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A Review Paper On Effect of Input Welding Process Parameters On Structures and Properties of Weld in Submerged Arc Welding Process

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A review paper on effect of input welding process parameters on

structure and properties of weld in submerged arc welding process
Harsh Sharma, Balram Rajput, Rudra Pratap Singh
Department of Mechanical Engineering, GLA University, Mathura 281406, India

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Joining of materials with the help of submerged arc welding machine is widely used in the concerned
Received 30 December 2019 industries. The quality of the weld is identified by several welding output parameters like weld width,
Accepted 13 February 2020 re-inforcement height, depth of penetration, hardness, impact strength and tensile strength etc. The input
Available online xxxx
welding parameters on which outputs depend are welding current, voltage, feed rate, speed of welding,
electrode extension, diameter of electrode and electrode angle etc. All the researchers try to optimize
Keywords: these parameters according to the concerned requirement. In this review paper it was tried to consider
Process Parameters
different research papers containing the research and analysis made on input output parameters of sub-
Cooling rate
Submerged Arc Welding
merged arc welding process. This paper also focused on analysis of some research papers containing heat
Current input rate, cooling rate of weld, micro structure of weld and heat affected zone and their effect on the
Micro-structure performance of the joint. Total 28 research papers were selected for our consideration after a thorough
HAZ investigation of several such papers. After the analysis of the research papers the future scope of research
was also suggested.
Ó 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Selection and of the scientific committee of the 10th International Conference of Materials Processing and

1. Introduction strength and ductility with low hydrogen and nitrogen contents.
This welding process is commonly used in applications where butt
Submerged Arc Welding is an automatic or semiautomatic weld configurations or fillet weld with grooves are required. This
welding process which comes under category of arc welding pro- process finds its application in automobile industries, rail road
cesses. In this process arc is maintained in between the bare con- equipment industries, large engineering structure making indus-
sumable electrode and workpiece in a protective inert gas tries, shipbuilding industry, pressure vessel fabrication industry,
atmosphere. In this welding we can have high material deposition pipe welding and for storage tanks. Different welding parameters
rate. This process suits well for working in horizontal position. The affect the weld quality and heat affected zone in a varying manner,
basic difference of this process with the other welding processes is which depends upon the amount of variation in parameters like
that in this process the arc is fully submerged inside the granular welding current, voltage, wire feed rate, type of flux used and
flux and is not visible. Heat loss can be minimized using this pro- welding conditions etc.
cess and a thermal efficiency of more than 90% can be achieved
in this process. In this process automatic wire feed mechanism,
constant voltage power source, digital controls etc are required, 2. Principle of working
which in turn lead to the requirement of constant and uniform
power supply source. Automatic wire feed mechanism provides Submerged arc welding is commonly used in industries where
the filler wire as required to the weld. The granular flux is contin- thick steel sheets are involved or where long welds are required.
uously poured on the arc from the hopper in a controlled way so The process consists in creating a welded joint between steel com-
that the welding is performed in a more efficient and effective ponents using an electric arc submerged beneath a layer of granu-
manner. The granular flux provides a shielding atmosphere for lar flux. Submerged-arc welding (SAW) involves the formation of
the weld zone. Weld made by submerged arc welding has high an arc between a continuously fed wire and the work piece. A blan-
ket of granular flux creates a protective shield for the work piece
2214-7853/Ó 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Selection and of the scientific committee of the 10th International Conference of Materials Processing and Characterization.

Please cite this article as: H. Sharma, B. Rajput and R. P. Singh, A review paper on effect of input welding process parameters on structure and properties of
weld in submerged arc welding process, Materials Today: Proceedings,
2 H. Sharma et al. / Materials Today: Proceedings xxx (xxxx) xxx

and a slag for the weld zone. A shielding gas is not required. The arc
which is submerged beneath the flux blanket is normally not visi-
ble during welding. SAW is normally operated in the automatic or
semi-automatic mode. The process is normally limited to the flat or
horizontal-fillet welding positions. The submerged arc welding set
up and its block diagrams are shown in Figs. 2.1 and 2.2

3. Important terms influence in SAW

3.1. Arc voltage

The arc voltage is a very important parameter in any welding Fig. 2.2. Block Diagram of Submerged Arc Welding Process.
process as it decides the weld width and input energy for the weld.

