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Business Plan Template

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Business Plan

[May 12,2021]

Company name: MAKING IT (creative solution)

Street address 1: M. Santos Brgy San Jose near Antipolo Cathedral

Street address 2

City, ZIP, Region: 2018, Antipolo Rizal, Region lV-A (calabarzon)

Business phone: 143-3768/09376237033

Website URL:

Email address:

Confidentiality Agreement

The undersigned reader acknowledges that any information provided by MAKING IT (creative solution) in
this business plan, other than information that is in the public domain, is confidential in nature, and that any disclosure or use
of same by the reader may cause serious harm or damage to MAKING IT CORPORATION Therefore, the undersigned agrees
not to disclose it without express written permission from MAKING IT (creative solution)

Upon request, the undersigned reader will immediately return this document to MAKING IT (12- ABM


Name (typed or printed)

This is a business plan. It does not imply an offering of securities.

Table of Contents

Confidentiality Agreement
I. Instructions: Executive Summary
Executive Summary
II. Instructions: Company Description
Company Description Worksheet
III. Instructions: Products & Services
Product & Service Description Worksheet
IV. Instructions: Marketing Plan
SWOT Analysis Worksheet
Competitor Data Collection Plan
Competitive Analysis Worksheet
Marketing Expenses Strategy Chart
Pricing Strategy Worksheet
Distribution Channel Assessment Worksheet
V. Instructions: Operational Plan
VI. Instructions: Management & Organization
Management Worksheet
Organization Chart
VII. Instructions: Startup Expenses & Capitalization
VIII. Instructions: Financial Plan
IX. Instructions: Appendices
X. Instructions: Refining the Plan
Now That You’re (Almost) Finished

I. Instructions: Executive Summary

Executive Summary

Making It Corporation was established in 2021 for the hind-end furniture, Arts Craft, Decorations, and Hind-end Services in
interior design (Living room, Bed Room, Kitchen etc). Our company has a huge fan following in the popular social media and
television. We have a various client that refers their relatives because of expertise in designing interior to meet various clients
with different socio-cultural background. this business plan is to help the company run with more cohesive vision and earn
more reputation as well as revenue.

I. Instructions: Company Description

Company Description Worksheet
MAKING IT (creative solution)
Business Name

Company Mission Statement We Drive Our Clients Growth Through Inspirational Design and Its Passion

Every design is completely a personal expression. It’s a passion.

Company Philosophy/

Company Vision We set standards for our works outlast movement and fangs.

1. Enhanced the function safety and aesthetics

2. Let color, form, space, texture, pattern, line, and light be your guide through
Goals & Milestones the world of interior design.
3. Interior design is a growing industry with good job prospects and a good

Target Market our business most likely targets a person interested in home decor

Industry/ 1. Specialized Design Services

Competitors 2. Architectural, Engineering, and Related Services
3. Furniture Stores

Legal Structure/

III. Instructions: Products & Services

Product & Service Description Worksheet

Business Name MAKING IT (creative solution)

Product/ Service •Home Decor
Idea •Art Crafts
Based on the style and types of products client’s choice

We're like a wizard that wave our magic wand and transform an ordinary looking place into
Special Benefits something which is aesthetically very beautiful and welcoming

We offer a lot of unique aesthetic quality match the purpose of our clients thus, helping our clients to
enhance the appearance of our client’s choice and unexpected results of design
Unique Features

Our company make interior spaces functional, safe and beautiful by determining space requirements
Limits and and selective decorative items.
Liabilities Before we proceed in our services we check all the safety coverage first, to be aware of
home/building codes and inspection regulations, as well as universal accessibility standards

There is no any magic formula in packaging category our business necessary recipe the category or
product type, the brand what we use, functional benefits, reason to believe, emotional end promise of
benefits, call to action as lastly the size, weight, content details etc.
Production and
Delivery We Offer Online Booking (www.makingitcorp/
For walk in our site location
(M. Santos, Brgy San Jose, near Antipolo Cathedral)

Suppliers Everyday Collection Decor (, Home Decor Manufacturers


Republic Act No. 8293

Intellectual (copyright, patents, Trademarks, Trade Secrets)
Property Special Republic Act. No10350
Permits (Philippines Interior Design Act)
NCIDQ certificate

