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U.S. Renewable Energy Factsheet CSS03-12 E2018

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U.S. Renewable Energy

Patterns of Use
While energy is essential to modern society, most primary sources are unsustainable. The current fuel mix is associated with a multitude of
environmental impacts, including global climate change, acid rain, freshwater consumption, hazardous air pollution, and radioactive waste.
Renewable energy has the potential to meet demand with a much smaller environmental footprint and can help to alleviate other pressing
problems, such as energy security, by contributing to a distributed and diversified energy infrastructure. About 80% of the nation’s energy comes
from fossil fuels, 8.6% from nuclear, and 11% from renewable sources. Wind is the fastest growing renewable source but contributes only 2.4% of
total energy used in the United States.1 The examples below illustrate the progress and potential of U.S. renewable energy.
U.S. Renewable Energy Consumption: Historic and Projected1,2 U.S. Total and Renewable Energy Consumption by Source, 20171

Major Renewable Sources Installed Wind Capacity, Top 5 Countries, 20173

• U.S. onshore wind resources have the potential to generate almost 11,000 GW of electricity, 123
times more than the current installed capacity of 82.1GW.4,5
• In 2013, the U.S. installed 1.1 GW of wind capacity, a 92% decrease from 2012.6 This significant
drop resulted from the expiration of the federal production tax credit (PTC) in 2013.7 Since
2013, the PTC has been retroactively reinstated with an expiration date of December 31, 2019.8
7.017 GW of wind capacity were installed in the U.S. in 2017, a 9% increase in cumulative wind
power capacity from 2016.9 Future estimates range from 80 GW to almost 400 GW by 2050.10
• Based on the average U.S. electricity fuel mix, a 1 MW wind turbine can displace 1,800 tons of
CO2 emissions per year.11 With a wind power capacity of 400 GW, wind could account for 35% of U.S. electricity demand and 12.3 gigatonnes
of CO2 emissions could be avoided annually, resulting in a 14% reduction in CO2 emissions when compared to 2013.12
• Wind turbines generate no emissions and use no water when producing electricity, but concerns include bat and bird mortality, land use,
noise, and aesthetics.13 U.S. Photovoltaic Installations, 2000-201614
Solar 15000
• Assuming intermediate efficiency, solar photovoltaic (PV) modules covering 0.6% of U.S. land 13000
PV Installations (MW)


area could meet national electricity demand.15 11000

10000 Residential
• PV module prices have significantly declined, costing $0.65-$0.73/Watt in residential systems.16 8000 7501
7000 6239
U.S. market share of PV production dropped from 30% to 7% between 2000 and 2010.17 6000

• Solar PV installations reached an all-time high of 14,762 MWdc in 2016, increasing by 97% 4000
compared to 2015 installations.14 In 2017, 10.6 GWdc of solar photovoltaic capacity was added, 2000
1000 4 11 23 45 58 79 105 160 298
which was 30% less than that in 2016 but still exceeded 2015 level by 40%, raising total installed
capacity to 53 GW. Solar accounted for 30% of new generating capacity in 2017.18
U.S. Biomass Consumption, 1975-20171
• The U.S. Department of Energy’s SunShot Initiative aims to reduce the price of solar energy
75% from 2010 to 2020, which is projected to lead to 27% of U.S. electricity demand met by
solar technology and a 28% decrease in electricity sector greenhouse gas emissions by 2050.15
• While solar PV modules produce no emissions during operation, toxic substances (e.g.,
cadmium and selenium) are used in them.15
• Wood—mostly as pulp, paper, and paperboard industry waste products—accounts for 44% of
total biomass energy consumption. Waste—municipal solid waste, landfill gas, sludge, tires,
and agricultural by-products—accounts for an additional 10%.1
• Biomass has low net CO2 emissions compared to fossil fuels. At combustion, it releases only CO2 previously removed from the atmosphere.
Additional emissions are associated with processing and 124 acres of land are required to generate one GWh of electricity per year.19
• U.S. ethanol production is projected to reach 40 million gallons per day in 2050.2

