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Shatapushpa Taila An Ayurvedic Formulation For Menstrual Problems

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Journal of Natural & Ayurvedic Medicine


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Shatapushpa Taila: An Ayurvedic Formulation for Menstrual


Singh S1*, Kumar SA2, Kavya GM3 and Sharma KK4

Review Article
PG Scholar, Department of Panchakarma, Uttarakhand Ayurved University, India Volume 6 Issue 2
Professor and Head, Department of Panchakarma, Uttarakhand Ayurved University, India Received Date: April 30, 2022
Professor and Head, Ph.D. Department of Prasuti Tantra and Stri Roga, Uttarakhand Ayurved Published Date: June 24, 2022
University, India DOI: 10.23880/jonam-16000347

*Corresponding author: Shivangi Singh, PG Scholar, Department of Panchakarma, Rishikul Campus, Uttarakhand Ayurved
University, Dehradun, India, Email:


Disease and modern world are mimic to each other. Ayurvedic medicines are becoming increasingly popular with having many
benefits in chronic disorders in today’s era. Shatapushpa (an Ayurvedic herb) commonly known as dill. It grows annually and
is known for its aromatic leaves and seeds. It enhances female health, boosts breast milk production, soothes joint pains, cures
urinary complaints, calms boils and swellings and manages PCOS. According to Acharya Kashyapa in Kalp Sthana, Shatapushpa
is just like nectar to the women who suffer from menstrual problems like amenorrhea, menometrorrhagia, oligomenorrhoea,
infertility, early menopause, absence of menarche etc. Shatapushpa can be used in powder, decoction and oil form. In this
article we will discuss about Taila (oil) form of Shatapushpa and their action on menstrual problems. Acharya Kashyapa and
Charaka mentioned the preparation of Shatapushpa Taila and its Taila should be used in the form of Nasya, Pana, Snehana,
Abhyanga, and Basti.

Keywords: Shatapushpa; Menstrual problems; Taila; Kashyapa

Introduction as dill or soya. It grows annually. The seeds of Shatapushpa

enriched with aromatic characters and are flat, small and
Our modern lifestyle i.e. sedentary lifestyle creates many very light in color. It is known for its spice and essential oil.
health issues because of increasing stress and over eating It is used by Egyptian doctors 5000 years ago. In the middle
of junk foods. According to Ayurvedic concept, Agni is the ages, it was in use to protect against witchcraft and Greeks
prime and ultimate factor in the process of maintenance used this plant for getting sleep.
of life [1]. Improper functioning of Agni can cause many
diseases. Menstrual problems is a major problem faced by Shatapushpa contains essential oils, proteins,
many women’s in today’s era because of their sedentary carbohydrates, fatty oil, moisture, fiber and mineral elements
lifestyle which causes vitiation of Agni and Mana both which such as calcium, potassium, magnesium, phosphorous,
further affects Dhatu and develop unbalancing of hormones. sodium, vitamin A and niacin. Essential oil contains carvone,
For these problems Acharya Kashyap mentions Shatapushpa limonene, and a-phellandrene. This plant has anti-convulsion,
as nectar [2]. Shatapushpa (Anethum graveolens) also known anti- cramp, anti-emetic, antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory,

Shatapushpa Taila: An Ayurvedic Formulation for Menstrual Problems Nat Ayurvedic Med
Journal of Natural & Ayurvedic Medicine

gastric, analgesic and mucosal protective properties and

used to increase progesterone concentration. According to To this Kwatha, the common drugs said in Dhatri
Bhavprakash Nighantu, it states that the different names Chikitsa (PRAKSHEPAKA) each 1 Pala i.e. 48 gram are mixed
of Soya are Shatapushpa, Shatahva, Madhura Karvi, Missi, and cooked again. Then 1 Adaka i.e 3.73 liter Tila Taila and
Atilambi, Sitchatra and Sahintchatra [3]. It aggravates Pitta Chaturguna i.e. 14.92 liters Dugdha is mixed and cooked
and promotes digestive fire and having pungent taste with well. It will cook until Tailavashesha remains. This Taila is
hot potency. This manages fever, Vata, Kapha, pain and eye cooled and filtered.
According to Acharya Charaka in Madhura Skanda, total
Acharya Kashyapa has described the effect of Shatapushpa 85 drugs are mentioned in this Skanda where Shatapushpa
in Beejotsarga. The Rasa and Virya of Shatapushpa described is one of them [5]. According to Acharya Charaka, if these
in Kashyapa Samhita are different from Dravya Guna Vigyana drugs are capable of cutting, then cutting them into pieces
[4]. In Kashyapa Samhita, Rasa is Madhura and Virya is Ushana and if they are capable of penetrating, then after doing small
while in Dravya Guna, Rasa is Katu, Tikta and Virya is Ushana. piercing, wash them with water and keep them in a clean
It effects on Vata and Kapha Dosha and have Artavajanana plate, mix milk and water and cook it. When lot of water
properties. In Charaka Samhita, this herb is used in decoction dries up, the juice of medicine comes out in water and milk
enema (Asthapanopaga) and oil enema (Anuvasananopaga) does not burn, then take off the fire and filter it hot. Then mix
therapy. According to Kashyapa Samhita, Shatapushpa have Taila, Vasa, Majja or Rabb in it and cooked it well.
rejuvenating and intellect promoting properties.

