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AA Metatron AlchemyRequisiteof132033CircuitryjamesTyberonn

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Some of the key takeaways are that optimal maintenance of the auric field is important for ascension, regular air travel can deplete the aura, and the 13-20-33 circuitry is important for achieving light body. Gems and crystals can help strengthen the aura.

The 13-20-33 circuitry is the optimal resonance and flow of the fully developed auric field, and achieving and maintaining this circuitry is a prerequisite for accessing the crystalline light body and ascending.

Combinations of single and double refractive gems worn around the wrists and neck can strengthen the aura. Some suggestions given are a diamond combined with garnet or spinel, or emerald, ruby or sapphire combined with morganite or aquamarine.

Alchemy & Requisite of 13-20-33 Circuitry

Archangel Metatron via James Tyberonn

"At some point almost all of you will travel by airplane to another destination.
Such travel depletes the aura & its circuitry far more than is currently understood.
Indeed expansive regular air travel can shorten one's very longevity
and cut short life span, especially for those in mid to later years"
- AA Metatron -
Greetings Masters! Indeed!
We greet you in joy and encircle each of you in a field of Unconditional ove!
And so "e s#ea$ on the o#timal circuitry of the human auric field% "ith s#ecific focus on the &'-()-
'' circuitry! Masters% the *uman Aura is not auto-regulated! It re+uires methodical maintenance!
And this is tantamount% because achieving and retaining the &'-()-'' ,ircuitry of the integral Auric
-ield is an absolute #rere+uisite of ascending into ,rystalline ight .ehicle!
Auric Development
/o"% "e address briefly the time-linear as#ect of develo#ment of the *uman Aura! 0ear 1nes% as
each of you have gro"n in consciousness through you multitudinous sojourns in duality you
activated more layers of your auric field! With each ne" activation% more res#onsibility is re+uired%
greater a##erce#tion is naturally re+uisite for o#timal Auric maintenance! The ultimate and o#timal
resonance is the ,ircuitry of &'-()-''! This is the $ey ratio and flo" of the graduated% fully
blossomed Auric -ield! It is this resonance that allo"s for flo" into ,rystalline ight 2ody! Unless
the &'-()-'' is obtained% cultivated and sustained ight 2ody ac+uisition is untenable!
2efore "e delve into this im#ortant assay% let us add the caveat% that Auric e3#ansion is a journey
and not a destination! In other "ords% "hat is gained MU4T be $e#t! Many of you have achieved
high levels of Auric layer activation only to lose them according to your inconsistent disci#line 5
lac$ of com#rehension of the fundamental sti#ulations re+uired for their sustenance!
Most of you that are termed 61ld-4ouls6 in your vernacular originally entered the 7arth-8lane in
,rystalline ight 2ody% in the Mer-9a-:a of the true Ascended Master! With the -all of the
-irmament% you "illingly entered into the 6University of 0uality6 and in time lost the connection to
the great and greater as#ect of your true essence! ;our auras then too$ a do"n"ard s#iral alongside
your a"areness as you fell into the diffused density of #olarity #hysical bodies! This "e have shared
"ith you in earlier assays!
/o"% "e "ish to clarify at this juncture that the advent of duality onto the 7arth-8lane "as not an
accident! It "as "hat "e may term as a deliberate occurrence to allo" for the e3#erience and
gro"th "ithin duality! The 7arth became a University% in its role as the 8lanet of ,hoice! Most of
your religious scri#ts refer to this as the 6do"nfall6 of man$ind! 2ut in actuality it "as an intentional
6maya6% an illusion "ith #ur#ose! 0uality #laced filters on consciousness% and "or$ "as<is re+uired
to 6gro"6 bac$ into full crystalline consciousness! 2ut A of ;1U chose this gro"th% and it carries
succinct credentials!
The duality e3#eriment carried "ith it certain vulnerabilities and allo"ed for "hat may be termed
#ur#oseful setbac$s! This then is the journey of duality% the contractual #ath"ay for re-emergence
thru gro"th and overcoming obstacles!
And so in this #rocess of re-gro"th% the dense became denser% the #hysical became more solidified%
and the hemis#heres of the human brain became loc$ed in the #olarity of the dodecahedronal grid!
The duality cycled human then incarnated into lifetimes that "ere dominated by frontal mind and
the e3#erience of lo"er cha$ra! This level of unconsciousness then allo"ed for only the = layer
cha$ric field% "ith the goal of activating from the lo"er ' cha$ras to the u##er >% in unifying the
seven in full flo"!
0uality "as defined by #olar electromagnetics% and the grid system that determined the level of
density "as the magnetic or gravity grid! This "as indeed adjusted to differing levels throughout
the #rogression of humanity! -or a great deal of the linear time since the Golden Age of Atlantis%
the gravity grid only allo"ed for an ?-?-&@ circuitry in the *uman Aura% and the gendered Mer-9a-
2ah "as the ight 2ody that enabled gro"th from this level of fre+uency! ,ertain Avatars came
bac$ into duality from A%))) to (%))) years as you measure 6bac$6 in linear time from this succinct
reality hologram in order to begin to re-establish the #attern resonance of &'-()-''!