These interior design elements include space, line, forms, light, color, texture and pattern; and
keeping them balanced is the key to creating an aesthetically pleasing interior. our company make
interior spaces functional, safe, and beautiful by determining space requirements and selecting
decorative items, such as colors, lighting, and materials

IV. Instructions: Marketing Plan

SWOT Analysis Worksheet

Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities Threats

•A creative eye and •Limited Materials •Unexpected damage •sell of our great ideas
attention to detail. First of our organization,
and foremost, you'll need •may come across venture or product •maintaining the
to be highly creative many different cause of delivery expectations of our
clients that have status clients
•Trend identification very different
opinions about our •competitors low
•Knowledge of design than we their prices
sustainable practices might have.
Product/ Service
•Superior •Teamwork adds a
communication new products and
wonderful services
•Sketching ability and
computer knowledge •Market Back


•strong employees •incapable of •Clients service as a •Becoming a market

asserting a price priority laggard or a me-too
•Excellent rate of premium for the player
costumer added value it • Becoming overly Being leap-frogged by
offers. price competitive competitor’s
•Leadership in technology
production innovation •low profile for our •Limited success in
clients creating engaging •Being too slow to
•Highly efficient, low- content. adapt to change
cost manufacturing •competitors
•Declining profits as
patents run-off

strategic alliances
Brand/ Marketing
•Enterprise bargaining

•High staff turnover

Impact of logistical
disconnected, and less
loyal, customer base

•Changes in consumer
spending patterns

•Consumers becoming
more demanding

Staff/HR •Positive Relationships •Discrimination •Performance •Recruiting.

•Resisting Stretch goals •performance management and •Managing time cards.
•Having functional management development. •Updating employee
knowledge and expertise •limited employees •Employee coaching. information.
•Trusty Worthy Mentoring. •Managing benefits.
•Time management and •Succession planning. Reporting.
Self Discipline •Tuition assistance. •Compliance.

•relationships among the •confusing service •include positions in •security and fraud risk
various financial data policy retail bank •credit risk
found on a firm's balance •limited product management, •market risk
sheet. availability commercial lending, •legal risk
•financial strength is the •lack of quantitative securities analysis,
Finance ability to generate profits goals securities brokerage,
and sufficient cash flow commercial credit,
to pay bills and repay consumer credit, and
debt or investors corporate financial

•strong work ethic •sell of our great ideas

•Strong communication •Poor •goal oriented and •maintaining the
skills. communication efficient expectations of our
•Good motivational skills •Work with principal clients
skills. •Lack of confidence in maintaining social
•Strong negotiation media program.
skills. •Maintain schedules.
•increase products
•increase of probability

•client’s loyalty •challenges of the •Changes in design •expansion of products

developed through solid seasonality of the can initiate home and services offered by
reputation business updating and other sources including
•good referral •were still climbing furniture apparel the national discount
relationship with the retail experience therefore we generate stores into the market
suppliers of learning curve our sales including the target
Market •A significant portion
of our target market
is desperately looking
for services
MAKING IT interior
will offered.

Can any of your strengths help with improving your weaknesses or combating your threats? If so, please describe
how below.
 One of our company's strength is a creative eye and attention details this strength help us to overcome our weakness which is
our limited material because having limited material will not be the hindrance for us to create a room that will not satisfy the
customers expectation , limited material that will be added as one of our strength soon.

Based on the information above, what are your immediate goals/next steps?
 Our next step is improving our weaknesses , we will make sure that this weaknesses will never be our weakness sooner or
later .

Based on the information above, what are your long-term goals/next steps?
 Our company's long term goal is improving our strength and removing step by step our weaknesses , and those threats that
our company facing right now , will not be a hindrance for us anymore to be a best company.