According to reference of Acharya Kashyap [2], Material and Methods

Shatapushpa Taila is prepared as follows: 100 Pala i.e. 4.8 Kg
of Shatapushpa is mixed in 5 Drona i.e. 61.14 L of Jala and Shatapushpa Taila preparation according to Acharya
heated till it gets reduced to Chaturamsha i.e. 1/4th. Then Kashyapa [2] (Table 1).
cool down and filtered the Kwatha.

Ingredients Ingredients Latin Name Family Rasa Panchaka Karma

Rasa- katu, tikta Guna- laghu, Kaphavatashama
1 Shatapushpa Anethum sowaKurz. Umbelliferae ruksha, tikshna Veerya-ushna Artavajanana
Vipaka- katu Vatanulomana
Rasa- tikta, kashaya Guna- guru, Tridoshshamaka
Tinospora cordifolia
2 Guduchi Menispermac eae snigdha Veerya- ushna Vipaka- Vednasthapana
madhura Rasayana
Rasa- madhura Guna- guru, Vatashamaka
Tribulus terrestris
3 Gokshura Zygophyllace ae snigdha Veerya- sheeta Vipaka- Vednasthapana
madhura Garbhasthapana
Rasa- tikta, katu Guna- laghu,
Comiphora mukul Shothahara
4 Guggul Burseraceae ruksha, tikshana, vishada
Hook ex. Stocks. Vednasthapana
Veerya- ushna Vipaka- katu
Cinnamom Rasa- tikta, katu, madhura Tridoshshamaka
5 Karpura camphora Nees & Lauraceae Guna- laghu, tikshana Veerya- Raktautkleshaka
Eberm sheeta Vipaka- katu Vednasthapana
Kaphavatas hamaka
Rasa- tikta, katu Guna- laghu,
and pittavardhaka
6 Vacha Acarus calamusLinn. Araceae tikshana Veerya- ushna Vipaka-

Singh S, et al. Shatapushpa Taila: An Ayurvedic Formulation for Menstrual Problems. Nat Ayurvedic Copyright© Singh S, et al.
Med 2022, 6(2): 000347.
Journal of Natural & Ayurvedic Medicine

