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wjpmr, 2023, 9(9), 40-49 SJIF Impact Factor: 5.

Review Article
World Journal of Pharmaceutical and Medical Research


Dr. Ritoo Vishwakarma1*, Dr. Jitendra Pandagre2, Dr. Mahendra Dasondhi3 and Dr. Mahendra Raghuwanshi4
PG Scholar, Department of Dravyaguna, Rani Dullaiya Smriti Ayurved P.G. College and Hospital, Bhopal.
Associate Professor, Department of Dravyaguna, Rani Dullaiya Smriti Ayurved P.G. College and Hospital, Bhopal.
Assistant Professor, Department of Dravyaguna, Rani Dullaiya Smriti Ayurved P.G. College and Hospital, Bhopal.

*Corresponding Author: Dr. Ritoo Vishwakarma

PG Scholar, Department of Dravyaguna, Rani Dullaiya Smriti Ayurved P.G. College and Hospital, Bhopal.

Article Received on 25/06/2023 Article Revised on 15/07/2023 Article Accepted on 04/08/2023

Ayurveda, a medicinal plant based traditional Indian Medicine system plays an important role in health care today
to world population as an alternative and contemporary medicine. India is known as the "Emporium of Medicinal
plants" due to abundance of several thousands of medicinal plants in the different bioclimatic zones. Martynia
diandra, locally known as “Vinchchuda” (English name - “Devil’s claw”), Family- Martyniaceae, has a diverse
pharmacological and phytochemical properties. Martynia diandra Glox., is a small herbaceous annual medicinal
plant, a native of Mexico, however, found throughout India. In Ayurveda, Martynia diandra Glox. is known as
“kakanasika”. The entire plant contains biologically active constituents such as luteolin, flavonoids and phenolic
compounds that have been reported to show potentially significant pharmacological activities. Therefore, the herb
is widely used in traditional systems of medicines. However, the studies of the pharmacological activities are
inadequate and further research is required for the determination of the therapeutic benefits as well as the toxic
effects of the plant. The aim of this review article is to gather and summarize the information related to
Pharmacognostical, ethnobotanical, phytochemical, traditional and pharmacological activities of Martynia diandra

KEYWORDS: Kaknasika, Vinchchuda, Pharmacognosy, Ethnobotany, Phytochemistry, Pharmacology.


Since past several decades, the indigenous and traditional Information obtained about Martynia diandra Glox. from
system of treatment has gained much importance over classical textbooks as well as Research papers published
the modern system of medicine due to its effective and on Martynia diandra Glox. were collected from world
economic treatment without any side effects. Modern wide web.
drugs may have severe side effects, but herbal drugs
ensure safety and efficacy. In order to make sure the safe III. CLASSICAL REVIEW
use of these medicines, the first step necessary is to A. In Brihatrayi
review the whole plant for its potential as a medicinal 1. Charaka Samhita
plant. Materia medica of India provides lots of Acharya Charaka has mentioned Kakanasa in Madhur
information on the folklore practices and traditional skandha[4], It is an ingredients of Chyavanprashavaleha
aspects of therapeutically important natural products. for Rasayan Karma[4], Tryushnadi Ghrita for Kasa
Martynia diandra Glox., known as “Kaknasa” in Rog[5], Dhupan Dravya for Apasmara Rog[6] and Baladi
Ayurveda and locally known as “Vinchchuda” (English yamak sneha for Yoni roga chikitsa.[7]
name “Devil’s claw”), is a small herbaceous annual
medicinal plant found throughout India. The entire plant 2. Sushruta Samhita
have been used for many therapeutic indications like Acharya Sushruta has mentioned Kakanasa in madhur
analgesic, anti-inflammatory, wound healing, varga and Anuvasan Vasti Dravya along with other
antifertility, anti-oxidant, anti-diabetic, etc., The drugs.[8]
evaluation of the therapeutic properties of the drugs is
mostly based on Pharmacognostical, Phytochemical and B. In Nighantus
Pharmacological investigations. 1. Dhanwantari Nighantu
This is one of the most authentic texts of Dravyaguna
written in 10th century A.D. In this text Author has │ Vol 9, Issue 9, 2023. │ ISO 9001:2015 Certified Journal │ 40

