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Study The Mechanical Behaviour of Al 7075 With Silicon Nitride by Computer Analysis & Stir Casting

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Volume 6, Issue 6, June – 2021 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology

ISSN No:-2456-2165

Study the Mechanical Behaviour of Al 7075 with

Silicon Nitride by Computer Analysis & Stir Casting
Fazludheen Chemmala*1 Anoop M*2, Sinesh P*2, Shamla Pc*2,
Prof., Head of the Department of Mechanical Engineering, Abdul Rauoof Ek*2
Eranad Knowledge City Technical Campus, Cherukkulam, Students of Department of Mechanical Engineering,
Manjeri, Kerala, India. Eranad Knowledge City Technical Campus, Cherukkulam,
Manjeri, Kerala, India

Abstract:- This paper is a study about the aluminium automotive and aviation. Al 7075 is widely used in mould
series 7075. 7075 aluminium alloy's composition roughly tool manufacturing due to its high strength, low density,
includes 5.6–6.1% zinc, 2.1–2.5% magnesium, 1.2–1.6% thermal properties, and its ability to be highly polished. This
copper, and less than a half percentage of silicon, iron, report is about to change in mechanical properties Al 7075
manganese, titanium, chromium, and other metals. By while adding silicon nitrate has reinforcement. The
this study we trying to improve the properties of AL7075 experiment is done in adding reinforcement as silicon nitrate
to the properties of 5 series. We can apply this to Marian with varying weight percentage of 2%,4% and 6%.The ansys
and Aerospace applications because of the improved is made in computer analysis and we concluded that 6% of
mechanical properties. By the addition of silicon nitride in silicon nitrate will give better result in mechanical properties.
different compositions (2%, 4%, 6%) to the Al7075 and We choose silicon nitrate because of it is a hard ceramic
we cast it and testing it. This theme developed from the particle so there will be a good change in mechanical
studies of deferent AL material and its behaviour. We can properties so it can use in further application. We have
see that the addition of a different compound to the AL observed that until now there has been no work done on Al
helps to improve its properties and the improved 7075 and silicon nitride. From the literature reviews, we
materials use in different modes. concluded that to do a project on Al 7075 reinforced with
Silicon nitride varying % wt of 2%, 4%, 6%.The tests carried
Keywords:- al7075,Silicon Nirtride, Ansys, Stir Casting. on the specimen are Hardness test, Tensile test, Impact test,
flexural test, SEM.
1. Aluminium 7075
Aluminum alloys are alloy which is mainly used in 7075 Aluminum is a 7xxx alloy commonly used for
engineering structures and part with good properties. aircraft applications, mobile devices and other high-pressure
Aluminum alloy is light in weight, strong, corrosion-resistant parts because it is one of the highest aluminium alloys
and cheaper. Aluminum alloy is widely used in industries like available. It has an excellent weight-to-strength ratio and is
automobile, aerospace, marine. Aluminum alloys are heat ideal for high-pressure parts. In aniline conditions, this grade
treatable to improve their properties. Casting, thermo can be formed and heat-treated if necessary. It can be welded
mechanical and heat treatment can be affecting the properties in place or a flash (not recommended for arc and gas)
of aluminum alloy.
1.1. Physical properties of 7075 aluminum
Al-7xxx series also known as Al-Zn alloy due to more 7075 aluminium is composed of 90.0% Al, 5.6% Zn,
quantity of zinc.Al-7xxx series is the strongest aluminum 2.5% Mg, 0.23%Cr, and 1.6% Cu, though these numbers
series but low in fatigue property. It has poor corrosion nominally fluctuate depending upon manufacturing factors.
resistance for exfoliation corrosion and stress cracking Its density is 2.81 g/cm3 (0.102 lb/in³), which is relatively
corrosion. So it is difficult to use in welded structure due to light for a metal. 7075 Aluminum alloy is the strongest
its corrosion resistance.Al-7xxx series widely used in aluminium alloy available, making it valuable under high-
aerospace due to its light weight and more availability. pressure conditions. The copper content of 7075 aluminium
increases the risk of damage, but this sacrifice is required to
Al-7075 has a lot of applications as it is more powerful. produce such a strong but functional material.
Aluminum 7075 is used as an alloy matrix material and is
manufactured using a combination of single and multiple 7075 Aluminum alloy be further can be improved using
reinforcing particles like SiC, Al2O3, Gr, TiO2, TiB2, B4C, a process known as heat treatment, sometimes referred to as
fly ash, bagasse ash, coconut ash etc. By adding these "tempering". This method uses high heat (300-500oC) to
reinforcements to Al 7075 there is an increase in mechanical strengthen the overall mechanical properties of the metal and
properties, tribological properties etc. So it can be used in can make or break a material.
more applications. Al 7075 has excellent mechanical
properties and fatigue resistance. Al 7075 is used in many
applications due to its high specific strength, mainly