Rasa- tikta, kashaya Guna-
8 Daruharidra Berberis aristata DC. Berberidaceae laghu, ruksha Veerya- ushna
Raktashodhaka Works
Vipaka- katu
on Yakrit
Rasa- tikta, Kashaya, madhura
9 Manjistha Rubia cordifoliaLinn. Rubiaceae Guna- guru, ruksha Veerya-
ushna Vipaka- katu
Rasa- tikta, katu Guna- laghu,
Syzygium Kaphapittas hamaka
10 Lavang pushpa Myrtaceae snigdha Veerya- sheeta Vipaka-
aromaticum Linn. Raktautkles haka
Tridoshsha maka
Rasa- madhura, tikta Guna-
Hemidesmus indicus Raktashodh ak
11 Sariva Asclepiadace ae guru, snigdha Veerya- sheeta
R. Br. Shothahara Garbhastha
Vipaka- madhura
Rasa- madhura Guna- laghu, Vatapittashamaka
12 Bala Sida cordifoliaLinn. Malvaceae snigdha, pichilla Veerya -sheeta Vednasthapana
Vipaka- madhura Shothahara Balya
Rasa- Kashaya, tiktaGuna- Kaphavatas hamaka
13 Bilva Aegle marmelosCorr. Rutaceae laghu, ruksha Veerya- ushna Vednasthapana
Vipaka- katu Shothahara
Rasa- tikta, Kashaya, madhura Tridoshshamaka
Gmelina arborea
14 Gambhari Verbenaceae Guna- guru Veerya- ushna Shothhara Garbhastha
Vipaka- katu pana
Rasa- tikta, kashaya Guna- Tridoshshamaka
15 Patala Bignoniaceae laghu, ruksha Veerya- ushna Vednasthapana
suaveolens DC.
Vipaka- katu Shothhara
Kaphavatas hamaka
Rasa-katu,tikta Guna-
Solanum indicum Raktashodhaka
16 Brihati Solanaceae laghu,ruksha, tikshana Veerya-
Linn. Vednasthapana
ushna Vipaka- katu
Kaphavatas hamaka
Solanum Rasa-katu,tikta Guna-
17 Kantakari xanthocarpum Solanaceae laghu,ruksha, tikshana Veerya-
Schrad & Wendl. ushna Vipaka-katu
Rasa-madhura, tikta Guna-guru,
Desmodium Shothahara
18 Shalaparni Leguminosae snigdha Veerya-ushna Vipaka-
gangeticum DC. Shonitasthapana
Rasa-tikta,kashaya Guna- Kaphapittashamaka
Adhatoda vasica
19 Vasa Acanthaceae ruksha,laghu Veerya-sheeta Vednasthapana
Vipaka-katu Shothahara
Pluchea lanceolata Rasa-tikta Guna-guru Veerya-
20 Rasna Compositae Vednasthapana
C. B. Clarke. ushna Vipaka-katu
Rasa-tikta,katu, madhura Guna- Kaphavatas hamaka
Saussurea lappa C.B.
21 Khushtha Compositae laghu,ruksha, tikshana Veerya- Vednasthapana
ushna Vipaka- katu Artavajanana

Singh S, et al. Shatapushpa Taila: An Ayurvedic Formulation for Menstrual Problems. Nat Ayurvedic Copyright© Singh S, et al.
Med 2022, 6(2): 000347.
Journal of Natural & Ayurvedic Medicine

Rasa- katu, madhura Guna-

Lesser cardamom
22 Laghu Ella Zingiberaceae laghu, ruksha Veerya- sheeta Tridoshshamaka
Vipaka- madhura
Rasa- madhura, tikta Guna-
Asparagus Vatapittashamaka
23 Shatavari Liliaceae guru, snigdha Veerya- sheeta
recemosus Willd. Vednasthapana
Vipaka- madhura
Rasa- tikta, katu Guna- laghu,
Ipomoea turpenth Kaphapittasamsdhana
24 Trivrita(shya ma) Convolvulace ae ruksha, tikshana Veerya- ushna
Silva Manso. Sukhvirechana
Vipaka- katu
Rasa- tikta, kashaya Guna-
25 Khadira Acacia catechuWild. Leguminosae laghu, ruksha Veerya- sheeta
Shonitastha pana
Vipaka- katu
Kaphavatas hamaka
Rasa- katu, tikta, madhura
Cinnamomum Pittavardhaka
26 Twak Lauraceae Guna- laghu, ruksha, tikshana
zeylanica Blume. Raktautkleshaka
Veerya- ushna Vipaka- katu
Rasa- madhura, kashaya Guna-
27 Katphala Moraceae guru, snigdha Veerya- sheeta Vatapittashamaka
intagrefolia Linn.
Vipaka- madhura
Rasa- madhura, tikta, kashaya Tridoshshamaka
Boerhavia diffusa
28 Punarnava Nyctaginaceae Guna- laghu, ruksha Veerya- Raktavardhaka
ushna Vipaka- madhura Shothahara
Picrorhiza kurroa Rasa- tikta Guna- laghu, ruksha
29 Katuki Scrophulariac eae Kaphapittahara
Royle ex Benth. Veerya- sheeta Vipaka- katu
Rasa- madhura Guna- guru,
Pueraria tuberose Vatapittashamaka
30 Vidharikanda Leguminosae snigdha Veerya- sheeta Vipaka-
DC. Shonitasthapana
Kaphavatas hamaka
Rasa- tikta, katu, Kashaya,
Premna muceronata Vednasthapana
31 Agnimantha Verbenaceae madhura Guna- laghu, ruksha
Roxb. Shothahara
Veerya- ushna Vipaka- katu
Rasa- madhura, amla Guna-
32 Kapittha Feronia elephantum. Rutaceae guru, snigdha Veerya- sheeta Vata pitta shamaka
Vipaka- madhura
Rasa- tikta, kashaya Guna-
Abrus precatorius Kaphavatas hamaka
33 Gunja Leguminosae laghu,ruksha, tikshana Veerya-
Linn. Vednasthapana
ushna Vipaka- katu
Rasa-kashaya Guna- laghu, Kaphavatas hamaka
Dolichos biflorus
34 Kullatha Leguminosae ruksha, tikshana Veerya-ushna Pittavardhaka
Vipaka- amla Raktavardhaka
Rasa- madhura Guna- ruksha,
Hordeum vulgare Tridoshsha maka
35 Yava Poaceae mridu Veerya- sheeta Vipaka-
Linn. Medohara
Rasa-katu,tikta Guna- Kaphavatas hamaka
Acularia agallocha
36 Agaru Thymelaeace ae laghu,ruksha, tikshana Veerya- Shothahara Vednasthap
ushna Vipaka- katu ana
Rasa- madhura Guna- guru,
37 Akshodaka Juglans regiaLinn Juglandaceae snigdha Veerya- ushna Vipaka-
Raktadoshh ara