Vishwakarma et al. World Journal of Pharmaceutical and Medical Research

categorised this plant in Karveeradi Varga and it is said काकाङ्गी,

to have Tikta Rasa, Ushna Virya and is used for
Purification of wound (External use), constipation and its काकतुन्क्डफ़ऱा
fruits are used for preparation of oil. In Dhanwantari
Nighantu, synonyms of Kakanasa are –[9] 4. Raj Nighantu.
काकनासा ध्वान्क्षनासा काकतुण्डफ़ऱा च सा। This is one of the most authentic texts of Dravyaguna
written in 17th century A.D. In this text author has
सुरङ्गी तस्करस्नायुध्वााष तुन्क्डफ़ऱा मता।। categorised this plant in Guduchiyadi Varga. It is
काकनासा constituted by Madhur Rasa, Sheet Virya. It is used in
Pittaj Vikar, Greying of Hairs and also used as
ध्वान्क्षनासा Rasayana. In Raj Nighantu, it is known as.[12]
काकतुण्डफ़ऱा काकनासा ध्वान्क्षनासा काकतुण्डफ़ऱा च वायसी।
सुरङ्गी सुरङ्गी तस्करस्नायुध्वााष तुन्क्डफ़ऱा सुनाशसका ।।
तस्करस्नायु काकनासा
ु डफ़ऱा ध्वान्क्षनासा
2. Kaidev Nighantu
This is one of the most authentic texts of Dravyaguna वायसी
written in 14th century A.D. In this text, Author has सुरङ्गी
categorised this plant in Aushadhi Varga and Kakanasa
has been constituted to have Kashaya (Astringent), Tikta तस्करस्नायुध्वााष
(Bitter), Katu (Pungent) Rasa, has katu vipaka and has तुन्क्डफ़ऱा
Ushna Virya. It is used in Shotha, Rakta Vikar, Switra,
Kushtha, Kaphaj Vikar and it also used for emetic सुनाशसका
काकस्यसस्या काकाङ्गी चोस्नाायु शिरोबऱा। काकस्यसस्या 5. Adarsha Nighantu
In this text author has categorised this herb in Arkadi
काकाङ्गी Varga. According to Acharya Vapalal Vaidya Kakanasa
चोस्नाायु is a controversial drug, Fruit of Kakanasa Should be
resemblance with Beak of crow but Martynia diandra
शिरोबऱा। Glox has Trikantak (3 hooks) in shape and Trikantak is
synonym given to Gokshur in ayurvedic literature so
3. Bhavprakash Nighantu. according to him due to its shape it should be considered
This is one of the most authentic texts of Dravyaguna as original Gokshura. In Aadarsha Nighantu, it is known
written in 16th century A.D. In this text Author has as.[13]
categorised this plant in Guduchiyadi Varga and it has काकनासा
katu, tikta, kashay rasa, ushna virya and katu vipaka. It is
kaphashamak, vaman, shothhar, arsha and kushthahar. काकतुन्क्डफ़ऱा
According Acharya Fruit paste of Martynia diandra Glox सुनाशसका
is used in scorpion Bite by Local use and Oil prepared by
Fruits is used in various Skin Disorders by Local आकािपुष्पी
application and Leaf paste is used in Apachi by Local पं- अम्बरबेऱ
application. In Bhavprakash Nighantu, it is known as.[11]
गु – कौंवादौड़ी,िींगरोटी
काकनासा तु काकाङ्गी काकतन्क्
ु डफ़ऱा च सा। Classical reviews According to Nighantus are
काकनासा, summarized below in Table 1.

Table 1.
Sr. NO. Name of Nighantus Synonyms Rasa Panchak References
Dhanwantari Nighantu काकतुण्डफ़ऱा Rasa – Tikta
1. 9
[10th century A.D] सरु ङ्गी Virya - Ushna
ध्वाङ्षतुन्क्डफ़ऱा │ Vol 9, Issue 9, 2023. │ ISO 9001:2015 Certified Journal │ 41

