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National Response Fund to COVID-19 list of donations


HE President Yoweri Museveni has directed Cash, Motor Vehicles, Medical Supplies,
that the COVID-19 Donation funds should Food and non-food items, are now valued
be invested in visible and durable items that now at approx. UGX 50Billion.
have long term benefits for citizens and the
country, instead of short term consumables. The National Response Fund to COVID-19
Fund was inaugurated by the Rt. HON Prime
The President gave this guidance to the Minister, Dr Ruhakana Rugunda and receives
National Response Fund to Covid 19 in their Political Oversight from Hon Karooro Okurut,
meeting held on Thursday 28th May 2020 at the Minister of General duties in the Office of
state House Entebbe. the Prime Minister.

He said that the funds should be used to The Committee is Chaired by

respond to the needs generated by the Mr. Emmanuel Katongole, Chairman,
Executive Chairman at Cipla Quality
Corona pandemic but such investments
Chemicals and includes;
should not be consumables.
• Mr. Robert Kabushenga, CEO, New Vision
The Committee’s Fundraising goal was set Group
• Mr. Apollo Makubuya, Lawyer, MMAKs
at 170Billion and the Committee has now Advocates
hit 30% of that goal. The Donations are now HE President Yoweri Museveni meets the COVID-19 Fund Committee at State House Entebbe. • Mr. Francis Kamulegeya, CEO,
approximately 50Billion, with 17 Billion Cash, PricewaterhouseCoopers
and 33 Billion as donations in-kind. The Fund The President also emphasized that in tax on the cost of the donations made to • Mr. Kishor Jobanputra, CEO, Picfare
cash is not yet spent and is banked at a spending the donation funds, regard must be Government. Industries
funds collection account at Stanbic Bank and aimed at getting value for money and avoiding • Mr. Patrick Mweheire, Regional CEO,
Standard Bank Group
Treasury Account at the Bank of Uganda. wastage of resources through the lengthy The President thanked the donors for
• Mr. Bwoch Gustavio, Chairman, Centenary
procurement processes. The principle is that their generosity and guided the Katongole Bank
In addition to buying Motor Vehicles, some there should be no wastage of the donation Committee to issue COVID-19 Donor • Bishop Joshua Lwere, Inter Religious
of the funds can be used for the construction funds or delay through long bureaucratic Certificates at an appropriate time, which will Council of Presidents
of durable buildings to be used as service processes, he said to the committee. be duly signed by the President. • Mr. Aga Sekalala (Jr), CEO, Ugachick
shelters/camps and support facilities at • Dr. Ian Clarke, CEO, International Hospital
the country’s border points. These border During the budget speech, the Minister of The National Response Fund to COVID-19, Kampala
Finance announced that, in accordance with is grateful to the individuals, businesses • Dr. Francis Omaswa, Former Director
points have been the source of entry of the General of Health Services,
the provisions of the Income Tax Act, the cost and organization who have made generous
corona virus into the country and therefore a incurred by taxpayers in respect of donations contributions to the fight of the Corona virus • Mr. Keith Muhakanizi, Permanent Sec,
memorial shelter is a good investment. This both in cash and in kind to the Covid-19 Fund pandemic.
Secretary to the Treasury,
will enable those crossing the borders to be • Dr. Diana Atwine, Permanent Secretary,
will qualify as Charitable Donations. This is Ministry of Health
attended to in a quick and efficient manner. an international practice and will encourage According to the donations lists, the • Mrs. Dorothy Kisaka is the Secretary/
When the pandemic is ended, the buildings corporate entities without having to worry COVID-19 Fund Secretariat has received Administrator Covid-19 Fund
will still be usable by the cross border trade. about paying the 30% corporate income over 1500 donors to date which include

Motor Vehicles Donations Staff and Group Contributions In Kind Donations estimated values
1 Africell Uganda 3 1 Cabinet of Uganda, joint 1 National Fellowship of Born
280,000,000 Cabinet 3,100,000,000 In-Kind
2 Bidco Uganda Ltd 1 contribution again Pentecostal Churches
3 Coca Cola Beverages Africa 3 2 UNRA Staff Contribution 245,534,000 Staff 2 Rotary District 9211 Uganda
4 Crown Beverages 1 800,000,000 In Kind
3 Equity Bank Staff 100,000,000 Staff and Tanzania
5 Dott Services 1 3 Africure Pharmaceuticals
6 Equity Bank Uganda Limited & Equity Bank Staff 2 4 URA- Staff 85,650,000 Staff 786,000,000 In-Kind
5 The Vice Chancellor And (India) Ltd
7 General Machinery Group 2 80,000,000 Staff
Makerere University Staff 4 Madhvani Group and Kakira
8 Government Of India 2 702,600,000 In Kind
9 Great Lakes Energy 5 6 Airtel Uganda Staff 72,280,000 Staff Sugar Limited
10 Indian Business Forum 1 5 The Uganda Drilling
7 Education, Health, Public Service
11 Jan Japan Auto Motors 8 25,000,000 Staff Contractors Association 657,600,000 In-Kind
commission Staff
12 Kalpataru Power Transmission Ltd 1 (UDCA)
8 Uganda National Bureau Of
13 Kawacom (U) Ltd 1 20,882,000 Staff 6 Uganda Bankers
Standards Staff
14 Keisokugiken Co. Ltd 1 Association Deposit 640,325,000 In-Kind
15 Kwagalana Group 1 9 Makerere University Academic Protection Fund of Uganda
14,000,000 Staff
16 Lake Bounty Group 1 Staff Association (Muasa) 7 Mehta Group 558,000,000 In Kind
17 Madhvani Group and Kakira Sugar Limited 2 10 University Of Kyambogo Staff 14,000,000 Staff 8 Skin Guard 552,000,000 In-Kind
18 Malaysia Furnishings 2 11 RDCS and deputies (127) 13,000,000 Staff 9 Great Lakes Energy 507,000,000 In Kind
19 Mandela Group Of Companies 2 12 National Secretariat Of Patriotism
12,205,500 Staff 10 Equity Bank Uganda Limited
20 Mehta Group 3 Coordinators And Staff 500,000,000 In Kind
& Equity Bank Staff
21 Metu Zhongtong Bus Industries-Metu Katabazi 1 13 Judicial Officers (79) 11,850,000 Staff
22 Mobile Telephone Network (MTN) 3 11 Fourways Investments Ltd
23 Mukono Chinese Industrial Park, Tiang Tiang 2 14 Mbarara MUST Administration 11,100,000 Staff In Partnership With Thoban 500,000,000 In-Kind
24 Mulwana Group Of Companies 2 15 Electricity Regulatory Authority Ventures
10,500,000 Staff
25 Overseas Pakistanis Global Foundation Africa 1 Staff 12 Pastor Jackson Senyonga &
500,000,000 In Kind
26 People’s Republic Of China 2 16 Makerere University Business Chrstian Life Church
5,200,000 Staff
27 Riham (Motor Vehicle) 1 School Academic Staff Association 13 Samanga Solutions 500,000,000 In-Kind
28 Roko Construction Ltd 1 17 Hema Beverages staff contribution 5,000,000 Staff 14 Zhongmei Engineering
29 Rtd Brigadier General John Mugyenyi 1 482,280,000 In-Kind
18 Farmers Of Ifpri/Harvest Plus Group
30 Silver Springs Hotel-Raghbir Sandhu 1 4,000,000 Staff 15 Chinese Union Of Uganda 471,000,000 In-Kind
Uganda staff
31 Sino Uganda Industrial Park Mbale 2 16 Bidco Uganda Ltd 421,280,000 In-Kind
32 Steel And Tube 1 19 Uganda Management Institute,
4,000,000 Staff 17 Abacus Pharmaceuticals 404,632,000 In-Kind
33 Sudhir Group Of Companies 2 UMI Staff
34 TATA Uganda Ltd 1 20 Mbarara MUST Staff conribution 3,760,000 Staff 18 Jan Japan Auto Motors 401,030,000 In Kind
35 Tembo Steel 1 19 Africa Polysack Industries
21 400,000,000 In-Kind
36 The Grain Council Of Uganda 1 Kabale University Staff 3,300,000 Staff Ltd
37 The Indian Association of Uganda 1 20 M.K Publishers Ltd 400,000,000 In-Kind
22 Uganda Embassy Officials & Staff
38 Top Bet Ltd 1 Staff 21 Dembe Trading Enterprises 380,000,000 In-Kind
- Denmark 1,832,895
39 Toyota Uganda 1 22 Uganda Frieght Forwarders
40 Yoshino Trading Ltd 1 23 Sheraton Staff 610,000 Staff 368,400,000 In-Kind
  Total 70   Total 1,023,704,395 
National Response Fund to COVID-19 list of donations
23 Mandela Group Of 84 Uganda Fish Processors 146 Vivo Energy Uganda 52,000,000 In-Kind
362,000,000 In Kind
Companies & Exporters Association 100,000,000 In-Kind 147 BRAC Uganda 50,880,000 In-Kind
24 Fountain Publisher 354,874,500 In-Kind (UEPEA) 148 Bukoola Chemical Industries
50,000,000 In-Kind
25 Uganda Virus Research 85 Uganda Flower Exporters Ltd
345,000,000 In Kind Association & Fresh 100,000,000 In-Kind 149 Honan Road & Bridge
Institute 50,000,000 In-Kind
26 Mobile Telephone Network Handling Ltd Contractor Group Co. Ltd
330,000,000 In Kind 86 Shree Kutch Satsang 150 Malaysia Furnishings 50,000,000 In Kind
(MTN) 99,200,000 In-Kind