;et only from the *armonic ,onvergence of &B?=% did the grid adjustment truly rebirth the &'-()-
'' #otential for the masses! This became initially enabled "ith the &>>-,rystal Grid in ())&! It is
the ,rystalline Age thru the ,rystalline Grid that fully em#o"ers the return to &'-()-'' u#shift into
the re-emerging ,rystalline% non-#olarity Mer-9i-.ic Tri-4ystem!
Circuitry : The 13-20-33
The &'-()-'' is an energetic emulsion interface combing the connectivity bet"een anti-
matter<matter<etheric- matter in a crysto-electric amalgam that creates the energy hum of 1M! As
such the circuitry of &'-()-'' is the not only the o#timal fre+uencial flo" re+uired for re#lete
omnitary auric function and u#shift% it is the only fre+uency that can do so! It is the $ey% and a
com#le3 one that serves as the 6#lug-in6 for full #o"er! Indeed it is then and only then ca#able of
carrying immense energy! It untangles and combines variegated heterogeneous and homogenous
energy forms in a com#atible unified matri3 that is ca#able of flo"ing into Cero #oint% ,rystalline
-ield of Mer-9i-.a!
This circuitry im#lements and administers the mandatory lin$age bet"een the '' com#onents of the
integral field! It is in fact the junctured manifold that regulates the a##ro#riate net"or$ing
resonance and lattice-"eave "ithin and "ithout! It is defined as follo"sD the &' re#resents the &(
layers of the Auric -ield "ithin etheric matter harmoniCed and synchroniCed into 1neness! Thus the
&( become the 1ne forming the &(E&F&' fre+uency! It only occurs after sufficient sojourns in
duality allo" the consciousness of the entity to activate all &( layers and tie and activate the &(
#rimary cha$ras to each layer of the aura and indeed to the &( strand 0/A!
The () re#resents activation of human auric interface layers into multidimensionality "ithin the
realms of AntiMatter! These layers "ere not easily accessible until the adjustment of the magnetic
grid occurred!
The -ibiocci synchroniCation of the &' E the () enables the '' circuitry! This enables the circuitry
that allo"s for humanity to e3#and fully into the ,rystalline% non #olarity levels of consciousness!
This is truly the vehicle that ta$es you full circle% full circuit!!! bac$ home!
The Mechnics of Mintennce
/o" the correct flo" of the &'-()-'' circuitry is de#endent on certain maintenance res#onsibilities
as "e have described! We "ill discuss no"% the obstacles that are most common in obtaining and
sustaining o#timal circuitry!
Issues Effecting Auric Integrity:
G 1##osing 7nergy -ields
G 7motional 4tress
G ,onflict
G 8lanetary 7nergy 73#ansion
G Thought -orm Attachment
G Air Travel - 8hysical 1ver-4tress
G Medications% Alcohol 73cess% To3ins
G Ina##ro#riate Attitude<,ontrol issues<7go Imbalance
4ome of these are here"ith addressed in detail!
H&I Interfering 7M -ields 5 Micro"aves :esult in 2io-8olar :eversal In your current times% the
electromagnetics of the ascending earth are being am#lified in #otent surges% #ressuriCed surges that
can stretch 5 micro-fracture the flo" 5 symmetry of your auric fields! This is a fundamental 5
defining necessity of the Ascension as you mor#h into e3#anded &'-()-'' ,ircuitry Auras in order
to achieve Mer-9a-/a "ithin the Mer-9i-.ic Tri 4ystem!
In your age and usage of cell #hones% com#uters% televisions 5 electronicdevices your offices and
homes are a constant barrage ofo##osing electro-magnetic energy fields! The result can be a
tem#orary 6short circuit6 effect that if unresolved can lead to auric imbalance by means of energy
loss through fissure crac$s! In essence this may be termed 6auric bleeding6! 4ome of the effects are
short termed% but others can become chronic!
The detrimental effects of electromagnetic fields 5 micro"aves% from your MW ovens% com#uters%
mobile #hones and televisions have been recogniCed by some of your mainstream medical
#rofessionals! These tend to be minimiCed 5 ignored by the masses% in #art because the very
su##liers 5 manufacturers of these generators of micro"aves and magnetic fields s#onsor and
under"rite studies from staff or consulted scientists and 6e3#erts6 "ith the #re-contracted aim of
dis#roving or vastly minimiCing the contra effects! In the fact the detrimental effects are very real
and most all of you are constantly "ithin these contra-fields! As a case in #oint% most of you "ill
read this message in front of a com#uter screen!
