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GASCO Road Safety Procedure

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Road Safety Procedure

Revision – 2, OctoberAUTHORITY

Policy & Strategic Objectives

Name : Mohammed A. Sahoo GM

Organisation, Resources & Competence

Signature :

Risk Evaluation & Management

Date : November 2003
Leadership and
Commitment Planning, Standards and Procedures Corrective Actions

This document has been produced and approved by HSE Division

Implementation & Monitoring
Any enquiries relating to the document should be addressed to HSE Division Manager

Management Review

Continuous Improvement

Gasco Health, Safety and Environment Division


Road Safety Procedure
Revision – 2, October 2006


Issue of this document is authorised by GASCO, General Manager

Name : Mohammed A. Sahoo (General Manager)

Signature :

Date : October 2006

This document has been produced and approved by the HSE Division

Any enquiries relating to the document should be addressed to the HSE Division Manager

GASCO Health, Safety and Environment Division


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Revision Date Details Affected Approved By

No. Pages
Revision 0 November Initial issue of document 1-21 GM

Revision 1 November First review taking into account 1-26 GM

2004 experience since first issue

Revision 2 October Second review with amendments 1-26 GM

2006 covering GASCO Safe Driving
Document and learning from GASCO
road accidents

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AGM (O) 2
AGM (P) 3
AGM (A) 4
BS 5
PX 8
PE 9
PC 10
HSE/6 11
HR 12
FM 13
IT 14
PD 15

OPP 17
HRG 18
PRD 29


OAZ 20
AOM 29


OHS 22


HBS 24


PLS 26


ORS 28

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Section Page Number

1. Message from the General Manager 7

2. Roles and Responsibilities 8
2.1 GASCO HSE Policy
2.2 Roles and Responsibilities
3. Vehicles 10
3.1 Types of Vehicles
3.2 Vehicle Selection Standards
3.3 Vehicle Maintenance
3.4 Tyre Selection and Replacement
4. Drivers 11
4.1 Driver Categories
4.2 Drivers Responsibilities
4.3 Drivers Hours
4.4 Training for the GASCO Safe Driving Document
4.5 Use of Mobile Phones by Drivers
4.6 Driving When Fatigued
4.7 Passenger Responsibilities
5. Vehicle Monitoring Device (VMD) 16
5.1 Fitting
5.2 Interrogation of Data
6. Violations and Accidents 16
6.1 Violations
6.2 Accidents
7. Driving Conditions 17
7.1 Driving in Fog
7.2 Driving in Rain
7.3 Sand on Road
7.4 Driving in the Desert
7.5 Driving at Night
8 Transportation of Hazardous loads 18
9. Bicycles/Tricycles 18
8.1 Condition of Bicycle/Tricycle
8.2 Rules for the Rider
10. Pedestrians on GASCO Premises 18

Definitions 19

1. Pre-journey Vehicle Inspection 20
2. What to do if Involved in an Accident 21
3. Guidance on Braking Distances for Light Vehicles 22
4. Desert Safety Box 23
5. General Manager’s Circular on the Use of Mobile Phones by Drivers 24
6. Journey Manager Checklist 25
7. Maximum Speed Specification for Light Vehicles Tyres 26

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When reference is made for actions to be taken, the intent of the words is as follows:

Shall, Will, Must means that an action is mandatory

Should, Would, If Possible means that an action is not mandatory but is recommended

May means that an action is optional and no recommendation is

made as to whether or not it is to be carried out

Contractor means contractors and sub-contractors

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1. Message from the General Manager

Vehicle accidents are a major issue in the United Arab Emirates and those accidents that
have an impact on GASCO, particularly in human terms, are a source of great concern to
me. Road safety is an integral part of GASCO’s HSE Management System (HSE MS)
and this Procedure defines road safety standards and provides guidance to staff so that
we might eliminate road accidents. Whilst the Procedure refers to work related activities,
it also provides an opportunity to learn how we can positively influence our private lives.

I wish to make it clear that we should, and can, avoid the suffering caused by road
accident injuries, the distress to families and colleagues and the loss incurred by Gasco.

We all have a part to play and we must insist on the highest standard of driver behaviour
from both GASCO staff and contractors.