3.5. Granular flux

3.2. Welding current
In shielded metal arc welding the coating on stick electrodes is
Its importance can be understood with its capacity to increase done for shielding of weld but in submerged arc welding case the
depth of penetration of the weld which provides the strength of shielding of weld is achieved by using granular flux. The flux can
the weld. contain the desired material for weld which may be lost during
welding. The fluxes are of 4 types as fused, bonded, agglomerated
and mechanically mixed fluxes. To remove moisture hygroscopic
3.3. Welding speed fluxes are used. Different types of halides are used to obtain high
strength weld.
Speed of electrode wire relative to work piece is termed as
welding speed. Depth of penetration decreases with increase of
3.6. Extended length
speed which results in wider weld width. If the welding speed is
very less, the opposite effect is also observed as at very low speed
If extended length is increased the resistance of wire increases
the energy transfer to more depth is prevented by the existing mol-
and hence temperature is increased which indicates lower current
ten weld pool and depth of penetration reduces. For maximum
can be supplied. But if current is lowered the current intensity
required depth of penetration the knowledge of optimum speed
decreases and so optimum extended length should be used.
is necessary.

3.7. Hopper
3.4. Wire diameter
It is used to contain and supply the granular flux to the weld
Wire diameter is responsible for current density of the elec- portion in required amount utilizing the gravity principles.
trode. The ratio of current to area of cross section of electrode is
known as current density. Current density is reciprocal of square 4. Literature review
of diameter of the electrode. If wire diameter is very less or very
large then there is a strong possibility of unbalanced depth of pen- Austin J.B et al found that the penetration is affected by cur-
etration. So diameter of electrode should be selected properly. rent, voltage and travel speed. They described some other factors
also which affect the arc penetration, are thermal conductivity,
arc length and arc force. Their study revealed that if the thermal
conductivity of the work material is higher, the shallower arc pen-
etration will be the result. They described that the penetration will
be poor if the arc is too small [1].
Belton et al found that the arc penetration is affected by the
amount of SiO2 in the flux and width to depth of penetration ratio
increases with decrease in the amount of SiO2. They described that
the basicity of the flux also affects the width to depth ratio of pen-
etration [2].
Daemen et al made the conclusion that at 850 °C the changing
of ferrite to austenite phase occurs very rapidly in the alloys 316L.
Taking in consideration both the low cooling rates while the strip
welding and the fact that the ferrite pools have smaller dimensions
in a weld metal than in casted /forged steels, it is possible to clarify
the presence of sigma phase in the deposit weld metal. In the case
to avoid this type of transformation which is predetermined for the
corrosion resistance of the alloys, the welding consumables should
be specially designed. The mixture r-c found to be very sensitive
to corrosion which is formed in the original site of ferrite. All the
etchants are seemed to generate considerable corrosion effects
Fig. 2.1. Welding with Submerged Arc Welding Setup. on those areas. On observing the results obtained, they concluded

Please cite this article as: H. Sharma, B. Rajput and R. P. Singh, A review paper on effect of input welding process parameters on structure and properties of
weld in submerged arc welding process, Materials Today: Proceedings,
H. Sharma et al. / Materials Today: Proceedings xxx (xxxx) xxx 3