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काकाङ्गी Rasa – Katu,

Kaidev Nighantu Tikta, Kashay
2. चोस्नाायु 10
[14th century A.D.] Virya-Ushna
शिरोबऱा। Vipaka- Katu
काकनासा, Rasa-Katu, Tikta,
Bhavprakash Nighantu. Kashay
3. काकाङ्गी, 11
[16th century A.D.] Virya – Ushna
काकतुन्क्डफ़ऱा Vipaka- Katu
Raj Nighantu वायसी Rasa-Madhur
4 12
[17th century A.D.] सुरङ्गी Virya - Sheet
5. Adarsha Nighantu: 13
पं- अम्बरबेऱ
गु -कौंवादौड़ी,िींगरोटी

C. In the Ayurvedic Pharmacopoeia of India[API] MORPHOLOGY[18,20,29]

In the Ayurvedic Pharmacopoeia of India Kakanasa Martynia diandra Glox., Family: Martyniaceae, is native
consists of dried seed of Martynia diandra Glox, an of Mexico and It is also found throughout India, in
annual herb found throughout the country in waste rubbish heaps, waster places and road sides. It is a small
places. It has madhur rasa, sheet virya, madhur vipaka herbaceous annual, branched, erect, glandular, hairy,
and pittaghna, dardhyakara, rasayan.[22] Diandral growing herb upto 0.9-1.2 m in height.

IV. PHARMACOGNOSTICAL REVIEW Stems: green, robust, branched and covered with
SYNONYMS glandular hairs. Flowers are drooping, large, pale mauve
 Martynia Annua Linn. or lavender in short spikes at the end of branches. They
 Martynia angulosa Lam. are tubular shaped 4-6 cm long, pink and dark purple
 Martynia proboxidea Glox blotched with yellow inside, foxglove shaped, ill-
 Carpoceras longiflora A. smelling and terminate in 5 spreading lobes with a
 Disteira angulosa (Lam). prominent spot between each lobe.
 Proboscidea cordifolia moench
Leaves: large, simple, opposite, green in colour, broadly
Vernacular Names [11] ovate to triangular-ovate, glandular hairy, 9–22 × 9–20
cm, cordate at base with sinoulate-dentate margin and
 English: Devil’s claw, Tiger’s claw, shanke’s Head;
acute apex, sticky as often covered with glutinous dew-
 Hindi, Punjabi, Urdu: Hathajori, Bichu;
like substance. Glandular hairs exude a slimy sap which
 Gujarati: Vichchida;
gives the plant a clammy feel.
 Marathi: Vinchu;
 Tamil - Thelkodukkukkay; Pulinagam; Flowers: Flowers are purplish white, bell shaped with
 Malayalam: Puli– Nakam; dim purple markings. Pedicels 1– 2 cm long, thickening
 Telugu: Garudamukku,Telukondicchhettu; and recurved. Calyx is around 15-20 mm long. Corolla is
 Konkani: Shernui; around 55-65 mm, tube around 35-45 mm long. Corolla
 Bengali: Bagbnoki. is pipe shaped campanulate, spotted on the inward
surface, the spots yellow, pink or purple. Stamens are
two. │ Vol 9, Issue 9, 2023. │ ISO 9001:2015 Certified Journal │ 42

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Fruits: oblong, green and fleshy when young, becoming yellowish brown to dark brown with rough surface and
black and woody when mature, 3-4 cm long, 1-1.5 cm peeled root is pale yellow in colour.
wide tapering into a long beak (claw), which splits into
two sharp re-curved hooks when dry. Claws are shorter The scientific classification[14]
than the body of the fruit. Kingdom: Plantae
Division: Magnoliophyta
Seeds: Seeds are flat, blackish brown and elongated, two Class: Angiosperms
seeds present in each pod, usually remaining inside the Order: Lamiales
pod. Racemes are long, erect and terminal. Family: Martyniaceae
Genus: Martynia
Root: Roots of Martynia diandra shows cylindrical and Species: Martynia Diandra
slightly tapering shape. Colour of the unpeeled root is

Pictures of Flower and Fruit of Martynia Diandra

Aerial part of Martynia Diandra

Microscopic study[2] protection to plants from predators. They are also

Seed oblong, hard, woody, 2-5 cm long and 1.5-1.7 cm responsible for the morphological characteristics of a
wide surface wrinkled, light brown to black; two sharp plant. Various therapeutic indications of Martynia are
recurved hooks present at anterior end; four prominent due to the presence of primary metabolites like
grooves present each on convex and concave side and on carbohydrates, amino acids, proteins and chlorophylls
lateral sides, 2-4 hairy spines present inside groove on and also due to secondary metabolites like alkaloids,
concave side; no taste and odour.[2] saponins, steroids, flavonoids, tannins, etc.[1,3]