27 The Indian Association of (Swaminaratan Temple) 151 Mega Standard Super
310,337,200 In Kind 50,000,000 In-Kind
Uganda 87 Centenary Bank 97,100,780 In-Kind Market Ltd
28 Spouts Of Water Limited 292,500,000 In-Kind 88 Medical Access Uganda 152 Mr. Matovu Aloysius 50,000,000 In-Kind
95,220,000 In-Kind
29 Citi Bank Uganda Ltd 270,155,000 In-Kind Limited 153 Simba Automotives Ltd 50,000,000 In-Kind
30 Coca Cola Beverages Africa 258,559,000 In Kind 89 Food Machinery 95,000,000 In-Kind 154 Zhong Ding & Zhong Kai
50,000,000 In-Kind
31 UNRA Staff Contribution 245,534,000 In Kind 90 NSSF 95,000,000 In-Kind Electricals
32 Toyota Uganda 245,000,000 In Kind 91 Dott Services 94,600,000 In Kind 155 Champion Bet 49,181,818 In-Kind
33 Bul-Bidco Jinja 240,000,000 In-Kind 92 National Medical 156 Askar Security Services 47,000,000 In-Kind
93,752,000 In-Kind
Stores(NMS) 157 Mantra Motorbike East Africa
34 Brookside Ltd / Fresh Diary 238,636,364 In-Kind 46,500,000 In-Kind
93 L1 Group Of Companies 91,427,500 In-Kind LTD
35 General Machinery Group 220,400,000 In Kind
94 Indian Business Forum 89,000,000 In Kind 158 Chairman Masaka Business
36 Nile Fishing Company 46,000,000 In-Kind
210,000,000 In-Kind 95 H.H. The Omukama Of Tooro 88,880,000 In-Kind Community
96 African Queen No.1 159 Uganda Development
37 United Nations Population 46,000,000 In-Kind
210,000,000 In-Kind Distributor LTD & Partner 88,000,000 In-Kind Corporation (UDC)
Companies 160 Kalpataru Power
38 Mulwana Group Of 45,600,000 In Kind
209,000,000 In Kind 97 Sarai Group Of Companies 88,000,000 In-Kind Transmission Ltd
98 Kyoga Dynamics Ltd 87,400,000 In-Kind 161 Teju Soroti Fruits Factory 45,000,000 In-Kind
39 Airtel Uganda 200,000,000 In-Kind 99 Ramco International Uganda 162 Uganda Insurers Association 45,000,000 In-Kind
40 Government Of India 200,000,000 In Kind 82,450,000 In-Kind
Limited 163 Kaliro Sugar 43,100,000 In-Kind
41 Hoima Sugar Ltd. 200,000,000 In-Kind 100 Riham (Motor Vehicle) 82,000,000 In Kind 164 Water & Sanitation sector
42 People’s Republic Of China 200,000,000 In Kind 43,000,000 In-Kind
101 The Bible Society Of Uganda 80,210,000 In-Kind Partner’s Contribution
43 Giant Uganda Co Ltd & Sino 102 China Huangpai Food 165 Baps Charities 41,500,000 In-Kind
Uganda Modern Economic 190,000,000 In-Kind 80,000,000 In-Kind
Machines (U) Ltd 166 Tieng Adhola Cultural
Development Special Zone 41,300,000 In-Kind
103 Kiboko Enterprises Limited 80,000,000 In-Kind Institution, TACI
44 Roko Construction Ltd 190,000,000 In Kind 104 Lions Clubs Of Uganda 80,000,000 In-Kind 167 WHO through Ovidian (U)
45 The Grain Council Of 40,500,000 In-Kind
190,000,000 In Kind 105 Living Goods 80,000,000 In-Kind Ltd
Uganda 106 Mbuga S.K 80,000,000 In-Kind 168 World Health Organisation
46 Africell Uganda 187,000,000 In Kind 40,500,000 In-Kind
107 Oryx Energies 80,000,000 In-Kind WHO
47 Kwagalana Group 160,000,000 In Kind 108 Silver Springs Hotel-Raghbir 169 Mr. Juma Kalema 40,005,000 In-Kind
48 Top Bet Ltd 160,000,000 In Kind 80,000,000 In Kind
Sandhu 170 ADH Group Ug Ltd 40,000,000 In-Kind
49 Microhagem Scientific And 109 The Vice Chancellor And 171 KK Group Companies Ltd 40,000,000 In-Kind
155,000,000 In-Kind 80,000,000 In-Kind
Medical Supplies LTD Makerere University Staff 172 Ugachick 40,000,000 In-Kind
50 Crown Beverages 154,099,000 In Kind 110 Ugandan Somali Community 80,000,000 In-Kind 173 Japan International
51 Korean Foundation For 39,780,000 In-Kind
111 African Skies Ltd 77,520,000 In-Kind Cooperation
International Health Care 152,000,000 In-Kind 112 The Mehta Group 174 Canaanze Construction
(KOFIH 77,000,000 In-Kind 38,000,000 In-Kind
Management Ltd Company Ltd
52 Arinaitwe Brain Mr. 150,000,000 In-Kind 113 Kawacom (U) Ltd 76,000,000 In Kind 175 Presidential Initiative On
38,000,000 In-Kind
53 Heal the Planet and 114 Tweed Properties 76,000,000 In Kind Banana
150,000,000 In-Kind
Prudential Insurance 115 Kabale Referral Regional 176 Innovative Research &
75,300,000 In Kind 36,440,000 In-Kind
54 Sudhir Group Of Companies 148,000,000 In Kind Hospital Development(INRAD Corp)
55 TATA Uganda Ltd 143,000,000 In Kind 116 Watoto Church 74,500,000 In-Kind 177 Euro Chik 36,000,000 In-Kind
56 Ruparellia Foundation 140,912,500 In-Kind 117 Lake Bounty Group 74,000,000 In Kind 178 Uganda Episcopal
35,000,000 In-Kind
57 National Aviation Services 133,000,000 In Kind 118 Ministry of Health (Transfer Conference
72,855,000 In-Kind
58 Overseas Pakistanis Global of Stock for storage) 179 Good Brothers International
125,800,000 In Kind 33,750,000 In-Kind
Foundation Africa 119 Airtel Staff contribution 72,280,000 In Kind LTD
59 Ug National Association 120 Bidco Uganda Ltd 70,000,000 In Kind 180 Generation Seven (G7) 32,000,000 In-Kind
of Building and Civil 125,690,000 In-Kind 121 Keisokugiken Co. Ltd 70,000,000 In Kind 181 Islamic University in Uganda
31,700,000 In-Kind
Engineering Contractors 122 Yoshino Trading Ltd 70,000,000 In Kind (IUIU)
60 Steel And Tube 123,000,000 In Kind 123 Huaxia Future Imports & 182 Kaweri coffee Plantation 31,000,000 In-Kind
66,000,000 In-Kind
61 Tembo Steel 123,000,000 In Kind Export Trading Limited 183 Buyanja My Roots 30,547,500 In-Kind
62 Property Services Ltd 122,779,600 In-Kind 124 Pep Stores 66,000,000 In-Kind 184 KPC Cotex Medical Ltd 30,500,000 In-Kind
63 Shree Kachchhi Leva Patel 125 Asahi Eito. Tsubasa Bizex 65,000,000 In-Kind 185 UNICEF 30,100,000 In-Kind
122,412,200 In-Kind 126 Complant Engineering & 186 Burhani Engineering &
Samaj - Uganda, Since 2007 64,200,000 In-Kind
64 Rtd Brigadier General John Trade (U) Ltd Cylinder Manufacturing 30,000,000 In-Kind
121,583,000 In Kind 127 Meghani Brothers 64,000,000 In-Kind Industry (U) Ltd
65 Mukono Chinese Industrial 128 Hema Beverages Ltd 62,600,000 In-Kind 187 DFCU 30,000,000 In-Kind
120,000,000 In Kind 129 East African Business 188 Reco Industries Ltd 30,000,000 In-Kind
Park, Tiang Tiang 60,800,000 In-Kind
66 Sino Uganda Industrial Park Council 189 Southern Range Nyanza
120,000,000 In Kind 30,000,000 In-Kind
Mbale 130 Kabarole District Local Limited
60,000,000 In Kind
67 Stanbic Bank,Total Government 190 Technet E.A Solutions Ltd 30,000,000 In-Kind
120,000,000 In-Kind 131 Kiruhura farmers 60,000,000 In-Kind 191 URBAN SNAIL FARM 30,000,000 In-Kind
Uganda,Uganda Breweries
68 Turkish Cooperation and 132 Philips Pharmaceuticals (U) 192 Maganjo Grain Millers Ltd 29,536,000 In-Kind
110,800,000 In-Kind 60,000,000 In-Kind
Coordination Agency (TiKA) Ltd 193 Yaket International Ltd 28,508,000 In-Kind
69 Metu Zhongtong Bus 133 Uganda Association Of 194 PATH 27,029,285 In-Kind
110,000,000 In Kind External Recruitment 60,000,000 In-Kind 195 Chongqing International
Industries-Metu Katabazi
Agencies Construction Corporation 26,080,000 In-Kind
70 Mukwano Industries
107,739,500 In-Kind 134 Uganda Communications (CICO)
Contribution 60,000,000 In-Kind
Commission 196 Pearl Rice Ltd 26,000,000 In-Kind
71 Kansai Plascon Uganda Ltd 106,300,000 In-Kind
135 Uganda Manufacturers 197 Nile Energy Limited (Gaz
72 Jibu Water 103,000,000 In-Kind 60,000,000 In-Kind 25,100,000 In-Kind
Association Petrol Station)
73 ABSA Bank Uganda Limited 100,000,000 In-Kind 136 Buganda Kingdom 59,247,000 In-Kind 198 The Archbishop of The
74 AGT Tissue Culture 25,100,000 In-Kind
100,000,000 In-Kind 137 Letshego Uganda 58,100,000 In-Kind Church of Uganda
Laboratory Buloba 138 Kinyara Sugar Ltd. 58,000,000 In-Kind 199 Ange Noir Discotheque T/A
75 Bakhresa Grain Milling (U) 25,000,000 In-Kind
100,000,000 In-Kind 139 Insurance Brokers Guvnor
Ltd 57,723,668 In-Kind
Association of Uganda 200 Bebe Cool Through Auber
76 Book Makers Association 100,000,000 In-Kind 25,000,000 In-Kind
140 Balaam On Behalf Of Gen Heart Foundation
77 Jumia 100,000,000 In-Kind Muhoozi Friends And 57,500,000 In-Kind 201 Game Stores 25,000,000 In-Kind
78 NWSC 100,000,000 In-Kind Supporters 202 H.H. Apollo Slansa
79 Premier Distillers 100,000,000 In-Kind 141 Nile Breweries Limited 56,000,000 In-Kind Kabumbuli -2nd 25,000,000 In-Kind
80 Reddys Pharma 100,000,000 In-Kind 142 Dodta Group Of Companies 55,000,000 In-Kind Kamuswagga Of Kooki
81 Rene Industries Ltd 100,000,000 In-Kind 143 Fresh Diary 54,545,455 In-Kind 203 Kazire Energy Drinks 25,000,000 In-Kind
82 Total Uganda 100,000,000 In-Kind 144 Plascon Uganda Ltd 54,000,000 In-Kind 204 Simi Mobile Uganda 25,000,000 In-Kind
83 UAP Old Mutual Insurance 145 SBI International Holdings 205 N. C. Beverages Ltd 24,720,000 In-Kind
100,000,000 In-Kind 53,845,550 In-Kind
Group AG Uganda SBC (U) LTD 206 Sanguit Ltd 24,700,000 In-Kind
