Acute Gastrointestinal Bleeding Upper GI Bleeding
Acute Gastrointestinal Bleeding Upper GI Bleeding
Acute Gastrointestinal Bleeding Upper GI Bleeding
Upper GI Bleeding
Bleeding from the upper gastrointestinal (GI) tract is a medical emergency associated
with morbidity, mortality, and costly care. Prompt and decisive treatment is essential to
improve outcomes. Upper GI bleeding is 4 times more common than lower GI bleeding.
An acute upper GI bleed is suspected when patients present with syncope, hypotension,
or abdominal tenderness, and report melanic stool, hematochezia, and blood or coffee-
ground emesis. In addition to anemia, laboratory values typically show an elevation of
the blood urea nitrogen (BUN) to creatinine ratio(> 20:1). Although bleeding stops
spontaneously in 80% to 90% of cases, patients presenting with sudden blood loss are
at risk for hypotension, decreased tissue perfusion, and reduced oxygen-carrying
capability. Many organ systems may be adversely affected.
Acute upper GI bleeding has a mortality of 6% to 15% and a high rate of reoccurrence.
Many patients with bleeds are rebleeding from a previous upper GI tract lesion. A poor
prognosis with upper GI bleeding is associated with age above 65, shock, overall poor
health, active bleeding at the time of presentation, elevated creatinine or transaminases,
onset of bleeding during hospitalization, and initial low hematocrit. Death is typically not
a direct result of blood loss, but is related to age and comorbidities.
Lower GI bleeding
In contrast to upper GI bleeding, lower GI bleeding is defined as bleeding that originates
distal to the ligament of Treitz and unlike upper GI bleeding has a lower morbidity and
mortality. In fact, the bleeding resolves spontaneously in the vast majority of patients and
the mortality rate is less than 5%. Distinguishing upper versus lower GI bleeding by
origin is an important consideration because a rapid upper GI bleed may present as the
presence of blood in the lower GI tract.
Lower GI bleeding is a common disorder in older adults and may be associated with a
host of conditions including infection, hemorrhoids, cancer, diverticulitis, or vascular
anomaly. Regardless of the source, lower GI bleeding typically presents as
hematochezia. Bleeding sources within the left side of the colon often result in the
presence of bright red blood whereas those from the right colon may be mixed with stool
and present as a darker shade of red.
- Esophangeal
- Gastric
Refers to abnormal superficial blood vessels in the GI tract that are prone to
These abnormal vessels are associated with increased age.
The potential for the malformed vessels to bleed is exacerbated with aortic
stenosis, chronic renal disease, liver disease, and Von Willebrand disease.
This condition is commonly encountered in the outpatient setting and rarely
requires admission to the intensive care unit (ICU).
Erosive Gastritis
Describes gastric lesions that do not penetrate the muscularis mucosa.
These are also referred to as stress ulcers.
Stress-related ulcers occur frequently in hospitalized patients.
Patients with respiratory failure and coagulopathies have an increased risk of
bleeding from the ulcers.
The onset of bleeding is sudden and is often the first symptom.
However, the bleeding is often minimal and self-limited.
The causes of gastritis are multifactorial, but are most commonly associated with
NSAID use, steroid intake, alcohol abuse, and physiologic conditions that cause
severe stress (eg, trauma, surgery, burns, radiation therapy, severe medical
Alcohol and NSAIDs are known to directly disrupt the mucosal defense
mechanisms of the stomach.
Regardless of the etiology, upper GI bleeding resulting in a significant and sudden loss
of blood volume is associated with decreased venous return to the heart, and therefore a
decrease in cardiac output (CO). The decrease in CO triggers the release of epinephrine
and norepinephrine, causing intense vasoconstriction and tissue ischemia. In addition,
aldosterone and antidiuretic hormones are released, resulting in sodium and water
retention. The clinical signs and symptoms of upper GI hemorrhage are directly related
to the effects of the decrease in CO and the vasoconstriction response typically seen in
hypovolemic shock.
Individuals may have a history of peptic ulcer disease, tobacco abuse, alcohol abuse,
liver disease, severe physiologic stress, NSAID use, and anticoagulation or antiplatelet
therapy. Older adults are at great risk for GI bleeding.