I am committed to achieving continuous improvement in our vehicle driving standards

and reducing the number of vehicle accidents. The changes in this second revision of the
Procedure are introduced to support this commitment and learn from road accidents that
have involved GASCO staff and contractors so as to further enhance our road safety

Mohammed Sahoo
General Manager

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2. Roles and Responsibilities

2.1 GASCO HSE Policy

The GASCO Health, Safety and Environmental Policy includes the requirement that
GASCO shall:
1. Have a systematic approach to HSE management designed to ensure
compliance with Abu Dhabi and U.A.E. Laws and Regulations and adopted
local and international standards
2. Conduct activities in a manner designed to minimise HSE risk to a level which
is As Low as Reasonably Practicable (ALARP)
3. Require contractors to manage HSE in line with this Policy.

In terms of road safety (and off-road safety), these requirements will be met by the
implementation of the GASCO Road Safety Procedure.

2.2 Roles and Responsibilities

1. Division Managers are responsible for:
- Ensuring compliance with this Procedure by their staff and contractors who
are subject to the GASCO HSE MS
- The nomination of drivers for training, including contractors
- Ensuring that a system is in place, which provides assurance that drivers of
specialised vehicles are trained and competent
- Ensuring that specialist vehicles that can be driven at speeds greater than
16kph are fitted with seatbelts

2. Where contractors are subject to their own HSE MS, the contract holder must
verify the effectiveness of the contractor’s road safety controls and ensure that
road safety is managed in line with this Procedure

3. HRD are responsible for:

- Arranging the training for drivers, and documentation for the different
categories of drivers
- Maintaining records of drivers who hold the GASCO Safe Driving Document
and providing Division Managers with the relevant information
- The training of personnel who are responsible for interrogating the In
Vehicle Monitoring Device

4. HRG are responsible for:

- The HRG Procedure ‘ Specification for Vehicles Owned or Hired by
GASCO, including Tyres’
- The purchase or hire of vehicles
- Appointing and maintaining a record of Nominated Owners

5. Nominated Owners are persons to whom the Company has allocated a

vehicle(s) either for their personal and/or business use, or for managing their
use by others. They are responsible for the application of this Procedure and
ensuring that the vehicle(s) is maintained in accordance with the manufacturers

6. The line supervisors of Professional Drivers have a specific role in managing

the risk exposure of these drivers. For this purpose they are also known as the
Journey Managers (of Professional Drivers). Journey Managers are responsible
- Deciding if a journey is necessary and if so, confirming that it is adequately
planned (a Journey Manager checklist is provided in Appendix 6)
- Arranging Professional Driver safety meetings on a regular basis

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7. BSL is responsible for maintaining vehicle insurance and dealing with claims

8. HSE is responsible for:

- Custodianship of this Road Safety Procedure
- Approval of the training providers and the course content

9. All drivers are required to have a valid U.A.E. driving licence, obey the U.A.E.
Traffic Rules and to comply with the requirements of this Procedure (see
Section 4.2)

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3. Vehicles

3.1 Types of Vehicle

GASCO employs the following types of vehicles:

1. Light vehicles (car, pick-up, 4-wheel drive vehicle etc., weighing less than 2.5
tonnes) normally seating a driver plus 1 to 4 passengers
2. Mini Buses normally seating a driver plus 8 to 12 passengers
3. Buses normally seating a driver plus up to 41 passengers
4. Cargo carrying vehicles weighing more than 2.5 tonne when unloaded
5. Heavy Goods Vehicles (HGV)
6. Specialist vehicles such as forklift trucks, cranes etc.

3.2 Vehicle Selection Standards

3.2.1 All vehicles owned or hired by GASCO must be fit for purpose and correctly
equipped for the job being undertaken. Certain minimum standards apply
and these are defined in the HRG procedure ‘Specification for Vehicles
Owned or Hired by GASCO, including Tyres’. These same standards apply
to all contractor owned or hired vehicles employed on GASCO business by
contractors who are subject to the GASCO HSE MS.
3.2.2 The use of motor cycles to carry out Company business is not allowed
3.2.3 Personal vehicles and spot hire taxis and cars used on Company business
must have seat belts fitted for the driver and all passengers

3.3 Vehicle Maintenance

Each vehicle that is owned or hired by GASCO will be considered as an asset and
have a nominated owner appointed by HRG. The nominated owner will be
responsible for ensuring the vehicles roadworthiness, cleanliness, maintaining the
service schedule and the availability (except for specialist vehicles) of a fire
extinguisher, first aid kit, reflective triangles, high visibility jackets and a tool kit.