0ear 1nes% there are effective methods of dealing "ith these contra fields% and these "ill be offered
to you! 2ut do not ignore the fact that these fields "ill absolutely have varying levels of mal-effect
on your auric field! Most of the in-situ "aves and fields do not #enetrate very dee#ly into the layers
of your auric sheath% others do% yet all can fissure your energy fields! There may be some "ho
consider this to be an issue of belief system% or this very message to be one of fear! It is neither! It is
true that an Ascended Master can transmute such effects% but 0ear 1nes% "e tell you in love that
unless you are manifesting at that level% and can "al$ on "ater% ta$e heed! The detrimental
conse+uences of micro"aves and electromagnetic "aves created from alternating currents are a
succinct certitude for the masses of humanity in duality% "hether you believe it or not!
While these effects are not life threatening% they do indeed affect your energy circuitry% and can
create "hat is termed 6reverse bio-#olarity6 and auric short circuitry! 2oth of "hich can lead to auric
fissuring and result in auric bleeding!
Air Trvel
Air travel is an ingrained as#ect of most of your lives! At some #oint almost all of you "ill travel by
air#lane to another destination! And such travel de#letes the aura far more than is currently
understood! Indeed e3#ansive regular air travel can shorten one6s very longevity and cut short life
s#an% es#ecially for those in mid to later years! 8an continental and trans ocean flights by the very
measure of their sco#ious distance and re+uisite time in flight time are e3#onentially more
degenerative to the human auric field! .irtually every one onboard a B-&) hour international
airflight e3it the #lane at their destination "ith varying degrees of irregular or ru#tured auric
function! ong distance flights traveling latitudinally in eastbound vectors are the most detrimental!
;et all such ta$e an undeniable toll on the energy field!!!you call it jetlag! 4uch a benign term is a
gross understatement% for the condition is far more than sim#le fatigue from time Cone change!
/o"% one of the $ey the underlying factors that is the root of the issue is that most commercial
#lanes fly at altitudes of 'A%))) feet% in the stratos#here% and effectively outside the regulatory #ulse
of the 4chumann :esonance! The 4chumann :esonance is the #lanets 6heartbeat6 it is an anionic
charge released by the earth% that combines "ith the cationic charges released from the stratos#here
to form an electro-magno ca#acitor around the #lanet from ground level to about ')%))) feet! This
ca#acitor forms a bac$ground resonance that #lays a $ey role in regulating vital organ5 glandular
rhythms in the human body! Air#lanes flying at 'A%))) to '=%A)) feet% as most do% are outside this
regulatory range and the metallic fuselage of the aircraft further deflects most remaining integration!
The result is a distortion of the #hysical rhythms! ;our /A4A agencies and s#ace station agencies
are a"are of this issue% as it has created chronic #hysical issues "ith the astronauts! They have
e3#erimented "ith #lacing magnetic generators in the stations and shuttles!
;our medical #ersonnel that have studied jet fatigue are a"are that flights can and do force the
heart to "or$ harder% and that longer range flights enlarge the heart tem#orarily! The #ilots and
flight attendants "ho fly daily absolutely stress their bodies and auric fields to the e3tent that
chronic diseases result and 6aging6 is acutely accelerated! There have been internal studies of the
abbreviated life e3#ectancy of airline flight "or$ers% but these are for the most #art $e#t from the
#ublic! They are indeed a"are that hy#obaric hy#o3ia caused by #ressuriCation of the aircraft alters
rhythmicity after long flights% inde#endently of the number of time Cones crossed%
significantly reduces human hormone levels!
This issue is some"hat e3acerbated by the rather cram#ed conditions of setting in close +uarter
seating for e3tended #eriods in "hich rest is difficult% circulation is im#aired and the body ingests
less o3ygen% resulting in a fatigue of its o"n! The e3tremely dry air in the #ressuriCed cabin as "ell
as the #ressuriCation itself is detrimental! ,ycles are interru#ted% and indeed most of you recogniCe
that it is difficult to rest the body after long flights% insomnia occurs as but one side effect
of the auric circuitry interru#tion!
/o" let us be clear% flights of under '-> hours are not as detrimental as the ?-&( hour variety% and
recovery is much faster! 4o other im#ortant factors are the time in the flight% the fre+uency of flights
ta$en and the age and #hysical health of the individual human!
;et all flights% as "e have em#hasiCed are detrimental to varying levels!
!qutoril Crossin"
ong flights of latitudinal crossings invo$e greater fatigue to the body #hysical due to time-Cone
change! This in addition to all of the other factors mentioned! ;et longitudinal flights that cross
from the southern hemis#here to the northern hemis#here Hand vice-versaI invo$e another
fre+uencial adjustment to the auric energy! The resonate energy belo" the e+uator "ill in unforced
5 unmagnetiCed scenarios% naturally rotate cloc$"ise belo" the e+uator% and anticloc$"ise above
it! Thus "hen one flies from above the e+uator to destinations above it% and vice -versa% the
individuals Auric circuitry "ill be mal-effected for a #eriod of time!
Question to Metatron:
Many #eo#le have jobs that re+uire flights!
