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Reviewer in Empowerment

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Key Terminologies: 4. Online Tests- online survey forms and

 Online Platforms for ICT Content tests that automatically display the
Development results when finished
1. Social Media Platforms – allows to 5. Courseware- simulates classroom
create accounts, pages and groups for online
sharing content (Facebook, Linked In) 6. Podcasts- episodic series of audio or
2. Blogging Platforms- looks like a text files streamed online
newsletter where you are given options 7. Vodcasts- episodic series of videos
to change the design to your liking streamed online
(Wordpress, Tumblr, Blogger) 8.
 Content Mangement System- a computer Embed- to place an object from one site to
application that publish , edit and another
manipulate, organize and delete web
cotent Role of ICT in Recent History
 Cloud Computing 1. EDSA – people power revolution from
Advantages 1983- 1986. Radio broadcasts that
 No need to install helped to end Marcos Regime
 Saves hard disk space  Radyo Veritas
 Easy acces to software files  Cardinal Sin
 No need to update 2. EDSA Dos (2001 EDSA Revolution)
 Minimum system requirements major protest after 11 prosecutors
Disadvantages walked out from the impeachment trial
 Can be hampered down for impeachment Joseph Estrada
 May still require compatible software - Usage of text brigades
 You do not own the software, you are 3. Million People March- Luneta park from
simply renting it August 22- 26, 2013
 More prone to hacking - Misuse of PDAF ( Priority
 Limited control Development Assistance Fund)
- Using social media campaigns
WYSIWYG- editor that allows to create web ( Facebook,
pages without any coding knowledge 4. Yolanda People Finder- for people
HTML- Hypertext Markup Language across the globe to track the situation of
CSS- Cascading Style Sheets their relatives
Jimdo- free website provider with WYSIWYG
Template – ready-made design for a website Radyo Veritas – radio station used by Cadinal
Heading- topmost label of a website Sin to encourage people to end the regime of
SEO- Search Engine Optimization President Marcos
Web Portal – website that contains info from – “world’s platform for change”
different sources and places them in one where anyone can create a petition and ask
location (Yahoo, Google) others to sign it
Tools for online collaboration
Trello- offers an online to-do checklist Concept Paper
Yammer- offers companies to have their own - Is a document used to convince a
social network panel of potential funders to help a
Wordpress- allows multiple contributors for a product, program, or service to
single blog become a reality
Google Drive & Microsoft Office Online- allow -
multiple people to work on different office files Five Elements of Concept Paper
Multimedia- uses multiple contents ( videos 1. Introduction- includes group mission and
sounds, applications) vision and brief intro of your project
Multimedia Content 2. Purpose- reasons why the worth of
1. Videos - video hosting sites giving time, effort and money
2. Sound, Music, Audio – record sounds,
share sound bites 3. Description- includes all necessary
3. Online Games- “browser-based games” information about the project
allows playing of games trough web 4. Support- contains the budget needed

5. Contact Information – includes m. Additional Elements- other options

information on how the group can be like Google Maps, file download,
contacted widgets

Simplified ICT Process Overview Site Settings

 Templates
1. Planning  Style
a. Conceptualize  Blog
b. Researching on available Data  Upgrade
c. Setting deadlines and meetings  Settings
d. Assigning people to various tasks  Search Engine Optimization
e. Finding web/ blog host
 Store
f. Creating a sire map
 Statistics
g. Listing down all applications needed
h. Funding ( if applicable)  Help

2. Development- involves actual creation

of the website (production of images,
infographics, etc.)
3. Release and Promotion – actual release
of website for public view and promotion
4. Maintenance – responding to feedback
of your site visitors and improving the

Jimdo Image Settings

1. Sizing Tools- used to make image larger
or smaller
2. Align tools for center, left, and right
alignment page
3. Rotate Tools – used to rotate image
clockwise or counter-clockwise
4. View Tools – used to enable enlarge
image, link photo and remove link
5. Other tools- caption and alternative text;
sharing to Pinterest

a. Heading – insert heading type of
b. Text- insert paragraph type of text
c. Photo- insert a single photo
d. Text with Photo – insert a photo
surrounded by text
e. Photo Gallery – insert multiple
f. Horizontal Line- acts a divider
g. Space
h. Columns – divides are vertically
i. Video- insert a video
j. Form- creates a Send an Email form
for feedback
k. Store Item – adds a space for
l. Share Buttons- for the site visitor to
share your website

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