PHYTOCHEMISTRY The higher percentage (69%) of phytochemical

Phytoconstituents are defined as the bioactive chemical constituents was present in the methanolic extract of M.
compounds which are responsible for the Diandra. The phytoconstituents present in different parts
pharmacological activity of herbs. They also offer of M. Diandra are summarized in Table 2 below. │ Vol 9, Issue 9, 2023. │ ISO 9001:2015 Certified Journal │ 43

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Table 2.
Sr. No. Parts of the plant Phytoconstituents Reference
Cyanidin 3- galactoside, p-Hydroxy benzoic acid, Snapic
1 Flowers 15
acid, Gentisic acid.
Chlorogenic acid, Fatty acid [Palmitic acid, Stearic acid,
2 Leaves 15
Arachidic acid], p-Hydroxy benzoic acid, Snapic acid.
Arachidic acid, Linoleic acid, Malvolic acid, Oleic acid,
3 Seeds Palmitic acid, Stearic acid, Apigenin and Apigenin-7-O-beta 17
Gentisic acid, Fatty acids [Palmitic acid, Stearic acid,
4 Fruits 15
Linolic acid, Oleic acid].
5 Whole plant, Flowers 22
Oleic acid
6 Whole plant, Seed 22
Apigenin, Apigenin-7-O-beta- D- glucuronide

V. ETHNOMEDICINAL IMPORTANCE OF The paste of the leaves is used to treat tuberculous

PLANT glands, venomous stings and epilepsy. Its juice is used
The ethnomedicinal use of the plant is recorded from for gargling. Additionally, leaves are consumed in the
local practitioners by taking interview and simple talk treatment of scabies, tuberculosis, sore throat and neck
with them. The fruit is used as medicine. cancer. Fruit paste is utilized as alexiteric and in the
treatment of inflammatory conditions and scorpion
Local Use: A ripened fruit rubbed on a special stone and stings. Fruit oil is used in the treatment of scabies,
made into paste. The paste used to cure the pneumonia in eczema and Tinea corporis. Root extract is used in the
childrens.[11] treatment of sedation, rheumatism, infertility and cancer.
For asthmatic irritation, seed powder is used. Its seed oil
Recorded Uses: The plant is used in boils, eczema, is reported to have good iodine value, which is applied to
epilepsy, hair fall, itch, neck pain, scabies, sore throat, treat itching and skin infections. It is also used for
tonsillitis, vet wounds (S.K. Jain. 2012). The fruit is used arresting grey hair.[2, 8, 9]
as anti-inflammatory and in scorpion sting. The roots are
used in urinary disorders like dysuria etc. The leaves are A detailed view of the ethnomedicinal uses of different
used in epilepsy.[23] parts of the plant is given in Table 3 below.

Ethnobotanical information on Martynia diandra- Ethnobotanical information on Martynia diandra.

Table 3.
Sr. No. Traditional uses Plant part Preparation Reference
1 Antidote to venomous stings Leaves Paste 30
2 Scorpian stings Fruit Paste 25
3 Antifertility Root Extract 30
4 Alexiteric Fruit Paste 27
5 Applied to tuberculous Glands Leaves Paste 27
6 Epilepsy Leaves Paste 23
7 Gargle Leaves Paste 27
8 Inflammations Fruit Paste 27
9 Scabies Ripe Fruit Oil 29
10 Scabies Leaves Whole 23
11 Sedative Root Paste 29
12 Tinea corporis fruit Oil 29
13 To kill bugs Leaves As such 29
14 Epilepsy Leaves Paste 23
15 Cancer & Rheumatism Root Paste 26
16 Neck cancer Leaves whole 30
17 Treatment of Tuberculosis & sore throat Leaves & Roots whole 33
18 Eczema Fruit oil Oil for local application 34
Asthma, Itching (Seeds)
19 Seeds & fruits Powder 33
& Eczema(fruits)
20 Tonic Root Boiled with milk 26 │ Vol 9, Issue 9, 2023. │ ISO 9001:2015 Certified Journal │ 44

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VI. PHARMACOLOGICAL IMPORTANCE Antioxidant, Wound Healing, Antidiabetic,

The plant has Analgesic and Antipyretic, Anthelmintic, Gastroprotective, Antifungal and Cytotoxic Activity. The
Antibacterial, Anti-convulsant Antinociceptive and use of Martynia diandra Glox. as a medicine is fairly
Central Nervous System (CNS) depressant, Antifertility, large which is tabled below at table 4.