What can be done to minimiCe the detrimental effectsJ
The effects% again% are e3acerbatedaccording to the fre+uency of flights and length of flights! 1ther
factors are the general health and age of the #erson flying!4o in all cases% try to minimiCe regularity
and fre+uence "hen #ossible! Maintain the health in all activity! When you $no" you "ill fly you
can stabiliCe the field some"hat by "earing co##er or gold on both "rists% and by em#loying
certain gemstones as rings and #endant to hel# hold the field intact! After the flight% ta$e salt
mineral baths and avoid slee# aids! *ydrate the body as much as #ossible during and after the
The Cruci#le of Ascension M"netics
Another less obvious% but vitally im#ortant sources of auric diffusion are the very mechanisms of
the Ascension! This may seem #arado3ical at first glance% but indeed it is occurring% and you must
be a"are of this! The #rimary mechanisms "e refer to are the solar "inds% the increase in the s#in
of the #lanetary core and the resulting am#lification of #lanetary fre+uencies! The #lanetary #ulse is
s#eeding u#% and dear ones it is affecting you in myriad "ays! In a very valid sense% "hat is
occurring through the ascension energies is stretching your fre+uencial ca#acities! As such you are
re+uired to gro" a ne" e3#anded auric field% much li$e a sna$e that annually outgro"s its s$in% and
goes through a #hase of fitting into a ne" one that can better encom#ass the larger body! 0o you
understandJ 2efore the ne" one can become resilient% the old one is stretched and crac$ed% and
during that transition there is a #hase of metamor#hosis that encom#asses "ithin it certain
vulnerabilities until the ne" one is com#leted!
As your earth dra"s closer to the Ascension of ()&(% many major changes are occurring around you
that have a #rofound effect on your #hysical% emotional and mental "ell being! Many of you find
that you become some"hat 6vulnerable6% feeling over"helmed at times% as if you can6t seem to get
things done% as if there are not enough hours in the day! 4ome of you are going though #eriods of
de#ression% you feel as though you are sin$ing into a fun$% and it seems li$e you are moving
through molasses! 7motions go from ecstatic highs to dee# lo"s shado"ed in dar$ des#air! 0ear
1nes% you are not alone% literally millions of you are e3#eriencing this stretching and building of the
6ne" auric s$in6% and "e say to you% that by understanding the #rocess and maintaining the integrity
of your auric field% the #rocess becomes much easier!
Cse in $oint
The channel has often s#o$en of an energetic e+ualiCation that can occur "hen see$ers initially visit
#o"er#oints or sacred sites! When a non resident see$er goes to a mega- #o"er#oint such as Mount
4hasta% a$e Titicaca% 4edona% Ar$ansas or Glastonbury% for e3am#le% many find themselves
envelo#ed in a much stronger resonant electromagnetic field than "hat they are accustomed to% an
energy much stronger than the resonate vibration rate of their auric field! -or some% but not all%
"ithin '-=days% de#ending on the auric strength 5 resilience of the individual see$er6s field% the
auric ovid "ill stabiliCe the #ressure differential in a form of osmotic e+ualiCation! The auric field
"ill do this through the formation of tiny fissure crac$s and a ru#ture of the auric sheathing "ill
naturally occur!
Unless the individual deals "ith it% an auric short circuitry eventuates% resulting in energy loss!
As such emotional e3tremes can occur u# until the time that the auric field is re-stabiliCed 5
-or #eo#le that move their residence from lo"er energies into the locale of a mega #o"er site% this
#rocess can ta$e from @ months to a year! Those of you "ho have moved to the Mount 4hasta and
4edona areas "ill understand this! -or visitors% it "ill correct itself "ithin a "ee$ or t"o of going
bac$ to their #lace of residence! The $ey is be a"are of your auric fre+uencial +uotient% and do not
overstay your time% until your field is ca#able of holding the higher fre+uency! /o"% "e are not
saying that it is not beneficial to visit #o"er nodes% +uite the contrary! 4uch e3#ansion in the
overvie" is inevitable and +uite beneficial 5 +uite necessary in order to gro" the 6ne" s$in6
re+uired to e3#and into greater fre+uency and multidimensionality!
8o"er nodes accelerate this #rocess% and as such should be visited! These infinity #oints are virtual
accelerators that aid your metamor#hosis and #re#are you for the heightened energies of the
ascension% you seeJ
:ather "e are saying that there are #rocesses occurring "ithin #o"er nodes that are a microcosm of
the macrocosm% and that they need to be understood! ;ou see% your entire #lanet is beginning to
+uic$en% to increase in fre+uency% and you must ready yourselves to contain that fre+uency! Many of
you are dealing "ith this% some"hat in the dar$! ;ou are no" or "ill soon e3#erience this% and an
understanding of the #rocess "ill serve to ma$e it much easier!