Vehicles should not be used for purposes for which they are not designed

3.4 Tyre Selections and Replacement

The UAE driving environment necessitates certain tyre selection and replacement
criteria. These are included in the HRG procedure ‘Specification for Vehicles
Owned or Hired by GASCO, including Tyres’. A table showing the maximum speed
specification for light vehicles tyres is included in Appendix 7.

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4. Drivers

4.1 Driver Categories

This Section applies to all Professional Drivers and Occasional Drivers who are
subject to the GASCO HSE Management System (see Table1 for details).

Drivers fall into two categories:

4.1.1 Professional Drivers

These are personnel who are employed specifically to drive on GASCO

business. They will be required to obtain the “GASCO Safe Driving
Document for Professional Drivers”.

Professional drivers shall:

1. Hold a valid UAE driving license appropriate to the type of vehicle being
2. Be over 21 years of age and have at least one year’s relevant
experience of driving light vehicles. For drivers of all other vehicles, a
minimum of two year’s relevant experience is required. Personnel over
the age of 55 years may only be employed as a Professional Driver with
written dispensation from the Division Manager, which is reviewed
3. Undergo medical checks to ensure their continuing fitness to drive
professionally. These checks are defined in the ADNOC Medical
Guidelines available from HSE/4.
4. Only take off-duty rest in the cab of the vehicle if the vehicle has bunk
5. Not take rest under a vehicle or trailer for the purposes of shade

4.1.2 Occasional Drivers

These are personnel who are not employed as Professional Drivers but who
may, on occasions, have to drive on GASCO business as part of their job.
Personnel who are issued (including temporary issue) with Company owned
or hired vehicles for both business and private use are included in this
category. In such circumstances this Procedure applies to both business
and private journeys. They must hold a valid UAE driving license
appropriate to the type of vehicle being driven and will be required to obtain
the “GASCO Safe Driving Document for Occasional Drivers”.
Personnel who are on a UAE Visit or Mission Visa and who have an
International Driving License may only drive rented vehicles and must carry
with them their International Driving License, their Visit or Mission Visa and
their passport. They may not drive GASCO owned vehicles or GASCO
vehicles hired through the Tariff Committee.

4.1.3 Use of Private Vehicles on GASCO Business

If personnel use their own private vehicle on GASCO business then the
vehicle must comply with the standards defined in this Procedure and the
driver must have a GASCO Safe Driving Document. (GASCO business
does not include traveling to and from their normal place of work).

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Table 1 - Requirement for the GASCO Safe Driving Document

GASCO Safe Driving

Category of Driver Category of Vehicle
Document Required (1)
GASCO Staff: (2)
Professional Drivers GASCO Owned/Hired Vehicle Yes
Occasional Drivers GASCO Owned/Hired Vehicle Yes
Contractor Staff subject to the GASCO HSE MS (3)
Professional Drivers GASCO Owned/Hired Vehicle Yes
Professional Drivers Contractor Owned/Hired Yes
Occasional Drivers GASCO Owned/Hired Vehicle Yes
Occasional Drivers Contractor Owned/Hired Yes
Contractor Staff subject to the Contractor HSE MS (3)
Professional Drivers GASCO Owned/Hired Vehicle Not applicable
Professional Drivers Contractor Owned/Hired No
Occasional Drivers GASCO Owned/Hired Vehicle Not applicable
Occasional Drivers Contractor Owned/Hired No
(1) On road (including sites) and off-road (where required)
(2) Direct Hires, Contractors in established positions and Secondees
(3) See Table 2
(4) The requirements of this procedure for contractor drivers or contractor owned/hired
vehicles when the contractor is subject to the GASCO HSE MS, shall be specified in
the contract.