Table 4.
S.NO. Type of activity Plant Part Description
The chloroform, ethyl acetate and methanol extract of Martynia
annua L. leaves were studied on gram positive and gram negative
bacteria for antibacterial activity. The extracts show antibacterial
action for different bacteria. Chloroform extract showed higher
antibacterial activity against Proteus vulgaris, Bacillus subtilis
Antibacterial and B. thuringensis. Ethyl acetate extract was potentially
1 Leaves 24
activity effective against Proteus mirabilis, P. vulgaris, Klebsiella
pneumonia and Salmonella paratyphi AandB while the methanol
extract, shows greater antibacterial potential towards Proteus
vulgaris, B. subtilis, S. paratyphi B and Pseudomonas
aeruginosa. By Disc Diffusion method, antibacterial activity was
carried out.
The antifertility effect of 50% ethanol extract of Martynia annua
L. root on male rates at dose of 50, 100 and 200 mg/kg body
Antifertility weight were studied. The result revealed significant decreases in
2 Root 28
activity the weights of testes, epididymitis, seminal vesicle and ventral
prostate on male rats. Moreover, the antifertility effect was found
dose dependent without changing general body metabolism.
The antioxidant activity of aqueous and methanol extract of
Martynia annua L. leaves were studied by in vitro methods,
namely, reducing power assay, DPPH radical-scavenging
Antioxidant activity, nitric oxide scavenging activity, H2O2 radical
3 Leaves 39,40
activity scavenging activity, superoxide radical scavenging assay,
hydroxyl radical-scavenging activity, and total antioxidant
capacity. The higher antioxidant activity was found in methanolic
extract compared to aqueous extract (Nagda et al., 2009).
Rameshroo et al. reported in vitro antioxidant activity of M.
annua from its fruit oil. Superoxide radical and DPPH radical
methods were used for assessing antioxidant effect where IC50
4 Fruit oil being 87.56 μg/ml and 106.80 μg/ml correspondingly. Fruit oil 41
exhebits 87.25 ± 1.13 mg per 100 grams of total polyphenol
substance. As per the study report it is a prospective source of
natural antioxidants.
The wound healing effect was studied by methanol fraction of
ethanolic extract of Martynia annua L. leaves shows significant
by stimulating of wound contraction and epithelialization as well.
Wound Healing Moreover the phytochemical studies was tested and evaluated
5 Leaves 34
activity that the methanol fraction mainly contains flavonoid, luteolin
which were responsible for enhancement of wound healing
process by the free radical scavenging mechanism (Lodhi and
Singhai, 2011; Dhingra et al., 2013).
The antidiabetic activity of methanol extracts of Martynia annua
L. flower in induced diabetic Wistar rats which induced by
streptozotocin (STZ) and Streptozotocin- Nicotinamide (STZ-
NIC). The extract showed tremendous reductions in blood
6 Flower glucose, triglyceride and glycosylated haemoglobin levels and 23
showed the increased HDL levels in diabetic rats (after 21 days).
A result discovered that the extract exhibited good antidiabetic
activity in STZ and STZ-NIC which induced diabetic rats
(Kenwat et al., 2013).
Gastro-protective The gastroprotective activity of methonolic extract of Martynia
7 Leaves 35
Activity annua L. leaves in rats with 200 mg/kg and 300 mg/kg body │ Vol 9, Issue 9, 2023. │ ISO 9001:2015 Certified Journal │ 45

