddie’s older sister. She loather animals and
insects and used her affliction to boss Eddie
whenever she gets a chance.
Father had told me that hunters always spat for
luck before firing. I spat and I saw the breeze bend
the ragged, glassy threads of spittle toward the
-He is a widowed man who is skilled in hunting.
“That dog destroyed my slippers again. I’ll tell
-He is the family’s helper, and he often does chores
Berto to kill that dog if I see it around again.”
around the house including chopping wood for
She came back from the hospital in the city, pale
and quiet and mean, drained, it seemed, of all
emotions, she moved and acted with the keen,
-A stray dog found by Eddie during the time his dad
perversity and deceptive dullness of a sheathed
first took him hunting. They later become friends.
knife, concealing in her body that awful power for
inspiring fear and pain and hate, not always with its
PLOT: drawn blade but only with its fearful shape, defined
by the sheath as her meanness was defined by her
-Back when he was thirteen, Eddie’s father taught
him how to hunt in the fields during summer. His “But it’s dead!” I cried kneeling before her. “It’s
dad tells him to spit before firing his shot for luck as dead! Look! Look!” I snatched up the centipede and
this was a tradition amongst hunters. Afterwards, he crushed its head between my fingers. “It’s dead!”
sees a dog (Biryuk) running towards him and his
dad. He manages to convince his father to keep the My sister did not move. I held the centipede before
dog until someone claims it. No one ever does. her like a hunter displaying the tail of a deer, save
that the centipede felt thorny in my hand.
-Over the years, Eddie’s sister Delia increasingly
became cruel to him. She would ask Berto to kill his
monkey because it snickered at her one morning.
Wedding Dance -The reader is left not knowing what will become of
Amador Dagui MAN V. SOCIETY
The author, Amador Daguio was born in the Ilocos
province of the Philippines in 1912. In “The
Wedding Dance”, he draws upon the culture of his Third Person Limited POV
ancestors to explore Filipino traditions along with
the universal themes of love, suffering, and societal THEME:
expectations. If you truly love a person, you must let them be
Awiyao and Lumnay most likely to belong to the
Igorot people who inhabit the mountain areas of
Luzon. Even today, dance and gangsa music form
an important part of their celebrations.

Mountain village during Awiyao’s wedding dance.


-The lead male in the story who loves Lumnay, but
left her because she couldn’t bear children for him.

-Awiyao’s former wife who is still in love with him,
despite the fact he married another.

-Awiyao’s new, younger wife, with whom he hopes
to have children.


-The story begins at night in a mountain village in
the Philippines where Awiyao has just been

-Awiyao has left his wife Lumnay because she
couldn’t give him a child. He has now married
Madulimay in the hope of giving a son. Lumnay is
upset because she loves Awiyao and doesn’t want
this separation.

-Outside, the villagers are dancing of the wedding.
Awiyao leaves to try and comfort Lumnay. He
offers her many items of the life that they built
together. Lumnay refuses them and clings to
Awiyao, wishing he would stay.

-Lumnay sits on the side of the mountain
overlooking the blazing fire and dancing women,
thinking about how her life has changed. She has a
sense of desperation, isolation, and worthlessness.
TITLE: they wanted to party and have more fun in the
May Day Eve tropical country.

AUTHOR: -At the girls’ room, Anastasia was telling the girls
that witches were abroad, for it was a night of
Nick Joaquin divination, a night of lovers, and those who cared
might peer in a mirror and would there behold the
Philippine novelist, poet, playwright, biographer,
face of whoever it was they were fated to marry.
and essayist writing in English, the National Artist
for Literature. Joaquin wrote largely about the
Spanish colonial period and the diverse heritage of CLIMAX
-Agueda walked from the hall down to the sala
the Filipino people. Often, he dealt with the
bravely. The girls have not able to stop her and
coexistence of 'primitive' and 'civilized' dimensions
while facing the mirror, she whispered, “Mirror,
inside the human psyche. After World War II,
Mirror, show to me him whose woman I will be”.
Joaquin worked as a journalist, gaining fame as a
Agueda felt different, and after a while, she has
reporter for the Free Press. His most acclaimed play
company and sees Badoy Montiya.
is “A Portrait of the Artist As Filipino” (1952).
Other celebrated works include The Woman with
Two Navels (1961), which title refers to the two FALLING ACTION
-Donya Agueda told her daughter the story of what
legacies, the Spanish and American, the "navels" of
really happened on that one May Day Eve. And she
Filipino history, and Cave and Shadows (1983),
told her daughter that she saw the Devil. On the
about myths, paganism, Christianity, and the
other hand Don Badoy Montiya told Voltaire, his
national identity, written in the form of a mystery
grandson, that one May Day Eve, he also saw the
In a room, with a mirror during May Day Eve
-Don Badoy went up to the window and with tears,
reminisce that old love.

