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The document discusses different types of joints, welding terminology, and how factors like material type and thickness impact weld preparation.

The document discusses several types of joints including butt, T, corner, edge, cruciform, and lap joints.

The type of parent material, such as steel or aluminum, can impact the weld preparation. For example, larger included angles are typically used for aluminum to avoid lack of side wall fusion problems compared to steel.

Section 2

Terms and Definitions

2 Terms and Definitions
The following definitions are taken from BS 499-1: Welding terms and symbols
– Glossary for welding, brazing and thermal cutting.

A process of joining generally applied to metals in which, during or after
heating, molten filler metal is drawn into or retained in the space between
closely adjacent surfaces of the parts to be joined by capillary attraction. In
general, the melting point of the filler metal is above 450C but always below
the melting temperature of the parent material.

Braze welding
The joining of metals using a technique similar to fusion welding and a filler
metal with a lower melting point than the parent metal, but neither using
capillary action as in brazing nor intentionally melting the parent metal.

A connection where the individual components, suitably prepared and
assembled, are joined by welding or brazing.

A union of pieces of metal made by welding.

An operation in which two or more parts are united by means of heat, pressure
or both, in such a way that there is continuity in the nature of the metal
between these parts.

Terms and Definitions 2-1 Copyright © TWI Ltd
Table 2.1 Joint types, sketches and definitions.
Type of Sketch Definition

Butt Connection between the ends or edges

of two parts making an angle to one
another of 135-180 inclusive in the
region of the joint.

T Connection between the end or edge of

one part and the face of the other part,
the parts making an angle to one
another of more than 5 up to and
including 90 in the region of the joint.

Corner Connection between the ends or edges

of two parts making an angle to one
another of more than 30 but less than
135 in the region of the joint.

Edge A connection between the edges of two

parts making an angle to one another
of 0-30 inclusive in the region of the

Cruciform A connection in which two flat plates or

two bars are welded to another flat
plate at right angles and on the same

Lap Connection between two overlapping

parts making an angle to one another
of 0-5 inclusive in the region of the
weld or welds.

Terms and Definitions 2-2 Copyright © TWI Ltd
2.1 Types of weld
2.1.1 From the configuration point of view (as per 2.2)

Figure 2.1 Butt weld. Figure 2.2 Fillet weld.

In a butt joint

Butt weld In a T joint

In a corner joint

Figure 2.3 Configurations of a butt weld.

Autogenous weld
A fusion weld made without filler metal by TIG, plasma, electron beam, laser or
oxy-fuel gas welding.

Slot weld
A joint between two overlapping components made by depositing a fillet weld
round the periphery of a hole in one component so as to join it to the surface of
the other component exposed through the hole.

Figure 2.4 Slot weld.

Terms and Definitions 2-3 Copyright © TWI Ltd
Plug weld
A weld made by filling a hole in one component of a workpiece with filler metal
so as to join it to the surface of an overlapping component exposed through the
hole (the hole can be circular or oval).

Figure 2.5 A plug weld.

2.1.2 From the penetration point of view

Full penetration weld
A welded joint where the weld metal fully penetrates the joint with complete
root fusion. In the US the preferred term is complete joint penetration (CJP)
weld (see AWS D1.1.).

Figure 2.6 A full penetration weld.

Partial penetration weld

A welded joint without full penetration. In the US the preferred term is partial
joint penetration (PJP) weld.

Figure 2.7 A partial penetration weld.

2.2 Types of joints (see BS EN ISO 15607)

Welded joint in which the weld metal and parent material have no significant
differences in mechanical properties and/or chemical composition. Example:
Two carbon steel plates welded with a matching carbon steel electrode.

Welded joint in which the weld metal and parent material have significant
differences in mechanical properties and/or chemical composition. Example: A
repair weld of a cast iron item performed with a nickel-based electrode.

Terms and Definitions 2-4 Copyright © TWI Ltd
Welded joint in which the parent materials have significant differences in
mechanical properties and/or chemical composition. Example: A carbon steel
lifting lug welded onto an austenitic stainless steel pressure vessel.

2.3 Features of the completed weld

 Parent metal
Metal to be joined or surfaced by welding, braze welding or brazing.

 Filler metal
Metal added during welding, braze welding, brazing or surfacing.

 Weld metal
All metal melted during the making of a weld and retained in the weld.