National Response Fund to COVID-19 list of donations
207 Uganda Water & Juice 271 MTN Dealers Forum Limited 12,760,000 In-Kind 330 Royal Foam 8,000,000 In-Kind
24,048,000 In-Kind
Manufacturers Association 272 Legit Bar & Restaurant 331 Sprout Investments 8,000,000 In-Kind
12,532,000 In-Kind
208 Ministry of Water & Owners Association 332 Uganda Brilliant Pile
23,996,000 In-Kind 8,000,000 In-Kind
Environment 273 Absolute Charity Foundation Industrial Co. Ltd
12,500,000 In-Kind
209 Najeru Packaging Industries Uganda -Japan 333 Uneed Global Group 8,000,000 In-Kind
23,000,000 In-Kind
LTD 274 Me Hoy 12,480,000 In-Kind 334 Detail Cleaning Services 7,930,000 In-Kind
210 Aptech Africa Ltd 22,500,000 In-Kind 275 Seed Global Health 12,206,400 In-Kind 335 Pakilor Electronics Ltd 7,900,000 In-Kind
211 NutriFish Project 22,000,000 In-Kind 276 Great Lakes Brands Ltd 12,000,000 In-Kind 336 House of Zakat 7,890,000 In-Kind
212 SinoAfrica Medicine and 277 Vegol 11,613,000 In-Kind 337 Arise & Shine Maize Millers 7,824,000 In-Kind
22,000,000 In-Kind
Health Ltd 278 A Global Healthcare Public 338 China Railway Number 7 7,656,000 In-Kind
11,400,000 In-Kind
213 Mwesiga Moses and Lina Foundation (AGHPF) 339 China State Engineering
21,660,000 In-Kind 7,640,000 In-Kind
Fred 279 Biyinzika Poultry Construction Corporation
11,250,000 In-Kind
214 Baraka Business Company International 340 K K Food Products 7,620,000 In-Kind
20,675,000 In-Kind
(Eva Olivia From Koboko) 280 Crest Tanks 11,250,000 In-Kind 341 Aliyzeco Industries 7,500,000 In-Kind
215 United Pharmaceuticals 20,500,000 In-Kind 281 Fohow International (U) 342 Kayonza Tea Growers 7,200,000 In-Kind
11,000,000 In-Kind
216 Turuga Foundation 20,104,000 In-Kind Company Ltd 343 Movit Products 7,120,000 In-Kind
217 Abbarci Gas 20,000,000 In-Kind 282 Staff Of Electricity 344 Alfil Millers (U) Ltd 7,100,000 In-Kind
10,500,000 In-Kind
218 Baraj Group Of Companies 20,000,000 In-Kind Regulatory Authority 345 Golden Bull (U) LTD &
219 Common Wealth 283 Uganda National Oil 7,000,000 In-Kind
20,000,000 In-Kind 10,400,000 In-Kind Harree Group of Companies
Scholaships & Fellowship Company 346 Only You International Ltd 7,000,000 In-Kind
220 Davis And Shirtliff 20,000,000 In-Kind 284 Pembe Group/ Bajaber 347 Prime Media Network 6,800,000 In-Kind
10,361,000 In-Kind
221 EA Roofing 20,000,000 In-Kind Industries Ltd 348 FUFA (Federation Of Uganda
222 Fresh Cuts Limited 20,000,000 In-Kind 285 Blue Wave Beverages Ltd 10,000,000 In-Kind 6,500,000 In-Kind
Football Association)
223 Grain Pulse Ltd 20,000,000 In-Kind 286 BSC Ltd 10,000,000 In-Kind 349 Maria’s Cargo 6,500,000 In-Kind
224 Greenfields (U) Ltd & Breeds 287 Democratic Party 10,000,000 In-Kind 350 Parambot Distillers Ltd 6,350,000 In-Kind
20,000,000 In-Kind
Feeds & Meats Ltd 288 Dura Motors Uganda Limited 10,000,000 In-Kind 351 Pearl Dairy Farms Ltd 6,237,000 In-Kind
225 Kayemba Deo 20,000,000 In-Kind 289 Ethiopian Business 352 3D Services Ltd 6,000,000 In-Kind
10,000,000 In-Kind
226 Kiddawalime Bakery Ltd 20,000,000 In-Kind Community/ Association 353 Housing Finance Bank 6,000,000 In-Kind
227 Kyagalanyi Coffee Limited 20,000,000 In-Kind 290 Friends Of Wealth 354 Igara Tea 6,000,000 In-Kind
10,000,000 In-Kind
228 Livingstone Construction and Environment (FOWE) 355 Juliet Zawadde Foundation 6,000,000 In-Kind
Seohyun Foundation and 20,000,000 In-Kind 291 Guangzhou Dongsong 356 Kisenyi Millers 6,000,000 In-Kind
10,000,000 In-Kind
Muhora Desire Energy Group 357 Master Grain Milling Ltd Jinja 6,000,000 In-Kind
229 Pine Investment Ltd 20,000,000 In-Kind 292 His Royal Highness Mzee 358 Milton Obote Foundation 6,000,000 In-Kind
230 Quality Cuts 20,000,000 In-Kind Yosam Odur Ebii, Lango 10,000,000 In-Kind 359 Motor Centre East Africa 6,000,000 In-Kind
231 Ropani International Limited 20,000,000 In-Kind Cultural Foundation 360 Pak Kor Electronics 6,000,000 In-Kind
232 Seventh-Day Adventist’ 293 Humble Group (U) Ltd 10,000,000 In-Kind 361 Ridar Hotel Seeta Mukono 6,000,000 In-Kind
20,000,000 In-Kind
Church Uganda Union 294 Impala Living Ventures (The 362 The Council Of
10,000,000 In-Kind
233 St. Lawerence Academy, Alchemist) Pharmaceutical Society Of 6,000,000 In-Kind
20,000,000 In-Kind
Schools And Colleges 295 Kazinga Channel Office Uganda
10,000,000 In-Kind
234 Stabex International 20,000,000 In-Kind World Ltd 363 The Motorcenter East Africa
235 Uganda Coffee Development 296 Mini Bakery (U) Ltd 10,000,000 In-Kind 6,000,000 In-Kind
20,000,000 In-Kind Ltd
Authority 297 Mugabi Anthony Jinja 10,000,000 In-Kind 364 Tiger Security Group Ltd 6,000,000 In-Kind
236 Uganda Lodge 20,000,000 In-Kind 298 Pharmaceutical Society Of 365 Touton Uganda Ltd 6,000,000 In-Kind
10,000,000 In-Kind
237 Cipla/Quality Chemicals 19,920,000 In-Kind Uganda 366 Twin Source Agro Ltd 6,000,000 In-Kind
238 Uganda Nurses And 299 Sseninde Foundation 10,000,000 In-Kind 367 Wavah Water 5,974,000 In-Kind
Midwives Leaders - Think 19,700,000 In-Kind 300 Supa Loaf / Mini Bakeries 368 China Communication
10,000,000 In-Kind 5,630,000 In-Kind
Tank (U) Ltd CCCC
239 Bugwere Royal Kingdom 19,440,000 In-Kind 301 Tika Limited C/O Mr. Yahaya 369 Mbegu Za Mapenduzi
10,000,000 In-Kind
240 Great Lakes Coffee Co. Ltd 18,240,000 In-Kind Acu (association of Children of 5,540,000 In-Kind
241 Uganda Tea Development 17,600,000 In-Kind 302 United Nations Capital UPDF and NRA soldiers)
10,000,000 In-Kind
242 Nice Star International Ltd 17,500,000 In-Kind Development Fund (UNCDF) 370 Makerere University
243 ERRI General Investment 303 Nytil 9,920,000 In-Kind Business School Academic 5,200,000 In-Kind
17,182,500 In-Kind 304 Seroma Ltd 9,600,000 In-Kind
Ltd Staff Association (MUBASA)
244 GM Sugar 16,500,000 In-Kind 305 Xian Electirc Engineers Co. 371 Uganda Printing&Publishing
9,600,000 In-Kind 5,200,000 In-Kind
245 Mr. Dawda 16,080,000 In-Kind Ltd Corporation
246 Aiiro Eseza foundation 16,000,000 In-Kind 306 Palladium LLC 9,450,000 In-Kind 372 Medipharm Industries Ltd 5,092,000 In-Kind
247 Gauff Engineering Ltd 16,000,000 In-Kind 307 Uganda Health Systems 373 Gen Henry Tumukunde Task
9,450,000 In-Kind 5,000,000 In-Kind
248 Mbarara Regional Referral Strengthening Activity Force
15,860,000 In Kind 308 Sipapa 9,100,000 In-Kind
Hospital 374 Gittoes Pharmaceuticals 5,000,000 In-Kind
249 Uganda Heads Of Missions 309 SR Afro Chicks & Breeders 375 Gudie Leisure Farm 5,000,000 In-Kind
15,730,000 In-Kind 9,000,000 In-Kind
Abroad, Female Only Ltd 376 H.M Capital Ltd 5,000,000 In-Kind
250 The Tamales 15,500,000 In-Kind 310 Federation of Motor Sports 377 Kayongo Nkajja Godfrey 5,000,000 In-Kind
251 Rotary International 15,200,000 In-Kind Club Uganda & Central 8,970,000 In-Kind 378 KDB Kyarenga Wines Smc
252 AAR Health Care Ltd 15,000,000 In-Kind Motor Club 5,000,000 In-Kind
253 Katushabe Winston 15,000,000 In-Kind 311 Ak Beamflex International 379 Kyerenga Banana Tonto 5,000,000 In-Kind
8,960,000 In-Kind
254 Nairobi Enterprises 15,000,000 In-Kind Ltd 380 Leisure Farm 5,000,000 In-Kind
255 Sinoafrica Medical Devices 312 Bishop Sheldon Mwesigwa 8,800,000 In-Kind 381 NO.B8592 PLASTIC AFRICA 5,000,000 In-Kind
15,000,000 In-Kind 313 Jasani Foundation 8,676,500 In-Kind
Co. Ltd 382 Ntake Bakery 5,000,000 In-Kind
256 Smileplast Ltd 15,000,000 In-Kind 314 Betway Uganda, The 383 Stanbic Bank 5,000,000 In-Kind
8,580,000 In-Kind
257 Super Medic 15,000,000 In-Kind Rangers 384 Uganda Fishmaws Traders’
258 Women of Uganda through 315 Mr. Eden Okia 8,521,000 In-Kind 5,000,000 In-Kind
15,000,000 In-Kind Association
Uganda Women’s Network. 316 Sino Hydro & Power China 8,480,000 In-Kind 385 Well Of Life 5,000,000 In-Kind
259 Humanity First Uganda, 317 Uganda Professional Pilots 386 Widespectrum Ent 5,000,000 In-Kind
8,400,000 In-Kind
Ahmadiyya Muslim 14,400,000 In-Kind Association 387 Delight (U) Ltd 4,985,000 In-Kind
Association Uganda 318 SBC, Of Hoima International 388 Sherey Punjab (U) Ltd 4,917,000 In-Kind
8,300,000 In-Kind
260 Church Of Uganda 14,010,000 In-Kind Airport 389 Loms Forex Bureau &
261 COLAS 14,000,000 In-Kind 319 Haji Abdu Kiyimba –Mayor 8,240,000 In-Kind 4,800,000 In-Kind
Money Transfer
262 Makerere University 320 Nakawa Mayor Ronald 390 Romeo’s Restaurant 4,800,000 In-Kind
8,240,000 In-Kind
Academic Staff Association 14,000,000 In-Kind Balimwezo 391 China Civil Engineering
(MUASA) 321 Archbishop Bakyenga 8,200,000 In-Kind 4,600,000 In-Kind
263 University Of Kyambogo 322 Mama Care Foundation 8,100,000 In-Kind 392 China Railway No.18 4,600,000 In-Kind
14,000,000 In-Kind 323 Associated Motor Dealers