Competitor Data Collection Plan

our last evaluation based on our data research We need to sell some great ideas/plan to find a
in the month of September 2020 to January new partner to achieve our new small branches
Price 2021, we maintain are target market but since
our competitors Maxine their profit/revenue our
company decide to offer a set of products with
services in income may vary, we have a limited
set of purchase on a cheap price every month
our most intimate competitors are competitors a To maximize our profits and shareholders value
based on their data plan they increased while considering consumers and market
Market strategy economic growth at 3months straight and still demand our team creates a new secret plan
go on. •we need to improve our 4P's structures
•we use inbound marketing to leverage the
strength of the majority of the other nine
strategies to attract, engaged, and delight

Competitive Analysis Worksheet

Competitor Importance to
FACTOR Me Competitor B Competitor C
A Customer
the first and most
important reason for
any company is a new
development is to
provide new value to
Products 1 1 3 2 customers that product
is anything tangible or
intangible which in
more cases of a
customer is willing to
pay money for.
price send's an
important image to
our clients as low
pricing for clients the
products can make our
Price 2 1 4 3
clients more aware of
its quality in general
and that cause of

Quality 1 1 1 1 A service has quality

that can satisfy
customers’ needs and
demands. Service

Competitor Importance to
FACTOR Me Competitor B Competitor C
A Customer
quality is more
important and
necessary due to
increasing customer
competitor, activity,
environmental factors,
services nature,
customer service is
important because it's
Service 2 1 2 2 a lot of benefits
specially it increase
customer loyalty
location plays a huge
of role in attracting
and retaining the best
Location 1 3 3 4 employee and a good
location decision can
get a huge of
a sales process is a set
of repeatable steps
that your sales team
Sales Method 1 2 5 1
takes to convert a
prospect into a
to avoid having a bad
dept., dictates the
Credit Policies 2 1 5 4 value of credit you'll
give a two and who
will receive it.
Ads increases sales
Advertising 1 2 1 3 and brand awareness

a strong
brand/company image
Image 1 1 1 1 can communicate a
product service or
brand instantly.

Marketing Expenses Strategy Chart

Target Market 1 Target Market 2 Target Market 3

: updated all budget plan -use publicity -create partnership with other
-funnel -use social media organizations
-operational cost -join local clubs and -improvement and updated
-marketing budget based on organization website link
business goal
-marketing investment
growth stage
-current and future trends

-relationship with our clients -link our products and -social network and viral
and supplier services to our social cause marketing
-maximize profits and or issues -paid all media advertising
numbers of shareholders -conversational marketing
Monthly or Annual

-invest innovative, efficient -establishing our technical -ensure clients support,

technology operation developing the inventory and shipping/receiving
-consolidate products products and leading all functions are operating levels
-change our process or aspects which meet our clients
layout requirements and satisfaction
Labor Costs -standardize products
-enhance safety

Pricing Strategy Worksheet

Business Name MAKING IT (creative solution)

Which of the following pricing strategies will you employ?


Cost-Based Pricing
Cost-based pricing uses manufacturing or production costs as its basis for pricing. The cost-based pricing company uses its
costs to find a price floor and a price ceiling. The floor and the ceiling are the minimum and maximum prices for a specific
product or service; they serve as a price range. If the market conditions are such that the going competitive price is under the
price floor, the company may price at the floor or attempt to lower its costs to lower the floor.





Distribution Channel Assessment Worksheet

include wholesalers, retailer, distribution and the internet. Our company sells
directly to our consumers. Intermediaries before the products ends up in the
Ease of Entry hands of the consumer. we use direct and indirect

market, buyer, nature of competitors and our buyers need to purchase directly
from our company
Geographic Proximity

to help our clients in a low cost budget

-competitive pricing
Costs -area exclusivity
-marketing and social issues

V. Instructions: Operational Plan

This section explains the daily operation of your business, including its location, equipment, personnel and processes.

1. Production
our company build a team to create a new products and services strategies, s new development is to provide new value
to our clients, that product is anything tangible or intangible which is the price is affordable and have a welcoming
1. Quality control
we can't manage the expectations of our clients our company teams need to manage all target market every month, in
developing are strategy we need to improve our 4P's structures and Inbound marketing to leverage the strength of the
majority of the other

2. Location
our location is perfect specially to our workers, it's not hard to find a best employee and its good for us for attracting
and retaining new employees. our location is very impressive decision can get a huge of customers/clients

3. Legal environment
•republic act no. 8293
•republic act no. 10350
•NCIDQ certificate
•DTI permit

4. Personnel
•licensed interior designer in the Philippine
•must be under graduate BS in interior design w/ experience

Interior design is a very creative profession that asks for original art but also practical works Inventory
If your business requires inventory, explain:

5. Suppliers
•everyday collection decor
(home apparel, decor, paints etc.)

•home decor manufacturer

(furniture and tools)

6. Credit policies
To avoid having a bad dept. always dictates the value of credit you'll give a two and who will receive it

VI. Instructions: Management & Organization

This section should give readers an understanding of the people behind your business, their roles and responsibilities, and their
prior experience. If you’re using your business plan to get financing, know that investors and lenders carefully assess whether
you have a qualified management team.