Singh S, et al. Shatapushpa Taila: An Ayurvedic Formulation for Menstrual Problems. Nat Ayurvedic Copyright© Singh S, et al.
Med 2022, 6(2): 000347.
Journal of Natural & Ayurvedic Medicine

Rasa- tikta Guna- laghu, ruksha,

Citrullus colocynthis Kaphapittah ara
38 Indravaruni Cucurbitaceae tikshana Veerya- ushna Vipaka-
Schrad Raktashodh aka
39 Saindhav lavana Rock salt Rasa- Guna- Veerya- Vipaka
Rasa- tikta, katu, madhura hamaka Shothahara
Meda & Mahameda Withania somnifera
40 Solanaceae Guna- laghu, snigdha Veerya- Vednasthapana
Ashwgandha Dunal.
ushna Vipaka- madhura Raktashodhaka
Kakoli & Rasa- madhura, tikta Guna-
Asparagus Vatapittashamaka
41 Ksheerakakoli Liliaceae guru, snigdha Veerya- sheeta
recemosus Willd Vednasthapana
Shatavari Vipaka- madhura
Rasa- madhura Guna- guru,
42 Jivaka Vidari Puperia tuberose Fabaceae snigdha Veerya- sheeta Vipaka- Vatapittash amaka
43 Tila Taila
44 Go Dugdha
Rasa-madhura Guna-guru,
Vatapittash amaka
45 Draksha Vitis viniferaLinn. Vitaceae snigdha, mridu Veerya-sheeta
Garbhastha pana
Rasa-tikta, katu Guna-laghu, Tridoshshamaka
46 Haridra Curcuma longaLinn. Zingiberacae ruksha Veerya-ushna Vipaka- Vednasthapana
katu Raktavardhaka
Rasa-tikta, madhura Guna-
47 Ushira Graminae laghu, ruksha Veerya-sheeta Kaphapittas hamaka
zizanioides Linn.
Rasa-tikta Guna-snigdha, Tridoshsha maka
48 Shankhapushpi Convolvulace ae pichilla Veerya-sheeta Vipaka- Keshvardhaka
pluricaulis Choisy
madhura Prajasthapana
Rasa-tikta, madhura Guna-
Santalum album Kaphapittas hamaka
49 Chandana Santalaceae laghu, ruksha Veerya-sheeta
Linn. Raktshodha ka
Tridoshsha maka
Rasa-panchrasa (Kashaya
Terminalia chebula Shothahara Vednasthap
50 Haritaki Combretaceae pradhana) Guna-laghu, ruksha
Retz. anaGarbhashay
Veerya-ushna Vipaka-madhura
Rasa-kashaya Guna- Tridoshshamaka
Terminalia bellirica
51 Bhibhitaki Combretaceae laghu,ruksha Veerya-ushna Shothahara
Vipaka-madhura Vednasthapana
Rasa- panchrasa (amla
Emblica officinalis pradhana) Guna- guru, ruksha, Tridoshsha maka
52 Amalaki Euphorbiaceae
Gaertn. sheeta Veerya- sheeta Vipaka- Garbhastha pana
Kaphavatas hamaka
Rasa- tikta, katu, madhura
Withania somnifera Shothahara Vednasthap
53 Ashwagandh a Solanaceae Guna- laghu, snigdha Veerya-
Dunal. ana Raktashodh aka
ushna Vipaka- madhura
Table 1: Preparation of Shatapushpa Taila according to Acharya Kashyap.