 Heat-affected zone (HAZ)

The part of the parent metal metallurgically affected by the heat of welding
or thermal cutting but not melted.

 Fusion line
Boundary between the weld metal and the HAZ in a fusion weld.

 Weld zone
Zone containing the weld metal and the HAZ.

 Weld face
The surface of a fusion weld exposed on the side from which the weld has
been made.

 Root
Zone on the side of the first run furthest from the welder.

 Toe
Boundary between a weld face and the parent metal or between runs. This
is a very important feature of a weld since toes are points of high stress
concentration and often are initiation points for different types of cracks (eg
fatigue and cold cracks). To reduce the stress concentration, toes must
blend smoothly into the parent metal surface.

 Excess weld metal

Weld metal lying outside the plane joining the toes. Other non-standard
terms for this feature are reinforcement and overfill.

Terms and Definitions 2-5 Copyright © TWI Ltd
Parent zone
face metal




metal Root Fusion
line Excess weld

Figure 2.8 Labelled features of a butt weld.

Parent metal

weld metal

Weld zone

Weld face

Root Parent metal

Metal HAZ

Figure 2.9 Labelled features of a fillet weld.

Terms and Definitions 2-6 Copyright © TWI Ltd
2.4 Weld preparation
A preparation for making a connection where the individual components,
suitably prepared and assembled, are joined by welding or brazing. The
dimensions below can vary depending on WPS.

2.4.1 Features of the weld preparation

Angle of bevel
The angle at which the edge of a component is prepared for making a weld.

For an MMA weld on carbon steel plates, the angle is:

 25-30 for a V preparation.

 8-12 for a U preparation.
 40-50 for a single bevel preparation.
 10-20 for a J preparation.

Included angle
The angle between the planes of the fusion faces of parts to be welded. For
single and double V or U this angle is twice the bevel angle. In the case of
single or double bevel, single or double J bevel, the included angle is equal to
the bevel angle.

Root face
The portion of a fusion face at the root that is not bevelled or grooved. Its value
depends on the welding process used, parent material to be welded and
application; for a full penetration weld on carbon steel plates, it has a value of
1-2mm (for the common welding processes).

The minimum distance at any cross-section between edges, ends or surfaces to
be joined. Its value depends on the welding process used and application; for a
full penetration weld on carbon steel plates, it has a value of 1-4mm.

Root radius
The radius of the curved portion of the fusion face in a component prepared for
a single or double J or U, weld.

Straight portion of a fusion face between the root face and the radius part of a J
or U preparation can be 0. Usually present in weld preparations for MIG welding
of aluminium alloys.

Terms and Definitions 2-7 Copyright © TWI Ltd
2.4.2 Types of preparation
Open square butt preparation
Used for welding thin components from one or both sides. If the root gap is
zero (ie if components are in contact), this preparation becomes a closed
square butt preparation (not recommended due to problems caused by lack of

Figure 2.10 Open square butt preparation.

Single V preparation
One of the most common preparations used in welding and can be produced
using flame or plasma cutting (cheap and fast). For thicker plates a double V
preparation is preferred since it requires less filler material to complete the joint
and the residual stresses can be balanced on both sides of the joint resulting in
lower angular distortion.

Included angle

Angle of

Root face

Root gap

Figure 2.11 Single V preparation.

Double V preparation
The depth of preparation can be the same on both sides (symmetric double V
preparation) or deeper on one side (asymmetric double V preparation). Usually,
in this situation the depth of preparation is distributed as 2/3 of the thickness of
the plate on the first side with the remaining 1/3 on the backside. This
asymmetric preparation allows for a balanced welding sequence with root back
gouging, giving lower angular distortions. Whilst a single V preparation allows
welding from one side, double V preparation requires access to both sides (the
same applies for all double sided preparations).

Terms and Definitions 2-8 Copyright © TWI Ltd
Figure 2.12 Symmetric double V preparation.

Single U preparation
U preparations can be produced only by machining (slow and expensive),
however, tighter tolerances give a better fit-up than with V preparations.
Usually applied to thicker plates compared with single V preparation as it
requires less filler material to complete the joint, lower residual stresses and
distortions. Like for V preparations, with very thick sections a double U
preparation can be used.

Included angle

Angle of


Root face

Root gap


Figure 2.13 Single U preparation.