Staff 8,000,000 In-Kind 393 China Wuyi Company Ltd 4,600,000 In-Kind
264 KK Fresh Produce Exporters 2015 394 KFC Uganda 4,600,000 In-Kind
13,620,000 In-Kind 324 Association Of Fishers &
Ltd/KK Food 395 Navio from Navcorp Ltd 4,500,000 In-Kind
265 Eagle General Traders (U) Lake Users Of Uganda 8,000,000 In-Kind 396 Uganda Clearing Industry
13,500,000 In-Kind (AFALU)
Ltd & Forwarding Agent 4,380,000 In-Kind
266 Dr Nkamuhayo Kayihura 13,000,000 In-Kind 325 Crest Foam Mattress 8,000,000 In-Kind Association
267 Hon Anita Among 13,000,000 In-Kind 326 H.E. Gilbert Bukenya 8,000,000 In-Kind 397 Hill Water 4,315,700 In-Kind
268 Jude Color Solutions 13,000,000 In-Kind 327 MUASA- Makerere 8,000,000 In-Kind 398 Action For Community
269 Zeus Agro Ltd 13,000,000 In-Kind 328 Multiplex Ltd 8,000,000 In-Kind 4,200,000 In-Kind
Development, ACODEV
270 Pan Afric Impex Ltd 12,800,000 In-Kind 329 Rose Foam Mattresses 8,000,000 In-Kind 399 Sogea Satom 4,060,000 In-Kind
National Response Fund to COVID-19 list of donations
400 Caribean Tea Africa 4,032,000 In-Kind 472 Paragon Betting 2,000,000 In-Kind 539 Mothers Union Namirembe
400,000 In-Kind
401 Ambiance Distillers 4,000,000 In-Kind 473 Sarah Nkonge (Dr.) Diocese
2,000,000 In-Kind
402 Ex Ken (U) Limited 4,000,000 In-Kind Foundation 540 Sir Mathias Walukagga,
400,000 In-Kind
403 Friendship container 474 Ugandan Commonwealth Musician
4,000,000 In-Kind
Manufacturers Ltd Scholars and Professional 2,000,000 In-Kind 541 Nsambya Barracks Children
Fellows Association 375,000 In-Kind
404 Kinaawa High Schools 4,000,000 In-Kind Of Police Officers
405 Mega Industries 4,000,000 In-Kind 475 Sekanyola Systems Ltd 1,936,400 In-Kind 542 Imat Janet Akello Omara
476 Bunyangabu District 1,800,000 In-Kind 350,000 In-Kind
406 Megha Foam 4,000,000 In-Kind Orach
407 Namujju Cissy 4,000,000 In-Kind 477 Medicine Pharmaceuticals 543 Bakayira Diesel Garage 348,000 In-Kind
1,800,000 In-Kind
408 Nsereko Charles Bassajja Ltd 544 Nalubega Grace 319,000 In-Kind
4,000,000 In-Kind
ssuna 478 Tech Spine International 1,800,000 In-Kind 545 Africa Public Private
409 Plan International 4,000,000 In-Kind 479 Chickstat Uganda Ltd 1,750,000 In-Kind Partnership Network (APBN) 300,000 In-Kind
410 Sayo Industries (U) Ltd 4,000,000 In-Kind 480 Uganda National Women Uganda Office
1,700,000 In-Kind
411 Shadia Keza Heal the Fish Organizations 546 IFRA Africa Solutions 300,000 In-Kind
4,000,000 In-Kind
Universe foundation 481 Uganda Land Owner’s 547 Senko Collection, London
1,660,000 In-Kind 275,000 In-Kind
412 Staff and farmers of IFPRI/ Association Production
4,000,000 In-Kind
Harvest Plus Uganda 482 Kamcare Pharma Ltd 1,650,000 In-Kind 548 Kampala Arcaders Traders
413 Staff of Uganda 483 DJ Rectango 1,630,000 In-Kind 260,000 In-Kind
4,000,000 In-Kind Association
Management Institute 484 Chloride Exide 1,600,000 In-Kind 549 Bazukulu Kwagalana
414 Uganda Breweries 4,000,000 In-Kind 485 Wandera Norman 1,600,000 In-Kind 240,000 In-Kind
415 University Of Miami (U)SA 486 GM Empire Casino 1,500,000 In-Kind 550 Matovu Subusiso 240,000 In-Kind
4,000,000 In-Kind
Student Union 487 King Saha Artist 1,500,000 In-Kind 551 ECHO 211,500 In-Kind
416 World Food Programme 4,000,000 In-Kind 488 Ps Museveni Vicent 1,500,000 In-Kind 552 Hays Recruitment Experts
417 Zhong kai Electronics Ltd 4,000,000 In-Kind 489 Uganda Dental Officers & 210,000 In-Kind
1,500,000 In-Kind Ltd . Jobs abroad Lubowa
418 Featherz IT solutions Ltd 3,960,000 In-Kind Technologists Association 553 African Philosopher and
419 J. F. Health Care & Solutions 490 Cash Chat & Pesa Moni 1,400,000 In-Kind 200,000 In-Kind
3,960,000 In-Kind Masters of Wisdom Ltd
Ltd 491 Makka Madina Tours & 554 Excel Soccer Academy 200,000 In-Kind
1,400,000 In-Kind
420 Namutebi Sofia aka Mama Travels Ltd
3,900,000 In-Kind 555 Famers Centre Uganda
Fiina 492 Mugalu Ntale 1,400,000 In-Kind 200,000 In-Kind
421 Prime Concepts Packaging 3,900,000 In-Kind 493 San Cargo Imports aand
1,400,000 In-Kind 556 Nakandi Shakurah 200,000 In-Kind
422 China Railway No.3 3,880,000 In-Kind Export
557 ON Spot Deliveries 200,000 In-Kind
423 World Islamic Call Society 3,800,000 In-Kind 494 Simbaland Industries Ltd 1,390,000 In-Kind
558 Life Of A Youth After Remand
424 UPPC 3,648,000 In-Kind 495 Missionary of the poor 1,388,000 In-Kind 183,500 In-Kind
Home, LYRH
425 Koudijs 3,600,000 In-Kind 496 Gonse Packaging 1,333,333 In-Kind
559 Tomosi Group 180,000 In-Kind
426 Goodman Group Of 497 Sekyewa Rashid Khamis 1,320,000 In-Kind
3,500,000 In-Kind 560 Baks Bakery 175,000 In-Kind
Companies 498 Divine Bamboo 1,300,000 In-Kind
427 Med Pharm Industries 3,500,000 In-Kind 499 Raba Daba 1,240,000 In-Kind 561 Katrina Kobugabe & Arnold
175,000 In-Kind
428 Association (U) Ltd 3,460,000 In-Kind 500 Bugwere Royal Kingdom 1,200,000 In Kind Bagonza
429 Central Motor Sports Club 3,435,000 In-Kind 501 Julius Ankunda Kanduho 1,200,000 In-Kind 562 Federation of Kampala
160,000 In-Kind
430 UK Diaspora Uganda & 502 Spice Diana 1,200,000 In-Kind Hawkers and Vendors
3,400,000 In-Kind 563 Lilly Pazo Lunabe (Musician) 160,000 In-Kind
Friends 503 Mountain Beverages Ltd:
1,050,000 In-Kind 564 Street Vendors and Hawkers
431 People Power 3,390,000 In-Kind Ruziga 160,000 In-Kind
432 Euroflex Limited- Eurofoam 3,375,000 In-Kind 504 Lebanese Community In association
1,030,000 In-Kind 565 Uganda Meritocracy Party 156,000 In-Kind
433 Uganda Grains Limited 3,250,000 In-Kind Uganda
434 Apostle John & Sarah Bunjo 3,000,000 In-Kind 505 Ahmed Raza Food Industries 1,015,000 In-Kind 566 NRM Ghetto Youth Of
150,000 In-Kind
435 Ovidan (U) Ltd 3,000,000 In-Kind 506 Friends Of Gen M.K 1,000,000 In-Kind Mengo-Kisenyi
436 Tough B 3,000,000 In-Kind 507 Limit Production 1,000,000 In-Kind 567 Kasadha John aka John
144,000 In-Kind
437 Ugandans In Europe 2,862,000 In-Kind 508 Link N Global Commodity Black
1,000,000 In-Kind 568 Family Of The Late Kossam
438 Bet City Limited 2,600,000 In-Kind (U)Ltd 100,000 In-Kind
439 Blue Dove Hotel Transport 509 Ms Leslie Nielsen 1,000,000 In-Kind Kitengo Ntugamu-Kyamatte
2,600,000 In-Kind 569 Karungi Joselyne 100,000 In-Kind
Of Logistical Chain 510 Timothy Rhys John 1,000,000 In-Kind
440 Mojabet Uganda, Luckys 2,600,000 In-Kind 511 Team Thorough YKM 2021 980,000 In-Kind 570 Presido Senga Sebbanga,
100,000 In-Kind
441 Vital Tomasi Dairy 2,568,000 In-Kind 512 Nakujja Health Products 960,000 In-Kind President Wa Ba Comedians
442 Africa Oil (U) Ltd 2,550,000 In-Kind 513 Cameroon Community 571 Mobile Task Force 80,000 In-Kind
900,000 In-Kind 572 Marash Film Production 66,000 In-Kind
443 Comforter of The Afflicted (Nsambya)
2,500,000 In-Kind 573 Mauso Saidi 66,000 In-Kind
Formation Home 514 Glory World Church 800,000 In-Kind
444 Mikisa Charles Kibuuka Mr. 515 Nassolo Euggnia 800,000 In-Kind 574 Environment & Social
2,500,000 In-Kind Safeguards International 60,000 In-Kind
& Mrs 516 Amagezi Innovations &
445 Park - View Shopping Center 2,500,000 In-Kind Skymac Teenovations Youth 750,000 In-Kind (ESSI)
446 Wagaba Mixed Farm 2,500,000 In-Kind Club 575 Busabala Mushroom
50,000 In-Kind
447 Bf Suma Uganda 2,494,417 In-Kind 517 Nana Corp Limited 750,000 In-Kind Farmers Association
448 Comfoam Mattresses 2,400,000 In-Kind 518 Uganda Herbalist 576 Ssesanga Hussein 41,200 In-Kind
750,000 In-Kind
449 EABL 2,400,000 In-Kind Association 577 Kasule Zedy (Tomato
38,120 In-Kind
450 Knight Frank Uganda 2,400,000 In-Kind 519 Roperfree Brand Products 720,000 In-Kind Farmer)
451 NC Bank 2,400,000 In-Kind 520 UPE Graduates Association 640,000 In-Kind 578 Ahimbiswe Celeste Rose &
31,900 In-Kind
452 Association Of Secretaries & 521 Sheraton Staff 610,000 In-Kind Ainamani Mukama Claudius
Administrative Professionals 2,300,000 In-Kind 522 Bayani Juma 600,000 In-Kind 579 Life Support Organisation of
31,900 In-Kind
In Uganda 523 China Railway No.5 600,000 In-Kind People with Disabilities
453 Anjuman-E-Burhani, 524 Skynet Worldwide Express 580 Nyakuni Geofrey 25,000 In-Kind
2,290,417 In-Kind 600,000 In-Kind
Makindye Ltd 581 Anonymous Donor 24,000 In-Kind
454 Tugaine Bifa Rodgers 2,250,000 In-Kind 525 NRM Youth Development 582 Kamala Willy 22,000 In-Kind
594,000 In-Kind
455 Basic AIDS Organisation 2,200,000 In-Kind Initiative Wakiso 583 Nehinda Amos Kaguta 20,000 In-Kind
456 Serena Hotel Kampala 2,200,000 In-Kind 526 UN 576,042 In-Kind 584 Semakula Charles,
457 Club Win 2,120,000 In-Kind 527 ACPCU 500,000 In-Kind 20,000 In-Kind
Councillor from Kitintale
458 Special Forces Command, 528 Bouncers Association 585 Wakozi Tonny 20,000 In-Kind
2,100,000 In-Kind 500,000 In-Kind