Table 2 - GASCO HSE MS Vs Contractor HSE MS

GASCO HSE MS Applied Contractor HSE MS Applied

- Contractor provides labour and/or - Contractor execute all aspects of the job
equipment under its own HSE MS and provides
necessary labour, equipment, instruction
and supervision
- Contractor provides assurance that - Contractor verifies the proper functioning
people are fit and that equipment is of its HSE MS
suitable and maintained
- GASCO instructs and supervises - GASCO verifies the overall effectiveness
Contractor labour according to the Gasco of the Contractor HSE controls

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4.2 Drivers’ Responsibilities

All drivers subject to the GASCO HSE MS are responsible for managing their own
road safety risks in accordance with this Procedure, but in particular shall:

1. Carry out pre-journey or daily inspections as defined in Appendix 1

2. Not exceed the vehicle capacity load or the permitted number of passengers. In
the case of light vehicles, the number of seat belts available determines the
latter. However, passengers are not permitted to travel using folding seats
3. Ensure that all passengers wear the seat belts provided
4. Not carry passengers in the back of a pick up
5. Make sure that any load is correctly secured. Samples of hazardous materials
must not be carried in a passenger compartment
6. Not give lifts to unauthorised passengers
7. Know what to do in the event of an accident (see Appendix 2)
8. Not drive if taking medication that may impair judgment.
9. Be aware of the risks of driving when fatigued as explained in Section 4.6
10. Wear sturdy footwear, not slippers, sandals or flip-flops
11. Not drive with ornamental fittings mounted or hung, which obstruct the drivers

4.3 Drivers hours

4.3.1. Not work more than 12 hours on any day

4.3.2. Not spend more than 9 hours driving in any 12-hour period
4.3.3. Take a minimum of 45 minutes rest at the end of any journey that exceeds
4.5 hours
4.3.4. Take a minimum of 8 hours rest between 12-hour work periods
4.3.5. Not work more than 6 consecutive days

4.4 Training for the GASCO Safe Driving Document

4.4.1 Process for obtaining the initial Document
In order for drivers to be issued with a GASCO Safe Driving Document, they
must undertake the necessary training. Third party contractors will manage
the training and assessment. HSE Division will approve the training providers
and the course content. Division Managers will nominate drivers for training to
HRG. The training provider will advise HRG of those drivers who have
successfully completed the training, and HRG will issue the GASCO Safe
Driving Documentation to the Division Managers for subsequent award to
those successful drivers.

The training provider will also advise HRG of those drivers who have not
successfully completed the training, and HRG will arrange retraining after a
minimum of 2 weeks

Training will be risk based. Professional Drivers will have to demonstrate a

higher standard of proficiency than Occasional Drivers. All Drivers who have
to drive in the desert (off-road) will have to undergo specific training.

Professional Drivers must attend a safe driving training course for

professionals, including desert driving if appropriate, and pass the associated
training course assessment in order to obtain a Gasco Safe Driving

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If a Professional Driver fails any part of the training he will retake the driving
test component after a minimum of two weeks. If he continues to fail to meet
the required standard, even with coaching, he shall be considered unsuitable
as a Professional Driver.

Occasional Drivers must attend a safe driving training course, including

desert driving if appropriate, in order to obtain a GASCO Safe Driving

If an Occasional Driver fails any part of the training he will retake the driving
test component after a minimum of two weeks. If he continues to fail to meet
the required standard, even with coaching, he shall be considered unsuitable
as an Occasional Driver.

The GASCO Safe Driving Document will be valid for two years.

4.4.2 Renewal Process The renewal of the Document is authorised by the relevant Division
and is valid for a further two years.
1. Each Division will appoint a person authorized to approve renewal
of the GASCO Safe Driving Document and advise HRD/TC
2. HRD/TC will advise these authorized persons when Safe Driving
Documents in each Division are due for renewal (1 months notice)
3. The authorized person will satisfy himself that each renewal is
acceptable, by testing the driver’s knowledge of selected parts of
the GASCO Road Safety Procedure. He will also take the
opportunity to discuss with the driver any lessons learned from
driving incidents
4. HSE Division will provide the Division’s authorized person with
suitable guidance to achieve a consistent approach across the
5. The authorized person will advise HRD/TC by e-mail that the Safe
Driving Document may be renewed
6. HRD/TC will arrange for the renewed Safe Driving Document to be
sent to the authorized person for distribution in the Division. Consideration of violations during the renewal process

The Division Manager is advised by HRG when a driver, whilst on
Company business, has been involved in an accident or received a
Police traffic penalty because of a traffic violation, or deviated outside
the limits set by an In Vehicle Monitoring Device. In such cases it is
the responsibility of the Division Manager to carry out the re-
authorisation and may advise re-training. Renewal Frequency

The process of renewal by an authorized person may be carried out
only once. This means drivers must undergo practical training and
authorisation by a Company approved training provider every 4 years.
HRD/TC will manage this process.