Double U preparation
Usually this type of preparation does not require a land, (except for aluminium

Figure 2.14 Double U preparation.

Terms and Definitions 2-9 Copyright © TWI Ltd
Single V preparation with backing strip
Backing strips allow production of full penetration welds with increased current
and hence increased deposition rates/productivity without the danger of burn-
through. Backing strips can be permanent or temporary.

Permanent types are made of the same material as being joined and are tack
welded in place. The main problems with this type of weld are poor fatigue
resistance and the probability of crevice corrosion between the parent metal
and the backing strip.

It is also difficult to examine by NDT due to the built-in crevice at the root of
the joint. Temporary types include copper strips, ceramic tiles and fluxes.

Figure 2.15 Single V preparation with backing strip.

Figure 2.16 Single bevel preparation.

Figure 2.17 Double bevel preparation.

Terms and Definitions 2-10 Copyright © TWI Ltd
Figure 2.18 Single J preparation.

Figure 2.19 Double J preparation.

All these preparations (single/double bevel and J) can be used on T joints as

well. Double preparations are recommended for thick sections. The main
advantage of these preparations is that only one component is prepared
(cheap, can allow for small misalignments).

For further details regarding weld preparations, please refer to Standard BS EN

ISO 9692.

2.5 Size of butt welds

Actual throat Design throat

thickness thickness

Figure 2.20 Full penetration butt weld.

Actual throat Design throat

thickness thickness

Figure 2.21 Partial penetration butt weld.

Terms and Definitions 2-11 Copyright © TWI Ltd
As a general rule:

Actual throat thickness = design throat thickness + excess weld metal.

Actual throat thickness =

design throat thickness

Figure 2.22 Full penetration butt weld ground flush.

Design throat
Actual throat thickness = maximum thickness =
thickness through the joint thickness of the
thinner plate

Figure 2.23 Butt weld between two plates of different thickness.

Run (pass)
The metal melted or deposited during one pass of an electrode, torch or

Figure 2.24 Single run weld. Figure 2.25 Multi-run weld.

A stratum of weld metal consisting of one or more runs.

Types of butt weld (from accessibility point of view)

Figure 2.26Single side weld. Figure 2.27 Double side weld.

Terms and Definitions 2-12 Copyright © TWI Ltd
2.6 Fillet weld
A fusion weld, other than a butt, edge or fusion spot weld, which is
approximately triangular in transverse cross-section.

2.6.1 Size of fillet welds

Unlike butt welds, fillet welds can be defined using several dimensions.

Actual throat thickness

Perpendicular distance between two lines, each parallel to a line joining the
outer toes, one being a tangent at the weld face and the other being through
the furthermost point of fusion penetration.

Design throat thickness

The minimum dimension of throat thickness used for design purposes, also
known as effective throat thickness. (a on drawings).

Leg length
Distance from the actual or projected intersection of the fusion faces and the
toe of a fillet weld, measured across the fusion face (z on drawings).

Actual throat


Leg length

Design throat

Figure 2.28 Fillet weld.

2.6.2 Shape of fillet welds

Mitre fillet weld
A flat face fillet weld in which the leg lengths are equal within the agreed
tolerance. The cross-section area of this type of weld can be considered to be a
right angle isosceles triangle with design throat thickness a and leg length z.
The relation between design throat thickness and leg length is:

a = 0.707  z or z = 1.41  a

Terms and Definitions 2-13 Copyright © TWI Ltd
Figure 2.29 Mitre fillet weld.

Convex fillet weld

A fillet weld in which the weld face is convex. The above relation between
leg length and design throat thickness for mitre fillet welds is also valid for this
type of weld. Since there is excess weld metal present, the actual throat
thickness is bigger than the design throat thickness.

Figure 2.30 Convex fillet weld

Concave fillet weld

A fillet weld in which the weld face is concave. The relation between leg
length and design throat thickness specified for mitre fillet welds is not valid for
this type of weld. Also, the design throat thickness is equal to the actual throat

Due to the smooth blending between the weld face and the surrounding parent
material, the stress concentration effect at the toes of the weld is reduced
compared with the previous type. This is why this type of weld is highly desired
in applications subjected to cyclic loads where fatigue phenomena might be a
major cause for failure.

Figure 2.31 Concave fillet weld.