Singh S, et al. Shatapushpa Taila: An Ayurvedic Formulation for Menstrual Problems. Nat Ayurvedic Copyright© Singh S, et al.
Med 2022, 6(2): 000347.
Journal of Natural & Ayurvedic Medicine

Method of Preparation (18 drugs), Guru (17 drugs), Tikshna (14 drugs), Pichilla
(2 drugs), Mridu (2 drugs), Vishada (1 drug), Sheeta (1
Materials required drug).
• Murchhitt Til Taila: 25 Liter • Veerya: Ushna (28 drugs), Sheeta (23 drugs).
• Go-dughdha: 30 Liter • Vipaka: Katu (27 drugs), Madhura (22 drugs), Amla (1
• Kalka: Shatapushpa-8kg, Rest Each Drug-80 gm drug).
• Kwatha: Shatapushpa-20 kg, rest each drug-120 gm 16
times of water reduced to one-fourth. Discussion
Preparation of Taila Proper functioning of Agni balances the both body
Day 1 and mind. Its dysfunction affects the whole body because
• Shatapushpa is taken in amount of 22 kg and rest of when we take Ahara (meal), Agni digest it and divided into
drugs in taken in amount of 120 gm each. two parts i.e. Sara and Kitt Bhaga. Rasa Dhatu is first Dhatu
• All drugs are done Yavkuta and 16 times of water have which is produced soon after digestion and it is the essence
been added. of the food that circulates all over the body and nourishes
• Then Kwatha is prepared till the amount of water is all the Dhatus. It circulates in the Sharira since conception
reduced to one-fourth in Madhayama Paak. to death. Its prime site is Hridyam and Dasha Dhamanya,
Day 2 and in the same way, Manas Adhisthana is Hridyam. An
• The rest of Shatapushpa – 8 kg and along with remaining affliction of Manas directly affects Rasa Dhatu, Hridya and
each drug in amount of 80 gm each is taken. Rasavahasrotas.
• Yavkut is done with the help of Kharala and furthermore
water is added in required amount to obtain Kalka. The emotional factors like excessive thoughts, stress, fear,
Day 3 anger etc. leads to vitiation of Rasavahasrotas. On considering
• Kwatha and Kalka were prepared. the Rasapradoshaja Vikaras most of the causative factors are
• Now Kwatha, Go-dughdh, Kalka and Murchhitt Til-Taila unwholesome food and lifestyle related [6]. So if we follow
are mixed together and kept for Madhayama Snehapaka. sedentary lifestyle i.e. improper intake of Ahara(Diet) and
• Sneha Paka Siddha Lakshana: (For Madhyampaka) Vihara(stress, fear , anger etc.) causes unbalancing of Doshas
• Vartivat Sneha Kalka: Kalka attains perfect wick shape (Samana Vayu, Pachaka Pitta and Kledaka Kapha) which
when rolled between thumb and index finger. leads to dysfunctioning of Agni and Mana which further
• Shabda Hino Agni Kshiptaha: No sound when subjected affect the Rasa Dhatu and Rasa Dhatu affects Uttarutatdhatu
to fire. causes many gastrointestinal, metabolic, psychological
• Gandha, Varna, Ras Otpattihi: Odor, color and taste of disorders. Menstrual problems is one of them which is
added drugs is appreciable in the Sneha. developed by unbalancing of hormones and reason behind
• Phenodgama Taila: Appearance of foam in Taila. this is sedentary lifestyle (Apathaya Ahara and Vihara) which
causes vitiation of Agni and Mana further Rasa Dhatu and
Therapeutic uses of Madhyam Snehapaka its Updhatu i.e. Artava and Stanya. The term Artava has two
(Table 2). meaning like ovum and menstrual blood both (Table 3,4).

Charaka Samhita Basti, Pana Deepana and Proper digestion of food and balancing
Sushruta Samhita Nasya, Abhyanga Pachana of Agni
Ashtang Hridyam Basti, Pana Brimhani Anabolic action
Sharangdhar Samhita and Bhaishajya Balya Pushti Provide strength
All Purposes
Ratnavali Varnagni Promoter of nutrition complexion and
Table 2: Therapeutic uses of Madhyam Snehapaka. Vardhini fire
Rutupravartini Initiator of menstrual cycle
Analysis of Rasa Panchaka of all ingredients Yoni Shukra Purifies reproductive organ in females
Vishodhini and spermatic fluid in male
• Rasa: Madhura (28 drugs), Amla (2 drugs), Lavana (1
drug), Katu (15 drugs), Tikta (36drugs), Kashaya (14 Putraprada Help in achieving conception
drugs). Table 3: Pharmacological action of Shatapushpa (Vata Kapha
• Guna: Laghu (32 drugs), Ruksha (28 drugs), Snigdha Shamakaii)[2].