-Old woman, who is so obedient to her mistress, accused MAN V. MAN &
for being a witch and believes in superstitious beliefs MAN V. SOCIETY

-Pretty, a young woman who is so curious, hardheaded,
brave and very much willing to know her future husband
Third Person Omniscient POV


-A resentful old lady who has gray hair, full of Life is full of regret, for we always realize what we
sentiments, and emotional have when it is gone.


-A vain curious girl, who is persistent to know about the
past of her mother "They began crying to one another about how
carefree were men and how awful to be a girl and
BADOY MONTIYA what a horrid, horrid world it was."
-A revengeful, vain, and good-looking man who will do
everything to get what he wants "Because you may see the devil."
"I saw the Devil."
"Charms like yours have no need for a candle, fair
-A great lover, emotional and full of sentiment old man
who repents for what he has done to Agueda
"Oh, how I detest you, you pompous young men!
VOLTAIRE You go to Europe and you come back elegant lords
-Believe in superstitious beliefs and was like his and we poor girls are too tame to please you. We
grandma who at an early age want to know who will he have no grace like the Parisiennes, we have no fire
marry. like the Sevillians, and we have no salt, no salt, no
salt! Aie, how you weary me, how you bore me, you
PLOT: fastidious men!"
"No lack of salt in the chrism in thy moment of
-It all started in a ball on May Day Eve. The ball baptism!"
had just ended, and the girls were sent upstairs to
sleep. The guests from Europe were feeling bad as
My Father Goes To Court
-There is a family that lived in a small town after
their farm get destroyed by a flood. They had a
neighbor who is rich, who doesn't interact with his
Carlos Bulosan
neighbors much. The rich man’s children always
-Born in Pangasinan on November 2, 1911 stay inside while the children of the farmer play and
laugh under the sun. They used to smell each day
-A Filipino-American author, poet, and activist. the aroma of the food that is being made in the rich
-Best remembered as the author of America Is In man’s house.
the Heart (1946)
-Bulosan’s works describe the experience of -As time went on, the children of the farmer grew
growing up poor in a rural area of the Philippines up healthy while the children of the rich man
and chronicling social and economic conditions became thin and anemic. The rich man saw and
created by the American occupation and centuries observed the family of the farmer, and he ordered
of Spanish colonialism. his servants to shut all windows and doors in their
-He migrated to America in 1930 and became active house. However, this doesn't stop the aroma from
in the labor movement. going out of their house.

-He spent his last years in Seattle, jobless, CLIMAX

penniless, and in poor health. -The rich man filed a complaint against the family
of the farmer for stealing the spirit of his wealth and
SETTING: food. When the day of the trial arrived, the rich man
came with the rest of his family looking weak and
-The story was set several years after 1918, in a sick. The trial starts with the judge asking the
town. farmer questions regarding the complaint, and the
-Set during the American colonization. farmer cross-examined the children of the rich man.
-The events occurred in the narrator’s Learning of their "logical" reasons, he then
neighborhood, and the trial was held in a court in proceeded to give them an equal payment for what
their locality. they stole.


-The farmer collected coins from his family and he
THE NARRATOR shook the coins which made an audible sound. The
-He is one of the children of the farmer farmer then confirms if the rich man and his
children heard the coins shaking, and after they
THE FATHER (FARMER) confirmed that they heard it, the farmer then says
-The father of the narrator. that they are paid.

-The wife of the farmer -The rich man fell to the floor, and the case was
dismissed. The judge then went down to talk with
THE CHILDREN OF THE FARMER the farmer, and the judge, the farmer, his family,
-The siblings of the narrator. They were referred to and the spectators laughed hard.
as strong, robust, and cheerful.


-The not sociable neighbor of the narrator when We can achieve happiness even without wealth.
they moved to new town.
-The one who is in charge of the case filed by the
rich man.


-Described as thin, anaemic, and pale.