Terms and Definitions 2-14 Copyright © TWI Ltd
Asymmetrical fillet weld
A fillet weld in which the vertical leg length is not equal to the horizontal leg
length. The relation between leg length and design throat thickness is not valid
for this type of weld because the cross-section is not an isosceles triangle.

Horizontal leg

Vertical leg

Throat size

Figure 2.32 Asymmetrical fillet weld.

Deep penetration fillet weld

A fillet weld with a deeper than normal penetration. It is produced using high
heat input welding processes (ie SAW or MAG with spray transfer). This type of
weld uses the benefits of greater arc penetration to obtain the required throat
thickness whilst reducing the amount of deposited metal needed thus leading to
a reduction in residual stress level.

To produce consistent and constant penetration, the travel speed must be kept
constant at a high value. Consequently this type of weld is usually produced
using mechanised or automatic welding processes. Also, the high depth-to-
width ratio increases the probability of solidification centreline cracking. To
differentiate this type of weld from the previous types, the throat thickness is
symbolised with s instead of a.

Figure 2.33 Deep penetgration fillet weld.

2.6.3 Compound of butt and fillet welds

A combination of butt and fillet welds used for T joints with full or partial
penetration or butt joints between two plates with different thickness. Fillet
welds added on top of the groove welds improve the blending of the weld face
towards the parent metal surface and reduce the stress concentration at the
toes of the weld.

Terms and Definitions 2-15 Copyright © TWI Ltd
weld weld

Figure 2.34 Double bevel compound weld.

2.7 Welding position, slope and rotation

Welding position
Orientation of a weld expressed in terms of working position, weld slope and
weld rotation (for further details see ISO 6947).

Weld slope
Angle between root line and the positive X axis of the horizontal reference
plane, measured in mathematically positive direction (ie counter-clockwise).

Figure 2.35 Weld slope.

Weld rotation
Angle between the centreline of the weld and the positive Z axis or a line
parallel to the Y axis, measured in the mathematically positive direction (ie
counter-clockwise) in the plane of the transverse cross-section of the weld in

Figure 2.36 Weld rotation.

Terms and Definitions 2-16 Copyright © TWI Ltd
Table 2.2 Welding position, sketches and definition.
Welding Sketch Definition and symbol
position according to ISO 6947

Flat Welding position in which the

welding is horizontal with the
centreline of the weld vertical.


Horizontal- Welding position in which the

vertical welding is horizontal (applicable
in case of fillet welds).


Horizontal Welding position in which the

welding is horizontal, with the
centreline of the weld horizontal.


Vertical-up Welding position in which the

welding is upwards.


Vertical-down Welding position in which the

welding is downwards.


Overhead A welding position in which the

welding is horizontal and
overhead (applicable in fillet


Horizontal- Welding position in which the

overhead welding is horizontal and
overhead with the centreline of
the weld horizontal.


Terms and Definitions 2-17 Copyright © TWI Ltd
Figure 2.37 Tolerances for the welding positions.

2.8 Weaving
Transverse oscillation of an electrode or blowpipe nozzle during the deposition
of weld metal, generally used in vertical-up welds.

Figure 2.38 Weaving.

Stringer bead
A run of weld metal made with little or no weaving motion.

Figure 2.39 Stringer bead.

Terms and Definitions 2-18 Copyright © TWI Ltd
Terminology Objective

When this presentation has been completed you

will have a greater understanding of typical
international language used in joint design and
compilation of welding documentation.

Welding Terminology and Definitions

Section 2

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Welding Terminology and Definitions Welding Terminology and Definitions

What is a Weld? What is a Joint?

 A localised coalescence of metals or non-metals  The junction of members or the edges of

produced either by heating the materials to the members that are to be joined or have been
welding temperature, with or without the joined (AWS).
application of pressure, or by the application of
pressure alone (AWS).  A configuration of members (BS EN).

 A permanent union between materials caused by

heat, and or pressure BS EN.

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Joint Terminology Butt Preparations

T Edge Cruciform

Square Edge Square Edge

Closed Butt Open Butt

Butt Lap Corner

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Single Sided Butt Preparations Double Sided Butt Preparations

Single sided preparations are normally made on thinner Double sided preparations are normally made on thicker
materials, or when access form both sides is restricted. materials, or when access form both sides is unrestricted.