Note 1. HSE is authorized to renew the Safe Driving Documents for

the Extended Management Team.

Note 2. For AGP personnel the ADCO Safe Driving Document

(equivalent) will continue to remain valid until expiry, at which time the
GASCO renewal process by an authorized person will apply.

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4.5 Use of Mobile Phones by Drivers

The use of mobile phones by drivers of GASCO owned or hired vehicles is

described in the General Manager Circular No.01/2003 (see Appendix 5)

1. Where a hands-free facility is available, the driver may not use a mobile phone
unless it is connected to this equipment
2. Where a hands free facility is not available, the driver may not use a mobile
phone unless it is fitted with an ear piece and microphone
3. Drivers may not make outgoing calls unless their vehicle is parked in a safe
location and any in-coming calls should be completed as soon as possible
4. Drivers must not use their mobile phones whilst re-fuelling

Note that the use of 2-way radios while driving is not allowed

4.6 Driving When Fatigued

Driver fatigue is a significant contributory factor to road traffic accidents. Journey

Managers are responsible for ensuring that professional drivers have had sufficient
rest before permitting journeys to be undertaken. When overnight stays are part of
the journey requirement, proper accommodation must be provided.

The risks associated with driver fatigue that results from work related journeys and
commuting to/from a place of work must be assessed and managed by all drivers.

Drivers should be aware of the risks created by fatigue and recognize its signs, for
example, difficulty in focusing eyes, yawning, drifting out of lane, dropping head

The radio or an open window must not be relied upon to keep a driver awake.

Drivers must respond to such symptoms by finding a safe place to stop and taking
a break or brief sleep. Drinking coffee or other source of caffeine will promote
short-term alertness.

4.7 Passengers Responsibilities

Passengers must not distract the driver’s attention by inappropriate behaviour.
Passengers should support the driver by drawing attention to for example,
excessive speed or evidence of driver fatigue.

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5. Vehicle Monitoring Device (VMD)

5.1 Fitting

To assist in the improvement of driving safety standards, all light vehicles (as
identified in Section 3.1), which are hired for 1 year or longer, or owned by GASCO,
shall be fitted with a vehicle monitoring device (VMD). This device will record
certain details of each journey such as speed, distance, harsh acceleration, harsh
deceleration time and date.

5.2 Interrogation of data

HRG will be responsible for training staff selected by the Division Managers to
download data and prepare information from the VMD for use by the Division
Managers. This may result in disciplinary action in the event of any failure to meet
the requirements of this procedure. The information from the VMD may also be
used for driver recognition purposes.

6. Violations and Accidents

6.1 Violations

Violations are defined as follows and apply to staff driving GASCO owned or hired
vehicles and contractor vehicles where the contractor is subject to the Gasco HSE

1. Speeding. This is defined as a violation when data obtained from the VMD shows
an average speed in excess of 120 km/hr or a maximum speed exceeding
2. Traffic offences including parking reported by the Police to GASCO or to the
3. Traffic offences where the Police have taken action against the driver. It is the
driver’s responsibility to report the fact to his line manager, and in the case of a
contractor, to the relevant GASCO Manager
4. Speeding or unacceptable driving behaviour on site

The Division Managers will deal with all violations according to the GASCO
Personnel Policy. In particular, it should be noted that as a minimum a ‘Draw
Attention Notice’ must be completed for all violations without prejudice to any
other action or steps stipulated by law or Company Policy.

6.2 Accidents

All accidents, regardless of location, on or off site, on or off road, must be reported
using the GASCO Incident Classification, Investigation and Reporting Procedure.

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7. Driving Conditions

If any conditions exist which make it unsafe for driving, then Division Managers (or
a nominated responsible person) must issue an instruction to suspend road
transport activities. They should also advise other Division Managers so that they
might alert their staff.

7.1 Driving in Fog or Reduced Visibility

The acceptable visibility for driving in fog or conditions of reduced visibility is 100
metres of clear vision.