Vishwakarma et al. World Journal of Pharmaceutical and Medical Research

weight on ethanol-induced gastric ulcer. Results were observed

by calculating ulcer index based on lesion index and pH which
showed significant inhibition on the ulcer lesion index in rats
hence effect of ethanol extract with 300 mg/kg dose significantly
(p<0.05) change the gastric volume, ulcer index, and pH.
The antinociceptive and CNS depressant activity petroleum ether,
ethyl acetate and methanol extracts of Martynia annua L. root
were studied. Amongst all extracts petroleum ether extract
Antinociceptive showed significant increase in reaction time by doing hot plate
activity and method and also showed more inhibitory effect on standard drug
8 Central Nervous Root pentazocine and paracetamol and writhing induced by acetic acid 30
System (CNS) against all extracts. The petroleum ether extract at 50 mg/kg dose
depressant activity showed significant decrease in the locomotor activity when they
were compared with standard drug diazepam. At the dose of 30
mg/kg, it potentiates pentobarbitone sodium induced sleeping
time up to 215.34% (Bhalke and Jadav, 2009).
The anticonvulsant activity was by methanol extract of Martynia
annua L. leaves at doses of 200 mg/kg and 400 mg/kg. The doses
were significantly reduced the duration of tonic hind leg
extension and protect the animals from seizures. The methanol
extract of M. annua 200 mg per kg and 400 mg per kg have
revealed 66.31 % and 82.73% protection respectively against to
maxima electroshock induced seizures. For these comparisons,
9 Leaves the standard drug phenytoin (100%) was taken. While form the 19
comparison with the standard drug diazepam (100%) the extracts
200 mg/kg and 400 mg/kg have also shown 70.33% and 82.88%
protection of convulsion and 83.33% and 100% protection of
mortality respectively against pentylenetetrazol (PTZ) which
induced epilepsy. However, the anticonvulsant activity of
methanol extract of Martynia annua L. was due to the
potentiation of neurotransmitter in brain (Babu et al., 2010).
The analgesic activity was carried out by petroleum ether,
chloroform, ethanol and aqueous extracts of Martynia annua
Linn. fruits on Swiss albino mice using hot plate and tail flick
methods and for antipyretic effect against brewers-yeast-
Analgesic and
influenced hyperpyrexia in adult Wister rats. The all extract had
10 Antipyretic Fruit 37
shown significant analgesic and antipyretic activity at 20 mg/kg.
It was also observed that the petroleum ether and chloroform
extracts exhibits greater analgesic and antipyretic activities as
compared to ethanol and aqueous fruit extract of the plant (Kar et
al, 2007).
Fourteen coastal sand dune plants (CSDPs)
belonging to nine families were screened for AM beach and the
results obtained suggest that, all fourteen plant species belonging
to nine different families were colonized by AM fungil. CSDPs
which exhibited 50-75% AM fungal colonization are viz., I. pes-
11 Antifungal activity Leaves caprae (Kalamb beach), Panicum spp 2, S. portulacastrum, S. 22
rhombifolia, T. procumbens etc. Whereas, CSDPs viz., C.
rotundus, E. prostrata, E. zeylanica var. zeylanica, Hedyotis spp.,
I. pes-caprae (Arnala beach), L. procumbens, M. annula, Panicum
spp 1, P. punctatum, and S. orientale etc. showed more than 80%
AM fungal colonization.
The antihelmintic activity against earthworms Pheritima
Antihelminthic posthuma was investigated by petroleum ether extract of
12 Roots 31
activity Martynia annua Linn. roots showed effective result compared
with the reference drug albendazole (Nirmal et al, 2007).
Aqueous & ethanolic extract of Martynia annua root had shown
high anticancer activity with GI50 value 11.3µg/ml and
13 Anticancer activity Root 29
20.4µg/ml respectively on human leukemia cell line K-562 but
for human breast cancer cell line MCF-7, human lung cancer cell │ Vol 9, Issue 9, 2023. │ ISO 9001:2015 Certified Journal │

Vishwakarma et al. World Journal of Pharmaceutical and Medical Research

line A-549, human squamous cell carcinoma SCC-40 and human

cervical cancer cell line SiHa the extracts showed activity in
more than 80µg/ml.
Cytotoxic activity of alcoholic and acetone extracts of M. annua
was studied by J. Vinnarasi et al (2014) in terms of brine shrimp
lethality bioassay. The alcoholic and acetone extracts of M.
annua was observed to be mainly effective at which half
14 Cytotoxic activity Leaves 42
mortality of brine shrimp nauplii occurred were found to be
239.48 and 328.21ppm respectively. The results of the study
revealed the cytotoxic Potential of M.annua.( J.Vinnarasi et al,