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Geothermal Geothermal Installed Capacity, Top 5 Countries, 201620
• Hydrothermal resources, i.e., steam and hot water, are available primarily in the 4000
western U.S., Alaska, and Hawaii, yet geothermal heat pumps can be used almost 3500

Installed Capacity (MW)

anywhere to extract heat from shallow ground, which stays at relatively constant 3000
temperatures year-round.21 2500
• U.S. geothermal power offsets 22 million metric tons of CO2 emissions, 200,000 2000
metric tons of nitrogen oxides, and 110,000 metrics tons of particulate matter from 1500 1375
coal-powered plants each year.22 Some geothermal facilities produce solid waste such 1000
as salts and minerals that must be disposed of in approved sites, but some by-products 500
can be recovered and recycled.21
• Electricity generated from geothermal power plants is projected to increase from 17 U.S. Philippines Indonesia Mexico New
billion kWh in 2017 to 65.75 billion kWh in 2050 and has the potential to exceed 500 Zealand

billion kWh, which is half of the current U.S. capacity.2,23 Hydropower Electricity Generation, 201524
• In the U.S., net electricity generation from conventional hydropower peaked in 1997 at 356
TWh/yr. Currently, the U.S. gets about 300 TWh/yr of electricity from hydropower.1,25
• While electricity generated from hydropower is virtually emission free, significant
levels of methane and CO2 may be emitted through the decomposition of vegetation
in the reservoir.26 Other environmental concerns include fish injury and mortality,
habitat degradation, and water quality impairment. “Fish-friendly” turbines and
smaller dams help mitigate some of these problems.27