Single-J Single-U Double-J Double-U

Single Bevel Single V Double-Bevel Double V

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Joint Preparation Terminology Joint Preparation Terminology

Included angle Included angle

Angle of bevel Angle of bevel
Angle of Angle
bevel of

Root Gap Root Gap Root Face
Root Face
Root Gap Root Radius Root Face
Root Face Land
Root Gap

Single-V butt Single-U butt Single-J Butt Single Bevel Butt

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Weld Terminology Welded Butt Joints

Fillet weld Edge weld Compound weld A butt welded butt joint

A fillet welded joint

Butt weld Plug weld Spot weld A compound welded butt joint

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Welded T Joints Welded Lap Joints

A fillet welded lap joint

A fillet welded T joint

A spot welded lap joint

A butt welded T joint

A compound welded lap joint

A compound welded T joint

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Welded Closed Corner Joints Weld Zone Terminology

A fillet welded closed corner joint

A butt welded closed corner joint
Affected Weld
Zone Boundary

A compound welded closed corner joint

C D A, B, C & D = Weld Toes

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Weld Zone Terminology Weld Zone Terminology

Excess Weld width

Cap height

Excess Root

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Heat Affected Zone (HAZ) Toe Blend

Maximum Solid-liquid Boundary  Most codes quote the weld

Temperature weld 80° 6mm toes shall blend smoothly.
Grain growth zone
metal  This statement is not
Recrystallised zone quantitative and therefore
open to individual
Partially transformed zone
Poor weld toe interpretation.
Tempered zone
blend angle  The higher the toe blend
Unaffected base material angle the greater the
20° 3mm
amount of stress
 The toe blend angle ideally
should be between 20-30°.
Improved weld
toe blend angle

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Features to Consider Fillet Weld Profiles

Fillet welds - toe blend

Mitre fillet

Concave fillet
A concave profile is preferred for
joints subjected to fatigue

Convex fillet

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Fillet Weld Leg Length Fillet Weld Features

Excess weld metal

a leg
b throat
a = Vertical leg length
b = Horizontal leg length
Note: The leg length should be approximately leg length
equal to the material thickness.

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Deep Penetration Fillet Weld Features Deep Penetration Fillet Weld Features

a = Design throat thickness
b = Actual throat thickness

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Deep Penetration Fillet Weld Features Fillet Weld Sizes

Calculating throat thickness from a known leg


Design throat thickness = leg length x 0.7

 Question: The leg length is 14mm.

What is the design throat?
 Answer: 14mm x 0.7 = 10mm throat thickness.
a = Design throat thickness
b = Actual throat thickness

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Fillet Weld Sizes Features to Consider

Calculating leg length from a known design

Throat Throat
throat thickness:
thickness thickness
is larger is smaller
Leg length = design throat thickness x 1.4

60° 120°
 Question: The design throat is 10mm.
What is the leg length?

 Answer: 10mm x 1.4 = 14mm leg length.

Fillet welds connecting parts with fusion faces with an
angle more than 120° or less than 60° should not use the
previous calculations.

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Features to Consider Features to Consider

The design throat thickness of a flat or convex fillet Importance of fillet weld leg length size
weld connecting parts with the fusion faces which
form an angle between 600 and 1200 may be a b
calculated by multiplying the leg length by the
appropriate factors as given below:

Angle between fusion

Factor 4mm 8mm
faces in degrees
60 to 90 0.7
4mm 2mm
91 to 100 0.65
101 to 106 0.6
Approximately the same weld volume in both Fillet Welds but the
107 to 113 0.55 effective throat thickness has been altered, reducing
114 to 120 0.5 considerably the strength of weld B.

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Fillet Weld Sizes Fillet Weld Sizes

Importance of fillet weld leg length size Importance of fillet weld leg length size

6mm 4mm a 6mm b

a b
4mm 6mm
4mm 6mm
Area = 4 x 4 = 8mm2 Area = 6 x 6 = 18mm2
Cross Sectional Area 2 2
The CSA of b is over double the area of a without
Question: How much larger is the CSA b comparable to a? the extra excess weld metal being added.

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Features to Consider Joint Design and Weld Preparation

Effective Throat Thickness Bevel angle

a = Nominal throat thickness s = Effective throat thickness

Bevel angle must allow:

 Good access to the root.
 Manipulation of electrode to ensure sidewall
a s fusion.

Deep throat fillet welds from FCAW and SAW etc.