When planning a business trip where fog is anticipated then the destination location
should be contacted to check the weather conditions. In case there is fog, the
journey must be postponed until the fog clears.

When fog or reduced visibility is encountered during a journey, speed should be

reduced to allow a safe braking distance to be maintained. Guidance on safe
braking distances are given in Appendix 3. Lights should also be switched on,
especially front and rear high intensity lights. Do not use the full beam, as the light
will be reflected from the fog droplets resulting in further diminished visibility. Do not
use hazard warning lights unless stationary. Overtaking manouvres should not be
attempted in reduced visibility. When visibility is less than 100 metres, drivers
should park at the nearest safe location and wait for an improvement in visibility.

7.2 Driving in Rain

If rain is encountered then speed should be reduced. Braking distances are

significantly increased by wet surfaces and therefore the distance between vehicles
must be increased. Lights should be switched on and overtaking should be

7.3 Sand on the Road

Drivers may encounter a build up of wind blown sand on some roads and they must
be alert to this condition. Speed must be reduced to prevent potential loss of
control and to give more time to take safe evasive action.

7.4 Driving in the Desert

Only persons who have successfully undertaken a desert-driving course are

allowed to drive in the desert on GASCO business.

The relevant Control Centre must be advised when the journey is starting and
when the destination is reached. The Control Centre will initiate a search if the
driver has not reached his destination and three hours have elapsed since the last

Travel in the desert should be avoided when the sun is directly overhead. The sand
is softest at this time of day and potential hazards are more difficult to see because
of the lack of shadows. If tyre pressures have been adjusted for desert driving,
make sure they are re-adjusted when returning to a hard surface road. Vehicles
must be fitted with a flagpole minimum height 3 metres, displaying a red flag to
indicate presence of the vehicle when traveling over sand dunes. The flagpole must
be a non-conductor of electricity and be flexible.

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7.5 Driving at Night

Driving during hours of darkness on Company business is permitted provided the

journey takes place on hard top (asphalt) roads.

Travel during hours of darkness off-road is not permitted unless there is an

emergency or is specifically requested by line management.

8 Transportation of Hazardous Loads

Vehicles transporting hazardous materials from GASCO sites (for example
propane or chemicals) must display the correct labeling in accordance with the
UAE Regulations.
Drivers must be provided with written details of the materials, which describe the
hazards and the actions to take in the event of an emergency
Drivers must be provided with the correct Personal Protective Equipment

9. Bicycles/Tricycles

9.1 Condition of Bicycles/Tricycles

Personnel including contractors who are required to ride bicycles/tricycles in the

course of their duties must make sure that the following are available:

1. Working brakes, front and rear

2. Handlebar grips
3. A bell
4. A secure saddle in good condition
5. A rear reflector
6. A purpose built carrier or basket if transporting tools or equipment
7. Pedals which have a good foot grip
8. Chain guard
9. Front and rear lights, if being used during hours of darkness.

9.2 Rules for the Rider

Bicycle/tricycle riders must:

1. Check the condition of the bicycle before use and arrange repairs if necessary
2. Wear a safety or cycle helmet with a strap fitted below the chin
3. Wear clothing that will not get tangled in the bicycle wheels or chain
4. Wear a reflective item if cycling during hours of darkness
5. Only carry tools and equipment in the carrier or basket provided for that
6. Not carry passengers
7. Not take a bicycle into a restricted area if the bicycle is fitted with lights or non-
intrinsically safe equipment.

10. Pedestrians on Gasco Premises

1. Plant Division Managers must ensure that adequate provisions are made for
pedestrians. Paths shall be provided wherever possible to segregate moving
traffic and personnel. Proper crossing points for pedestrians shall be provided
on commonly used routes
2. Pedestrians must keep to the paths, where provided.