Auric Metmorphosis: Chn"in" the !theric %&in
The reverse #rocess is also occurring "ithin many of the more enlightened souls! There are many of
you "ho are already ta##ing into your e3#ansive multidimensionality as the &>>-,rystalline grid
enables greater dimensional access! The result is that your inner 7M- is #ulling in great surges of
energy% energy levels that are some"hat greater than the #arameters of your auric ca#acitors! In
these cases% the result is that a stretching% an overload occurs resulting in tem#orary fissure crac$s%
and energy loss! ;ou are changing your s$in!
8art of this metamor#hic stretching% re+uires a cleansing #rocess! The very multidimensionality of
#o"er nodes and of the Ascension itself are 6crucibles6 and "ill force ones issues to the surface% and
thus allo" the entity an im#ortant o##ortunity to confront 5 release any imbedded obstacles! 2etter
sooner than later! This is "hy these are #o##ing u# for so many of you! Attem#ts to rebury them%
ignore them "ill sim#ly cause the issue to gro" and fester!
These issues themselves% unresolved% "ill generate stress% and lead to the reactive fields of #olar
reversal% circuitry failure and auric bleeding! 0ear 1nes% truly there is a meta-science around auric
integrity! This is not a ne" science% rather a forgotten transitioning one% but one that must be
understood% relearned% by all "ho see$ to gro"% all "ho see$ balance% "isdom 5 $no"ledge!
An intact auric field allo"s one to re-build the ,osmic attice% and achieve &'-()-'' circuitry and
as such multidimensional e3#ansion through the levels of the crystalline Mer-9i-.a system! A
fractured field loses energy and the energy loss stresses the #hysical circuitry! If the loss is not
recogniCed and reconciled% it can lead to chronic #olarity reversal% emotional lo"s% de#ression%
chronic fatigue syndrome% insomnia% migraines% "eight gain% an3iety and #anic disorders to list but
a fe"! These can be reconciled!
/o"% "e encourage all of you to actively study this subject! What you must understand ho"ever is
that there are many diverse sources of detrimental 7M- im#acts that can slo" the 6metamor#his6
create varying degrees of tem#orary circuitry damage to the field% and these must be dealt "ith!
Imagine these as slo" lea$s to the tires on your vehicle! If ignored the tire "ill go flat% and the
vehicle cannot move for"ard! 4o it is "ith your auric field!
Question to AA Metatron:
*o" does one recogniCe auric bleedingJ
-irst by understanding certain conditions that can create energetic imbalances and auric energetic
diffusion! Those "e have listed in the above discourse!!! The human 7M- has certain built in
defenses! Just as your s$in has ' levels of sheathing% so to s#ea$% your auric fields have t"elve
layers on the earth dimensions! The outer ' levels are "here most of the energetic diffusion ta$es
#lace from electromagnetic "aves% micro"aves can affect you on much dee#er levels!
Micro "aved food reverses the molecular #olarity of the food substance being heated! This is a
recogniCed fact "ithin some of your mainstream academia! When this is ta$en in the body% circuitry
"ithin the digestive system and bo"els are effected% both on the #hysical and energetic bodies!
/o" the #recondition recognition is essential% first by $no"ing "ithin "hat situations auric
interference from o##osing energy fields can occur! 4ensory indications can be +uite subtle! The
first sensory indicators are emotional lo"s% a sense of being tired and out of sorts! *umans rarely
connect this to 7M- loss% because it occurs +uite commonly due to the fact that most homes contain
interfering fields% and the stress of life "ithin families% jobs and daily life have their stressful
as#ects! As#ects that are indeed in #art due to energy loss from the taut hectic #ace% "orsened by
lac$ of e3ercise and healthy diet!
Question to AA Metatron:
What can be done to strengthen 5 solidify the *uman 7M-J
There are many things that can strengthen the field! 2ut first% try to eliminate the root source of
auric short circuitry and diffusion! 4to# using micro"aves for food! If it is a case of being obliged to
s#end hours in front of a com#uter% as many of you do! There are ste#s that can be ta$en to
neutraliCe the bombardment!
/o" e3ercises to strengthen the auric field are numerous!
4ome of these are conventional methods% others are not!