Signs and Symptoms
The response to blood loss depends on the rate and amount of blood loss, patient’s age,
overall health status, and the timing of the initial resuscitation. Specific signs and
symptoms may include:
Hematemesis (bright red blood or coffee ground emesis)
Melena (black tarry stools)
Hematochezia (red or maroon stools)
Nausea and/or early satiety
Epigastric pain
Abdominal distension or bloating
BSs increased or decreased
Hypotension ( orthostasis suggests 30% blood volume loss) and altered
hemodynamic values
Rapid, deep respirations
Cold, clammy skin
Dry mucous membranes
Decreased pulses
Decreased urine output
Mental status changes
Electrocardiographic (ECG) changes consistent with ischemia (eg, ST-segment
elevation, arrhythmias)
Diagnostic Tests
Hematocrit may be normal initially, then decreased with fluid resuscitation and
blood loss. The hematocrit may not accurately reflect the actual volume of blood
loss because of hemodilution and movement of extravascular fluid. The
hematocrit decreases as extravascular fluid enters the vascular space in an
attempt to restore volume. This process continues for 24 to 72 hours.
Hemoglobin may also be normal initially, then decreased with fluid resuscitation
and blood loss. It is considered slightly more reliable than hematocrit.
White blood cell count is elevated due to inflammation.
Platelet count may be decreased depending on the amount of blood loss.
Serum sodium is usually elevated initially due to hemoconcentration.
Serum potassium is usually decreased with vomiting.
Serum BUN is mildly elevated.
Serum creatinine is elevated.
Serum lactate is elevated with severe bleeding.
PT is usually decreased.
Activated partial thromboplastin time (aPTT) is usually decreased.
Arterial blood gases show respiratory alkalosis (early), then later metabolic
acidosis with severe shock and hypoxemia.
Gastric aspirate shows normal or acidotic pH and is guaiac positive.
Hemodynamic Stabilization
The initial assessment of the patient with GI bleeding begins with a physical examination
in which vital signs and mental status are the most reliable indicators of the amount of
blood lost. In the presence of hemodynamic instability, resuscitation begins. In addition
to vital signs and physical assessment, risk stratification tools and laboratory findings
help determine the severity of the bleed. The Glasgow Blatchford, Rockall and AIMS65
scores can be used to predict risk of complications. The Glasgow Blatchford score
incorporates measures of BUN, Hgb, systolic BP, pulse, melena, syncope, liver disease,
and/or heart failure while the Rockall includes age, shock, and morbidity. The Rockall
score does have a secondary set of elements (age, shock, comorbidity, diagnosis, and
stigmata of recent bleed) that can be reviewed post-endoscopy to further delineate risk.
The AIMS65 score is used preprocedure and consists of five factors including albumin,
INR, mental status, systolic BP, and age. The use of a risk assessment tool to stratify
bleeding and associated mortality is recommended by several consensus groups.
Additionally, meta-analyses demonstrate that factors such as active bleeding,
hemoglobin less than 10 g/dL, systolic blood pressure less than 100 mm Hg,
tachycardia, ulcer size more than 1 to 3 cm, and ulcer location (in the lesser gastric
curvature or posterior duodenal bulb) are associated with poor patient outcomes.
1. Monitor and record cardiovascular status (blood pressure, heart rate including
orthostatic changes), hemodynamic indices, and peripheral pulses
2. Insert at least two large-bore intravenous (IV) catheters and begin fluid resuscitation
with crystalloid solution (eg, normal saline or lactated ringer solution). Administer fluids
to maintain mean arterial pressure (MAP) around 65 mm Hg or higher.
3. Administer supplemental oxygen and monitor respiratory function. Airway protection
with endotracheal intubation to prevent aspiration is indicated in patients with ongoing
hematemesis or altered mental status.
4. Obtain blood for measurement of hematocrit, hemoglobin, and clotting studies, as well
as for a type and cross-match for packed red blood cells (PRBCs). A Hgb less than 7 to
8 g/dL is considered a marker for transfusion. If the patient also has a history of unstable
coronary artery disease or comorbid conditions, a higher threshold is typically used. In
patients receiving multiple transfusions, monitoring ionized calcium levels is required as
citrate, contained in the transfused blood, may lower calcium. Estimates for the amount
of blood volume lost are most reliably guided by vital sign values and physical
5. Administer prescribed IV colloids, crystalloids, or blood products until the patient is
stabilized. After the administration of crystalloid fluids, blood products may be
considered during the initial resuscitation if the hemodynamic response is poor. PRBCs
are used to rapidly increase the hematocrit while providing less volume compared to
infusions of whole blood. However, whole blood may be desired with severe hemorrhage
as it provides more volume and also includes both plasma and platelets. Each unit of
PRBC increases the hematocrit by 2% to 3% and improves gas exchange. It may take
up to 24 hours after blood is administered for changes to be reflected in the hematocrit
values, especially if large amounts of crystalloid solutions were administered during the
resuscitation period.
