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Design Project Assignment

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IE 4350-001(lecture)/002(lab) Fall 2017

TR 8:00-10:20AM - Room 308/417-419 Woolf Hall


As discussed in the syllabus, the course learning goals/objectives provide an open-ended design
experience in which you must demonstrate that you have the ability to design, develop, implement,
and improve integrated systems that include people, materials, information, equipment and
energy. The development of a manufacturing or service enterprise is a complex task requiring a
variety of skills and knowledge. One person seldom does all the detailed designs, but the
industrial engineer is expected to bring all relevant information together into one final design.
This is usually exciting, at times frustrating, but very rewarding and fun! This course is taken
during your final semester and by the end of the course you should feel comfortable in your
ability to work as an industrial engineer in a manufacturing or service enterprise. This
project is your major design experience as described by the ABET Criteria below.

ABET Criterion 5. Professional Component

Students must be prepared for engineering practice through the curriculum culminating in a
major design experience based on the knowledge and skills acquired in earlier course work and
incorporating appropriate engineering standards and multiple realistic constraints.

IE Program Criteria
Lead Society: Institute of Industrial and Systems Engineers
The project must demonstrate that you have the ability to design, develop, implement, and
improve integrated systems that include people, materials, information, equipment and energy.
The program must include in-depth instruction to accomplish the integration of systems using
appropriate analytical, computational, and experimental practices.

You must absolutely include people, materials, information, equipment and energy in your project.
Further, you must specifically address the following realistic constraints in the summary section of
the project: economic, environmental, social, political, ethical, health and safety, manufacturability,
and sustainability. All projects will not include all constraints listed. If you do not specifically
include one of these realistic constraints in your project, be sure to explain why it was not
appropriate in your case.

Key Dates for Design Project: Oral Presentations

09/19 Section 01 = Define Project, Preliminary MS Project Plan, and Signed Team Agreement
10/17 Section 02 = Measure
11/02 Section 03 =Analyze
11/16 Section 04 = Improve + Section 05 = Control
11/28 Poster working session (template provided)
11/30 Mandatory practice oral presentation
11/30 Final Report = Summary Section (see page 3) + Poster and all prior sections updated along with
tabbed appendix for each of the following: team agreement, photocopy of each team members
engineering notebook, team meeting minutes, MS Project Plan, and PowerPoint presentation slides
12/05 Presentation to Sponsors, Alumni, Faculty, Staff, & Students
Team projects or individual student projects are fine. Individual student projects are often selected when
the student is already working as an intern and avoids problems of incompatible class and work
schedules. Whether you work as part of a team or as an individual, this project will provide the student
with a sense of personal accomplishment upon completion.
In general, each student will select an IE project in mind that meets the ABET criteria as detailed
on the first page. The instructor will review and make recommendations and if necessary we will work
together to figure out how to submit the individual project sub-sections in a manner that makes sense.
In keeping with good project management, the design experience project will include submittal
of subsections throughout the semester culminating in final written project submittal and oral presentation
at the end of the semester.
Each student must keep an engineering project notebook which includes details of all meetings,
assumptions, and paths explored (even if abandoned later) as an aid to the development of your critical
thinking skills and lessons learned. Each team member should be prepared to review the notebook with
the instructor on a weekly basis. The contents of the notebook (for each team member) should be
photocopied and included as an appendix in the final report.
When submitting each project section, your team should include a cover memo briefly describing
the contents as in a professional manner. There should also be an introduction (management summary)
that describes what is included in that section, assumptions made, basis for those assumptions, appropriate
engineering specifications, sources of data or information, and the relationship of this information to other
parts of the report. Each section should also include other alternatives explored, complete with analysis
and decision criteria used to support the particular alternative chosen. Where calculations are of a
repetitive nature, it is suggested that one sample calculation be presented in detail followed by a table
giving all data and results. Neatness and technical quality of the project are both important. Each section
is due along with all previous sections per the schedule below at the beginning of class!! Use a nice 3-ring
binder for best results. The final project will not be returned make a copy for yourself prior to submittal.
A suggested organization for each section is as follows:
1) Cover memo
2) Title page including course info, project name, section #, student name, student id #, & date
3) Introduction
4) Body of the section
5) References for the section
Summary Section & Power-point Slides for Oral Presentation Template
Recall, this project is your major design experience as described by the ABET Criteria below.
ABET Criterion 5. Professional Component: Students must be prepared for engineering practice through the
curriculum culminating in a major design experience based on the knowledge and skills acquired in earlier
course work and incorporating appropriate engineering standards and multiple realistic constraints.
IE Program Criteria. Lead Society: Institute of Industrial Engineers: The curriculum must prepare graduates
to design, develop, implement, and improve integrated systems that include people, materials, information,
equipment and energy. The curriculum must include in-depth instruction to accomplish the integration of
systems using appropriate analytical, computational, and experimental practices.

The summary section and the oral presentation should be able to stand alone. All supporting details are
provided in the previous sections and should be referenced for ease of understanding.
1) Project name and team members
2) Introduction: Restate your project objective
3) Data collection and analysis Do not repeat all information already presented. Refer to previous
work and just state where to find it in the report.
4) Alternatives explored, selection and justification including the following:
Provide a slide in the presentation and one-two page written explanation in the report of how your
project is based on the knowledge and skills acquired in earlier course work (Visit courses at if you need help to remember the
courses). Include a table to summarize which courses were used for which part(s) of your
project. An example table is below.
Course Knowledge and skills acquired that were used in this project
IE 3343
IE 4308
IE 4322
IE 4343
Provide a summary of how your project utilized appropriate engineering standards and addressed
the following: (1 paragraph in the report and at least 1 bullet in the presentation for each item):
equipment and
as well as the following realistic constraints:
social, political, ethical,
health and safety,
manufacturability, and
5) Conclusion and summary What is the bottom line for your project? Approach this as if you are
selling the recommendation to your boss (or to a venture capitalist, if you are staring a new company).
Depending on your specific project, you need to summarize various things such as: how much will it
cost (initial, and recurring)?; when will it be profitable?; production rate?; total square footage, total
people; how much is saved ($, time, quality) by implementing this improvement idea?
6) As always for the presentation, end with 2 standard slides:
Any Questions?
Thank You! Thank you especially to the industry sponsors for their support!!!
Team Name: ___________________________________
Team Members: _____________________________________________________________


Poor Fair Good Very Good Excellent

Team members engineering
project notebook sheets for this
section which includes details of
meetings, assumptions, and
discussion of paths explored.
Updated MS Project Plan
Signed Team Agreement
Overall Score for this Section

*How well does this Project Section include a plan to satisfy the ABET Criteria?

Poor Fair Good Very Good Excellent

Criterion 5. Professional Component:
based on the knowledge and skills acquired
in earlier course work
incorporating appropriate engineering

IE Program Criteria:
As well as multiple realistic constraints:
Social, Political, Ethical
Health and Safety


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