IJISRT21JUN490 293

Volume 6, Issue 6, June – 2021 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
1.2. Mechanical properties of Al 7075 Test specimen

Mechanical properties Matric

Ultimate tensile strength 572
Tensile yield strength 503MPa
Shear strength 331MPa
Fatigue strength 159MPa
Modulus of elasticity 71.7GPa
Shear modulus 26.9GPa


To create the new material we decided to use two

methods 1. Computer analysis 2. Physical casting. With the
help of the computer method, we can reduce the cost, time
material loss etc… by the physical casting, we get accurate
and real results.

1.3. Computer Analysis

Let us consider adding silicon nitrite with aluminium
alloy 7075, we adding silicon nitrite with aluminium alloy
7075 in various percentages, that is silicon nitrite 2% + al
7075 98%, silicon nitrite 4% + al 7075 96% and silicon nitrite
6% + al 7075 94%. We need to select the better material
composition of silicon nitride and aluminium alloy 7075. If
we intend to do all this analysis conventionally without using
software we have to do all the experiment repeatedly until we
get the perfect design, doing these many repeated test
practical before manufacturing our work too costly and also
too time-consuming, so we use finite element analysis
software like ANSYS. Then we are choosing the better
material composition of silicon nitride and aluminium alloy
7075 by using Ansys software.

Here is the result of what we did with the Ansys

software, Al 7075 94% + Silicon nitride 6 % Al 7075 96% +
Silicon nitride 4 % Al 7075 98% + Silicon nitride 2 %

AL 7075 AL 7075 AL 7075
94% + 96% + 98% +
6% 4% 2%

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Volume 6, Issue 6, June – 2021 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165


The results obtained are as discussed below;

Mechanical properties Matric value

Ultimate tensile strength 596 MPa
Tensile yield strength 525MPa
Shear strength 352MPa
Fatigue strength 175MPa
Modulus of elasticity 76.2GPa
Shear modulus 32.7GPa

SEM result

Stir casting
Aluminium alloy can be cast in different methods like
squeeze casting, spray casting, powder metallurgy, stir
casting etc. Stir casting is the most commonly seen casting
due to its low cost and processing condition. The volume
fraction of reinforcement in stir casting is up to 30% and no
damage to reinforcement.


Aluminium alloy was melted in the furnace at a
temperature range of 600–800◦C. A stirrer is introduced in
the molten metal and rotated at 200–600 rpm by an electric
motor for about 10–20 min so that a vortex is created. A
stirrer is introduced in the molten metal and rotated at 200–
600 rpm by an electric motor for about 10–20 min so that a
vortex is created.

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Volume 6, Issue 6, June – 2021 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
IV. CONCLUSION [8]. Habibur Rahman Md, et al. Characterization of silicon
carbide reinforced aluminum matrix composites.
We can conclude that the addition of silicon nitride in In:Procedia engineering 10th international conference
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al7075. By its ultimate strength increase into 596, yield vol. 90.
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strength 175, modules of elasticity 76.2, shear modulus 32.7. and wear properties of Al 7075/Al2O3/graphite hybrid
so we can use this improved material in various disciplines. composites. Volume 56, January 2014, Pages 464-471
[10]. Pardeep SharmaSatpal SharmaDinesh Khanduja,
V. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Production and some properties of Si3N4 reinforced
aluminium alloy composites, Journal of Asian Ceramic
We would remember with grateful appreciation, the Societies Volume 3, Issue 3, September 2015, Pages
encouragement and support rendered by Dr. VINCE PAUL, 352-359.
Principal, Eranad Knowledge City, Manjeri. We express my
deepest sense of gratitude to Mr. FAZLUDHEEN
CHEMMALA, Professor and Head, Department of
Mechanical Engineering and Mr. SONU T.P, Assistant
Professor and project Coordinator, Department of Mechanical
Engineering for their valuable advice and guidance. We
would always oblige for the helping hands of all other staff
members of the department and all our friends and well-
wishers, who directly or indirectly contributed in this venture.
Last but not least, we are indebted to God Almighty for being
the guiding light throughout this project and helped us to
complete the same within the stipulated time.


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