6. Monitor coagulation studies (eg, prothrombin time/ partial thromboplastin time
[PT/PTT], platelet count, and fibrinogen) to determine if transfusions of platelets or
clotting factors will benefit the patient.
7. Monitor fluid balance and renal function (intake and output, daily weight, BUN,
creatinine, and hourly urine output). An elevated BUN:creatinine ratio may indicate poor
renal perfusion but also occurs when blood is absorbed in the duodenum.
8. Insert a gastric tube if bleeding is massive (> 40% of blood volume) to assess the rate
of bleeding and minimize the potential risk of aspiration. Placement of a gastric tube in
the presence of varices is somewhat controversial and practices vary between
institutions. Use of gastric lavage is no longer used routinely to minimize bleeding. Some
institutions use room temperature saline lavage to clear the stomach prior to endoscopy.
Iced saline is no longer used as it lowers core temperature.
9. Position the patient with backrest elevation 30° to 45° to minimize aspiration
associated with hematemesis.
10. Monitor temperature and maintain normothermia. Rapid fluid resuscitation,
particularly with blood products, can lead to hypothermia which interferes with
coagulation. Warming of fluids may be required to prevent hypothermia, if traditional
measures are insufficient.
11. Administer medications such as IV octreotide and PPis.
12. Prepare for urgent endoscopic therapy in patients with high risk clinical features such
as history of varices, bright red emesis, or Class III or IV hemorrhage. These patients
may have improved outcomes when endoscopy is performed within 12 hours. Critically ill
patients with active bleeding or altered mental status may be electively intubated to
facilitate endoscopy and reduce aspiration risk. In patients at lower risk, endoscopy is
usually performed within 24 hours of admission.
1. Provide prokinetic agents, if required. The presence of blood in the upper GI tract can
impede visualization of the site of bleeding. Prokinetic agents facilitate gastric emptying
of retained blood and may be administered prior to endoscopy. Meta-analyses
demonstrate that when erythromycin is administered pre-endoscopy, visibility is
improved and the need for a repeat procedure is reduced.
2. Administer sedation (eg, midazolam) sparingly and institute monitoring protocol.
3. Elevate the head of the bed to a 30° angle (if tolerated) and if intubated, maintain
endotracheal tube (ET) cuff pressure to prevent aspiration.
4. Position the patient in a left lateral decubitus position, which facilitates scope
placement, and helps to prevent aspiration of GI contents during endoscopy. Have oral-
tracheal suction available at the bedside before the procedure begins.
5. Monitor for cardiac ischemia during the procedure (eg, draw troponin, arrhythmias).
A variety of interventions are used via endoscopy and include ablative or coagulation
therapy (laser, monopolar, bipolar, or multipolar electrocoagulation, and heater probe),
pharmacologic therapy also known as sclerotherapy, and mechanical and combination
therapies. Pharmacologic treatments are easy to use, inexpensive, and available in most
settings. The goal is to control bleeding by tamponade, vasoconstriction, and/or an
inflammatory reaction after the injection of the selected agent. A saline injection will
compress the vessels. Epinephrine provides local tamponade, vasoconstriction, and
improved platelet aggregation to promote hemostasis. It is the agent of choice in the
United States to rapidly control the bleeding site. However, its effects will only last for 20
minutes and therefore is used in combination with an additional more durable thermal or
mechanical treatment.
Thermal coagulation methods such as electrocautery and argon plasma coagulation are
examples of ablative treatments and are equally effective. Bleeding vessels can also be
mechanically compressed using metallic clips, endoloops, or rubber band ligation.
Metallic hemoclips are the mechanical treatment of choice and are shown to be as
effective as other endoscopic techniques. Combination therapy with epinephrine
injection has become the standard treatment for actively bleeding ulcers. Adding a
second endoscopic treatment, either an ablative therapy or endoclips, significantly
reduces the rate of recurrence, need for surgery, and mortality. It is no longer
recommended to use epinephrine alone. If the patient rebleeds, a second attempt with
endoscopic control may be considered before surgical intervention or
angiographyguided intervention. Rebleeding is more common in patients with variceal
bleeds and is highest initially after admission and for the first 24 hours.
Today significant bleeding from stress gastritis is rarely encountered. Critically ill patients
with a history of gastritis, or those at risk for developing stress-related GI injury, benefit
from prophylactic acid-suppressive therapy and from early enteral feeding to prevent
bleeding. Invasive intervention is rarely required.