VII. DISCUSSION isolated from this medicinal plant has been effectively
being used in many health related issues since a long
Martynia diandra Glox. belongs to the family
time. This herb is widely used in traditional systems of
Martyniaceae, which is widely grown plant throughout
medicines, however, the studies of the pharmacological
India and has many valuable medicinal properties. Our
activities are inadequate and further research is required
Literature review revealed that, so far, very less research
for the determination of the therapeutic benefits of the
work has been done on this versatile plant. The plant has
plant. In view of the wide-ranging medicinal value of
been used as Analgesic and Antipyretic, Anthelmintic,
Martynia dindra Glox. plant as described in Ayurvedic
Antibacterial, Anti-convulsant Antinociceptive and
literature, it is imperative that more clinical and
Central Nervous System (CNS) depressant, Anticancer,
pharmacological trials are needed to investigate the
Antifertility, Antioxidant, Wound Healing, Antidiabetic,
unexploited potential of this plant. The present review
Gastroprotective, Antifungal and Cytotoxic Activity.
work provides a wide area of interest for planning and
According to Adarsh Nighantu; Martinia Diandra Glox.
conducting research on this wonderful plant for the
also has a strong diuretic property. As per Aacharya
development of novel drug for the future.
Bapalal Vaidya, the fruit of “Kakanasa” has a
resemblance of a beak of crow, however, “Martynia
diandra” seed is trikantak (3 hooks) in shape just like
hoof of cow. “Trikantak” is the synonym given to
Gokshuru in ayurvedic literature. The fruit of “Kaknasa”
has cleft like cow’s hoof and has 3 hooks. Hence 1. Rahul Gupta et. Al., A Critical Review on Martynia
Acharya Bapalal was of strong opinion that in the real annua Linn. Published online in
sense of the term, “Kaknasa” should be the real 2. The Ayurvedic Pharmacopoeia of India, Part I,
Gokshuru. As Gokhuru has a strong Diuretic properties, volume III, page no.120-22.
thus, “Martynia diandra” as “Kaknasa” should also 3. Charak Samhita with Charak Chandrika Hindi
possess the diuretic properties. commentary, by Dr. Bramhanand Tripathi and Dr.
Ganga Sahay Pandey, Viman Sthan Chapter 8, verse
The evaluation of the therapeutic properties of the drugs No.139 Chaukhamba Surbharti Prakashan, 2007.
is mostly based on Pharmacognostical, Phytochemical 4. Charak Samhita, with Charaka Chandrika Hindi
and Pharmacological investigations. Classical reviews commentary, by Dr. Brahmanand Tripathi and Dr.
according to Nighantus are summarized in Table 1 Ganga Sahay Pandey, Chikista Sthana Chapter 1/1,
above, the phytoconstituents present in different parts of Verse No. 64 Chaukhamba Surbharti Prakashan,
M. Diandra are summarized in Table 2, ethnomedicinal 2007.
uses of different parts of the plant is given in Table 3, 5. Charak Samhita, with Charaka Chandrika Hindi
the Pharmacological activities of Martynia diandra commentary, by Dr. Brahmanand Tripathi and Dr.
Glox., which is fairly large in number, some activities are Ganga Sahay Pandey, Chikista Sthana Chapter 18,
summarized in table 4. Verse No. 41-42 Chaukhamba Surbharti Prakashan,
This herb is widely used in traditional systems of 6. Charak Samhita, with Charaka Chandrika Hindi
medicines. However, the studies of these commentary, by Dr. Brahmanand Tripathi and Dr.
pharmacological activities are inadequate and further Ganga Sahay Pandey, Chikista Sthana Chapter 10,
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therapeutic benefits as well as the toxic effects of the 2007.
plant. 7. Charak Samhita, with Charaka Chandrika Hindi
commentary, by Dr. Brahmanand Tripathi and Dr.
VIII. CONCLUSION Ganga Sahay Pandey, Chikista Sthana Chapter 30,
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Martynia diandra Glox., though, is an invasive
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