SFC Uganda 586 Charles Ssemakula 15,950 In-Kind
459 Rwenzori Bottling Company 2,060,000 In-Kind 529 Former NRA Kadogos 587 Ainomugisha Kagoro 12,000 In-Kind
500,000 In-Kind
460 1Xbet Uganda 2,000,000 In-Kind Association 588 Pte Baguma Hassan 12,000 In-Kind
461 Abtex and Bajjo Events 2,000,000 In-Kind 530 Jingo Sho NRM Office 589 Tulinawe NRM Task Force 12,000 In-Kind
500,000 In-Kind
462 Aga Khan Development Busabala
2,000,000 In-Kind 590 Waiswa Yonah Chief 12,000 In-Kind
Network, Jubilee Insurance 531 Maepo Enterprises LTD,
500,000 In-Kind 591 Mulindwa Sulaiti 10,000 In-Kind
463 Blessed Heart Foundation 2,000,000 In-Kind Kumi Library
592 Sseremba Charles 6,500 In-Kind
464 Damani Samra 2,000,000 In-Kind 532 Sumin Nabagereka 500,000 In-Kind
533 Maureen & Robert Mugenyi 593 Lina Fred 6,000 In-Kind
465 Gisonet Technologies 2,000,000 In-Kind 450,000 In-Kind
(Roma Poutry Farmers) 594 Mwesigwa Moses, Askari 6,000 In-Kind
466 GoodGaali Uganda 2,000,000 In-Kind
534 SR Dental Clinic 430,000 In-Kind 595 Makabuli Peter & Makabuli
467 Kwagalana Group Ssanje 3,800 In-Kind
2,000,000 In-Kind 535 Harree Group of Companies 420,000 In-Kind Paulton
536 Kayo - Link Foundation 400,000 In-Kind 596 Mzei Nealisile Abuneri 1,600 In-Kind
468 Magnet Construction Ltd 2,000,000 In-Kind
469 Mich Farms Ltd 2,000,000 In-Kind 537 MFI Document Solutions 400,000 In-Kind 597 Tambiti Livingstone 1,000 In-Kind
470 Mr Manjit Singh Athlal 2,000,000 In-Kind 538 Miss Tourism Uganda & 598 Kirungi Maureen 800 In-Kind
400,000 In-Kind Total 33,739,614,898
471 Old Boys of SMACK 70s 2,000,000 In-Kind Maria Mutagambwa
National Response Fund to COVID-19 list of donations
63 Guangzhou Dongsong Energy 129 RDC’S & DRDC’S
38,000,000 Cash 13,000,000 Cash
Cash Donations 64 Asa Micro Finance Uganda 130 Resident District
30,000,000 Cash 12,700,000 Cash
Limited Commissioners and Deputies
1 Afreximbank (USD, 200,000) 760,000,000 Cash 65 Kampala Associated 131 Ezra General Trading Co. 12,500,000 Cash
30,000,000 Cash
2 United Bank of Africa Advocates 132 Heven Ltd Trading and
570,000,000 Cash 12,500,000 Cash
(USD 150,000) 66 Niel Alumnium Ltd 30,000,000 Cash Merchandise
3 National Resistance 67 Uganda Hotel Owners 133 Muse Af Enterprise Co. Ltd 12,500,000 Cash
380,000,000 Cash 30,000,000 Cash
Movement Party, NRM Association 134 Tsons Trading Co. U Ltd &
12,500,000 Cash
4 Tri Star Energy Ltd 379,200,000 Cash 68 Chairperson Deputies, Tmt Supermarket
25,000,000 Cash
5 Sanlam Insurance 285,000,000 Cash Members, Educ Service 135 Katwen Import & Export 12,000,000 Cash
6 The Cabinet (Joint 69 Kasese Cobalt 25,000,000 Cash 136 Mugisha Richard 11,850,500 Cash
280,000,000 Cash 70 Mulamu Traders Ltd 23,560,000 Cash 137 Judicial Officers National (79) 11,850,000 Cash
7 Diamond Trust Bank (DTB) 250,000,000 Cash 71 Association of Sec Sch Head 138 Skynet Worldwide Express Ltd
23,550,000 Cash 11,400,000 Cash
8 Leaf Tobacco Commodities, Teachers of Ug (USD 3000)
250,000,000 Cash 72 Ntungamo Dairy Farmers 139 Best Ceramics (U) Ltd 10,000,000 Cash
(Meridian Tobacco) 22,500,000 Cash
9 Darling Company 200,000,000 Cash Cooperative Union 140 Bishop Lwere Joshua 10,000,000 Cash
10 Lebanese Community in 73 Brig. Gen. Francis M Takirisa 22,000,000 Cash 141 China National Acro-
200,000,000 Cash 74 Hon Gen. Ivan Koreta 22,000,000 Cash 10,000,000 Cash
Uganda Technology International
11 Owobusobozi Omukama 75 Hon. Elly Tumwiine 22,000,000 Cash 142 City Abattoir Traders’
200,000,000 Cash 10,000,000 Cash
Ruhanga Bisaka 76 Hon. Kuteesa O Pecos 22,000,000 Cash Development Association
12 Tororo Cement 200,000,000 Cash 77 Contribution from UNBS Staff 20,882,000 Cash 143 Fin Credit Ltd 10,000,000 Cash
13 Livestock Research Institute 190,000,000 Cash 78 Alfil Construction Materials 20,140,000 Cash 144 Fourways Investments with
10,000,000 Cash
14 Bank of Uganda 150,000,000 Cash 79 Dream Line Furniture Interiors 20,140,000 Cash Thoban Ventures
15 Mayuge Sugar Industries 150,000,000 Cash 80 Zenith Supplies Uganda Ltd 20,140,000 Cash 145 Fresh Perch Ltd 10,000,000 Cash
16 G.M Sugar 100,000,000 Cash 81 UGANDA REGISTRATION 146 Gold Star Batteries (U) Ltd- 10,000,000 Cash
20,010,500 Cash
17 Goodman Group of SERVICES BUREAU 147 Great Lakes Coffee Co. Ltd 10,000,000 Cash
100,000,000 Cash 82 Bafaki Godon MP Kazo 148 Indian Women Association 10,000,000 Cash
Companies 20,000,000 Cash
18 Hajji Hassan Basajja Balaba 100,000,000 Cash County 149 Industrial Globus (U) Ltd 10,000,000 Cash
19 Ham Foundation, aka Hammis 83 Bank of Baroda 20,000,000 Cash 150 Institution of Surveyors
100,000,000 Cash 10,000,000 Cash
Kiggundu 84 Best Ingredients 20,000,000 Cash Uganda
20 Horyal Investments Holding 85 Birungi Carolyn Nanyondo 20,000,000 Cash 151 Kalungu Processors U Ltd 10,000,000 Cash
100,000,000 Cash
Co /Atiak sugar 86 Brig. Gen. Felix Kulayigye 20,000,000 Cash 152 Kampala International
10,000,000 Cash
21 House of Prayer Ministries 87 China Chamber of Commerce Christian
100,000,000 Cash 20,000,000 Cash
Intnl, Pastor Bugingo (Ug) 153 Kazi Foods 10,000,000 Cash
22 Kamuli Sugar Ltd 100,000,000 Cash 88 Don Uganda Ltd 20,000,000 Cash 154 Leeko (U) Ltd 10,000,000 Cash
23 Karibuni Lounge 100,000,000 Cash 89 Energoprojekt 20,000,000 Cash 155 Max Imports and Exports
10,000,000 Cash
24 King Mulenga Augustus 90 Escorts Pharmaceuticals Ltd 20,000,000 Cash Limited
100,000,000 Cash
Ceasor 91 Hon Gen.Katumba Wamala 20,000,000 Cash 156 Mayuge Stone Quarry Ltd 10,000,000 Cash
25 Modern Distillers 100,000,000 Cash 92 Hon Muruli Mukasa Wilson 20,000,000 Cash 157 MK Publishers Ltd 10,000,000 Cash
26 Mota Engil 100,000,000 Cash 93 Hon Safia Nalule Juuko 20,000,000 Cash 158 Mr. Yusuf Karmali MD Kazi
10,000,000 Cash
27 Nile Agro Industries 100,000,000 Cash 94 Hon. Brig Gen Flavia Foods Ltd.
20,000,000 Cash 159 Mukamanayamba Health
28 Pearl Marina Estates Ltd 100,000,000 Cash Byekwaso UPDF MP 10,000,000 Cash
29 Riham, Hariss International 95 Hon. Nakiwala Kiyingi 20,000,000 Cash Products Smc Ltd
100,000,000 Cash 160 Multichoice 10,000,000 Cash
Ltd 96 Hon. Sarah Najuma 20,000,000 Cash
30 Stanbic Bank 100,000,000 Cash 97 Hon. Ssengo Emmanuel 161 Multiplex Ltd 10,000,000 Cash
20,000,000 Cash 162 NIC General Insurance
31 Tembo Steels Limited 100,000,000 Cash Kalule 10,000,000 Cash
32 Tyrexpress (U) Ltd 100,000,000 Cash 98 Kamusiime Caroline 20,000,000 Cash Limited
33 Uganda Baati Ltd 100,000,000 Cash 99 LDC Uganda 20,000,000 Cash 163 Noble Unit Uganda Ltd 10,000,000 Cash
34 Yogi Steels & Millennium Tiles 100,000,000 Cash 100 Lusango Real Uganda Ltd 20,000,000 Cash 164 Nsanja Agro-Chemicals Ltd 10,000,000 Cash
35 Century Bottling Company 87,505,000 Cash 101 Luuka Plastics 20,000,000 Cash 165 OSI International Trading Ltd 10,000,000 Cash
36 URA - STAFF 85,650,000 Cash 102 Maj Suzan Lakoti Oruni 20,000,000 Cash 166 Public Administrators
10,000,000 Cash
37 Busoga Kingdom 85,000,000 Cash 103 Maj. Evarlyne Asiimwe 20,000,000 Cash Association of Ug, PAAU
38 Eco Bank Uganda Limited 80,000,000 Cash 104 Major Innocent G Oula 20,000,000 Cash 167 Redco Developers & Redco
10,000,000 Cash
Company Ltd
39 Gauff Engineering Ltd 80,000,000 Cash 105 Mukasa Julius Opondo 20,000,000 Cash
168 Reddy’s Borehole and
40 Arab Contractors 75,000,000 Cash 106 Nabayiga Idah 20,000,000 Cash 10,000,000 Cash
technical services Limited
41 Technology Associates 107 Nile Aluminium Ltd 20,000,000 Cash
75,000,000 Cash 169 Royal Mabati (U) Ltd 10,000,000 Cash
Limited 108 Phillip Kakuru, NRM Mobiliser
20,000,000 Cash 170 Royal Techno Industries Ltd 10,000,000 Cash
42 DFCU 70,000,000 Cash South Africa
171 Southern Range Nyanza
43 Aga Khan Development 109 Roke Telkom 20,000,000 Cash 10,000,000 Cash
55,000,000 Cash Limited
Network, Jubilee Insurance 110 Saba Engineering Plc 20,000,000 Cash
172 Total Cables (U) Ltd 10,000,000 Cash
44 Vambeco Enterprises 52,000,000 Cash 111 Toyota Uganda 20,000,000 Cash
173 Water Man Nkese Ltd 10,000,000 Cash
45 African Initiative for Relief & 112 Trans East (U) Ltd 20,000,000 Cash
50,000,000 Cash 174 WAZALENDO SACCO 10,000,000 Cash
Development (AIRD) 113 Ug Forex Bureau & Money
46 Auromeera Industries 50,000,000 Cash 20,000,000 Cash 175 Ug Institution of Professional
Remittance Assoc 8,175,000 Cash
47 Buganda Kingdom 50,000,000 Cash 114 Uganda Co-Op Alliance 20,000,000 Cash Engineers, UIPE
48 China Internl Water and 115 Victoria Nile Plastics 20,000,000 Cash 176 Eng. Dr. Odongo And
50,000,000 Cash 7,600,000 Cash
Electric Cooperation 116 Universal Multipurpose Ent 17,000,000 Cash Margaret Odongo, Lango