that the low ferrite alloys like r 316L have higher corrosion rates 275-MPa yield and 482-MPa ultimate tensile strength. They told
[3]. that the welds that did not achieve the required low-
Renwick et al worked on different characteristics on varying temperature notch toughness properties contained a coarse-grain
the different parameters and found that the weld bead penetration boundary ferrite and ferrite with second phase microstructure
and melting rate increases with the increase in the welding cur- [10].
rent. Renwick also found that the higher the welding the flatter V. R. Mattes et al found that if alloying additions and thermo
and wider would be the weld bead and the flux consumption mechanical processing are carried out on high strength low-alloy
increases with the increase in welding voltage [4]. (HSLA) steels then these have good metallurgical changes and lead
Bailey N et al stated that the influence of compositional factors to improved combinations of engineering material properties by
on the cracking during solidification in submerged arc welding can the micro-structural control. They explained that the physical met-
be directly estimated by trans-varestraint test. They explained that allurgy principles which are employed in HSLA steels include addi-
the composition based crack susceptibility values and the cracking tion of morphology, carbon nitride solubility, refinement of grains,
of original welds in C and C-Mn based steels made with a variety of precipitation hardening and strengthening of substructures. They
weld compositions can be significantly correlated. They told that also found that the addition of small amounts of elements such
the test cannot determine the influence of factors which alter the as niobium, titanium or vanadium leads to the differences in struc-
weld shape since such variations alter the test conditions. This pos- ture and properties. From all, this is the secret behind success of
tulate has certain limitations, which are accepted, modifications HSLA steel in the micro alloying [11].
can be carried out to compare trans-varestraint results obtained Joarder A. et al studied the influence of various welding param-
from these tests giving various weld shapes. They suggested cer- eters which are responsible for the chemistry of welded metal.
tain measures which are recommended to minimize cracking in They found that the operating parameters significantly affect the
solidification, these measures are, techniques of gap filling, use of weld deposition chemistry. They further found that the mechanical
filler metals with low carbon content, Sulphur and Phosphorous properties of the weld metal that are developed during welding are
constituents and the application of proper power techniques to mainly determined by micro-structure [12].
enhance the deposition by increasing or maintaining deposition Yang et al studied the effect of the welding current on the
rate while preventing the predetermined effects of large dilutions width of weld bead and found that if the welding current is
and large depth to width ratios [5]. increased then the width of weld bead increases for the given elec-
Dallam et al studied the effect of flux composition on different trode diameter and electrode extension then it reaches a maximum
parameters like microstructure of the submerged arc weldment value of width after that it decreases for further increase in the
and toughness of the weldment. They attempted to study the value of welding current [13].
chemical and crystalline nature of the particles and used the acid Gupta et al studied the effect of flux and various welding
dissolution techniques [6]. parameters on submerged arc welding process. They used five
Grong et al studied the weldment in mild and HSLA steels dur- different-different welding fluxes in their study of submerged
ing SAW processes and presented a significant review on the clas- arc welding process using mild steel and found that the depth
sification of the weld micro-structures that are produced in mild of penetration and width of the weld bead are significantly
steel and HSLA steels during SAW processes. They found that the affected by the basicity of flux and different welding parameters.
finally developed micro-structure of weld would depend on the They found that the flux basicity does not appreciably affect the
cooling rate from 800 to 500 °C (D T 8/5), mostly on austenite grain reinforcement but it is affected by welding parameters. They also
size, distribution of non-metallic constituents and chemical com- found that at lower welding current range, the width of heat
position of the weld. The factor, D T 8/5 is considered to be an affected zone (HAZ) is lower with higher value of basicity of flux
effective representation of the amount of austenite to ferrite trans- in comparison to lower values of basicity. They could not find any
formation in HSLA steel welds [7]. specific trend of the variation of width of HAZ with the basicity of
Gowrisankar et al revealed that the minimum delta-ferrite the flux by keeping the other welding parameters at constant val-
content in the root region of the weld increases with the increase ues [14].
in the number of passes during welding, and also the difference Murugan et al studied the weld bead of submerged arc welding
between the delta ferrite contents at the surface and root of the process and explained the effect of welding voltage, welding speed,
weld decreases with increase in number of passes. They also found electrode extension, and wire feed rate on the weld bead dimen-
that the hardness and tensile strength properties increase with sions of plate of steel IS 2062 having 20 mm thickness. They found
increase in number of passes during welding while decrease in that if the welding speed is decreased then the weld width, pene-
ductility and impact properties [8]. tration and reinforcement height increase. They also found that
R. S. Chandel et al found that the melting rate is affected by the these parameters increases with the increase in the wire feed rate.
current, arc voltage, wire diameter, electrode extension (EE), elec- They found that with increase in the electrode extension weld
trode polarity, power source and flux classification for the sub- width increases but the depth of penetration decreases [15].
merged arc welding process. They explained that for a given wire Murugan et al investigated and found that if the high voltage
diameter, electrode polarity and electrode extension if we increase and high welding speed are employed together in submerged arc
the welding current it will give rise in the melting rate. They fur- welding then low dilution in the weld is the result. They wrote that
ther explained that higher melting rates are obtained when larger the low dilution conditions are beneficial in surface cladding as this
electrode extension, negative electrode and smaller diameter elec- leads to good ductility and resistance to inter granular corrosion in
trodes are used for the same welding current and melting rate is the cladding material [16].
not significantly affected by the arc voltage and type of power Chandel et al has studied and analyzed the behavior of differ-
source used [9]. ent welding parameters and developed software for the predic-
McGrath J T et al evaluated the mechanical properties like tions of the effect of welding current, polarity of electrode,
strength, notch toughness and the related microstructure for a ser- diameter of electrode, and electrode extension mainly on melting
ies of welds deposited in thick section of steel using the submerged rate, height of weld bead, width of weld bead, and penetration of
arc narrow-groove process. They found that all weld metals depos- welding in submerged arc welding. The software is fully based
ited with a range of wire chemistries (variations in Mn, Si, Mo con- on the algorithms that were developed by Yang et al. for the eval-
tents) and flux basicity, achieved the targeted tensile properties of uation of the weld bead geometry. The limitation of this software is