Treatment of esophageal and gastric varices will also include antibiotic prophylaxis for
spontaneous bacterial peritonitis (SBP) in patients with cirrhosis. A third generation
cephalosporin or fluoroquinolone is indicated, as bacteremia is often present in patients
with variceal bleeding. Studies demonstrate that administering antibiotics to cirrhotic
patients prior to endoscopy decreases infections and mortality.
1. Monitor for complications of endoscopic therapy and/or the sclerosing agents used to
treat the ulcer or varix. Complications may include fever and pain due to esophageal
spasm, motility disturbances of the esophageal sphincter, and perforation. Systemic
complications of endoscopic therapy and/ or sclerosing agents also may occur and
predominantly affect the cardiovascular and respiratory systems. Cardiovascular effects
include heart failure, heart block, mediastinitis, and pericarditis. Respiratory effects
include aspiration pneumonia, atelectasis, pneumothorax, embolism, and acute
respiratory distress syndrome.
2. Institute pharmacologic therapies as prescribed totreat peptic ulcer disease or
gastritis. The most common pharmacologic agents and their actions are reviewed in
Table 14-4. PPis are the drug of choice for the management of patients with nonvariceal
bleeding. They provide a more durable and sustained acid suppression than histamine
receptor antagonists. Treatment with PPis is shown in randomized clinical trials to lead
to a decrease in recurrent bleeding because of ulcer disease, need for transfusions,
surgery, and the length of hospital stay. The traditional use of high dose continuous IV
PPis for 3 days after successful endoscopic treatment for active bleeding continues (80
mg esomeprazole bolus, 8 mg/h continuous infusion). Yet, newer meta-analyses
demonstrate the same benefits with IV BID dosing of 40 mg, until the patient is able to
take oral medications. Oral PPis are commonly recommended for months after an upper
GI bleeding episode to allow for healing of the mucosa. Their use is especially beneficial
in patients who use chronic NSAIDs or who have had H. pylori infection.
The S-B tube has both esophageal and gastric balloons. The gastric balloon is inflated
first (placement is verified by x-ray if time allows) and is pulled tautly against the junction
of the stomach and esophagus to prevent migration of the esophageal balloon upward
into the airway. The esophageal balloon is inflated once the gastric balloon is
appropriately placed. Both balloons are maintained at specific pressures to ensure
accurate placement and tamponade. Esophageal suction is maintained to prevent
aspiration while the S-B tube is in place. Some tubes have a port for this and others do
not in which case an additional suction tube is inserted. Constant tension is maintained
on the S-B tube via weights or the use of a helmet to which the tube is attached to
prevent slipping of the tubes into the stomach. Gastric balloon rupture can cause the
esophageal balloon to migrate upward. This is an emergency and thus scissors are kept
at the bedside to cut and remove the tube if necessary.
Monitor for other complications of this double (gastric and esophageal) balloon tube,
including, but not limited to, pulmonary aspiration, rupture of the esophagus, asphyxia,
and erosion of the esophageal or gastric wall. Rebleeding is common after deflation or
removal of the tamponade tube. Refer to AACN's procedure manual or institutional
policies and procedures for specific details of placement, management, and monitoring
of the S-B tube.
In the TIPS procedure, a stent is used to create a shunt between the hepatic vein and a
branch of the portal vein. This decreases the pressure in the portal vein (decreases
portal pressure) and subsequently on the varices to prevent rupture and bleeding.
The advantage of the TIPS procedure is that it is less invasive than surgery because the
portal circulation is accessed via the right jugular vein. Contraindications to TIPS include
severe-progressive liver failure, severe encephalopathy, polycystic liver disease, and
severe right heart failure. Complications of the TIPS procedures include puncture of the
biliary system, bleeding, infection, and clotting of the stent and stenosis. Postprocedural
systemic failure (septic shock, renal failure) and hepatic encephalopathy are also
associated complications.
Reducing Anxiety
1. Encourage communication with a calm, interested, and centered approach. If the
patient is intubated, consider written communication or use of a communication board.
2. Encourage the patient to identify and use coping skills used in past difficult situations.
These may include family presence, watching TV, listening to music, or relaxation
techniques to alleviate anxiety.
3. Offer appropriate reassurance, facts, and information as requested by the patient or
family. Explain the ICU routine and procedures to the patient or family. Present
information in terms that the patient or family can understand. Repeat and rephrase the
information as necessary. Allow time for questions.
4. As appropriate, help the patient establish a sense of control. Assist the patient to
make distinctions among those things he or she can control ( eg, bath time, visitor
preferences) and those things that cannot be controlled ( eg, need for vasopressors and
monitoring equipment).
5. Guide the patient to use relaxation exercises and other diversion strategies to
decrease anxiety.