-The ones who are preparing food for the rich man's
The Dog Eaters
AUTHOR: Victor marries Mariana who is an undergraduate
college student because she gets pregnant. Victor
Leoncio P. Deriada befriends the Dog-eaters of Artiaga Street. They are
always drinking tuba early in the morning at
He is a multi-lingual writer having produced works Sergio’s store with Dog dishes as their “pulutan.”
in English, Filipino, Hiligaynon,
Kinaray-a and Cebuano. RISING ACTION:
Mariana was very mad because it is not the life she
His seventeen Palanca Awards include works in expected to have. She takes care of their 8-month
English, Filipino and Hiligaynon. Of these old baby and now she’s bearing another one in her
seventeen, five are first-prize winners, and these womb. She can’t stand it anymore and tried to abort
include "The Day of the Locusts" (Short Story, her child by drinking some herbal liquid which she
1975), "Mutya ng Saging" (Dulaang May Isang desperately bought from Aling Elpidia for 40 pesos.
Yugto, 1987), "The Man Who Hated Birds" (Short
Story for Children, 1993), "Medea of Siquijor" CLIMAX:
(One-Act Play, 1999), and "Maragtas: How Mariana and Victor quarrelled. Victor threw the
Kapinangan Tricked Sumakwel Twice" (Full- bottle of herbal liquid out the window. Mariana
Length Play, 2001). pounded Victor with her fists.

He became a Palanca Hall of Famer on September FALLING ACTION:

1, 2001. Aside from his Palanca awards, he has Mariana saw Victor’s dog Ramir while they were
garnered other prestigious awards such as not in good terms.
the Gawad CCP para sa Sining, Gawad Pambansang
Alagad ni Balagtas (awarded by the Unyon ng mga
Manunulat sa Pilipinas), Asiaweek, Graphic, Focus,
Mariana killed Victor’s dog, Ramir, and cried.
Yuhum Magazine (Iloilo), and Blue Knight Award
from Ateneo de Davao for Outstanding
Achievement in Literature. In 2002, he was one THEMES:
of Metrobank's Outstanding Teachers. -Being tied to vices can damage relationships.
-A marriage can only work into becoming a family
SETTING: if both husband and wife show full love, respect,
1970s Artiaga Street, Davao City understanding, and responsibility.
-Constant argument can lead to a failed marriage.
-Our society’s social construct is destructive and
shows inequality and injustice.
-“One’s anger must not be blamed to the innocents
around them for they can bring evil on one’s self.”
-A former body builder and club bouncer; husband
(Niel, 2013).
of Mariana
-“The right to live is entitled to everybody, even a
fetus or an animal.” (Niel, 2013)
-To be a mother is not an easy task.
-Collegiate undergraduate because she gets
-Poverty is one cause why many would rather opt
pregnant; wife of Victor
for abortion.
-Men who live in Artiaga Street NOTABLE LINE/S:

ALING ELPIDIA “You men can talk because you don’t have to bear
-A fish and vegetable vendor; Mariana’s visitor who the children. You coward!”
sold potent or some herbal liquid to Mariana —Mariana
-Small scale store owner of where Victor and his
friends drink tuba with dog dishes as pulutan

-Victor and Mariana’s dog
The World is an Apple
-Near a small and poor home behind a portion of the
AUTHOR: Intramuros walls, lie two wooden boxes on either
side of a doorway. On the left is an Acacia tree with
Alberto S. Florentino a wooden bench under it. Mario enters the house
and finds Gloria doing household chores
Alberto Florentino is best known for his play, “The
World is An Apple”. It won the First Palanca RISING ACTION
Award for Literature. -Gloria asks for money but they end up quarreling
when she found out that Mario already lost his job a
Florentino's literary talent spilled over to different week ago, due to stealing an apple for their daughter
genres: drama, television writing and movie scripts. Tita
He was a mainstay of Balintataw, a television series
in the early 70s that boasted the use of original
scripts in contrast to the improvised dialogue that CLIMAX
took place in tele-dramas. Florentino was -Out of nowhere, Pablo enters the picture and starts
instrumental in harnessing the talents of literary revealing shocking things to Gloria about her
figures of his day for Balintataw, adapting their husband
short stories for the TV series.
His legacy in infusing pop genre with literary gems -Gloria begs Mario not to come with Pablo until the
is noteworthy for inspiring the emergence of a crop point that she asked him to choose between them.
of playwrights and scriptwriters. His stint as
publisher of the now defunct peso book editions
-Mario chose to join Pablo again, leaving Gloria
introduced affordable contemporary literature to the
and their daughter, Tita, alone.
reading public.
SETTING: Poverty can cause even the most honest of men to
The story is set in a very poor area in a district resort to a life of crime just to take care of their
(Intramuros) within the city of Manila, in the loved ones
Philippines. More specifically, in front of Gloria
and Mario's house.
CHARACTERS: “Why? Did God create apple trees to bear fruit for
the rich alone? Didn’t He create the whole world
EDDIE for everyone?”
-Delia’s younger brother. He is an adventurous -Mario.
young man who loves every creature and treats
them as his friend. “I wouldn’t mind losing a thousand jobs for an
apple for my daughter!”
MARIO -Mario
-He is the Father in the story, the husband of Gloria. “What is honest money? Does it look better
He is known to be bad before but he strived hard to than dishonest money? Does it buy more? honesty?
change his life for his daughter and for his wife, but What is it? Dressing like that? Staying in this
in the end had to resort back to his old ways due to dungeon you call a house? Is that what you call
losing his job because of theft. ‘honesty’?”
-The wife of Mario. A very good and lovable I knew God wouldn’t let us down. He never lets
woman who just wants a simple, yet decent life. Her anybody down.
unconditional love for Mario caused him to change -Maria
from his bad ways.

