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Agnikumara Rasa A Herbo Mineral Formulation Review

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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD)

Volume 5 Issue 3, March-April 2021 Available Online: e-ISSN: 2456 – 6470

Agnikumara Rasa- A Herbo-Mineral Formulation Review

Megha Gp1, Sulochana Rathod2, Ravi R Chavan3
Scholar, 2Professor, 3Professor and HOD,
1, 2, 3Department
of Rasashastra and Bhaishajya Kalpana,
Taranath Govt. Ayurvedic Medical College, Ballari, Karnataka, India

ABSTRACT How to cite this paper: Megha Gp |

Ayurveda places great emphasis on prevention and encourages the Sulochana Rathod | Ravi R Chavan
maintenance of health through close attention to balance in one’s life, right "Agnikumara Rasa- A Herbo-Mineral
thinking, diet, lifestyle and the use of herbs. Human is in perfect health when Formulation Review"
the tridosha(VPK), digestive fire( digestion, assimilation and metabolism) all Published in
the body tissues and components( dhatus) all the excretory functions(the International Journal
physiological functions of urination and defecation) are in perfect order with a of Trend in Scientific
pleasantly disposed and contented mind, senses and spirit. But in present era, Research and
due to robotic behaviour of human results in illness or altered digestion leads Development (ijtsrd),
to manifestation of ama. ISSN: 2456-6470, IJTSRD39792
Volume-5 | Issue-3,
Ayurveda has numerous formulations to combat ama. Agnikumara rasa is one
April 2021, pp.251-253, URL:
such formulations which includes shuddhaparada, shuddhagandhaka,
shuddhavatsanabha, shuddhagandhaka, shuddhatankana, maricha,
shankhabhasma, vatatikabhasma and jambeera rasa as bhavana dravya. The
Copyright © 2021 by author(s) and
main aim of this article is to review pharmacological properties and to discuss
International Journal of Trend in Scientific
probable mode of action of agnikumara rasa.
Research and Development Journal. This
is an Open Access article distributed
under the terms of
the Creative
Commons Attribution
License (CC BY 4.0)

There are abounding references of agnikumara rasa are related to GIT which results in formation of ama. Agnikumar
available in classics. In that, 31 references are found in BBR rasa is one such formulation which combat/ acts on ama.
and 50 references are found in rasa yoga sagara. Most of Yogaratnakara’sagnikumara rasa1 is a herbo-mineral
these agnikuamara rasa are indicated in ama condition. preparation and is khalvirasayana containing kajjali and
Mechanical lifestyle of human being results in many diseases other ingredients.
Table 1: list of ingredients of agnikumara rasa
Ingredients Scientific name Family Part used Quantity(in parts)
Sh.parada Hydragium ------- ----- 1p
Sh. gandhdaka Sulphur ------- ----- 1p
Sh.vatsanabha Aconitum ferox Rananculaceae root 1p
Sh.tankana Borax ------- ----- 1p
Maricha Piper nigrum Piperaceae fruit 8p
Shankhabhasma Turbinellapyrum Turbinellidae ----- 2p
Kapardabhasma Cypreamoneta Cypraeidae ----- 2p
Jambeera Citrus limen Rutaceae fruit q.s
Method of preparation:
Extraction of parada from hingula by urdwapatana yantra2.
Shodhana of vatsanabha by gomutrastapana for 3 days3.
Shodhana of gandhaka in dolayantra by subjecting it to kurma puta by bhudhara yantra method4.
Shodhana of tankana by bharjana till it becomes supushpita and nastaneera5.
Shodhana of shankha by amla dravya by swedana in dola yantra for 1 prahara. Shodhitashankha is enclosed in
sharavasamputa and subjected to gaja puta to get shankha bhasma6
Shodhana of varata by amla dravya by swedana in dola yantra for 1 yama. Shoditavarata is enclosed in sharavasamputa
and subjected to gaja puta to get varata bhasma7.
The ingredients sh.parada, sh.gandhaka, sh.vatsanabha, sh.tankana will be taken in 1p each, maricha 8p, shankhabhasma and
varatabhasma will be taken in 2p each. All these are mixed well to get homogenous mixture.

@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD39792 | Volume – 5 | Issue – 3 | March-April 2021 Page 251
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) @ eISSN: 2456-6470
Then bhavana with jambeeraswarasa carried out for 7 days.
Dwigunjamatra of vati will be prepared and stored in an air tight container.
Table 2: list of rasapanchaka
Ingredients Rasa Guna Veerya Vipaka Karma
Sh.parada8 Shadrasa Sara,snidgha, guru ushna madhura yogavahi
Sh.gandhaka9 Madhura ushna madhura deepana, grahi
Sh.vatsanabha10 Katu, tikta, Kashaya Sara ushna madhura pachana, agnikaraka,
Sh.tankana11 Kshareeya Ruksha,teekshna,guru ushna ------ agnikara, lekhana, rechana
Maricha12 Katu, tikta rukhsa, ushna katu deepana, ruchya, chedana
Kashaya, katu, Laghu,
Shankha bhasma13 sheeta ------ agnideepaka, lekhana
kshareeya sheeta
varata bhasma14 Katu, tikta ushna ------ deepana, vrushya
Jambeera15 Amla Laghu ushna amla deepana, pachana, ruchya

Indication: CONCLUSION:
Vistabdajeerana The main cause of disease is ama i.e, indigestion. The line of
Visuchika treatment for agnimandyajanyavikara’s is the correction of
Kapharoga agni. It is clear from the literature that agnikumara rasa has
been used in agnimandyajanyavikaras as the ingredients of
this formulation contains katu, tikta, kshareeya rasa, laghu,
2 gunja
ushna, teekshnaguna, deepaka, pachaka and agnivardaka,
DISCUSSION: lekhana etc properties. Thus, it has broad spectrum activity
In this reference, agnikumara rasa is indicated in visuchika. in the management of agnimandyajanyavikaras.
The symptoms of visuchika are atisara, vamathu, pipasa, REFERENCES:
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@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD39792 | Volume – 5 | Issue – 3 | March-April 2021 Page 253

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