G 73ercise at least ') minutes #er day! HTai ,hi% ;oga or Wal$ingI
G Increase "ater consum#tion% and magnetiCe "ater
G 0eto3ify% through saunas% colonic irrigation% massage thera#y
G Use salt baths 5 mineral baths% and thermal natural s#rings
G UtiliCe the Tesla .iolet :ay Thera#y
G Use of magnetics on the soles of the feet 5 "rist H K'A)) GsseI
G Wear s#ecific combinations of gems stones
G Wear noble metal around the nec$ and on both "rists
G *ealthy diet
G Avoid e3cesses of alcohol
G 7limination < minimiCe to3ins % tobacco and certain #rescri#tion drugs
G Ta$e cleansers "ee$ly such as ra" garlic% ginger and cider vinegar
G Wor$ "ith 8hi cut .ogel crystals% in auric sealing
G 4mudge% sage the field
G UtiliCing #ure sonic fre+uency thru crystal bo"ls% Tibetan bo"ls 5 tuning for$s
/o"% in addition to this% be a"are of your emotional state! If you are suffering from lethargy%
chronic fatigue% insomnia% de#ression and an3iety% it "ill certainly serve you to ta$e the ste#s listed
above% but other actions "ill li$ely be re+uired! Many of you have chosen certain life lessons that
involve removal of obstacles by overcoming 6contractual set-u#s6! These set-u# life lessons are in
essence o##ortunities% gifts if you "ill% to allo" you to move for"ard! If they "ere easy% you "ould
not necessarily learn! 4im#ly changing your outloo$ to 6#ositive thin$ing6 "hen you are dealing
"ith a life lesson that leaves you in a state of lethargic de#ression is not enough! A 68ollyanna6
outloo$ "ill not resolve the core issue% none the less% an intact auric field "ill assist in overcoming
these issues% and in certain cases the auric field "ill not be "hole until these chronic issues are
resolved! 1ne #rovo$es the other and vice versa! HMic$el Thera#y is a recommended a##roach for
assisting "ith such set u#s that result in energetic disorders!I
While some of you may be some"hat 6$arma free6% most of you still have learnings to "al$ through
5 issues to clear! The current time is a gestalt to allo" you achieve these lessons and to confront
and remove remaining energy-viral obstructions! Auric maintenance under#ins all!
Question to Metatron:
,an you advise if the 6neutraliCing chi#s6 that are available to eliminate detrimental
effects from monitors and com#uters are functionally validJ
73ce#t for the individual6s degree of 6belief6% they are currently of very little assistance beyond the
6#lacebo effect6! At the #resent the 6bio-chi#6 technology is not of a sufficient advancement to be
truly effective in its o"n merit! The most beneficial means to deflect these fields is A-fold% the first
#oint being a##licable in all conditions of field strengthen to negate interferenceD
The "earing of gemstones is far more hel#ful than the current neutraliCing chi#s! A single refractive
gem of ( cts or more "orn on one hand and a double refractive gem on the other hel#s deflect the
fields! 73am#les of single refractive gems are diamond% garnet and s#inel! 0ouble refractive are
a+uamarine% sa##hire% ruby% emerald% tourmaline% to#aC or any of the +uartC varieties such as
amethyst% #eridot 5 citrine! In reference to the double refractive% a carat siCe of > or greater is better!
,ombine this "ith noble metals on each "rist% gold% #alladium or #latinum is best! 4ilver% co##er%
brass% titanium and carbon steel "ill assist if the more noble metals are not affordable! Wear a chain
around the nec$ "ith a stabiliCing #endant% such as la#is laCuli% malachite or aCurite! Through this
#rocess you have a greater ability to increase your field and deflect o##osing ones you see!
,lear gems are great #roducers of higher dimensional light "aves% and am#lify
ones field and hel# hold it intact!
0o not "ear beryl Hemerald% morganite% ale3andrite% a+uamarineI
and corundum Hruby 5 sa##hireI at the same time!
Try to maintain a distance from the screens! -or com#uter monitors this is difficult% for televisions%
> to A meters is recommended!
8lacement of ionic generators% such as halite salt bloc$s 5 air filters are beneficial in restoring the
anion to cation ratio in rooms that contain com#uters% micro"aves and televisions!
UtiliCe the Tesla coil violet ray% light beam a##lications "ith noble gases to balance the field%
correct reverse #olarity conditions and assist in sealing the field from auric bleeding
An effective neutraliCer of the effects of a com#uter is the #lacement of an iron nic$el meteorite on
one #eri#hery of the screen% "ith a bloc$ of malachite on the other! 7ach of these shud be at least
one #ound in "eight!
Question to AAMetatron:
4ome meta#hysicians and shamanic teachings s#ea$ of 6#sychic attac$s6 occurring
"hen the auric field is 6o#en6! ,an and does this occur!
It can and does indeed! *o"ever% your term of #sychic attac$ is in truth an as#ect of
electromagnetics and harmonic oscillation! -rom a higher #ers#ective these are #art of the set u#
and overlay of gro"th in duality% as you learn to be res#onsible "ith your innate creative forces! As
"e have told you% your thoughts 5 emotions have a vibratory fre+uency "ithin duality that is +uite
real% and +uite alive! When you focus on an event or react in strong emotion to another #erson or
situation% you create energies termed thought forms! These amass harmonically in various manners!
If you #roject great charges of emotionally charged energy% such as anger% jealousy% or love% #assion
and joy% to"ard another% you "ill agree that both #arties are affected% yesJ If you consciously d"ell
on these charged vibratory thoughts% then the energy mass% normally short lived% can gain sufficient
energy to become an a"are thought-form! When s#iritual love and com#assion are #rojected and
created% a synergy occurs that befits both #arties! When fury and hateful negativity are #rojected a
to3ic reaction can occur from both sides! If the auric field of the 6targeted6 #erson is o#en% the effect
is "orsened some"hat% and a tem#orary energy bleed can result!