Management Worksheet

We believe, good design realizes the potential of any space. It involves considered choices
teamed with a sense of bravery. As a designer, I have a strong understanding of how interiors
come together, from the architecture of a space to the furniture and soft furnishings that fill it.
Color palette, material choice and finishes are all equally important - each element is essential
to creating one cohesive look that is both resolved and innovative.

On a personal level, we have an immense appreciation for a range of design periods and styles.
for our team, spaces truly work when balance is created through contrast. They should tell a
story about the people who inhabit them.

we're been fortunate enough to work with some exceptional clients on projects that span from
residential refurbishments and new-builds to key commercial and hospitality fit-outs.

Our company required to design ultimately for my clients. This flexibility, along with an ever-
changing industry has imbued me with an innate sense of creative freedom. Today,
contemporary design has to encompass several key issues: financial, social and importantly,
environmental points of view, all of which need to be addressed by client and designer,

Fortunately, there are a few tried and true laws of interior design that can help you make sense
of and successfully we build some strategies to fill it up

A suggestion from a friend, colleague or neighbor who has hired a particular designer before,
can improve the chances of a positive experience with a professional.
A forum is usually a space for professionals or people with specific interest in a certain field.
Such a space understands your requirements and helps you find what you need. Whichever
Gaps in forum you refer to, always remember to ask for registered designers and look at ratings and
Management or reviews. It helps in distinguishing between the qualified designer and self-proclaimed one.
Discussing timelines and budgets with potential designers will help you narrow down your
options. Some designers charge on the basis of area, some charge for initial consultation and
others charge their fees inclusive of everything in a final estimation

A Design Proposal is usually shared with clients to help assess not only timelines, feasibility
and budget but is also crucial in understanding style decisions. Take a look at a proposal
carefully before closing a deal.

Understanding styles and Communication

Organization Chart

VII. Instructions: Startup Expenses & Capitalization
Company Summary

Making It corporation design and services to offer a wide range of interior design services to clients around Manila and
nationwide. The company has a high level of expertise in interior design and will provide superior personal services to all
clients. Our company take pride in knowing that 50% of their business comes from repeat clients and their referrals.

Our responsibility as interior design professionals is to take the client’s design goals and utilize our skills and resources to
exceed the client’s expectations for service, value, functionality, and beauty.

Start-up Summary
Making It Corp will invest 1,200 in Everyday Collection Decor. They will also secure a 1,000loan.

The following table and chart show projected initial start-up costs for Everyday Collection Decor

Start-up Funding
Start-up Expenses to Fund ₱411
Start-up Assets to Fund ₱1589
Total Funding Required ₱2000

Non-cash Assets from Start-up ₱400
Cash Requirements from Start-up ₱1,189
Additional Cash Raised ₱0
Cash Balance on Starting Date $1,189
Total Assets ₱1,589

Liabilities and Capital

Current Borrowing ₱0
Long-term Liabilities ₱600
Accounts Payable (Outstanding Bills) ₱200
Other Current Liabilities (interest-free ) ₱0
Total Liabilities ₱800

Planned Investment
Investor 1 ₱600
Investor 2 ₱600
Additional Investment Requirement ₱0
Total Planned Investment ₱1,200
Loss at Start-up (Start-up Expenses) (₱411)
Total Capital ₱789
Total Capital and Liabilities. ₱1,589
Total Funding ₱2,000

Start-up Expenses
Legal ₱500
Stationery etc. ₱40
Brochures ₱80
Insurance ₱1000
Rent ₱3,000
Answering Service ₱200
Utilities Start Up ₱250
Office Furnishings ₱4,000

Expensed Equipment ₱3,000
Business Software ₱2,000
Office Supplies ₱1,000
Total Start-up Expenses ₱15,070

Cash Required ₱1,189

Other Current Assets ₱400
Long-term Assets ₱0
Total Assets ₱1,589
Total Requirements ₱2,000

VIII. Instructions: Financial Plan

IX. Instructions: Appendices

Below are some elements many business owners include in their Appendices.