Please cite this article as: H. Sharma, B. Rajput and R. P. Singh, A review paper on effect of input welding process parameters on structure and properties of
weld in submerged arc welding process, Materials Today: Proceedings,
4 H. Sharma et al. / Materials Today: Proceedings xxx (xxxx) xxx

that this software predicts the weld bead geometry for the bead- test, they found that the weld defectiveness of duplex steel
on-plate (BOP) type of welds [17]. increases with the increase in the plate thickness of the weld. They
Gunaraj et al studied the submerged arc welding for pipes for found that the occurrence of inadmissible welding imperfections in
two configurations of pipe weldings namely bead-on plate(BOP) joints reduces with the increase in the heat input during the weld-
and bead-on joint(BOJ). They investigated the effect of controllable ing, which ultimately reduces the costs of testing of the quality of
process variables on the heat input and the area of the heat- weld and thus reduce the cost [25].
affected zone (HAZ) by using the mathematical models developed Ana et al studied the fluxes that are used in the submerged arc
for the submerged arc welding of pipes [18]. welding and characterized the fluxes of submerged arc welding on
Aksoy M et al studied the weld and established a relationship the basis of their structure, characteristics and chemical composi-
between initial grain size, micro-structure, hardness of the weld tions. This characterization enabled one to quantify the ions and
metal, and toughness of weld metal and heat affected zone free electrons which might be present there in the plasma arc
(HAZ). They concluded from the results that there is major effect formed in submerged arc welding due to the presence of flux. Their
of initial grain size on the hardness of the weld, micro-structure study and analysis helps one in prediction and determination of
of the weld, toughness of the weld metal and HAZ of low carbon the reactions which are taking place in the weld pool. They con-
steel by taking the heat input constant [19]. cluded that the selection of the flux has more importance [26].
Lee et al found that if the welding current increases the heat P. Kanjilal el at studied the different flux composition with
affected zone (HAZ) to weld bead size ratio decreases. They inves- respect of different welding parameters. Their study and investi-
tigated that individually the heat affected zone size and weld bead gation leads to the development of a rotatable design based
size increases with the increase in the welding current. They also upon statistical analysis for mixture of fluxes to forecast the
compared the variation in the HAZ size and weld bead size with mixed effect of mixture of flux and parameters of welding. They
the increase in the welding current and found that the weld bead carried out the experiments for bead-on-plate welds deposited
size increases in a greater amount in comparison to the size of on low carbon steel plates applying the combination of different
the heat affected zone (HAZ) [20]. welding parameters and different flux compositions .The results
Viano et al studied and investigated the weld in two-wire tan- obtained from the study shows that the variables related to flux
dem submerged arc welding of HSLA steel. They described the mixture based on ingredients of the flux and parameters of the
effect of overall heat input in the welding and the effect of welding welding have separate as well as combined effects on the results
speed on the micro-structure of the weld, mechanical properties of like weld material chemical composition and mechanical proper-
the weld and the weld profile. They found that for all heat inputs, ties of the weld [27].
increase in the welding speed produces weld profile free of under- Datta et al studied and analyzed the weld bead and the sub-
cuts and the average inclusion size increases with the increase in merged arc welded metals. From the results and predictions they
the heat input but the density of the inclusion decreases with the developed a type of statistical model for predetermining and fore-
increase in heat input. They found that acicular ferrite volume frac- casting the volume of the weld bead produced in submerged arc
tion, hardness and the charpy impact toughness of the weld butt-welds [28].