/o"% it is im#ortant to differentiate bet"een malicious or controlling energies and honest reactions!
If someone disres#ects you the a##ro#riate% honest reaction can be one of #ure anger and hurt!
When these are o#enly and honestly e3#ressed a cleansing gestalt occurs that can lead to better
understandings and a rene"ed% im#roved communication! It is a learning #rocess% and is
a##ro#riate! 2ut nonetheless% a form of energetic o##osition ta$es #lace!
*o"ever% "hen one #erson feels a vendetta% or a #rolonged desire to control the other% the gestalt
can dissolve into charged conflict% and as such a malicious energy battle of "ill may occur! .ery
often both #arties feel 6right6 and the fre+uency of hate harmonically attracts more and more li$e
energy until the amassed energy form is so #otent that it has the ability to effect a destructive 6attac$6
role to both! Unless one or both of them sees the "isdom of releasing the hate% it "ill #ull them into
a do"n"ard s#iral% creating dis-ease and dee#er negativity! When one is in a state of malicious
anger% or self-loathing% de#ression% that vibratory resonance on its o"n "ill de#lete and o#en the
auric field! It becomes a self dug #it that gets dee#er and dee#er! ifetimes can be "asted! ;et on a
higher #ers#ective% much learning occurs! There are times "hen great souls choose life lessons of
overcoming such energies! 4ome evolved souls such as Gandhi and /elson Mandela chose set-u#s
to be "rongly accused and convicted of crimes% and s#end years in the negative energy of your
#risons to learn to find #eace and strength of "ill under the harshest conditions of o##ression!
/o"% "hen you are in conflict% insure your auric field is maintained% and do not allo" yourself to
fall into malicious reaction! It is not "rong to react in honesty% but the narro" #ath of mastery% is to
not fall into hate and malicious revenge! ;ou see% getting caught in these tra#s is much easier than
getting out of them! *ate attracts more hate! When grou#s o##ose one another% the collective of li$e
thought forms amass% blend and o##ose one another in enormous conflict! .ery often entire "arring
nations form collective energy fields and reincarnate in these grou#s and continue these conflicts
until it is finally resolved! ;our current Gulf Wars are such an e3am#le% a rollover of the ,rusades!
;our World War II "as a continuation of the Atlantean conflicts bet"een those of 8oseida Ha" of
1neI% and Aryan% H4ons of 2elialI!
Dou#le-!'"e of Thou"ht (orms
.ery often the most difficult 6attac$s6 are due to one6s o"n negative
thought forms coming home to roost!
8erha#s the most difficult of these is around learning self-love! When one falls into de#ression% self
rejection% or self-loathing% the attac$ is self-generating! The thought forms these dear souls create
can become so #otent% that the auric field s#lits into #ersonality fragments! A figure eight #attern of
negative energy is emitted% amassed and flo"s bac$ through the o#ening of the solar #le3us! The
thought form of self hatred achieves a certain level of inde#endent a"areness% and "ill become a
very real obstacle% self- im#osed dungeon% until the #erson learns to face the root of the #roblem
through great effort of "ill and "isdom! 7nergy e3changes occur +uite often in daily life! 4ome are
mutually beneficial% others are not! It is im#ortant to note that energy cannot be ta$en from ones
"hose aura is intact!
*ealers constantly give energy "ithin an intact aura% and are essentially unaffected by the transferal!
As such love energy is #assed from higher sources and the healer6s auric field is ca#able of "illingly
being the conduit "ithout losing any of their auric field energy! 2ut ta$e note% if the healer is not in
&'-()-'' circuitry healing cannot be truly #rovided! In fact the o##osite can occur% a scenario in
"hich both the healer and the one to be healed both lose energy!
Control & !ner"y $ro)ections
/o"% anytime you feel anger at someone% those thoughts are #rojected! Anytime someone tries to
control you or vice-versa% an energy #rojection is launched! There are of course situations in "hich
it is a##ro#riate to follo" another6s direction! ;ou do this in every as#ect of your life% it occurs in
offices% militaries% schools and bet"een children and #arents!
This is based u#on agreement% and is #ro#erly germane "hen not abused! *o"ever% it is not
befitting in these and other circumstances for one to allo" another to abusively dominate their
s#irit% or maliciously attem#t to brea$ their "ill! Abuse of #o"er often occurs in relationshi#s%
marriages% in "or$% family and social scenarios! In certain scenarios% as described% it is "rong to
allo" another to abusively im#ose their "ill% and is e+ually "rong for one to see$ such control
outside the a##ro#riate structures of agreement! This can evolve into a form of% in your terms%
6#sychic attac$6! The controller attaches to the solar #le3us center of the controlled #arty and
literally ta$es their energy and interjects a destructive domination! This 6vam#iring effect6% in your
vernacular% es#ecially occurs among egocentric #eo#le% controllers% and mani#ulators% it often is
attem#ted unconsciously from #eo#le in imbalance and de#ression% "ho need a 6lift6 from being
around others due to their o"n energy shortage! It also ta$es #lace on a larger scale in #atriarchal
dogmatic religions% male dominated societies% and in marriages! It is more difficult to counter in
such tra##ings! When one is a"are of being the target of malicious energy #rojections% auric
integrity is of vital im#ortance!