I. The Parties. This Interior Design Retainer Agreement ("Agreement") is made

effective as of ____________________, 20____, by and between:
Designer: ____________________ with a street address of ____________________,
City of ____________________, State of ____________________, ("Designer")

Client: ____________________ with a street address of ____________________, City
of ____________________, State of ____________________ ("Client").

II. Services. Designer agrees to provide the following Services:

___________________________________________________________ ("Services").

III. Term. The Services shall commence on ____________________, 20____, and end:
(check one)
☐ - On the date of ____________________, 20____.
☐ - At completion of the Services performed.
☐ - Upon either party may terminate this Agreement with ____ days’ notice.
☐ - Other. ______________________________________________________.

IV. Compensation. In consideration for the Services provided, the Designer is to be

paid in the following manner: (check all that apply)
☐ - Per Hour. $____ /hour.
☐ - Per Job. $__________ for the completion of the Services.
☐ - Commission. ____% commission based on ____________________.
☐ - Other. ______________________________________________________.

V. Contingency. As part of the Designer’s Pay: (check one)

☐ - There SHALL be a contingency-fee arrangement in accordance with: (check
☐ - ____% of _______________________________________________.
☐ - There SHALL NOT be a contingency-fee arrangement as part of this

VI. Payment. Designer shall be paid, in accordance with section IV: (check one)
☐ - On a ☐ weekly ☐ monthly ☐ quarterly basis beginning on
______________________, 20___.
☐ - At completion of the Services performed.
☐ - Upon the Client receiving an Invoice from the Designer.
☐ - Other. _______________________________________________________.Page 2 of 6

VII. Retainer. The Client is: (check one)

☐ - Required to pay a Retainer in the amount of $__________ to the Designer as
an advance on future Services to be provided ("Retainer"). The Retainer is:
(check one)
☐ - Refundable.
☐ - Non-Refundable.
☐ - Not required to pay a Retainer before the Designer is able to commence

VIII. Expenses. The Designer is: (check one)

☐ - Responsible for all expenses. The Designer shall be responsible for all
expenses related to providing the Services under this Agreement. This includes,
but is not limited to, supplies, equipment, operating costs, business costs,
employment costs, taxes, Social Security contributions and/or payments,
disability insurance, unemployment taxes, and any other cost that may or may
not be in connection with the Services provided by the Designer including out-ofpocket expenses.
☐ - Reimbursed for ONLY the following expenses: _______________________.
Client agrees to pay the Designer within thirty (30) days of receiving notice of any
expense directly associated with the Services. Upon request by the Client, the
Designer may have to show receipt(s) or proof(s) of purchase for said expense.

☐ - Not required to pay or be responsible for any expense in connection with the
Services provided.

IX. Disputes. If any dispute arises under this Agreement, the Designer and the Client
shall negotiate in good faith to settle such dispute. If the parties cannot resolve such
disputes themselves, then either party may submit the dispute to mediation by a
mediator approved by both parties. If the parties cannot agree with any mediator or if
either party does not wish to abide by any decision of the mediator, they shall submit
the dispute to arbitration by any mutually acceptable arbitrator, or the American
Arbitration Association (AAA). The costs of the arbitration proceeding shall be borne
according to the decision of the arbitrator, who may apportion costs equally or in
accordance with any finding of fault or lack of good faith of either party. If either party
does not wish to abide by any decision of the arbitrator, they shall submit the dispute to
litigation. The jurisdiction for any dispute shall be administered in
____________________ County, State of ____________________.

X. Legal Notice. All notices required or permitted under this Agreement shall be in
writing and shall be deemed delivered when delivered in-person or deposited in the
United States Postal Service via Certified Mail with return receipt. If different from the
mailing address in Section I, enter below:
Client's Address: _______________________________________________
Designer's Address: _______________________________________________Page 3 of 6

XI. Return of Records. Upon termination of this Agreement, the Designer shall deliver
all records, notes, and data of any nature that are in the Designer's possession or under
the Designer's control and that are of the Client's property or relate to Client's business.