decreases with increase in overall heat input of the weld for a given Keshav Prasad et. At studied plain carbon steel weld joint.
welding speed [21]. Keshav revealed the influence of the submerged arc welding on
Vera et al studied the submerged arc welded pressure vessel of the microstructure and hardness of the weld in submerged arc weld-
steel and investigated the effect of Postweld heat treatment ing .He used heat input as the process parameter of his study .in his
(PWHT) on the mechanical properties and micro-structure of the study and investigation author used a 16 mm thick plate of plain car-
heat-affected zone (HAZ), base metal and weld metal of the sub- bon steel and then after welding by submerged arc welding process ,
merged arc welded pressure vessel. They used the ASTM A537 C1 he analyzed it .he found that the peak hardness in the welded metal
steel. From the study they reached to the conclusions that the ten- was found in the heat affected zone(HAZ) and the hardness varies
sile and impact properties of base metal decrease slightly but the from weld centreline to the base metal .if we increase the heat input
impact strength of welded metal increases [22]. in the SAW welding this leads to coarsen the grain structure in the
Gunaraj et al studied the submerged arc welding process for weld metal .at the given welding speed if we increase the welding
the welding of pipes and developed mathematical models for the current than the toughness of the weld .[29]
optimization of the results that were obtained in the form of weld Biswas et al. has studied and analyzed the weld in the sub-
bead quality. They developed Response Surface Methodology merged arc welding process .he also investigated the effect of var-
(RSM) for investigation and optimization of the quality of weld ious process parameters of submerged arc welding on the output
bead in submerged arc welding of pipes by the utilization of math- features of the weld thus obtained .these influences of different
ematical models that were developed by them [23]. process parameters on the output features of submerged arc weld
Jun, H. J. et al studied the micro-structure of the welding joint are determined by using Taguchi method .so Biswas used Taguchi
and found that it is very critical task to recognize the micro- method to predict the effect of process parameters on the weld in
structure of the weld zone. They wrote that the micro-structure submerged arc welding.[30]
is investigated in order to forecast the toughness and strength of
the welded joint and the steels which are used for joints have
micro-structure with fine grains and useful required properties. 5. Conclusion
They told that the joint can fail due to lack of toughness after weld-
ing because of micro-structural changes in heat affected zone On going through the investigations done by the selected
(HAZ). They further described that the coarse-grained heat affected researchers some conclusions can be derived for input–output pro-
zone has higher toughness in comparison to the fine-grained HAZ cess parameters for the structure and properties of the weld
[24]. obtained through submerged arc welding process. These can be
Jerzy et al studied the welding joint and the effect of parame- summarized as below:
ters of welding on the weld thus produced. They focussed on the
effect of the overall heat input on the weld of submerged arc weld- 1. The mechanical properties of the weld have strong relation with
ing (SAW) process. They selected duplex steel UNS S31803 for their the macro and microstructure of the weld obtained by sub-
study and investigation. As the result of their investigation and merged arc welding process.

Please cite this article as: H. Sharma, B. Rajput and R. P. Singh, A review paper on effect of input welding process parameters on structure and properties of
weld in submerged arc welding process, Materials Today: Proceedings,
H. Sharma et al. / Materials Today: Proceedings xxx (xxxx) xxx 5

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Please cite this article as: H. Sharma, B. Rajput and R. P. Singh, A review paper on effect of input welding process parameters on structure and properties of
weld in submerged arc welding process, Materials Today: Proceedings,

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