Singh S, et al. Shatapushpa Taila: An Ayurvedic Formulation for Menstrual Problems. Nat Ayurvedic Copyright© Singh S, et al.
Med 2022, 6(2): 000347.
Journal of Natural & Ayurvedic Medicine

It relives dysmenorrhea due to inhibition of prostaglandin production and antispas-

modic action
Amenorrhea, Oligomenorrhea and Because of their Phytoestrogen activity. They can beneficial in both hyper estrogenic and
Menorrhagia and Menopause hypo estrogenic state in the body.
Its Madhura, Brihana, Balya and Rasayana properties increases the thickness of endome-
trium and responsiveness of endometrium to bear conception.
Lactation It has capacity to increase the production of milk and can be used as galactogouge
Due to Katu Rasa and Ruksha Tikshna Gunaproperty, it removes the obstruction in
PCOS Srotas and curettes the Uplepa produced by Kapha and dilate the passage by Lekhana
Table 4: Benefits of Shatapushpa in various menstrual problems.

If Shatapushpa Taila is given in a form of (Vidyotini Hindi Commentary). In: Shastri KN, et al.
Anuvasana Basti (Eds.), 1st (Edn.), Chikitsa Sthana 15/40, Chaukhambha
Bharati Academy, India 2: 459.
According to Charaka, proper administration of
Anuvasana Basti gives following symptoms- Return 2. Sharma PH (1989) Vriddha Jivaka, Kashyapa Samhita
of administered enema with fecal matter without any or (Vriddha Jivakiyam Tantram) the Vidyotini hindi
obstruction, purifies body elements such as Rakta (Blood), commentary. 6th (Edn.), Ka.Kalpa Shatpushpashatavri
Buddhi and Indriya (clarifies intellect and senses), imparts kalpadhyaya, Chaukhamba Samskrit Samsthan, India 5:
sound sleep, causes lightness and strength in the body[7]. 185-186.

3. Chunekar KC (1998) The Bhavprakash nighantu and

If Shatapushpa Taila is given in a form of Nasya elaborated hindi commentary. In: Pandey GS (Ed.),
89(92): 35-36.
Appropriate administration of Shirovirechana gives rise to
lightening of the chest and head, clarity of the senses and 4. Sharma PV (2001) Dravyaguna Vigyana. Chaukhamba
cleaning of the micro channels of the body [8]. Bharti Academy, Varanasi, India, 2: 403.

Conclusion 5. Trikanji AY (2009) Agnivesha Charaka samhita. 1st (Edn.),

Vimana Sthana 8/139, Chaukambha Sanskrit Sansthan
Healthy menstrual cycle is very important factor for women’s publishers, Varanasi, India.
conception and production of new generations. Keeping
above facts in mind we will conclude that sedentary lifestyle 6. Trikanji AY (2009) Agnivesha Charaka samhita. 1st (Edn.),
(Apathaya Ahara and Vihara) is important factor for vitiation Vimana Sthana 5/13, Chaukambha Sanskrit Sansthan
of Agni and Mana which further affects Dhatus and develop publishers, Varanasi, India.
many menstrual problems. Shatapushpa is herb with wide
7. Trikanji AY (2009) Agnivesha Charaka samhita. 1st (Edn.),
range of constituents and many pharmacological effects and
Vimana Sthana 1/44, Chaukambha Sanskrit Sansthan
works as a wonder drug in restoring health as well as various
publishers, Varanasi, India.
gynecological disorders suffered by most of the females in
the present era. It has preventive as well as curative aspects 8. Trikanji AY (2009) Agnivesha Charaka samhita. 1st (Edn.),
with minimal adverse effects. Vimana Sthana 1/51, Chaukambha Sanskrit Sansthan
publishers, Varanasi, India.
1. Shastri KN, Chaturvedi GN (2004) Charak Samhita

Singh S, et al. Shatapushpa Taila: An Ayurvedic Formulation for Menstrual Problems. Nat Ayurvedic Copyright© Singh S, et al.
Med 2022, 6(2): 000347.

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