The visualiCation of envelo#ing 6"hite-light6 is the generally acce#ted #rotective mechanism!
*o"ever if the auric field is o#en% the light visualiCation it is not enough! The #rocedures listed to
strengthen and seal the field% listed above% should be utiliCed! 2e a"are that anytime you have
strong emotions of a negative nature% or d"ell in de#ression% your fields "ill tem#orarily fissure!
These attac$s can only be energetically de#letive if the field is o#en! The #rojected negative energy
is easily re#elled "hen the auric field is "holly intact! In such 6"holeness6 the energy is reflected
bac$ to its source for the sender to deal "ith! There is lesson here% and 0ear 1nes% do not be the
sender of malicious energy% inevitably it "ill come bac$ and cause you great remorse! 4uch is the
nature of the la" harmonic oscillation! :eligions are often the source of great ina##ro#riate control%
control through fear! 7ven "ithin% the 6/e" Age6 in your terms% have s#rung u# gurus and s#iritual
teachers "hose% fame and #o"er leads to the do"n"ard s#iral of ego% self-aggrandiCement and
control! The #ath of leadershi# and #o"er inevitably for$s and one may be blindly tem#ted to ta$e
the #ath of greed 5 #o"er over love! It is #art of lesson% and many have fallen in such tra#s of ego!
When this occurs they become 6energy ta$ers6! That is "hy you should never blindly follo" any
leader or channel! :ather use discernment% and attune to your o"n 0ivinity! When you become a
#art of any 6grou# consciousness6% and then decide to brea$ free% there is a natural #ull from the
collective to bring you bac$ in% and as such form of 6energy attac$6% in your vernacular% occurs%
es#ecially in #ossessive collectives "ho "or$ at recruitment of follo"ers!
Question to AAMetatron:
;ou mentioned combinations of s#ecific gems for strengthen the auric field!
,an you elaborate on thisJ
This to#ic is a vast one% and a boo$ on its o"n! 2riefly% gemstones% relative to auric maintenance
and strengthening% are in essence benevolent conscious generators of force fields% that reinforce and
fortify ones o"n 7M-! 2eing crystalline in matri3% they also are tuning for$s that assist in &'-()-''
Auric ,ircuitry and indeed in Mer9i.ic formation and e3#ansion!
A basic combination "ould be to "ear a single refractive stone% such as diamond% garnet or s#inel
on one hand% and a double refractive on the other! The best single refractive is the diamond% but it
needs o#timally to be a solitary of at least ( carats% and "e realiCe these are #rice restrictive! The
best substitutes are garnets% #referably the Ural Mountain green demantoid% or a red-orange
s#essartite! 2oth #roject the octahedron in crystalline form! The diamond #rojects the dodecahedron
and octahedron! If one can afford it% a combination of colors among single refractive is best! These
can be intuitively alternated% according to astrological forces% and ones cycles! Garnets come in
virtually all colors e3ce#t blue! The s#inel comes in #in$% red% blue and violet!
In terms of double refractive gems for rings% the most #otent are emerald% ruby% sa##hire% morganite
and a+uamarine! 8roject the largest fields% assuming a '-A carat siCe! Alternate colors as cycles shift!
Tourmaline% to#aC and +uartC varieties such as o#al% amethyst and citrine are all #ieCoelectric and
also +uite #otent force generators!
Gem use is not fol$lore% indeed they are crystalline force field generators of crystalline coherent
light! They can increase ones vitality and even #rolong life s#an% #articularly "hen used in tandem!
Well to study this to#ic! :emember the body is bi-symmetrical% hemis#heric! ,ombine gems "ith
metals about both "rists and the nec$! /oble metals such as gold and #latinum are most #otent!
4ilver is tertiary% but +uite benevolent in its as#ect! Alternate these! A #endant about the nec$ is also
recommended! 4tudy this to#ic% and live it!
0ear 1nes% the #ace of change is +uic$ening on the #ath of the Ascension! ,hange% as you are
learning% is the /ature of All :ealities! In find you must no" realiCe that the transition of the Auric
-ield is a re+uisite for holding great and greater energy and to evolve into ,rystalline ight 2ody
Mer-9i-.a thru the Metatronic 9eys! The ,ircuitry of &'-()-'' is a #rofound ste# on your "ay to
greater reality and 0ivinity ,onsciousness!
I am Metatron and I share "ith you these Truths! ;ou are 2eloved!
And so it is!
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#df by ramsiel M blue ray M love-"isdom

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