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Light vehicle Car or utility vehicles weighing less than 2.5 tonnes,
normally seating a driver plus up to 4 passengers

Bus Normally seating a driver and up to 41 passengers

Mini Bus Normally seating a driver plus 8 to 12 passengers

Cargo Carrying Vehicle Weighing more than 2.5 tonnes when unloaded,
normally seating a driver plus 1 or 2 passengers plus a
cargo area

Heavy Goods Vehicle Normally seating a driver plus 1 or 2 passengers plus a

cargo (HGV) area/trailer

Specialist Vehicles Vehicles used for special purposes, normally forklift

trucks, cranes and man lift vehicles

Gasco Safe Driving Documentation given to persons to demonstrate that

they are
Document approved to drive on Gasco business. There are two
levels of documentation, one for Professional Drivers
and one for Occasional Drivers

Vehicle Monitoring Device Device installed to record key driving information


Nominated Owner The person appointed by HRG as the owner of a

vehicle or group of vehicles, e.g. Plant and Division
Managers, responsible for the application of this
Procedure, ensuring the vehicles’
roadworthiness/cleanliness and maintaining the service

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Appendix 1

Pre-journey Vehicle Inspection

The driver must confirm the following items prior to using a vehicle:

1. Tyres are in an acceptable condition, including the spare tyre

2. Brakes, lights, horn, indicators, hazard warning lights and reversing alarm (where fitted)
are working
3. Windscreen and windows are clean and the windscreen washers and wipers are working
4. A torch available, if driving at night

In the case of any vehicle that will not be used on public roads it will be sufficient to have a
system of daily checks for the above items. The nominated owner must make the daily
check arrangements.

Defects in any of the above must be reported to the nominated owner and the vehicle should
not be used until it is repaired to an acceptable standard.

If any bodywork damage is observed it must be reported to the nominated owner prior to
staring the journey.

Desert (off road) Driving Preparation (refer also to Section 7.4)

The driver must carry out the following checks prior to driving off road:
1. Fuel supply is adequate
2. Desert safety box is available (see Appendix 4 for box contents)
3. Communication by radio or mobile phone is available
4. He understands the route
5. Adequate drinking water is available
6. Vehicle displays a flag on an elevated mast

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Appendix 2

What to do if involved in an Accident:

1. Stop immediately and turn off the ignition

2. Switch on the vehicles hazard warning lights and warn oncoming traffic by using the
warning triangles
3. Wear the high visibility jacket provided
4. Move passengers to a place where they will be safe from other traffic
5. Stay at the scene but in a safe location
6. Assist any injured and give first aid if competent to do so. Telephone the Police (999)
and, if necessary, the Ambulance Service (998)
7. If you have been injured seek medical advice
8. Make as many written notes as possible. Record the details of any other driver(s)
involved in the accident - driver’s insurance, driving licence and number plate details
9. Record details of any witnesses
10. Only give statements to Police Officers and do not admit liability as this may prejudice
GASCO’s insurance. In special cases (minor damage, no injury) a Traffic Police Officer
may conduct an Amicable Settlement Report defining responsibility. The GASCO driver
may accept this.
11. Report the accident to your GASCO line manager within 24 hours (See also Section 6.2)

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Appendix 3

Guidance on Braking Distances for Light Vehicles



32 6 6 12

50 9 14 23

65 12 24 36

80 15 38 53

96 18 55 73

120 23 87 110

140 27 123 150

The table is based on an alert car driver on a dry road and with clear conditions. The braking
distance indicated above should be doubled for wet roads. When a driver is fatigued then
response distances are greater.

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Appendix 4

Desert (Off Road) Driving

Safety Box Contents (Minimum)

- Torch
- Shovel
- Emergency telephone list
- Binoculars
- Hand gloves
- Eye goggles
- Dust masks
- Chain cutter
- Towrope
- Crowbar
- Smoke canisters (2)
- Heliograph signaling mirror
- Cyalume Light Sticks
- Compass
- Tyre gauge

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Appendix 5

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Appendix 6
Journey Manager Checklist

1. Is the journey necessary? (Can the purpose of the journey be achieved by

other means?)
2. Does the driver of the vehicle understand his responsibilities as defined in the
GASCO Road Safety Procedure?
3. Has the duration of the journey been considered and are the arrangements
4. Have the working hours of the driver been reviewed, driver fatigue
considered, and are both consistent with Section 4 of the GASCO Road
Safety Procedure?
5. Have driving conditions been considered?
6. Is the correct vehicle selected?

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Appendix 7

Maximum Speed Specification for Light Vehicles Tyres

Tyre Speed Symbol Maximum Speed Km/hr

Q 160
R 170
S 180
T 190
U 200
H 210
V* Above 210
V 240
W 270
Y 300

Source. Economic Community Europe Performance Test ECE-30

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