XII. Waiver of Contractual Right. The failure of either party to enforce any provision of
this Agreement shall not be construed as a waiver or limitation of that party's right to
subsequently enforce and compel strict compliance with every provision of this

XIII. Independent Contractor Status. The Designer, under the code of the Internal
Revenue (IRS), is an independent contractor and neither the Designer's employees or
contract personnel are, or shall be deemed, the Client's employees. In its capacity as an
independent contractor, the Designer agrees and represents:

a.) Designer has the right to perform Services for others during the term of this
b.) Designer has the sole right to control and direct the means, manner, and
method by which the Services required under this Agreement will be performed;
Designer shall select the routes taken, starting and ending times, days of work,
and order the work that performed;
c.) Designer has the right to hire assistant(s) as subcontractors or to use
employees to provide the Services under this Agreement.
d.) Neither Designer nor the Designer's employees or personnel shall be required
to wear any uniforms provided by the Client;
e.) The Services required by this Agreement shall be performed by the Designer,
Designer's employees or personnel, and the Client will not hire, supervise, or pay
assistants to help the Designer;
f.) Neither the Designer nor the Designer's employees or personnel shall receive
any training from the Client for the professional skills necessary to perform the
Services required by this Agreement; and
g.) Neither the Designer nor Designer's employees or personnel shall be required
by the Client to devote full-time to the performance of the Services required by
this Agreement.

XIV. State and Federal Licenses. The Designer represents and warrants that all

employees and personnel associated shall comply with federal, state, and local laws
requiring any required licenses, permits, and certificates necessary to perform the
Services under this Agreement.

XV. Payment of Taxes. Under this Agreement, the Client shall not be responsible for:
a.) Withholding FICA, Medicare, Social Security, or any other Federal or State
withholding taxes from the Designer's payments to employees or personnel or
make payments on behalf of the Designer;
b.) Making Federal and/or State unemployment compensation contributions on
the Designer's behalf; and
c.) Making payments of taxes incurred while performing the Services under this
Agreement, including all applicable income taxes and, if the Designer is not a
business entity, all applicable self-employment taxes. Upon demand, the
Designer shall provide the Client with proof that such payments have been made. Page 4 of 6