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Joint Design and Weld Preparation Joint Design and Weld Preparation

Root face Root gap

Root face size set to: Root gap set to:
 Allow controlled root fusion.  Allow controlled root fusion.
 Reduce the risk of burn-  Reduce the risk of burn-
through. through.

Too large = burn-through Too small = lack of

Too small = burn-through Too large = lack of
root penetration
root penetration

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Weld Preparation Weld Preparation

Terminology and typical dimensions: V joints Joint design/weld preparation to reduce

weld volumes
included angle
12 to 15°
bevel angle

root gap For MMA welding of pipe joints

root face
> ~20mm (compound bevel)
Typical dimensions ~6mm °
Bevel angle 30 to 35°
Root face ~1.5 to ~2.5mm
Root gap ~2 to ~4mm For mechanised GMAW of
For double-V joint for SAW pipework
of thicker sections

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Weld Preparation Weld Preparation

Welding process impacts upon weld preparation Welding process impacts upon weld preparation

Arc welding EBW

High heat input process allow a larger root face, less weld
metal required, less distortions, higher productivity.

If the gap is too big risk of possible burn-through, if gap is

too small risk of lack of penetration.

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Weld Preparation Weld Preparations

Preparation method impacts upon weld preparation Access impacts upon weld preparation

 Requires machining  Can be flame/plasma

slow and expensive. cut fast and cheap.
 Tight tolerance easier  Large tolerance set-
set-up. up can be difficult.

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Weld Preparations Weld Preparations

Access impacts upon weld preparation Access impacts upon weld preparation
Pipe weld preparation - one side access only!

for wall thickness up to 3mm

for wall thickness 3-20mm
for wall thickness over 20mm

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Weld Preparations Weld Preparations

Type of joint impacts upon weld preparation Type of joint impacts upon weld preparation

Corner joints require offset Lap and square edge butt joints do not require


Bevel angle = 30° Included angle =

Danger of burn-through Easy set-up no risk
Included angle = 60° Bevel angle = 50°
difficult to set-up of burn-through

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Weld Preparations Weld Preparations

Type of parent material impacts upon weld preparation Thickness of parent material impacts upon weld preparation

To reduce distortions on stainless steels welds, reduce A single bevel groove requires a volume of weld metal
included angle and increase root face. proportional to the square of plate thickness
To avoid lack of side wall fusion problems aluminium Its lack of symmetry lead to distortions
require larger included angles than steel.

60º 70-90º
35-45º Reduce shrinkage by:
30º  Reducing weld volume.
 Using single pass welding.

Steel Aluminium

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Weld Preparations Weld Preparations

Thickness of parent material impacts upon weld Thickness of parent material impacts upon weld
preparation preparation

Reduce weld volume by: Reduce weld volume by:

Reduced included angle Increase root face

Reduced root gap Use double bevel weld prep

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Weld Preparations Weld Preparations

Thickness of parent material impacts upon weld Thickness of parent material impacts upon weld
preparation preparation

Reduce weld volume by: Reduce distortions by using an asymmetric V prep

Use U prep instead V prep instead of a symmetric V prep.


U prep better than V prep

Weld first into the deeper side after welding to half of
V prep better than U prep the depth, back gouge the root. Complete welding on
the shallow side first.

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Weld Preparation Weld Preparation

Welding position impacts upon weld preparation Type of loading impacts upon weld preparation

60° Static loads - prohibited application of one sided

60° fillet weld.

PF symmetric preparation PC asymmetric preparation

If symmetric preparation is used in the PC position

the weld may spill out of the groove.

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Weld Preparation Weld Preparation

Type of loading impacts upon weld preparation Type of loading impacts upon weld preparation
Static loads - equal throat T joints Static loads - equal throat T beams in bending
neutral axis neutral axis

Weld area = 160mm2 Weld area = 90mm2 Normal fillet welds Deep penetration
fillet welds
 No preparation required.  Preparation required.
 Danger of lamellar  Reduced distortions. Lower neutral axis is more advantageous (also helps
tearing. to reduce residual distortions!)

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Weld Preparation Welding Terminology

Type of loading impacts upon weld preparation

Dynamic loads - full vs. partial penetration welds

Any Questions

Cyclic load

Fillet welds Double bevel weld

Lack of penetration promotes cracking!

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Section 3

Welding Imperfections
and Materials Inspection

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