49 Ibero Uga.Ltd 50,000,000 Cash 117 Ankole Coffee Producers 15,000,000 Cash 177 Principals’ Association of
50 Invictas Africa 50,000,000 Cash 7,200,000 Cash
118 Electoral Commission 15,000,000 Cash Uganda (PAU)
51 Pramukh Steel Ltd 50,000,000 Cash 119 From A Better Place Limited 15,000,000 Cash 178 East African Fish Processing
7,000,000 Cash
52 Seyano Brothers 50,000,000 Cash 120 Galaxy Agrotech (U) Ltd 15,000,000 Cash Uganda Limited
53 Stirling Civil Engineering Ltd 50,000,000 Cash 121 Gulf Africa Ltd 15,000,000 Cash 179 H.H Mzee Yosam Odur Ebii,
7,000,000 Cash
54 Sybyl 50,000,000 Cash 122 Olam Uganda Limited 15,000,000 Cash Lango Cultural
55 UGACOF Ltd 50,000,000 Cash 123 SECRET GRAINS (U) LTD 15,000,000 Cash 180 Rong Zhang U Ltd 7,000,000 Cash
56 Xsabo Foundation 50,000,000 Cash 124 The Uganda Private Security 181 Mubende DLG 6,540,800 Cash
57 Chief Administrative Officer 15,000,000 Cash 182 Archdiocese of Mbarara
40,000,000 Cash Association 6,000,000 Cash
Kabale Development Assoc
125 Uni Engineers Co. (U) Ltd 15,000,000 Cash
58 Kotido District General Fund 40,000,000 Cash 183 Emmanuel Katongole 6,000,000 Cash
126 United Somali Community 14,500,000 Cash
59 The Kakande Ministries 40,000,000 Cash 184 GEN. MOSES ALI, 1st Deputy
6,000,000 Cash
60 Transpaper Ltd 40,000,000 Cash 127 Central Coffee Farmers 14,440,000 Cash Prime Minister
61 ICPAU 38,500,000 Cash 185 Hongli Zhongua Ltd 6,000,000 Cash
128 Ihsan Akdeniz (Turkish
62 Bayport Financial Services 38,200,000 Cash 13,490,000 Cash 186 Mountains of Fire Mininistries 6,000,000 Cash
National Response Fund to COVID-19 list of donations
187 Penglida International Ltd 6,000,000 Cash 252 UMUBANO/Ugandan 311 Male Kamya, NRM
2,300,000 Cash 1,000,000 Cash
188 Runfa Company Ltd 6,000,000 Cash Banyarwanda Chairperson Boston
189 Shengfa Trading Company Ltd 6,000,000 Cash 253 Uganda Association of 312 Marwaha Singh Parminder
2,292,000 Cash 1,000,000 Cash
190 Wish A.S.T Uganda Ltd 6,000,000 Cash Prosecutors (UAP) (Singh Katongole)
191 Yong Qianq Sea Food Ltd 6,000,000 Cash 254 KITGUM RURAL WOMEN 2,145,000 Cash 313 Mbuga Kyamagero Coffee
1,000,000 Cash
192 Water for Prod. Regional 255 Twinomugisha Charles Roasters
5,117,900 Cash 2,100,000 Cash
Center North Godfrey 314 Mohamed Salman Shamsi 1,000,000 Cash
193 A Chance for Children Mityana 5,000,000 Cash 256 Akiteng Grace (Jinja) 2,000,000 Cash 315 Munubi Birora 1,000,000 Cash
194 AAH through Kalenga DLG 5,000,000 Cash 257 Aleem Bashir Nurali 316 Mwalimu Julius Nyerere 1,000,000 Cash
2,000,000 Cash
195 Action Africa Help - Moroto 5,000,000 Cash 0782539098 317 Nasi Uganda Ltd 1,000,000 Cash
196 Bam Petroleum 5,000,000 Cash 258 Architect Stanley & Prof. 318 Ntwatwa Jackson 1,000,000 Cash
2,000,000 Cash
Deborah 319 Okumu David 1,000,000 Cash
197 Besmark Coffee Co. Ltd 5,000,000 Cash
259 Beal Hardware 2,000,000 Cash 320 Open Door Baptist Missions 1,000,000 Cash
198 Bigirimana Pius 5,000,000 Cash
260 Bee natural Uganda 2,000,000 Cash 321 Patrick Mwehirwe 1,000,000 Cash
199 Byengooma Rosette’s Family 5,000,000 Cash
261 Dolce Vita General 322 Platinum Commodities 1,000,000 Cash
200 Commodity Solutions (U) Ltd 5,000,000 Cash 2,000,000 Cash
Merchandise 323 Prof Pamela Mbabazi 1,000,000 Cash
201 EQUATOR SEEDS LIMITED 5,000,000 Cash
262 Fred Opolot, Vice Chairman 324 R&G Investments 1,000,000 Cash
202 H.M Capital Ltd 5,000,000 Cash 2,000,000 Cash
NRM Diaspora
203 Hema Beverage 5,000,000 Cash 325 Restaurant Africa Ltd 1,000,000 Cash
263 Hon. Lutamaguzi Semakula,
204 Inter Taxi Parks/Stages 2,000,000 Cash 326 Roan Pictures International 1,000,000 Cash
5,000,000 Cash MP Nakaseke South
Management Committee 327 Robert Kabushenga 1,000,000 Cash
264 IBM Global 2,000,000 Cash
205 Kalangwa Moses Kalisa, NRM 328 Robert Ssebunnya – Senior
5,000,000 Cash 265 Lomuja Alex Tito 2,000,000 Cash 1,000,000 Cash
Chair Kayunga Presidential Adv
266 Nat Nao East Africa -Smc Ltd 2,000,000 Cash
206 Keisokugiken Co Ltd 5,000,000 Cash 329 Sena indo (U) Ltd 1,000,000 Cash
267 Nazarene Family Makerere 2,000,000 Cash
207 Luwero Social Club 5,000,000 Cash 330 SOUTHERN RANGE
268 Ndangaro Commercial Tree 1,000,000 Cash
208 Magnet Construction Ltd 5,000,000 Cash 2,000,000 Cash NYANZA LTD
209 Mbarara Ecclesiastical 331 The Edge Trading Limited 1,000,000 Cash
5,000,000 Cash 269 Palm Construction 2,000,000 Cash
Province 332 Twiine Winnie, Presidential
270 Premier Hotels (Yumbe) 2,000,000 Cash 1,000,000 Cash
210 Mbarara Stores Limited 5,000,000 Cash Advisor
271 Rite Way Solutions Ltd 2,000,000 Cash 333 Masiko Gad 870,000 Cash
211 Mr & Mrs Latincic Jovan 5,000,000 Cash
272 GEN. IVAN KORETA 2,000,000 Cash 334 Mpigi & Oumba Civilian
212 Nakana Coffee Factory 5,000,000 Cash 800,000 Cash
273 KODEY RAO 2,000,000 Cash Veterans
213 Nigerian Community in
5,000,000 Cash 274 Ug Embassy Staff Denmark 1,832,895 Cash 335 Uganda Herbalist Association 750,000 Cash
275 Gillian Magda Garnett 1,782,500 Cash 336 Total Fuel Station And
214 Nyanza Perch Group 5,000,000 Cash 700,000 Cash
276 Eva Olivia T/A Baraka Lubricants, Lira
215 Regd Trustees of Patidar 1,650,000 Cash
5,000,000 Cash Business Co, Koboko 337 Godfrey Luwaga 650,000 Cash
Samaj Kampala Uganda
277 Birungi Mary 1,500,000 Cash 338 Kotisa Taxi Operators 600,000 Cash
216 Registered Trustees, Arya
5,000,000 Cash 278 Dr Isaiah Tumwikinze (D.Sc.) 1,500,000 Cash 339 Ntungamo NRM Action
Pratinidhi Sabha E.A 600,000 Cash
217 Rubaya Cooperative Savings 279 Dr Katebalirwe Amooti & Network
5,000,000 Cash 1,500,000 Cash
& Credit Society Ltd Family 340 Akimanzi Asiimwe, Lukola
280 Mupalya Foundation 1,500,000 Cash 560,000 Cash
218 Swastik Pharmaceuticals 5,000,000 Cash Batanda Adrole
219 Tegeka Enterprises Limited 5,000,000 Cash 281 Somali Community 341 AFRICA GOSPEL CHURCH-
1,500,000 Cash 500,000 Cash
Association in Uganda UGANDA KAMPALA
220 Whave Solutions Limited 5,000,000 Cash
282 Uganda Dental Officers 342 Ahhuu Barintumye Herbal
221 Yoshimo Trading Ltd 5,000,000 Cash 1,500,000 Cash 500,000 Cash
&Techno Clinical Research Ltd
222 Mbale district 4,600,000 Cash
283 Zigoti Coffe Works Limited 1,500,000 Cash 343 Centenary Bank-
223 Environment Health Workers 500,000 Cash
4,100,000 Cash 284 H.E the President Yoweri 011774765530914 Agent Txn
Association of Ug 1,400,000 Cash
Kaguta Museveni 344 Felix Arthur Okoboi 500,000 Cash
224 Karamoja Women Space 4,100,000 Cash
285 Ugandans On Twitter 1,300,000 Cash 345 Gensets &Equipments Ltd 500,000 Cash
225 Aliba Clement 4,000,000 Cash
286 BUGWERE ROYAL 346 Hope from Nairobi 500,000 Cash
226 Kishor Jopanputra 4,000,000 Cash KINGDOM (OBWAIKU
1,200,000 Cash 347 Jee Tripod Associates 500,000 Cash
227 Uganda Global Business MBANIA
3,990,000 Cash 348 Kakumiro district 500,000 Cash
Association BWA BUGWERE)
228 Mbarara District Task Force 3,909,000 Cash 349 Kasujja Sam 500,000 Cash
287 Kitgum Market Women 1,150,000 Cash 350 Kibungo Cell Foundation 500,000 Cash
229 Dr. Mutesi Faridha USA 3,800,000 Cash 288 Moses Ocip General
230 Joseph M. Brown 3,800,000 Cash 1,100,000 Cash 351 Kibuye Joint Welder’s SACCO 500,000 Cash
231 Loms Forex Bureau & Money 352 Kommute Taxi Drivers’
3,800,000 Cash 289 Adam Ddungu, for the Late 500,000 Cash
Transfer 1,000,000 Cash Application Collection
Hajji Ibrahim Ddungu
232 Haki Oils Ltd 3,750,000 Cash 353 Lamwo DLG 500,000 Cash
290 Ambassador Johnny Muhindo
1,000,000 Cash 354 Madi Naguru Community 500,000 Cash
233 Baptist International Mission Mutahe
3,600,000 Cash 355 Museveni Vincent, Pastor
of Uganda 291 Besor Baptist Ministries 500,000 Cash
1,000,000 Cash Hoima
234 Mission Venture (U) Ltd 3,500,000 Cash International
235 Pleader Ministry Uganda 3,500,000 Cash 356 Mwesige Julius 500,000 Cash
292 Bwambale William 1,000,000 Cash
236 Redeemed Christian Church 3,200,000 Cash 357 Omumbejja Marion Rebecca 500,000 Cash
293 Bwoch Gustavio Orach 1,000,000 Cash
237 Dolphin Paper 3,040,000 Cash 358 Simon Woodgate 500,000 Cash
294 Coffee World Ltd 1,000,000 Cash
238 Aga Sekalala Jr 3,000,000 Cash 359 Teso Development Forum 500,000 Cash
295 Depoint Consultants Limited 1,000,000 Cash
239 Desta General Trading 3,000,000 Cash 360 Tiner International School Of
296 DORCUS OKALANY 1,000,000 Cash 500,000 Cash
240 Estafanod & Family Co Ltd 3,000,000 Cash 297 Export Trading CO U Ltd 1,000,000 Cash
361 Trust Chemicals U Ltd 500,000 Cash
241 Hopeland Trade Star 3,000,000 Cash 298 Francis Kamulegeya 1,000,000 Cash
242 Rainbow Apartments 3,000,000 Cash 299 Gospel Light Baptist Church 500,000 Cash
1,000,000 Cash SCOTLAND
243 Shewa Imports and Exports Kansanga
3,000,000 Cash 363 Nahwera Prossy, Traffic