Advancing Renewable Energy

Encourage Supportive Public Policy
• Renewable Portfolio Standards (RPS) that mandate certain levels of renewable generation are proving successful. For example, Texas installed
10,000 MW of renewable energy generating capacity in 2010, meeting its 2025 mandate 15 years early.28 Thirty-seven states, the District of
Columbia, and four U.S. territories had renewable portfolio standards or goals in place as of February 2017.29 State standards are projected to
support 103,000 MW of renewable electricity by 2050.30
• Renewable energy growth is driven by important federal incentives such as the Investment Tax Credit, which offset upfront costs by 10-
30%.31 Tax credits, grants, and other incentives are also offered to the residential, commercial, and industrial sectors for renewable energy
installations, some defraying up to 30% of the cost.32
• Eliminating subsidies for fossil and nuclear energy would encourage renewable energy. Congress allocated over $12.3 billion in tax relief to
the oil and gas industries for fiscal years 2016-2020.33 Studies estimate that the Price-Anderson Act, which limits the liability of U.S. nuclear
power plants in the case of an accident, amounts to a subsidy of $366 million to $3.5 billion annually.34
• Net metering enables customers to sell excess electricity to the grid, eliminates the need for on-site storage, and provides an incentive for installing
renewable energy devices. Thirty-eight states, the District of Columbia, and three U.S. territories have some form of net metering program.35
Engage the Industrial, Residential, and Commercial Sectors
• Renewable Energy Certificates (RECs) are sold by renewable energy producers in addition to the electricity they produce; for a few cents per
kilowatt hour, customers can purchase RECs to “offset” their electricity usage and help renewable energy become more cost competitive.36
Nearly 800 utilities in the U.S. offer consumers the option to purchase renewable energy, or “green power.”37
• Many companies purchase renewable energy as part of their environmental programs. Microsoft, Intel, Google, Apple and Equinix were the
top five users of renewable energy as of April 2018.38
kWh = kilowatt hour. One kWh is the amount of energy required to light a 100 watt light bulb for 10 hours.
Btu = British Thermal Unit. One Btu is the amount of energy required to raise the temperature of a pound of water by 1° Fahrenheit.
Quad = quadrillion (1015) Btu. One Quad is equivalent to the annual energy consumption of ten million U.S. households.
1. Energy Information Administration (EIA) (2018) Monthly Energy Review April 2018. 20. Geothermal Energy Association (2016) Annual US & Global Geothermal Power Production Report.
2. EIA (2018) Annual Energy Outlook 2018. 21. U.S. DOE, EERE, Geothermal Technologies Office (2014) “Geothermal FAQs.”
3. Global Wind Energy Council (GWEC) (2017) Global Wind Statistics 2017. 22. Green, B. and R. Nix (2006) Geothermal - The Energy Under Our Feet: Geothermal Resource
4. Lopex, A., et al. (2012) U.S. Renewable Energy Technical Potentials A GIS-Based Analysis. National Estimates for the United States. NREL Technical Report.
Renewable Energy Laboratory. 23. NREL (2014) Accelerating Geothermal Research.
5. National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) (2018) 2017 State of Wind Development in the US 24. International Energy Agency (IEA) (2017) Key World Energy Statistics 2017.
by Region. 25. EIA (2012) Annual Energy Review 2011.
6. American Wind Energy Association (AWEA) (2014) U.S. Wind Industry Annual Market Report, Year 26. Arntzen, E., et al. (2013) Evaluating greenhouse gas emissions from hydropower complexes on large
Ending 2013. rivers in Eastern Washington. Pacific Northwest National Laboratory.
7. Database of State Incentives for Renewables & Efficiency (DSIRE) (2014) “Federal Renewable 27. Kumar, A. and T. Schei (2011) “Hydropower.” Cambridge University Press.
Electricity Production Tax Credit.” 28. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) (2012) “Renewable Portfolio Standards.”
8. DSIRE (2016) “Renewable Electricity Production Tax Credit (PTC).” 29. DSIRE (2017) USA Summary Maps: Renewable Portfolio Standard Policies.
9. AWEA (2018) U.S. Wind Industry Annual Market Report, Year Ending 2017. 30. Union of Concerned Scientists (2013) How Renewable Electricity Standards Deliver Economic
10. Mai, T., et al. (2012) Renewable Electricity Futures Study. NREL. Benefits.
11. U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (EERE) (2011) Wind 31. DSIRE (2014) “Federal Business Energy Investment Tax Credit.”
and Water Power Program: Wind Energy Benefits. 32. DSIRE (2018) “Federal Financial Incentives.”
12. U.S. DOE (2015) Wind Vision Report. 33. Joint Committee on Taxation (2017) Estimates of Fed. Tax Expenditures for Fiscal Years 2016-2020.
13. U.S. DOE (2015) Environmental Impacts and Siting of Wind Projects. 34. Prepared Witness Testimony of Anna Aurilio on Hydroelectric Relicensing and Nuclear Energy before
14. Solar Energy Industries Association (SEIA) (2017) Solar Market Insight Report 2016 Year in Review. the House Committee on Energy and Commerce, June 27 2001.
15. U.S. DOE (2012) SunShot Vision Study. 35. DSIRE (2017) USA Summary Maps: Net Metering.
16. NREL (2017) U.S. Solar Photovoltaic System Cost Benchmark: Q1 2017. 36. U.S. DOE, EERE (2016) “Green Power Markets: Renewable Energy Certificates” and “Buying Green
17. NREL (2011) PV Manufacturing Cost Analysis: U.S. Competitiveness in a Global Industry. Power.” The Green Power Network.
18. SEIA (2018) Solar Industry Research Data. 37. Personal Communication, Eric O’Shaughnessy, Energy Analyst, NREL, 6/22/17.
19. NREL (2004) “PV FAQs: How much land will PV need to supply our electricity?” 38. U.S. EPA (2018) “Green Power Partnership: National Top 100.”

Cite as: Center for Sustainable Systems, University of Michigan. 2018. “U.S. Renewable Energy Factsheet.” Pub. No. CSS03-12. August 2018

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