-The antagonist of the story and the old friend of
Mario. He wants easy and uses dishonest means to
achieve that. He invites Mario to join him once
more at the end when Mario lost his job.

-The young daughter of Mario and Gloria, who
asked her father for an Apple, which made him
resort to stealing one in order to fulfill her wishes,
and ultimately causing him to lose his job.
TITLE: There is no place like home.
New Yorker in Tondo
Love for one’s cherished traditions will always go
beyond the love for worldly things and the lavish
AUTHOR: lifestyle.
Marcelino Agana Jr.
Kikay’s house in Tondo, Manila


-the Tondo "canto boy" who has a secret love for
-a balikbayan who adopted the style of living of a
New Yorker
-Tony’s secret fiancé after Kikay left
-childhood sweetheart of Kikay who got secretly
engaged with their other childhood friend, Nena
when Kikay left
-mother of Kikay who has been carried away by her
daughter’s way of living


Kikay used to study Hair Culture and Beauty
Science in New York. After a year, she returned in
the country bringing New York with her manner,
looks, style and her speaking gesture. She doesn’t
even want to call her “Kikay” but instead”
Francesca.” Kikay’s childhood friends, Nena and
Totoy as well as Tony, her fiancé went to visit her
at their house.
Nena who was secretly engaged with Tony after
Kikay left keeps pressuring Tony to tell Kikay
about it. Tony then asks Kikay and Kikay tells him
that it was already long forgotten. Upon knowing
that Kikay and Tony broke up, Nena announces that
Tony was engaged to her causing a shock to Kikay.
Kikay tried to take back what she said and insists
that Tony is still engaged to her. This created a fight
between Nena and Kikay. Nena later on walked out
angrily with Totoy following her.
Kikay asks Tony for forgiveness and tells him that
the old Kikay is back.
Tony forgave Kikay and accepted her again.

One should never forget to look back at where he
came from.
We Filipinos are Mild Drinkers First Person POV

Hospitality consists of giving the best of yourself to
Alejandro “Anding” Reyess Roces
your guests.
"You cannot be a great writer; first, you have to be a
good person.” NOTABLE LINE/S:
Alejandro Roces, is a short story writer and essayist, “We drink when we are very happy. We drink when
and considered as the country’s best writer of comic we are very sad, and we drink for any other
short stories. In his innumerable newspaper reason”
columns, he has always focused on the neglected
aspects of the Filipino cultural heritage. His works “The coconut tree symbolizes the Philippines. It
have been published in various international starts up to the sky, but then its leaves sway down to
magazines and has received national and earth, as if remembering the land that gave it birth.
international awards. It does not forget the soil that gave it life.”

The story took place one late afternoon in the nipa
hut of a farmer in a barrio just after the Filipino-
Japanese war in 1945 in the Philippines.


-The humble Filipino who invited the American
soldier for a drink

-The American soldier who was proud and
confident regarding his experiences with alcoholic


-It was a common sight to see American soldiers
almost everywhere because American troops helped
Filipino to fight against the Japanese. In the barrio,
Joe, an American soldier asked a liquor from a

-Since there were no bars in a barrio, the farmer
invited the soldier to his nipa hut and offered some
lambanog the local liquor of the barrio.

-Because he was drunk, Joe thought that the farmer
was a Japanese soldier and the farmer’s mom as a
Japanese Kimono girl.

-After hallucinating things, the soldier passed out
and fell asleep.

-The farmer brought Joe back at the garrison
because he was so drunk at the same time. After
that, one of Joe’s friend asked the farmer if he
wanted to join them and have a can of beer, then he
replied, “No thank you, we Filipinos are mild


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