Ltd 300 Hamida Kibirige 1,000,000 Cash 480,000 Cash
244 Sites Travels Ltd 3,000,000 Cash 301 Hon. Beatrice Anywar 1,000,000 Cash 364 Mbagirensi Godfrey 450,000 Cash
245 Spectra International limited 3,000,000 Cash 302 Ian Clarke 1,000,000 Cash 365 MARY MUTAHANGARWA 400,000 Cash
246 Uganda Veterinary 303 Jennipher Full Figure
3,000,000 Cash 1,000,000 Cash 366 Bagonza Doviko Chaiperson 400,000 Cash
Association (UVA) Presidential Advisor
247 Zhonghao Overseas 304 Julius Kanduho 1,000,000 Cash 367 Congolese Christian
3,000,000 Cash 400,000 Cash
Contruction 305 Julius Nyerere Leadership Community in Uganda
1,000,000 Cash
248 SDK Engineering Services Ltd 2,700,000 Cash Centre 368 Khemisa Batte Kajja
249 306 Kalule Adrian Victor 1,000,000 Cash 400,000 Cash
Kyaruhama Memorial (0772313093)
2,500,000 Cash 307 Kamali Evaristo 1,000,000 Cash
Foundation 369 West Nile Disarmament 400,000 Cash
250 308 Kireka Kamuli LC1 1,000,000 Cash 370 My Life My Health Fitness
SATISH PATEL 2,500,000 Cash 365,000 Cash
309 Leonard Lutalo 1,000,000 Cash Team
251 South Sudanese Women 310 Makindye Sabbagabo 371 Mugisha 355,000 Cash
2,500,000 Cash 1,000,000 Cash
Fellowship Municipal Council 372 YKM7 Supporters Extra 351,000 Cash
National Response Fund to COVID-19 list of donations
373 Agaba Bahigwa Abooki 320,000 Cash 436 Ibrahim Mubunga Form 498 Jowali Iwumbwe Police Officer 50,000 Cash
100,000 Cash
374 Dr Nakibinge Fahad, Chair Bundibujo Ntandi T/C 499 Karungi Hannah (10 Yrs) 50,000 Cash
300,000 Cash
NRM Youth League 437 Imat Janet Akello Omara 500 Kasozi Ismael Mutumbwe 50,000 Cash
100,000 Cash
375 Harvesting for Agriculture in Orach 501 Katanza Remegio 50,000 Cash
300,000 Cash
Africa 438 Joel Mwanje 100,000 Cash 502 Libanco Uganda Ltd 50,000 Cash
376 Kamuli ‘C’ LC1 Women 439 KAMPALA BLOOD DONORS 503 Luweero District Account
300,000 Cash 100,000 Cash 50,000 Cash
Council CLUB Depo
377 Leila Mulondo, U.S. A 300,000 Cash 440 Kasule Zedy (Tomato Farmer) 100,000 Cash 504 Mr Samuel Nelson Kakete 50,000 Cash
378 Mark Asiimwe 300,000 Cash 441 Katita Gerald 100,000 Cash 505 Mwasa John Wagogo 50,000 Cash
379 Mr. Cranmer Taremwa 300,000 Cash 442 Kazo Gospel Church 100,000 Cash 506 Nakalema Restuta Ssendagire 50,000 Cash
380 Ntege 300,000 Cash 443 Kimera Charles Lwanga 100,000 Cash 507 Namuno Margret 50,000 Cash
381 Okello Tony 300,000 Cash 444 Lt Kenneth Mwebaze 100,000 Cash 508 Nanyonga Dorah Biselekak 50,000 Cash
382 Crispy Kaheru 250,000 Cash 445 Magaba David Lama 100,000 Cash 509 Nrm Promoters, Printers,
383 Dr Rude Monday Julius 250,000 Cash 446 Malyamungu Haruna Kiseka 100,000 Cash 50,000 Cash
&Markenting Network
384 Kasozi Lyada Peter 250,000 Cash 447 Mbabazi Specioza 100,000 Cash 510 Nuru Badi Somo 50,000 Cash
385 Noah Kawooya 250,000 Cash 448 Mmugume Christopher 511 Odong Freddy 50,000 Cash
100,000 Cash
386 Rose Nambago 250,000 Cash Kanyonkore 512 Onanu James 50,000 Cash
387 Tim Mugerwa 250,000 Cash 449 Mr. Victor Muhumuza 100,000 Cash 513 Onyango Simon Teacher from
450 Ms Allen Kafureka 100,000 Cash 50,000 Cash
388 Dr Muhunde 230,000 Cash Kattabalanga
389 Webale Taata Kampala SACO 451 Mt Elgon Culture & History 514 Rev Fr Kivumbi Ignatius 50,000 Cash
230,000 Cash 100,000 Cash
Leaders Assoc Museum Mbale 515 Rwezonri National Youth
452 Mugimba Elizabeth 100,000 Cash 50,000 Cash
390 Enid Adoa 210,000 Cash United
391 Agaba Albert Villey Amooti 200,000 Cash 453 Nasirumbi Agnes 100,000 Cash 516 Sam Niwagaba 50,000 Cash
392 Albert Mwijukye 200,000 Cash 454 Obama NRM Youth Mobiliser 517 Ssebbowa (USSD Transfer) 50,000 Cash
100,000 Cash
393 Association of EA Mobile KCB 2021 518 The Deaf Project, Namugoona
200,000 Cash 455 OKOT PATRICK 100,000 Cash 50,000 Cash
Bank Rubaga
394 Ayikoru Maneno (Police 456 Palabek SS 100,000 Cash 519 The Mukiibi Family 50,000 Cash
200,000 Cash
Driver) 457 PC Ashabirwe Emmanuel 100,000 Cash 520 Tugunjuke Community
50,000 Cash
395 Byamugisha Angel (9Yrs) 200,000 Cash 458 PC Nabimanya Elijah 100,000 Cash Initiative Owino Mkt
396 Comforter of the Afflicted 200,000 Cash 459 Philemon Muhereza 521 Turinawe Sezi Rukungiri
100,000 Cash 50,000 Cash
397 Desire Beauty Products 200,000 Cash (256752395011) Carpentry
398 Eng. Kiiza Idiri Kamuntu 200,000 Cash 460 PHIONA KEMIGISHA 522 Turinawe Willy 50,000 Cash
100,000 Cash
399 Hajat Aisha Nakibuule 200,000 Cash TINDYEBWA 523 Ug Muslim Supreme Co,
50,000 Cash
400 Janan Luwumu S.S 461 Rebecca Babirye Pace (5Yrs Mityana Masjid Shura
200,000 Cash 100,000 Cash
Kamuganguzi Old) 524 USSD Transfer Rogers 50,000 Cash
401 Kireka Sales & Events 462 RFB Food for The Vulnerable 100,000 Cash 525 Edward
200,000 Cash 48,000 Cash
Management Association 463 RUREMBA RWAKIREMBA 100,000 Cash Kyaligonza-043043962482
402 Ug Wheelchair Basketball 464 Rwenzori Forum Fo Youth & 526 The Blessed Foundation Co
200,000 Cash 100,000 Cash 47,000 Cash
Federation Elders for Peace Sch Baralegi,
403 Miracle Revival Church 200,000 Cash 465 Sheikh Ismail Kazaala & 527 UPDF Widows & Dependants 45,000 Cash
100,000 Cash
404 Mr. Wabwire Joseph 200,000 Cash Hajjati Naiga Hasifa 528 Aqsa Ali, 7 Yrs 42,000 Cash
405 Mugaruka Maimona Gabriel 200,000 Cash 466 Ssekiziivu Siraj 100,000 Cash 529 Douglas Emmanuel Onyolo 40,000 Cash
406 NAGUDI AISA (SIRONKO 467 Uganda Poor Youth 530 King Wamala Kibuuka 2 40,000 Cash
200,000 Cash 100,000 Cash
DISTRICT) Movement 531 Musinguzi Vincent 40,000 Cash
407 Ndahagire’s Family 200,000 Cash 468 UN Staff 100,000 Cash 532 OBOTH CHARLES LC
408 Rtd CPL Jacob Loumo 200,000 Cash 469 Visionary Learned Youth 2 CHAIRMAN KISENYI 35,000 Cash
100,000 Cash
409 Tororo Open NRM Moblisers 200,000 Cash Africa CENTRAL ZONE
410 TORORO OPEN NRM 470 Winfred K.T. Matsiko 100,000 Cash 533 Akolebirungi Ernest 30,000 Cash
200,000 Cash 471 Tumuhereze Wilbroad 90,000 Cash 534 Baguma Silajji Kanyesigye 30,000 Cash
411 Tweyunge Development 472 Trinitel Limited 80,000 Cash 535 Bagumirabingi Peter 30,000 Cash
200,000 Cash 473 Lakisha Wambui Tang 75,000 Cash
Association 536 Councillor Kimbwembwe
30,000 Cash
412 USSD transfer Phillip 200,000 Cash 474 Michelle Tang 75,000 Cash Esther
413 Zakarie General Contracting 200,000 Cash 475 Lakony Julius, Police Officer 70,000 Cash 537 Kyaligonza Jennipher Adyeeri 30,000 Cash
414 Swaran Kaka Matama 195,000 Cash 476 Tom Oganga from Kololo 64,000 Cash 538 L/Cpl Ariko Obuya Nathan 30,000 Cash
415 National Union for Salons and 477 Ibrahim Hussein Abukar 63,000 Cash 539 Maliyamungu Jamali 30,000 Cash
170,000 Cash
Spas Uganda 478 Kampala Refrigerations and 540 Mungoma Mike Matepe 30,000 Cash
60,000 Cash
416 Youth Innovation & Air Conditioning 541 Tumuhimbise Stephen Mr 30,000 Cash
170,000 Cash
Transformation Association 479 Sempijja Henry 60,000 Cash 542 Uzabakiriho Felix 30,000 Cash
417 Lubyogo Herbert 167,000 Cash 480 Abari Hamwe 50,000 Cash 543 Kamoga Musa 27,500 Cash
418 Samir Patel 151,000 Cash 481 Akankunda Robert 50,000 Cash 544 Alex Sekasi 26,000 Cash
419 Ankole Region NRM Youth 150,000 Cash 482 Ali Katongole 50,000 Cash 545 Yellow Power Devlpmt &
25,000 Cash
420 Kansanga Investment Club 150,000 Cash 483 Asiimwe Peogaratiasi 50,000 Cash Mobilization Assoction
421 Mfitumukiza Gerald 150,000 Cash 484 Baingana David 50,000 Cash 546 Moshe Kenneth 24,000 Cash
422 Mwebembezi Johnson 150,000 Cash 485 Bangaly Koroume 50,000 Cash 547 Mukasa Joseph 24,000 Cash
423 St Barnabas Ss Karujanga 120,000 Cash 486 Best Yield (U) Ltd 50,000 Cash 548 Mr Moses Okullo 22,000 Cash
424 Medallist Beneficiaries 487 Boy London Enterprises Ltd 50,000 Cash 549 Honest (0782384938) 20,200 Cash
110,000 Cash
Association Uganda Ltd 488 BULEMU FRIDAY AGNES 50,000 Cash 550 AIP Mbabazi Bakagweha
20,000 Cash
425 Adulsi Toto 100,000 Cash 489 Busabala Mushroom Farmers James
50,000 Cash
426 African Philosophers & Association 551 Akello Grace, Student 20,000 Cash
100,000 Cash
Masters of Wisdom Ltd 490 CPL Akabwai Stephen Peter 552 Akiiza Blessed 20,000 Cash
50,000 Cash
427 Akello Sophie, Uganda Police (Ug Police Force) 553 Anenda & Anonze 20,000 Cash
100,000 Cash
Force 491 Deflexa & Father Santa 554 ATUKWASE ADRIAN 20,000 Cash
50,000 Cash
428 ASIIMWE GRACE Uganda 555 Bahimba Hope 20,000 Cash
100,000 Cash
KAKWENZA 492 Elgon Youth Brass Band 50,000 Cash 556 Bamwine Innocent 20,000 Cash
429 Birungi Mugagga From St 493 Emmy Babirye Katende, 557 COVID-19 Fund 20,000 Cash
100,000 Cash
Mugagga P/S Ernest Kabala, Gertrude
50,000 Cash 558 Emenyu Moses Fenix 20,000 Cash
430 Bishop Elwana Stephen 100,000 Cash Namasale, Ruth Amelia
559 Eunyu Daniel 20,000 Cash
431 COVID-19 100,000 Cash Nsomy