XVI. Employees' Compensation. The Designer shall be solely responsible for the
a.) Employee Benefits. The Designer understands and agrees that they are
solely responsible and shall be liable to all benefits that are provided to them
employees, including, but not limited to, retirement plans, health insurance,
vacation time-off, sick pay, personal leave, or any other benefit provided.
b.) Unemployment Compensation. The Designer shall be solely responsible for
the unemployment compensation payments on behalf of their employees and
personnel. The Designer shall not be entitled to unemployment compensation
with the Services performed under this Agreement.
c.) Workers’ Compensation. The Designer shall be responsible for providing all
workers' compensation insurance on behalf of their employees. If the Designer
hires employees to perform any work under this Agreement, the Designer agrees
to grant workers' compensation coverage to the extent required by law. Upon
request by the Client, the Designer must provide certificates proving workers'
compensation insurance at any time during the performance of the Services.
XVII. Indemnification. Designer shall release, defend, indemnify, and hold harmless
Client and its officers, agents, and employees from all suits, actions, or claims of any
character, name, or description including reasonable Designer fees, brought on account
of any injuries or damage, or loss (real or alleged) received or sustained by any person,
persons, or property, arising out of services provided under this Agreement or
Designer's failure to perform or comply with any requirements of this Agreement
including, but not limited to any claims for personal injury, property damage, or
infringement of copyright, patent, or other proprietary rights. Client reserves the right to
retain whatever funds which would be due to the Designer under this Agreement until
such suits, action or actions, claim or claims for injuries or damages as aforesaid shall
have been settled and satisfactory evidence to that effect furnished.
XVIII. Confidentiality & Proprietary Information. The Designer acknowledges that it
will be necessary for the Client to disclose certain confidential and proprietary
information to the Designer in order for the Designer to perform their duties under this
Agreement. The Designer acknowledges that disclosure to a third (3rd) party or misuse
of this proprietary or confidential information would irreparably harm the Client.
Accordingly, the Designer will not disclose or use, either during or after the term of this
Agreement, any proprietary or confidential information of the Client without the Client's
prior written permission except to the extent necessary to perform the Services on the
Client's behalf.
Proprietary or confidential information includes, but is not limited to:
a.) The written, printed, graphic, or electronically recorded materials furnished by
Client for Designer to use;
b.) Any written or tangible information stamped "confidential," "proprietary," or
with a similar legend, or any information that Client makes reasonable efforts to
maintain the secrecy of, business or marketing plans or strategies, customer
lists, operating procedures, trade secrets, design formulas, know-how and Page 5 of 6
processes, computer programs and inventories, discoveries and improvements
of any kind, sales projections, and pricing information; and
c.) Information belonging to customers and suppliers of the Client about whom
the Designer gained knowledge as a result of the Designer ‘s Services to the
Upon termination of the Designer's Services to the Client, or at the Client's request, the
Designer shall deliver all materials to the Client in the Designer's possession relating to
the Client's business. The Designer acknowledges any breach or threatened breach of
confidentiality under this Agreement will result in irreparable harm to the Client for which
damages would be an inadequate remedy. Therefore, the Client shall be entitled to
equitable relief, including an injunction, in the event of such breach or threatened
breach of confidentiality. Such equitable relief shall be in addition to the Client's rights
and remedies otherwise available at law.
Furthermore, proprietary information, under this Agreement, shall include:
a.) The product of all work performed under this Agreement ("Work Product"),
including without limitation all notes, reports, documentation, drawings, computer
programs, inventions, creations, works, devices, models, works-in-progress and
deliverables, will be the sole property of the Client, and Designer hereby assigns
to the Client all right, title, and interest therein, including, but not limited to, all
audiovisual, literary, moral rights and other copyrights, patent rights, trade secret
rights, and other proprietary rights therein. Designer retains no right to use the
Work Product and agrees not to challenge the validity of the Client's ownership in
the Work Product;
b.) Designer hereby assigns to the Client all right, title, and interest in any and all
photographic images and videos or audio recordings made by the Client during
Designer's work for them, including, but not limited to, any royalties, proceeds, or
other benefits derived from such photographs or recordings; and
c.) The Client will be entitled to use the Designer's name and/or likeness in
advertising and other materials.
XIX. Assignment and Delegation. The Designer may assign rights and may delegate
duties under this Agreement to other individuals or entities acting as a subcontractor
("Subcontractor"). The Designer recognizes that they shall be liable for all work
performed by the Subcontractor and shall hold the Client harmless of any liability in
connection with their performed work.
The Designer shall be responsible for any confidential or proprietary information that is
shared with the Subcontractor in accordance with this section. If any such information is
shared by the Subcontractor to third (3rd) parties, the Designer shall be made liable.

XX. Governing Law. This Agreement shall be governed under the laws in the State of
XXI. Severability. This Agreement shall remain in effect in the event a section or
provision is unenforceable or invalid. All remaining sections and provisions shall be
deemed legally binding unless a court rules that any such provision or section is invalid Page 6 of 6
or unenforceable, thus, limiting the effect of another provision or section. In such case,
the affected provision or section shall be enforced as so limited.
XXII. Additional Terms and Conditions. ____________________________________
XXIII. Entire Agreement. This Agreement, along with any attachments or addendums,
represents the entire agreement between the parties. Therefore, this Agreement
supersedes any prior agreements, promises, conditions, or understandings between the
Client and Designer. This Agreement may be modified or amended if the amendment is
made in writing and is signed by both parties.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties hereto have executed this Agreement on the
dates written hereunder.
Designer's Signature _________________________ Date _______________
Print Name _________________________
Client's Signature _________________________ Date _______________
Print Name ________________________

2.Intellectual property

3.Resumes of owner’s/key employees

4.Advertising/marketing materials


- living room furniture set
- bed room furniture set
- kitchen furniture set
- wallpaper 60*100cm
- wall canvas 4pcs
- lamp
- curtains
- rug
- carpets 60*90cm
- lots mirror 30*30cm
- DIY silver modern mirror
- Acrylic mirror
- plain hollow
- fiber
- sliding door
- sofa
- dining chair 4pcs
- wood cabinet
- bed room set
- Wallpaper
- Lamp
- Curtains
- Rug
- Carpets
- Cabinet