560 Greg Washington Valentino,
432 Ekudo Tom Julius 100,000 Cash 494 Frank Tebandeke 50,000 Cash 20,000 Cash
433 Family of The Late Joseph 495 God’s Grace Painters & P4
100,000 Cash 50,000 Cash
Kakooza of Masaka Designers Co Ltd 561 Kabanda Meddy 20,000 Cash
434 Gideon Akimanzi Barinda 496 Hon Rashid Iton, LC3 562 Kazarwa Shanice (Student) 20,000 Cash
100,000 Cash 50,000 Cash
(0772681135) Chairperson 563 Kevine Akandwanaho 20,000 Cash
435 Grace Kakagango 100,000 Cash 497 John Bosco Katongole 50,000 Cash
National Response Fund to COVID-19 list of donations
564 Kiggundu Fred Mr. (Aka 636 Akampulira Peterson, Student 711 Naigaga Rose 10,000 Cash
20,000 Cash 10,000 Cash
Simple K, Musician) S4 712 Nalukwago Swabula, S1 10,000 Cash
565 Kiggundu Stephen 20,000 Cash 637 Akampurila Sabiiti Eric 10,000 Cash 713 Namara Richard 10,000 Cash
566 Kisakye Joan 20,000 Cash 638 Allan Busingye (0776222585) 10,000 Cash 714 Nankya Betty Halima 10,000 Cash
567 KIZITO JOHN 20,000 Cash 639 Ambrose Obwor 10,000 Cash 715 Nassozi Norah Teopista 10,000 Cash
568 Lyton Gabriella Tasha, P1 20,000 Cash 640 Amon Bamanya 10,000 Cash 716 NGINZI JIMMY BLAIZSE 10,000 Cash
569 Mbekeka Patricia 20,000 Cash 641 Anonymous 10,000 Cash 717 Ninsima Deborah & Namata
10,000 Cash
570 Mudoola Herbert, Boda Boda 642 Arnold Mwesigwa 10,000 Cash Gladys
20,000 Cash
Rriver 643 Baingana Benjamin 10,000 Cash 718 Obbo Anslemu 10,000 Cash
571 Muhumuza Nelson 20,000 Cash 644 Bakashaba Joel Karwani 10,000 Cash 719 Ojiambo Christopher 10,000 Cash
572 Musanje Mentedio 20,000 Cash 645 Bakyondoza Robert. K, 720 Ojiambo Elizabeth 10,000 Cash
10,000 Cash
573 Mwanje Gauda 20,000 Cash Teacher 721 Pablion Francis Museveni 10,000 Cash
574 Mzee Nealisile Abuneri 20,000 Cash 646 BATA LAWYER BAGYENYI 10,000 Cash 722 PATRICK ANGOMANDH 10,000 Cash
575 Nagitta Janipher 20,000 Cash 647 Biryabarema Paul 10,000 Cash 723 Patrick Katende 10,000 Cash
576 Nakyeyune Joy Mary 20,000 Cash 648 Byarugaba Amon, Student 10,000 Cash 724 Prof Richard Police 10,000 Cash
577 Namayega Esther 20,000 Cash 649 Byarugaba Charity 10,000 Cash 725 Prof. Buwembo Jimmy 10,000 Cash
578 Nkwasibwe Elieza Asiimwe 20,000 Cash 650 Corona Support 10,000 Cash 726 Rathima Magitta (Student S2) 10,000 Cash
579 Nowaruhanga Yusuf 20,000 Cash 651 Cuthbert Tumwiine Mugumya 10,000 Cash 727 Robert Madede 10,000 Cash
580 Nyirimanzi Emmanuel 20,000 Cash 652 Daniel Nsubuga 10,000 Cash 728 Sayyed Adnan Rashid Shah 10,000 Cash
581 Ochana Francis 20,000 Cash 653 Defining Technologies Ltd 10,000 Cash 729 Singh Taranjit 10,000 Cash
582 Okapisi Joseph Okumu 20,000 Cash 654 Dennis Ruhiija Nakunda 10,000 Cash 730 Ssewajje Christopher 10,000 Cash
583 Olweny Roness Mark (Opm 655 Donation 10,000 Cash 731 Steven Kayanja Nsubuga 10,000 Cash
20,000 Cash
Driver) 656 Emmanuel Weele 10,000 Cash 732 Steven Tinka 10,000 Cash
584 Others Support to Corona 657 Engoru Michael 10,000 Cash 733 Tahaya Mubanda, Coucillor 10,000 Cash
20,000 Cash
Response 658 Francis Zikusooka 10,000 Cash 734 Talisha Victory Mandela 10,000 Cash
585 Otome Charles Tonny 20,000 Cash 659 Franklyn Buzu 10,000 Cash 735 Tamale Malis George 10,000 Cash
586 Pastor Turyatunga John 660 Fred Magala 10,000 Cash 736 Tayoleke Eria 10,000 Cash
20,000 Cash
Bosco & Julian 661 Gwokyalia Christine 10,000 Cash 737 Twebazze Charlotte 10,000 Cash
587 Peter Matala 20,000 Cash 662 Jmmex Woodo Wasukulu 10,000 Cash 738 USSD transfer Kumar Kre 10,000 Cash
588 RUTAHIGWA PRINCE P.4 20,000 Cash 663 John Bukenya Kafuuma 10,000 Cash 739 Waiswa Yonah Chief 10,000 Cash
589 Simon Angumya 20,000 Cash 664 Jolly Acha 10,000 Cash 740 Widow Betty Katungi Suicide 10,000 Cash
590 Tebyasa Benon 20,000 Cash 665 Juuko Richard (Bodaboda
10,000 Cash 741 Wilfred Kiima Kibiniro 10,000 Cash
591 The Family of The Late Rider)
20,000 Cash 742 Bamboka Brian & Tenywa
Mbega Matovu 666 Kagumire 10,000 Cash 9,000 Cash
592 Tumuheirwe Lucy 20,000 Cash 667 Kalemba Oliver Ms. 10,000 Cash 743 Kobusingye Teddy 8,000 Cash
593 Tusingwire Arthur (Student) 20,000 Cash 668 Kalyango Rogers Lutaza 10,000 Cash 744 Stephen Tumuhamye 8,000 Cash
594 Tuuma Clemmy 8Yrs 20,000 Cash 669 Kamugisha Pison 10,000 Cash 745 Katende Moses 7,000 Cash
595 Uganda Youth Painters 20,000 Cash 670 Karungi Hannah Koruhanga 10,000 Cash 746 AKANKWASA PEACE 5,000 Cash
596 Wellington Eoneor 20,000 Cash 671 Katabarwa Ternan 10,000 Cash 747 AKANYIJUKA CALM 5,000 Cash
597 Zain Zainy Pharmacy 20,000 Cash 672 Katongole Joseph (Bodaboda
10,000 Cash 748 Awillo 5,000 Cash
598 Zamarano Ivan Muntu 20,000 Cash Rider) 749 BINOMUGISHA BRIGHT 5,000 Cash
599 David Omela 16,000 Cash 673 Kayemba Vincent 10,000 Cash 750 Caroline Tusiime 5,000 Cash
600 TUMUHIMBISE SAMANTHA 674 Kebirungi Christine 10,000 Cash
15,200 Cash 751 Emma Feni O Student 5,000 Cash
(11 YRS) 675 Kesiime Emily 10,000 Cash 752 Esakina Raymond 5,000 Cash
601 Abiima Emmanuel 15,000 Cash 676 Kipeyi Joseline 10,000 Cash 753 Gamba Edward 5,000 Cash
602 Ainembabazi Precious 15,000 Cash 677 Kirungi Maureen 10,000 Cash 754 Kamukaga Tricia 5,000 Cash
603 Ayiko Aisha (Student S4) 15,000 Cash 678 Kiwanuka Moses Mubiru 10,000 Cash 755 Kiibi Joseph Student of St
604 Fahad Mawejje Ddumba 15,000 Cash 679 Kizito David 10,000 Cash 5,000 Cash
605 Foundation for Vulnerable 680 Kusemelerwa Aisha, 12 Years 10,000 Cash
15,000 Cash 756 Kimbowa Joseph 5,000 Cash
681 KWIKIRIZA ENOCK 10,000 Cash 757 Kisaiza Adam 5,000 Cash
606 Mukiza Daniel Mubangizi 15,000 Cash
682 KWIKIRIZA PAUL 10,000 Cash 758 Kuteesa Expedito 5,000 Cash
607 Niyongira Alphonsy 15,000 Cash
683 Kyamagero Vanessa, S1 10,000 Cash 759 Mugume Isaac 5,000 Cash
608 Obooli Elley Nathan 15,000 Cash
684 Kyevango Joel Regan, 760 Mwalimu Bumali Mukasa 5,000 Cash
609 Odur Nathan Ivan 15,000 Cash 10,000 Cash
Student 761 Mwesigwa Geofrey From Safe
610 Tambiti Livingstone 15,000 Cash 685 Kyeyunne Benedict Mr. 5,000 Cash
10,000 Cash Boda
611 Wamusi Michael 15,000 Cash (Bodaboda) 762 Ndyamuhahyi Esther
612 Kit Disabled Group Kisenyi 2 14,000 Cash 686 Kyomugisha Angel 10,000 Cash 5,000 Cash
Kauganda (S5)
613 Obang Francis Okello 13,900 Cash 687 Langol Giff Jesse 10,000 Cash 763 Nehinda Amos Kaguta 5,000 Cash
614 Fahad Mawejje Ddumba 13,000 Cash 688 Langol Saul 10,000 Cash 764 Nsubuga Timothy/ Moreen
615 Jimmy Ucanda (781468258) 13,000 Cash 5,000 Cash
689 Langwen’S Family Gulu 10,000 Cash Babasule
616 Ayebazibwe Moreen 12,000 Cash 690 Life Support Organisation for 765 Ogwang Jerome 5,000 Cash
617 Damba Nicholas (Aspiring 10,000 Cash
12,000 Cash Disabilities 766 Piere Joseph Midila 5,000 Cash
Minister for Bazukulu) 691 Loiz Mugabo 10,000 Cash 767 Rutakyirwa Elijah 5,000 Cash
618 Hakim Matovu 12,000 Cash 692 Macate Evans 10,000 Cash 768 UGANDA FEDERATION OF
619 Makabuli Peter 12,000 Cash 5,000 Cash
693 Magala Jackson Kitamilike 10,000 Cash THE HARD OF HEARING
620 Rose Lusweti 12,000 Cash 694 Mandela Hamzah 10,000 Cash 769 Muzoora Prince (Aged 8) 3,800 Cash
621 Muzoora Prince 11,800 Cash 695 Margaret Kaheru 10,000 Cash 770 Vincent Tumukunde 3,500 Cash
622 Kirunda Dan Nrm 11,500 Cash 696 Martin Mugisha 10,000 Cash 771 Ayebazibwe Papson, 10 Yrs
623 Sserwadda Mathias 11,500 Cash 3,000 Cash
697 MASIKA BETTY B735 10,000 Cash Old
624 Okello Stephen 11,400 Cash 698 Matovu Richard 10,000 Cash 772 Nelson Josh Bryan Mandela 3,000 Cash
625 Akampa Ronnie 11,200 Cash 699 Miriam Aol (0786948055) 10,000 Cash 773 Peace Constance 3,000 Cash
626 Kyomugasho Judith 11,000 Cash 700 Moses Kwesiga 10,000 Cash 774 Joseline Mbabazi 2,800 Cash
627 Musa Khamis Muhammed 11,000 Cash 701 Mubiru Rashid 10,000 Cash 775 Kirungi Faith, 8 Yrs Old 2,000 Cash
628 Steven Lukwago 11,000 Cash 702 MUGOMBA DERRICK 10,000 Cash 776 Tabu Vincent 2,000 Cash
629 Kibirige Mathias, Malukenge 703 Mugomba Derrick 10,000 Cash 777 Sserunjogi Ronald Nick 1,500 Cash
Marth, Sekitto Mark, Magayi 10,500 Cash 704 Muhindo Abraham 10,000 Cash 778 Asasira Deborah Katatingabo 1,000 Cash
Allen (Kibuli) 779 Daniel Ogong 1,000 Cash
705 MUJENZI JULIUS 10,000 Cash
630 Tabu Vincent Omony 10,500 Cash 780 Samson Bashome
706 Mulindwa Sulaiti 10,000 Cash 1,000 Cash
631 Adhola Fred (Teacher) 10,250 Cash Tumwesigye
707 Muntu Eamon Wise 10,000 Cash
632 Achola Clare Langwen 10,000 Cash 781 Wim Jorris J Vanhelleput 1,000 Cash
633 Aidah (USSD Transfer) 10,000 Cash 708 Muwanguzi Gideon 10,000 Cash
782 James Sendawula 500 Cash
634 Ainebyona Anthony 10,000 Cash 709 Mwanje Steven Ssewava 10,000 Cash
635 Ainembabazi Dan 10,000 Cash 710 Nabasiita Fatuma 10,000 Cash Total Cash & Pledges 17,130,425,645

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