5.Public relations/publicity

Publicity offers the advantages of credibility, news value, significant word-of-mouth communications, and a perception of
being endorsed by the media. Beyond the potential impact of negative publicity, two major problems arise from the use of
publicity: timing and accuracy

In-house public relations is a team or department that runs the company's PR and functions as part of the organization. The
alternative is to hire a PR agency which is independent.

We're a dynamic team of communication experts who are dedicated to helping interior designers, Our clients and home brands
grow their business by placing their work in front of qualified, prospective audiences. ... We've driven results for interior
designers across luxury and mass-market categories.


7.List of equipment
- Electricity (8peso per watts)
- water (0.33peso per cubic meter
- internet
- Rent
- Depreciation cost
- Incremental expenses

8.Market research studies

Making It corporation design and services to offer a wide range of interior design services to clients around Manila and
nationwide. The company has a high level of expertise in interior design and will provide superior personal services to all
clients. Our company take pride in knowing that 50% of their business comes from repeat clients and their referrals.

Our responsibility as interior design professionals is to take the client’s design goals and utilize our skills and resources to
exceed the client’s expectations for service, value, functionality, and beauty.

Start-up Summary
Making It Corp will invest 1,200 in Everyday Collection Decor. They will also secure a 1,000loan.

The following table and chart show projected initial start-up costs for Everyday Collection Decor

Start-up Funding
Start-up Expenses to Fund ₱411
Start-up Assets to Fund ₱1589
Total Funding Required ₱2000

Non-cash Assets from Start-up ₱400
Cash Requirements from Start-up ₱1,189
Additional Cash Raised ₱0
Cash Balance on Starting Date $1,189
Total Assets ₱1,589

Liabilities and Capital

Current Borrowing ₱0
Long-term Liabilities ₱600
Accounts Payable (Outstanding Bills) ₱200
Other Current Liabilities (interest-free ) ₱0
Total Liabilities ₱800

Planned Investment
Investor 1 ₱600
Investor 2 ₱600
Additional Investment Requirement ₱0
Total Planned Investment ₱1,200
Loss at Start-up (Start-up Expenses) (₱411)
Total Capital ₱789
Total Capital and Liabilities. ₱1,589
Total Funding ₱2,000

Start-up Expenses
Legal ₱500
Stationery etc. ₱40
Brochures ₱80
Insurance ₱1000
Rent ₱3,000
Answering Service ₱200
Utilities Start Up ₱250
Office Furnishings ₱4,000
Expensed Equipment ₱3,000
Business Software ₱2,000
Office Supplies ₱1,000
Total Start-up Expenses ₱15,070

Cash Required ₱1,189

Other Current Assets ₱400
Long-term Assets ₱0
Total Assets ₱1,589
Total Requirements ₱2,000

9.list of assets that can be used as collateral

List of assets
Personal real estate.
Home equity.
Personal vehicles.
Cash or savings accounts.
Investment accounts.
Paper investments.
Cash in a savings account.
Cash in a certificate of deposit (CD) account.
Insurance policy.

X. Instructions: Refining the Plan

Raising Capital from Bankers

At the beginning of our company, most of the funding usually comes from our beloved investment. Our primary source of
funding continued growth is from the retained profits—also known as retained earnings, Retained earnings are a better source
of capital for our company than debt or equity. monthly us
company stock is Other than a large infusion of venture capital, stock offerings are the fastest way for a successful business to
scale up. We also upgraded our credit policy to avoid a lot of bad Dept.

Raising Capital from investor Our quick revise plan to increase our capital investor Hyper-Target Potential Clients With
Facebook Advertising Drive Referrals With Word-Of-Mouth Marketing Get Discovered by Potential Clients on Houzz Let
Google Help by Supercharging Your SEO Spend a Little to Get a Lot with Google AdWords Build Your Brand With Blogging
Create Your Own Tribe By Building An Email List Get Added Support by Joining Associations Unlock the Power of Instagram


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